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  曾经,我们都相信ufo是存在的,现在我们是否会如相信它有英文全称一般继续相信它的存在呢?下面是我给大家整理的ufo的英文全称是什么,供大家参阅!   ufo的英文全称是什么   unidentified flying object   UFO的英语例句   1. There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America.   美国不明飞行物目击事件激增。   2. Did you actually see the UFO?   你真的见到不明飞行物了 吗 ?   3. Have any of you actually seen a UFO?   你们中间是不是有人确实看到过飞碟?   4. Everyone on board saw it and everyone thought, " UFO " Unidentified Flying Object.   机内的人都目睹这一景象,大家都认为这就是不明飞行物.   5. UFO is abbreviated from unidentified flying object.   "UFO" 是"unidentifiedflyingobject"(不明飞行物体)的缩写.   6. He maintains that he once saw a UFO.   他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟.   7. Is that a UFO in the sky?   天上那东西是不是个不明飞行物?   8. There have been reports about UFO"s lifting the animal off the ground.   据说UFO将动物吸离地面.   9. UFO small game, a very simple for beginners to practice hand.   UFO小游戏, 很简单适合初学者练手.   10. UFO sightings in France areto be revealed - exciting paranormal enthusiasts in the UK.   在法国,UFO的目击事件即将被透露 - 这使得联合王国的超常事件狂热者们兴奋.   11. The dimension of the UFO was 6 feet high, 15 feet in diameter.   ufo的尺寸是高6英尺, 直径15英尺.   12. What was the girl doing when the UFO took off?   当UFO起飞时,这个小女孩在做什么?   13. UFO reports. training and study modules wages. access to the certificate application.   UFO报表. 工资模块培训学习. 获得应用证书.   14. The boy was walking down the street when a UFO landed.   当一个UFO着陆的时候,那个男孩正在街上走.   15. Alexander the Great had two UFO encounters that were recorded.   亚历山大大人记录了二次UFO接触案例.   unidentified flying object的双语例句   The thing is, I am contacted far too often by people saying they have seen an unidentified flyingobject, or UFO.   事情是这样的,我经常与那些自称目击不明飞行物(UFO)的人接触。   However, serious scholars prefer to baptize these appearances with the technique name UFO(unidentified flying object).   然而,更严谨的学者更愿意给它们命一个更有技术含量的名字UFO(不明飞行物)。   By the early hours of the following morning, on Feb 25, military radar detected an unidentifiedflying object 120 miles offshore approaching the coastline.   在2月25日清晨的早些时候,军用雷达探测到了离岸120英里的一架不明飞行物正在接近海岸线。   This photo taken at 0:51 p.m. on Aug. 24 shows what is believed to be an unidentified flyingobject in the sky above Seoul"s Cheonggyecheon Street.   这张照片拍摄于8月24日的中午12点51分。它清楚的拍摄了一个在首尔清溪川大街上空的不明非飞行物。   In popular culture, the term UFO–or unidentified flying object–refers to a suspected alienspacecraft, although its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena.   通俗地说,所谓UFO——或者不明飞行物——指疑似外星人的飞船,不过它的定义也包括无法解释的空中现象。   "UFO" is short for "Unidentified Flying Object".   它是个不明飞行物。   On another occasion, military officials took the unusual step of briefing ministers about anunidentified flying object photographed in the sky over Scotland alongside an RAF fighter jet.   在另一个场合,军方官员采取异乎寻常的步骤向大臣们作出简报,有关苏格兰上空拍照的英国皇家空军战机附近的不明飞行物的情况。   An unidentified flying object hung high in the sky.   不明飞行物高悬空中。   April 2004, a retired Royal Air Force officer while on holiday in Sri Lanka found that unidentifiedflying object, and the photos to the UK Ministry of Defence.   2004年4月,英国空军一名退役军官在斯里兰卡度假时发现不明飞行物,并把照片传给英国国防部。   In 1999 they scooped the Stirling prize for the building of the year by dragging cricket into the21st century with a media centre which arrived at Lord"s like a unidentified flying object.   1999年,他们因为设计了长相酷似UFO的劳德的媒体中心(theLord"smediacentre),一举夺下了当年的斯特林奖。   This means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its alleged source.   这意味着任何未经证实的飞行物体都是UFO,而不必考虑到它的所谓的来源。   A singular glow came from the unidentified flying object.   从不明飞行物上发出奇特的光。   It is reported that unidentified flying object were seen over our town last night.   据报道,不明飞行物昨夜在我市上空出现。   Can you earn the "Unidentified Flying Object" Achievement?   你是否能赚取的“不明飞行物”的成就呢?   Beware the little green men – the number of "unidentified flying object"(UFO) sightings has more than tripled this year, Ministry of Defence documents reveal. Daily Telegraph.   小心那绿色小人–国防部文件显示,今年目睹“不明飞行物体”(UFO)的数字是去年的三倍多。 英国《每日电讯报》。