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keep fit还是 keep fitness

keep fit

kpt fitness 型号的跑步机使用方法?

跑步机都是不看说明的!一般都是中英文对照的!开始(start)按键为绿色停止(stop)按键为红色 长按3秒归零速度(speed)↑加速↓减速坡度(incline) ↑升高↓降低预置模式:安一下选择键 速度快捷键调整难度 安开始手动 间歇 滚动 越野 爬山 心率 自定义程序等


During the summer holidays,Danny went to the Fitness Camp.He met a lot of overweight kids like him

During the summer holidays, Danny went to the Fitness Camp. He met a lot of overweight kids like him there. The camp lasted for a month. Every day the overweight kids got up early. They did a lot of exercise at the camp. They went jogging, swimming, roller-skating and skateboarding. They also played a lot of ball games. They make friends with each other at the camp. They also learned how to choose healthy food. All of them had a wonderful time there.On September 1, Danny went back to school. He was thinner and fitter, and he looked as athletic as a sportsman. His classmates were surprised to see him much thinner than before.They said, “Wow! What happened to you, Danny?” Danny laughed happily. “I went to a great camp. It helped me lose a lot of weight and get fit again,” he said. Soon after, Danny passed his PE examination. Now he knows the importance of sports and a healthy diet.附上谷歌搜索参考网页,第一个链接是下载,后面是各种其他引用

public fitness programs and competitive sports是什么意思啊??

public fitness programs and competitive sports 全民健身和竞技体育===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力



体适能到底翻译自哪个英文?Physical Fitness?Conditioning?

体适能 和 体能 最常见的翻译是: physical fitness 或 简称 fitness 体能 有时也译为 stamina (身体能耐力)

fitness and strength是什么牌子


apple fitness+ free for 3 months是什么意思

意思是:苹果健身免费3个月。 Apple Fitness+是苹果推出的一项健康增值服务。已于2020年底正式发布。Fitness+ 在原本「Fitness」(国内名称是健身)应用基础上进行扩展,把手表的运动记录投射到 iPhone、iPad、Apple TV 等(相对的)大屏幕上,用户可以专注于跟随屏幕上的运动教程,无需经常抬起手腕看心率、时长等数据。不过由于中国大陆地区的用户无法开通Apple One服务,因此目前也和Fitness+服务无缘。暂不知道苹果是否会考虑在大陆地区推出独立的Fitness+服务。

fitness for purpose是什么意思

itness for purpose健身的目的 拼音 双语对照 fitness for purpose网络适用性; 适合用途; 合乎使用

Fitness equipment和Workout device得区别

就区别而言:Fitness equipment: 健身器材。如:举重器材,健身自行车Workout device:健身器件。如健身球,计步器

fitness program是什么意思


论述play,sport,physical education和fitness的区别

play 玩耍,游戏sport 运动,体育physical eduction 体育课fitness 健身


这个是初始化成员列表的语法表示用0初始化fitness成员,如果fitness是个简单类型(如int double)或者调用一个参数的构造函数来初始化fitness,如果fitness是个类对象

英语Let’s get fitness怎么翻译?



在我看来,Batch百琦fitness公路车和捷安特escape2各有优点,我们可以从以下几个方面来分析它们的不同优势,帮助您做出更加合理的选择:一、使用场景1.1 Batch百琦fitness公路车:适合日常骑行和运动健身使用,造型时尚、轻便灵活、速度略快,是比较优秀的城市踏板车之一。1.2 捷安特escape2:同样适合日常骑行、休闲旅游和运动健身使用,但它的设计更倾向于长途骑行和野外探险,具备更强的越野能力和长时间的骑行舒适性。二、车架材质2.1 Batch百琦fitness公路车:车架采用铝合金材质,轻便且使用寿命较长。2.2 捷安特escape2:车架采用铝合金或碳纤维材质,强度更高,更加耐用。三、齿轮和变速系统3.1 Batch百琦fitness公路车:采用外置式齿轮,便于更换和维修,较为实用。3.2 捷安特escape2:采用内置式齿轮和变速器,换挡更加平稳,但维修和更换的难度较大。四、制动系统4.1 Batch百琦fitness公路车:采用V刹制动系统,制动力较强但需要调整。4.2 捷安特escape2:采用碟刹制动系统,制动力更强,稳定性更好,但需要专业的维修技术。总的来说,Batch百琦fitness公路车适合日常骑行和运动健身,对于需要频繁变换路况的城市环境来说是更好的选择。而捷安特escape2则更适合长时间骑行或野外探险,对于时刻需要保持稳定性和可靠性的路况来说是更好的选择。需要选购时可以根据自己的使用需求和预算做出最佳决策。

fitness unity nutrition 是什么意思


certificate of fitness中文是什么意思


live fitness是什么意思

fitness ["fitnis] n. 健康;适当;适合性 例句: "Our fitness has been the key to our recent success, " he said. “大家能够保持健康,是我们最近成功的关键。”他说。

Fitness Coaches什么意思


fitness center是什么意思

健身中心, 望采纳


health 是身体的健康 fitness 是健壮,强健 well-being 是安康 指身体和心灵上的

physical fitness是什么意思

physical fitness英[u02c8fiziku0259l u02c8fu026atnu026as]美[u02c8fu026azu026aku0259l u02c8fu026atnu026as]身体健全




health 是身体的健康 fitness 是健壮,强健 well-being 是安康 指身体和心灵上的


health and fitness全部释义和例句>> 健康与健身

求牛人团 fitness wellness health 三个词的翻译 不准相同

fitness矫健; wellness健全; health健康. fitness身体矫健; wellness身心健康; health思想健全.





fit 和fitness的区别

fit ["fit] vt.安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符 vi.符合,配合;适合;合身 adj.健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的 形容词 n.合身;发作;痉挛 [ 比较级fitter 最 fitness ["fitnis] 名词;适当;适合性


body builder


fitness造句如下:1、Fitness(/Body- Building) Equipment; Exerciser.健身俱乐部,健身器。2、Conditional Proportional Exercises And Condition Activities Of Academic Female Faculty.健身健美操与高校女教职工健身活动。3、By Warming Up Before And Cooling Down After Your Workout.健身前要热身,健身后要做缓和运动。4、A Household Body-Building Device Is The First Choice For One"s Health.家用健身器,健康首。5、He Often Goes To The Gym For Body-Building.他经常去健身房练健美。6、The Analysis On The Current Situation Of Body-BuildingClubs Industry In Jiangsu Province.对我省健身俱乐部产业现状的评析7、Took An Hour Of Vigorous Daily Exercise At A Gym.在健身房进行一小时的日常健身锻炼。8、Study On Physical Fitness Attribution And Physical Fitness Value Of Track And Field.田径运动的健身属性及健身价值研究。9、On The Developmental Tendency Of The Way Of Body-Buiding In Health Club.浅论健身俱乐部健身方式的发展趋势。10、Research On “Aerobic Fitness Method” In Aerobics Course At College And University.高校健身操课“有氧健身法”的实验研究。11、Research On The Creation,Development,And Fitness Function Of Yangge.论健身秧歌的产生、发展及健身作用。12、Fitness Function Of Arobics On And Middle-Aged Women.有氧健身操对中老年妇女的健身作用。13、The Initial Study Of The Tuanction Of Ball Gymnastics For The Middle Or Old-Aged People.健身球操对中老年人的健身作用初探。14、On Sport S Influence On Physical And Mental Health Of The Aged.浅析健身运动促进老年人的身心健康。15、A Study Of Healthful Callisthenics And Girl Students Lifelong Physical Training.试论健身健美操与女生终身体育锻炼。




fitness健美/键硕, healthful, in addition, handsome or beautifulhealth健康,未必good-looking.



fitness是什么意思 fitness英语是什么意思

1、名词:健壮;健康;适合(某事物或做某事) 2、英式读法:fu026atnu0259s;美式读法:fu026atnu0259s. 3、例句:He managed to keep his fitness level up.他设法让自己的健康状况好转起来


健身 的意思~

新款 Apple Watch 的 Apple Fitness+ 功能涵盖哪些运动?

Apple Fitness+ 适用于各类广受欢迎的体能训练,包括单车、跑步机、划船、高强度间歇训练 (HIIT)、负重训练、瑜伽、舞蹈、核心训练,以及整理放松,而且每一项训练都会伴有教练精心挑选的音乐。每周,Fitness+ 教练团队都会为用户带来新鲜的体能训练示范课,内容涵盖多种长度、类型和音乐,因此用户总能发现新的体能训练课。 Fitness+ 发布时已组建一支有名气、有魅力,充满热情的教练团队。他们每个人在各自领域都是专家,现在组成一个团队协同合作,一起设计和打造出色的健身课程内容,并且在彼此的视频里互有客串,热情迎接每一位用户加入到健身体验中。 Apple Fitness+ 率先将在澳大利亚、加拿大、爱尔兰、新西兰、英国和美国推出。 如需更多信息,请进入相关页面查看。



fitness 和 health 都翻译为健康?


keep fit还是keep fitness 有什么区别

keep fit 是动词词组,减肥的意思keep fitness 是动词+名词,不只减肥还有去健身房的意思;区别不大,英语很简单随便都可以;

fitness和body bulding有嘛区别?

fitness是健康;适当,适合;合情理的意思body bulding有身体方面的意思应该就是这样了,区别一定是有的

跑步机wellness fitness是什么品牌

fitness是一个健身器械品牌,它在中文里也叫做力健,全称是life fitness,集合生产、设计与销售与一体的健身设备的牌子,也是美国500强之一,属于宾士域,全球各地都有办公点,120多个国家都可以买到它的产品,在国内也比较有名,产品主要包括有氧设备、力量设备、家用设备等等。品牌知名度很高,而且器械的质量也不错,选择也很丰富,中国区的代理公司是奥力来、遂生体育,总体来说是比较值得选择的一个牌子,其中家用设备里面跑步机、健身单车、多功能训练器这些是明星产品,专业的设计并且质量很好,使用起来也很简单方便。

fitness 与 health 的区别







启动fitness跑步机的步骤如下:1. 插入电源插头并确保插头正确插入插座。2. 打开电源开关。3. 设置速度和倾斜度。4. 按下跑步机启动按钮。5. 有些跑步机需要设置运动时间才能启动。需要注意的是,在启动fitness跑步机之前,需要确保已经关闭了跑步机上的所有开关,并且跑步机的履带已经放下。另外,在启动跑步机之前,需要确保跑步机已经固定稳固,以避免发生意外。


wellness是健康的意思,而fitness则是健身的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: Fitness is good exercise, which is not just help us to have a good figure, also makes us wellness. 健身是一种很好的运动,它不仅可以帮助我们拥有好身材,还可以使我们身心健康。


fitness造句如下:1、Sports can help people subjected to physical and mental stress。体育可以帮助人们经受对体力和脑力的重压。2、no matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine。 不管天气多么寒冷,我们都要坚持锻炼。3、A walk after dinner, live to nine; dinner three hundred paces, not into the pharmacy。饭后百步走,活到九十九;饭后三百步,不用进药铺。4、I hope badminton can be as popular as the NBA, I hope to be able to help promote the sport。我希望羽毛球能像NBA一样受欢迎,希望自己能够帮助推广这项运动。5、They can be closer to nature。 他们可以更加地亲近大自然。6、Static is death, eternal life is only sport to knock on the door。静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。7、Refuel it, athletes are!加油吧,运动健儿们!8、Efforts to develop sports, to our national mental health training to become a happy person。努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。9、Day dance several dance, live to ninety-five。一日舞几舞,活到九十五。10、Sitting from time to time, no section diet, extravagant in appetite, and stingy sports, this number who pathogenic great source also。起居之不时,饮食之无节,侈于嗜欲,而吝于运动,此数者,致病之大源也。11、Life is movement, human life is exercise。生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。12、Exercise helps to maintain your healthy life style ,and also it keeps your body fit and healthy。锻炼有助于保持你的健康的生活方式,并且也让你的身体健康和健康。13、Earth is in motion, a person will not always be in a bad position。地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。14、The most wonderful place of sports competitions was due only to do in the hands, not the port said。体育竞赛之最绝妙处乃由于它只在手做,不在口说。15、he keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter。 他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。16、Health is a major factor in happiness, exercise is an important guarantee of health。健康是幸福的主要因素,锻炼是健康的重要保证。

cardiorespiratory fitness中文翻译

The moderate exercise group saw a 6 percent rise , while the heay exercise group upped their cardiorespiratory fitness by 8 . 2 percent 中运动量组上升了6 % ,而大运动量组的心血管健康程度则升高了8 . 2 % 。 The moderate exercise group saw a 6 percent rise , while the heavy exercise group upped their cardiorespiratory fitness by 8 . 2 percent 中运动量组上升了6 % ,而大运动量组的心血管健康程度则升高了8 . 2 % 。 The researchers also found that while a pttle bit of exercise was beneficial , more exercise boosted cardiorespiratory fitness een higher 研究也发现虽然低运动量运动对身体有所裨益,但加大运动量能更好地促进心血管呼吸系统的健康。 The researchers also found that while a pttle bit of exercise was beneficial , more exercise boosted cardiorespiratory fitness even higher 研究也发现虽然低运动量运动对身体有所裨益,但加大运动量能更好地促进心血管呼吸系统的健康。 Context low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortapty , and improvements in fitness are associated with reduced mortapty risk 背景:低水平的心肺功能与发病率的高风险相关,提高其适应性可以减少发病风险。 Abstract : context low leels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortapty , and improements in fitness are associated with reduced mortapty risk 摘要:背景低水平的心肺功能适应性与高死亡率相联系的,而且提高心肺适应性可以降低死亡的危险。 Cardiorespiratory fitness , or aerobic fitness , is the abipty of the circulatory and respiratory systems to depver oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity or exercise 心肺适能,或有氧适能,是指持续体力活动或锻炼时机体循环系统和呼吸系统向骨骼肌供氧的能力。

英语单词 fitness的意思

fitness ["fitnis] n.合适,合理 (希望能采纳)

fit 和fitness的区别

fit ["fit] vt. 安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符vi. 符合,配合;适合;合身adj. 健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的 形容词n. 合身;发作;痉挛[ 比较级fitter 最fitness ["fitnis] 名词n. 健康;适当;适合性希望能采纳,谢谢了


fitness是美国顶级的健身器材品牌,宾士域集团是Lifefitness力健的母公司,始建于1845年,正式员工2.8万人,是全球最大的游艇制造厂之一。fitness是一个生产和销售娱乐、健身设备的品牌。全称是Life Fitness,中文名字叫力健。在美国属于500强公司,属于康体娱乐设备排名第一,美国上市公司宾士域集团全资附属子公司。全球设有10个直属办公室,分布在各个国家,产品销至120个国家。1、跑步机跑步运动。跑步能加强肺活量、锻炼肌四头肌、小腿三头肌、膝关节、足关节诸韧带及小肌肉群等。首先双腿前后站立于跑步带上,手扶握把或者离开握把,跑步机上不需要克服空气带来的风阻,脚下的跑带是自动向后运动的,这是跑步机真正省力的地方。开始跑步运动,每天慢跑15~30分钟左右,这样一次可消耗人体的热能300大卡,每周锻炼3~4次,可达到健身和减肥的目的。2、健身车健身车属于典型的模拟户外运动的有氧健身器材,主要是通过身体较长时间,适当强度的运动来促进心血管的运动,加快新陈代谢,增强心脏和肺部功能,从而改善人体的体质。健身车可以在健身车显示面板上,显示出时间、速度、距离、热量、心率,还可以选择一些内置骑行程序。比如减肥程序、健身程序、山地程序,不同的程序可以起到不同的健身效果。3、椭圆机椭圆机在一般的健身房中,是相当常见的心肺适能运动训练工具,广为使用者喜爱。椭圆机同样也是有氧为主的器械,与跑步机不同的是椭圆机可以有效的把手臂与腿部的运动结合起来。


fitness是一个名词,意思是“健康”,是由形容词fit “健康的” 演变而来。fit这个词没有动词形态,如果要表示动词,可以说keep fit,即保持健康的意思。


fitness的意思是健康。健康,汉语词语,指一个人在身体、精神和社会等方面都处于良好的状态。健康是人的基本权利,也是人生的第一财富。传统的健康观是“无病即健康”,现代人的健康观是整体健康,世界卫生组织提出“健康不仅是躯体没有疾病,还要具备心理健康、社会适应良好和有道德”。健康是一个国际性学术期刊,致力于人类健康的最新进展,由美国科研出版社发行。这本杂志的目的是提供一个平台,让世界各地的推广,分享和讨论各种新的问题和发展与健康有关的问题的医师,卫生研究人员和学者。所有稿件必须以英文编制,严格的,公平的同行评审过程。录用的论文将立即出现在网上其次是印刷硬拷贝。双语例句:1、Lack of fitness told against him on his first run of the season.身体欠佳影响了他在赛季中的第一次赛跑。2、He had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office.他有一年时间来使自己的任职资格得到承认。3、He did not expect to be anywhere near peak fitness until Christmas.他预计到圣诞节时身体才能接近最佳状态。4、If sharp teeth increase fitness, then genes causing teeth to be sharp will increase in frequency.如果尖齿的环境适度增强,那么导致牙齿变尖的基因出现的频率就会增加。5、In the personal fitness stakes he left her standing.就个人健康投资方面而言,他比她好得多。6、She provides classes for the fitness fundis.她为热衷于保健的人上课。





fitness 中文意思是?

fitness中文意思是体适能的意思,指的是一个人生理上强壮跟健康的状态。 相关的英文字汇包含: fitness center 体适能中心/健身中心 fitness instructor 体适能教练/健身教练 fitness equipment 健身器材 fitness 英文例句: 例:I"m trying to improve my fitness by cycling to work. 我每天骑脚踏车上班,想以此来改善健康状况。 u200b 例:She has her own personal fitness instructor. 她有自己的私人健身教练。 fitness, fitness center, fitness instructor, fitness 中文, fitness 意思, fitness 翻译, 健身 英文, 健身中心 英文, 健身器材 英文, 健身教练 英文, 体适能 英文


fitness 英[ˈfɪtnəs] 美[ˈfɪtnɪs] n. 健康;适当,适合;合情理 [例句]The same is true for your mental fitness.对你的心理健康来说也是如此。更多示例用法>>

旅游英语口语:In the fitness center

考 网 英语口语 频道为网友整理的《旅游英语口语:In the fitness center》,供大家参考学习。 1. Why don"t you attend an aerobic class? 您为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢? 2. Are you coming with me for a workout at the gym? 你和我一起去健身房锻炼好吗? 3. After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter. 我在健身房锻炼了好几次以后,觉得身体好多了。 4. How often do you come to the gym for a workout? 您多久来健身房锻炼一次身体呢? 5. SPA and fitness centers are the ideal places to relax. 水疗和健身中心是放松的好去处。 6. Do you have any professional gym instructors here? 你们这儿有专业的健身教练吗? 7. At the fitness center, Peter is having a body building session. 在健身中心,彼得正在进行形体训练。 8. We can exercise together at a fitness center, or play sports together. 我们可以一起在健身中心健身,或者一起做运动。 9. You can have full use of the gym and swimming pool while you"re here. 只要住在这儿,您就可以充分利用健身房和游泳池。 10. There"re no additional charges for using the fitness center in the resort. 使用度假中心的健身中心不需要额外付费。 重点讲解: aerobic dance; running is very aerobic 有氧舞蹈;跑步非常需要氧 SPA SPA是希腊语SOLUSPARAQUA的缩写,意为健康在水中。是指人们利用天然的水资源结合沐浴、按摩和香熏来促进新陈代谢,满足人体视觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉和思考,达到一种身心畅快的享受。 have full use of 意思为“充分利用”,相关表达有:make full use of 例句:They have already made full use of the waste water. 他们已经充分利用了废水。

I run fitness classes at gyms and leisure clubs 是什么意思



gym shark fitness健身鲨鱼gym[英][du0292u026am][美][du0292u026am]n.<非正>健身房; 体育馆; 室内健身操; 体操; 复数:gyms易混淆单词:GYMGym例句:1.Keep yourself active and get down the gym. 保持自己积极向上并经常去健身房运动。


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),gym通常是一个商业组织,旨在向会员提供各种健身设施和课程。 fitness则是一种生活方式、健康意识和文化,可以涵盖更广泛的人群。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完gym与fitness的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、词性不同"gym" 和 "fitness" 分别是名词和形容词,其中 "gym" 通常指健身房或室内体育馆;"fitness" 则指身体健康、健康的状态或健康的生活方式。例句:- She goes to the gym every morning to work out、(她每天早上去健身房锻炼。)- A regular exercise program can help improve fitness and overall health、(定期的运动计划能够帮助提高健康状况和整体健康水平。)2、意义不同"gym" 着重于为人们提供健身设备和训练场地,以实现塑造身材、增强体质和锻炼身体的目标。 "fitness" 人们过着有规律的生活方式、坚持锻炼和饮食、保持健康的状态。例句:- The gym is equipped with a range of machines for strength training and cardio exercises、(健身房配备了一系列的器械,可以进行力量训练和心肺锻炼。)- A fitness trainer can help design an exercise and nutrition plan that suits your individual needs、(健身教练能够帮助制定一个适合个人需求的运动和饮食计划。)3、成员不同"gym" 通常是一个商业组织,旨在向会员提供各种健身设施和课程。 "fitness" 则是一种生活方式、健康意识和文化,可以涵盖更广泛的人群。例句:- There are several gyms in the city where you can sign up for a membership、(这个城市有几家健身房可以签订会员合同。)- Maintaining a healthy fitness routine requires discipline, commitment, and dedication、(保持健康的体魄需要纪律、承诺和奉献。)


  fitness的中文意思   英 [u02c8fu026atnu0259s] 美 [u02c8fu026atnu026as]   fitness 基本解释   名词 健康; 适当,适合; 合情理   fitness 相关例句   名词   1. They"re doing exercises to improve their fitness.   他们为增强体质而做体操。   2. No one questions her fitness for the job.   没人怀疑她能胜任这项工作。   fitness的`单语例句   1. But now those same urban professionals are buying trendy, upscale bikes to pursue their fitness goals.   2. Gillespie was rushed in to bolster an attack already weakened by the absence of Michael Mason and including several other players with fitness concerns.   3. Radio calisthenics were introduced in China in 1951 to develop mass physical fitness.   4. With fitness levels in the country declining officials are calling on more people to take part in long distance running events.   5. A professional coach from the GS Academy will oversee this weeklong camp to teach children proper tennis techniques while focusing on fitness and fun.   6. Cardiopulmonary fitness increased at similar rates among those who danced or exercised and did not change in those who did neither.   7. Accelerometers were used to set the baseline of the participants"physical activity and ran fitness tests.   8. Eriksson was also pleased with the overall fitness of his team in sultry conditions as the temperature nudged 30 degrees celsius.   9. The Youth Sports Club is also open to the public, providing a sports fitness center to the youth.   10. A prerequisite for successful completion of a diving course is a doctor"s certification of physical fitness sufficient to meet diving"s demands.   fitness的双语例句   1. There are fitness facilities and more than 40 sports clubs.   有健身设备和 40 多个运动俱乐部。   2. Last night I chit-chat with ChenHao, he asked me how"s my daily fitness?   昨晚跟陈昊聊天,他问我健身得怎么样?   3. In this article, let"s look at True Fitness and its founder, Patrick Wee.   在本文中,让我们来看看真实健身以及它的创始人,帕特里克凌晨。   4. Individuals vary in their relative fitness, and this variation is due partly to genetic differences among individuals and partly to environmental influences.   个体的相对适合度是有变化的,这种变化部分决定于个体的遗传区别,部分决定于环境的影响。   5. A fitness center is essential, but it does not have to be sensational.   健身中心也是必须的,但不必追求最好的。   6. We should improve pre-natal and post-natal care and fost phisical fitness among the population.   我们要加强优生优育工作,提高人口素质。

"fitness freak"这个短语是什么意思?


u3002she was never interested in fitness before but n

你好!she was never interested in fitness before but now she is been bitten by the bug她从来没有兴趣健身之前,但现在她是着魔了

fitness 有没有健身的意思?

有“健身”的意思,比如:Especially in the fast-paced life of modern society, Tai Chi is one of the bestmeans of fitness regimen.尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。