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The company will_to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.

选D adhere to (固定搭配) " 遵循,坚持"

Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方


agree on 和agree to的不同

gree to sth-------同意对方开出的条件agree on sth-----同意双方制定的协议条款,合同1.He didn"t get the job because he didn"t agree to the working conditions here.2.They agreed on the contract and signed their names.

agree 近义词辨析

1. agree (to sth) 意为同意;愿意2. agree with sb 意为适3agree to do sth.同意做某事4agree on 同意


第二个音节。agree音标为美[??ɡri] ;英[??ɡri?],重音在第二个音节。agree的基本含义是“同意”;指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意。


agree短语有agree upon、agree about、agree together等。一、agree解释agree,英语单词,既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“同意,赞成;承认;约定,商定”。作不及物动词时意为“同意,意见一致;约定,商定”。二、agree短语agree upon达成协议 ; 意见一致 ; 同意某主意 。agree about对 ; 同意有关 ; 达成协议 ; 关于同意。agree together同意一起 ; 一起议定 ; 同意共同。agree you同意您 ; 同意你 ; 您同意。AGREE Chamber复合型环境试验机。agree more同意更 ; 更加同意 ; 同意。Astronomers Agree天文学家一致认为 ; 地理学家分歧以为。Agree Contract认定合同。三、agree例句What do you agree or not agree?你怎么同意还是不同意吗?。I agree with you on that.在那个问题上我和你一致。And whether you agree with them, or not.你是否同意他们的想法,还是没有。

agree与agree with有什么区别

agree to:agree to常与plan(计划)、arrangement(安排)、suggestion(建议)、proposal(建议)、terms(条件)、method(方法)等名词连用。这时agree to不仅指其主语与对方看法一致,而且暗含自己也愿合作、承担义务或效法的意味。(agree to sth/agree to do sth)agree with:agree with可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。与agree to不同之处是,仅表示看法或意见一致,没有愿意进行合作或效法的含义。(agree with sb/sth)另外,agree with除了有赞成,同意的意思,还有适应,适合的意思,可以用于食物,气候等方面例如 The food agrees with me(这食物合我口味)

agree怎么读 agree解释

1、agree,同意。读音:美/u0259u02c8ɡriu02d0/;英/u0259u02c8ɡriu02d0/。 2、解释:vt.同意,赞成;承认;约定,商定。vi.同意,意见一致;约定,商定。 3、例句:I agree with the basic point of view put forward in this article.我赞成这篇文章中提出的基本观点。

agree 和 consent 的区别,

agree 指原来有过分歧,经协商后“达到意见一致”,使用范围较广,既可包括书面同意也可包括口头同意如:The views of the two leaders agree.两位领导的意见取得一致.consent指同意;应允;允许.语气较轻,一般强调得到...

agreed to do还是doing

agree doing是错误的。agree to do释义:同意做某事。语法:agree的基本含义是“同意”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意,也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。 agree的用法 1.汉语的“同意某人做某事”,英语中不能直译为agree sb to do sth,而应根据情况改用其他结构。 2.注意以下几个短语的用法(尤其注意其介词搭配): (1)agree on/upon ①取得一致意见,达成协议。主要指双方通过协商而意见一致。 ②同意。其后通常接动名词,表示同意做某事。 (2)agree to ①同意(打算等)。主要指同意某一打算、安排、计划等。 ②同意或接受(建议等)。其后尤其接suggestion,plan,proposal等名词,与accept同义。 ③同意(做某事)。其后既可接动词原形(to是不定式符号),也可接动名词(一般有逻辑主语,to是介词)。 ①同意。主要指同意某人,或同意某人的意见、想法、解释等。 ②对……适宜。主要指食物、天气、工作等方面的适宜。 ③与……一致。

agree for和agree with,agree to 区别

Agree的用法 agree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有: (1) 涉及讨论的题目用about。 They never agree about politics. 关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致。 (2)要确定一样事情用on。 Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? (3)涉及一件建议或计划用to。 He"s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. 他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了。 (4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解释以及涉及人的时候用with。 They might not agree with his opinions. 他们可能不同意他的意见。 (5)agree后可接动词不定式或宾语从句。 We agree to leave at once. 我们同意马上离开。 agree一般常用口语用法 (1)I can"t argue with you about that. 我无法与您争辩那件事。 (2)You can say that again. 您说的对极了。 (3)You took the words right out of my mouth. 您已说出我心里的话。 (4)I was about to say the same thing. 我正想提出同样看法。 (5)I couldn"t agree with you more. 我极表同意您的看法。 注意 上列类似用语"I couldn"t agree with you more.",按字面翻译为「我无法再更加同意您了」,实则表「我对您极表同意」。注意这是固定句型,助动词必须用couldn"t,而不可用can"t。

agree with含义及用法

同意agree with sb/ what sb said/ one"s opinion

agree to do和agree to doing的区别

to是不定式的标志,后跟动词原型,所以没有agree to doing的形式,agree to do同意做没事!

Agree to 和agree on用法及例句?

agree是一个使用范围很广的单词,意为“同意;赞同”.它有很多相关词组,现在把其主要用法归纳如下: 1. agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”.如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗? 2. agree with sb 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中.如:The climate there doesn"t agree with him. 那里的气候对他不合适. 3. agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”.如:We couldn"t agree on a date/ when to meet. 关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见. 4. agree sth意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”.如:Can we agree a price? 我们能不能商定一个价格? 5. agree (with sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”.如:Your thoughts didn"t agree with mine. 你的想法和我的想法不一致. 6. be agreed(on /about sth)意为“达成协议;意见一致”.如:We are all agreed on the best action. 我们都同意这一最佳措施. 7. agree后面还可以接宾语从句,即be agreed that ...如:It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家都认为有必要再开一次会.

你好老师 agree的用法是什么呀? i didnt agree on you 这句话对吗??

应该说---- I didnt agree with you . gree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有: (1) 涉及讨论的题目用about. They never agree about politics.关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致. (2)要确定一样事情用on. Can we agree on a date for the next meeting?我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? (3)涉及一件建议或计划用to. He"s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了. (4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解释以及涉及人的时候用with. They might not agree with his opinions.他们可能不同意他的意见. (5)agree后可接动词不定式或宾语从句. We agree to leave at once.我们同意马上离开.,3,




不定式 to do 含有“要去做......”的含义,所以,agree to do 就是同意去做什么事,例如:She agreed to have a wim with me. 她同意和我一起游个泳。“agree to sth(建议)”表示“赞同某人的建议”这里的to,是个介词,故而后面跟名词或者代词。Miss White didn"t agree to his suggestion.怀特小姐不同意他的建议。“agree with sb ”表示“赞同某人的观点”with 后跟人,表示赞同某人的看法。agree 后面跟 to 和 with 的用法,介词 to 后面是“事”;介词 with 后面是 “人”。I don"t agree with you. 你的看法,我不敢苟同。

agree to和agree with后面加上某事的时候某事有什么区别?

agree with①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点):I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法。I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:The weather doesnot agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。Hard work does not agree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。③表示“与…一致”:A verb must agree with its subjectin person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。2. agree to ①主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。有时 agree to也可用来表示“答应”一件自己不愿做的事:I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agree with it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。②后接 suggestion, plan, proposal等名词时,与 accept同义:Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受)我的建议吗?③其后既可接动词原形 (此时to是不定式符号),也可接动名词 (一般有逻辑主语,此时 to是介词):He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。3. agree on [upon]①主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。②后接动名词 (=agree to do sth):He agreed on lending (=to lend) us some money. 他同意借给我们一些钱。Mary agreed on coming [to come] on Monday. 玛丽同意星期一来。4.两点用法说明:(1) 后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。(2) agree不能接不定式的复合结构,所以汉语的“同意某人做某事”,不能直译为 agree sb to do sth,而应根据情况改用其它结构:他们同意我去。正:They agreed to let me go. 正:They agreed to my going.


2. agree to (1) 后接某些名词,表示同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事。He agree the plan (the date). 他同意了这个计划(日期)。We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agree with it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。(2) 后接动词原形(此时to是不定式符号)或动名词(一般有逻辑主语,此时 to 是介词)。如:We agreed to leave early. 我们同意早点出发。She agreed to my going home. 她同意我回去。注:英语不说 agree sb to do sth。如不说: * She agreed me to go home. 3. agree on [upon](1) 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。如:Can we agree on a price (a date)? 我们能不能商定一个价格(日期)? Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。注:在正式文体中,有时可省略介词 on。如:Can we agree a price (date)? (2) 后接动名词,表示同意做某事。如:He agreed on helping us. 他同意帮助我们。注:与 agree to do sth 大致同义。所以上句也可说成:He agreed to help us.

agree的用法 都和什么搭配

1、汉语的“同意某人做某事”,英语中不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其他结构。 2、agree on / upon,取得一致意见,达成协议。主要指双方通过协商而意见一致。 3、其后通常接动名词,表示同意做某事。如:Tom agreed on helping us. 汤姆同意帮助我们。 4、agree to同意(打算等)。主要指同意某一打算、安排、计划等。 5、agree with,同意。主要指同意某人,或同意某人的意见、想法、解释等。

agree to sth 还是 agree on sth 啊?

一般是agree with somebody, agree to do sth

agree with,agree to,agree on的区别和用法

agree with,agree to,agree on的区别和用法 1. agree with ①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点): I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。 They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法。 I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。 ②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”: The weather doesnot agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。 Hard work does notagree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。 ③表示“与…一致”: A verb must agree with its subjectin person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。 What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。 2. agree to ①主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作: We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。 She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。 有时 agree to 也可用来表示“答应”一件自己不愿做的事: I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agreewith it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。 ②后接 suggestion, plan, proposal 等名词时,与 accept 同义: Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受)我的建议吗? ③其后既可接动词原形 (此时to是不定式符号),也可接动名词 (一般有逻辑主语,此时 to是介词): He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。 I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。 3. agree on [upon] ①主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议: We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。 Both sides agreedon these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。 ②后接动名词 (=agree to do sth): He agreed on lending (=to lend) us some money. 他同意借给我们一些钱。 Mary agreed oncoming [to come] on Monday. 玛丽同意星期一来。 4. 两点用法说明: (1) 后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。 (2) agree 不能接不定式的复合结构,所以汉语的“同意某人做某事”,不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其它结构: 他们同意我去。 正:They agreed to let me go. 正:They agreed to my going. 误:They agreed me to go.

agree with和agree on的区别

Agree的用法 agree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有:(1) 涉及讨论的题目用about.They never agree about politics.关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致.(2)要确定一样事情用on.Can we agree on a date for the next meeting?我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间?(3)涉及一件建议或计划用to.He"s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了.(4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解释以及涉及人的时候用with.They might not agree with his opinions.他们可能不同意他的意见.(5)agree后可接动词不定式或宾语从句.We agree to leave at once.我们同意马上离开.agree一般常用口语用法 I couldn"t agree with you more.我极表同意您的看法.


1)agree with + sb/ sth … 同意某人/某人意见 或 某事适合某人 I quite agree with you 我完全同意你的意见 We agree with what you said. 我们同意你的说法. Hard work doesn"t agree with him . 艰苦的工作对他不适合. 2)agree (to) sth 同意/接受别人的计划/安排… (to可以省略) He agreed (to) the plan / the date/ our arrangement. . 3)agree on/ upon … 双方协商达成一致… Can we agree on a right price/date ? 4)agree to do sth =agree doing sth disagree to do sth agree sb to do sth 没有此句型 5)agreement disagreement have disagreements in … 在某方面有分歧 agree相关例句: 1. The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically. 他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿。 2. It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree. 她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。 3. I think you"d agree he"s a very respected columnist. 我想你得承认他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。 4. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then. 那你我只能各自保留不同意见了。 5. They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested. 他们别无选择,只好接受他的提议。 6. You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you. 你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。 7. Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland. 英国不同意,丹麦、葡萄牙和爱尔兰也持反对意见。 8. At first we chatted agree-ably about his trips to London and Paris. 一开始,我们愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。 9. This effectively means that the government does not agree with the proposals. 这实际上就意味着政府不赞同这些提议。 10. I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me. 我坚定地认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的观点。 11. In his heart he knew they"d agree with his stand. 他内心明白他们会赞成他的立场。 12. What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him? 究竟是什么让她同意嫁给他的? 13. I heartily agree with her favourable comments on Germany and France. 我十分赞同她对德国和法国的好评。 14. It is unlikely that the rebels will agree to demobilise. 叛军不太可能会同意解散武装。 15. I see your point but I"m not sure I agree with you. 我明白你的观点,但恐怕我不能苟同。 16. They agree on fundamentals, like the need for further political reform. 他们在需要深化政治改革等基本问题上意见一致。 17. "I think we could agree on that one." — "Only just." “我想在那一点上我们是一致的。”——“勉强算是吧。” 18. The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit. 已签名的买主同意支付5,000英镑的订金。 19. He may have put pressure on her to agree. 他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。 20. I don"t fully agree with that characterization of the welfare system. 我并不完全同意对福利制度的描述。


Agree的用法 agree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有: (1) 涉及讨论的题目用about。 They never agree about politics. 关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致。 (2)要确定一样事情用on。 Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? (3)涉及一件建议或计划用to。 He"s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. 他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了。 (4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解释以及涉及人的时候用with。 They might not agree with his opinions. 他们可能不同意他的意见。 (5)agree后可接动词不定式或宾语从句。 We agree to leave at once. 我们同意马上离开。   agree一般常用口语用法   (1)I can"t argue with you about that.   我无法与您争辩那件事。   (2)You can say that again.   您说的对极了。   (3)You took the words right out of my mouth.   您已说出我心里的话。   (4)I was about to say the same thing.   我正想提出同样看法。   (5)I couldn"t agree with you more.   我极表同意您的看法。   注意   上列类似用语"I couldn"t agree with you more.",按字面翻译为「我无法再更加同意您了」,实则表「我对您极表同意」。注意这是固定句型,助动词必须用couldn"t,而不可用can"t。

高考英语词汇:agree的用法 (重要短语)

高考英语词汇:agree的用法(重要短语)   1. agree with   (1) 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点)。如:   I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。   We agree with what you say. 我们同意你说的。   (2) 表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜”。如:   The food does not agree with me. 这食物对我不适合。   Hard work does not agree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。   (3) 表示“与……一致”。如:   His story agrees with the facts. 他的陈述与事实相符。   A verb must agree with its subject in person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。   2. agree to   (1) 后接某些名词,表示同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事。   He agree the plan (the date). 他同意了这个计划(日期)。   We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。   I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agree with it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。   (2) 后接动词原形(此时to是不定式符号)或动名词(一般有逻辑主语,此时 to 是介词)。如:   We agreed to leave early. 我们同意早点出发。   She agreed to my going home. 她同意我回去。   注:英语不说 agree sb to do sth。如不说:   * She agreed me to go home. (from   3. agree on [upon]   (1) 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。如:   Can we agree on a price (a date)? 我们能不能商定一个价格(日期)?   Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。   注:在正式文体中,有时可省略介词 on。如:   Can we agree a price (date)?   (2) 后接动名词,表示同意做某事。如:   He agreed on helping us. 他同意帮助我们。   注:与 agree to do sth 大致同义。所以上句也可说成:   He agreed to help us.


  2019年6月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:agree的用法  1. agree with  ①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点):  I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。  They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法。  I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。  ②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:  The weather doesnot agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。  Hard work does notagree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。  ③表示“与…一致”:  A verb must agree with its subjectin person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。  What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。  2. agree to  ①主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:  We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。  She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。  有时 agree to 也可用来表示“答应”一件自己不愿做的事:  I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agreewith it. 我被 迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。  ②后接 suggestion, plan, proposal 等名词时,与 accept 同义:  Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受)我的建议吗?  ③其后既可接动词原形 (此时to是不定式符号),也可接动名词 (一般有逻辑主语,此时 to是介词):  He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。  I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。  3. agree on [upon]  ①主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:  We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。  Both sides agreedon these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。  ②后接动名词 (=agree to do sth):  He agreed on lending (=to lend) us some money. 他同意借给我们一些钱。  Mary agreed oncoming [to come] on Monday. 玛丽同意星期一来。  4. 两点用法说明:  (1) 后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。  (2) agree 不能接不定式的复合结构,所以汉语的“同意某人做某事”,不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其它结构:  他们同意我去。  正:They agreed to let me go.  正:They agreed to my going.  误:They agreed me to go.


agree的用法搭配有:agree with sb about/on sth ;agree with sth;be agreed that…;be agreed on/about sth;agree to sth等。 扩展资料   agree的用法1:agree的基本含义是“同意”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意; 也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。agree所表示的“同意”,多指经讨论、谈判或劝说使原有的分歧或相反意见得以解决而取得一致意见。引申可表示事物的“相一致”“相符合”和人际关系的“相适应”“相融洽”。   agree的用法2:agree用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。用作不及物动词,其后常接about, in, on〔upon〕, to, with等介词。agree on〔upon〕后的宾语主要是date, price, position, cease-fire, terms等。agree to后的宾语主要是arrangement, conditions, plan, proposals, suggestions, terms等。agree with作“适合”解时,主语多为表示气候、环境、食物等方面的名词,宾语多为人。   agree的用法3:agree后不直接接动名词作宾语,如需接动名词时则要加介词。但接that从句时其前不加介词。agree可用于被动结构。   agree的用法4:agree以往主要用作不及物动词,作及物动词的用法是严格限制在会计用语中的。例如:The inspector of taxes has now agreed your claim for expenses.税务稽查员已同意你提出的费用要求。Do you agree the bill?你同意这张单据吗?   agree的用法5:对句型 agree to do sth,有人说是agree加动词不定式; 有人说是agree to+动词原形; 也有人说是agree to+动词不定式,两个to合二为一。   agree的用法6:句型to be agreed...有的.是被动结构,有的是系表结构,要注意分辨。后者的含意为“是同意的”“是一致的”“是相符的”等。   agree的用法7:agree to用于被动结构时, to可以保留,也可省略。用于句尾时多省略。例如:The terms have now been agreed (to).这些条件已得到同意。这是因为to置于句尾,无足轻重。   agree的用法8:agree without agreeing是“表面上同意”的意思,例如:For now I saw that I could agree with Jack without agreeing.现在我懂了,我可以在口头上同意杰克的意见,敷衍他一下。   agree的用法9:agree to disagree的意思是“同意有不同的看法”, agree to agree的意思是“一致同意”。   agree的用法10:agree可用于进行体,这种用法往往有“暂时同意”的含义,语气较生动。


agree with sb. 同意某人的观点agree to do sth 同意去做某事agree on sth 就某事达成一致


agree的用法1:agree的基本含义是“同意”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意; 也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。agree所表示的“同意”,多指经讨论、谈判或劝说使原有的分歧或相反意见得以解决而取得一致意见。引申可表示事物的“相一致”“相符合”和人际关系的“相适应”“相融洽”。   agree的用法2:agree用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。用作不及物动词,其后常接about, in, on〔upon〕, to, with等介词。agree on〔upon〕后的宾语主要是date, price, position, cease-fire, terms等。agree to后的宾语主要是arrangement, conditions, plan, proposals, suggestions, terms等。agree with作“适合”解时,主语多为表示气候、环境、食物等方面的名词,宾语多为人。   agree的用法3:agree后不直接接动名词作宾语,如需接动名词时则要加介词。但接that从句时其前不加介词。agree可用于被动结构。   agree的用法4:agree以往主要用作不及物动词,作及物动词的用法是严格限制在会计用语中的。例如:The inspector of taxes has now agreed your claim for expenses.税务稽查员已同意你提出的费用要求。Do you agree the bill?你同意这张单据吗?   agree的用法5:对句型 agree to do sth,有人说是agree加动词不定式; 有人说是agree to+动词原形; 也有人说是agree to+动词不定式,两个to合二为一。   agree的用法6:句型to be agreed...有的是被动结构,有的是系表结构,要注意分辨。后者的含意为“是同意的”“是一致的”“是相符的”等。   agree的用法7:agree to用于被动结构时, to可以保留,也可省略。用于句尾时多省略。例如:The terms have now been agreed (to).这些条件已得到同意。这是因为to置于句尾,无足轻重。   agree的用法8:agree without agreeing是“表面上同意”的意思,例如:For now I saw that I could agree with Jack without agreeing.现在我懂了,我可以在口头上同意杰克的意见,敷衍他一下。   agree的用法9:agree to disagree的意思是“同意有不同的看法”, agree to agree的意思是“一致同意”。  agree的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   agree about (v.+prep.)   agree in (v.+prep.)   agree on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)   agree to (v.+prep.)   agree with (v.+prep.)   agree的用法例句:   1. The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.   他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿。   2. It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.   她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。   3. I think you"d agree he"s a very respected columnist.   我想你得承认他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。   4. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then.   那你我只能各自保留不同意见了。   5. They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested.   他们别无选择,只好接受他的提议。   6. You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.   你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。   7. Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland.   英国不同意,丹麦、葡萄牙和爱尔兰也持反对意见。   8. At first we chatted agree-ably about his trips to London and Paris.   一开始,我们愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。   9. This effectively means that the government does not agree with the proposals.   这实际上就意味着政府不赞同这些提议。   10. I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.   我坚定地认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的观点。   11. In his heart he knew they"d agree with his stand.   他内心明白他们会赞成他的立场。   12. What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?   究竟是什么让她同意嫁给他的?   13. I heartily agree with her favourable comments on Germany and France.   我十分赞同她对德国和法国的好评。   14. It is unlikely that the rebels will agree to demobilise.   叛军不太可能会同意解散武装。   15. I see your point but I"m not sure I agree with you.   我明白你的观点,但恐怕我不能苟同。

agree的用法 agree的短语搭配

  agree的用法:1、做及物动词时,常接名词、代词或that引导的宾语从句。2、做及物动词时,常与with、to、on等介词搭配。3、做不及物动词时,其过去分词可作形容词,后接that引导的从句。4、做及物动词时,其过去分词的常见搭配有:agreed to do,表示“在别人建议下同意做某事”。   agree的短语与搭配   1. agree with   (1) 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点)。如:   I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。   We agree with what you say. 我们同意你说的。   (2) 表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜”。如:   The food does not agree with me. 这食物对我不适合。   Hard work does not agree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。   (3) 表示“与……一致”。如:   His story agrees with the facts. 他的陈述与事实相符。   A verb must agree with its subject in person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。   2. agree to   (1) 后接某些名词,表示同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事。   He agree to the plan (the date). 他同意了这个计划(日期)。   We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。   I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agree with it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。   (2) 后接动词原形(此时to是不定式符号)或动名词(一般有逻辑主语,此时 to 是介词)。如:   We agreed to leave early. 我们同意早点出发。   She agreed to my going home. 她同意我回去。   注:英语不说 agree sb to do sth。如不说:   * She agreed me to go home.   3. agree on   (1) 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。如:   Can we agree on a price (a date)? 我们能不能商定一个价格(日期)?   Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。   注:在正式文体中,有时可省略介词 on。如:   Can we agree a price (date)?   (2) 后接动名词,表示同意做某事。如:   He agreed on helping us. 他同意帮助我们。   注:与 agree to do sth 大致同义。所以上句也可说成:   He agreed to help us.


agree的用法:1.agree不可直接跟doing。但可以用作agreed in doing。2.agree接不同介词表示不同意思:agree with指“同意”,后面接“人”或者“意见”。 agree to指“同意于”,后面接意为“提议”“办法”“计划”等词。 agree on/upon指“(双方)决定”。3.could not agree more的含义是completely agree,即“完全同意”,不要按字面译为“不能同意得更多”。agree的短语:1.agree with 同意2.agree on 达成共识3.agree about 同意;商定4.agree to differ 停止争论5.agree to 接受;允诺


Agree是英语中较为常见的单词,表示V.同意/赞成,常做不及物动词,一起来看看它不同的用法! 首先,agree可以表示赞同的意思,同时也有承认的意思。如下面例句: Wet agree on your plans. 我们同意你的计划。 The boy agrees that Tom is cleverer than him. 这个男孩承认汤姆比他聪明得多。 agree做不及物动词时,可搭配介词to ,with,upon,on等,但含义却有所不同。 1.agree with可接某人,或者具体的建议看法的词,表示同意某人或某人的想法、分析、意见等。例如: I agree with you. 我同意你。 I agree with your suggestion. 我同意你的建议。 2.agree to后一般接具体的表示计划,方法,安排的词。也可接动词原形或动名词。同时,要注意) agree不能接不定式的复合结构,即表达“同意某人做某事”时不可以用 agree sb to do sth,而应根据情况改用agree to do或agree to +动名词的结构。 We don"t agree to this arrangement. 我们不赞同这个安排。 I agree to work tomorrow. 我同意明天开始工作。 3.agree on 表示在某事方面(可为具体的事:如条款,价格等)达成一致,也可接动名词相当于agree to do. We"re not going to agree on every issue. 我们不会在每一个问题上都持一致看法。 He agreed on attending (=to attend)the meeting . 他同意参加那个会议。


 1. agree with   ①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点):   I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。   They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法。   I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。   ②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:   The weather doesnot agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。   Hard work does notagree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。   ③表示“与…一致”:   A verb must agree with its subjectin person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。   What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。   2. agree to   ①主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:   We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。   She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。   有时 agree to 也可用来表示“答应”一件自己不愿做的事:   I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agreewith it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。   ②后接 suggestion, plan, proposal 等名词时,与 accept 同义:   Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受)我的建议吗?   ③其后既可接动词原形 (此时to是不定式符号),也可接动名词 (一般有逻辑主语,此时 to是介词):   He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。   I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。   3. agree on [upon]   ①主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:   We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。   Both sides agreedon these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。   ②后接动名词 (=agree to do sth):   He agreed on lending (=to lend) us some money. 他同意借给我们一些钱。   Mary agreed oncoming [to come] on Monday. 玛丽同意星期一来。   4. 两点用法说明:   (1) 后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。   (2) agree 不能接不定式的复合结构,所以汉语的“同意某人做某事”,不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其它结构:   他们同意我去。   正:They agreed to let me go.   正:They agreed to my going.   误:They agreed me to go.

agree 的搭配和用法

1.agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”.如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion?他会同意我们的建议吗? 2.agree with sb 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中.如:The climate there doesn"t agree with him.那里的气候对他不合适. 3.agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”.如:We couldn"t agree on a date/ when to meet.关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见. 4.agree sth意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”.如:Can we agree a price?我们能不能商定一个价格? 5.agree (with sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”.如:Your thoughts didn"t agree with mine.你的想法和我的想法不一致. agreed(on /about sth)意为“达成协议;意见一致”.如:We are all agreed on the best action.我们都同意这一最佳措施. 7.agree后面还可以接宾语从句,即be agreed that ...如:It was agreed that another meeting was necessary.大家都认为有必要再开一次会.


agree to sth agree with sb agree that + clause angry at/with sb angry that + clause 不能 angry to

agree with和sgree on区别

agree with 后面跟somebody, 就是跟人, 同意谁的意见, 看法..比如 agree with Mr. Zhang, 就是同意张先生的意见, 后者张先生的看法 agree on 后面跟something, 就是跟事儿, 是说同意某个事情.. 比如, agree on the ...


agree with someoneagree on some point

agree in和 agree on和 agree to 的 用法 和区别

Agree in doing something,赞同作某事,但是帮不帮忙,看情况 agree on something,赞同某东西 agree to +动词 agree to do something agree to something,这两个结构,都有同意作某市,而且有成人之美,答应的人,还会协助你作成这件事情的的成分在里面

Agree to 和agree on用法及例句?谢谢

agree是一个使用范围很广的单词,意为“同意;赞同”。它有很多相关词组,现在把其主要用法归纳如下: 1. agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”。如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗? 2. agree with sb 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中。如:The climate there doesn"t agree with him. 那里的气候对他不合适。 3. agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”。如:We couldn"t agree on a date/ when to meet. 关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见。 4. agree sth意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”。如:Can we agree a price? 我们能不能商定一个价格? 5. agree (with sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”。如:Your thoughts didn"t agree with mine. 你的想法和我的想法不一致。 6. be agreed(on /about sth)意为“达成协议;意见一致”。如:We are all agreed on the best action. 我们都同意这一最佳措施。 7. agree后面还可以接宾语从句,即be agreed that ...如:It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家都认为有必要再开一次会。



单词allow、permitte、agree、admit 的区别及用法

allow允许,指允许某人做某事,不反对某人做某事有消极的意味,侧重于听任、默许、不加阻止,不按常规行事permit应允,一般和allow是通用的,有正面积极意义,指给预做某事的权力, agree表示同意, admit表示认可,有时指在外界压力下不得不“承认”错误或事实。

几个单词的区别 allow agree agreement accept 它们的区别和用法

allow 允许 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 ;allow doing sth允许吸烟(比如,在机场我们不允许吸烟 We allow not smoking in the airport.);agree 同意 agree with sb 同意某人;agree on同意计划 ;agree还表示适应天气变化 agreement 是agree 的名词,就一般性的名词用法 ;accept 表示接受 这种接受是心理上真正的接受,比如 accept one"s apology 个人认为这是几个单词最常用的用法了,如果LZ还想更详细的 建议查高阶版本的词典,其实任何电子媒介都比不上字典的详细全面


debate是辩论,争论的意思disagreement 是不同意,有异议



They agreed to modify their policy.

【答案】:C题意:他们同意修改政策。 句中modify意为:修改,更改。 A项clarify意为:澄清,阐明;例句:He left the matter to clarify gradually by itself.他任此事逐渐自行澄清。 B项define意为:定义,规定;例句:We can define marital felicity accurately.我们能够给美满婚姻下个准确定义。 C项change意为:改变,交换;例句:She has now changed into a happy,self—confident woman.她现在已经变成了一个快乐、自信的女人。 D项develop意为:开发,发育,发展;例句:Develop cultural undertakings and industry.发展文化事业和文化产业。故本题选C。

i dont see this dent listed in the agreement


解释agrees degress 和anger三个词

agree 同意degree 程度,登记,度,学位anger愤怒,生气


dispute简明释义vt.& vi.辩论,争论vt.就…进行争论,辩论;对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑;争夺,竞争;抵抗,抵制n.辩论;争端;(劳资)纠纷;罢工vi.激烈争辩;争执;争吵;吵架复数:disputes第三人称单数:disputes过去式:disputed过去分词:disputed现在分词:disputingdisagreement简明释义n.分歧,意见不合;异议,争论;不一致;不适合复数:disagreementsdispute是disagreement的升级版本

达成协议四种说法,reach/conclude/come to an agreement.还有一种是什么? 急!

arrive at an agreement (这是最常见的一种,千万记住)

agree with sth 可用什么替换

和 agree with sth意思相同的词组有buy into sthconcur with sthaccede to sthgo along with sb on sthsee eye to eye on sthbe of the same mind on sth正确的用法要看语境比如I agree with how you do itI agree with the way you do itI concur with how you do itI am in agreement with how you do itI see eye to eye with you on how this is doneWe"re of the same mind都有相同意思


hold , concur , concord



concur 和 agree的区别是什么?

assent多指那种上级对下级,长辈对晚辈的同意,准许,如同意孩子去郊游。 concur多指意见上的统一,而不是那种准许的意思 agree就是最宽泛的了



agree approve的区别

agree 侧重于:同意,投合,一致:达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法approve 侧重于:赞成:认为是正确的或好的;表扬地想起或说起

agree,approve,permission 三个词的区别

首先,agree是动词vt. & vi. 同意I asked him to come with me and he agreed. 我请他和我一起来, 他同意了。 vi. 相符, 一致 The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree. 根本的问题是你们俩应意见一致。 approve也是动词vi.赞同,赞许(of) Don"t expect him to approve of your plan straight away.别指望他马上会接受你的计划。 vt. 批准(需要注意的是,“批准”和“赞同”是不一样的意思)The minister approved the building plan. 部长批准了该建筑计划。 permission是名词With your permission I"ll leave now. 有你的允许, 我这就离开。

allow agree permit approve 的区别以及用法

这几个单词都含有“同意、批准、允许”的意思,需要注意区别运用。1. admit的意思是“同意进入,允许进入”(经常与to连用)。如:The number admitted must not exceed 200. 容纳的数目不得超过200。Children are (admitted) half-price. 儿童半价(入场)。Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval. 迟到者在休息时间方可入场。2. allow泛指“一般性同意,允许”。如:Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不得吸烟。Photography is not allowed in this theatre. 本剧院内不准摄影。Because of compassion for her terrible suffering they allowed her to stay. 他们因为同情她的悲惨遭遇而准许她居留。3. permit 常用来表示“上下级之间的允许,批准”。如:Dogs are not permitted in the building. 不得携狗进入楼内。Dogs are not permitted to foul the pavement. 禁止狗在人行道上便溺。The prisoners were permitted two hours" exercise a day. 允许犯人每天有两小时户外活动。4. approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用)。如:I"m bowing out of this scheme I don"t approve of it. 我退出这个计划——我不同意它。I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don"t neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。

approve consent agree accept区别

这两个单词都含有“同意、批准、允许”的意思,需要注意区别运用.approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用).如:I"m bowing out of this scheme I don"t approve of it.我退出这个计划——我不同意它.I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please don"t neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课.agree →普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法.>>I think we should stop; do you agree?>>我觉得我们该停止了,你同意吗?


这两个单词都含有“同意、批准、允许”的意思,需要注意区别运用。approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用)。agree →普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法。



用英语表达赞同与反对有哪些句型?...如 I agree....

赞同:I"agree with....I"approve...I"endorse...I"go along with...反对:I"combat...I"fight...I"oppose...I"m against...I"argue against...

. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …. I believe

我不能完全相信那一点...我相信 其中 entirely 为副词,“完全地”修饰动词agree,即“完全同意”最后,祝你进步

Believe it or not,I would agree with Carol,though not( ) 这题答案是entirely,为什么不能用exactly?


for any breach of this agreement 什么意思


secrecy agreement

secrecy agreement 意思是“保密协议”,主要用于合作或合资的双方签订以保护知识产权。

帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢!!急,在线等!!Tooling agreement


china-asean free trade agreement是什么意思

china-asean free trade agreement中国—东盟自由贸易协定,缩写CAFTA,是中国与东盟十国组建的自由贸易区。相关信息ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。Free Trade Agreement:自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)。是两国或多国间具有法律约束力的契约,目的在于促进经济一体化,其目标之一是消除贸易壁垒,允许产品与服务在国家间自由流动。这里所指的贸易壁垒可能是关税,也可能是繁杂的规则等等。

package agreement造句 package agreementの例文 "package agreement"是什麼意思

Aastocks subscription package agreement Aastocks专业会员服务订户协议书 As a general attendee , we china has signed the package agreements including trips , our intellectual property protection system will tend to consistency with the world 我国作为“乌拉圭回合”的全面参加方,已经签署了包括知识产权协议在内的一揽子协议。为了实现与世界经济的接轨,我国知识产权保护制度必将进一步同国际趋同。 It"s difficult to find package agreement in a sentence. 用 package agreement 造句挺难的


recoverment disagreement light

after coming to an amicable agreement over royalties看不懂这句话里的over?

fter coming to an amicable agreement over royalties看不懂这句话里的over?请问这里的over什么意思,能去掉吗?谢谢

什么情况下签订修改协议amendment agreement


amendment 与supplementary agreement 有什么区别

amendment英 [ə"men(d)m(ə)nt]   美 [ə"mɛndmənt]  n. 修正案;改善;改正supplementary agreement 补充协议;增补协议

遗传算法解决多目标优化问题时出现错误Error using select (line 35) Chrom and FitnV disagree。。。


First of all, please _____ me to introduce myself to you. A.make B.agree C.let D.allo

D 考查词义辨析。make 做,使,agree 同意,let 让,allow 允许,句意:首先,请允许我向你介绍一下我自己。所以选D。

blanket purchase agreement是什么意思

blanket purchase agreement一揽子采购协议请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

supply agreement是什么意思

supply agreement供应协议例句1.The groups were “ investigating a long-term supply agreement ”, Sojitz said.双日表示,两家集团“正在研究一项长期供应协议”。2.Oil-hungry China must be one source perhaps including a long-term supply agreement.渴求石油的中国肯定是资金来源之一或许包括一份长期供应协议。3.The respective processing prices, metal fixation details and payment conditions shall be stated in a Supply Agreement.各自的加工价格、金属固定详情和付款条件应在供货协议中标明。

agree的词组及用法 分人和物来说

agree to 同意某事agree with 同意某人




 agree with①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点):I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法。I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”:The weather doesnot agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。Hard work does not agree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。③表示“与…一致”:A verb must agree with its subjectin person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。 agree to ①主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。有时 agree to也可用来表示“答应”一件自己不愿做的事:I was forced to agree to it, but at heart I didn"t quite agree with it. 我被迫答应,但内心并不完全同意。②后接 suggestion, plan, proposal等名词时,与 accept同义:Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受)我的建议吗?③其后既可接动词原形 (此时to是不定式符号),也可接动名词 (一般有逻辑主语,此时 to是介词):He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。
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