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让...进入;接受The club took in a new member last week. 俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员。 2.改小;改短The dress needs to be taken in a bit. 这衣服需要稍微改小一点。 1.收留,收容(尤指无家可归者或逃难者)2. (警察)带走,抓走3. 欺骗;使上当4. 理解;领会;领悟5. (一下子)看清,看明白6. 观看;欣赏;参观7. (人、动物或植物)摄入,吸收8. 容纳;装下;盛下9. 将(衣物)改小10. (商店、饭店、剧院等商业机构)收入,进账

如何区分bring in和take in

区别大的很啊。take in 有上当受骗的意思。或者是理解吸收的意思。bring in 有带来的意思比如带来很大的机遇或者利润就用bring ini hope you can take in what i meaning .

get in /make /put in /take in 的区别?

get in:当选; 挤出时间做; 收割(庄稼等); (火车、公共汽车或飞机) 到达,抵达;make:v.制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床;n.(机器、设备等的) 品牌,型号;put in:花费,投入(时间或精力); 提出(请求); 申请; 要求; 插(话); 作补充; (船) 入港,停靠港口;take in:收留,收容(尤指无家可归者或逃难者); (警察) 带走,抓走; 欺骗; 使上当; 理解; 领会; 领悟; (一下子) 看清,看明白; 观看; 欣赏; 参观; (人、动物或植物) 摄入,吸收; 将(衣物)改小; (商店、饭店、剧院等商业机构) 收入,进账;

take in的同义词

take in 是吸收的意思 同义词是absorb

关于 take in 的用法与解释


take in,take down,take out和take?

take in v.接受,接待,吸收,理解,包括,轻信,注意到,欺骗 take down v.拿下,记下,拆卸,病倒 take out v.拿出,取出,去掉,出发,取得,扣除,抵充,发泄 take over v.把...从一地带到另一地,接收,接管 嘿嘿 字典上是这么写的,7,引进 记下 取出 接管 掌管,2,自己查字典 这一句两句怎么说得清楚,1,

take in 的用法有哪些,求详解

take in 吸收; 领会; 欺骗; 接待 Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸氧气. They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid. 它们当然需要吸收大量液体. The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies. 这个推销员发现老太太们容易上当受骗. My house is full; I can"t take in any more guests. 我的房子已客满,不能再容纳更多的客人了. These village cottages take in paying guests during the summer holidays. 暑假期间这些农家村舍接待付费的旅客.


其用法如下:1、其意思为“收留,收养,留宿,接收”时,可以用于We took in several refugees during the war,战争期间我们收留了几个难民;2、意为“欺骗,蒙骗”,通常用被动语态,可以用于I was taken in by a confidence artist,我被一个自信的艺术家骗了;3、其意思为“吸入,吞入”时,可以用于I"m eager to get out of the city and take in some mountain air,我很想离开这个城市,呼吸一下山上的空气。



请问take in的两个意思:吸收和摄取有什么区别,有例句,谢谢。

take in 的基本意思是“吸收”,与此相同的意思是可以换用的,这是英语中一词多义。

take in这个词组啥意思

1.take in有“接收,收留”之意,例如:The poor man had nowhere to live in, so we took him in.那个可怜的人没有地方住,所以,我们让他住在我家。Please take the washing in, if it rains.如果下雨,请把洗好的衣服收进来。2.take in 有“吸收”之意,例如:On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air there.周末,史密斯一家常驱车到农村去吸收那里的新鲜空气。3.take in有“领会,理解”之意,例如:Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words.动手翻译句子之前,首先要理解单词的含义。I couldn"t take in why you are angry.我无法理解你为什么生气。4.take in “欺骗,蒙蔽”之意,例如:Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abductor.法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。The saleman have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality.那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购买低品质的货物。5.taken in 有“订阅,订购”之意,例如:Which newspapers do you take in?你订阅了哪种报纸?6.take in有“改小(衣服)”之意,例如:This coat needs to be taken in a bit.这件上衣要改小些。This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。7.take in有“顺便观看(电影)或参观(博物馆等)”之意,如:His little sister wanted to go with him to take in a film.他的小妹妹想跟他一起去看一场电影。I generally try to take in a show when I"m in Wuhan on business.我在武汉出差时,常顺便去看演出。8.take in有“拘留”之意,例如:He was taken in because he killed a man on purpose.他因故意杀人而被拘留。9.take in 有“包括”之意,例如:The tour takes in some famous old castles.这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。10.take in 有“(为赚钱)在家承接活计”之意,例如:Alice earned some money by taking in washing.艾丽斯在家替人洗衣服挣了一些钱。11.take in 有“注视或视察某物”之意,例如:He took in every detail of her appearance.他仔细端详了她一番。I took in the scene at a glance.我看了一眼那里的景色。12.take in 有“轻信”之意,例如:Don"t take in his words for he always tells a lie.不要轻信他的话,因为他常常撒谎。13.take in 有“摄取”之意,例如:Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼通过鳃摄取氧。

take in用法有哪些?

take in含义:收留,收容,收入,理解,领会。例句:He persuaded Jo to take him in.他说服乔把他收留了下来。

take in的用法归纳

1、take in的用法:take in sth接受某事。 2、take in的用法:take part in参加,参与。 3、take in含义:收留,收容,收入,理解,领会。 take in; 例句: He persuaded Jo to take him in. 他说服乔把他收留了下来。 扩展资料   take in的"近义词:absorb into   absorb into   释义:吸收,把…并入。   语法:absorb的基本意思是“吸收”,可指吸收液体、气体、光、热、能等,也指吸收抽象的知识、文化、经验、教训、思想、方法等,含有“以此丰富了吸收者”之意,并暗示“吸收”的渐进性和彻底性。   例句:   This helps to absorb into the body at a more steadier rate.   这样可使身体保持一个稳定吸收的状态。


1、take in sth接受某事。 2、take part in参加,参与。 3、take in含义:收留,收容,收入,理解,领会。 扩展资料   例句:   Fish take in oxygen through their gills.   鱼用鳃吸氧气.   They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.   它们当然需要吸收大量液体.   The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.   这个推销员发现老太太们容易上当受骗.   My house is full; I can"t take in any more guests.   我的.房子已客满,不能再容纳更多的客人了.   These village cottages take in paying guests during the summer holidays.   暑假期间这些农家村舍接待付费的旅客.

take in 是什么意思 ?

你好,很高兴能解答你的问题。 take in有承担的意思,take in的解释如下: 1.允许某人寄宿家中: She takes in lodgers. 2.欺骗﹑ 蒙蔽或愚弄某人: She took me in pletely with her story. 3.将某物吸入或吞入(体内); 摄取: Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 4.将(衣服)改短: This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 5.(为赚钱)承担(在家中做的工作): She supplements her pension by taking in washing. 6.包括; 包含; 包罗: The United Kingdom takes in England Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland. 7.顺便看(电影)或参观(博物馆等): I generally try to take in a show when I"m in New York on business. 8.注视或观察某事物: He took in every detail of her appearance. 9.理解或吸收(听到或阅读的)某事: I hope you"re taking in what I"m saying. 下面说两字的近义字,详细用法不能尽述,如有兴趣可参考字典。 accept的近义字: take say yes (to sth) agree to do sth wele accede to resign yourself to be resigned to bear的近义字: stand put up with tolerate withstand take Goodbye! take in =参与 ^_^ 参考: monday(me) take in 指吸收、汲取 agree会有接受的意思 参考: My knowledge thanks .

关于 take in 的用法与解释

1、takein的用法:takeinsth接受某事。2、takein的用法:takepartin参加,参与。3、takein含义:收留,收容,收入,理解,领会。takein读音:英[teu026aku026an] 美[teu026aku026an] 例句:He persuaded Jo to take him in.他说服乔把他收留了下来。扩展资料takein的近义词:absorbintoabsorbinto读音:英[u0259bu02c8zu0254u02d0bu02c8u026antu0259] 美[u0259bu02c8zu0254u02d0rbu02c8u026antu0259] 释义:吸收,把…并入。语法:absorb的基本意思是“吸收”,可指吸收液体、气体、光、热、能等,也指吸收抽象的知识、文化、经验、教训、思想、方法等,含有“以此丰富了吸收者”之意,并暗示“吸收”的渐进性和彻底性。例句:This helps to absorb into the body at a more steadier rate. 这样可使身体保持一个稳定吸收的状态。

take in所有含义

英文 take in中文 接受, 接待, 吸收, 改小, 理解, 注意到, 包括, 轻信, 欺骗, 观看, 拘留【法】 收容, 了解, 接受


take的常见固定搭配如下:take care of oneself 照顾自己;颐养take part 参与, 参加take part in 参加,参与take on 承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上take up 拿起;开始从事take effect 生效;起作用take off 起飞;脱下;离开take a look 看一下take out v. 取出;去掉;出发;抵充take into 考虑到;说服take in 接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短take seriously 重视;认真对待…take away 带走,拿走,取走take a look at [口]看一看;检查take over 接管;接收take for granted 认为…理所当然take the lead v. 带头;为首take charge of 接管,负责take good care 好好照顾;珍重take的用法1、take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,作“带给”解时其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。2、take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。3、take还可接以“to be/as/for n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。




take it 那种take a

take 用法

take on 从事 take off 脱下take care of 小心 take part in 参与 take in欺骗take over 接收 接管 take up 占据还有很多的,再仔细查阅一下

take in to的意思

tobeserviced是整理,检修的意思take sthin承接,领会,理解,明白;接纳;接待;接受;吸收take sth into把某物带进...takeintosth考虑

take in it还是take it in

是take it in ,肯定对的,相信我。

take in有观光的意思吗?

PHRASAL VERB 观看;欣赏;参观If you take in something such as a film or a museum, you go to see it. I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening.不知道今晚你愿不愿意和我一起去看场电影?

suck up、suck in、take up、take in 都表示“吸收”的意思?在具体应用时有什么区别吗? 请高手解答。

suck up 吸收, 吸尽, 吮吸, 吸取例:These plants suck up moisture from the soil. 这些植物吸收土壤中的水份。suck in吸收, 吞没, 欺骗例:The club took in a new member last week. 俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员。take up拿起, 开始, 从事, 吸收, 接纳, 占去, 继续做例:She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. v. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。 take in接受, 让…进入, 理解, 包括, 欺骗, 改短例:Fish take in oxygen through their gills. vt. 鱼通过鳃摄取氧气。 ========================PS:咱只能帮到这里!抱歉

take in的in是什么词性

介词 不一定加名词,加分词,不定式,从句都可以 No one like being laughed at

take in sink in

目的状语 就是去做什么。。。to do sth,所以是目的

Breathe和take in的区别是什么?

breathe 呼吸,动词take in 主要是(接受、理解、拘留、欺骗、让……进入、改短) 的意思

求take up 。in。等固定搭配短语

take after 1. 仿效:将…作为榜样跟随 2. 相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似 take apart 1. 拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分 2. 详细分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一个理论),通常是籍此以发现隐藏的或固有的弊端或缺点 3. 【俚语】 狠揍;把…打扁 take back 1. 收回(所说的或所写的事) She finally took back her words. 她最终收回了自己的话。take down 1. 拿下,放下:将…从一个较高的位置拿到一个较低的位置 2. 拆开;拆散 Take down the Christmas tree.把圣诞树拆散3. 挫…的锐气:压低(一个人的)傲慢或自尊 Really took him down during the debate.在辩论中实实在在地煞了他的威风4. 记下:以书写的形式记录下来的 take for 1. 把…视作 Do you take me for a fool?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?2. 误认为 Don"t take silence for approval.不要把沉默误认为是同意take in 1. 让…进入,接纳,吸收:允许…进来;接受…为客人或雇员 2. 收缩:在尺寸上减小;使…变小或为变短 Took in the waist on the pair of pants.把裤子的腰身改小一些3. 包括,构成 4. 理解 Couldn"t take in the meaning of the word.不能够理解这个词的含义5. 欺骗,诱骗 Was taken in by a confidence artist.被一名骗人的行家给骗了6. 详尽地看;注视 Took in the sights.饱览各个景色7. 接(活计)在家里做:为获取报酬而接下(在自己家里完成的工作) Took in typing.在家的打字活8. 押送(罪犯)去警察局 take off 1. 脱掉(衣服等) Take one"s coat off; take off one"s galoshes.脱去外衣;脱下套靴2. 放开 Took the brake off.松开刹车3. 打折:作为折扣而减价 Took 20 percent off.优惠百分之二十4. 带走 5. 广泛使用,大受欢迎 Took off in a hurry.匆匆地离去A new movie that really took off.一部极为卖座的新片6. 起飞 The plane took off on time.飞机准时起飞7. 取消 Took off the commuter special.取消了特殊通勤8. 休假:暂时不做(自己工作中的)应做的工作 I"m taking off three days during May.五月份我将会休假三天take on 1. 从事,开始对付 Took on extra responsibilities.担负了额外的责任2. 雇;雇佣 Took on more workers during the harvest.在收获期间雇了更多的工人3. 对抗:在竞争中迎击 A wrestler who took on all comers.一个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员4. 【非正式用语】 激动,大惊小怪:表现出猛烈的或激动的情感 Don"t take on so!别这样大吵大闹!5. 摆架子,假装:获得(比如,相貌)作为自己的或使它象是自己的 Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker.这些年来他摆出了一副银行家的派头take out 1. 取出;弄走 Took the splinter out.取出木屑2. 向机关申请取得:通过向一个权力机关申请来获得(比如,许可证) 3. 【非正式用语】 陪伴(比如,约会中一方) 4. 发泄 Don"t take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.不要用这样一种积极的方式来发泄你的失意5. 获得平衡:作为一种不同形式的对等物取得 Took out the money owed in services.平衡各亏欠服务中心的钱6. 【非正式用语】 开始一段路程;出发 The police took out after the thieves.警方出动警力追捕小偷7. 在武装攻击或其它类似的方式搜寻并摧毁 Two snipers took out an enemy platoon.两名狙击手消灭了敌人一个排Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader"s bunker in a single mission.在一次行动中,战斗机飞行员在低空飞行以躲避雷达,发现并炸毁了游击队领导所在的掩体take over 1. 接管:获得对…的控制或管理 take to 1. 求救于;(如为了安全)前往 Took to the woods.躲到树林里2. 养成习惯,沉于:有了…的习惯或开始持续地做 Take to drink.染上了酗酒的恶习3. 喜爱,亲近:喜欢上…或和…变得亲近 “Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other”( -- Jack Kerouac)“越敏锐的两颗心,越容易互相吸引”( -- 杰克·凯鲁亚克)take up 1. 举起;升起 2. 缩减,改紧:在尺寸上减小;缩短或使…更紧 Take up a gown.把一件袍子改短些3. 付清一笔(数目可观的债务、抵押贷款或票据) 4. 接受所提供的(一种选择、一笔赌注或一个挑战) 5. 再次开始;重新开始 Let"s take up where we left off.让我们接着我们停下来的地方重新开始6. 用尽,耗掉或占用 The extra duties took up most of my time.额外工作耗费了我绝大部分时间7. 喜欢,钟爱:对…产生了兴趣或钟爱 Take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动8. 处理 Let"s take up each problem one at a time.让我们一个问题一个问题地来解决9. 摆出 Took up a friendly attitude.摆出友好的态度10. 吸收,吸附 Crops taking up nutrients.正在吸收养分的作物11. 开始从事(一项职业或行当) Took up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行be on the take 1. (非正式)受贿 be taken ill 1. 突然生病 have what it takes 1. (非正式)具备成功所需的基本条件 take a chair 1. 坐下 take advantage of (或 take advice etc.) take something as read 1. (英)认为…是理所当然的 take the biscuit (或 cake) 1. (非正式)(人,事情)最出色的;最愚蠢的 take five 1. (非正式,主北美)休息一下 take a lot of (或some) 1. 难做 He might take some convincing.他可能需要费事找一些更令人信服的证据。take someone in hand 1. 控制某人;改造某人 take something in hand 1. 开始处理某事 take ill (美 1. (非正式)(尤指突然地)生病 take something ill 1. (古)对某事极为不满 take it from me 1. 我能向你保证 Take it from me, kid—I"ve been there, done it, seen it all.小家伙,我向你保证——我一直在那里,做了这件事情,并且看见了一切。take it on one (或 oneself) to do something 1. 没有寻求许可(或建议)就决定做某事 take it out of 1. 使精疲力竭 Parties and tours can take it out of you, especially if you are over 65.聚会和旅游会让你筋疲力尽的,尤其是如果你过了65岁的话。2. (英)报复 take someone out of themselves 1. 使人忘记烦恼 take that! 1. (当击打某人或对人采取决定性行动时的感叹句)接招吧! take one"s time 1. 不要急 take against 1. (英)(没有明确的理由地)不喜欢(某人) From the moment he arrived, they took against this talented loudmouth.从他到的那一刻起,他们就不喜欢这位爱高谈阔论的天才。take something apart 1. 拆卸 take something away 1. (英)外卖,拿走 He ordered a lamb madras to take away.他点了一份外卖的马德拉斯羔羊肉。take someone back 1. 使回忆过去的时光 If ‘Disco Inferno" doesn"t take you back, the bell-bottom pants will.如果“地狱迪斯科”不能把你带回到往日时光的话,那牛仔裤准可以。take something back 1. 收回所说的话 I take back nothing of what I said.我不会收回我说的任何话的。2. 退货 3. (印刷)把文本移入上一行 take something down 1. 记录口述的话 I took down the address.我写下了地址。2. 拆除 The old Norman church was taken down in 1819.老旧的诺曼式教堂在1819年被拆除了。take from 1. 同 take away from take someone in 1. 接纳为房客;收留 2. 欺骗,愚弄 She tried to pass this off as an amusing story, but nobody was taken in.她想把这件事情当作一个有趣的故事混过去,但没有人被骗。take something in 1. 在家里工作 2. 改小衣服 3. 包括;圈住 The sweep of his arm took in most of Main Street.他手臂划了一圈,包括了主大街的大部分。4. 顺便参观(或参加) He"d maybe take in a movie, or just relax.他也许会看场电影,或只是放松一下。take someone off 1. (非正式,主英)幽默地模仿 take something off 1. 脱衣服 She took off her cardigan.她把羊毛衫脱下。2. 减去 3. 休假 I took the next day off.我第二天休假。take someone on 1. 雇佣 2. 愿意(或准备)接受强敌的挑战 A group of villagers has taken on the planners.一组村民准备向设计者们挑战。take something on 1. 担任重任 Whoever takes on the trout farm will have their work cut out.无论谁承包这片鳟鱼场,都有艰巨的工作等着去做。2. 获得特别含义(或品质) The subject has taken on a new significance in the past year.去年这个课题获得了全新的意义。take someone out 1. (桥牌)作不同于同伴叫牌的叫牌 take someone/thing out 1. (非正式)杀死,毁灭,使致残 take something out 1. 获得(官方文件,服务) You can take out a loan for a specific purchase.你可以贷款购买。2. (主美)。 同 take something away take something out on 1. 向(不相关的人或物)发泄来减轻怒火 take something over 1. 接管;控制 British troops had taken over the German trenches.英国军队控制了德国军队的战壕。2. (印刷)把文本移入下一行 take someone up 1. 作…的保护人 take something up 1. 开始对…感兴趣,开始从事 She took up tennis at the age of 11.她在11岁的时候就开始打网球。2. 占用时间(空间或注意力) I don"t want to take up any more of your time.我不想再占用你更多的时间了。3. 日后再处理 He"ll have to take it up with the bishop.他必须要和主教处理这个问题。4. 缩边 take someone up on 1. 就(某一点)挑战(或质问)说话者 The interviewer did not take him up on his quotation.采访者并没有质疑他引用的出处。2. 接受(提供之物,挑战) I"d like to take you up on that offer.我愿意接受你所提供之物。take up with


take用法总结以及短语,分别介绍如下:一、take用法总结:take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。take表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如 Could you take my schoolbag.take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为某人花多少时间。二、take的短语归类如下:1.take back 收回,接回,退回。如:I"m sorry, I take back what I said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。They wouldn"t take back the shirt. 衬衫他们不让退货。2.take down写下,记下。如He took down everything the teacher said. 他把老师说的所有话都记了下来。I didn"t take down his phone number. 我没有记下他的电话号码。3.take in收留。如So he took in the boy . 所以他就收留了这个男孩。包括。如The list takes in everyone. 每个人都上了名单。理解。如We find it difficult to take in what he teaches. 我们发现他教的东西很难理解。欺骗,使上当。如Don"t be taken in by his promises. 别被他的诺言所欺骗。

intake 和take in的区别

intake[释义]吸入,进气; 进入口(液体等); 摄入,摄取; 纳入(数)量;People with chronic kidney disease may need to limit potassium intake.患有慢性肾病的人可能需要对钾的摄入量有所限制。take in v.接受, 接待, 吸收,What courses did you take in college?你在大学学了什么课程?

第二行中的take in为何意

整句话的翻译是:那是为何在选择宇航员方面要如此小心翼翼的原因。take in 不是搭配在一起的 take care in choosing


take in 主要是(接受、理解、拘留、欺骗、让……进入、改短) 的意思absorb主要是(吸收、吸引、承受、理解、使……全神贯注)的意思很显然两个单词的意思是不一样的啊,你在问什么区别呢?而且连个都是及物的啊.如果是说两个都有“理解”的意思的话,那也很容易理解的,我举两个例子你就知道了:take in:I could hardly take in what the old man said.我几乎听不懂老人在说什么.absorb:Can your brain absorb all this information?你的脑袋能吸收这全部信息吗?(absorb的理解还是有吸收的意思的)但是如果二者都旨在理解某含义的话应该还是可以通用的,absorb/take in its meaning

求英语高手讲解,take in的用法

1.attend 出席Let"s have lunch here and then take in a movie.我们在这儿吃午饭,然后去看场电影。2.deceive;cheat 欺骗The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.营业员发现很容易欺骗老年妇女。He certainly took us in with his stories about his experiences in Mexico.他一定是用他在墨西哥的经历来欺骗我们。Don"t trust that fellow;he"ll take you in if he gets the chance.别相信那个家伙,他一有机会就会使你上当。We were completely taken in by his story.我们完全被他的谎言欺骗了。3.receive and accommodate as a guest or as a boarder in one"s house;give shelter to 在家里接待客人或搭伙者;收容Our hotel is full,we can"t take in any more guests.我们的旅馆已经客满,不能再接待客人了。After the death of her husband she had to take in boarders.在她丈夫死后,她不得不接纳搭伙的人。The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless child.这位好心的老太太主动提出收留那个无家可归的穷孩子。4.understand;grasp 理解We need some time to take the situation in.我们需要一些时间来弄清情况。This book is so difficult that I"m tired;I can"t take in what the author means.这本书很难,我无法理解作者的意思。I tried my best to explain the matter to him,but he still couldn"t take in what I was saying.我尽最大努力向他解释这件事,但他仍然不能理解我在说什么。5.accept(work)into one"s house to be done for pay 接活在家做She scraped along by taking in sewing.她在家替人做针线活勉强糊口。6.include 包括The study of physics takes in many different subjects.物理学的研究包含了很多不同的科目。I think this list takes in everybody.我想这个名单是包括了所有的人。This love of our country takes in our families,relations,friends and acquaintances.这种对我们国家的爱也包括了对我们的家庭、亲戚、朋友以及我们所认识的人的爱。7.make narrower;make smaller;reduce the size or measurement(of garments)改小(服装)This skirt is too loose at the waist;I shall have to get the dressmaker to take it in.这条裙子腰围太宽了,我要让裁缝改小一点。This dress needs to be taken in a bit at the neck.这件衣服的领子要改小一些。8.see at a glance;observe keenly 一眼看清;敏锐地观察到He took in what was happening and decided to get away quickly.他一眼就明白了是怎么回事,于是决定立即脱身。The police officer took in every detail of the room at a glance.警官一眼就把屋里的每个细小的地方都敏锐地看到了。9.subscribe to;receive and pay for regularly 订阅Which newspaper do you take in?你订阅什么报纸?I take in China Daily.我订《中国日报》。10.accept witho

take in的用法归纳高中

take可以用作动词。 take是英语中含义最多,搭配能力最强的动词之一,基本意思是“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。 take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,作“带给”解时其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。 扩展资料   用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。   take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。


介词不一定加名词,加分词,不定式,从句都可以No one like being laughed at

take in 的用法有哪些,求详解

take in吸收; 领会; 欺骗; 接待 Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼用鳃吸氧气。 They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.它们当然需要吸收大量液体。The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.这个推销员发现老太太们容易上当受骗。My house is full; I can"t take in any more guests.我的房子已客满,不能再容纳更多的客人了。These village cottages take in paying guests during the summer holidays.暑假期间这些农家村舍接待付费的旅客.

take in是什么意思?有哪些用法?

take inv.接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗taketakeAHD:[t3k] D.J.[te!k]K.K.[tek]v.(动词)took[tu2039k] tak.en[t3“k…n] tak.ing,takes v.tr.(及物动词)To get into one"s possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially:取得:通过武力、技巧或欺诈而占有,尤指:To capture physically; seize:夺取:亲身获得;掌握:take an enemy fortress.夺取敌人的一个要塞To seize with authority; confiscate.逮捕,没收:运用权力剥夺;没收To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example).杀,设陷阱捕捉:杀死,设陷井捕获或诱捕(如,鱼或猎物)Sports Games To acquire in a game or competition; win:【体育运动】 【游戏】 获得,赢得:在一场游戏或竞赛中获得;赢得:took the crown in horseracing.在赛马中获得冠军Sports Games To defeat:【体育运动】 【游戏】 击败:Our team took the visitors three to one.我们队以三比一击败客队Sports To catch (a ball in play), especially in baseball:【体育运动】 接住球:接住(比赛中的一个球) ,尤指在棒球中:The player took it on the fly.队员接住高飞的球Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball).【棒球】 放过: 放过(一个投给击球员的球)不打To grasp with the hands; grip:用手抓住;握住:Take your partner"s hand.握住你舞伴的手To be affected with; come down with; contract:受…的影响;得于;感染:The child has taken the flu.这小孩得了流感To encounter or catch in a particular situation; come upon; discover:邂逅:在某一特殊情况下碰到或遇到(某人);突然遇到;发现:Your actions took me by surprise.你的行动着实让我吃了一惊To deal a blow to; strike or hit:给…一记拳击;敲击,击打:The boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the ribs.这个拳击选手对准其对手的肋骨猛砸一拳To affect favorably or winsomely; charm or captivate:受吸引,迷惑:使人产生好感地或使人高兴地影响…;迷住或俘获…的心:She was taken by the puppy.她被那只小狗迷住了To put (food or drink, for example) into the body; eat or drink:吃,喝:将(食物或饮料等)置于体内;吃或喝:took a little soup for dinner.喝了点汤充作晚餐To draw in; inhale:吸入;吸纳:took a deep breath.深吸了一口气To expose one"s body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example):置身于:把自己的身体暴露给(如,健康的或愉悦的治疗):take the sun; take the waters at a spa.晒太阳;在温泉中沐浴To bring or receive into a particular relation, association, or other connection:结合,联合:把…带入或吸收进某一特定关系、组织或其它联系:take a new partner into the firm; take a company national.吸收一名新的合伙人加入公司;扩展公司业务到全国各地To engage in sex with.和…进行性交To accept and place under one"s care or keeping.接受,安置:接受对…的看护或保管或把…置于某人的看管或保护之下To appropriate for one"s own or another"s use or benefit; obtain by purchase; secure or buy:拨款,购得,获得:为了自己或另一个人的使用或利益而挪用;通过购买而获取;得到或购买:We always take season tickets.我们通常购买季票To assume for oneself:为自己夺取:take all the credit.抢占了全部功劳To charge or oblige oneself with the fulfillment of (a task or duty, for example); commit oneself to:使某人负…义务:使自己负起或承担完成(一项任务或义务)的职责;使自己负有…:She took the position of chair of the committee.她担任了该委员会主席一职To pledge one"s obedience to; impose (a vow or promise) upon oneself.宣誓服从…;使自己(发誓或许诺)To subject oneself to:使自己经受:We took extra time to do the job properly.我们花额外时间来把这顶工作做好To accept or adopt for one"s own.纳为己有:接受…使成为自己所有或采纳…使成为自己所有To put forth or adopt as a point of argument, defense, or discussion.提出,采纳:提出或采纳…作为争论、辩解或讨论的一个论点To require or have as a fitting or proper accompaniment:采用:获取或具有…作为一个合适的或恰当的伴随物:Intransitive verbs take no direct object.不及物动词不带直接宾语To pick out; select or choose:挑出;挑选,选择:take any card.随便拿一张卡To choose for one"s own use; avail oneself of the use of:选择:为了自己使用而挑选;让自己能够使用…:We took a rented car.我们租了一部车To use (something) as when in operation:使用:在运作中使用(某物):This camera takes 35mm film.这架照相机用35毫米的胶卷To use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation:乘坐:作为一种传送或交通工具来使用(某物):take a train to Pittsburgh.乘坐火车去匹兹堡To use (something) as a means of safety or refuge:使用…躲避:作为一种安全或救护的手段来使用(某物):take shelter from the storm.找地方躲避风暴To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle:选择特定的路线或方向:走路或驾驶一辆运载工具时先选择然后按照(某一特定的路线或方向)前进:Take a right at the next corner. The driver downshifted to take the corner.在下一个拐角向右转。司机调低速档以便转弯To assume occupancy of:占有:获取对…的占有:take a seat.占有一个座位To require (something) as a basic necessity:所需,必备:需要(某物)作为一项基本必需品:It takes money to live in that town.要住那城市得花费不少To obtain from a source; derive or draw:有…取得,由…获得:从某一来源获取;得到或取得:The book takes its title from the Bible.该书书名得自于《圣经》To obtain, as through measurement or a specified procedure:如通过测量或某一特定程序获取:took the patient"s temperature.给病人量体温To put down in shorthand or cursive writing:速记,草草写下:用速写或草书写下来:take a letter.草草地写了一封信To put down an image, a likeness, or a representation of by or as by drawing, painting, or photography:绘画,照相:通过或仿佛通过绘画、油画或摄影记录下…的一个形象、肖像或象征:took a picture of us.为我们拍了一张照片To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly:接受:勉强的或情愿地接受(所欠的、提供的或给予的某物):take criticism.接受批评To submit to (something inflicted); endure:屈服,忍受:听任(所遭受的某物);忍受:didn"t take his punishment very well.并未得到对他应有的惩罚To withstand:抵挡:The dam took the heavy flood waters.水坝挡住了这股大洪水To accept or believe (something put forth) as true:接受,相信:接受或相信(所提出的某事)是真的:I"ll take your word.我相信你的话To follow (advice, a suggestion, or a lead, for example).听从(比如忠告、建议或领导)To accept, handle, or deal with in a particular way:处理,应付:以一种特殊的方式来接受、对付或处理:He takes things in stride.他总是泰然自若地处理事情To consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint:考量:在一特定关系中或从一特定的角度来考虑:take the bitter with the sweet.看到痛苦中的甘甜To make or perform:制定,施行:Many crucial decisions were taken as the path of the hurricane was plotted.飓风的路径确定以后,许多重要的决定就可执行To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit:允许,认可:允许…进入;许可或同意;接纳:The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat.那艘船进了大量的水,却依然漂浮着To provide room for; accommodate:接纳,容纳:给…提供空间;给…提供住所:We can"t take more than 100 guests.我们只能接纳一百名客人To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example).浸透或浸满(如染料)To understand or interpret:理解,解释:May I take your smile as an indication of approval?你的微笑表明你已经同意了吗?To consider; assume:认为;当作:Take the matter as settled.把这件事情决定下来吧To consider to be equal to; reckon:认定:认为…等同于;计算:We take their number at 1,000.我们认定他们的号码是一千To perceive or feel; experience:感受,感觉;经历:I take pleasure in informing you that you have won the prize.我很高兴地告诉你,你获奖了To carry, convey, lead, or cause to go along to another place:带:携带、传输、带领或使…去另一个地方:Don"t forget to take your umbrella. This bus takes you to New York.See Usage Note at bring 别忘了带上你的雨伞。这辆公共汽车可以载你去纽约参见 bringTo remove from a place:移走:将…从一个地方移开:take the dishes from the sink.把碟子从水槽中拿走To secure by removing:拔除:通过移走而得到:The dentist took two molars.牙医取走了两颗臼齿To cause to die; kill or destroy:杀死,毁灭:使…死亡;杀死或摧毁:The blight took these tomatoes.这场虫害毁掉了这些西红柿To subtract:减去:take 15 from 30.30减15To commit and apply oneself to the study of:研读:投入或专注于…的学习:take art lessons; take Spanish.学艺术课程;学西班牙语To study for with success:努力取得:成功地为…而学习:took a degree in law.拿到了法律学位Informal To swindle, defraud, or cheat:【非正式用语】 诱骗,诈骗,欺骗:You"ve really been taken.你真的上当了

【英语】【翻译】这里的take in是什么意思?

take sb in - take somebody in (收留某人) 一般是说收留穷人或者有困难的人例: The seven dwarfs took Snow White in. 七个小矮人把白雪公主收留了。


take in中的in不是介词,而是形容词。take in表示“欺骗”,其宾语成分可以位于in之前,也可以位于其后。 扩展资料   This plot does not take in water.   这块地不吃水。   The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless stranger.   那位好心的"老太太愿意收容这个贫困无家可归的陌生人。   Our quartet was out hustling and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over.   我们的四重奏是明显地卖座的,而且我们知道在天亮以前,我们有把握收入一大笔钱。   There are just too many things for the eye to take in.   那么多品种,让人都看花眼了。   There are too many treasures for the eye to take in.   珍宝溢目。

用take in 造句




take in 总共有几个意思呀?

take inv.接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗

take up 和take in的区别

take in接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短take out 取出;去掉;出发;抵充take up 拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方) take over 接管;接受take off 起飞; 脱

take me to


Take Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Down歌手:3 Pill Morning专辑:ClarityTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55133479



take me to your heart中文歌词


记得有一首歌的歌词是 kiss me kikikiss me take tatatake me,是一首外国歌,女的唱的请问是什么,谢谢

Blow me a kiss.

take me hand 是什么语法用法?

Take me hand我的手应该是my hand,如果说拉住我的手,那就而是hold my hand,或者是take my hand,如果是用手拉住我,那就是take me by hand。

《take me to you hart》英文歌词

take me to your heart(music:jacky zhang words: jascha richter)this song is familiar to nearly the whole population of china.it was written by jacky zheng(an icon of chinese music)with english lyrics written by richter.hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won"t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many people all around the worldtell me where do i find someone like you girl(chorus)take me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand before i"m oldshow me what love is - haven"t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe"re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your heart take me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love is - be my guiding starit"s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don"t really comprehenddon"t need too much talking without saying anythingall i need is someone who makes me wanna sing

take me out 什么意思


take me down什么意思


take me hand是病句嘛

这是短语,不是句子,但不能这样说,后面应该用介词短语,改为 take me by the hand,意思是 “牵着我的手”。





"take me high"是什么意思?


take me away是什么意思啊


Take Me Home 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Home歌手:Christine Evans专辑:Women & Songs 8Take Me HomeChristine Evans-Take Me Home By Ian_chenFollow meI need you, I plead youTo come throughTake the leadYou know that I"m right behind youI loved you and what do I get backI still lack the feeling you getWhen there"s someone for youTake me home, take me homeI"m alone here, have no fear, I"m safe but aloneIt"s a cold world, a lone world, it"s hard for a girlI wish you"d open up your eyesSee my pain through all the liesIn this room I wish I"d diethough my tears I do not cryTake me homeIs this the end?You messed upYou"re back luckYou take it out on me.You reprimand meMy choices, my voices, the way I live my life.I pray to the angels, stand by me, beside me,Protect me from painAnd the darkness around.Take me home, take me homeI"m alone here, have no fear, I"m safe but aloneIt"s a cold world, a lone world, it"s hard for a girlI wish you"d open up your eyesSee my pain through all the liesIn this room I wish I"d dieThough my tears, I will not cry. Take me homeTake me homeTake me home~~~Take me home~http://music.baidu.com/song/59816389

take me away什么意思

Take Me Away_有道词典Take Me Away带我走(歌曲名)更多释义>>[网络短语]Take Me Away Take Me Away,带我走,Take Me AwayCan take me away 你可以带我远走高飞You take me away 你带我离开

take me out什么意思?

take me out (to dinner) 请我去(吃饭)take somebody out (打架的时候)把某人打趴下了。

Take Me Home 歌词

Julian Lennon - Take Me Home Artist: Julian LennonAlbum: MiscellaneousGenre: RockTake me home for the rideI won"t be aloneTake me home for the rideYou won"t be aloneWe won"t be alone tonightI am standing in the shadows of the gardenConfessing to the pale moon aboveIf I tell you how I feel you might hardenI"m scared of being lonely and of dying without loveTake me home for the rideI won"t cry aloneTake me home for the rideYou won"t cry aloneWe won"t cry alone tonightI need everything I know you could provide meBut every time I love, the flower diesThere"s a darkness in the air that seems to guide meIf you want to see the heartache you can look into my eyesTake me home for the rideI won"t die aloneTake me home for the rideYou won"t die aloneWe won"t die alone tonightSometimes our emotions make it hard for us to seeThat the heart of loving is respect and honestyAnd sometimes I"m afraid that I give less than I should giveBut this time I will hold you for as long as I liveI won"t die aloneYou won"t die aloneWe won"t die alone tonightWe won"t die alone tonightWe won"t die alone tonight

Take me away ,中文什么意思。


take me back什么意思

带我回来例句:1. So amazed how you take me back.太让人惊讶了, 你让我承认自己错了。2. Don"t let the tide take me back.是不是我真的逃不出小时侯的梦魇。3. To take me back to my home.把我带回我的家。4. It"s over. She"ll never take me back.不会再要我了、不会和我在一起了。

take me home 中文歌词


take me to your hart歌曲的英文全文?

Hiding from the rain and snow Trying to forget but I won"t let go Looking at a crowded street Listening to my own heart beat So many people all around the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl (Chorus) Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand before I"m old Show me what love is - haven"t got a clue Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We"re only here today Love is now or never Bring me far away Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is - be my guiding star It"s easy take me to your heart Standing on a mountain high Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I should go and see some friends But they don"t really comprehend Don"t need too much talking without saying anything All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand before I"m old Show me what love is - haven"t got a clue Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever We"re only here today Love is now or never Bring me far away Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is - be my guiding star It"s easy take me to your heart Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is - be my guiding star It"s easy take me to your heart

take me home

带我回家哎呀 take sb to swhome是副词前面不能跟介词(to是介词吧,,,?)套进去不就是啦~!

take me away什么意思






Take Me There 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me There歌手:Grover Washington. Jr.专辑:WinelightTake me thereRascal Flattslyrics By ShiningboyThere"s a place in your heart, nobody"s been,Take me there.Things nobody knows,Not even your friends,Take me there.Tell me bout your momma, your daddy, your hometown,Show me around,I want to see it all, don"t leave anything outI want to know, everything about you then.And I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams, and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare,Take me there.Your first real kiss, your first true love,You were scared.Show me where,You learned about life, spent your summer nights, without a care.I want to roll down main street, the back roads,Like you did when you were a kid,What made you who you are,Tell me what your story is.I want to know, everything about you.And I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams, and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stareTake me there.I want to know, everything about you.Yeah, everything about you baby.I want to go, down every road you"ve been.Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live,Where you keep the rest of your life hid,I want to know the girl behind that pretty stare.Take me, take me, take me there.Take me there.http://music.baidu.com/song/7864303

take me through什么意思

你说你对我一直都是真心的 当我心情不好的时候也陪着我 我要告诉你我一直在等你 你要去哪里你属于哪里 我们的一切感动天地 我要告诉你我想要的一切就是你

take me there是什么意思


英文歌词take me take take take me

歌曲名:E.T演唱者:Katy Perry


take me i"m your 带走我,我是你的人。

take me a message对吗

不对应该是take a message for me替我捎口信例句 Can you take a message for me?你能替我捎个口信吗?Dose Tom not ask you to take a message that my mother will come here for me?汤母没有告诉你捎我妈妈要来这里的口信给我吗?

take me away是什么意思


take me to..是什么意思


Take Me To You Heat英文歌词


找一首歌,好像是cuse me cuse cuse cuse me,后面还有take me take take take me 请问这是什么歌?感谢

AOA乐团的Excuse Me
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