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price agreement是什么意思

price agreement 英[prais əˈɡri:mənt] 美[praɪs əˈɡrimənt] [词典] 价格协定; [例句]Whatever the price agreement made, it will be accepted by the industry, whether they are Japanese or European steel mills or Australian iron ore producers.一旦达成任何价格协议,无论是日本和欧洲的钢铁生产商,还是澳大利亚的铁矿石生产商,全球钢铁行业都会接受。



closing agreement是什么意思

closing agreement[英][ˈkləuziŋ əˈɡri:mənt][美][ˈklozɪŋ əˈɡrimənt]<美>(税务)结案书; 例句:1.A final closing agreement with the IRS is expected during the first quarter of 2009.

permission, agreement和allowing 的区别

permission:允许agreement:协议allowing: 允许的动词进行式或动名词

be in agreement on和be in agreement with的区别


contract agreement是什么意思


agreements 与 arrangements有什么区别

agreements他是一个复数名词形式,意为同意 而arrangements安排arrange的名词形式

general agreement是什么意思



包含在任何条款,这些条款和条件,以其自然、适用于环境产生的终止后,这些条款和条件,并维持生存之影响,并没有终止之条款及细则应当解除一方在任何责任,而引起的任何违反本条款及条件发生之前说终止。 限制访问的机密信息的那些它的雇员要求是为了影响的条款和条件。各方承认披露保密信息,应立即产生持续的不可逆的损伤给另一方造成的损失补偿不足,并在法律,在不影响其他救济可供对方,将使另一方禁令或其他等同救济。

agreement 和contrary是什么意思?

[əˈɡrimənt]n. 协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致【网络释义】协议; 协定; 一致; 同意ɑnˌtrɛri]adj. 相反的; 违反的,反对的; 对立的; 顽固的,任性的n. 对立或相反的事物; 对立方; [逻]反对命题adv. 相反地,矛盾地【网络释义】相反; 相反的; 反对; 好与人作对的如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

agreement ,document,statement的区别


agreement number是什么意思


entire agreement在合同中是什么意思

entire agreement [词典] 全部协议;完整合约,合同完整性; [网络] 完整合同; 完整协议; 完整契约条款; [例句]This contract constitutes the entire agreement the parties.本合同构成双方之间的全部协议。

in agreement什么意思

in agreement的意思是:协议,同意1Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.许多其他调查已经得出了与这些数据基本一致的结果。2Without missing a beat, the group nodded in agreement.毫不迟疑地,整个小组都点头表示同意。3Everyone looked around, and they all nodded in agreement.所有人都环顾四周,点头表示同意。4But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up in acrimony at the end of the week.但是到这个周末,谈判非但没有达成协议反而在唇枪舌剑中不欢而散。5Wali and Kamal nodded and grunted in agreement.瓦里和卡莫点头以示同意,随声附和。以上是参考

初三英语 关于agreement的选择题

Beg.We are in agreement with their decision. 我们同意他们的决定。

contract and other agreement 的区别

contract是合同契约agreement协定 协议 就是一个比较范的词 很多地方都可以用 比如说关贸总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade


agreements英 [əɡ"ri:mənts]   美 [əɡ"ri:mənts]  n.协定;达成协议;协定( agreement的名词复数 );同意;(性、数、人称方面与…)一致rules英 ["ru:lz]   美 ["ru:lz]  n.规章;规程;条例;守则(rule的复数);规则( rule的名词复数 );统治;习惯;尺


covenant are legally binding promises for which the grantor becomes liable; that is , if the promises prove to be false, the grantee can sue for damages



agreement, pact & contract


letter agreement是什么意思

letter of agreement 协议书

participation agreement是什么意思


be in agreement 是固定句型吗

是固定句式,用的比较多的是agree on sth和agree with sb...




一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。

contract 和agreement 有什么区别

contract: a written legal agreement 译为契约、合同(有法律效用)agreement: a decision that two or more people have made togeter. 译为协议、协定




lt"s my agreement to go to school

bridge agreement什么意思

bridge agreement 全部释义和例句>>桥梁协议bridge 英[brɪdʒ] 美[brɪdʒ] n. 桥; 桥牌; 鼻梁; 起联系作用的东西; vt. 在…建桥,架桥于…之上; 通过桥横跨; agreement 英[əˈgri:mənt] 美[əˈɡrimənt] n. 协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…) 一致;


Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”.Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议).Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement.Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.




inagreement 后跟with或者on,意思一致同意。相当于agree。agreement 意思是协议,名词。


Agreement仅仅是“共识”,也就是说如果一句话说, "we have an agreement"意思就只是“我们有共识”。Contract却是“合同”,也就是官方合法需要签名的那份合同!Draft纯粹就只是“草稿”而已,没有盖章也无效。-此答案来自玛丽英语写作






一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。

agreement 名词形式

agreement 英[əˈgri:mənt] 美[əˈɡrimənt] n. 协定,协议;同意,一致;合同书;(词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致 这个单词本身就是名词了。它的动词是agree。


他们很相似,但是仍然是有区别的,简单的来说,‘contract" 要比 ‘agreement"更加正式,更具有法律效应.下面这些解释可以供你参考:A contract is an agreement between parties that will legally enforceable.A sim...


一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。



Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

Protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”。Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名。比如:Security Agreement (担保协议), Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议)。Contract: 指法律上“合同”的概念。比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties。 商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉。Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利。而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方。国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的。正确的翻译是Credit Agreement。Draft: 一般指草稿。例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿。


agreement是名词 agree to, 赞成, 例: Do you agree to the conditions? 你同意这些条件吗?agree with, (对意见等)表示赞同 例: I cannot agree with your opinions. 我不能同意你的观点。就价钱、条件等)达成协议,商定 (about, on, upon) 例:They have agreed on the terms of surrender. 他们就投降条件达成了协议。 The two groups agreed on a cease-fire. 两派达成了停火协议表示愿意,应允,答应: I agree to leave at once. 我答应即刻离开。


agreement是agree的名词形式。其意思:n.协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致;


一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。


阿哥瑞门特 基本上是这个发音 哥瑞门稍微重一些


agreement作为“同意/一致”时,是不可数名词,有固定短语in agreement with...“与...一致;同意...”;agreement作为“协定/协议/契约”时,是可数名词,have an agreement with sb意思是“与某人达成一个协定/协议/契约”。 agreement双语例句 1、We need to come to some form of agreement. 我们需要达成某种形式的协议。 2、The agreement will open the door to increased international trade. 此协议将会提供增加国际贸易的机会。 3、The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. 新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。 4、We consider this agreement to be an important step forward. 我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步。 5、A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries. 两国之间签署了贸易协定。






一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。




1、含义:n.协调一致;同意;一致意见;协定;一致;合同;契约;相容;呼应2、短语搭配be in agreement with同意in agreement with同意;符合;与…一致                                    trade agreement贸易协定;贸易协议in agreement一致;同意;达成协议reach an agreement达成协议3、例句:The decision of the Court of Appeal in re Midland Railway Co"s Agreement.上诉法院关于《米德兰铁路公司协议》的裁决。Banks began welshing on their agreement not to convert dollar reserves into gold.银行开始拒绝履行不把美元兑换成黄金的协议。                                    


agreement 英[əˈgri:mənt] 美[əˈɡrimənt] n. 协定,协议;同意,一致;合同书;(词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致


gmat语法方面,根据答案中的错误类型(即答案中的黑体字如:agreement, parallelism)进行分类并深入理解每一个错误类型的概念。

direct agreement是什么意思

direct agreement直接协议双语例句1Such elements can only emerge from direct agreement between the two sides.只有双方直接协议,才能提出这种内容。2It is not entirely clear from this wording whether such agreement may be put in place in advance, such as through a direct agreement.从这些措词中不完全明确的是这种约定是否可以事先订立,例如通过一项直接协议订立。

reach an agreement是什么意思


Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me.Contract和前者最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的.以下是详细对比Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”.Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议).Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement.Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


区别:agreement[英][əˈgri:mənt][美][əˈɡrimənt]n.协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致;例句:Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。contract[英][ˈkɒntrækt][美][ˈkɑ:ntrækt]n.合同; 契约; 协议; contract[英][kənˈtrækt]v.签合同; 缩小; 感染; 例句:The contract would give unionized workers a 12 percent pay raise over three years.合同将给加入工会的工人今后3年12%的加薪。Draft草案例句:So be on the lookout for common trouble spots when studying your final draft.当检查最后的草稿时,请注意那些容易出错的地方。

金融 保险 行业 agreement 代表 什么

agreement一般是协议、协约、达成一致的意思,在保险行业,与保险的英文单词Insurance合在一起的话,就是指保险协议(Insurance agreement)注意这个要与保险合同(insurance contract)区分开,协议与合同还是有比较大的差别的。

integrated agreement是什么意思

integrated agreement [词典] 整体协议,综合协议,全面协议; [例句]By 2005 the sector has been fully integrated into the WTO General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and all quotas have disappeared.到2005年,纺织品、服装贸易完全被纳入WTO关贸总协定,所有的配额约束都取消,仅留下关税作为市场准入的限制。我们把这一时代叫做后配额时代。



"in agreement"是什么意思?

"in agreement"的意思为:持相同意见。例句Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures. 许多其他调查已经得出了与这些数据基本一致的结果。2.Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however. 然而,不是所有的学者都与她意见一致。3.She nodded her head in agreement. 她点头表示同意。常用词组1.持相同意见四级考试词汇必备英语词汇 ... ... in advance 提前;预先 in agreement (作状语)表示同意, (作表语)持相同意见 in all 总共;共计.2.意见一致英语短语_良师益友_新浪博客 ... by agreement 经同意,依约定 in agreement 意见一致 in agreement with 符合,与一致.3.合辙合格_百度百科 ... 合掌【 clasp hands】 合辙,合辙儿【 in agreement】 合著【 coauthor;write in collaboration with】.相关词条 agreement with与一致2012版江苏高考词汇表 ... agreement n. 同意,一致,协定,协议 in agreement with 与…一致 agricultural a. 农业的.2.agreement in intent意向协议书Agreement 协议,契约,合同agreement in intent 意向协议书arbitration agreement 仲裁协定3.agreement in principle原则性协议刘恒信也呼吁联邦自由党能正视这问题,将原则性协议(Agreement in Principle)先取消,并与真正代表苦主的人谈,来搞定人头税的赔 … in agreement意见一致的2010届中考英语重点词组复习 ... 6、stay away from 与……保持距离 7、be in agreement 意见一致的 8、barbecued meat 烧烤肉.

和agreement 有关的单词

他们很相似,但是仍然是有区别的,简单的来说,‘contract" 要比 ‘agreement"更加正式,更具有法律效应.




Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”. Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议). Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement. Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


agreement 与 concurrence 只能算得上是近义词。前者是两方或多方就某事(目的)达成“协议”(各方有进有退,求同存异),关键是在“共同目的”上达成“一致”,因而成为合作的前提条件。而后者则说的是某两个或几个意见、观点相一致,但不一定是为了某一目的。后者还有“同时出现”的意思。


Agreement仅仅是“共识”,也就是说如果一句话说, "we have an agreement"意思就只是“我们有共识”。Contract却是“合同”,也就是官方合法需要签名的那份合同!Draft纯粹就只是“草稿”而已,没有盖章也无效。-此答案来自玛丽英语写作


他们很相似,但是仍然是有区别的,简单的来说,‘contract" 要比 ‘agreement"更加正式,更具有法律效应.下面这些解释可以供你参考:A contract is an agreement between parties that will legally enforceable.A simple "agreement" is an arrangement between the parties which may or may not contain the necessary elements to be enforceable before a court of law.A valid contract must contain the seven valid elements which are:· Offer · Acceptance · Consideration · Intention · Form · Genuine consent · Legality 再加一些:The terms are sometimes used interchangeably.Quite often the word "contract" can mean the document containing the agreement,but "agreement" can be used in that sense too.Contract also tends to be used to mean a binding or formal agreement.Law students study the law of contract,rather than the law of你肯定可以看懂的吧,我就偷懒不翻译了,


你好!agreement 当然有复数形式。如There are many agreements between China and the United States。

关于agree, agreement 的短语

agree sb to do

a agreement还是an agreement

是an agreement。agreement音标是[əˈɡriːmənt],元音音素[ə]开头,所以用an。agreement释义:n.协议,协定,契约;共识;应允,同意;(在数、性或人称方面的)一致短语:agreement with 同…达成协议agreement on 一致意见in agreement 一致;同意;意见一致例句:They nodded in silent agreement.他们默默地点头表示同意。词语辨析:unity,concord,agreement,harmony,accord这组词都有“和谐、一致”的意思,其区别是:unity指各个成员、各群体之间相互协调一致的关系。concord多指人际、国家间或民族之间协调一致的关系。agreement侧重态度与观点上的一致。harmony指人与人之间或不同部分与整体之间完全协调、和谐、愉快,没有摩擦。accord指思想一致,彼此不矛盾,也指行动上的一致。

请问agreement,compact, pact, deal,treaty,accord的异同?

agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的. contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等. covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约. treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等. deal : 交易,谈判的结果. compact 合作协议,行动计划. accord 两国之间(通过协商和让步)达成的协议.拓展资料:这几个词都有协议、条约的意思。但他们的用法和意义有细微差别。①agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的,比如离婚协议,两国之间就什么事达成的协议。【an arrangement, a promise or a contract】 ②contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等,商业合同,雇佣合同等等。【an official written agreement】 ③covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约。【a promise to sb, or a legal agreement, especially one to pay a regular amount of money to sb/sth】 ④treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等【a formal agreement between two or more countries 】⑤ deal : 协议;(尤指)交易。【an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for buying or doing sth】⑥compact 协定;协议;契约;合约【(formal) a formal agreement between two or more people or countries】⑦ accord 协议;条约 【a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.】


agreement作为“同意/一致”时,是不可数名词,有固定短语in agreement with...“与...一致;同意...”;agreement作为“协定/协议/契约”时,是可数名词,have an agreement with sb意思是“与某人达成一个协定/协议/契约”。造句:1、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。2、A lease is a rental agreement between the lessee and the lessor租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。3、Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。4、With a few exceptions, an oral agreement is enforceable but will often be hard to prove.尽管存在少数特例,但一般情况下,口头协议虽然具备法律效力但往往难以证实。5、The result that he got was not in agreement with experiment.但他得到的结果与实验不符。6、It"s illegal to get into a formal agreement with investors that they"ll buy in the aftermarket.与投资人达成正式协议允许其在后市买入是非法的。


agreement英 [əˈɡriːmənt]   美 [əˈɡriːmənt]双语例句:1、The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. 新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。2、We consider this agreement to be an important step forward. 我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步。3、We need to come to some form of agreement. 我们需要达成某种形式的协议。4、The agreement will open the door to increased international trade. 此协议将会提供增加国际贸易的机会。5、A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries. 两国之间签署了贸易协定。6、A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。


协议;协定;同意;一致。agreement:普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。agreement [əˈgri:mənt] 复数:agreements n. 协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…) 一致; [例句]We worked out a new agreement.制定一个新协议了。


n.协议;协定;协约;条约;(书面的)协定,协约,条约;协约文件;条约文件;意见一致;赞同;允许;同意;相符;一致;一致;同意;达成协议;同义词:treaty; harmony; consent; conformity双语例句:1. an interconnect agreement.互连协议。2. An outline agreement has been reached.已经达成了一个框架协议。3. They violated the ceasefire agreement.他们违反了停火协议。4. We are no nearer agreement.我们没有达成一致意见。

John is a very agreeable person. His brother is n

John is a very agreeable person whose brother is not an agreeable person at all.



with a long agreeable sigh是with复合结构嘛?

with a long agreeable sigh是with复合结构。翻译过来是:长长地,愉快的叹了口气。属于WITH+名词(或代词)+动词不定式。with的复合结构在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。常见形式有七种,with+名词/代词+介词短语(形容词/副词/名词/done/-ing分词/to do)。

With regard to Contract NO.1236 ,we are agreeable___D/P terms of payment.

With regard to Contract NO.1236 ,we are agreeable_to__D/P terms of agreeable to 同意至于第1236号合同,我们同意采用托收的付款方式。


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