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经济学中substitution 和 complement的区别

substition是替代的意思,替代效应里会用到。complement是互补的意思,互补品里会用到。gross complement vs pure complement是 名义互补 VS 净互补 的意思。

经济学中substitute, complement应该如何理解

替代品 互补品


R = subs(S) replaces all occurrences of variables in the symbolic expression S with values obtained from the calling function, or the MATLAB workspace.相当于于用值去替换符号表达式中的变量例如:The statementy = dsolve("Dy = -a*y")producesy =C2/exp(a*t)Then the statementsa = 980; C2 = 3; subs(y)produceans =3/exp(980*t)

subsequence和 consequence怎么区别

subsequence:1. something that follows something else[同] sequel, subsequence2. following in time也就是说,subsequence强调时间上面随后发生的事consequence:1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon2. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual3. having important effects or influence也就是说,consequence强调因果关系和影响

Subsidiary、associated companies和joint venture有什么分别?急!!有15分!!

Subsidiary中文名即系子公司,所谓的子公司,即系其主要股份(多于50%)系由令外一间公司所拥有,甘果间被拥有公司,就系拥有公司(Parent pany)的子公司。 即例如 中国银行 Bank of China Ltd拥有 65.77% Bank of China Hong Kong Holding Limited,甘后者就系前者的子公司。 Associated panies即系附属公司,同子公司原理相同,但系个持股量系介于20%-50%,甘呢d就系附属公司。例如假设A公司拥有B公司45%的股权,甘B公司就系A公司的附属公司。甘中国银行(股份)只系拥有集友银行46%股份,甘集友就系中银的附属公司。 Joint venture即系联营,或者叫做合资企业,主要系一些 *** 或企业跨横两地地就特定project合作,例如广州 *** 曾邀请日本车制造商开发中国品牌车。 3者的分别在于 1)持股量拥有权 2)企业形式 3)Consolidated account的requirement (financial account) 4)Continuity 5)Span of control 2007-03-19 16:06:59 补充: 处理问题AR~~!,


replace 和 substitute 用法解析:两个单词都有替换、取代的意思,二者的用法很容混淆。replace A with B: 用 B 取代 A。substitute A for B:用 A 取代 B。 substitute是替代,但一般不比原物好;replace是替换,跟原物的不比较,也就是说可好可坏。 巧记:在replace A with B 中,因 with 本来就有“用”的意思,所以是“用B取代A”;而 substitute A for B 刚好相反。

replace 和 substitude的区别?

replace [ri(:)u02c8pleis]vt.代替,取代;更换,调换;放回原处Examples:We"ve replaced the old adding machine with a computer.我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。He replaced the book in the shelf.他把书放回到书架上。substitute (material) ["su028cbstitju:t]n. 代用品substitute material代用材料-- a synthetic material resembling clay but remaining soft; used as a substitute for clay or wax in modeling (especially in schools).一种类似粘土但保持柔软的合成材料,在制模时用作粘土或蜡的替代物(尤其在学校里)。

mobile-phone subscription是啥意思

  在这个用户指南 ,

如何判断短信是否发送成功 iccisms.sendtextforsubscriber

  源码SmsManager类里有个方法可以用来发送长短信,代码如下:  public void sendMultipartTextMessage(  String destinationAddress, String scAddress, ArrayList parts,  ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents) {  if (TextUtils.isEmpty(destinationAddress)) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid destinationAddress");  }  if (parts == null || parts.size() < 1) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid message body");  }  if (parts.size() > 1) {  try {  ISms iccISms = ISms.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("isms"));  if (iccISms != null) {  iccISms.sendMultipartText(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts,  sentIntents, deliveryIntents);  }  } catch (RemoteException ex) {  // ignore it  }  } else {  PendingIntent sentIntent = null;  PendingIntent deliveryIntent = null;  if (sentIntents != null && sentIntents.size() > 0) {  sentIntent = sentIntents.get(0);  }  if (deliveryIntents != null && deliveryIntents.size() > 0) {  deliveryIntent = deliveryIntents.get(0);  }  sendTextMessage(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts.get(0),  sentIntent, deliveryIntent);  }  }

"Life is a moment of substance_3000字

Learning time, the in the mind is always very upset: sometimes struggle with the past, sometimes lost in the future.That I do things efficiency unusually slow.Today I looking in days of yore, turn over for a while and mind is free from books mottled on the table, hand numbly pages at the same time;Soon feel wrong, may be too much to handle, and then turn back, turn to the first sentence - "I often want to find out a little quiet in the distractions, but is not easy".My heart suddenly quiet down.Originally lu xun also like me ah, but on second thought, I was not qualified to like him, he is so busy, I"m not in a stupid student.So, I read, meeting has faded long old friend - the book.Indulge in dense aroma in the heart. In lu xun"s prose is with a heavy critici *** more flavor, concise do not break elegant demeanour, and there is no lack of again heavy optimistic, always let me read a strange taste.The ash is harmonic expression I have ever seenproseIn the unique.I clearly feel vulgar and ugly, true and pure in the early in life with such a fierce contradiction, this paper contrast and metaphors appear ponder.I can read the most incisively and vividly is probably dog. The cat. Mouse this article, "actually a person poultry bian, this need not be so strict", the ideas of the original, if through the years, will find old China far away from us, but put yourself in a strong sympathy, this is what is called a classic charm.It just a person with bright hopes, to the Philistine to transcendental ideas, which I belong to?- say, I was close to the former, but through a nihilistic time far away from the books, I have heard my fall, and the latter is unexpectedly. I feel the same, is the peace of the rhyme of memories."In days of yore" picking up light, hope, it was in the past.He is in contrast to think and understand, this is the real memory.And I often make mistakes the recollection, I will be in a swamp, even more lost - I too desperate to return to the past glory, but in the past all the spring of permanent, will only make people skinny in the dream;Then I calculate the future.Finally I found at hand is the most important thing, don"t have to struggle, don"t be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The most uplifting in the book, to me is the "gentleman" sarca *** .Such as "the father"s illness" chapter, quack false, false, still a pick up."Gentleman" suffered the bondage of traditional ideas, the false ego, no independent personality, pedantic, but did not know.Tonight I write my homework in the classroom, for example, immediately someone laugh at my silly.The reason is that the homework don"t have to pay eighty percent, appear to be *** art, understand the important principle thoroughly, being popular.I never think that homework is meaningless, as they cope with the form, I think homework better not to do.Worse is that they not only write, copy the answer, this practice, also infect demagogic.I just think is very funny, I suddenly felt in life, everywhere from the view of lu xun, the original evaluation of evaluation, is also a pleasure thing. Closed the book, disorder of the heart of convergence, peaceful, pure and fresh.

section 和subsection的区别。

section :n. 截面;部门;地区;章节vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt. 把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分subsection:n. 分段,分部;细分;小部分


1.section意思是:部分;部门;部件;散件;节;款;项;段。 2.切开;切断;做(动物或植物组织)切片;(依法令精神病人)强制入院治疗。 3. section的读音是:英 [?sek?n]、美 [?sek?n]。 4. 第三人称单数:sections。 5. 复数:sections。 6. 现在分词 sectioning。 7. 过去式:sectioned。 8. 过去分词:sectioned。

It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted(未完


It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted(未完,下面有

主要社会科学的研究仅仅在人类本身的学习上已经代替了本地差异和西方文明。(这是一个强调句.形式是It is +被强调的成分+that+其他成分)。本句强调的是状语in the study of man himself.希望能帮到你。

Substituted amine phosphate mixture是什么物质?


A is substituted for B,A substitute for B,什么时候主动,什么时候被动啊,

按照be done 的形式表示被动,而do,doing 的形式表示主动去区分,is substituted 是be done 的形式,substitute 是do的形式表示主动,以后你就按照这个方法去理解句子就行了,好好学习!




后面跟的介词不一样substitute A for B 表示用 A代替Breplace A with B 表示用B代替A

请问A is substituted for B 到底是A代替了B还是A被B代替? ?怎么我查的结

substitute 及物动词人 substitute A for B: 用A代替BA is substituted for B: A被B代替substitute 不及物A substitutes for B: A代替B


substitution翻译可以通过直译(literal translation)、意译(free translation)、异化(alienation)、归化(domestication)来进行翻译一、substitution的意思代替、代用、取代、作用。二、词型变化形容词substitutional、副词substitu-tionally。三、英语解释:1、an event in which one thing is substituted for another.同义词:permutation, transposition, replacement, switch.2、the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help".同义词:exchange, commutation.


substitute可以用作动词,“代替”,指在需要时,把某事物用作代替者或用某事物替换某事物。在美式英语中substitute只能用作及物动词,在英式英语中substitute可用作及物动词,也常用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常接介词for。 扩展资料   substitute:   vt.& vi. 代替,替换,代用   n. 代替者,替补(运动员),替代物,[语法学]代用词   vi. 用…替代   变形:过去式: substituted; 现在分词:substituting; 过去分词:substituted;   substitute例句:   1、Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.   人类通过幻想宣泄压抑的欲望。   2、Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.   低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。   3、Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon.   作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。


substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。


substitute替代双语例句1Am I just his substitute?我是否只是他的替代品?2You"re the substitute?派你做代表吗?


ubstitute替代双语对照词典结果:substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。




substitute英 ["su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t]   美 ["su028cbstu026atuu02d0t]  形容词: substitutable 名词: substitutability 过去式: substituted 过去分词: substituted现在分词: substituting 第三人称单数: substitutesn.代用品;代替者vt.代替;用 ... 代替;代以用作名词 (n.)Water is not a proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。We recommend this brand as a good substitute.我们推荐的新品种可以完全替代原来的产品。用作及物动词 (vt.)Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。You would substitute when the manager is away.经理不在的时候由你来代理。

A is substituted for B, A substitute for B.为什么第一个句子药用被动,还和第二个句子意思一样呢?谢谢

其实就是什么时候发生 A is substituted for B-这是过去式,已经substitue了。A substitute for B-这是现在。

A is substituted for B, A substitute for B,A replace B,分别是什么意思啊

Substitute1. Use or add in place of.2. Act or serve as a provide a substitute or equivalent in the place of:全部都是B被A取代了。

有没有substitute A with B这种用法?

没有见过一般是substitute B for A

区别substituted for和take the place of


replace substitute的区别

解释差不多,但用法不同.replace A with B,用A换B.substitute A for B,用B换A.

be substituted for是什么意思




A is substituted for B, A substitute for B,什么时候主动,什么时候被动啊,谢谢

前面那个是被动,A 被B替代。后面那个是主动,A 替代B.


substitute的中文翻译名词 n. 1.代替人;代替物;代用品[C][(+for)]Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? 及物动词 vt. 1.用...代替;代替[(+for)]Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. 国产零件取代进口零件。 Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her. 玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。 不及物动词 vi. 1.替代;作代替者[(+for/as)]Only art can substitute for nature. 唯有艺术能代替自然。 He substitutes as our teacher of English. 他代任我们的英语教师。 形容词 a. 1.代替的;代用的;替补的The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant. 这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。substitution的中文翻译名词 n. 1.代替;代用;替换[U][(+for)]We use saccharin in substitution for sugar. 我们用糖精代替糖。 2.【化】取代(作用);【数】代换,代入[U][C]3.代替物;代用品;替换物[C][(+for)]

be substituted for是什么意思

be substituted for被取代的双语对照词典结果:be substituted for替代; 例句:1.Now thieves are even going for heating oil, which can be substituted for diesel


名词 n. 1.代替人;代替物;代用品[C][(+for)]Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? 及物动词 vt. 1.用...代替;代替[(+for)]Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. 国产零件取代进口零件。 Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her. 玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。 不及物动词 vi. 1.替代;作代替者[(+for/as)]Only art can substitute for nature. 唯有艺术能代替自然。 He substitutes as our teacher of English. 他代任我们的英语教师。 形容词 a. 1.代替的;代用的;替补的The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant. 这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。


代替,替换,代用【u2665Me YCu2665】的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~


substitute的读音:英 [u02c8su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t] ,美 [u02c8su028cbstu026atuu02d0t] 。n.代替者;代替物;替补队员;情感替代者;副职v.用…代替;替代;接替;用(另外的人;物)替代;替换;取代复数:substitutes;第三人称单数:substitutes;现在分词:substituting;过去式:substituted;过去分词:substituted。substitute for替代;取代;代替。substitute teacher代课老师;代课教师。blood substitute替代血;人工血;血液代用品。provide substitute提供替代品。substitute addiction替代成瘾;替代上瘾。substitute造句示例:Soya milk is used as a substitute for dairy milk.豆奶可用作牛奶的替代品。The centre"s work was to be seen as supplementary to orthodox treatment and not a substitute for it.该中心的工作被看做是对正统疗法的补充,而不是取而代之。A vile Brummagem substitute for the genuine article.代替真货的品质极差的廉价物品。I found someone to substitute for me.我找到了一个人接替我。We should not substitute our personal feeling for the company"s decision.我们不能用个人感情取代公司的决定。


substitute常见释义:代替英:[u02c8su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t]美:[u02c8su028cbstu026atuu02d0t]n.代替者; 代替物; 代用品; 替补(运动员); v.(以…)代替; 取代; 例句:Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.感情不能代替政策。现在分词:substituting 过去式:substituted 过去分词:substituted


  两者返回类型不一样。  根据JDK的文档,String.subSequence只是为了实现CharSequence接口上的同名方法而放在那里的,其行为与String.subString一样。  subString返回的是String,subSequence返回的是实现了CharSequence接口的类,也就是说使用subSequence得到的结果,只能使用CharSequence接口中的方法。不过在String类中已经重写了subSequence,调用subSequence方法,可以直接下转为String对象。

confirm ,substantiate ,corroborate 有什么区别?

词性及解释 Part of speech and definition vt. 证实, 确定, 批准, 使巩固【计】 确认【经】 证实例句 Sentences Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证To confirm an appointment确定约会confirm the truth of.确定事情的真实情况。Our observations confirm that...我们的观察证实...substantiate: [ s05bs"t03n06ieit ] v. 实体化,证实词形变化: 名词:substantiation 动词过去式:substantiated 过去分词:substantiated 现在分词:substantiating 第三人称单数:substantiates 例句与用法: 1. Can you substantiateyour accusations against him? 你指责他, 能提出事实根据吗? 英英解释: 动词substantiate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm2. represent in bodily form同义词:incarnate, body forth, embody3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to同义词:realize, realise, actualize, actualise4. solidify, firm, or strengthencorroborate: [ k05"r00b05reit ] v. 使坚固,确证,给确证与...词形变化: 形容词:corroborative 名词:corroboration 动词过去式:corroborated 过去分词:corroborated 现在分词:corroborating 第三人称单数:corroborates 例句与用法: 1. His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。 2. Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 英英解释: 动词corroborate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm2. give evidence for同义词:validate3. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm同义词:underpin, bear out, support

sympathy sead sponsor thrive substitude怎么用更好的方法记住它们,以及它们的意思?

可以用词根啊 其实这些所谓的辅助记法的作用并没有那么神奇 顶多就是辅助而已 sympathy sym= 共同 path=感情 有共同的感情 同情antipathy 反感 empathy 同情 情入sub=下 stitute=站 在下面站着等着接替 替换谁institute 建立 让制度站立起来 constitute 组成 全站立在一起组成


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your antivirus subscription service has expired什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答listerservicesubscriptionisexpired  简单说就是你的订阅服务已经过去,要求你重新续费或者注册。 希望能帮到你,满意请采纳。

MyEclipse Subscription Expired 每次都弹出这个 但是我从新注册当时可以,但是重启MyEclipse就不行了!


免疫细胞亚群中的“亚群”的是什么,其 定义和来源是?subset?


Field Measurement of Land Subsidence

If there are any doubts about the aquitard-compaction theory of land subsidence,they should be laid to rest by an examination of the results of the U. S. Geological Survey subsidence research group during the last decade. They have carried out field studies in several subsiding areas in California, and their measurements provide indisputable confirmation of the interrelationships betw een hydraulic head declines, aquitard compaction,and land subsidence.Figure 14. 2 is a contoured map,based on geodetic measurements,of the land subsidence in the Santa Clara valley during the period 1934 - 1960. Subsidence is confined to the area underlain by unconsolidated deposits of alluvial and shallow -marine origin. The centers of subsidence coincide w ith the centers of major pumping,and the historical development of the subsidence coincides w ith the period of settlement in the valley and w ith the increased utilization of groundw ater.Figure 14. 2 Land subsidence in feet,1934 - 1960,Santa Clara valley,CaliforniaQuantitative confirmation of the theory is provided by results of the type show n in Figure 14. 3. An ingeniously simple compaction-recorder installation ( Figure 14. 3 a) produces a graph of the time-dependent grow th of the total compaction of all material betw een the land surface and the bottom of the hole. Near Sunnyvale in the Santa Clara valley,three compaction recorders w ere established at different depths in the confined aquifer system that exists there ( Figure 14. 3 b) . Figure 14. 3 c shows the compaction records together with the total land subsidence as measured at a nearby benchmark,and the hydraulic head for the 250 - to 300 - m-depth range as measured in an observation w ell at the measurement site. Decreasing hydraulic heads are accompanied by compaction. Increasing hydraulic heads are accompanied by reductions in the rate of compaction,but there is no evidence of rebound. At this site the land subsidence is demonstrated to be equal to the compaction of the w ater-bearing deposits w ithin the depth tapped by w ater w ells,and the decline in artesian head is proved to be the sole cause of the subsidence.Riley in 1969 noted that data of the type show n on Figure 14. 3 c can be view ed as the result of a large-scale field consolidation test. If the reductions in aquitard volume reflected by the land subsidence are plotted against the changes in effective stress created by the hydraulic- head declines,it is often possible to calculate the average compressibility and the average vertical hydraulic conductivity of the aquitards. Helm in 1975 and 1976 carried these concepts forw ard in his numerical models of land subsidence in California.Figure 14. 3 Quantitative confirmation of the aquitard-compaction theoryIt is also possible to develop predictive simulation models that can relate possible pumping patterns in an aquifer-aquitard system to the subsidence rates that w ill result.Gambolati and Freeze ( 1973) designed a tw o-step mathematical model for this purpose. In the first step ( the hydrologic model) ,the regional hydraulic-head draw dow ns are calculated in an idealized tw o-dimensional vertical cross section in radial coordinates,using a model that is a boundary-value problem based on the equation of transient groundw ater flow. Solutions are obtained w ith a numerical finite-element technique. In the second step of the modeling procedure ( the subsidence model) ,the hydraulic head declines determined w ith the hydrologic model for the various aquifers are used as time-dependent boundary conditions in a set of one- dimensional vertical consolidation models applied to a more refined geologic representation of each aquitard. Gambolati et al. in 1974 applied the model to subsidence predictions for Venice, Italy. Recent measurements summarized by Carbognin et al. in 1976 verify the model"s validity.( Source: Freeze et al. ,1979)水文地质专业英语

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政府补贴应该用grants 还是subsidy?

政府补贴:subsidy 明显更胜任,grant 主要指:政府的拨款,或经费。

请问 grants 和 subsidies 的区别



absentsubscriber失败原因。MS-GMSC的主要作用就是从SC接收TPDU,接着查询HLR/HSS中的路由信息,根据路由信息中的记录将,TPDU发送到指定的MSC或者SGSN,当SMS-GMSC接收到TPDU时,其会首先检查TPDU参数是否正确,如果参数不正确,则返回错误报告给SC。说明:如果参数正确,则查询存储在HLR/HSS中的路由信息,如果HLR/HSS返回错误,则SMS-GMSC同样需要返回错误报告给SC,如果无错误,则SMS-GMSC按照查询结果forwardShortMessage将TPDU发送到指定的MSC或者SGSN,在某些条件下查询的返回结果可能。同时包含MSC和SGSN的地址,SMS-GSMC选择哪一个需要看运营商的策略,通常情况下通过SGSN比MSC更节省资源,如果HLR/HSS返回一个MSC或者SGSN的地址,则当SMS-GMSC收到MSC或者SGSN返回的报告时。如果返回的报告表明当前操作成功,则SMS-GMSC需要通知HLR/HSS,HLR/HSS会通知以前发送SMS到该UE失败的SC该UE已经可以发送了,这些SC的地址保存在HLR/HSS的MWD中,SMS-GMSC同时,需要返回结果给SC表明当前操作成功。如果返回的报告表明操作失败,且失败的原因为absent subscriber,则SMS-GMSC应该通知HLR/HSS当前通过MSC或者SGSN操作失败。失败原因为用户absent,同时请求将该SC的地址插入到MWD中,然后发送错误报告给SC,表明当前发送失败,失败原因为absent subscriber。如果返回的报告表明操作事变,失败原因为“MS memory capacity exceeded ,则SMS-GMSC该通知HLR/HSS当前通过MSC或者SGSN操作失败,失败原因为MS memory capacityexceeded,并请求将SC的地址插入到MWD中,然后发送报告给SC表明当前操作失败。






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程序一直提示“error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type”,请问什么原因?

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.






cmr substance是什么意思

abbr. camera 照相机;common-mode rejection 共模态抑制,普通方式的拒绝 网 络 共横抑制; 科尔马; 超巨磁阻; 脑代谢英 [u02c8su028cbstu0259ns] 美 [u02c8su028cbstu0259ns] n. 物质,材料;实质,内容;[神]灵;(织品的)质地 网 络 物质; 实质; 实体; 本质

cocoapods私有库:pod subspec 子模块后续

在子模块依赖第三方framework或者静态库时报错: [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Building targets in parallel NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using codesigning identity override: - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file and one is not being generated automatically. (in target "App" from project "App")


从sqlserver数据库中提取日期应该使用,并把年月日分别截取出来应该使用数据库提供的时间函数。1:使用year,month,day用来提取年月日如:select year(getdate()),month(getdate()),day(getdate())2:使用DATEPART 获取年月日如:select DATEPART("year",getdate()),DATEPART("month",getdate()),DATEPART("day",getdate())----------------------------------------------------------------------------如果字段是varchar类型的话,可以先将字段转换为日期类型。使用类型转换函数convert或者cast如:cast("2015-07-14" as datetime)

convince;province ;substitute ;这英语怎么读?


js dojo.string.substitute用法?



  transaction  n.交易;事务;办理;会报,学报   epidemic n.传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行 adj.流行的;传染性的   supplement n.补充,补遗;补充物;附录 vt.补充,增补   subsequent adj.后来的,随后的   contradict vt.反驳;否定;与…矛盾;与…抵触 vi.反驳;否认;发生矛盾   unaffected adj.不受影响的;自然的;真挚的;不矫揉造作的   1.The writer was very excited because his story would be published in the【subsequent】issues of the newspaper.   作者非常激动,因为他的故事将会发表在【后续】问题的报纸上.   2.It is not easy for a bank clerk to keep cool when there are millions of【transaction】to deal with every day.   对一个银行职员来说,当每天处理成千上万的交易时要保持冷静并不容易.   3.Everybody was worried about their health when the unexpected【epidemic】took lives of many people.   每个人都在担心他们的健康,当意想不到的流行病夺走很多人的生命.   4.Good food should be【supplemented】by regular exercise if you want to keep fit.   如果你想保持健康,好的食物应该根据定期锻炼来补充.   5.No matter what difficulty he ran into ,his dream of being a respectable doctor stayed 【unaffected】.   不管他遇到什么困难,他梦想成为一名受人尊敬的医生始终不受影响.   6.Many citizens were angry when the new housing policy 【contradicted 】the mayor" promise   当新的住房政策违背了市长的承诺时许多市民都很生气.


substance 相比 essence, substance更体现物质方面的本质

subscription fee是什么意思

subscription fee[英][su0259bu02c8skru026apu0283u0259n fi:][美][su0259bu02c8skru026apu0283u0259n fi]会员费; 装机费; 报费; 例句:1.Neither requires a subscription fee. 二者都无需付费收听。2.In one scenario, video creators would start new channels and charge a subscription fee. 一种可能是,视频创建者将开通新的频道并收取订阅费。
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