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She will abide by her promisE.A.tolerateB.stick toC.endureD.reside

【答案】:B解析:她会遵守诺言的. stick to坚持, 如:He always sticks to his principles.他是个坚持自己原则的人。tolerate忍受, 如:What would you do when you can"t tolerate a person"s behavior?当你不能容忍一个人的行为时, 你会怎么做? endure忍耐, 持久, 如:as long as life endures只要生命犹存。reside居住, 如:reside abroad定居国外。只有stick to意思上和abide by最接近。

abide to意思

abide to遵守

Abide With Me 歌词

歌曲名:Abide With Me歌手:The Grimethorpe Colliery Band专辑:Best Of BrassHayley Westenra - Abide with meAbide with me;Fast falls the eventide;The darkness deepens;O Lord, with me abide.When other helpers fail and comforts flee,Help of the helpless,O abide with me.Swift to its close ebbs out life"s little day;Earth"s joys grow dim;Its glories pass away;Change and decay in all around I see;O Thou who changest not, abide with me.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.Heaven"s morning breaks, and earth"s vain shadows flee;In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.by:S.N.Y ^_^http://music.baidu.com/song/7561352

Abide With Me 歌词

歌曲名:Abide With Me歌手:Libera&Robert Prizeman&Fiona Pears&John Anderson&Steven Geraghty&Chris Dodd&Ian Tilley&James Vereycken专辑:VisionsHayley Westenra - Abide with meAbide with me;Fast falls the eventide;The darkness deepens;O Lord, with me abide.When other helpers fail and comforts flee,Help of the helpless,O abide with me.Swift to its close ebbs out life"s little day;Earth"s joys grow dim;Its glories pass away;Change and decay in all around I see;O Thou who changest not, abide with me.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.Heaven"s morning breaks, and earth"s vain shadows flee;In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.by:S.N.Y ^_^http://music.baidu.com/song/2672540

Abide With Me 歌词

歌曲名:Abide With Me歌手:Blake专辑:TogetherAbide With MeEmeli SandeAbide with meFast falls the eventideThe darkness deepensO Lord with me abideWhen other helpers fail and comforts fleeHelp of the helplessO abide with meSwift to its close ebbs out life"s little dayEarth"s joys grow dimIts glories pass awayChange and decay in all around I seeO Thou who changest not abide with meI need thy presence every passing hourWhat but thy grace can foil the tempter"s powerWho like thyself my guide and stay can beThrough cloud and sunshine Lord abide with meI fear no foe with thee at hand to blessIlls have no weight and tears no bitternessWhere is death"s sting Where grave thy victoryI triumph still if thou abide with meHold thou thy cross before my closing eyesShine through the gloom and point me to the skiesHeaven"s morning breaks and earth"s vain shadows fleeIn life in death O Lord abide with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17284577

abide by 是什么意思 接什么


abide from是什么意思

abide from 全部释义和例句>>遵守They said that they would abide by previous agreements, from N"djamena onwards.它们说,它们将遵守以前从《恩贾梅纳协定》开始的协定。

Abide With Me的歌词

这儿Abide With Me, fast falls the eventideThe darkness deepens, Lord with me abideWhen other helpers fail and comforts fleeHelp of the helpless, O abide with meSwift to its close ebbs out life"s little dayEarth"s joys grow dim, its glories pass awayChange and decay in all around I seeO Thou who changes not, abide with meI fear no foe, with Thee at hand to blessIlls have no weight, and tears no bitternessWhere is death"s sting? Where grave thy victory?I triumph still, if Thou abide with meHelp of the helpless, O abide with me翻译:刘廷芳(1933年)夕阳西沉, 求主与我同居;黑暗渐深, 求主与我同居;求助无门, 安慰也无求处,常助孤苦之神, 与我同居.渺小浮生, 飘向生涯尽处欢娱好景, 转瞬都成过去;变化无常, 环境何能留住?恳求不变之神, 与我同居.我深需主, 时刻需主眷顾,除却主恩, 尚有何法驱魔?谁能如主, 时常导引扶持?无论风雨晦明, 恳求同居.有主降祥, 仇敌何需畏惧?泪不辛酸, 病痛也无足虑;坟墓威权, 锋鋩今天何处?我仍欣然得胜, 主若同居.示我宝架. 双眸垂闭之时,照彻昏幽, 指我直上天衢;阴翳飞逝, 欣看天光破曙,无论天上人间, 恳求同居.

abide by的by是什么词性?什么意思?

介词 后跟名词 有时也有被动之意



abide by的by是什么词性?什么意思?


abide by 和abide with的区别







Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.


及物动词: 1.容忍,忍受 2.等候 3.逗留;停留;居留;居住 不及物动词: 1.逗留,居住 词形变化:形容词:abiding;副词:abidingly;名词:abider;时态:abode or abided,abode or abided,abiding,abides。 同义词:bide,stay;digest,endure,bear,brook,put up,stand,stick out,stomach,suffer,support,tolerate。 英语句子 Abide the issue 坚持主张 You will be successful if you abide by the principle of success. "如果你遵守成功的原则,你将会成功。" You"ll have to abide by the rules of the club. 你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。 They have got to abide by the rules. 他们必须要遵守规定。 One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group;a dissenter. 独来独往者拒绝遵守规定或与群体疏远的人;分离者 英语解释 dwell put up with something or somebody unpleasant 相似短语 abide at 住在… abide by v. 恪守,遵守,服从,坚持 abide with 和…同住 abide film 【机】 阳极膜 abide by the rules 遵守规则 相似单词 abide v.[T] 1.容忍,忍受 2.等候 3.逗留;停留;居留;居住 v.[I] 1.逗留,居住 abided [ abide ]的过去式和过去分词 abides [ abide ]的第三人称单数 abider [ abide ]的相关名词;[ abided ]的相关名词;[ abiding ]的相关名词;[ abode ]的相关名词


abide [ə"baid] vi.1. 停留;逗留;等候:Abide with me a while longer.和我在一起多呆一会。2. 保持,继续存在;持续:Some features were abiding.某些特征依然存在。3. 继续下去,维持下去:You shall abide in my love.我永远爱你。4. (留)在原处;(遗留)在后5. [古语、诗歌用语](暂)住,居住,居留;(被)留下,寓于(in, at):He abode in Beijing almost all his life.他在北京几乎住了一辈子。to abide in a small Scottish village住在苏格兰一个小村子vt.1. [常用于疑问句或否定句,后接名词、代词或动词不定式]忍受,容忍,忍耐:How can you abide him?你怎能容忍他?I can"t abide dishonesty!我不能容忍欺骗!2. 屈从于;默默接受,毫无反对或毫无疑问地接受:be unwilling to abide the verdict of the judges不愿服从法官们的裁决3. [古语]顶住;经受住:to abide a vigorous onslaught顶住猛烈的攻击4. [古语]等候,守候;期待:to abide the coming of the Lord等待主的降临He will abide my coming.他将等候我的到来。5. [古语]赎(罪);抵偿;偿付…的代价;由于…而受处罚(或受罪)近义词:continue . stay . 变形:vi.abodeabid-ingabide [ə"baid] v.1. dwell2. put up with something or somebody unpleasant


abide [简明英汉词典]vi.坚持,遵守vt.忍受,容忍obey [简明英汉词典]v.服从,顺从abide和obey都是遵守/遵循的意思,最大的区别在于,abide是不及物动词,需和by连用,示例:abide by the law and regulations,但是obey是及物动词,可直接接名词,如obey the rules.


abide怎么读:英 [ u0259u02c8bau026ad ]美 [ u0259u02c8bau026ad ]释义:v. 遵守(abide by);容忍,忍受;<旧>居住,逗留;(感情,记忆)始终不渝,持续。例句:They have got to abide by the rules.他们必须要遵守规定。You"ll have to abide by the rules of the club.你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。I can"t abide people who can"t make up their minds.我无法容忍下定不了决心的人。We are not free agents; we abide by the decisions of our president.我们不是自由不需负责任的人;我们遵守总统的决定。It"s crucial to abide by the safety regulations.遵守安全规定是至关重要的。

abide by 是什么意思


c语言问题 main() {printf("%-5s,%6s,%5.2s ","abs","def","abide"); }


abide by 和abide with的区别

abide with 跟。。。在一起,与。。。同住abide by 更多的是用在官方的语言中 表示 遵守(法律法规,制度条款等等) 噢那可能真有这样的用法吧请恕我无法解答看看其他人能不能帮到你啦到时我也可以又掌握一些知识嘿嘿


abidy by 是指“接受并且遵从,依照”,相当于“refer to and obey” observe 是强调按着规定,法律说的“执行”,相当于“do what a rule or a law says you should do”


abide英-[u0259"bau026ad]美-[u0259"bau026ad]释义vi. 持续;忍受;停留vt. 忍受,容忍;停留;遵守中文谐音读法:呃 罢耶 的


abide= 遵守 (守法意思)conform 符合,顺应意思,cling=坚守, 粘着,comply= 依从,observe=奉行

abide to do还是doing

doing。单词意思是容忍,忍受。to是介词后面加doing。单词曾在考研,六级和托福中出现过,意思有忍受 ,遵守,坚持,容忍,离开爱的要忍耐,爱的要忍耐,居住的意思。


您好!abide后接介词by:abide by sth.obey后直接接宾语:obey sth.


我帮你查了字典.是abode或abided 两个都可以.它既是可数动词也是不可数动词.我帮你从网上找了些资料:表示一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去式变化如下: 一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如: worked played wanted acted 以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d,如: lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped 以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如: studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如: stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped 注:不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。 go - went make - made get - got buy - bought come - came fly-flew


abide和obey都是遵守/遵循的意思,最大的区别在于,abide是不及物动词,需和by连用,示例:abide by the law and regulations,但是obey是及物动词,可直接接名词,如obey the rules.


1. comply with与abide by都有遵守的含义,但是二者在用法上有很大的差别: comply with的主语通常为物,abide by的主语通常为人。2. 这里再补充一点,followobserve的主语通常也是人;另外,conform to的含义一般有两层,一是遵守符合,二是某种行为与......一致,关于conform to,我这里列出两个例句:(1) The building does not conform to safety regulations.这座建筑物不符合安全条例.(2) Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.  我们许多人都遵循祖先立下的过时习俗.1如再次更换货物仍然不符合双方交付标准,甲方有权退货,由此造成的所有损失由乙方承担。Where the goods replaced again still fail to comply with the standards of delivery for the parties, Party A is entitled to return the goods, and all the resulting losses shall be borne by Party B.2甲、乙、丙三方本着平等互利的原则,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》等法律、法规,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持有甲方在丙方股份事宜达成协议如下,以兹共守。Pursuant to the Company Law of the People"s Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People"s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A, Party B and Party C, through friendly consultation, have reached the following agreement based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit with respect to the nominee shareholding of Party C"s shares by Party B for the benefit of Party A, and are mutually bound to abide by the same.

abide表示遵守不是不及物动词吗,为什么可以直接 abide disciplines?

建议买英文原版字典。 柯林斯 朗文 牛津 剑桥 这些书 的英文释义, 有条件买进口版更好, 或者你下一个网易有道词典,它上面的朗文释义指出abide可以做及物动词。 中国人出的英文书多多少少会有些错误的。 另外, 英语是用来沟通的语言, 是活的,你不能只按照中文的释义去认识它,更多的是结合例子。


tolerate 主要指 公差,差别,容许

abide 和什么一起搭配词组



abide 忍受,遵守,容忍,依从 a+bide bide 忍耐,等候,停留 a 跟asleep类似的,将sleep原本睡觉的意思变为睡着的,形容词。

abide是及物动词,可为什么有个短语叫abide by something?



bear 强调自己的忍受,主观感受较多tolerate 强调忍耐程度,客观成分较多

abide & stand by 区别,做忍受讲的

沙发 很简单了,abide就是忍受,我不能再忍受你:I can"t abide you any more;stand by本意是站在一边等待候补等待处理,引申意才是忍受、持续的等待,比如说我们煤矿来了20辆东风大卡等待装货,第一辆正在装,可以对其余的说去stand by去一边等着去,它们的状态也正是stand by.


abide英 [u0259"bau026ad]美 [u0259"bau026ad]vi. 持续;忍受;停留vt. 忍受,容忍;停留;遵守[网络短语]abide 忍受,遵守,容忍There Abide 在那里住abide at 帮助

