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in a certain way是什么意思

in a certain way:在某种意义上;以某种方式例句:1.A constraint is a requirement that a configuration value be set in a certain way.约束是指要求以特定方法设置配置值。2.You see that South America and Africa may be connected in a certain way,right?你会发现南美洲和非洲可能以某种方式相互有所联系,对吗?3."This place is in a certain way unique, " he explains.“这个地方在某种意义上讲是独一无二的,”他解释道。


certain[5sE:tEn]adj.确定的, 某一个, 无疑的, 必然的, 可靠的pron.某几个, 某些satisfied[`sAtIsfaId]adj.感到满意的



certain 用某个的意思造句

I am certain that my answer is right.

幂函数的图象都经过点( c ) a.(1,1) b .(0,1) c.(0,0) d .(1,0)

根据幂函数的表达式y=x α 可知,x=1时,y=1 ∴所有的幂函数图象都经过一个点,这个点的坐标是(1,1) 故选D.



a certain 是什么意思,英语水平高的人进。


We No Speak Americano中文歌词

就几句歌词而且没有特别意思主要是歌曲的节奏我也很喜欢这歌 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~



英汉对照法律英语 certain是什么意思




lced americano的英文怎么读

lced americano的英文加冰美式咖啡。中文谐音:阿矮斯的 额麦瑞坎nou


春光融融 春雨绵绵 春草萋萋

请问这个完型为啥填certain, remain certain啥意思呢?

原句:But Ma remaind certain. 但是马心里笃定。(坚持自己的梦想,不受他人的影响)这里remain是保持类系动词“保持,仍然保持”,类似于keep/stay.He kept/stayed silent。语意略有不同,keep/remain silent表示一直保持沉默,用remain silent有对比含义,其他人在讲话,他依然保持沉默。All the other students were talking, but he remained silent. remain其它用法:The problem remained to be settled. 问题亟待解决。It remained to be seen whether Trump will visit China. it形式主语, whether引导主语从句。是否特朗普要访问中国有待观察。




第一个是确定、有个短语是for certain(确信) 加ly就变成副词是当然的意思 第二个是打算的意思,它本身就是表率示意愿,不与将来时连用求采纳





请问一下,星巴克的美式咖啡的英文是Caffè Americano,为什么用的是Americano?

这个可以帮你 星巴克的咖啡英文名字 Caffè Mocha 摩卡 Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵 Caffè Americano 美式 Caffè Latte 拿铁 Cappuccino 卡布奇诺 espresso 特浓咖啡 Vanilla Frappuccino 香星冰乐 Caramel Coffee Jelly 焦糖吉利 mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐 non-fat 脱脂牛奶 coffee Frappuccino 咖啡星冰乐 Decaf 脱因咖啡 Frappuccin


certain,英文单词,形容词(adj.)、代词(pron.)、名词(n.)。作形容词时,意为“某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的”。作代词时,意为“某些;某几个”。作名词时,意为“人名;(葡)塞尔塔因;(法)塞尔坦”。短语搭配certain event [数]必然事件 ; 肯定变乱Almost certain 十拿九稳 ; 几乎肯定 ; 肯定发生 ; 几乎可以肯定的certain areas"某些地区 ; 定煊 ; 某些领域 ; 若干地区certain plants 某些植物certain about 有把握 ; 确信 ; 确实certain regulations 的若干规定 ; 某些规例 ; 若干规定Certain medications 某些药物Netma certain 网络人双语例句1. Or only certain people had them?亦或只是某些人拥有它们?2. I have certain reservations about it.对此我有某些保留意见。3. Do you have rewards for certain goals?你有没有达到某些目标的奖励?


certain的意思:adj.肯定;确定;确信;无疑pron.(不提及人或事物的名称时用)某些certain的发音:美 [ˈsɜrt(ə)n]  英 [ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)n]例句:1.The only way of avoiding this problem would be if, for some reason, the stars did not shine before a certain time.唯一避免这种问题的办法是,因为某些原因,星体在一端时间以前是不发光的。2.A PHP function that can output how much a user would need to donate to get a certain amount of GD.一个PHP函数,可以输出多少用户需要获得捐赠一定数额的GD。3.Well, not until a certain git by the name of Lockhart took over as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, at any rate.呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。

on abroad是什么意思?


英语at home and abroad什么意思?


go abroad any time they wish.什么意思

你好。go abroad any time they wish.翻译成中文是:在他们希望出国的任何时候出国。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。




board的解释如下:n.板;(尤指)木板;…用木板(或板材);(公司或其他机构的)董事会,委员会,理事会v.上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等);让乘客登机(或上船等);付费(在某人家里)膳宿board的不同形式如下:第三人称单数: boards复数: boards现在分词: boarding过去式: boarded过去分词: boarded扩展资料board的用法和短语:On board=Aboard 在船上Study abroad留学;出国留学;国外学习;关于留学的利弊Studying Abroad留学海外;出国留学;留学生活;出国学习consumption abroad境外消费;国外消费;即境外交付;境外消耗home and abroad国内外,海内外at home and abroad国内外study abroad出国留学;海外学习goabroad去国外,出国studying abroad出国留学;出国学习She and | forgathered abroad.她和我在国外邂逅。He was engaged from abroad.他是从国外请来的。用作名词 (n.)Would you saw me a piece of board two inches by one?请给我锯一块长两英寸、宽一英寸的小板好吗?The carpenter was shaving a board.木匠在刨一块木板。The carpenter evened a board with a plane.那位木工用刨刨平了一块木板。

at home and abroad是什么意思

at home and abroad的意思是国内外

welcome abroad and thank you是什么意思

welcome abroad and thank you的中文翻译welcome abroad and thank you 欢迎到国外,谢谢

为什么是been abroad 而不是gone abroad


外国课程后面的a year abroad是什么意思, 我知道翻译过来是一年在国外的意思,但具体是什么意思




time abroad什么意思啊


vacation abroad是什么意思

vacation abroad到国外度假-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

the stay abroad with foreign language是什么意思?

这只是一个名词短语,中心词是stay,待,停留的意思。后面是状语abroad,副词,表示地点,在国外;with foreign language,用外国语言,方式状语。例如,How is your stay in England? 你在英国待得如何?I enjoyed my short stay with grandparents. 我和外祖父母在一起短暂的相处很开心。They often play tennis with friends. 他们经常和朋友一起打网球。It"s good to stay with family. 在家人待在一起很好。

scientists home and abroad 可以吗


arrival from abroad什么意思


at home and abroad 是什么意思?

这是“国内外”的英文固定搭配。at home and abroad 除了你问的这一种说法以外,还有两种:1. both here and abroad 2. home and abroad 【例句与用法】1.Should the West root unreservedly for Soviet success? Or should Western economic support turn on Soviet political behavior at home and abroad? Western politicians weight the choice, but it"s a false choice: the leverage doesn"t exist.西方应该毫无保留地支持苏联使其成功吗?或者西方的经济支援是否应视苏联在国内外政治行为来决定?西方政客们权衡他们的选择,可是这项选择是错误的。西方对苏联的制衡并不存在。 2.At the news he sped home from abroad. 听了这消息,他立即从海外赶回国来。3.Chinese silk sells well at home and abroad. 中国丝绸畅销国内外。4.He is better known abroad than at home. 他在国外的名气比国内大。5.I dislike feeling at home when I am abroad. 我不喜欢在国外的时候象在老家一样。6.Complicated and volatile economic environment both at home and abroad 复杂多变的国内经济环境7.A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家凶如狮,在外却如鼠。



welcome abroad and thank you是什么意思

  welcomeabroadandthankyou  欢迎走出国门,谢谢你  welcomeabroad:欢迎加入;欢迎走出国门  例句:  1.Congratulations!You"rehired!Welcomeabroad!  恭喜你!你被录取了!欢迎加入我们!  2.Thatisonereasonthemovetoshoreupgrowthintheworld"sfourth-largesteconomyislikelytobeaswelcomeabroadasathome.  中国这个全球第四大经济体支持经济增长的举措很可能在国内外都受到欢迎,这也是原因之一。  3.Canbeallkindsoffootwearordersandabroad,welcometheintentionofcooperationwithcompaniesorindividualstocontactme!  可承接国内外各种鞋类订单,欢迎有合作意向的公司或个人与我联系!  4.TheIrish,FinnsandPortuguesewereonlymarginallylesswelcomeabroad,withvisa-freetravelavailableto156countries.  而爱尔兰、芬兰和葡萄牙的国民紧随其后,他们在无签证的情况下,可以到156个国家旅游。

求幂函数Y=X^a的图像。 (要详细点的)

Y=X^a∵1^a=1∴幂函数图像必过定点(1,1)a>0时 0^a=0,图像过定点(0,0)a为奇数时,Y为奇函数,关于原点对称;a为偶数时,Y为偶函数,关于Y轴对称。∵Y"=aX^(a-1)∴a为正奇数时,Y为增函数,a为负奇数时,Y为减函数(分段,-∞→0,0→+∞) a为正偶数时,x负半轴Y为减函数,x正半轴Y为增函数;x负半轴Y为增函数,x正半轴Y为减函数

take a gap year abroad是什么意思?





均为副词 at home and abroad 【在国内外】固定词组



are all going abroad是什么意思

  are all going abroad  都出国了  abroad 英[əˈbrɔ:d] 美[əˈbrɔd]  adv. 到国外,在海外; 广为流传地;  adj. 往国外的;  n. 海外,异国;  [例句]I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.  我今年很想出国,可能是去法国南部。


Above= 上面。例:the terms stated above is negotiable. 以上的条例可磋商。abroad=国外,离家很远的地方。例:my sister is studying abroad. 我的妹妹在国外念书。Absent=缺席例:john is absent from class today.约翰今天缺席上课。

​这是必应上的解释,求各位大神 going aboard 和going abroad的区别

这么看的话 - -第一种是自主决定的 就是有点心甘情愿的意思 第二种 有点迫不得已的意思

ability的名词意思 abroad形容词和副词的意思 ebsent形容词 accent名词

ability能力abroad出国的adj. 在国外adv.ebsent没见过,是absent吧缺席的accent重点,有时可以理解成特点








abord.. 接近,靠近abroad [ə"brɔ:d] adv. 在国外;到海外adj. 往国外的n. 海外;异国两者有本质的区别


be abroad:在国外

aboard abroad board broad 区别



abroad英 [əˈbrɔ:d] 美 [əˈbrɔd]adv. 到国外,在海外;广为流传地adj. 往国外的n. 海外,异国例句:I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.我今年很想出国,可能是去法国南部。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2He will stand in for Mr Goh when he is abroad吴先生出国时由他代替。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3About 65 per cent of its sales come from abroad.大约65%的销量来自国外。




abroada.broadadv.(副词)adj.(形容词)Out of one"s own country.在国外的(地):在自己国家以外的(地)In a foreign country or countries.在外国,在海外Away from one"s home.离家的(地)In circulation; at large.四下流传的(地);大规模的(地)Covering a large area; widely:广泛的(地):覆盖大部分地区;广泛地:“An epidemic is abroad in America”(Richard M. Smith)“美国正大规模流行疾病”(理查德M.史密斯)Not on target; in error.未击中目标;失误n.(名词)A foreign country or countries in which to live or travel:异国:居住或旅行在外国:“Do you like abroad or hate it?”(John le Carré)“你喜欢还是讨厌出国?”(约翰·勒·卡里)…




没有 chuck现实中跟v谈 受不了B是跟carter(是这样写的吧 ···)


abroad 核心词汇 英 [ə"brɔːd]     美 [ə"brɔːd]    adv.到国外;广为流传adj.在国外;海外(一般作表语)释义常用度分布图海词统计到国外在国外广为流传newabroad是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义adv.(副词)到国外,上国外去,出国在国外,在海外到处到外面,到室外在外面,在室外,在户外传开,散开未中目标地离谱地广为流传,四处传开,不胫而走户外流行查看更多n.(名词)异国,海外双解释义行业释义英英释义abroad的用法和样例:例句用作副词 (adv.)He is travelling abroad.他要到国外旅行。He lived abroad for many years.他在国外居住了许多年。There"s a rumour abroad that she intends to leave the company.谣言盛传她打算离开公司。查看更多用作形容词 (adj.)Our products have entered the markets abroad.我们的产品已打入国外市场。He"s currently abroad on business.目前他正在国外做生意。


abroad英 [ə"brɔːd]     美 [ə"brɔːd]     基本释义adv.到国外;广为流传adj.在国外;海外(一般作表语)用作副词 (adv.)He is travelling abroad. 他要到国外旅行。He lived abroad for many years. 他在国外居住了许多年。There"s a rumour abroad that she intends to leave the company. 谣言盛传她打算离开公司。查看更多 用作形容词 (adj.)Our products have entered the markets abroad. 我们的产品已打入国外市场。He"s currently abroad on business. 目前他正在国外做生意。


美式读音:əˈbrɑːd英式读音:əˈbrɔːd同义词:overseas副词:在国外;到海外形容词:往国外的名词:海外;异国例句:1、We tend to settle abroad this year.今年我们打算在国外定居。2、Every time I go abroad, I have to struggle with jet lag.我每次出国都要费力地倒时差。3、The young man who returned from abroad was welcomed by the local government.这位从海外回来的年轻人受到了当地政府的欢迎。4、We always go abroad in the summer.我们总是在夏天去国外。

chuck taylor 怎么读

chuck 英 [tʃʌk] 美 [tʃʌk]Taylor 英 ["teɪlə] 美 ["teilə]


Abroad的意思:作副词时主要意为“在国外;到海外”。作形容词时主要意为“往国外的”。作名词时主要意为“海外;异国”。一、短语搭配abroad student留学生 ; 留门生 ; 留学 ; 去外国去外国去外国院investment abroad国外投资 ;[金融]对外投资额 ; 境外投资 ; 海外投资live abroad国外定居 ; 住在国外 ; 生活在国外 ; 居住国外Innocents Abroad傻子国外旅行记 ; 异乡奇遇 ; 海外风光 ; 傻子出国记Innocence Abroad无知者无畏 ; 无知者恐惧spread abroad传开 ; 传将出去Abroad moon他乡明月get abroad消息等Visiting abroad出国经历 ; 因公出国二、双语例句She and I for gathered abroad.她和我在国外邂逅。Take me next time you go abroad.下次你去国外,带我一起去。Shall those goods from abroad be sent to you at once?从国外运来的那些货物要不要马上送到你们那儿?。

home and abroad什么意思

Bhome有家的意思也有 国内的意思abroad 是国外的意思



Gossip girl第一季到第三季chuck对blair说过的感人的话

Chuck Bass: I"am Chuck Bass. No one cares.我是Chuck Bass.谁会在乎。Blair Waldorf: I do. Don"t you understand? I"ll always be here, I don"t want you going anywhere, I couldn"t bear it. So whatever you wanna do to yourself. Please don"t do that to me. Please!我在乎。懂吗?我会一直在,我不想你去任何地方,我不能忍受。所以,无论你想对自己做什么,请不要这样对我!Chuck Bass: I"m sorry.对不起。。。 Blair Waldorf: I want to believe, but I can"t. You hurt me too mant times.我想相信,但是我不能。你伤我伤的太多了。Chuck Bass: You can believe me this time.这次你可以相信我。Blair Waldorf:Oh. That"s it?就这样?Chuck Bass: I love you too.我也爱你。 Blair Waldorf: Thanks for the lift home.谢谢你的顺风车。Chuck Bass: You were amazing up there.你太迷人了。。。。**** Blair Waldorf:You sure?你确定? Chuck Bass: The reason we can"t say those three words to each other isn"t because they aren"t true.我们不能说这三个字的原因是那不是真的。Blair Waldorf: Then why?为什么?Chuck Bass: I think we both know, the moment we do, it won"t be the start of something, it"ll be the end. Think about it, Chuck and Blair going to the movies? Chuck and Blair holding hands?我们都知道,如果我们在一起,那不是意味着开始,而是结束。想想,难道Chuck and Blair 一起去看电影?Chuck and Blair 手拉着小手??Blair Waldorf: We don"t have to do those things. We can do the things we like.我们不需要做这些事情。我们只要做我们喜欢做的事情。Chuck Bass: What we like is this.比如什么。Blair Waldorf: The game.爱的游戏。Chuck Bass: Without it, I"am not sure how long we"d last. It"d be just a matter of time before we messed it all up. Look, I"d rather wait. Maybe in the future…如果没有这些,我不能确定我们能在一起多久。我们搞杂一切只是时间问题。我宁愿等。或许将来。。。Blair Waldorf: I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that Blair Waldorf:Chuck! Stop! Don"t go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.给我停下!不要走!如果你要离开,带上我。Chuck Bass: I appreciate the concern.谢谢你的关心。Blair Waldorf: No. You don"t. You don"tappreciate anything today. But I don"t care. Whatever you"re going through, I want to be there for you.不,你不需要。你今天不用感谢任何事情。我不管你要去做什么,我只想在陪着你。Chuck Bass: We talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.我们讨论过这件事。你不是我女朋友。Blair Waldorf: But I am me. Find you are you. We"re Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you"ve ever done, the darkest thought you"ve ever had, I will stand by you through anything.我是我,你是你。我们是Chuck 和 Blair。Blair 和Chuck。就算你做出什么最坏的事情,我都会在你身边。Chuck Bass: Find why would you do that?为什么要这样?Blair Waldorf: Because I love you.因为,我爱你。Chuck Bass: Well that"s too bad.这太遗憾了。Chuck: I"d like to propose a toast. 我想提议干杯。My father is someone who goes after what he wants. Find Lily was no exception. 我父亲是个喜欢追求梦想的人。Lily也不例外。In typical Bass-man fashion his pursuit was direct and at times not exactly subtle. 依照Bass家男人的传统作风,他的追求很直接,然而有时,却又十分笨拙One thing I learned from my father"s courtship of Lily is the importance of perseverance. 在我父亲,对Lily 追求中 ,我学到一件事 , 就是不屈不挠的重要。在遇到真爱时,你不能轻易放弃 ,即便你爱慕的对象,求你放弃。One thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. 而我从Lily 身上所学到的,就是宽容 。 She gave my father the gift of a second chance and, in kind. 她给了我父亲第二次机会I watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift.我看到他成为了一个值得这次机会的男人。Find one day I hope I"ll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me. To the happy couple!有天,我希望自己也能够同样幸运,找到一个,愿为我做同样付出的人 祝福这幸福的一对! Blair Waldorf:Last fall you said we couldn"t be together, and I believe you. But everytime I try to move on, you"re right there, acting like..你说我们不能在一起,我相信了。但是每次我想离开的时候,你有出现在我面前,像。。。 Chuck Bass: Fucking like what?.像什么??Blair Waldorf: Like.. maybe you want me to be as unhappy as you are.像,也许你想让我和你一样难过。Chuck Bass: I would never wish that on any one. I want you to be happy.我从没这么想过。我希望你快乐。Blair Waldorf: Then look down deep. Into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real, or if it"s just a game. If it"s real, we"ll figure it out.. all of us. But if it"s not, them please Chuck, just let me go.在你的灵魂深处,我知道你知道的,告诉你对我的感觉是真的,还是,这仅仅是一场游戏。如果是真的,我们就开始,一起。如果不是,那请让我走。Chuck Bass:It"s just a game. I hate to lose. You are free to go.这就是一个游戏。我讨厌失去。你可以走了。 Serena: Chuck, why did you just do that?Chuck,你为什么要这么做?Chuck Bass: Because I love her and I can"t make her happy.我爱她,但是我却不能让她快乐。 Chuck: This isn"t you.Blair: How would you know?Chuck: Because I know you better than I know myself.Blair: Oh, right. You can see right through me, can"t you Chuck? Right to my core. Do you remember the first time you saw the real me? The Blair that danced for you that night at Victrola? The Blair with none of the hang-ups, none of the frustration….That"s the blair right here. Take me now.Chuck: Why?Blair: To prove nothing matters.Chuck: No. This isn"t you. It"s not the Blair I want. Blair: Chuck, aren"t you done trying to ruin my night?Chuck: Look, I never should have abandoned you. I knew that I had made the wrong decision as soon as your plane took off. I distracted myself all summer, hoping that I wouldn"t feel it. But I still do.Blair: Find?Chuck: I was scared. I was scared that if we spend the whole summer together. Just as.. you would see.Blair: See what?Chuck: Me. Please don"t leave with hime.Blair: Why? Give me a reason. Find I am Chuck Bass doesn"t count.Chuck: Cause you don"t want to.Blair: Not good enough.Chuck: Cause I don"t want you to. What else is there?Blair: The true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words,eight letters. Say it, and I"m yours.Chuck: I……I….Blair: Thank you. That"s all I needed to hear. Blair: I"m not in the mood Chuck, this has been pretty much the worst birthday everChuck: Well, maybe it can be salvaged.Blair: Is that you sex tape?Blair: It"s the Ericson-Beamonn necklace. No, I couldn"t.Chuck: Yes, you can.. Something this beautiful, deserves to be seen on someone worth of it"s beauty. I really am sorry. Chuck: Is that so? What names does he call you when you make love? Where does he put his hand? Does he ….Have sex with me.Blair: What?Chuck: Just once. That"s all I need.Blair: You are disgusting, and I hate you.Chuck: Then why are you still holding may hand? Chuck: Dance with me.Blair: What"s the point, Chuck. We"re never going to be them.You said so, remember? It"s not for us.Chuck: Maybe. But I wouldn"t change us.Not if it meant losing what we have.Blair: Find what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.

Welcome abroad 是什么意思



经典对白: C:No one ceras 无人在乎这小子 B:I do 我在乎 Don"t you understand? 你难道还不明白吗? I"ll always be here. 我永远都在你的身边. I don"t want you going anywhere. 我不想你去任何地方. I couldn"t bear it. 这会让我受不了的. So whatever you want to do to youself, 无论你想对自己做什么, Please don"t do that to me. 请不要这样对我. Please. 求你了. C:I"m sorry. 对不起. B:It"s okay. 没关系的. chances to say " I LOVE YOU " 第一次:继承第一季,这是关于第一季在旅行时C抛弃B后。B在WHITE PARTY 后 要跟那个伯爵走了,C追出来 对话 B:Chuck , aren"t done try to destroy my night 。 C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i knew i made the wrong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i wouldnt feel it but i still do B: And ? C: I was scared ,I was scared that if we spend the whole summer together just us you will see ~~ B: see what ? C:Me .Please dont leave with him B:Why? Give me a reason , and I am Chuck Bass doesnt count. C: Because you dont want to , B:Not good enough , C:I dont want you to , B:That is not enough , C:What else is there ? B:The true reason i should stay right who i am and not get in the car . Three words ,Eight letters , say it then i am yours. C:I~~ I~~ B:Thank you , that is all i needed to hear B哭着坐着那个伯爵的车走了,留下C在那里伤感 第二次: 两人合计勾引陷害V ,奖品就是两个人XX。 在两人合计不成之后,B说交易终止并叫他一小时后来她家领取“奖品”。 旁白:the most times , it takes just one person who is truly afraid to show what they feel get an opportunity they never thought possible . B: why took you so long ? C: If you thought that was long, you have no idea what you are in for . Hot and sweaty scenes for making out. C: Say it . B : Say what ? I will say anything . C: Say those three words you want me to say , B: Are you kidding ? C: Not quite. C: Eight letters, three syllables, say it then I am yours . B : But I am already yours , you are ruining the mood with all this talk C: You cant say it , you want it from me . B: I am prepared to settle C : Maybe I am not . B : Chuck Bass , I will never say those words to you . C : Then you will never have me . B: Is this because of V ? It was a game , Chuck , that is it . C: Maybe I want to raise the stakes , are you ready to play that game ? I chased you for long enough , now it is time you chase me . 旁白: And some things never change, let a new game begin 第三次:B使用了多项计策勾引C不成之后,决定投降了。 B约好C在布鲁克林见面,说要跟他说出他想要听的答案。 C: Brooklyn ? B: I guess this would be memorable C: Don"t you have something you want to say to me ? B: Yes , it is so silly , what does it matter who say it first , why don"t we just say it together ? C: Because we made a deal . B: Why does everything have to be deal ? C: Because we made it one . What is going on , Blair ? You told me you have something to say to me .Say it , B: Why do I have to be the one go first , I was the one who waited in x for you , I went to x alone . C: That is the ancient history . B: I was the one who asked you to say it first . C: At the white party ? When you were on your way out with the count ? Would you really think I was gonna say it then ? B: Yes , when you didn"t , I wanted to die . C: Don"t tell me you brought me all the way to Brooklyn for this . I thought you already to tell me how you really feel , obviously it is just one of your games . B: My games ? You are the one who started this . C: And you are the one who finish it . B 哭着离开了,真是无限伤感啊, 再次泪奔啊 ,哭死啊 ~~ 这次本来B已经打算说了,结果被DAN给说的失去了勇气 第四次: 颓废的C提前离开父亲的葬礼,B在后面追了出来。(这次B终于说出了那THREE WORDS , 可是怎么感觉反而更伤感呢) B: Chuck, stop , dont go ,or if you have to leave ,let me come with you C: i appreciate your concern B: no , you dont ,you dont appreciate anything today ,but i dont care , whatever you are going do i want be there for you . C: We talked about this .YOU ARE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. B: But i am me, and you are you ,we are Chuck an Blair , Blair and Chuck . The worst thing you ve ever done , the darkest thought you ve ever had , i will stand by you soon ,anything . C: Why would you do that ? B: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU . C: That is too bad . 旁白: Chuck Bass fleed his father"s funeral , and Blair shutting tears for the dearly departed . HAPPY ENDING!!!!! SE2-25,The goodbye gossip girl B: I wanna talk. C: I prefer to talk after [we done]. B: How do you think about my coat? C: I like it.Why? B: (take the coat off)And now? C: Even better. B: And...what about my headband? C: I...admire it. B: and...My stockings? C: oh i adore them. B: And my dress? C: I worship it. B: How do you feel about me? Say it. C: I......(DAMN PHONE RINGING!!) 最后一幕!!!!!!! B:why aren"t you in Europe? C:i was in Paris.But only to get your favourite macaroons from pierre herm. B:and Germany? C:to pick up your favourite talky stockings. You know how i adore them. B:what are you doing here then? C; you were right. I was a coward running away again.But everywhere i went, you caught up with me. So i had to come back. B: i want to believe you... But i can"t. You"ve hurt me too many times. C:you can believe me this time B:that"s it? C: i love you,too. (kissing...) B:but can you say it twice?... No ,i"m serious, say it twice. C:i love you. I love you mm. There"s three, four, --i love you.


abroad adv. 国外adventures n. 冒险regards n. 问候,关心postcard n. 明信片wherever conj. 到处,无论何处


瑟瑞娜的妈妈嫁给过恰克的爸爸 是继哥哥继妹妹的关系 没有血缘关系 这个片子里面的纠结很乱的 嘿嘿

abroad 在这里是副词广为流传地的意思的话为什么能修饰名词?

副词(adverb,简写为adv)是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词.副词是一种半虚半实的词.副词可分为:地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词和连接副词. 这里的abroad应该是程度副词,用来修饰定语从句的。


Artist:Yolanda Be Cool ft. D CupSong:《We No Speak Americano》Comme te po"Comme te po"Comme te po" capì chi te vò beneSi tu le parle "mmiezzo americano?Quando se fa l"ammore sotto "a lunaCome te vene "capa e di: "I love you!?"Pa pa l" americanoPa pa l" americanoPa pa l" americanoFa l" americano!Pa pa l" americanoFa fa l" americanoWhisky soda e rockenrollWhisky soda e rockenrollWhisky soda e rockenroll说的是这首歌没错吧~

At abroad 什么意思


go abroad跟go abroard的区别

go abroad是出国的意思,后面那个题主你打错了,是go aboard,上船、上飞机的意思。

英语词组问题.overseas 跟 abroad 什么区别




Abroad abraod. 什么区别,准确点





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