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作文 less pressure makes better life 为题

Less Pressure Makes Better Life Pressure is a serious problem in todayu2019s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students canu2019t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams too much. u3000u3000 I was always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in my class. They always sent me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends. u3000u3000 I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally, they understood me. In this way, I feel less stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies.u3000u3000 Less pressure makes better life. Thank you u3002

to make a better life,what would you do 英语作文?

to make a better life,what would you do 英语作文:Everyone likes bo have a better life. But you have to do a lot to have it.Firstly, you must earn lot money,. That means you must have a good job. To have a good job, you must have good capabilities to do so. But your capabilities are not with you from very beginning. The capabilities are something you have gained in your study.That means you must work hard in your study, and pass your university entrance exams first.This is all you have to do at moment to have a better life is the future.

RPG Maker XP 的升级和技能

  额。。。。看看这个吧!!升级提示的脚本,是搜集的。。。。  #==============================================================================  # 本脚本来自www.66RPG.com,使用和转载请保留此信息  #==============================================================================  # ————————————————————————————————————  # ▼▲▼ XRXS_BP10. LEVEL UP!能力上升表示ウィンドウ plus ▼▲▼  # by 桜雅 在土  #——以下3个如果需要修改,直接输入文件名即可  $data_system_level_up_se = "" #升级时的音效设置  $data_system_level_up_me = "Audio/ME/007-Fanfare01" # 升级时播放的ME  $data_system_skilllearn_se = "Audio/SE/106-Heal02" # 学会特技时播放的声效。  #==============================================================================  # ■ Window_LevelUpWindow  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------  # バトル终了时、レベルアップした场合にステータスを表示するウィンドウです。  #==============================================================================  class Window_LevelUpWindow < Window_Base  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● オブジェクト初期化  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def initialize(actor, last_lv, up_hp, up_sp, up_str, up_dex, up_agi, up_int)  super(0, 128, 160, 192)  self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)  self.visible = false  self.back_opacity = 160  refresh(actor, last_lv, up_hp, up_sp, up_str, up_dex, up_agi, up_int)  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● リフレッシュ  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def refresh(actor, last_lv, up_hp, up_sp, up_str, up_dex, up_agi, up_int)  self.contents.clear  self.contents.font.color = system_color  self.contents.font.size = 14  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 0, 160, 24, "LEVEL UP!!")  self.contents.font.size = 18  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 28, 160, 24, $data_system.words.hp)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 50, 160, 24, $data_system.words.sp)  self.contents.font.size = 14  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 72, 80, 24, $data_system.words.str)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 94, 80, 24, $data_system.words.dex)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 116, 80, 24, $data_system.words.agi)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 138, 80, 24, $data_system.words.int)  self.contents.draw_text(92, 0, 128, 24, "→")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 28, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 50, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 72, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 94, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 116, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.draw_text(76, 138, 128, 24, "=")  self.contents.font.color = normal_color  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 0, 88, 24, last_lv.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 28, 72, 24, "+" + up_hp.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 50, 72, 24, "+" + up_sp.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 72, 72, 24, "+" + up_str.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 94, 72, 24, "+" + up_dex.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 116, 72, 24, "+" + up_agi.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 138, 72, 24, "+" + up_int.to_s, 2)  self.contents.font.size = 20  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 0, 128, 24, actor.level.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 26, 128, 24, actor.maxhp.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 48, 128, 24, actor.maxsp.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 70, 128, 24, actor.str.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 92, 128, 24, actor.dex.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 114, 128, 24, actor.agi.to_s, 2)  self.contents.draw_text( 0, 136, 128, 24, actor.int.to_s, 2)  actor.hp = actor.maxhp  actor.sp = actor.maxsp  end  end  #==============================================================================  # ■ Window_SkillLearning  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------  # レベルアップ时などにスキルを习得した场合にそれを表示するウィンドウです。  #==============================================================================  class Window_SkillLearning < Window_Base  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● 公开インスタンス変数  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  attr_reader :learned # スキルを习得したかどうか  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● オブジェクト初期化  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def initialize(class_id, last_lv, now_lv)  super(160, 64, 320, 64)  self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 28) # わざと▽を表示  self.visible = false  self.back_opacity = 160  @learned = false  refresh(class_id, last_lv, now_lv)  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● リフレッシュ  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def refresh(class_id, last_lv, now_lv)  for i in 0...$data_classes[class_id].learnings.size  learn_lv = $data_classes[class_id].learnings[i].level  # 今回のレベルアップ范囲で习得するスキルの场合  if learn_lv > last_lv and learn_lv <= now_lv  @learned = true  # SEの再生  if $data_system_skilllearn_se != ""  Audio.se_play($data_system_skilllearn_se)  end  # 各描写  skill_name = $data_skills[$data_classes[class_id].learnings[i].skill_id].name  self.contents.clear  self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)  self.contents.draw_text(0,0,448,32, "学会特技:"+skill_name)  self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)  self.contents.draw_text(0,0,448,32, " "+skill_name)  self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)  self.visible = true  # メインループ  loop do  # ゲーム画面を更新  Graphics.update  # 入力情报を更新  Input.update  # フレーム更新  update  # 画面が切り替わったらループを中断  if @learned == false  break  end  end  # メインループここまで  end  end  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● フレーム更新  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def update  # C ボタンが押された场合  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)  @learned = false  self.visible = false  end  end  end  #==============================================================================  # ■ Window_BattleStatus  #==============================================================================  class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● 追加?公开インスタンス変数  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  attr_accessor :level_up_flags # LEVEL UP!表示  end  #==============================================================================  # ■ Game_Battler  #==============================================================================  class Game_Battler  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● 追加?公开インスタンス変数  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  attr_accessor :exp_gain_ban # EXP取得一时禁止  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● オブジェクト初期化  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  alias xrxs_bp10_initialize initialize  def initialize  @exp_gain_ban = false  xrxs_bp10_initialize  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● ステート [EXP を获得できない] 判定  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  alias xrxs_bp10_cant_get_exp? cant_get_exp?  def cant_get_exp?  if @exp_gain_ban == true  return true  else  return xrxs_bp10_cant_get_exp?  end  end  end  #==============================================================================  # ■ Scene_Battle  #==============================================================================  class Scene_Battle  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● アフターバトルフェーズ开始  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  alias xrxs_bp10_start_phase5 start_phase5  def start_phase5  # EXP 获得禁止  for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size  $game_party.actors[i].exp_gain_ban = true  end  xrxs_bp10_start_phase5  # EXP 获得禁止の解除  for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size  $game_party.actors[i].exp_gain_ban = false  end  # EXPを初期化  @exp_gained = 0  for enemy in $game_troop.enemies  # 获得 EXPを追加 # エネミーが隠れ状态でない场合  @exp_gained += enemy.exp if not enemy.hidden  end  # 设定  @phase5_step = 1  @exp_gain_actor = -1  # リザルトウィンドウを表示  @result_window.visible = true  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● フレーム更新 (アフターバトルフェーズ)  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  #alias xrxs_bp10_update_phase5 update_phase5  def update_phase5  case @phase5_step  when 1  update_phase5_step1  else  # ウェイトカウントが 0 より大きい场合  if @phase5_wait_count > 0  # ウェイトカウントを减らす  @phase5_wait_count -= 1  # ウェイトカウントが 0 になった场合  if @phase5_wait_count == 0  # リザルトウィンドウを表示  #@result_window.visible = true  # メインフェーズフラグをクリア  $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false  # ステータスウィンドウをリフレッシュ  @status_window.refresh  end  return  end  # C ボタンが押された场合  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)  # バトル终了  battle_end(0)  end  # レベルアップしている场合は强制バトル终了  battle_end(0) if @levelup_window != nil and @phase5_wait_count <= 0  end  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● フレーム更新 (アフターバトルフェーズ 1 : レベルアップ)  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def update_phase5_step1  # C ボタンが押された场合  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)  # ウィンドウを闭じて次のアクターへ  @levelup_window.visible = false if @levelup_window != nil  @status_window.level_up_flags[@exp_gain_actor] = false  phase5_next_levelup  end  end  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  # ● 次のアクターのレベルアップ表示へ  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------  def phase5_next_levelup  begin  # 次のアクターへ  @exp_gain_actor += 1  # 最后のアクターの场合  if @exp_gain_actor >= $game_party.actors.size  # アフターバトルフェーズ开始  @phase5_step = 0  return  end  actor = $game_party.actors[@exp_gain_actor]  if actor.cant_get_exp? == false  # 现在の能力値を保持  last_level = actor.level  last_maxhp = actor.maxhp  last_maxsp = actor.maxsp  last_str = actor.str  last_dex = actor.dex  last_agi = actor.agi  last_int = actor.int  # 経験値取得の决定的瞬间(谜  actor.exp += @exp_gained  # 判定  if actor.level > last_level  # レベルアップした场合  @status_window.level_up(@exp_gain_actor)  # リザルトウィンドウを消す  @result_window.visible = false  # SEの再生  if $data_system_level_up_se != ""  Audio.se_play($data_system_level_up_se)  end  # MEの再生  if $data_system_level_up_me != ""  Audio.me_stop  Audio.me_play($data_system_level_up_me)  end  # LEVEL-UPウィンドウの设定  @levelup_window = Window_LevelUpWindow.new(actor, last_level,  actor.maxhp - last_maxhp, actor.maxsp - last_maxsp, actor.str - last_str,  actor.dex - last_dex, actor.agi - last_agi, actor.int - last_int)  @levelup_window.x = 65 * @exp_gain_actor  @levelup_window.visible = true  # ステータスウィンドウをリフレッシュ  @status_window.refresh  # スキル习得ウィンドウの设定  @skilllearning_window = Window_SkillLearning.new(actor.class_id, last_level, actor.level)  # ウェイトカウントを设定  @phase5_wait_count = 40  @phase5_step = 1  return  end  end  end until false  end  end  #==============================================================================  # 本脚本来自www.66RPG.com,使用和转载请保留此信息  #==============================================================================

歌曲名:you make me feel 歌手名:archive 专辑名:take my head 谁帮我找出这歌曲的全中文翻译!赏100!


who is it 和the way you make me feel的歌词?

Who Is It 是谁?I gave her money 我给她金钱I Gave Her Time 我给予她时间 I Gave Her Everything我给予她一切 inside one heart could find 只要能在心间寻见I gave her passion 我给她热情 My very soul 我给她灵魂 I gave her promises 我给她允诺 And secrets so untold 还有那些从未透露的秘密 And she promised me forever 她向我承诺永远 And a day we"d live as one 并且未来我们能一起生活 We made our vows 我们立下誓约 We"d live a life anew 将要过着崭新生活And she promised me in secret 她秘密的向我承诺 That she"d love me for all time 她将永远爱我 It"s a promise so untrue 这是多么虚假的承诺 Tell me what will I do? 告诉我该怎么办? And it doesn"t seem to matter 这看上去不要紧 And it doesn"t seem right 这看上去不正确 "Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运 Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣 Don"t you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静 "Cause I"m lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎 And the reason why she left me 那么她离开我的原因 Did she find in someone else? 是否因为她爱上了别人? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂 (Who is it?) (他是谁?) I can"t take this stuff no more 我不能再承受这一切 I am the damned 我被诅咒 I am the dead 我行尸走肉 I am the agony 在那垂死的头脑之中 inside the dying head 有我极大的痛苦 This is injustice 这不公平 Woe unto thee 你带来的悲哀 I pray this punishment would have mercy on me 我祈祷这样的惩罚能给我宽恕 And she promised me forever 她向我承诺永远 And a day we"d live as one 并且未来我们能一起生活 We made our vows 我们立下誓约 We"d live a love so true 要真心相爱 It seems that she has left me 看来她离开了我 For such reasons unexplained 为着并未解释的缘由 I need to find the truth 我想寻找真相 But see what will I do? 但是我又能做什么? And it doesn"t seem to matter 这看上去不要紧 And it doesn"t seem right 这看上去不正确 "Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运 Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣 Don"t you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静 "Cause I"m lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎 And she didn"t leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语 She just up and ran away 就起身离开…… (Who is it?) (他是谁?) It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂 (Who is it?) (他是谁?) I can"t take it "cause I"m lonely 我不能忍受 我很孤独 (Who is it?) (他是谁?) It is a friend of mine 是我的朋友吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Is it my brother? 是我的兄弟吗? (Who is it?) (他是谁?) Somebody hurt my soul 那人伤害了我的灵魂 (Who is it?) (他是谁?) I can"t take it "cause I"m lonely 我不能忍受 我很孤独 And it doesn"t seem to matter 这看上去不要紧 And it doesn"t seem right 这看上去不正确 "Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运 Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣 Don"t you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静 "Cause I"m lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎 And the reason why she left me 那么她离开我的原因 Did she find in someone else? 是否因为她爱上了别人? And it doesn"t seem to matter 这看上去不要紧 And it doesn"t seem right 这看上去不正确 "Cause the will has brought no fortune 因为愿望从不带来好运 Still I cry alone at night 我依然在夜中孤泣 Don"t you judge of my composure 不要判断我的冷静 "Cause I"m lying to myself 因为我正对自己撒谎 And she didn"t leave a letter 她没有留下只字片语 She just up and ran away 就起身离开…… The Way You Make Me Feel 你给我的感觉 hee hee! ooh! go on girl! aaow!嗨!女孩! hey,prety baby with the high heels on!穿高跟鞋的漂亮宝贝! you give me fever like i"m never ever know你使我狂热的感觉,我从未有过! you"re just a product of lonely lives!你是寂寞生活的宠物! i like the groove of your walk,ur talk,your dress !我喜欢你的步态,你的谈吐,你的衣着 i feel your fever from miles around.很远我就能感觉到你的魅力! i"ll pick you up in my car we"ll paint thetwon red.我将带你上车并狂欢. just kiss me baby.吻我吧,宝贝! and tell me twice that you"re the one for me.并不住的对我说你是为我而存在! the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! you knock me off of my feet !(you knock me off of my feet)你彻底震撼了我! my lonely days are gone !(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! i like the feeling you"re giving me.我喜欢你给我的感觉! just hold me baby and i"m in ecstasy.我沉迷于与你相拥! i"ll be workin" from nine to five.我将朝九晚五的拼命工作 to buy u things 2 keep u by my side.为了满足你的要求以让你能在我身边陪我! i never felt so in love before !我以前从未如此的堕入情网! just promise baby u"ll love me forever more !许诺你将永远爱我吧! i swear i"m keepin" u satisfied!我发誓要使你幸福! "cause you"re the one for me.因为你是我的唯一! the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! you knock me off of my feet now!(u knock me off of my feet)你彻底震撼了我! my lonely days are gone !(my lonely daysare gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! avha ooh! go on girl!嗨!女孩! hee! hee! aaow! go on girl!嗨!女孩! i never felt so in love before !我以前从未如此的堕入情网! promise me baby,u"ll love me forever more !许诺你将永远爱我吧,宝贝! i swear i"m keepin" u satisfied!我发誓要使你幸福! "cause you"re the one for me.因为你是我的唯一! the way u make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!(you knock me off of my feet)你彻底震撼了我! my lonely days are gone.(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!(you really turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! my lonely days are gone.(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! ain"t nobody"s business !(the way you make me feel)不关别人的事! ain"t nobody"s business!(u really turn me on)不关别人的事! ain"t nobody"s business !ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事! mine and my baby.(you really turn me on)这是我们两人间的事! hee hee!(u really turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! hee hee!ooh!(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! give it to me-give some time.(the way you make me feel)把你的心交给我吧! come on be my girl做我的女友吧! i wanna be with you mine.(you really turn onme.)我要永远与你在一起! ain"t nobody"s business!(the way you make me feel)不关别人的事! ain"t nobody"s business!ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事! but mine and my baby"s.这是我们两人间的事! (my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! come on,girl.aaow!嗨!女孩! hee! hee! aaow!嗨!噢! chika chika chika chika go on girl!嗨!女孩! hee! hee!(the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! hee! hee!(you really turn on me.)你彻底震撼了我! (you knock me off of my feet.)你彻底震撼了我! (my lonely days are gone.)我孤独的日子一去不复返! give it to me-give some time.(the way you make me feel)把你的心交给我吧! come on be my girl.做我的女友吧! i wanna be with u mine.(you really turn on me.)我要永远与你在一起! ain"t nobody"s business!ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事! but mine and my baby"s.这是我们两人间的事! (my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! come on,girl.aaow! 嗨!女孩! hee hee! aaow!嗨!女孩! chika-chika chika-chika-chika go on girl!-hee hee! (the way you make me feel)你给我的感觉! hee hee hee!嗨! (you really turn me on)你彻底震撼了我! (you knock me off my feet)你彻底震撼了我! (my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返! the way u make me feel 你给我的感觉! you real turn me on 你彻底震撼了我! you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!你彻底震撼了我! my lonely days are gone.我孤独的日子一去不复返!

the way u make me feel 中文歌词是什么??


Take It Off Her (And Put It On Me) 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Off Her (And Put It On Me)歌手:Veda Brown专辑:Private NumbersKe$ha - Take It OffThere"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.When the darkOf the nightComes around.That"s the time,That the animalComes alive.Looking forSomething wild.And now we lookin" like pimpsIn my gold Trans-Am.Got a water bottle full of whiskeyIn my handbag.Got my drunk text onI"ll regret it in the mornin"But tonight, I don"t give aI don"t give a (I don"t give a)There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.Lose your mind.Lose it now.Lose your clothesIn the crowd.We"re delirious.Tear it down"Til the sun comes back around.N-now we"re getting so smashed.Knocking over trash cans.Eurbody breakin" bottlesIt"s a filthy hot mess.Gonna get fadedI"m not the designated, driver soI don"t give aI don"t give a (I don"t give a)There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.Oh, oh, oh!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!Oh, Oh, Oh!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Oooh.Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.http://music.baidu.com/song/8692127

the way you make me feel歌词

  中文意思为:你让我感觉的方式  “TheWayYouMakeMeFeel”是《Bad》专辑在美国的第三只单曲,发行于1987年11月。在英国,它的成绩和单曲“Bad”一样--排名第3。它还在前10名内停留了5周,这对已经是第3首的单曲来说,取得这个名次非常不错。

迈克尔杰克逊《The way you make me feel》的中文歌词?

The Way You Make Me Feel 你给我的感觉  Go on, girl   Hey pretty baby with the high heels on 啊,穿高跟鞋的漂亮的女孩  You give me fever like I"ve never ever known 从未有人如此撩动我的情怀  You"re just a product of loveliness 你就是美丽的化身  I like the groove of your walk 我喜欢你的言谈举止  Your talk, your dress 喜欢你的装扮   I feel your fever from miles around 远远都能感受到你的魔力  I"ll pick you up in my car 我要接你外出兜风  And we"ll paint the town 我俩将让整个城镇焕发光彩  Just kiss me, baby 亲亲我,宝贝  And tell me twice 再多告诉我一遍  That you"re the one for me 你是我的唯一爱人  The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉  (The way you make me feel)  You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐  (You really turn me on)  You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷  (You knock me off of my feet)  My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返  (My lonely days are gone)  I like this feeling you"re giving me 我喜欢你给我的感觉  Just hold me, baby 就这样抱着我  And I"m in ecstasy 我已心醉神怡  Oh, I"ll be working from 9 to 5 我要努力工作  To buy you things 给你买想要的东西  To keep you by my side 让你不肯远离  I never felt so in love before 我从未如此深陷爱河   Just promise, baby 答应我,宝贝  You"ll love me forever more 你会永远永远爱我  I swear I"m keeping you satisfied 我保证会让你幸福快乐  "Cause you"re the one for me 因为你是我的唯一爱人  The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉  (The way you make me feel)   You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐  (You really turn me on)  You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷  (You knock me off of my feet)  My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返  (My lonely days are gone)

the way you make me feel中文意思

hee hee! ooh! go on girl! aaow!嗨!女孩!hey,prety baby with the high heels on!穿高跟鞋的漂亮宝贝!you give me fever like i"m never ever known你使我感到从未有过狂热!you"re just a product of lonely lives!你是寂寞生活的宠物!i like the groove of your walk,your talk,your dress !我喜欢你的走路姿势,你的谈吐,你的衣着i feel your fever from miles around.很远我就能感觉到你的气息!i"ll pick you up in my car we"ll paint the twon red.让我们开车一起去点亮这座城镇.just kiss me baby.吻我吧,宝贝!and tell me twice that you"re the one for me.并不住的对我说你是我的!the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你点亮了我!you knock me off of my feet !(you knock me off of my feet)你震撼了我!my lonely days are gone !(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!i like the feeling you"re giving me.我喜欢你给我的感觉!just hold me baby and i"m in ecstasy.我沉迷于与你相拥!i"ll be workin" from nine to five.我将拼命的工作to buy you things to keep you by my side.满足你的一切请留在我的身边!i never felt so in love before !我从未如此堕入情网!just promise baby u"ll love me forever more !请保证你将永远爱我吧!i swear i"m keepin" u satisfied!我发誓要使你幸福!"cause you"re the one for me.因为你是我的唯一!the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你点亮了我!you knock me off of my feet now!(u knock me off of my feet)你震撼了我!my lonely days are gone !(my lonely daysare gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!avha ooh! go on girl!嗨!女孩!hee! hee! aaow! go on girl!嗨!女孩!i never felt so in love before !我从未如此的堕入情网!promise me baby,u"ll love me forever more !请保证你将永远爱我吧,宝贝!i swear i"m keepin" u satisfied!我发誓要使你幸福!"cause you"re the one for me.因为你是我的唯一!the way u make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你点亮了我!you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!(you knock me off of my feet)你震撼了我!my lonely days are gone.(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!the way you make me feel !(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!you real turn me on !(you real turn me on)你点亮了我!you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!(you really turn me on)你震撼了我!my lonely days are gone.(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!ain"t nobody"s business !(the way you make me feel)不关别人的事!ain"t nobody"s business!(u really turn me on)不关别人的事!ain"t nobody"s business !ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事!mine and my baby.(you really turn me on)这是我们两人间的事!hee hee!(u really turn me on)你点亮了我!hee hee!ooh!(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!give it to me-give some time.(the way you make me feel)把你的心交给我吧!come on be my girl做我的女友吧!i wanna be with you mine.(you really turn onme.)我要永远与你在一起!ain"t nobody"s business!(the way you make me feel)不关别人的事!ain"t nobody"s business!ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事!but mine and my baby"s.这是我们两人间的事!(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!come on,girl.aaow!嗨!女孩!hee! hee! aaow!嗨!噢!chika chika chika chikago on girl!嗨!女孩!hee! hee!(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!hee! hee!(you really turn on me.)你点亮了我!(you knock me off of my feet.)你震撼了我!(my lonely days are gone.)我孤独的日子一去不复返!give it to me-give some time.(the way you make me feel)把你的心交给我吧!come on be my girl.做我的女友吧!i wanna be with u mine.(you really turn on me.)我要永远与你在一起!ain"t nobody"s business!ain"t nobody"s business!不关别人的事!but mine and my baby"s.这是我们两人间的事!(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!come on,girl.aaow! 嗨!女孩!hee hee! aaow!嗨!女孩!chika-chikachika-chika-chikago on girl!-hee hee!(the way you make me feel)你给我感觉!hee hee hee!嗨!(you really turn me on)你点亮了我!(you knock me off my feet)你震撼了我!(my lonely days are gone)我孤独的日子一去不复返!the way u make me feel 你给我的感觉!you real turn me on 你彻底震撼了我!you knock me off of my feet now baby,hee!你彻底震撼了我!my lonely days are gone.我孤独的日子一去不复返!

the way you make me feel中文意思,中文歌词翻译?

现在的翻译都很烂,不想玷污这些经典啊,LZ一定要的话就当理解一下歌词意思,不要咬文嚼字,翻译太烂了,有可能和原因差很远…… The Way You Make Me Feel 你给我的感觉 Go on,girl Hey pretty baby with the high heels on 啊,穿高跟鞋的漂亮的女孩 You give me fever like I"ve never ever known 从未有人如此撩动我的情怀 You"re just a product of loveliness 你就是美丽的化身 I like the groove of your walk 我喜欢你的言谈举止 Your talk,your dress 喜欢你的装扮 I feel your fever from miles around 远远都能感受到你的魔力 I"ll pick you up in my car 我要接你外出兜风 And we"ll paint the town 我俩将让整个城镇焕发光彩 Just kiss me,baby 亲亲我,宝贝 And tell me twice 再多告诉我一遍 That you"re the one for me 你是我的唯一爱人 The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉 (The way you make me feel) You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐 (You really turn me on) You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷 (You knock me off of my feet) My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返 (My lonely days are gone) I like this feeling you"re giving me 我喜欢你给我的感觉 Just hold me,baby 就这样抱着我 And I"m in ecstasy 我已心醉神怡 Oh,I"ll be working from 9 to 5 我要努力工作 To buy you things 给你买想要的东西 To keep you by my side 让你不肯远离 I never felt so in love before 我从未如此深陷爱河 Just promise,baby 答应我,宝贝 You"ll love me forever more 你会永远永远爱我 I swear I"m keeping you satisfied 我保证会让你幸福快乐 "Cause you"re the one for me 因为你是我的唯一爱人 The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉 (The way you make me feel) You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐 (You really turn me on) You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷 (You knock me off of my feet) My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返



the way you make me feel中文歌词

没必要翻译吧 mj的歌









make sb more likely to do sth

encourage vt.鼓励,鼓舞; 支持; 促进; 鼓动 根据Webster词典,encourage的意思 1.to make (someone) more determined,hopeful,or confident 2.a.to make (something) more appealing or more likely to happen b.to make (someone) more likely to do something

违反规则用英语怎么说?是break the rule还是break the rules?

break the rules

这首歌叫什么?歌词:Take me away

moves like jagger

Never Take Friendship Personal 歌词

歌曲名:Never Take Friendship Personal歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For City Friendships: The Anberlin AnthologyAnberlin - Never Take Friendship PersonalThere"s a hatchet, got a knifeWhen I awoke there was nothing real in this lifeBut dreams are so intoxicatingwhen you"re doing this aloneGun, rope, brick on the wayBut words have no meaningwhen it"s you that says, "I really do care"No baby I, I really do careInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Once a skeptic, now the criticAnd you figured you finallyfound a place of your ownAmongst the cold and timid soulsWhere only failure knows your nameLook around for the closest to blameBut look no further than thehands beneath your armsAnd now you"re six feet downburied with, with your passing fame,fame,fame, FAMEInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?oh, oh, oh, you lieTell me something more than what you tried to hideIf you can"t find yourselfThen how can i expect to find youoh, oh, oh, you cryTell me something more than what you tryThe greatest tragedy is not your deathbut a life without reasonlife has no purposea life has no reasonlife has no purposeInnocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Innocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?http://music.baidu.com/song/2891605

take me away from here 歌词

歌曲名:take me away from here歌手:Tim Mcgraw专辑:Set This Circus DownMy Body burnsLike there"s a desert deep in meA thirsty soul so unsatisfiedBut there you are like a river to the seaThe one chance I have to change my lifeDarlin", take my away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreSometimes I feel like I"m trapped inside myselfSpinning wheels up and down, "round and "roundGoing no where just like everybody elseWith no touch, no sight, no soundBut you could take me away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreGive me hopes and dreams to fill my headPush my heart so I can fly againTake me away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14027120

speed up the weakening of the human body

这里的weakening是动名词,说特指是因为后面有of the human body来限定它.至于后面的human body不是特指,完全可以用a human body来代替,但用the也没什么问题,所以没有作为题目来考.

take the moment and make it perfect,啥意思


Ari 的 best mistake 歌词中文翻译


Instead of trying hard to be happy , I would try harder to make ____ happy.(other)


the notebook always makes me remember the primy school.同义句转换

The notebook always reminds me of the primy school.make sb remember sth=remind sb of sth 使某人想起句意:这个笔记本总能使我想起小学。


<感情黑洞>I found my box of letters我发现我的信箱lying on the ground倒在地上The ones you used to write me, before it all went down你写给我的,都被记下前.I even got a papercut, trying to figure out我甚至拿着剪刀,试着剪段.What to do with all these memories过去对你来说是什么And you"re not who you used to be而你不是过去的你And I wonder where you"re gone我要知道你去了哪Have you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff穿越像是迷失宇昼What happened to the good times那些好时光呢What happened to the moments where we had so much我们曾有那么多的好时光Where"s the love?爱在哪Where"s the love?爱在哪Remember all those hours记得那些时刻laughing on the floor在窝内欢笑Those days ain"t doing nothing feel like nothing did before那些日子什么都不是i don"t need those sneakers or that money after all我不要鞋子或金千I"ll trade them for old message you"ve called毕竟我要你说过的话来换Cuz it"s not how we used to feel只因常常感觉And I wonder what went wrong...我是那里做错Have you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff穿越像是迷失宇昼What happened to the good times那些好时光呢What happened to the moments where we had so much我们曾有那么多的好时光Where"s the love?爱在哪I wanna go there我要追寻And I wanna know where我要知道在哪everything that meant something to me is all每件事意味那是我的全部I found a box of letters, used to make me smile我发现我的信箱,过去让我笑but now feel so lonely现在去使我孤独Have you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗Tumbled as a universe of missing stuff穿越像是迷失宇昼What happened to the good times那些好时光呢What happened to the moments where we had so much我们曾有那么多的好时光A black hole一个黑洞Tumbling as a universe of missing stuff穿越像是迷失宇昼What happened to the good times那些好时光呢What happened to the moments where we had so much我们曾有那么多的好时光Where"s the love?爱在哪Where"s the love?爱在哪Where"s the love?爱在哪Where"s the love?爱在哪Where"s the love...爱在哪Has you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗Has you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗Has you fallen in a black hole?你坠入黑洞了吗

compact makeup是什么意思?

A small case containing a mirror, pressed powder, and a powder puff.粉盒:包括镜子、挤压的粉末和粉扑的小盒子金山词霸里的解释

go up/set up/stay up/take up 怎么区别?

这组短语都有很多意思, 相信您也非常了解, 我现在列举它们一些特殊的用法:如下: 1.go up: 破产(美国口语),进大学(仅英式英语) 2.set up: 冤枉(口语) 3.stay up: 失眠(古代英语, 类似于现代英语的insomnia 4.take up:克制自己,悬崖勒马(英语方言)

stay up与stay awake意思是不是一样呀

stay up 悬在原位上These sticks are not strong enough to stay up.这些棍子不够结实, 撑不住屋顶。不睡觉, 熬夜I want to stay up tonight and watch the late show.今晚我不想睡觉, 等着看深夜电视节目。不掉He has to wear a belt to make his trousers stay up.他不得不系上腰带才能使裤子不掉下来。stay awake 保持清醒 I was barely able to stay awake 我几乎不能保持清醒

set up stay up make up turn up 分别是什么意思,什么词性


Heartbreak, U.S.A. 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak, U.S.A.歌手:Kitty Wells专辑:Country Music Hall of Fame SeriesMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/54020334


没有这种单词 你说的是fuck 吧

She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.


求akb48 糖果那首歌的中文谐音,谢谢

?......糖果? 你指哪首?....这个也太抽象了吧.....SUGAR RUSH?

歌词中有“BOOM SHAKA LAKA”的韩文歌叫什么啊???

歌词名称:Shakalaka 歌词专辑: (Pink Rocket) 演唱歌手:(Dal★shabet) 歌词内容:查看LRC歌词Shakalaka(Dal★shabet) (Pink Rocket)(Dal★shabet) - ShakalakaLRC制作:痛``心ゆ QQ:279283863Boy you so (phly)Head to toe (ah)Got it goin on, I like that Like fireSo hot hot (tssssh)I like that and bad boy style Boom shocka(Boom) Like 808(Boom Boom) Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shakalakaBoom pump ilay sexy la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay la la la laOn & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so good)On & on & on (U got me U got me So so crazy)On & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so cool)On & on & on (U got me U got me) Sweet chocolate Kiss Theres no timeHey baby hey baby boy ?U make me make me so (mmm) (Boom) Like 808(Boom Boom) Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay sexy la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay la la la laOn & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so good)On & on & on (U got me U got me So so crazy)On & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so cool)On & on & on (U got me U got me)(Boom) Like 808(Boom Boom) Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay sexy la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay la la la la

小说Breaking Down的结局

"That"s probably a good idea," he agreed quickly. "I"m sure she didn"t sleep soundly last night, what with all the snoring." He grinned at Jacob. Jacob rolled his eyes and then yawned. "It"s been a while since I slept in a bed. I bet my dad would get a kick out of having me under his roof again." I touched his cheek. "Thank you, Jacob." "Anytime, Bella. But you already know that." He got up, stretched, kissed the top of Nessie"s head, and then the top of mine. Finally, he punched Edward"s shoulder. "See you guys tomorrow. I guess things are going to be kind of boring now, aren"t they?" "I fervently hope so," Edward said. We got up when he was gone; I shifted my weight carefully so that Nessie was never jostled. I was deeply grateful to see her getting a sound sleep. So much weight had been on her tiny shoulders. It was time she got to be a child again—protected and secure. A few more years of childhood. The idea of peace and security reminded me of someone who didn"t have those feelings all the time. "Oh, Jasper?" I asked as we turned for the door. Jasper was sandwiched tight in between Alice and Esme, somehow seeming more central to the family picture than usual. "Yes, Bella?" Tm curious—why is J. Jenks scared stiff by just the sound of your name?" Jasper chuckled."It"s just been my experience that some kinds of working relationships are better motivated by fear than by monetary gain." I frowned, promising myself that I would take over that working relationship from now on and spare J the heart attack that was surely on the way. We were kissed and hugged and wished a good night to our family. The only off note was Nahuel again, who looked intently after us, as if he wished he could follow. Once we were across the river, we walked barely faster than human speed, in no hurry, holding hands. I was sick of being under a deadline, and I just wanted to take my time. Edward must have felt the same. "I have to say, I"m thoroughly impressed with Jacob right now," Edward told me. "Thewolves make quite an impact, don"t they?" "That"s not what I mean. Not once today did he think about the fact that, according to Nahuel,Nessie will befully matured in just six and a half years." I considered that for a minute. "He doesn"t see her that way. He"s not in a hurry for her to grow up.He just wants her to be happy." "I know. Like I said, impressive. It goes against the grain to say so, but she could do worse." I frowned. "I"m not going to think about that for approximately six and a half more years." Edward laughed and then sighed. "Of course, itlooks like he"ll have some competition to worry about when the time comes." My frown deepened. "I noticed. I"m grateful to Nahuel for today, but all the staring was a little weird. I don"t care if she is the only half-vampire he"s not related to." "Oh, he wasn"t staring at her—he was staring at you." That"s what it had seemed like... but that didn"t make any sense. "Why would he do that?" "Because you"re alive," he said quietly. "You lost me." "All his life," he explained,"—and he"s fifty years older than I am—" "Decrepit," I interjected. Heignored me. "He"s always thought of himself as an evil creation, a murderer by nature. His sistersall killed their mothers as well, but they thought nothing of it. Joham raised them to think of the humans as animals, while they were gods. But Nahuel was taught by Huilen, and Huilen loved her sister more than anyone else. It shaped his whole perspective. And, in some ways, he truly hated himself." "That"sso sad,"I murmured. "And then he saw the three of us—and realized for the first time that just because he ishalf immortal, it doesn"t mean he is inherently evil. He looks at me and sees... what his father should have been." "You are fairly ideal in every way," I agreed. He snorted and then was serious again. "He looks at you and sees the life his mother should have had." "Poor Nahuel," Imurmured, and then sighed because I knew I would never be able to think badly of him after this, no matter how uncomfortable his stare made me. "Don"t be sad for him. He"s happy now. Today, he"s finally begun to forgive himself." I smiled for Nahuel"s happiness and then thought that today belonged to happiness. Though Irina"s sacrifice wasa dark shadow against the white light, keeping the moment from perfection, the joy was impossible to deny. The life I"d fought for was safe again. My family was reunited. My daughter had a beautiful future stretching out endlessly in front of her. Tomorrow I would go see my father; he would see that the fear in my eyes had been replaced with joy, and he would be happy, too. Suddenly, I was sure that I wouldn"t find him there alone. I hadn"t been as observant as I might have been in the last few weeks, but in this moment it was like I"d known all along. Sue would be with Charlie—thewerewolves" mom with the vampire"s dad—and he wouldn"t be alone anymore. I smiled widely at this new insight. But most significant in this tidal wave of happiness was the surest fact ofall: I was with Edward. Forever. Not that I"d want to repeat the last several weeks, but I had to admit they"d made me appreciate what I had more than ever. The cottage was a place of perfect peace in the silver-blue night. We carried Nessie to her bed and gently tucked her in. She smiled as she slept. I took Aro"s gift from around my neck and tossed it lightly into the corner of her room. She could play with it if she wished; she liked sparkly things. Edward and I walked slowly to our room, swinging our arms between us. "A night for celebrations," he murmured, and he put his hand under my chin to lift my lips to his. "Wait," I hesitated, pulling away. He looked at me in confusion. As a general rule, I didn"t pull away. Okay, it was more than a general rule. This was a first. "I want to try something," I informed him, smiling slightly at his bewildered expression. I put my hands on both sides of his face and closed my eyes in concentration. I hadn"t done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but I knew my shield better now. I understood the part that fought against separation from me, the automatic instinct to preserve self aboveall else. Itstill wasn"t anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with myself. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from me; it took all of my focus. "Bella!" Edward whispered in shock. I knew it was working then, so I concentrated even harder, dredging up the specific memories I"d saved for this moment, letting them flood my mind, and hopefully his as well. Some of the memories were not clear—dim human memories, seen through weak eyes and heard through weak ears: the first time I"d seen his face... the way it felt when he"d held me in the meadow... the sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he"d saved me from James... his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me... every precious moment from the island... his cold hands touching our baby through my skin... And the sharp memories, perfectly recalled: his face when I"d opened my eyes to my new life, to the endless dawn of immortality... that first kiss... that first night... His lips, suddenly fierce against mine, broke my concentration. With a gasp, I lost my grip on the struggling weight I was holding away from myself. It snapped back like stressed elastic, protecting my thoughts once again. "Oops, lost it!" I sighed. "I heard you," he breathed. "How? How did you do that?" "Zafrina"s idea. We practiced with it a few times." He was dazed. He blinked twice and shook his head. "Now you know," I said lightly, and shrugged. "No one"s ever loved anyone as much as I love you." "You"re almost right." He smiled, his eyes still a little wider than usual. "I know of just one exception." "Liar." He started to kiss me again, but then stopped abruptly. "Can you do it again?" he wondered. I grimaced. "It"s very difficult." He waited, his expression eager. "I can"t keep it up if I"m even the slightest bit distracted," I warned him. "I"ll be good," he promised. I pursed my lips, my eyes narrowing. Then I smiled. I pressed my hands to his face again, hefted the shield right out of my mind, and then started in where I"d left off—with the crystal-clear memory of the first night of my new life... lingering on the details. I laughed breathlessly when his urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again. "Damn it," he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw. "We have plenty of time to work on it," I reminded him. "Forever and forever and forever," he murmured. "That sounds exactly right to me." And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever. the end

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Acrobat Distiller3.0太老了,至少要用Acrobat Distiller 5.0,才能正常输出.ps文件。




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直接CTRL+D,置入--选择图片就行了。 这里要注意的是会让你选择是否将图片保存到文件,最好是选“否”。这样的话,图片是以链接形式存在的,不会造成排版文件的过于臃肿。 图片置入后,可以用选择工具,点选,然后拖动边角去调整大小。


现在用Pagemake的很少了,它是pagemaker排版软件,目前已经被ADOBE"抛弃"认证考试里把这个改成indsign(忘记怎么拼了)coreldraw综合功能多,产生的是失量文件,pagemaker一般和adobe Photoshop,illustortar配合使用,在北方一般PAGEMAKER用的较多.不过,现在pagemaker已停止开发,取代为indesign了,我现在用的就是adobe indesign4.0。





PageMaker中文版 哪里能下载

软件介绍:pagemaker中文版是一款排版工具,它是排版软件的经典之作。pagemaker中文版拥有着简单易用的中文界面以及丰富的页面排版功能,特别是针对较长的文档进行一个高效且美观的排版布局。所需工具:点击下载 PageMaker中文版PageMaker安装汉化说明1、Adobe PageMaker 7.0文件夹中,双击Setup.exe安装;2、安装时一直默认点击“next”下一步,一直到出现如下界面,前面框中随意填写在最后框中也就是Adobe PageMaker 7.0的安装序列号,将【1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545】输入其中即可安装成功;3、将软件包PageMaker汉化补丁中Pm70.rsl文件复制到C:Program Files (x86)AdobePageMaker 7.0RSRCUSENGLSH目录下,如图覆盖原文件即可汉化。使用技巧文字对齐时用Ctrl+Shift+M或者用TAB键来搞定,如果不行就将其拆成n个文字块,手动来对齐。表格制作时可以画一文字块,长度以版心齐平,将图片置入文字块内,然后选择居中。自动生成页码:进入主版页面(就是下方滚动条最左端写有R和L的那两个页面),在需要加注页码的地方键入Ctrl+Shift+3。快捷键工具箱指针工具: F9、两下Shift+F1 双击调出[自定格式]对话框 Alt+双击调出[页面设定]对话框文本工具: Shift+F2 双击调出[文字规格]对话框 Alt+双击调出[段落规格]对话框椭圆工具: Shift+F3 双击调出[填充和线型]对话框矩形工具: Shift+F4 双击调出[圆化角]对话框对角线工具: Shift+F5 双击调出[自定义线型]对话框正交线工具: Shift+F6 双击调出[自定义线型]对话框多边形工具: Shift+F7 双击调出[多边形设置]对话框缩放工具: Shift+F8 双击为100%大小 Alt+双击为全页显示旋转工具: Shift+F9裁剪工具: Shift+F11文字自动行距--Ctrl+Shift+A正常字宽--Ctrl+Shift+X正常体--Ctrl+Shift+空格粗体--Ctrl+Shift+B斜体--Ctrl+Shift+I下划线--Ctrl+Shift+U阴文(白字)--Ctrl+Shift+V无字距--Ctrl+Shift+Q文字规格--Ctrl+T段落规格--Ctrl+M 缩排/制表符--Ctrl+I左对齐--Ctrl+Shift+L右对齐--Ctrl+Shift+R居中--Ctrl+Shift+C齐行--Ctrl+Shift+J强制对齐--Ctrl+Shift+F字号加大--Ctrl+Shift+>字号缩小--Ctrl+Shift+< 上标--Ctrl+Shift+ 下标--Ctrl+PageMaker中文版控制板中字符按钮与段落按钮的切换(在选中文本工具的情况下)Ctrl+Shift+`(1前面的符号)还原--Ctrl+Z剪切--Ctrl+X拷贝--Ctrl+C粘贴--Ctrl+V、Insert键原地粘贴--Ctrl+Shift+P清除--Del遮色--Ctrl+6遮色与组合--Shift+成分>遮色与组合全选--Ctrl+A(若为指针工具,则全选所有对象,若为文本工具,则全选所有文本)(查找、改变和拼写检查等其它的快捷键在按Ctrl+E或三击文本块进入编辑文章窗口内有效)注意事项1、在排文时,光标变成载文小图像时,按Ctrl键变自动排文,按Shift键变半自动排文。2、临时显示高分辨图像 Ctrl+Shift+鼠标右键。3、用不同的应用软件编辑链接物件(比如置入的文本用记事本编辑的,现在想用Word编辑)方法是按Shift+Alt+编辑>编辑原,选Word即可。否则只能调出记事本编辑。4、印刷名词:全方em、半方和四分之一方。这三者都是空格符。不过它们和通常用空格健产生的空格以及非断行空格不同,只与字体及点大小有关。全方就是一个字的空格,半方是半个字的空格,四分之一方是一个字的1/4。快捷键分别为全方:Ctrl+Shift+M,半方:Ctrl+Shift+N,四分之一方:Ctrl+Shift+T。




安装Foxit PDF Creater ,下面是下载地址http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/creator/下载安装以后,会在你的机器上装一个pdf虚拟打印机,叫做foxit pdf printer,好了,记住这个名称,一会儿我们就要用到它了。用pagemaker打开你做好的杂志,在菜单中找到‘打印"选项,在打印机列表中,选foxit pdf printer这个虚拟打印机,打印,保存。

coreldraw pagemaker 分别是什么?



PageMaker简介 因为工作需要,有时,需要我们亲自动手排一本说明书。但是我们那新手上路的水平,唉,实在不敢恭维啊。这时,看到别人排的那样精美,真是自叹技不如人。如果你有这样的心态,那就一起来学习PageMaker吧,学完后,我们的愿望就轻松实现喽。 我们将要学习的PageMaker是出版业的首选工具之一,看字面就知道这是一种排版软件。但目前我们知道的排版软件不知道有多少,而每个软件都有自己的特点, PageMaker到底有哪些独到之处能使众多的出版业者选择它呢? 首先,PageMaker提供了一套完整的工具,用来产生专业、高品质的出版刊物。它的稳定性、高品质及多变化的功能特别受到使用者的赞赏。另外,在6.5版中添加的一些新功能,让我们能够以多样化、高生产力的方式,通过印刷或是Internet来出版作品。还有,在6.5版中为与Adobe Photoshop 5.0配合使用提供了相当多的新功能,PageMaker在界面上及使用上就如同Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator及其他Adobe的产品一样,让我们可以更容易地运用Adobe的产品。最重要的一点,在PageMaker的出版物中,置入图的方式可谓是最好的了。通过链接的方式置入图,可以确保印刷时的清晰度,这一点在彩色印刷时尤其重要。 新版的PageMaker 6.5可以在WWW中传送HTML格式及PDF格式的出版刊物,同时还能保留出版刊物中的版面、字体以及图像等。在处理色彩方面也有很大的改进,提供了更有效率的出版流程。而其他的新增功能也同时提高了和其他公司产品的相容性。 最后,让我们来看一下安装PageMaker 6.5的最小系统要求: Intel 486 处理器,Windows 95/NT 4.0操作系统,VGA显示卡,光盘(CD-ROM)驱动器及3.5寸软驱。 安装的内存为:在Windows 95上给PageMaker分配8MB内存,在Windows NT 4.0上则要分配16MB内存,还有设置的虚拟内存和完成最小安装所需的26MB硬盘空间,PageMaker支持虚拟内存。






PageMaker是由创立桌面出版概念的公司之一Aldus于1985年推出,后来在升级至5.0版本时,被Adobe公司在1994年收购。 PageMaker提供了一套完整的工具,用来产生专业、高品质的出版刊物。它的稳定性、高品质及多变化的功能特别受到使用者的赞赏。另外,在6.5版中添加的一些新功能,让我们能够以多样化、高生产力的方式,通过印刷或是Internet来出版作品。还有,在6.5版中为与Adobe Photoshop 5.0配合使用提供了相当多的新功能,PageMaker在界面上及使用上就如同Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator及其他Adobe的产品一样,让我们可以更容易地运用Adobe的产品。最重要的一点,在PageMaker的出版物中,置入图的方式可谓是最好的了。通过链接的方式置入图,可以确保印刷时的清晰度,这一点在彩色印刷时尤其重要。


来由是Van样在虐待被绑起来的吾作时,一边动手,一边在那里说"Take it Boy!"而由于扮演Van样的演员的英语发音很标准,所以Take it连读后,由于it中的i是短音i,所以听起来像e或者ie的音最后导致Take it被理解成了Haiye,也就是“平家”于是广大nico乡民认为这一句是在说“平家boy”而结合以前吾作的那句“想变成螃蟹”,

Club 8的《Breakdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakdown歌手:Club 8专辑:欧美流行摇滚合辑 1Breakdowni didn"t hear you sayingit was overso i was quite surprisedto see you with a new best friendi should have seen i comingbut sometimes i"m so confusednow my head is full of nothingchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crysummer by the seain sadnessseashells stay the samewithout the beauty they had in your handyou never gave me a signin the way i thought you wouldnow i feel so left downchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and cryi"m thinking of the summers spent with youall those things we used to doif i had the chance to be differenti would be differentchorusbreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crybreakdown and cryi willbreakdown and crynouvelle | lyrics indexShe never calls methere"s a girl i knowshe used to love me very muchnow i"m not so sureshe"s going out with her boyfriendi always dream of her at night(woh-ow-woh-ow-woh-ow-woh)i want her to notice me again(won"t you look at me)i know that you would like toso now i ask you please dochorustell me the truth nowis it going to be you and metell me the truth nowwould you like to go to the seathere"s a girl i knowshe never calld me anymoreshe is much cooler nowshe"s going out with all the right friendsdo you ever think of me(woh-ow-woh-ow-woh-ow-woh)i can hardly wait to seeyou againchorustell me the truth nowis it going to be you and metell me the truth nowwould you like to go to the seanouvelle | lyrics indexhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20429444

sales manager和maketing manager的区别

sales manager 销售经理;营业主任maketing manager市场经理称呼不同。销售经理主要负责销售这块。市场经理主要负责调研市场。愿你采纳 祝你好运!

求一首英文歌曲的名字,首句是baby,i feel so sad,baby you make me bad

貌似好像刚开始是旁白 是么?


take 英式读音:[te k] 美式读音:[tek] 中文谐音:忒克vt. 采取; 拿,取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi. 拿; 获得; n. 镜头; 看法; 收入额; 场景; [例句]She was too tired to take a shower她累得连澡都懒得冲。[其他] 第三人称单数:takes 现在分词:taking 过去式:took过去分词:taken


bring it on!take me to your heart
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