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approaches n. (处理问题、完成任务的) 方法( approach的名词复数 ); 近似(值);v. 接近,走近,靠近( approach的第三人称单数 ); (在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面) 近似; 接洽; 使移近;[例句]We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。



sensomics approach是什么意思

genomics approach基因组学的方法双语例句1By a comparative genomics approach, we further investigated the origin and the evolutionary processes of developmental stage-related genes. 我们接下来通过比较基因组学的方法研究了发育阶段相关基因在起源和进化上的初步规律。2It is an important research direction of bioinformatics to sequence vertebrate genomes and study them through the comparative genomics approach. 开展脊椎动物的基因组计划,并通过比较基因组学的途径进行研究是生物信息学的一个重要的研究方向。


  skills approach的中文翻译  skills approach  技能方法  双语例句  1  What classroom activities support the big six skills approach?  什么样的教学活动支持六大能力教学方法。  2  Integration of Diagnostic Analysis on Learners "Listening Process and a Skills Approach to Developing their Listening Competence  听力过程的诊断分析与微技能训练  3  What is the big six skills approach?  六大信息素养能力形成的途径是什么?




approachedv.接洽; 接近,走近,靠近( approach的过去式和过去分词 ); (在性质、数量、质量、情形、时间等方面)近似; 使移近; [英][æp"rəʊeɪtʃt][美][æp"roʊeɪtʃt]








approach意思是:接近。approach意思是:接近,靠近;找xx商谈;找xx商量;向xx接洽;着手处理;临近。英文造句His approach is the inverse of most research on ethnic and racial groups.他的研究途径与大多数对少数民族和种族研究方法正好相反。[as adj.]they adhered to an in loco parentis approach when dealing with students.他们在对待学生时坚持为人父母的教育方法。The union"s approach was based on increased dialogue and the moderation of demands.工会的路线是以加强对话和适度要求为基础的。The English language presents difficulties if a purely phonic approach is attempted.如果用纯拼读法,英语就会给学习者带来许多困难

standardized approach是什么意思

standardized approach 标准法; [例句]Many attribute this success to a strong public health model with a standardizedapproach to diagnosis and treatment.许多人将此归功于强大的公共卫生模式以及标准化的诊断和治疗。

geocentric approach是什么意思

geocentric approach地心的方法如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


approach-avoidance 回避冲突双语例句1.The research testified the influence of approach-avoidance motive conflict on serve performances. 以验证发球趋避动机冲突对发球绩效的影响。2.He considered psychiatry after graduating fromStanford Medical School in 1975, but his relationship to thefield had an approach-avoidance quality. 1975年从斯坦福医学院毕业后他曾考虑当精神病学家,但他跟这个领域的关系存在趋避特点。



situational approach是什么意思

situational approach情境法; 情景教学; 情景教学法; 情境教学法; 情境研究法双语例句1Improvement: how to use situational approach make your management role good?改善:如何应用情景领导的方法完善自己的“管理者自画像”?2It is a beneficial attempt to apply situational approach to the teaching of ideological and political theory course. 在思想政治理论课教学中引入情景教学法是思想政治理论课改革的有益尝试。


approach 的意思以及例句见下:v. n.发音: / əˈprəʊtʃ ; əˋprotʃ / 英 / əˈprəʊtʃ /解释和例句:move towards 向…移动[I,T] to move towards or nearer to someone or something 走近;靠近;接近As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.我走近那幢房子的时候注意到楼上有灯光。She heard footsteps approaching.她听到有脚步声走过来。2ask 请求[T] to ask someone for something, or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them for the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it 接洽;要求I have already been approached by several other companies (= offered a job, work etc ) .另外还有几家公司已经同我联系过。approach sb for sthStudents should be able to approach teachers for advice.学生应当能够找老师征求意见。approach sb/sth about (doing) sthThe charity approached several stores about giving food aid.那个慈善机构找了几家商店,请求他们给予食品援助。→ approachable3future event 未来事件[I,T] if an event or a particular time approaches, or you approach it, it is coming nearer and will happen soon 临近She was then approaching the end of her career.那时她的职业生涯就要走到头了。The time is fast approaching when we will have to make a decision.我们必须作出决定的时刻很快要到了。With winter approaching, many animals are storing food.冬季临近,许多动物在储存食物。4deal with 对付[T] to begin to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way or with a particular attitude 〔以某种方式或态度〕对付,处理approach a problem/task/matter etcIt might be possible to approach the problem in a different way.也许可以换个方式处理这个问题。5almost 几乎[I,T] to be almost equal to something 接近temperatures approaching 35° C接近35摄氏度的温度。

comprehensive approach是什么意思

omprehensive approach[英][ˌkɔmpriˈhensiv əˈproʊtʃ][美][ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv əˈprəʊtʃ]综合方案,综合处理方法; 例句:1.The lisbon summit witnessed much talk about the importance of a comprehensive approach that linked security with development and governance. 里斯本峰会上有很多关于以发展和管理来联合促进安全的综合方法重要性的讨论。如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

communicative approach是什么意思

communicative approach交际法,又称“意念法”、“功能法”或“意念-功能法”。它是以语言功能项目为纲,培养在特定的社会语境中运用语言进行交际能力的一种教学法体系。

这句话中的 approach 是什么意思?






“approach to”是什么意思?

接近;约等于;通往…的方法。近义词:go on for ,come close to。造句:1,So how do you decide which approach to use? 那么如何决定要使用哪种方法呢?2,In the US, we like to take the "all or nothing" approach to weight loss. 在美国我们喜欢采用“全部都要或什么都不要”的方法去减肥。3,Here is the balanced approach to simplicity that I use in my life. Can you use it in yours? 下面就是我在生活中锁使用的比较平衡的简化生活的方法,你能运用到你的生活中去吗?4,You really have just read about another approach to data binding. 您读到的实际上是另一种数据绑定方法。5,Feedback on the approach to adoption is gathered. 关于采用方法的反馈得到了收集。6,Use this basic approach to string together a set of commands; for the most part, the scripts are platform independent. 使用这种基本的方法,可以将一系列命令组合在一起;对于大多数情况,脚本是平台独立的。

inductive approach是什么意思

inductive approach 归纳法不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


  approach有靠近;接近;接洽;要求;达到等意思,那么你知道approach的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习approach的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    approach的用法   approach的用法1:approach的基本意思是“走近”“靠近”。可指空间和时间上的接近,也可指程度上的接近或相近,   approach的用法2:可用于抽象意义,如在方式、 方法 、手段上的接近,如接洽、交涉等。    approach的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   approach about (v.+prep.)   approach to (v.+prep.)   approach toward (v.+prep.)   approach的词汇辨析   manner,method,way,mode,fashion,means,approach   这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。   manner 多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。   method 指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。   way 普通用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法。   mode 书面用词,常指因个人 爱好 或传统习俗等因素而遵循的方法。   fashion 着重独特的程序或方式,尤指个人的偏爱或习惯。   means 指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。   approach 指从事某事的特别方法、途径。    approach的用法例句   1. We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.   我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。   2. At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid.   他们走近时,小男孩急忙跑开藏了起来。   3. The traffic on the approach road slowed to a crawl.   引路上车辆行驶缓慢。   4. The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.   孟菲斯市在推行 文化 的民粹主义道路。   5. The path serves as an approach to the boat house.   这条小路通往船屋。   6. The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach.   当他们靠近时,大象又吼又跺脚。   7. We have to develop a less amateurish approach to our organisa-tions.   我们必须使我们对待自己组织的态度变得较为专业。   8. Dr. Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students.   梅西伯夫博士阐述了他的 教学方法 的基础。   9. This approach, more than any other, holds promise for true reform.   这一方法比其他任何方法都更让人看到真正改革的希望。   10. There is a great deal to learn from Hal"s expert approach.   从哈尔熟练的方法中可以学到很多。   11. He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.   他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。   12. The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.   这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。   13. I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.   我得改变方法,现在的竞争对手太强。   14. They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.   他们主张采取向四处随意邮寄大量信件的方式。   15. The government is proclaiming a carrot-and-stick approach to the problem.   对于这个问题,政府宣布要采取软硬两手应对。 猜你喜欢: 1. approach的用法 2. 请问approach的用法 3. occur的用法和短语例句 4. promote的用法和短语例句 5. accompany的用法和短语例句




approach的意思是接近、路径、方法、态度。音标:英式发音:/əˈprəʊtʃ/             美式发音:/əˈproʊtʃ/用作动词时,approach的基本意思是“走近”“靠近”。可指空间和时间上的接近,也可指程度上的接近或相近,还可用于抽象意义,如在方式、方法、手段上的接近,如接洽、交涉等。常用短语:to approach a problem 着手解决问题to approach sb about sth  就某事与某人联系approach to sth 接近...的方法sb"s approach to the problem  某人处理问题的方式approach for 为了...接近an approach to 学习...的途径时态:approached,approaching,approaches

faculty;teaching staff是什么意思


英语作文:My English teacher(内容不少于5句,带翻译)

My English Teacher 我的英语老师I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and whose name is ZhangYan shu --- a name I will keep in my mind forever. 当进入高中时就喜欢英语,我的外语老师张燕舒激发了我学英语的兴趣,并对我未来产生了极大的影响,她的名字我终生难忘。She showed great love to us which is deeply appealing to our heart. Different from other teachers, she has never been impolite to us. Oppositely, she treated us equally. She made efforts to attract us to the world of English, to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of the foreign countries. With her skillful help, the students in our class took great interest in this course and improved rapidly. 她最吸引我们是的是给了我们伟大的爱。与其它老师不同,她从不对我们失礼。相反,她平等对待我们,她努力吸引我[NextPage]们到英语世界,领略语言的优美和享受外国文化。在她的有方的教育下,我们班上的学生对这门课产生了浓厚的兴趣,进步很快。She was kind and patient. She did not mind the students" lowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that she was not strict with us. To make what we had learned strong, she often asked us to recall the knowledge in class. This was also a method to examine the homework she had assigned. In that case, we had to work hard so as to live up to her hope. 她很和善且耐心,她对学习新知识的缓慢并不介意,但并不意味着她对我们要求不严格。她总是叫我们在课上回忆已学过的知识,以巩固以前所学的,这也是她检查所布置的作业的方法。既然这样,我们只有努力学My English Teacher 我的英语老师I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and whose name is ZhangYan shu --- a name I will keep in my mind forever. 当进入高中时就喜欢英语,我的外语老师张燕舒激发了我学英语的兴趣,并对我未来产生了极大的影响,她的名字我终生难忘。She showed great love to us which is deeply appealing to our heart. Different from other teachers, she has never been impolite to us. Oppositely, she treated us equally. She made efforts to attract us to the world of English, to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of the foreign countries. With her skillful help, the students in our class took great interest in this course and improved rapidly. 她最吸引我们是的是给了我们伟大的爱。与其它老师不同,她从不对我们失礼。相反,她平等对待我们,她努力吸引我[NextPage]们到英语世界,领略语言的优美和享受外国文化。在她的有方的教育下,我们班上的学生对这门课产生了浓厚的兴趣,进步很快。She was kind and patient. She did not mind the students" lowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that she was not strict with us. To make what we had learned strong, she often asked us to recall the knowledge in class. This was also a method to examine the homework she had assigned. In that case, we had to work hard so as to live up to her hope. 她很和善且耐心,她对学习新知识的缓慢并不介意,但并不意味着她对我们要求不严格。她总是叫我们在课上回忆已学过的知识,以巩固以前所学的,这也是她检查所布置的作业的方法。既然这样,我们只有努力学习,不辜负她的期望。She is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence and appreciation for beauty. All these will be useful to all my life. 她如此优秀,我们从她那里受益很多,不仅有知识,而且有和善、勤勉,对美的欣赏,这些将让我们受益终生。 习,不辜负她的期望。She is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence and appreciation for beauty. All these will be useful to all my life. 她如此优秀,我们从她那里受益很多,不仅有知识,而且有和善、勤勉,对美的欣赏,这些将让我们受益终生。


behind的意思:在(或向)…的后面;在(或向)…的背面;落后于;支持;赞成;在(或向)…的后面;在后面较远处;留在原地;拖欠;积压(工作);义同bottom,委婉说法,即屁股。teaching的意思:教学;授课;指导;教导;学说;教义;教诲;教(课程);讲授;教授;教;训练;教育;教导;使懂得(情理)。building的意思:建筑物;房子;楼房;建筑;建筑业;建筑;建造;创建;开发;逐渐增强。1、behind读音:英 [bɪˈhaɪnd],美 [bɪˈhaɪnd]。用法:behind可以用作介词,behind可以用于表示时间,意思是“迟于”,也可作“一去不复返”解。2、teaching读音:英 [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ],美 [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]。用法:teach既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句充当;其间接宾语可转换为介词to的宾语。3、building读音:英 [ˈbɪldɪŋ],美 [ˈbɪldɪŋ]。用法:building可以用作名词,building的基本意思是“建筑物”,可指各种用途、大小、形式的建筑,是建筑物的总称,是可数名词。building还可指“建筑”,指一种抽象的艺术或行业,为不可数名词。building用作可数名词时其复数为buildings。扩展资料behind的近义词:next to.1、next to的读音:英 [ˈnekst tə]   美 [ˈnekst tə]  2、意思:prep.紧邻;在…近旁;仅次于;紧接;几乎。3、用法:侧重于空间位置,是一个词组。4、例句:She sat down next to him on the sofa. 她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。      

请问材质ACH 、AHT 是什么材质,或是热处理工艺吗?谢谢回答。

AHT是平均处理时间(Average Handling Time)ACH不知道是什么了,百度出来的是ACH (Automatic Clearing House) 自动交换中心,但是感觉不是你说的哪个。


首先approach to sth是固定搭配而没有method to /way to/means to sth的搭配measure也没有measure to sth的搭配只有approach to sth是符合语法表达对某事物的办法,方法例句:a new approach to teaching languages 教授语言的新方法你的句子的意思是:他昨天开会的时候想出了一个问题的办法



achieve success是什么意思

achieve success取得成功双语对照词典结果:achieve success[英][əˈtʃi:v səkˈses][美][əˈtʃiv səkˈsɛs]获得成功; 例句:1.With the virtue of healthy mind, body and soul, I now am focused to achieve success. 有了健康的头脑、身体和灵魂,我现在可以更专注于追求成功了



way,mean, method,approach区别

way,mean,method,approach的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、way:手段,途径。2、mean:方式,方法。3、method:措施,条理,有条不紊。4、approach:(待人接物或思考问题的)方式,方法,态度。二、用法不同1、way:way作“方法,方式,手段”解时,前面常加介词in。如果way前有this,that等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句首,介词则不可省略。way作“方式,方法”解时,其后可接of v -ing或to- v 作定语,也可接定语从句,引导从句的关系代词或关系副词常可省略。2、mean:means在作“方法,手段”解时是单数名词,可用不定冠词a修饰,当其用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式,而在表示“钱财”时,其谓语动词则要用复数形式。3、method:method的基本意思是“方法,办法”,指在做某项工作或为达到某目的时所采取的(抽象的)方法或(具体的)程序,多与介词of或for连用,是可数名词。4、approach:用于抽象意义,如在方式、方法、手段上的接近,如接洽、交涉等。不可以与动词add搭配使用。三、侧重点不同1、way:普通用语。2、mean:通常指交通运输方式以及用于一些固定搭配。3、method:指合乎逻辑的或系统的方法。4、approach:通常指抽象意义上的方法。


peach作名词时意为桃子;极好的人(或物);特别漂亮的东西(或人);桃红色;粉红色,作形容词时意为粉红色的;桃红色的,作动词时意为非正式>告密;〈俚;口〉揭发。 你在想peach是最近网络上很火的一个谐音梗,意思是不要做白日梦了。那么这个peach到底是什么意思你知道吗?下面我就来和大家说说peach是什么意思。 详细内容 01 peach 英 [piːtʃ] 美 [piːtʃ] n. 桃;桃子;极好的人(或物);特别漂亮的东西(或人);桃红色;粉红色 adj. 粉红色的;桃红色的 v. 非正式>告密;〈俚;口〉揭发 第三人称单数: peaches 复数: peaches 现在分词:peaching 过去式: peached 过去分词: peached 02 双语例句 Frank was there and he is a perfect peach. 弗兰克在那儿,他是个非常可爱的人。 The spring comes and peach blossoms [ flowers] are all open. 春天了,桃花都开了。 Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。 There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees. 这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树。 The peach tree is wormy. 桃树长虫了。 The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit 第二年夏天桃树就结满了桃子。 The peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 今年桃树结果不会多。 The peach trees promise a rich crop this year. 今年桃子丰收在望。 She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon. 她用一根桃色缎带把头发扎在脑后。 The peach blossomes are over. 桃花都已经开过了。 03 单词集锦(水果) pear梨 cherry樱桃 peach桃子 apple苹果 grape葡萄 pomegranate石榴 banana香蕉 mulberry桑椹 persimmon柿子 hippophae沙棘 strawberry草莓 watermelon西瓜


doll n. 洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人vt. 把…打扮得花枝招展peachn. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物)adj. 桃色的;用桃子制成的vt. 告发vi. 告密swingn. 摇摆;摆动;秋千;音律;涨落adj. 旋转的;悬挂的;强节奏爵士音乐的vt. 使旋转;挥舞;悬挂vi. 摇摆;转向;悬挂;大摇大摆地行走melonn. 瓜;甜瓜;大肚子;圆鼓鼓像瓜似的东西

德语ach so和aha的区别?

你好,ach so表示之刚刚知道了你之前所不知道的事情,“原来如此”的意思。aha只是语气词,没有实际意义。

machine 和equipment这两个单词意思到底有什么区别,最好中文解释!




achieve one"s ambition是什么意思


never agree to each other

1.They never agree with each other ( A) they did when they were[像……一样,后接句子] B.if C.or[后接词组] <agree的过去式是什么---agreed> 2.Mike was just falling asleep ( A) there was a loud knock at the door.A.when B.while C.until D.before [when 这里表示“就在这时,突然”] 3.(D ) after a long walk,Mike called and said he could not come to the party.---本题考查非谓语动词.wear out 常用于被动语态--be worn out(极度疲惫),因此,wear out 和逻辑主语Mike之间存在被动关系,故选D A.Having worn out B.Being worn out C.To worn out D.Worn out

teachers belief什么意思

teachers‘ belief教师的信条belief[英][bɪˈli:f][美][bɪˈlif]n.信,信任; 信念,意见; 信条; 复数:beliefs例句:1.They have a deep belief in education of all types. 他们对各种形式的教育有很深的信仰。2.But the empirical support for the belief is thinner than we like to think. 但支持这一信念的实证依据比我们希望的要少。

reach an agreement是什么意思



coach的汉语意思如下:n.(体育运动的)教练;私人教师,(多指)考前辅导教师;人生教练, 生涯顾问(受雇帮助他人实现人生和工作目标);长途汽车,长途客车;火车车厢;(旧时载客的)四轮大马车;(客机的)经济舱;(火车的)普通旅客车厢;(汽车拖的)活动房屋,起居挂车;(体育队的)教练,领队;<棒>跑垒指挥员。vt.(对体育运动、工作或技能进行)训练,培养,指导;辅导(尤指为让学员参加考试);当教练(或指导等);指示;特殊指导,专门传授;用马车(或客车等)载运;乘马车(或客车等);向…提供专业意见以实现个人目标。coach的读音是:英 [kəʊtʃ]   美 [koʊtʃ]。coach的造句如下:1、While that continues Assistant Coach Ray Wilkins will take charge of the team on a temporary basis.与此同时,助理教练雷-威尔金斯将临时接管球队。2、His turn came up to what to coach expected of him.他的转身符合教练的要求。3、The coach tried to get his charges motivated.该教练设法激励他的队员们。4、"The bigness of this game affected both teams in the first half," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said.“此役之重对双方上半场都有很大影响,”里弗斯教练说。5、The buff guy is my friend Jimmy He is a coach of a fitness club.那个壮汉是我的朋友吉米。他是一家健身俱乐部的教练。6、Is this Coach No. 4?外宾: 这是4号车厢吗?

how to teach ourself 作文 关于自学的英语作文

We all have some level of creativity within us.As with other activities,We can teach ourself to be more creative.Sometimes creative thinking requires us to look at things from new perspectives.Learn t...

Life is A Beach是什么意思

Life is a bitch意思是 :人生真受罪歌曲名:Life"s a Beach歌手:Django Django专辑:Life"s a BeachLife"s A BeachDjango DjangoThat how you want to play itBreak my heart and go homeWhy"d you want to go do that, but we"re not even in the wayThat how you want to sing itI"ve been having loads of funWhy did you end up on your ownOverlook at Acapulco, playing paper, scissors, stoneYou told the fortune tellerCrystal leaks start all overSwitch it up and overhaulStep in line, get in time, speed it up until we fallPaint a picture of a sunsetScratch the writing on the wallRoll the credits on your edit play it back and watch it all


teacher strength教师力量词典结果:strength[英][streŋθ][美][strɛŋkθ, strɛŋθ, strɛnθ]n.力量; 优点,长处; (光、声、色等的)力度; 人力[数]; 复数:strengths以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Do a mix of strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. 把力量训练和心肺功能训练相结合。



one of you in each corner of the room 中的"each"和"corner"是什么意思?


one of you in each corner of the room 中的"each"和"corner"是什么意思?

each是“每”的意思 corner是“角落”的意思 在本句中的意思就是在这个屋子的每一个角落

如何成为agile coach

agile coach意思是敏捷教练。基于团队进行敏捷型指导,推进团队往敏捷型发展。想要成为敏捷教练,敏捷实践是基础,理解敏捷、传播敏捷、培养敏捷型团队,落地敏捷。要掌握不同敏捷方法的原则、实践、工具与技能所掌握的知识。要能帮助团深刻理解Scrum价值观、实践及框架,促使团队中各成员开展敏捷型合作。不仅仅是敏捷方法的掌握,真正重要的是落地实践,在企业内容开展敏捷指导。成为敏捷教练,ACP敏捷方法必备可少。所以要不断的学习进步才能成为一个优秀的agile coach。


牙疼; 牙痛1.His mother took him to the dentist"s because he had a toothache.由于他的牙疼,他的妈妈带他到牙医诊所。2.Sadie had her hand clapped to her cheek as though she had toothache.沙娣好像牙痛似的,把一只手敲着她的面颊。3.These days the tooth hurts, successive a few days did not sleep well last night, especially. Perhaps no toothache.这几天牙很疼,连续几天都没睡好觉,尤其是昨晚。当然或许不能怪牙疼吧。

what a great english teacher i have的意思

答案:With..of 翻译:在老师的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


《马普尔小姐探案 第四季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:    链接: 提取码:rebj    导演:希提·麦克唐纳编剧: 凯文·埃尔约特 / 斯蒂芬·丘切特 / 保罗·鲁特曼 / 帕特里克·巴罗 / 阿加莎·克里斯蒂主演: 朱莉亚·麦肯齐 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 马修·麦克费登 / 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 / 娜塔莉·多默尔 /类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 犯罪制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语首播: 2008-11-08(爱尔兰)季数: 集数: 4单集片长: 93分钟又名: 马普尔小姐 第四季 / Agatha Christie"s Marple Season 4该剧讲述了2004年起由英国ITV出品的系列剧“Agatha Christie"s Marple”,根据Agatha Christie原著作品改编,其中前三季马普尔小姐扮演者为Geraldine McEwan,第四季起改为Julia McKenzie,截至2010年共拍摄五季,每季四集,内容包括:第一季:藏书室女尸之谜、寓所谜案、谋杀启事、命案目睹记第二季:沉睡的谋杀案、魔手、煦阳岭的疑云、斯塔福特疑案第三季:零时、复仇女神、无妄之灾、伯特伦旅馆之谜第四季:黑麦奇案、杀人不难、借镜杀人、悬崖上的谋杀第五季:破镜谋杀案、蓝色天竺葵、名苑猎凶、白马酒店


with a cherry的中文意思是:与樱桃。cherry 英 ["tʃeri]   美 ["tʃeri]    n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;<俚>处女膜He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers.他去樱桃园看花。短语1、cherry bomb 球形红色爆竹2、black cherry 黑樱桃 3、cherry tree 樱桃树 4、cherry laurel [医] 月桂樱

Afterwards, my grandmother teaches me Beijing opera.我想这是过去式吧?对不对?

属于对过去事实的叙述应该用过去时Afterwards, my grandmother taught me Beijing opera

德语Spannuten nach Maschinenblatt是什么意思啊?

槽机表 其实我也不知道这是个什么东西......

japanese beach party是什么意思

japanese beach party直译为“日本海滩派对”。party[英][ˈpɑ:ti][美][ˈpɑ:rti]n.当事人; 社交聚会; 党,党派; 同类,伙伴; v.为…举行社交聚会; 为…请客; 参加社交聚会; adj.政党的,党派的; 社交的,聚会的; 共有的,共同的; 第三人称单数:parties复数:parties现在进行时:partying过去式:partied过去分词:partied例句:1、Her resignation as party leader她辞去政党领导人的职务。2、The couple met at a party.那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。3、We threw a huge birthday party.我们举办了盛大的生日聚会。

More Yield with Less Water-Techniques to Achieve A Higher Efficiency in Irrigation

Dieter Prinz and A.H.MalikInstitute of Water Resources Management,Hydraulic and Rural Engineering,University of Karlsruhe,D-76128 Karlsruhe,Germany1 IntroductionIn the Developing World,agriculture counts for about 80% of total water withdrawal(Prinz,2000).Agriculture is under enormous pressure by the other sectors of the economy,as the economic value created per unit water is lowest in agriculture.At the same time,growing populations make it necessary to produce more food and fibre and to ensure that crop yields per unit land continue to rise.Therefore,developing countries will have to find ways of growing more food with less water.But there is not only the problem of water quantity but additionally the one of deteriorating quality of water.There are many modern and traditional or combined technologies available to improve water conservation development(Agarwal,2001,Rijsberman,2001).There is the need①to define the aim(under given frame work conditions);②to analyze the losses(conveyance,distribution,application a.o.losses);③to identify the most promising water conservation methods and techniques,and,eventually;④to integrate the various elements within a(soil and)water conservation strategy(Emerson,1998,UNEP,1998).2 Measures applied in irrigated agricultureIrrigation water,if in ample supply,reduces considerable the risk of agricultural production and allows yields double as high as the yields which can be obtained from rain-fed agriculture(FAO,2001).Roughly 40% of the food is produced on irrigated land,on 17% of the total cultivated land.The water needed for crops amounts to 1000~3000 m3per ton of cereal harvested.With other words,it takes one to three tones of water to grow 1kg of rice.As mentioned before,the losses of water have to be covered as well as the measures to increase the efficiency of water use in irrigation.We have to distinguish between recoverable water losses and unrecoverable water losses;the latter ones are those quantities of water lost to the atmosphere,to saline aquifers or to the sea.Recoverable losses include:seepage,surface runoff,operational losses and losses due to deep percolation.Fig.1 Water losses within a surface irrigation system in a semi-arid regionThe water losses could be(Fig.1)conveyance losses.distribution losses(e.g.canal evaporation,percolation and operation losses)orfield-ditch losses,field-application losses which depend on soil,irrigation method and management,Reduction of conveyance and distribution losses33%~50% of water diverted for irrigation is lost‘en route":The conveyance and distribution losses are enormous.By lining the canal system or by conveying the water in pipes,these losses can be significantly reduced.It should be kept in mind,that at least the seepage losses are in most cases recoverable losses;the water might be lifted up from the groundwater layer downstream.Seepage losses occur in unlined main canals,in the canal distribution system and in field ditches.Most of the water is lost in unlined main canals.The questions which arise here are the following:What quantities of water are lost?Are these losses easy to recover?What feasible lining methods could be used?How high are the costs of lining and of maintenance?What are the benefits of the saved water?Could the unlined canal be used in the rainy season to recharge an aquifer?Reduction of application lossesApplication losses are either surface runoff losses or percolation losses,often summarised as“operational losses”.The water applied,should be sufficient to wet the volume of root penetration,but should not go beyond.Numerous technical means are available to apply exactly the amount of water needed,but financial and labour problems,in large irrigation schemes also management problems,hinder this.Operational losses depend on:①the chosen distribution system;②the available regulating and mechanical facilities;③the skill and discipline of the operator.3 Crop root zone depthThe active root zone of the crop(if water is not a constraint)depends on:①crop type;②its stage of maturity;③soil conditions(Fig.2).Fig.2 The water applied should be sufficient to wet the volume of root penetration(but not more)Use of efficient irrigation methodsThe large differences in water efficiency between the various irrigation methods are quite well known:Traditional surface irrigation generally achieves only around 40% efficiency,sprinkler irrigation can be 70%~80% efficient and drip irrigation might reach over 90% efficiency(Wolf and Stein,1998,Fig.3).Modern irrigation technology could in theory save about half of the water presently consumed in irrigation,but technical,economic and socio-cultural factors hinder the transformation of theory into practice.These methods are arranged according to their average efficiency.The surface irrigation techniques are:①basin irrigation,②furrow irrigation and③border irrigation.Fig.3 The five basic methods of applying water to the soilThese techniques have one drawback in common:the uneven water application over the irrigated area.Water infiltration is much greater at the top end of the field than the bottom because of the longer opportunity time at the top end and this results in high deep percolation.Surge irrigation(Fig.4)has been shown to markedly improve the efficiency of water application.It is the practice of intermittently stopping and starting water flows across a field.Fig.4 Water percolation in surge and continuous flowAnother method is the sprinkler irrigation.Low Energy Precision Application(LEPA)center pivots are one of the most efficient irrigation methods available today because they offer both high water application efficiency and low operating pressure.The water is applied near the ground surface below canopy.Drip/trickle irrigation is characterised by the following:low flow rate,long duration irrigation,frequent irrigation,water applied near or into the plant"s root zone,and low-pressure delivery system shigh investment costs and maintenance demand.In drip irrigation some techniques were developed which are not as efficient as the more costly ones,but which allow even small farmers a very high efficiency vegetable cropping:the drip bucket irrigation is such a low cost and relatively efficient technique,applied already on thousands of farms in East Africa(Prinz and Malik,2001).3.1 Case study:Growing More Rice with Less Water(China)Water Efficient Irrigation TechniquesOne method to save water in irrigated rice cultivation is the intermittent(submerged)irrigation.This example shows real water saving and increase of production.Production levels remained stable over the time period in spite of this massive shift of water(see Fig.5,Table 1)out of agriculture.Growing more rice with less water improves also the productivity of water.This was made possible through pol-icy,management,and technological changes(Rijsberman,2001).Fig.5 Water quantities used for domestic,industrial and hydropower purposes increased 10 times during the period 1976 and 1996,with subsequent reduction of water quantities for irrigationTable 1 Changes in land and land productivity in Zhanghe Irrigation District,China(1966~1998)Source:Rijsberman 2001.3.2 Subsurface Irrigation Techniques3.2.1 Pitcher irrigationPitcher irrigation or“Pot Irrigation”is a traditional,extreme efficient form of irrigation.The technique is particularly suitable to the irrigation of vegetables(like legumes,beans,water-melons,etc.)in home ardens(Fig.6).The clay pots can either be installed independently,i.e.the water supply is done by the farmers manually,one by one,or interconnected:the water supply is done by using a water reservoir,which can be a tank,a well,etc.3.2.2 Surface trickle irrigationFig.6 Clay pots used forpitcher irrigationTo reduce deep percolation losses in subsurface irrigation,a trench is dug and a layer of plastic sheets is positioned below the trickler pipe(Fig.7).3.2.3 Vertical Pipe MethodA very simple but effective method for ree cultivation is the vertical pipe method:Provided sufficient water storage capacity in the root one is given,a larger quantity of water is applied through the vertical pipe to supply the tree with water for 2~4 weeks(Fig.8).Fig.7 Subsurface trickle irrigation with reduced percolation lossesFig.8 Vertical pipe methodThe water efficiency depends not only on the methodWolf and Stein(1998)cite a study made in Israel by Hagan(1994),who found surface irrigation to be 70% water efficient but drip irrigation only 42%~56%.This deviation from generally believed figures is due to differences in the available underlying conditions.For the farms using surface irrigation,water was in very short supply and therefore it had to be used as efficiently as possible.Drip irrigation on the other hand has been used under conditions of sufficient water to grow crops of high market value.Low cost of water and high market prices did not give any incentive to the farmers to use water efficiently.3.3 More rational use of irrigation water3.3.1 Supplemental irrigation(SI)It is the application of small quantities of irrigation water to essentially rain-fed crops in times when the demand can not be covered by rainfall(Oweis,1997).SI is usually practiced usually in the wetter part of the dry areas with 300 to 600 mm annual rainfall in order to improve and stabilise yields(Oweis et al.,2001).Supplemental irrigation might be taken from groundwater or from excess water stored during the rainy season.3.3.2 Deficit irrigationAnother technique which allows a very high water use efficiency under fully irrigated conditions is deficit irrigation.The deficit irrigation is the distribution of limited amounts of irrigation water to satisfy essential water needs of plants.The water supply is reduced in less critical periods of water demand by the crop and supply of full amount of water during stress-sensitive periods.A similar technique is the“intermittent submerged irrigation technique”for rice(ISI).This technique has been promoted in China but it is now applied in many rice growing areas world wide.Up to 20% of the irrigation water can be saved,if the paddy crop is not grown under submerged conditions through out the main growing season,but only intermittently.The phases where submerged conditions are recommended are those“sensitive”stages mentioned earlier.Precondition for deficit irrigation management is the knowledge of the sensitive periods of the crop/the variety in question.3.3.3 AquaculturePaddy croppingcan be combined with fish raising if certain preconditions are given(Fig.9).This allows a multiple use of water and hence water saving per unit produce.Fig.9 Combining paddy cropping with fish raisingCase study:Drip Irrigation Systems(DIS)in IndiaDrip Irrigation Systems in India are being praticised since 1970,being used on a limited scale in Tamil Nadu,Karnataka,Kerala and Maharashtra States,mainly for high value,horticultural crops like coconut,coffee,grape and vegetable production without the benefit of any subsidies from the governments.At Rahuri,in Maharashtra State,the use of drip irrigation of pomegranates,grown in gravely soils,resulted in a savings of about 44%(as compared to conventional check basin irrigation systems)with a further water savings of about 14% when compared to un-mulched plots.The capital costs involved are high compared to conventional irrigation systems,but the labor and operational costs are low in India.The net result is that the benefit-cost ratio for DIS is very favourable compared to conventional systems since the payback period for investment very short.The cost of using drip irrigation system is summarized in the Table 1.With DIS in India,there was an improvement in crop yields and savings in water use of between 18% and 40%.Consequently,there was a substantial improvement in the water use efficiency that ranged up to three times that of conventional surface irrigation methods,even with the use of poor quality irrigation water.See Table 2 for water savings and increased yields achieved using drip irrigation in Indian case.Table 2 Drip irrigation cost;water savings v.increased yield achieved in IndiaSource:Saksena 2000.4 Improving water availabilityAs mentioned earlier,aquifer depletion is a common problem in many dry areas of the world.Many techniques have been developed to artificially recharge aquifers to sustain the water table and to allow further control of pumping water to cover the water needs of humans and crops.One interesting example of combined basin irrigation with groundwater recharge is reported from Uttar Pradesh Province in India(IWMI,2002).In the monsoon season,surface water is diverted through an unlined canal system to provide farmers with irrigation water for rice crops.Around 60% of the irrigation water applied is used by the plants,most of the remaining 40%filters through the soil to recharge the groundwater.Combined with seepage from unlined canals those“losses”provide farmers with groundwater to irrigate dry season crops.The research showed,that the water table in the study area,which had been progressively declining,has been raised from an average of 12m below ground level to an average of6.5m.5 SummaryWe need information on crop water requirements.Losses have to be a

south beach是什么意思


assistant coach是什么意思


this ()pop band performs worldwide hunders of times each year


accomplish/achieve/complete/finish/fufil/perform/end 都带有完成的意思,可能他们能互换么?

我认为: accomplish,finish,complete 可以互换,表示通过努力完成了某个任务,比如I have accomplished/finished/completed the tasks. 我完成了任务achieve 除了表示通过努力完成还表示 获得了某个东西,比如I have achieved the xxx certificate 我获得了 证书fulfil 更多是表示完成了/实现了梦想,比如I"ve always wanted to be a doctor and I fulfiled this dream after graduation 我总想成为医生,毕业之后我就实现了这个梦想perform 表示表演更多,比如Langlang performed the Hungary Rhapsody.郎朗演奏了匈牙利狂想曲end 表示 结束,比如The cold war came to an end冷战结束了一点个人拙见,希望对你有帮助

英语Elasticseach performs poorly怎么翻译?


请分析attach ,append ,affix 区别和用法

affiliate, link, attach, append都有附加的意思。 affiliate v. 加入,成为一部分。 an affiliated middle school 一所附属中学 link v. 将人或物连接起来。 The crowd linked arms to form a barrier. 群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。 attach v. 将某物系在、贴在affiliate, link, attach, append都有"附加"的意思。affiliate v. 加入,成为……一部分。an affiliated middle school 一所附属中学link v. 将人或物连接起来。The crowd linked arms to form a barrier. 群众臂挽着臂组成人墙。attach v. 将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上。I attached a note to my report with a paper clip. 我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。append v. 增加,附加(与attach的意思比较接近)。The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract. 律师在合同后又附加了两页。

EFT/ACH deposits 具体怎么操作,或者过程是怎么样的?

EFT= Electronic Funds Transfer 电子资金转帐 ACH=Automated Clearing House 票据自动化交易所 这是两种电子支付渠道,意为通过这两种渠道预付

EFT/ACH deposits 是什么意思,具体怎么操作,或者过程是怎么样的?

EFT= Electronic Funds Transfer 电子资金转帐ACH=Automated Clearing House 票据自动化交易所这是两种电子支付渠道,意为通过这两种渠道预付

have an affinity for和 have a strong attachment to这两个短语是什么意思。




be attached or affiliated to

当然有区别!!!be attached to 主要指物体之间的关系affiliated to 主要指机构之间的关系当然它们都可以用来之机构、组织间的关系

先解决的先采纳!!!!Affiliate, subsidiary, brach, office,

简单来说Affiliate 是与某个公司有关subsidiary是旗下的branch是分部office是办公室division是部门


tr.1. To adopt or accept as a member, subordinate associate, or branch: The HMO affiliated the clinics last year.2. To associate (oneself) as a subordinate, subsidiary, employee, or member: affiliated herself with a new law firm.3. To assign the origin of.v.intr.To become closely connected or associated: The two unions voted to affiliate.n. (--t, -t)A person, organization, or establishment associated with another as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member: network affiliates

Binary stars,as their name suggests,are twin stars whose position in space______ each other

affects 影响


我想要改变 因为我所所有的事情都变得糟糕 现在有谁能给我引导方向 我想要改变 因为我所所有的事情都变得糟糕 现在有谁能给我引导方向 我现在需要别人给我引导

land is getting poorer with each passing year.

是随着的意思 是介词的 成分

As college students_____(each,every)one of us must pay attention to current____(matters,affairs)

each of us ,everyone of us .这是习惯用法


cache period 缓冲期cache period 缓冲期


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