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make-up 翻译


make up用法,常用的

make up几个含义及用法:(1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.Not having a good excuse, Sally made one up.(2)弥补、把…补上。弥补的内容为某人之前失去的东西或没有按时完成的事情。John must make up the work he missed.Because you were ill, you"ll have to make up the final exam.We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.(3)构成。其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。Nine players make up a team.Different qualities make up a person"s character.The audience was made up of very young children.(4)化装、打扮。化装或打扮的部位是脸部,可同时作不及物动词和及物动词。The actors were making (themselves) up when we arrived.These days many girls make up when they are still quite young.(5)凑足、补足。意为凑足或补足所需的数目。The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference.We need one more player --- will you make the number?

make–up 什么意思?

make up构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。

make up的用法是什么?

make up意思是合成,构成。比如make up an prescription 组成(医生的)处方。make up其他意思补充 如下:1、构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉:She made up for the part of an old woman.她化装扮演一个老妇人。Mary was slightly made up.玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。

make up的用法

make up的用法介绍如下:make up意思是合成,构成。比如make up an prescription 组成(医生的)处方。make up其他意思补充如下:1、构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。

make up的意思都有什么?

21世纪大英汉词典make up1. 构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉:She made up for the part of an old woman.她化装扮演一个老妇人。Mary was slightly made up.玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。7. 铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等):We made up our beds immediately after getting up.我们一起床就把床铺整理好。We can make you up a bed on the floor,if you don"t mind.要是你不介意,我们可以为你打个地铺。8. 准备(食物):I"ll make up a packed meal for the journey.我来准备一份供旅途食用的盒饭。9. 完成(订货、定单等);按处方配药;配制(药)合成药剂:The chemist is making up the doctor"s order.药剂师正在根据医生的处方配药。Your job will be to make up the customer"s orders.你的工作就是按订户的订单配齐货物。10. 决定,签订11. 铺设(沥青)路面:The road should be made up this year.这条路应该今年铺设。12. 草拟;结算;清算13. 涨潮14. 凑足,凑满,成为一分子,配齐:He generously made up the necessary amount.他慷慨地凑足了所需的款项。Can you make up a four at tennis.我们打网球三缺一,你能来凑成第四个人吗?15. 捆扎;包扎;打成包;包装,安排:Can you make up these papers into parcels of about ten each?你能按每包10份左右把这些文件捆扎好吗?16. 编辑,编排(版面);拼版:They need someone with experience of making up a page.他们需要一个有编排版面经验的人。17. 缝制(衣服),缝制成衣,裁制:This length of cloth should make up into two pairs of trousers.这段布料可做两条裤子。This material will make up into three dresses.这块料子可以裁制三件衣服。18. 加燃料使火不熄灭,生火:This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every half hour.这种木材烧得很快,每半个小时我们就得添加燃料。The fire needs making up.这火需要添柴。19. 下决心,拿定主意I have made up my mind to go to college.我已经下决心要上大学。20. 重印;换掉21. 体格;性情;特质;天生个性22. 积聚,收集;聚集23. 代替,取代,替换24. 修建;修理;装配 [亦作 makeup]祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~


makeup的七个中文意思:和解、组成、编造、给…化妆、凑足、配(食品、药等)、铺(床)。makeup的例句:Theyneededtomakeupgroundontheircompetitors(他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手)。 扩展资料 makeup的例句:Thepharmacistwillmakeupyourprescription(药剂师会给你依处方配药);They"llhavetomakeuptimelostduringthestrike(他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间)。

make up五个意思 中文翻译是什么

make up释义:组成;补足;化妆;编造;弥补。例如:He leans over backwards to make up for what he has lost.他尽力弥补他的损失。 make up的中文意思 合成,构成 make up an prescription 组成(医生的)处方 组成 7 days makes up a week 1周有7天 化妆 make up face 编造 make up an excuse 编个借口 弥补 how can i make it up for you?我怎么做才能弥补你或者你如何才能原谅我? 整理 make up a room 整理房间 make up双语例句 She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him. 她先前待他不好,这时候想弥补一下。 They"ll have to make up time lost during the strike. 他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间。 Women make up 56% of the student numbers. 女生占学生人数的56%。 They"re both beautiful ─ I can"t make up my mind. 两个都很漂亮——我难以决定。 They needed to make up ground on their competitors. 他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。

make 与make up 有什么区别?

makeupto弥补上什么东西up后面就是少掉的东西补上makeupfor是用什么来弥补.后面跟的是用什么东西来弥补makeupfor补偿;弥补;补救:1、ihavealotoffaultstomakeupfor.我有许多缺点需要弥补。2、whathelacksinspeedhemakesupforinstrength.他的力量弥补了他速度的不足。3、i"llmakeituptoyou,ipromise 我保证,我会补偿你的。4、imustmakeituptohimfortheawfulintrusionoflastnight.因为昨晚过分的打扰,我必须对他有所补偿。5、hisparentsaretryingtomakeuptohimfortherestrictionsofurbanliving 他的父母正试图弥补他在城市生活的局限。

make up的用法总结

make up的用法:1.make up sth for sth;2.make up doing sth。make up的含义有编造、讲和,弥补、偿还等。 扩展资料   make up几个含义及用法   (1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。   The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.   Not having a good excuse, Sally made one up.   (2)弥补、把…补上。弥补的内容为某人之前失去的东西或没有按时完成的"事情。   John must make up the work he missed.   Because you were ill, you"ll have to make up the final exam.   We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.   (3)构成。其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。   Nine players make up a team.   Different qualities make up a person"s character.   The audience was made up of very young children.   (4)化装、打扮。化装或打扮的部位是脸部,可同时作不及物动词和及物动词。   The actors were making (themselves) up when we arrived.   These days many girls make up when they are still quite young.   (5)凑足、补足。意为凑足或补足所需的数目。   The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference.   We need one more player --- will you make the number?

makeup什么意思中文 makeup翻译

1、make up的意思:组成;补足;化妆;编造2、短语:(1)make-up man 化装师 ; 化妆师 ; 化妆人员(2)make-up depreciation 增补折旧费 ; 补差折旧费 ; 增补折旧费,补差折旧费(3)bridal make-up 新娘化装 ; 新娘化妆

make up什么意思中文翻译

make up意思是合成,构成。比如make up an prescription 组成(医生的)处方。make up其他意思补充 如下:1、构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉:She made up for the part of an old woman.她化装扮演一个老妇人。Mary was slightly made up.玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。

makeup什么意思中文 makeup翻译

1、make up的意思:组成;补足;化妆;编造 2、短语: (1)make-up man 化装师 ; 化妆师 ; 化妆人员 (2)make-up depreciation 增补折旧费 ; 补差折旧费 ; 增补折旧费,补差折旧费 (3)bridal make-up 新娘化装 ; 新娘化妆

make up的七个中文意思

make up的意思是:和解;组成;构成;编造,虚构(故事、借口等);给…化妆;为…打扮;凑足,补齐(数量);(加班)补足,补上(耽误的时间);配(食品、药等);铺(床);搭(铺) 扩展资料 例句: 1、I think it"s very unkind of you to make up stories about him. 我认为你编造关于他的`故事是很不友好的。 2、They"ll have to make up time lost during the strike. 他们将不得不补上因罢工失去的时间。

make up五个意思是什么?

make up五个意思是:和解;组成;构成;编造,虚构(故事、借口等);给…化妆;为…打扮;凑足,补齐(数量);(加班)补足,补上(耽误的时间);配(食品、药等);铺(床);搭(铺)。make up的用法:make up sth for sth;make up doing sth。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词;弥补的内容为某人之前失去的东西或没有按时完成的事情;其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。例句:1、I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。2、It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3、He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4、Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。5、They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。

set up和make up怎么区分?

make uP: (常用的应该是:弥补,化妆和编造这三个) n. 弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑, 做, 制造,创造, 起草, 制定, 设置, 征收, 准备例句与用法: 1. I tried to make up for my loss. 我力图补偿我的损失。 2. No benefactions and research endowments can make up for the change in character which the city has suffered. 任何捐款和研究基金也弥补不了这个大学城所遭受的特性的变化。 3. Pay increases will not always make up for poor working conditions. 工资的增长并不总能够弥补恶劣的工作环境之不足。 4. Saying you are sorry won"t make up the damage of breaking the vase. 光说对不起补偿不了你打破花瓶的损失。 5. Let"s make up. 让我们言归于好吧。 6. She tired to make up to the boss. 她想讨好老板。 7. I can"t make up my mind. 我下不了决心。 8. Farm workers make up only a small section of the population. 农民只占人口的一小部分.set up KK: [ ] DJ: [ ] 1. 竖立;建造 2. 建立,创立 A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。 及物动词

makeup英语什么意思 makeup什么意思

1、n. 化妆品;组成;补充;补考。2、读音:英 [me?k?p] 、美 [mek,?p] 3、MakeUp Instrument 化妆模拟器 ; 数码照片化妆工具 ; 彩妆仪器;4、Superbalanced Makeup 均衡粉底 ; 倩碧均衡粉底 ; 光影液 ; 衡粉底;5、Makeup Cotton 化妆棉;6、Wear Makeup 穿衣化妆小游戏 ; 化妆 ; 擦脂粉 ; 穿妆。

makeup, make up 和make-up 有什么区别

makeup 名词 英 [meu026aku028cp] 美 ["mek,u028cp] n. 化妆品;组成;补充;补考make up 动词组成;补足;化妆;编造make-up 名词 美 [meku028cp] n. 化妆品;(美)补考;性格;构造;排版makeup是名词,但是英语和中文一样,词语可以活用,更何况活用的时候,makeup还有“打扮”的意思。尽管makeup和make-up都有化妆品的意思,但是给人的第一感觉,makeup表达的“化妆”更深入人心,我举个例子,带有makeup的句子,10个有9个是表达“化妆品,打扮,粉底”的意思,make-up10个有8个表达的是“组成,构成的意思”(尽管它也有化妆的意思)就好像中文的“汉堡”这个词,一说汉堡,你肯定会先想到“汉堡包”这个食品,而非德国的“汉堡”这个城市。尽管它这两个意思都有。也就是说,makeup对于“化妆”的意思更加深入人心

make up是什么意思

make up的中文释义为组成;补足;化妆;编造。

team work makes the dream work,什么意思


make up什么意思

make up意思是合成,构成。比如make up an prescription 组成(医生的)处方。make up其他意思补充 如下:1、构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉:She made up for the part of an old woman.她化装扮演一个老妇人。Mary was slightly made up.玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。

makeup, make up 和make-up 有什么区别


take up与make up的区别

take up v. 拿起, 开始从事, 继续, 吸收, 责备, 拘留, 占据, 认购 make uP: (常用的应该是:弥补,化妆和编造这三个) n. 弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑, 做, 制造,创造, 起草, 制定, 设置, 征收, 准备


编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。 弥补、把…补上。弥补的内容为某人之前失去的东西或没有按时完成的事情。 构成。其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。 化装、打扮。化装或打扮的部位是脸部,可同时作不及物动词和及物动词。 扩展资料   Women make up 56% of the student numbers.   女生占学生人数的56%。   They"re both beautiful ─ I can"t make up my mind.   两个都很漂亮——我难以决定。   They needed to make up ground on their competitors.   他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。   Muslims make up 55% of the population.   穆斯林占人口的55%。   The pharmacist will make up your prescription.   药剂师会给你依处方配药。


Makeup这个单词有多种意思,具体含义取决于上下文语境。下面是几种可能的解释:化妆:Makeup在口语中通常指化妆品或化妆。例如:She always spends a lot of time on her makeup before going out.(她总是在出门前花很多时间化妆。)补救;弥补:Makeup也可以表示补救或弥补某事物。例如:I"m sorry I missed your birthday party. Let me take you out for dinner to makeup for it.(很抱歉错过了你的生日聚会,让我请你吃晚餐来弥补吧。)组合,配搭:Makeup还可以指某些东西的组成方式,通常与of连用。例如:The team"s success is a makeup of their hard work and good teamwork.(团队的成功是由于他们的努力工作和良好的团队合作所组成的。)完成;准备好:在口语中,make up可以表示完成或准备好某事物。例如:I"ll make up the bed before we go to sleep.(我们睡觉前我会整理床铺。)请点击输入图片描述总之,Makeup这个单词的含义有很多种,需要根据具体语境进行理解。

make up什么意思中文翻译


make up的意思都有什么?

make up 1. 构成,组成;形成;占: The committee is made up of six women. 委员会由六位妇女组成. This made up 15%of their total income. 这是他们总收入的百分之十五. 2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构: I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along. 我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个. It"s not true. She made it up. 这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的. 3. 和解;言归于好: She is coming to make up with you. 她是来与你和解的. He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day. 他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好. 4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充: His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm. 他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷. They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses. 他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失. 5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上: She soon made up the lessons she had missed. 她很快就把缺的课补上了. Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree. 吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位. 6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉: She made up for the part of an old woman. 她化装扮演一个老妇人. Mary was slightly made up. 玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉. 7. 铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等): We made up our beds immediately after getting up. 我们一起床就把床铺整理好. We can make you up a bed on the floor,if you don"t mind. 要是你不介意,我们可以为你打个地铺. 8. 准备(食物): I"ll make up a packed meal for the journey. 我来准备一份供旅途食用的盒饭. 9. 完成(订货、定单等);按处方配药;配制(药)合成药剂: The chemist is making up the doctor"s order. 药剂师正在根据医生的处方配药. Your job will be to make up the customer"s orders. 你的工作就是按订户的订单配齐货物. 10. 决定,签订 11. 铺设(沥青)路面: The road should be made up this year. 这条路应该今年铺设. 12. 草拟;结算;清算 13. 涨潮 14. 凑足,凑满,成为一分子,配齐: He generously made up the necessary amount. 他慷慨地凑足了所需的款项. Can you make up a four at tennis. 我们打网球三缺一,你能来凑成第四个人吗? 15. 捆扎;包扎;打成包;包装,安排: Can you make up these papers into parcels of about ten each? 你能按每包10份左右把这些文件捆扎好吗? 16. 编辑,编排(版面);拼版: They need someone with experience of making up a page. 他们需要一个有编排版面经验的人. 17. 缝制(衣服),缝制成衣,裁制: This length of cloth should make up into two pairs of trousers. 这段布料可做两条裤子. This material will make up into three dresses. 这块料子可以裁制三件衣服. 18. 加燃料使火不熄灭,生火: This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every half hour. 这种木材烧得很快,每半个小时我们就得添加燃料. The fire needs making up. 这火需要添柴. 19. 下决心,拿定主意 20. 重印;换掉 21. 体格;性情;特质;天生个性 22. 积聚,收集;聚集 23. 代替,取代,替换 24. 修建;修理;装配 [亦作 makeup]

make up的五个中文意思


谁知道make up 的用法?

make up: 1弥补,补偿;赔偿;补足;补<考> 例Make up deficiency bythe surplus截长补短/We must make it up to him somehow.我们得想个办法赔偿他/Make up missed lessons补课      2拼凑成;配制;包装:Make up a prescription配方/Make up books into bundles把书扎成几捆     3排<版>;编辑;<书,表等>;组编     4虚构,捏造<谎言,故事等>     5把<衣片等>缝在一起,缝制     6组成:a book make up of ten chapters由10章组成的一本书/the various groups which make up the society构成社会的各种群体     7[常作make it up]心平气和地解决<分歧>;和解:make it up with sb.和某人讲和/shake hands and make up握手言和     8结算<帐目>;整理<房间等>;准备<床铺等>;包装:make up a bed on the floor for an unexpected guest临时替意外的来客搭地板<make up a bed 指"临时搭起床铺",与make the bed "床铺"有别>     9<给...>化装;<为....>化装     10加燃料使<炉火>不熄;生<火>     11安排<婚姻等>     12洗<牌>     13铺<路面>     14结算<帐目>;开具<会计报表>     15下定<决心>,拿定<主意> /make up for补偿;弥补:make up for lost time 补偿失去的时间/make up for a mistake补救措施/make up to 1向...前进;接近:A fishing boat made up to us.一条渔船驶近我们2巴结;奉承;向<女子>求爱He made up to him aunt for a now computer.他为要一台新电脑而讨好姨妈

make up中文翻译

make up的中文翻译是"化妆"。化妆是改变外观以达到美化或塑造角色的行为。人们通过化妆来修饰、美化或改变自己的容貌。化妆品包括了各种各样的产品,如粉底、口红、眼影、眉笔、睫毛膏等等。化妆品的种类繁多,在不同的场合使用不同的妆容是很重要的。make up除了个人护理方面之外,化妆在表演和舞台艺术中也扮演着重要的角色。在电影、电视和戏剧的制作中,化妆常常被用来改变演员的外貌,从而更好地适应角色的需要。此外,在时尚界和广告业中,化妆也是十分重要的,因为它可以影响产品的形象和销售。总之,化妆在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,让我们更自信、更美丽。

make up的六个意思?


make up的意思和用法。以及词性


make up是什么意思make up在线翻译英语读音用法例句英美

MakeupToday is the second day I went to my grandfather"s house. I came to my old friend Dong Tianyin. He is my best friend. I see they are doing homework, I asked another brainy, he said they in make up a missed lesson, teach Dong Tianyin brother, is a high school student Dong Tianyin brother, summer home the to earn money.I looked at the people more lively, so I went home to call my grandfather also gave me a name. Grandpa said, "this is to ask your father." I quietly oh look, pick up the phone my dad pulled the phone, the call is connected, I said: "Dad, I can not make up a missed lesson here?" Dad said firmly: "no, you are there in class here as makeup makeup." I was in a hurry and asked, "why?"" Dad said: "Grandpa remedial teacher has not read the University, certainly not here the high level of teacher." I think Dad said the truth, said: "well, it is not up to the."Even so, I still feel a little sad, but I do not think anymore.译:补课今天是我到爷爷家的第二天,我来到老朋友董天印家,他是我最好的伙伴。我看见他们正在写作业,我问另一个聪聪,他说他们在补课,是董天印的哥哥教,董天印的哥哥是是高中生,暑假时回家了赚点钱。我看了看觉得人多热闹,于是就回家叫爷爷也给我报个名。爷爷说:“这件事要问一问你爸爸。”我轻声地哦了一下,就拿起电话拔爸爸的手机,电话接通了,我说:“爸爸,我能不能在这里补课?”爸爸坚定地说:“不能,你在那里补课还不如在课这里补课。”我急了,问道:“为什么?”爸爸说:“爷爷那里补课的老师还没有读大学,肯定没有这里的老师水平高。”我觉得爸爸说的有道理,说:“那好吧,就不补了。”虽然如此,我还是觉得有点伤心,不过,我也没有再想了。

“make up”和“ make”有何不同?


make up的用法及例句?

compose,consist of,comprise,constitute, make up 这组动词的一般含义为“组成”或“构成”compose 在表示“由……材料构成”时,见于被动语态;在用于主动语态时,一般它所表示的“构成”或“组成”总包含着融合为一,而且主语或者是复数名词或者是集体名词。Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. 混凝土由水泥、砂、石子与水掺和而构成。England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain. 英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士构成大不列颠岛。Mere facts, badlly stated, do not compose a good book. 仅仅有资料,如果陈述得很糟糕,并不能组成一本好书; consist of 的含义与被动语态的 compose 相同Though the costume consists only of a sheet, it was very effective. 虽然那件化装服装仅由一条床单组成,但效果很好。comprise 在表示“构成”时,其内涵是“包括”或“覆盖”These houses do not comprises all his property. 这些房产并没有构成他的全部财产。The committee comprises men of widely different views. 这个委员会由见解甚为悬殊的人组成。constitute 的主语可以是复数名词也可以是单数名词,所“构成”的事物在属性和特征上,亦或在组织上,与组成成分是一致的This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace. 在这种不断增长的贫困中正在增长着的贫困,构成了对和平的永久的威胁。 Seven days constitutes a week. 七天构成一个星期。make up用部分作主语,表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用被动结构be made up of,这时可以和consist of互换A car is made up of many different parts.

make up 与make up for 的区别

make up弥补上什么东西 up后面就是少掉的东西 补上make up the missed class 补课make up for 是用什么来弥补.后面跟的是用什么东西来弥补 make up for a mistake

Make up 中文的意思?

make up1. 补足We need $50 to make up the sum required. 我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。 2. 编造The whole story is made up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。 3. 组成The medical team was made up of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。 make-up名词 n. 1. 构成;构造[C][U]the make-up of a committee 委员会的结构 2. 性格;气质;体质[C]He has a stolid make-up. 他性情执拗。 3. 化妆;装扮;化妆品[U][C]She seldom puts on make-up. 她很少化妆。 4. 【美】【口】补考[C] 5. 【印】排版;版面[C]

make up 与make up for 区别


求短语 make up 的所有的翻译,最好有例句。谢谢

弥补 编造 组成



make up的每个意思加例句?

和好 ——We argue all right, but we always make up before long.捏造,编造 ——He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework.组成,构成——Women make up 40 percent of the workforce.准备,安排——Could you make up a list of all the things we need?加班补足 (缺工时间)—— They"ll have to make up time lost during the strike. 补考,补修—— Everyone gets a chance to make up tests.望采纳,谢谢

makeup 有化妆品的意思 ,是可数名词,还是不可数?


make 与make up 有什么区别?

makeup 名词英 [meu026aku028cp] 美 ["mek,u028cp] n.化妆品;组成;补充;补考make up 动词组成;补足;化妆;编造make-up 名词美 [meku028cp] n.化妆品;(美)补考;性格;构造;排版makeup是名词,但是英语和中文一样,词语可以活用,更何况活用的时候,makeup还有“打扮”的意思.尽管makeup和make-up都有化妆品的意思,但是给人的第一感觉,makeup表达的“化妆”更深入人心,我举个例子,带有makeup的句子,10个有9个是表达“化妆品,打扮,粉底”的意思,make-up10个有8个表达的是“组成,构成的意思”(尽管它也有化妆的意思)就好像中文的“汉堡”这个词,一说汉堡,你肯定会先想到“汉堡包”这个食品,而非德国的“汉堡”这个城市.尽管它这两个意思都有.也就是说,makeup对于“化妆”的意思更加深入人心

makeup的用法 makeup的含义和用法简单介绍

1、编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。 The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas. Not having a good excuse, Sally made one up. 2、弥补、把…补上。弥补的内容为某人之前失去的东西或没有按时完成的事情。 John must make up the work he missed. Because you were ill, you"ll have to make up the final exam. We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston. 3、构成。其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。 Nine players make up a team. Different qualities make up a person"s character. The audience was made up of very young children. 4、化装、打扮。化装或打扮的部位是脸部,可同时作不及物动词和及物动词。 The actors were making (themselves) up when we arrived. These days many girls make up when they are still quite young. 5、凑足、补足。意为凑足或补足所需的数目。 The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference. We need one more player --- will you make the number?

make up 中文意思是?3分钟了解英文「make up」的用法!

make up 的中文意思有很多,包括编造、补偿、和好…等等,make 本身有制造的意思,make up 这个片语则可以用在很多的情况。 下面列出make up的中文意思与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. make up 编造 make up 的其中一个中文意思,就是指编造、捏造。 例:Don"t make up an excuse. 别再找借口了。 2. make up 补偿 make up另一个常见的中文意思则是「补偿」。 例:Let"s make up the piic! 我们改天再去野餐作为补偿吧。 3. make up 和好 make up 还有「和好」的意思。 例:They kissed and made up. 他们亲个吻和好了。 4. make up 组成 make up 还有一个中文意思是指「组成」。 例:The team was made up of 15 members. 这团队由15名成员组成。 5. make-up 化妆品 最后特别注意:make-up 的中文意思则是指「化妆品」。这里是make-up,而不是make up。 make-up 这个英文单字很常见,中文意思指化妆品,因为发音跟make up 是一样的,所以在这边特别提出来。 例:She wears a lot of make-up. 她化的妆很浓。 make up, make up 中文, make up 中文意思, make up 意思, make up 用法, make up 翻译, make up 英文例句

make–up 什么意思?


make up是什么意思及用法

make up的意思及用法介绍:make up sth for sthmake up doing sth1.编造 When people started asking questions, she had to make up more details. 而当人们开始提问时,她不得不编造更为详细的资料。Do you reckon you have the gift if make up story ?你看你有编造故事的本领吗?2.讲和 Let"s make up, shall we?我们讲和,好吗? Jou-chia waited for her husband to come and make up, but when after a long while he didn"t appear, she put away her resentment and went to sleep. 柔嘉等丈夫来讲和,等好半天他不来,也收拾起怨气睡了。 3.弥补,偿还 We must make up for the lost time.我们必须弥补失去的时间。 Her beauty can"t make up for her stupidity.她的美丽不能弥补她的愚蠢。 Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤奋工作往往可以弥补智力的不足。 4.补足,凑足 The rates of other Member States are raised to make up for the difference. 这一差异靠增加其他会员国的比率而相应补足。5.化装,打扮 Today it is common that women and girls make up in public. 今天,在公共场所看到妇女和姑娘化妆打扮很普遍的事。 A team of chefs is employed to prepare meals before the wedding even begins, as is a group of women whose job it is to dress and make up the bride several times throughout the ceremony. 婚礼开始之前就会有厨师团来准备餐点,同时也会有一群妇女来负责在婚礼过程中为新娘的梳妆打扮。6.配制 I work at the powder post, which is the area where they make up the chemicals that go into the rubber mix for tyres.我在粉末部工作,这里专门配制用于制作轮胎的橡胶混合物里的化学晶。 7.铺床,整理 They told the servants to make up a bed for the princess. 他们叫仆人替公主铺床。 8.组成,构成 Boston and Cambridge make up one of America"s most sophisticated urban melanges. 波士顿和坎布里奇组成了美国趣味最高级的城市环境之一。 make up sentences with the words given. 用所给的词组成句子。

make up的意思都有什么?

21世纪大英汉词典make up1. 构成,组成;形成;占:The committee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。This made up 15%of their total income.这是他们总收入的百分之十五。2. 编造,捏造;即席做(诗),虚构:I couldn"t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I made one up as I went along.我想不起我要给她讲的那个神话故事,于是我一边走一边编了一个。It"s not true. She made it up.这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。3. 和解;言归于好:She is coming to make up with you.她是来与你和解的。He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。4. 赔偿金钱损失;弥补,补偿,补充:His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm.他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。They"ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。5. 补考;补上(功课);补修;赶上:She soon made up the lessons she had missed.她很快就把缺的课补上了。Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.吉姆要先补上三门课程才能获得学位。6. 打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉:She made up for the part of an old woman.她化装扮演一个老妇人。Mary was slightly made up.玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。7. 铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等):We made up our beds immediately after getting up.我们一起床就把床铺整理好。We can make you up a bed on the floor,if you don"t mind.要是你不介意,我们可以为你打个地铺。8. 准备(食物):I"ll make up a packed meal for the journey.我来准备一份供旅途食用的盒饭。9. 完成(订货、定单等);按处方配药;配制(药)合成药剂:The chemist is making up the doctor"s order.药剂师正在根据医生的处方配药。Your job will be to make up the customer"s orders.你的工作就是按订户的订单配齐货物。10. 决定,签订11. 铺设(沥青)路面:The road should be made up this year.这条路应该今年铺设。12. 草拟;结算;清算13. 涨潮14. 凑足,凑满,成为一分子,配齐:He generously made up the necessary amount.他慷慨地凑足了所需的款项。Can you make up a four at tennis.我们打网球三缺一,你能来凑成第四个人吗?15. 捆扎;包扎;打成包;包装,安排:Can you make up these papers into parcels of about ten each?你能按每包10份左右把这些文件捆扎好吗?16. 编辑,编排(版面);拼版:They need someone with experience of making up a page.他们需要一个有编排版面经验的人。17. 缝制(衣服),缝制成衣,裁制:This length of cloth should make up into two pairs of trousers.这段布料可做两条裤子。This material will make up into three dresses.这块料子可以裁制三件衣服。18. 加燃料使火不熄灭,生火:This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every half hour.这种木材烧得很快,每半个小时我们就得添加燃料。The fire needs making up.这火需要添柴。19. 下决心,拿定主意I have made up my mind to go to college.我已经下决心要上大学。20. 重印;换掉21. 体格;性情;特质;天生个性22. 积聚,收集;聚集23. 代替,取代,替换24. 修建;修理;装配 [亦作 makeup]祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~




化妆 的意思


makeup[英]["meu026aku028cp][美][u02c8meku02ccu028cp]n.化妆; 补充; 构造; 体格; 复数:makeups

make up什么意思


Making DVD是什么意思 还有YG ON AIR是什么意思~



make up v. 弥补,和解,编造,整理,化妆makeup1.粉底 2.外包装 3.化妆品 4.组成,补充 5.组织;

all bar takes are col.中文翻译是什么啊?谢谢哦!!!


为什么某个英语句子开头用make sure。。。。而不用making sure。。。不是动名词作主语吗??


all bar takes are col.中文翻译是什么啊?谢谢哦!!!


谁给我好好的翻译Shakira 的歌曲Underneath Your Clothes谢谢

Underneath Your Clothes 你的真心 You"re a song 你是 Written by the hands of God 上帝谱出的天籁之音。 Don"t 1)get me wrong couse 别误会, This might sound to you 2)a bit 3)odd 因为这在你听来有点荒唐。 But you own the place 但是我对你 Where all my thoughts 4)go hiding 朝思暮想。 And right under your clothes 就在你身上, Is where I find them 藏着我全部的思念。 5)Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I 6)deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏。 Because of you 因为你, I forgot the smart ways to lie 我变得诚实。 Because of you 因为你, I"m 7)running out of reasons to cry 我不再流泪。 When the friends are gone 即使朋友们都远去, When 8)the party"s over 曲终人散, We will still belong to each other 我们仍属于彼此。 Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏。 I love you more than 我爱你, All 9)that"s on the planet 胜过这世上的一切。 Movin" talkin walkin" breathing 行走,说话,呼吸, You know it"s true 你知道这是真的。 Oh baby it"s so funny 亲爱的,真好笑, You almost don"t believe it 你几乎无法相信。 As every voice is hanging from the silence 就像声音从沉默中传出, Lamps are hanging from the ceiling 灯从天花板上垂下, Like a lady to her good manners 就像优雅的女士有优雅的举止, I"m 10)tied up to this feeling 我对你的感觉是这样自然而然。 Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All简谱?

《Making Love Out Of Nothing At All》简谱+吉他谱:

Making Love out of nothing at all这首歌曲想表达什么意思

歌名应翻译为《不顾一切的爱》,歌词为:我知道怎么说悄悄话 我知道怎么哭 我知道哪里可以找到答案 我知道怎么去说谎 我知道怎么去伪装它 我知道怎么去计划 我知道什么时候去面对真实 我也知道什么时候去做梦 我知道哪里可以触摸到你 我也知道如何去证明 我知道什么时候把你拉近 我也知道什么时候该让你自由 我知道夜晚是无光泽的 我也知道时光飞逝 我从未告诉你任何我想说的 但是我知道我不得不继续 我也知道这条路是财富 我知道这条路的艰苦 我知道所有的规则 我也知道如何去打破它们 我也一直知道这场游戏的名字 但是我不知道怎么才能使你离开 但是我将永远使你沉浸其中 我也不知道你会怎么做 不顾一切的爱 每次我看见你太阳的光芒就会从你的头发中流出 而你的眼睛就像是天空的星星一样闪耀 我的心跳就像鼓 它已经迷失了 它正在寻找节奏 也就是你 你可以使深夜更黑暗 你也可以使它像灯塔一样燃烧 直至照亮一切歌词的含义是史密斯夫妇关系的写照,是对爱的理解的倾诉,

Making Love 歌词

歌曲名:Making Love歌手:Sam Levine专辑:Cinema SaxMaking Love Out Of Nothing At AllAir SupplyI know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.And I know the night is fading. And I know the time"s gonna fly.And I"m never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,But I know I"ve got to give it a try.And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to pain.I know all the rules and then I know how to break "emAnd I always know the name of the game.But I don"t know how to leave you and I"ll never let you fall.And I don"t know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.(Chorus)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.I gotta follow it cause everything I know,Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock.And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.And I can make all the stadiums rock.I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.And I can make all your demons be gone.But I"m never gonna make it without you.Do you really wanna see me crawl?And I"m never gonna make it like you do,Making love out of nothing at all.(Chorus)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(04:28)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love)(Making love)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(Making love) Out of nothing at all.http://music.baidu.com/song/2796165

making love out of nothing at all 林志炫

《making love out of nothing at all 》音乐风格:空中补给合唱团擅长演唱抒情歌曲,他们演绎的歌曲无论是曲调还是歌词,都很优美,而且配器精巧,大量采用钢琴、吉它、 弦乐等音色优美的传统乐器,因此音乐效果浪漫、抒情,非常迷人。Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,是Air Supply组合在专辑making love out of nothing at all中的主打歌,以其空旷高昂的音线和演唱者天使般高亢美丽激情的歌喉而受到很多人的喜爱,尤其其悲怆的歌词而被很多电影所引用作为片中曲表达人物感情。后来被林志炫、谢霆锋、李玖哲等歌手翻唱,而开始流行于华语乐坛。Making love out of nothing at all(让爱一切成空)by:Air Supply(演唱:空气补给乐队)I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦想)And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)And I know the time"s gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)And I"m never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)But I know I"ve got to give it a try.(哪怕我知道至少我应该去试一试才行)And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)And I know the ways to fame.(更知道如何功成名就)I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)and then I know how to break "em(也知道如何打破那些规则)And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)But I don"t know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)and I"ll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)And I don"t know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)You can take the darkness from the pit of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)I can make the runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)But I"m never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)And I"m never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会像你做的一样)Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)

making love out of nothing at all求简谱

 I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.   I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.   I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.   I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.   And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.   I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.   And I know the night is fading. And I know the time"s gonna fly.   And I"m never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,   But I know I"ve got to give it a try.   And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to fame.   I know all the rules and then I know how to break "em   And I always know the name of the game.   But I don"t know how to leave you and I"ll never let you fall.   And I don"t know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.   (Chorus)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.   And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.   The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.   You can take the darkness from the pit of the night,   And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.   I gotta follow it cause everything I know,   Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.   I can make the runner stumble. I can make the final clock.   And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.   And I can make all the stadiums rock.   I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.   And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.   And I can make all your demons be gone.   But I"m never gonna make it without you.   Do you really wanna see me crawl?   And I"m never gonna make it like you do,   Making love out of nothing at all.   (Chorus)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (04:28)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love)


make for(tr)向……走去:  The escaped prisoner was making for the coast.  越狱犯正向海岸逃去。  make off(intr) 逃跑(指贼等):  The boys made off when they saw the policemen.  男孩子们一看见警察,就拔腿跑了。  make out(tr)  (a)弄清意义,清楚地理解、看见、听见等:  I can"t make out the dress,he has written it so badly.(make the ad-dress out/make it out)  我看不清地址,他写得太潦草了。  Can you hear what the man with the loud-hailer is saying?I can"t makeit out at all.  你听得出那个拿着电喇叭的人在说什么吗?我一点也听不清楚。  I can"t make out why he isn"t here yet.  我搞不明白他为什么还没有到这儿来。 (b)说(可能是瞎说,也可能是夸大其辞):  He made out that he was a student looking for a job.We later learnt thatthis wasn"t true at all.  他说他是个在找工作的大学生。后来我们获悉这根本不是事实。  The English climate isn"t so bad as some people like to make out.  英国的天气不像某些人喜欢说的那么糟。  (c)开支票:  Customer:Who shall I make it out to?  顾客:我支票抬头怎么写?Shopkeeper:Make it out to Jones and Company.  店主:就写付给琼斯公司好了。  make up one"s mind 下定决心,做出决定,做出决断:  In the end he made up his mind to go by train.  最后他决定坐火车去。  make up a quarrel/make it up 终止争吵,言归于好:  Isn"t it time you and Ann made up your quarrel?(made it up)  不是到了你和安该言归于好的时候了吗?  make up a story/excuse/explanation 捏造,编出一个故事/借口/解释:  I don"t believe your story at all.I think you are just making it up.  我根本不信你说的事。我认为你不过是在编造。  make up(tr/intr) 化妆,化装:  Most women make up/make up their faces.(make their faces up/makethem up)  妇女大多数都化妆。  Actors have to be made up before they appear on stage.  演员们在出场前必需有人给他们化装.Take this prescription to the chemist"s.They will make it up for youthere.(make up the prescription/make the prescription up)  把这药方拿到药房。他们会给你配药的。  Notice(in tailor"s window):Customers"own materials made up.  (裁缝店橱窗内的)告示:为顾客来料加工。  The audience was made up of very young children.  观众都是很小的孩子们。  make up for(tr) 为……补偿(常以it为宾语):  You"ll have to work very hard today to make up for the time you wastedyesterday/to make up for being late yesterday.  为了补偿昨天你们浪费的时间/为了补偿昨天你们迟到一事,今天你们得非常努力地干活。  We aren"t allowed to drink when we are in training but we intend tomake up for it after the race is over.  我们在训练期间不许喝酒,但是我们准备一旦比赛结束就将其补上。  (到那时要多喝些)

求 making love out of nothing at all 这首歌的中文谐音 想学这首歌

I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 维斯破 按的 爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 课如爱I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 烦的 的 暗色儿四 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 来I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 飞客 伊特 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 四给木I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 菲斯 的 处死 俺的 扥 爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 追慕And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 他吃 有 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 沃特 吐 破如无I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.爱 NO 问 吐 铺 有 可楼则 俺的 爱 NO 问 吐 莱特 有 路子And I know the night is fading. And I know the time"s gonna fly.俺的 爱 NO 的 奈特 椅子 非顶 俺的 爱 NO 的 太木子 刚拿 弗莱And I"m never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 刚拿 太傲 有 爱瑞星 爱 高特 太傲 有But I know I"ve got to give it a try.巴特 爱 NO 爱物 高特 吐 给无 伊特 额 踹And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to pain.俺的 爱 No 的 肉孜 吐 瑞吃字 俺的 爱 NO 的 位子 吐 陪I know all the rules and then I know how to break "em爱 NO 奥的 褥子 俺的 扥 爱 NO 好 吐 博瑞可 额木And I always know the name of the game.俺的 爱 奥位子 NO 的 内幕 欧服 的 给木But I don"t know how to leave you and I"ll never let you fall.巴特 爱 东特 NO 好 吐 礼物 有 俺的 爱欧 奶味儿 莱特 有 否And I don"t know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.俺的 爱 东特 NO 好 有 独 伊特 没king 辣舞 奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥。。。Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.艾瑞太木 爱 洗 有 外偶 的 瑞子 欧服 的 三 啊 奥 死追命 死如 的 为屋子 因 幼儿 海额And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.俺的 艾瑞 丝带儿 因 的 死该 椅子 忒king 诶木 爱特 有儿 矮子 来客 额 斯堡特莱特The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.的 笔挺 欧服 买 哈特 椅子 额 抓吗 俺的 一次 劳斯特 俺的 一次 路King 否 额 瑞德木 来客 有You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,有 看 忒可 的 大可你死 芙蓉木 的 地破 欧服 的 奈特And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.俺的 特恩 伊特 吐 额 比抗 博宁 安德里斯里 不如爱特I gotta follow it cause everything I know,爱 高特 否漏 伊特 铐子 爱瑞星 爱 NOWell, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.外偶 一次 那行 题欧 给无 伊特 吐 有I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock.爱 看 没可 有 软 奥 死单薄 爱 看 没课 的 发爱NO 可老客And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.俺的 爱 看 没课 艾瑞 他口 爱特 的 桑德 欧服 的 会搜And I can make all the stadiums rock.俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 的 死的地啊木四 绕可I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.爱 看 没课 的 奈特 否爱味儿 奥 爱 看 没课 伊特 第四额皮尔 白 的 倒And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.俺的 爱 看 没课 有 艾瑞 破绕迷死 带次 爱味儿 宾 没得And I can make all your demons be gone.俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 有儿 戴蒙四 比 刚But I"m never gonna make it without you.巴特 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 为早特 有Do you really wanna see me crawl?独 有 瑞额力 王那 洗 米 可绕And I"m never gonna make it like you do,俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 来客 有 独Making love out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥

高分!making love out of nothing at all吉他谱


关于 Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 这首歌

Making love 楼上的都不知道什么意思 就知道抄百度百科的 有意义么,其实我更喜欢Air Supply的GOODBYE,对这首歌了解不是很深就不说了。

李玖哲making love out of nothing at all的中文谐音歌词

I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 维斯破 按的 爱 No 扎斯特 好 吐 课如爱I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 烦的 的 暗色儿四 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 来I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 飞客 伊特 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 好 吐 四给木I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 菲斯 的 处死 俺的 扥 爱 NO 扎斯特 问 吐 追慕And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 威尔 吐 他吃 有 俺的 爱 NO 扎斯特 沃特 吐 破如无I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.爱 NO 问 吐 铺 有 可楼则 俺的 爱 NO 问 吐 莱特 有 路子And I know the night is fading. And I know the time"s gonna fly.俺的 爱 NO 的 奈特 椅子 非顶 俺的 爱 NO 的 太木子 刚拿 弗莱And I"m never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 刚拿 太傲 有 爱瑞星 爱 高特 太傲 有But I know I"ve got to give it a try.巴特 爱 NO 爱物 高特 吐 给无 伊特 额 踹And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to pain.俺的 爱 No 的 肉孜 吐 瑞吃字 俺的 爱 NO 的 位子 吐 陪I know all the rules and then I know how to break "em爱 NO 奥的 褥子 俺的 扥 爱 NO 好 吐 博瑞可 额木And I always know the name of the game.俺的 爱 奥位子 NO 的 内幕 欧服 的 给木But I don"t know how to leave you and I"ll never let you fall.巴特 爱 东特 NO 好 吐 礼物 有 俺的 爱欧 奶味儿 莱特 有 否And I don"t know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.俺的 爱 东特 NO 好 有 独 伊特 没king 辣舞 奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥。。。Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.艾瑞太木 爱 洗 有 外偶 的 瑞子 欧服 的 三 啊 奥 死追命 死如 的 为屋子 因 幼儿 海额And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.俺的 艾瑞 丝带儿 因 的 死该 椅子 忒king 诶木 爱特 有儿 矮子 来客 额 斯堡特莱特The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.的 笔挺 欧服 买 哈特 椅子 额 抓吗 俺的 一次 劳斯特 俺的 一次 路King 否 额 瑞德木 来客 有You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,有 看 忒可 的 大可你死 芙蓉木 的 地破 欧服 的 奈特And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.俺的 特恩 伊特 吐 额 比抗 博宁 安德里斯里 不如爱特I gotta follow it cause everything I know,爱 高特 否漏 伊特 铐子 爱瑞星 爱 NOWell, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.外偶 一次 那行 题欧 给无 伊特 吐 有I can make you run or stumble. I can make the final clock.爱 看 没可 有 软 奥 死单薄 爱 看 没课 的 发爱NO 可老客And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.俺的 爱 看 没课 艾瑞 他口 爱特 的 桑德 欧服 的 会搜And I can make all the stadiums rock.俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 的 死的地啊木四 绕可I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.爱 看 没课 的 奈特 否爱味儿 奥 爱 看 没课 伊特 第四额皮尔 白 的 倒And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.俺的 爱 看 没课 有 艾瑞 破绕迷死 带次 爱味儿 宾 没得And I can make all your demons be gone.俺的 爱 看 没课 奥 有儿 戴蒙四 比 刚But I"m never gonna make it without you.巴特 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 为早特 有Do you really wanna see me crawl?独 有 瑞额力 王那 洗 米 可绕And I"m never gonna make it like you do,俺的 爱慕 奶味儿 够那 没课 伊特 来客 有 独Making love out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥(Making love) Out of nothing at all.(没king 辣舞)奥特 欧服 那行 爱特 奥

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All(让爱一切成空) 中英文歌词加中文谐音歌词!


Making Love Out Of Nothing At 歌词

Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空)by:Air Supply(演唱:空气补给乐队)I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦幻)And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)And I know the time"s gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)And I"m never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)But I know I"ve got to give it a try.(但我知道,至少我应该去试一试才行)And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)And I know the ways to pain.(更知道怎样就会变得伤痕累累)I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)and then I know how to break "em(也知道如何打破那些规则)And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)But I don"t know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)and I"ll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)And I don"t know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)I can make runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)But I"m never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)And I"m never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会让你做到)Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)((让爱))(Making love)((让爱))(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)((让爱))(Making love)((让爱))(Making love)((让爱))(Making love)((让爱))http://music.baidu.com/song/2145852

making love out of nothing at all的中文谐音歌词是什么?(要歌词)

Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空)(演唱:空气补给乐队)I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦幻)And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)And I know the time"s gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)And I"m never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)But I know I"ve got to give it a try.(但我知道,至少我应该去试一试才行)And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)And I know the ways to pain.(更知道怎样就会变得伤痕累累)I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)and then I know how to break "em(也知道如何打破那些规则)And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)But I don"t know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你....)and I"ll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)And I don"t know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)I can make runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)But I"m never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)And I"m never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会让你做到)Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing...

谢霆锋making love out of nothing的中文歌词.


求Making Love Out Of Nothing At All歌词 最好一句接着一句翻译

Making love out nothing at all(让爱一切成空) I know just how to whisper 我明白如何轻声细语 And I know just how to cry 也明白如何哭喊 I know just where to find the answers 我知道哪里可以找到答案 And I know just how to lie 也知道怎样撒谎 I know just how to fake it 我知道如何捏造事实 And I know just how to scheme 也知道如何策划阴谋 I know just when to face the truth 我明白何时该面对真相 And then I know just when to dream 然后,我明白何时该去作梦 And I know just where to touch you 我知道该触摸你的哪里 And I know just what to prove 也知道该证明什么 I know when to pull you closer 我明白何时该将你拉近一点 And I know when to let you loose 也明白何时该放手 And I know the night is fading 我明白夜晚已尽 And I know the time"s gonna fly 时间逐渐飞逝 And I"m never gonna tell you everything I"ve gotta tell you 而我绝不会告诉你任何该告诉你的事 But I know I"ve gotta give it a try 但我知道该试试看 And I know the roads to riches 我知道致富之道 And I know the ways to fame 也知道成名的快捷方式 I know all the rules and then I know how to break"em 我清楚所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破规则 And I always know the name of the game 我总是知道游戏的名称 But I don"t know how to leave you 但我不知道如何离开你 And I"ll never let you fall 我永远不会让你跌倒 And I don"t know how you do it 我不明白你是怎么做到的 Making love out of nothing at all 让爱一切成空 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 一切成空,一切都成空 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 一切成空,一切都成空 Out of nothing at all 一切成空 Making love out of nothing at all 让爱一切成空 Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun 每一次我看见你,所有的阳光 Are streaming through the waves in your hair 像波浪般流泻过你的发间 And every star in the sky 天上的每一颗星 Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight 都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼 The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost 我的心跳,像是迷失的鼓 And it"s looking for a rhythm like you 寻觅着和你一样的节奏 You can take the darkness at the pit of the night 你可以从夜之坑洞中汲取黑暗 And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright 将它转化为燃烧着无尽光亮的信号灯 I"ve gotta follow it "cause everything I know 而我必得追随着它,因为我所知道的一切 Well, it"s nothing "till I give it to you 如果没有给你的话,都是徒然 I can make the runner stumble 我能够让跑者摔倒 I can make the final block 我可以发动攻势 And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle 也可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际 I can make all the stadiums rock 我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来 I can make tonight forever 我能够让今晚成为永恒 Or I can make it disappear by the dawn 或者,我能让它在黎明前消失 I can make you every promise that has ever been made 我能为你实现每一个许过的承诺 And I can make all your demons be gone 我能为你驱走所有的恶魔 But I"m never gonna make it without you 但是没有你,我绝不会去做 Do you really wanna see me crawl 难道你真的要看我在地上爬 And I"m never gonna make it like you do 我绝对不会像你一样 Making love out of nothing at all 让爱一切成空 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 一切成空,一切都成空 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 一切成空,一切都成空 Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 一切成空,一切都成空 Out of nothing at all 让爱一切成空

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All的歌词及翻译

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All   作词:Steinman, Jim / 作曲:Steinman, JimI know just how to whisper 我知道如何对你轻声细语And I know just how to cry 也明白如何哭泣I know just where to find the answers 我理解哪里可以找到答案And I know just how to lie 也明白如何去说谎I know just how to fake it 我知道如何去捏造事实And I know just how to scheme 也知道如何策划阴谋I know just when to face the truth 我知道何时该面对真相And then I know just when to dream 也知道何时该去做梦And I know just where to touch you 我知道如何让你感动And I know just what to prove 也知道该去证明I know when to pull you closer 我知道何时该将你拉近一些And I know when to let you loose 也知道何时该放手And I know the night is fading 我知道夜晚即将结束And I know the time"s gonna fly 知道时间正在飞逝And I"m never gonna tell you everything I"ve gotta tell you而我绝不会告诉你任何必须告诉你的事But I know I"ve gotta give it a try 但我知道该试试看And I know the roads to riches 我知道致富之道And I know the ways to fame 也知道成名的路I know all the rules and then I know how to break"em我知道所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破它们And I always know the name of the game 我总是知道游戏的名称But I don"t know how to leave you 但我不知道如何离开你And I"ll never let you fall 我永远不会让你失望And I don"t know how you do it 我不明白你是怎么做到的Making love out of nothing at all 让我凭空爱上你Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 凭空爱上你Everytime I see you 每当我看见你的时候when all the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair 太阳的所有光线穿越你起伏的发间And every star in the sky 天上的每颗星星is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight 都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼The beating of my heart is a drum 我的心跳快如鼓点,它早已迷失and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you 它正寻觅你的节奏You can take the darkness from the pit of the night 你能将夜晚的黑暗And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright 转化成无尽燃烧的航标I"ve gotta follow it "cause everything I know 我必须追随着它,因为我知道这一切Well, it"s nothing "till I give it to you 如果没有把它交给你,一切都将成空I can make the runner stumble 我能够让奔跑者摔倒I can make the final block 我可以制造最后的障碍and I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle 然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际I can make all the stadiums rock 我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来I can make tonight forever 我能够让今晚成为永恒Or I can make it disappear by the dawn 或者让他在黎明前消失And I can make you every promise that has ever been made 我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的诺言And I can make all your demons be gone 我能为你驱走所有的恶魔But I"m never gonna make it without you 但是如果没有你我绝不会去做Do you really wanna see me crawl 难道你真的想要我跪下吗And I"m never gonna make it like you do 我绝对不会让你做成那样Making love out of nothing at all 凭空爱上你out of nothing at all 凭空爱上你out of nothing at all 凭空爱上你out of nothing at all凭空爱上你 我知道如何耳语也知道如何哭喊我很清楚哪里能找到答案也明白如何编造谎言我熟知该怎么装模作样也精通如何去暗中策划我明白何时该面对真相也知道何时可抱着幻想我很清楚在什么场合能与你接触也了解应该向你证明些什么我知道何时该将你拉近一些也知道何时该让你不受拘束我知道夜晚即将结束我知道时间转眼飞逝而我绝不打算告诉你所有必须让你知道的事但我知道我必须放手一试我知道致富之道也熟稔成名之路我清楚所有的规则,也知道如何将其打破在这游戏中我总是驾轻就熟但我不懂得怎么离开你我永远不会让你坠落而我想不通你是如何做到的让我就这样莫名地为你执迷莫名地爱上你,莫名地爱上你每次我看见你的时候每一束阳光都穿流在你波浪般的发间而天上的每颗星星都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼我的心跳仿佛一面鼓,而它迷失了正寻觅着一种如你这样的节奏你能从夜的深坑中取出黑暗然后将其转化成永恒明亮的灯塔我必须追随着它,因为所有我懂得的一切在交给你之前,简直一点价值都没有我能让奔跑者摔倒我能完成最后的阻挠我能在哨声响起之际,成功地截下所有攻击我能让整个体育场欢腾我能让今晚成为永恒或让它隐没在黎明前我能为你许下这世上每一个曾被许过的承诺我能驱走你所有的恶魔但如果没有你,我绝不能做得到难道你真想看我匍匐而我永远做不到像你那样让爱满是空洞和虚无原来一切皆空,原来一切皆空原来一切皆空,原来一切皆空原来一切皆空,原来一切皆空

Making love out nothing at all用中文唱的歌词

Making love out of nothing at all(让爱一切成空)by:Air Supply(演唱:空气补给乐队)I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦想)And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)And I know the time"s gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)And I"m never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)But I know I"ve got to give it a try.(哪怕我知道至少我应该去试一试才行)And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)And I know the ways to fame.(更知道如何功成名就)I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)and then I know how to break "em(也知道如何打破那些规则)And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)But I don"t know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)and I"ll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)And I don"t know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)I can make the runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)But I"m never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)And I"m never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会像你做的一样)Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)

Making Love Out of Nothing at All 的中文歌词,

IknowjusthowtowhisperandIknowjusthowtocry.歌IknowjustwheretofindtheanswersandIknowjusthowtolie.词IknowjusthowtofakeitandIknowjusthowtoscheme.转IknowjustwhentofacethetruthandthenIknowjustwhentodream.自AndIknowjustwheretotouchyouandIknowjustwhattoprove.音IknowwhentopullyoucloserandIknowwhentoletyouloose.魁AndIknowthenightisfading.AndIknowthetime"sgonnafly.网AndI"mnevergonnatellyoueverythingIgottatellyou,ibutIknowI"vegottogiveitatry.nAndIknowtheroadtoriches.AndIknowthewaystopain.kIknowalltherulesandthenIknowhowtobreak"emuandIalwaysknowthenameofthegame.iButIdon"tknowhowtoleaveyouandI"llneverletyoufall.·AndIdon"tknowhowyoudoit,makingloveoutofnothingatall.c(歌词转自音魁网www.inkui.com)oOutofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall.mOutofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall. Outofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall. (歌词转自音魁网www.inkui.com) EverytimeIseeyou,welltheraysofthesunareall streamingthroughthewavesinyourhair. Andeverystarintheskyistakingaimatyoureyes likeaspotlight. Thebeatingofmyheartisadrumandit"slost andit"slookingforarhythmlikeyou. Youcantakethedarknessfromthedeepofthenight andturnittoabeaconburningendlesslybright. IgottafollowitcauseeverythingIknow, well,it"snothingtilIgiveittoyou. (歌词转自音魁网www.inkui.com) Icanmakeyourunorstumble.Icanmakethefinalblock. AndIcanmakeeverytackleatthesoundofthewhistle. AndIcanmakeallthestadiumsrock. IcanmakethenightforeverorIcanmakeitdisappearbythedawn. AndIcanmakeyoueverypromisethat"severbeenmade. AndIcanmakeallyourdemonsbegone. ButI"mnevergonnamakeitwithoutyou. Doyoureallywannaseemecrawl? AndI"mnevergonnamakeitlikeyoudo, makingloveoutofnothingatall. (歌词转自音魁网www.inkui.com) Outofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall. Outofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall. Outofnothingatall.Outofnothingatall. Outofnothingatall.Outofnothingatal

请问making love out of nothing at all是什么意思


谢霆锋making love out of nothing any all的意思和它英文歌词及中文歌词是?

意思是让爱一切成空 中文歌词是我懂得如何轻声低诉也懂得如何放声高呼我知道答案所在何处也知道撒谎言辞含糊我懂得如何捏造事故也懂得如何策划企图我清楚何时应该面对现实的残酷亦明白何时可以迷恋梦境的虚无我知道哪里是我能触及的领域也知道我要证明什么疑虑我知道何时应该将你拉得更近也知道何时不要过分绷紧春宵将尽良辰飞逝而我绝不会向你透露任何隐瞒的事实但我知道我应该尝试我知道致富之道也知道成名之路我熟悉所有的游戏规则更熟悉打破规则的模式 到要怎样离开你我真的不懂我永远不会让你跌倒摔痛我不明白你怎能无动于衷让爱一切成空一切成空 一切都成空一切成空 一切都成空让爱一切成空每次我看见你的倩影所有的阳光都如波浪般亲吻你发间的柔情天上的每一颗星星都像聚光灯一样对准你的眼睛我狂乱的心是迷失的鼓点寻觅着你节奏的和应你可以从长夜的坑洞中吸取黑暗将它燃成长明的信号灯 散发无尽的光亮与耀眼我必将追随它的内涵因为我熟知的一切没有你的谱写 都将永远湮灭我可以让奔跑者摔倒我可以发动攻势也可以让进攻完全虚耗但耳际响起鸣哨我能够让整个运动场沸腾热闹我能让今夜成为永恒也能让它在黎明前消失我能为你实现每个许下的诺言我能为你去走所有的恶魔但是没有你 我什么都不屑去做难道你真的要看我在地上匍匐堕落?我决不能像你一样从容让爱一切成空一切成空 一切都成空英文歌词的是I know just how to whisperAnd I know just how to cryI know just where to find the answersAnd I know just how to lieI know just how to fake itAnd I know just how to schemeI know just when to face the truthAnd then I know just when to dreamAnd I know just where to touch youAnd I know just what to proveI know when to pull you closerAnd I know when to let you looseAnd I know the night is fadingAnd I know the time"s gonna flyAnd I"m never gonna tell you everything I"ve gotta tell youBut I know I"ve gotta give it a tryAnd I know the roads to richesAnd I know the ways to fameI know all the rules and then I know how to break"emAnd I always know the name of the gameBut I don"t know how to leave youAnd I"ll never let you fallAnd I don"t know how you do itMaking love out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at allMaking love out of nothing at allEverytime I see you all the rays of the sunAre streaming through the waves in your hairAnd every star in the skyIs taking aim at your eyes like a spotlightThe beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lostAnd it"s looking for a rhythm like youYou can take the darkness at the pit of the nightAnd turn into a beacon burning endlessly brightI"ve gotta follow it"cause everything I knowWell, it"s nothing "till I give it to youI can make the runner stumbleI can make the final blockAnd I can make every tackleat the sound of the whistleI can make all the stadiums rockI can make tonight foreverOr I can make it disappear by the dawnI can make you every promise that has ever been madeAnd I can make all your demons be goneBut I"m never gonna make it without youDo you really wanna see me crawlAnd I"m never gonna make it like you doMaking love out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 不知道这个答案怎样,我也很喜欢这首歌,霆锋唱的很有激情


made, making 做;制造;创造 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you"ve brought with you. 请将你随身携带的全部货物写一份书面申报单。 Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil. 牛奶瓶盖是用锡箔制成的。 This spade is made of iron. 这把铲子是用铁做的。 He made a model plane out of wood. 他用木头做了一架模型飞机。 整理(床铺) 使;使之 Cruelty an injustice often make our blood boil. 残暴与不公正常常使我们怒不可遏。 Water can be made pure by distilling it. 水可以通过蒸馏而提纯。 Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了没有? His terrible stories made our blood freeze. (喻) 他讲的恐怖故事吓得我们浑身冰冷。 She will make him happy. 她将使他幸福。 赚(钱);挣得;赢得 He made a profit of $500. 他赚了500美元。 迫使;令 I can"t make the horse go. 我无法使这匹马走动。 I don"t like milk, but she made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝。 使呈…;使看来像 This photograph makes her look very young. 她在这张照片中显得很年轻。 计算而得;估计 I make the distance across the river 150 feet. 我估计这条河有150英尺宽。 总计;等于;得到…之数目 3 and 3 make 6. 三加三等于六。 计为 (指好的方面)成为 If you work hard, you will make a good sailor. 如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好水手。 旅行(某一路程);以…速度行进 We"ve made 80 miles since noon. 从中午我们赶了80英里的路。 到达 The ship made port. 船抵港。 形成 Experience has made him a man. 经历把他磨练成男子汉。 提出;给予 I"ll make you an offer of £100. 我向你出价100镑。 正要 He made to speak, but I stopped. 他刚要说话,但是我阻止了他。 使有特色;完成 It"s the bright paint which really makes the room. 真正使这房间具有特色的是鲜艳的油漆。 make as if to 装着要(做) He made as it to speak. 他装着要讲话。 make believe 假装 make it 及时到达;成功 make love (to) 与…做爱;与…性交;向…求爱 make one"s way 前去;去 make n 样式;牌子 on the make 急求得利; 急求获得某种东西;谋求与他人性交 make for 移向;走向 攻击(= make at) 造成 The large print makes for easier reading. 大号字体便于阅读。 make of 懂得;了解;解释 I can"t make of what he wants. 我不了解他要什么。 make off 匆匆逃走 make out 勉强了解 开出,写(支票、账目等) He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下来开了一张支票。 成功 有(友好)关系 How did you make out with your classmates? 你和同班同学关系如何? 声称;伪装;把…说成 He makes out he"s younger than me. 他声称比我年轻。 论证;证明 He"s not such a good doctor as some people make out. 他不是某些人所说的那样好的医生。 make over 更改;修改 Can you make over this old shirt? 你能修改这件旧衬衫吗? 〈法〉转让财产 His wealth was made over to his children. 他的财产已移交他的孩子们了。 make up 和解;和好 化妆;化装 She made up her face to look prettier. 她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些。 捏造,虚构(故事、诗等) The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的。 配(药) 补足;凑足 缝制;做成 整理;收拾 make up a bed 整理床铺 make up for 补偿 How can we make up to you for what you have suffered? 我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害? make up for lost time 补回失去的时间 They hurried on to make up for lost time. 他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。 make up to 奉承;献媚 make it up to sb. 报答;回报 (= make it up to sb. for sth.) make out of... 与 make of ...的意思相同。makeout of 常用于口语 They make bottles out of glass. 他们用玻璃做瓶 The box is made out of cedar wood. 这盒子是用杉木做的。 由……制造(与 from 连用,from 后接的名词侧重指加工,(原样起化学变化)。 These wines are made from grapes. 这几种酒都是葡萄酿造的。 Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。 把……做成……(与 into 搭配) They make glass into bottles. 他们把玻璃制成瓶。 We made the material into a skirt. 我们把那块料子做成一条短裙。 获得,挣得 He soon made a name for himself. 他很快出了名。 Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. 霍克沃德用这种方法挣得大笔钱。 In the last try she made 7 points. 最后一次她得了7分。 Last year they made a profit of £22,000,000 去年,他们获得了2,200万镑的利润。 认为,估计 I make the distance across the room 15 feet. 我估计这间房子有15英尺宽。 What time do you make it?(i.e. What do you make the time?) 你认为现在几点钟? How large do you make the audience? 你估计有多少观众? 整理,准备 My mother is making the bed. 我母亲在铺床。 Can you make the tea, John? 约翰,你能沏茶吗? Shall I make some coffee? 我煮点咖啡好吗? 保持(速度),走 The train makes 10 miles an hour. 这列火车时速为40英里。 We"ve made 70 miles since 9 o"clock. 自9点起,我们已走了70英里。 make one"s way 往前跑,前进 The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. 医院遭到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德。 We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream 我们加快步伐,朝那条小河迅速走去。 使得,迫使 A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处。 This made the driver following her brake hard. 这使得跟在她后面的司机猛地刹车。 Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty. 真正老实的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的。 使作为,使成为 He made her his wife. 他娶她为妻。 This photograph makes you an old man. 这张照片使你看起来象个老头。 Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 收音机及电视机使得做广告的人有可能用这种方法吸引千百万人的注意力。 成为,变得 If you work hard, you will make a good teacher. 如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好教师。 This makes our third party this month. 这成了我们本月第三次舞会。 When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. 当电灯保险丝烧断、家具变得摇摇晃晃、水管变得堵塞时,妻子们便会自然而然地认为丈夫总会设法修好的。 总计,等于 Three plus six makes nine. 3 加6等于9。(注意,此句中的 plus 是介词,plussix 是介词短语,作 three 的定语,因此,动词用 makes,不用 make)。 Twelve inches make one foot. 12 英寸等于1英尺。 Two and two make four. 2 加2 等于 4。 构成,成为……组成部分 He made the football team. 他成了足球队队员。 Bread and milk will make a supper for us. 面包和牛奶将是我们的一顿晚餐。 A single flower does not make the spring. 独花不成春。 与表示动词的名词连用,即具有那个名词的意思 It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. 在进入一个很深的岩洞之前,光是装配绳梯和建立供应基地就需要八天之久。(make a descent 下降) Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. 广告者仔细研究了人的本性并且把我们的各种小小弱点一一分类。(make a close study 仔细研究) He knows that he had made a real discovery. 他知道他已经发现了一件真正的珍品。(make a real discovery 发现了一件真正的珍品) A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用。(make a claim 要求) 进行 Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. 一年时间过去了,才有人进行第一次尝试。 We often go out to make social investigation. 我们经常出去进行社会调查。 赶上(用于俗语) If you hurry, you can make the next train. 你如果快点,还可以赶上下一趟火车。 I don"t think she"ll make 8 o"clock flight. 我认为她赶不上 8 点的班机。 写作,订立 She"s making a shopping-list, Tom. 汤姆,她在写一份购物单。 He"s making a sentence. 他在写一个句子。 He"s making a plain. 他在订计划。 被列入 The novel made the list of the 50 best books of the year. 这本小说被列入全年五十本最佳书籍中。 Did you make the Dean"s list? 你被列入系主任写的名单了吗? make 后可接形容词 make sure (certain) 弄清楚,搞确实。 I only came to make sure that everything was all right. 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。 We must make certain that they can come. 我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来。


做; 制造; 被制造He"ll make a kite for me.他将给我做个风筝。做出, 制定, 产生She made no answer.她没作答复。使, 使得The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。获得, 挣得He made 600 pounds last year.他去年赚了600镑。总计, 等于成为, 使成为Medical knowledge alone doesn"t make a good doctor.单有医学知识并不能成为一个好医生。到达She"ll never make the summit.她永远到不了山顶。准备; 整理认为; 估计He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight.他看了看月亮, 估计时间是半夜了。vi.开始; 试图She made to cry.她哭起来了。行进, 趋向The ship was making towards the pier.船正驶向码头。增长起来The snow made fast.雪很快地堆起来了。n.制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型This is of Japanese make.这是日本制造的。体格; 气质He has the make of an athlete.他有运动员的体格。 用法词典 make (来自中古英语 maken<古英语 macian,与德语 machen 同缘<印欧语词干 mag-,捏,压,挤) 参考词汇make out of... 与 make of ... 的意思相同。make out of 常用于口语 They make bottles out of glass.他们用玻璃做瓶The box is made out of cedar wood.这盒子是用杉木做的。由……制造(与 from 连用,from 后接的名词侧重指加工,(原样起化学变化)。 These wines are made from grapes.这几种酒都是葡萄酿造的。Bread is made from flour.面包是由面粉加工而成的。把……做成……(与 into 搭配) They make glass into bottles.他们把玻璃制成瓶。We made the material into a skirt.我们把那块料子做成一条短裙。获得,挣得 He soon made a name for himself.他很快出了名。Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way.霍克沃德用这种方法挣得大笔钱。In the last try she made 7 points.最后一次她得了7分。Last year they made a profit of £22,000,000.去年,他们获得了2,200万镑的利润。认为,估计 I make the distance across the room 15 feet.我估计这间房子有15英尺宽。What time do you make it?(i.e. What do you make the time?)你认为现在几点钟?How large do you make the audience?你估计有多少观众?整理,准备 My mother is making the bed.我母亲在铺床。Can you make the tea, John?约翰,你能沏茶吗?Shall I make some coffee?我煮点咖啡好吗?保持(速度),走 The train makes 10 miles an hour.这列火车时速为40英里。We"ve made 70 miles since 9 o"clock.自9点起,我们已走了70英里。make one"s way 往前跑,前进 The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot.医院遭到了轰炸,汉斯就步行回到了西德。We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream.我们加快步伐,朝那条小河迅速走去。使得,迫使 A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处。This made the driver following her brake hard.这使得跟在她后面的司机猛地刹车。Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty.真正老实的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的。使作为,使成为 He made her his wife.他娶她为妻。This photograph makes you an old man.这张照片使你看起来象个老头。Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way.收音机及电视机使得做广告的人有可能用这种方法吸引千百万人的注意力。成为,变得 If you work hard, you will make a good teacher.如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好教师。This makes our third party this month.这成了我们本月第三次舞会。When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.当电灯保险丝烧断、家具变得摇摇晃晃、水管变得堵塞时,妻子们便会自然而然地认为丈夫总会设法修好的。总计,等于 Three plus six makes nine.3加6等于9。(注意,此句中的 plus 是介词,plus six 是介词短语,作 three 的定语,因此,动词用 makes,不用 make)。Twelve inches make one foot.12 英寸等于1英尺。Two and two make four.2 加 2 等于 4。构成,成为……组成部分 He made the football team.他成了足球队队员。Bread and milk will make a supper for us.面包和牛奶将是我们的一顿晚餐。A single flower does not make the spring.独花不成春。与表示动词的名词连用,即具有那个名词的意思 It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave.在进入一个很深的岩洞之前,光是装配绳梯和建立供应基地就需要八天之久。(make a descent 下降)Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.广告者仔细研究了人的本性并且把我们的各种小小弱点一一分类。(make a close study 仔细研究)He knows that he had made a real discovery.他知道他已经发现了一件真正的珍品。(make a real discovery 发现了一件真正的珍品)A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用。(make a claim 要求)进行 Over a year passed before the first attempt was made.一年时间过去了,才有人进行第一次尝试。We often go out to make social investigation.我们经常出去进行社会调查。赶上(用于俗语) If you hurry, you can make the next train.你如果快点,还可以赶上下一趟火车。I don"t think she"ll make 8 o"clock flight.我认为她赶不上 8 点的班机。写作,订立 She"s making a shopping-list, Tom.汤姆,她在写一份购物单。He"s making a sentence.他在写一个句子。He"s making a plain.他在订计划。被列入 The novel made the list of the 50 best books of the year.这本小说被列入全年五十本最佳书籍中。Did you make the Dean"s list?你被列入系主任写的名单了吗?make 后可接形容词 make sure (certain)弄清楚,搞确实。I only came to make sure that everything was all right.我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。We must make certain that they can come.我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来。现代英汉综合大辞典 make [meik]vt.(made[meid])做, 制造, 造成; 创造, 起草, 制定, 设置, 征收, 准备make a coat制做上衣make cloth织布make enemies树敌make a self criticism作自我批评Don"t make noise.不要喧哗。You make too much fuss about trifles.你太小题大做了。布置, 整理, 训练make a fire生火make the bed铺床make tea泡茶Make hay while the sun shines.[谚]趁晴晒草; 勿失良机。构成, 组成Oxygen and hydrogen make water.氧和氢构成水。One tree does not make a wood.独木不成林。迫使; 促使Can you make the horse go?你能赶走这匹马吗?His father wants to make him a doctor [to make a doctor of him].他父亲想让他作一个医生。He soon made himself understood.他立刻把自已的意思讲明白了。成为, 变成If you work hard, you will make a good athlete.如果你肯努力, 你将成为一个好运动员。得; 赚, 挣make a reputation博得名声The picture makes a good price.这张画可卖个好价钱。She made good marks at school.她在学校的成绩很好。实行, 进行make social investigation进行社会调查make war开战等于; 相等Twelve inches make one foot.十二英寸等于一英尺。猜想; 计算, 认为What do you make the time?你看(现在)几点钟了?He is not an ass [a goose] as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。到达; 抵We made the airport in an hour.不到一小时我们就到了机场。走; 行进; [俚]赶上The train makes 70 kilometres an hour.这火车的时速为70公里。I don"t think he will make the morning train.我看他赶不上早班火车。【电】(电流)接通实行; 签订, 缔结make a bow鞠躬make a contract定契约发表, 说, 提出make a speech[美]演说发生; 使发生; 成为...的原因吃make a good dinner [meal]美餐一顿行动得象...make a fool of oneself丢丑; 使自已成为笑柄成为; 成为...会员, 在...里得到一地位He made the college basket-ball team.他成为大学篮球队队员。【航海】开始看见We made a cruiser in the distance.我们看见远处有一艘巡洋舰。⑵⑽(纸牌中)洗(牌); 打满(叫牌数); 出(牌)胜一圈; 胜(一圈) ⑵[俚]使与之性交, 引诱 词性变化make vi.前进, 向...去(for)They were making towards the river.他们正向河边走去。②开始(do sth.); 行动得(象...); 似乎要He made to go.他要走了。She made to reply and then stopped.她似乎要回答又止住了。(潮汐等)涨起; 增加, 增高The tide is making now.现在正在涨潮。被处理; 被制造Toys are making in the shop.这个车间正在制造玩具。[后接形容词, 表示某种状态、方式]make sure查明make ready准备好make merry寻欢作乐(纸牌中)洗牌; (一张牌)吃掉旁人的牌n.制造(法); 构造; 样式; (产生)来源(矿井等某一时期的)产量性情; 品质; 体格【电】闭合(纸牌中)(轮流)洗牌a man of this make这种性格的人at make在接通的位置上Is this your ownmake?这是你自己制造的吗? 继承用法make-and-breakadj.电流断续器的make-believe[04me01kb0105li:v]n.假装, 假托, 假装者 词性变化make adj.假装的, 虚假的makefast [04me01kfɑ:st; -f03st]n.拴船柱; 系船桩make-game n.嘲笑的对象; 笑柄make-peace [04me01kpi:s]n.和事佬, 调停人make-shift n.(= make-do)将就; 凑合, 权宜之计adj.暂时的, 一时的makeweight n.补足重量的东西; 填料; (尤指)小蜡烛; 没有价值的人[物]make-work n.为提供就业机会而安排的工作 习惯用语as...as they make them [口]非常..., 极端..., 格外...be made for 最理想的, 最适宜的be made for each other 配合得很好; 是天生的一对have it made [口]有成功的把握; 很容易办到got it made [口]有成功的把握; 很容易办到how make that out 怎么得出这样的结论on the make 利欲熏心, 一心想发财在成长中, 在前[改]进中[美俚]追求异性What makes you here? 你来这儿干什么?make after 追逐, 跟随make against 和...相违反; 不利于; 有害于makeand mend [英]【海】空闲时间; 半休日缝缝补补make anything of it [常用于否定句]了解, 弄清(I can"t make anything of it. 我简直弄不明白。)make as if 假装, 装作; 好象要make as though 假装, 装作; 好象要make at 扑向; 攻击make away 离去, 逃走make away with 带走, 拿走, 偷走杀死; 毁弃, 减掉浪费, 吃掉make believe 假装make big [美, 俚](在自已的事业中)取得显著成绩; 飞黄腾达make do and mend 修补一下对付使用make do (with) 凑合着用; 用...勉强对付make do without 在没有...的情况下, 设法应付过去make down 改小(衣服)make for 有利于..., 有助于...造成; 促进走向; 冲向; 袭击make free with 对...放肆无礼; 任意处理; 随便使用make from [make up from]用...制成, 用...做成make in 走进, 进入; 干涉; 加入make into 制成, 做成; 使转变为make it 及时赶到, 办成功; 达到目的; 规定时间; [口]痊愈; 性交make it up 和解, 讲和make known 使知晓; 传达make like [美俚]模仿make of 用...造了解, 明白make off 匆忙离去, 逃走make off with 携...而逃; 把...拿走[口]用掉, 花光make on 在...上获利, 在...赚钱make or meddle [古][方]和...有关, 对...感兴趣; 干预make out 书写, 填写, 开列拼凑; 勉强度日勉强做到, 好不容易做成功声称, 企图证明, 把...说成假装, 装作理解, 懂得辨认出[口]进展, 开展[美俚]接吻, 爱抚; 性交make out of 用...制造出...理解, 了解make over 转让, 移交改造; 把(衣服等)改制; 改写make sb. acquainted with 把...告知某人; 使某人认识make sb. bleed 使某人忍痛出钱; 敲诈吝啬者的钱make sb. freely 使某人忍痛出钱; 敲诈吝啬者的钱make sb. sit up 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳; 使某人痛苦make sb. sit up and take notice 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳; 使某人痛苦make sb. think 引起某人深思, 使某人深省make through with 完成make toward(s) 向...走去; 走近; 通向; 向...延伸make up 弥补; 补偿; 赔偿; 补足; 补(考)拼凑成; 配制; 包装编辑, 编制虚构; 捏造缝制组成调停; 和解结算(帐目); 整理(房间等); 准备(床铺等); 包装化装; 打扮添加燃料缔结(协定、婚姻等)洗(牌)偿还, 还清make up for 补偿, 弥补make up to 接近, 巴结; 追求(女人); 和(某人)调情make with 用(眼、口、手、脚等)做动作; 做出; 使用; 提供 特殊用法double make 双闭合percent make 脉冲占空系数quick make 快速闭合[接通]short make 抄造量短缺slow make 缓慢接通 参考词汇[同义词]make shape fashion construct manufacture 都含“做"、“造"、“做成或制造成某种东西"的意思。make 系常用词, 指“任何生产、形成或组成", 如:This machine is made in China .这台机器是中国制造的。shape 指“由塑造、铸造、切割、敲打而形成", 如:The child shaped clay into balls.那小孩把泥捏成球。fashion 指“用手、某些工具或原料做成具有一定形状的东西, 但通常暗示发明者的才华", 如:They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,.他们发现他们能够剪羊毛、纺绒线、织成毛料, 然后把毛料做成暖和的衣服。construct 指“按设计把许多部分组成一个整体", 如:They constructed a big bridge.他们建成了一座大桥。manufacture 指“用机器生产或制造", 尤指“使用机器大规模生产与制造", 如:We can manufacture high-precision machine tools.我们能造精密机床。
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