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歌曲To The Dancers In Rain 歌词的中文翻译

2023-06-18 04:14:45



★I didn"t believe in anyone but I found you today

我不相信任何人 直到今天我找寻到你

My eyes are not closed baby I still remember

宝贝 我没有闭上眼睛 我仍然记得…

★If my words are not that clear


I know my heart is understanding


every little kiss of you


★I"m your princess for a night, maybe for ever

那一夜我就是你的公主 也许我永远是你的公主

We were dancers in the rain and it still remains

我们是雨中的舞者 过去是 现在还是…

★If my words are not that clear


I know my heart is understanding


every little kiss of you


★Just a sunny day in Paris please give it back to me

在巴黎一个晴朗的日子里 请你将那一切还给我

I don"t need to be romantic I just have to be me

我不需要自己有多么浪漫 我只要做我自己

★My lover is gone but I"m not on my own

我的爱人走了 但是我却不是孤单一个

With all these little kisses of you


My lover is gone but I"m not on my own

我的爱人走了 但是我却不是孤单一个

With all these little kisses of you























---- dancer 或 dancers
2023-06-18 00:32:231


2023-06-18 00:32:401

dancers是什么意思 dancers的中文翻译、读音、例句?

dancers在中文中有”舞蹈家、的复数形式”的意思,在日常中也代表”跳舞的人”的意思,单词读音音标为[/u02c8dɑu02d0nsu0259/],dancers来源于英语,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到53个与dancers相关的句子。1. And how are the dancers going to move in there?2. – They call themselves dancers.3. New dancers and singers must arise4. Are the ballet dancers any good?5. Get these dancers out of here6. u266a The dancers are practicing u266a7. – The hired dancers? – Are doing their thing.8. The dancers leave their separate way.9. They call themselves dancers, huh?10. “to a family of theatre dancers?11. You guys are such good dancers!12. – After the dancers" leaving – (man) Pippa!翻译:-After the dancers" leaving -皮帕!。13. The snaky movements of the young dancers14. Please, “exotic dancers. ”翻译:别搞笑了 都是外国妹 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH111111}{4cH111111}Please. exotic dancers –。15. Other dancers may be on the floor自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-06-18 00:32:481


2023-06-18 00:32:585


2023-06-18 00:33:454


单 色 而求采纳
2023-06-18 00:34:021


2023-06-18 00:34:301


2023-06-18 00:35:255

woman dancer的复数

women dancers因为当woman,man做定语修饰名词变复数时,前缀和中心词都需要变为复数形式。eg:woman doctor应变为women doctors除此之外的复合名词,只需将中心词变为复数形式。
2023-06-18 00:35:402


最近抖音上又一段魔性洗脑抬腿舞火起来了,大家都争先恐后的模仿起来。双臂展开,双手摸肩,双臂向下,双手交叉,哭唧唧,抬左腿,哭唧唧,抬右腿,哭唧唧,抬左腿,哭唧唧,抬右腿,双手交叉,双臂张开,抬左腿,长犄角,抬右腿,双手拍打腰部,抬左腿,释放自我。想必大家都想知道抬腿舞BGM是什么,下面我就来为大家揭晓答案。 抬腿舞背景音乐Dancers介绍: 抖音上抬腿舞的背景音乐是Urban Dance TV创作的原声,而这首音乐原版是Dancers热播版,纯音乐,没有具体的歌词。喜欢的朋友直接搜索Dancers热播版即可找到。
2023-06-18 00:35:461

夜店Dancer? 这是什么意思?

2023-06-18 00:36:038

the dancers什么意思

2023-06-18 00:36:284


舞狮英文: Lion dance Lion dance (Traditional Chinese: 舞狮; pinyin: wǔshī) is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture in which performers mimic the lion"s movements in a lion costume. The lion costume may be operated by a single dancer but rarely is or by a pair of dancers. The single dancer springs about while energetically moving and shaking the head and operating the jaws and eyes. The pair of dancers forming the back and fore legs of the beast is seen perfected in the exhibitions of Chinese acrobats with the o dancers forming as a team the motions of a single animal as they move beeen platforms of varying elevations. The dance is traditionally acpanied by gongs drums and firecrackers representing the descent of good luck. 舞狮的Enflish系Lion dance. 中国并不出产狮子,狮子传入中国约在汉代。由于古俗谓狮子可驱邪避鬼,因而被祀为神兽,又能克恶魔,因此宫庙前、或栏杆、桥头等都安置有石狮。加以狮子的图纹在中国的民间故事传说里,为一种驱魔避邪、镇宅招福的象征,因此为借助狮子万兽之王的威灵及驱邪招福的宗教仪式象征行为,在台湾民间各乡镇城市,每逢神诞祭典或赛会,都会有舞狮的表演。 参考: 字典同网页 我在学校搞新年event时 用的英文是lion show or lion dance show 因为是舞狮表演。 不过我觉得lion show已经好能令人明白了~~~~~ 相信呢排学生们都要作新年为题的题目了。抑或有舞狮表演?? 希望帮到你。 楼上 乜唔系LION DANCE咩? 参考: 英文堂 Dance lion 参考: =]
2023-06-18 00:36:381


2023-06-18 00:37:007


改为否定句是you aren"t dancers.
2023-06-18 00:37:152

求一首歌曲名字,很有节奏感的女声英文歌,开头一句是just may be

2023-06-18 00:37:244

请问Amy dancers most beautifully 1为什么是主谓宾结构 2翻译过来

2023-06-18 00:37:323

【高中英语】选择题:Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity __ ……

2023-06-18 00:37:433


#include<stdio.h>//舞伴配对问题(用循环队列实现)//#definequeuesize100typedefstruct//定义结构体-人员信息//{charname[20];charsex;}datatype;typedefstruct//定义结构体-循环队列//{intfront;intrear;intcount;datatypedancers[queuesize];}cirqueue;voidinitqueue(cirqueue*q)//建立空队列//{q->front=q->rear=NULL;q->count=0;}intqueueempty(cirqueue*q)//判断队列是否为空,为空返回1,否则返回0//{returnq->count==NULL;}voidenqueue(cirqueue*q,datatypep)//进队函数,使p进入队列//{q->count++;q->dancers[q->rear]=p;q->rear=(q->rear+1)%queuesize;}datatypedequeue(cirqueue*q)//出队函数,用p返回出队值//{datatypep;while(!queueempty(q)){p=q->dancers[q->front];q->count--;q->front=(q->front++)%queuesize;returnp;}}datatypequeuefront(cirqueue*q)//访问队头元素//{returnq->dancers[q->front];}voiddancepartners(datatypedancers[],intnum)//舞伴配对函数//{inti;datatypep;cirqueuemaledancer,femaledancer;//定义两个循环队列结构体//initqueue(&maledancer);//调用initqueue()函数置空队列maledancer//initqueue(&femaledancer);//调用initqueue()函数置空队列femaledancer//for(i=0;i<num;i++){p=dancers[i];//结构体整体赋值//if("f")//女的进队列femaledancer//{enqueue(&femaledancer,p);printf("%s进女队 ",;}else//男的进队列maledancer//{enqueue(&maledancer,p);printf("%s进男队 ",;}}printf("配对情况如下: ");while(!queueempty(&femaledancer)&&!queueempty(&maledancer))//当两个队列都不为空时,出队配对//{p=dequeue(&maledancer);printf("男:%s",;p=dequeue(&femaledancer);printf("和女:%s配对成功 ",;}if(!queueempty(&femaledancer))//女队不为空,输出女队第一个等待人姓名//{printf("女队中还有%d个人在等待! ",femaledancer.count);p=queuefront(&femaledancer);printf("女队中第一个等待的是:%s ",;}elseif(!queueempty(&maledancer))//男队不为空,输出男队第一个等待人姓名//{printf("男队中还有%d个人在等待! ",maledancer.count);p=queuefront(&maledancer);printf("男队中第一个等待的是:%s ",;}elseprintf("^-^没有人剩余^-^! ");}main(){datatypep,dancers[queuesize];inti,num;printf("输入男女dancer的总人数: ");scanf("%d",&num);printf("输入姓名和性别,如: zhangsan m ");for(i=0;i<num;i++){scanf("%s",&dancers[i].name);getchar();scanf("%c",&dancers[i].sex);if(dancers[i].sex!="f"&&dancers[i].sex!="m")//判断输入信息是否合法//printf("第%d个人的信息有误,请重新输入",i--);}dancepartners(&dancers[0],n);getchar();}作业应该自己写啊呵呵~~但是一定要看懂~~~有不明白的地方留言必回
2023-06-18 00:37:502


2023-06-18 00:38:0014

谁能详细解释下 HIPHOP是什么?什么是街舞?

西安北郊未央区盛龙广场泷舞舞蹈零基础培训学校告诉大家街舞hiphop是什么:街舞是起源于美国,基于不同的街头文化或音乐风格而产生的多个不同种类的舞蹈的统称,最早的街舞舞种为Locking ,起源于20世纪六十年代。动作是由各种走、跑、跳组合而成,并通过头、颈、肩、上肢、躯干等关节的屈伸、转动、绕环、摆振、波浪形扭动等连贯组合而成的,各个动作都有其特定的健身效果,既注意了上肢与下肢、腹部与背部、头部与躯干动作的协调,又注意了组成各环节各部分独立运动。80年代传入中国,并逐渐作为健身活动传播开来。中国青少年最早接触街舞,始自20世纪80年代的美国电影《霹雳舞》,当时的霹雳舞(Break Dance)就是Breaking的前身。随着中国青少年对街舞理解的深入,他们逐步回归街舞的本源,以中国青少年自己的眼光和特点来实践街舞。除了早期的霹雳舞,自上世纪90年代中开始,全国各地青少年就已经开始习练街舞。北京、上海、广州因为资讯发达,街舞开展比较早;河南郑州由于中原武术文化与街舞关系密切,Breaking舞蹈也起步较早。经过 多年发展全国各地都有练习街舞的青少年,在各个城市的街头广场都可以看到他们扎堆训练的身影。他们还经常组织小型的比赛(Battle,碴舞、拼舞),功夫最好的舞者能够赢得众多青少年的推崇街舞教学视频。随着全民健身活动的兴起,街舞作为健身运动的一种也进入了各大城市的健身中心。许多舞蹈、戏曲、杂技的专业从业者也开始练习街舞,街舞在各个艺术院校中广为传播。在大学校园中,许多舞蹈社团也组织起来练习街舞;中学生利用课余时间从事街舞活动则更为普遍,他们在各大城市的居民社区中形成了青少年所特有的社区文化。
2023-06-18 00:38:361


作为一名对外汉语教师,我有幸读过很多我的那些外国学生的“神造句”,听过听过他们很多人的“经典语录”。在这其中,有很多让人耳目一新的“比喻”。 比如这个关于爱情的比喻。 关于爱情的比喻很美好,其他的比喻也很有味道。比如下面这两个: 那么问题来了:如果让你给婚姻、给婚姻中的两个人做个比喻,你会给出什么答案?是悲观的,比如“婚姻像坟墓,埋葬了爱情”? 是甜蜜的,比如“夫妻两人像一双筷子,酸甜苦辣一起尝,并且谁也离不开谁”? 是文艺的,就像那位唐朝女诗人的《八至》:“至近至远东西,至深至浅清溪。至高至明日月,至亲至疏夫妻。”? 还是网上的“十种最恰当的比喻”? 在我看来,这些比喻都很恰当,但却少了几分浪漫,少了几分味道。在我结婚那年,我的一位叫“白云”的意大利学生,送给了我一件小小的礼物,还有一张小小的卡片,卡片上面,还有一段他写的文字。 关于婚姻,最恰当、最浪漫、最有味道的比喻,就在这里。 这个关于婚姻的绝佳比喻,这番“只可意会不可言传”的妙语,恐怕只有身在婚姻之中且在用心经营的人才能感受到它的微妙,它深谙婚姻的精髓,更道出了夫妻的相处之道。这段用英文写就的祝福,倒与中文有很多异曲同工之妙。 Marriage is a bit like dancing :_it requires a partner; “单丝不成线独木难成林” _the couple must face whatever music is being playedhere and there; “坦诚相见当面对当面” _the “dancers” must help each other out; “同甘共苦风雨同舟” _only one “dancer” should lead at any one time; “一山不容二虎,一家难有二主” _the “dancers” must understand each other withoutusing words; “夫妻默契心有灵犀” _and most of all, the “dancers” must not step on eachother"s toes. “底线不可碰伤害不可有” 请原谅我为这番比喻做的或许并不精当的注释,毕竟,我是一个“婚龄”只有四年的丈夫。婚姻的这杯酒,我还在品尝之中。白云毕业离开中国的时候还没有女朋友,很久没有他的消息了,我很想知道,现在的他是否也有了自己的“舞伴”,是否也在体验着自己笔下,婚姻的那种味道?
2023-06-18 00:38:551


转载请注明:严厉打击任何抄袭行为,势必全网投诉到底! 现年54岁香港四大天王郭富城(城城),连日来都忙于筹备在今(9)日下午在尖沙咀露天广场举行的慈善演唱会,就算近日广东的天气相当之酷热,最高温达35度,但他仍然坚持不懈和一大班dancers在演出场地中,日以继夜进行彩排至汗流浃背,真的非常辛苦! 郭富城的胸前还挂着空气净化机,看来他的防疫意识还是非常强。当他步行抵达发型屋时,门外的工作人员要求他止步接受测量体温,郭富城全程都十分配合。大约在发型屋内逗留了两个多小时,郭富城才心满意足地离开。 另外,有最新港媒消息指,向来有郭富城御用排舞师之称的Sunny Wong,今(9)日亦提前到场打点一切,他继续与dancers作最后的彩排。 期间受访时,他透露大约有100位dancers,由于疫情关系,所以在彩排及表演时,为安全起见,大家还是会戴上口罩去表演。 问到可会很辛苦?Sunny Wong即坦言:「其实彩排都习惯了,但一定辛苦,天气太热,呼吸都有一定困难,我们已经排了一个星期。(与城城合作多年已很多默契?)都是的,但这么多dancers都要排走位呀,有些转行了,有些就做part time,要集合一起就要齐心。」 讲到这次的慈善演唱会,Sunny Wong直言非常有意义,能够为跳舞人做点什么!问到这次演唱会,郭富城可有增加一些自己的想法元素?他透露郭富城确实有很多想法,但最重要还是带出团结精神的力量,希望传递正能量给大家。
2023-06-18 00:39:021

养生堂 初见动心再见倾心 背景音乐是什么?

2023-06-18 00:39:081


spirit of dancer
2023-06-18 00:39:174


I like hip-hop as much as everyone else. Last week I took part in the hip-hop fun class.Hip hop is very ornamental, but it"s not easy to practice hip-hop. Basic exercise is a very important part, but it"s really boring.Hip hop practice must be innovative, only by incorporating innovative elements, hip-hop can be forever.I like this game!
2023-06-18 00:39:242

with their body language,the dancers是什么语法?

with their body language通过他们的肢体语言,这是方式状语,提前到句子开头。这句话真正的主语是the dancers舞者,后面会跟着主句的谓语和宾语。方式状语提前,是为了起到强调的作用。
2023-06-18 00:39:311

The singer and dancer 的复数是什么

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . The singers and dancers
2023-06-18 00:39:414

"舞男"英文怎么写?., 谢谢.

male dancer
2023-06-18 00:39:5110


1.The dancers are in traditional Miao dress2.The HuangGuoShu waterfall is located on the Baishui River,which is 15 km southwest of zhenmingbuyi miao atonomous county
2023-06-18 00:40:196


Rainmakers - Naomi PilgrimUp on the roofWhere the sunset made us blindYou put on our suitsAnd you were running by my sideOur heads in debrisWell it was different way back thenWe lit up the seasAnd the cinderella sign for allWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartAnd into the voidWe were singing through the coldWe filtered the noiseAnd there was nothing left to sayWe took something realAnd we watched fall apartAnd now that it"s goneI still remember every sightWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartBut don"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off and now you sayWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartTreasure within my heartTreasure within my heartThere you found the treasure within my heart
2023-06-18 00:40:421


一名舞者a dancer
2023-06-18 00:41:271


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 说能给篇啊,有急用,有问题的最好,谢谢了! 解析: street dance Street dance is an umbrella term used to describe dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios at more everyday spaces such as streets, school yards and nightclubs. They"re often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with the spectators and the other dancers. Today, street dance is monly used specifically for the many hip hop dances and funk dance styles that began appearing in the United States in the 1970s, and are still alive and evolving within the hip hop culture of today. Most of these styles are considered African American vernacular dances as they first appeared within African American munities.Origins Many street dance styles were formed as an answer to needs among youths of various urban areas, such as the lack of affordable dance studios. They also offered an alternative lifestyle to gang violence, opening up new ways to form social bonds and expressing their feelings through nonviolent and creative methods. Characteristics Opposite to many other dance forms, most street dances encourage individuality and originality, and that dancers interpret the existing moves freely and even invent new ones to create a personal style of their own. Improvisation is the heart of most street dances, though choreography is also seen, mostly mixed with improvisation or used for prepared shows. Generally, a street dance is based on a unique style or feel that are expressed through the dance, usually tied to a certain genre of music. As new moves evolve based on this feel, the dance is under constant development, and if the feel starts to change it might give birth to a pletely new dance form. Battles Many street dances involve battles of some sort (known as jamming in other dance cultures), where individuals or groups of people (called crews in hip hop contexts) dance against each other, with the observing crowd or a group of judges deciding the winner. Battles normally takes place in a circle of free space on the dance floor, with the dancers taking turns to enter and executing their moves. Normally, if the street dance style is not a partner dance, only one dancer performs at a time, except when people from the same crew performs a choreographed routine. There are some exceptions to this, such as uprocking, which uses a line formation with the dancers facing each other on fixed positions on a straight line, dancing simultaneously. Battles are very improvisational in nature, and the winners are often those who best manage to adapt to the music, their opponents and the current atmosphere. Though battles can bee quite energetic, most dancers consider it very important to show respect to all other dancers, even to adversaries. To let the feelings in a battle bee too personal is generally frowned upon. Competitions Today, serious street dance petitions are getting increasingly popular, and a number of large reoccurring international events are taking place around the world, such as Battle of the Year, Juste Debout, iDance UK Hip Hop Crew Championships and Jump Off. These contests focus mainly on judged battles but also on choreographed shows. Styles Some of the most famous street dance styles of today, such as breakdancing, popping and locking, began appearing around the 1970s, with breakdancing soon being a part of the hip hop culture. Popping and locking are considered funk dances rather than hip hop dances, but are today monly associated with the hip hop scene and breakdancing as well, as they share many street dance elements. More recently, new street dance styles are emerging that are further inspired by hip hop and its music. Krumping, with its focus on highly energetic battles and movements, is an example of such a style that just recently became publicly known. It"s also mon to see some characteristics of street dance being mixed with other more traditional dance forms, creating styles such as street-jazz, a hybrid of modern hip hop styles and jazz dance. Such styles are generally focused more on choreography and performance and less on improvisation and battles, and are not always considered pure street dances.
2023-06-18 00:41:431


2023-06-18 00:41:501

机械 中 dancer 怎么理解

【分类】以动作为标准,街舞分两大类:Hip-Hop和Breaking。街舞一般可以分为两种,一种是个人的技巧街舞。个人技巧街舞是最早流行的一种街舞,因为它能体现年轻人精力旺盛的一面,他们的很多地面动作,譬如说翻滚、倒立、弹跳都是比较高技巧的个人街舞表演。另外一种就是集体街舞,是目前比较流行的街舞形式。它反映了大众的需要,跳起来比较简单,节奏感比较强,它既有舞蹈的感觉又有健身的作用。所以目前比较普遍的就是集体街舞。Breaking:技巧型街舞,要求舞者具有较高的力量、柔韧性和协调性,属于技巧性较高的体育舞蹈,所以最先为国内青少年所喜爱。跳这种类型舞蹈的青少年叫做B-Boy/B-Girl。20世纪80年代,被称为“Hip-Hop之父”的DJ Kool Herc创造了B-Boy的概念,也就是Breaking Boy。每年,全世界的许多国家都有一些为B-Boy们举办的比赛,较有名的是每年一度的BOTY(Battle of The Year)和在英国举办的B-BoyChampion,超过10个国家的百名参赛选手会参加这样的盛事。比赛的优胜者很快就会声名远播,成为青少年的明星。Hip-Hop:Hip-Hop这个词中文译作嘻哈,诞生于1974年美国纽约,发明者是著名的DJ和MC爱虫斯塔尔斯基(Love Bug Starski)。在20世纪60年代末70年代初,以纽约为首的美国东海岸城市,兴起了一系列黑人文化艺术形式,它们包括:涂鸦(Graffiti或Writing)、比波舞或霹雳舞(B-Boying)、打碟(DJing或Deejay,DJ是指Disk Jockey,意为唱片骑师,即驾驭唱片的人)、说唱(MCing或Emcee,MC是指Master of Ceremony,意为司仪)。Hip-Hop这个词最初是爱虫斯塔尔斯基在说唱中用来押韵的, Hip的意思是股,Hop的意思是跳动,连起来可以解释为跳动的股。20世纪80年代初,“嘻哈教父”阿弗里卡·班巴塔(Afrika Bambaataa)借用嘻哈这个词来统称以上述四种文化形式为代表的黑人城市文化运动,很快被广泛接纳,而上面四种文化就成为我们通常所说的嘻哈四大元素了。Hip-Hop翻译过来是嘻哈,RAP翻译过来是饶舌,这两个概念不同。Hip-Hop实际上不是音乐名词而是文化名词,包括说唱、涂鸦、街舞和DJ打碟四部分;RAP起源于60年代,而作为音乐理解的Hip-Hop则起源于70年代初,它的前身是RAP(有时候会加一点R(B)。 Hip-Hop从字面上来看,Hip是臀部,Hop是单脚跳,加在一起就是轻扭摆臀,原先指的是雏形阶段的街舞(也就是我们以前说的霹雳舞),后来才逐渐发展成一种巨大的概念——我们现在说的Hip-Hop文化还包括了那些宽大的衣服、沉甸甸的纯金饰品、平时说起话来就“YoYo?what"s up?”的口语习惯——总之就是那种美国贫民街区里黑人的生活方式以及他们的“范儿”。 舞蹈型街舞,有Popping、Locking、Electric、Turbo、House等多种风格。它们都不如Breaking那样需要较高的技巧,但更要求舞者的动作协调性和舞感,以及肢体灵活性和控制力。好的Hip-Hop舞者同样需要艰苦的练习。由于Hip-Hop Dance不如Breaking那样技巧性强,也缺乏竞赛性,以前没有受到街舞爱好者足够的重视,现在随着舞蹈观念的增强,这种情况得到了改变,甚至B-Boy也开始练习并出现了许多全能型的街舞好手。Hip-Hop是人们最常接触的一种舞蹈,它有着幅度大而简单的舞步,能够表现出复杂的舞感。因为容易学习,跳起来也相当好看,所以很受大众喜爱 POPPIN:运用身体各部位的肌肉和关节,随着音乐的节拍,加上自己丰富的想像力,创造出令人惊讶的舞步。属于难度较高的街舞类型 FREESTYLE:这是一种出神入化的舞步,它将各种类型的舞蹈混合在一起,随心所欲地表现,没有舞蹈风格的限定,脱离一般舞蹈的规范,可以说是一种个性化的街舞 HOUSE:随着house音乐,运用复杂而神奇的步伐表现的一种舞步,它上拉丁舞的扭腰、武术的空翻、踢踏舞的基本步以及芭蕾的转圈,跳起来既可以十分优雅,也可以相当狂野。 NEW JAZZ(女生专属):这是一种由JAZZ爵士发展而来的舞,专由女生跳的,很讲究柔美和瞬间爆发.以手臂的动作为主,腰的扭动和臀部的动作为辅.对身材要求很高,在欧美和韩国非常流行。配乐是节奏化过后的爵士乐。RAGREA(雷鬼,女生专属):这个舞据说起源于法国,也有人说起源于美国。是非常性感的一种舞蹈,演绎的舞者穿着也很暴露,以下半身的动作为主,主要用到臀部,腰部,腿部,还会有一些简单的倒立,同时在空中摇晃大腿的诱惑动作。在色情业发达的日本发展非常好。而正常的演绎亦非常性感。锁舞locking 在约70年代时,位于洛杉矶的一家夜总会里Don Campbell发明了locking(又称 Campbellocking)这种即兴发挥的独特舞步。这样的舞步与它的附属文化很快的 就向外延烧并掀起一阵狂热,还促成了当时一个人称Soul Train的新兴电视节目 。在这节目里,舞者飞快地展现锁(locking)与指(pointing)这些动作,并 且不时伴著手拍(hand slaps)与劈(splits)的技巧来诠释自己独特的风格。 Don创始了「Campbellocking」这样的即兴舞蹈并不断地让它更具风格。他与 他的伙伴Damita Jo Freeman同当时举办Soul Train的工作人员四处巡回,在 这不久之後Don就组成了另外一个以locking即兴solo为主要风格的团体,它的 名字是「Campbellocking Dancers」。这个团体是由Don Campbell、 Fred "Mr. Penguin" Berry、Charles Robot、Slim Robot与Sambo Lock所组 成,当时他们表演方式是跳舞的人从大家排成的一直线站出来solo再退回去。 在那段时间Greg Campbellock Jr.、Scooby doo Foster、Leo Fluky Luke、 Tony Go-Go、Buddy Go-Go与Skeeter Rabbit一直在发明新的舞步,那些动作 後来都统一了,就像现在大家所学到的一样。 在1972年Go-Go Brothers(除了原本的Tony与Buddy,还加 入了Skeeter Rabbitt)成为了第一个呈现融合小短剧与排舞的locking舞团 ,不管是大型的表演活动或是小型的高中宴会,都是他们展现身手的舞台。 在1972年末1973年初,Scooby Doo与Campbellock Jr.撮合了Go-Go Bros.、 Skeeter Rabbitt,以及当时的女性锁将如Arnetta Johnson、Fredy Maxie与 Lorna Dune,组成了史上第一支男女混合的locking舞团, 称之为「Creative Generation」,这个团体研究舞蹈,并且将它教授他人, 将它在舞台上表演诠释,同时也以身为Legendary Watts Writers Workshop成 员之一的身份在各地巡回。 在1973那年的夏天,在Don Campbell的策划下采用「Lockers」这个词,创立了 众所周知的传奇性舞团──「The Lockers」。这个团体在当时locking史上是最 充满活力冲劲与影响力的一群人,舞团人力中不但有最棒的即兴舞者,也有顶尖 的排舞舞者可以运用。整个团体由Don Campbell、"Slim Robot"、 Fred "Rerun" Berry、Fluky Luke、Greg Campbellock Jr.、相当有声望的 Chorographer Toni Basil与年轻有天份的Adolfo "Shabba Doo" Quinones所组 成,而Campbellock Jr.将当时他在Creative Generation编排舞的经验带入 The Lockers,locking这种艺术便逐渐在世界上崭露头角。 当The Lockers这团体盛行时,其他的OG舞者像Tony Go-Go与Skeeter Rabbitt在 70年代也加入其中并且随著一起巡回表演。同时,其他的地下团体如33RPM与Ghetto Dancers等也在早期那段时间组成。 这些团体包括了各式各样不同组合的old school locking舞者。这样的情况引发了 一种舞蹈的风气,这风气从洛杉矶的城市内到郊外,再从这个国家到那个国家, 逐渐向外散布出去。街舞动作Up-Rock 、Top-Rock、 Footwork、 Freeze、 Jump、 Flip、 Kick、 Float、 Mill、 Spin、 Flare、 Swipe、 Wave
2023-06-18 00:41:581


儿童舞蹈家,Child dancer。复数形式是child dancers。例句:很多儿童舞蹈家去学校应聘。Many child dancers go to school to apply.
2023-06-18 00:42:052

英文问题:children dancers还是child dancers?

2023-06-18 00:42:151


 街舞(英文名字Hip Hop,"breakin dance")日文名字ヒップホップ)最早起源于撒哈拉以南的非洲,是爵士舞发展到20世纪90年代的产物,它的动作是由各种走、跑、跳组合而成,极富变化。并通过头、颈、肩、上肢、躯干等关节的屈伸、转动、绕环、摆振、波浪形扭动等连贯组合而成的,各个动作都有其特定的健身效果,既注意了上肢与下肢、腹部与背部、头部与躯干动作的协调,又注意了组成各环节各部分独立运动。因此街舞不仅具有一般有氧运动改善心肺功能、减少脂肪、增强肌肉弹性、增强韧带柔韧性的功效,还具有协调人体各部位肌肉群,塑造优美体态,提高人体协调能力,陶冶美感的功能。   街舞是美国黑人由一种发泄情绪的运动演绎成的街边文化,特色是爆发力强,在舞动时,肢体所做的动作亦较其他舞蹈夸张。最吸引人之处,是以全身的活力带来热情澎湃的感觉。   跳街舞使人注意力集中,兴趣浓厚,动作优美、随意。同时,跳街舞还有瘦身功效,因为街舞是一种中低强度的有氧运动,在一个小时的运动中,消耗全身脂肪的作用是相当强的。此外,街舞是一种小肌肉运动,经常练习能增加你全身的协调性,让你的身材比例更趋标准。分类  从风格上来分类,街舞可以分为很多个舞种,并且不断有新的舞种在产生和流行。目前主流国际上的舞种有Breakin",Hip-Hop,Jazz,Poppin",Lockin",House,Krumpin"。而每个舞种内又有很多种流派,可以说每个舞种的风格都是很多样复杂的,同样也是非常有吸引力的。不同舞种之间也可以借鉴各自的元素,使舞蹈动作更具有创意和张力,没有特别明确的分界。   技巧型街舞   要求舞者具有较高的力量、柔韧性和协调性,属于技巧性较高的体育舞蹈,所以最先为国内青少年所喜爱。跳这种类型舞蹈的青少年叫做B-Boy/B-Girl。  20世纪80年代,被称为“Hip-Hop之父”的DJ Kool Herc创造了B-Boy的概念,也就是Breaking Boy。每年,全世界的许多国家都有一些为B-Boy们举办的比赛,较有名的是每年一度的BOTY(Battle of The Year)和在英国举办的B-BoyChampion,超过10个国家的百名参赛选手会参加这样的盛事。比赛的优胜者很快就会声名远播,成为青少年的明星。   Hip-Hop   Hip-Hop这个词中文译作嘻哈,诞生于1974年美国纽约,发明者是著名的DJ和MC爱虫斯塔尔斯基(Love Bug Starski)。在20世纪60年代末70年代初,以纽约为首的美国东海岸城市,兴起了一系列黑人文化艺术形式,它们包括:涂鸦(Graffiti或Writing)、比波舞或霹雳舞(B-Boying)、打碟(DJing或Deejay,DJ是指Disk Jockey,意为唱片骑师,即驾驭唱片的人)、说唱(MCing或Emcee,MC是指Master of Ceremony,意为司仪)。  Hip-Hop这个词最初是爱虫斯塔尔斯基在说唱中用来押韵的, Hip的意思是屁股,Hop的意思是跳动,连起来可以解释为跳动的屁股。20世纪80年代初,“嘻哈教父”阿弗里卡·班巴塔(Afrika Bambaataa)借用嘻哈这个词来统称以上述四种文化形式为代表的黑人城市文化运动,很快被广泛接纳,而上面四种文化就成为我们通常所说的嘻哈四大元素了。  Hip-Hop翻译过来是嘻哈,RAP翻译过来是饶舌,这两个概念不同。Hip-Hop实际上不是音乐名词而是文化名词,包括说唱、涂鸦、街舞和DJ打碟四部分;RAP起源于60年代,而作为音乐理解的Hip-Hop则起源于70年代初,它的前身是RAP(有时候会加一点R(B)。   Hip-Hop从字面上来看,Hip是臀部,Hop是单脚跳,加在一起就是轻扭摆臀,原先指的是雏形阶段的街舞(也就是我们以前说的霹雳舞),后来才逐渐发展成一种巨大的概念——我们现在说的Hip-Hop文化还包括了那些宽大的衣服、沉甸甸的纯金饰品、平时说起话来就“YoYowhat"s up?”的口语习惯——总之就是那种美国贫民街区里黑人的生活方式以及他们的“范儿”。   舞蹈型街舞,有Popping、Locking、Electric、Turbo、House等多种风格。它们都不如Breaking那样需要较高的技巧,但更要求舞者的动作协调性和舞感,以及肢体灵活性和控制力。好的Hip-Hop舞者同样需要艰苦的练习。由于Hip-Hop Dance不如Breaking那样技巧性强,也缺乏竞赛性,以前没有受到街舞爱好者足够的重视,现在随着舞蹈观念的增强,这种情况得到了改变,甚至B-Boy也开始练习并出现了许多全能型的街舞好手。  Hip-Hop是人们最常接触的一种舞蹈,它有着幅度大而简单的舞步,能够表现出复杂的舞感。因为容易学习,跳起来也相当好看,所以很受大众喜爱   POPPIN:  运用身体各部位的肌肉和关节,随着音乐的节拍,加上自己丰富的想像力,创造出令人惊讶的舞步。属于难度较高的街舞类型。主要是利用肌肉的振动产生动作POP,来跟上音乐的鼓点节拍,同时由ROLL和WAVE以及WALKOUT等共同构成完善的动作。  FREESTYLE:  这是一种出神入化的舞步,它将各种类型的舞蹈混合在一起,随心所欲地表现,没有舞蹈风格的限定,脱离一般舞蹈的规范,可以说是一种个性化的街舞   HOUSE:  随着house音乐,运用复杂而神奇的步伐表现的一种舞步,它可以加上拉丁舞的扭腰、武术的空翻、踢踏舞的基本步以及芭蕾的转圈,跳起来既可以十分优雅,也可以相当狂野。    New JAZZ   其实New JAZZ翻译过来不是新的爵士。它的全称是NEW YORK JAZZ。NEW JAZZ并不是女生的专属。其实在NEW JAZZ最开始是男的跳NEW JAZZ。而女的只能跳一起丑爵。而随着时间的推移,女生才渐渐的占据了NEW JAZZ。  RAGREA(雷鬼,女生专属):  这个舞据说起源于法国,也有人说起源于美国。是非常性感的一种舞蹈,演绎的舞者穿着也很暴露,以下半身的动作为主,主要用到臀部,腰部,腿部,还会有一些简单的倒立,同时在空中摇晃大腿的诱惑动作。在色情业发达的日本发展非常好。而正常的演绎亦非常性感。  锁舞lockin   在约70年代时,位于洛杉矶的一家夜总会里Don Campbell发明了lockin(又称Campbellockin)这种即兴发挥的独特舞步。这样的舞步与它的附属文化很快的 就向外延烧并掀起一阵狂热,还促成了当时一个人称Soul Train的新兴电视节目。在这节目里,舞者飞快地展现锁(lockin)与指(pointing)这些动作,并且不时伴著手拍(hand slaps)与劈(splits)的技巧来诠释自己独特的风格。Don创始了「Campbellocking」这样的即兴舞蹈并不断地让它更具风格。他与他的伙伴Damita Jo Freeman同当时举办Soul Train的工作人员四处巡回,在这不久之後Don就组成了另外一个以locking即兴solo为主要风格的团体,它的名字是「Campbellocking Dancers」。这个团体是由Don Campbell、Fred "Mr. Penguin" Berry、Charles Robot、Slim Robot与Sambo Lock所组成,当时他们表演方式是跳舞的人从大家排成的一直线站出来solo再退回去。在那段时间Greg Campbellock Jr.、Scooby doo Foster、Leo Fluky Luke、Tony Go-Go、Buddy Go-Go与Skeeter Rabbit一直在发明新的舞步,那些动作後来都统一了,就像现在大家所学到的一样。   在1972年Go-Go Brothers(除了原本的Tony与Buddy,还加入了Skeeter Rabbitt)成为了第一个呈现融合小短剧与排舞的locking舞团,不管是大型的表演活动或是小型的高中宴会,都是他们展现身手的舞台。在1972年末1973年初,Scooby Doo与Campbellock Jr.撮合了Go-Go Bros.、Skeeter Rabbitt,以及当时的女性锁将如Arnetta Johnson、Fredy Maxie与Lorna Dune,组成了史上第一支男女混合的locking舞团,称之为「Creative Generation」,这个团体研究舞蹈,并且将它教授他人,将它在舞台上表演诠释,同时也以身为Legendary Watts Writers Workshop成员之一的身份在各地巡回。   在1973那年的夏天,在Don Campbell的策划下采用「Lockers」这个词,创立了众所周知的传奇性舞团──「The Lockers」。这个团体在当时locking史上是最充满活力冲劲与影响力的一群人,舞团人力中不但有最棒的即兴舞者,也有顶尖的排舞舞者可以运用。整个团体由Don Campbell、"Slim Robot"、Fred "Rerun" Berry、Fluky Luke、Greg Campbellock Jr.、相当有声望的Chorographer Toni Basil与年轻有天份的Adolfo "Shabba Doo" Quinones所组成,而Campbellock Jr.将当时他在Creative Generation编排舞的经验带入The Lockers,locking这种艺术便逐渐在世界上崭露头角。   当The Lockers这团体盛行时,其他的OG舞者像Tony Go-Go与Skeeter Rabbitt在70年代也加入其中并且随著一起巡回表演。同时,其他的地下团体如33RPM与Ghetto Dancers等也在早期那段时间组成。这些团体包括了各式各样不同组合的old school lockin舞者。这样的情况引发了一种舞蹈的风气,这风气从洛杉矶的城市内到郊外,再从这个国家到那个国家,逐渐向外散布出去。 街舞动作  Up-Rock 、Top-Rock、 Footwork、 Freeze、 Jump、 Flip、 Kick、 Float、 Mill、 Spin、 Flare、 Swipe、 Wave   街舞的主要风格和种类     霹雳舞、战斗步、摇摆步、地板步、定招、疯克舞、布加洛舞、机器人舞、波浪舞、动画舞/辛巴德风格、闪舞  锁舞、机械舞、踏手舞、 电子布吉、新派街舞、豪斯舞、爵士舞、自由式  以时代特色为标准,街舞可以分为Old School和New School两类,前者为20世纪80年代的街舞风格,后者产生于90年代,在音乐和动作上都有相当大的改观。  Old School  Old School的音乐有非常快的节拍来配合Breaking的动作,而后随着Hip-Hop音乐的演进,Hip-Hop的节奏变慢,Breaking动作便不适合了。因为如果在这种慢板的Hip-Hop音乐中作风车或排腿(Footwork)之类的动作,会觉得一点爆发力都没有,甚至失去其舞感。此时Old School与New School的舞蹈就开始分家了,那是在1986年左右。  早期New School的舞步非常简单,如耳熟能详的 “滑步”(Running Man) 这在以前MC Hammer及Babby Brown的音乐录影带的中均可见到,这种劲爆的Hip-Hop舞蹈也称为Funky Dance。然而以现在的眼光来看这些MC Hammer及Babby Brown时期所流行的街舞,也渐渐变成了Old School。  New School的出现  1992年初,一个叫做Mop Top(Elite Force)的黑人舞蹈团体(由Henry Link、 Loose Joint、Buddha Stretch组成),发展出一种新风格的Hip-Hop,一种“原地性的Hip-Hop”。它不像MC Hammer及Babby Brown时期的大动作、大范围式的移动,更没有霹雳舞中那些在类似体操的动作。它的独特风格在于注重身体的协调性(我们所谓的律动),重视身体上半身的律动及增加了许多手部的动作,不再像那些旧风格的Hip-Hop重视大范围的移动以及脚步的动作。随后,迈克尔?杰克逊的Remember The Time MTV中运用了Henry的这种新风格的舞蹈,马上就掀起了一股风潮。后来马丽亚凯利的Dreamlover歌曲MTV使用了更为丰富的New School舞蹈,这些舞蹈中夹杂着Locking(锁舞)、Poping(机器舞)、Wave(电流)这些东西。当时人们很难去断定这是什么样的舞蹈,但是这却是New School Hip-Hop发展史上很重要的一节,它是全世界开始流行New School的起源。 街舞分类     Hip hop是人们最常接触的一种舞蹈,它有着幅度大而简单的舞步,能够表现出复杂的舞感。因为容易学习,跳起来也相当好看,所以很受大众喜爱.  poppin运用身体各部位的肌肉和关节,随着音乐的节拍,加上自己丰富的想像力,创造出令人惊讶的舞步。属于难度较高的街舞类型.  霹雳舞,也是一种难度较高的舞步,大体上可以分为两种类型:用手、头、身体在地上旋转,称为大地板;用肢体在地上踩出复杂变化的脚步动作,加上刁钻的倒立,称为小地板。当然,跳舞的同时也可以随意去搭配你所想表现的动作  Free style这是一种出神入化的舞步,它将各种类型的舞蹈混合在一起,随心所欲地表现,没有舞蹈风格的限定,脱离一般舞蹈的规范,可以说是一种个性化的街舞  House随着House音乐,运用复杂而神奇的步伐表现的一种舞步,它可以加上拉丁舞的扭腰、武术的空翻、踢踏舞的基本步以及芭蕾的转圈,跳起来既可以十分优雅,也可以相当狂野  服饰提示  大的T恤、拖地的多兜裤、棒球帽、紧身背心、运动鞋等都可以是你的选择,不过要提醒你,在追求时尚,个性化的同时,不要忽视的美观,如果不适合你,看上去只是“怪”而不美。  HIP-HOP入门  可选择一些HIP--HOP音乐适应一下节奏特点,并随着HIP-HOP节奏随意舞动几下。在跟教练学习时,按着教练分解动作的程序进行,比如先学好下肢动作,再逐渐加上上肢、头部等动作,先慢后快不要急于求成。  HIP-HOP的健身价值  动作爆发力强,多以绕环和小关节的运动为主,因此能较好地改善练习者的协调能力,并且使身体不常运动到的小关节和小肌肉群得以充分锻炼。加之运动强度适中,具备有氧运动的效果,使练习者在提高主肺功能的同时,达到减肥的目的。练习者还可以根据自身的身体状况和运动基础,选择不同节奏的音乐来调整运动的强度。   街 舞 种 类     第一、POP【机械舞蹈】。第二、LOCKING【锁舞】。第三、BREAKING【霹雳舞蹈】。第四、WAVEING【电流舞蹈】。以上四种为爸爸和妈妈的街舞,结合而生出来的新街舞小孩有两种: HIPHOP DANCE 和 HOUSE DANCE。这些是异形及变态,我想这么解释大家应该能够更容易了解吸收。  事实上,街头舞蹈除了细分为六大种类之外,它还有两种形式分别是:NEW SCHOOL DANCE 以及 OLD SCHOOL DANCE。好象很多很烦,有的没的一大堆,别慌乱!!我正在洗涤你的大脑!  下来要告诉各位的是 POP DANCE【机械舞】的精髓:它起源于机械人动作及形态。记得在(1969年前后)流行天王麦克杰克逊,在全美电视台与机器人同步舞蹈之后就流行至今,了不起吧!! 重点是「顿点」。将力量一次释放出来。不是机器人,机械舞的顿点没这么重,而是滑过骤停就好。机械舞要有相当的isolation(一边动其它的地方都不能动)。但poping不用,最好全身都在震(视情况而定)。利用popping将每个节拍点卡住,最好是能配合音乐卡得刚刚好,如何"卡"?.....简单说起来就是肌肉瞬间收紧,相对地,不卡拍的时候肌肉放到最松,但不是无力的乱接甩。  其二是LOCKUNG DANCE【锁舞】-据了解这是由古代山顶洞的黑人,看见山顶洞中国人耍双截棍的样子所发展出来的街头舞蹈,两只手甩来甩去真像双截棍! 在此佩服黑人独特的创意所谓天生舞蹈音乐民族。大部份是手的动作。有很多种style,并没有对错之分。变形以后可以加一大堆东西进去。分成 Twist & Lock 两部份。(用讲的讲不清楚,想知道的话请洽各校热舞社) 总之,Lock 的部份和popping有点像,而twist有点难练,要做的好看不容易。 这真的蛮难用文字解释的,简单说起来 Locking 最注重 point 的感觉,虽然这是每一种舞蹈的先决条件,但是在Locker看来,point的姿势、方向、角度,甚至气势,都必须被严格要求否则不算 Locking常常看到有些人自以为 Locking做得好,还教别人四不像的 Locking 动作,这实在令人忧心忡忡!  BREAKING DANCE【霹雳舞蹈】--它结合中国功夫—真是受不了的给它了不起啦! 在许多的 BREAKING舞蹈动作里面加入了中国功夫,动作翻、扑、滚、摔...什么怪花招都有,厉害吧!! 一般人没练过的话是不会的(天才例外)。有--排腿、前后侧空/手翻、跳转、蛙转、风车、直升机、霹雳摔、鞍马、头转…以及各式组合。以旋转为主,翻身为辅。但绝对不是耍猴戏…有相当的危险性在。  至于 WAVE DANCE【电流舞蹈】--它有许多像传电导电的舞蹈动作及观念, wave要可以传到身体的每一部份才算练成。只要融会贯通便能驾轻就熟,有点难又不会太难! .  S RAVE【锐舞】:现今代替hip hop的后起之秀。一直扭就对了,因为他根本没有固定的节拍,通常是光鲜亮丽的,身材纤细的人在跳(没看过胖哥跳过)。rave 的女性都是很有自信的辣妹,其实倒有些醉翁之意不在酒的playboy混在其中(Brain full of SEX all night!) 何谓 NEW SCHOOL 及 OLD SCHOOL 呢?话说美国东岸纽约----发源 NEW STYLE 的 NEW SCHOOL DANCE,因为他们把我以上所说四种街舞元素融合在一起,然后加以改装变形,那么就是美丽的NEW SCHOOL DANCE。再说西岸洛城—比较风行 OLD SCHOOL DANCE,也就是说它们宗于原味,不把街舞变形变态,加强各有的风格,可以发现那边的舞者,都会把自己所专长的街舞项目跳的很神奇,可说是出神入化,但并不是指每个人。  3.街 舞 专 有 名 词 大 放 送  身为一个B-BOY,你不可不知道的一些B-BOY的专有名词大释疑.赶快放马过来膜拜圣经吧,收录B-BOY动作及其它相关名词独家中文解释.这个记号(*)将标示出动作的困难度。五个(*)是最高难度的,一个(*)则是最简单的。  B-BOY   Breaking boy,boogie boy,只要是跳break的都叫b-boy。   CREW   B-boy的团体。   BATTLE   个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称尬舞)。   BURNED   专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。   ROUTINES   由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。   PERFECTIONS   指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。   WACKED or WACK   当一个人做错了动作。   SLIDES   拉着自己滑过地板。Slide这个名字就告诉b-boy该做"滑"的动作。   BITE   从别人那里偷学动作。   1990(***)   B-boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。(俗称手转)   
2023-06-18 00:42:241

wild dance中文译音歌词

2023-06-18 00:42:311

舞出我人生3 中公园黑衣舞者叫什么??

先声明,别忘了采纳~名字叫作Daniel Campos,不过都称之为Daniel "Cloud" Campos。 下面是在网上找到的一些介绍:Daniel Campos, also known as Cloud, born May 6, 1983 in Adel, Georgia but raised in San Diego, California, is a dancer, choreographer, actor, and director who is best known as one of Madonna"s male dancers.Cloud is a former member of the "Al Fuentes High Voltage Extreme Acrobatic Dance Team" as well as a dancer with the "Skills Methodz" troupe. Cloud has performed in music videos and concert tours for pop singer Madonna, including Hung Up and Sorry, and was prominently featured in the documentary I"m Going to Tell You a Secret. He worked as one of Madonna"s dancers in her "The Confessions Tour" and also performed at "Live 8" and "Live Earth" with Madonna.Cloud has also worked with Latin artist Paulina Rubio in the video for the single Nada Puede Cambiarme and has previously appeared in videos by Rhianna and MVP.Additionally, Cloud is also a director, he co-directed a short film "Heaven Awaits" won the Best Cinematography, Best Audio, Best Editing, Best Horror Film, and Grand Prize at the 2005 Filmerica Challenge.Cloud is of Filipino and Caucasian decent. He speaks English and is conversational in Tagalog.
2023-06-18 00:42:491


2023-06-18 00:42:572

the dancer and singer是用单数还是复数

2023-06-18 00:43:062


Introduction Cambodia, located in Southeast Asia, is known for its beautiful and intricate traditional dance performances. Dancing has a significant role in the country"s history and culture, and it is often showcased during festivals and ceremonies. This article will explore the various traditional dance forms that Cambodia is famous for. Apsara Dance Apsara dance is one of the oldest and most famous forms of dance in Cambodia. It is a classical dance form that was once only performed in the royal courts. The dance tells stories of the famous Apsara, female spirits in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Apsara dance is characterized by its elegance, grace, and fluid movements. The dancers wear traditional clothing, including a sampot sarabap, a long, flowing skirt. Robam Trot The Robam Trot is a popular Khmer folk dance that is often performed during festivals and celebrations. The dance is characterized by its fast-paced and energetic movements, which involve dancers spinning and twisting their bodies. The dance typically features male and female dancers performing together in pairs. The dancers wear traditional clothing, including a sampot chang kben, a wrap-around skirt. Yike Yike is a traditional Cambodian musical theater form that combines dance, song, and drama. It is often performed during ceremonies and celebrations and tells stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, two significant Hindu epics. Yike dancers wear elaborate costumes and perform intricate dance routines, often accompanied by live music. Lakhon Khol Lakhon Khol is a traditional Cambodian dance that combines storytelling and dance. It is performed by male dancers who wear elaborate masks that represent different characters, such as gods, demons, and animals. Lakhon Khol is characterized by its slow-moving and graceful movements, which are meant to convey the storytelling aspect of the dance. The dance typically tells stories from Cambodian history and folklore. Conclusion Traditional Cambodian dance is a beautiful art form that plays an essential role in the country"s culture and history. From the elegant Apsara dance to the energetic Robam Trot and the dramatic Yike and Lakhon Khol, these dance forms have been passed down through generations and continue to be celebrated today.
2023-06-18 00:43:131


Free dancers
2023-06-18 00:43:222

they are dancer还是they are dancers

C Disabled as they are 是正确答案. 这是让步状语从句的倒装句,语序:表语+as +主语+系动词,“虽然.”的意思
2023-06-18 00:43:291


我多补了一个肚皮舞,现在最流行的.Good morning,everyone, today I"m going to introduce you several kinds of popular dance.Dancing is a wonderful art and everybody can enjoy the happiness and passion through it.Ballet is commonly known as the most classic dancing.Ballet is a form of dancing performed for theatre audiences. The word "ballet" comes from the Italian word "ballare," meaning "to dance." Ballet first developed during the 15th century as a form of entertainment for Italian royalty. Male dancers first ruled the stage, and it took a Mademoiselle de Lafontaine dancing in Le Triomphe de l"Amour to lead the way for female dancers. Like other dance forms, ballet may tell a story, express a mood, or simply reflect the music. But a ballet dancer"s technique (way of performing) and special skills differ greatly from those of other dancers. Ballet dancers perform many movements that are unnatural for the body. But when these movements are well executed, they look natural. Different ballet styles have developed in various countries. For example, the style that developed in the United States tends to be energetic and fast. Ballet in Russia is often forceful and showy, and French ballet is generally pretty and decorative. Ballet dancers travel throughout the world and adopt different features of foreign styles. As a result of these international influences, all ballet is continually being broadened and enriched. Let"s talk about Jazz dance.The term "jazz dance" has been used to describe a forever-changing form of popular and creative dance movement ever since the 1920s. It represents our popular culture, and as the culture changes, so does the appearance of jazz dance. Jazz dance has character and the ability to make changes as a main fragment. It is this element that allows itself to shed its skin and take up another for every passing era. This means that the social dances of the 1920s like the Charleston and Back Bottom are known as jazz dances, but so are the theatre dances of choreographer Bob Fosse. The style of Fred Astaire comes from jazz dancing, as well as many dances by the modern dance choreographer Alvin Ailey. The shortened sounds of tap dancing can be considered as jazz dancing, but so can the body popping movements of breakdancing. The common subject binding these obviously different things together is rhythm, or to be more exact, rhythm that is composed in African influences.Break dance, which is kind of like hip-hop dance.focus more on the movement on the ground.In the club, on the street or in your home, break dancing commands attention and--if done correctly--adoration. It"s a spectacle in itself, an athletic feat, and an accomplishment in body movement. And, like any dance form, all you need is practice and instruction.Today"s break dancing began to come of age in 1969 and 1970 when disc jockey, record producer and visionary Afrika Bambaataa convinced the members of the Bronx street gang of which he was then the warlord to challenge rival gangs to battle with macho dance routines in lieu of guns and knives.As the "70s evolved, more emphasis was placed on groundwork involving stylized leg movements (so-called Floor Rock or Down Rock) and moves were added and deleted as tastes in funk, soul and early hip hop music evolved. Still, the basic form of both rocking and breakdance "cutting" contests remained the same until the "Rock Steady Crew" and the "Electronic Boogaloo Lockers" (later renamed the "Electric Boogaloos") literally hit the streets of New York with the spectacular hand-gliding, back-spinning, windmilling, and head-spinning ground moves that have since become synonymous with the word breakdance.The dance gained in worldwide popularity during the "80s and "90s with break-dance moves being incorporated into movies and musical theater productions and European and Asian aficionados adding their own exuberant spins and whirls to the mix.Let"s pay attention to a quite different dancing form , it is Belly dance.Belly dance is a Western term for a traditional Middle Eastern dance form. Some American devotees refer to it simply as "Middle Eastern Dance".Where belly dancing is a native dance, boys and girls learn it from an early age. As with many social dances, children learn it informally, by observing and imitating their elders during family and community celebrations, as well as during informal gatherings with friends.[citation needed] Today, these ancient dances are taught in classes offered throughout the world, and skilled dancers are able to share their knowledge that has been passed down from the indigenous peoples who created them.Belly dancing has recently been made widely popular by Latin superstar Shakira, whose dancing combines belly dance, Latino, and modern dance styles.Enough for today, hope everybody enjoyed my introduction and have fun in the world of dancing.
2023-06-18 00:43:371

谁有美国舞林争霸那个评委Lil C的个人资料啊

Lil" C (born Christopher A. Toler in January 1983) is an American dancer and choreographer. He has choreographed for So You Think You Can Dance, along with many top music icons.Lil C has appeared in music videos for artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Ciara, Missy Elliot, Christina Millian, Sean Paul, Fall Out Boy, Gwen Stefani, and Se7en. Some videos include "Crazy" by Se7en (2004), and "Hung Up" (2005) and "Sorry" (2006) by Madonna .[1]He has also appeared in and choreographed for numerous television dance performances including Fox"s Bones, the 2007 Teen Choice Awards, and the 2007 NAACP Image Awards. Other notable television credits include The 50th Annual Grammy Awards, VH1 Big in 06 Awards, and the 2005 American Music Awards.[2]Lil" C is featured in the critically-acclaimed 2005 documentary film, Rize, which documents the history of the krumping and clowning dance styles. He has also appeared in the film Stomp the Yard and choreographed for the films Be Cool and Bring It On Yet Again.[2]Lil C is featured in the David Michalek exhibit Slow Dancing, which is described as "a series of 43 larger-than-life, hyper-slow-motion video portraits of dancers and choreographers from around the world, displayed on multiple screens. Each subject"s movement (approximately 5 seconds long) was shot on a specially constructed set using a high-speed, high-definition camera recording at 1,000 frames per second (standard film captures 24 frames per second). The result is approximately 10 minutes of extreme slow motion." The exhibit was featured in New York City, Los Angeles, California, and London. It has also been profiled by Apple.btw:lil"c虽然不是krump的创始人,却是把krump推向高峰的人
2023-06-18 00:43:431

一首英文歌的歌名,女声,我只听清了断断续续的歌词,anyway tonight on my

Rainmakers - Naomi PilgrimUp on the roofWhere the sunset made us blindYou put on our suitsAnd you were running by my sideOur heads in debrisWell it was different way back thenWe lit up the seasAnd the cinderella sign for allWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartAnd into the voidWe were singing through the coldWe filtered the noiseAnd there was nothing left to sayWe took something realAnd we watched fall apartAnd now that it"s goneI still remember every sightWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartBut don"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off cause it goes off when it goes offDon"t you forgetThere"s a time bomb in our heartsAnd don"t you regretThat it goes off and now you sayWe are rainmakers in the darkHunting for sparksThere you found the treasure withinTreasure within my heartDancers beneath the starsSearching for sparksThere you found the treasure within my heartTreasure within my heartTreasure within my heartThere you found the treasure within my heart
2023-06-18 00:43:521

谁有 wild dance歌词 还有nobady中文歌词

2023-06-18 00:44:101

step dancers是什么意思

2023-06-18 00:44:182