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blue day

游戏《kotodama diary》怎么可以提升宠物等级?

超有意思的宠物养成游戏,收集爱心来提升宠物等级。升级时会获得随机词语,选择一个给你的宠物,它可能喜欢,也可能不喜欢。选择的词语会改变它的性格和外表,可能变得可爱,也可能变得奇形怪状。宠物满级之后性格和外表就固定了,只能更换饰品。你可以赶走它或者让它留下。留下的宠物会产生金币,供你购买家具,或者出门探索带钻石回来。不管留不留下它,你都会获得一只新的宠物宝宝,从头开始养成。游戏名:kotodama diary。

madame juju驱蚊膏功效作用 madame juju驱蚊膏值不值得入

驱蚊产品是夏季必入的,尤其家里有宝宝的,而近期一款madame juju驱蚊膏更是火爆全网,随处可见到它的踪迹。那么madame juju驱蚊膏有何功效与作用,madame juju驱蚊膏值不值得入手?下面我就为大家一一讲解,希望对大家有所帮助。 madame juju驱蚊膏功效作用 1、如遇蚊虫叮咬,发现后马上涂抹患处,最快1分钟内可消肿、止痒 2、平时怕招蚊虫叮咬,可打开瓶盖,里面的气味可驱赶蚊虫 3、如遇鼻塞,可将膏体涂在人中处,会起到yi定的通鼻效果 4、还对淤青、晕车晕船、伤风感冒、头晕目眩、胸闷不适等起到一定缓解作用 madame juju驱蚊膏值不值得入手 Madame juju驱蚊膏它在日本人心里的地位相当于我们的六神是奶奶级的品牌了,纯植物提取,天然无害孕妇宝宝都可以用,防止蚊虫叮咬擦伤烧伤急救。透明的膏体不会弄脏衣服日常家居必备啊,而且粉色小小一罐真的敲级方便携带。没有大婶气质,满满的就是精致小仙女真的是包包里的必备单品,不管是聚餐还是出差办公,当大家有需要你掏出这个万能宝贝在大家心里好感度立马上升。 驱蚊妙招 妙招一:巧用风油精 我们可以把小瓶风油精直接摆放在床头,不盖瓶盖。不仅可以安神还可以起到驱蚊效果,如果用了蚊帐还可以适当滴几滴在蚊帐的网布上,让它自由挥发。这样晚上睡觉的时候蚊虫自然就跑走了。 妙招二:驱蚊植物 驱蚊的植物有很多,这次我想分享的是迷迭香。迷迭香本身就是可以泡水服用的,能够在夏天为我们安神解暑,放在家里也让我们倍感清新自然,还能净化空气。如果家里有蚊虫对迷迭香这种绿植是避而远之的,在房间内放一两盆也可以达到驱蚊的效果。 妙招三:碱性液体驱蚊 我们家里的清洁液体基本都是属于碱性液体,比如:肥皂、洗手液、洗洁精、沐浴露、洗衣粉等等。把它们放入一盆水里搅拌稀释形成“碱水”,然后把装有碱水的盆子放在屋内,蚊子就会自然而然往里钻,最后死在盆子里。原理是碱水本身就带有一些香气可以吸引蚊虫在里面产卵,而蚊子在沾染碱水的同时很容易就掉进去被淹死了。 妙招四:艾草驱蚊 这个是很古老的方法了,非常有效。我记得小时候,爷爷奶奶就去割一些艾草来,扎成一捆一捆的摆放在蚊虫容易进来的门窗口,驱蚊效果非常不错。 妙招五:维生素B1驱蚊 这类药片非常便宜,买回家后可以用水稀释在小喷壶当中。睡觉前在皮肤上喷洒一些,可以配合风油精一起用。蚊虫很害怕这种味道。

求I won t let you go ---Adam Tyler的歌词及中文翻译~

Every song i heard todayIn my headI could swear i was hearing your voiceIt"s not easy to let you goOr forgetFrom the start it was never a choicePre:We don"t need much time to fall in loveIf we have tonight then that"s enoughHere and now i"ll make a promiseOnce i have youI won"t let you goBaby believe thisOnce i have youI won"t let you goGo go i won"t let you go no take my hand to hold ohI won"t let you goOh i won"t let you go no take my hand to hold ohI won"t let you goIt was only yesterdayThat we metBut i"m already falling for youI can"t pretend to know everythingBut i betThat you"re feeling the same way i do There are no empty promises here tonightTrust in the moment and we"ll be fineLet"s hope each tomorrow will be just like todayYou"ve got my heart now and i can"t walk away

lowe shaun damian澳大利亚的名字,哪个是名,哪个是姓

澳洲人名字,姓在最后。DAMIAN是姓。 lowe是 first name,Shaun是middle name

damier ebene canvas是什么材质

在LV的包袋中,有两种经典图案是不能够忽视的,那就是棋盘格(Damier Ebene)和老花(Monogram)图案了。 1.Monogram Canvas 路易·威登 (Louis Vuitton) 图案的第一代。从1896年开始,它一直是路易·威登 (Louis Vuitton) 皮件的象征符号,至今历久不衰。具有轻盈、柔软、坚固、耐用、防水及高度防划的特点。 2.Damier EbeneCanvas 棋盘间纹双色格子帆布,开始于1888年,并于1996年采细腻优雅的棕黄色调重新推出。格子花纹,以咖啡色为主,经久耐用,深受男性的喜爱。 3.Damier Azur Canvas 棋盘间纹灰白相间格子花纹 4.Monogram Vernis 用传统的Monogram图案作基础,将真皮材质压上时髦的塑料亮面,象征LV充满活力。 5.Monogram Idylle 以棉麻材料制作的Monogram帆布系列。大方时尚,非常轻盈且耐用,适用于各种场合 。 6.Monogram Denim 在牛仔布上印制Monogram图案,越玩越年轻的招数吸引各年龄层次的时髦女性 。 7.MonogramMulticolor 这一系列展现的是极富视觉效果和前卫性的Monogram图案,一共使用了33种颜色去表现著名的Canvas系列。图案会随着时间略微褪色而露出帆布底面,但是不会损害产品的品质和耐用性。 8.Epi Leather Epi纹理皮革是从植物中抽取精华,对皮革进行深层染色而成。皮革新颖的独特的双色调,来自纹理表面的闪亮色彩,并具有防水防刮划的特点。一共有黑、棕、绿、黄、蓝、红、橘七个颜色,现代的单色流水皮纹仅在皮件的右下角压印一个LV标志。 9.Suhali Leather 山羊皮系列,是一种非常稀有和珍贵的皮革,融合了柔软与坚韧的特质,感性而富有特色。 10.Mahina Leather 2008早春首度推出,牛皮以镭射打孔做出Monogram花色,大尺寸包袋容量超大,底部与提把以铆钉装饰,整个手袋设计个性十足。 11.MonogramCollage Collage系列在包表面上压印“LOUIS VUITTON PARIS”字样,用轻软的牛皮双面压印,制造出浮雕效果,个性十足。  12.MonogramShimer Monogram Shimer的珍珠光泽呈现奢华感,以1950年代的眼部彩妆作为灵感,将牛皮鞣制出非常柔软的质感,两种款式都附有流苏吊饰,并有银色与粉色两种选择。 13.Monogram SuedeEmbossed 这一系列在麂皮皮面压印Monogram图案,配以蟒蛇皮手挽或肩带,袋角还有金属牌连LV吊锁装饰,十分别致。 14.樱花&樱桃系列 15.涂鸦系列

Tena adam是什么植物

Tena Adam,直译是Health for Adam,解释是“它能赋予人类健康”。何方神圣,有此等造化?如插图所示:它的学名叫做Ruta graveolens,简称为Rue,中文正名“芸香(草)”,俗称“臭草”。没错,广东美食“臭草绿豆沙”用的也就是它。芸香草有祛风解毒,利尿消肿等功效,但也因其味辛性寒有毒性,孕妇忌服。


madam就是女长官的意思 o记大概是重案组 还是毒品的吧



歌词有一句you are so beautiful,so damn beautiful。是哪一首歌??

Beautiful歌手 Akon

dam toys 公司出品的《黑帮王国》模型中的所有人物。要目前已经上市的和接受预定的。人物附上编

黑桃J / Spade J杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham,初版为皮衣+贝雷帽,可找到的相似造型为《敢死队2》(The Expendables 2)中杰森的类似造型;后来的黑桃J回忆篇为电影《十三》中的大衣+红领带+毡帽造型;2014会场异色版则也是皮衣+贝雷帽。黑桃2 / Spade 2维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones,本来是一名足球运动员的维尼,参演盖·里奇导演的《两根大烟枪》和《偷拐抢骗》这两部黑色喜剧电影之后,一步踏入了好莱坞。黑桃3 / Spade 3曼联,韦恩·鲁尼 Wayne Rooney黑桃4 / Spade 4《杀手没有假期》的男主角:柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell方块2 / Diamond 2《敢死队2》中的二号反派:斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins方块3 / Diamond 3造型源自2010年上映的B级动作片《弯刀(Machete)》中,由丹尼·特乔(Danny Trejo)扮演的主角“弯刀”「番外篇」撒克逊 / Saxon骨灰级硬汉老戏骨:艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris,在2005年电影《暴力史》(A History of Violence)中饰演一个复仇黑帮老大。黑桃5 / Spade 5裘德·洛 Jude Law黑桃6 / Spade 6黑帮王国系列第一款女性角色,来自电影《多米诺》(Domino)里面的凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley黑桃7 / Spade 7 Harry克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen,电影《赶尽杀绝》(Shoot ‘Em Up)黑桃 J黑桃 Jdamtoys-gangster-character-002《敢死队2》杰森《敢死队2》杰森黑桃J 回忆篇黑桃J 回忆篇黑桃J 2014会场限定黑桃J 2014会场限定电影《十三》杰森·斯坦森电影《十三》杰森·斯坦森黑桃 2黑桃 2damtoys-gangster-character-008《两杆大烟枪》维尼·琼斯《两杆大烟枪》维尼·琼斯damtoys-gangster-character-010黑桃 3黑桃 3damtoys-gangster-character-012鲁尼鲁尼黑桃 4黑桃 4damtoys-gangster-character-015柯林·法瑞尔柯林·法瑞尔Colin Farrell方块2方块2damtoys-gangster-character-019《敢死队2》斯科特·阿金斯《敢死队2》斯科特·阿金斯方块3方块3damtoys-gangster-character-022《弯刀(Machete)》丹尼·特乔《弯刀(Machete)》丹尼·特乔damtoys-gangster-character-024「番外篇」撒克逊「番外篇」撒克逊damtoys-gangster-character-026艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris黑桃5黑桃5damtoys-gangster-character-029裘德洛裘德洛黑桃6黑桃6damtoys-gangster-character-032《多米诺》凯拉·奈特莉《多米诺》凯拉·奈特莉damtoys-gangster-character-034黑桃7黑桃7damtoys-gangster-character


you still have lots more to work on 或者no one can beat me in tennise



hurt damage does great harm to区别?


Adam Lambert的《Nirvana》 歌词

歌曲名:Nirvana歌手:Adam Lambert专辑:TrespassingWhen the stars are too coldFrozen over their glowOn the edge of the nightWe can be their lightSo give me more than your touchAnd give yourself to the rushJust keep holding my handAs we"re taking offI know where we"ll landWe can escape to a higher planeIn Nirvana stayWhere the dreamers layI"ll lay you down lay you downSafe on a higher planeIn Nirvana staywhere the dreamers layI"ll lay you down, lay you downThrough the dark there"s a wayThere"s a love, there"s a placeWhere we don"t have to hideWe can dream all nightSo follow me through the skyAnd watch the oceans collideJust keep holding my handAs we"re taking offI know where we"ll landWe can escape to a higher planeIn Nirvana stayWhere the dreamers layAnd I"ll lay you down, lay you downSafe on a higher planeIn Nirvana stayWhere the dreamers layI"ll lay you down, lay you downOh, we don"t need any diamonds or goldWatch the mystic and cryptic unfoldAs we fly highWe can escape to a higher planeIn Nirvana stayWhere the dreamers layAnd I"ll lay you down, lay you downSafe on a higher planeIn Nirvana stayWhere the dreamers layI"ll lay you down, lay you downI"ll lay you down, lay you downI"ll lay you down, lay you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14709077

求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译

纯手工翻译,比较隐晦的歌词,翻了半个小时。我在为我的知道团队努力,望楼主采纳。bryan adams我也很喜欢,听了下这首,没想到这么伤感,跟他平时的风格不大像。不过这首歌词确实有点伤感和沉重。Last night in the street collapsed on itself昨天晚上街道突然坍塌(这段比较隐晦,应该就是喻指开始了狂欢而堕落的生活。这个歌词的大意也是,几个不同的人,沉迷在各自的享受中不能自拔而日渐堕落)In fact, it broke right in two直接分成了两半And I fell in我就掉进了地缝里The strawberry vinesInto a pool of strawberry wine掉进了装满草莓酒的池塘的草莓藤上Strawberry wine and clouds草莓酒和云朵Burning in the desert, surrounded in flowers在沙漠里燃烧着 被鲜花围绕着But the stems broke the armor但是草莓藤割破了盔甲And the morning comes然后就到了清晨Until its all just the same things again一切又都恢复正常了 道路也不再分裂开Oh god,哦 上帝啊Don"t spend too much time on the other side不要花太多时间在地底的另一边(此处喻指‘糜烂颓废的享受和堕落")Let the daylight in,让阳光照进来Before you get old and you cant break out of it别等到你老得出不来(喻指不要一直沉迷于那样的生活)My old friend,我的老朋友啊Cause its getting winter, and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至,你若想要花朵You gotta get your seeds in就得播种了And I worry about you, why? because you want me to我为什么担心你呢?因为你想让我跟你一起去Can you still have any famous last words你还有什么好的遗言么If you"re nobody somebody nobody knows,若你是个默默无名不为人知的小人物I don"t know我不知道 Somebody go and ask Clair有些人会去问克莱尔She"s been dead twenty years just look at her hair她已经呆呆地盯着自己的头发二十年了Strawberry blonde with curls盯着她那头泛点金色的红卷发She gets hair done then she gossips每天梳好了头发就开始跟酒吧的女侍应八卦With the younger waitress girls at the barThe old Irish rose这朵老去的爱尔兰玫瑰(喻指老去的克莱尔)Drinking strawberry wine喝着草莓酒Until it comes out her nose直到醉的酒都从她鼻子里流出来She spent too much time on the other side,她就是在地底的另一边花费太多时间了啊And she forgot to let the daylight in她忘了让阳光射进来 忘了逃出来Before you get old you"d better break out of it可别等到老的跑不出来呀My old friend,我的老朋友Cause its getting winter and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至 你若想要花朵You gotta get your seeds in to the ground,就得播种子入大地And I worry about you,我为何担心你Why because you want me too因为你想让我跟你一起啊This fella downtown, he jumped off a bridge有个来自市区的小伙子 从桥上跳下去了He was angry about a letter he received from his friend因为朋友的来信惹恼了他He fell inTo the arms of the most beautiful girls他掉进了那些有史以来世上最美的女子的怀抱里That have ever lived in the history of the worldAnd with nothing left to lose he got screwed他一无所有 他受尽欺凌He sold his apartment before they made him move在大家逼他搬走之前他卖掉了自己的房子Then he jumped straight in然后就直直的跳进了旧金山的海湾To the san Francisco bayNow he lives on Molly"s farm现在他住在茉莉的农场Picking berries all day每天采摘草莓Don"t spend too much time on the other side不要在地底的另一边浪费太多时间Let the daylight in别忘了让阳光照进来Marty was a kid when he learned steal boats马迪学会偷船的时候 还只是个孩子His dad was a deejay on the radio他有一个做DJ的爸爸He fell in可他沉迷于偷船的犯罪生涯To a lifeOf riverboat crimeNow has the man you see in prison现在好了 进来监狱If you want strawberry wine你要是想要草莓酒 Strawberry wine and smokes想要草莓酒和烟卷He sent a letter to his friend他就会给他的朋友写信Explaining one night on coke告诉他们在那个可卡因的夜晚He and Clair他跟克莱尔Jumped in to the strawberry vines掉进了草莓藤里And lord knows you get lost上帝知道 On that strawberry wine他迷失在了草莓酒池Don"t spend too much time on the other side,不要在地底的另一边花费太多时间呀 Let the daylight in记得让日光照进来And imp getting old and I gotta break out of i我日渐衰老 My old friend,我的老朋友啊Cause its getting winter and if I want any flowers因为寒冬已至,我若想要花朵I gotta get those seeds in to the ground,我就得把种子播种给大地And if you worry about me如果你担心我Don"t bother就别再挂念Why?为什么呢 Ill be fine因为我会好好的 Imp just sitting here laughing我会好好的坐在这 Little old me and my一个小老头跟我的草莓酒Strawberry wine坐在这大笑着

the very things in the moment dampen our moods can latter be sources of inte




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分风片 你可以在百度里搜的啊

Damian Marley的《Medication》 歌词

Medication - Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley/Stephen MarleyMedicationYour medication makes me highJust be patientI"m like a patient trying to findLevitationRun your fingers down my spineElevationYour medication makes me highHeySuch a short way up and such a long way downChalice it a bubble like we deh ya right downThe way you haffi weigh five poundInna fields of marijuana that is my playgroundI love you Mary JYou"re the prettiest of flowersGirl me can"t complainWhen I"m with you I feel so high I rise above the rainAnd you no do people damage like that b**ch coc*ine noAnd if them lonely feeling only pain"Cause your DNA is of the highest strainYour effect is so potent it"s so insaneYou so gummy and sticky like a plasticineWhen me grind out your body only stems remainAnd to love you is so risky I might get detainedYou always keep me flying on the highest planeAnd anybody know will always proclaimMedicationYour medication makes me highJust be patientI"m like a patient trying to findLevitationRun your fingers down my spineElevationYour medication makes me highHeyYour leaves of green your purples and blueA short little kids adore women tooAnd I say to myself what a wonderful herbAnd I say to myself what a wonderful herbLook how Babylon so duppy dem fight you fi yearsFi your love whole heap a man serve yearsBabylon so duppy dem fight you fi yearsAnd now the whole a dem a buy sharesYou should be a celebrity amongst any treeAcross the seven seas for your energyBut you"re an enemy catching feloniesOf the remedies in your recipes whoaMedicationYour medication makes me highJust be patientI"m like a patient trying to findLevitationRun your fingers down my spineElevationYour medication makes me highHeyAsk me how you feel splendid indeedWith a likkle bit a black splendid w**dA pair indoors not a stick nor seedAnd she never it was a real slow speedNo fertilizer naturalNo cross pollination she"s a real pure breedCultivated in love and she"s not grown for greedShe"s everything I want and also all I needMedicationYour medication makes me highJust be patientI"m like a patient trying to findLevitationRun your fingers down my spineElevationYour medication makes me highHey

adams 旋转驱动类型设置中displacement,velocity,acceleration分别是什么意思


Unemergenza Damore这首歌谁唱的?

歌手:Laura Pausini萝拉·普西妮un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Il mio bisogno di te 我需要你Un desiderio cosi speciale 一个如此特殊的欲望Che assomiglia a un dolore per me 对我来讲却是某种类似痛苦的感觉un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情E no, non si chiede perche 不要问为什么un canto libero, verso il mare 一首朝向大海自由之歌Questo viverti dentro di me 你就在我的心里Sei il vino e il pane 你是面包,你是酒Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像一个硬币,一个护身符Che tra le mie mani, stringero.紧紧握在我的手心Un"esigenza naturale 你是自然的生理需要Sei un temporale che 你是带给我阳光Porta il sole da me, dolcemente 你是暴风雨后的阳光的温暖Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti portero 敞开你的心Detro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Che tra le mie mani, cullero 放在我的手心un"emergenza d"amore 急需爱情Questo volerti per me 我需要你Averti adesso per non fare asciugare 我现在拥有你Dalla bocca il sapore di te 不要拭去唇边你的味道Sei il bene e il male 你是善,你是恶Una battaglia un carnevale 你是一场战役,一场狂欢Sei la passione che 你是我心里永远不会休止的激情No, non ha tregua per me, dolcemente 甜蜜的激情Mi spiazzi il cuore ed io, ti porter 敞开你的心Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 我将把你放进我的口袋里,不管我走到哪里,都会带着你Come una moneta, un amuleto 就像硬币和护身符Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque che andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Che tra le mie mani, stringero 紧紧握在握的手心Sei la mia prigione, l"evasione dentro me 你是一座监狱,在我心里成功越狱Oltre la ragione 超越了理智Solamente io conosco cosa c" e"Quell"amore che io ho per te 这份爱就是属于你的Io ti portero 我带你进来Dentro le mie tasche, ovunque andrai 无论我走到哪里,你都像永远装在我口袋里一样Come un incantesimo segreto 就像一个暗藏的魔法Per i giorni vuoti che vivro 照进我空虚的日子里Per inseguirti in ogni viaggio, che farai 我追赶你每一次旅行的步伐

Adam Lambert的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Adam Lambert专辑:Glam Nation LiveVoodooSpice GirlsGreatest HitsTo: 婷婷Hey hey hey hey party laLook in the mirrorBehind the make upLike what you seeNot foolin" meI get the pictureYou got perfectionThink you"re a starKnow what you areHey great pretenderTime to break freeA kinda magicLookin" at meCos the fever"s gonna get youyeah yeahGot to be strongBelieve in your powerThen you will seeNow jus" trust in meEverything ChangesWhen you relate itGet up and use itPositivelyShake up the dance floorMove like you mean itOwn your potentialRealityCos the fever"s gonna get youyeah yeahGet up and use your voodooYou know you want it bad (so bad)You wanna lead the way yeah you doBe the best you know you canGet up and use your voodooGet your booty to the floorYou gotta line "em up left,right Don"t stop!And leave "em wanting moreHey ey party laHey ey party laShake up the dance floorYou got perfectionGet up and use itPositivelyCos The fever"s gonna get youyeah yeahGet up and use your voodooYou know you want it bad (so bad)You wanna lead the way yeah you doBe the best you know you can(You can) Get up and use your voodooGet your booty to the floorYou gotta line "em up left, rightDon"t stop!And leave "em wanting moreHey ey party laHey ey party laGet up and use the voodooYou know you canShake up the dance floorYou got perfectionGet up and use itPositivelyCos The fever"s gonna get youyeah yeahHey ey party la (C"mon)Hey ey party la (Yeah)Hey ey party la (C"mon)Hey ey party laYou gotta just lose yourselfLet the magic get you hotYou gotta express yourselfTill you"re burnin" on the spotYou gotta just lose yourselfNow the magic"s calling youYou gotta express yourselfNow the voodoo"s comin" throughGet up and use your voodooYou know you want it badYou wanna lead the way yeah you doBe the best you know you canGet up and use your voodooGet your booty to the floorYou gotta line "em up left,right Don"t stop!And leave "em wanting moreHey ey party laHey ey party lahttp://music.baidu.com/song/5686597





英语翻译:injure, harm, damage, destruct, destroy, hurt.....我分不清分不清分不清分不清分不清分不清


管理名家--亚当u2022斯密(Adam Smith)生平简介

亚当u2022斯密生平简介 出生: 1723年6月5日(苏格兰 苏格兰伐夫郡可可卡地) 逝世: 1790年7月17日 (苏格兰 苏格兰爱丁堡) 学派/流派:古典经济学 主要领域: 政治哲学、伦理学、经济学 思想: 古典经济学、现代自由市场、劳动分工 受影响于: 亚里士多德、霍布斯、洛克、哈奇森、休谟、孟德斯鸠 施影响于: 马尔萨斯、李嘉图、密尔、凯恩斯、马克思、恩格斯、美国开国先驱   亚当u2022斯密(公元1723~公元1790)是经济学的主要创立者。1723年亚当斯密出生在苏格兰法夫郡(County Fife)的寇克卡迪(Kirkcaldy)。亚当斯密的父亲也叫Adam Smith,是律师、也是苏格兰的军法官和寇克卡迪的海关监督,在亚当斯密出生前几个月去世;母亲玛格丽特(Margaret)是法夫郡斯特拉森德利(Strathendry)大地主约翰.道格拉斯(John Douglas)的女儿,亚当斯密一生与母亲相依为命,终身未娶。   亚当斯密常想事情想得出神、丝毫不受外物干扰;有时也因此发生糗事,例如:亚当斯密担任海关专员时,有次因独自出神将自己公文上的签名不自觉写成前一个签名者的名字。亚当斯密在陌生环境发表文章或演说时,刚开始会因害羞频频口吃,一旦熟悉后便恢复辩才无碍的气势,侃侃而谈;而且亚当斯密对喜爱的学问研究起来相当专注、热情,甚至废寝忘食。   1723~1740年间,亚当斯密在家乡苏格兰求学,在格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)时期亚当斯密完成拉丁语、希腊语、数学和伦理学等课程;1740~1746年间,赴牛津大学(Colleges at Oxford)求学,但在牛津并未获得良好的教育,收获是大量阅读许多格拉斯哥大学缺乏的书籍。1751年后,亚当斯密在格拉斯哥大学不仅担任过逻辑学和道德哲学教授,还兼负责学校行政事务,一直到1764年离开为止;这时期中,亚当斯密于1759年出版的《道德情操论》获得学术界极高评价。而后于1768年开始着手著述《国家康富的性质和原因的研究》(简称《国富论》)。1773年时认为《国富论》已基本完成,但亚当斯密多花三年时间润饰此书,1776年3月此书出版后引起大众广泛的讨论,影响所及除了英国本地,连欧洲大陆和美洲也为之疯狂,因此世人尊称亚当斯密为“现代经济学之父”和“自由企业的守护神”。   1778~1790年间亚当斯密与母亲和阿姨在爱丁堡定居,1787年被选为格拉斯哥大学荣誉校长,也被任命为苏格兰的海关和盐税专员。1784年斯密出席格拉斯哥大学校长任命仪式,因亚当斯密之母于1784年5月去世所以迟未上任;直到1787年才担任校长职位至1789年。亚当斯密在去世前将自己的手稿全数销毁,于1790年7月17日与世长辞,享年67岁。   亚当u2022斯密并不是经济学说的最早开拓者,他最的思想中有许多也并非新颖独特,但是他首次提出了全面系统的经济学说,为该领域的发展打下了良好的基础。因此完全可以说《国富论》是现代政治经济学研究的起点。 亚当u2022斯密的时代背景   1723年亚当斯密出生在苏格兰法夫郡(County Fife)的寇克卡迪(Kirkcaldy)。当时的英国可以说是欧洲的先进资本主义国家。不仅是世界贸易的中心国,尚且是其它国家的工业国。18世纪前期欧陆的法国和的德国,尚停留在幼稚的封建的家内工业,或独立手工业的阶段,仍然以这种方式来支配生产。但英国却不然,已经走入资本主义初阶段,所谓工厂制手工业已在国内各大都市筑下根柢。   中世的家内工业或独立手工业,工人是分散在各家各户,个人在全体作业过程中不过是一个孤立的劳动者。工厂制手工业却是许多的工人在一个工厂劳动,在一个资本家的指挥命令下,使用简单的工具,从事分工的作业。一直到1760年以降发生了产业革命,使用机械的大工业出现为止,在产业革命前英国各国各地所实行的,仍然是这种资本主义前期的工厂制手工业。   这位举世闻名的古典派经济学的巨匠亚当斯密,生于工厂制手工业和机械制大工业的过渡时期。他的功绩就是把当时零星片断的经济学学说,经过有体系的整理,使之成为一门分门别类独立于哲学的大学问。 影响亚当u2022斯密的人物 托马斯u2022霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588—1697)   霍布斯认为,处于自然状态中的人们,由于自私自利的本性驱使,在社会生活中必然要发生利益上的冲突。“在没有一个共同权力使大家慑服的时候,人们便处在所谓的战争状态中。这种战争是每一个人对每一个人的战争。为了抑制这种战争状态的发生,社会就要一个超乎社会之上的巨大力量,而国家就是这种力量的化身。 约翰u2022洛克(John Locke,1632.8.29-1704.10.28)   主张公民在与政府签订契约时,并没有放弃自己全部的自然权利,只是把部分权利出让给政府,自己保持着那些政府不能干涉的权利。公民交出的那部份权利统一交给由一些人组成的议会,建立议会制度的政府,实行立法与行政两大职能“分立”的机制,行政服从议会,公民有控制议会的终极权利。必要时,公民可以收回自己交出的那部份权利,解散议会,再把权利交给另一些人,组建新的议会。 哈奇森   在大约14岁时,斯密进入了格拉斯哥大学,在“永恒的”(斯密如此称呼他)哈奇森的教导下研读道德哲学。斯密在这个时期发展出他对自由、理性、和言论自由的热情。 亚当u2022斯密的思想背景 一. 哲学家 1.曼德费尔(Mandeville, Bernard de, 1670-1731) 2.哈启生(Hutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746) 二. 经济学家 1.樊特林(Vanderlint J. 生年不明,死于一七四零年。) 2.勃格雷(Berkeley, George 1685-1753) 3.休谟(Hume, David 1711-1776) 亚当u2022斯密的主要著作 一、道德情操论(1759)   在亚当斯密生活的那个时代,“道德情操”这一短语,是用来说明人﹝被设想为在本能上是自私的动物﹞的令人难以理解的能力,即能判断克制私利的能力。因此,亚当私密竭力要证明的是:具有利己主义本性的个人﹝主要是追逐利润的资本家﹞是如何在资本主义生产关系和社会关系中控制自己的感情和行为,尤其是自私的感情和行为,从未而建立一个有必要确立行为准则的社会而有规律的活动。亚当斯密在《国富论》中所建立的经济理论体系,就是以他在《道德情操论》的这些论述为前提的。   《道德情操论》和《国富论》不仅是亚当斯密进行交替创作、修订再版的两部著作,而且是其整个写作计划和学术思想体系的两个有机组成部分。《道德情操论》所阐述的主要是伦理道德问题,《国富论》所阐述的主要是经济发展问题,从现在的观点看来,这是两门不同的学科,前者属于伦理学,后者属于经济学。亚当斯密把《国富论》看做是自己在《道德情操论》论述的思想的继续发挥。《道德情操论》和《国富论》这两不著作,在论述的语气、论及范围的宽窄、细目的制定和着重点上虽有不同,如对利己主义行为的控制上,《道德情操论》寄重托于同情心和正义感,而在《国富论》中则寄希望于竞争机制;但对自利行为得动机的论述,在本质上却是一致的。在《道德情操论》中,亚当斯密室把“同情”作为判断核心的,而其作为行为的动机则完全是另一回事。


break 打破,违背 spoil 浪费,宠坏 damage 破损,可修补 destroy 毁灭精锐教育长宁天山中心

在水利专业英语中large dams是什么意思

翻译为:large dams大型水坝例句:Large dams have harmed Siberia"s delicate ecological balance. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。



为什么Taylor Swift 的Enchanted是给Adam的啊

因为泰勒对亚当·扬一见钟情而写下这首歌,自述自己萌生的情愫。更令人惊奇的是,亚当听出了其中的密语A-D-A-M,并在2011年的情人节,改编了该歌曲做出了回应。“我该会是第一个承认自己比较害羞的男孩吧,因为音乐才是我可以拿得出手的最真实生动的方式。我决定为你录一些东西——就作为对你新专辑里那首令我激动万分的歌曲的回应吧。”他写道,“你就像是一个从梦幻般的童话故事里走出来的公主,最重要的,我只想让你知道,我也对你着了迷。”亚当说。亚当在歌曲末尾特地标注了:"And I just wish you knew,Taylor I was so in love with you.”然而在亚当完成了歌曲的改编回应之后,泰勒没有再回应亚当,这一点在亚当的访谈中被提到。扩展资料:《Enchanted》是由美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首乡村流行乐歌曲,收录于她的第三张录音室专辑《Speak Now》中,于2010年10月25日发行。《Enchanted》歌词:词曲:泰勒·斯威夫特歌曲原唱:泰勒·斯威夫特There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles带着勉强的笑容我又来到了这里Same old tired, lonely place还是那个破旧孤寂的地方Walls of insincerity伪善的言语Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face飘忽的眼神还有怅然若失的心情,当我见到你的时候这一切都烟消云散All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you我只能说,我已经对你着了迷Your eyes whispered "have we met?"你的眼睛悄悄向我传达“我们见过吗”的信息Across the room your silhouette starts to make it"s way to me来自这个房间的另一个角落,你完美的侧脸朝我靠近The playful conversation starts就这样开始了一段俏皮的谈话Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy回应着你的俏皮话就像穿着有秘密的纸条All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you我只能说我已经对你着迷Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too啊,泰勒,我对你如此着迷This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go如此绚丽的夜晚,不要让它只是作为你记忆里的一个片段I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我有些惊喜,回家路上一直羞红着脸I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew我愿穷尽一生的时间只想了解你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you too我也对你如此着迷The lingering question kept me up脑海中挥之不去的问题让我难以入睡2AM, who do you love?都凌晨两点了,你到底爱着谁呢I wondered till I"m wide awake我思考着结果彻夜未眠Now I"m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door此刻我正心思不宁地来回踱步,希望你能出现在我门前I"d open up and you would say,在我轻启房门后说Hey it was enchanting to meet you“嘿,我已经对你着了迷”Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too啊,泰勒我对你是如此着迷This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go如此绚丽的夜晚,不要让它只是作为你记忆里的一个片段I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我有些惊喜,回家路上一直羞红着脸I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew我愿穷尽一生的时间只想了解你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you too我也对你如此着迷This is me praying that this was the very first page我正真诚地祈祷着这是我们故事的第一页Not where the story line ends并非句号前的最后一笔My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again我的脑海里不停回放着你的名字直到你再一次出现在我面前These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon这些是我因为过早地离开而没能说出口的话语I was enchanted to meet you too我也对你如此着迷Please don"t be in love with someone else请不要爱上他人Please don"t have somebody waiting on you请不要让别人为你守候Please don"t be in love with someone else请不要爱上他人Please don"t have somebody waiting on you请不要让别人为你守候This night is sparkling, don"t you let it go如此绚丽的夜晚,不要让它只是作为你记忆里的一个片段I"m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home我有些惊喜,回家路上一直羞红着脸I"ll spend forever wondering if you knew我愿穷尽一生的时间只想了解你是否知道This night is flawless, don"t you let it go如此完美的夜晚,不要让它只是作为你记忆里的一个片段I"m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone我有些惊喜,回家路上一直羞红着脸Taylor I"ll spend my whole life wondering if you knew泰勒我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you too我也如此地对你着迷I was never in love with someone else我从来没爱上过他人I never had somebody waiting on me我从未让别人为我守候Cause you were all of my dreams come true因为你让我所有的美梦都成真And I just wish you knew我只想让你知道Taylor I was so in love with you.我也如此地对你着迷

Taylor Swift的Enchanted里面那里有涉及到Owl City里的Adam啊 求知情人解释

既然他们都喜欢对方为什么不在一起啊,很期待Adam和Taylor Swift可以出歌啊。。。

为什么enchanted是写给Adam Young的

这首歌灵感来源于adam young,收录在她的第三张专辑speak now。在今年情人节的时候adam young翻唱了这首歌,向taylor示爱,但taylor至今没有回应。

为什么Taylor Swift 的Enchanted是给Adam的啊

Taylor去看了Owl City的演唱会并见到了乐队的唯一成员 Adam Young,taylor对他一见钟情,于是taylor大胆写了《enchanted》,在歌曲里用了Adam和她邮件交流时有过的语句,并用到了A-D-A-M 密语表白 Adam,写下这首美丽缱绻的歌。更令人惊奇的是,Adam Young听出了其中的密语A-D-A-M,并在2011年的情人节,改编了该歌曲做出了回应。他写道,“你就像是一位从梦幻般的童话故事里走出来的公主,最重要的,我只想让你知道,我也对你着了迷。”扩展资料然而在亚当完成了歌曲的改编回应之后,泰勒没有再回应亚当。这首歌听起来让人荡气回肠,不管你们有没有在一起,结局已不再重要,我心中挂念的一直是你,这才是我一生所念。Adam回应Taylor的时候已过四个月,此时佳人名花有主,Taylor正在热恋中,而且当Adam发现Taylor的意思之后,两人一起喝过咖啡聊天,Taylor表示自己是非常相信感觉的人,在两人的见面聊天中,Taylor觉得两人之间已经没有擦出火花。所以两人之间的缘分就到此为止了。




ruin指把某件东西损害到不能再修理或使用的程度。现在多用于借喻中。例如:Your plans for a party will be ruined if you get sick.如果你病了,你的聚会计划就毁了。1.在程度上, destroy指十分彻底地破坏,而damage指并不彻底地破坏。2.在后果上, destroy指不能或很难修复了,而damage指不能发挥正常作用了。3.在对象上, destroy可接物,也可接人,而damage通常只用于非生物。4.在造成破坏的原因上, destroy多指不可抵抗的外界力量,而damage则常指因人的过失。例如:Many lives were destroyed by the earth- quake.这次地震造成许多人死亡。An explosion destroyed the engine. 一声爆炸把发动机毁坏了。



英语中几个伤害的区别!damage injury hurt harm



AmsterdamKK: []DJ: []n.1. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰宪法上规定之首都,但实际上的首都是海牙,为政府所在地)

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Broadway - America"S MusicShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8577240

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Wonderful TownShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10250981

HG 1/144 Gundam Avalanche Exia中文名叫什么啊

  雪崩能天使  2307年,突然出现在世界的这种MS,是投入了领先于通常的MS数百年的技术的机体。这不仅对MS开发史来说是冲击性的事件,从在各方面大幅度地变革了之后的历史这点也可以窥见其重要性。那么,本机是Gundam中的一架,被称为Exia的机体的特殊装备型。被命名为“Avalanche (雪崩)”的这种装备,根据后来的分析是由Celestial Being的综合整备士伊恩 瓦实提(暂译,原文イアン ヴァスティ)制造的。原为AEU军的主任整备士的伊恩,似乎是将其作为让Gundam附加飞机级别的高机动性的装备而设计的。MS的飞机般的运用,实际上是AEU的构思。另一方面,在实用性方面也有重要的意义。搭载了GN Drive的Gundam,利用GN粒子令空中的姿势控制能力超群地提高。另一方面,在大气中以及宇宙空间的移动速度,与专用的高速机相比处于劣势(当然,拿MS与那些专用机比较本身就是不恰当的)。这个Avalanche Exia,在机体各处装备 GN粒子电容器(Condenser)。通过将积蓄在电容器的GN粒子一口气放出,发挥凌驾于一般状态下的运动性,本机是如此设计的。另一方面,出击一小时前起各部分电容器需要开始储存GN粒子,似乎不能用于突然的任务。同时,也有积蓄的GN粒子在10分钟内会被完全放出为此活动时间非常短,这样的运用上的限制(不过驾驶员也承受不了更长时间的加速吧)。Exia特征性的七剑,考虑到高速移动的时候的挥动,全部集中到上半身。Avalanche作为 Celestial Being的MS用装备是在初期被目击到的机体,可以窥见这是之后出现的技术曾经历的其中一个阶段的机体。  名称源自于九大天使阶级之一的「能天使(Exousia)」。  战史  1「雪崩能天使高达」在南美大陆的某UNION军基地现身并高速飞过。

Skidamarink 歌词 急需啊!

歌名:Skidamarink(爱之歌 )歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Faster,Skidamarink a dink a dink更快点,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Skidamarink a dink a dink史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,I love you in the morring史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,我爱你在早上And in the afternoon,I love you in the evening在下午,我爱你在晚上And underneath the moon,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,月亮之下,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Faster faster史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,更快点更快点Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。扩展资料:这首童谣在1978年由组合“Sharon, Lois & Bram”首次收录在他们第一张专辑中,并在电视节目“The Elephant Show”中作为标志性歌曲传唱并风靡北美。这首歌起源于1910年的百老汇,最早的曲名叫做Skiddy-Mer-Rink-A-Doo,后来衍生出很多版本,比如这里的Skidamarink。实际上,Skidamarink没有任何含义,它是作者自己编造的一个词语,唱起来真是朗朗上口呢。


Skidamarink的发音:英语[en]。歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,I love you in the morring,我爱你在早上,And in the afternoon在下午,I love you in the evening,我爱你在晚上,And underneath the moon,月亮之下,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。

Borrowing Money from a friend can Damage your Fri

There is a common saying, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” In my opinion, borrowing or lending money has cost many people a friendship. Why is this so? There are several reasons.First, when friends ask favors of us, we like to oblige them. This may be why some people lend others money when they really cannot afford to do so or when it is inconvenient for them. Then, after they have parted with their money, they begin to feel regret and to blame their friends. Second, people have different concepts of money. What may be a small sum to one person may be a significant amount to another. Also, different people have different ways of spending and saving money. When friends borrow money from each other, these differences may become more obvious and lead to friction.Given all the disadvantages above, I have to agree that borrowing money from a friend can damage your friendship.

Adam Skillz的《Waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting歌手:Adam Skillz专辑:Cathedral Of SoundNe-Yo - Waiting(Mm,Mm)(Mm,Mm)Six o"clockSeconds feel like hoursAs I sit hereAnd watch them tick awayAnd just the thoughtOf seeing you againI wanna danceI"ve longed for this day(Mm)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for you(Mm) waiting for you (yeah)Twelve a.m,Crowd is getting thinBut that"s okayCuz I"m not here for them, noI refuse,To move from this spotUntil I feel your heartPressed against mine again(Oh baby)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for youI don"t care how long it takesI don"t mind, I"ll sit and waitTill the sun goes downAnd comes back up againCuz you"re the best thing in my lifeWithout you it just ain"t rightSo take as long as you likeI"ll still be waitingSo I"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waiting (waiting)There"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waiting (waiting)Patiently I"ll wait right here for youI"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2654834






madam 在英语中,指:女士 在电影中指:女士长官,上司. sir 在英语中,指:先生 在电影中指:男长官,上司.

英文邀请函中,Dear sir/madam是不对吗?非得用Dear Madam/sir才是国际惯例

都可以。dear sir/madam是很正式的称呼, 可以用于很正式的邀请函和书信中。已经有书信来往,一般不用这种称呼。可用mr, mrs, miss, dr, prof 等。Dear sir/madam尊敬的先生/女士例句1、Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to receive information regarding the immigration proceduresto Canada.亲爱的先生、女士:我希望能够得到有关移民加拿大流程方面的信息。2、Dear Sir/ Madam, I am doing a school project about food.敬启者,我正在做一个关于食品的学校课题。扩展资料:英文邀请信主要分为以下两种:一种属于个人类信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影或者出席典礼等等。另一种邀请函则属于事务类的信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。一、普通英文邀请函第一种邀请信邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人,所以内容格式上要求都比较松,只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望。这种邀请信的篇幅可以非常短二、正式英文邀请函第二种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会某一个负责人来写,以组委会的名义发出,而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士。因此,这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些,语气要热情有礼。这一类邀请信通常要包括以下内容:首先表明邀请对方参加的意图以及会议或学术活动的名称、时间、地点。然后要对被邀请者的威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞赏,表明如果被邀请者能够接受邀请,会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜。最好是能引起对方兴趣的事宜;当然不能忘了表达希望对方能够参加的诚意;最后还要请收信人对发出邀请做出反馈,如确认接受邀请。参考资料来源:百度翻译-Dear sir/madam

英文邀请函中,Dear sir/madam是不对吗?非得用Dear Madam/sir才是国际惯例?


求亚当兰伯特(adam lambert)Shady的英文歌词,有中文翻译更好…

Baby, I"m on the hunt 宝贝,我在找乐子baby, I got my target on you 宝贝,我看上你了Trouble, that"s what I want 我就是想找麻烦and I"m gonna do just what I have to 我要做点我不得不做的事了Get your ass down to the front 你给我下来,到前面来Go on and roll it out, I dare you 过来,玩一把,敢不敢?sorry I"m kinda drink but 对不起我有点喝高了,但是Did you just say your game was brand new? 你刚刚儿是不是说要玩个新花样?No I ain"t broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感I"m up all night 我整晚不睡I"m out of sight 我玩失踪了Don"t turn on the light 别开灯cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Gonna go and get me a shot 要去,给我一个机会gonna knock it back forget all my blues 狂饮一通,忘掉所有沮丧yeah that really hits the spot 耶,真过瘾I"m feeling pretty fierce in my dancin" shoes 穿上舞鞋,我感到了疯狂No I ain"t broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感I"m up all night 我整晚不睡I"m out of sight 我玩失踪Don"t turn on the light 别开灯cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大 don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽I throw more shade than a cloudy day 我要抛开阴霾the brakes don"t work I"m just a runaway train 刹车没用了,我是一列脱缰的列车Somebody come and help me out 来个人帮帮我All I wanna be is free 我只想要自由I was trying to get down now I can"t out 我试着下车但出不I"m shady lately 最近好不爽Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大don"t stop the beat 别停下音乐come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽Shady lately, that"s how I play 最近不爽,这就是我的表现they say maybe it"s just a phase 他们说也许过一阵儿就没事了shady lately, runaway train 最近不爽,列车脱缰blame the game, quit blaming the gays 怪这个游戏,别怪同性恋cause I"m feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽

Adam Lambert - What Do You Want From Me 的歌词。求。。

歌手名:adam lambert歌曲名:what do you want form me(你到底想怎样)Hey, slow it down what do you want from me-what do you want from meYeah I'm afraid what do you want from mewhat do you want from meThere might have been a timeAnd I would give myself awayOooh once upon a time I didn't give a damnBut now, here we are so what do you want from mewhat do you want from meJust don't give up I'm workin it outPlease don't give in, I won't let you downIt messed me up, need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from mewhat do you want from mewhat do you want from meYeah, it's plain to see (plain to see)that baby you're beautifulAnd it's nothing wrong with you (nothing wrong with you)It's me, I'm a freak (yeah)but thanks for lovin' meCause you're doing it perfectly (it perfectly)There might have been a timeWhen I would let you step awayI wouldn't even tryBut I think you could save my life转载来自魔镜歌词网www.99Lrc.com =>速配歌词 配词Just don't give up I'm workin' it outPlease don't give in, I won't let you downIt messed me up, need a second to breatheJust keep comin aroundHey, what do you want from me (what do you want from me)what do you want from me (what do you want from me)Just don't give up on me(uuuuuuh) I won't let you downNo, I won't let you down(So I) just don't give upI'm workin it outPlease don't give in, I won't let you downWe messed me up (It messed me up)Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from mewhat do you want from me

damping factor是什么意思

damping factorun.〔物〕阻尼因数;阻尼减幅因数;阻尼因素;阻尼系数阻尼因子;衰减系数;衰减因数例句1.When someone says an amplifier"s damping factor is 87, that"s not enough.如果有人说某一放大器的阻尼因子是87,那是不够的。2.Causes the surface area to enlarge has the shock absorber damping factor enhancement .使的表面积加大产生避震器组尼系数提高。3.Perhaps the main difference for the "feel" is the increased damping factor produced by the negative feedback loop.可能是主要的区别是“感觉”是增加阻尼因子所产生的负反馈回路。4.Automatic Alignment of Damping Factor in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Based on Complex Principal Component Analysis基于复数主成分分析的磁共振波谱信号衰减系数的自动校正5.The storage modulus and damping factor of composites were also characterized through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).此外,采用动态力学分析(DMA)进一步表征了复合材料的储能模量和阻尼因子。

north adams,mass.什么意思

north adams mass.北亚当斯群众。

adams仿真中End Time和Duration有什么区别

end time 是仿真终止时间;duration是仿真过程的时间。当起始时间是0时,效果一样;起始时间不为0时,就不同了。。。具体的,试一下就都明白了。

spoil ;damage ;ruin ;destory怎么个区别

damage,destroy,ruin主要用于无生命的事物, 而spoil主要用于有生命的人或动物


harm指有危害。比如:Smoking can do eat harm to your health.injury指受伤。比如:The soilder"s injury has healed.ruin指毁灭,完全的废墟。比如: The city of Pompeii is totally in a ruin.damage指造成损失。比如:The earthquake has caused great damage to the country.

ravage destroy damage ruin 区别







作动词时 damage侧重物理生理损伤 强调损坏的动作1 to cause physical harm to something or to part of someone"s body : insects that damage crops损害农作物 Smoking can severely damage your health. 损害身体健康另外2 to have a bad effect on something or someone in a way that makes them weaker or less successful : The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence. 打击信心ruin 的损害程度更大,程度深的损害。含义相对抽象,强调损坏的结果。常译作毁了……,毁灭……1 to spoil or destroy something completely : This illness has ruined my life. 毁了我一生His career would be ruined. 事业遭重创All this mud"s going to ruin my shoes. 这些泥毁了我的鞋子2 to make someone lose all their money : Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.



Is your name Adam为什么用is不是用are吗?

主语是your name啊 your name是单数


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《Madame Bovary》(Gustave Flaubert)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tp8tVBDfWy3vvlCSCpyKhA 提取码: j2tk书名:Madame Bovary作者:Gustave Flaubert译者:Lydia Davis豆瓣评分:9.8出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2012-4-5页数:384内容简介:This is a major new translation of one of the most popular classics of all time, now in a gorgeous deluxe edition. Emma Bovary is beautiful and bored, trapped in her marriage to a mediocre doctor and stifled by the banality of provincial life. An ardent reader of sentimental novels, she longs for passion and seeks escape in fantasies of high romance, in voracious spending and, eventually, in adultery. But even her affairs bring her disappointment and the consequences are devastating. Flaubert"s erotically charged and psychologically acute portrayal of Emma Bovary caused a moral outcry on its publication in 1857. It was deemed so lifelike that many women claimed they were the model for his heroine; but Flaubert insisted: ""Madame Bovary", c"est moi".



Adam 《ring of fire》 译成中文


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damage destroy和ruin的区别是什么?

damage destroy和ruin的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、damage:(有形的)损坏。2、destroy:毁灭。3、ruin:破坏。二、语法不同1、damage:damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。2、destroy:destroy的基本意思是用任何力量“破坏,毁坏”,用于物时,指破坏或毁坏有用的事物; 用于人时,指用武力或暴力“杀死”“毁灭”“消灭”敌人等。3、ruin:ruin的基本意思是“破坏,毁掉”,常指因暴力、自然灾害或疏忽等外部原因而造成毁坏,强调倒塌成碎片,也可指健康、声望、容貌、气节、价值等受到严重损坏。三、侧重点不同1、damage:damage一般指“部分的破坏”,通常作“损坏”解,意味着损坏后价值减少或作用减小,有时可用于借喻中。2、destroy:destroy强调“彻底性”。3、ruin:ruin强调不可修复。

ruin damage destroy有什么区别啊

1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。Why, you may wonder,should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫。As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉。2. ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了。The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的。The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。希望采纳哦!


break,destroy,ruin,wreck,damage,spoil 这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意. break〓普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏. destroy〓多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味. ruin〓多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义. wreck〓侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害. damage〓多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果. spoil〓强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭.


break,destroy,ruin,wreck,damage,spoil 这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意. break〓普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏. destroy〓多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味. ruin〓多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义. wreck〓侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害. damage〓多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果. spoil〓强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭.






1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉. 2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思 3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.

destroy damage和broken的区别是什么?

destroy强调伤害程度的不可恢复而damage就要轻一点了 ,break 只是一般的破坏,指打破,弄坏。

请问injure, harm, damage, hurt,destroy 的区别

1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。 注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。 2)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。 3)harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。 4)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。 5)wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。6)destroyvt.1. 毁坏,破坏A fire destroyed the house.一场火毁坏了那座房屋。2. 杀死,消灭3. 打破(希望、计划);使失败What he said destroyed our last hope.他说的话摧毁了我们最后的希望。

damage `spoil `destroy `break的区别

2.damage 通常表示事物的价值或功能部分受损,如:the ship was damaged in the bottom.那条船的底部被损坏.3.destroy表示事物全部被毁,无法修复的毁坏,如:destroy all of the three enemy warships把3艘敌舰全部歼灭;4.break强调“打碎”之类的毁坏,范围和用法较广,break是破了,不一定指身体上的,可能是没有生命的东西,比如玻璃,汽车EG:My car breaks down.6.spoil意为损坏,破坏,宠坏,溺爱,不仅指美观、价值受到损坏,也指完整性、完美性及整体感受到破坏,如:spoil the party 破坏聚会,spoild her grandson把她的孙子宠坏了
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