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adoptive transfer是什么意思


They treated their ________ ( adopt) son as their

adoptive一般表示收养的一方,如adoptive father/mother, adopted表示被收养,而son是被收养的,所以用adopted。外另adopted在这里也可以看做是形容词。

英语a new adoptive mom怎么翻译?

a new adoptive mom一个新的养母


adoptive是形容词,意思是”收养的,收纳的“其名词形式是adoption。adoption和foster同为名名词,意思相近,但不相同。adoption意思是 收养,领养(收养后就会成为主体的一部分,不用还回去)foster是培养,代养(代养是暂时养育,是要还回去的)


adopt的名词是adoption,形容词是adoptive.adopt的具体用法用作动词 v.adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词; 作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。例句①adoption-n. 采用,接受;<英>推选;正式通过;选择;收养,领养Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.收养可能因为各种各样的原因失败。②adoptive-adj. 采用的;有收养关系的。He was brought up by adoptive parents in Kentucky.他是被他在肯塔基州的养父母抚养大的。③adoptively-[医药科学]继承性地。adoptively acquired immunity继承性获得性免疫。


驾车路线:全程约247.8公里起点:鹿头乡1.邯郸市内驾车方案1) 从起点向正东方向出发,沿偏壮线行驶360米,undefined进入偏壮线2) 沿偏壮线行驶260米,undefined进入偏壮线3) 沿偏壮线行驶1.0公里,undefined进入偏壮线4) 沿偏壮线行驶90米,undefined进入偏壮线5) 沿偏壮线行驶1.6公里,undefined进入偏壮线6) 沿偏壮线行驶2.1公里,左转进入偏壮线7) 沿偏壮线行驶170米,右转进入偏壮线8) 沿偏壮线行驶2.3公里,右转进入偏壮线9) 沿偏壮线行驶30米,右转进入兴阳线10) 沿兴阳线行驶1.1公里,undefined进入兴阳线11) 沿兴阳线行驶1.8公里,直行进入偏店南大桥12) 沿偏店南大桥行驶80米,直行进入兴阳线13) 沿兴阳线行驶1.4公里,直行进入龙井大街14) 沿龙井大街行驶250米,左转15) 行驶490米,undefined16) 行驶940米,undefined17) 行驶1.2公里,左转进入青兰线18) 沿青兰线行驶30米,undefined进入青兰线19) 沿青兰线行驶1.4公里,undefined进入青兰线20) 沿青兰线行驶6.0公里,直行进入大泉二号桥21) 沿大泉二号桥行驶70米,直行进入青兰线22) 沿青兰线行驶2.4公里,直行进入王庄大桥23) 沿王庄大桥行驶130米,直行进入青兰线24) 沿青兰线行驶3.2公里,朝济南,兰州,G22方向,右转上匝道25) 沿匝道行驶60米,直行上匝道26) 沿匝道行驶480米,朝武安,邯郸,济南方向,undefined进入龙虎立交桥27) 沿龙虎立交桥行驶700米,直行进入青兰高速28) 沿青兰高速行驶2.1公里,朝邯郸,济南方向,undefined进入青兰高速29) 沿青兰高速行驶470米,undefined进入青兰高速30) 沿青兰高速行驶18.7公里,undefined进入青兰高速31) 沿青兰高速行驶15.0公里,undefined进入青兰高速32) 沿青兰高速行驶4.5公里,朝史村,南环路,G4,郑州方向,undefined进入青兰高速33) 沿青兰高速行驶660米,朝G4,郑州,泰安,G22方向,undefined进入青兰高速34) 沿青兰高速行驶13.5公里,undefined进入青兰高速35) 沿青兰高速行驶9.1公里,朝G4,石家庄,郑州方向,undefined上匝道36) 沿匝道行驶400米,朝G4,安阳,郑州,漳河开发区方向,undefined上匝道37) 沿匝道行驶4.3公里,undefined进入京港澳高速38) 沿京港澳高速行驶3.6公里,朝邺城,临漳,安阳,郑州方向,undefined进入京港澳高速39) 沿京港澳高速行驶8.3公里,朝安阳,鹤壁,新乡,郑州方向,undefined进入京港澳高速40) 沿京港澳高速行驶6.4公里,undefined进入京港澳高速41) 沿京港澳高速行驶1.4公里,朝鹤壁,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速42) 沿京港澳高速行驶1.8公里,朝鹤壁,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速43) 沿京港澳高速行驶10.3公里,朝鹤壁,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速44) 沿京港澳高速行驶7.3公里,朝S22,内黄,南乐,林州方向,undefined进入京港澳高速45) 沿京港澳高速行驶1.1公里,朝S22,内黄,南乐方向,undefined进入京港澳高速46) 沿京港澳高速行驶1.2公里,朝鹤壁,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速47) 沿京港澳高速行驶2.3公里,undefined进入京港澳高速2.沿京港澳高速行驶9.4公里,朝鹤壁,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速3.沿京港澳高速行驶20.2公里,朝新乡,郑州,S26,濮阳方向,undefined进入京港澳高速4.沿京港澳高速行驶7.2公里,朝新乡,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速5.新乡市内驾车方案1) 沿京港澳高速行驶3.4公里,undefined进入京港澳高速2) 沿京港澳高速行驶8.1公里,朝新乡,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速3) 沿京港澳高速行驶8.4公里,undefined进入京港澳高速4) 沿京港澳高速行驶15.3公里,undefined进入京港澳高速5) 沿京港澳高速行驶3.8公里,朝新乡,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速6) 沿京港澳高速行驶10.7公里,朝G3511,长垣,菏泽方向,undefined进入京港澳高速7) 沿京港澳高速行驶610米,朝新乡,郑州,G4方向,undefined进入京港澳高速8) 沿京港澳高速行驶4.9公里,朝S310,小店经开区方向,undefined进入京港澳高速9) 沿京港澳高速行驶740米,在S310,小店经开区出口,undefined上匝道10) 沿匝道行驶1.1公里,直行进入S30811) 沿S308行驶70米,右转进入新东大道(南)12) 沿新东大道(南)行驶2.2公里,直行进入新东大道13) 沿新东大道行驶2.7公里,左转进入S22714) 沿S227行驶1.6公里,右转进入工业路15) 沿工业路行驶1.9公里,左转16) 行驶340米,右转17) 行驶880米,undefined18) 行驶500米,undefined19) 行驶120米,undefined20) 行驶1.5公里,左转21) 行驶130米,到达终点终点:南张庄村

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adopt un glurb 什么意思,是英语吗

adopt un glurb 采用非glurbadopt 英[əˈdɒpt] 美[əˈdɑ:pt] vt. 收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准; [例句]Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。[其他] 第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted


大家见过adopt这个单词吗?adopt表示采用,采取和采纳等等意思,adopt 短语 比较多,那么常用的adopt短语有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的adopt的常用短语_adopt的英语例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ adopt的常用短语 adopt as (v.+prep.) adopt sb as sb 1.收养,抱养 take sb into one"s family as a relation for ever; accept sb else"s child The family have adopted three children as their own.那家收养了三个孩子。 2.选某人为… choose sb as (a representative, etc.) We have adopted Mr. Stevens as our candidate at the next election.我们表决通过了史蒂文斯先生为我们下届选举的候选人。 He adopts his niece as his heir.他指定他的侄女为继承人。 I don"t adopt him as a friend.我不认他作朋友。 The old artist adopted me as a pupil.那老画家收我为弟子。 be adopted into (v.+prep.) 被…所收养 be taken into one"s family as a relation by sb/sth He was adopted into a respectable family.他被一有声望的家族所收养。 He was adopted into the bride"s family.他入赘于新娘家中。 be adopted from (v.+prep.) 选自…,取自… choose or take sth from some place This word is adopted from French.这个词来源于法语。 ▼ adopt的词汇搭配 ~+名词 adopt an attitude 采取一种态度 adopt the budget 通过预算 adopt Eastern forms of dress 采用东方的服装样式 adopt the homeless orphan 收养无家可归的孤儿 adopt measures 采取 措施 adopt methods 采用 方法 adopt the new rule 通过新章程 ~+副词 adopt apparently 明显地接受 adopt arbitrarily 武断地采纳,擅自采用 adopt deceitfully 不诚实地采用 adopt dogmatically 教条地搬用 ▼ adopt的英语例句 1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy. 英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。 2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales. 英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。 3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt. 这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。 4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。 5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit". 他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。 6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods. 我绝对不会采纳他的任何方法。 7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。 8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy. 企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。 9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。 10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. 试着换一种更加放松的方式。 11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt 鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动 12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands. 我提议不作改变通过这个议程. 13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures. 要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述措施. 14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty. 抗议者呼吁政府正式宣布主权独立. 15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态. adopt的常用短语相关 文章 : ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ adopt的短语 ★ adapt的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ adapt短语 ★ suppress的用法和短语例句 ★ 《adopt的用法和短语例句.doc》 ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ adopt的短语 ★ 2020高考英语常用词组集锦 ★ adventure的短语 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


adopt的读音:英 [u0259u02c8du0252pt];美 [u0259u02c8dɑpt]释义:vt.采用,采取,采纳;收养;正式接受,接受;批准变形:过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted现在分词:adopting第三人称单数:adopts短语:adopt various methods采取不同办法;adopt an attitude采取一种态度adopt the budget通过预算;adopt methods采用方法例句:1.They adopt new techniques in raising sheep.他们采用新的养羊技术。2.The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages.学校应采用新的外语教学法。3.She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her.她成了孤儿,一位贫农妇女收养了她。




adorable girl.可爱的女孩。

My darling, you are adorable 翻译一下谢谢!




英语Adorable Home怎么翻译?

英语:Adorable Home.翻译:可爱的家。

英语how a adorable怎么翻译?


adorable pet是什么意思


adorable 和 cute 这两个可爱有什么区别

adorable一般是长辈用来形容孩子完美.CUTE 是指那种让人看了会心一笑的可爱


adorable的反义词是Obnoxiousadorable词典释义adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的例句What an adorable child!多可爱的小孩呀!Obnoxious词典释义网络讨厌;厌恶;讨厌的例句for my obnoxious behavior the other day.那天我糟糕的行为

adorable girl是褒义吗

是褒义外国人说adorable是可爱,漂亮。男士可以这样赞美女士,一般多出现在文学作品中,如我曾在《pride and prejudice》里看到过这种。adore:崇拜【发音释义】:[u0259"du0254r] vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢 vi. 崇拜;爱慕【结构分析】: adore = ad (去)+ ore (祈祷)→向其祈祷→崇拜→爱慕【词源解释】: ore ←拉丁语 orare (庄重地说、祈祷、恳求)【同源词】: orate (演说), oration (演讲), oratory (雄辩), oracle (神谕), adorable (可爱的、值得崇拜的)【趣味记忆】:(谐音) adore →阿杜→大家都“崇拜”他;(联想) ore →正在顶礼膜拜的小人


sell 卖......adorable.......可爱的.......weight........重量......翻不出什么意义 ..看了原文便好点......以上的字你自己放原文看看




adorable [0504d00:r05b05l]a.迷人的,可爱的




几个单词其实一个意思,都有形容人可爱、令人喜欢的意思。不同之处的话,cute和adorable可以是指人或动物,sweet则侧重于人的行为、人品,比如:Sawyer,it was so sweet of you to help me with my English.sweet比good、kind更加亲密,另外cute可以形容女性也可以形容男性的外貌,外国人一般不用beautiful这样程度深的形容词,用cute比较多eg:You are so cute!当然也可以指孩子可爱,做了什么事情让人觉得可爱。adorable用在宠物上比较多,用在人上也可以理解对吧,这和中文相似,你会把极其喜欢的人当成“宠物”来宠爱。


adorable一般是对孩子或年轻女子说的,当然用来形容花朵和宠物也许。而lovely则可用在几乎任何场合和对象,包括大楼和老太太。相信您对答案满意,请及时采纳, 祝学习愉快!(*^__^*)






adorable这个英语单词的词性是形容词,它的意思是可爱的,可敬重的,值得崇拜的。cute这个英语单词的词性同样是形容词,单词含义为可爱的,漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的。Don"t hassle me about my adorable little Tigger and Kate.可不要拿我可爱的小跳跳虎和凯特来开玩笑啊。These adorable tree-hugging animals feed on eucalyptus tree leaves.这些可爱的抱树动物以油加利树的树叶为食。Isn"t she a cute baby!她是个多么逗人喜爱的孩子啊!Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容。






adorable这个英语单词一般是长辈用于形容孩子的,而cute这个英语单词的适用范围更加广泛,用于形容一般意义上的可爱与漂亮。 扩展资料  adorable和cute的单词含义  adorable这个英语单词的词性是形容词,它的意思是可爱的,可敬重的,值得崇拜的`。  cute这个英语单词的词性同样是形容词,单词含义为可爱的,漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的。


英[??d??r?bl] 美[??d??r?bl]adj.可爱的; 讨人喜爱的;[例句]What an adorable child!多可爱的小孩呀!adorable的词态变化为:副词: adorably 名词: adorability

Adorable! 怎么读

[u0259"du0254:ru0259bl, u0259"du0259uru0259bu0259l]




adorable英音:[05"d00:r05bl]美音:[05"dor05b!]形容词 a.1.值得崇拜的,可敬重的He is adorable for his devotion to science.他献身科学的精神令人敬佩。2.【口】可爱的The little girl is adorable.那小女孩真可爱。网络释义adorable1.可爱极了一语中的--献给时尚男女的61句最酷口语 ...adorable!-可爱极了2.迷人的,可爱的《俞敏洪GRE红宝书》朗读-a3下载-英语...adorable adj.迷人的,可爱的Adorable1.可爱极了最牛的英语口头禅 - 新奇特内容页面2. Adorable! 可爱极了!





lovely,cute ,adorable三者有什么区别

cute 多用于口语,修饰人,多放在系动词(be)后面做表语lovely用于正式语 ,可修饰人或物,多用作定语adorable 多用于口语,多指可爱极了,比CUTE程度深


adorable 英[u0259u02c8du0254:ru0259bl] 美[u0259u02c8du0254ru0259bu0259l,u0259u02c8dor-] .adj. 值得崇拜的,可敬重的;可爱的,讨人喜欢的 [例句]Their lovable and gentle disposition and adorable wrinkles make them a popular breed.它们讨人喜欢而温和的性格和身上可爱的皱纹让它们成为人气宠物。




adorable的意思是可爱的、讨人喜爱的。例句:1、What an adorable child!多可爱的小孩呀!2、We have three adorable children.我们有3个可爱的孩子。3、"How adorable!"she trills.“真可爱!”她尖声说。4、His six-month-old son is adorable and plump.他6个月大的儿子很可爱,胖嘟嘟的。5、What adorable hair and eyes you have!你的头发和眼睛是多么可爱呀!6、The child is really adorable.这孩子着实讨人喜欢。7、The official mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games are five adorable fuwa.北京奥运会吉祥物是五个可爱的福娃。8、She loves her puppy, and the puppy really is adorable.她喜爱她的小狗,那小狗也诚然可爱。9、Baby goggles1 is a phenomenon where the parents of an ugly baby think their baby is adorable and no one else does.盲目爱娃症是一种父母觉得自己孩子异常可爱而旁人却没有同样感受的现象。10、Adorkable is used to describe a person who is socially inept or unfashionable in a charming or endearing way, combining characteristics of dorky and adorable.呆萌就是兼具呆和萌两种特征,用来形容那些木讷却十分可爱、非常具有吸引力的人。11、It has everything you need: a cute and lonely protagonist12 played by Tom Hanks, a plain, but charming heroine ( Meg Ryan), and adorable kids.你会喜欢上他们:一位由可爱而孤独的主人公(汤姆·汉克斯饰),一个平凡而迷人的女主角(梅格·瑞恩饰),和可爱的孩子们。12、The term is a composite of "LOL," which stands for "laugh out loud," and "cat," and the adorable images the word describes are an Internet phenomenon.这个词是由LOL,即laugh out loud(大声笑),和cat两个词合成而来的。萌萌的“欢乐喵星人”图片已成为一种互联网现象。13、Wombats, marsupials native to the grassy3 plains and eucalyptus4 forests of Australia, are among the most adorable animals in the world, but to animal experts they have been a tough-to-solve mystery for a very long time.居住在澳大利亚草原和桉树林里的有袋哺乳动物袋熊是世界上最可爱的动物之一,但是很长时间以来它们对于动物专家来说都是难解的谜。14、You must be adorable as well in old age.你老了也一定很可爱。15、Do you know what else is adorable? You two.你知道什么也可爱吗?你们两个。adorable和cute区别:adorable和cute区别在于形容的对象和用法的不同。adorable一般是对孩子或年轻女子说的,当然用来形容花朵和宠物也许。用于口语,比cute程度深。cute多用于口语,修饰人,多放在系动词(be)后面做表语。用于指小孩子,小动物等有生命的。1、While a Polar bear sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around it like a toddler holding their teddy bear is truly cute.当北极熊在冰山上睡觉时,爪子抓住周围,就像一个蹒跚学步的婴儿抓着他们的泰迪熊一样,那是真的非常可爱!2、I nicknamed her Cute Girl.我把她称作可爱女孩。

求Adore You 中文歌词

纯手译,网上没有歌词,这个就是最新的了一定一定采纳哦,喜欢加分【来自英语牛人团】Adore You演唱:Miley CyrusBaby baby, are you listening? 宝贝,宝贝,你在听吗?One dream, where you"ve been? 做了一个梦,你去哪了?I want my life, I just started living 我想要生活,我刚开始觉得我活着Baby, are you listening? 宝贝,你在听吗?When you say you love me 当你说爱我的时候No, I love you more 不,我更爱你And when you say you need me 当你说需要我的时候No, I need you more 其实我更需要你Boy I adore you 我爱慕着你I adore you 我爱慕着你Baby, are you human, when I"m crying out for you 你也有弱点吗?当我迫切需要你的时候I"m scared, so scared 我是如此害怕But when you near me, I feel like I"m standing, waiting on me 但你在我身边,我感到我有勇气站起来了I mean, under weapon 就像有了武器Hey, oh 嘿When you say you love me 当你说爱我的时候No, I love you more 不,我更爱你And when you say you need me 当你说需要我的时候No, I need you more 其实我更需要你Boy I adore you 我爱慕着你I adore you 我爱慕着你I love lying next to you 我喜欢躺在你身边I can do this for eternity 我可以永远这样下去You and me, we"re meant to be in holy matrimony 你和我,缘分已天注定Got you exactly where he was doing when he lent me to you 当上天把你带给我,我切切实实地拥有了你When you say you love me 当你说爱我的时候No, I love you more 不,我更爱你And when you say you need me 当你说需要我的时候No, I need you more 其实我更需要你Boy I adore you 我爱慕着你I adore you 我爱慕着你When you say you love me 当你说爱我的时候No, I love you more 不,我更爱你And when you say you need me 当你说需要我的时候No, I need you more 其实我更需要你Boy I adore you 我爱慕着你I adore you 我爱慕着你

adore you什么意思


找一首英文歌 很温柔的女声 歌词好像有 adore adore i adore you 很老的一首歌

就是 I adore you, Sandra Cross的顺便安利一下易烊千玺版本的也很棒U0001f44dU0001f3fb

"I adore you"和"I like you"有什么区别?大神们帮帮忙

adore爱慕; 崇拜;非常喜欢 较like语气强

it is she that I adore的句子成分如何划分?

本句需要稍微修改一下。即,It is her that I adore.1.主句主语it,系动词is,表语从句she that I adore。2.从句中主语I,谓语adore,宾语her。希望对你有帮助哦!

英语All I worship and adore怎么翻译?


adore thee是什么意思

adore thee崇拜你双语对照例句:1.Joyful, joyful, we adore thee. 快乐、快乐、我们祭奠。

I adore you more than anything else in the whole world 是什么意思


Adore xd怎样置入照片


like love fancy adore care for cherish be fond of be keen on take to 的区别

like,喜欢 love,爱,程度比like深 fancy,喜欢 adore,含有崇拜的那种喜欢 care for,关心,照顾 cherish,珍惜 be fond of ,喜欢 be keen on,很着迷于某事,某物 take to,喜欢 其实这些都是近义词啦·· 一般来说都可以换着用

黄子韬 adore+out歌词

Adore U - Seventeen Seventeen Yob 十七岁的时候 You Know What 你知道吗 요즘 말야 내가 말야 생각이 많아 最近的我 想得很多 요즘 말야 너에게 말야 最近我对你 할 말이 많아 有很多想说的话 요즘 말야 最近啊 내가 좀 이상해 말수가 적어져 我有点奇怪 话变少了 친구들이 다 걱정해 朋友们都很担心我 요즘 말야 最近啊 네 앞에만 서면 심장이 뛰어서 只要站在你面前 就心跳不已 행동이 서툴러서 미안해 举止笨拙 不好意思 아직도 조절이 안 돼 还是无法自控 나 갖고 놀지 좀 말래 不要捉弄我好吗 왜 자꾸 front 하는 건데 为什么总是出现在我面前 모르겠다 모르겠다 不管了 不管了 어떻게든 되겠지 无论如何 都会顺利的吧 그니까 내 말은 所以我说啊 너를 다 알고 싶어 想了解你的一切 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 입술이 말라도 即使嘴唇干渴 할 말은 해야겠어 Baby 该说的还是要说 아껴 널 아껴 널 珍惜你 珍惜你 현기증 날 정도로 就算直到头晕目眩 아낀다 요즘 말야 珍惜你 最近啊 내가 말야 요즘 말야 最近的我 아낀다 요즘 말야 내가 말야 珍惜你 最近的我 요즘 요즘 말야 最近啊 어쩌다가 눈이 부시는가 怎么可以这么光彩夺目 이기적인 외모 겸손한 성품을 봐 看看这独一无二的外貌 谦虚的品格 여기 감히 어디라고 농이 아냐 我怎么敢在这里随便开玩笑 너의 매력에 대한 사실을 고한다 Oh 不过是将你的魅力坦言相告 날 보고 웃는 게 좋아선지 你是喜欢对我笑 아니면 그냥 우스워 보이는 건지 ho 还是只是觉得我可笑 Yeh 지금 자릴 찾고 있다면 如果此刻你正在寻找位置 Yeh 내 옆자리가 좋아 보여 我旁边这里看起来不错哦 Yeh 너에게 관심 많어 对你很感兴趣 신발 사이즈 까지도 Oh Oh 包括你的鞋码 아 지금 너 땜에 불이 나 啊 现在因你而情绪失火 나를 식히는 건 무리야 难以让我降温 아 지금 너 땜에 불이 나 啊 现在因你而情绪失火 모르겠다 모르겠다 不管了 어떻게든 되겠지 无论如何 都会顺利的吧 그니까 내 말은 所以我说啊 너를 다 알고 싶어 想了解你的一切 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 입술이 말라도 即使嘴唇干渴 할 말은 해야겠어 Baby 该说的还是要说 아껴 널 아껴 널 珍惜你 珍惜你 현기증 날 정도로 就算直到头晕目眩 아낀다 요즘 말야 珍惜你 最近啊 내가 말야 요즘 말야 最近的我 아낀다 요즘 말야 내가 말야 珍惜你 最近的我 요즘 요즘 말야 最近啊 너 여기 기대도 돼 你可以倚靠在这里 너의 아픔 나로 덮어도 돼 可以让我覆盖住你的伤痛 네 속마음 불어 敞开你的心扉吧 눈치 채긴 역부족 察言观色太难了 Can"t fake it no more 不能再假装下去了 끌어올려 속도 加快速度 튕기는 건 이 쯤에서 끝내고 傲娇就到此为止吧 이제 나도 한 번 불러 보자 现在也让我呼唤你一次吧 Baby You"re My Angel 宝贝 你是我的天使 너를 다 알고 싶어 想了解你的一切 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 너를 노래해 U Hoo 为你而歌 입술이 말라도 即使嘴唇干渴 할 말은 해야겠어 Baby 该说的还是要说 아껴 널 아껴 널 珍惜你 珍惜你 현기증 날 정도로 就算直到头晕目眩 아낀다 요즘 말야 珍惜你 最近啊 내가 말야 요즘 말야 最近的我 아낀다 요즘 말야 내가 말야 珍惜你 最近的我 요즘 요즘 말야 最近啊

adore to do还是doing

to do

adore是什么意思,i do adore是什么意思

1、adore,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思为“人名,阿多尔”,作动词时意思为“崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢”。 2、Now, do you know why I adore him?现在,你知道我为什么崇拜他吗? 3、I adore her!我崇拜她! 4、I adore you.我爱慕你。

Prince的《Adore》 歌词

歌曲名:Adore歌手:Prince专辑:Sign "O" The TimesPrince - Adore最爱Prince的JuneBaby, yesUntil the end of timeI"ll be there 4 UU own my heart and mindI truly adore UIf God one day stroke me blindYour beauty I"d still seeLove is 2 weak 2 defineJust what U mean 2 meFrom the first moment I saw UOoh, I knew U where the 1That night I had 2 call UI was rappin" till the sun came upTellin" U just how fine U lookIn a word, U were sexAll of my cool attitude U tookMy body was nextU made love 2 meLike U where afraidWas U afraid of me?Was I the first?Was I your every fantasy?That"s whyUntil the end of timeI"ll be there 4 UU own my heart and mindI truly adore UIf God one day stroke me blindYour beauty I"d still seeLove is 2 weak 2 defineJust what U mean 2 meWhen we be makin" loveI only hear the soundsHeavenly angels cryin" up aboveTears of joy pourin" down on usThey know we need each otherThey know U are my fixI know, that U know that I ain"t cheatin" babyThey know this is seriousI ain"t funkin" just 4 kicks, noThis condition I got is crucial, crucial babyU could say that I"m a terminal caseU could burn up my clothesSmash up my ride, well maybe not the rideBut I got 2 have your faceAll up in the placeI"d like 2 think that I"m a man of exquisite tasteA hundred percent Italian silk imported Egyptian laceBut nothin" baby, I said nothin" baby could compare2 your lovely faceDo U know what I"m sayin" 2 ya this eveningI"m just tryin" 2 sayI"m just tryin" 2 sayThat until, until the end of timeI"ll be there 4 UI"ll be there 4 UOn my heart, on my mind, (truly adore U)I truly adore U (darlin")U don"t know what you"re mean 2 meBaby, (until the end of time)Baby, (I"ll be there 4 U)Baby, (U own my heart and mind)"Til the end of time I"ll be there 4 U(I truly adore U)Adore U (adore U)Can I talk 2 U?Tell U what U mean 2 meEvery time U wanderI"ll be your eyes so U can seeI wanna show U thingsThat I show no other, I wanna beMore than, more than your mother


Adore作词:黄子韬&Daryl K&Andie Sandoval作曲:黄子韬&Daryl K&Andie Sandoval&Calvin C制作人:Daryl K当whisky喝完之后的我当威士忌喝完之后的我I got swag我得到了赃物你迷上了我吗baby(yes)你迷上了我吗宝贝(是的)酒杯里面仿佛倒映出了之后我们要做的事呢酒杯里面仿佛倒映出了之后我们要做的事呢We don"t have to go out, out, out我们不必出去,出去,出去Baby come over go down, down, down on me宝贝过来下来,下来,在我身上Go ahead I"ll obey我会服从Body to body we"ll go all the way身体到身体我们将一路走下去其实我什么都不缺其实我什么都不缺只要你要 只要我有只要你要 只要我有无所谓 你可以带走这一切(可以带走这一切)无所谓 你可以带走这一切(可以带走这一切)但是拜托可不可以不要但是拜托可不可以不要再触碰到我的底线再触碰到我的底线让我的心支离破碎让我的心支离破碎Let me tell you how I"ll do it让我告诉你我该怎么做Slide next to you在你旁边滑行Take you out to dinner带你出去吃饭Hold your hand and whisper握着你的手低语Baby baby I adore you, adore you(again)宝贝宝贝,我爱慕你,爱慕你(再次)然后后面就是再重复一遍了望采纳


adore的中文意思是:崇拜。adore,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思为“人名,阿多尔”,作动词时意思为“崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢”。单词发音:英[u0259u02c8du0254u02d0(r)],美[u0259u02c8du0254u02d0r]。短语搭配1、Adore Puzzle美景拼拼凑;美食拼拼凑。2、Adore Bright崇明县。3、adore E崇拜;很喜欢;爱慕;热爱。4、adore gods崇拜神灵。5、Adore intelligence重智。双语例句1、Ever since I have known you I adore you more every day.自我与你相识,我一天比一天更崇拜你。2、Much as I adore your company, may I tear myself away?虽然我很崇拜你的连队,但我可以先离开吗?3、She adores working with children.她热爱为儿童工作。4、I simply adore his music!我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!


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求kalafina 的adore的歌词并汉译 日语汉字要 假名标注的 不要罗马音谢谢

Kalafina - adore作词:梶浦由记 作曲:梶浦由记见果てぬ夜明けのimagemihatenu yoake no IMAAJU二人の胸にソプラノを响かせてfutari no mune ni SOPURANO wo hibikaseteやがて歓びの空yagate yorokobi no sora待ち受けるchorusmachi ukeru chorusまるで爱のように光るmarude ai no you ni hikaruかなしみの届かないkanashimi no todokanai风の吹く场所があるkaze no fuku basho ga aru时を止めてtoki wo tomete水になってmizu ni natte波の形も失くしてnami no katachi mo nakushiteむすびあうmusubi au世界の叹きを连れてsekai no nageki wo tsurete儚く甘く残酷な未来へとhakanaku amaku zankoku na mirai he to苍く逆巻く时のたてがみを駆るaoku sakamaku toki no tategami wo karu贵方だけがanata dake gathe one that I adoreどうしても叶わないdoushite mo kanawanai愿いだけ分け合ってnegai dake wake atte寂しさを见送ってsabishisa wo miokutte贵方がここにいるからanata ga koko ni iru kara生きているikite iru繋がる瞳のimagetsunagaru hitomi no IMAAJU二人の胸に透明なベルが鸣るfutari no mune ni toumei na BERU ga naruいつか终わりゆくものitsuka owari yuku monoその中にだけsono naka ni dake永远があるようにeien ga aru you ni见果てぬ夜明けは深くmihatenu yoake wa fukaku眩しい夏のソプラノを响かせてmabushii natsu no SOPURANO wo hibikaseteやがて空にはうたがyagate sora ni wa uta ga土に叫びがtsuchi ni sakebi gaまるで爱のように光るmarude ai no you ni hikaru

问: 问: 黄子韬《adore》歌词,英文部分的翻译



adore的读音是[u0259u02c8du0254u02d0(r)]。作名词时意思为“人名,阿多尔”,作动词时意思为“崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢”。adore puzzle美景拼拼凑 ; 美食拼拼凑;adore absolutely绝对地疼爱adore blindly盲目崇拜;adore faithfully虔诚地崇拜adore passionately热情地崇拜;adore...with true devotion虔诚地崇拜1.All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacher who happens to be a bachelor.我们学校里所有女孩子都崇拜那个恰巧是单身汉的英俊数学老师。2.It also suggests that you "re spending a lot of time comparing yourself to a person you supposedly adore , rather than sitting back and marveling at how amazing he or she is .这也表明你把大量的时间花在跟你原本应该崇拜的人去比较,而不是去支持和赞美他/她的优秀。3.From now on live for his glory , talk of his blessings , come into his presence, worship and adore him .从现在起为了他的荣耀而活,谈论他的祝福,来到他的面前,爱慕并礼拜他。



Marina and The Diamonds的《Primadonna》 歌词

歌曲名:Primadonna歌手:Marina and The Diamonds专辑:Electra HeartPrimadonnaMarina and the DiamondsPrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlWould you do anything for me?Buy a big diamond ring for me?Would you get down on your knees for me?Pop that pretty question right now, babyBeauty queen on the silver screenLiving life like I"m in a dreamI know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)I"m sad to the core core core(Yeah!)Everyday is a chore chore chore(Wow!)When you give, I want more more moreI wanna be adoredCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girlFill the void up with celluloidTake a picture, I"m with the boysGet what I want ‘cause I ask for itNot because I"m really that deserving of itLiving life like I"m in a playIn the limelight, I want to stayYeah, I know I"ve got a big egoI really don"t know why it"s such a big deal though(Oh!)Going up, going down down down(Yeah!)Anything for the crown crown crown(Wow!)When the lights beat down down downI spin aroundCause I"m a -Primadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl, yeahAll I ever wanted was the worldI can"t help that I need it allThe primadonna lifeThe rise and fallYou say that I"m kind of difficultBut it"s always someone else"s faultGot you wrapped around my finger, babeYou can count on me to misbehavePrimadonna girl

adore什么意思中文 adore中文翻译

1、adore,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思为“人名,阿多尔”,作动词时意思为“崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢”。 2、词形变化:副词 adoringly;名称 adorer;时态 adored,adoring,adores。 3、adore属于非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。 4、相关短语:adore sb as 把某人当作…崇拜;adore sb for 因…而崇拜某人;adore sb with devotion 虔诚地崇拜。

星际争霸神族的“En Taro Adon”什么意思???

是En Taro Adun 吧 神祖的语言,“For The Adun 为了Adun”。神祖圣堂武士的口号。 在星际争霸的世界中,Adun是一个Protoss人。关于他的知识非常少,但是在Protoss人社会中,尤其是圣堂武士制度(Templar Caste)的年代,人民将他当作一个英雄,甚至是一个半神一样崇拜。 当Protoss的远古战争时期(Aeon of Strife)结束后,整个种族都开始信奉Khala以避免再次回到那可怕的年代。然而,一小部分 Protoss对Khala带来的影响感到恐惧,他们以游牧部落(Rogue Tribes)的形式秘密地生活在Aiur上,为大多数Protoss所不知。只有最高议会(Conclave)知道他们的存在。 Adun,这个富有思想的年轻勇士,受最高议会的派遣抵抗来自未知的侵略。然而当Adun发现这小部分Protoss的游牧部落的时候,他并没有按命令处决他们。相反,他尝试教导他们如何在脱离Khala的思想下利用心灵能力。当他成功地教会了他们如何躲避最高议会,然后尝试教他们心灵风暴的时候失败了。失去了Khala的指引,他们的心灵风暴席卷了整个Aiur,将他们所处在的地点暴露无遗。 慌忙重组小部落再次开始征战。旧时的仇杀和自古就有的偏见死灰复燃,拒绝Khala之道的Protoss被宣判为叛徒并且被猎杀。 最后,最高议会想出了一个掩人耳目的方法。这个游牧部落被秘密地送进了一架Xel"Naga人的货船并被驱逐出了Aiur。对其他Protoss来说,他们的存在就是一个谜。最后他们变成了Protoss传说的黑暗圣堂武士(Dark Templar)。 Matriarch Raszagal,这个年老的Protoss,足以记得当初被放逐的经历。这对她和她的人民来说,是一个辛酸又痛苦的经历。 有一点很有趣,那就是大多圣堂武士见面和离别时的寒暄语是“En Taro Adun”,而自从神族英雄 Tassadar 牺牲了自己和 Overmind 同归于尽了以后,执政官Artanis却经常用“En Taro Tassadar”。

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侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯最后S的任务Los Desperados


求高手给一下几首歌的歌词:Mindy Gledhill 《crazy love》和《i do adore》,希望有中文翻译,十分感谢!

I Do AdoreMindy GledhillEverything you do it sends me Higher than the moon with every Twinkle in your eye You strike a match that lights my heart on fire When you"re near, I hide my blushing face And trip on my shoelaces Grace just isn"t my forté But it brings me to my knees when you sayHello, how are you, my darling today? I fall into a pile on the floor Puppy love is hard to ignore When every little thing you do, I do adoreWe"re as different as can be I"ve noticed you"re remarkably relaxed And I"m overly uptight We balance out each other nicelyYou wear sandals in the snow In mid-July I still feel cold We"re opposites in every way But I can"t resist it when sayChorusFinding words, I mutter Tongue-tied, twisted Foot in mouth, I start to stutter Ha, ha, Heaven help me 所有你送给我的东西比在你眼中被无数闪烁星星包围的月亮更加珍贵那根你点燃的火柴照亮了我的心每当你在我身边.我总是隐藏自己害羞的脸时不时胡乱得系弄我的鞋带.要知道优雅和美丽从来不是我的强项但当你说话时我总是不好意思的弯下头HI.亲爱的你现在还好吗?我坐在阶梯上陷入了沉思初恋总是很难忘记你做的每件小事,我都很喜欢我们是两个非常不同的人我注意过,你是个非常随意的家伙而我却总是个过度不安的女孩我们俩还真是很好的互补了你可以在下雪天穿双凉鞋而我在六月还会觉得冷我们的方式总是完全相反但我说这些时还是会忍不住哽咽噢~噢~~~噢我轻声低语着却无话可说我像喝醉般的不知所云结结巴巴的说着啊~~啊~上帝快来帮我一把吧 Song:Crazy LoveArtist:Mindy GledhillNobody knows that I am a secret spyI follow you home, careful to walk behind youI climb up your tree and hide in the leavesTo keep you from seeing who I amCall me obsessed, but I need to know your nameYour age, your address and where in the world you came fromIt"s silly to think that I"m on the brinkOf falling right off my rockerOh, I want to knowAll about your mom and your favorite songAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of obsessive-compulsive, crazy loveLate after dark, your light is on upstairsAnd I watch you dance as if you were Fred AstaireA little finesse, a sparkly dressAnd I could be Ginger RogersOh, I want to knowAll the books you read and your favorite sweetsAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of obsessive-compulsive, crazyLa, la, la I"m like a fireflyLa, la, la in the evening skyI"m all aglow whenever I see you walking byOh, I want to knowIf you ever plan to hold my handAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of…Oh, I want to knowIf you ever plan to hold my handAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition ofObsessive-compulsive crazy love歌曲:疯狂的爱艺术家:明迪格莱德希尔没有人知道我是一个秘密间谍我跟着你回家,小心地走在你后面我爬上你的树,藏在树叶让你看到我是谁叫我着迷,但我需要知道你的名字你的年龄,你的地址和世界上哪里你来自这是愚蠢的认为我在悬崖的边缘从我的右摇杆下降哦,我想知道所有关于你的妈妈和你最喜欢的歌和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是强迫性的定义,疯狂的爱天黑后晚,你的光在楼上我看你跳舞好像你是弗雷德·阿斯泰尔一个小技巧,一个闪亮的礼服和我可以是罗杰斯哦,我想知道所有的书你读到和你最喜欢的糖果和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是强迫性的定义,疯狂啦,啦,啦我像萤火虫啦,啦,啦傍晚的天空我所有的发红每当我看到你走过哦,我想知道如果你想握住我的手和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是…的定义哦,我想知道如果你想握住我的手和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我的定义强迫性疯狂的爱

在Adobe After Effects CS3中可以调整图层的厚度吗?


Adobe Photoshop 简易的水滴效果怎么做.?

楼主是要什么水滴效果啊 要是比较简单的可以直接去下载一些水滴笔刷 都是现成的下面是从别人那摘的 你参考下吧光点和水滴的体积感。点击选择Bevel and Emboss(斜面和浮雕)选项,并进入Bevel and Emboss(斜面和浮雕)样式设置面板,将Style(样式)设置为Inner Bevel(内斜面),将 Technique(方法)设置为Chisel Hard(雕刻清晰),Depth(深度)为250, Size(大小)设置为5(深度和大小决定了水滴的立体高度和高光区的位置,读者可以根据实际需要调整相应数值),Soften(软化)设置为4。在Shading(阴影)选项栏中,将高光模式和阴影模式的颜色均改为白色(读者可以根据背景图象的颜色或不同环境设置不同颜色,该颜色主要决定高光的色相),并将阴影模式改为Color Dodge(颜色减淡)模式,并将Opacity(不透明度)设置为37%,其它参数仍使用默认值 7. 全部设置完成后按下OK按钮确定,怎么样,水滴的效果是不是已经出来了,呵呵。晶莹剔透! 通过添加以上几种图层样式,就制作出了水滴的光影效果。但此时的水滴效果仍然不够逼真,因为水是流体,形态变化万千。可以通过Liquify(液化)功能或者橡皮擦来修改水滴的形状。通过复制或直接在该图层中绘制,以制作出更多形态各异的水滴 小结:图层样式的具体参数很多,更多的参数设置和具体材质表现读者可以在实践中进一步去研究。 图层样式还可保存以留作后用。进入Style(样式)工作面板,当鼠标移动到面板中空白处时,将出现一个小油漆桶图标, 点击鼠标左键,将弹出一个新建样式的对话框(或者点击面板下的Add new layer(增加新图层)按钮也可弹出该对话框),将名称改为“水滴”, 设置完成后按下OK按钮,就可以把设置好的图层样式保存在样式面板中,以后在制作类似效果的时候,只要在样式面板中点击这个新样式图标,将此图层样式应用到图层,即可实现水滴的效果了。参考资料:


forebode:及物动词 vt.1.<正>预示(灾祸等) Black clouds forebode a storm.乌云预示有暴风雨。I foreboded that I might fail.我预感自己可能会失败。She foreboded her failure in the exam.她预感自己会考试不及格。foreshadow:..foreshadow 预示,预兆Her early interest in airplanes foreshadowed her later career as a pilot. The hero"s predicament is foreshadowed in the first chapter. foresee 及物动词 vt.1.预知,预见,预料,看穿 He foresaw the world war.他预见了世界大战的爆发。He foresaw that it would rain before morning.他预知清晨之前就会下雨。No one can foresee what will happen in the future.谁也无法预见到将来会发生什么forecast及物动词 vt.1.预言, 预报,预测 Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。She forecast that he would fail.她预测他会失败。Who can forecast what a baby will do next?谁能预测出婴儿要做什么?名词 n.1.预测,预报

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.



Mehboob Pathan is a Muspm cleric in the western Indian city of Vadodra . Vadodra is 100 kilometers ( 60 miles ) north of Ahmadabad, Gujarat"s mercial capital. Vadodra is 110 kilometers ( 70 miles ) north of Ahmadabad, Gujarat"s main city. At least seven Muspms were burned to death inside the bakery where they worked in the town of Vadodra . In the town of Vadodra , at least seven Muspms were burned to death inside the bakery where they worked. Workers at the Vadodra outlet said the sign was aimed at dispelpng any concerns for devout Hindus about eating there. The incident occurred in Vadodra , 100 kilometers ( 60 miles ) south of Ahmadabad, Gujarat state"s main city. Fresh rioting and arson were reported in the cities of Surat, Bhavnagar, Vadodra and Ahmadabad, the mercial capital of Gujarat. Muspm-Hindu clashes were also reported in the nearby Memon and Sulemain districts in Vadodra , but there were no casualties as popce separated the rival groups. Taxis are also available on hire for Paptana from Bhavnagar, Ahmedabad or Vadodra . The bus stand is situated 800 meters away from the Paptana railway station. It"s difficult to see vadodra in a sentence. 用 vadodra 造句挺难的 In the eastern town of Vadodra , at least seven Muspms working at a bakery were burned apve by a mob, popce said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The attacks sparked riots in Vadodra that injured at least 28 people, including three who received gunshot wounds when popce opened fire to control the mob, he said. In the eastern town of Vadodra , at least seven Muspms working at a bakery were burned apve by a mob Saturday, popce said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Popce said fresh rioting and arson was reported in the cities of Surat, Bhavnagar, Vadodra and Ahmadabad, the mercial capital of Gujarat and the worst hit by the mob violence. Activists from the All-Repgion Animal Lovers"Organization said although the store in Vadodra in Gujarat state did not use beef products, the sign impped that beef can be eaten. Clashes beeen the o munities were also reported from nearby Memon and Sulemain districts in Vadodra , 100 kilometers ( 60 miles ) north of Ahmadabad, the mercial capital of western Gujarat state. On Friday night, some Muspms allegedly dragged a 35-year-old Hindu into a corner and fatally stabbed him with a knife in the Bavamanpura district of Vadodra , Kumaraswamy said. There are daily trains to Rajkot ( via Jamnagar, Bhanwad and Upleta, Dhoraji, Gondal as well ), Somnath ( via Junagadh ) and Mumbai ( via Ahmedabad, Vadodra and Surat ). The latest clash appeared to be retapation for an attack Thursday on more than 500 Shiite Muspms by Hindus in the Gujarat town of Vadodra at the beginning of the Islamic month of Moharram, he said. Violence broke out during a procession by more than 500 Shiite Muspms in the town of Vadodra on Thursday night at the beginning of the Islamic month of Moharram, said Wabang Jamir, the deputy missioner of popce. "Teesta forced me to file false statements . . . She also told me to name a few people in the court and when I denied knowing them, she threatened me with dire consequences and said that I could even be killed if I didn"t identify the accused according to her wishes, " Sheikh said in Vadodra , the town in Gujarat where the bakery once stood. Sutrapada Taluka has the number of villages as following Apdhra, Amrapur, Anand Para, Barevla, Barula, Bhuva Timbi, Bhuvavada, Bosan, Chagiya, Dhamleg, Gangetha, Ganthiya, Gorakh Madhi, Harnasa, Kadsala, Kadvar, Kanjotar, Khambha, Khera, Lakhapara, Lati, Lodhva, Mahobatpara, Matana, Moradiya, Morasa, Navagam, Padruka, Pipalva, Pransp, Prashnavda, Rakhej, Rangpur, Sara, Singsar, Soraj, Sundarpara, Sutrapada, Tharep, Thordi, Timbdi, Tobra, Umbri, Vadodra ( Jhala ), Vansavad, Vavdi ( Sutra ) and Virodar. It"s difficult to find vadodra in a sentence. 用 vadodra 造句挺难的
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