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2023-06-18 10:16:41



















First, anything is the knowledge management and business management must clarify the above question, first, we must from clarify anything are the knowledge management and the enterprise information management obtain. The US produces and the quality committee (APQC) is as follows to the knowledge management definition: The knowledge management is one kind of strategy which the organization adopts consciously, it guaranteed that the knowledge which can in most need the time which will need most to transmit for the human who most needs, like this may help the people to share the information, and then puts to it through the different way to practice, achieves the enhancement organization achievement finally the goal. The enterprise knowledge management is take the information as the foundation activity, through the organized study creation recessiveness and the dominant knowledge, how and is responsible in the suitable time, the suitable place to have the suitable knowledge. Microsoft president Bill Gates thought: The knowledge management is not starts from the technology, it begins in the commercial goal, the process and to shares the understanding which the information needs. The knowledge management just manages the information flow, for needs it the correct information transmission the person, with the aim of letting them take the action rapidly take the information as the basis. the Chinese and foreign scholar generally believe that the information is enterprise development very important resources, the information takes the resources, besides general may value characteristics and so on use, have, but also has sharing, the historical accumulation, the effectiveness and the multiple reproducibility characteristic. An organic whole which mutually but the system is by certain mutual connections, restricts the independent component which composes, like administrative personnels, production worker, craft, technology, management, method and organizations and agencies, production equipment and so on, for a common goal is the gain profit produces the social need the product, but composes a Production enterprise is a system. Then, must use information this resources, the enterprise message creation management system management system is a very important premise systematically. the enterprise information management system (EIMS) is utilizes modernized the management concept and the method, uses the electronic accounting machine, the software and the network mechanics of communication, carries on the collection, the memory, the processing, the analysis to the business management decision-making process"s information, by is auxiliary the enterprise daily handling of traffic until the decision scheme formulation and optimal and so on work, as well as track, surveillance, control, adjustment entire management process man-machine system. looking from already were at present massive the application each kind of enterprise information management system, has the following characteristic generally: 1. besides the general management software and MRP (material resources plan), OA (office automation), WFS (work class system), mostly the software needs to make the massive demand analysis, consulted consultant (most is in profession expert) and enterprise all levels of staffs is summarizing earnestly formerly experienced and in the enterprise development request foundation, made the massive revisions actually according to the enterprise actual quantity body custom make or in the standard edition"s foundation according to the enterprise, therefore had the profession expert characteristic and the practical application characteristic. the 2. most systems are from enterprise strategy angle embarking, in the overall situation and the overall considered under the premise designs enterprise"s information management system, is from system"s and so on enterprise"s personnel organization management, product management, system jurisdiction management, sales management, procurement management, production management, quality control angles, considered that strategic between possibility and information relatedness, conditionality, has the systematic characteristic and the integrity. 3. has the historical knowledge accumulation and sharing. Enterprise"s information management system can various departments and the various staffs" routine work essential data, saves in the database, and can act according to the jurisdiction convenience consult and the transfer. 4. has the policy-making support. All each kind of data may obtain each kind of analysis result after computer"s processing from the different angle, and through the warning reminder"s way, enables the policy-maker to obtain the related information in the first time. 5. dynamic characteristic. As a result of information effectiveness and relatedness, when in the system some essential element of information changes, is connected other information with it to change. At the same time, because enterprise"s external environment and the internal essential factor in dynamic changes, the system also requests to be able to adapt this kind of change. two, enterprise information management system"s function and characteristic and so on may see from above regarding the knowledge management and the enterprise information management system"s concept, the enterprise information management system has the very big support and the safeguard function regarding the enterprise knowledge management level"s enhancement, concrete manifestation in: the 1. issue knowledge, guaranteed that in organization"s each members can share. In does not have the computer, the software and under the network mechanics of communication premise, the enterprise issued that the knowledge the method usually uses document and books methods and so on holds a meeting, to issue, except issue cost Gao Erwai, the knowledge propagation velocity, the dissemination quantity, the renewal, the consult and the consult jurisdiction and so on receives the enormous restriction. But the enterprise information management system effectively has solved these problems, causes the knowledge information transaction cost to reduce greatly, the transaction quality and the efficiency enhance greatly, has displayed the knowledge powerfully in enterprise"s production action of force. 2. guaranteed the knowledge obtains timeliness. The information management system has solved between trans-regional, the cross time, the cross unit, trans-departmental, the cross staff"s consult barrier, so long as in has under the jurisdiction premise, the knowledge demand might find oneself need rapidly through the system each kind of knowledge. For example the present enterprise information gateway (EIP-EnterpriseInformationPortal) may solve between enterprise"s information and the knowledge exchange question, moreover the enterprise information system may with the related network connections, and according to organizes the internal member to carry on automatically to the information demand screens, the classification and the collection, and defers to the member to transmit promptly to the information demand for the human who needs, solves the knowledge time-limited problem. 3. promotes the organization or individual recessive knowledge is the dominant knowledge, and guarantees between both"s active transition. Before the enterprise does not have the information system, staff"s knowledge and the experience only have in own brain, department"s knowledge also in this department, the information presents the isolated island condition. Between forgetting, the personnel outflow and the member exchange cause enterprise"s knowledge mostly are the recessive knowledge impeded, but cannot transform into the dominant knowledge, organization"s knowledge accumulates with difficulty. The organization along with personnel"s flowing, the time passage pays tuition unceasingly, the enterprise cannot form the empirical curve, the production efficiency and the competitive power also with difficulty enhances. The information management system enables individual knowledge to precipitate, between member"s knowledge obtains shares and blends, the enterprise reduces to staff"s excessive dependence, because thus avoids the enterprise certain essential post personnel draining has the beyond redemption aspect. do three, how complete enterprise"s knowledge management first, we must pay special attention to enterprise"s information management. Knowledge management emphatically in dominant knowledge and recessive knowledge mutual transformation, because the enterprise only then accumulates domestic and foreign and the enterprise the knowledge and the experience are the dominant knowledge, through the classification, the reorganization, the refinement transmits rapidly for needs it the staff, namely transforms as the staff individual knowledge - - - recessive knowledge, and using each work, can the business goal react. The information management mainly concentrates to existing like written, the electronic information codominance knowledge"s management, on the information increment chain, must the data promotion be an information, and carries on gathering and the choice, the organization and the procedure, the compression and the refinement, the classification and the guidance to it and so on, to information exterior characteristic processing and organization. In the information management foundation, in the basis enterprise and the staff demand, carries on the refinement, the comparison, the excavation, the analysis, the summary, the judgment and the deduction to the information content and so on carries on the knowledge management. next, must establish the knowledge sharing system. The knowledge management is take shares and the innovation as the main purpose, but the key solution information overload the knowledge deficient question, takes the human and the human has the knowledge process management. If the knowledge does not take with other people sharing, will cause: (1) the core information grasps is implementing in specifically the personnel, the management loses control. (2) the enterprise personnel flow out cause the knowledge property outflow, the massive core technologies is carried off. (3) the knowledge isolated island causes the coordinated difficulty, the efficiency drops. Therefore, in the enterprise information system construction, must insist that take gains the enterprise interior and the exterior knowledge resources as a core; Take the product production process as a core; And transforms take individual knowledge and the team knowledge"s mutual exchange as the core; Take the official exchange and the unofficial exchange"s mutual trail connection as a core; Take solves the actual problem as a core; Unceasingly rises in value take the value chain as the core and take skill training as a core. is final, takes the knowledge management the informationization construction the platform. The traditional Pyramid type organizatio
Introduction to Information Management
Information Management

In 2000, the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with the National Academy of Science published a report titled: “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System”. The authors estimated that 98,000 people die annually as a direct result of medical errors occurring in hospitals. These deaths are not associated with the day-to-day risk of surgery and medical practice in outpatient clinics. Instead, a significant portion of the mortality is a direct result of poor design and utilization of medical records. Medical Records Kill. To put this number of deaths in perspective, more people die annually because of medical errors then as a consequence of car accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. Other examples include:

One in 25 hospital admissions results in an injured patient.
Three percent of adverse effects cause permanent disabling injury; of these one in seven leads to a
patient death.
Preventable medical errors account for 12-15 percent of hospital costs.
About 23,000 hospital patients die each year from injuries linked to medication use.
80% of nurses calculate dosages incorrectly 10 percent of the time, and 40 percent of nurses
make mistakes more than 30 percent of the time.
Approximately 180,000 unnecessary deaths and 1.3 million injuries occur from medical treatment in
the United States.

Nearly all of these events are due to errors in data management or interpretation.

Most of this information is contained in a book titled, To Err is Human: building a safer health system. 2000. Edited by Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. National Academy Press Washington DC. A recent whitepaper refers extensively to the same ongoing problem.
Building a better system

Information is a broad term and includes all sources of facts and opinions that we use to make decisions (printed, heard, or seen). We are in the midst of a continuous stream of information and are being asked to assimilate and organize these data at a faster and faster rate. This challenge is even more severe to the professional fact finder. As scientists and public, production, and wildlife health practitioners you are active discoverers of facts and ultimately a source of information for the world. In those roles, you must organize resource information and original data so that it is correctly analyzed, and interpreted to be delivered to your eager and demanding consumers.

The health industry (of which we are card carrying members) has grappled with the issue of data integrity for decades and the discipline of Information Management has grown to deal with it . There are professional schools training people to work as specialists in this industry (see our main page). A professional organization, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA ) is devoted to the challenges of collecting information in hospital settings. The United States Animal Health Association and American Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories have a joint committee devoted to Animal Health Information Systems. The United States Department of Agriculture has The Center for Economics and Animal Health and the National Animal Health Monitoring System completely devoted to the methodologies of collecting, organizing and analyzing animal health data. As this course progresses and as you proceed through the MPVM curriculum, you will take the lessons learned from these groups and their experience and apply them to smaller scale work. Please note that I have focused on monitoring efforts and not at all on research. From an epidemiologic perspective, these efforts are related but they are not identical and there are specifics to research that need to be addressed in a different manner than from monitoring efforts.

The Skills of Information Management

A survey of professionals (both employees and employers) identified 20 skills that were the most important for Information Management specialists. While some of the skills were important technology and computer skills many of them were skills directly related to understanding data. These skills included: defining data elements, understanding how the database or application will meet the needs of the end user, being able to integrate analysis into a database, perform data retrieval, ability to create and use if/then statements, ability to manage data quality, ability to create calculations within a data query, ability to communicate effectively, ability to listen and understand client requests, and an ability to create conceptual models.
Data Quality Management Model

Information or data is a fragile commodity and all steps in the data process need to be carefully mamaged. and the process AHIMA recently published a model for Data Quality Management ( It is a simple model that will serve as our guide for the class.
Details of the Model


Although we often focus our efforts on the analysis and the subsequent reports it is absolutely, unequivocally essential that significant energy be devoted to obtaining and maintaining good quality data that will be used in analysis. Everyone has heard ‘garbage in – garbage out". Translated, if the data going into the analysis is bad then the information resulting from the analysis -- no matter how sophisticated and no matter how clever -- will be wrong. This problem is the classic epidemiologic and statistical issue of "Bias".

Application--This defines the reason, approach, and the methods for collecting the data

Collection--This is the process of data collection

Warehousing--How the collected data will be stored and accessed

Analysis--Organizing, summarizing, and reporting the data

The Characteristics of High Quality Data

Accessibility—The data are available and useable.

Consistency—Over the time the data are collected and stored, the data were collected in the same manner. In practice this means that the definitions, formats, and storage media were the same or compatible.

Currency—The data has value to the target audience

Granularity—The dimensions or specificity of the data--crude to fine; an example is the difference between a weight category (crude) and the actual weight (fine)

Precision—The data are collected with the same measuring tool (biased or not) resulting in low variation data.

Accuracy—The data are collected with few biases and are a representation of the true state you are measuring.

Comprehensiveness—The data contain sufficient detail to answer the monitoring or research question.

Definition—The meaning and intent of the data are clearly defined

Relevancy—The data pertain directly to the question.

Timeliness—The data are temporally related to the question.


You will hear the following many times in the course of the MPVM year, but understanding and clearly defining the data application is the key to successfully utilizing the information you collect. Application design is the process of carefully defining: 1) the purpose of the research or monitoring effort and 2) the specific monitoring or research question to be answered. Application design is often an iterative process that includes the following:.

1. Based on an observation or belief, pose a question that can be answered.

Examples include:

Antibiotic resistance in the human population is a direct consequence of the use of antibiotics in animal feeds

Increased levels of estrogen in the environment decrease the fertility of free-roaming ungulates

Removing horses from watersheds can decrease Cryptosporidial infections in people

The primary source of salmonellosis in humans is from meat and poultry

The incidence of catastrophic diseases observed in poultry has increased steadily in the last year

The incidence of debilitating heart conditions in household cats has diminished in the last 5-years

2. Investigate the problem/question by doing a literature and grant search. This will entail library work, web searches,or contacting colleagues or experts in the field.

3. Read the literature and summarize the information and test your question against published information

4. Restate the question or need to more specifically target the data application.

5. Choose an approach to answer the question

6. Define the specific data sets that will be needed to answer the question

While the basic steps of the process are clear cut, there are many ways to achieve the outcome. In many cases, the process is individual and may require little interaction with others. More frequently the process requires that you work within or part of a group. When this occurs, the success of your project lies not only with the quality of the idea but also with your ability to understand group dynamics and the processes of groups.

Carefully dealing with these first steps will define the nature of the other three steps in the data quality model and ensure that the correct data are collected and brought to bear on the question.



2023-06-18 02:44:481


bi前缀是“二,二次”的意思。bi其实来自于拉丁语中bis,拉丁语中bis是两次之意(adverb)。由于某些原因英语中借用bis变前缀bi,bi就保留了双、两的意思。bi前缀由以上分析知道,它其实为:两、两次、两种等双之意。bi前缀的单词介绍1、biathlon:英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“冬季两项(越野滑雪射击比赛,冬奥会项目之一)”。2、bibliography:读音[u02ccbu026abliu02c8u0252ɡru0259fi],参考书目,文献目录;目录学,文献学。3、biases:偏心,偏见;偏差(bias 的复数);产生偏见,偏心(bias 的第三人称单数)。4、biannually:读音[biu02d0u0259nu02c8ju028au0259li],主要用作副词,作副词时译为“每半年地”。
2023-06-18 02:45:321

cognitive biases是什么意思

cognitive biases 认知偏差
2023-06-18 02:46:024


在决策过程中,人们都知道“理性”至关重要。一个理性的人在决策中能确保以最小的成本获得最大的收益,这就是经济学的基本假设。但心理学并不这么认为。从心理学角度,人类的决策充满了“非理性”的色彩。心理学卡尼曼(D.Kahneman)发现人们在决策中,常常使用经验法则(heuristics,也译作启发法)来进行决策推理,而人们在使用这些经验法则的过程中也往往产生各种偏误(biases)。例如,根据可及性经验法则(availability heuristic),人们不是根据一件事情各种情况发生的客观概率来进行决策,而是依据记忆提取中最容易提取的某种情况来进行参照决策。就像现在马来西亚航空公司发生MH370航班失联坠海事件,在相当一段时间内就会使许多乘客取消乘坐马航班机,甚至取消乘飞机出行。从理性的角度,大量数据表明乘坐飞机相比于陆地交通工具要安全得多;而且一起意外事故常常使航空公司强化安全检查,增加安全措施,反而使当下的出行比平时更可能安全。但人们决策时并非依据如此理性,而是受记忆中鲜明的失联坠海事件的影响,从而高估乘坐飞机或乘坐马航飞机的事故概率。尽管各种决策偏误背离理性,常常使人们产生误判。但从决策效率和策略的角度来说,决策偏误却是人类面对模糊资讯时的最佳策略。充分理性思考然后进行决策,往往意味着必须获得大量而充分的资讯,大脑要经过复杂的认知判断、推理,然后才能做出一个尽可能不出错的决策。但现实世界里,人们更常面临的是资讯的不充分、模糊、歧义,同时人类大脑处理资讯的能力和容量又是有限的,在资源和资讯双重匮乏的前提下,如果不能迅速决策就可能贻误时机,带来风险和威胁。因此,在资源和资讯双重匮乏的情境下,人类发展出基于经验的快速决策策略,这就是所谓的各种经验法则。再以可及性经验法则为例,人类在不借助技术手段来帮助决策之前,在有限的生命历程里无法估算准确的意外事件的概率,所以当有族人被闪电击中而死,那么最好的策略就是远离闪电。人类数十万年的进化过程中,超过99%的决策都是资讯或资源匮乏的情境下完成的,也因此使这些长期进化的经验法则已经成为人类大脑应对决策的标准配置;也因此使大多数个体即使被告知客观概率数据其实更安全,他们仍然会选择避免乘坐航班出行。决策偏误不仅在经典决策情境中会观察到,在社会认知领域,人类的决策偏误也随处可见。例如,社会心理学里的“旁观者效应”,其中不可忽视的一种影响因素就是人们在面对模糊的社会情境时,常常以他人的反应来作为决策和推断线索。至于归因里面里面的种种归因偏差,也可以概入广义的决策偏误范畴。例如,“基本归因错误”的机制就可能在于人们把“认知显著性”作为了快速决策和推断的线索。当然,要避免决策偏误影响重大的决策,坚持理性和反省是一个有用的途径。对自己的快速或本能判断保持质疑,而不是轻易确信。不过,其实这也很难,因为人们最常见的一种认知偏差就是“确证偏误”(confirmation bias),它使得人们本能地倾向于寻找支持自己想法的依据,而不大会去寻找否定其想法的依据。正是因为如此困难,所以卡尼曼的发现使他荣获了诺贝尔经济学奖,就是为了表彰他在“理性决策”的经济学领域引入了“非理性决策”的心理学依据。
2023-06-18 02:46:431


2023-06-18 02:47:262


第一类叫「替代偏差(Substitution)」,也叫「判断启发式」 用简单的问题替换原有问题,片面性替代;用谁像谁之类的问题取代谁的可能性更大这类问题 第二类偏差叫「结论偏差(Conclusion biases)」。 锚定效应也属于一种结论性偏差 第三类偏差叫「过度的连贯性(Excessive Coherence)」。接受信息的先后顺序可能影响你的判断
2023-06-18 02:48:061


这是net变量的属性展示,相当于对net的解释,不是报错信息,不用管它。人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network,即ANN ),是20世纪80 年代以来人工智能领域兴起的研究热点。它从信息处理角度对人脑神经元网络进行抽象, 建立某种简单模型,按不同的连接方式组成不同的网络。在工程与学术界也常直接简称为神经网络或类神经网络。神经网络是一种运算模型,由大量的节点(或称神经元)之间相互联接构成。每个节点代表一种特定的输出函数,称为激励函数(activation function)。每两个节点间的连接都代表一个对于通过该连接信号的加权值,称之为权重,这相当于人工神经网络的记忆。网络的输出则依网络的连接方式,权重值和激励函数的不同而不同。而网络自身通常都是对自然界某种算法或者函数的逼近,也可能是对一种逻辑策略的表达。
2023-06-18 02:48:191


要说近几年最引人注目的技术,无疑的,非人工智能莫属。无论你是否身处科技互联网行业,随处可见人工智能的身影:从 AlphaGo 击败世界围棋冠军,到无人驾驶概念的兴起,再到科技巨头 All in AI,以及各大高校向社会输送海量的人工智能专业的毕业生。以至于人们开始萌生一个想法:新的革命就要来了,我们的世界将再次发生一次巨变;而后开始焦虑:我的工作是否会被机器取代?我该如何才能抓住这次革命? 人工智能背后的核心技术是深度神经网络(Deep Neural Network),大概是一年前这个时候,我正在回老家的高铁上学习 3Blue1Brown 的 Neural Network 系列视频课程,短短 4 集 60 多分钟的时间,就把神经网络从 High Level 到推导细节说得清清楚楚,当时的我除了获得新知的兴奋之外,还有一点新的认知,算是给头脑中的革命性的技术泼了盆冷水:神经网络可以解决一些复杂的、以前很难通过写程序来完成的任务——例如图像、语音识别等,但它的实现机制告诉我,神经网络依然没有达到生物级别的智能,短期内期待它来取代人也是不可能的。 一年后的今天,依然在这个春运的时间点,将我对神经网络的理解写下来,算是对这部分知识的一个学习笔记,运气好的话,还可以让不了解神经网络的同学了解起来。 维基百科这样解释 神经网络 : 这个定义比较宽泛,你甚至还可以用它来定义其它的机器学习算法,例如之前我们一起学习的逻辑回归和 GBDT 决策树。下面我们具体一点,下图是一个逻辑回归的示意图: 其中 x1 和 x2 表示输入,w1 和 w2 是模型的参数,z 是一个线性函数: 接着我们对 z 做一个 sigmod 变换(图中蓝色圆),得到输出 y: 其实,上面的逻辑回归就可以看成是一个只有 1 层 输入层 , 1 层 输出层 的神经网络,图中容纳数字的圈儿被称作 神经元 ;其中,层与层之间的连接 w1、w2 以及 b,是这个 神经网络的参数 ,层之间如果每个神经元之间都保持着连接,这样的层被称为 全连接层 (Full Connection Layer),或 稠密层 (Dense Layer);此外,sigmoid 函数又被称作 激活函数 (Activation Function),除了 sigmoid 外,常用的激活函数还有 ReLU、tanh 函数等,这些函数都起到将线性函数进行非线性变换的作用。我们还剩下一个重要的概念: 隐藏层 ,它需要把 2 个以上的逻辑回归叠加起来加以说明: 如上图所示,除输入层和输出层以外,其他的层都叫做 隐藏层 。如果我们多叠加几层,这个神经网络又可以被称作 深度神经网络 (Deep Neural Network),有同学可能会问多少层才算“深”呢?这个没有绝对的定论,个人认为 3 层以上就算吧:) 以上,便是神经网络,以及神经网络中包含的概念,可见,神经网络并不特别,广义上讲,它就是 可见,神经网络和人脑神经也没有任何关联,如果我们说起它的另一个名字—— 多层感知机(Mutilayer Perceptron) ,就更不会觉得有多么玄乎了,多层感知机创造于 80 年代,可为什么直到 30 年后的今天才爆发呢?你想得没错,因为改了个名字……开个玩笑;实际上深度学习这项技术也经历过很长一段时间的黑暗低谷期,直到人们开始利用 GPU 来极大的提升训练模型的速度,以及几个标志性的事件:如 AlphaGo战胜李世石、Google 开源 TensorFlow 框架等等,感兴趣的同学可以翻一下这里的历史。 就拿上图中的 3 个逻辑回归组成的神经网络作为例子,它和普通的逻辑回归比起来,有什么优势呢?我们先来看下单逻辑回归有什么劣势,对于某些情况来说,逻辑回归可能永远无法使其分类,如下面数据: 这 4 个样本画在坐标系中如下图所示 因为逻辑回归的决策边界(Decision Boundary)是一条直线,所以上图中的两个分类,无论你怎么做,都无法找到一条直线将它们分开,但如果借助神经网络,就可以做到这一点。 由 3 个逻辑回归组成的网络(这里先忽略 bias)如下: 观察整个网络的计算过程,在进入输出层之前,该网络所做的计算实际上是: 即把输入先做了一次线性变换(Linear Transformation),得到 [z1, z2] ,再把 [z1, z2] 做了一个非线性变换(sigmoid),得到 [x1", x2"] ,(线性变换的概念可以参考 这个视频 )。从这里开始,后面的操作就和一个普通的逻辑回归没有任何差别了,所以它们的差异在于: 我们的数据在输入到模型之前,先做了一层特征变换处理(Feature Transformation,有时又叫做特征抽取 Feature Extraction),使之前不可能被分类的数据变得可以分类了 。 我们继续来看下特征变换的效果,假设 为 ,带入上述公式,算出 4 个样本对应的 [x1", x2"] 如下: 再将变换后的 4 个点绘制在坐标系中: 显然,在做了特征变换之后,这两个分类就可以很容易的被一条决策边界分开了。 所以, 神经网络的优势在于,它可以帮助我们自动的完成特征变换或特征提取 ,尤其对于声音、图像等复杂问题,因为在面对这些问题时,人们很难清晰明确的告诉你,哪些特征是有用的。 在解决特征变换的同时,神经网络也引入了新的问题,就是我们需要设计各式各样的网络结构来针对性的应对不同的场景,例如使用卷积神经网络(CNN)来处理图像、使用长短期记忆网络(LSTM)来处理序列问题、使用生成式对抗网络(GAN)来写诗和作图等,就连去年自然语言处理(NLP)中取得突破性进展的 Transformer/Bert 也是一种特定的网络结构。所以, 学好神经网络,对理解其他更高级的网络结构也是有帮助的 。 上面说了,神经网络可以看作一个非线性函数,该函数的参数是连接神经元的所有的 Weights 和 Biases,该函数可以简写为 f(W, B) ,以手写数字识别的任务作为例子:识别 MNIST 数据集 中的数字,数据集(MNIST 数据集是深度学习中的 HelloWorld)包含上万张不同的人写的数字图片,共有 0-9 十种数字,每张图片为 28*28=784 个像素,我们设计一个这样的网络来完成该任务: 把该网络函数所具备的属性补齐: 接下来的问题是,这个函数是如何产生的?这个问题本质上问的是这些参数的值是怎么确定的。 在机器学习中,有另一个函数 c 来衡量 f 的好坏,c 的参数是一堆数据集,你输入给 c 一批 Weights 和 Biases,c 输出 Bad 或 Good,当结果是 Bad 时,你需要继续调整 f 的 Weights 和 Biases,再次输入给 c,如此往复,直到 c 给出 Good 为止,这个 c 就是损失函数 Cost Function(或 Loss Function)。在手写数字识别的列子中,c 可以描述如下: 可见,要完成手写数字识别任务,只需要调整这 12730 个参数,让损失函数输出一个足够小的值即可,推而广之,绝大部分神经网络、机器学习的问题,都可以看成是定义损失函数、以及参数调优的问题。 在手写识别任务中,我们既可以使用交叉熵(Cross Entropy)损失函数,也可以使用 MSE(Mean Squared Error)作为损失函数,接下来,就剩下如何调优参数了。 神经网络的参数调优也没有使用特别的技术,依然是大家刚接触机器学习,就学到的梯度下降算法,梯度下降解决了上面迭代过程中的遗留问题——当损失函数给出 Bad 结果时,如何调整参数,能让 Loss 减少得最快。 梯度可以理解为: 把 Loss 对应到 H,12730 个参数对应到 (x,y),则 Loss 对所有参数的梯度可以表示为下面向量,该向量的长度为 12730: $$ abla L(w,b) = left[ frac{partial L}{partial w_1}, frac{partial L}{partial w_2},..., frac{partial L}{partial b_{26}} ight] ^ op $$ 所以,每次迭代过程可以概括为 用梯度来调整参数的式子如下(为了简化,这里省略了 bias): 上式中, 是学习率,意为每次朝下降最快的方向前进一小步,避免优化过头(Overshoot)。 由于神经网络参数繁多,所以需要更高效的计算梯度的算法,于是,反向传播算法(Backpropagation)呼之欲出。 在学习反向传播算法之前,我们先复习一下微积分中的链式法则(Chain Rule):设 g = u(h) , h = f(x) 是两个可导函数,x 的一个很小的变化 △x 会使 h 产生一个很小的变化 △h,从而 g 也产生一个较小的变化 △g,现要求 △g/△x,可以使用链式法则: 有了以上基础,理解反向传播算法就简单了。 假设我们的演示网络只有 2 层,输入输出都只有 2 个神经元,如下图所示: 其中 是输入, 是输出, 是样本的目标值,这里使用的损失函数 L 为 MSE;图中的上标 (1) 或 (2) 分别表示参数属于第 (1) 层或第 (2) 层,下标 1 或 2 分别表示该层的第 1 或 第 2 个神经元。 现在我们来计算 和 ,掌握了这 2 个参数的偏导数计算之后,整个梯度的计算就掌握了。 所谓反向传播算法,指的是从右向左来计算每个参数的偏导数,先计算 ,根据链式法则 对左边项用链式法则展开 又 是输出值, 可以直接通过 MSE 的导数算出: 而 ,则 就是 sigmoid 函数的导数在 处的值,即 于是 就算出来了: 再来看 这一项,因为 所以 注意:上面式子对于所有的 和 都成立,且结果非常直观,即 对 的偏导为左边的输入 的大小;同时,这里还隐含着另一层意思:需要调整哪个 来影响 ,才能使 Loss 下降得最快,从该式子可以看出,当然是先调整较大的 值所对应的 ,效果才最显著 。 于是,最后一层参数 的偏导数就算出来了 我们再来算上一层的 ,根据链式法则 : 继续展开左边这一项 你发现没有,这几乎和计算最后一层一摸一样,但需要注意的是,这里的 对 Loss 造成的影响有多条路径,于是对于只有 2 个输出的本例来说: 上式中, 都已经在最后一层算出,下面我们来看下 ,因为 于是 同理 注意:这里也引申出梯度下降的调参直觉:即要使 Loss 下降得最快,优先调整 weight 值比较大的 weight。 至此, 也算出来了 观察上式, 所谓每个参数的偏导数,通过反向传播算法,都可以转换成线性加权(Weighted Sum)计算 ,归纳如下: 式子中 n 代表分类数,(l) 表示第 l 层,i 表示第 l 层的第 i 个神经元。 既然反向传播就是一个线性加权,那整个神经网络就可以借助于 GPU 的矩阵并行计算了 。 最后,当你明白了神经网络的原理,是不是越发的认为,它就是在做一堆的微积分运算,当然,作为能证明一个人是否学过微积分,神经网络还是值得学一下的。Just kidding .. 本文我们通过 这四点,全面的学习了神经网络这个知识点,希望本文能给你带来帮助。 参考:
2023-06-18 02:48:501

记忆错误和偏见Memory errors and biases

在心理学和认知科学中。记忆偏见是有一种增强或者减弱记忆的印象(可能是指全部回想起记忆内容的几率,可能是指回忆起记忆的时间长短,也可能两者都是),或者改变记忆内容的认知偏见。 怪异效应(bizarreness effect): 奇怪的事情比一般的事情容易记忆。 选择支持偏见(choice-supportive bias): 以自证的方式追溯记忆时,会认为这个选择比起他实际的价值要好。 改变偏见(change bias): 当付出一定努力产生改变后,人们在回想改变之前的行为方式时会比实际上的要更加困难。 童年失忆症(childhood amnesia): 4岁以前的记忆很难被保留。 保守主义或倒退偏见(conservatism or regressive bias): 基于模糊的证据、印象,记忆会使得高价值、高可能性、高频繁的东西比起实际偏低,而使低价值、低可能性、低频繁的比实际偏高。 一致性偏差(consistency bias): 依据他人现在的态度和行为,错误的回忆他过去的态度和行为。 境联效应(context effect): 认知和记忆与环境有关,那些在所处环境之外的记忆通常比较难以回忆,例如在家里回忆工作的事情其准确性会下降。 跨种族效应(cross-race effect): 一个种族的成员比较难以记忆辨认另一种族的成员。 潜隐记忆(cryptomnesia): 因为主观上没有把它看做是记忆,就认为这个记忆是错误的或者认为这个想法是新产生的,但实际上以前确实经历过。 自我中心偏见(egocentric bias): 以自利的形式回忆过去,比如影像中考试成绩比别人的好,鱼钓的比别人的大。 衰落影响偏见(fading affect bias): 伴随着不高兴经历的记忆会比那些拥有高兴经历的记忆忘记的更快。 虚假记忆(false memory): 错误的回忆那些经历过的事情。 生成效应/自生成效应(generation effect/self-generation effect) :自生成的信息最容易记住。例如,通过联想意境去记忆诗句就会比死记硬背更容易记住。 谷歌效应(google effect): 趋向于忘记那些能够被互联网轻易找到的信息。 后视偏见(hindsight bias): 事后倾向于认为事情比它实际更容易预测。 幽默效应(humor effect): 包含幽默元素的东西更容易记住,这可能是因为幽默的特异性,理解幽默需要额外的认知过程,或者通过幽默可以激发情感上的刺激。 真实虚幻效应(illusion of true effect): 不管事情真实性如何,人们更可能认为他以前听说过的事情是真实的,即使他可能没意识到他听说过。换句话说,人们更容易相信他们所熟悉的东西。 错觉关联(illusory correlation): 记忆中的两个事物的关联性是虚假的。 滞后效应(lag effect): 相对于在一个时间段内一次性学习相同的时间,分时间段延伸学习的效果会更好。 平和锐化(leveling and sharpening): 记忆扭曲随着时间的推移,部分记忆内容的丢失发生,它经常伴随着与我们认知信念相违背的记忆细节丢失,也就是leveling过程,和与我们信念相一致的记忆细节的加强,也就是sharpening过程。而且这一过程会随着时间的推移,重复回忆重复叙述的次数增加而不断强化。 加工水平效应(levels-of-processing effect): 信息进入记忆的编码方式不同其记忆强度也会不用。加工水平效应关注的是关于记忆的加工处理深度,它预测信息加工越深其记忆的痕迹就会越持久。 体量效应(list-length effect): 在一个大的体量中,一个较小的百分比的内容被记住,随着体量的增加,被记住的内容的绝对数量也会增加。 误导信息效应(misinformation effect): 与事后的信息接触越多,记忆变得越不准确。 在Elizabeth Loftus的一个oft-cited研究报告里,提到一个实验。邀请学生收看一个交通事故的镜头,事后其中一些被要求估计一下当肇事汽车撞向被撞汽车时的速度。另一些人被问及肇事汽车酒驾撞向被撞汽车的速度。那些提问中涉及到酒驾的被提问者,更可能会记得玻璃破碎的场景(而实际中并没有这一场景),他们估计的肇事汽车速度也明显比那些没有听到酒驾字眼的被提问者估计的快。 另一种误导信息是通过虚假预设(false presupposition)的方式来影响记忆,例如“这辆车有没有在停车的标识处停车啊?”但事实上那里只有让路的标志。 这种效应被心理学家看做是一种确认插图,相对于影片的倒带,它是一种结构上的重设,它可以被那些插入的暗示词句影响。 在最近一项研究中,Henry Roediger主导实验者们,利用这种效应并使用阿希从众实验(Asch conformity experiments):两个被试被要求回忆关于一段场景的信息,其中一个同谋者故意的提供不准确的信息。在这种情况下,那个真实的被试可能会记得看到了那个同谋者提到的信息中的事情(但这个事情实际上并未发生)。 感觉通道效应(modality effect): 通过语音形式表现比通过书写形式表现,更容易记忆内容的最后几个元素。 感觉通道效应是实验心理学中使用的一个术语,用于解释信息怎样呈现在记忆和学习中更有效果。在1988年Sweller et al设计的实验和1999年Mayer的实验中已经表明当信息以音频形式呈现时比以视图形式呈现时,记忆负载(memory load)更小。特别的,在实验中还发现当通过讲述而不是阅读方式时,呈现的最后一些内容的记忆效果会提高。 心境一致记忆偏差(mood-congruent memory bias): 信息的记忆程度与人当时的心境有关。 依次失真效应(next-in-line effect): 在一个群组里面的人会减弱在他之前说话的人的说话内容的记忆。 部分线索提示效应(part-list cueing effect): 在回忆时,以刚刚学过的部分项目作为提取线索,被试的回忆成绩反而比没有任何线索时回忆成绩差。 峰终定律(peak-end rule): 人们不容易体验到整个经历的过程,但是对高峰和低峰的体验比较明显,也就是整个过程的体验往往由高峰和低峰决定。 持久化(persistence): 不希望回忆的创伤性事件的记忆却反复想起。 图优效应(picture superiority effect): 一个概念与通过文字形式展现的方式相比,通过图片形式展现更容易被记住。 积极效应(positivity effect): 一个较长的成年人在他的记忆中更支持积极的信息。 首因效益/近因效应(primacy effect/recency effect) :事件最后的信息最容易被记住,开头的信息次之,中间的信息最不容易被记住。 加工难度效应(processing difficulty effect): 花费长时间去读去思考的信息比较容易记住。 怀旧性记忆(reminiscence bump): 人的一生时间里最经常怀念的是青春期和早期的青年期。 玫瑰色回顾(rosy retrospection): 对过去的记忆往往会比它实际的要好。 自相关效应(self-relevance effect): 关于自己的记忆比起那些相似的但是是关于别人的记忆更容易回忆。 资源混淆(source confusion): 与别的信息杂糅在一起混淆的记忆情节,形成了扭曲的记忆。 间隔效应(spacing effect): 比起那些短时间就重复出现的信息,经过间隔较长时间后重复出现的信息容易记忆。 焦点效应(spotlight effect): 人们会高估周围人对自己外表和行为关注度。 定型(stereotypical bias): 记忆由于定型而进行扭曲,比如由于种族或者性别。 附加效应(suffix effect): 如果另一段内容添加到需记忆内容的最后处,记忆内容的最后处记忆效果将会变弱。这也被称为近因效应的稀释(dilution)。 例如,你想记住一串数字:1,5,7,9,15,那么记忆最深刻的就是1,15。然而,当把数字20添加到该串数字最末尾时,对15的记忆将会变弱。 暗示感受性(suggestibility): 提问者通过在某些地方给予错误暗示使得回忆者回忆这些地方时产生错误。 伸缩效应(telescoping effect): 趋向于将近期的事件在时间上退后而将久远的时间在时间上移前,使得近期发生的事比实际久远,久远发生的事比实际近。 话在嘴边现象(tip of the tongue phenomenon): 一个话题可以回忆起部分内容,或者相关的信息,但是沮丧的是不能回忆出全部内容。当各种相似的记忆被回忆后各自交缠在一起就会产生封堵(blocking)。 特拉维斯综合征(travis syndrome): 高估当下的意义。它涉及到进步思想的启迪(the enlightment idea of progress)和时序势利(chronological snobbery)这些类似的诉诸新潮的逻辑谬误偏见。 逐字效应(verbatim effect): 人们更容易记住别人说话的要义而不是全部内容,因为记忆只是一种陈述,而不是复制。 孤立效应(von restorff effect): 突出的内容比起其他内容更容易记忆。 蔡加尼克效应(Zeigarnik effect): 那些不完整的或者被打断的任务比起完整的内容更容易记忆。 20世纪20年代苏联心理学家蔡加尼克在一项记忆实验中发现的心理现象。他让被试做22件简单的工作,但只有一半允许做完,另一半在没有做完时就受到阻止。做完实验即让被试回忆做了22件什么工作。结果是未完成的工作比已完成的工作记得好,这就是蔡加尼克效应。
2023-06-18 02:49:091


2023-06-18 02:49:352

求翻译 谢谢!! 人工番 不要机器!

讲习班都采取相同的形式,把重点放在一个单一的游戏作为一种个案研究,并使用个别场景作为具体的经验教训。在尤利乌斯的撒,狡猾的挑衅,布鲁图斯拿起武器,对什么是一个团队建设和基层组织的方法的基础上进行了讨论。虽然都是文学的阿德尔曼,学术训练课程,包含莎士比亚的传统和背景很多。例如,亨利五世,他们的车间,包括亨利的制胜策略在阿金库尔战役中一个有益的解释。但他们来的一些偏见的文字:他们的亨利五世阅读减少他滥用权力。相反,他们强调青年人抓住机遇的故事,成为一个熟练的领导者。在凯撒车间,阿德尔曼先生对布鲁图斯说,说:“最高贵的罗马人都“不能让自己的心里的事情。许多人指出,他们认为,他们认为有关的凯撒的骄傲,这导致了他的谋杀,和布鲁图斯的错误导致谋杀后,他们说,提高重要的问题,作为一个企业时,何女士,你抵抗的老板?(亲 望采纳)
2023-06-18 02:50:071


2023-06-18 02:50:2714


scRNA数据中文库的差异还是很常见的,来源于:不同细胞的起始底物浓度不同,导致cDNA捕获或PCR扩增效率差异。归一化的目的就是去除细胞间与真实表达量无关的技术因素,方便后续比较。 这里需要说明:归一化与批次处理还是不同的。归一化不管实验的批次因素,只考虑细胞中存在的技术误差(比如测序深度),而批次处理既要考虑实验批次,又要考虑技术误差(比如不同实验时间、不同细胞系、不同文库制备方法、不同测序方法、不同测序深度)。技术误差对不同基因的影响是相似的,比如有的技术误差会影响基因长度、GC含量,那么基本上所有基因都会受影响。但不同的批次产生的影响是不同的,比如不同时间做的实验效果就是不一样,那么基因的表达量可能也会受到这个影响。尽管有的R包可以同时处理技术误差和批次效应(例如 zinbwave ),但大部分的分析还是各顾各的。 因此,这里只需要记得: 归一化,归的是技术误差,而不是批次效应即可 需要说明的是: 本文的介绍基本都是基于Scater和Scran包,没有Seurat的影子,所以也看不到 ScaleData 的操作。大部分都是对文库差异进行的处理,集中体现在计算size factor,取log进行数据缩放,因此主要就是归一化处理,而没有看到z-score处理。这个也不用奇怪,每个包都有每个包的处理方法,也没有一个定论说就非要进行Seurat的scale处理 数据依然给大家准备好了, sce.zeisel 链接: 密码:g8379h 文库大小指的就是:每个细胞中所有的基因表达量之和 进行归一化时,需要根据每个细胞的文库大小各自计算一个”library size factor“,而这些factor的均值为1 对size factor做个直方图 文库相关的size factor 基于的 假设是:任意两对细胞间的差异表达基因都是平衡的 。也就是说,一组基因的上调表达程度,势必会被另一组基因的下调表达程度相抵消。但是在scRNA中差异基因表达并不是平衡的(也称为:存在composition biases),因此library size normalization可能不会得到准确的归一化结果,仅仅是能用,但不是最精确。 不过话又说回来,精确的归一化结果也不是scRNA数据探索的主要任务。还是要记得,归一化的目的是更好地为下游展示数据做铺垫。因此 使用library size normalization对细胞分群和鉴定每群的marker基因也是足够的。 前面提到scRNA的数据存在composition biases,也就是样本间基因差异表达的不均衡性。 先来理解composition biases ,现在想象一个例子:两个细胞A、B,一个基因X在A细胞相比于B细胞表达量更高。这种高表达意味着: 这两种情况都会导致一个结果:细胞A的其他非差异基因都会由于X基因的”过度表现“而不经意地”下调“ 那么如何去除这种composition biases呢? 之前在bulk RNA-Seq中研究非常透彻了。例如DESeq2使用的 estimateSizeFactorsFromMatrix() ,edgeR使用的 calcNormFactors() 都在归一化过程中考虑到了这点。 它的假设是:大部分基因都不是差异基因。 但是单细胞数据不能使用bulk 转录组的方法,因为存在大量的低表达和0表达量。根据Lun, Bach, and Marioni 2016 的研究,单细胞可以这么操作: quickCluster 使用了 irlba 的PCA方法来进行分群操作(注意这个分群和后面真正的分群操作不是一回事,这个顶多算是pre-clustering操作,目的就是给去卷积铺路),并且它每次运行结果都是随机的,因此需要设置随机种子来满足重复性。它得到的每群细胞都分别进行归一化,得到size factors。 中间的红线上的点表示去卷积和常规方法得到的size factor相等;不同颜色表示不同的细胞类型。可以看到去卷积的方法的确能暴露出细胞类型对文库大小的影响,也证明了composition biases的确存在,并且在不同的细胞类型之间还很显著。利用去卷积的size factor会得到更准确的结果,因为它考虑的问题更全面。 上面也说过,使用library size normalization对细胞分群和鉴定每群的marker基因是足够的。这里使用去卷积得到更准确的结果,虽然对分群改善不大,但对于每个基因的表达量数据估计与解释还是很重要的,因为它考虑了composition biases的影响。 它基于的假设是:外源RNA(spike-in)添加到每个细胞时的量都是一样的。如果出现同一spike-in转录本表达量在各个细胞之间的差异,问题只能是细胞相关,例如不同细胞捕获效率、不同细胞测序深度等等。 因此,计算spike-in size factor的目的也正是去除这方面的偏差。相比之前的两种方法,spike-in的方法不再基于生物学背景假设(比如是否存在很多差异基因),而是 假设: 下面快速探索这个过程: 使用 computeSpikeFactors() 计算所有细胞的spike-in size factor 再做一个spike-in与去卷积结果的对比图: 对于归一化方法的选择,取决于生物学假设。大多数情况下,总体RNA含量的变化我们并不感兴趣,可以直接用library size或deconvolution factors当做系统性偏差去除。但如果总体RNA含量变化与某个感兴趣的生物学过程相关,例如细胞周期活性或T细胞激活,spike-in的归一化方法就可以把这种变化保留下来,而去除其他系统性偏差。 另外,不管我们关不关心总体RNA含量,对于spike-in转录本的归一化都有特殊对待,不能使用针对内源基因的方法,比如可以利用 modelGeneVarWithSpikes() 得到单独的spike-in相关的size factor 一旦得到了size factors,就可以利用scater包的 logNormCounts() 函数计算每个细胞归一化后的结果。计算也很简单,就是用某个细胞中每个基因或spike-in转录本的表达量除以这个细胞计算的size factor,最后还进行一个log转换,得到一个新的矩阵: logcounts 【不过这个名字并不是很贴切,只是因为拼写简单,真实应该是:log-transformed normalized expression values。而不是单纯字面意思取个log】 至于 为什么取log? 就是为了不受真实值的影响,而关注变化倍数。这里举个例子,X基因在细胞A的表达量是50,在B细胞的表达量是10;而Y基因在细胞A的表达量是1000,在B细胞的表达量是1100。哪个基因更能吸引你的注意呢?我们是不是会关注变化的倍数? 另外,既然要取log,就应该要注意存在很多0表达量的数值,因此log前还需要给表达量加上1, log1p = log(x + 1) ,这个1就称作:pseudo-count。 logNormCounts 还有一个参数: downsample=T ,当使用常规流程做完后发现PCA分群的结果可能受到size factor的影响(即使之前通过归一化试图去除文库大小的影响)。既然文库大小影响还在,那么就试图减弱这种影响,于是想到减少样本数量,用更少的样本再重新归一化【但这种情况非常特殊】 图中看到选取更少的样本,结果变得清楚许多,size factor的影响比之前小了很多。于是可以推断,之前PCA的结果很可能是还存在技术偏差导致的文库差异 另外还有更复杂的方法可以看: sctransform 、 DESeq2 ,使用了variance stabilizing transformations方法
2023-06-18 02:52:081

请问①下面这句话的意思。 ②为什么用strongly副词,修饰bias形容词? ③后面的插入语that is 是怎么用的?

strongly这个词是可以做形容词的 带有个人感情色彩的情况下 用strongly不用strong
2023-06-18 02:52:272

关于Tensorflow的minst数字识别出现name XXX is not defined的问题

2023-06-18 02:52:571

acquiescence bias造句 acquiescence biasの例文 "acquiescence bias"是什麼意思

Acquiescence bias , which is also referred to as " yea-saying ", is a category of response bias in which respondents to a cognitive processes of the participant, instead of the motivation to please the researcher. Designing a scale with balanced keying ( an equal number of positive and negative statements and, especially, an equal number of positive and negative statements regarding each position or issue in question ) can obviate the problem of acquiescence bias , since acquiescence on positively keyed items will balance acquiescence on negatively keyed items, but defensive, central tendency, and social desirabipty biases are somewhat more problematic. It"s difficult to find acquiescence bias in a sentence. 用 acquiescence bias 造句挺难的
2023-06-18 02:53:231


  定语从句特殊先行词一   被修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句由于较长,放于被修饰词前不方便人们理解和记忆,从“人性角度”考虑,将其置于被修饰词之后加以强调,故不同于单词或短语作定语的情况。定语从句一般由关系代词或关系副词来引导。关系词必须放在定语从句之首,取消其独立成句的资格,做到主从句的区分,因此引导词是定语从句的标志。定语从句在句中作定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)。其结构为先行词+引导词+一个不完整的句子(缺少主语/宾语/表语/状语/定语等成分)。   判断定语从句的关键是确定先行词,找到定语从句要服务的“对象”。在限定性定语从句当中,一般引导词前的名词或代词或名词性短语就是被修饰的中心词,即先行词;但在非限定性定语从句(用逗号将定语从句与前面的句子隔开的形式)中,定语从句则需要“千里寻主”,确定“效忠对象”,也许修饰前面的句子中的某一个名词,也许修饰前面某一个分句,甚至是前面整个句子。    【例句】名词或代词   Those who were trapped under the ruins in the Wenchuan earthquake finally got rescued.那些被困在汶川地震废墟里的人已经得救了。    【例句】短语   He is the one of the survivors that/who suffered from the earthquake.他是遭受地震的幸存者之一。    【例句】一个句子   In the presence of so beautiful a girl he was little tense, which was understandable.在这么漂亮的姑娘面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的`。    【真题例举】   The second, by JoshuaGreenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying traits(particularly in word order)shared by many languages, which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints.   译文:第二次努力——由乔舒亚格林堡做出——采用更为经验主义的方法来研究语言的普遍性,确定了多种语言(尤其是语法词序方面)的共同特征,这些特征被认为体现了认知制约所产生的偏好。   解析:which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰的是traits(特征),由于引导词没有紧随其后,所以要用逗号将其与主句隔开。这一定语从句的先行词为名词。   方法和技巧固然重要,但如果天天沉醉于一些“必胜招数”而无实际的内容打底,则未免犯了本末倒置的错误,复习万不可形式大于内容,切记!   定语从句特殊先行词二   最典型的就是一些表示“情形、情况、场合、火候”这类的名词   condition   situation   case   circumstance   state   scene   extent   等等。   其实吧,只要是可以用in which/ at which/ to which...此类来引导定语从句的先行词,就基本上都可以直接代换为where.
2023-06-18 02:53:581


同源偏差的英文应该是common variance 说的是如果变量都由一个人填写,变量即使没有理论关系也会相关。你可以搜索“共同方法变异”的文献。 共同方法偏差(common method biases,CMB),是指由于同样的数据来源或评分者、同样的测量环境、项目语境以及项目本身特征所造成的预测变量与效标变量之间的人为的共变性。它是源于测量方法而不是研究构念的一种变异,这里的方法包括不同的抽象水平,如特定条目内容、问卷类型、反应形式、一般测试环境等。在最抽象水平上,方法效应可以解释为诸如光环效应(Halo effect)、社会赞许性、熟悉-宽容效应或是-否一致性反应等。共同方法偏差在心理学、行为科学研究尤其是在问卷法中广泛存在。
2023-06-18 02:54:161


As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or biases, and I do not have the ability to like or dislike colors. Butterflies are beautiful creatures regardless of their color. If you need help with anything related to butterflies in English, I can assist you.
2023-06-18 02:54:434

做辐射定标有哪些方法,我有点模糊,一种是ENVI自带的定标方法,但是我想用band math 来做?

嗯 百度
2023-06-18 02:55:143


2023-06-18 02:55:301


机器学习几个重要概念统计学习的算法可以分为以下几个类别:监督学习、非监督学习、半监督学习以及强化学习。监督学习的输入数据都有对应的类标签或是一个输出值,其任务是学习一个模型,使模型能够对任意给定的输入,对其相应的输出做出一个好的预测。非监督学习就是没有对应的类标签或是输出值。学习中并没有任何标准来告诉你,某个概念是否正确,需要学习器自身形成和评价概念。就是自动地从数据中挖掘出结构信息或是抽取出一些规则。近年来,非监督学习被认为是解决一些重要问题的突破口所在。因为科学的产生就是人类中无监督学习的最佳案例。半监督学习就是介于监督学习和非监督学习之间。这在最近的研究领域也是被大家所热烈探讨的,因为对于现实数据来说,有标签的数据总是少量的,往往都需要人工来进行标注。而无标签数据是能够大量获得的。增强学习强调如何基于环境而行动,以取得最大化的预期利益。其灵感来源于心理学中的行为主义理论,即有机体如何在环境给予的奖励或惩罚的刺激下,逐步形成对刺激的预期,产生能获得最大利益的习惯性行为。强化学习和标准的监督式学习之间的区别在于,它并不需要出现正确的输入/输出对,也不需要精确校正次优化的行为。(以上内容摘自维基百科)这在机器人、无人机领域中应用的还是非常广泛的。在线学习与离线学习对于机器学习算法的分类,站在不同的角度就能有不同的分类方法。在具体的应用中还有一种常用的分类方法是:在线学习与离线学习。在线学习,是在获取到新的数据后就能够输入到模型中进行学习。这需要学习算法能够在处于任何状态时都能进行参数的更新。而且需要算法对噪声数据有很好的鲁棒性。离线学习就正好与在线学习相反,当数据有更新时,需要将其与原来的数据一起对模型的参数进行重新地训练。这时,整个训练的过程能够被很好的控制,因为所有的数据都是已知的,能够对数据进行细致的预处理过程。生成模型与判别模型这种分类方式是针对于监督学习来进行分类的。这个在我腾讯面试的时候还被问到过这个问题。生成模型生成方法由数据学习联合概率分布P(X,Y),然后求出条件概率分布P(Y|X)作为预测的模型,即生成模型:模型表示了给定输入X产生输出Y的生成关系。典型的生成模型有:朴素贝叶斯方法和隐马尔可夫模型。生成模型能够还原出联合概率分布P(X,Y);生成模型的收敛速度快,当样本容量增加的时候,学到的模型可以更快地收敛于真实模型;当存在隐变量时,仍可以使用生成学习方法,此时判别方法就不能用。判别模型判别方法由数据直接学习决策函数f(x)或者条件概率分布P(Y|X)作为预测的模型,即判别模型。典型的判别模型包括:k近邻法、感知机、决策树、logistic回归模型、最大熵模型、支持向量机、提升方法和条件随机场。判别模型直接面对预测,往往学习的准确率越高。可以对数据进行各种程度上的抽象、定义特征并使用特征,因此可以简化学习问题。算法的归纳偏好机器学习算法在学习过程中对某种类型假设的偏好称为『归纳偏好』。这个『假设』包含了一个算法方方面面的内容。任何一个有效的机器学习算法必有其归纳的偏好,否则它将被假设空间中看似在训练集上『等效』的假设所迷惑,而无法产生确定的学习结果。例如在分类问题中,如果随机抽选训练集上等效的假设(可以认为所有的正反例并没有区别),那么它的分类结果其实是不确定的,这要根据它所选取的样本来决定,这样的学习显然是没有意义的。归纳偏好对应了学习算法本身所做出的关于『什么样的模型更好』的假设。在具体的问题中,这个假设是否成立,即算法的归纳偏好是否与问题本身匹配,大多数时候直接决定了算法能否取得好的性能。『奥卡姆剃刀』就是一个常用的原则,『若有多个假设与观察一致,则选择最简单的那个』。对于一些以简洁为美的人来说是再正确不过了。在一些工程技术中有一些问题也确实是这样,一个较为简单的方法所取得的效果虽然不是最好,但是它的代价与其效果之比已然是最优。对于一个线性回归问题,如下图所示:根据『奥卡姆剃刀』原则,你肯定会选择中间那条经过回归处理之后的直线作为之后预测的标准。在一些场景下,这样选择自然是正确的。如果再给你更多的数据点,你发现这些点正好是在穿过所有红色点的曲线之上,你还会选择那条回归的直线吗?这就牵扯出一个非常有意思的定理,『没有免费的午餐』。这个定理所描述的是,对于任意两个学习算法A和B,它们在任意分布数据上的误差其实是相等的。仔细想想的话确实是那么回事。这个定理有一个重要的前提:所有问题出现的机会相同或是所有问题都是同等重要的。这时候你肯定会有疑问,既然所有的学习算法的期望性能都和随机猜测差不多,那学习的过程岂不是并没有什么用。注意到一点,上面所说的相等是在所有数据的分布之下,但是我们所处理的问题的数据往往是某一特定分布的。欠拟合与过拟合当目标函数给定时,基于目标函数的模型训练误差和模型测试误差就自然成为学习方法的评估标准。注意,学习方法具体采用的目标函数未必是评估时所使用的标准。关于评估标准这一问题会在之后的博客中提到。假设学习到的模型是Y=f^(x),训练误差是模型关于训练数据数据集的平均损失:其中N是训练样本容量。测试误差是模型关于测试数据集的平均损失:其中N"是测试样本容量。通常将学习方法对未知数据的预测能力称为泛化能力。显然,我们希望得到泛化误差小的学习器。然而,事先我们并不知道新样本是什么样的,实际能做的是努力使在训练集上的误差最小化。如果一味追求提高对训练数据的预测能力,所选模型的复杂度往往会比真模型要高。这种现象称为过拟合。过拟合是指学习时选择的模型包含参数过多,以致于出现这一模型对已知数据预测的很好,但对未知数据预测得很差的现象。与过拟合相对的是欠拟合,这是指对训练样本的一般性质尚未学好。欠拟合比较容易克服,一般只需要增加训练的次数。而过拟合是机器学习面临的关键障碍,各类学习算法都必然带有一些针对过拟合的措施;然而必须认识到,过拟合是无法彻底避免的,我们所能做的只是缓解。这是因为,机器学习面临的问题一般是NP难甚至是更难的,而有效的学习算法必然是在多项式时间内完成的。若可以彻底避免过拟合,这就意味着我们构造性地证明了『NP = P』,那么你就可以获得图灵奖了。只要相信『P != NP』,过拟合就无法避免。关于过拟合与欠拟合图形化的解释,下面那张图中有具体说明。方差与偏差偏差方差-分解试图对学习算法的期望泛化误差进行分解。推导的过程这里就不写了,直接给出公式。这个式子表示的是泛化误差可以分解为偏差、方差与噪声之和。偏差度量了学习算法的期望预测与真实结果的偏离程度,即刻画了学习算法本身的拟合能力。为什么一个算法会有偏差呢,下面这句话给出了答案:Biases are introduced by the generalizations made in the model including the configuration of the model and the selection of the algorithm to generate the model.我个人的理解是,因为对于算法的选择乃至于调整参数方法的选择导致了算法是有偏差的。因为算法的选择中就蕴含着偏好。方差度量了同样大小的训练集的变动所导致的学习性能的变化,即刻画了数据扰动所造成的影响;噪声则表达了在当前任务上任何学习算法所能到达的期望泛化误差的下界,即刻画了问题本身的难度。泛化能力是由学习算法的能力、数据的充分性以及学习任务本身的难度所共同决定的。给定学习任务,为了取得好的泛化性能,则需使偏差较小,即能充分拟合数据,并且使方差较小,即使得数据扰动产生的影响小。但偏差与方差是不能同时达到最优的,这称为偏差方差窘境。这个图所表达的含义相信不用过多地解释了吧。
2023-06-18 02:55:441


如何在Caffe中配置每一个层的结构最近刚在电脑上装好Caffe,由于神经网络中有不同的层结构,不同类型的层又有不同的参数,所有就根据Caffe官网的说明文档做了一个简单的总结。1. Vision Layers1.1 卷积层(Convolution)类型:CONVOLUTION例子layers {name: "conv1"type: CONVOLUTIONbottom: "data"top: "conv1"blobs_lr: 1 # learning rate multiplier for the filtersblobs_lr: 2 # learning rate multiplier for the biasesweight_decay: 1 # weight decay multiplier for the filtersweight_decay: 0 # weight decay multiplier for the biasesconvolution_param {num_output: 96 # learn 96 filterskernel_size: 11 # each filter is 11x11stride: 4 # step 4 pixels between each filter applicationweight_filler {type: "gaussian" # initialize the filters from a Gaussianstd: 0.01 # distribution with stdev 0.01 (default mean: 0)}bias_filler {type: "constant" # initialize the biases to zero (0)value: 0}}}blobs_lr: 学习率调整的参数,在上面的例子中设置权重学习率和运行中求解器给出的学习率一样,同时是偏置学习率为权重的两倍。
2023-06-18 02:55:591


2023-06-18 02:56:091

常看到is 后面直接接 evidence,这是为什么?

that 引导主语从句,经历影响以后的行为证明了一个明显而非凡的行为——回忆。evidence 前面可以加冠词,也可以不加,如:1.Bug says the results may be evidence of inherent biases that could hold women back—along with economic inequalities, such as lower wages and smaller start-upgrants. 跟读巴格认为此项研究结果就是固有偏见的证据,更别说其他经济上的不平等,比如更低的工资和更少的启动津贴。2.If you arewillingto let your improved emotional state be the evidence of yourprogress, then the progress will continue; 跟读如果你愿意让你改善了的情绪状态成为你进步的证据,那么你就会继续进步;
2023-06-18 02:56:211


2023-06-18 02:56:324


基于卷积神经网络... 博文 来自: wangxujin666的博客 1.SRCNN(原理和代码)基于TensorFlow的代码下载:
2023-06-18 02:57:111


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 立论: 1. make a point 2. argumentatio Examples:他的立论在经济方面是有充分根据的. His arguments had a sound economic base. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。 Let me premise my argument with a bit of history. 立论不稳的议论 a precarious argument 我们承认这个立论是真实的。 We recognize the statement as true. 他的立论根据充[不]足。 His arguments are well [ ill ] grounded in facts. 他的立论根据充[不]足。 His arguments are well [ ill ] grounded in facts. 如果未查明事实即先立论照,判断难免失之于偏颇。 To theorize in advance of the facts biases one"s judgment. 驳论: 1. counterargue 2. refutation 批驳他的理论 shot down his theory. 持反对意见的发言者把布朗先生的论点驳得体无完肤。 The opposing speakers chopped Mr Brown"s argument into pieces. 这种新的宇宙起源理论被世界上许多著名天文学家驳得体无完肤。 The new theory of the universe was rent to pieces by many of the world"s leading astronomers.
2023-06-18 02:57:241

《Market Sense and Nonsense》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Market Sense and Nonsense》(Jack D. Schwager)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: whkh书名:Market Sense and Nonsense作者:Jack D. Schwager出版社:John Wiley & Sons出版年份:2012-12-7页数:368内容简介:Bestselling author, Jack Schwager, challenges the assumptions at the core of investment theory and practice and exposes common investor mistakes, missteps, myths, and misreads When it comes to investment models and theories of how markets work, convenience usually trumps reality. The simple fact is that many revered investment theories and market models are flatly wrong--that is, if we insist that they work in the real world. Unfounded assumptions, erroneous theories, unrealistic models, cognitive biases, emotional foibles, and unsubstantiated beliefs all combine to lead investors astray--professionals as well as novices. In this engaging new book, Jack Schwager, bestselling author of Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards , takes aim at the most perniciously pervasive academic precepts, money management canards, market myths and investor errors. Like so many ducks in a shooting gallery, Schwager picks them off, one at a time, revealing the truth about many of the fallacious assumptions, theories, and beliefs at the core of investment theory and practice.
2023-06-18 02:57:411

matlab deeplearning toolbox 中的DBN输入数据必须是(0,1]范围内的吗?

2023-06-18 02:58:013


“procylical”应当是“procyclical”. Procyclical: adj.顺周期的;顺循环的。 网络释义: 扩大经济周期。 我找了有关“procylical”一词的原文,发现用“procylical”一词一般只一处,其他用“procyclical”。用“procylical”一词应当是笔误,目前也找不到词典对该词的解释。下面附一段原文,请比较。附原文如下:Why is Productivity Procylical? Why Do We Care?John G. Fernald Federal Reserve Bank of San FranciscoSusanto Basu Department of Economics, Boston College; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)June 1999International Finance Working Paper No. 638 Abstract: Productivity rises in booms and falls in recessions. There are four main explanations for procyclical productivity: (i) procyclical technology shocks, (ii) widespread imperfect competition and increasing returns, (iii) variable utilization of inputs over the cycle, and (iv) resource reallocations. Each of these explanations has important implications for macroeconomic modeling. In this paper, we discuss empirical methods for assessing the importance of these explanations. We provide microfoundations for our preferred approach of estimating a first-order approximation to the production function, using a theoretically motivated proxy for utilization. When we implement this approach, we find that variable utilization and resource reallocations are particularly important in explaining procyclical productivity. We argue that the reallocation effects that we identify are not "biases" - instead, they reflect changes in an economy"s ability to produce goods and services for final consumption from given primary inputs of capital and labor. Thus, from a normative viewpoint, reallocations are significant for welfare, and from a positive viewpoint, they constitute potentially important amplification and propagation mechanisms for macroeconomic modeling. Keywords: productivity, business cycles, markups
2023-06-18 02:58:241


focus是人的动作,focus的用法是:focus sth (attention、eye、labor等)on.这里focus是这样用的:(People in charge) focus the diversity program narrowly on race and gender.用focus短语修饰program,则应用过去分词表示被动关系:the program is focused by those people on……
2023-06-18 02:59:111


2023-06-18 02:59:228


立论argumentation 驳论counterargue
2023-06-18 02:59:523

reference point是什么意思

reference point[建] 参考点;控制点
2023-06-18 03:00:003


人类倾向于从无序中看出规律,尤其是从一大堆随机的经济数据中,推出所谓的规律。Amos Tversky提供了大量的统计数据,来说明许多事件的发生完全是由于运气和偶然因素的结果,而人类有一种表征直觉推理(representative heuristic)特点,即从一些数据的表面特征,直觉推断出其内在的规律性,从而产生认知和判断上的偏差(biases of cognition and judgment)。投资者的归因偏好也加重了这种认知偏差,即将偶然的成功归因于自己操作的技巧,将失败的投资操作归于外界无法控制因素,从而产生了所谓过度自信(overconfidence)的心理现象 。过度自信是指人们对自己的判断能力过于自信。投资者趋向于认为别人的投资决策都是非理性的,而自己的决定是理性的,是在根据优势的信息基础上进行操作的,但事实并非如此。Daniel Kadmeman认为:过度自信来源于投资者对概率事件的错误估计,人们对于小概率事件发生的可能性产生过高的估计,认为其总是可能发生的,这也是各种博彩行为的心理依据;而对于中等偏高程度的概率性事件,易产生过低的估计;但对于90%以上的概率性事件,则认为肯定会发生。这是过度自信产生的一个主要原因。此外,参加投资活动会让投资者产生一种控制错觉(illusion of contro1),控制错觉也是产生过度自信的一个重要原因。投资者和证券分析师们在他们有一定知识的领域中特别过于自信。然而,提高自信水平与成功投资并无相关。基金经理人、股评家以及投资者总认为自己有能力跑赢大盘,然而事实并非如此。Brad Barber和Terrance Odean在此领域做了大量研究。男性在许多领域(体育技能、领导能力、与别人相处能力)中总是过高估计自己。他们在1991年至1997年中,研究了38000名投资者的投资行为,将年交易量作为过度自信的指标,发现男性投资者的年交易量比女性投资者的年交易量总体高出20%以上,而投资收益却略低于女性投资者。数据显示:过度自信的投资者在市场中会频繁交易,总体表现为年交易量的放大。但由于过度自信而频繁地进行交易并不能让投资者获得更高的收益。在另一个研究中,他们取样1991年至1996年中的78 000名投资者,发现年交易量越高的投资者的实际投资收益越低。在一系列的研究中,他们还发现过度自信的投资者更喜欢冒风险,同时也容易忽略交易成本。这也是其投资收益低于正常水平的两大原因。
2023-06-18 03:00:101

how to make a good impression on an interviewer 求一片作文

How to Make a Good Impression During Job Interviews (by WorkBloom) When going to an interview, it is important to have the right state of mind and to focus on what is important. The thing that is the most important when attending an interview is not how you answer questions. It is the impression that you leave behind. That being said, answering questions "correctly" will of course impact on that impression. The word "correctly" was put in quotes because there are no perfect answers to questions, although there are wrong answers. Put things in perspective. By the time you are called for an interview, the employer will already have gone through your resume and cover letter. He or she knows the basics about you: your background, your work experience, your general interests, why you want to join the organization, etc. Whatever the employer knows up to that point, however, is only one-sided. The employer only knows what you have decided to reveal. Based on the information that you have provided, however, he or she decided that you were "worthy" of a meeting. This is the employer"s way to show an open mind. "Here"s your chance" he or she is saying. "Show me what you"ve got" or "prove to me that you are as good as you pretend to be." This is partly how the stress builds up. You are starting to feel the pressure to "impress." Knowing that other candidates have also been called for an interview, you feel even more pressure. This is where you realize that the application process in an ensemble. Everything has to fit together. Your resume and your cover letter have to impress, yet truly reflect who you are so that when you show up on Interview Day, you can be yourself. (Tips on how to handle stress during job interviews can be found in another article on WorkBloom.) The first thing about making a good impression is to be positive. If you are negative and over-worry, that will show. Condition your mind to be positive and optimistic about your future so that when you see the interviewer for the first time as he or she walks towards you, that smile that is on your face is sincere. First impressions matter. Why? Because they create biases. If you make a bad impression upfront, you will have to combat that bias. It"s like running uphill. On the other hand, if you make a good impression, you can ride on it. It"s like running downhill. That being said, make sure to dress professionally, smile, give a firm handshake, and introduce yourself properly. How to dress properly for an interview is discussed in further detail in the "Interview Attire" section of WorkBloom. As the interviewer walks you to the interview room, he or she might ask you a few questions about the weather or how you got there... some small talk to put you at ease. Accept the "invitation" and relax. As the interview "formally" starts, make sure to remember that interviewing is a "communication process." This means that you have to be "clear" when you talk. Clarity entails that you "speak clearly" and "answer clearly." Speaking clearly means that you have to speak loud enough and pronounce your words well enough so that you are well understood. Think of news anchors and how they speak. Answering clearly means that you have to satisfy whatever was on the mind of the interviewer when he or she asked you the question. In order to do that you have to practice your listening skills. Yes, listening is part of communicating. If you are not sure what was asked, ask the interviewer to repeat himself or, even better, rephrase the question in your own words and ask the interviewer to confirm that you grasped his or her question properly. The next thing to keep in mind is that questions are asked for a purpose. Try to find the purpose underlying the question. What does the interviewer want to know and how can you best answer his or her question? Put yourself at ease as you answer questions and undertake it as if it was a conversation. To "converse" with someone is the best way to "connect" with that person. If you were not offered a glass of water and feel that your mouth is dry, don"t be shy and ask for a glass of water. The interviewer will be happy to do so. Don"t let those minor details bother you. As the interview winds down, make sure that you have showed interest for the organization by asking a few relevant and intelligent questions. Don"t let your guards down. The interview is not over until you have left the building. As you leave, give each interviewer a firm handshake and thank them for meeting with you. You can also ask for their business cards if you do not yet have them. Having your interviewers" business cards is important for following-up purposes. You want to spell their name correctly and you want to send to each interviewer separate e-mails. Remember, the last step in the interview process is not when you leave the interview room. It is when you follow-up the day after the interview. Following-up is not an option. It is mandatory. To conclude, remember that you will be chosen not based on any specific answers that you give, but on the overall impression that you leave behind. Trusting yourself is the central and most important thing you need to remember. If you don"t trust yourself, nobody will.
2023-06-18 03:00:231


限制 样品的限制,经历并不限制网路采购商的一小部分 设计,旨在去除效果,对采购技术和其他偏见,可以与未来研究,首次purchasers.For比较研究 一般的感知之间经验欠缺经验 用户应以厘清这之间的区别。 当样本的大小是足够的实验设计,对这些结果转移能力一般人群中受限于它的选择和它的大学生基础的人年龄在18 - 39。 本研究测试的影响差异,高的商品和服务的采购和lowinvolvement线上购买意图、经验丰富的采购商通过感知风险的概念。许多其他影响的感知和购买过程中存在的风险。这些包括时间的 购买,熟悉类别、品牌识别、用户需求和采购经验,对搜索产品,只有一些其他因素的影响,也可以模仿虽然这些影响可能是至关重要的,消费者 可以在线和决策的巨大影响 对风险,他们不是在这个实验,以降低复杂性和交互作用(Boniface,1995)。 像先前讨论的尺寸之间的关系确定购买情况,有许多可能的变量,可能会影响消费者的看法。摘要本研究的目的是为了集中有限的尺寸,以购买的 生产关系的证据。因此,为了 发展和扩大了更全面的模式,这些额外的 元素必须被测试。。
2023-06-18 03:00:326


2023-06-18 03:00:495


种族歧视并非病态的社会现象 而是描述了在发展过程中对于各个文明的了解程度的差异而导致的误解。这种误解一直延续至今。虽然口唇不予 各族各部甚至各民族各城市之间人的心中还是具有一定的所谓“认同感”。有这种认同感的存在 就导致了整个“种族歧视”问题的加深和恶性循环。英语比较复杂 我就不翻译了 请谨慎翻译 不要去用在线翻译机 那个更糟糕
2023-06-18 03:01:161

Behavioral Finance是什么意思?

2023-06-18 03:01:442


  有关性别歧视的英语作文篇4:Female inferiors   Decades ago, Chairman Mao succinctly settled the age-old debate about gender equality when he stated that "woman holds up half of the sky". Male superiority so out of place in this age, when women are said to be equal to men in many aspects. However, we very grieved discovery already said goodbye to feudalism several hundred years China to be still unable get rid of the treatment of woman as inferiors thought the fetter. In this advanced society, phenomenon of female inferiors not only existing stably but also taking control of our minds and indicates in many fields. To begin with, take employment for example, women are excluded from the major department of productions. Many significant occupations such as executive or professional jobs prefer hiring male rather than woman. Moreover, man still holds perception that women should do more household routine, nurture their offspring and take care of pets. Last but not the least, people living in remote areas believed that men are superior to women, until this status does not also get thorough improvement now. When a woman got pregnant, they were begging for a son instead of a daughter.   To prevent these troublesome already mentioned from happen again, we should create feministic atmosphere, promote gender equality and ask man to do household chores, because in a family where roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a certain extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.   有关性别歧视的英语作文篇5   Household Servants   When a boy is born in most developing countries, friends and relatives exclaim congratulations. A son means insurance. He will inherit his father"s property and get a job to help support the family. When a girl is born, the reaction is very different. Some women weep when they find out their baby is a girl because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India, it"s traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying, "The servant of your household has been born."   A girl can"t help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her identity is forged as soon as her family and society limit her opportunities and declare her to be second-rate.   A combination of extreme poverty and deep biases against women creates a remorseless cycle of discrimination that keeps girls in developing countries from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them vulnerable to severe physical and emotional abuse. These "servants of the household" come to accept that life will never be any different.   Neglect   The developing world is full of poverty-stricken families who see their daughters as an economic predicament困境. That attitude has resulted in the widespread neglect of baby girls in Africa, Asia, and South America. In many communities, it"s a regular practice to breastfeed girls for a shorter time than boys so that women can try to get pregnant again with a boy as soon as possible. As a result, girls miss out on life-giving nutrition during a crucial window of their development, which stunts their growth and weakens their resistance to disease.   Statistics show that the neglect continues as they grow up. Young girls receive less food, healthcare and fewer vaccinations overall than boys. Not much changes as they become women. Tradition calls for women to eat last, often reduced to picking over the leftovers from the men and boys.   Abuse   Even after infancy, the threat of physical harm follows girls throughout their lives. Women in every society are vulnerable to abuse. But the threat is more severe for girls and women who live in societies where women"s rights mean practically nothing. Mothers who lack their own rights have little protection to offer their daughters, much less themselves, from male relatives and other authority figures. The frequency of rape and violent attacks against women in the developing world is alarming. Forty-five percent of Ethiopian women say that they have been assaulted in their lifetimes. In 1998, 48 percent of Palestinian women admitted to being abused by an intimate partner within the past year.   In some cultures, the physical and psychological trauma of rape is compounded by an additional stigma. In cultures that maintain strict sexual codes for women, if a woman steps out of bounds—by choosing her own husband, flirting in public, or seeking divorce from an abusive partner—she has brought dishonor to her family and must be disciplined. Often, discipline means execution. Families commit "honor killings" to salvage their reputation tainted by disobedient women.   Appallingly, this "disobedience" includes rape. In 1999, a 16-year-old mentally handicapped girl in Pakistan who had been raped was brought before her tribe"s judicial counsel. Although she was the victim and her attacker had been arrested, the counsel decided she had brought shame to the tribe and ordered her public execution. This case, which received a lot of publicity at the time, is not unusual. Three women fall victim to honor killings in Pakistan every day—including victims of rape. In areas of Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe, all responsibility for sexual misconduct falls, by default, to women. How to Help You can help pull down the barriers that keep girls from attending school and begin to bring change for women in developing countries. The most direct way is by easing the financial need that forces families to take their children out of school in the first place.   Dozens of international organizations are working to improve the livelihood of impoverished people. By building infrastructure and providing aid, vocational training, and education programs, they give families in developing countries resources to create healthy and stable lives. That takes the burden of mere survival off young women and gives them the time to get an education. With practical help and encouragement, girls are more likely to enroll and stay in school.   encouraging all international organizations to come up with strategies for girls" education as part of their initial development plans. It has also started a movement to monitor school materials, facilities, and teachers to ensure that girls get a quality education that promotes appropriate perceptions of women, and that female students are given the same privileges as male students. other reputable organizations need now are the resources to fund their efforts.   You can help begin to change the lives of women around the world by making a financial gift or raising awareness about girls in the developing world who want to help raise awareness of the issues tha impact children. You can The need is clear, and though the obstacles to ending gender discrimination are high, they are not insurmountable.   Educated   women are essential to ending gender bias, starting by reducing the poverty that makes discrimination even worse in the developing world. The most basic skills in literacy and arithmetic open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education. The longer a girl is able to stay in school, the greater her chances to pursue worthwhile employment, higher education, and a life without the hazards of extreme poverty.   Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and make sure their own children complete school. They also understand hygiene and nutrition better and are more likely to prevent disease by visiting health care facilities. The UN estimates that for every year a woman spends in primary school, the risk of her child dying prematurely is reduced by 8 percent.   Girls" education also means comprehensive change for a society. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in their communities. Status translates into the power to influence their families and societies.   Even bigger changes become possible as girls" education becomes the cultural norm. Women can"t defend themselves against physical and sexual abuse until they have the authority to speak against it without fear. Knowledge gives that authority. Women who have been educated are half as likely to undergo harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and four times as likely to protect their daughters from it. The Global Campaign for Education also states that a primary education defends women against HIV/AIDS infection—disproportionately high for women in developing countries—by giving "the most marginalized groups in society—notably young women—the status and confidence needed to act on information and refuse unsafe sex."
2023-06-18 03:02:071


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2023-06-18 03:02:247


学习考研英语长难句可以关注下图高斋考研英语和高斋外刊双语精读,以下给大家具体来分析一段话,破解长难句,包括句型,语法,单词和短语。取自18.8.18经济学人 火星上的生活马斯克长难句分析原文:Google made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.调整后的官方译文:谷歌上市后的第一个季度就实现了盈利,投资极少,到2010年已经称霸整个搜索市场。一、主句“s+v+o”主干部分解析s:Itv:made;invested;controlled(并列关系,但是时间上有先后)o:a profit;peanuts;the search market详解: (1)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.”中,含有由“,”和“and”所连接的三个并列句,简化后为“It made a profit,invested peanuts and controlled the search market”。(2)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm”句子中,“in its first quarter”作时间状语,“as a listed firm”为“as”所引导的介词短语,表明地位。(3)翻译思维:中英文中名词和动词的转换问题。中文属于动态语言,喜欢用动词。而英文属于静态语言,喜用名词。在翻译的过程中,要注意两种思维的转换。原文中用了一个名词短语“as a listed firm”,在翻译成中文的时候,则采用了动词形式“上市”。二、make a profit 实现盈利三、first quarter 第一季度四、listed firm 上市公司五、peanut 花生;(非正式)很少的钱六、search market 搜索市场 同时,关于如何学习长难句,那最有效的提高方式就是就经常读外刊,比如经济学人,更多学习内容可以关注下图,以下是具体如何分析学习长难句,耐心看完哦!经济学人精读:在线教育!原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme. For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文(官方译文不少地方搭配不当):互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说:“我希望为职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。第一句原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education.定稿译文:互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。主旨思想:联网为大学开辟巨大的新市场,在职人员可以不用辞职参加在线课程获得学位,提升自己,促进职业发展。单词和短语:1. open up: ①开放:As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods. 随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。②提供 (机会);(机会、可能性) 出现;(使)产生:Life studies opened up new possibilities for poetic subject matter. 生命研究为诗歌主题提供了新的可能性。2. boost:促进;增强 (信心、士气):Networking not only helps your business to grow but can boost your confidence and business knowledge. 交际不仅有利于壮大事业,而且能够提高自信并且增加商业知识。写作和翻译句型推荐:boost one"s career with表示“通过获得...来促进某人的职业发展”:这个句型特别适合在讲述学历时运用,现在很多人考MTI,其实就是“越来越多的人希望获得硕士学位/博士学位来促进自己的职业发展”“A growing number of people would like to boost their careers with a master"s/doctoral degree.”;boost还可以表示提升或增强:现在很多人参加各种线上线下课程,比如我们高斋翻译学堂现在每年也有3000多人跟着学翻译,一是备考CATTI或MTI,二是提升自己的翻译水平,这些不管是以后从事哪种语言类工作,都是有很大的帮助的。所以我们可以说“人们希望通过培训来提升自己的专业能力”可以翻译成People would like to boost their professional competence with a training.第二句原文:The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively.官方译文:硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。主旨思想:通过工资水平比较说明获得学位的重要性,也就是说职业人员需要参加继续教育。单词和短语:1. wage: 工资。同义词辨析:wage,salary和pay这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但含义不同。Salary主要指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly, sometimes three months or a year, for a job, esp. as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage主要指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发(Wages are paid weekly for a job, esp. as for laborers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。2. respectively:adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地。同根形容词:respective 分别的,各自的第三四句原文:Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme.定稿译文:技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说,“我希望为我职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。主旨思想:这段继续在说职业人员需要参加继续教育,因为技术变革会很快让知识过时。因此,要有危机意识,要为自己职业的下一个阶段积累技能,了解行业最新动态。单词和短语:1. acquire:美 [u0259u02c8kwau026ar] 获得(技能);养成(习惯);得到(某种名声); He has acquired a reputation as this country"s premier solo violinist. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。近义词:obtain; gain; achieve; earn2. phase:n. 时期;阶段;(月亮的)盈亏3. relevant:adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的。remain relevant to等同于be relevant to,字面意思表示“与...有关的”,结合语境,这里表示“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”,同时还要注意原文的“my industry and my clients”虽然是并列关系,但是翻译时要注意搭配,“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”更合适。4. accountancy:n. 会计工作;会计学;会计师之职。accountancy firm:会计机构;会计公司写作和翻译句型推荐:build的用法很灵活:可以搭配不同类型(抽象/具体)的名词,翻译也不尽相同。比如build skills积累技能;build confidence:建立自信;build an idea:构建一个想法;build a culture创设一种文化;build a website创建一个网站。第四句中括号里的内容可以是我们在面试或制定规划时用到的很好的句型,如表达“我想为教学生涯的下一个阶段积累必要的技能,了解教育行业新动态。”就可以说I want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my teaching career, (and)to remain relevant to my industry.第五句原文:For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文:对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。主旨思想:参加继续教育很重要,但是对很多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。这句刚好和这段的开头呼应,段首说在线教育的方便之处,段尾说学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。(注意:这种写作思路特别好,大家要学着使用)写作和翻译句型推荐:an option for:对...来说是一种选择,not an option for就是说“对...来说不现实/不是一个好办法/不是一个好选择”。比如《卫报》曾针对“德班气候变化峰会”发表过一篇报道,题目是Failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是说“失败对全球气候变化谈判来说不是一个好选择。”,言外之意就是说只准成功,不许失败。总结:这段话主要讲述了在线教育逐渐兴起的原因、现状及其优点,我们在谈论在线教育的好处的时候,完全可以使用这段的句型:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. Many people want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of their careers, to remain relevant to their industry and clients. As for many of them, an on-campus course .is not an option.
2023-06-18 03:02:414


实践领导的研究与实证实际上已经与古典传统或经验主义没有任何关系。虽然以实践为主导的研究人员常常既是生产和利用的具体观察和测量,其出发点通常是一个思路,更经常的态度是与人类如何通过思想建设,图像,叙述和哲学的世界比一个generalisable,关注"真理",或因果关系的理解。 任何研究一种由一个在执行过程中的做法会涉及医生出来: 1,实践(生成数据将提供有关内容的知识,以及对,你现在的创作项目中)的研究。在传统方法绘制:;档案研究领域的研究(阅读,观察)(参与观察,案例研究;访谈,问卷调查和焦点团体;志)。 2,进入实践研究(产生大约技术,方法和思维的知识和如何做的做法是在你的纪律进行了)。论实践的方法绘制(;笔记,摄影;素描起草和编辑;模拟,自我反思,概念映射;故事板;流程图;等),以及上述建议的传统方法。 3,通过实践研究(使用你的创作技巧,往往随着更多的传统方法,来产生关于社会,政治,哲学或其他问题的知识) 是所有创造性的工作也是一种形式的研究? 我看未必。是什么让一些研究表明它是:故意,故意的,方便和创意,并认为这是走向新的知识,有利于他人的一代为目标。研究是着眼于个人的目标,或者只需要制定一个创造性的项目内容,是不一样的研究同样是对更广泛的知识指导:为提高人类的知识储备。 途径 - 逻辑 答案的大问题,适用于任何研究的问题: §本体 - 你有关的本性认为,世界是什么? §认识论的 - 我们如何知道我们知道,作为知识的罪名是什么? §价值论 - 什么是你的道德框架;哪些事项? §修辞 - 你将如何开展与语言,故事,辩论吗? §方法 - 这是什么意思你做研究问题补充:? 方法 - 原则 1。确定一个问题(有一点你要研究); 2。制订一个假设(什么是什么回事你的想法?); 3。划定场(什么是你,你会采取什么方法吗?); 4。反省自己 - 知道自己的偏见和利益的; 5。发展的"工具",或方法,去研究解决项目 - 你想要的东西,找出合适的; 6。不要害怕将低于科学家系统地进行;使用bricolage,现象学,直觉 7。使工作/秒 8。解释和传播结果
2023-06-18 03:03:173

social desirability是什么意思

社会愿望,社会理想——Aren"t the answers I have given in the survey subject to a social desirability bias?——我所给出的关于这个测试的答案受制于社会理想的偏见吗?
2023-06-18 03:03:254

Causal Effect Estimation

下述的内容给予假设的最基本的Causal Graph 其DAG关系如下 , ,(即Z为confounder)。 1、原生的 并不能直接表示因果效应。 可以被解释为很多变量interaction的结果。其中一些是因果关系(causal),而另一些只是单纯的观察性关联(purely observational)。We can say that any statistically meaningful association is the result of a causal relationship somewhere in the system , but not necessarily of the causal effect of interest 2、定义因果效应 。 定义: ,如果我们外生地(exogenous)干涉X,能对Y造成影响,则这部分影响是我们关心的应果效应。这意味着我们必须在系统之外(outside the system)来改变X,从而影响Y。外生地改变X是为了避免系统其他变量带来的影响。 3、如何得到 : 4、得到泛化的Adjustment Formula:(即通过pre-intervention的概率分布,进行adjust,以获得causal effect) ,PA为X的父节点 即,找到X的父节点PA,然后conditioning on it,得到依赖PA的条件概率 ,再根据 计算其加权平均即可。 所以,其本质就是考虑其Parents的不同,获得加权平均。 由于直接计算P(Y|X)的话,未考虑其Parents,很可能得出相反的结论,在[4]中的例子也有讲述。 5、别的手段:通过Randomized获得Causal Effect 其实我们进行完全随机试验,就是通过实验设计本身,消除指向X的Z。即实验组对照组仅有X不同。其他都是相同的,相当于X不受系统中任意的其他变量定义。这本身就是种外生地(exogenous)地修改X的手段。 我们将上述的问题继续泛化一下。如果我们要通过Causal Graph得到 ,我们需要Conditioning on哪些变量? Prediction: Predict Y after observing X = x Causation: Predict Y after setting X = x. 根据上述结论Backdoor Criterion,我们可以得到正确估计 的方法: 【1】 而在Prediction中: 【2】 注意与【1】与【2】的区别。(根据Backdoor-Criterion,明显这里Z与X不是独立的,所以两者不相等) 其实很多人考虑在现实生产中,在大数据覆盖了方方面面的情况下,我们是否已经可以对万物都建模,都用特征描述了,那Confounding是否存在,或者以什么方式存在? 这个问题其实非常简单,那就是unobserved feature。举个例子,我们的特征 包含用户的历史浏览点击记录,我们有个没有观测到的特征,比如用户近期经济状况 。很好理解, 不仅影响了用户的点击行为 ,同时也影响了用户的历史反馈特征 ,而且,这样的特征通常我们都没有观察到,所以,我们的估计,潜在都存在Confounding Bias。(由于大部分系统是一个循环的生态系统,所以这些bias在某种程度也导致了推荐所谓的同质化,马太效应等等) Feedback Loop Amplifies Biases[10] Refer [1] Causal Effect: 目录: 见: 见: 之前对bias有些粗浅的讨论: Causal Bias [2]D-Seperation 见: 简略: [4]Causal Effect定义Intervention 见: 简略: [5]Backdoor Criterion 见: 简略: [6] Causal Inference CMU estimator的选择见2.1章节,在prediction中,bias and variance are not equally important.。优化loss function的时候,其实也同时优化了bias and variance。 [7]在 小样本AB test 中,我们可以用随机AA实验 + 分层显著性校验,校验每一个分层的 是否有显著性差异。 interventional distribution:Identification of Conditional Interventional Distributions [8]Nonparametric_regression [Linear regression] is a restricted case of nonparametric regression where is assumed to be affine. [9]Semiparametric_model [10] Feedback Loop and Bias Amplification in Recommender Systems
2023-06-18 03:03:321


英语雅思作文男女平等   通过多次的`仿写练习,可以逐步提高学生的写作水平。下面是我分享的雅思作文范文,希望能帮到大家!   雅思作文男女平等【1】   Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right . Women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty.   Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. The importance of gender equality is underscored by its inclusion as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving the other seven goals.   Unconscious bias is particularly important as it arises from the implicit assumptions and unspoken attitudes, beliefs and expectations that we all have about others. Study after study has highlighted that both men and women have unconscious gender biases. For example, people view men as more capable leaders, men are rewarded more highly than women - just having a male name is more likely to get you the job. If you are a mother, your chances of getting the job are reduced by 70%. Overcoming stereotypes and unconscious bias can only be achieved if we are all willing to address our own immediate judgments and can put in place practices and procedures to mitigate their potential effects.   Yet discrimination against women and girls - including gender-based violence ,economic discrimination ,reproductive health inequities ,and harmful traditional practices - remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality. Women and girls bear enormous hardship during and after humanitarian emergencies , especially armed conflicts. For more than 30 years, the Fund has been in the forefront of advocating for women, promoting legal and policy reforms and gender-sensitive data collection, and supporting projects that improve women"s health and expand their choices in life.   雅思作文男女平等【2】   Although the idea of gender equality in society, is a laudable concept, I believe a more modest adjustment of severely gender-imbalanced courses would be more practical than a draconian imposition of a 50/50 balance in all university courses.   Some people feel that females are underrepresented and do not have equal opportunities in certain professions such as upper management and engineering while others believe society would be better served if more males worked in some professions such as nursing, translating and primary school teaching. Both groups feel that not only competition for university places but also social stereotyping plays a role here; that is, if a more gender-balanced workforce were visible, then more young people would feel that it would be socially acceptable for them to follow suit and enter professions that are traditionally associated with the opposite sex.   I agree with these arguments but the correction of gender inequality and imbalance in the workplace cannot take place in the universities only — changes should also be made in society as a whole, including education at the pre-university level. Furthermore, the sudden imposition of a rigid 50/50 gender balance in university classes, where there is usually, say, an 80/20 male/female ratio, would probably result in many highly qualified and highly motivated males losing out to some females who were not very academically qualified for those courses and possibly not very interested in pursuing those professions.   On the other hand, if the last 1.0% of class allotments in heavily imbalanced classes were reserved for the "minorityu2019 sex, and if academic standards were not drastically compromised in the process, then I believe society would benefit. ;
2023-06-18 03:04:041


首先,让我们先来明确一下心理学(这门实证科学是如何和语言学扯上关系的。在很多人看来,语言学的学生就是学各种语言的。但是实际上,既然都已经自成一门学问了,那么必然就是要做研究了,简单点来说,语言学狭义上就是研究人类语言的一个学科。但是接下来,又会有人跳出来说,语言学和语言有关,那就是纯文科的东西啦。这就又是一个典型的刻板印象了。在语言学这门学科中,确实有相当一部分人从事的是诸如话语分析、画句法树分析成分这种定性研究;但是前面也有说到,狭义上,语言学是研究人类语言,但是广义上呢?语言学还要去研究人类是怎么学会语言的,也要研究人类在说出某些特定语言的时候大脑里是怎么想的,甚至还有研究某些人是怎么失去了语言这个能力的......以上列举的这些研究分别对应到目前语言学的研究领域便包括了语言(二语)习得研究、心理语言学、认知语言学、神经语言学等等。心理、认知、神经?是不是听起来画风突变了?没错,属于我们语言学狗的bigger时间到了。跨学科研究的趋势,让心理学、神经认知科学得以将实证科学的实验和定量分析方法引入到了语言学的研究中来。从目前心理语言学的研究范围和内容来看,主要集中在语言认知、双语机制、工作记忆(working memory)等方面。虽然在形式语言学、生成语法学派眼里,与心理语言学密切相关的认知语言学(以UCB的George Lakoff为代表,对这位乔老爷的死对头感兴趣的,可以去看看《我们赖以生存的隐喻》和《别想那只大象》)基本就是跳大神搞忽悠的;也虽然现在心理语言学的很多研究其实是心理系的人做出来的,但是!按照我院院宝老刘的说法,心理语言学虽然还有很多不靠谱的地方,但是严谨的实验方法和定量分析还是给语言学增添了科学性的色彩滴~好了,背景知识介绍到这里,往下面就给大家介绍一个可能会觉得有趣的心理语言学研究吧。The Foreign-Language Effect: Thinking in a Foreign Tongue Reduces Decision Biases (2012) 这篇研究是芝加哥大学心理系的几个学者做的关于双语、语码转换和外语学习对于人们作出决定时的思维方式的影响。那么,大家觉得在用一门我们没有那么熟悉的外语进行思考和作出决定的时候,会发生什么变化吗?是更容易冲动,还是更加深思熟虑?在这篇文章里,作者B. Keysar等人通过三大组实验对这个问题进行了研究。首先,他们提出了两种情况的假设:1. 使用外语做决定时,由于对这门语言的不熟练,可能会增加认知上的负担,从而让我们更依赖于直觉上和情感上的加工,因此外语的使用便会使我们的决策偏差加重;2.使用外语做决定时,由于外语为我们提供了一种“距离机制”,使我们不会轻易地启动直觉系统,而是倾向于更深思熟虑的思维方式,也就是说让人们更依赖于一种系统的加工方法,也就降低了决策偏差发生的可能性。然后,就是针对假设进行的实验了。实验的被试人员方面,挑选的都是在课堂上进行了某门外语学习的人(为了控制条件,这些人的母语相同,所学习的外语也都相同,且被试的父母都不是这门外语的本族语者);被试还进行了前测,用来确保他们对实验中涉及的外语掌握达到实验所需要的程度;实验材料方面,使用的文本原始材料都是英语,然后被翻译成目标外语,之后再翻译回英语,以便确保可比性。此外,作者还请了双语本族语者对文本材料进行了鉴定,确保翻译的材料意义得到了准确的表达。第一组实验(测试的是frame-risk的决策偏差效应):作者先找来一群英语为母语,学习日语的美国大学生,然后让他们回答一道关于“亚洲疾病”的决策题。(注意!!!这里题目的第一种表述用的是Gain-frame,也就是说会让人们觉得作出的决策是让人们可以“获救”;第二种表述方式则是用的Loss-frame)接着,作者又分别找来一群以英语为外语,韩语为母语的大学生,以及一群在法国巴黎学习的英语母语者,让他们回答类似的题目,只不过这一次题目的主题从挽救生命变成了扭转失业局面。在这组实验中,被试人员被随机安排使用母语或者外语进行回答Gain-frame或Loss-frame的题目。我们可以看到,不论是Medicine A,还是Medicine B,最终的收效实际上是一样的,只不过A给出了一种确定数字的结果,B则用了概率的表述 :)三小组实验结果都表明,被试在使用母语作答Gain-frame时,会倾向于选择有确定结论的Medicine A,而作答Loss-frame时,由于表述词从“saved”换成了 “die”,被试因此受到“框架”思维的影响,选择Medicine A的人大大减少。相反,当被试使用外语做出选择时,这种gain-loss的不平衡现象,即决策偏差情况得到了大大改善。那么,我们是不是就可以马上得出结论说,使用外语做决定确实就能降低我们的决策偏差了呢?作者告诉我们:不是!作者提出了另一个假设:有没有可能被试根本就没管材料是母语还是外语,只是随意地在确定事件和概率事件里做了个决定呢?基于这个假设,作者又做了一组控制实验:这次的被试是一群以西班牙语为外语,母语为英语的美国大学生。题目材料依旧是以改善失业问题为背景,其他条件不变,只是在Gain-frame的情况下时,确定选项A的数字比之前变少了。(也就是A和B两个选项的最终收效不一样了)最终得出的结果,还是与前面的实验一致:在使用外语作答时,被试的决策偏误被大大减轻了;同时也表明,这一结果是不受被试所使用的母语或外语种类的影响的~第二组实验,作者们又针对“损失规避”(Loss Aversion)这种现象进行了研究。在这里,作者假设人们使用不同语言(母语或外语)进行赌注时,“损失规避”的现象会不会发生改变?在这组实验里,被试(母语为韩语,英语为外语)被给出的都是概率相等的bets,只不过有一半拥有更高的赌注(输掉119,000或者赢得170,000);另一半则赌注低得多(输掉200或者赢得500),这里的金额都是虚拟的假设。一般情况下,人们在金额涉及较大时,会选择损失规避,而在涉及金额较少时,则不会有这种表现。而实验结果表明,在使用外语做选择时,被试的这种“损失规避”行为被减少了。第三组实验中,作者将赌注由虚拟的金额换成了被试自己的钱,使用的语言也进行了改变。最终得出的结果,同样地,在使用外语进行选择时,被试进行“损失规避”的行为减少了。好了,通过上面这三大组一共六个实验,作者最终得出了结论:使用外语会增加人们的情感距离和认知加工过程中的负担,因而才会使得第一组实验中的framing效应被减轻,而使得后两组实验中的loss-aversion现象也被减弱了。那么,作者做了这一堆实验又有没有什么现实意义呢?是有的~比如说,经常使用外语进行日常决策的人(例如进行储蓄、投资理财等等决定时),他们可能会比用母语进行选择的人更少出现偏差,因为他们那种相对短视的损失规避行为被减轻了(所以啊!论学习一门外语的重要性!论每天开口说外语的重要性啊!)———————————————————以上就是我给大家介绍的我觉得还比较有趣的一个心理语言学的研究啦,类似的研究还有一些,也有另外一些关于认知隐喻和语言之间关系的研究,以后有机会再介绍~参考文献:Keysar B, Hayakawa S L, An S G. The foreign-language effect thinking in a foreign tongue reduces decision biases[J]. Psychological science, 2012, 23(6): 661-668.著作权归作者所有,转载需联系作者以获得授权,引用需注明出处。作者ID:徐老鬼此文内容来自:申请方社区/经验分享
2023-06-18 03:04:221