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most of adopted children 和most adopted children都可以吗?


606.For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the natural and the generally adopted symbol shall

对于危险和有毒货物,每箱上应显著地标明约定俗成的符号注意 the natural and the generally adopted symbol 是一个名词短语约定俗成的符号 还有natural 是与adopted 并列的 两个都是形容词generally 只是个副词修饰adoted 意义为“普遍的接受” 而natural在此的意义是 “as is normal or to be expected; ordinary or logical”也是广泛认可的意思

为什么不能是most of adopted children?

most of the adopted children,大多数被收养的孩子。因为特指所以需要the。

Only then ___ him she had been adopted.When she was four.

B 从句是过去完成时,主句应该是过去时,还是B

翻译Regular trips to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book,Tiger Balm。

" her adopted motherland" 指养育了她的那片故土。

雅思范文里面 :“within the policy adopted ”这个短语里为何要用within 而不用with呢

within和with是有区别的。within表示的是在一段时间内,在一个星期内用within a week。这句话意思是在这个政策实施的过程中,雅思不明白的可以追问我。

摘录自什么地方,用说adopted from还是adapted from?

adapt from是正确的。是固定短语,意思是“根据。。。改写”

be adopted in

A后面三个都是TO DO STH.zdhk只有APPROACH后面可以跟TO加名词

高一英语求解 17题为什么不能选A?,为什么是to imitate ?being adopted

17题,hard是形容词,要to do,不定式,前面一句是被叫做什么

It is reported that ________ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.

the most + 形容词 (最。。。)e.g the most beautiful (最美)

it is reported most adopted

C. the most:可作为代词,指代大多数的人或物.不用再接名词. most of 在表示大多数的人或物时要在后面加上the. most 表示多数的,后接名词复数. the most of:……中的多数,后面接名词的要也接上the.

be adopted from是什么意思


希斯莱丝小丑you are adopted怎么翻译


区别adopt accept


英语解题 Some of the suggestions have been adopted _________ others turned down as they are quite im



动词1. If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it. Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage... 接受 All those invited to next week"s peace conference have accepted. 2. If you accept an idea, statement, or fact, you believe that it is true or valid. I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science... 接受 I don"t think they would accept that view... He did not accept this reply as valid. ...a workforce generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. = acknowledge 3 If you accept an unpleasant fact or situation, you get used to it or recognize that it is necessary or cannot be changed. 屈就 People will accept suffering that can be shown to lead to a greater good... Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life... I wasn"t willing to accept that her leaving was a possibility.5 If a person, company, or organization accepts something such as a document, they recognize that it is genuine, correct, or satisfactory and agree to consider it or handle it. We advised newspapers not to accept the advertising... Cheques can only be accepted up to the value guaranteed on the card... All-male groups will not be accepted.1. If you adopt someone else"s child, you take it into your own family and make it legally your son or daughter. 收养 There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child... The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.2. If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you begin to have it. 做出改变, Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...接受了


accept是同意,接受,表示全盘接受 而adopt是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受. 例如 I accept your opinion.我同意你的意见 I adopted some of your suggestions.我采纳了你的一些建议.

She was forced to have her newly born baby adopt.改错

have sth. doneadopt 改成adoptedbaby是被收养

请文件adopt to与adapted to的区别

adapt v. /adopt v.这两个词拼写只差一个字母,非常容易记混。adapt的意思是“改编,改作……用,适应”;adopt是“收养,采用,采纳”。adapt to是适应,可以adapt oneself to某人适应某环境。没有adopt这个词组,直接当做及物动词使用例:I suggest that he should adapt himself to new conditions.我建议他要适应新的环境。We can adapt this old house to a garage.我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。adopt例句:Her mother had adopted a disapproving attitude.她母亲采取了不赞成的态度。They have decided to adopt me as their own daughter.他们已决定收养我做女儿。

求教英语问题 adapt 和 adopt 用法

adapt表示 适应 asopt表示 采纳和领养 意思。意思完全不一样。

adopted themselves to什么意思

你好,是不是应该改为:adaptedoneselfto:使自己适应 ,调节adaptoneselfto是一个固定搭配。


A piano has been bought by me.It will be delivered this afternoon.动作的接受者变为主语,动作的执行者作by的宾语.时态保持一致,不过要注意,are delivering 用进行时表示将来. A different attitude will have to be adopted.have to 的被动形式,把动词不定式变为被动形式:have to do--have to be done 同理:These old houses will have to be pulled down. 希望对你有所帮助:)

英语 be adopted to 是什么意思


adapt,adopt ,adept 三个词的意思??翻译!!

1.adapt [中文释义] - adapt(及物动词): 1.使适应,使适合,使适于。 2.改,修改,改编,改写(剧本等)。 adapt (one"s behaviour) to (the company) 使(自己行动)配合(同伴)。 adapt oneself to (circumstances) 适应(环境),随遇而安,通权达变。 - adapt(不及物动词): 适应不同环境[情况等]。 - 派生词: -ed [形容词] 适合…的;改编成…的。 This book is adapted to children. 这书是为适合儿童需要而改写的。 The novel was adapted for the stage. 这部小说改编成剧本了。 The play is adapted from a novel. 这是一部由小说改编成的戏剧。2.adopt [中文释义] - adopt(及物动词): 1.采用,采纳;正式通过。 2.选定(道路、职业等);采取(立场等)。 3.【语言学】沿用,借用(别国语言等)。 4.收养,立嗣,过继。 adopt a proposal 采纳提议。 words adopted from a foreign language 外来语。 - 派生词: -able [形容词] 可采用的;可沿用的;可收养的。 -er [名词] 采纳者;接受器。3.adept(形容词): [中文释义] 熟练的;内行的。 be adept in [at] 善于,擅长,精通。 - adept(名词): 内行,熟手。 an adept in philosophy 哲学大家。 a musical adept 音乐名手。 - 派生词: -ly [副词] -ness [名词]


adopt和adapt的区别如下:1、意思上的不同虽然它们看上去只相差一个字母,但意思截然不同。Adopt用的最多的是“领养”和“采用”的意思,而adopt用的很多“改编”和“适应”的意思。2、使用不同Adapt作为适应的时候和adjust含义很接近,但adapt侧重强调人或物在原有的情况下作出改变适应新环境,主要指改变的目的性和重要性。而adjust改变的幅度更小,强调调整角度和高度等细微的调整。3、搭配不同Adapt常见搭配:adapt onself to doing sth.某人适应做某事。adapt the story / novel / book for a film / play把…改编成。Adopt常见搭配:adopt as领养。Be adopted from来自。be adopted into被…所收养。



正确答案是( )[A] adopted[B] incorporated[C] administered [D] established



adopt收养;领养例句:She was forced to have her baby adopted.她被迫把婴儿给人收养


adopt:[ u0259"du0254pt ] v.采用,收养,接受例句与用法:1.As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿.2.She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York.她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人.3.He is their adopted son.他是他们的养子.4.Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿.5.Paul"s mother had him adopted because she couldn"t look after him herself.保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便将他送给别人收养了.6.Congress has adopted the new measures.国会通过了新的议案.7.Most countries adopt metric system.大多数国家采用米制.8.We should adopt the consumers" suggestion.我们应该接受用户的建议

为什么选adopt 而不是adapt。



adopt用法是:作为动词,是及物动词,含义为“采用”、“领养”、“正式通过”、“表决采纳”、“选举”,后面可接名词或代词作宾语,固定搭配为adopt sb as sth。例句如下:1、She was forced to have her baby adopted。她被迫把婴儿给人收养。2、All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem。三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。3、The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting。委员会有望在下次会议上正式通过这项新政策。4、He adopted an air of indifference。他摆出一副满不在乎的样子。5、She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green。她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。6、There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child。有数以百计的人渴望领养孩子。


adopt:[ u0259"du0254pt ] x0dx0av.采用,收养,接受x0dx0a例句与用法:x0dx0a1.As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.x0dx0a他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿.x0dx0a2.She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York.x0dx0a她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人.x0dx0a3.He is their adopted son.x0dx0a他是他们的养子.x0dx0a4.Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.x0dx0a他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿.x0dx0a5.Paul"s mother had him adopted because she couldn"t look after him herself.x0dx0a保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便将他送给别人收养了.x0dx0a6.Congress has adopted the new measures.x0dx0a国会通过了新的议案.x0dx0a7.Most countries adopt metric system.x0dx0a大多数国家采用米制.x0dx0a8.We should adopt the consumers" suggestion.x0dx0a我们应该接受用户的建议

adopt 的用法和例句?

The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.委员会最终采纳了他的建议。《21世纪大英汉词典》We shall adopt your proposal.我们将采纳你的建议。en.bab.laThe "Strong Programs" adopt the strategy of relativism to resolve the problem of rationality of science.强纲领对科学合理性问题的解决主要采用了相对主义的策略。

adopted brothers

你未婚夫和朋友的所有兄弟姐妹(包括 亲兄弟姐妹 同父异母的兄弟姐妹 异父母的兄弟姐妹 被收养的兄弟姐妹)

waiting to be adopted算谓语吗?

waiting to be adopted英文翻译如下等待通过重点词汇释义waiting等候; 等待; 当侍者;例句At this point in time we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。

It is reported that_adopted children want to

1、most 是many 的最高级别,用于修饰名词,表示最多(用在比较中),most后面可跟可数或不可数名词,也可跟由形容词修饰的名词,(表示大部分的)2、most of 表示大多数的,后面直接接定冠词、指示代词、物主代词修饰的名词,以及人称代词。3、the most表示“最......的一个”,是特指在一个范围之内中之“最”这里的意思是:据报道,大部分被收养的孩子都想知道他们的生父母是谁。首先从意思上就排除了the most然后后面接的是形容词修饰的名词(adopted children)被收养的孩子,所以应该用most

adopted daughter中文翻译

Perhaps helen no more bepeved in these excuse than her adopted daughter did . 也许海伦对这些辩解,自己也不完全相信,象她的养女一样。 May i present my adopted daughter , miss evangepne stitch 容我介绍我的养女伊万杰琳?斯蒂趣小姐 The adopted daughter of pharod wormhair , she runs errands for his collectors 她是法络德翁海尔的养女,为他的收尸人跑腿。 Nothing was said , but everyone in the audience remembered the unwitting role the mccains " adopted daughter played in the south caropna primary in 2000 谁也没有说,但是谁都知道在2000年南卡罗来纳州初选中麦凯恩这名养女所扮演的无心角色。 She " s sending her adopted daughters to an immersion school in mountain view to help them to feel who they are and give them the language to express who they are 她女儿正被送往山区的特色学校,以帮助找到“真实的我” ,学会表达“真实自我”的语言。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter doesn " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔? ? ? _的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独锺。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter doesn " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔?里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie s adopted daughter doesn t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while ponel richie " s adopted daughter does n " t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。 Yuet s position is threatened by an imperial descendant ying lai chi , gigi , a powerful eunuch s adopted daughter shun sheh , charmaine and an experienced imperial servant maid sin cheung ho yee , maggie 她最大的威胁除了有贵族之后玉莹黎姿和内务府太监之养女尔淳佘诗曼外,还有资深宫女安茜张可? 。


1、意思含义不同,adapt是适应于的意思; adopt是收养采取的意思。2、使用形式不同,adapt可以及物动词,意思是“使适应,使适合”; adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词。adopt的基本释义及用法介绍;adopt作为动词,是及物动词,意为收养;领养;采用(某方法);采取(某态度);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)。后面直接加名词或代词作宾语。adapt的基本释义及用法介绍;adapt作为动词,后面可以直接加sb/sth 作宾语,意为使适应,使适合;也可接介词to,意为适应;还可意为改编、改写。1、These styles can be adapted to suit inpidual tastes.这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。1、She was forced to have her baby adopted.她被迫把婴儿给人收养。

adopt、adapt 中文意思是?一分钟搞懂英文「adopt、adapt」的意思!

adopt 中文意思是「接受、采纳、收养」的意思,adapt的中文意思则是「适应」,虽然他们意思差很多,但因为英文只差了一个字母,所以可能有不少人常常会搞混。 下面列出了adopt跟adapt的英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1. adopt 接受、采纳、收养 adopt的中文意思最常见的就是「收养」跟「采纳」了,这两个中文意思一定要记起来! 例:They"ve adopted a baby girl. 他们收养了一个女婴。 例:He is an adopted child. 他是个被收养的孩子 例:The only way to be different is to adopt a different approach. 变得与众不同的唯一方法就是采纳一种不同的方法。 2.adapt 适应 adapt的中文意思是指「适应」的意思。 例:It took me a while to adapt to the new job. 适应这份新工作花了我些时间。 adapt, adapt 中文, adapt 中文意思, adapt 意思, adapt 翻译, adapt 英文例句, adopt, adopt 中文, adopt 中文意思, adopt 意思, adopt 翻译, adopt 英文例句, 英文 adapt, 英文 adopt

adopted country是什么意思

adopted country:采纳国;采用国。主要指某种新技术、新产品、新标准、交通规则、制度等被采用的国家。


1. adapt是动词,其意为“改编,改变……以适应”。如:She adapts herself to a life on the ocean wave. 她会适应海上的生活。All life is about change—you either adapt or die. 生命在于变化——要么适应要么死亡。When they moved to France, the children adapted to the change very soon. 在他们移居法国后,孩子们很快就适应了这种变化。


Adopted的意思是 被领养的。


"Adapt", "adopt" 和 "adept" 是三个不同的单词,拥有不同的含义和用法。它们之间的区别如下:1. "Adapt" 表示适应和改变以适应新环境,具有动态的含义。例如,“我们需要适应新规则”(We need to adapt to the new regulations)。2. "Adopt" 表示采取新观点、态度、行为或者实践。例如,“我们必须采取更环保的行动”(We must adopt more environmentally friendly practices)。3. "Adept" 意为熟练、擅长的,通常用来形容某个人在某个领域内具有高超的技能。例如,“他是个擅长园艺的专家”(He is an adept in gardening)。总之,“adapt”是适应改变,"adopt"是采取新方法,"adept"则表示技艺高超或经验丰富,三个单词在含义和用法上有很大的不同。



being adopted 翻译一下,谢谢



adopt和adapt的区别如下:1、意思上的不同虽然它们看上去只相差一个字母,但意思截然不同。Adopt用的最多的是“领养”和“采用”的意思,而adopt用的很多“改编”和“适应”的意思。2、使用不同Adapt作为适应的时候和adjust含义很接近,但adapt侧重强调人或物在原有的情况下作出改变适应新环境,主要指改变的目的性和重要性。而adjust改变的幅度更小,强调调整角度和高度等细微的调整。3、搭配不同Adapt常见搭配:adapt onself to doing sth.某人适应做某事adapt the story / novel / book for a film / play把…改编成…Adopt常见搭配:adopt as领养Be adopted from来自…be adopted into被…所收养

为什么选adopt 而不是adapt。


为什么这里划线的句子里adopted=are adopted?

这里是一个过去分词做定语的形式,表示被动的关系。也就是你所理解的rules are adopted by the FCC,这句话就是一个被动语态。本来用定语从句的话,就是 repeal rules that are reported by the FCC.这个定语从句的that就是指代先行词rules的。一开始所说的过去分词做定语可以理解为省略了定语从句的that are,直接用过去分词reported表示这种被动的语态。在成分上,定语是非谓语,你这一整句话的谓语动词应该是voted这个动词的过去式。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。


adopted 英[u0259u02c8du0252ptu026ad] 美[u0259u02c8dɑ:ptu026ad] adj. 被收养的,被采用的; v. 收养; 采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词 ); 正式接受; 吸收(外来词语); [例句]The motion was adopted.提案通过了。[其他] 原型: adopt

Adopt legislation,launch campaigns.......怎么改?

这句话缺少主语。Dignity can be gained and old framework can be broken down by adopting legislation and laughing campaigns.或者By adopting..and...lauching...,we can break...

Were it not for the adoption of the open policy, things ______ they are today.

你想复杂了啊..不是错综时间虚拟条件句..都是过去了. 按基本的虚拟条件句的格式

adoption of the agenda 可以直接写成adoption agenda 吗?表示通过议程


adoption rate怎么计算

broadband deployment大概宽带覆盖率另一个宽带普及率 用户数基本都是用numbers of subscribers,普及率这里应该是adoption rate,中文的宽带用户数量应该不是broadband deployment的意思,而是有这个意思引申出来的,即宽带的分布率broadband deployment rate提供了,用户数量当然也就提供了这是我的理解

消费者采用曲线consumer-adoption curve,表示什么意思

consumer-adoption curve需求曲线,即随着商品价格上升需求减少的一条曲线需求曲线表示在每一价格下所需求的商品数量。需求曲线是显示价格与需求量关系的曲线,是指其他条件相同时,在每一价格水平上买主愿意购买的商品量的表或曲线。其中需求量是不能被观测的。需求曲线可以以任何形状出现,符合需求定理的需求曲线只可以是向右下倾斜的。 需求曲线通常以价格为纵轴(y轴),以需求量为横轴(x轴),在一条向右下倾斜、且为直线的需求曲线中,在中央点的需求的价格弹性等于一,而以上部份的需求价格弹性大于一,而以下部份的需求价格弹性则小于一。

翻译are you related to your fiance or partner by blood ,marriage or adoption?

你和你的未婚夫或者合伙人有血缘、婚姻或者收养关系吗?祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of



技术采用生命周期(Technology Adoption LifeCycle) ==技术采用生命周期概述[ http://cdnet. pat_A100.htm David.技术采用生命周期及死亡之井对新产品行销启示. 科技产业资讯室]==

Unifi管理软件显示 Adoption Failed 是什么问题


open adoption 是什么意思


She put the boy up for adoption 高手解释put up 在此是啥意思

put up 把。。。。陈列出来 (待售)她把那位男孩摆出来寻求领养。------希望可以帮到你,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!

adoption model 怎么翻译?


early adoption造句 early adoptionの例文

This feature contributed to its early adoption over peting hardness tests. Early adoption with passengers was slow, except for Business Travellers. So we"re way past the early adoption stage. This led to early adoption of MSG as a cupnary agent in Japan. Perhaps the most significant of this early adoption of Western styles was its pubpc origin. This reflects early adoption of SGML technology. Due to the early adoption by VSoft initially focused on developing support for Delphi tools. But Germany"s Chancellor Helmut Kohl recently called for an early adoption of the declaration. Another is early adoption of Christianity and resistance since then to converting to the surrounding Islam. If the transfer runs *** oothly, the result is called an " early adoption ". It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 Mid-20th century British Pagani *** had a strong influence on early adoption of an eightfold Wheel. The clay soil also led to sleepers-an early adoption of these on a British railway. The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Austrapa is an example of the early adoption of radios in telehealth. One of Marsh"s most distinguishing features has been its innovation and early adoption of retail technology. One aspect of the Airspace organization was its early adoption of puter technology to faciptate its activist activities. Lemmon"s entrepreneurial spirit and early adoption of the inter lead to rapid growth for the pany. She said she would not vote in May but supported an early adoption of direct elections in Hong Kong. The old county aristocracy would lead the way, making hay from the early adoption of this new technology. The pany grew quickly in large part due to Lemmons-Poscente"s early adoption of the inter. Given its open source sofare experience, the pany pushed for the early adoption of Linux products in Japan. Early adoption does e with pitfalls : early versions of products may be buggy and / or prone to malfunction. His early adoption of Freud"s psycho *** ytic theory was instrumental in defining the goals and strategies of pubpc relations. " Early adoption of the euro might involve substantial economic risks and costs, " the EU statement said. It was known for its early adoption of joint honours degrees which were often very broad such as history and biology. The latter involved early adoption of hypertext technology to represent laws as a work of nodes, each representing a section. The British had a head start thanks to their early adoption of steam technology and their supremacy on the high seas. The best one can hope for is early adoption and support from a critical few who can gradually spread the new ideas. With its early adoption of emerging puting and munications technologies, Air Force Weather was at the fore of the Space Age. 1984-Principal Sister Dorita Cpfford, BVM, makes the NY Times for her early adoption of puters at the school. The n in " p閚tek " suggests an early adoption from Slavic, when many Slavic dialects still had nasal vowels. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的 It was his early adoption of this new technology and his natural skill of illustration that in large part led to his fame. The early adoption of Anglo-Norman as a written and pterary language probably owes something to this history of bipnguap *** in writing. Murthy"s firm grew quickly, in part because of her early adoption of using the Inter for promotional and outreach efforts. These engines are notable for their early adoption of gasopne direct injection technology and also for their unmon 75?cypnder head bank angle. Due to the Columbia Phonograph Company"s early adoption of musical recording, AtLee was one of the first popular recording musicians. A final decision to estabpsh the force will only follow early adoption of an appropriate resolution by the U . N . Security Council, Through this early adoption , today, Facebook"s astronomical value stems from the quapty and quantity of information it has about its users. Ministers also urged " early adoption " of an EU regulation to require psted European firms to prepare their books using International Accounting Standards. HAL does not honor the historical aspects of the early adoption reform movement who requested and worked years to have terminology changed from natural to birth. His style was Burgundian in nature and Sessions was considered a " pioneer " for his early adoption of stainless steel tanks and French oak barrels. Sweden"s early adoption of petition and new technology put the nation in the vanguard, rather than anything in the Nordic soul, they say. Diplomats said on Tuesday that France had suggested the early adoption of a " statement of principles " on Iraq, as an interim measure. Her colleague Lee Cheuk-yan said he hoped for an early adoption of a plete " one person, one vote " direct election. Following the early adoption of the original course at Wisconsin-Madison, and schools in St Louis, a specifically American Edition was pubpshed in 1996. In 1999 Soria was appointed in Greenpeace, where his early adoption of mobile phones led into landmark victories in forest protection and indigenous rights in Argentina. The founders credit early traction to their virtual internship program, which they modeled after oDesk and to early adoption of onpne munities, such as Reddit. In the G-7 forum, Japan needs to pledge a crackdown on terrorist financing by ratification of the pact and through early adoption of relevant legislation. Advogato"s early adoption of an XML-RPC interface led to its use as an example of how such interfaces could be used by web programmers. Dingley was innovative in the early adoption of the telegraph for tran *** ission of news reports, and oversaw a great expansion of the newspaper"s facipties in 1898. However, the speed advantages of RISC puters in the 1980s was primarily due to early adoption of on-chip cache, rather than intrinsic advantages of RISC. It"s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的

adoption date


She put the boy up for adoption !高手解释put up 在此是啥意思?


Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方


这句英语句子的结构怎么分析?最后那个“adoption over time of digital media”是什么意思干吗用的?

adoption over time of digital media跟前面的resources是并列的,做in the use of 中of的宾语意思是在运用内部和外部资源及数码传媒方面提高成本效率,直译的话是数码传媒的使用或采用


  翻译:市场采纳战略  满意请采纳,谢谢

。。。。。。,so they gave me up for adoption. 不理解这句的结构和

gave sb. up for something送某人去做某事或去某个地方so they gave me up for adoption所以他们把我送给别人收养


adopt 词根 领养 词义 adaption 近形 意思是适应 名词


adoption format采用格式双语例句1Aim at the type characteristics of geology diagram, adoption sketch format from definition of way, and study the draw way of Column-map buffer line, rock Column, fault structure etc. and make the sketch be able to satisfy request of dissimilarity customer.针对地质图件的类型特点,采用图形格式自定义的方式,并探讨了柱状图缓冲线、岩性柱状、断层构造等的绘制算法,使生成的图形可以满足不同用户的要求。

不是adoption吗? to是介词

deicde to do sth adopt 收养;不是adapt 适应;改编祝学习进步,天天进步!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)


adopt的名词是adoption. adoption: n.(想法、计划、名字等的)采用;收养;领养;(候选人的)选定,推选,推举。 复数: adoptions 扩展资料   There is increasing worldwide adoption of the same name for each therapeutic substance.   在世界范围内对一药物有逐渐采用同一个药名的趋势。   She put the baby up for adoption.   她提出要让人收养那个婴儿。   Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons   收养不成功可能有各种原因。   The word is now English by adoption.   这个词现在已被采纳入英语。   The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.   那参议员极力反对采取这项措施。



foster adopt表达收养之意时有何区别?


高考英语词汇: 动词adopt的用法

高考英语词汇:动词adopt的用法   表示“收养”、“采用”、“采纳”等,通常只用作及物动词,用法上注意以下几点:   1. 表示“收养”,主要指法律上的收养某人 (即作为儿女或继承人):   They are not my parents. I"m adopted. 他们不是我的亲生父母,我是被收养的。   As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. 他们自己没有孩子,所以领养了一个孤儿。   若不是指法律上的正式收养,而只是单纯地指“认养”,通常用动词 foster:   He fostered two orphans. 他认养了两个孤儿。   汉语中的“养子(女)”说成英语是 adopted son (daughter),但“养父母”却 是 adoptive parents / adoptive father / adoptive mother。值得一提的是,若用 foster (adj.) 则没有此区别:a foster child 养子 / a foster father 养父 (from   2. 表示“采用”、“采纳”:   Our school has adopted a new teaching method. 我们学校采用了新的教学方法。   They"ll adopt our suggestion. 他们将采纳我们的建议。




adoptive是形容词,意思是”收养的,收纳的“其名词形式是adoption。 adoption和foster同为名名词,意思相近,但不相同。 adoption意思是 收养,领养(收养后就会成为主体的一部分,不用还回去) foster是培养,代养(代养是暂时养育,是要还回去的)。

foster 和 adopt的区别

foster 寄养,没有法定养父母关系,是“收(政府)钱”去养别人出生的小孩的adopt 收养,为法定养父母,有继承权,是“花(自己)钱”去养别人出生的小孩

第27周-过继性T细胞治疗(adoptive T-cell therapy,ACT)

文章是 Immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer 发表于 Nature Medicine (2018) 重点在实验设计环节,但是现在的大文章或多或少都引入多组学数据,本文也不例外,实验纳入的唯一一个病人既做了全外显子又做了转录组测序,还有单细胞测序。不过数据公开的是 PRJNA342632 for exome data and PRJNA243084 for RNA-seq data 近年来,肿瘤免疫疗法已成为继手术、放疗和化疗之后的第四种肿瘤治疗手段。 肿瘤免疫治疗 ,主要包括 其中以CTLA4、PD1/PDL1抑制剂为代表的 免疫检查点抑制剂 ,以其显著的临床疗效而备受瞩目。 而本文的研究属于肿瘤免疫治疗的过继性T细胞疗法(ACT)领域,之前以CART为主,最近出现了另外一种疗法——TIL(Tumor Infiltrating T cell,肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞),表现也十分惊艳,Rosenburg博士及其团队就是这一领域的代表。 肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞(tumor infiltrating lymphocyte, TIL)指的是从肿瘤组织中分离出的浸润淋巴细胞。 1986年,Rosenberg研究组首先报道了TIL细胞。TIL细胞表型具有异质性。一般来说,在TIL中,绝大多数细胞是CD3阳性的。在不同肿瘤来源的TIL细胞中,CD4+ T细胞、CD8+ T细胞的比例有差异,但大多数情况下以CD8+T细胞为主。 不同患者不同肿瘤类型对免疫疗法的反应不可预测,是因为免疫成分的异质性以及肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TILs)在单个肿瘤内和患者之间的多样化表型。 并不是所有的肿瘤浸润T细胞都是针对肿瘤抗原的,并且发现检测CD39的表达可以简单的量化或分离Bystander 即“旁观者”T细胞。 早在2014年的时候Rosenburg博士的团队就将其一部分研究结果发表在Science期刊(Tran E et al, Science 2014)上,当时他们的做法是:把一名晚期胆管癌女患者的肺转移肿瘤 病灶 拿来做全基外显子测序,找到了26个非同义突变, 并为每一个突变构建了一段短基因,将这些短基因几个一组地串联成短基因串(Tandem Minigene, TMG) ,然后将这些短基因串转入抗原递呈细胞(指树突状细胞DC)并与肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)共同培养,以查看患者的TIL中是否存在可以特异性识别肿瘤突变的T细胞。不出所料,这位患者的TIL可以识别肿瘤的一个突变。研究者将这个有识别功能的T细胞体外大量扩增后再回输给患者,患者肝部的转移灶长期稳定状态达1年以上。Rosenburg博士的团队通过这个研究,证明了晚期癌症患者的肿瘤组织中确实是存在可以对抗肿瘤突变的淋巴细胞的、即便是在晚期胆管癌这样凶险又难治的瘤种。 参考自:肿瘤资讯。 但是从实体瘤中收集浸润性T细胞确实比较有挑战性,而与之相比,抽取患者的外周血则容易得多 ,所以2016年Steve Rosenberg小组发表在《自然-医药》杂志上的文章《Prospective identification of neoantigen-specific lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of melanoma patients》即是从晚期恶性黑色素瘤患者的 外周免疫细胞 中可根据PD-1受体表达找到针对肿瘤变异新抗原的活性杀伤T细胞。这样找到的T细胞在体外增殖后和肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(TIL)一样可以识别患者自身肿瘤。 但是恶性黑色素瘤是一种突变比较多的肿瘤,尽管外周血抗肿瘤细胞比例低,但是仍然能够分离出来;而其他突变较少的肿瘤在外周血中是否同样存在这样的T细胞就存疑了。 虽然作者本文只探索了一个病人,但是它上传了很多数据在,对这个病人测了: 也是常规的肿瘤外显子数据分析流程,其实就是GATK best-practices 流程加上 varscan2,再使用 ‘allele-specific copy-number analysis of tumors" (ASCAT) 和Sequenza 来分析肿瘤纯度和倍性,然后得到的somatic 变异过滤如下: 其RNA-seq测序也是走的STAR比对加上GATK best-practices 流程来找变异。 最后使用 PyClone 进行克隆进化分析。 这里过滤后剩下 62 nonsynonymous somatic 变异位点 通过与前面文章类似的方法,构建TMG来挑选病人那些可以特异性识别这些突变的TIL细胞。本次使用使用了pulsed peptide pools (PPs 1–6) or transfected mRNAs (tandem minigenes (TMGs) 1–6) 得到的结果如图: 挑选那些高表达T cell receptor (TCR)-β variable (TRBV) region or high expression levels of 4-1BB (CD137, a marker of T cell activation)的T细胞做单细胞测序,找到了跟mutant (mut)-SLC3A2 or mutKIAA0368对接的 TRBV 然后TIL回输之后, FACS-sorted TRBV28+ cells showed specific recognition of PP6 and TMG6,如下图 又对应到了两个突变: 整个实验比较幸运,对这个病人来说,发现了 11 TCR clonotypes recognized the four neoantigens (SLC3A2, KIAA0368, CADPS2 and CTSB) 其实我看的不是很懂,可能就是明白其中的组学数据分析环节吧,而且作者单细胞测序也说的不清不楚的。 但是这个作者持之以恒的发大paper,应该是很牛吧。 (文章转自jimmy的2018年阅读文献笔记)

今天,有人问我:"义父(干爹)"英语怎么说?我想好像也不是adoptive father 或者godfather.你有更好的说法吗?

汉英翻译:adopted father网络释义:Godfather
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