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afraid读音英[əˈfreɪd];美[əˈfreɪd]。释义:adj.害怕的;恐怕;担心的变形:比较级more afraid、最高级most afraid短语搭配:be afraid害怕;畏惧;恐怕;恐惧的You afraid你怕;您担心afraid of担心;怕了吧;之怕feel afraid你就不会害怕;觉得害怕;感到害怕afraid doing害怕做的事情;害怕这样做;怕做双语例句I"m afraid to walk alone at night.我害怕夜间一个人走路。I"m afraid that we can"t continue our conversation.恐怕我们的谈话无法继续了。The young father was suddenly afraid for the child"s future education.这个年轻的父亲突然很担心孩子未来的教育。


afraid英 [əˈfreɪd] 美 [əˈfred]adj.害怕的; 担心的; 恐怕; 畏惧,害怕 双语例句1. She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her. 她感到从未有过的害怕。2. "I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that." “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”3. Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism? 为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?4. I was afraid you"d simply feel we were imposing on you. 我担心你会觉得我们是在勉强你。5. Aren"t you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader? 你不怕被人看作是一个装腔作势的改革者?


搭配:1、be afraid 害怕2、look afraid 显得害怕3、seem afraid 好像害怕4、half afraid 有点怕5、not a bit afraid 一点不怕6、cautiously afraid 怕得谨小慎微afraid用法1、afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。2、afraid在句中间或可用作宾语补足语。由afraid构成的形容词短语在句中还可用作状语。3、作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。






afraid,形容词,翻译为“害怕的;恐怕;担心的”。读音:英[əˈfreɪd],美[əˈfreɪd]。释义:adj. 害怕的;害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦);担心(会发生某事);担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事)。例句:There"s nothing to be afraid of.没有什么要害怕的。短语:seem afraid好像害怕genuinely afraid真怕strangely afraid莫名其妙地害怕afraid for sb/sth为某人〔某事〕担心timidly afraid怕得令人胆小afraid的用法afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。afraid后可加不定式,of和动名词,that或lest引导的从句:加不定式时,指“怕……”,如afraid to die指“怕死”,afraid to see him指“怕见他”。加of和动名词时,除了指“怕……”,还常指“恐怕将……”,如afraid of dying指“恐怕将死”或“怕死”。


afraid英 [əˈfreɪd] 美 [əˈfred] adj. 害怕的; 担心的; 恐怕; 畏惧,害怕中文谐音:额弗瑞德


回答和翻译如下 :afraid .( 音译 :阿,佛,瑞得 。)I afraid of you will get the mistake answer .我恐怕你将要回答的问题是错误的 。


afraid afraid意思 担心的afraid afraid意思 担心的望采纳


一、afraid的音标:英 [əˈfreɪd]、美 [əˈfred] 二、释义:作形容词时,意思是恐怕;害怕的;担心的;畏惧,害怕She"s afraid for her family in Somalia. 她为身在索马里的家人担心。三、词源解说:15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的afrayer,意为惊恐;最初源自古法语的esfreer。四、经典引文:I was affraid of trampling on every traveller that I met.我被践踏了我遇到的每一个旅行者所激怒。出自:Swift扩展资料:一、词语用法:adj.(形容词)1、afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险。2、afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。3、afraid在句中间或可用作宾语补足语。由afraid构成的形容词短语在句中还可用作状语。4、I am afraid...是口语中常见的一种固定搭配(只用单数第一人称一般现在时)。可用来表示推测(suppose)、歉意(Excuse me?)、婉拒(I"m sorry but?)或者引出不好的消息(sorry to have to say)。其作用在于使语气婉转和缓。其位置可在句首,也可在句末。5、在回答别人问话时afraid后可用so或not替代问句中的肯定式或否定式宾语。6、afraid不可用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰。7、afraid的比较级和最高级是more afraid和most afraid。8、much afraid, very much afraid和very afraid都指“很害怕”,但因afraid是表语形容词,very afraid的表达方式不妥当。使用最普遍的是very much afraid,等同于afraid的定语形容词是frightened;9、afraid后可加不定式,of和动名词,that或lest引导的从句:加不定式时,指“怕??”,如afraid to die指“怕死”,afraid to see him指“怕见他”。加of和动名词时,除了指“怕......”,还常指“恐怕将......”,如afraid of dying指“恐怕将死”或“怕死”,afraid of seeing him指“(不想见而)恐怕难免要见到他”或“怕见他”。that从句中,常省略开首的that。I am afraid有时指“I am sorry”。注意I am afraid不能单独代替I am sorry.二、词义辨析:be afraid of v-ing, be afraid to-vafraid 后面可接动名词(其前加of),也可接动词不定式,一般说,这两种说法的意思没有多少区别。例如:I"m afraid of flying〔to fly〕.我害怕坐飞机。I"m afraid of diving〔to dive〕 into the swimming-pool.我不想在游泳池里跳水。He is afraid to see〔of seeing〕 you again.他怕再见到你。有时这两种说法在含义上有差别,例如:She was afraid of waking her husband up.她怕吵醒丈夫。She was afraid to wake her husband up.她不敢喊醒丈夫。前者的含义是“她不想打扰他,可能因为他病了或累了,需要休息”,而后者的含义则是“她不敢喊醒他,怕他生气”。前者注意的是“无意的后果”,后者注意的则是“有意的行为”。正是因为有上述差别,所以,当谈论那些我们自己并不希望也不能决定而突然降临到我们头上的事情时,只能用 v -ing形式,而不能用不定式。例如:I"m afraid of crashing.我害怕撞车。如果说 I"m afraid to crash,则意味着“我不敢撞车。”再如:“我们害怕被抢劫。”只能说We are afraid of being robbed.“我不爱讲法语,因为我怕讲错。”只能说I don"t like to speak French because I"m afraid of making mistakes.“我怕摔进游泳池里。”也只能说I"m afraid of falling into the swimming-pool.


一、afraid的音标:英 [əˈfreɪd]、美 [əˈfred] 二、释义:作形容词时,意思是恐怕;害怕的;担心的;畏惧,害怕She"s afraid for her family in Somalia. 她为身在索马里的家人担心。三、词源解说:15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的afrayer,意为惊恐;最初源自古法语的esfreer。四、经典引文:I was affraid of trampling on every traveller that I met.我被践踏了我遇到的每一个旅行者所激怒。出自:Swift扩展资料:一、词语用法:adj.(形容词)1、afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险。2、afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。3、afraid在句中间或可用作宾语补足语。由afraid构成的形容词短语在句中还可用作状语。4、I am afraid...是口语中常见的一种固定搭配(只用单数第一人称一般现在时)。可用来表示推测(suppose)、歉意(Excuse me?)、婉拒(I"m sorry but?)或者引出不好的消息(sorry to have to say)。其作用在于使语气婉转和缓。其位置可在句首,也可在句末。5、在回答别人问话时afraid后可用so或not替代问句中的肯定式或否定式宾语。6、afraid不可用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰。7、afraid的比较级和最高级是more afraid和most afraid。8、much afraid, very much afraid和very afraid都指“很害怕”,但因afraid是表语形容词,very afraid的表达方式不妥当。使用最普遍的是very much afraid,等同于afraid的定语形容词是frightened;9、afraid后可加不定式,of和动名词,that或lest引导的从句:加不定式时,指“怕??”,如afraid to die指“怕死”,afraid to see him指“怕见他”。加of和动名词时,除了指“怕......”,还常指“恐怕将......”,如afraid of dying指“恐怕将死”或“怕死”,afraid of seeing him指“(不想见而)恐怕难免要见到他”或“怕见他”。that从句中,常省略开首的that。I am afraid有时指“I am sorry”。注意I am afraid不能单独代替I am sorry.二、词义辨析:be afraid of v-ing, be afraid to-vafraid 后面可接动名词(其前加of),也可接动词不定式,一般说,这两种说法的意思没有多少区别。例如:I"m afraid of flying〔to fly〕.我害怕坐飞机。I"m afraid of diving〔to dive〕 into the swimming-pool.我不想在游泳池里跳水。He is afraid to see〔of seeing〕 you again.他怕再见到你。有时这两种说法在含义上有差别,例如:She was afraid of waking her husband up.她怕吵醒丈夫。She was afraid to wake her husband up.她不敢喊醒丈夫。前者的含义是“她不想打扰他,可能因为他病了或累了,需要休息”,而后者的含义则是“她不敢喊醒他,怕他生气”。前者注意的是“无意的后果”,后者注意的则是“有意的行为”。正是因为有上述差别,所以,当谈论那些我们自己并不希望也不能决定而突然降临到我们头上的事情时,只能用 v -ing形式,而不能用不定式。例如:I"m afraid of crashing.我害怕撞车。如果说 I"m afraid to crash,则意味着“我不敢撞车。”再如:“我们害怕被抢劫。”只能说We are afraid of being robbed.“我不爱讲法语,因为我怕讲错。”只能说I don"t like to speak French because I"m afraid of making mistakes.“我怕摔进游泳池里。”也只能说I"m afraid of falling into the swimming-pool.


afraid的意思是害怕的。释义:adj.害怕的;恐怕;担心的变形:比较级more afraid、最高级most afraid短语搭配:be afraid害怕;畏惧;恐怕;恐惧的You afraid你怕;您担心afraid of担心;怕了吧;之怕双语例句1、I"m afraid to walk alone at night.我害怕夜间一个人走路。2、I"m afraid that we can"t continue our conversation.恐怕我们的谈话无法继续了。3、The young father was suddenly afraid for the child"s future education.这个年轻的父亲突然很担心孩子未来的教育。


afraid意思是:抱歉的。afraid 核心词汇 英 [ə"freɪd]     美 [ə"freɪd]    adj. 抱歉的;担心的;害怕的。I"m afraid we can"t come.很抱歉,我们不能来。I"m afraid I didn"t quie catch what you said.对不起,我没听清你刚才所说的话。语法: afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险。afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。


用法:1、afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。2、afraid在句中间或可用作宾语补足语。由afraid构成的形容词短语在句中还可用作状语。3、在回答别人问话时afraid后可用so或not替代问句中的肯定式或否定式宾语。afraid不可用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰。afraid的比较级和最高级是more afraid和most afraid。搭配:1、afraid for sb/sth 为某人〔某事〕担心2、afraid of sth/sb 怕某事〔某人〕3、afraid of v -ing 怕做某事词义辨析:appalling, afraid, frightful, terrible这组词都有“害怕的、可怕的”的意思,其区别是:1、appalling 指既令害怕又使人惊异、胆寒。2、afraid 指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事。3、frightful 指使人陷入短暂的惊恐或产生毛骨悚然的感觉。4、terrible 侧重指给人以长久的惊骇,极端的恐怖,令人难以忍受。afraid 读法 英 [əˈfreɪd]  美 [əˈfreɪd] adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的示例:She"s afraid for her family in Somalia.她为她在索马里的家人担心。


  afraid表示害怕的; 担心的; 恐怕; 畏惧,害怕的意思,那么你知道afraid短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了afraid的短语,希望对你有帮助哦!   afraid的短语:   动词+~   be afraid 害怕   look afraid 显得害怕   seem afraid 好像害怕   副词+~   half afraid 有点怕   not a bit afraid 一点不怕   awfully afraid 非常害怕   cautiously afraid 怕得谨小慎微   childishly afraid 非常幼稚地怕   constantly afraid 一直怕   curiously afraid 怕得叫人难以理解   deadly afraid 怕得要命   ~+介词   afraid for sb/sth 为某人〔某事〕担心   afraid of sth/sb 怕某事〔某人〕   afraid of v-ing 怕做某事   afraid的短语例句:   1. She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.   她感到从未有过的害怕。   2. "I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that."   “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”   3. Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?   为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?   4. I was afraid you"d simply feel we were imposing on you.   我担心你会觉得我们是在勉强你。   5. Aren"t you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?   你不怕被人看作是一个装腔作势的改革者?   6. He was a little bit afraid of his father"s reaction.   他有点害怕父亲的反应。   7. I"m afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.   恐怕我晚餐时吃得太多了。   8. I"m afraid I have to answer a call of nature.   抱歉我要去趟洗手间。   9. I"m afraid that this school year is off to a shaky start.   恐怕这学年一开学就不顺。   10. People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.   由于害怕狙击手,人们不敢冒险外出。   11. Don"tbe afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.   点餐时可以大胆征求意见。   12. Arvo avoided committing himself. "I"m afraid that"s not my province," he replied.   阿尔沃不想作出承诺,“恐怕那不归我管,”他回答说。   13. I was slightly afraid of their chilly distant politeness.   他们那种冷冰冰的、敬而远之的客套让我有点憷头。   14. I was afraid of getting left on the shelf.   我害怕嫁不出去。   15. To tell you the truth, I was afraid to see him.   坦白说,我害怕见他。

be afraid of和be afraid的用法

be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.


afraid的用法(句型)有:1、 be afraid of sth (sb) ;害怕某事(某人)。2、 be afraid of doing sth ;担心会发生某事或某情况(但实际上未必会发生)。3、be afraid to do sth;害怕做某事或不敢做某事。4、be afraid of (that);害怕什么。5、 be afraid for sb. or sth。表示“为某人或某物担心”。读音:英 [əˈfreɪd];美 [əˈfreɪd]。释义:adj.害怕的;焦虑的;惊骇的。例句:1、She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her. 她感到从未有过的害怕。2、"I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that." “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”3、Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism? 为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?4、He was a little bit afraid of his father"s reaction.  他有点害怕父亲的反应。5、I"m afraid I have to answer a call of nature.  抱歉我要去趟洗手间。

be afraid of和be afraid to有什么区别

be afraid的三种用法

afraid的用法有: 1、 be afraid of doing sth/sth (sb) ; 害怕某事(某人)。 2、be afraid to do sth; 害怕做某事或不敢做某事。 扩展资料   3、be afraid for sb. or sth。   表示“为某人或某物担心”。   例句:   1、She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.   她感到从未有过的害怕。   2、"I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that."   “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”   3、Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?   为什么像大学这样人才济济的`社区要害怕虚无主义呢?   4、He was a little bit afraid of his father"s reaction.   他有点害怕父亲的反应。   5、I"m afraid I have to answer a call of nature.   抱歉我要去趟洗手间。


afraid用作形容词,基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。1.afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险。 2.afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing) 引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。 3.afraid在句中间或可用作宾语补足语。由afraid构成的形容词短语在句中还可用作状语。 4.在回答别人问话时afraid后可用so或not替代问句中的肯定式或否定式宾语。 5.afraid不可用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰。 afraid of, be afraid for 这两个短语含义不同,前者的含义是“害怕”,后接的名词是令人害怕或具有危险的事物; 而后者的含义是“替…担心”,后接的名词是令人担心或处于危险之中的事物。






害怕 be afraid of sth.


afraid,英语单词,形容词,意为害怕的、恐怕、担心的。担心会发生某事,将发生不快、不幸或危险的事。 afraid是一个很简单也很日常的一个单词,使用频率也是非常高的,那么下面我就来跟大家说说afraid是什么意思。 详细内容 01 afraid 英 [əˈfreɪd] 美 [əˈfreɪd] adj.害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦);担心(会发生某事);担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事) 02 短语搭配 be afraid害怕 ; 畏惧 ; 恐怕 ; 恐惧的 You afraid你怕 ; 您担心 afraid of担心 ; 怕了吧 ; 之怕 feel afraid你就不会害怕 ; 觉得害怕 ; 感到害怕 afraid doing害怕做的事情 ; 害怕这样做 ; 怕做 Very afraid非常害怕 ; 非常恐惧 afraid for侧重点表示为 ; 感到担心 ; 害怕失去 Too Afraid太害怕 03 双语例句 She did not seem at all afraid 她毫无惧色。 She"s afraid for her family in Somalia. 她为身在索马里的家人担心。 I was afraid that nobody would believe me 我担心没有人会相信我。 We don"t have anything like that, I"m afraid 我们恐怕没有那样的东西。 I was afraid of the other boys 我害怕其他的男孩们。 I"m still afraid to sleep in my own bedroom. 我还是不敢在自己的卧室里睡觉。 The Government is afraid of losing the election 现届政府担心会在选举中落败。




afraid是一个英文单词,形容词,翻译为“害怕的;恐怕;担心的”。那么你知道关于afraid这个单词更多的知识吗?下面我整理了afraid的用法归纳 总结 _afraid的用法和例句,供大家参考。 目录 afraid的用法归纳 afraid短语搭配 afraid双语例句 afraid的用法归纳 1. 在句中只可用作表语,不可用作定语,常跟在系动词be, feel, seem等之后作表语。例如: Don"t be afraid. Everything will be all right soon. 别害怕。一切很快就会好的。 She seems afraid. 她好像有点害怕。 2. be afraid of后接人或事物的名词,表示“害怕某人或某物”。例如: Are you afraid of dogs? 你害怕狗吗? She seems very much afraid of him. 她好像很害怕他。 We are not afraid of any difficulties. 我们不害怕任何困难。 3. afraid一般不能用副词very修饰,而要用much或very much修饰。例如: He is very much afraid of losing his job. 他很害怕失业。 4. be afraid for sb. or sth. 表示“为某人或某物担心”。例如: We are afraid for her safety. 我们为她的安全担心。 5. be afraid to do sth. 和be afraid of doing sth. 的含义有所不同。be afraid to do sth. 表示“因害怕而不敢做某事”;be afraid of doing sth. 表示“怕做某事”。例如: The mother closed the door quietly, as she was afraid to wake up the baby. 母亲轻轻地关上门,因为她不敢吵醒婴儿。 The mother closed the door quietly, as she was afraid of waking up the baby. 母亲轻轻把门关上,因为她不想吵醒婴儿。 6. 在日常口语中,I"m afraid that…在很多场合相当于I"m sorry, but…, 用于提出异议,说出令人不快的事实,拒绝对方的要求等,使语气委婉。例如: I"m afraid that I can"t agree with you. 恐怕我不能同意你的意见。 I"m afraid you are wrong. (You are wrong, I"m afraid.) 恐怕你错了。 7. be afraid+that 从句表示“担心……”。例如: He is afraid that she will not come. 他担心她不会来。 8. 在口语中I"m afraid so 和I"m afraid not常用作简略答语,so代替一个肯定句,not代替一个否定句。例如: ——Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗? ——I"m afraid so. 恐怕要下雨。 <<< afraid 短语 搭配 be afraid害怕 ; 畏惧 ; 恐怕 ; 恐惧的 You afraid你怕 ; 您担心 afraid of担心 ; 怕了吧 ; 之怕 feel afraid你就不会害怕 ; 觉得害怕 ; 感到害怕 afraid doing害怕做的事情 ; 害怕这样做 ; 怕做 Very afraid非常害怕 ; 非常恐惧 afraid for侧重点表示为 ; 感到担心 ; 害怕失去 Too Afraid太害怕T afraid另类摇滚 <<< afraid双语例句 So, what are you afraid of?那么你害怕的是什么呢? Why should we be afraid?我们为什么会害怕? Yes, I just like you, like to be afraid of.对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。 <<< afraid的用法归纳总结相关 文章 : ★ afraid的用法归纳总结 ★ 关于afraid的用法及解释 ★ 关于afraid的用法及解释 ★ afraid的用法 ★ 形容词afraid 的用法 ★ 形容词afraid 的用法(2) ★ as…as…句型的用法小结怎么用 ★ awful的用法总结大全 ★ 形容词用法总结 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


  afraid是一个使用频率很高的形容词,它的用法很广泛,也很容易被人混淆的一个词汇,接下来我在这里给大家带来afraid的用法,,我们一起来看看吧!   afraid的用法   afraid一般作名词表示害怕的;担心的;恐怕;畏惧,害怕,其常用的固定搭配具有以下几种   1. be afraid of sth (sb) afraid 害怕某事(某人)。   如:   Are you afraid of dogs?   你害狗吗?   There"s nothing to be afraid of.   没什么可害怕的。   比较:He is afraid of her. 他怕她。 
   He is afraid with her. 跟她在一起时,他很害怕。   2. be afraid of doing sth 担心会发生某事或某情况(但实际上未必会发生)。   如:She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫。   I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤害她的感情。   注:be afraid of doing sth 表示担心会发生某事或某情况时,其后也可用 be afraid that 替换。   如:He was afraid of losing face. =He was afraid (that) he"d lose face. 他怕失面子。害怕做某事或不敢做某事(指缺乏勇气或害怕其后果而不敢)。   如:I"m afraid of telling her. 我不敢告诉她。 
He was afraid of jumping. 他不敢跳。   3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事或不敢做某事。   如:He was afraid to fly in a plane. 他不敢坐飞机。   He was afraid to go into the house and meet his father. 他不敢进屋去见他父亲。   注:以上两类句型的异同之处:表示担心会发生某事或某情况,只能用 be afraid of doing sth, 而表示害怕做某事或不敢做某事等,则两者都可用。如:Don"t be afraid to ask [of asking] question. 不要害怕问问题。He is afraid to go out [of going out] alone at night. 他不敢晚上一个人出去。   afraid的相关解释   adj. 害怕的;担心的;恐怕;畏惧,害怕   afraid的例句   1. She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.   她感到从未有过的害怕。   2. "I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that."   “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”   3. Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?   为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?   4. I was afraid you"d simply feel we were imposing on you.   我担心你会觉得我们是在勉强你。   5. Aren"t you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?   你不怕被人看作是一个装腔作势的改革者?   6. He was a little bit afraid of his father"s reaction.   他有点害怕父亲的反应。

形容词afraid 的用法

  afraid 的基本意思是"惧怕,害怕,不敢",有四种用法: afraid of something 害怕   Don"t be afraid of the dog. 别害怕那只狗。   2.与of 连用,be afraid of doing something.“害怕某事发生”   表示可能会有不好的事情发生(如事故),不是有目的做某事。   I don"t like dogs. I"am always afraid of being bitten.   我不喜欢狗。我经常害怕被狗咬。   I was afraid to go near the dog because I was afraid of being bitten.   我不敢接近狗,因为我怕被狗咬。   3.与动词不定式连用, be afraid to do something.“不敢做某式”   不想做这件事情,因为它很危险,或结果可能不好。它表示有目的做某事。   A lot of people are afraid to go out at night.   许多人不敢晚上出去。   4.在给某人不愉快的信息时,通常用I"am afraid,后接从句   I"m afraid I have some rather bad news for you.   恐怕我给你带来了坏消息。   


afraid的读法是英[əˈfreɪd],美[əˈfreɪd]。一、释义afraid是一个形容词,意思是害怕的,害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦),担心(会发生某事),担心。二、短语搭配1、constantly afraid:一直怕。2、not a bit afraid:一点不怕。3、awfully afraid:非常害怕。4、be afraid:害怕。5、look afraid:显得害怕。6、seem afraid:好像害怕。三、造句1、There"s nothing to be afraid of.没有什么要害怕的。2、That"s what l"m afraid of.这也是我所害怕的。3、People are often afraid of things they don"t understand.人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。4、I was afraid to approach them about this matter.我怕与他们商谈这个问题。


1、意思:adj. 抱歉的;担心的;害怕的2、发音:英 [ə"freɪd]     美 [ə"freɪd]   3、用法:afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。扩展资料:近义词:fearful1、意思:adj. 担心的;可怕的;<口>非常的2、发音:英 ["fɪəfl]     美 ["fɪrfl]    3、用法:fearful作“惧怕的,担心的”解时,常作表语,常与of或that从句连用,,that从句中的谓语动词多用虚拟式。




afraid的音标是英 [ə"freɪd]或美 [ə"fred] ,句中作为形容词使用。afraidadj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的短语1、be afraid 害怕 ; 畏惧 ; 恐怕 ; 恐惧的2、You afraid 你怕 ; 您担心3、afraid of 害怕 ; 担心 ; 怕了吧 ; 之怕4、feel afraid 你就不会害怕 ; 觉得害怕例:1、She did not seem at all afraid.她一点儿也没显得害怕。2、I was afraid of the other boys.我害怕其他的男孩子们。扩展资料afraid的近义词有worried , scared。一、worried英 ["wʌrɪd]  美 ["wɝrɪd] adj. 担心的1、He seemed very worried.他似乎非常担忧。2、All the others worried me, for one reason or another. 其他的都让我很担心,由于这样或者那样的原因。二、scared英 [skeəd]  美 [skɛrd] adj. 害怕的v. 使害怕(scare的过去分词)1、I was scared that I might be sick.我担心我可能病了。2、I"m certainly not scared of him.我当然不怕他。


afraid意思是:抱歉的。afraid 核心词汇 英 [ə"freɪd]     美 [ə"freɪd]    adj. 抱歉的;担心的;害怕的。I"m afraid we can"t come.很抱歉,我们不能来。I"m afraid I didn"t quie catch what you said.对不起,我没听清你刚才所说的话。语法: afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险。afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。作“害怕”解时其后可接of (sb/sth/ v -ing)引起的短语,也可接动词不定式和that(常省略)从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟式。作“担心”解时其后可接for引起的短语。




afraid是一个很简单也很日常的一个单词,使用频率也是非常高的,那么下面我就来跟大家说说afraid是什么意思。 简要回答 afraid,英语单词,形容词,意为害怕的、恐怕、担心的。担心会发生某事,将发生不快、不幸或危险的事。 详细内容 afraid 英 [əˈfreɪd] 美 [əˈfreɪd] adj.害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦);担心(会发生某事);担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事) 短语搭配 be afraid害怕 ; 畏惧 ; 恐怕 ; 恐惧的 You afraid你怕 ; 您担心 afraid of担心 ; 怕了吧 ; 之怕 feel afraid你就不会害怕 ; 觉得害怕 ; 感到害怕 afraid doing害怕做的事情 ; 害怕这样做 ; 怕做 Very afraid非常害怕 ; 非常恐惧 afraid for侧重点表示为 ; 感到担心 ; 害怕失去 Too Afraid太害怕 双语例句 She did not seem at all afraid 她毫无惧色。 She"s afraid for her family in Somalia. 她为身在索马里的家人担心。 I was afraid that nobody would believe me 我担心没有人会相信我。 We don"t have anything like that, I"m afraid 我们恐怕没有那样的东西。 I was afraid of the other boys 我害怕其他的男孩们。 I"m still afraid to sleep in my own bedroom. 我还是不敢在自己的卧室里睡觉。 The Government is afraid of losing the election 现届政府担心会在选举中落败。


afraid的意思是:害怕的;害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦);担心(会发生某事);担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事)。afraid的造句如下:1、I was afraid to approach them about this matter.我怕与他们商谈这个问题。2、Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live.有些人非常怕死,以致于他们永远未曾开始活过。3、I"m afraid Mr Walsh is away on holiday this week.很抱歉,沃尔什先生这个星期休假去了。4、I am afraid I have no remembrance of our days together.恐怕我一点儿记不起我们共处的时光了。5、I am afraid what you are saying now be off the point.恐怕你现在所说的有些离题。6、I am afraid I can not. But thank you all the same.我恐怕不能来了。不过我还是要谢谢你。7、You could be afraid of falling off a cliff or something.你会害怕从悬崖或其他地方摔下。


意思是害怕的。释义:adj,害怕的;恐怕;担心的。短语搭配:be afraid害怕;畏惧;恐怕;恐惧的。You afraid你怕;您担心。afraid of担心;怕了吧;之怕。feel afraid你就不会害怕;觉得害怕;感到害怕。afraid doing害怕做的事情;害怕这样做;怕做。例句:I"m afraid to walk alone at night.我害怕夜间一个人走路。afraid的用法:1、afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕”。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人、事物会遇到危险。2、afraid是表语形容词,即一般不用在名词前面作定语。

6.I think the little boy will _____staying alone dark.A. frighten B. fear C. afraid D. worry


glad 是什么意思? 和afraid 有什么区别

glad 英[ɡlæd]美[ɡlæd]adj. 高兴的,乐意的;令人高兴的,使人愉快的;(风光)明媚的,(景色)...vt. 使高兴


gladder,quieter,more pleased, afraider特别说明,afraid 的比较级非常少见。关于pleased,可以这样认为,凡是以ed结尾的形容词,比较级都加more

be afraid of making mistakes是什么意思


翻译一下Eminem的未消音版的not afraid

I"m not afraid to take a stand我从不畏惧表达我的立场Everybody come take my hand大家来握住我的手We"ll walk this road together, through the storm我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨Whatever weather, cold or warm随他是什么,严寒或酷暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone只想你知道,你不孤独Hola if you feel that you"ve been down the same road如果你踏上了和我同一条路,我会和你问好(Intro)Yeah, It"s been a ride...恩,就像在驰骋I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one我想我需要找到那条路Now some of you might still be in that place现在也许你还在原地If you"re trying to get out, just follow me假如你想逃出去,跟我来I"ll get you there我会带你去(Verse 1)You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay "em在我还没有写下这些时,你可以试着读出我的歌词But you won"t take this thing out these words before I say "em但直到我“说”出来,你才能够了解这真正的含义Cause ain"t no way I"m let you stop me from causing mayhem阻止我惹事是不可能的When I say "em or do something I do it, I don"t give a damn我说我想说的,做我想做的,你们爱谁谁What you think, I"m doing this for me, so f¥ck the world随你怎么想,我是为了我自己,so,干这个世界Feed it beans, it"s gassed up, if a thing"s stopping meI"mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly别想阻止我的,我仍会坚持我自己的路,毫无怀疑的坚持And all those who look down on me I"m tearing down your balcony那些tm的看不起我的,我会连同他和他的房子一起毁掉No if ands or buts don"t try to ask him why or how can he没有那些 “还有”“但是”也不用问为什么From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he"s still shit and从infinite(第一张专辑)到上一张的relapse,他还是那样垃圾(这里他指他自己)Whether he"s on salary, paid hourly即使他是数钱数到手疼Until he bows out or he shit"s his bowels out of him记得他送前妻滚出房间还是他遭受穿肠痛苦Whichever comes first, for better or worse到来的哪一个,好的或者糟糕的He"s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas他的婚姻就像儿戏,就像圣诞节的诅咒His gift is a curse, forget the earth he"s got the urge他的礼物就是诅咒,失去了世界,他却受到了启发To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe从土地中插入他的老二,他草了整个宇宙(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Verse 2)Ok quit playin" with the scissors and shit, and cut the crapok停止疯狂的发疯I shouldn"t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it"s a rap我其实不应该给这些文字节奏,这tm的是rapYou said you was king, you lied through your teeth你说你是国王,你嘴上还淌粪呢For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you"re getting capped去你m的那些灵感,没有歌迷,你tm 的只有摆范儿And to the fans, I"ll never let you down again, I"m back歌迷们,我回来了,我照着你们!I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact我对天发誓,不再回到那个承诺Let"s be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"说实话,上张专辑只是开胃Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground也许我的发音很土Relax, I ain"t going back to that now放松我现在可不是了All I"m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW我创造新的回归,click-clack blaow(给枪上膛,开枪的声音,蓄势待发一鸣惊人)Cause I ain"t playin" around因为我玩够了There"s a game called circle and I don"t know how有个游戏叫轮回,我还没搞懂I"m way too up to back down上过天堂下过地狱But I think I"m still tryna figure this crap out但是这次我还是想真的释放一次Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn"t曾经我以为我找到了目标,但是现在我想还没有This fucking black cloud"s still follow"s me around这tm的乌云还在笼罩着我But it"s time to exercise these demons但 是该和这些魔鬼玩玩的时候了These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!现在这些go娘养的就像小丑一样(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Bridge)And I just can"t keep living this way这样的方式我无法接受So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage如今我苏醒,即将挣脱牢笼I"m standing up, Imma face my demons我俯视那些小鬼I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground爷是真正的爷们,我决不让步I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up我吃饱喝足了Time to put my life back together right now现在该是我回到舞台的时候了(Verse 3)It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me我的决定很明确,为我自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you其实下意识的我可能是为了你们So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through所以我可以回归到一个全新的我,你们只要见证这一切就好And don"t even realise what you did, believe me you甚至你们不需知道你们做了什么,你们要相信我I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger我挣脱了圈套,他们对于我 的中指无能为力I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king ofMy world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead我想我的眼睛湿润了,我感觉就像自己是主宰自己世界的王者!憎恨wo我的人就像没有翅膀的蜜蜂,一下就摔死No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise我保证,现在开始不会再被人怀疑,也不会有任何虚假To focus soley on handling my responsibility"s as a father现在我只关注我的掌上明珠,付出父亲的责任So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it我庄严的发誓,我将成为我女儿们的靠山,并且养育他们You couldn"t lift a single shingle lonely你不可能一个人举起一片房顶Cause the way I feel, I"m strong enough to go to the clubPut a corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up我足以强大的去酒吧喝光吧台的烈酒Cause I"m raising the bar,因为那酒吧是我的I shoot for the moonBut I"m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and我奔向月球,但此时我却忙着欣赏繁星,感觉那么美好而且。。。。。。。。

求Eminem的Not Afraid歌词与中文翻译,谢了!


not afraid 中文歌词?


eminem的 not afraid的歌词

To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe






why are dogs afraid to sun bather?狗为什么怕阳光沐浴?

fright afraid有什么区别?


fright afraid区别.

fright(名词) 惊骇,吃惊 afraid(形容词) 害怕,担心

be afraid of 和 be terrified of 有什么区别

be afraid of sth 表示一般的“害怕”担心(语气较轻,比较委婉。相当于 fear be terrified of sth.被...吓了一跳 或 对...极度恐惧的意思。语气较强。请采纳

英文,英语,外文.afraid / scared / frightened / terrified 有什么不同?

afraid 最宽泛的说法,表示害怕或担忧某程度也最轻. scared 恐惧,受惊吓的 frightened 常指没有精神准备,突然受到惊吓而害怕恐惧. terrified 害怕,惊恐,客观环境造成的

frightened scared terrified afraid区别

frightened 受惊的;恐惧的=afraid,scaredafraid 害怕的;担心的=frightened,worriedscared 恐惧的;受惊吓的terrified 恐惧的;受惊吓的汉语相同的可以互换。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

i"m afraid与i"m terrified的区别

I"m afraid 是指恐怕的意思e.g.I"m afraid I can"t go to your party tonight,as I have lessons on.


我佩服你们老师, 这回答不算, 我主要看看 其他人怎么答这题, 实在太难 ...

fear afraid frighten scare terrify有什麽不同?

fear,afraid , frighten, scare terrify这些名词均含“恐惧、惧怕、惊恐”之意。fear:普通用词,侧重指面临危险或灾祸时内心所引起的恐惧心情。有一种敬畏,如害怕老师afraid 侧重于担心frighten:通常指一阵突然的、令人震惊的短暂恐惧,有时含夸张意味。一般用于被动语态,受到某物某事忽然惊吓, scare 侧重于威吓,一直有之,存在心中. terrify:指极大的恐惧和惊骇,语气最强。


to scare sb = to frighten sb= make sb afraid = make sb fear 吓唬……/ 使……感到害怕/恐惧to fear sb = to be afraid of sb= = to be frightened of sb 怕……/对……感到害怕的/感到恐惧的

frightened scared terrified afraid区别


3个单词的区别 scared ,afraid ,frightened 这3个词语的区别与用法.

先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些. scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear.但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强.



frightened scared terrified afraid区别




afraid ,frightened与scared的区别

一、词义辨析不一样1、afraid 〔辨析〕指因担心受到伤害或发生坏事而感到畏惧的。〔例证〕I am afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。2、 frightened〔辨析〕指害怕、担心不幸的事可能发生〔例证〕She was frightened that the glass would break.她担心玻璃会破碎。3、scared 〔辨析〕指对某事物感到畏惧的,常可与 afraid 换用。〔例证〕The little boy was scared/afraid of heights.这个小男孩有恐高症。二、词义广泛性不一样1、afraid英 [ə"freɪd]  美 [ə"fred] adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的2、frightened英 ["fraɪtnd]  美 ["fraɪtnd] adj. 害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的v. 害怕;使吃惊;吓走(frighten的过去分词)3、scared英 [skeəd]   美 [skerd]  adj.害怕;恐惧;畏惧;担心v.惊吓;使害怕;使恐惧(scare的过去分词和过去式)三、侧重点不一样1、afraid泛指一种“恐惧心理”,多用于习惯地、经常地“惧怕”。2、frightened指担心可能发生的结果,侧重于主体的心里感觉,而与外界关系不大。3、 scared主要指因身心遭受伤害而恐惧,也指不明根源的无形恐惧。


be frightened of [口]害怕, 对...感到恐惧be in fear (of) (为...而)提心吊胆be afraid of害怕, 担心scared吃惊的

frightened scared terrified afraid区别

对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,afraid of更常用一点, 但也可以用frightened of. eg.I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid,frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用, 如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些. scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear.但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强. terrified 害怕,惊恐,客观环境造成的


先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些. scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear.但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强.


frightened意思为恐惧,afraid意思为害怕. frightened的词组有:be frightened at sth/be frightened of doing sth afraid的词组有:be afraid of sth/be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing sth


frightened 有被吓坏的意思。afraid 有主动的惶恐的意思。谢谢。。。




先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些。 scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear。但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强。 综上所述这四个词的不同之处主要在于语气强度和强调的恐惧类型的不一样。 希望能给你帮助。

afraid和 frightened区别

一、词义辨析不一样1、afraid 〔辨析〕指因担心受到伤害或发生坏事而感到畏惧的。〔例证〕Iamafraidofsnakes.我害怕蛇。2、 frightened〔辨析〕指害怕、担心不幸的事可能发生〔例证〕Shewasfrightenedthattheglasswouldbreak.她担心玻璃会破碎。3、scared 〔辨析〕指对某事物感到畏惧的,常可与afraid换用。〔例证〕Thelittleboywasscared/afraidofheights.这个小男孩有恐高症。二、词义广泛性不一样1、afraid英 [ə"freɪd] 美 [ə"fred] adj.害怕的;恐怕;担心的2、frightened英 ["fraɪtnd] 美 ["fraɪtnd] adj.害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的v.害怕;使吃惊;吓走(frighten的过去分词)3、scared英[skeəd] 美[skerd] adj.害怕;恐惧;畏惧;担心v.惊吓;使害怕;使恐惧(scare的过去分词和过去式)三、侧重点不一样1、afraid泛指一种“恐惧心理”,多用于习惯地、经常地“惧怕”。2、frightened指担心可能发生的结果,侧重于主体的心里感觉,而与外界关系不大。3、 scared主要指因身心遭受伤害而恐惧,也指不明根源的无形恐惧。

afraid ,, scare ,, scared

afraid/scared 都可解作惊怕。 scared多数系比较实质,例如怕鬼,怕蛇之类。 Afraid亦可以解担心或遗憾。 scare就系吓人。 例: You almost scare me to death. 你差点吓死我啦。 I am so scared of spiders. 我好怕蜘蛛。 I am afraid to ask him. 我唔够胆问佢。 虽然scared同afraid意义差不多, 但有时系唔可以调转用的。 比如以下就唔可以将afraid换做scared,因为在这里afraid代表遗憾。 例: Does this mean that I can no longer see you? I am afraid so. 这是不是代表我不能再见你? 我恐怕是的。 afraid / scared 系形容词(adj.). 去形容担心 害怕.. e.g) I"m afraid of spider. / I"m scared to be alone in the dark. scare 系动词(verb.) 即系吓.. e.g) Im planning to dress up in a ghost and scare him tonight (我打算今晚著到成只鬼去吓佢) 参考: me

afraid ,frightened与scared的区别


3个单词的区别 scared ,afraid ,frightened 这3个词语的区别与用法.

先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些. scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear.但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强.

afraid ,frightened与scared的区别

一、词义辨析不一样1、afraid 〔辨析〕指因担心受到伤害或发生坏事而感到畏惧的。〔例证〕I am afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。2、 frightened〔辨析〕指害怕、担心不幸的事可能发生〔例证〕She was frightened that the glass would break.她担心玻璃会破碎。3、scared 〔辨析〕指对某事物感到畏惧的,常可与 afraid 换用。〔例证〕The little boy was scared/afraid of heights.这个小男孩有恐高症。二、词义广泛性不一样1、afraid英 [ə"freɪd]  美 [ə"fred] adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的2、frightened英 ["fraɪtnd]  美 ["fraɪtnd] adj. 害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的v. 害怕;使吃惊;吓走(frighten的过去分词)3、scared英 [skeəd]   美 [skerd]  adj.害怕;恐惧;畏惧;担心v.惊吓;使害怕;使恐惧(scare的过去分词和过去式)三、侧重点不一样1、afraid泛指一种“恐惧心理”,多用于习惯地、经常地“惧怕”。2、frightened指担心可能发生的结果,侧重于主体的心里感觉,而与外界关系不大。3、 scared主要指因身心遭受伤害而恐惧,也指不明根源的无形恐惧。


先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些。 scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear。但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强。 综上所述这四个词的不同之处主要在于语气强度和强调的恐惧类型的不一样。 希望能给你帮助。




二者作“害怕”之义时,可互换,如: I"m afraid/ (scared) of dogs.我害怕狗. 但scare多用“恐吓”“惊吓”“惊恐”解. 如:The dog scared the thief away.那狗把贼吓得要死. be scared to death 吓得要死 The house scares easily.马易受惊. 而afraid是形容词,常作表语,“担心的”“害怕的”“恐怕”. I"m afraid I"m late.恐怕我晚了吧. He was afraid that he would fail.他担心他会失败.,10,scared:you scared me.你吓到我了。 I used to be afraid of dark ;句型:afraid of,1,


二者作“害怕”之义时,可互换,如: I"m afraid/ (scared) of dogs. 我害怕狗。 但scare多用“恐吓”“惊吓”“惊恐”解。 如:The dog scared the thief away. 那狗把贼吓得要死。 be scared to death 吓得要死 The house scares easily. 马易受惊。 而afraid是形容词,常作表语,“担心的”“害怕的”“恐怕”。 I"m afraid I"m late. 恐怕我晚了吧。 He was afraid that he would fail.他担心他会失败。


先来比较Frightened和afraid 对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I"m afraid of snakes. 如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些. scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear.但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强.
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