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谁帮我翻译下the chainsnokers的#SELFIE 中文歌词

The Chainsmokers - #Selfie 中文翻译When Jason was at the table当杰森坐在桌子旁边的时候I kept seeing him look at me when he was with that other girl我看见他在和其他女孩子在一起的时候总喜欢盯着我Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous?你觉得他那样做只是为了让我嫉妒吗?Because he was totally texting me all night last night因为他昨天晚上发了一整晚的微信给我and I don"t know if it"s a booty call or not说实话我还真不知道这算不算是一次胜利Sooo... like what do you think?那...话说你怎么看?Did you think that girl was pretty?你觉得那个女的很不错?How did that girl even get in here?那女的怎么会在这里的?Did you see her?你见到她没?She is so short and that dress is so tacky她又矮衣服又俗气Who wears cheetah?拜托现在谁还穿豹纹,呵呵?It"s not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing Summertime sadness?现在又不是夏天,哪个DJ还会心血来潮玩夏日丧曲?After we go to the bathroom, can we go smoke a cigarette?你介意我们冲个澡之后再来根烟?I really need one我真他妈想抽But first, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE等等,先让我来张自拍。DROP[咔嚓]Can you guys help me pick a filter?姐们儿,能帮我挑个滤镜(这里应该是指毁美图秀秀之类的自拍神器里面的美化功能)?I don"t know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia我实在不知道我应该选XX专业还是ValenciaI want to look tan我想看上去更美黑些What should my caption be?我要加上些什么字捏I want it to be clever一定要让它显得我很有头脑How about "Livin" with my ladies, Hashtag LIV"“Livin" with my ladies, Hashtag LIV“怎么样?I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes艹,就5分钟就只给老娘10个赞Do you think I should take it down?你觉得我应该把它删掉吗?LET ME TAKE ANOTHER SELFIE看老娘我再来一张DROP[咔嚓]Wait pause, Jason just liked my selfie等等,等一下,Jason刚才赞了我的照片What a creep真教人吃精Is that guy sleeping over there?那家伙还睡在那里吗?Yeah, the one next to the girl with no shoes on没错儿,就那个没穿鞋的女的的旁边的那个Thats so ratchet..那真是渗人。。。That girl is such a fake model那婊子就他妈的是一贱逼模子刻出来的冒牌货(又贱又骚,还丑的要命)She definitely bought all her Instagram followers她肯定是买通了她所有微博的粉丝(哪会有那么多赞)Who goes out on Mondays?谁礼拜一出去?OK lets go take some shots 好吧 让我们拍些合影Oh no, I feel like I"m gonna throw up噢妈蛋,我感觉我就要吐了Oh wait never mind I"m fine哦别担心我没事的(渍渍。。)Lets go dance来,继续跳舞。。。There"s no vodka at this table这张桌子没伏特加Do you know anyone else here?你知道有别的什么人在这儿么?Oh my god, Jason just texted me我滴肾啊,Jason刚才又发微信给我Should I go home with him?我该不该回去和他鬼混呢?I GUESS I TOOK A GOOD SELFIE我之前还真可能照了一张诱人的自拍哟LET ME TAKE A SELFIE让我自拍一张【转自erqi1994】记得把我选为满意答案哦~