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2023-05-19 15:01:55





Drive动词:驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使;

名词:驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道。


例句:The dribble drive motion is an offensive strategy in basketball.





drivev.驾驶;开车;驱动;迫使n.驱车旅行;驱动力;车道;驱动器第三人称单数:drives过去式:drove过去分词:driven现在分词:driving易混淆的单词:DRIVED短语词组;drive something homelet drivewhat someone is driving atdrive at例句;His mother must have seen him drive up.他母亲一定是看见他的车子开过来了。
2023-01-01 19:31:296


drive的意思如下:1、驾车送人;迫使,驱使;驱赶;敲,击;猛踢,猛击(球);驱动;吹,刮;凿,挖掘;开车,驾驶。2、驱车出行;强烈欲望,本能需求;私人车道;有组织的努力,运动;干劲,驱动力;驱动器;猛踢,猛击;驱赶,围歼;路,大道;惠斯特牌戏等的比赛;(有自动传动装置的汽车的)自动挡;发球。例句1、I had to use our sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the side of the path.我不得不用我们的大锤把桩子砸进路边。2、The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand.最近的一次进攻把成千上万的人驱赶到了泰国。3、It"s a relaxing car to drive long distance. 这辆轿车跑长途,开起来很轻松。
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drive可以翻译为“开车;拥有……汽车;吹,刮;驱车旅行,驾车路程”等意思,一般在句中作名词或者动词使用。 攻克英语的首要方法就是记单词,每一句英语对话都是由不同的英文单词组成的,不把每个单词的意思和用法牢牢记住怎么行呢?接下来我就带你们学习“drive”这个单词。 详细内容 01 drive作动词使用时,意为“开车;拥有……汽车;开车送某人;推动;钉;驱赶;迫使,逼迫;激励;挖掘;猛击(球);吹,刮;猛落;围赶(猎物)。 I drove into town and went to a restaurant for dinner. 我开车进城到一家餐馆用餐。 02 drive作名词使用时,意为“驱车旅行,驾车路程;传动装置;驱动器;(人的)强烈欲望;快车道;猛抽;猛击,大规模攻击”。 ...compelling, dynamic sex drives. …不可扼制的强烈性欲。 03 过去式“drove 或 drave”;过去分词“driven”;现在分词“driving”;第三人称单数“drives”。 04 词组短语: drive system 意为“驱动系统,传动系统” hard drive 意为“(电脑)硬盘驱动器” drive in 意为“钉入;赶进;运球突破” drive from 意为“从…赶走…;从…开车来” motor drive 意为“电动机” 05 双语例句: I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday. 我想周日我们可以去开车兜风。 The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand. 最近的一次进攻把成千上万的人驱赶到了泰国。 The drive seemed interminable. 这次开车好像没有尽头。
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动词:开车,驾车drive a cardrive a truck
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drive[draIv]n.驾车, 驱动器, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 动力, 干劲, 击球vt.开车, 驱赶, 推动、发动(机器等), 驾驶(马车,汽车等)vi.开车, 猛击, 飞跑n.[计算机方面]驱动器
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  drive的汉语意思   英 [drav] 美 [drav]   第三人称单数:drives现在分词:driving过去分词:driven过去式:drove   动词 驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使   名词 驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道   相关例句   名词   1. We went for a drive in the afternoon.   我们下午开车出去兜风。   2. We saw a red car parked on his drive.   我们看到一辆红色轿车停在他的私人车道上。   drive的词典解释   1. (风、雨或雪朝某个方向)吹,卷,刮,冲   If the wind, rain, or snow drives in a particular direction, it moves with great force in that direction.   e.g. Rain drove against the window.   雨敲打着窗户。   2. 驱赶;驱逐;赶走   If you drive people or animals somewhere, you make them go to or from that place.   e.g. The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand...   最后一次进攻将成千上万的人赶到了泰国。   e.g. Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture...   每年夏天牧羊人都将羊群赶到牧场去。   3. 迫使;逼迫   To drive someone into a particular state or situation means to force them into that state or situation.   e.g. The recession and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy...   经济衰退和医疗账单逼得他们破产了。   e.g. He nearly drove Elsie mad with his fussing.   他的`小题大做简直快把埃尔茜逼疯了。   4. 驱使,迫使(某人做出极端的事情)   The desire or feeling that drives a person to do something, especially something extreme, is the desire or feeling that causes them to do it.   e.g. More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide...   抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。   e.g. Jealousy drives people to murder...   嫉妒驱使人们去杀人。   drive的情景对话   Shopping Hours-(营业时间)   B:On, darn. The grocery store is closed.   噢,该死。杂货店关门了。   A:Yeah, this one closes at ten. We could drive to the 24-hour store on sixth.   是呀,这家商店10点关门。我们可以开车到第6大街的24小时营业店去买。   B:Alright. We are out of everything.   好吧,我们什么都没了。   A:I wish the store close to us was open 24-hous a day.   真希望我们附近的商店也是24小时营业。   B:I know, our schedules are so weird. Sometimes, the little corner store is the only thing within walking distance that"s open when we get home.   我知道,是我们的作息时间太离谱了。有时候,拐角处的小店面是我们回家可以步行去买东西而且还没打烊的唯一一家商店了。   A:Yeah, and the prices there are very high.   是的,那儿的价钱也很高。   B:I know. Three dollars for milk.   我知道,牛奶卖3美元。
2023-01-01 19:32:571

drive 是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:33:022


drive 英[draɪv]美[draɪv]v. 驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使;n. 驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道;全部释义>>[例句]Energy security will also drive china"s shift away from coal and oil.能源安全还将推动中国从煤炭和石油转向其它能源。更多例句>>过去式:drove 现在分词:driving 过去分词:driven 第三人称单数:drives易混淆单词: DRIVE Drive
2023-01-01 19:33:106


drive 英[draɪv]美[draɪv]v. 驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使;n. 驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道;[例句]A lesson in how to engage the four-wheel drive如何使四轮驱动啮合的课程[其他] 第三人称单数:drives 现在分词:driving 过去式:drove 过去分词:driven
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drive[英][draɪv][美][draɪv]v.驾驶; 开车; 驱动; 迫使; n.驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道; 驱动器; 第三人称单数:drives现在进行时:driving过去式:drove过去分词:driven相关单词:DRIVEDrive例句使用:1I"ll drive you home.我开车送你回家。2I can drive you home.我可以开车送你回家。3Can I drive the ferrari?我能开法拉利么?4Could you drive me home?你能送我回家吗?5. The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes" drive away. 总统让飞机在20分钟车程的地方等着。
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Drive作名词时意为“(美)德力维(人名),驱车旅行;大道;私人车道;内驱力;决心;(有组织的)活动;驱动;猛击;驱赶”,作动词时意为“驾驶;(机动车)被驾驶;驾驶(某种机动车);会开车;推动;猛冲”。第三人称单数:drives。现在分词:driving。过去式:drove。过去分词:driven。例句:1、The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. 通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。2、He was nearly three times over the drink drive limit. 他超过醉酒驾驶规定标准快三倍了。3、This is the main factor driving investment in the area. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。
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driven英[ˈdrɪvn] 美[ˈdrɪvən] adj. 奋发努力的; 发愤图强的; 受…影响的; 由…造成的; v. 驾驶(drive的过去分词); [例句]I must have driven past that place thousands of times.我得有上千次开车经过那里。[其他] 形近词: drivel driver
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2023-01-01 19:35:112


drive用作动词的基本意思是“向前运动”,主要指操纵车辆运动的施动者本身的动作。用作名词表示驾车,驱使,推进力等含义。 一.drive用作名词 1.drive作名词时,基本意思是“驱车旅行”,指为娱乐休闲而进行的驱车游玩,引申可表示“路程”,往往指乘车所需时间的路程,也可引申表示“击球”,指球被击出的距离和击球的力量。 2.drive作“路”解时,主要指连接私宅与公路的车道或公园及游览区的车道,偶尔也指林荫大道,也可用于表示路或大道的名称,这时首字母要大写。 3.drive也可作“传动”“驱动”“驱动机构”解,引申表示“运动”,指团体为某项特别目的而做的有计划的努力。 二.drive用作动词 1.drive用作动词的基本意思是“向前运动”,主要指操纵车辆运动的施动者本身的动作,而不管车辆是自己驱动还是牲畜牵拉; drive也可指乘车运动,引申可表示任何运动的物体“猛冲”“急跑”。 2.drive还可作“驱使”“促使成交”解,指迫使某人处于某种状态或做某事,引申还可表示“推动”“驱动”“使之受到鼓舞”,作此解时常用被动结构。 3.drive也可作“敲”“击”解,指迫使某事物移动或进入某位置,引申还可指“建造”。 4.用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron. He drives a taxi. 他开计程车。 My car is in such bad condition that I can"t drive it. 我的车坏得那么厉害,我可无法驾驶了。 5.用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) If you drink, don"t drive. 酒后勿开车。 Drivers must not drink and drive. 司机不允许酒后开车。 6.用作宾补动词 You drive me mad when you say that. 你讲这话真叫我恼火。 That music drives her crazy. 那音乐使她发疯。
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drive名词形式是drive和driver。drive作为名词时是驱动器的意思,加上r之后变为名词driver驾驶员。 扩展资料 词组taxi driver的`意思是出租车司机,词组bus driver的意思是公交车司机。
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2023-01-01 19:35:401

英文缩写 _ DRIVE _ DRIVE是什么意思

英文缩写 DRIVE 英文全称 Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe 中文解释 保障车辆安全的欧洲道路基础设施计划 缩写分类 交通运输 缩写简介 在80年代中期,欧洲十多个国家投资50多亿美元,联合执行一项旨在完善道路设施,提高服务水平的DRIVE计划,DRIVE含义是欧洲用于车辆安全的专用道路基础设施,旨在通过改善道路交通基础设施来提高安全性、运输效率以及减少环境污染等。
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drive名词是driver。driver 英 ["draɪvə(r)]     美 ["draɪvər]    n. 驾驶员;司机;驱动器。The driver slacked up on the gas pedal.驾驶员松开油门减速。A good driver keeps his eye on the road.好的驾驶员会注意看路。辨析:driver, chauffeur这两个词都有“司机”“驾驶员”的意思。其区别是:1.driver包含有chauffeur的意思。driver通指司机、车夫或驱赶动物或人的人等; chauffeur专指驾驶机动车辆,尤其是小汽车的司机。例如:The driver took her here.车夫把她带到这里。The driver drove the cattle from the field.那赶牲口的人把牛群从田里赶了出来。It emerged that the driver of the car had been drunk.那辆车上的司机喝醉酒一事暴露了。He has been a chauffeur since 1992.自1992年以来他一直当汽车司机。2.chauffeur通常受雇于私人或公司, driver可指任何司机。
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drive [draiv] vt.1. 赶,撵,驱赶,驱逐;迫使…后退(常与 away,off,back 等连用):The child drove away the flies.孩子赶走了苍蝇。We drove back the attacking enemy.我们迫使进攻的敌人后退了。2. 驾驶(汽车、马车、牛车、机车等),驾驭,开车:to drive a car开汽车She drives a car skillfully.她开车很熟练。3. 驾车(尤指汽车)运送,用车送;驾车经越:I drove her to the airport.我开车送她去机场。He drove the load to the station.他开车把货物运往车站。4. 赶(牲口等):to drive a mule赶骡子The farmer was driving his cattle along the road.农夫沿着公路赶牛。5. 驱使…拼命干,强迫…干活;迫使…行动;迫使…过分劳累:The boss drives his workers hard.那位老板总是强迫他的工人们拼命工作。He drove the workers until they collapsed.他迫使工人们干得一个个累趴在地。6. 强迫,迫使,逼迫,催促,使不得不:Her pride drove her to complete the job.她的自尊心促使她去完成这项工作。He was driven by necessity to steal.他为贫困所迫而偷窃。7. 努力经营,促成(交易等),使成(交),积极进行(交易);达成(交易,协议等):They drove a hard bargain.他们做成一笔困难的生意。8. 推动,驱动,使(机器等)运转;推进:an engine driven by steam由蒸汽驱动的机车a submarine driven by nuclear power核动力驱动的潜艇9. 【棒球】使(跑垒者)得分使(跑垒)得分:He drove in two runs.他两次跑垒得分。10. 【高尔夫球】(从球座)发(球):He drove the ball within ten feet of the pin.他在离标号旗杆10英尺内发球。11. 【体育】猛击或猛抽(球、冰球、羽毛球等)猛踢(球)12. 【狩猎】围赶(猎物)在(地区)围赶猎物,搜寻(地区)找猎物13. 流送(木材),把(木头)顺河(或溪)漂下:to drive the logs down to deepwater把木头顺流漂下深水区14. 打,敲;拧;戳:to drive a nail through a wall把钉子钉穿墙壁to drive a hole through metal在金属板上打洞15. 为…的决定性因素;对…起到制约作用:Rents in our city are driven by availability.我们市的房租高低取决于房源。16. 【建筑业】凿,挖掘;钻凿出(洞);打(隧道):to drive a tunnel under the canal在运河下面挖隧道to drive a tunnel through a mountain开山凿隧道17. 【采矿】掘进(平巷):to drive a mine挖矿井18. 消除,驱除:He was driven from a position of power by his political enemies.他被他的政敌赶下了台。to drive away these feelings of sadness驱散这些悲戚之感19. 使堆积,使聚集:The snowflakes were driven against the hut by a gale.大风把雪片刮到小屋旁边堆积起来。20. 拖延,延迟:to drive the schedule time推迟预定时间21. [新西兰英语]用即将砍倒的树撞倒(其他树)22. 逼良为娼23. (原因、因素等)起决定作用vi.1. 驾驶;驾车,开车;赶车,行车;(机动车)被驾驶;驱赶牲口:She is learning to drive.她在学开车。She has driven out.她开车出去了。2. 驾车行驶;乘车旅行;乘车,搭车:I drive to work with her.我驾车同她一起去上班。We usually drive to the country on Sunday.星期天我们通常驾车到乡下。3. 会开汽车;开动(或操作)机动车:He drives well.他车子开得很好。4. 领到有效驾驶执照:You can"t drive until you"re 18 years old.年满18岁才允许领驾驶执照。5. 驱进,被驱使;向前疾驶;猛冲;猛进,突进;飞跑;趋向;(尤指迅速)漂流:The computers are driving into other countries.电脑正在迅猛地进入其他国家。Our troops are driving toward the enemy stronghold.我们部队正向敌人的据点推进。6. (朝一目标)努力争取;瞄准;打击:I"m still driving away at the dictionary.我仍在孜孜不倦地编这部词典。7. 努力(或奋力)地干,拼命干:Even after winning the game they continue to drive.即使赢得比赛,他们还要继续拼搏。8. 【高尔夫球】发球:He drove long and straight throughout the match.他在整个比赛中发球长而直。9. 【体育】猛击球,抽球(球拍)适于击球10. 【篮球】带球直接投篮11. [英国口语]在林中赶拢牲口12. 【采矿】掘进平巷13. [美国口语]以强劲的节奏演奏音乐,刚劲有力地演奏音乐(尤指爵士乐)n.1. 驾驶;行驶2. 驾(或驱)车旅行(尤指驱车娱乐,短途旅游);驾车旅行的路程3. (对猎物的)围赶,哄赶(对牛等牲口的)驱赶(木材的)顺水流送4. 被围赶的猎物被驱赶的畜群流送的木材5. 【心理学】内驱力冲动,欲望,本能要求;推动力,驱策力6. 努力;冲力,动力7. 【军事】(军事上的)大规模进攻,强大的军事攻势8. (募捐等)运动,热潮9. 精力,干劲,魄力,雄心10. 能动性,积极性,主动性11. 逼迫;紧迫;压力12. (公园等风景优美的)车行道(尤指从大路通往车库或宅门的)私人车道[D-][用于路名]大道,路13. [英国英语](尤指纸牌的)比赛14. 【机械学】驱动,传动驱动机构,传动装置15. 【汽车】驱动;驱动机构16. 【体育】(球、冰球、羽毛球等的)猛击,猛抽击球法球的飞行17. 【高尔夫球】发球18. 【篮球】扣篮19. 【电子学】激励20. 冲击;撞击;打击21. 【计算机】(磁盘或磁带的)驱动器,驱动机构(=disk drive)22. 【采矿】平巷23. [美国俚语](吸毒后产生的)迷幻感,刺激感,兴奋,激动adj.1. 驱动的,传动的2. 用于驱动的,用于传动的变形:vt.drove 或 dravedrivendrivingdrive [draiv] n.1. the act of applying force to propel somethingafter reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off 2. a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machinea variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds 3. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular endthe team was ready for a drive toward the pennant 4. a road leading up to a private housethey parked in the driveway 5. the trait of being highly motivatedhis drive and energy exhausted his co-workers 6. hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driverhe sliced his drive out of bounds 7. the act of driving a herd of animals overland8. a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)he took the family for a drive in his new car 9. a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire10. (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium11. a wide scenic road planted with treesthe riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views 12. (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)v.1. operate or control a vehicledrive a car or bus Can you drive this four-wheel truck? 2. travel or be transported in a vehicle3. cause someone or something to move by driving4. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphoricallyHe drives me mad 5. to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate stronglyShe is driven by her passion 6. cause to move back by force or influence7. compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment8. push, propel, or press with force9. cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with forcedrive the ball far out into the field 10. strive and make an effort to reach a goal11. move into a desired direction of discourse12. have certain properties when drivenMy new truck drives well 13. work as a driverHe drives a bread truck She drives for the taxi company in Newark 14. move by being propelled by a force15. urge forwarddrive the cows into the barn 16. proceed along in a vehicleWe drive the turnpike to work 17. strike with a driver, as in teeing offdrive a golf ball 18. hit very hard and straight with the bat swinging more or less verticallydrive a ball 19. excavate horizontallydrive a tunnel 20. cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controllingThe amplifier drives the tube steam drives the engines this device drives the disks for the computer 21. hunting: search for gamedrive the forest 22. hunting: chase from cover into more open grounddrive the game 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)
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Drive 在计算中的是描述对特定磁盘驱动器或网络共享的属性提供访问
2023-01-01 19:37:062


drive驱动双语对照词典结果:drive[英][draɪv][美][draɪv]v.驾驶; 开车; 驱动; 迫使; n.驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道; 驱动器; 第三人称单数:drives过去分词:driven现在进行时:driving过去式:drove以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But americans generally drive with careful attention to the rules. 但是美国人在开车时通常会小心地留意交通规则。
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driven.驾车, 驱动器, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 动力, 干劲, 击球vt.开车, 驱赶, 推动、发动(机器等), 驾驶(马车,汽车等)vi.开车, 猛击, 飞跑n.[计]驱动器
2023-01-01 19:37:3911

drive怎么读音 drive的意思

1、drive的读音:英[draɪv]美[draɪv] 2、v.驾驶; 开车; 驾车送(人); 拥有(或驾驶)…汽车; 驱动; 迫使; 驱赶; 激励; 击; 凿; 猛抽,猛击(球); 吹; 猛落; 3、n.驱车旅行; 驾车路程; 传动(或驱动)装置; (从街道通向住宅的宽阔或私人的)车道; 有组织的努力,运动; (人的)强烈欲望,本能需求; 冲劲; 猛击; 驱动器; 比赛; 驱赶; (用于路名)路,大道; 4、[例句]When did you take your driving test?你什么时候参加的驾驶执照考试?
2023-01-01 19:38:201


drive是开车的意思 driver就是司机的意思
2023-01-01 19:38:262


drive英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv] vi. 开车;猛击;飞跑vt. 推动,发动(机器等);驾驶(马车,汽车等);驱赶n. 驱动器;驾车;[心理] 内驱力,推进力;快车道[ 过去式 drove 或 drave 过去分词 driven 现在分词 driving
2023-01-01 19:38:352

one drive什么意思啊?

OneDrive是微软也就是Windows的云存储服务。使用 OneDrive,可将图片、文件和文件夹安全存储在一个位置,与其他人共享,并从任意位置访问它们。登录,然后选择“OneDrive”可以:1、查看存储在 OneDrive 中文件和照片。2、创建家人朋友的相册。3、在计算机上创建文档,并在笔记本计算机、手机或平板电脑上进行编辑。4、与其他人共享文件和照片。5、可与朋友同时协作处理 Office 文档。扩展资料解决Win10 OneDrive无法同步的问题:很多用户喜欢用微软的OneDrive云盘工具,在Win7时代用户需要自行下载客户端,而在Win8.1/Win10中则成为了系统自带功能,免去了下载安装的麻烦。OneDrive同步功能可以很方便地在不同设备之间进行文件的同步,不过有时候OneDrive也会抽风,同步功能失效,此时可参考下面的方法来解决:1、重启OneDrive客户端;2、重新登录微软账户;3、检查文件路径是否过长,微软规定文件路径(包含文件名部分)不能超过255个字符;4、检查硬盘是否还有足够空间;
2023-01-01 19:38:441


drive[英][draɪv][美][draɪv]v.驾驶; 开车; 驱动; 迫使; n.驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道; 驱动器; 第三人称单数:drives过去分词:driven现在进行时:driving过去式:drove易混淆单词:DRIVEDrive以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But americans generally drive with careful attention to the rules. 但是美国人在开车时通常会小心地留意交通规则。
2023-01-01 19:38:521


drive 英[draɪv] 美[draɪv] v. 驾驶;开车;驱动;迫使 n. 驱车旅行;驱动力;车道;驱动器
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2023-01-01 19:40:082


drive中文翻译: v.驾驶;开车;驾车送(人);拥有(或驾驶)…汽车 n.驱车旅行;驾车路程;传动(或驱动)装置;(从街道通向住宅的宽阔或私人的)车道 第三人称单数: drives现在分词: driving过去式: drove过去分词: driven 扩展资料   例句:When did you take your driving test?   你什么时候参加的驾驶执照考试?   He was charged with driving without due care and attention.   他被控鲁莽驾驶。   I passed my driving test at the first attempt.   我考汽车驾驶执照一次就通过了。   I stalled the car three times during my driving test.   我考驾照时车子熄了三次火。
2023-01-01 19:40:161


一、读音:[draɪv] 二、意思是 开车;驱赶。三、例句He is too little to drive a car、他太小了,不能开车。四、词汇用法1、drive的基本意思是“向前运动”,主要指操纵车辆运动的施动者本身的动作,而不管车辆是自己驱动还是牲畜牵拉; drive也可指乘车运动,引申可表示任何运动的物体“猛冲”“急跑”。2、drive还可作“驱使”“促使成交”解,指迫使某人处于某种状态或做某事,引申还可表示“推动”“驱动”“使之受到鼓舞”,作此解时常用被动结构。扩展资料近义词:vehicle一、读音: ["viːɪkl]二、意思是车辆、交通工具。三、例句It is time for the yearly check of vehicle safety。到车辆安全年审的时间了。四、词汇用法1612年进入英语,直接源自法语的vhicule,意为任意一种传输的工具;最初源自古典拉丁语的vehiculum,意为运输工具,交通工具。
2023-01-01 19:40:221


drive 英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv] 名词. 驱车旅行,驾车路程,传动(或驱动)装置动词. 驾驶,开车,驾车送(人),拥有(或驾驶)…汽车网络. 亡命驾驶,驱动器,落日车神变形. 第三人称单数:drives,现在分词:driving,过去式:drove,过去分词:driven
2023-01-01 19:40:341


drive美 [draɪv]英 [draɪv]n.驱车旅行;驾车路程;传动(或驱动)装置v.驾驶;开车;驾车送(人);拥有(或驾驶)…汽车网络亡命驾驶;驱动器;落日车神过去式:drove  过去式:drave  过去分词:driven  现在分词:driving  第三人称单数:drives  搭配 car,drive vehicle,drive bus,drive tractor,drive taxiadj.+n.big carefully,drive away
2023-01-01 19:40:391


你好,drive的意思是“驾驶”drive 英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv] vi. 开车;猛击;飞跑vt. 推动,发动(机器等);驾驶(马车,汽车等);驱赶n. 驱动器;驾车;[心理] 内驱力,推进力;快车道.例句We usually drive to the country on Sunday. 星期天我们通常驾车到乡下
2023-01-01 19:41:011


动词驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使名词驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道
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开车,开车兜风,都可以,一下是官方答案n.    操纵,驾驶;    adj.    推进的; 强劲的; 雨、雪等猛烈的; 倾泻而下的;    v.    强迫( drive的现在分词); 驱使; 驱赶; 消除;意思是开车。drive作名词时意思为驱车旅行、驾车路程,传动装置,驱动器,作动词时意思为开车、(机动车)被驾驶。过去式:drove、过去分词:driven、现在分词:driving、第三人称单数:drives、复数:drives。例句:1、My drive was taken by someone else.我的私人车道被别人占了。2、Driving after drinking is illegal.酒后驾车是犯法行为。3、The excessive burden of life is driving me crazy.过重的生活负担快要把我逼疯了。4、She drives a red sports car.她开一辆红色跑车5、His wife stays home to drive the children to school in the carpool.他太太留在家里拼车送孩子们上学。
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