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1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.Why,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends?Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫.As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉.2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了.The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物.3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失.

Hunchback of Notre Dame是什么意思

Hunchback of Notre Dame_百度翻译Hunchback of Notre Dame [释义] 钟楼怪人;全部释义>>[例句]A few years back notre dame underwent the same embarrassment.几年前在巴黎圣母院也发生过类似丑闻。

notre dame de paris硬币是钱吗

notre dame de paris ,法语表示“巴黎圣母院”。这个不是钱

notre dame cathedral什么意思?怎么读

notre dame cathedral词典结果Notre Dame Cathedraln.巴黎圣母院;

the bells of notre dame 歌词

歌曲名:the bells of notre dame歌手:disney专辑:the hunchback of notre dameClopinMorning in Paris, the city awakesTo the bells of Notre DameThe fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakesTo the bells of Notre DameTo the big bells as loud as the thunderTo the little bells soft as a psalmAnd some say the soul of the city"sThe toll of the bellsThe bells of Notre DameListen, they"re beautiful, no?So many colors of sound, so many changing moodsBecause you know, they don"t ring all by themselves- They don"t? -No, silly boy.Up there, high, high in the dark bell towerlives the mysterious bell ringer.Who is this creature - Who? -What is he? - What? -How did he come to be there - How? -Hush, and Clopin will tell youIt is a tale, a tale of a man and a monster.Dark was the night when our tale was begunOn the docks near Notre DameMan Shup it up, will you!Man We"ll be spotted!GypsyHush, little one.ClopinFour frightened gypsies slid silently underThe docks near Notre DameMan Four guilders for safe passage into ParisClopinBut a trap had been laid for the gypsiesAnd they gazed up in fear and alarmAt a figure whose clutchesWere iron as much as the bellsMan Judge Claude FrolloClopinThe bells of Notre DameChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinJudge Claude Frollo longedTo purge the worldOf vice and sinChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinAnd he saw corruptionEv"rywhereExcept withinFrolloBring these gypsy vermin to the palace of justiceGuardYou there, what are you hiding?FrolloStolen goods, no doubt. Take them from herClopinShe ranChorusDies irae, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day)Solvet saeclum in favilla (Shall consume the world in ashes)Teste David cum sibylla (As prophesied by David and the sibyl)Quantus tremor est futurus (What trembling is to be)Quando Judex est venturus (When the Judge is come)GypsySanctuary, please give us sanctuaryFrolloA baby? A monster!ArchdeaconStop!ClopinCried the ArchdeaconFrolloThis is an unholy deamon.I"m sending it back to hell, where it belongs.ArchdeaconSee there the innocent blood you have spiltOn the steps of Notre DameFrolloI am guiltless. She ran, I pursued.ArchdeaconNow you would add this child"s blood to your guiltOn the steps of Notre DameFrolloMy conscience is clearArchdeaconYou can lie to yourself and your minionsYou can claim that you haven"t a qualmBut you never can run fromNor hide what you"ve done from the eyesThe very eyes of Notre DameChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinAnd for one time in his liveOf power and controlChorusKyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)ClopinFrollo felt a twinge of fearFor his immortal soulFrolloWhat must I do?ArchdeaconCare for the child, and raise it as your ownFrolloWhat? I"d be settled with this misshapen .?Very well. Let him live with you, in your church.ArchdeaconLive here? Where?FrolloAnywhereJust so he"s kept locked awayWhere no one else can seeThe bell tower, perhapsAnd who knows, our Lord works in mysterious waysEven this foul creature mayYet prove one day to beOf use to meClopinAnd Frollo gave the child a cruel nameA name that means half-formed, QuasimodoNow here is a riddle to guess if you canSing the bells of Notre DameWho is the monster and who is the man?Clopin and ChorusSing the bells, bells, bells, bellsBells, bells, bells, bellsBells of Notre Damehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14285672

谁有notre dame de paris法语歌词啊??

http://fr.lyrics-copy.com/notre-dame-de-paris.htm 登录此法语网站,notre dame de paris法语歌词尽在眼前。 Notre-Dame de Paris boire ! Anarkia Ave Maria paen Beau comme le soleil Belle Bohémienne Ces diamants-là Condamnés Danse mon Esmeralda Déchiré Déportés Dieu que le monde est injuste Donnez-la moi Esmeralda tu sais tre prêtre et aimer une femme Fatalité Florence Intervention de Frollo Je reviens vers toi Je sens ma vie qui bascule Je te laisse un sifflet L"attaque de Notre-Dame L"enfant trouvé L"ombre La cour des miracles La fête des fous La monture La sorcière La torture La volupté Le mot Phoebus Le pape des fous Le procès Le temps des cathédrales Le temps des cathédrales (Final) Le val d"Amour Les cloches Les oiseaux qu"on met en cage Les portes de Paris Les sans-papiers Libérés Lune Ma maison, c"est ta maison Mon matre, mon sauveur Où est-elle ? Phoebus Tentative d"enlèvement Tu vas me détruire Un matin tu dansais Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda Vivre 一共有51首歌曲

Notre-Dame Cathedral怎么读


Notre Dame de Paris 的音标


Notre Dame de Paris 的音标


音乐剧Notre-Dame de paris(巴黎圣母院)LRC格式歌词

les liens d" sang 打印此页 歌手:karemera 专辑:13:13 Quelqu抲n me dise ?partir de quel moment j抋i d関i?br>En t阾e ?queue en train de gerber dans mon 関ierD閖?nerveux dans l" ventre de ma m鑢e 4 kilosJ" balance des coups de pieds elle se met ?perdre ses eaux vais-je na顃re pr閙atur?br>Un doigt sur la g钠hette je suis d閖?pr阾 ?tirer pr阾 ?tuer(Shotgun)Maintenant je sais que nos arr阾s de mort sont sign閟Que nos corps sont libres mais que nos 鈓es sont consign闲sD閟ormais je sais que d抋voir eu ?me porter9 mois dans son ventre elle aurait du m抋vorterDe quoi elle a accouch??Un r闲ugi?politique immatricul?br>Je suis d" ceux ?qui on dit ?premi鑢e vu va te faire enculerP"tite s涡r pleure pas je suis dans le couloir de l扥FPRARER ?Fontenay-Sous Bois 鏰 fait partie du contratQuoi qu抜l arrive on sortira d" ce putain d" SONACOTRAUn an et demi qu" j抋ttends mon tour comptant jour apr镳 jourLe temps te prend de cours sans la carte de s閖ourEt Dieu sait que je l抩btiendrai du premier coup ou en recoursQuestion de vie ou de mort t" as chaud t" as froid tu vas faire quoi gars ?Que je m抏n sorte bless?mort ou indemneJ" garde la t阾e haute de toute fa鏾n c抏st du pareil au m阭eSans piers-pa j" te d閐ie 鏰 avec ce qui reste de mon c涡rOn ne serait pas l?sans Coluche et ses restos du c涡rPas la peine que tu me dises qu抜l y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rondJe l抯ais depuis que j抋i pu lire 8.6 sur mon biberon8.6 l抋lcool le seul vice qui s抏st transmis de p鑢e en fils镨a pas toujours 閠?rose mais il n抷 a jamais euDe quoi faire une overdosePourquoi dramatiser ?Au plus j抋vais juste qu抲ne teille de rhum ?tiserAu pire j掗tais juste un peu traumatis?br>Jouons carte sur tableNul besoin d抲n accord parental souhaitableT" as un ref c抏st ton ref et t" as un ref c抏st une puteT" as une meuf c抏st ta meuf et t" as une meuf c抏st une puteT" as un keuf c抏st un keuf et celui l?on le buteM阭e p鑢e m阭e m鑢e j抋i vu des fr鑢es escrocs me sortir leurs crocsJ抋i vu ma propre meuf me verser des larmes de crocoJ 抋i vu des keufs m抋rr阾er les mains en l抋ir n间roEt Veni Vidi ViciJe suis venu j抋i vu et j抋i vaincu car comme p抪a disait toujoursQui vit par le cul p閞ira par le culJ抋i vu nos liens d" sang se taillader les veines dans un bain d"sangTest?le go鹴 de s閞umFr鬺?des pacemakersL抩p閞ation ?c涡r ouvert dans cette pi鑓e m掗c涡reSenti l抩deur de la mortOh mon Dieu que 鏰 pueJ抏ntends encore le doc me direOn a fait tout ce qu抩n a puFut un temps o?on 閠ait tous berc閟 par une cause communeComment 鏰 se fait qu抩n se retrouve dispers閟 dans des fosses communesContrairement ?ce qu抩n ditJ" suis n??Butare dans le centre des banditsCousins cousines fr鑢es et s涡rs sur le point de s" tuerPremi鑢e option gangster deuxi鑝e prostitu闲Shab?mon boarding pass en pleine forme me voiciSur la plate forme de Roissy et si jamais j抋ffiche ce sourire faut pas s抷 fierJ" suis rentr?dans ce bled avec des papiers falsifi閟Plus de chance qu抩n m抏xpulseQu抲ne balle sur six en roulette russeUn homme de moins un homme de plus dont les yeux convulsentCes menottes me torturent j" voudrais cacher ma gueule et marcher comme une tortueRien que pour tuer le temps et tout pour que le temps me tueVoici qu抩n en arrive au meyday meyday Roissy on a un 慴l鑝eY a pas moyen que je guette cet a閞oport je sais d抩?je sorsSi t" entends dire que je suis ?bord sache que je suis un homme mortIls me parlent d抲n paradis blancMais au fond de moi je sais qu抜l y a un enfer noirEt comme P抪a disait toujoursFils 阾re noir ce n抏st pas ce genre d抙istoires qui finissent le m阭e soirJe connaissais le refrain j抋vais qu抡 pas danserMais dans ce monde faut des fois que tu avances ?pas cadenc?br>Je ne peux pas traduire ni te dire ?quoi 鏰 pourrait correspondreIl n抷 a pas de feu pour tout cramer ni de lacets pour se pendreSi il y a un Dieu pour les noirs j抜mplore sa mis閞icorde pas la mis鑢e sur une cordeMargi fait sa pri鑢e il n抷 a plus rien qu抜ls puissent faireIl avait pris un charter <>Comme c抏st dommage ?son 钝eVoyage en 3e classe dans une classeD抲n train d抋tterrissageSauver son enfance est une cause perdue d抋vanceLe mal est fait il a donn?des cheveux gris ?son p鑢e bris?le c涡r de sa m鑢eTout 鏰 pour une chim鑢e 閜h閙鑢eC抏st pas d" chance tu saisL抙orreur est humaine m阭e la vierge marieJ閟us le fils de Dieu a d闰hir?son hymenJ"suis qu抲n sp闰imen de cette esp鑓e humaineEt ils voudraient m抜nterner pour 阾re n?du mauvais c魌?de la m閐iterran闲J抋i chi?la peur et la honteQuand ils ont flingu?mon oncle ?bout portant depuis le tempsJ抋i retenu qu抲n seul passage de l抋ncien testament宨l pour 渋lDent pour dentCar comme p抪a disait toujours c抏st le struggle for lifeEt si t抋s pas de flingue sers toi de tes incisivesEt sois pr阾 ?subir jusqu抡 ce que mort s抏nsuive

Notre Dame de Paris怎么读?


notre dame花语


[法语]de , la , du 和 Notre Dame怎么发音???

de: 的la :拉du:d u(u上加两点)notre dame:脑特和 大么mussee de louvre:m u(u上加两点)思 的 鹿特du 和mu 的u都是和中文中“女”字的u一样,你把“女”字的n 换乘d 和 u ,就行了。

notre dame是美国什么城市

前面是城市,这个一般就不翻译过来,如果一定要翻译的话,可以说是“圣母院市”,但是最好还括号注明(Notre Dame)。

notre dame的音标

Notre Dame [,nɔtrə"dɑ:m; nəu-] 圣母院



Mr. Amsterdam 歌词

歌曲名:Mr. Amsterdam歌手:Sum 41专辑:Does This Look Infected?Mr.AmsterdamSum 41Does This Look InfectedI"ve said this before no matter how hard I try.I can"t stop being bored while this world passes by.SO!This revelation"s got no meaning.We"ve lost it all in hopeless dreaming.AM I JUST LOSING GRIP??Paint it black and just forget me.THIS WORLD"S JUST FAKING SHIT!!Cuz I"m making chance too heavy.I can"t stop believing that there"s something to be said.What are we achieving with the bull shit that we"re fed?I know why they"re gonna say, I"ve lived to see the day,this world comes to be, here"s a resignation from me.A resignation for me.A resignation for me.I"ve said this before no matter how hard I try.I can"t stop being bored while this world passes by.Don"t tell me we"re close to something, that we don"t even understand.MY BRAIN"S JUST TOO HOLLOW!!!Some might say we"re all to blame.THE OUTSIDE"S SO UNKNOWN!!!I don"t want you to complain.I can"t find the answers to save humanity.I can"t find my anger.It"s a resignation for me.A resignation for me.A resignation for me.A resignation for me.A resignation for me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8028180

Elton Adams的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elton Adams专辑:Elton AdamsDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10285966

Elton Adams的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:Elton Adams专辑:Elton Adams《SHUT UP》3:57作曲:Lori Fine作词:MIKA NAKASHIMA&Lori Fine演呗:中岛美嘉×森三中(中岛美嘉 - Mika Nakashima,1983年2月19日)专辑:I DON"T KNOW発売:2008年7月23日(水)Your attitude"s nothing newYou be sticking it to meSo I"m sticking it to youYeah...Your gasoline"s filling meI gotta get a grip on the wheelYeah...You are in automatic living yesterday, OKAYYou go in circles like there is no other way, OKAYMy foot is on the gasI can"t help I"m going fasterMy god I hate to hear it ? OKAY, OKAYShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrap...Music...Your jealousy"s fueling meYou be revving it to meSo I"m revving it to youYeah...Your doubting me"s a danger zoneOur relationship has gone off the roadYeah...I see the red light but you"re driving me away, OKAYOver and over you"ve got nothing else to say, OKAYYou"re turning my ignitionWhat"s with your reckless missionMy god I hate to hear it ? OKAY, OKAYShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrapMy engine"s hot like there"s a fire in meWhen you"re around I can"t breathe at all...NO, NO, NO, NO...There"s an explosion that is gonna take placeSo you had better get out of my face, yeahShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrap...Music...时间:2008年7月24日 - 10:47http://music.baidu.com/song/10285972

Mr Mrs Miss 与 sir madam 的区别

Mr、Mrs、Miss一般都用在姓氏前,Mr XX表XX先生,Mrs XX为XX女士(已婚),Miss XX为XX小姐(未婚),还有Ms,Ms XX表XX女士(婚否未知)sir和madam为先生和女士的统称,一般用在正式发言场合~

The Best Damn Thing 歌词

歌曲名:The Best Damn Thing歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Best Damn Thing/Under My SkinAvril Lavigne-The Best Damn ThingAlbum:The Best Damn ThingLet me hear you say hey hey heyAlright, now let me hear yousay hey hey hoI hate it when a guy doesn"t get the doorEven though I told him yesterdayand the day beforeI hate it when a guydoesn"t get the tabAnd I have to pull my money outand that looks badWhere are the hopes,where are the dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneWhen do you thinkthey"ll finally seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a sceneI"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenAlright Alright yeahI hate it when a guy doesn"t understandWhy a certain time of monthI don"t want to hold his handI hate it when they go out and we stay inAnd they come home smelling liketheir ex-girlfriendBut I found my hopesI found my dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneNow everybody"s gonna seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a scene I"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenGive me an A,always give me what I wantGive me a V,be very very good to meR, are you gonna treat me rightI, I can put up a fightGive me an L,let me hear you scream loudOne two three fourWhere are the hopes,where are the dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneWhen do you thinkthey"ll finally seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a scene I"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenLet me hear you say hey hey heyAlright, now let me hearyou say hey hey hoI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9373384

求歌词翻译 How Do You Feel Tonight 歌手:Bryan Adams

你脸上有一种歪歪的线条 你的心是不是被门夹到无可奈何的嘴角 找不到自己的微笑每天太疲倦太无聊 生活没有解药 公式的像电脑但是这一刻这一秒 夜的魔力围绕 我已经感觉到大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight你眼眶有一圈黑色的问号 为何你从不让头脑睡觉用力锁住的眉毛 收不到快乐的讯号每天吃太多睡太少 什么都不好笑 被镜子吓一跳现在让音乐和节奏 带我们去逍遥 解放全部烦恼大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight什么这一刻这一秒 夜的魔力围绕 我已经感觉到现在让音乐和节奏 带我们去逍遥 解放全部烦恼大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight

请教关于租车保险中的damage excess

车辆碰撞险补充保障:Damage Excess Refund 简称DER由第三方保险公司提供保障。选购此项服务后,租期内发生事故后您被租车公司要求赔偿车辆损坏的起赔额时,您预先向租车公司支付起赔额部分的金额,凭事故证 明和交费单,第三方保险公司可以事后为您办理这部分费用的返还。请注意,购买此项服务后,请不要再在租车公司柜台购买此类保险(也有用户理解为“全 险”),以免重复购买。通常是按天收取费用且须支付对应税费。

Mr. sir、Mrs. madam、Miss Ms.要如何区别


Mr. sir、Mrs. madam、Miss Ms.要如何区别?

例: Mr. Brown has a son and a daughter. 布朗先生有一个儿子和一个女儿。 sir 意思也是“先生”,是对上级和长辈的尊称,或商业信件中对男子的称呼,一般不与姓名连用,其对应词为 madam . 例: Good morning, sir. 早上好,先生。 What would you like, sir? 先生,您想要点什么? sir 若与姓名连用,则表示“爵士”。 例如: Sir Louis 路易爵士 madam 意思是“太太、夫人”,是对妇女的尊称,不论婚否都可用,其对应词为 sir . 例: May I see your ticket please, madam? 夫人,我可以看看您的票吗? Mrs. 意思也是“太太、夫人”,是对已婚妇女的称呼,使用时常与丈夫的姓氏连用。 例: Mrs. Jones teaches us English. 琼斯太太教我们英语。 Mrs. Green"s dress is orange. 格林太太的连衣裙是橙色的。 Miss [ mis ]意为“女士、小姐”,是对未婚女子的称呼,与姓氏连用。 例: Miss White is our English teacher. 怀特小姐是我们的英语老师。 Miss Brown will go to Kunming next week. 布朗小姐下周将到昆明。 Ms. 在现代英语中通常代替 Miss ,可用在已婚或未婚的女士前。

Look, the paint is starting to come off _____the wall is damp. A,where B,when C,if D.once

b,when 状语

Damien Leith的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:Damien Leith专辑:Where We LandDamien Leith - Beautiful专辑:Where We LandI walked this earth to find the roadOn which you"re leadingI found the path that brings me homeAnd keeps me breathingYou fill the room with something only angels seeNobody knows me like you do and leaves me weakYou are so beautifulYou"re all that I knowall that is trueYou are so beautifulI found a place in lifeIt"s where I rest my head nowYou opened up a side of me and let it outWhat I believed was only half before I met youI"d drop it all without a doubtYou are so beautifulYou"re all that I knowall that is trueYou are so beautifulAnd I know why it is I"m...So takenso easyand I can"t hide itThe way I"vebeen feelingYou shine a lightYou are so beautifulYou"re all that I knowall that is trueYou are so beautifulYou are so beautifulYou"re all that I wanthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1795759

Damien Rice的《Dogs》 歌词

歌曲名:Dogs歌手:Damien Rice专辑:9DogsDamien RiceShe lives with an orange treeThe girl that does yogaShe picks the dead ones from the groundWhen we come overAnd she givesI get without giving anything to meLike a morning sunLike a morningLike a morning sunGood good morning sunThe girl that does yogaWhen we come overGirl that does yogaHe lives in a little houseOn the side of a little hillPicks the litter from the groundLitter little brother spillsHe givesI get without giving anything to meAnd the dogs they runAnd the dogs theyAnd the dogs they runIn the good good morning sunSide of a little hillLitter little brother spillsSide of a little hillOh and she"s always dressed in whiteShe"s like an angel, manShe burns my eyesOh and she turnsShe pulls a smileWe drive her roundAnd she drives us wildOh and she moves like a little girlI become a child, manShe moves my worldAnd she gets splashed in rainAnd turns awayand leaves me standingShe lives with an orange treeThe girl that does yogaGot a wolf to keep her warmWhen he comes overShe givesHe gets without giving anything to seeAnd the day it endsAnd the day itAnd the day it endsAnd there"s no need for meThe girls that does yogaWhen we come overThe girls that does yogahttp://music.baidu.com/song/502192

怎么填This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam, Holland 31) the early

This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam , Holland in the early 1940s 这是一个真实的故事,它发生在十九世纪四十年代早期荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。把问题打完啊 要不怎么填 希望你能采纳!!!

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SMSL M200,或者傲立Q-DAC,不知道你的预算是多少,预算少的话,买个几百的也没有太大影响,可以买拓品e300

求Adam levine-《lost stars》歌词


Yve Adam的《Fiction》 歌词

Fiction词曲:梶浦由记编曲:Toony Volante演唱:Emily Bindigerby:南城mishiroI"m living with false hope , and my eyesjust wanna see a ray of lightI"m gonna find it in my fairy taleI hear , long forgooten broken toystell me ancient lies of a boyI will sing of them in my fairy taleI was just a silent girlalways dreaming of a little angelclose to my realitysing , la la la...the midnight sun hangs in the skyshow me your smile , my little angelhear me , my fantasysing la la la... through the nightsee , how my flight of imaginationhelp me discover comprehensionI can find it in my fairy taleI know , only a man can dare to dreamnothing is really as it seemskeep on telling , your own fairy talenow wake up , my silent girltake to flight , like a foolish angelsing me your fantasysing , la la la...my midnight sun hangs in the skyand first and last wondrous inventionshow me the horizonsing la la la....the summer is here , we kiss and fall in lovebut we"ve got to go , leaving nothing hereI wanna share the memories of long forgotten loveI was just a silent girlwishing for better understandingthis is my melodysing , la la la ...my midnight sun hangs in the skyhelp me to tell my historywith painted senerysing , la la la ...in my fairy taleI"m living in my fairy tale...by:南城mishirohttp://music.baidu.com/song/778574

《Abigail Adams Letters》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Abigail Adams》(Abigail Adams)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Y2tLCfluQvRid61W0Z2j5w 提取码: td21书名:Abigail Adams作者:Abigail Adams出版社:Library of America出版年份:2016-3-22页数:1180内容简介:For the first time, a comprehensive one-volume collection of the remarkable letters of the politically astute First Lady who has been called "an American Tocqueville." From virtually the moment she married the ambitious young lawyer John Adams in 1764, Abigail Smith Adams (1744–1818) was on her own, raising and educating the couple"s children, managing their farm and investments, and caring for an extended web of family and friends. Her frank and keenly observant letters to John and others in the 1760s and 1770s offer an unrivalled portrait of the American Revolution at the home front, revealing the emergence of one of the most talented and insightful correspondents of her age. In 1784, Adams and daughter Abigail joined John and their son John Quincy in Europe, opening a grand new field for her talents as social commentator and political advisor. Upon her return to America four years later, Adams became the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States, placing her at the very heart of the founding of the new nation. Now, joining George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Marshall, and husband John, Abigail Adams becomes the first woman from America"s founding era to have a volume in The Library of America devoted entirely to her writings. Abigail Adams: Letters presents 450 texts—including more than a hundred published here for the first time—chosen and annotated by acclaimed Adams biographer Edith Gelles. Featuring letters to her husband and children and to such correspondents as Thomas Jefferson, Mercy Otis Warren, James and Dolley Madison, and Martha Washington, the collection showcases Adams"s astute political sense and her understanding of the American Revolution; the presidential administrations and personalities of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison; and the beginning of the political career of her son, future president John Quincy Adams. It is published simultaneously with John Adams: Writings from the New Nation 1784–1826, the third and final volume in The Library of America John Adams edition.



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Maroon5的《Payphone》mv有什么表达意图啊?还有主唱Adam Noah Levine为什么挨警察追?甚是疑惑,求解。

大致内容:阿当看上公司里那女的,然后设计安排了一场抢劫,然后劫匪让他向英雄一样,把女子“救”出银行,然后他自己还能假装受害的职员逃走。但没想到 police已经查清事情的原委,阿当一出来就追杀阿当,阿当露出黑帮老大本质,完美的车技害死了那几个police,让他们撞车。然而,那个女子显然已 经被police告知了事情原委,所以最后也一直没接阿当电话

推荐一些Adam Lambert的歌~

sleepwalker whataya you want to me

海德格尔的基本本体论(Fundamental Ontology)是什么?谢谢


Yolanda Adams的i believe的英文歌词

[ti:I Believe ][ar:Yolanda Adame ][00:03.260]They said you wouldn"t make it so far aha[00:06.310]And ever since they said that its been hard[00:10.930]But never mind that night"cha had to cry[00:14.990]"Cause you had never let it go inside[00:19.140]You work real hard and you[00:22.090]know exactly what you want and need[00:26.090]So believe[00:27.780]And you can never give up[00:29.810]You can reach your goals[00:33.550]Just talk to your soul and say[00:35.830]i believe i can[00:37.550]i believe i will[00:39.820]i believe i know my dreams are real[00:43.650]i believe i can[00:46.070]i believe i will[00:48.160]i believe i hold it soon and[00:52.110]that is what i do believe[00:58.190]Your goals are just a thing in your soul, aha[01:01.240]And you know that your moves will let them show[01:05.550]You keep creating pictures in your mind[01:09.740]So just believe they will come true in time[01:14.110]It will be fine[01:16.370]Leave all of your fears and stress behind[01:20.210]Just let it go[01:22.860]Let the music flow inside again the pain[01:26.910]And just start to belive[01:30.420]i believe i can[01:32.450]i believe i will[01:34.580]i believe i know my dreams are real[01:38.720]i believe i can[01:40.820]i believe i will[01:42.990]i believe i hold it soon and[01:46.880]that is what i do believe[02:12.620]Never mind what people say[02:16.730]Hold my head high and turn away[02:20.090]With all my hopes and dreams[02:22.950]I will believe[02:25.280]Even know it seems that"s not for me[02:28.550]I won"t give up[02:30.830]I"ll keeping up looking to the sky[02:38.680]I will dream[02:40.240]Oh i mind these[02:42.290]I will always believe[02:48.260]i believe i can[02:50.280]i believe i will[02:52.500]i believe i know my dreams are real[02:56.720]i believe i can[02:59.030]i believe i will[03:00.920]i believe i hold it soon and[03:04.820]that is what i do believe

很喜欢布莱恩·亚当斯(Bryan Adams)本人唱的一首经典激情老歌,但不知歌名,依希记得歌词中有be for二字

Everything I do,I do It for you 中文名译成 对你倾情。应该是这个吧

Man And Wife, The Latter (Damaged Goods) 歌词

歌曲名:Man And Wife, The Latter (Damaged Goods)歌手:desaparecidos专辑:Read Music/Speak SpanishI抦 growing out my hairlike it was when I was singleit was longer than I抎 know youI had no money thenI had no worries then at allsuch a high standard of livingI just feel like I抦 dyingI start an argumentbut you can barely even talkthere"s good reason for your silencehave to take care of some businessso I fix your plateand I stay out of the wayyou will stay like that foreverright in front of your computeryou抣l look up one daybut you won抰 recognize meso you wanna changeread a letter from a lawyerwant to take me out to dinnerwanna bury me under a mound of shopping bagslike it really make a differenceor make up for your disinterestI抦 a bill you payI抦 a contract you can抰 breakand it is like I抦 under wateror on an endless escalatorI just go up and upbut I don抰 ever reach the topand it reads just like the bibletwenty centuries of scandalyeah it all depends on how you interpret itthe word is lovethe word is lossthe words are damaged goods that I what I ama lifetime gets chalked up to an experience coincidencewe"re chained to the events that"s ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14228399

normally a forest fire and damage _____ cause can be extensive

答案是 A. itnormally a forest fire and damage (it) cause can be extensive虽然句子语法上有错,它其实是下面句子的缩短句:normally a forest fire and the damage (that) it causes can be extensive一般来说森林火灾和它造成的损害有可能很广泛

50 Cent&Eminem&Adam Levine的《My Life》 歌词

歌曲名:My Life歌手:50 Cent&Eminem&Adam Levine专辑:My LifeMy Life作:作曲:始まったばかりの期待度は徐々に冷めるし 新しい物を求めあと一もう一ってホントの居所探すよ「才能さえあれば…」また口にする追われてくに 怯えてく等いつまでも浮かないじゃ正直な心も失っちゃう 捕まえて!白かか迷ってたって 所は自分が得さえすればいいんじゃない?自由な日もありじゃない?SO! たまにお洒落なカフェで愚痴ってストレス散!!出来る人ってやつ装っても何が得になるっていうのさそんな マイライフ「ああ言えばこう言う」人ばかり真面目が弱い 世に不だけが募りあと少しもう少しって返りは求めないけどった足を かてるされてく自信に 焦り出す等これからをうだけじゃ一瞬の奇も失っちゃう 捕まえよう!白とのえない色じゃ パンチ力もないがる位スピドあげなきゃなんも逆もないじゃない?SO! たまに休みで暴暴食からの


这是一个动脉的名字因为以这个人的名字命名的下面是英文解释,我相信您能看懂,In human anatomy, the artery of Adamkiewicz (also arteria radicularis magna) is the largest anterior segmental medullary artery.[3] The artery is named after Albert Wojciech Adamkiewicz (August 11, 1850 – October 31, 1921) a Polish-Jewish pathologist born in u017berków.所以它只是一个人的名字,纪念他发现的如有疑问,欢迎追问望采纳,谢谢

02 - Brain Damage 歌词

歌曲名:02 - Brain Damage歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Us And ThemThe lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs Got to keep the loonies on the path The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more And if the dam breaks open many years too soon And if there is no room upon the hill And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too Ill see you on the dark side of the moon The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me till Im sane You lock the door And throw away the key Theres someone in my head but its not me. And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band youre in starts playing different tuneshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2202869


fundament 肛门,臀部foundation 基础,根据

madam adam的fall from grace 歌词谁知道 跪求

首先要说,这个词是我在网上搜的,不是我自己写的。这个我没有听过,所以不知道。如果你觉得这个词不对,告诉我,我可以去试试听着写下来。Amanda Marshall - Fall From GraceLost inside this angeltownLost like I could not be foundNo connections of the heartLove was glass that broke apartGimme faith in dreamsAnd someone to holdGimme love "cause I"m out here in the coldThere are no secretsNo angels at my doorAnd oh, when you touch my handAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceI fall from graceOn a steeltown boulevardLife"s a promise that doesn"t lastResurrections of the pastChildren come and are gone so fastSo gimme faith in loveBaby tonightGimme arms to hold you here so tightThere are no secretsNo angels at my doorAnd oh, when you touch my handI fall from graceAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceAnd oh, when you touch my handI fall from graceAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceAnd oh, when you touch my handAnd oh, when you reach for me

John Adams的《A New Day》 歌词

歌曲名:A New Day歌手:John Adams专辑:Hallelujah Junction「A New Day」作词∶露崎春女作曲∶Hiroyuki Matsuda歌∶露崎春女目を闭じれば浮かぶ Sweet old days四六时中 じゃれ合っていたねいつも泣けるような気持ちで思い出すのは何も起こらなくても二人 笑っていた日目を开ければ (It"s all brand new day)眩しい光 (Because you are here)あなたといればEveryday is a new day色んなこと 话してきたねすれ违ったことも今は宝物时を重ねてく强さに 甘えないでありがとうといつも言える二人でいたい手を伸ばせば (It"s all brand new day)届く温もり (Because you are here)かけがえのないEveryday is a new day毎日が新しいエピソードになる何かが変わっていってもyes we"ll be always here目を开ければ (It"s all brand new day)眩しい光 (Because you are here)あなたといればEveryday is a new day手を伸ばせば (It"s all brand new day)届く温もり (Because you are here)かけがえのないEveryday is a new day目を开ければ【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/10246647

学生怎样用英文向陌生老师问好,除了Good morning/evening,sir/madam还可以怎样说?

How are you today?How"s going?How is everything?

Adam Ant的《Playboy》 歌词

Playboy演唱:黄立成作词:黄立成/黄立行作曲:Jae Chong人想要了解我知道我怎样生活好 开始我赌博赢钱 我股票大涨开Machi公司 一直出唱片我银行塞到满 满了害我的会计乱掉生活真轻松 钱太多今天开车红黑还是白要慷慨 帮爸妈买厝给酒店的女生有机会读书我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来我像红酒 把我含一口不要太快 把我吞下去愈老愈好 享受我的味慢慢转你的舌头把我喝完 我就不见害多少女人睡不着一直念说多酸多甜跟我过一晚就变酒鬼我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来功夫成龙李连杰李小龙这么多老大 但是疼妹妹功夫只有我用台语去到北京表演给五万人听听的一头雾水 他们的女生也是发疯叫的很大声我的电话一直响 一直响响响马子想要找我铛铛铛我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来http://music.baidu.com/song/9079361

Did Daming have a funny day on Saturday?的意思

Did Daming have a funny day on Saturday?大明星期六玩得开心吗?

when did daming have a funny day

She speaks for the image of elegance. Every time when she appears in the public occasions


DESTROY是不可逆的损坏 EG:THE HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE. DAMAGE是可以修复的 即可逆的损坏 EG:MY BICYCLE WAS DAMAGED.CAN YOU HELP ME REPAIR IT? HARM范围比较广 两种情况都可以使用,9,damage是伤害,destroy是摧毁带有主动性,harm是有害的一般指对身体有害,2,damage can be repaired destroy cant be repaired harm can be both damage and destroy,1,damage指无法挽回的巨大毁坏,destroy 指可恢复的中,重度 毁坏 不可对人,harm指一般的伤害,对人对物均可,1,

injury ,damage.、harm 、ruin、hurt的区分

wound injury与hurtwound指用枪弹或刀剑等锐器故意施加的伤害。wound与injure在肉体受伤的程度上往往比hurt严重。hurt一词除指肉体的伤害外,也可指感情上的伤害,如hurt one"s feeling , hurt one"s pride。damage 损坏(程度较轻)harm有害于 injure受伤(多指身体)ruin毁灭

请问injure, harm, damage, hurt,destroy 的区别


Bryan Adams的《Heaven》 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:Bare Bones(布来恩亚当斯精选辑)Artist : Bryan AdamsAlbum : So Far So GoodTitle : HeavenOh - thinkin" about all our younger years.There was only you and me.We were young and wild and free.Now nothin" can take you away from me.We"ve been down that road before.But that"s over now.You keep me comin" back for more.Baby you"re all that I want.When you"re lyin" here in my arms.I"m findin" it hard to believe.We"re in heaven.And love is all that I need.And I found it there in your heart.It isn"t too hard to see.We"re in heaven.Heaven.........Oh oh oh................................You"re all that I want.You"re all that I need.<End>........................@@@@@Oh - once in your life you find someone.Who will turn your world around.Bring you up when you"re feelin" down.Ya - nothin" could change what you mean to me.Oh there"s lots that I could say.But just hold me now.Cause our love will light the way.I"ve been waitin" for so long.For somethin" to arrive.For love to come along.Now our dreams are comin" true.Through the good times and the bad.Ya - I"ll be standin" there by you..................................http://music.baidu.com/song/17909904

Bryan Adams的《Heaven》 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:AnthologyArtist : Bryan AdamsAlbum : So Far So GoodTitle : HeavenOh - thinkin" about all our younger years.There was only you and me.We were young and wild and free.Now nothin" can take you away from me.We"ve been down that road before.But that"s over now.You keep me comin" back for more.Baby you"re all that I want.When you"re lyin" here in my arms.I"m findin" it hard to believe.We"re in heaven.And love is all that I need.And I found it there in your heart.It isn"t too hard to see.We"re in heaven.Heaven.........Oh oh oh................................You"re all that I want.You"re all that I need.<End>........................@@@@@Oh - once in your life you find someone.Who will turn your world around.Bring you up when you"re feelin" down.Ya - nothin" could change what you mean to me.Oh there"s lots that I could say.But just hold me now.Cause our love will light the way.I"ve been waitin" for so long.For somethin" to arrive.For love to come along.Now our dreams are comin" true.Through the good times and the bad.Ya - I"ll be standin" there by you..................................http://music.baidu.com/song/1592918

Bryan Adams的《Heaven》 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:Living In UsaArtist : Bryan AdamsAlbum : So Far So GoodTitle : HeavenOh - thinkin" about all our younger years.There was only you and me.We were young and wild and free.Now nothin" can take you away from me.We"ve been down that road before.But that"s over now.You keep me comin" back for more.Baby you"re all that I want.When you"re lyin" here in my arms.I"m findin" it hard to believe.We"re in heaven.And love is all that I need.And I found it there in your heart.It isn"t too hard to see.We"re in heaven.Heaven.........Oh oh oh................................You"re all that I want.You"re all that I need.<End>........................@@@@@Oh - once in your life you find someone.Who will turn your world around.Bring you up when you"re feelin" down.Ya - nothin" could change what you mean to me.Oh there"s lots that I could say.But just hold me now.Cause our love will light the way.I"ve been waitin" for so long.For somethin" to arrive.For love to come along.Now our dreams are comin" true.Through the good times and the bad.Ya - I"ll be standin" there by you..................................http://music.baidu.com/song/458972



Madam Medusa 歌词

歌曲名:Madam Medusa歌手:UB40专辑:Signing OffFrom the land of shadowsComes a dreadful sightLady with the marble smileSpirit of the nightSee the scourge of innocenceSwinging in her handHear the silent sufferingThat echoes through the landFrom the tombs of ignoranceOf hate and greed and liesUB40Through the smoke of sacrificeWatch her figure riseThe sick the poor the oldBasking in her radianceMen of blood and goldIn her bloody footstepsSpeculators pranceMen of dreams are prayingFor that second chanceRound her vacant featuresGilded serpents danceHer tree of evil knowledgeSprouts a special branchMadam MedusaMadam MedusaMadam MedusaKnock her right downAnd then she bounce right backKnock her right downAnd then she bounce right backShe gone off her headWe"ve got to shoot her deadShe gone off her headWe"ve got to shoot her deadRun for your life before she eat you aliveRun for your life before she eat you aliveMove out of the way "cause you"re blocking out the dayMove out of the way "cause you"re blocking out the dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7954768

emotional damage是什么梗?

emotional damage的意思是情绪攻击,受到了精神伤害。是网络上一个主播的专用语。他经常翻拍游戏内无厘头死法的视频,最后再配上一句极具中文口音的吐槽,以此表达自己无法接受的心情,由于口音过于魔性而迅速出圈,当大家遇到难以接受的事情就可以喊:emotional damage!该梗出自爱尔兰华人小哥Steven He,由于拍摄的视频非常有意思,经常拍摄一些游戏里人物的死法,而且非常逼真,而受到了许多网友的关注和评价。引申含义:“梗”字的词义被不断扩大引申,大到某个时间段,小到情节插曲,乃至故事中发生的片段都可以叫“梗”,比如“身高梗”、“经典梗”、“撞脸梗”、“言情梗”、“创意梗”、“幽默梗”等。值得注意的是,这些用法多来自网络语言,所以“××梗”式的词语往往有一定的时效性,随着时间的推进,老梗会被新梗覆盖。


高达既英文名系GUNDAM 不是GAMDAM 以下系所有既高达作品名: 宇宙世纪(Universal Century U.C.)系列作品 (依照实际发表年份序) 机动战士钢弹(机动戦士ガンダム)(TV/剧场) MS戦记 机动戦士ガンダム0079外伝 (漫画) 机动战士Z 钢弹(机动戦士Ζガンダム)(台湾旧翻译为刚弹勇士)(TV/剧场) 机动战士钢弹 ZZ(机动戦士ガンダムΖΖ)(与机动战士Z 钢弹一并译为「刚弹勇士」播出)(TV) 机动戦士ガンダム0079 灼热の追撃 / 机动戦士ガンダム 最期の赤い彗星 / 机动戦士ガンダム0087 ジェリド出撃命令 (纸上游戏) ガイアu30fbギア (小说/广播剧) 机动战士钢弹 马沙之反击(机动戦士ガンダム 逆袭のシャア)(剧场) 机动戦士ガンダム ジオンの再兴 (漫画) 机动战士钢弹0080 口袋里的战争(机动戦士ガンダム0080 ポケットの中の戦争)(OVA) 机动战士钢弹 闪光的哈撒卫(机动戦士ガンダム 闪光のハサウェイ)(小说) 钢弹前哨战(ガンダムu30fbセンチネル / Gundam Sentinel)(模型/小说) 机动战士钢弹0083 星尘的回忆(机动戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY) (OVA/剧场) 机动战士钢弹 F90 (机动戦士ガンダムF90)(模型/漫画) 机动战士钢弹 F91 (机动戦士ガンダムF91)(剧场/漫画) 机动戦士ガンダムF91 フォーミュラー戦记0122 (游戏) 机动戦士VS伝说巨神 逆袭のギガンティス (漫画) 机动战士V 钢弹(机动戦士Vガンダム)(TV) 机动战士 海盗高达(机动戦士クロスボーンu30fbガンダム(CROSSBONE漫画版在台湾由台湾东贩推出时称骷髅钢弹 现由台湾角川推出称之为海盗钢弹))(漫画) 机动戦士ガンダム CROSSDIMENSION 0079(死にゆく者たちへの祈り) (游戏) 机动战士钢弹 第08MS小队(机动戦士ガンダム 第08MS小队)(TV/OVA/剧场) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 THE BLUE DESTINY (漫画/游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 (游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 コロニーの落ちた地で (漫画/游戏) 钢弹救世主(G-SAVIOUR)(剧场/游戏) ZEONIC FRONT 机动戦士ガンダム0079 (游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム戦记 Lost war chronicles (游戏/漫画) 钢弹 NETWORK OPERATION (线上游戏) 年轻彗星的肖像 (C.D.A.Char"s Deleted Affair 若き彗星の肖像)(漫画) エコールu30fbデュu30fbシエル 天空の学校 (漫画/小说) 开发者物语(デベロッパーズ―机动戦士ガンダムBefore One Year War)(漫画) 宇宙的死亡女神(机动戦士ガンダム宇宙のイシュタム)(漫画) ADVANCE OF Ζ ティターンズの旗のもとに (模型/小说) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 宇宙、闪光の果てに… (游戏/漫画/小说) 机动戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙(游戏) 钢弹 NETWORK OPERATION 2 (线上游戏) 一年战争秘录(机动戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO - 一年戦争秘录 -)(OVA) 黙示录.0079(机动戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO - 黙示录.0079 -)(OVA) 机动战士钢弹 Unicorn(机动戦士ガンダムUC Unicorn)(小说) 机动战士:钢弹桑 未来世纪(Future Century F.C.)系列作品 机动武斗传G 钢弹(机动武闘伝Gガンダム)(TV/漫画) 后殖民纪元(After Colony A.C.)系列作品 新机动战记钢弹 W(新机动戦记ガンダムW) 新机动战记钢弹 W G-unit(新机动戦记ガンダムW G-unit) 新机动战记钢弹 W 外传 新机动战记钢弹 W BLIND TARGET(新机动戦记ガンダムW BLIND TARGET) 新机动战记钢弹W 无尽的华尔兹(新机动戦记ガンダムW Endless Waltz) 战后纪元(After War A.W.)系列作品 机动新世纪钢弹 X(机动新世纪ガンダムX) 机动新世纪钢弹 X 外传 机动新世纪钢弹 X 新人类杰米尔 机动新世纪钢弹 X~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~(机动新世纪ガンダムX~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~) 机动新世纪钢弹 X-2 正历(Correct Century C.C.)系列作品 u2200钢弹(u2200ガンダム,逆A钢弹) 宇宙时代(Co *** ic Era C.E.)系列作品 机动战士钢弹 SEED(机动戦士ガンダムSEED) 机动战士钢弹 SEED ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED ASTRAY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY ASTRAY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY THE EDGE(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY THE EDGE) 机动战士钢弹 SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER(机动戦士ガンダムSEED C.E.73 -STAR GAZER-) 机动战士钢弹 SEED C.E.73 Δ ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED C.E.73 Δ ASTRAY) 西历(Anno Domini A.D.)纪年 机动战士钢弹 00(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオー) 机动战士钢弹 00P(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーP) 机动战士钢弹 00F(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーF) 机动战士钢弹 00V(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーV) SD 钢弹系列作品 主条目:SD 钢弹系列 SD(Super Deformed) 钢弹 Mk I(1988)(单集OVA) Mk II(1989)(单集OVA) Mk III(1990)(单集OVA) Mk IV(1990)(单集OVA) Mk V(1990)(三集OVA) Counterattack(1989)(剧场版) 外传(骑士钢弹物语)(1990)(四集OVA) Scramble(1991)(剧场版) 武者,骑士,Commando(1991)(两集OVA) 大 *** (まつり)(1993)(剧场版) SD(SUPERIOR DEFENDER) 钢弹 FORCE(2003)(52集美国制TV动画) 其他系列作品 钢弹四格 模型甲子园 模型改造战 钢弹 EVOLVE (OVA) zh. *** /w/index?title=GUNDAM%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%81%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%BD&variant=zh- 高达既英文名系GUNDAM 不是GAMDAM 以下系所有既高达作品名: 宇宙世纪(Universal Century U.C.)系列作品 (依照实际发表年份序) 机动战士钢弹(机动戦士ガンダム)(TV/剧场) MS戦记 机动戦士ガンダム0079外伝 (漫画) 机动战士Z 钢弹(机动戦士Ζガンダム)(台湾旧翻译为刚弹勇士)(TV/剧场) 机动战士钢弹 ZZ(机动戦士ガンダムΖΖ)(与机动战士Z 钢弹一并译为「刚弹勇士」播出)(TV) 机动戦士ガンダム0079 灼热の追撃 / 机动戦士ガンダム 最期の赤い彗星 / 机动戦士ガンダム0087 ジェリド出撃命令 (纸上游戏) ガイアu30fbギア (小说/广播剧) 机动战士钢弹 马沙之反击(机动戦士ガンダム 逆袭のシャア)(剧场) 机动戦士ガンダム ジオンの再兴 (漫画) 机动战士钢弹0080 口袋里的战争(机动戦士ガンダム0080 ポケットの中の戦争)(OVA) 机动战士钢弹 闪光的哈撒卫(机动戦士ガンダム 闪光のハサウェイ)(小说) 钢弹前哨战(ガンダムu30fbセンチネル / Gundam Sentinel)(模型/小说) 机动战士钢弹0083 星尘的回忆(机动戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY) (OVA/剧场) 机动战士钢弹 F90 (机动戦士ガンダムF90)(模型/漫画) 机动战士钢弹 F91 (机动戦士ガンダムF91)(剧场/漫画) 机动戦士ガンダムF91 フォーミュラー戦记0122 (游戏) 机动戦士VS伝说巨神 逆袭のギガンティス (漫画) 机动战士V 钢弹(机动戦士Vガンダム)(TV) 机动战士 海盗高达(机动戦士クロスボーンu30fbガンダム(CROSSBONE漫画版在台湾由台湾东贩推出时称骷髅钢弹 现由台湾角川推出称之为海盗钢弹))(漫画) 机动戦士ガンダム CROSSDIMENSION 0079(死にゆく者たちへの祈り) (游戏) 机动战士钢弹 第08MS小队(机动戦士ガンダム 第08MS小队)(TV/OVA/剧场) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 THE BLUE DESTINY (漫画/游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム ギレンの野望 (游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 コロニーの落ちた地で (漫画/游戏) 钢弹救世主(G-SAVIOUR)(剧场/游戏) ZEONIC FRONT 机动戦士ガンダム0079 (游戏) 机动戦士ガンダム戦记 Lost war chronicles (游戏/漫画) 钢弹 NETWORK OPERATION (线上游戏) 年轻彗星的肖像 (C.D.A.Char"s Deleted Affair 若き彗星の肖像)(漫画) エコールu30fbデュu30fbシエル 天空の学校 (漫画/小说) 开发者物语(デベロッパーズ―机动戦士ガンダムBefore One Year War)(漫画) 宇宙的死亡女神(机动戦士ガンダム宇宙のイシュタム)(漫画) ADVANCE OF Ζ ティターンズの旗のもとに (模型/小说) 机动戦士ガンダム外伝 宇宙、闪光の果てに… (游戏/漫画/小说) 机动戦士ガンダム めぐりあい宇宙(游戏) 钢弹 NETWORK OPERATION 2 (线上游戏) 一年战争秘录(机动戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO - 一年戦争秘录 -)(OVA) 黙示录.0079(机动戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO - 黙示录.0079 -)(OVA) 机动战士钢弹 Unicorn(机动戦士ガンダムUC Unicorn)(小说) 机动战士:钢弹桑 未来世纪(Future Century F.C.)系列作品 机动武斗传G 钢弹(机动武闘伝Gガンダム)(TV/漫画) 后殖民纪元(After Colony A.C.)系列作品 新机动战记钢弹 W(新机动戦记ガンダムW) 新机动战记钢弹 W G-unit(新机动戦记ガンダムW G-unit) 新机动战记钢弹 W 外传 新机动战记钢弹 W BLIND TARGET(新机动戦记ガンダムW BLIND TARGET) 新机动战记钢弹W 无尽的华尔兹(新机动戦记ガンダムW Endless Waltz) 战后纪元(After War A.W.)系列作品 机动新世纪钢弹 X(机动新世纪ガンダムX) 机动新世纪钢弹 X 外传 机动新世纪钢弹 X 新人类杰米尔 机动新世纪钢弹 X~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~(机动新世纪ガンダムX~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~) 机动新世纪钢弹 X-2 正历(Correct Century C.C.)系列作品 u2200钢弹(u2200ガンダム,逆A钢弹) 宇宙时代(Co *** ic Era C.E.)系列作品 机动战士钢弹 SEED(机动戦士ガンダムSEED) 机动战士钢弹 SEED ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED ASTRAY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY ASTRAY) 机动战士钢弹 SEED DESTINY THE EDGE(机动戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY THE EDGE) 机动战士钢弹 SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER(机动戦士ガンダムSEED C.E.73 -STAR GAZER-) 机动战士钢弹 SEED C.E.73 Δ ASTRAY(机动戦士ガンダムSEED C.E.73 Δ ASTRAY) 西历(Anno Domini A.D.)纪年 机动战士钢弹 00(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオー) 机动战士钢弹 00P(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーP) 机动战士钢弹 00F(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーF) 机动战士钢弹 00V(机动戦士ガンダムダブルオーV) SD 钢弹系列作品 主条目:SD 钢弹系列 SD(Super Deformed) 钢弹 Mk I(1988)(单集OVA) Mk II(1989)(单集OVA) Mk III(1990)(单集OVA) Mk IV(1990)(单集OVA) Mk V(1990)(三集OVA) Counterattack(1989)(剧场版) 外传(骑士钢弹物语)(1990)(四集OVA) Scramble(1991)(剧场版) 武者,骑士,Commando(1991)(两集OVA) 大 *** (まつり)(1993)(剧场版) SD(SUPERIOR DEFENDER) 钢弹 FORCE(2003)(52集美国制TV动画) 其他系列作品 钢弹四格 模型甲子园 模型改造战 钢弹 EVOLVE (OVA) zh. *** /w/index?title=GUNDAM%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%81%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%BD&variant=zh- 自由高达(蓝色)、红渣古(红色) 、老虎(蓝色)、百式(金色)、Z高达(可以变飞机)、宇宙用高机动试验型渣古(黑色)、飞行型老虎(白色)、太空坦克(深蓝色)、魔龟 (啡色)、大魔(紫色)、超级高达(蓝色) 、.漆黑型突击高达(黑色)、命运高达(它的翼会发出红色的光)、突击自由高达(它的翼会发出蓝色的光)、无限正义高达(深红色)。 2007-12-03 15:50:16 补充: 秘密介绍:MSM-04 龟霸 uf74buf76cuf755uf74d机体资料:HP:440 cost:200装甲:B移动速度:中固定武器资料:105mm火神炮 x4 VULCAN x4 弹数:20飞弹加农炮ROCKET CANNON 弹数:10爪 CROW do you mean gundum? if not....i dont know sorry

谁能翻译一下Adam 的Satisfaction的歌词

I can"t get no satisfaction, I can"t get no satisfaction "Cause I try and I try and I try and I try I can"t get no, I can"t get no 我无法满足,我无法满足 因为我尝试了尝试了尝试了又尝试 我无法满足,我无法满足When I"m drivin" in my car, and the man come on the radio He"s tellin" me more and more about some useless information Supposed to fire my imagination 当我开着车时,一个男人在广播里 他告诉我越来越多无用的信息 想要激发我的想象I can"t get no. Oh, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey That"s what I say I can"t get no satisfaction, I can"t get no satisfaction "Cause I try and I try and I try and I try I can"t get no, I can"t get no 我无法满足,哦,不,不,不,嗨,嗨,嗨 这就是我所说的 我无法满足,我无法满足 因为我尝试了尝试了尝试了又尝试 我就是无法满足,我无法满足When I"m watchin" my TV and a man comes on and tell me How white my shirts can be But, he can"t be a man "cause he doesn"t smoke The same cigarettes as me 当我看电视时,一个男人出现了告诉我 我的衬衫能有多白 但是他不够男人 因为他烟没有我抽得多I can"t get no. Oh, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey That"s what I say I can"t get no satisfaction, I can"t get no satisfaction "Cause I try and I try and I try and I try I can"t get no, I can"t get no 我无法满足,哦,不,不,不,嗨,嗨,嗨 这就是我所说的 我无法满足,我无法满足 因为我尝试了尝试了尝试了又尝试 我就是无法满足,我无法满足When I"m ridin" round the world And I"m doin" this and I"m signin" that And I"m tryin" to make some girl, who tells me Baby, better come back maybe next week "Cause you see I"m on a losing streak 当我周游世界时 我做着这件事,我记下那件事 我试着认识某个女孩,她告诉我 宝贝,最好下周回来 因为你看见我正走在一条迷失的路上I can"t get no. Oh, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey That"s what I say. I can"t get no, I can"t get no I can"t get no satisfaction, no satisfaction No satisfaction, no satisfaction.


是3G(第三代移动通信技术)的两种不同的标准。目前3G存在四种标准:CDMA2000,WCDMA,TD-SCDMA,WiMAX。WCDMA 是英文Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(宽带码分多址)的英文简称,是一种第三代无线通讯技术。W-CDMAWideband CDMA 是一种由3GPP具体制定的,基于GSM MAP核心网,UTRAN(UMTS陆地无线接入网)为无线接口的第三代移动通信系统。目前WCDMA有Release 99、Release 4、Release 5、Release 6等版本。目前中国联通采用的此种3G通讯标准。TD-SCDMA是英文Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access(时分同步码分多址) 的简称,是一种第三代无线通信的技术标准,也是ITU批准的三个3G标准中的一个,相对于另两个主要3G标准(CDMA2000)或(WCDMA)它的起步较晚。目前中国移动采用的此种3G通讯标准。

DameWare NT Utilities 的使用方法

DameWare NT Utilities详细教程jw“我是网管”上的朋友都知道我“网络灵魂”这个人比较懒,为了改变一下大家对我的看法,今天写了这个送给大家,希望大家喜欢。 >H{DameWare NT Utilities是一套功能强大的控制工具,试用后觉得是网管的好帮手,如果你想用他来入侵远程主机的话,它绝对可以做得更好,你只要拥有 一个远程主机的有权限的帐号,就能使用它远程GUI下登陆交互控制主机。这篇文章主要介绍如何使用它的GUI的桌面远程控制9X、WIN2K以及DameWare NT UtilitiesIPC连接的强大功能让没有用过的,有个简单的认识.。i-8vS$[下载]DameWare NT Utilities 5.88M http://search.onlinedown.net/search.asp?Keyword=DameWare+NT+Utilities 下载后双击EXE文件安装(你要不会安的话我建议你就不要往下看了,呵呵!),安装后会生成DameWare NT UtilitiesHX!C注册:name:www.ttdown.com [<iR0H company:www.ttdown.comDp" SN:C8BEBA506F84A19C-D6A6F8FAC64C7711http://www.54master.com/bbs/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=3&topic=3776

Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley的《Party Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Time歌手:Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley专辑:Mr. Marley李玟 - Party Time作词:周莹 作曲:周莹Baby Girl 穿上漂亮衣裳今天星期八 期待开心一场Baby Girl 不爱淑女靓妆最In的时尚 来我Twitter逛逛角落 That Boy 是不是 你喜欢的模样说著一口英伦腔中央 舞池的中央Long Hair 金黄色的头发是不是你姐妹来捧场It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂谁都别想 让魔鬼来砸场Come on Baby Let"s Rock Your Timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8185367

Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley专辑:Mr. MarleyTROUBLE词曲:曹方Trouble all around the cityTrouble all around meTrouble all around the dark skyTrouble every everywhereI follow my wayBlue blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I Had to explainAh....Trouble all around your backsideTrouble when you kissing meTrouble when I fallen into youTrouble yes it"s everywhereI follow my wayBlue Blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I had to explainAh....(Trouble all around the city)Ah....(Trouble all around dark sky)Ah....(Trouble when you kissing me)Ah....(Trouble all around your backside)Ah....http://music.baidu.com/song/8185363










redamancy简单 寓意好的英文简写 适合纹身的英文单词 r







与redamancy 配套的网名有哪些?







redamancy(雷达曼西)的情侣名是:Radar Mandong(雷达曼东)。其他好听的情侣名推荐如下:1、Oxygen(氧气)、Anoxia(缺氧)。2、North harbor(北港)、South Bay(南湾)。3、Always in his heart(久居他心)、Settle in her heart(定居她心)。4、Then goodbye(那么再见)、Do not see again(再也不见)。5、Meet(相约)、Fell in love(相恋)。


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