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breaking里old school的代表人物都有谁?

old school代表人物是Ailen Ness,团队有Rock Steady Crew,其他还有些我忘记了



什么叫strong constraint limit和weak constraint limit

强/弱 约束constraint 就是 limit

look into和search into有什么区别? take notice of 和 pay attention to有什么区别?

打比方look into -》我在政府工作,你有东西在审批还没有回复,你拜托我look into这个事search into -》 大学有研究功课要找资料,我search into(找资料)人文地理学那块的资料search into -》 我是警察在调查一件案件,我search into相关的人员资料take notice of -> 我是模特公司的人事部,我take notice of注意到公司的预算给亏空了。take notice of -> 注意到pay attention to ->我小孩天天搞破坏,其实是想我pay attention to(关注)他/她pay attention to ->老师在讲课,学生都 pay attention to(关注)他们自己的手机

make★ firends ★with a girl on MSN


I want to make love to you 的含义



mate 伙伴fake 赝品take 拿,取lake 湖

making her the youngest parson to graduate中的miking为什么不能做谓语


求Fat Joe和Akon合唱的One 的歌词

Art Brut - DC Comics And Chocolate Milkshake Life is especially hard When no one trusts you with a credit card I love the taste of cereal I have it for almost every meal Five people to a tea bag? My life never really got that bad Not while we still had... DC comics and chocolate milkshake Some things will always be great DC comics and chocolate milkshake Even though I"m 28 DC comics and chocolate milkshake I guess I"m just developing late DC comics and chocolate milkshake I never got over that amazing taste I"ve been accused of some things I"m not sure what they"ve meant Peter Pan syndrome, and arrested development Now I"ve been working since I was 10 But the money"s always gone by the weekend Delivering post to serving beer I"ve never had much of a career So I made sure I was always near... DC comics and chocolate milkshake Some things will always be great DC comics and chocolate milkshake Even though I"m 28 DC comics and chocolate milkshake I guess I"m just developing late DC comics and chocolate milkshake I never got over that amazing taste I"m in love with a girl in my comic shop She"s a girl who likes comics; She probably gets a lot DC comics and chocolate milkshake Some things will always be great DC comics and chocolate milkshake Even though I"m 28 DC comics and chocolate milkshake I guess I"m just developing late DC comics and chocolate milkshake I never got over that amazing taste Some things will always be great Even though I"m 28 I guess I"m just developing late I never got over that sweet, sweet taste



Use "trowel" "circumference" "quench" "lubricate" "peninsula" "mirage" "matinee" to make sentense

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: trowel: n. 泥刀,小铲子 例句与用法: 1. The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop. 花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。 Can you give that trowel to me to do sth 你能把那个小铲子给我,我要做一些事情 circumference: n. 圆周,周围,胸围 例句与用法: 1. The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles. 地球的圆周长约为两万五千英里。 2. The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference. 地球的圆周长约为25000. 3. The distance around something; the circumference. 周围,四周围绕某物的距离;周围 4. The curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls on a straight line. 圆滚线,摆线圆周上任一点在一条直线上滚动时所形成的曲线 quench: 熄减,结束,冷浸 例句与用法: 1. Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。 . Water will quench a fire. 水可以灭火。 3. Nothing could quench her longing to return home again. 她重返家园的念头怎么也打消不掉. lubricate: 润滑,涂油 例句与用法: 1. If you never bother to lubricate your engine, of course it will seize up. 如果你老是怕麻烦,不给发动机添加润滑油,发动机当然会失灵卡住啦。 peninsula: 半岛 例句与用法: 1. Italy is a peninsula. 意大利是一个半岛。 2. An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal. 卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 3. An arm of the Red Sea beeen the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia. It has long been of strategic importance in the Middle East. 阿克巴湾红海的一个海湾,在西奈半岛及沙特 *** 西北部之间。它长期以来在中东具有重要的战略性 4. A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula. 莱思角加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸 mirage: 海市蜃楼,幻想 例句与用法: 1. A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉. 2. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景. 3. The heat reflect from the white sand forme a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景。 matinee:日场演出 Could you give us one more matine Their matinee was very successful

Matisyahu ft. Akon - one day - 的歌词,我看到很多人盲目复制粘贴就算。


Use "trowel" "circumference" "quench" "lubricate" "peninsula" "mirage" "matinee" to make sentense

Tom, the best Trowel man on the Peninsula, was asked to repair Susan"s garden wall in the afternoon. Actually, he had planned to attend the Abby Matinee to see the choirmaster. This work quenched smoking flax! He had not used his circumference tape for months, so he lubricated it before scaling the wall. Suddenly, he sew a mirage over the sea. He found the master was there!



make no remarks中remark为什么是复数


帮忙翻译:One Taste Is All It Takes.....

one kiss is all it takes翻译

one kiss is all it takes翻译是只需要一个吻。one kiss is all it takes是一句歌词,出自《One Kiss》,是Calvin Harris和Dua Lipa合作演唱的一首新歌,节奏感超级强,很受欢迎。Dua Lipa (杜娃·黎波)简介中文名:杜娃·黎波;国籍:英国;出生地:英国伦敦;生日:1995年8月22日;职业:歌手 词曲作者 模特。简介:杜娃·黎波(英语:Dua Lipa,1995年8月22日),英国歌手、词曲作者和模特。她的音乐生涯起步于14岁,当时她在YouTube上翻唱粉红佳人和妮莉·费塔朵等艺人的歌曲。2015年,她签约华纳音乐,不久后发布个人第一首单曲。2016年12月,黎波委托《混音器杂志》制作的个人纪录片《看见蓝》(See in Blue)发布。2017年1月,她赢得EBBA大众选择奖。2017年6月2日,与她同名的首张录音室专辑发布。Calvin Harris (卡尔文·哈里斯)简介中文名:加尔文u2022哈里斯;国籍:英国;出生地:英国,苏格兰地区,丹弗里斯镇;生日:1984年1月17日;职业:歌手、DJ,制作人。代表作:《Feel So Close》,《We Found Love》,《We"ll Be Coming Back》,《Summer》,《Faith》,《Outside》简介:Calvin Harris是一位来自英国苏格兰的创作歌手、音乐制作人和DJ。在2007年他以单曲《Acceptable in the 80s》出道,开始引起主流媒体的注意。至今,他已发行了三张录音室专辑,并为许多国际巨星制作了多首热门单曲。2011年底,由Calvin Harris一手创作并制作,由巴巴多斯小天后Rihanna演唱的《We Found Love》获得了全球范围内的巨大成功,也为Calvin Harris迅速打开了知名度。现在他已是全球炙手可热的流行舞曲制作人,在2014年全球百大DJ排名中名列第11位。

有没有开始讨厌breaking bad的Mr White的




breaking bad第四季最后一集吉他曲 谁知道名字?


hi最近在看breaking bad, 想找第二季第十集片尾那首歌,就是您之前也找过的,后来看你找到了,能分享下吗


breaking bad eating habits 翻译


breaking bad mike最后死了吗




求 breaking bad 第一季结束时的那首歌

Beautiful Emile"Performed by Keziah Joneshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2udvJTllck

如何评价《Breaking Bad》里 Jesse Pinkman 这个人物

一点愚见:Jesse是推动五季剧情的主线的一个正常人。1.老白是遇到小粉以后才意识到自己可以走上快速致富之路【此处老白内心渴望被激发】2.S01E02中,两人第一次处理尸体时小粉不顾警告将氢氟酸倒进浴缸,以此激发了两人第一次矛盾同时猎奇的剧情也带来了看点【小粉那种大大咧咧的性格第一次凸显】3.S01E04小粉掩盖弟弟抽大麻的事实同时也给自己背了黑锅【这个点其实有很重要的意义,为今后小粉孤独无助众叛亲离埋下了第一层伏笔】【背黑锅也可以侧面看出小粉常年离家对家庭成员的愧疚和补偿心态】4.S01E06全剧第一个大燃点,两人共同制毒。同时小粉寻找到的经销商Tuco也将剧情推进第一个主线Boss。5.S02E04小粉被父母赶出家门同时找不到朋友家留宿【孤独无助众叛亲离又加了一层,这也为之后他痛下决心跟着老白埋下了情感铺垫】S02E06-13小粉无能爆发,使两人又背上了人命。加上小粉第一个女友Jane吸毒过量致死而导致她的父亲恍惚造成交通事故。 于是两人在这条路上已然没有回头路。期间两人的心情犹如坐过山车一般既刺激又胆颤,编剧同时又巧妙地将以后三季需要的伏笔在此时塞进。至此,两季完结,就像海参包对break bad的解释,那种误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的心情,窃以为,需要观众看完以后细细体会的。第三季开始,小粉作为推动剧情的作用开始降低,所有人物的铺垫都基本完成,巨大滚轮已经能开始自己旋转起来,同时也带领剧情推向最大boss Gus炸鸡哥。其后剧情也大致如此,每当两人走入正规时,编剧总能利用小粉不露痕迹地开始破坏。比如,认识单身妈妈Andrea以及其后与Gus起冲突至第五季带来的剧情。窃猜测,正因为编剧利用小粉做下太多伏笔,所以人物性格上的把握和塑造会不太自然。第四季后期至第五季,会让有些观众觉得小粉太误事太猪队友,更细心一点的人会觉得小粉智商忽高忽低,这些都是人物性格不明确所带来的。不过同时编剧还是巧妙地修补了大的性格问题,比如说当小粉知道老白给Brock用铃兰花下毒以及之后那种超乎常人的愤怒。在这点上,我后来细细思索,是有道理的。因为下毒只是小粉愤怒的一部分原因,主要原因还是在这件事是老白做的,是老白在利用他。这又要提到之前所说的,小粉被众叛亲离以后的心路历程,期间小粉对老白的感情亦师亦友,更有点重若父亲。这对于性格直接的小粉是十分残忍的,这就像天塌了一般,人生最后一根稻草已经断了。这也就不难理解为什么后来小粉做出扔钱等无所谓的事情。当然,剧情的最绝妙之处,窃以为,是在S05E16大结局这集,有个细节的剪辑很精彩:小粉正在认真打磨一个木盒子,之后还抱着盒子久思不言。网上说法以及TALKING BAD里有解释说是他以前做过一个木盒子,可惜那个盒子被拿去换大麻了。我却觉得应该还有更深沉的意味,可惜找不到证据。至今也只能有不明觉厉的感觉。手机打的写的比较乱请见谅,最近刚看完绝命毒师,觉得大部分观众都没有身临其境地在那种草木皆兵的环境里待过,在那样环境里做出任何事都是情有可原,所以也就无可厚非。只是一点愚见。

如何评价《Breaking Bad》里 Jesse Pinkman 这个人物

breaking bad这句话什么意思?

“Breaking Bad”一词来源于美国南方的一句俚语"Break Bad"。主要的意思是:用来描述那些误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的行为及心情

break bad的意思是什么?

From 维基词典break bad有两种意思:事情或人的命运走下坡路, to go downhill.特指人变坏,(of a person)to go bad, to turn toward immorality or crime. 这来自于美国南方的俚语。breaking bad这部美剧,作者Vince Gilligan说 break bad 的意思是 to raise hell , to raise hell的意思是饮酒狂欢。作者本身并不知道 break bad 在美国南方俚语中的意思。下面这一段来自Time杂志:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/23/breaking-bad-what-does-that-phrase-actually-mean/Show creator Vince Gilligan has said that he had thought it was a commonly used phrase when he decided to use it as a title, not knowing that the expression was a Southern regionalism from the area in Virginia from which he hails. It means “to raise hell,” he says, as in “I was out the other night at the bar…and I really broke bad.”

breaking bad什么意思呀

breaking bad是美剧《绝命毒师》。“Breaking Bad”这个词来源于美国南方的一句谚语“Break Bad”,主要用来描述那些误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的行为及心情。breaking 此处同 breaking news 中的breaking,突如其来的,突发的。《绝命毒师》有很多不同版本的译名,制毒师、超越罪恶等。“绝命毒师”这个译名算得上贴切,但不免显得浮于表面,平平无奇。“超越罪恶”则和全剧的基本内容和编剧和演员试图传达的信息大相径庭,让人怀疑译者缺失基本的素养,只是望文生义而已。扩展资料:《绝命毒师》是一部题材泛黑的剧集,男主角老白是一名安分守己的中学化学老师,他生命的转折点出现在当他得知他身患肺癌不久于人世那一时刻。为了让妻儿在自己死后能有一个富足的生活,他决定利用自己的化学知识来制造和贩卖冰毒,开始了一场逐渐失控的疯狂之旅。整体来看,《绝命毒师》一直是很冷静的叙事。绝没有煽情或过度渲染气氛的成分,但就是在这种漠然之中,观众却能够感受到其中充满了杀机和焦灼的剧情张力。可以说,就算是幽默,《绝命毒师》也不是靠语言和人物表情之类的外在化手段来实现的,而是渗透在其情节和弥漫在整部作品中对人性的自嘲之中的。参考资料来源:百度百科-绝命毒师参考资料来源:百度翻译-Breaking Bad

breaking bad是什么意思

From 维基词典break bad有两种意思:事情或人的命运走下坡路, to go downhill.特指人变坏,(of a person)to go bad, to turn toward immorality or crime. 这来自于美国南方的俚语。breaking bad这部美剧,作者Vince Gilligan说 break bad 的意思是 to raise hell , to raise hell的意思是饮酒狂欢。作者本身并不知道 break bad 在美国南方俚语中的意思。下面这一段来自Time杂志:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/23/breaking-bad-what-does-that-phrase-actually-mean/Show creator Vince Gilligan has said that he had thought it was a commonly used phrase when he decided to use it as a title, not knowing that the expression was a Southern regionalism from the area in Virginia from which he hails. It means “to raise hell,” he says, as in “I was out the other night at the bar…and I really broke bad.”

breaking bad什么意思?

From 维基词典break bad有两种意思:事情或人的命运走下坡路, to go downhill.特指人变坏,(of a person)to go bad, to turn toward immorality or crime. 这来自于美国南方的俚语。breaking bad这部美剧,作者Vince Gilligan说 break bad 的意思是 to raise hell , to raise hell的意思是饮酒狂欢。作者本身并不知道 break bad 在美国南方俚语中的意思。下面这一段来自Time杂志:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/23/breaking-bad-what-does-that-phrase-actually-mean/Show creator Vince Gilligan has said that he had thought it was a commonly used phrase when he decided to use it as a title, not knowing that the expression was a Southern regionalism from the area in Virginia from which he hails. It means “to raise hell,” he says, as in “I was out the other night at the bar…and I really broke bad.”

break bad什么意思?

From 维基词典break bad有两种意思:事情或人的命运走下坡路, to go downhill.特指人变坏,(of a person)to go bad, to turn toward immorality or crime. 这来自于美国南方的俚语。breaking bad这部美剧,作者Vince Gilligan说 break bad 的意思是 to raise hell , to raise hell的意思是饮酒狂欢。作者本身并不知道 break bad 在美国南方俚语中的意思。下面这一段来自Time杂志:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/23/breaking-bad-what-does-that-phrase-actually-mean/Show creator Vince Gilligan has said that he had thought it was a commonly used phrase when he decided to use it as a title, not knowing that the expression was a Southern regionalism from the area in Virginia from which he hails. It means “to raise hell,” he says, as in “I was out the other night at the bar…and I really broke bad.”

breaking bad中文译名是啥?

breaking bad是美剧《绝命毒师》。“Breaking Bad”这个词来源于美国南方的一句谚语“Break Bad”,主要用来描述那些误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的行为及心情。breaking 此处同 breaking news 中的breaking,突如其来的,突发的。《绝命毒师》有很多不同版本的译名,制毒师、超越罪恶等。“绝命毒师”这个译名算得上贴切,但不免显得浮于表面,平平无奇。“超越罪恶”则和全剧的基本内容和编剧和演员试图传达的信息大相径庭,让人怀疑译者缺失基本的素养,只是望文生义而已。扩展资料:《绝命毒师》是一部题材泛黑的剧集,男主角老白是一名安分守己的中学化学老师,他生命的转折点出现在当他得知他身患肺癌不久于人世那一时刻。为了让妻儿在自己死后能有一个富足的生活,他决定利用自己的化学知识来制造和贩卖冰毒,开始了一场逐渐失控的疯狂之旅。整体来看,《绝命毒师》一直是很冷静的叙事。绝没有煽情或过度渲染气氛的成分,但就是在这种漠然之中,观众却能够感受到其中充满了杀机和焦灼的剧情张力。可以说,就算是幽默,《绝命毒师》也不是靠语言和人物表情之类的外在化手段来实现的,而是渗透在其情节和弥漫在整部作品中对人性的自嘲之中的。参考资料来源:百度百科-绝命毒师参考资料来源:百度翻译-Breaking Bad



谁知道这是美剧《绝命毒师》第几集的内容?制毒师/Breaking Bad


绝命毒师(breaking bad)第三季第十三集里gale在家里放的那段音乐叫什么名字?


绝命毒师 /breaking bad 里 Jane和Jesse Pinkman一起去看谁的画展?

the Georgia O"Keefe exhibitBreaking Bad Season 3 Episode 11"Abiquiu"

《绝命毒师》(《Breaking Bad》)主角Walter开的是什么车?

庞蒂克aztek。生产厂家:通用汽车 汽车品牌:旁蒂克【全部车型】 厂家报价: 国外2.15万(美元)

如何评价《Breaking Bad》里 Jesse Pinkman 这个人物

本来是个第一季就死的人 没想到这孩子演技太棒太出乎人意料了 于是就一直陪伴了老白5季 只能说他还是个孩子吧 从头到尾都有自己坚守的底线 没有像老白一样变坏 而是在好与坏中寻找着自己的人生意义的人 他就是我们每个人吧 每个人最单纯的一面 经常闯祸 碰上大事又做不了主 最喜欢的还是第五季最后一集里金黄色的夕阳照耀着几年前的小粉 温柔地抱着自己亲手做的木箱子 一个相似剪辑 就把一切都拉回现实

求 美剧绝命毒师breaking bad 第2季第10集片尾曲


breaking bad 为什么叫白老师

国内应该是翻译成 绝命毒师白老师的话,应该是因为男一号是化学老师, Mr. Whitewhite 是白色的意思, 但做姓的时候应该翻译成怀特老师比较恰当

breaking bad 结局老白是被小粉误伤死了吗?


寻《绝命毒师》(breaking bad)第二季第9集插曲歌名及演唱者

Good Morning Freedom-Blue Minkhttp://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/3482274/希望我的回答对您有帮助请采纳【最佳答案】请公平对待,尊重我的劳动成果你的支持是对我最大的肯定谢谢

如何评价《Breaking Bad》里 Jesse Pinkman 这个人物


如何评价《Breaking Bad》里 Jesse Pinkman 这个人物

一点愚见:Jesse是推动五季剧情的主线的一个正常人。1.老白是遇到小粉以后才意识到自己可以走上快速致富之路【此处老白内心渴望被激发】2.S01E02中,两人第一次处理尸体时小粉不顾警告将氢氟酸倒进浴缸,以此激发了两人第一次矛盾同时猎奇的剧情也带来了看点【小粉那种大大咧咧的性格第一次凸显】3.S01E04小粉掩盖弟弟抽大麻的事实同时也给自己背了黑锅【这个点其实有很重要的意义,为今后小粉孤独无助众叛亲离埋下了第一层伏笔】【背黑锅也可以侧面看出小粉常年离家对家庭成员的愧疚和补偿心态】4.S01E06全剧第一个大燃点,两人共同制毒。同时小粉寻找到的经销商Tuco也将剧情推进第一个主线Boss。5.S02E04小粉被父母赶出家门同时找不到朋友家留宿【孤独无助众叛亲离又加了一层,这也为之后他痛下决心跟着老白埋下了情感铺垫】S02E06-13小粉无能爆发,使两人又背上了人命。加上小粉第一个女友Jane吸毒过量致死而导致她的父亲恍惚造成交通事故。 于是两人在这条路上已然没有回头路。期间两人的心情犹如坐过山车一般既刺激又胆颤,编剧同时又巧妙地将以后三季需要的伏笔在此时塞进。至此,两季完结,就像海参包对break bad的解释,那种误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的心情,窃以为,需要观众看完以后细细体会的。第三季开始,小粉作为推动剧情的作用开始降低,所有人物的铺垫都基本完成,巨大滚轮已经能开始自己旋转起来,同时也带领剧情推向最大boss Gus炸鸡哥。其后剧情也大致如此,每当两人走入正规时,编剧总能利用小粉不露痕迹地开始破坏。比如,认识单身妈妈Andrea以及其后与Gus起冲突至第五季带来的剧情。窃猜测,正因为编剧利用小粉做下太多伏笔,所以人物性格上的把握和塑造会不太自然。第四季后期至第五季,会让有些观众觉得小粉太误事太猪队友,更细心一点的人会觉得小粉智商忽高忽低,这些都是人物性格不明确所带来的。不过同时编剧还是巧妙地修补了大的性格问题,比如说当小粉知道老白给Brock用铃兰花下毒以及之后那种超乎常人的愤怒。在这点上,我后来细细思索,是有道理的。因为下毒只是小粉愤怒的一部分原因,主要原因还是在这件事是老白做的,是老白在利用他。这又要提到之前所说的,小粉被众叛亲离以后的心路历程,期间小粉对老白的感情亦师亦友,更有点重若父亲。这对于性格直接的小粉是十分残忍的,这就像天塌了一般,人生最后一根稻草已经断了。这也就不难理解为什么后来小粉做出扔钱等无所谓的事情。当然,剧情的最绝妙之处,窃以为,是在S05E16大结局这集,有个细节的剪辑很精彩:小粉正在认真打磨一个木盒子,之后还抱着盒子久思不言。网上说法以及TALKING BAD里有解释说是他以前做过一个木盒子,可惜那个盒子被拿去换大麻了。我却觉得应该还有更深沉的意味,可惜找不到证据。至今也只能有不明觉厉的感觉。手机打的写的比较乱请见谅,最近刚看完绝命毒师,觉得大部分观众都没有身临其境地在那种草木皆兵的环境里待过,在那样环境里做出任何事都是情有可原,所以也就无可厚非。只是一点愚见。


第一,jesse 是 walt 的学生。老师对自己的学生多少还是会有点感情的。而另外两个毒贩对walt来说就是badboy,所以那个场景里,人的第一反应会是保护认识的人的。而当时walt在车里,或者说在驾驶汽车,而jesse双方已经剑拔弩张了,那种情况下只能用车去撞。第二,walt 说 jesse 是他唯一可以信任的人,因为jesse很听他的话,用gus和mike的话讲,jesse很忠诚。这是walt看上jesse来完成自己愿望的KEY。you know?恩,但是我觉得这个电视剧让我看的快人格分裂了。前一分钟还生死相依的2人马上下一个场景就能大打出手,然后再下一分钟又好的跟亲爷俩儿一样,然后再下一分钟,MD居然又打起来了,希望致对方死地,而就这样希望对方死的情况下,gus要杀他们其中一个,另一个居然不答应。what‘s the fucking going on !

breaking bad 什么意思

Breaking Bad”这个词来源于美国南方的一句谚语“Break Bad”,主要用来描述那些误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的行为及心情。剧名“Breaking Bad”说明本剧是描写的是男主Walter由一个正人君子变成一个罪犯的过程。

下面这句话中“must have taken”是虚拟语气的用法么?“must”可以用作为构成虚拟语气的情态动词么?

不是。虚拟语气是说 想象。 判定/推断(estimation)和想象(imagination)不同, 是完全区分的概念, 判断是根据实际条件/正常情况来的,想象是根据虚假条件/极不可能的情况来的。那么这些 组合 都有 两种用法 表示 判断 或者 是想象。 我们可以用 情态动词+have+done 推断(could have,should have,might have,may have)/判定(would have,must have)过去的情况,此时依据的是 真实条件/正常情况。也可以用它们来进行 想象,此时依据的条件是 虚假的 if clause,without,或者是有转折的条件but..., 这时候就会和真实情况产生违背,因为只有不同 才会去想象。用你的话做个例子I thought you must have finished your home work last night.说这句话你是根据正常情况来判定的话,那他极大概率是完成了。此时叫判定(推断)又比如 10 years ago i would have been a little girl. (判定) 这明显是和事实符合的。如果是根据 虚假条件,转折条件,这就会和现实相违背。I thought you must have finished your home work last night if u had not been taken out by ur sister. 此时这就叫想象。当然并不是所有的话,都必须有 if 什么的,但是通过当时情景 可以知道 他说这句话是什么意思。 比如she would have apologized to u. 这句话,你打电话和对方说,表示你根据正常情况判断,她会跟你道歉,现实是 她很大概率确实道歉了,也有可能没道歉。但是 这个 “she”要是死了走丢了,此时你说这句话的含义是,你在想象一个虚假的条件she woulda apologized to u (if she were here/ if she were still alive). 这就是现实里 她并没道歉。其实我很不清楚 为什么很多人说话 用到 这些 组合的时候 总是会在乎 客观是不是真的发生了。完全没有关系

Breaking Bad 这个名字是什么意思

Breaking Bad”意思是 绝命毒师。这个词来源于美国南方的一句谚语“Break Bad”,主要用来描述那些误入歧途的人在正与邪之间挣扎的行为及心情。剧名“Breaking Bad”说明本剧是描写的是男主Walter由一个正人君子变成一个罪犯的过程。

美剧《breaking bad》的中文翻译为什么是绝命毒师?


breaking bad什么意思

breaking bad 绝命毒师;超越罪恶;制毒师例句筛选1.A frantic, non-linear journey for AMC"s new original series Breaking Bad.一个疯狂的,非线形的旅程为AMC的一系列新的原始的坏。2.When breaking bad habits like smoking, people often say that they are cooking cold chocolate, do you know what this experience means?当改掉像吸烟这样的坏习惯时,人们常说这好像非常难,你知道这种经验的意思吗?

breaking bad是什么意思?

From 维基词典break bad有两种意思:事情或人的命运走下坡路, to go downhill.特指人变坏,(of a person)to go bad, to turn toward immorality or crime. 这来自于美国南方的俚语。breaking bad这部美剧,作者Vince Gilligan说 break bad 的意思是 to raise hell , to raise hell的意思是饮酒狂欢。作者本身并不知道 break bad 在美国南方俚语中的意思。下面这一段来自Time杂志:http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/23/breaking-bad-what-does-that-phrase-actually-mean/Show creator Vince Gilligan has said that he had thought it was a commonly used phrase when he decided to use it as a title, not knowing that the expression was a Southern regionalism from the area in Virginia from which he hails. It means “to raise hell,” he says, as in “I was out the other night at the bar…and I really broke bad.”

5. — Must I take a taxi?


Must I take a taxi?

C don"t have to

removed和take out的区别

都有去掉的意思,但removed是搬离啊,拿开的意思,take out是扣除的意思


不是“zake”,而是“Zeke”(泽克)在二战中,美国习惯给日本飞机起名字,一般将男子名用于战斗机,女子名用于轰炸机比如,三菱的J2M Raiden (雷电, "Thunderbolt")被叫作"Jack"而G4M一式陆攻被叫作“Betty”但是零式飞机的“Zeke”绰号没有流行起来,大多数人还是习惯叫它 A6M "Zero(零)"


1.I looked it up and it can be another spelling for zachary spelt zakeary. But i also got Zake: Census, Australia 2004 so maybe its an austrailian name2.Zachary means "God has remembered". I"ve never heard of the name Zake though.3.Zake could be short for Ezakeil....(E.Zay.Key.el) which is usually spelled Ezekiel and means Strength of God.


compile:编译选定的目标,非增量编译make:编译选定的目标, 增量编译build:编译整个工程,非增量编译,往往是release版本

must i take a taxi什么意思

must i take a taxi我必须搭乘出租车吗?

Faker的《Hurricane》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane歌手:Faker专辑:Addicted RomanticJamie Lidell - HurricaneWell I was walking down... before I got into the stationHoping my private life is getting the slang translationReceiving these mixed messages nowFrom a mixed messengerI was talking so loud that you know I don"t even careBut if you do,You guess you know what I"m about to sayStraight outta nothingInto a hurricaneAnd now we"re back to nothingSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the sameI was trapped in the darkness of a subway trainHoping you shoot me down,Before I talk myself insaneModel I overdosed on you,On the monorailI was grabbing the wheel,Because it must be an afro maleHiNow I don"t really a little knowIf you believe me to let me beBut if you do,You guess you know what I"m about to sayStraight outta nothingInto a hurricaneAnd now we"re back to nothingSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the sameAaaah Aaah AaahOh oh OohhStraight outta nothingInto a hurricaneAnd now we"re back to nothingSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the sameSome of the things don"t seem the samehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2866324

w-inds 的 break down,build up 的歌词中文是什么意思?

【歌词】 Break Down,Build Up Sumuu no kanjou uzumeku street noizu ni kaki kesaresouna voice 无数感情漩涡street彷佛连噪音都被清除的voice Wasuru hazu no nai nioi mo itsudatte genten datta first place 应该是不会忘记的味道也不知在何时回归到原点first place Me no mae no kaidan nobotte toono ita youni mieta one day 走上眼前的楼梯好像可看到远方的one day Sore demo mata kaeru bashotte kekkyoku hitotsu dake no my origin 即使如此所谓的归处到头来只有一个my origin Nani wo te ni irete nani wo ushinai shikousakugo kurikaesu every night 得到什么失去什么不断重复着常式和失败的every night Sono naka de sagashiateta kakegaenai ima toiu shunkan no style 在这之中找寻到的就是无可取代所谓现在这瞬间的style Kizukiageta mono kowasu yuuki sore wa mirai wo umidasu tame no 将砌筑好的成果予以毁坏的勇气那是为了要酝酿未来的 Hitsuyou na katei dakara I wanna see the light, so follow me…come on! 必经过程I wanna see the light,so follow me...come on! Break down the road I"ve walked, and Build up the brand-new road Changing my history, and Chasing my history Kakageta risou kaserareta mission 高举的理想被交付的责任mission Hitotsu ni majiwatte make the place of dream 交错成一个make the place of dream Sore demo kawaranai kanjou itsu no jidai mo mabushii yoake 即使如此不曾改变的感情任何时代都很要耀眼的黎明 Nokoshite okitai subete wa kakae kirenai hodo de 想保存下来所有犹如无法抱拥般地 Aisubeki hito ga iru kara ashita wo omoiegaku kara 因为有所爱的人存在因为对明天有所描绘 Ima wo eranda kono kimochi kitto wakari aeru 现在所选择的这份心情一定可以被了解的 Anjuu no chi wa mada nozomanai waku ni osamaru koto ga joushiki ja nai 还不敢奢望安稳的场所单纯的收藏并不是常识 Aranami ya heigai dochira demo kawanai todoketai no wa the power of three side 世间的严苛和不好的事情那都无所谓想传达的是the power of three side Shinka e mukerareta bekutoru(vector) uragirenai omoi wa kitto mamoru 朝进化前进的速度一定会守护住这份不被判的心情 Toki ga tatte megutte yagate wa furikaette hajimete kaiketsu sareru true or false 时间的留是巡回最后扔重复着初次被解决的true or false Come on, watch out! Don"t be afraid, I will take you to the light! Break down the road I"ve walked, and Build up the brand-new road Changing my history, and Chasing my history Kakageta risou kaserareta mission 高举的理想被交付的责任mission Hitotsu ni majiwatte make the place of dream 代错成一个make the place of dream Break down the road I"ve waked, and Build up the brand-new road Changing my history, and Chasing my history Mihatenu sekai wa sugu soko ni aru 没有进头的世界就在那儿 Minogasanai youni… 不要错过了... Open up your eyes, your mind Feel the sound, the word You can hear my voice, I wish…



类似Snaki的英文名 急!!!在线等

Catherine 凯瑟琳



snaki 是帅T 为什么胸部看不出来呢




皇甫圣华。 林弯弯。 snaki 。是不是一个人

林弯弯 和snaki 是一个人 皇甫圣华是另一个人不过 林弯弯 和皇甫圣华 是好朋友







Akon—One More Time 歌词及翻译。 Akon,注意。。

One more time one more timeLive it one more time one more timeWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upHey party people put your hands highI know you"re drunk and I know you"re highDon"t lecture me I won"t lecture youOnly got one life you know what to doSo leave your sorrow and your painLeave your fortune and your fameYou can leave it all behind cuz you will never see it againWhen you"re thinking back to this dayI want you to be able to say that you would gladly do it gainGladly do it againWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive it one more time one more timeLive it one more time one more timeYou got a problem that ain"t the placeYou wanna solve it then we"ll reserve the spaceYou rock with me I rock with youOnly got one life you know what to doSo leave your sorrow and your painLeave your fortune and your fameYou can leave it all behind cuz you will never see it againWhen you"re thinking back to this dayI want you to be able to say that you would gladly do it gainGladly do it againWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive it one more time one more timeLive it one more time one more time

谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的

oh baby baby 哦宝贝宝贝 how was i supposed to know 我怎么知道 that something was"t right here 那是没有在这里 oh baby baby 哦宝贝宝贝 i shouldn"t have let you go 我不该让你走 and now you"re out of sight,yeah 而你现在不见了,是的 show me how you want it to be 告诉我你想要的那样 tell me baby 告诉我,亲爱的 "cause i need to know now 因为我需要现在知道 oh because 哦,因为 my loneliness is killing me 我的孤独是杀害我 (and i) i must confess (我)我必须承认 i still believe (still believe) 我还是认为仍然相信) when i"m not with you i lose my mind 当我没有了你,我迷失了我的脑海里 give me a sign 你给我一个证据 hit me baby one more time 婴儿一次打我 oh baby baby 哦宝贝宝贝 the reason i breath is you 我呼吸的原因是你 boy you got me blinded 你让我盲目的男孩 oh pretty baby 哦漂亮婴儿 there"s nothing that i wouldn"t do 没什么,我不会去做的事 it"s not the way i planned it 这不是我的计划 show me how you want it to be 告诉我你想要的那样 tell me baby 告诉我,亲爱的 "cause i need to know now 因为我需要现在知道 oh because 哦,因为 my loneliness is killing me 我的孤独是杀害我 (and i) i must confess (我)我必须承认 i still believe (still believe) 我还是认为仍然相信) when i"m not with you i lose my mind 当我没有了你,我迷失了我的脑海里 please give me a sign 请给我一个证据 hit me baby one more time 婴儿一次打我 (oh baby baby,ooh) (哦,宝贝,宝贝,哦) (oh baby baby yay ,ayeah) (哦,宝贝,宝贝ayeah耶~ ~) oh baby baby 哦宝贝宝贝 how was i supposed to know 我怎么知道 oh pretty baby 哦漂亮婴儿 i shouldn"t have let you go 我不该让你走 i must confess 我必须承认 that my loneliness is killing me now 我的孤独是杀害我了 don"t you know i still believe 难道你不知道我仍然相信 that you will be here 你就在这里 and give me a sign 和你给我一个证据 hit me baby one more time 婴儿一次打我 my loneliness is killing me 我的孤独是杀害我 (and i) i must confess (我)我必须承认 i still believe (still believe) 我还是认为仍然相信) when i"m not with you i lose my mind 当我没有了你,我迷失了我的脑海里 give me a sign 你给我一个证据 hit me baby one more time 婴儿一次打我 i must confess that 我必须承认 my loneliness is killing me now 我的孤独是杀害我了 don"t you know 难道你不知道 i still believe 我仍然相信 that you will be here 你就在这里 and give me a sign 和你给我一个证据 hit me baby one more time 婴儿一次打我

As we make our great espace now是哪首歌的歌词


when you wake up的歌词,kyle christopher唱得。急求。

When you wake upWhen you wake upI can see your hurt, See your sorry.I Know the phase, I Know the story.When hope is fading out, You can trust me I"ll be thereWhen pain is screaming loud, I"llI will wake, To be watching over youDon"t you worry, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upDon"t you worry, I will be there,yeah yeah yeahWhen you wake up.Try to forget, Try to forgiveHeyTry to move on, Try to liveWhen hope is fading out, You can turn to me and sayThis is more than I can possibly take.I will wake, To be watching over youI will wake, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upWhen you wake up.Keep fighting every day,Takes a lot of timeAnd it"s only in your mindKeep fighting every dayLook inside yourself be strongBecause from here it won"t take longUntil you wake upUntil you wake up.Until you wake up, hey~I will wake, to be watching over youI will wake, I"m never taking my eyes off of youFall asleep now, I will be there when you wake upDon"t you worry, I will be there,yeah yeah yeahWhen you wake up.When you wake up.


one of a kind 英[wʌn ɔv ə kaind] 美[wʌn ʌv e kaɪnd] [词典] Kind这个字有很多解释; 在这里; 它的意思是:一个类别。任何人要是成为one of a kind那就等于是:只此一家; 那当然就很特殊; [例句]She"s a very unusual woman, one of a kind.她是个非常与众不同的女人,是独一无二的。





the new to take place

The new(主语) is (系动词)to take the place of the old(不定时短语作表语) 这是be+ 不定式(to+ 动词原形) 结构,常用来表将来,或是一些情态意味“应该,必须,必然”等


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