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amenity在酒店里什么意思是指酒店免费向住店客人提供的一些礼品。Accommodation (住宿):提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。Adjoining Room (邻近房):指两间房间近连在一起。Advanced Deposit (订金):客人为了确保能有房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。Advance Payment(预付金/押金):按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式,如现金担保、信用卡预授权。Amenity(致意品):指酒店免费向住店客人提供的一些礼品,如水果、鲜花或饮品等。Block (预告锁房):指为了把某间房能够保留下来,而提前把此房间在某日锁起来,使其在该时间段显示被占用,有利于控制房间的预售。Cancellation (取消):指客人取消订房。Check-In:指客人登记入住酒店,包括机场登机手续也是同样的叫法。酒店(又称为宾馆、旅馆、旅店、旅社、商旅、客店、客栈,中国作饭店、酒店等,马来西亚、新加坡等作酒店)其基本定义是提供安全、舒适,令利用者得到短期的休息或睡眠的空间的商业机构。一般地说来就是给宾客提供歇宿和饮食的场所。具体地说饭店是以它的建筑物为凭证,通过出售客房、餐饮及综合服务设施向客人提供服务,从而获得经济收益的组织。酒店主要为游客提供住宿服务、亦生活的服务及设施(寝前服务)、餐饮、游戏、娱乐、购物、商务中心、宴会及会议等设施。


是 tuan 好么 水流湍急




permanent 的同义词和反义词分别是什么?


周传雄的“传” 读chuan 还是读zhuan?

读chuan ,只有在以下几点的时候才读转 1.解说经义的文字:经~。《左~》。 2. 记载某人一生事迹的文字:小~。自~。纪~。~记。~略。树碑立~。 3. 以演述历史和人物故事为中心的文学作品:《水浒~》。 4. 古代设于驿站的房舍,亦指驿站上所备的马车:~舍(供来往行人居住的旅舍)。 望采纳~~

求 Tori Amos 的Bells for Her歌词翻译 万分感谢~~~

多莉艾莫丝编钟为她 and through the life force and there goes her friend并通过武力和生活有云:她的朋友 on her Nishiki it"s out of time她的西木,它的退出时间 and through the portal they can make amends并通过门户网站他们可以作出修订 hey would you say whatever we"re blanket friends嘿,你说什么我们正在毯的朋友 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 and through the walls they made their mudpies并通过墙壁,他们取得了他们的mudpies I"ve got your mind I said我已经得到您的想法,我说 she said I"ve your voice她说:我已经您的声音 I said you don"t need my voice girl我说你不需要我的声音的女孩 you have your own你有自己的 but you never thought it was enough of但你从来没有想过这是不够的 so they went years and years所以他们到多年 like sisters blanket girls像姐妹毯女孩 always there through that and this总是有通过这 there"s nothing we cannot ever fix I said没有什么我们不能不断修正我说 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls编钟和footfalls和士兵和娃娃 brothers and lovers she and I were兄弟与情人,她和我 now she seems to be sand under his shoes现在,她似乎是下砂土他的鞋 there"s nothing I can do没有什么我能做的 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 and now I speak to you are you in there现在我发言你,你在那里 you have her face and her eyes你有她的脸和她的眼睛 but you are not her但你不是她 and we go at each other like blank ettes和我们在每一个其他类似的空白ettes who can"t find their thread and their bare谁不能找到自己的线程和他们的裸 can"t stop loving不能阻止爱好 can"t stop what is on its way不能阻止什么是就其方式 and I see it coming和我看到的未来 and it"s on its way和它的关于其方式

permanent discontinue什么意思

permanent discontinue永久停止


permanent英 ["pɜːm(ə)nənt]美 ["pɝmənənt]n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的


chuan 没办法传送给司马相如 chuan 是指传送 zhuan 是一种用来记载人物生平事迹的文章体裁

close my eyes and make a wish 什么意思?



【拼音】zhēn chuán【注音】ㄓㄣ ㄔㄨㄢˊ【条目】真传(真传)【引证解释】犹嫡传。 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献一·方伯公遗事》:“先祖 方伯公 年九十馀……常揭一联於厅事云:‘绍祖宗一脉真传,克勤克俭;教子孙两行正路,惟读惟耕。"” 鲁迅《华盖集·导师》:“说佛法的和尚,卖仙药的道士,将来都与白骨是‘一丘之貉",人们现在却向他听生西的大法,求上升的真传,岂不可笑!”


permanent[英]["pɜ:mənənt][美][ˈpɚmənənt]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; n.电烫发,烫发



permanent和 perpetual都是形容词,在用法上有什么区别?



permanent英 [ˈpɜ:mənənt] 美 [ˈpɜ:rmənənt]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的;稳定的;常务的,常设的n.电烫发,烫发复数: permanentsAnything which threatens the permanence of the treaty is a threat to peace.任何对条约持续生效构成威胁的因素都将危及和平。


permanent英[ˈpɜ:mənənt]美[ˈpɜ:rmənənt]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的n.电烫发,烫发网络永久的; 永久; 永久性复数:permanents形近词:immanentremanentparmanent

数学中的Sin0度 等于多少?0度又等于多少? 还有cos0度、tan0度.急.…

在高中的学习中角的定义还将推广,角可以是正数,也可以是负数,也可以是零零度角即是射线不旋转时形成的角sin0=0 cos0=1 tan0=0 不知你现在读几年级?


permanent英 [ˈpɜ:mənənt] 美 [ˈpɜ:rmənənt] adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的n.电烫发,烫发复数: permanents 形近词: immanent remanent parmanent percent prominent




permanent 英[ˈpɜ:mənənt] 美[ˈpɜ:rmənənt] adj. 永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; n. 电烫发,烫发; [例句]Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain酗酒能造成永久性大脑损伤。复数:permanents


permanent永久双语对照词典结果:permanent[英][ˈpɜ:mənənt][美][ˈpɜ:rmənənt]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; n.电烫发,烫发; 复数:permanents以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Shun arbitrage strategies that assume permanent access to liquidity. 避免假定可以获得永久流动性的套利策略。


有图像的 , 还没学到吗?


穿针引线 [ chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn ] 基本释义 详细释义 [ chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn ]比喻从中撮合联系,使双方接通关系。出 处明·周楫《西湖二集·吹凤箫女诱东墙》:“万乞吴二娘怎生做个方便;到黄府亲见小姐询其下落;做个穿针引线之人。”


permanent 英[ˈpɜ:mənənt] 美[ˈpɜ:rmənənt] adj. 永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; n. 电烫发,烫发; [例句]Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain酗酒能造成永久性大脑损伤。[其他] 复数:permanents





gallon 等于多少liter

1 gallon = 4 quarts (约为3.785升)




女朋友给我备注permanent perfect p是什么意思?

你好!女朋友给你备注permanent perfect p,permanent perfect的意思是"永久完美的",且这两个单词都有一个共同的前缀"per",所以我个人觉得最后一个单词应该是person。不仅前缀也是per,而且意思也说得通,是永久完美的人。所以加油吧,尽力去达到你女朋友给你定的目标。以上都是纯手打,希望可以帮到你!

求欧阳靖的Like a rock歌词的翻译

请采纳,答题质量保证I used to sit on your shoulders对爸爸说:我以前经常坐在你肩膀上felt like I had a view of那感觉就像是看到the whole globe right below us整个世界被踩在了脚下I was young虽然当时还小but still old enough to know但也足够大知道that my daddy wasn"t rich我爸爸并不有钱but you had a heart of gold但你却有一颗金子般得心these childhood memories这一段段童年回忆are priceless对我来说都是物价的far from perfect虽然并不完美you know how life gets但你知道,when did it all start to go downhill当所有事情都变坏,生活会变成怎样when I realized当我意识到that this passion我对hip-hop的这样热爱I had found"s real非常真实时而选择这条路时,you claimed it was the你却说这是worst decision I could ever make我做的最错的决定to not chase it不要盲目追寻这样的梦想was a risk I could never take因为风险太大你无法承担safe to say as I got我拍着胸膛对你说closer to my dreams我离梦想越来越近the bond between us我们之间的纽带was just tearing at the seams却把我们撕扯开and so it seems后来,我们之间的争辩the war is finally over也慢慢淡化了。I"m older but我虽然长大了,still that little boy但仍然是那个thats on your shoulder坐在你肩膀上的小男孩。loving me is爱我,all you"ve ever done你不曾停歇!all I hear now are the现在我所听到的,words of a father to his son是一个父亲对儿子的肺腑之言。run a little faster跑快一点!stand a little taller站高一点!I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石sometimes you sit对儿子说:有时候on my shoulders你坐在我的肩膀上and it"s a perfect view of能够清楚看到the whole globe right below us被我们踩在脚下的整个世界so much to say yet我有很多话想要对你说words can"t truly describe但言语并不能真实how I felt inside表达我心中的感受the second that you arrived当你来到这个世界的那一秒钟a little bit of fear我有那么一点害怕a whole lot of joy却有无穷的欢乐it still hasn"t sunk in直到现在,我依然沉浸当中man got a boy啊,我生了个儿子!!can"t even lie I"m我不说谎,concerned in every way儿子的每一样事情我都要操心I guess all I can do我想我能做的就是is learn everyday每天去学习,去学习怎样当一个爸爸to me and mommy对我和你妈妈来说you"re our number one你就是第一I often wonder what type of man我常常想知道you"ll become长大以后你会是怎样的一个人?you"ll do great things但我非常肯定in that I"m confident你一定会做伟大的事情!always stay humble儿子,面对夸奖amidst the compliments你要经常保持谦逊as for the ladies至于女人save for the wedding ring你要存钱买一只结婚戒指给你心爱的女人always put God你要时常above everything把上帝放第一位as long as I"m alive只要我有一天还活着my job is never done我的职责就永远没完成these are just the这里有几句话words of a father to his son是我想要对你说的run a little faster跑快一点stand a little taller站高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石maybe you"re listenin"也许你们在听我说话and you"re contemplatin"同时也在深深地思考cause it"s been a while因为自从上次你们讲过话到现在since ya"ll had a conversation已经有好一阵子了a simple call一通简单的电话time to man up在你按下最后一位数字之前before you hit that last digit你就要表现出你的男子气概quick to hang up但是很快又挂电话了feels like theres no way感觉这事情it can be done永远无法了结pickin" up the phone拿着电话and it weighs about a ton就像有一吨重but still not as heavy as your heart但仍没有你的心一样沉重tryin to make amends我尝试着道歉not sure where you却不知道should start该从何说起even if you talk即使你在说话what do you say但你说了什么?its a scary thought啊,这想法太可怕了don"t let pride get in the way不要让自尊阻挡你的路what a shame真丢脸!share the same last name还是同一个姓呢yet you"re strangers但你们就像是陌生人no pain remains forever没有什么痛苦是一辈子的love can change us爱可以改变我们need someone to lift you up当你跌倒的时候when you fall down你只需要一个可以激励你的人separated hesitate分割的犹豫to tear the walls down能把厚墙拆开forgiveness can heal但原谅能够治愈伤痛when its all said and done只要当最后所有该说的都说了,该做的都做了that goes for both最后the father and the son我们仍然是两父子!run a little faster跑快一点stand a little taller站高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石




permanent or temporary是什么意思


temporary dipole moment和permanent dipole moment是什么意思,他们的区别有哪些?

temporary dipole moment:暂时偶极矩permanent dipole moment:永久偶极矩“temporary”和“permanent”意思完全相反。








dota2 chuan神是哪个国家的


permanent makeup什么意思




baby love you to permanent翻译成汉语是什么意思


求tonya mitchell的a little too late歌词翻译

标题:一少许太晚 artist :tonya mitchell by :luvseaka enn yeah呀呀 emm it太晚 没人更比我想相信它i认为您是很真实的 i不回来,您将看见 you错误做了我 and我不会是您的傻瓜 总是丢失的睡眠tired wondering您是昨晚的地方 but婴孩,它aint没有奥秘 放弃您的i"m i不在我的生活中需要此 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言回来道歉 it一少许太晚 it一少许太晚 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 您想要做赔偿的now 全部在梦想的but every故事必须有末端 不是的baby 不是的no爱怎么应该是 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言回来道歉 it一少许太晚 it一少许太晚 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 this去时间的i"m恢复在我的脚put一起我的生活 是的"cos什么我需要 it太晚以至于不能镇痛 no它是对后尝试的 i不要 i不在我的生活中需要此 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言(婴孩。.oh whoa) it太晚了一少许太晚, it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 can您听见我说 it太太晚了太晚, it太太晚了太晚, 您说的hear it太太晚了太晚, you太晚 umm it太太晚了太晚, it太太晚了太晚, 您的baby一少许太晚 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言后too后,太太 too后,婴孩 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心 只会这么多 加分

permanent position是什么意思

为您permanent residence[英][ˈpə:mənənt ˈrezidəns][美][ˈpɚmənənt ˈrɛzɪdəns][法]永久居留;

top什么意思?a mop of 什么意思?overworked permanent又是什么意思?

单独来说是很难理解,但这么多个不容易理解的词放在一起反而容易理解了——它们都是讲发型的。curly top是一种短卷发的发型,类似石狮子那种无数个小卷贴头的——这个一般是白人黑人印度人才容易留,中国人里头发就算卷也只是微卷,很难自然卷到这种程度。看图a mop of indescribable frizz就是卷发造型失败了,有的卷有的直扎扎楞楞跟个破拖把一样的发型,这个没图,毕竟剪成这样基本要跟tony老师打起来了,没功夫拍照。permanent作为发型来说是一种烫头形成的凌乱型发型,它其实包括很多种变形,这里说的跟curly top有点像的permanent应该是这样式的但既然加了overworked,那就是说凌乱的程度相当过分了,比例图里的乱还乱。









fidic合同中 permanent works 什么意思

permanent works永久性工程请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


make ,vt. 做; 制造; 被制造做出, 制定, 产生使, 使得获得, 挣得总计, 等于成为, 使成为到达准备; 整理认为; 估计vi. 开始; 试图行进, 趋向增长起来n. 制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型体格; 气质bridal make up新娘妆cost to make and sell制销成本either make or break不成功则成仁fine feathers make fine birds好的衣服只能打扮出好的外表make up for补偿, 弥补make certain弄确实;弄清楚make a deal withv. 与…做生意,和…妥协make a go of使成功,相处得好make a mistake犯错误make a point of重视,强调make a wish欲望,企图;幻想make as if假装make good成功;补偿;赔偿make headway取得进展;有进展make moneyv. 挣钱make much of极为重视;充分利用;理解make no difficulties表示无异议;不留难make offers报价;主动提供帮助make out of由…制造;用…做原料;理解make over转让;移交;修改make provision for为…预先采取措施;为…作好准备make sure确信;证实make sure about弄清;弄确实make the best of充分利用尽量好好去做make a bid forv. 出价买;企图获得make a bowv. 鞠躬make a clean breast of完全承认;全盘托出make a confession坦白;招供make a decision作决定make a dent引起注意;产生印象make a dent inv. 削弱make a detour迂回make a difference between区别对待make a face〈非正〉做鬼脸, 做苦相make a figurevi. 崭露头角make a fire生火make a fuss大惊小怪,小题大做;吵吵闹闹make a fuss about小题大做make a fuss of过分体贴;大惊小怪make a fuss over对…大惊小怪make a hit获得成功make a living谋生,维持生活make a long story short长话短说,简而言之;总之make a loss亏损make a market制造买卖兴旺假象make a mess of扰乱, 弄乱make a mockery of嘲笑;把…作为笑料;愚弄make a mouthv. 做鬼脸make a move开始行动;走一步;搬家make a muff of oneself〈口〉做蠢事,做傻瓜,出丑;闹笑话make a notev. 作笔记make a note of把…记下来make a pass at sb向某女士展开追求make a pilev. 发财make a pitch for为…说好话make a point立论;得一分;表明一种看法make a pricev. 开价,定价make a promise允许;允诺make a quotation开价make a scene当众大吵大闹make a scoop抢先得到新闻;走运make a shiftv. 尽力设法对付make a show of oneself出洋相make a splash引起轰动;发出溅泼声make a stand进行抵抗;停下make a virtue of necessity心甘情愿地做非做不可的事make advances接近;预付;取得进步make after追逐make againstv. 不利于,有害于make allowance体谅;留余地make allowance forv. 扣除,估及,为…留余地make allowances留出余地;体谅make allowances for体谅;考虑到make amends赎罪;赔偿(损失等);道歉make amends for补偿;赔偿…损失make an end ofv. 终止,结束,除掉make an exhibition of oneself出洋相, 当众出丑make an offer要价,出价make and breakn. 电流断续器make arduous effortsv. 努力奋斗make away急忙离开make away withv. 带…而逃走;把…藏起来;杀死;吃光;浪费;摧毁make believev. 假装;假扮n. 假装;虚构make bold to擅自;冒味地,胆敢make both ends meetv. 量入为出make bricks without strawv. 做无米之炊make buckle and tongue meet使收支平衡make certain of把…了解清楚;弄明白make choice of选定make claim索赔make concerted efforts共同努力make contact接触点;接通make contact with与…联系;接触make defaultv. 缺席make do withv. 设法应付make do with sth对付make down改小make every effort作出努力make fashionv. 作作样子make for a loss补足,补偿make for sb贡献,走向make free with随意使用;擅用make friends againv. 言归于好make friends withv. 与…交友;与…交朋友,和睦make friends with sb和某人交朋友make from由…制造;以…谋生make full use of利用make fun of嘲弄, 取笑make game of嘲弄;捉弄make good time开快车;旅行速度快;快速前进make good use of充分利用;很好地使用make good weather of it经得起大风浪make haste赶紧make hay ofv. 使混乱make head向前进;有进展make head or tail of理解;弄清楚make holev. 钻井make holiday度假make inquiries咨询;叩问make inquiries about打听;询问make inroads into侵袭,侵入make into把…做成把…转变为, 使成为make it a better place使它成为一个更美好的地方make it a condition that以…为条件make it a point对…特别注意;努力做到…make it a rule定为常规make it clear that弄清楚make it happenn. 唯舞独尊(电影名称);辣舞激情(电影名称);美梦成真(歌曲名称)make it hot for sb弄得某人日子不好过;采用敌视态度使某人呆不下去make it out成功make it plain明确说明make it possible使它变成可能make it rain下雨(歌曲名)make it snappyvi. 干脆点,赶紧make it to及时赶到;赶上,找到;到达;(时间上)赶得及make it up和解,讲和make it up to报答;酬谢;补偿make it up with sb和某人讲和make it work动起来(歌曲名)make land到岸,看见陆地make light of对…不在乎, 轻视make little of轻视, 不以为然不明白, 看不懂make mention ofv. 提到,提及make merry作乐;尽情欢乐make mischiefv. 挑拨离间make mistake犯错make mistakes犯错make much account ofv. 重视make no bones about对(某事物)坦率; 易于接受; 对(做某事)不犹豫make no differencev. 没有影响;都一样make no difficultyvi. 不反对make no mistake别搞错make no question ofv. 承认,不加怀疑make no sense毫无意义make nothing of不以…为意;不理解make off with偷, 花费make off with sth拿走make oneself at home无拘束;别客气,随便make oneself knownv. 作自我介绍make oneself scarce〈口〉走开, 溜走make oneself understood将自己的意思表达清楚make or break要么成功要么毁灭make out a case证明…有理由, 提出对…有利的证据make out a contract缮制合同make out an invoice开发票make out to制作成make out with与…相处如何;挑逗make peace讲和;调解;言和和解make peace with同…讲和make peace with someone和解,言归于好make place forv. 让位于,为…挪出地方make playv. 行动有效make preparations forv. 为…准备make progress前进;取得进展make progress in在…方面取得进步[进展]make progress with在……方面取得进步;在……方面取得进展make ready准备好make remittance开支票make reservations附保留条件;预定make room for让出地方给……,为……腾出空位make sailv. 张帆;启航make sense讲得通, 有意义是明智的, 是合情合理的理解, 懂得make sense of搞清…的意思make short work of迅速干掉;很快做完某事make some difference有些影响make something ofv. 利用;取得成功make sth out填写;辩认出make sure of确定;确保;尽力做到make sure that查明,弄确实;务必,一定make terms达成协议make the air blue诅咒make the bed铺床,整理床铺make the beds整理床铺make the grade达到标准;成功make the most of尽量利用;十分重视make the rifflev. 成功make the scene参与;露面make through withv. 完成make time抽空;腾出时间;争取时间make time for腾出时间(做某事)make time to抽空make to order[经]定制;定单生产make tracks逃跑;走开make tracks forv. 追踪make treaty立约,订合同make trouble捣乱;制造麻烦make trouble for给……带来麻烦make trouble out of nothing无事生非make up a deficiency补偿差额make up a loss补足,补偿make up a prescription配药,调剂make up air补偿空气;补充新风make up for it弥补make up for sth补偿make up of由……组成;构成make up ones mind决心,决定make up pump补充水泵,补给泵make up the order备货make up time弥补时间;把时间找回来make up to巴结, 拍马屁make up water补给水;补充水make up your mind下定你的决心make use of使用,利用make water漏水;小便make waves〈美, 非正〉兴风作浪, 制造纠纷make way forv. 让路给;为…开路make withv. 作出,产生make a phone call打电话make an appointment约会,预约many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高on the make在制作中;增加;急求成功prepare for make preparations for准备;为…做准备shake and make up言归于好;握手言和strive to make techological breakthrough技术攻关wanna make you mine你将属于我(歌曲名)make a difference有影响,有关系make a fool of愚弄, 欺骗make a fool of oneself出丑,出洋相make a fortune发财,赚大钱make an example of惩罚,罚一儆百make clear解释make fast把…拴紧[关紧];把…打上结






semi-permanent:半固定的;非常任理事国 参考文献:个人观点

permanent residence是什么意思



u an 都是的。韵母:一个音节声母后面的部分叫韵,用来表示韵的字母叫韵母。韵母共有24个。单韵母: a o e i u ǖ复韵母: ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ǖe er an en in un ǖn (前鼻韵母)ang eng ing ong (后鼻韵母)满意请给好评哈!


具体如下。 分开一个一个读.例如:穿chuan.ch ,u,an分别读.慢读,一定要慢,把每一个音都要读标准.然后越读越快,像绕口令一样,最后读成一个音.就应该能读出来了。多试试几次就好了。


permanent英[ˈpɜ:mənənt]美[ˈpɜ:rmənənt]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; n.电烫发,烫发; 全部释义>> [例句]This will go on your permanent record.这会记到你永久档案中去。


High dive into frozen waves坠入刺骨深海Where the past comes back to life昨日回忆再次涌现Fight fear for the selfish pain我竭力抵抗着私心爱意带来的痛楚迷惘It was worth it every time因为我觉得那是如此值得Hold still right before we crash彼此火化前分手Cause we both know how this ends是我们无可回避的结局A clock ticks till it breaks your glass生命时钟应该滴答悠走,却骤然停留在有你的那刻And I drown in you again无力抗争,我又沦陷Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧迷惘挣扎不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Walk on through a red parade,and refuse to make amends脚下情路道阻且长,我依然义无反顾It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense曾经伤痛刻碎了我们的王国,让我们理智不再Don"t speak as I try to leave, ‘cause we both know what we choose别说的好像是我要离开,毕竟彼此心知肚明此番决定If you pull, then I"ll push too deep and I"ll fall right back to you如果你肯退让一步,我定补送深拥,傍依你的肩头Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧心绪纷乱不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何独你可给我救疗?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何仅你是此情解药?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为什么只有你可送还我心中平静?


永久物双语对照词典结果:permanents[英]["pɜ:mənənts][美]["pɜ:mənənts]n.永久(性)的( permanent的名词复数 ); 稳定的; 永恒的; 常务的; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

permanent vacation是什么意思

Permanent Vacation永久的假期[电影]长假漫漫





permanent art hair design是什么意思


谁知道“a number on my back”(天下足球播过的曲子)中"Wallaby"的意思?





permanent [英]ˈpɜ:mənənt [美]ˈpɜ:rmənənt adj. 永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的;稳定的;常... n. 电烫发,烫发 [例句]Permanent franchises are rarely built on one character alone.永久的经销权很少能够仅仅建立在某一个角色的基础上。


川流不息,桥到船头自然直 百步穿杨 万箭穿心 滴水穿石

permanent marker是什么意思

permanent marker 永久性标记



eternal love fantastic什么意思



舛 chuǎn,命途多舛


chuan的成语如下:1、传杯换盏的拼音:[ chuán bēi huàn zhǎn ]。释义:指酒宴中互相斟酒。2、穿壁引光的拼音:[ chuān bì yǐn guāng ]。释义:穿:凿通;引:引进。凿通墙壁,引进烛光。形容家贫读书刻苦。3、传道受业的拼音:[ chuán dào shòu yè ]。释义:受:通“授”。传授道理,教授学业。4、舛讹百出的拼音:[ chuǎn é bǎi chū ]。释义:舛:错乱。讹:错误。错乱的地方很多。5、穿房入户的拼音:[ chuān fáng rù hù ]。释义:在人家内室里出出进进。形容和主人的关系极为密切。6、传风扇火的拼音:[ chuán fēng shān huǒ ]。释义:犹扇风点火。比喻鼓动别人做某种事。多用于贬义。7、传风搧火的拼音:[ chuán fēng shān huǒ ]。释义:犹煽风点火。搧,同“扇”。比喻煽动别人闹事。多用于贬义。8、传圭袭组的拼音:[ chuán guī xí zǔ ]。释义:指取得功名。9、传龟袭紫的拼音:[ chuán guī xí zǐ ]。释义:指继承高爵显位。汉制,公侯皆佩紫绶龟纽金印。10、穿红着绿的拼音:[ chuān hóng zhuó lǜ ]。释义:形容衣着鲜艳华丽。11、穿花纳锦的拼音:[ chuān huā nà jǐn ]。释义:以穿纱的方法做成的刺绣花样。12、船坚炮利的拼音:[ chuán jiān pào lì ]。释义:利:锋利。指战舰坚固,大炮猛烈。形容海军强盛。13、传神阿堵的拼音:[ chuán shén ē dǔ ]。释义:传神:指好的文学艺术作品描绘的人物生动、逼真。


Permanent英 [ ˈpɜ:mənənt ] 美 [ ˈpɜ:rmənənt ]adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的n.电烫发,烫发变形复数: permanents例句1.The museum will have a permanent exhibition of 60 vintage cars.这个博物馆将长期展出60辆老爷车。2.They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.他们已经入境该国,并申请了永久居留权。3.Don"t get me wrong, it"s interesting work. But it"s not permanent.别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。

permanent residence是什么意思


clarity--zedd 歌词

High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to lifeFight fear for the selfish pain it was worth it every timeHold still right before we crash, ‘cause we both know how this endsA clock ticks till it breaks your glass and I drown in you againCause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn"t needChasing relentlessly, still fine and I don"t know whyIf our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?Walk on through a red parade, and refuse to make amendsIt cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common senseDon"t speak as I try to leave, ‘cause we both know what we chooseIf you pull, then I"ll push too deep and I"ll fall right back to youCause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn"t needChasing relentlessly, still fine and I don"t know whyIf our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?Why are you my clarity? Repeat clarityWhy are you my remedy? Repeat remedyWhy are you my clarity? Repeat clarity Why are you my remedy? Repeat remedy If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?

permanent和 perpetual都是形容词,在用法上有什么区别?

permanent,eternal,perpetual,everlasting,endless 这些形容词均有“持久的,永久的”之意.permanent〓指总是处于相同的情况和地位,可长期持续下去,永久不变.eternal〓语体较庄重,侧重指永远存在,无始无终.perpetual〓语气最强,指保持永久不变,没有中断的行为,永无止境地持续下去.有时用于贬义,指令人厌烦之事.everlasting〓语气较庄重,有时可与eternal换用,侧重持续不尽,或指开始后一直进行下去.endless〓系日常用词,指无尽无休.

permanent 的同义词和反义词分别是什么?

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