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take a subway

除了take the subway take the bus take the car take the train take athe是冠词,而a则是数词,至于为什么只能加a,那应该是一种语言习惯,不要

take a subway还是take the subway?

take a subway和take the subway的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、take a subway:坐地铁。2、take the subway:坐这个地铁。二、语法不同1、take a subway:take是英语中含义最多,搭配能力最强的动词之一,基本意思是“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。subway指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。2、take the subway:take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,作“带给”解时其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。三、侧重点不同1、take a subway:没有特指是某一个地铁。2、take the subway:特指前文或者前言提到过的地铁。

take the subway和take a subway有什么区别呢

take a subway和take the subway的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、take a subway:坐地铁。2、take the subway:坐这个地铁。二、语法不同1、take a subway:take是英语中含义最多,搭配能力最强的动词之一,基本意思是“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。subway指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。2、take the subway:take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,作“带给”解时其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。三、侧重点不同1、take a subway:没有特指是某一个地铁。2、take the subway:特指前文或者前言提到过的地铁。


有个疑问有op4吗少年ハート少年ハート [交响诗篇 エウレカセブン OP2] 歌:HOME MADE 家族 作词:KURO.MICRO.DJ U-ICHI 作曲:KURO.MICRO.DJ U-ICHI.渡辺贵浩 编曲:渡辺贵浩 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート 「将来の梦」の栏に书いた あの顷の俺から何年経った? 现実と理想の狭间揺らいだ 情热の炎も消えかかった ちょっと待った!ちょ、ちょっと待った!! 胜负はこれからさ 张った!张った! 谛めた时点でゲームオーバー 现状をこの手で切り开こうか 覚えていますか?昔は确か かすかな希望に全力を出した 昨日のために生きていました その気持ちどっか忘れてないか? 青春に期限なんてない 探究心に年は関系ないと思うよ だってそうだろ? We wanna make the dream come true つまり... 咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう 情热の花を咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう... 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート 「いつかきっときっときっと俺も...」って ボーっとしてると きっとで终わるぞ 无邪気な勇気ふりしぼって 童心の热を呼びおこせ 少年から青年 to the 中年 未だ目下 何かに梦中で 辉いている方がそう、格好いいじゃん like challengerだYEAH!! 「子供から大人はどっから?」なんて考えてる 俺どっちだ?? いつからか社会の壳の中 闭じ笼って小さくまとまってないか? 镜の中のお前に问う 「まだまだこんなもんじゃないだろう」 梦の形は変化していても 辉けるはずなのさ いつでも 探そう 探そう 探そう 梦のかけらを探そう 探そう 探そう 探そう 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート (ラップ) 何をしたらいい?何ができるこの仆に? やりたい事がわからない I believe there"s never too late 始めるのにきっと遅いはない 可能性はそうさ 无限大 明日を変えてく力は そうキミ次第 だから探そう 咲かそう 情热の花を咲かそう 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート ------------------------------------------------------------ kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to 「shourainoyume」norannikaita anokoronoorekaranannentatta? genjitsutorisounowazamayuraida jounetsunohonoomokiekakatta chottomatta! cho、chottomatta!! shoubuwakorekarasa hatta!hatta! akirametajitendege-muo-ba- genjouwokonotedekirihirakouka oboeteimasuka? mukashiwatashika kasukanakibounizenryokuwodashita kinounotameniikiteimashita sonokimochidokkawasuretenaika? seishunnikigennantenai tankyuushinnitoshiwakankeinaitoomouyo dattesoudaro? We wanna make the dream come true tsumari.. sakasou sakasou sakasou jounetsunohanawosakasou sakasou sakasou sakasou... kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to 「itsukakittokittokittooremo...」tte bo-ttoshiteruto kittodeowaruzo mujakinayuukifurishibotte doushinnonetsuwoyobiokose shounenkaraseinen to the chuunen imadamokka nanikanimuchuude kagayaiteiruhougasou、kakkouiijan like challenger da YEAH!! 「kodomokaraotonawadokkara?」nantekangaeteru oredocchida?? itsukarakashakainokaranonaka tojikomottechiisakumatamattenaika? kagaminonakanoomaenitou 「madamadakonnamonjanaidarou」 yumenokatachiwahenkashiteitemo kagayakeruhazunanosa itsudemo sagasou sagasou sagasou yumenokakerawosagasou sagasou sagasou sagasou kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to (rappu) naniwoshitaraii?nanigadekirukonobokuni? yaritaikotogawakaranai I believe there"s never too late hajimerunonikittoosoiwanai kanouseiwasousa mugendai ashitawokaetekuchikarawa soukimishidai dakarasagasou sakasou jounetsunohanawosakasou kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to





locking相对breaking poppin 哪个难?







breaking和poping是街舞里最难学的两种 locking相对简单些 POPPIN: 运用身体各部位的肌肉和关节,随着音乐的节拍,加上自己丰富的想像力,创造出令人惊讶的舞步。属于难度较高的街舞类型 Breaking: 技巧型街舞,要求舞者具有较高的力量、柔韧性和协调性,属于技巧性较高的体育舞蹈,所以最先为国内青少年所喜爱。跳这种类型舞蹈的青少年叫做B-Boy/B-Girl。 锁舞locking 舞者飞快地展现锁(locking)与指(pointing)这些动作,并 且不时伴著手拍(hand slaps)与劈(splits)的技巧来诠释自己独特的风格

takara 有trizol试剂盒没?在官网没有找到。或者是类似的?

严格来说Trizol是Life Technologies(之前的Invitrogen)(买下的Ambion公司)的注册商标,所以Takara是不会有Trizol的。Takara大连的RNA提取产品的商品名为RNAiso,可以去其官方网站以RNAiso为关键词作产品名搜索。

take a shot 什么意思


take a shot at是什么意思

对什么进攻 ,攻击什么

can和like改变首字母,成另一个单词. 例:cake---bake

can,ban禁止,dan浮标,fan风扇,gan(gin的过去式,着手),man人,nan奶奶(儿语),pan,平底锅,ran(run的过去式,跑),tan晒成棕褐色,van厢式货车,xan黄嘌呤,yan雁鸣声 bike自行车,dike堤坝,fike匆匆忙忙,hike远足,kike犹太人,mike麦克风,pike通行费,sike小溪,tike粗野村夫,yike打架 26个字母全排晚了.很望采纳呀!

make a living后面加什么介词?

make a living(谋生)后面可以根据不同情况加各种介词或不用加介词。例如:She was forced to leave home and make a living doing needlework.她被迫离开家,靠做针线活来糊口。your capacities are developed to enable you to make a living within the pattern.提高能力使你能够在这个模式中谋生。It is not easy to make a living in a society of fierce competitions.在竞争激烈的社会里,谋生并不是一件很容易的事情。He began to make a living in the age of 14.他14岁的时候就开始为生活而奔波了。She tries to make a living by selling grisly pictures, books and DVDs of thedisaster scene in her native Beichuan.在家乡北川,她靠卖地震相关的照片、书籍和DVD为生。


在湖上划船英文翻译Boating on the lake

make every effort to do是什么意思

make every effort to do尽力做(某事)双语对照例句:1.He will make every effort to get him to use his valuable resources in its pursuit of wellness. 他会尽他所能的让他的客户在追求身心健康的同时用到所有有用的资源。2.Responsible leaders must nonetheless make every effort to rebalance trade in a less disruptive way. 然而,负责任的领导人必须倾尽全力,通过一种破坏性更小的方式,来实现贸易再平衡

西数硬盘WCD WD5000AAKX-08ERMAO有断电保护功能吗?


为了实现梦想的英文to make her dream ......



Make me up



印度尼西亚邮编为 14330属于哪个州,Jln. Enim No 156, Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Kec Tg Priok, Jak-Ut

印度尼西亚邮编为 14330属于北雅加达,是形成印度尼西亚雅加达首都特区的五个行政城市之一。北雅加达包含雅加达特区内的整个沿海地区。在雅加达北部,西里翁河口的一个地区是Tarumanegara王国的主要港口,后来成长为雅加达。雅加达的许多历史遗迹和文物可以在雅加达北部找到。丹戎普里克和历史悠久的桑达克拉帕两个港口均位于该市。

weak localization是什么意思


make sb convince of 对不对

地道说法是convince sb. of 

Breaking Benjamin的《Rain》 歌词

歌曲名:Rain歌手:Breaking Benjamin专辑:We Are Not AloneBreaking Benjamin - RainTake a photograph,It"ll be the last,Not a dollar or a crowdcould ever keep me here,I don"t have a pastI just have a chance,Not a family or honest plea remains to say,Rain rain go away,Come again another day,All the world is waiting for the sun.Is it you I want,Or just the notionOf a heart to wrap aroundso I can find my way aroundSafe to say from here,Your getting closer now,We are never sadcause we are not allowed to beRain rain go away,Come again another day,All the world is waiting for the sun.Rain rain go away,Come again another day,All the world is waiting for the sun.To lie here under you,Is all that I could ever do,To lie here under you is all,To lie here under you is allthat i could ever do,To lie here under you is all,Rain rain go away,Come again another day,All the world is waiting for the sun.Rain rain go away,Come again another day,All the world is waiting for the sun,All the world is waiting for the sun,All the world is waiting for the sun.http://music.baidu.com/song/8034012

be mistaken about

be mistaken about 搞错,错怪 相当于 msitakeYou must be mistaken about your friend.你肯定错怪了你的朋友.所以I mistake / am mistaken about his intentionsYou (are mistaken about)/ mistake Jane....

be mistaken for是什么意思

be mistaken for[英][bi: mu026au02c8steu026aku0259n fu0254:][美][bi mu026au02c8steku0259n fu0254r]被误认为; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The champions league cannot afford to be mistaken for a domestic competition. 冠军联赛不能承受被误认为是一国国内联赛的打击。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

take for mistaken for 区别在哪里

一样 意义, 都是错把什么当成什么

That is just ______ they are mistaken.

C. where的这就是他们出错误的地方。where引导表语从句,表示地点。

be mistaken for是什么意思



mistake除在 by mistake 和 through mistake 两处用作不可数名词外,均用做可数名词。以下内容来自21世纪英汉词典mistake mis.take[mu0259`stu0454k; miˋstu0454ik]《源自古北欧语“误取”的意思》可数名词1 错,错误; 误会,误解(→ error【同义字】)grammatical ~s文法上的错误There is no ~ about it.绝对不会错It"s a ~ to think that you can get away with it.如果以为你能免受惩罚,那就错了I made a ~ about the time.我弄错了时间2‘法律"错误,过失and no mistake(口语) [加强前述之语句] 确实,没错You are fool, and no ~ !.你真是个傻瓜 [你是个傻瓜,没有错] !beyond mistake确实,的确,没错by mistake由于错误,误…,错…I have taken someone"s umbrella by ~.我错拿了某人的雨伞in mistake for?误以为…,错当做…I took his umbrella in ~ for mine.我误以为是我的而拿了他的雨伞make no mistake绝对没有错,丝毫不可怀疑Make no ~, it"s got to be done. (口语)确确实实; 这件事必须做及物动词(mis.took[m s`tk; mi"stuk]; mistak.en[-`stek~n; -"steik~n])1 a. 弄错,误解,想错,将…解释错She has mistaken me [my meaning].她误解了我的话 [意思]b. 弄错,误解,想错,将…解释错There can be no mistaking what he meant by it.他那句话的意思很明白 (不会让人误解)2 a. 看错b. 将…误认[为…],把…错看 [错当] [做…][for]I mistook the stick for a snake.我把那根棒子错看成蛇了不及物动词误解,弄错


mistake是可数名词,其复数形式为mistakes。例如:a mistake.一个错误、a lot of mistakes.许多错误等。mistake.既可作名词,也可作动词;当其为名词时,其意思为错误、失误、口误、笔误,例如:make a mistake.犯错误、a terrible mistake.严重错误等;当其作动词时,其意思是误会、误解、看错等。扩展知识:列句:1.This decision is,I feel,a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。2.Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life.我一生中最大的错误就是那么年轻就离开了学校。3.In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。4.That one mistake has cost him dear over the years.那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。5.It was one of my many mistakes.这是我犯的许多错误中的一个。6.That one mistake almost cost him his life.那一个差错几乎使他丧命。7.Another mistake like that and you"re history.要是再犯那种错误你就完了。8.Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find.从头至尾看一遍你们的作业,发现的错误都要改正过来。9.That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.那一个失误就严重地危及了公司的未来。10.I still hold that the government"s economic policies are mistaken.我仍然认为政府的经济政策是错误的。



有没有for mistake这种用法呢?谢谢大家!


语法:I think, though I could be mistaken, __ he liked me.

though I could be mistaken是插入语,去掉后全句就是I think that he liked me.

mistaken identity是什么意思

mistaken identity张冠李戴;乌龙贼替身;认错人;认错了人There are more distracters to sift through, and if individual uniqueness is low, thatmeans more doppelgangers, more cases of mistaken identity. 有更多的错误选项需要排除,而如果个体的独特性很低,那就意味着出现更多的幽灵般的复制体、更多认错的可能。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

you are mistaken mistaken词性

答案是D.考查名词性从句,分析句子可知"you are mistaken"是一个表语从句,从句是主系表结构的句子,根据句意:这正是你错误所在,所以用where来引导,故答案选D.

mistaken identity是什么意思

mistaken identity[英][mu026au02c8steu026aku0259n aiu02c8dentiti][美][mu026au02c8steku0259n au026au02c8du025bntu026ati]认错人; 例句:1.But plummer says that it"s a case of mistaken identity. 但普卢默认为,这种误解是因为将华为与另外一家公司弄混了


mistake的用法和搭配如下:一、mistake常用作名词,表示错误或过失1.make a mistake:犯错,犯错误2.admit/acknowledge one"s mistake:承认错误3.learn from one"s mistakes:从错误中吸取教训4.correct/rectify one"s mistake:纠正错误5.forgive someone for their mistake:原谅某人的错误6.repeat the same mistake:重复同样的错误7.avoid making the same mistake again:避免再次犯同样的错误二、mistake也可以作及物动词,意为错误地理解、辨认或判断1.mistake A for B:把A误认为B2.don"t mistake my kindness for weakness:不要把我的善良当成软弱3.I mistook your meaning:我误解了你的意思三、mistake还可以用作形容词,意为错误的或错误地做的1.a mistaken belief:错误的信念2.a mistaken identity:错误的身份认定拓展知识:common mistake:常见错误、fatal mistake:致命错误、silly/stupid mistake:愚蠢的错误、serious mistake:严重的错误、rookie mistake:新手错误、costly mistake:代价高昂的错误、grammatical mistake:语法错误、spelling mistake:拼写错误。mistake既可以作名词、动词,也可作形容词。作名词时表示错误或过失,常用搭配有make a mistake、learn from one"s mistakes等。作及物动词时表示错误地辨认或判断,常用搭配有mistake A for B等。作形容词时表示错误的或错误地做的,常用搭配有a mistaken belief、a mistaken identity等。同时,相关的搭配词还包括common mistake、fatal mistake等。


mistake的过去式和过去分词mistake的过去式mistook,过去分词mistaken。mistook:v.误会;误解;看错。mistake的过去式。mistaken:v.弄错;误解;误会;看错。adj.错误;不正确;判断错误的;被误解的。mistake的过去分词。扩展资料  I mistook you for Carlos  我把你错当成卡洛斯了。  He mistook the time and did not attend the meeting.  他误时了,以致没有参加那个会议。  Unless I"m mistaken, she was back at work yesterday.  除非是我记错了,她是昨天回来上班的.。  I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.  我误以为可以相信她,就把我的秘密告诉了她。  I mistook the one for the other.  我把他们俩搞错了。

Mistaken Identity (Feat. Chris Black) 歌词

歌曲名:Mistaken Identity (Feat. Chris Black)歌手:Snow专辑:Two Hands ClappingThe girl in the chair with the long golden hairWell that used to be meA flirtatious smile unpredictably wildAlways trying to pleaseI was always walking one step aheadOr so I thought until the monster crawled into my bedRewind and erase that shock look on your face"cause your mona lisa is deadA million words a thousand daysThe girl I used to behas a terrible case of mistaken identityAnd yesterday"s girl is not what you seeIt"s a terrible case of mistaken identityThe sun likes to rise and the moon likes to fallAnd that"s kinda like my lifeI"ve played the role of the nice girl next doorWho gets cut like a knifeNow I"m not looking for apologie eyesAnd I don"t want to spend a night on a bed of beautiful liesErase and rewind leave that sick girl behind and fast forward, fast forwardA thousand daysThe girl I used to behas a terrible case of mistaken identityAnd yesterday"s girl is not what you seeit"s a terrible case of mistaken identityThat"s not me, it"s just not meThat"s not meThe girl I used to behas a terrible case of mistaken identityAnd yesterday"s girl is not what you seeit"s a terrible case of mistaken identityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2723914

mistaken identity是什么意思

mistaken identity[英]mu026au02c8steu026aku0259n aiu02c8dentiti[美]mu026au02c8steku0259n au026au02c8du025bntu026ati认错人[例句]Police later revealed it was a case of mistaken identity.警方后来公布,那是一件认错人的案子。

英语unless I’m mistaken怎么翻译?



mistake指偶然做错了事,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,强调日常生活中的错误error指违反某一标志做的错事,包括道德上的错误fault常常指人在性格上或办事方式上的“缺点”“毛病”,强调过失的责任,不能与make搭配,一般与have 或commit搭配

wrong mistaken false 的用法有什么区别

wrong [r0007] a. 错误的,不正当的,失常的 ad. 错误,邪恶 例句用法: What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? You wronged him by saying that he had lied. 你说他说谎是冤枉了他。 It"s wrong to tell lies. 说谎是不道德的。 mistaken [mis"teik05n] a. 犯错的,错误的 vbl. 误认,弄错 例句用法: If I"m not mistaken, that"s the man we saw on the bus. 要是我没认错人的话,我们在公共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。 You must have mistaken her for her sister. 你一定是把她误认为是她的姊妹了。 If you thought she intended to be rude, you were mistaken. 如果你认为她是故意粗鲁无礼,那你就弄错了。 个人感觉,wrong 是有实质性的错误,而mistaken 只是误会了,没有什么是非的实质性错误。 而false多是用于回答问题错误时会用到的,另外考试时答错了也用false记得采纳啊

  mistake-mistook-mistaken 他们是过去式吗?相等于吗?


wrong mistaken false 的用法有什么区别

wrong [r0007] a. 错误的,不正当的,失常的 ad. 错误,邪恶 例句用法: What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? You wronged him by saying that he had lied. 你说他说谎是冤枉了他。 It"s wrong to tell lies. 说谎是不道德的。 mistaken [mis"teik05n] a. 犯错的,错误的 vbl. 误认,弄错 例句用法: If I"m not mistaken, that"s the man we saw on the bus. 要是我没认错人的话,我们在公共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。 You must have mistaken her for her sister. 你一定是把她误认为是她的姊妹了。 If you thought she intended to be rude, you were mistaken. 如果你认为她是故意粗鲁无礼,那你就弄错了。 个人感觉,wrong 是有实质性的错误,而mistaken 只是误会了,没有什么是非的实质性错误。 而false多是用于回答问题错误时会用到的,另外考试时答错了也用false

You are mistaken.She does like you. 为什么用过去分词mista


mistake 和 mistaken有什么区别啊?

mistake: n. 错误, 过失, 失策;误解, 误会 vt. & vi. 弄错; 误解 vt. 认不出 mistaken: adj. (人)弄错的;理解错误的;(行动、想法、判断等)错误的

mistaken 是形容词还是动词的过去分词



mistake的过去式mistook,过去分词mistaken。mistake,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。 扩展资料   【短语搭配】   Big mistake铸成大错 ; 大错特错 ; 大错误 ; 民谣摇滚   Beautiful Mistake美丽的遗憾 ; 美丽的`错误 ; 美错   Mistake area误区 ; 减少企业失误的学问   incorporation mistake渗入误差 ; 掺入误差   system mistake系统错 ; 系统错英语   例句:   I mistook the one for the other.   我把他们俩搞错了。   We mistook assumption that the price would fall.   我们错误地认为价格会下降。

You are mistaken.这个怎么理解,be done被动?


太湖用英语怎么翻译?是 Taihu , 还是 taihu lake, 还是 tai lake? 还是 lake tai?


太湖用英语怎么翻译?是 Taihu , 还是 taihu lake, 还是 tai lake? 还是 lake tai?

Lake Tai


take的用法有很多,主要有以下几种用法: 1、take的做动词的意思有服用,拿,取,吃,喝,拆下,拆掉,乘车等; 2、take常常和it连用,it在句子中作形式主语,take在句中做谓语动词; 3、take也可以表示为“做事情”, 常常和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作; 4、take可以与back、down、out等构成常用的重要词组。


(做)某事花了某人多少时间用take, 有如下常用句型可用:It takes (sb) +time+to do sth.Sth takes (sb) +time.spend的主语应该是人,宾语是时间。pay和cost都不与时间名词搭配,即不能后接时间名词做直接宾语。take不能用钱,后面只能跟时间。常用的句型是 It take sb. +时间+ to do sth.take、spend、pay、cost都是“花费”的意思。pay、cost后只能跟钱,句型分别是:sb. pay +钱+ for sth.(pay sb. +钱+ for sth.) sth. cost +钱spend后可跟时间也可跟钱,句型是:spend +时间/钱+ on sth. 或 spend +时间/钱+ (in) doing sth.扩展资料take 的常见用法与搭配1. 表示 “ 拿去 ”“ 带去 ” 等,与 bring (拿来)方向相反。如:Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 请把这个空杯拿走,给我倒杯茶来。若语义需要,其后可带双宾语;若双宾语易位,用介词 to 引出间接宾语。如:Please take him a cup of tea.=Please take a cup of tea to him. 请给他端杯茶去。2. 表示 “ 搭乘(交通工具) ” ,比较下面的同义表达:他决定乘出租车去火车站。正: He decided to take a taxi to the railway station.正: He decided to go to the railway station by taxi.3. 表示 “ 认为 ”“ 当作 ” 等,通常与 for, to be, as 连用。如:He took me for my brother. 他错把我当成是我兄弟。I took him for an honest man [to be honest]. 我看他为人老实。按传统说法, take…for 往往指不合事实地 “ 误认为 ” ,而 take…to be [as] 则可能指正确地也可能指不正确地 “ 认为 ” ,但现代英语已不完全遵循此规则。4. 表示 “ 花费 ” ,主要用于时间,有也用于人力、人手、劳力、精力、脑力等。如:The flight will take three hours. 路上要飞 3 小时。It takes patience. 做这工作需要耐心。It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。It took three men to lift the box. 抬这个箱子要 3 个人。It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。


主语一般为It看花费,花费的对象一般为时间看搭配,一般为to do sth


take[英][teu026ak][美][tek]vt.采取; 拿,取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi.拿; 获得; n.镜头; 看法; 收入额; 场景; 第三人称单数:takes过去分词:taken现在进行时:taking过去式:took例句:1.Where did you take my parents? 你把我爸妈带到哪里?


take 是初一下学期出现的一个很重要的动词。它的本义是“ carry sb. / sth. from one place to another ”,即“携带、运载”。但灵活的它在不同的场合有不同的含义。现将初一阶段 take 所出现的用法归纳如下:   一。 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如:   My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。   Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车?   注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如:   格林先生经常乘火车去上班。   Mr Green often goes to work by train.   Mr Green often takes a train to work.   二。 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如:   Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗?   His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。   注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如:   Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。   Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time. 下次别忘了把你的词典带来。   三。 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如:   It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。   It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening. 晚上我要花半小时做作业。   四。 含 take 的短语   take exercise 运动;锻炼   take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞   take a look (at) 看一看   take photos 照相,拍照   take a seat 坐下,坐坐   take a walk 散步   take a rest 休息   take down 取下   take away 拿走   take out 拿出


vt. 拿,取;采取;吃;接受vi. 拿;获得n. (Take)人名;(塞、罗)塔凯;(日)岳(名)


take带双语对照词典结果:take[英][teu026ak][美][tek]vt.拿,取; 采取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi.拿; 获得; n.捕获量; 看法; 利益,盈益; (入场券的)售得金额; 第三人称单数:takes过去分词:taken现在进行时:taking过去式:took以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This might take several minutes. 这可能需要几分钟时间。


take的用法一.take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如:My father usually takes a bus to work.我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。二.take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如:Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please?请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗?注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring 三.take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如:It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day.她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。四.take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。


take 是初一下学期出现的一个很重要的动词。它的本义是“ carry sb. / sth. from one place to another ”,即“携带、运载”。但灵活的它在不同的场合有不同的含义。现将初一阶段 take 所出现的用法归纳如下: 一。 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr Green often goes to work by train. Mr Green often takes a train to work. 二。 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如: Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。 注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如: Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。 Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time. 下次别忘了把你的词典带来。 三。 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如: It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。 It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening. 晚上我要花半小时做作业。 四。 含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 take a look (at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 take down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出


take意思如下:1、拿。举例:Please take the trash to the garbage can.请将垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。2、取。举例:Take money from the bank when needed.需要时,把钱从银行里取出来。3、执行。举例:We are ready to take your order.我们随时准备执行您的命令。4、需要。举例:It takes a lot of money to live in that city.要住在那个城市需要花不少钱。5、接受。举例:Bob did not take the job because it was a blind alley.鲍勃没有接受此职,因为它没有发展前途。




"Take"是一个英文单词,有多种含义和用法,以下是常见的用法和例句。表示“拿、取、拿起、带走”等意思。例如,“Could you please take this book for me?”(请你帮我拿一下这本书好吗?)表示“接受、采取、承担”等意思。例如,“I decided to take the job offer.”(我决定接受这份工作的offer。)表示“需要、耗费、花费”等意思。例如,“It takes a lot of time to learn a new skill.”(学习一项新技能需要花费很多时间。)表示“经历、忍受、承受”等意思。例如,“He took a lot of criticism for his mistakes.”(他因犯错受到了很多批评。)表示“发生、进行、举行”等活动的意思。例如,“The meeting will take place next Monday.”(会议将于下周一举行。)




put是指放,但没有规定其放的方向,你可以put on,也可以put in. 就像,穿上你的外套 Put on yuor coat.其中put on强调穿上的动作. take有许多意思,多与短语连用 eg:take photo 照相 take sth.to sb.带某物去给某人 take note注意 take the notes做笔记 take bus乘坐公交车


美式读音:teu026ak英式读音:teu026ak过去式:took过去分词:taken现在分词:taking第三人称单数:takes复数:takes例句:1、Can you take me to the station?你能把我送到车站吗?2、The flowers I planted haven"t taken.我种的花长得不好。3、The box office take of this movie is higher than expected.这部电影的票房收入比预期的要高。4、Can I please take this apple?我能吃这个苹果吗?5、Which newspaper do you take?你买哪种报纸?6、Take whatever action is needed.采取任何必要的行动。


一。 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr Green often goes to work by train. Mr Green often takes a train to work. 二。 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如: Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。 注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如: Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。 三。 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。 四。 含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 take a look (at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 take down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出

take 什么意思

take是英文中最常见且基础的单词,它的读音:英式[teik],美式[tek] 一、take的常见意思为:vt.拿,取;带来;采取;接受;耗费(时间等);拍照;记录;遭受;经历;参加;vi.拿;获得;带来;接受n.捕获量;看法;利益,盈益;(入场券的)售得金额二、take的常见短语搭配1、take a walk 散步2、take a photo/picture (of sb/sth) (给...)拍照3、take a shower 洗澡4、take a class/classes 上课5、take a rest/break 休息6、take a look/view 看7、take a practice 练习8、take a vacation 休假9、take a turn 转一圈;轮流10、take the lead 带头;为首11、take a (deep) breath (深)呼吸三、有关take的句子1、Job legh took the opportunity of speaking .约伯李乘机发表了意见。2、Take the left side fork at the crossroads .到十字路口走左边的岔道。3、The candidate will take an oral examination .那个应试者将参加口试。4、Take care not to spill a drop of the medicine .注意一滴药也不要洒。5、We were too weak to take a strike .我们还弱不禁风,经不起一次罢工。6、The next witness please take the stand .请下一位证人出庭作证。


take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。 扩展资料   一、take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如:   My father usually takes a bus to work.   我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。   Which bus do you often take?   你经常乘哪一路公共汽车?   注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。   Mr Green often goes to work by train.   Mr Green often takes a train to work.   格林先生经常乘火车去上班。   二、take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如:   Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please?   请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗?   His mother often takes him to the bookshop.   他妈妈经常带他去书店。   注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如:   Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time.   下次别忘了把你的词典带来。   三、take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的`动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如:   It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day.   她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。   It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening.   晚上我要花半小时做作业。   四、take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。




take短语用法完全归纳1. take back 收回,接回,退回。如:I"m sorry, I take back what I said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。They wouldn"t take back the shirt. 衬衫他们不让退货。2. take down(1) 写下,记下。如:He took down everything the teacher said. 他把老师说的所有话都记了下来。I didn"t take down his phone number. 我没有记下他的电话号码。(2) 拆下,拆掉。如:The machine takes down easily. 这机器很容易拆。They decided to take down the dangerous bridge. 他们决定把这座危险的桥拆掉。3. take in(1) 收留。如:So he took in the boy (dog). 所以他就收留了这个男孩(这条狗)。(2) 包括。如:The list takes in everyone. 每个人都上了名单。(3) 理解。如:We find it difficult to take in what he teaches. 我们发现他教的东西很难理解。(4) 欺骗,使上当。如:Don"t be taken in by his promises. 别被他的诺言所欺骗。4. take off(1) 脱下。如:Take off your wet clothes. 脱下你的湿衣服。He took off his glasses and looked up. 他取下眼镜, 抬头看了看。(2) 起飞。如:When did the plane take off? 飞机是什么时候起飞的?(3) 打折扣,扣掉,去掉。如:Can you take five dollars off the price? 你可以减价五美元吗?(4) 请假,休息。如:I want to take a day off (from work). 我想休假一天。5. take on(1) 聘用,雇用。如:The company decided to take on a new secretary. 这家公司决定聘一个新秘书。(2) 呈现,显现,具有。如:This word had taken a new meaning. 这个词有了新的意义。Her face took on a new expression. 她的脸上露出了新的表情。(3) 承担或担任(工作或责任等)。如:He advised me not to take too much work. 他劝我不要做太多的工作。6. take over 接替,接管,继承。如:接替,接管,继承。如:Who will take over his job? 他的工作由谁来接替? Would you like me to take over the driving for a while? 你愿意让我接替你开一会儿车吗?7. take to(1) 喜欢。如:He took to Mary as soon as they met. 他一见玛丽就爱上了她。(2) 养成习惯,沉溺于。如:He soon took to drinking again. 不久他又喝起酒来。不久他又喝起酒来。(3) 去(某处)。如:He was ill and had to take to bed. 他病倒了,只好卧床。8. take up(1) 开始(学习或从事等)。如:He dropped medicine and took up physics. 他放弃学医,开始学物理。For a long time I had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来我一直想从事写作。(2) 继续。如:We took up our journey the next day. 第二天我们继续赶路。This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接续上一章谈到的内容。(3) 占去(时间或空间)。如: The table takes up too much room. 这桌子太占地方了。The work took up all of Sunday. 这活儿占去了整个星期天。(4) 接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,建议,条件等)。如:The bus stopped to take up passengers. 公共汽车停下来让乘客上车。He has taken up the bet. 他已接受打赌的条件。(5) 提出(商讨),讨论。如:There"s another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们要提出来商量。9. take sb sth / take sth to sb 给某人带(送)去某物。如:Take your father this glass of water. / Take this glass ofwater to your father. 把这杯水给你父亲送去。Take her some flowers. / Take some flowers to her. 带一些花给她。10. take sb (sth) for [to be]……把某人(某物)当作……。如:He took her smile for agreement. 他把她的微笑视为同意。Of course I didn"t tell her your secret ---- what do youtake me for? 当然我没有把你的秘密告诉她---你都把我当什么人了? I took him for an honest man [to be honest]. 我看他为人老实。I took him for Mr Smith. 我错把他看成是史密斯先生。注:按传统说法:take……注:按传统说法:for 往往指不合事实地“错误认为”,而 take……to be [as]则可能指正确地也可能指不正确地“认为”,但现代英语已不完全遵循此规则。11. It takes (sb) some time to do sth 做某事花o (某人)时间。如:It took me two hours to do the maths exercises. 做数学练习花了我两个小时。It will take three hours to go there by bus. 坐公共汽车去要花三个小时。注:该句型在现代英语中可有多种变体。比较:It took him half an hour to mend his bike. / It took half an hour for him to mend the bike. 他修理自行车花了半个小时。It took him 10 minutes to solve the problem. / He took 10 minutes solving [to solve] the problem. 他花10分钟解出了这道题。It took me an hour to write the letter. / The letter took me an hour (to write). / I took an hour to write the letter. 我写这封信花了一个小时。按传统语法,以上句型只用于花时间,不用于花钱,但这在现代英语中已有所改变。如:It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat. / It took a lot of money for him to buy her a fur coat. 他给她买一件皮外套花了不少钱。12. It takes sth (某做某事花精力(需要人等)。如:It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。It took three men to lift the box. 抬这个箱子要三个人。It would take a strong man to do the work. 身强力壮的人才做得了这工作。


takevt. 拿,取;采取;吃;接受vi. 拿;获得短语:take place发生;进行;举行;产生take pains努力;下功夫;尽力;煞费苦心take shape成形;成型;形成;有显着发展take office就职;上任;就任;走马上任take part参加;参与;参加活动;到场take hold扛着;抓住;生根;固定下来take air传播;传开;走漏;宣扬出去take stock清查存货;炒股票;盘存;盘点take someicine服药1. 拿,取:Taking a pen in her hand,she began to write.她手里拿着一支钢笔,开始写起来。Go and take some coffee cups.去拿几个咖啡杯。2. 抓紧,抓住;抱住;握住:The boy took his mother"s outstretched hand.小男孩抓住妈妈伸出的手。She took her friend to her arms.她拥抱她的朋友。3. 抓,捕;诱捕;捉住(鸟等);(鱼)咬住(钓饵):We took him in the act of stealing.我们在他进行偷窃时将其捉住。The hunters took a fox by a trap.猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。4. 攻取,攻克;夺得,占领:It took them a whole day to take the enemy fortress.他们花了一整天才攻占了敌堡。After a severe fight,they took the airport.经过一场激战,他们占领了机场。5. 迷住;吸引:The girl took his fancy.他被那个女孩迷住了。She was very much taken with the castle.她非常喜欢这座城堡。6. [与名词构成动宾结构,表示做一次动作,意义等于相应动词]做(一次动作);履行:Let"s take a walk.咱们散散步。to take a rest休息一下7. 接受,领受;接纳;娶;收养:He took his friend"s advice quite cheerfully.他欣然接受了朋友的劝告。You should learn to take criticism.你应该学会接受批评。8. 取得,获得,得到,拿到:His design took the first prize.他的设计得头等奖。She took her degree with first-class honour.她以优异成绩获得学位。9. (玩牌、比赛等)赢;击败;吃掉(棋子):I took him for 10 pounds at the poker game.打扑克时我赢了他10英镑。Our team took the visiting team by 5 to 3.我们队以 5 比 3 击败客队。10. 使死亡,夺去…的生命:Cancer takes many lives.癌症夺走了许多人的生命。He took his own life.他自杀而亡。11. 随身携带;带走;把…带往;护送,陪同:Take an umbrella with you.随身带把伞。He will take the guests to the museum.他将带客人们去博物馆。12. (道路、通道等)通往(某地);通往…;引至:These stairs will take you up to the attic.这楼梯通到阁楼。The path takes you to the beach.走这条小路能到海滩。13. 运送,运输:Will this bus take us to the zoo?坐这路公共汽车我们能到动物园吗?14. 吃,喝,服(药等):The pupils take lunch in the classroom.学生们在教室里吃午饭。What will you take? —I"ll take a pint of Heineken.你喝什么? —我喝一品脱的喜力啤酒。15. 吸入,呼吸(空气);晒(太阳):He took a deep breath and dived into the water.他深深吸了口气,然后跳进水里。They take the air in the park every morning.他们每天早上在公园里呼吸新鲜空气。16. 享有、享受(娱乐、假期等):The family will take a vacation this summer in Australia.这家人今年夏天将在澳大利亚度假。17. 购买,买下:He took the two-piece suit he had tried on.他买下了试穿过的两件套西服。18. 租用,租得;定(座);订阅:to take a newspaper订阅报纸The couple took the house for 2 years.夫妇俩把这座房子租了两年。19. 忍受;经受,承受,承担;遭受:to take severe punishment受严厉的惩罚He took all the blame to himself.他自己承担全部责任。20. 选择,挑选,选取;采取:They took the side of the speaker.他们站在发言人一边。I"ll take American history this semester.这学期我要选美国史。21. 使用;利用;用…对付:He takes every opportunity of practicing his oral English.他利用一切机会练习英语口语。He took a mop to the floor.他用拖把擦地板。22. 了解;领会,领悟,理解:Do you take my meaning?你明白我的意思了吗?How would you take this paragraph?你怎么理解这一段?23. 以为;当作;把…看做:I take it that he was ill.我想他病了。Don"t take his remarks as an insult.别把他的话当作侮辱。24. 对付;对待;处理;考虑:You mustn"t take it lightly.你千万别小看它。We should take things in their proper order.我们应该有条不紊地处理事情。25. 拥有(职务等);就职;担任;演:He took the part of the hero.他出演主角。He was asked to take a leading position in the factory.他们要求他在这家工厂担任一个领导职务。26. 承担(义务);负责管理;有责任去做;发(誓):to take an oath宣誓I take English in this university.我在这所大学教英语。27. 占;就坐:to take a seat 就坐to take one"s place入坐28. (通过观察、实验等)获得;确定;算出;量取;量出:to take someone"s pulse给某人诊脉to take someone"s temperature量出某人的体温29. 拍(照);绘画,画下:We went to the Summer Palace and took some pictures.我们去颐和园了并拍了一些照片。The photographer took the children sitting down.摄影师给坐着的孩子们拍了照。30. 学习;研究:to take ballet学习芭蕾舞She took a French course in a correspondence school.她在函授学校修法语课程。31. 写下,记下,记录:He took a letter in shorthand.他速记下一封信。We have taken the broadcast on a tape.我们已经把广播录到了磁带上。32. 摘录,节录:The writer took a verse from the Bible.作者从《圣经》中摘录了一个短句。This passage is taken from Wuthering Heights.这一段摘录自《呼啸山庄》。33. (头脑中)形成;感受到;持有或采取(某种观点等):They took a gloomy view about the whole thing.他们对整个情况持暗淡的看法。I take much delight in my studies.我从学习中得到了很大的乐趣。34. 吸收(染料等);易受…的影响:Waxed paper will not take ink.蜡纸不吸墨水。Marble takes a high polish.大理石可磨得极为光滑。35. [常用被动语态](疾病、不愉快事情等)突然侵袭,袭击:The old man was taken with a fit.老人疾病发作。to be taken ill生病36. 打,击;击中(某人的某一部位):The boss took him on the ear.老板打了他一记耳光。37. 患(病);感染:She took cold over the weekend.她周末着凉了。38. 呈现;带上;采取(形态等):The tree takes the shape of a human being.这棵树呈人的形状。A witch was supposed to take the shape of a cat.据说女巫会化为猫的形状。39. 占用,占据(时间、空间等);花费(时间),用掉,消耗:It takes an hour to get to the railway station.到火车站要花一小时。It takes two to make a quarrel.[谚语]一个巴掌拍不响;两个人才吵得起来。40. 越过(障碍);绕过:He took the corner at top speed.他高速绕过街角。The horse took the jump.马越过障碍物。41. 利用(交通工具),搭、乘(车辆):I take a bus to work.我坐公共汽车上班。She took a taxi home after she saw the film.她看了电影后坐出租车回家。42. 需要:It takes courage to do that.做那件事需要勇气。It takes patience to learn a foreign language.学一门外语需要耐心。43. 以…为例:Let me take Edison for example.让我以爱迪生为例。44. 接(电话):It was he who took the telephone.是他接的电话。45. 减去,扣除:If you take 5 from 10,that leaves 5 .10减去5余5。to take 2 from 12 .12减去 2 。


take这个英语单词,在学习英语的过程中是很常见的,出现的频率非常高,那么take到底是什么意思?我们现在一起来了解一下吧。 简要回答 take可以作不及物动词,及物动词和名词使用,一般在句子中使用较多的是“拿到;花费;耗费(时间)”等意思。 详细内容 发音:英 [teu026ak];美 [teu026ak] take作及物动词时意思是:拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)。 take作不及物动词时意思是:拿;获得。 take作名词时意思是:捕获量;看法;利益,盈益;(入场券的)售得金额。 词组短语: take on 意为:承担;呈现;具有;接受。 take in 意为:接受;理解;让…进入;拘留;欺骗;改短。 take up 意为:占去 ; 开始从事 ; 占据 ; 拿起。 take for 意为:误认为 ; 认为 ; 当作 ; 误以为。 take away 意为:带走;拿走;取走。 take for granted 意为:认为…理所当然。 例句: Take as much time as you like. 你想花多少时间就花多少时间。 I"ll take any you don"t want. 你不要的我随便拿一个。 I wonder where they will take us to. 我不知道他们要把我们带到哪里去。 近义词:carry , adopt , have , get , assume 反义词:give,present,offer,bestow,donate




take的意思是:“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。可根据上下文灵活译为“吃,喝,服(药),容纳”“接,接受,提,买”“以为,把…看作…”“花费”“记录,量取”“拍摄”“承担,容忍”“乘坐,搭乘,租用”“取得,获得,得到”“采取,选”“攻下,占领,夺走,赢得”“上钩”“发生效用”等。take既可用作不及物动词(vi.),也可用作及物动词(vt.)。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语;作“带给”时,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。用作不及物动词时,主动形式可表示被动意义。take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。take还可接以“to be/as/for n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。take有时可作“易于”解,可接动名词短语作宾语。带有take的常用动词短语。take after的意思是“像,与…相似”;take back的意思是“收回,撤回”;take down的意思是“写下,记录下”;take in的意思是“接纳,吸入,收容”“欺骗”;take off的意思是“脱下(衣帽等),除去,拿开”;take on的意思是“呈现(面貌),具有(特征)”;take out的意思是“发泄”;take over的意思是“接管,接任,继承”;take to的意思是“开始(从事于),养成(某种习惯),沉湎于”;take up的意思是“开始做或学,对…有兴趣”。

take 是什么意思

take意思有拿取、花费和使用、拍照摄影等意思。1、“拿”、“取”:take可以表示“拿,取”,作为动词使用。例如:I will take a book from the shelf(我将从书架上取一本书)。2、“花费”、“使用”:take可以表示“花费”、“使用”,指某人为完成某一事物所花费的时间、精力、金钱等。例如:It takes a lot of time and money to start a business(创业需要花费大量的时间和金钱)。3、“拍照”、“摄影”:take可以表示“拍照,摄影”,指使用相机或手动拍照的动作,作为动词使用。例如:Can you take a photo for me?(你能帮我拍一张照片吗?)4、“采取”、“接受”:take可以表示“采取”、“接受”,表示采取某种行动或接受某种建议、意见。例如:We need to take measures to solve this problem(我们需要采取措施解决这个问题)。5、“理解”、“领会”:take可以表示“理解,领会”,指对某个问题或某种思想、观念的识别和理解。例如:It took her a long time to understand the new concept(她花费了很长时间才理解这个新概念)。6、“携带”、“搬运”、“运送”:take可以表示“携带,搬运,运送”,表示将某物从一个地点搬运到另一个地点。例如:She is taking her luggage to the train station(她正在携带行李去火车站)。7、“接受”、“获得”:take可以表示“接受,获得”,指通过某种方式来获得或取得某物。例如:Last week, he took first prize in the piano competition(上周他在钢琴比赛中获得了一等奖)。take造句1、Could you take me to the airport tomorrow morning?(你明天早上能载我去机场吗?)2、We need to take action to solve this problem.(我们需要采取行动来解决这个问题。)3、How long does it take you to go to work?(去上班需要花费你多长时间?)4、She takes a lot of photos when she travels.(她旅行时经常拍很多照片。)5、He took his wife"s hand and led her into the room.(他牵着他妻子的手,带她走进房间。)


take 英[teɪk] 美[tek] vt. 采取; 拿,取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi. 拿; 获得; n. 镜头; 看法; 收入额; 场景; [例句]She was too tired to take a shower她累得连澡都懒得冲。[其他] 第三人称单数:takes 现在分词:taking 过去式:took 过去分词:taken
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