barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-18 04:01:47




n. 自行车

vi. 骑脚踏车

vt. 骑自行车运送





I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle







n. 骑车

v. 骑自行车(bicycling的现在分词)


If you enjoy bicycling, then you know how fun and exciting it can be.





n. 骑脚踏车者


If you"re a bicyclist, you already know the pleasures and advantages of bike riding.




bicycle是一个英语单词,即可作名词又可作动词,意为自行车,脚踏车;骑自行车。其实不光在语文里面会有近义词这样的概念,在英语中也有,经常会有一意多词的,比如说自行车的英语除了常用的bike,bicycle也是自行车的意思,那么下面就来和大家说说bicycle这个单词。详细内容01bicycle英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl]n.自行车;脚踏车v.骑自行车第三人称单数: bicycles复数: bicycles现在分词: bicycling过去式: bicycled过去分词: bicycled02词根词缀词根circ, cycl= ring, circle 圆, 环bicyclen. 自行车bi 二 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 两个轮子 → 自行车circletn. 小环,小圈circ 圆,环 + let 小 → 小环,小圈circuitn. 环行;电路circu〔= circ〕圆,环 + it 走 → 环行;电路circularadj. 圆的;循环的circ 圆,环 + ular 表形容词 → 圆的;循环的circulatev. 循环;流通circ 圆,环 + ul + ate 使… → 绕圈走 → 循环circusn. 马戏团;圆形广场circ 圆,环 + us 表名词 → 圆形的地方 → 圆形广场cyclen. 周期;循环cyclonen. 旋风;气旋cycl 圆,环 + one → 转圈的东西 → 旋风cyclopedian. 百科全书cyclo〔= cycl〕圆,环 + ped 教育 + ia 某种病 → 囊括全部知识 → 百科全书encirclev. 环绕,包围en 加以 + circl 圆,环 + e → 用圆加以环绕 → 包围recyclev. 再循环;回收re 重新 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 再循环;回收03双语例句I bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。He was accused of stealing a small boy"s bicycle他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle.她摩托车都会骑,自行车更不在话下了。The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape.自行车的前轮变形了。Teach me how to ride a bicycle.请你教我怎样骑自行车。Can you get my bicycle fixed?你能把我的自行车弄好吗?请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-06-17 23:52:391


用中文发音就是 拜 涩 口 bicycle 用中文发音就是 拜客 bike望采纳
2023-06-17 23:52:592


骑自行车运动的英文是Cycling。cycling:骑自行车运动(或活动)例句:Therefore, the benefits of cycling, I feel very relaxed, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise!所以,骑单车的好处是,感觉很轻松,但身体的运动量却能很快达到!Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing.尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。
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2023-06-17 23:54:372


自行车单词的读法:英["barsrkl],美["barsIkl]。n.自行车;脚踏车。v.骑自行车。第三人称单数:bicycles.复数:bicycles.现在分词:bicycling.过去式:bicycled.过去分词:bicycled.双语例句:l bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。短语搭配:骑自行车。ride a bicycle.自行车赛。cycle racing;cycling.自行车简介:又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。英文bicycle。其中bi意指二,而cycle意指轮,即两轮车。在中国内地、台湾、新加坡,通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”;在港澳则通常称其为“单车”(其实粤语通常都这么称呼);而在日本称为“自転(转)车”。自行车种类很多,有单人自行车,双人自行车还有多人自行车。可以作为环保的交通工具用来代步、出行;越来越多的人将自行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等。
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bicycle的意思是自行车,是可数名词,复数形式是bicycles. 例句: They are riding their bicycles. 他们正在骑自行车。 Others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses. 其他人骑自行车或骑木马。 扩展资料   Bicycle lanes can relieve traffic jam by separating bicycles from cars.   自行车道可以把自行车和汽车分隔开,从而缓解交通拥堵。   Only gentle locals merrily greeted us as they rode slowly past on old bicycles.   友好的"当地人骑着老式自行车慢慢地经过,还愉快地与我们打着招呼。   Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators and books have all been reported stolen.   收音机、手机、自行车、袖珍计算器和书籍都被报失窃。   It has all kinds of styles such as children"s bicycles, field bicycles, racing bicycle and so on.   它有各种各样的款式,如儿童自行车、野地自行车、赛车等。
2023-06-17 23:55:491

自行车 英语

2023-06-17 23:56:102

自行车 英语

自行车的英语很简单的,bikebike英 [bau026ak]美 [bau026ak]
2023-06-17 23:56:332


  她喜欢骑着自行车到海边吹风,思考事情。下面我为大家带来骑自行车的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   骑自行车的英语意思   ride on a bicycle   骑自行车的相关英语例句   1. More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.   如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。   2. The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.   火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   3. Recently I"ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling.   最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。   4. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.   儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。   5. Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.   她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。   6. Cycling is good exercise. It strengthens all the muscles of the body.   骑自行车是一项不错的锻炼方式。它能使身体各部分的肌肉更强健。   7. Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles.   最好是乘坐旅游巴士或骑自行车观光。   8. Britain"s roads are a danger to cyclists.   英国的道路对骑自行车的人来说比较危险。   9. He rode to work on a bicycle.   他骑自行车上班。   10. Mike had a yen to try cycling.   迈克非常想试试骑自行车。   11. You might want to consider cycling.   你或许可以考虑骑自行车。   12. The streets were crowded with bicyclists.   街上挤满了骑自行车的人。   13. We went on long bicycle rides together.   我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。   14. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.   我们星期天骑自行车去兜风了。   15. Cycling is Europe"s second most popular sport.   骑自行车是欧洲第二流行的体育运动。   骑自行车的英文例句   像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心。   A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me.   这山太陡了,骑自行车可上不去。   This hill is too steep to ride up on a bicycle.   他正在学习骑自行车。   He is learning to ride a bicycle.   我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。   I prefer walking to cycling.   他骑自行车上班。   He goes to work by cycle.   你会骑自行车吗?   Can you ride a bicycle?   我教她骑自行车。   I taught her to ride a bicycle.   骑自行车的双语例句   请你教我怎样骑自行车。   Teach me how to ride a bicycle.   我呢,骑自行车去,你们呢,坐汽车去。   I"m going by bike, and you may go by bus.   他骑自行车撞上了街灯,把车损坏了。   He banged the bicycle into a street light and damaged it.   平常我骑自行车上班。   I go to work by bicycle as a rule.   我宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。   I would rather go to work by bike than by bus.   怎么去呢?骑自行车还是坐公共汽车?   A:How are we going there,by bike or by bus?   和你们的孩子一起骑自行车。   Ride bikes with your kids and her kids.   愈来愈多的人意识到按时锻炼的好处,例如像散步,跑步和游泳等运动,有些人已经不再驾车去上班,而是开始步行或骑自行车。   More and more people are aware of the benefits of regular exercise like walking, running, orswimming; some have begun to walk or ride bicycles to work instead of driving.   他们爱骑自行车。   They like riding bicycles.   我的一个儿子15岁了,有一次我和他去骑自行车。   My 15-year-old son and I went for a bike ride.   好像那天早上到的员工有一半是骑自行车来的。   It seemed like half of the employees arriving that morning came on bikes.   他们还喜欢在我跑步时,在公园里骑自行车。   They also like to ride their bikes in the park while I run.   你喜欢骑自行车吗?   Would you like to go cycling?   这就是丹麦人骑自行车的原因,也就是丹麦拥有世界上最好的公共交通系统的原因。   Thatu2019s why people in Denmark ride bikes or use one of the best public transport systems in theworld.   一天走路,一天跑步,一天骑自行车,还有尝试不同的增氧机和重量器材。   Walk one day, run another, hop on a bike, and try different aerobic and weight machines.
2023-06-17 23:56:511


小学三年级的书上有两种答案ride a bikeride bibes
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2023-06-17 23:57:592


英文:bicycle美式读音:u02c8bau026asu026akl英式读音:u02c8bau026asu026akl过去式:bicycled过去分词:bicycled现在分词:bicycling第三人称单数:bicycles复数:bicycles例句:1、My mother bought me a portable bicycle.妈妈给我买了一辆轻便自行车。2、Whether it"s windy or rainy, I bicycle to school every day.不论刮风或者下雨,我都天天骑车上学。3、He accidentally fell off his bicycle and broke his arm.他不小心从自行车上摔下来,胳膊骨折了。4、I go to work by bicycle.我骑自行车去上班。
2023-06-17 23:58:081


bicycle英["bau026asu026akl]美[u02c8bau026au02ccsu026aku0259l, -su026aku0259l, -u02ccsau026aku0259l]n.自行车,脚踏车vi.骑自行车第三人称单数:bicycles;过去分词:bicycled;名词复数:bicycles;现在...[例句]Do you plead guilty to stealing the bicycle?你承认偷了这辆自行车吗?
2023-06-17 23:58:231


1、意思不同  bicycle:自行车;脚踏车  bike:骑自行车(或摩托车);骑车;骑摩托车递送  2、用法不同  bicycle:bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。  bike:介词by不可用其他介词代替,且不可使用复数。  3、侧重点不同  bicycle:侧重于单指自行车。  bike:侧重于骑行运送。  简明释义  bicycle读法:英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl];美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl]  n.自行车;脚踏车  vi.骑自行车  第三人称单数:bicycles  复数:bicycles  现在分词:bicycling  过去式:bicycled  过去分词:bicycled  bike读法:英 [bau026ak];美 [bau026ak]  n.自行车;脚踏车;摩托车  v.骑自行车(或摩托车);骑车;骑摩托车递送  第三人称单数:bikes  复数:bikes  现在分词:biking  过去式:biked  过去分词:biked  bicycle双语例句  1、A bicycle came into sight on the main road.  大路上出现了一辆自行车。  2、A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.  在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。  3、When the traffic"s this bad,a bicycle really comes into its own.  在交通如此拥堵的时候,自行车就显出了它的价值。  4、Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car.  统计资料表明,会骑自行车的人比会开汽车的人多得多。  5、We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday.  我们星期天骑自行车兜风了。  6、The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable.  这辆自行车车座的高度可以调节。  7、She wheeled her bicycle across the road.  她推着自行车穿过了马路。  8、He got on his bicycle and rode off.  他骑上自行车走了。  9、The bicycle was beyond repair.  自行车已损坏得无法修理。  10、An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.  高档自行车对窃贼是个诱惑。  11、She chained her bicycle to the gate.  她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。  12、The bicycle lay upended in a ditch.  自行车翻倒在一条小水沟里。  13、The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.  火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。  14、I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle  我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。  15、Sightseeing is best done eith
2023-06-17 23:58:301


问题一:自行车英语怎么写 ??? 我是一个叫晶晶的女孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了,司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了,你看见了这条信息后,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着做了,在5天后,你喜欢的也会喜欢你,条消息太毒了,我不得不发 真的对不起 唯梦万岁万万岁 2014-10-22 问题二:自行车英文怎么写 bike bicycle 问题三:自行车的各部分用英语怎么说 bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件 bicycle bell 自行车车铃 bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架 bicycle brake 自行车刹车 bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁 bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒 bicycle chain 自行车链条 bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄 bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机 bicycle ergomotor 自行车功量仪 bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸 bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器 bicycle frame 自行车架 bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮 bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁 bicycle front fork 自行车前叉 bicycle gloves 自行车手套 bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸 bicycle handle bar 自行车车把 bicycle handle grip 自行车把套 bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸 bicycle light 自行车灯 bicycle lock 自行车锁 bicycle luggage carrier 自行车行李架 bicycle maker"s pliers 自行车钳 bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板 bicycle of plastic wheel 塑料轮自行车 bicycle parts production line 自行车零件生产线 bicycle pedal 自行车踏板 bicycle pump 自行车打气筒 bicycle rim 自行车钢圈 bicycle saddle 自行车鞍座 bicycle safety fork 自行车保险叉 bicycle spare parts and accessories 自行车零配件 bicycle spoke 自行车辐条 bicycle stand 自行车支架 bicycle steel ball 自行车钢珠 bicycle tire pump 自行车轮胎打气筒 bicycle tube 自行车内胎 bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎 bicycle tyre 自行车外胎 bicycle wind accelerator 自行车风力增速器 bicycle wrench 自行车扳手 问题四:自行车用英语怎么说 bike [baik] 拜客 bicycle ["baisikl] 掰西口 问题五:自行车英文怎么读 bicycle英[?ba?s?kl]美[?ba?s?kl]n.自行车; 脚踏车;v.骑自行车;[例句]I bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。[其他]第三人称单数:bicycles 复数:bicycles 现在分词:bicycling过去式:bicycled 过去分词:bicycled 问题六:骑自行车的英文怎么写? ride a bike 问题七:山地车英文怎么说 Mountain bike 问题八:自行车的英文怎么读音 自行车的英文 bicycle; bike 读音: bicycle 英[?ba?su026akl] 美[?ba?s?kl] bike 英[ba?k] 美[ba?k] 问题九:骑自行车用英语怎么写? bike
2023-06-17 23:58:471


Speaking of bicycle, some people think it has outdated in many big cities. However, some people think that it is still popular for them because people can exercise themselves by riding bicycle. For me, I think people can get lots of benefits from riding bicycles.说起自行车,很多人认为在很多的大城市,它已经过时了.但是,一些人认为自行车并不过时,他们可以通过骑自行车来锻炼身体.就我看来,我认为骑自行车有很多好处.First, we can become healthier by riding bicycles. Since people are busy with works, they have almost no time to do exercise. But if they ride bike to work, then they can practice themselves quite often. Consequently, they will be healthier.第一,骑自行车可以让我们更健康.很多人忙于工作,没有时间去锻炼自己.但是如果他们骑自行车上班的话,那么他们可以经常锻炼自己.因此也会变得更加健康.Secondly, bicycle is good for our environment. In almost all big cities, the average temperature is a bit higher than countryside because there are too much pollution there. We all know that people in big cities like to drive cars to go to work rather than taking public transportations. So, our environment is polluted by lots of gas. If more people join in the trend to ride bicycles to work, then our air quality will be improved obviously.第二,自行车很环保.在几乎所有的大城市里,平均气温要比乡村高,因为城市里有大量的尾气排放到空气中.我们知道,很多在大城市里工作的人都喜欢开车上班,而不是乘公共交通工具.因此,空气会被大量的汽车尾气污染.如果更多的人参与到骑单车去上班的大军中来,那么我们的空气质量也会有显著改善.In conclusion, riding bicycle not only can make us healthier but also it is good for protecting our environment. So, we should encourage more people to ride bicycles quite often than driving .总之,骑自行车不仅能让我们更加健康,而且也有利于环境保护.我们应该鼓励更多的人来骑单车,而不是开车.
2023-06-17 23:59:121


我的自行车我有一个漂亮的自行车.我妈妈给我买了它.自行车是非常漂亮.我喜欢它.它是蓝色和黑色.自行车是小,但我可以骑自行车速度非常快.我通常骑我的自行车,路过花园,街道,乡镇,桥梁,公园和图书馆.这自行车是我的"好朋友".我喜欢这个美丽的自行车非常多.My BikeI have a beautiful bike. My mother bought it for me.The bike is very beautiful. I like it. It is blue and black. The bike is small, but I can ride the bike very fast.I usually ride on my bike, passing gardens, streets, towns, bridges, parks and libraries. This bike is my ‘good friend".I like this beautiful bike very much.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————美国人喜欢乘汽车外出.尽管越采越多的中国人拥有了汽车,但大部分中国人仍喜欢骑自行车,这是由很多因素决定的.众所周知,自行车靠人力,行进慢,但可以在方便的地方停放.然而对于汽车来说,虽然它依靠发动机行进很快,但它必须停在停车场.多数美国人生活在郊区,远离市区及工作地点,所以他们需要汽车来购物、上班,并且他们也喜欢驾车远行.因此汽车给他们提供很大方便相反,多数中国人居住在工作地点和市场附近,他们不需要开车去上班或购物.我喜欢骑自行车外出,因为它花费少而且容易使用.最重要的是自行车不会引起污染.Bikes or CarsAmericans like to go out by car. Although more and more Chinese own cars,most Chinese still like to ride bicycles, This is determined by a lot of factors.As we all know, the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be placed wherever it is convenient However, as for the car, although it can run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking places.Most Americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and their working places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work. And they also like traveling far. Thus a car brings them great convenience. On the contrary, most Chinese live near their working areas and markets. They don"t need a car to go to work or go shopping.I would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy to use and won"t cause pollution.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. Some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.我喜欢骑自行车上学,因为我可以通过骑车保持健康.北京依然流行自行车,一些外国人也买自行车骑.但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快.事实上,汽车尾气污染了空气,浪费能源.我认为自行车比汽车好.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————When we are used to the cars running in the streets now, we may forget the life with bicycles. Tens of years ago, people used to go to work by bike. Bicycles are cheap and convenient.So many bicycles in the street used to be a great view. In fact,riding bicycles is a good exercise to keep healthy. And it helps to prevent the air pollution. We"d better ride bicycles as often as we can.望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-06-17 23:59:251

Bicycles in ChinaBicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost...

小题1:D小题1:A小题1:C小题1:D小题1:D 小题1:从第一段中“In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. ”可得出答案D 。小题2:从第一段中“When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shops and anywhere else. Therefore(因此), China is known as “ the kingdom of bicycles ”.可得出答案A 。小题3:细节理解题。第二段中都提到了A , B , D ,三个选项的内容,C项没有提到所以选C。小题4:从最后一段中“ During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.”可得出答案选D 。小题5:句意理解题。划线部分的意思为我们仍然有好长的路要走去解决这个问题。也就是说需要做好多来解决这个问题。所以选D 。
2023-06-17 23:59:441


2023-06-18 00:00:073


  My English teacher is Miss Yu .She has two big eyes ,a small mouth and long curly black hairs .She is very beautiful . She is good with kids ,she likes piaying English Games with us .So we like having English Class very much .She is love us very much .We are good friends .She comes our class every morning ,and teaches us to read English Words.So our English lesson is the best we all love her
2023-06-18 00:00:182

bicycles take_ (little) space than other vehicles

高兴为你解答。请采纳,谢谢!!!Bicycles take less spacethan other vehicles.后面有than... ,说明是在比较Bicycles(自行车)和other vehicles(其他车辆). 所以要用little的人比较级,little的比较级是 less .这句话的意思是:自行车比其他车辆占用的空间更小。
2023-06-18 00:00:472


2023-06-18 00:00:5710

为什么字典里说bicycle不能用复数,且只能与by搭配? 是正规字典

你看错了吧? 应该是:与by 连用时 bicycle 不能用复数 如 He often goes to school by bicycle . bicycle 是可数名词,它的复数是:bicycles 如 He has two bicycles . 另外,bike是 bicycle 的简写
2023-06-18 00:01:391


是不是说在by后面不能用复数? 表示乘坐某种交通工具时by后面只能直接加单数形式。精锐长宁天山
2023-06-18 00:01:472

many roands are only for bicycles翻译?

2023-06-18 00:02:183

Bicycles are loved by people为什么要加个by?

主动式:People love bicycles. 被动式:Bicycles are loved by people.用 by 是被动的特色。
2023-06-18 00:02:264

they are bicycles。这个句子对吗?

2023-06-18 00:02:342


Students use bicycles a lot
2023-06-18 00:02:468

Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When...

在中国,自行车非常受欢迎。在我们国家,你几乎随处可见自行车。当...bicycles作主语,are作系动词,very popular作表语,in China作地点状语.in our country作地点状语,you作主语,can see作谓语,bicycles作宾语,almost是程度副词,表示看的程度,everywhere作地点状语.这两个句子分别是主系表结构与主谓宾结构。
2023-06-18 00:03:041


是by bike
2023-06-18 00:03:1511

自行车店应该翻译成bicycle shop还是bicycles加一撇表示名词所有格再加shop?

名词做定语直接修饰不用加s自行车店:bike/bicycle shop/store
2023-06-18 00:04:081

he fixes bicycles和He fixes up the bicycles有区别吗?

有区别他们的意思在翻译上有细小的区别 第一句他修了自行车 第二句 他修了这些自行车he fixes bicycles 中文 他修理自行车 he fixes up the bicycles 中文 他修理自行车“up”用法归纳up具有两种词性:后边没有宾语或跟有其他介词时,up为副词,后边跟有宾语时,up为介词。
2023-06-18 00:04:191

这个英文bicycle 用中文谐音怎么读

bicycle 英[u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美[u02c8bau026asu026akl] n. 自行车; 脚踏车; v. 骑自行车; [例句]I bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。[其他] 第三人称单数:bicycles 复数:bicycles 现在分词:bicycling过去式:bicycled 过去分词:bicycled
2023-06-18 00:05:072


其实不光在语文里面会有近义词这样的概念,在英语中也有,经常会有一意多词的,比如说自行车的英语除了常用的bike,bicycle也是自行车的意思,那么下面就来和大家说说bicycle这个单词。 简要回答 bicycle是一个英语单词,即可作名词又可作动词,意为自行车,脚踏车;骑自行车。 详细内容 bicycle 英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] n.自行车;脚踏车 v.骑自行车 第三人称单数: bicycles 复数: bicycles 现在分词: bicycling 过去式: bicycled 过去分词: bicycled 词根词缀 词根 circ, cycl= ring, circle 圆, 环 bicyclen. 自行车 bi 二 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 两个轮子 → 自行车 circletn. 小环,小圈 circ 圆,环 + let 小 → 小环,小圈 circuitn. 环行;电路 circu〔= circ〕圆,环 + it 走 → 环行;电路 circularadj. 圆的;循环的 circ 圆,环 + ular 表形容词 → 圆的;循环的 circulatev. 循环;流通 circ 圆,环 + ul + ate 使… → 绕圈走 → 循环 circusn. 马戏团;圆形广场 circ 圆,环 + us 表名词 → 圆形的地方 → 圆形广场 cyclen. 周期;循环 cyclonen. 旋风;气旋 cycl 圆,环 + one → 转圈的东西 → 旋风 cyclopedian. 百科全书 cyclo〔= cycl〕圆,环 + ped 教育 + ia 某种病 → 囊括全部知识 → 百科全书 encirclev. 环绕,包围 en 加以 + circl 圆,环 + e → 用圆加以环绕 → 包围 recyclev. 再循环;回收 re 重新 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 再循环;回收 双语例句 I bicycled on towards the sea. 我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。 He was accused of stealing a small boy"s bicycle 他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。 I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 她摩托车都会骑,自行车更不在话下了。 The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了。 Teach me how to ride a bicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。 Can you get my bicycle fixed? 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?
2023-06-18 00:06:061


bicycle是一个英语单词,即可作名词又可作动词,意为自行车,脚踏车;骑自行车。 其实不光在语文里面会有近义词这样的概念,在英语中也有,经常会有一意多词的,比如说自行车的英语除了常用的bike,bicycle也是自行车的意思,那么下面就来和大家说说bicycle这个单词。 详细内容 01 bicycle 英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] n.自行车;脚踏车 v.骑自行车 第三人称单数: bicycles 复数: bicycles 现在分词: bicycling 过去式: bicycled 过去分词: bicycled 02 词根词缀 词根 circ, cycl= ring, circle 圆, 环 bicyclen. 自行车 bi 二 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 两个轮子 → 自行车 circletn. 小环,小圈 circ 圆,环 + let 小 → 小环,小圈 circuitn. 环行;电路 circu〔= circ〕圆,环 + it 走 → 环行;电路 circularadj. 圆的;循环的 circ 圆,环 + ular 表形容词 → 圆的;循环的 circulatev. 循环;流通 circ 圆,环 + ul + ate 使… → 绕圈走 → 循环 circusn. 马戏团;圆形广场 circ 圆,环 + us 表名词 → 圆形的地方 → 圆形广场 cyclen. 周期;循环 cyclonen. 旋风;气旋 cycl 圆,环 + one → 转圈的东西 → 旋风 cyclopedian. 百科全书 cyclo〔= cycl〕圆,环 + ped 教育 + ia 某种病 → 囊括全部知识 → 百科全书 encirclev. 环绕,包围 en 加以 + circl 圆,环 + e → 用圆加以环绕 → 包围 recyclev. 再循环;回收 re 重新 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 再循环;回收 03 双语例句 I bicycled on towards the sea. 我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。 He was accused of stealing a small boy"s bicycle 他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。 I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 她摩托车都会骑,自行车更不在话下了。 The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了。 Teach me how to ride a bicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。 Can you get my bicycle fixed? 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?
2023-06-18 00:06:291


2023-06-18 00:06:592


  自行车,又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。那么,你知道自行车的英文单词怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于自行车的英语知识吧。   自行车的英文单词释义   bicycle ; bike ; cycle ; push bike ; push cycle   网 络bicycle;bike;Cycling;cycle   自行车的英文单词例句   中量级自行车常常会混淆气球自行车轮胎。   Middleweight bicycles often get confused with balloon tire bikes.   他骗我把自行车借给了他。   He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle.   我答应一定完好无损地还你的自行车。   I promise to return your bicycle on good condition.   真不幸,上午我的自行车丢了,下午钱包又被偷了!   It"s luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!   这山太陡了,骑自行车可上不去。   This hill is too steep to ride up on a bicycle.   我教她骑自行车。   I taught her to ride a bicycle.   自行车赛包括场地自行车赛和公路自行车赛。   Cycling races racing include track events and road events.   收录转移自行车飞快地在自行车商店。   Indexed shifting bicycles flew out of the bike stores.   我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。   I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle.   The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles. 这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。   More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right. 如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。   The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles. 火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle. 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。   All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge. 所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。   Recently I"ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling. 最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。   The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies. 这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。   The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain"s most popular mode of transport. 当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。   Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it. 埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。   A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider. 一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮相碰后摔倒在地。   He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line. 他扛着自行车走过了终点线。   Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race. 每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。   "I started fixin" up ole bicycles fer poor kids." “我开始为穷孩子 修理 旧自行车。”   His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling. 儿时他最大的 爱好 是帆船运动、 游泳 和骑自行车。   Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides. 她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。   I am not keen for her to have a bicycle. 我不太放心她有辆自行车。   Cars can be stolen almost as easily as knocking off a bike. 偷汽车几乎能和偷自行车一样容易。   Cycling is good exercise. It strengthens all the muscles of the body. 骑自行车是一项不错的锻炼方式。它能使身体各部分的肌肉更强健。   The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available. 目录中包括了在售的各种型号自行车的有用信息。   Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles. 最好是乘坐旅游巴士或骑自行车观光。   关于自行车的 英语 故事 :有关自行车及生活   NOVELS about sport are notoriously hard to pull off. It seems somewhat odd for a literary mind to care how often a ball makes it to the back of the net or how long it takes to sprint down a track. Yet that need not be so. The classic quest narrative-in which an individual overcomes obstacles to achieve a goal-could be a template for any single match or sporting career. "Gold", Chris Cleave"s third novel, is a skilful demonstration of the form.   写一部关于 体育运动 的小说,显然是有难度的。让文学去关注一粒球怎样入网,冲刺终点需要多长时间,看起来多少有点奇怪。然而,事实也不尽然。古典文学所追求的叙述方式往往是一个从克服障碍到实现目标的过程。这其实和任何一场单独的比赛或者体育项目的逻辑是一致的。《赤子之心》--克里夫的第三本小说,正是这种叙述方式的巧妙呈现。   This is the story of Zoe, Kate and Jack, three obsessive race cyclists who meet as young hopefuls. There is bike geekery and Lycra aplenty. As the title suggests, Mr Cleave even dares to set his story around the Olympics, the ultimate sporting circus. Yet this is no niche book for aficionados looking for a brief summer distraction.   书中讲述了三个人的故事:若伊、凯特和杰克--三个狂热的自行车车手,年轻有为,志同道合。故事里有高水准的自行车"极客"。正如题目所暗示的,克里夫甚至刻意让故事游离在奥运会--那终极的竞技场的边缘。但是,此书也绝对不是为了在炎夏给体育迷们提供一份短暂的消遣。   Instead, cycling is the backdrop for a deeper exploration of the struggle between the physical and the psychological. Into the love triangle and professional exertions Mr Cleave throws eight-year-old Sophie, diagnosed with leukaemia only days before the Olympics and fighting a different type of battle to the finish.   相反,自行车运动化为了背景。小说在这背景上深入探讨了灵与肉的挣扎。除了三角恋、职业上的进取,克里夫还讲述了苏菲的故事:一个年仅8岁的孩子,在奥林匹克运动会开幕前被诊断出白血病,在生命的尽头处,打了一场特殊的生死之战。   At times the book seems slightly sentimental. Sophie and Kate are a little too good to be true; Zoe a bit too deranged and calculating. Yet "Gold" works as a novel because Mr Cleave manages to make the reader care about what it takes to win-or even to take part.   书中,有些地方的行文会略显情绪化。苏菲和凯特美好得不真实;若伊则又太神经兮兮且斤斤计较。然而,《赤子之心》之成其为小说,在于克里夫将读者的关注点,引向夺冠前的征程,或者说整个参赛的过程,和夺冠与否无关。   The small details speak loudly. As the story opens, Zoe stands terrified as 5,000 people chant her name-yet she is equally frightened that one day they may stop. On another occasion she lingers and stares at Kate"s bike before a race and implants the idea that something could be wrong; she wins the mental advantage, and the quicker start. By such tiny glances and irrecoverable moments lives are changed, a lesson that reaches beyond sport. The moment of winning a gold medal, by contrast, can almost seem disappointing.   小细节里有大蕴义。譬如小说开场,5000名观众反复喊着若伊的名字,这让站在台上的她紧张极了;然而若有一天人们不再这么做,她同样会害怕。另外一个场景,在一场比赛开始前,若伊故意徘徊着,盯住凯特的自行车,让对方觉得自己的车子出了毛病。于是她赢得了心理上的优势,在起点上抢占了先机。但是这种伎俩和自私的光景被某种高于体育的精神改变了。相形之下,夺取金牌的时刻,几乎让人沮丧。   Mr Cleave knows what makes a good story. Here, his concern is not with macho physicality or crossing a line, but with the endless and enduring human endeavours: love, death and what is left when hopes and dreams are crushed or fulfilled. A book to savour long after the Olympic games are over.   克里夫懂得如何把故事讲得精彩。在书中,他关心的不是体魄的强壮或某一次的胜利,而是无休止的人类的奋斗:爱情,死亡,以及在希望和梦想或破灭或兑现之后,我们的人生还剩下些什么。这样一本书,适合奥林匹克运动会结束后细细品味。 猜你喜欢: 1. 自行车的英文怎么读 2. 骑自行车的英文是什么 3. 不能骑自行车的英文 4. 斑马的英文单词怎么读 5. 跑车用英语怎么说 6. “概念车”英语怎么说
2023-06-18 00:07:362


2023-06-18 00:07:474


2023-06-18 00:08:362


by bike例如:I go to school by bike也可以说成:I ride a bike to visit my school
2023-06-18 00:09:399


bicycle读音英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl]n.自行车;脚踏车;v.骑自行车;变形复数:bicycles过去式:bicycled过去分词:bicycled现在分词:bicycling第三人称单数:bicycles双语释义n.(名词)[C]自行车,脚踏车bicycle英英释义bicycle[ "baisikl ]n.a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals同义词:bikewheelcyclev.ride a bicycle同义词:cyclebikepedalwheel
2023-06-18 00:11:261


2023-06-18 00:12:152


  自行车是我们出行十分便利的一种环保交通工具,那么你知道自行车的英文是什么吗?下面我为大家带来自行车的英文表达和相关例句,希望对你有所帮助。   自行车的英文1:   bicycle   自行车的英文2:   bike   自行车相关英文表达:   自行车把手 handle-bar   自行车变速装置[法] derailleur   自行车车身 frame   自行车倒轮式刹车 coaster brake   自行车道 cycleway   自行车店 cyclery   自行车的英文例句:   1. The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.   这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。   2. More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.   如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。   3. The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.   火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   4. I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle.   我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。   5. All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.   所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。   6. Recently I"ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling.   最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。   7. The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies.   这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。   8. The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain"s most popular mode of transport.   当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。   9. Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.   埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。   10. A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.   一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮相碰后摔倒在地。   11. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.   他扛着自行车走过了终点线。   12. Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.   每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。   13. "I started fixin" up ole bicycles fer poor kids."   “我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。”   14. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.   儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。   15. Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.   她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。
2023-06-18 00:12:232


  自行车,又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   自行车的英语说法1:   bicycle   自行车的英语说法2:   bike   自行车的相关短语:   自行车道 bicycle path ; cycleway ; cycle track ; bicycle lane   自行车赛 Cycling ; Bicycle Race ; CyclePassion   自行车厂 Bicycle Plant ; Bicycle Plish ; bicycle plant   电动自行车 electric bicycle ;   公路自行车 racing bicycle ;Road bicycle   山地自行车 Mountain bike ;mountain biking ;   自行车的英语例句:   1. The pany manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.   这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。   2. More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.   如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。   3. The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.   火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   4. I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle.   我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。   5. All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.   所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。   6. Recently I"ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling.   最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。   7. The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies.   这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。   8. The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain"s most popular mode of transport.   当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。   9. Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.   埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。   10. A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.   一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮相碰后摔倒在地。   11. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.   他扛着自行车走过了终点线。   12. Each year they pete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.   每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。   13. "I started fixin" up ole bicycles fer poor kids."   “我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。”   14. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.   儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。   15. Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.   她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。
2023-06-18 00:12:381


2023-06-18 00:13:202


  自行车是我们出行十分便利的一种环保交通工具,那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来自行车的英文表达和相关例句,希望对你有所帮助。   自行车的英文1:   bicycle   自行车的英文2:   bike   自行车相关英文表达:   自行车把手 handle-bar   自行车变速装置[法] derailleur   自行车车身 frame   自行车倒轮式刹车 coaster brake   自行车道 cycleway   自行车店 cyclery   自行车的英文例句:   1. The pany manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.   这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。   2. More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.   如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列中来。   3. The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.   火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   4. I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle.   我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。   5. All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.   所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。   6. Recently I"ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling.   最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。   7. The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies.   这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。   8. The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain"s most popular mode of transport.   当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。   9. Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.   埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。   10. A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.   一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮相碰后摔倒在地。   11. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.   他扛着自行车走过了终点线。   12. Each year they pete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.   每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。   13. "I started fixin" up ole bicycles fer poor kids."   “我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。”   14. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.   儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。   15. Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.   她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。
2023-06-18 00:13:371

中考英语作文:汽车和自行车(Cars and bicycles)

i like going to school by like, because i think i can keep healthy by riding. bicycles are still popular in beijing. some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. in fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.i think bicycles are better than cars.   bicycles are still popular in beijing. it"s convenient to go to school or go to work by bike. it can help people to keep healthy.but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. the exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air and they waste energy. i prefer riding bicycles because it is cheap and keeps the air clean.   英语作文译文:   自行车在北京依然很流行,骑车上学或上班很方便,它能帮助人们保持健康。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。汽车的尾气污染了空气,浪费了能源。我喜欢骑车因为它便宜并且不会污染空气。   我喜欢骑自行车上学,因为我可以通过骑车保持健康。北京依然流行自行车,一些外国人也买自行车骑。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。事实上,汽车尾气污染了空气,浪费能源。我认为自行车比汽车好。
2023-06-18 00:14:461

bike和bicycle的用法区别 bike和bicycle的用法区别是什么

1、词义广泛性不一样。(1)bicycl,读音:英【baskl】美【baskl】,n.自行车;脚踏车。v.骑自行车。(2)bike,读音:英【bak】美【bak】,n.自行车;摩托车;电动自行车。vi.骑自行车。 2、变形词不一样。(1)bicycle,第三人称单数:bicycles复数:bicycles现在分词:bicycling过去式:bicycled过去分词:bicycled。(2)bike,第三人称单数:bikes复数:bikes现在分词:biking过去式:biked过去分词:biked。 3、词义解析不一样。(1)bicycle泛指脚踏自行车,需要人力去带动。(2)bike除了表示“自行车”之意,更多做“摩托车,电动车”解。
2023-06-18 00:14:541


2023-06-18 00:15:311