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2023-06-18 03:48:31

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化石年代的确定 dating of fossils



(2)应用放射性碳(14C)的方法(radio-carbon dating)。大气中的14C是以二氧化碳形态与普通的CO2混合存在,而所有生物的碳源主要是大气中的CO2,虽然这些生物体中含量极低(占碳素的15.3 dpm/g),但总含有一定量的14C,在生物死亡后停止对CO2的吸收,而14C的量也以一定的比例减少,其半衰期为5,730年。根据这一事实,测定过去材料的放射性碳的含量,可以推断生物死后经过的年代。 W.F.Libby(1948)指出这种方法可有效地在考古学上应用,而现在在比较新的化石和考古学材料方面,比其他各种年代确定法更为准确,已被广泛应用。用这种方法确定年代的上限为西历纪元前后,下限可到4万年以前。



是名词n. 化石(fossil复数形式)
2023-06-17 22:29:153


不可, 如你所说 fossil 是可数名词, fossil 本身就有 piece 的含义, 因此我们说 a fossil two fossils 其用法和 cake 不同. 例: Fossils have been found at a recent excavation site in Egypt. Two fossils date back to the pre-historic period of human evolution.
2023-06-17 22:30:011


fossil[英][u02c8fu0252sl][美][u02c8fɑ:sl]n.化石; 僵化的事物; 老顽固,食古不化的人; 习语中保存的旧词; adj.化石的; 陈腐的,守旧的; 复数:fossils以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I am living fossil of new age. 我简直就是新时代的活化石
2023-06-17 22:30:102

英语单词 化石怎么写?化石的英文怎么写

  化石的单词是fossil  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-06-17 22:30:172


2023-06-17 22:30:261

化石概念(Concept of Fossil)是什么?

Fossils(from Latin fossus,literally“having been dug up”)are the preserved remains or traces of animals,plants,and other organisms from the remote past.The totality of fossils,both discovered and undiscovered,and their placement in fossiliferous(fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers(strata) is known as the fossil record.Such a preserved specimen is called a“fossil”if it is older than some minimum age,most often the arbitrary date of 12,000 years ago.Hence,fossils range in age from the youngest at the start of the Holocene Epoch to the oldest from the Archaean Eon several billion years old(表9.1).
2023-06-17 22:30:571

卵化石(Egg Fossils)是什么?

2023-06-17 22:32:121


2023-06-17 22:32:191

什么是化石的形成 The Forming of Fossils?

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2023-06-17 22:32:461


Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago.They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat.Today,people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground.We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums.
2023-06-17 22:32:562


地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物。从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今。现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙。它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成1.5亿年之久。 在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,没有人见到过活的恐龙。今天我们所知道的有关恐龙的一切是从恐龙的化石得来的。由于人们找到了它们的骨、齿、卵的化石,和皮肤痕迹、脚印、穴居场所等,科学家们就根据这些线索去探索有关恐龙的秘密。The Earth"s history has been 45 billion years. Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest organisms. Since then, much of the planet has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained. Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils, these fossils tell the history of our planet earth-shaking changes. Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of organisms - the dinosaurs. They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 1.5 million years old. In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had become extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs. Today, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils come. As people found their bones, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks, footprints, and other cave sites, the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs.
2023-06-17 22:33:235

什么是实体化石(Body Fossil)?

由古生物遗体或遗体的一部分形成的化石称为实体化石,如骨骼、牙齿等硬体完整保留的贵州龙化石、图案精美的海百合等。根据石化程度又可进一步分为未变实体(如琥珀里的昆虫,图9.11)、微变实体(未完全石化、仍保留了相当多的有机质,如新生代后期的动物骨骼蹄爪、阴沉木)、变化实体(全部石化,又称为石化实体,如多福砚上栩栩如生的蝙蝠石、年轮清晰的硅化木等)。生物体的柔软部分只有当它被埋在能够阻止其柔软部分分解的介质中时,才能得以保存。如埋藏在西伯利亚的第四纪冰期冻土层中的猛犸象化石、东波兰斯大卢尼沥青湖中的披毛犀化石,时隔万年,这些动物遗体依然皮毛犹存,肌肉可食。相对柔软实体,生物体上的硬组织更容易被保存下来。因为坚硬部分是以能抵抗风化作用和化学作用的物质构成的,如主要由方解石、磷酸钙等组成的外壳、骨头和牙齿,极易发生石化作用,甚至几乎没有发生物理变化就被保存下来(图9.12)。实体化石数量众多,为研究古生物形态和分类等提供了最直接的证据,同时也广受化石爱好者和收藏家们的喜爱。PermineralizationPermineralization occurs after burial,as the empty spaces within an organism(spaces filled with liquid or gas during life) become filled with mineral-rich groundwater and the minerals precipitate from the groundwater,thus occupying the empty spaces.This process can occur in very small spaces,such as within the cell wall of a plant cell.Small scale permineralization can produce very detailed fossils.For permineralization to occur,the organism must become covered by sediment soon after death or soon after the initial decaying process.The degree to which the remains are decayed when covered determines the later details of the fossil.Some fossils consist only of skeletal remains or teeth;other fossils contain traces of skin,feathers or even soft tissues.This is a form of diagenesis.
2023-06-17 22:33:441


TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO20(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Fossil Preservation。 托福阅读原文 【1】When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are. Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high. However, the chances of escaping complete destruction are vastly improved if the organism happens to have a mineralized skeleton and dies in a place where it can be quickly buried by sediment. Both of these conditions are often found on the ocean floors, where shelled invertebrates (organisms without spines) flourish and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles. Although most fossils are found in marine sedimentary rocks, they also are found in terrestrial deposits left by streams and lakes. On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash. 【2】The term "fossil" often implies petrifaction, literally a transformation into stone. After the death of an organism, the soft tissue is ordinarily consumed by scavengers and bacteria. The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time. Indeed, unaltered shells of marine invertebrates are known from deposits over 100 million years old. In many marine creatures, however, the skeleton is composed of a mineral variety of calcium carbonate called aragonite. Although aragonite has the same composition as the more familiar mineral known as calcite, it has a different crystal form, is relatively unstable, and in time changes to the more stable calcite. 【3】Many other processes may alter the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation. Water containing dissolved silica, calcium carbonate, or iron may circulate through the enclosing sediment and be deposited in cavities such as marrow cavities and canals in bone once occupied by blood vessels and nerves. In such cases, the original composition of the bone or shell remains, but the fossil is made harder and more durable. This addition of a chemically precipitated substance into pore spaces is termed "permineralization." 【4】Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition. This process is termed " replacement" because solutions have dissolved the original material and replaced it with an equal volume of the new substance. Replacement can be a marvelously precise process, so that details of shell ornamentation, tree rings in wood, and delicate structures in bone are accurately preserved. 【5】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette. 【6】Although it is certainly true that the possession of hard parts enhances the prospect of preservation, organisms having soft tissues and organs are also occasionally preserved. Insects and even small invertebrates have been found preserved in the hardened resins of conifers and certain other trees. X-ray examination of thin slabs of rock sometimes reveals the ghostly outlines of tentacles, digestive tracts, and visual organs of a variety of marine creatures. Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps. 【7】The probability that actual remains of soft tissue will be preserved is improved if the organism dies in an environment of rapid deposition and oxygen deprivation. Under such conditions, the destructive effects of bacteria are diminished. The Middle Eocene Messel Shale (from about 48 million years ago) of Germany accumulated in such an environment. The shale was deposited in an oxygen-deficient lake where lethal gases sometimes bubbled up and killed animals. Their remains accumulated on the floor of the lake and were then covered by clay and silt. Among the superbly preserved Messel fossils are insects with iridescent exoskeletons (hard outer coverings), frogs with skin and blood vessels intact, and even entire small mammals with preserved fur and soft tissue. 托福阅读试题 1.The word "agencies" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to A.combinations. B.problems. C.forces. D.changes. 2.In paragraph 1, what is the author"s purpose in providing examples of how organisms are destroyed? A.To emphasize how surprising it is that so many fossils exist. B.To introduce a new geologic theory of fossil preservation. C.To explain why the fossil record until now has remained incomplete. D.To compare how fossils form on land and in water. 3.The word "terrestrial" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to B.protected. C.alternative. D.similar. 4.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 2)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. A.When snail or clam shells are left behind, they must be empty in order to remain durable and resist dissolution. B.Although snail and clam shells are durable and resist dissolving, over time they slowly begin to change. C.Although the soft parts of snails or clams dissolve quickly, their hard shells resist dissolution for a long time. D.Empty snail or clam shells that are strong enough not to dissolve may stay in their original state for a long time. 5.Why does the author mention "aragonite" in the passage (paragraph 2)? A.To emphasize that some fossils remain unaltered for millions of years. B.To contrast fossil formation in organisms with soft tissue and in organisms with hard shells. C.To explain that some marine organisms must undergo chemical changes in order to fossilize. D.To explain why fossil shells are more likely to survive than are fossil skeletons. 6.The word "enhance" in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to A.control. B.limit. C.combine. D.increase. 7.Which of the following best explains the process of permineralization mentioned in paragraph 3? A.Water containing calcium carbonate circulates through a shell and deposits sediment. B.Liquid containing chemicals hardens an already existing fossil structure. C.Water passes through sediment surrounding a fossil and removes its chemical content. D.A chemical substance enters a fossil and changes its shape. 8.The word "precise" in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to A.complex. B.quick. C.exact. D.reliable. 9.Paragraph 5 suggests which of the following about the carbonization process? A.It is completed soon after an organism dies. B.It does not occur in hard-shell organisms. C.It sometimes allows soft-tissued organisms to be preserved with all their parts. D.It is a more precise process of preservation than is replacement. 10.The word "prospect" in the passage (paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to A.completion. B.variety. C.possibility. D.speed. 11.According to paragraph 7, how do environments containing oxygen affect fossil preservation? A.They increase the probability that soft-tissued organisms will become fossils. B.They lead to more bacteria production. C.They slow the rate at which clay and silt are deposited. D.They reduce the chance that animal remains will be preserved. 12.According to paragraph 7, all of the following assist in fossil preservation EXCEPT A.the presence of calcite in an organism"s skeleton. B.the presence of large open areas along an ocean floor. C.the deposition of a fossil in sticky substances such as sap or tar. D.the rapid burial of an organism under layers of silt. 13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to insert the sentence in the passage. But the evidence of past organic life is not limited to petrifaction. ■【A】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. ■【B】Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. ■【C】The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette.■【D】 14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. The remains of ancient life are amazingly well preserved in the form of fossils. A.Environmental characteristics like those present on ocean floors increase the likelihood that plant and animal fossils will occur. B.Fossils are more likely to be preserved in shale deposits than in deposits of clay and silt. C.The shells of organisms can be preserved by processes of chemical precipitation or mineral exchange. D.Freezing enables the soft parts of organisms to survive longer than the hard parts. E.Comparatively few fossils are found in the terrestrial deposits of streams and lakes. F.Thin films of carbon may remain as an indication of soft tissue or actual tissue may be preserved if exposure to bacteria is limited. 托福 阅读答案 1.agency代理,中介,作用,所以答案是force,选C。原句说由于腐食动物和细菌的侵袭,化学侵蚀和其他地质什么的作用,使得保存的难度非常大。combination组合明显不靠谱,problem是个负向词,不靠谱,之前并列的都不是变化,change不对。 2.修辞目的题,修辞点所在句是一个例子,所以往前看,前一句说fossil遭破坏的方式和fossil一样多,后面就跟了很多破坏的方式,所以答案是A,阐释为什么如此多破坏之下还有这么多化石存在。往后看也可以,下一句说如果化石有骨架的话被保留的机会会大增,也就是一直都在说化石存留下来的机会,所以A是正确答案。 3.terrestrial陆地的,陆生的,所以正确答案是A。原文说尽管大部分的化石都是在海洋中找到的,但也有一些是在河湖中的什么沉积物当中找到的,既然前文都说了大部分是在海洋里找到的,肯定后面会说是在陆地上找到的,所以答案是terrestrial,B/C/D都不靠谱。 4.原句的结构是并列加条件,所以正确答案是D。A的must be empty原文没说;B和C的关系都错误;D说的是shell会被剩下,如果足够耐腐蚀,就能保存一段时间。 5.修辞目的题,先看例子所在 句子 ,说很多海洋生物的骨骼包含calcite,没有答案,往前看,前一句说一亿年前的沉积物中能发现骨骼不变的海生无脊椎动物,与A靠谱,但A本身不是一个观点,所以A不对;B和D完全没说,不对;强调的中心在例子所在句的下一句,说arogonite的晶体形状不同,相对不那么稳定,会变成更稳定的形式,所以答案是C,想稳定的话必须再变。 6.enhance提升,提高,所以正确答案是D的increase。原文说很多化学过程都能改变壳体的结构并且怎么样它们作为化石保留下来的机会,combine明显不靠谱;limit和control意思相近,而且这两个词与increase意思相反,所以其他三个都不对。 7.以permineralization做关键词定位至最后一句。说将chemically precipitate的物质加入precipitate的过程叫做permineralization,this指代前文,所以往前看,前面说血管和神经占据的空隙会被充填,骨头和壳体会留下来,变得更坚固,所以答案是B,变得更坚硬。A的包含calcium不全面,而且原文的变硬也没说;C的remove chemical content和D的change shape都没说。 8.precise精确的,所以C 的exact正确。原文说replacement是一个非常什么样的过程,壳体的纹饰,树轮和骨架上的微细结构都被记录下来,B快和D可信完全不靠谱,细微结构被记录下来不见得复杂,所以complex也不对。 9.此段较短,完全可以快速扫完,当然用排除法也比较好。A错,原文说生命死后要经过若干过程才会carbonization,所以A的soon明显错;B正确,原文明确指出carbonization发生在柔软组织中,当然也就不会发生在硬壳动物身上;C的all their parts和D的比较原文都没说,都错。 10.prospect展望,前景,勘探,所以C 的possibility正确。原句说尽管有硬壳提高了保存下来的什么,但软体动物也能偶尔被保存下来。根据让步推出硬壳动物应该是容易保存下来,但跟保存下来的完整性和种类都无关,所以variety和completion都不对,speed完全不沾边。 11.以oxygen做关键词定位至第一句,说如果快速埋藏,并且在缺氧环境下,化石保存的概率会增加,也就是说氧的存在不利于化石的保存,所以正确答案是D,A与D刚好完全相反,所以A错,也说明两个相反的有一个对;C完全没说;B错,原文说缺氧能减轻细菌的破坏作用,但并不意味着有氧细菌就会变多,所以B没说。 12.EXCEPT题,排除法,由于考全文,应该关注各段开头。A的skeleton和calcite做关键词定位至第六段首句,正确,不选;B的ocean floor在原文中虽然有出现,但open areas没有,所以B错,选;C的sap or tar做关键词定位至第六段最后一句,正确,不选;D的rapid burial和layer of silt做关键词定位至第七段第一句,正确,不选。 13.如果找名词过渡,最容易找到的当属petrification,但遗憾的是,整段中既没有petrification,也没有 同义词 替换,这段段首已经开始说carbonization,也就是说petrification应该是上一段或者下一段说的,也就是A或者D正确,但待插入句说不仅限于,也就是前面已经说过petrification了,所以A对D错。 14.Environmental选项对应原文首段第三句,A正确。Fossils选项的比较原文没说,B不选。The shells选项对应原文第三段最后一句和第四段开头句,C正确。Freezing选项在原文第六段结尾捎带提了一下,但没说比较,D不选。Comparatively选项与原文第一段倒数第二句说反,E不选。The films选项对应原文第五段和第七段开头,F正确。 托福阅读译文 【1】如果想想生物在死之后被完全摧毁的种.种方式,能够这样频繁出现化石是一件很令人惊讶的事。食腐动物和细菌的破坏、化学性腐烂、腐蚀以及 其它 地质因素都会非常不利于保存。不过,如果生物体碰巧具有矿化的骨骼并且死于可以迅速被沉积物掩埋的地方,摆脱被完全摧毁的几率便会大大增加。海底通常就具有上述的两方面条件,这里生活着很多带壳的无脊椎动物(没有脊椎的动物),不断累积的似雨的沉积颗粒会把它们掩埋起来。虽然多数的化石是在海洋沉积岩中发现的,但是在溪流和湖泊留下的陆相沉积物中也发现过。有时,浸入焦油和流沙、陷入冰或熔岩流或被急速降落的火山灰吞噬的动植物得以保存下来。 【2】术语“化石”常常意味着石化,字面意思就是变成了石头。生物体死后,软组织一般会被食腐动物和细菌吃掉。可能会留下蜗牛或蛤蜊空壳,如果空壳足够坚固并且能抵御分解,就有可能在很长一段时间内基本上保持原样。事实上,我们现在所知的在沉积物中发现的海洋无脊椎动物保存良好的壳已超过了1亿年之久。不过,很多海洋生物的骨骼是由称为霰石的各式碳酸钙矿物质组成的。虽然霰石与我们更为熟悉的矿物方解石具有同样的组成,但是它的晶型不同,相对不稳定,最终会变成更稳定的方解石。 【3】很多其他过程也许会改变哈喇壳或蜗牛壳并且增加它被保存下来的几率。 含有溶解的二氧化硅、碳酸钙或铁的水可能会在封闭的沉积物中流动,并沉积到诸如骨髓腔和骨头管道内,这些骨头管道曾经由血管和神经占据。这种情况下,骨和壳的原始组成没有改变,但是形成的化石更坚硬并且更持久。这种在孔隙中填充化学沉积物的过程就叫做“完全矿化”。 【4】石化还可能同时涉及死亡的动植物的原有物质与不同组成的矿物质的交换作用。该过程叫做“置换作用”,因为溶液溶解了原始物质并将其置换成为等体积的新物质。置换是一个让人难以置信的精确过程,贝壳装饰的细节、树木的年轮以及骨骼的精细结构都被精准地保存下来。 【5】另一种类型的石化,称为“碳化”,当软组织以碳薄膜的形式保存时会发生碳化。树叶和软体动物例如水母或蠕虫的组织可能会堆积起来,被掩埋并被压实,然后其中的挥发性成分会消失。碳通常以一种黑色轮廓的形式被保留下来。 【6】虽然拥有坚硬的部分的确会增加保存的可能性,但是具有软组织和器官的生物偶尔也会被保存下来。在针叶树以及某些其它的树种的凝固树脂中就发现了昆虫甚至是很小的无脊椎动物。对岩石薄片的X射线检查有时会发现可怕的触角轮廓、消化道和很多种海洋生物的视觉器官。冻土或石油渗漏时渗出的焦油中保存了包括皮肤、毛发和冰河时代猛犸象的内脏在内的软组织。 【7】如果生物体死于一个快速沉积和缺氧的环境,会有助于软组织残骸的保存。在这种条件下,细菌的破坏性影响会降低。德国始新世中期的麦塞尔页岩(来自4800万年
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剑龙,也叫骨板龙,是一类体型较大的恐龙,它们的背上长着许多骨板,尾端具有长刺,样子怪诞不经。如果我们不是从地层中发现了它们的骨骼化石,谁都不会相信在地球上曾经生活过这样奇特的动物。 剑龙是完全用四足行走的恐龙。大小与大象差不多,但体形却大不一样,前肢短,后肢较长,整个身体就像拱起的一座小山,山峰正好处在臀部。令人惊奇的是,从发现的化石得知,剑龙的背上有两排三角形的骨板,从颈部排到尾巴,宛如一把把插着的尖刀。这些骨板有什么用处呢?长期以来,不少人对这个问题进行过研究,但是意见不一,至今还是一个悬案。有人认为,骨板可以起到保护身体的作用。因为在侏罗纪的时候,陆地上的恐龙开始繁荣起来,肉食龙个体逐渐增大,这对食植物的剑龙威胁是很大的,剑龙只有以背上“刀山”一样的骨板防御敌人了。但是,身体裸露的地方怎么保护呢?所以有人又认为,骨板实际上是一种“拟态”,用于迷惑敌人。剑龙的骨板上带有各种颜色的皮肤和一簇簇像本内苏铁植物一样的东西,把自己装扮得不易被其他动物发现。近年来,有人又提出了新看法,认为剑龙的骨板具有调节体温的作用。当剑龙觉得体温太高时,就爬到阴凉处,这时就有大量血液流到骨板里,通过骨板散发热量,这是变温爬行动物的一种特殊适应方式。 虽然剑龙的个头如大象,但头很小。一个小脑袋如何指挥庞大的身体运动呢?有人认为,在剑龙的臀部还有一个扩大神经球,大约是脑子的20倍大,它能指挥后肢和尾巴的行动,所以有人说剑龙有两个脑子。看来,剑龙移动它那粗重的后肢和活动它那强劲的尾巴,要比运用头脑肯定要重要得多。因为,剑龙通常生活在灌木、丛林之中,不时地选择一些细嫩的枝叶为食;但是如遇到肉食龙来侵袭它时,它会用钉子般的尾刺鞭打它们,与敌人决一雌雄,这时第二大脑的作用就显现出来了。疑问剑龙是否有两个脑子? 剑龙,这种曾以“两个脑子”而闻名于世的恐龙,在侏罗纪晚期繁盛了一个时期,于白垩纪早期绝灭了。如今,我们只能通过它们的化石,尽情欣赏它们在恐龙家族中标新立异的形象。 这完全是一种谣传,任何动物都绝对不可能有两个脑子。有人说,在它的臀部还有一个脑子。实际上臀部只不过是有一个脊索,里面是个膨大的神经节,能通过神经网络与脑相通。这个膨大的神经节就像一个控制中心。这种控制中心对于像剑龙这样的大型动物来说,是至关重要的。因为它能控制后肢和尾巴,遇到危险时用尾巴上的尾剌来打击来犯之敌。 人们刚发现剑龙的时候就注意到它们背上长着许多骨板。最初,科学家们估计这些骨板是像护盖一样平铺在恐龙身上。后来,经过仔细的考察,最终确定骨板是竖立的。这些骨板里面充满空隙,表面还有很多沟槽,这些空隙和沟槽里布满了血液。当气温降低时,剑龙就会张开骨板,吸收阳光的热量,气温升高时,又会将骨板转一下,利用凉风散热。其实,剑龙的头小得很,脑子只有核桃大小,与它庞大的身躯极不相称,科学家们由此认定,剑龙一定很笨。 剑龙长着个像鸟一样的尖喙,喙里没有牙齿,但嘴里的两侧有些小牙。剑龙的背上有17块板状的骨头,在它尾巴的尖端还有着长刺。这些刺有4英尺长。剑龙的前腿比后腿短,前腿有五个脚趾,而后腿有三个脚趾。剑龙走路时用4条腿。它们可能群居生活。剑龙的脑袋非常小,所以不太聪明。 剑龙生活在侏罗纪晚期。它最著名——也最受喜爱的——是大型、骨质的板片分布在背脊以及尾部四个钉状脊。它的脑部与头颅非常的小。它以四足行走,可能觅食较低的植物,因为它的臀部位非常高而肩部却非常的低平。剑龙外观上最大的特征就是背部有一整排的三角形骨板及尾巴上的四枝尖刺,巨大的剑龙头部非常小,脑容量甚至比小狗还小,因此科学家认为它们是一种很笨的恐龙。 剑龙是典型的食草恐龙。全长7米,如果算上骨板的高度,身高可达3.5 米。整个身躯如同现在的大象,但只有一个小得可怜的脑袋,大脑只有一个核桃般大小。由于前肢短小,全身明显前倾。颈部沿背脊直至尾巴中部,排列着两排三角形的板块,尾端有两对牛角状的尖刺,这是它的武器。到目前为止,谁也不知道剑龙的骨板是怎样排列的,也不能确切地知道这些骨板的真实用途。一些人认为剑龙利用这些骨头来保温。发现了第一具剑龙化石。分布 世界上的古生物学家对剑龙的研究已有120多年的历史,自那时以来所发现的剑龙化电脑特制的复原图石,大多是支离破碎的,完好的标本比较少。在少数完好的标本中,最引人注目的就是1886年费奇在美国科罗拉多州发现的“典型”的剑龙。它是一具有相当完美头骨的骨架化石,百余年来,世界各国古生物学家再也没有找到过这样完整的骨架化石。此外,非洲坦桑尼亚的刺棘龙骨架标本,虽然在世界上也占有重要地位,但头骨保存不全,整个骨架也是拼凑起来的。 10年前,在中国四川省自贡市大山铺发现的一种名叫“太白华阳龙”的剑龙,除几具骨架外,还包括两个完好的头骨。这一重要发现,也和美国典型的剑龙一样载入了恐龙研究的史册。此前,华阳龙已被组装成完整骨架。它的身长约4米,臀部高1.4米,是一只中等大小的剑龙。 华阳龙的问世,使它成了世界上罕见的剑龙之一。然而,华阳龙化石发现的意义远不止这一点。过去,人们都认为欧洲是剑龙的故乡,它们最早在英国南部生活,后来才移居到美洲、亚洲和非洲的。自从华阳龙标本发现以后,它改变了许多古生物学家的看法,剑龙的起源中心应该在亚洲,理由是我国四川的华阳龙是在侏罗纪中期地层中发现的,而其他各大洲可靠的剑龙化石都是在这以后的侏罗纪晚期地层中发现的。由此,古生物学家周世武等人认为,华阳龙可能在侏罗纪中期有过一次大的分化,到侏罗纪晚期衍生出许多不同的属种,并扩散到亚洲以外的其他地方生活了,如美国的“典型”剑龙、非洲的刺棘龙以及欧洲的一些种类。 值得一提的是,在我国四川省自贡沙河坝还发现过一只侏罗纪晚期的剑龙,保存得相当完整。这条剑龙的身长7米,臀部高2.5米,有颈椎13个,脊椎17个,荐椎4个,尾椎47个。它的头只有40厘米长,尾端长有两对长刺。这就是有名的“多刺沱江龙”。因为它首次发现于四川省四大江河之一的沱江流域,又因为它的背上有17对棘板(骨板),是目前已知剑龙中骨板最多的一种,所以就叫“多棘沱江龙”了。
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There are many types of rock. Each has its own properties.岩石有很多种类,每一种都有自己的特性。 u261eRocks can be soft or hard.岩石可硬可软。 It is easy to scratch a soft rock在软岩石上划痕很容易. It is hard to scratch a hard rock.在坚硬的岩石上划痕很难。 u261eRocks can be porous and non porous. 岩石可以具有渗透性也有具有不渗透性。Water can soak into a porous rock水可以将一个可渗透的岩石浸透, and some rocks can be more porous than others.有些岩石比其他岩石更具浸透性. Water cannot soak into a non-porous rock.水不能浸透一个具有不渗透性的岩石 Chalk is soft and porous .白垩(白垩(chalk),又称白土粉、白土子、白埴土、白善、白墡、「白墠」。白垩是一种微细的碳酸钙的沉积物,是方解石的变种。白垩一般主要是指分布在西欧的白垩纪的地层,而白垩纪一名即由此而来。)是柔软和可浸透的。 Granite is hard and non-porous.花岗岩是坚硬和不可浸透的。 Some types of rock are made up of crystals . The are no gaps between the crystals. The rocks are often hard and non-porous . 有些岩石由结晶物质组成。结晶体之间没有空隙.这些岩石通常坚硬、且不可渗透. Some types of rock, such as chalk,are made up of grains .There are gaps between the grains.These rocks are porous and soft . 有些岩石,比如白垩,由颗粒组成.颗粒之间有空隙.这些岩石通常可渗透且柔软. keyword:关键词 porous :water can soak into porous material 渗透:水可以浸润渗透性的物质(材料) Crystal : A piece of solid material with a regular shape and flat faces. 结晶:一块实体的物质,且有着规则的形状和平滑的表面. Grain : A small piece of solid material that does not have a regular shape. 一小块实体物质,且没有规则的形状. Rocks that are made up of grains may contain fossils .A fossil is the remains, or traces,of a plant or animal that lived long ago. Remains include the bones,teeth or even faeces (poo!). 由颗粒组成的岩石有可能包含化石。化石是很久以前省的植物或动物的遗体或遗迹。遗体包括骨骼,牙齿或粪便. Here is how a fish fossil may form:这是一个鱼化石可能得行程过程. 1. The fish dies and sinks quickly to the seabed.鱼死去并很快沉至海床. 2.Its soft body parts decay.鱼的柔软的部分开始腐败. 3.Layers of sand bury the hard body parts.沙层把坚硬的部分掩埋 4. Over many years the hard parts form fossils.经过很多年,那个坚硬的部分形成了花粉. Only a few individual animals or plants form fossils when they die只有一些个体动物和中文在死去时形成了化石.For example,比如, most Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs did not form fossils,大多数暴龙没有形成化石,but a small number of them did但是一小部分的暴龙形成了化石. This is because may decay completely before they are buried, or are eaten. 这是因为他们在被埋葬前就已经腐败或被吃掉.Some die in places where they could not be buried.有些死在了不能被掩埋的地方. Fossils provide information about living things from long ago. They are evidence for evolution.化石提供了很多年前的生物信息. 他们是进化论的证。 keyword:Fossile: The preserved remains or traces of an animal or plant that lives many years ago. 关键词:化石:被保存的生活在很多年以前的动物或植物的遗物或遗迹 Soil is a mixture of tiny pieces of rock, dead plants and dead animals .It also includes air and water . 土壤是一种混合物,它混合了细小的岩石,死去的植物和动物。土壤里还包括空气和水。 Different soils have different amounts of these things, and are suitable for different plants. 不同的土壤会有不同量的这些东西 以适合不能的植物.
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Dinosaurs are a group of animals that have fascinated people for centuries. They were the largest land animals to have ever lived on Earth, roaming the planet for millions of years before disappearing suddenly around 66 million years ago.There are many different species of dinosaurs, each with its own unique characteristics. Some were plant-eaters, while others were meat-eaters. Some were small and fast, while others were large and powerful.The most famous dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a large carnivorous dinosaur with huge teeth and a massive tail. It was one of the largest land animals to have ever lived, standing over 12 meters tall and weighing over 7 tons.Another famous dinosaur is the Brontosaurus, a long-necked plant-eater that could grow up to 16 meters in length. It had a small head and small legs, but its body was supported by four large legs that allowed it to move easily across the ground.Dinosaurs left behind a wealth of fossil evidence, which has allowed paleontologists to piece together their lives and behaviors. They lived in herds and were social animals, protecting their young and defending their territory from predators.The extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago is one of the biggest mysteries in paleontology. It is thought that an asteroid impact off the coast of Mexico was responsible for killing off the dinosaurs and causing major environmental changes.Regardless of their fate, dinosaurs will always be remembered as one of the most iconic species to have ever lived on Earth. Their fossils continue to fascinate people and inspire a love of paleontology and science.
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The Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England, is the best place in Europe for discovering ...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:D 试题分析:这篇文章介绍了一家以恐龙为主题的博物馆的相关情况。小题1:理解题:根据As more are discovered all the time, you can be sure of seeing something new each time you visit. 可知总是会在这家博物馆看到新的化石,是因为新的化石不断被发现,故选A。小题2:细节题:根据We have a free Fossil Identification Service, so you can bring in any fossils you have and find out what they are.可知这家博物馆识别化石是免费的,故选C。小题3:推测题:根据Fossil hunts are organized from the museum and run all year round. Groups of up to 25 are guided on a local beach where they can search for fossils. All these hunts are fully licensed and insured, and guides can help to identify any fossils found and point out things of interest. Due to the popularity of these hunts, all trips must be booked by a personal visit to Dinosaur Farm Museum.可推测出通过亲自参观的方式一个人可以预定化石寻找,故选D。
2023-06-17 22:35:021


1.Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals.Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today, others are now extinct, that is, they have no descendants alive now. 41).Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin, so that, apart from color, we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago.That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land,often of the plants that grew on it,and even of its climate. 42).Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action,and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water.Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals, birds, and insects of which we know nothing. 43).There were also crablike creatures, whose bodies were covered with a horny substance.The body segments each had two pairs of legs, one pair for walking on the sandy bottom, the other for swimming.The head was a kind of shield with a pair of compound eyes, often with thousands of lenses.They were usually an inch or two long but some were 2 feet. 44). Of these,the ammonites are very interesting and important. They have a shell composed of many chambers, each representing a temporary home of the animal. As the young grew larger it grew a new chamber and sealed off the previous one. Thousands of these can be seen in the rocks on the Dorset Coast. 45).About 75 million years ago the Age of Reptiles was over and most of the groups died out. The mammals quickly developed, and we can trace the evolution of many familiar animals such as the elephant and horse. Many of the later mammals though now extinct, were known to primitive man and were featured by him in cave paintings and on bone carvings. [A]The shellfish have a long history in the rock and many different kinds are known. [B]Nevertheless,we know a great deal about many of them because their bones and shells have been preserved in the rocks as fossils. From them we can tell their size and shape, how they walked, the kind of food they ate. [C]The first animals with true backbones were the fishes,first known in the rocks of 375 million years ago. About 300 million years ago the amphibians, the animals able to live both on land and in water, appeared. They were giant, sometimes 8 feet long, and many of them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal seam, or layer, or formed. The amphibians gave rise to the reptiles and for nearly 150 million years these were the principal forms of life on land, in the sea, and in the air. [D]The best index fossils tend to be marine creature. There animals evolved rapidly and spread over large over large areas of the world. [E]The earliest animals whose remains have been found were all very simple kinds and lived in the sea. Later forma are more complex,and among these are the sea lilies, relations of the star fishes, which had long arms and were attached by a long stalk to the sea bed, or to rocks. [F]When an animal dies,the body, its bones, or shell, may often be carried away by streams into lakes or the sea and there get covered up by mud. If the animal lived in the sea its body would probably sink and be covered with mud. More and more mud would fall upon it until the bones or shell become embedded and preserved. [G]Many factors can influence how fossils are preserved in rocks. Remains of an organism may be replaced by minerals, dissolved by an acidic solution to leave only their impression, or simply reduced to a more stable form. 〔试题分析〕 本篇是一篇科普文章,介绍的是史前类动物。文章结构比较清晰,首先用一般性的介绍来引入史前类动物和记载它们形体和活动的化石,接下来的几段就逐渐按照进化的顺序来一一介绍各种动物。 具体分析一下五个空白处的内容。 41.首先来看一下空白处的上下文。上文讲的是许多生物都已经灭绝,没有后代生活在这个世界上。下文讲的是化石使我们了解了这些生物的形态。可以推断,空白处是一个衔接的句子,应该是从生物到化石介绍的过渡,再看选项中,〔A〕〔B〕〔E〕都提到了这两方面内容,但〔A〕〔E〕谈的是具体的一些生物,不是这段泛泛而谈的所有生物,因此不契合。〔B〕是正确答案。 42.本题考查寻找特征词的能力。在该题中,根据就近原则在该题后的句子中找到“the fossils”和“water action”为特征词。“the fossils”说明“fossils”一词是至少是第二次出现,因为它前面加了定冠词the,通过仔细观察并不难发现,42以及其前面的内容中都没有fossils,这就确定fossils一词必定出现在41,42中。根据意群相一致原则,在42中必定要与“water action”同现或复现的语言点。综上所述,有同时满足以上两个条件的选项才是正确答案。虽然[G]项一开始就有“how fossils are preserved”, 但是[G]项讲的是动物遗体上的有机组织转化形式,没有提及水的活动。选项〔F〕中就多次提到水在化石形成过程中的重要作用,与上下文相符合。 43.本题选择的特征词是“also”。“also”表并列关系,这就证明在43前面的句子中应当与also后的crab like creatures相并列,即空白处显然有关于另一动物的内容;从本段开始,文章转向讨论由低级高级变化(进化)中的动物。[E]项开始的部分是“The earliest animals whose remains have been found.”,符合文章写作的顺序。[B]项与上文相符,但与下文不符,且与全文结构不相吻合。 44.本题选择的特征词是these以及与其具有同指关系的ammonites 和They 。通过阅读44以后的两个句子不难发现,these,ammonites ,They是指同一事物,意即有“shell”的事物。同时44后一开始就有“Of these,...”,也就是说,空白部分应该有“some, several, many”或类似的词,答案只能是[A]。由于文中有了“The first animals”,为避免句式上的重复,作者改变句子起始的模式。这种做法很多见,因而也是考生阅读和写作中应该注意的。 45.该题目是一道简单试题,一方面这是一道段落题,这就决定了有可能选最长的选项为答案,另一方面根据就近原则在下一段首句中发现的About 75 million years ago成为我们解题的关键。从文章的整体结构看,这里需要一个内容的“高潮”:前面几段,动物都在不断地进化,而下文中“About 75 million years ago the Age of Reptiles was over”,这里需要有一个“交代”。只有[C]项符合这一条件;同时,“reptile”在本题空白处前文章中从没有提到,在下文中又没有作为新信息,因而作为正确答案的选项中一定有这个词,只有[C]项中有“The amphibians gave rise to the reptiles for nearly 150 million years these were the principal forms of life on land, in the sea,and in the air”。所以正确答案只能是[C]。 答案:41.B 42.F 43.E 44.A 45.C (编辑:赵露)2.Directions:In the following text, some segments have been removed. For questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (41)_________________________Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft. (42)____________Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.(43)_________________ Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.It you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (44)________________ These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The students who wrote “The A & P as a State of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45)____________Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times—and then again—working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.〔A〕 To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.〔B〕After you have clearly and adequately, developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. It"s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression.〔C〕It"s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.〔D〕It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.〔E〕Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy"s decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel"s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lend up to the A & P “policy” he enforces.〔F〕 In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A & P”, the student brings together the reasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel"s store policies.〔G〕 By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don"t use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.解析〔宏观阅读〕总的来说,今年的7选5题型较去年的概述大意题明显难度有所增加,但和05,06年相比难度还是有所下降,主要体现在生词怪词很少,考生读懂应该没有什么障碍。今年的考题是关于如何利用好写作的第一稿(草稿)。本篇文章一共六段,除了最后一段,正好是每一个段落出一道题目。而此类指导性文章又有很鲜明的特点,就是段落主题清晰,而且经常文章要么按照一个明确的线索展开,要么就各自为战,每段讲一个方面。本文是属于后者的。〔分析选项〕所谓分析选项就是指可以先扫描一下选项,把每个选项中的特征词,如重复出现的词、时间、数字、连词、代词、同义词或者反义词还有一些特殊的标点符号等划出来。同时,要概述每个选项的大意。(A) 为了便于修订,在行与行之间留出空白处以能够方便的增加一些单词,句子或是作一些修改。只在纸的一边写。这个选项以to do开头,很明显是表征目的性的。另外最后该选项出现只在一边写,应该预测下文中应该会叙述到纸的另一边肯定有什么别的作用。(B) 选项开头After you have clearly and adequately, developed the body of your paper,出现了连词after很明显表明这个选项前面肯定写的是如何写论文的主体部分。选项的后半段又出现了两个核心概念introductory and concluding paragraphs。因此该选项后面肯定会详细阐述如何写引子,如何写总结。(C) 选项前半句出现了however和though表示特殊强对比的词,前半句又出现的是terrific表示不好的词,那我们就应该理解成printer是好的。后半句就明显说明了打印下来了好处。还有可以关注选项C中有很多专有名词,如printer, disk, power failures等。(D) 选项开头“你如何写都没有区别”,很明显前文中肯定讲述了很多写的方法。后半段出现了有一个核心概念outline,选项后面应该讲述和outline相关联的事物。(E) 前半句Although this is an interesting issue, 出现了指代词this,也就表明该选项前肯定叙述了一件有趣的事情。在最后出现了专有名词A&P。(F) 和选项E一样同时出现了专有名词A&P ,仔细研读和E的区别在选项F 讲述的是在最后一段,而选项E “Instead of including that paragraph”,就是指删去了这一段。这两个概念是正好是截然相反的,形成强对比。(G) 前半句“把第一次的草稿看成你表达想法的方式”,体现出草稿和想法是相关联的。最后说到不要希望第一次就写出没有错误的草稿。〔选择答案〕41. [答案] D第41题所在段落讲到的是写作最重要的是要开始写,作者甚至夸张的说,站着、坐着,甚至躺着,都不重要,这就这好与选项D中的第一句It makes no differences how you write连接起来。空前面出现的内容告诉读者如果写文章时只要作者不再试图避免一些事情第一稿就会跃然纸上,在空后第一句里出现了outline这个词,因此41题中也会出现和outline相关的内容。D选项的内容就中提到用什么方式来写作不重要,重要的是定下一个题目,然后可以通过整理笔记来填充你的outline(提纲)。因此答案是D。但是考虑到41题目前面的句子较长,考生理解起来有一定的困难,本题难度适中偏难。42. [答案] G第42题讲写作中你的思路(idea)和草稿(draft)之间的关系。作者的观点是思路第一,不要被已经写出来的东西束缚了你的思路。此题较难,当然正确答案G中开始的draft和thinking与42题前面draft和idea正好呼应,可以作为一个猜测的思路。其次选项是在讲draft的问题,所以答案中还会涉及到draft。选项后的句子中提到:一些写作中的错误可以等到修改的时候才去处理。选项的最后提到不要尝试在第一次的时候写出完全没有任何错误的文稿,因此只有选项G符合这个逻辑。43. [答案] A第43题,笔者认为比较容易,段落开始的地方出题并不可怕,关键是第三段本来就短,阅读量不大,而且A选项也很短,而更加明显的是A中最后的one side of the paper和第三段最后的on the other side呼应关系非常明显,因此本题较容易。44. [答案] C第44题,选项后面提到了these printouts,空前面提到:“在修改过程中,看打印出来的材料比看电脑屏幕容易。”因此44题选项中也会有和打印出来的材料相关的内容。C选项中很明显地有copy 还有 printer对应下文中所提及的打印出来的材料。其次第四段在讲电脑的字处理技术,那么在选项中找个讲这方面的好了。注意C中出现的这些词 printer 打印机;disk 磁盘;data数据;power failures 停电,看到这些词,想不选C也难。但是考虑到C中并没有直接出现computer, word processor等词,而且第四段本身比较长。此题难度中等偏难。45. [答案] E第45题,估计有很多的考生都会从E和F中选一个,因为在选项中提到所谓的A&P的就它们两个。但是可能有同学会看到F中的final一词,又想45题在段落最后,就选了它,那么就错了。正确答案E的确定主要看E中第一句Although this is an interesting issue中有一个指代词this,说明上文中有一件作者认为较为有意思的事情,看看第5段最后一句中说到写作文的学生写了一个段落来怀疑Sammy是否对女性表现出了大男子主义,正好是作者指代的this;其次前文提到Sammy这个人,这是一个线索词,选项中E 和F中都包含这个词,但是此段的主题句提到,在写作中要删去与主题不相关的素材,E选项中instead of adding that paragraph,也就意味着删去了这段。和主题句对应。因此答案应该是E。有字数限制
2023-06-17 22:35:101


2023-06-17 22:35:215

TPO20 fossil preservation 第二题求助!!

其实我不明白这一段第一句话是什么意思,有哪位大神知道吗?><When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are.
2023-06-17 22:35:381

Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate(这句语法问题全句见下面)

这好像不是整句,应该是一个句子的状语从句意思是:最近发现的化石明显是哺乳动物和鲸类的进化过渡生物而没有发现化石前,这个证据是缺乏的所以用missing,动词的ing形式until recently 这里是强调句,所以were 放在前面了 it is missing until recently fossils were clearly intermediate between land mammals and cetaceans 这样看明白么我表达能力有限,唉
2023-06-17 22:35:473

求翻译 专业英语 石油地质的 The nature of petroleum oil and gas accumulations 越快越好~~~~ 4

2023-06-17 22:36:074


中英都有 The extinction of dinosaurs The mystery of dinosaur extinction More than 200,000,000 years ago in the Mesozoic, a large number of reptiles living on land, it is also known as the Mesozoic "era of reptiles," the earth was the first to occupy a wide range of vertebrates. At that time the Earth"s climate was warmer, all over the dense forests, reptiles have enough food, gradually prospered, more and more species. They continued to differentiate into a variety of different types of reptiles, some of today has become a turtle, and some turned into the type of crocodile, and some turned into today"s snakes and lizards, which are a class of Around the world and evolved into today"s mammals. All is the dinosaur reptiles in the largest class of physical, very suitable for living in the marshes and shallow lake, when warm, humid air, food is also very easy to find. Therefore, dinosaurs ruled the earth for several million years of time, but I do not know why, in their 6500 years ago a very short period of time of the extinction of a sudden, people see only the left by that time a large number of dinosaur fossils. With regard to the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs, it is still being studied. For a long time, the most authoritative view, and the extinction of the dinosaurs 6500 years ago about a large meteorite. According to the study, there was a 7-10 km in diameter asteroid will fall on the earth"s surface, causing a large explosion, such as throwing a lot of dust in the atmosphere to form the Zhetianbiri House of Sand and Fog, led to the suspension of plant photosynthesis , And therefore the extinction of the dinosaurs. Asteroid impact theory quickly gained the support of many scientists. In 1991, in Mexico"s Yucatan Peninsula occurred in the discovery of a long period of the meteorite impact craters, the fact is further evidence of this point of view. Today, this view seems to have become a conclusion. But there are also many people for such an asteroid impact on the skeptical, because the fact is: frogs, crocodiles and many other very sensitive to the temperature of the animals have resisted and survived the Cretaceous. This theory can not explain why only the dinosaurs died. To date, scientists have put forward for the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs have been no fewer than a dozen scenarios, more wealth to the dramatic and exciting, "said the meteorite collision," but it is one of them. In addition to the "meteorite collision", the extinction of dinosaurs on the main point of view there are the following: First, climate change, said. 6500 million years ago, the Earth"s climate suddenly changes in the temperature dropped, resulting in decreased oxygen in the atmosphere so that the dinosaurs could not survive. It was also suggested that dinosaurs are cold-blooded, but with no hair or warm organ and can not adapt to the Earth"s temperature dropped, were frozen to death of. Second, the species, said the fight. End of the dinosaur era, first appeared in small mammals, these animals are rodent predators may feed to eggs. As a result of this lack of small animal predators, more and more and eventually eat up the eggs. Third, continental drift, said. Geology Research shows that the survival of dinosaurs at the age of the Earth"s only a piece of the mainland only, that is, "Pangea." Due to changes in the earth"s crust, the continent took place in the Jurassic of the larger division and drift, leading to the environment and climate change, and therefore the extinction of dinosaurs. Fourth, changes in the geomagnetic said. Modern biology shows that certain biological and magnetic fields related to the death. More sensitive to the magnetic field of biology, in the Earth"s magnetic field changes, may lead to extinction. It seems therefore that the extinction of the dinosaurs may be related to changes in the Earth"s magnetic field. V. said angiosperm poisoning. End of the dinosaur era, the Earth gymnosperms gradually disappearing, replaced by a large number of angiosperms, gymnosperms contain these plants are not in toxic shape of a huge dinosaur odd food, intake of angiosperms led to the accumulation of toxins in the body over , Has been the poison. Six, said acid rain. The late Cretaceous period may have been under strong acid rain, soil, including in the trace element strontium, be dissolved dinosaurs through drinking water and food, directly or indirectly, strontium intake, acute or chronic poisoning, the last groups of the dead. In Mexico"s Yucatan peninsula have called the Chicxulub crater (Chicxulub Crater), and its 6,500 years ago What is the relationship between the extinction of dinosaurs? The answer on the hidden message in this layer of rock where. This layer of rock known as the KT boundary by geologists (KT boundary), is the meaning of the Cretaceous - Tertiary marking the limits of the line. The lower rocks rich in dinosaur fossils, but in the KT boundary over the disappearance of the dinosaurs. KT boundary in rocks containing iridium, a rare metal iridium in the earth in an average of only a billionth of content. However, the content of iridium in the rock formation is 200 times the normal concentration. Where can find so many Iridium do? In space. The content of iridium in space than on Earth thousands of times higher than 1. It was also a white layer of rock found evidence of the impact of quartz, the asteroid will only leave such a mark. High levels of iridium and the impact of quartz, appear in many parts of the earth"s Tertiary Boundary in rock. This global mark may only be the most severe impact. Impact on the location of Mexico is still in the Yucatan Peninsula. 6 million years ago, this very severe impact, in the history of mankind and in any event could not live up to it than that. Then hit the Earth asteroid or comet, the width is about 6 miles. It is more than 40 times the speed of sound into the Earth"s surface. It"s a very large volume, so when it hit the Earth, the front-end has encountered the surface, the rear still 30,005 of the 1000 feet high, equivalent to the jet"s altitude. Colliding with Earth is the size of the mountain like a rock. The reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs on the hypothesis that the above-mentioned far more than these. But these above-mentioned hypothesis in the scientific community has more supporters. Of course, each of the above, there is an imperfect place. For example, "climate change" does not clarify the causes of climate change. After inspection, some small dinosaurs in the Coelurosauria, with enough early against small mammals, so "species struggle to say" there are loopholes. In modern geology, the "continental drift theory" itself is still a hypothesis. "Angiosperms poisoning" and "acid rain" the same lack of sufficient evidence. As a result, the real cause of the extinction of dinosaurs, have yet to explore it further. In our planet, there was a lot of species appear and then disappear, it is a biological evolution in the history of a natural stage. But as such a huge dinosaur-dominated family, why all of a sudden the vanish from the earth, and this can not but arouse our speculation. At the end of the Cretaceous period 6500 years ago, what makes a large number of dinosaurs and other biological all dead, scientists have been debating. Some said that the Earth at that time took place on the geological orogeny, as many grown on the plains to the mountains, marshes will be reduced, the climate has become less a warm and humid. The dinosaurs can not meet the respiratory dry and hot dry and cold air, and one winter, the dinosaur"s food is gone, so have reached an impasse. Some said that the supernova caused by the outbreak of the Earth"s climate changes in a strong, sudden temperature rise and then fall very low because of. There are said to be dinosaurs of ate a lot of flowering plants, which have spent a lot of toxins, food and a large dinosaur, the poisoning death. Is evidence that when flowering plants appeared. It was also said to try to be different because of the huge dinosaurs such animals as a result of eating too much and continue to fart, into the air to release a large number of methane gas. As the number of them are too many to survive a long time, the destruction of the Earth"s ozone layer caused by the devastating climate. Some people even said to be alien to the Earth went to the outcome of the game, because they feel that the dinosaur meat is especially good. Evidence found in the Arctic is their skeletal fossils of dinosaurs have been like a laser cutting traces. In short, I can be varied, there is not strange. However, we are widely recognized is that the meteorite impact. In 1980, American scientists in 6500 million years ago found that the formation of a high concentration of iridium, its content more than the normal content of dozens or even hundreds of times. The concentration of iridium in this way can be found in meteorites, the scientists put it linked to the extinction of dinosaurs. According to the content of iridium also estimated the impact object is equal to the diameter of 10 km asteroid. Such a huge meteorite hit the Earth, is an unparalleled blow to the strength of the earthquake to calculate, is about 10 Richter, and the resulting impact crater diameter will be more than 100 km. Scientists took 10 years to finally have the preliminary results, they Yucatan Peninsula in Central America in the strata found in the pit. It is estimated that in the pit of a diameter of 180 km to 300 km. Now, scientists are still in the pit of further study. Scientists have begun to describe our 6500 years ago that the heroic act. One day, the dinosaurs are still in the carefree paradise on Earth to eat or drink much, the sky suddenly appeared in a dazzling white light, a diameter of 10 kilometers is equivalent to a medium-sized city as large boulders appear out of the blue. It was an asteroid, it is 40 kilometers per second speed crashed into a sea off the seabed in a huge deep sea water has been rapid gasification, steam injection to the high tens of thousands of meters, then set off the tsunami of up to 5 km, and in order to speed the spread of water into the ground all across the land, the surging waves swept across the earth"s surface after the rendezvous point on the impact of the back end, where the enormous power of water led to a strong volcanic Deccan Plateau Eruption at the same time so that the earth"s plate movement direction has changed. It was a terrible disaster, how ah. Meteorite impacts on Earth have had extensive dust, polar melting snow, the destruction of the plant, the sky is full of volcanic ash. A dark time, a sharp fall in temperatures, heavy rainfall, flash floods, landslides swept away the dinosaurs and will be buried together. Over the next few months and even years, the sky is still rolling cloud of dust, clouds, but not throughout the year as a result of the Earth and the sun into the cold, vast land of a quiet time for silent. An era in the history of biotechnology on such an end. Whether these things really happened, all the dinosaur extinction would be a strange thing. Fortunately, we have received a number of valuable dinosaur fossils, so scientists can conduct research. We hope that in the near future, this will certainly solve the mystery. At the same time we should be aware that any of the biological have to go through, prosperity, the demise of the process. This is a law of nature, and that species will not be huge and powerful change. The extinction of dinosaurs, followed by the emergence of a new era of more advanced biological world to decorate the Earth"s even better. 恐龙灭绝 恐龙灭绝之谜 在两亿多年前的中生代,大量的爬行动物在陆地上生活,因此中生代又被称为“爬行动物时代”,大地第一次被脊椎动物广泛占据.那时的地球气候温暖,遍地都是茂密的森林,爬行动物有足够的食物,逐渐繁盛起来,种类越来越多.它们不断的分化成各种不同种类的爬行动物,有的变成了今天的龟类,有的变成了今天的鳄类,有的变成了今天的蛇类和蜥蜴类,其中还有一类演变成今天遍及世界的哺乳动物. 恐龙是所有爬行动物中体格最大的一类,很适宜生活在沼泽地带和浅水湖里,那时的空气温暖而潮湿,食物也很容易找到.所以恐龙在地球上统治了几千万年的时间,但不知什么原因,它们在6500万年前很短的一段时间内突然灭绝了,今天人们看到的只是那时留下的大批恐龙化石. 关于恐龙灭绝的原因,人们仍在不断地研究之中.长期以来,最权威的观点认为,恐龙的灭绝和6500万年前的一颗大陨星有关.据研究,当时曾有一颗直径7-10公里的小行星坠落在地球表面,引起一场大爆炸,把大量的尘埃抛如大气层,形成遮天蔽日的尘雾,导致植物的光合作用暂时停止,恐龙因此而灭绝了. 小行星撞击理论,很快获得了许多科学家的支持.1991年,在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛发现一个发生在久远年代的陨星撞击坑,这个事实进一步证实了这种观点.今天,这种观点似乎已成定论了. 但也有许多人对这种小行星撞击论持怀疑态度,因为事实是:蛙类、鳄鱼以及其他许多对气温很敏感的动物都顶住了白垩纪而生存下来了.这种理论无法解释为什么只有恐龙死光了.迄今为止,科学家们提出的对于恐龙灭绝原因的假想已不下十几种,比较富于刺激性和戏剧性的“陨星碰撞说”不过是其中之一而已. 除了“陨星碰撞说”以外,关于恐龙灭绝的主要观点还有以下几种: 一、气候变迁说.6500万年前,地球气候陡然变化,气温大幅下降,造成大气含氧量下降,令恐龙无法生存.也有人认为,恐龙是冷血动物,身上没有毛或保暖器官,无法适应地球气温的下降,都被冻死了. 二、物种斗争说.恐龙年代末期,最初的小型哺乳类动物出现了,这些动物属啮齿类食肉动物,可能以恐龙蛋为食.由于这种小型动物缺乏天敌,越来越多,最终吃光了恐龙蛋. 三、大陆漂移说.地质学研究证明,在恐龙生存的年代地球的大陆只有唯一一块,即“泛古陆”.由于地壳变化,这块大陆在侏罗纪发生的较大的分裂和漂移现象,最终导致环境和气候的变化,恐龙因此而灭绝. 四、地磁变化说.现代生物学证明,某些生物的死亡与磁场有关.对磁场比较敏感的生物,在地球磁场发生变化的时候,都可能导致灭绝.由此推论,恐龙的灭绝可能与地球磁场的变化有关. 五、被子植物中毒说.恐龙年代末期,地球上的裸子植物逐渐消亡,取而代之的是大量的被子植物,这些植物中含有裸子植物中所没有的毒素,形体巨大的恐龙食量奇大,摄入被子植物导致体内毒素积累过多,终于被毒死了. 六、酸雨说.白垩纪末期可能下过强烈的酸雨,使土壤中包括锶在内的微量元素被溶解,恐龙通过饮水和食物直接或间接地摄入锶,出现急性或慢性中毒,最后一批批死掉了. 在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛上有一个叫做希克苏鲁伯的陨石坑(Chicxulub Crater),它和6500万年前的恐龙灭绝有什么关系?答案就隐藏在这层白白的岩石里. 这层岩石被地质学家称为K-T边界(K-T boundary),意思是白垩纪-第三纪界限的标记线.下层岩石中含有丰富的恐龙化石,但在K-T边界以上,恐龙消失了. K-T边界岩石中含有铱,铱是一种稀有金属,在地球中的平均含量只有十亿分之一.然而这个岩层中的铱含量是正常含量的200倍.还能在哪里找到这么多的铱呢?在太空中. 太空中的铱含量比地球高出1千倍.人们还在这层白色岩石中找到了冲击石英的证据,只有小行星才会留下这样的标记.高含量的铱和冲击石英,出现在地球上许多地方的第三纪界限岩层里.这种全球性的痕迹,只可能来自最猛烈的撞击.撞击的地点就在现在墨西哥的犹卡坦半岛. 6千5百万年前的这次撞击非常猛烈,人类历史上的任何事件都没法和它比.那时撞上地球的小行星或彗星,宽度大约是6英里.它以超过40倍音速的速度冲向地球表面.它的体积非常庞大,所以当它撞上地球时,前端已经碰到了地表,尾部却还在3万5千英尺的高空,相当于喷气式客机的飞行高度.撞击地球的是高山一样大小的一块巨岩. 关于恐龙灭绝原因的假说,远不止上述这几种.但是上述这几种假说,在科学界都有较多的支持者.当然,上面的每一种说法都存在不完善的地方.例如,“气候变迁说”并未阐明气候变化的原因.经考察,恐龙中某些小型的虚骨龙,足以同早期的小型哺乳动物相抗衡,因此“物种斗争说”也存在漏洞.而
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And ostrich, penguin is as a group of flightless birds. Although now penguins can not fly, but according to fossils show material, the earliest penguins are able to fly! Until 65 million years ago, their wings evolved slowly to swim, can the flippers, become at present we see penguins. 【 penguin ancestors 】 Penguin ancestors is what, they will not flying? At present, a lot of evidence from the ancestors, penguin seems to start wouldn"t fly. In 1887, meng this bill have presented a theory that penguins may be independent of other birds, reptiles evolution from alone evolved. Penguin fins wing is not formed the wings of birds, but by mutation reptiles forehand direct evolutionarily, penguins, no experienced fly stage. Later, in the Antarctic scientists have discovered a similar penguin fossil animals, it is high of about 1 meter, weight has 9 kilograms, has the characteristics of amphibians. The findings seem to confirm the meng this bill guesses. In 1981, Japan also found a similar penguin seabirds fossils. Experts think, this is a kind of from 3,000 years, not fly primitive penguins, perhaps it is the modern fossilized ancestors penguin"s prehistoric. In recent years, in the northern hemisphere ornithologists studied the structure of the crow fossils after from 3,000 million years ago, put forward a kind of American coast life with penguins sea crow might close origin. This has destroyed sea crow is also a kind of not flying birds. Scientists believe that, although penguins and sea crow, a life in the southern hemisphere, a live in the northern hemisphere, but they skeletal form has many similarities, cannot FeiQinFeiGu? Judging from the above-mentioned evidence, penguins ancestors is a kind of cannot fly animals. However, some zoologists have different views. Based on years of accumulation of their research material, assert penguin ancestors should be flying. Because the body structure from modern penguins still can find they can fly remote ancestors left the imprint of future generations.
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Peking Man (Chinese: 北京猿人; pinyin: Běijīng Yuánrén), Homo erectus pekinensis, is an example of Homo erectus. A group of fossil specimens was discovered in 1923–27 during excavations at Zhoukoudian (Chou K"ou-tien) near Beijing (written "Peking" before the adoption of the Pinyin romanization system), China. More recently, the finds have been dated from roughly 750,000 years ago,[1] although a new 26Al/10Be dating suggests they may be as much as 680,000–780,000 years old.[2][3]Between 1929 and 1937, 15 partial craniums, 11 lower jaws, many teeth, some skeletal bones and large numbers of stone tools were discovered in the Lower Cave at Locality 1 of the Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian, near Beijing, in China. Their age is estimated to be between 500,000 and 300,000 years old. (A number of fossils of modern humans were also discovered in the Upper Cave at the same site in 1933.) The most complete fossils, all of which were braincases or skullcaps, are:Skull III, discovered at Locus E in 1929 is an adolescent or juvenile with a brain size of 915 cc.Skull II, discovered at Locus D in 1929 but only recognized in 1930, is an adult or adolescent with a brain size of 1030 cc.Skulls X, XI and XII (sometimes called LI, LII and LIII) were discovered at Locus L in 1936. They are thought to belong to an adult man, an adult woman and a young adult, with brain sizes of 1225 cc, 1015 cc and 1030 cc respectively. (Weidenreich 1937)Skull V: two cranial fragments were discovered in 1966 which fit with (casts of) two other fragments found in 1934 and 1936 to form much of a skullcap with a brain size of 1140 cc. These pieces were found at a higher level, and appear to be more modern than the other skullcaps. (Jia and Huang 1990)Most of the study on these fossils was done by Davidson Black until his death in 1934. Franz Weidenreich replaced him and studied the fossils until leaving China in 1941. The original fossils disappeared in 1941 while being shipped to the United States for safety during World War II, but excellent casts and descriptions remain.The illustration above is of a reconstruction done by Franz Weidenreich, based on bones from at least four different individuals (none of the fossils were this complete).
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恐龙是出现于二亿四千五百万年前,并繁荣于六千五百万年前结束的中生代爬行动物。或为恐龙和与它同一时代的蛇颈龙、翼龙等的模糊总称。恐龙在6500万年前白垩纪结束的时候突然全部消失,成为地球生物进化史上的一个谜,这个谜至今仍无人能解。地球过去的生物,均被记录在化石之中。中生代的地层中,即曾发现许多恐龙的化石。其中可以见到大量或呈现各式各样形状的骨骼。但是,在紧接着的新生代地层中,却完全看不到恐龙的化石,由此推知恐龙在中生代时一起灭绝了。恐龙种类多,体形和习性相差也大。其中个子大的,可以有几十头大象加起来那么大;小的,却跟一只鸡差不多。就食性来说,有温顺的草食者和凶暴的肉食者,还有荤素都吃的杂食性恐龙。Dinosaurs appeared in two hundred and forty-five million years ago, sixty-five million years ago and prosperity at the end of the Mesozoic reptiles. Fuzzy general or dinosaurs, and with it the same era plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and other. The dinosaurs 65 million years ago when the end of the Cretaceous period suddenly disappeared, become a mystery to the evolutionary history of life on earth, still no one can solve this mystery. Creatures of the earth in the past, were recorded in the fossils. The Mesozoic strata, that many dinosaur fossils have been found. One can see a lot of presents every kind of shape or bones. But in the ensuing Cenozoic strata, but can not see the dinosaur fossils, and thus to infer with the extinction of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic. Many kinds of dinosaurs, shape and habits also big difference. Which is great, there are dozens of elephants together so much; small, but with almost a chicken. On the diet, docile herbivores and ferocious carnivorous and omnivorous dinosaur, meat and vegetables to eat.
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问题一:恐龙化石用英语怎么说呢? 恐龙化石dinosaur fossil 问题二:我们究竟是不是应该像郭靖一样单纯? 外圆内方 方,做人之本。做人的正气,具备优秀的品质; 圆,处世之道。处世老练、圆通,善用技巧 方外有圆 圆中有方 外圆而内方 问题三:我们看见一个很大的恐龙化石。 用英语怎么说。 我们看见一个大的恐龙化石。 We have seen a very big dinosaur fossil 【dinosaur fossil】恐龙化石 有不会的可以再问我 问题四:我们可以从恐龙化石中了解恐龙用英语翻译 We can learn about dinosaurs from dinosaur fossils. 问题五:古生物用英语怎么说 ancient extinct life 古生物 例句: Tracing back to Time Immemorial: Chaoyang Ancient Extinct Life Fossils Museum inLiaoning 记忆远古&辽宁省朝阳市古生物化石博物馆设计 问题六:我想买国货 海尔的手机好不好 海尔新出的v280不错俄130万摄像头,千条短信`电话簿存储大概1450,我上周还看促销用锤子砸呢``` 海尔手机4月份的工资还没给我发攻 当临促就是比较惨 问题七:恐龙的资料(英文带中文翻译的) 10分 恐龙简介 恐龙是出现于二亿四千五百万年前,并繁荣于六千五百万年前结束的中生代爬行动物。或为恐龙和与它同一时代的蛇颈龙、翼龙等的模糊总称。恐龙在在6500万年前白垩纪结束的时候突然全部消失,成为地球生物进化史上的一个谜,这个谜至今仍无人能解。地球过去的生物,均被记录在化石之中。中生代的地层中,即曾发现许多恐龙的化石。其中可以见到大量或呈现各式各样形状的骨骼。但是,在紧接着的新生代地层中,却完全看不到恐龙的化石。由此推知恐龙在中生代时一起灭绝了。 恐龙种类多,体形和习性相差也大。其中个子大的,可以有几十头大象加起来那么大;小的,却跟一只鸡差不多。就食性来说,有温顺的 草食者 和凶暴的肉食者,还有荤素都吃的杂食性恐龙。 Dinosaur Profile Dinosaurs appeared in two hundred forty-five million years ago, and prosperity at the end of the Mesozoic reptiles 65 million years ago. , Or dinosaurs, and with it the same era plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and other fuzzy generic term. Dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period ended 65 million years ago when all of a sudden disappeared, a mystery of the evolutionary history of life on Earth, is still without a person who can answer this mystery. Creatures of the Earth in the past, are being recorded in the fossil. Mesozoic strata, that many dinosaur fossils have been found. Where you can see the bones of large or presents a wide range of shapes. However, in the following Cenozoic strata, but pletely see less than the fossils of dinosaurs. We concluded that with the extinction of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic. Many kinds of dinosaurs, body shape and habits also big difference. Large sub then dozens of elephants together; *** all, but with almost a chicken. Docile herbivorous, feeding habits, The meat eaters and violent, as well as meat and vegetables to eat omnivorous dinosaur.
2023-06-17 22:37:211


新托福综合写作TPO13范文及材料欣赏   私人化石收藏家们从十八世纪就开始涉足化石买卖。新托福综合写作TPO13写作材料就花式私人买卖的是好的还是坏的进行了讨论。下面是我整理的新托福综合写作TPO13范文和材料,欢迎阅读!   新托福综合写作TPO13范文:   The lecturer rejects the ideas presented in the reading passage about the problems involved in the booming business of commercial fossil trading. In her opinion, the benefits of this new development outweigh its negative consequences.   The lecturer does not agree with the first point made in the reading—that private collectors keep their fossil collections away from the public. She contends that the commercial trading of fossils actually makes them available to a wider public, because everyone with a budget, such as private schools and libraries, can purchase them for study and exhibition.   The lecturer goes on to refute the claim in the reading that fossil trading business prevents scientists and public museum from benefiting from fossil finds, as these parties cannot compete with wealthy private buyers to acquire important fossils for research purpose. On the contrary, she argues, scientists themselves are the first to evaluate any important fossil before it can be sold in the commercial market at a price, so the academic community does not miss any opportunity to study privately traded fossils.   Additionally, the lecturer challenges the final downside of fossil trading mentioned in the reading. The lecturer reminds us that the damages, if any, caused by private collectors in their field operations are more than offset by the effort these individuals have made to increase the number of fossils available to the public that would otherwise remain undiscovered.   新托福综合写作TPO13阅读材料:   Private collectors have been selling and buying fossils, the petrified remains of ancient organisms, ever since the eighteen century. In recent years, however, the sale of fossils, particularly of dinosaurs and other large vertebrates has grown into a big business. Rare and important fossils are now being sold to private ownership for millions of dollars. This is an unfortunate development for both scientists and the general public.   私人化石收藏家们从十八世纪就开始涉足化石买卖。所谓化石是指那些古代有机体的石化物。然而最近几年,化石买卖,尤其是恐龙和其他大型脊椎动物的化石的买卖变得繁荣起来了。稀有而重要的化石现在以百万计的价格在私人搜藏家之间流通。这种现象无论对于科学家还是对于公众来说,都不是一件好事情。   The public suffers because fossils that would otherwise be donated to museums where everyone can see them are sold to private collectors who do not allow the public to view their collections. Making it harder for the public to see fossils can lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, which would be a pity.   化石不在捐赠给博物馆而是由私人收藏家持有,而不是像过去那样捐赠给博物馆。私人收藏家不会让公众看他的藏品,而博物馆里的展品却是人人有机会看到的。这样对于公众来说是受损的"。接触化石的机会变少会让大众失去对化石的兴趣的,而这一点显然是令人遗憾的。   More importantly, scientists are likely to lose access to some of the most important fossils and thereby miss out on potentially crucial discoveries about extinct life forms. Wealthy fossil buyers with a desire to own the rarest and most important fossils can spend virtually limitless amounts of money to acquire them. Scientists and the museums and universities they work for often cannot compete successfully for fossils against millionaire fossil buyers.   更重要的是,科学家将错失很多研究珍贵化石的机会,进而可能同一些关于灭绝生物的重大发现失之交臂。富有的化石购买者因为对稀有而重要化石的强烈渴望,将会不计成本地想得到这些化石。科学家和他们所服务的博物馆和大学都无力同那些身价百万的化石购买者竞争,也只能坐视失去化石。   Moreover, commercial fossil collectors often destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth. Most commercial fossil collectors are untrained or uninterested in carrying out the careful field work and documentation that reveal the most about animal life in the past. For example, scientists have learned about the biology of nest-building dinosaurs called oviraptors by carefully observing the exact position of oviraptors fossils in the ground and the presence of other fossils in the immediate surroundings. Commercial fossil collectors typically pay no attention to how fossils lie in the ground or to the smaller fossils that may surround bigger ones.   而且,商业化石收藏家常常会破坏他们挖掘出的化石中有科学价值的部分。多数商业化石收藏家常常没有接受过专业的训练,同时对谨慎研究记录化石没有兴趣。而这些研究和记录可以揭示过去生活在地球上的生命最重要的信息。科学家就是通过对筑巢的偷蛋龙的研究就是这种方法:通过对偷蛋龙化石的埋在地下的精确位置以及邻近的其他化石的状态来获知其生物特性的。私人化石搜藏家万网不关注化石埋藏的唯一以及大型化石边上那些小型的化石。   新托福综合写作TPO13听力材料:   Of course, there are some negative consequences of selling fossils in the commercial market, but they have been greatly exaggerated. The benefits of commercial fossil trade greatly outweigh the disadvantages.   当然,在商业市场上买卖化石是有一些负面影响,但是这些负面影响在阅读部分被夸大了。化石买卖的优点大大的超过其缺点。   First of all, the public is likely to have greater exposure to fossils as a result of commercial fossil trade, not less exposure. Commercial fossil hunting makes a lot of fossils available for purchase, and as a result, even low-level public institutions like public schools and libraries can now routinely buy interesting fossils and display them for the public.   首先,私人化石买卖合法之后,公众接触化石的机会不是变少了,而是增加了。私人化石买卖让更多的化石进入流通领域。这样,甚至等级较低的公共机构,比如公立学校和图书馆也有能力通过正规渠道购买化石,并向公众展示了。   As for the idea that scientists will lose access to really important fossils, thatu2019s not realistic either. Before anyone can put a value on a fossil, it needs to be scientifically identified, right? Well, the only people who can identify, who can really tell what a given fossil is or isnu2019t, are scientists, by performing detailed examinations and tests on the fossils themselves. So, even if a fossil is destined to go to a private collector, it has to pass through the hands of scientific experts first. This way, the scientific community is not going to miss out on anything important thatu2019s out there.   至于说科学家将错失接触重要化石机会的说法,也是站不住脚的。不论是谁,在给一组化石定价之前,都一定是需要科学家来鉴定的,是不是?那么,唯一能够鉴定化石,唯一能够说出化石是否有价值的人是科学家。是科学家通过对细节的检查和测试来决定化石的价值的。所以,即使化石最终归于私人收藏家,但是还是要首先经过科学家的手的。这样,科学团体就不会错过化石上的任何重要信息了。   Finally, whatever damage commercial fossil collectors sometimes do, if it werenu2019t for them, many fossils would simply go undiscovered because there arenu2019t that many fossil collecting operations that are run by universities and other scientific institutions. Isnu2019t it better for science to at least have more fossils being found even if we donu2019t have all the scientific data weu2019d like to have about their location and surroundings than it is to have many fossils go completely undiscovered?   最后,私人化石收藏者的确会损坏化石,但是如果没有他们,很多化石就会永远埋在地下了。这是因为大学和其他科学研究机构没有足够多的化石采集项目。对于科学发展来说,能够发现更多的化石比让化石长眠于地下要好,不是吗?尽管我们可能确实一些诸如化石位置其周围伴生化石的信息。 ;
2023-06-17 22:37:311


美式读音:u02c8fɑu02d0sl英式读音:u02c8fu0252sl复数:fossils矿物燃料:fossil fuel活化石:living fossil生痕化石:trace fossil例句:1、Archaeologists have found a large number of complete dinosaur fossils in this area.考古学家在这片区域发现了大量完整的恐龙化石。2、The fossil was reluctant to accept new things.这个老顽固一点都不愿意接受新事物。3、The Museum of Nature displays numerous fossils of ancient organisms.自然博物馆里陈列着大量古生物化石。4、Scientists have found a 67 million-year-old fossil of a snake coiled around dinosaur eggs.科学家们发现了一块6700万年前的化石,是蛇盘绕在恐龙蛋周围。
2023-06-17 22:37:581


  化石是存留在岩石中的古生物遗体、遗物或遗迹,最常见的是骨头与贝壳等。化石,古代生物的遗体、遗物或遗迹埋藏在地下变成的跟石头一样的东西。研究化石可以了解生物的演化并能帮助确定地层的年代。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    化石英语说法1:   fossil   化石英语说法2:   petrifaction    化石的相关短语:   化石燃料 fossil fuel ; bustible fossile   化石森林 The Petrified Forest ; Fossil Forest ; fossil forest   化石燃烧 fossil-fueled   植物化石 phytolite ; fossil plant ; eophyte ; plant fossil   化石的 fossil ; strict or harsh   化石学家 fossilist    化石的英语例句:   1. The fossil fuels coal and oil are finite resources.   化石燃料如煤和石油属于有限资源。   2. The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.   恐龙峡谷中的化石都嵌在坚硬的砂岩中。   3. Oftentimes, these fossils are not made available to science at all.   科学界常常压根接触不到这些化石。   4. Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.   彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。   5. The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise.   最重要的部分,即花朵,很少成为化石。   6. fossils over two million years old   两百多万年的化石   7. The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley.   在那山谷里,地质学家发现了许多 *** 的化石.   8. At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.   时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代.   9. The fossils may be a million years old.   这些化石可能有100万年了.   10. They were searching for fossils.   他们在找化石.   11. The fossils appear to be an early form of seaweed washed up on a beach.   这些化石看上去是被海水冲上岸的一种早期的水藻。   12. Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.   化石蒐集者们发掘出了一具大象骨骼,据信距今已有50万年。   13. Clearer fossil may provide a definitive answer.   清晰的化石可能会提供明确的答案。   14. This petrifaction may be existed over two million years.   这块化石可能存在超过二百万年了。   15. Fossils allow us to reconstruct ancient ecology.   化石可以让我们知道古时的生态环境。
2023-06-17 22:38:151


fossil[英][u02c8fu0252sl][美][u02c8fɑ:sl]n.化石; 僵化的事物; 老顽固,食古不化的人; 习语中保存的旧词; adj.化石的; 陈腐的,守旧的; 复数:fossils以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I am living fossil of new age. 我简直就是新时代的活化石
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fossil 英["fu0252sl] 美[u02c8fɑsu0259l]n. 化石;僵化的事物;老顽固,食古不化的人;习语中保存的旧词adj. 化石的;陈腐的,守旧的名词复数:fossils[例句]I am living fossil of new age.我简直就是新时代的活化石。
2023-06-17 22:38:321

Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate.的语法。

2023-06-17 22:38:391

中国木化石的资源与产地(Resources and Localities of the Fossils Wood of China)都有哪些?

1.北京市延庆县侏罗纪硅化木产地建成了国家地质公园。2.在新疆维吾尔自治区的吉木萨尔县、奇台县、木垒县3地,有中侏罗世至晚侏罗世的硅化木群,在11 .65km 2范围内,裸露于地表的硅化木多达近千株。3.贵州省赤水金花坎、习水良村一带侏罗纪、白垩纪的松柏类硅化木化石。4.山东省临朐费县的红笔树硅化木,树干长12m,直径0.40m。5.四川省自贡市大山铺是侏罗纪恐龙的聚集地,还产有树干长20多米的硅化木。6.云南省元谋县境内分布奇异土林,在土林砂砾的岩层中,还发现砾属硅化木。7.浙江省东部新昌县境内岭安溪一带近期将建设一座反映白垩纪地貌特色的国家级地质公园。8.河南省孟津县黄河小浪底景区内发现一棵在中原少见的硅化木。9.黑龙江省哈尔滨市动力区的一个建筑工地,在挖地基时发现了大量硅化木。10.四川省永川县永泸乡的石坪硅化木,主要直径最大的达1.25m,长11.12m。11.河北省曲阳县城北10km处,分布着硅化木,年轮清晰。12.山东省日照市硅化木产于莒县大石头乡北涧村—小穆家村。13.山东省东部即墨市的马山自然保护区已发现11株硅化木,属南洋杉科。14.内蒙古自治区乌海市老石旦煤矿附近产出的硅化木化石,树干长38m。15.新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市西南方向的哈顺戈壁滩上,有1.4亿年前的硅化木化石。16.四川省自贡市硅化木出露于月长山岭采石场,1983年9月被采石工人发现。17.福建省华安县大坪镇2~3km 处产硅化木化石。18 四川省宜宾市东南68km处,有一天然竹园。发现硅化木群,分布在4km 2的范围内。19.山西省长子县在距县城10km的南苏村和壑子村一带的山岭上产出硅化木,植物系柏树类。20.新疆维吾尔自治区博尔塔拉蒙古自治州温泉县的天山山谷地带,发现大量距今1.3亿年的硅化木。21.辽宁省义县红墙子乡盛产硅化木,截至目前已挖出近300多株。22.辽宁省北票巴图营子乡出土硅化木近千株,目前是我国最大规模的硅化木产地。23.辽宁省阜新蜘蛛山发现大量硅化木。新疆将军庙地区木化石贵州黎平木化石
2023-06-17 22:38:481


地球的历史已经有45亿年了。在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物。从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭亡的历程,只有化石留存至今。现在世界各地都能找到各个时期不同种类的化石,这些化石告诉了我们地球沧海桑田的变迁历史。 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙。它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成1.5亿年之久。 在人类出现以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了,没有人见到过活的恐龙。今天我们所知道的有关恐龙的一切是从恐龙的化石得来的。由于人们找到了它们的骨、齿、卵的化石,和皮肤痕迹、脚印、穴居场所等,科学家们就根据这些线索去探索有关恐龙的秘密。The Earth"s history has been 45 billion years. Constraints in the 38 million years ago before the emergence of the earliest organisms. Since then, much of the planet has experienced the rise of biotechnology, the course of the decline until extinction, only the fossils so far retained. Now the world can be found in various periods of different types of fossils, these fossils tell the history of our planet earth-shaking changes. Dating back more than 200 million years ago, life on Earth has a group of organisms - the dinosaurs. They are very popular and dominate the Earth to reach 1.5 million years old. In humans before the advent of dinosaurs had become extinct, and no one to see live dinosaurs. Today, we know everything about dinosaurs from the dinosaur fossils come. As people found their bones, teeth, egg fossils, and skin marks, footprints, and other cave sites, the scientists on the basis of these clues to discover the secrets of the dinosaurs.
2023-06-17 22:39:095

it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are.

2023-06-17 22:39:253


尽管如此我们可以通过化石了解他们。用英语书写:Nevertheless, we can learn about them from fossils.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-06-17 22:39:441


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Changzhou is a prefecture-level city in southern Jiangsu province of the People"s Republic of China. It was previously known as Yanling, Lanling, Jinling, and Wujin. Located on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Changzhou borders the provincial capital of Nanjing to the west, Zhenjiang to the northwest, Wuxi to the east, and the province of Zhejiang to the south. The city is situated in the affluent Yangtze Delta region of China.Changzhou is the home of the China Dinosaur Park (simplified Chinese: 常州恐龙园) located in the Xinbei District of the city. The 5A rated Dinosaur Park has a collection of dinosaur bones and fossils from all over China. The park has 50 various fossils and more than 30 amusement programs including the Brontosaurus Roller Coaster and the Whirling Dinosaur Carriage. The fossils are located in a museum housed in a single building and the amusement rides are spread throughout the park which is categorized into six themed areas. Besides fossils and family oriented rides, Dinosaur Park is home to a giant panda and sea lions.In 2011, a new amusement park called CC Joyland (simplified Chinese: 环球动漫嬉戏谷) opened in Taihuwan near Taihu lake in Wujin District in the south of Changzhou.The city is also home to the Tianning Temple— one of the largest Zen Buddhist temple and monasteries in China. The city recently rebuilt the Tianning pagoda in the temple grounds, which is adjacent to Hongmei Park. The pagoda, called the Tianning Baota, was first built during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 907). Since that time it has been destroyed and rebuilt five times. The current reconstruction is built to the height specification of 153.79 metres (504.6 ft). This makes it the tallest pagoda in China and perhaps also the world. Both the Hongmei Park and Tianning Temple are located just to the east of the city centre.As Changzhou is noted for its combs, the city has reconstructed its Fine Comb Lane area with contemporary architecture. Changzhou combs can be purchased in most places in the city.There is the Hong Mei Park, which includes a small children"s amusement park, a zoo, a rose garden and many scenic waterways. Of historical interest in the park is a historical pavilion with exhibits related to the Changzhou comb industry. In addition, there is another pavilion which displays locally produced root carvings. The park attracts large numbers of people during holidays and is often dotted with a variety of vendors.Other sites include Changzhou"s sunken city and area of archaeological ruins from the Spring and Autumn Period.Changzhou also has attractive gardens such as the Wei Yuan.
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2023-06-17 22:40:255

恐龙 英语

Dinosaur-----------Dinosaurs were vertebrate animals that dominated the terrestrial ecosystem for over 160 million years, first appearing approximately 230 million years ago. At the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, dinosaurs suffered a catastrophic extinction, which ended their dominance on land. Modern birds are considered to be the direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs.Since the first dinosaur was recognized in the 19th century, their mounted, fossilized skeletons have become major attractions at museums around the world. Dinosaurs have become a part of world culture and remain consistently popular, especially among children. They have been featured in best-selling books and blockbuster films such as Jurassic Park, and new discoveries are regularly covered by the media.The term dinosaur is also used informally to describe any prehistoric reptile, such as the pelycosaur Dimetrodon, the winged pterosaurs, and the aquatic ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs, though none of these are actually dinosaurs.Definition----------The superorder or clade "Dinosauria" was formally named by the English scientist Richard Owen in 1842. The term is a portmanteau derived from the Greek words deinos ("terrible" or "fearfully great" or "formidable") and sauros ("lizard" or "reptile"). Owen chose it to express his awe at the size and majesty of the extinct animals, not out of fear or trepidation at their size and often-formidable arsenal of teeth and claws.Dinosaurs were extremely varied. Some were herbivorous, others carnivorous. Some dinosaurs were bipeds, some were quadrupeds, and others (such as the dinosaur Ammosaurus) could walk easily on two or four legs.Under phylogenetic taxonomy, dinosaurs are defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of Triceratops and modern birds. Ornithischia is defined as all taxa sharing a more recent common ancestor with Triceratops than with Saurischia. Saurischia is defined as all taxa sharing a more recent common ancestor with birds than with Ornithischia. It has also been suggested that Dinosauria be defined as all the descendants of the most recent common ancestor of Megalosaurus and Iguanodon.There is an almost universal consensus among paleontologists that birds are the descendants of theropod dinosaurs. Using the strict cladistical definition that all descendants of a single common ancestor are related, modern birds are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are, therefore, not extinct. Modern birds are classified by most paleontologists as belonging to the subgroup Maniraptora, which are coelurosaurs, which are theropods, which are saurischians, which are dinosaurs.However, referring to birds as "avian dinosaurs" and to all other dinosaurs as "non-avian dinosaurs" is clumsy. Birds are still birds, at least in popular usage and among ornithologists. It is also technically correct to refer to birds as a distinct group under the older Linnaean classification system, which accepts paraphyletic taxa that exclude some descendants of a single common ancestor. Paleontologists mostly use cladistics, which classifies birds as dinosaurs, to construct their taxonomies, but many other scientists do not.For clarity, this article will use "dinosaur" as a synonym for "non-avian dinosaur", and "bird" as a synonym for "avian dinosaur" (meaning any animal that evolved from the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx and modern birds). It should be noted that this article"s definition of "bird" differs from the definition common in everyday language; to most non-scientists, a "bird" is simply a two-legged animal with wings and feathers.Size-----Only a tiny percentage of animals ever fossilize, and most of these remain buried in the earth. As a result, scientists will probably never be certain of the smallest and largest dinosaurs. Few of the specimens that are recovered are complete skeletons, and impressions of skin and other soft tissues are rare. Rebuilding a complete skeleton by comparing the size and morphology of bones to those of similar, better-known species is an inexact art, and reconstructing the muscles and other organs of the living animal is, at best, a process of educated guesswork.Largest and smallest dinosaursA statue of Diplodocus carnegiei, outside the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Size of a human compared to a Tyrannosaurus rex.While the evidence is incomplete, it is clear that, as a group, dinosaurs were large. By dinosaur standards the sauropods were gigantic. For much of the dinosaur era, the smallest sauropods were larger than anything else in their habitat, and the largest were an order of magnitude more massive than anything else that has since walked the Earth.The tallest and heaviest dinosaur known from a complete skeleton is the Brachiosaurus, which was discovered in Tanzania between 1907–12. It is now mounted and on display at the Humboldt Museum of Berlin and is 12 m (38 ft) tall and probably weighed between 30,000–60,000 kg (33–66 short tons). The longest complete dinosaur is the 27 m (89 ft) long Diplodocus, which was discovered in Wyoming in the United States and displayed in Pittsburgh"s Carnegie Natural History Museum in 1907.There were larger dinosaurs, but knowledge of them is based entirely on a small number of incomplete fossil samples. The largest specimens on record were all discovered in the 1970s or later, and include the massive Argentinosaurus, which may have weighed 80,000–100,000 kg (88–121 tons); the longest, the 40 m (130 ft) long Supersaurus; and the tallest, the 18 m (60 ft) Sauroposeidon, which could have reached a sixth-floor window.Dinosaurs were the largest of all terrestrial animals. The largest elephant on record weighed 12,000 kg (13.2 tons), while the tallest giraffe was 6 m (20 ft) tall. Even giant prehistoric mammals such as the Indricotherium and the Columbian mammoth were dwarfed by the giant sauropods. Only a handful of modern aquatic animals approach them in size, most notably the blue whale (which reaches up to 190,000 kg (209 tons) and 33.5 m (110 ft) in length).Not including modern birds like the bee hummingbird, the smallest dinosaurs known were about the size of a crow or a chicken. The Microraptor, Parvicursor, and Saltopus were all under 60 cm (2 ft) in length.Average sizeThe meaning of "dinosaur average size" is debatable. However it is defined, current evidence suggests different values for average size in the Triassic, early Jurassic, late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.[1] According to Bill Erickson, "Estimates of median dinosaur mass range from 500 kg to 5 metric tons [...] Eighty percent of the biomass from the Late Jurassic Morrison formation of the western United States consisted of stegosaurs and sauropods; the latter averaged 20 tons. [...] The typically large size of the dinosaurs, and the comparatively small size of modern mammals, has been quantified by Nicholas Hotton. Based on 63 dinosaur genera, Hotton"s data yield an average generic mass in excess of 850 kg (about the size of an average grizzly bear) and a median generic mass of nearly 2 tons (which is comparable to a giraffe). This contrasts sharply with extant mammals (788 genera) whose average generic mass is 863 grams (a large rodent) and a median mass of 631 grams (a smaller rodent). The smallest dinosaur was bigger than two-thirds of all current mammals; the majority of dinosaurs were bigger than all but 2% of living mammals." Behavior--------Interpretations of dinosaur behavior are generally based on the pose of body fossils and their habitat, computer simulations of their biomechanics, and comparisons with modern animals in similar ecological niches. As such, the current understanding of dinosaur behavior relies on speculation, and will likely remain controversial for the foreseeable future. However, there is general agreement that some behaviors which are common in crocodiles and birds, dinosaurs" closest living relatives, were also common among dinosaurs.The first direct evidence of herding behavior was the 1878 discovery of 31 Iguanodon dinosaurs which perished together in Bernissart, Belgium, after they fell into a deep, flooded ravine and drowned. Similar mass deaths and trackways suggest that herd or pack behavior was common in many dinosaur species. Trackways of hundreds or even thousands of herbivores indicate that duck-bills (hadrosaurids) may have moved in great herds, like the American Bison or the African Springbok. Sauropod tracks document that these animals traveled in groups composed of several different species, at least in Oxford, England,[3] and others kept their young in the middle of the herd for defense according to trackways at Davenport Ranch, Texas. Dinosaurs may have congregated in herds for defense, for migratory purposes, or to provide protection for their young.A nesting ground of Maiasaura was discovered in 1978.Jack Horner"s 1978 discovery of a Maiasaura ("good mother dinosaur") nesting ground in Montana demonstrated that parental care continued long after birth among the ornithopods.[4][5] There is also evidence that other Cretaceous-era dinosaurs, like the Patagonian sauropod Saltasaurus (1997 discovery), had similar nesting behaviors, and that the animals congregated in huge nesting colonies like those of penguins. The Mongolian maniraptoran Oviraptor was discovered in a chicken-like brooding position in 1993, which may mean it was covered with an insulating layer of feathers that kept the eggs warm.[6] Trackways have also confirmed parental behavior among sauropods and ornithopods from the Isle of Skye in the United Kingdom.[7] Nests and eggs have been found for most major groups of dinosaurs, and it appears likely that dinosaurs communicated with their young, in a manner similar to modern birds and crocodiles.The crests and frills of some dinosaurs, like the marginocephalians, theropods and lambeosaurines, may have been too fragile to be used for active defense, so they were likely used for sexual or aggressive displays, though little is known about dinosaur mating and territorialism. The nature of dinosaur communication also remains enigmatic, and is an active area of research. For example, recent evidence suggests that the hollow crests of the lambeosaurines may have functioned as resonance chambers used for a wide range of vocalizations.From a behavioral standpoint, one of the most valuable dinosaur fossils was discovered in the Gobi Desert in 1971. It included a Velociraptor attacking a Protoceratops,[8] proving that dinosaurs did indeed attack and eat each other. While cannibalistic behavior among theropods is no surprise,[9] this too was confirmed by tooth marks from Madagascar in 2003.[10]There seem to have been no burrowing and few climbing dinosaur species. This is somewhat surprising when compared to the later mammalian radiation in the Cenozoic, which included many species of these types. As to how the animals moved, biomechanics has provided significant insight. For example, studies of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on dinosaurs" skeletal structure have demonstrated how fast dinosaurs could run,[11][12] whether diplodocids could create sonic booms via whip-like tail snapping,[13] whether giant theropods had to slow down when rushing for food to avoid fatal injuries,[14] and if sauropods could float.[15][edit]Study of dinosaursKnowledge about dinosaurs is derived from a variety of fossil and non-fossil records, including fossilized bones, feces, trackways, gastroliths, feathers, impressions of skin, internal organs and soft tissues.[16][17] Many fields of study contribute to our understanding of dinosaurs, including physics, chemistry, biology, and the earth sciences (of which paleontology is a sub-discipline).Dinosaur remains have been found on every continent on Earth, including Antarctica. Numerous fossils of the same dinosaur species have been found on completely different continents, corroborating the generally-accepted theory that all land masses were at one time connected in a super-continent called Pangaea. Pangaea began to break apart during the Triassic period roughly 230 million years ago.[18]The current "dinosaur renaissance"--------------------------------------The field of dinosaur research has enjoyed a surge in activity that began in the 1970s and is ongoing. This was triggered, in part, by John Ostrom"s discovery of Deinonychus, an active, vicious predator that may have been warm-blooded (homeothermic), in marked contrast to the prevailing image of dinosaurs as sluggish and cold-blooded. Vertebrate paleontology, arguably the primary scientific discipline involved in dinosaur research, has become a global science. Major new dinosaur discoveries have been made by paleontologists working in previously unexploited regions, including India, South America, Madagascar, Antarctica, and most significantly in China (the amazingly well-preserved feathered dinosaurs in China have further solidified the link between dinosaurs and their living descendants, modern birds). The widespread application of cladistics, which rigorously analyzes the relationships between biological organisms, has also proved tremendously useful in classifying dinosaurs. Cladistic analysis, among other modern techniques, helps to compensate for an often incomplete and fragmentary fossil record.Classification----------------Main article: Dinosaur classificationDinosaurs (including birds) are archosaurs, like modern crocodilians. Archosaurs" diapsid skulls have two holes located where the jaw muscles attach, called
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1.Dinosaurs had long back legs and strong tails to help them to swim.They_went_______out of water to find food.2.Fossils show us the size and shape of dinosayrs.People found fossils of eggs_of_______baby dinosaurs inside.
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Why did all of the remaining dinosaurs die out suddenly at the end of the Cretaceous period? There is a short answer and a long answer to this question.2 Here is the short answer. No one knows for sure.3 Here is the long answer. There are a number of theories. Some are scientific, and some are ridiculous. Most scientists believe in one or two main ones, but no one knows for sure.4 The reason no one knows for sure is because the whole thing happened about 65 million years ago. No one was around to see or hear what was going on back then, and no one was around to keep records.5 What we do know comes mainly from fossil records. Scientists study the fossils themselves, and they study the rock in which the fossils are found. Fossil records haven"t given us definite proof for any one theory. This is because there are some problems with fossil records. For one thing, most fossil evidence of dinosaurs has been found in North America. We don"t know as much about dinosaur activity on other parts of the earth. Another problem is that it is very hard to date fossils. Dating fossils means determining how old they are.6 One really interesting thing about the big dinosaur question is that scientists from many different fields are working to solve the problem. Astronomers, physicists, geologists, paleontologists, ecologists, chemists, geologists and others are all gathering evidence, experimenting, and researching to try to solve the puzzle.7 The most popular theory is called the Alvarez Hypothesis. This hypothesis says that, 65 million years ago, a big asteroid hit the earth. This asteroid crash scattered dust high up into the atmosphere. It blocked much of the sunlight and caused the earth to become cooler. The crash also started huge fires, high winds, and violent storms that killed some of the dinosaurs. The lack of sunlight and warmth caused many plants to die. This shortage of plants for food caused the rest of the dinosaurs to die out.8 The second most popular theory says that activity on the earth itself caused the extinction. As the supercontinent of Pangaea was breaking up, movement of the earth"s giant land plates caused volcanoes to erupt and the climate to change. These changes affected the earth"s atmosphere and temperature, and the dinosaurs died out from the cold or from lack of plants to eat.9 Other theories suggest that dinosaurs became so big that they couldn"t move, or that there were too many dinosaurs and they ate up all of the food.
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TPO19 Discovering the Ice Ages 中的一题 第六题

Paragraph3: It soon became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacialintervals between them. As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the latenineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift,the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages. Between the older layers ofglacial material were well-developed soils containing fossils of warm-climateplants. These soils were evidence that the glaciersretreated as the climate warmed. By the early part of the twentiethcentury, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected NorthAmerica and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch. 这段是原文。c选项说是after p时期,可是原文一开始就说了,是during p时期
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简述山旺古生物博物馆 Shanwang Paleobiology Fossils Museum?

山东省山旺古生物博物馆位于临朐县,距山旺化石产地仅20km,该馆建筑面积4000m2,馆体采用明末清初二层楼阁式建筑形式。其馆藏化石数量众多,门类丰富,化石标本精美完好。展出的植物化石中有苔藓、蕨类、裸子植物和被子植物。其中以植物的枝叶最多,花果实和种子保存也十分完美。动物化石中包括昆虫、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳动物、山旺山东鸟、三角原古鹿、细近五角犀都属稀世珍宝。发现的山旺山东鸟填补了我国中新世鸟类化石的空白,具有极高的学术和研究价值,山旺化石的展出真实地再现了1800万年前山旺地区的生态环境,不失为大自然活生生的教科书。山旺化石不愧为“万卷石史,国之瑰宝”。山旺化石博物馆自开馆以来,每年都接待大批中外游客。该馆2000年被中国古生物学会授予“科普教育基地”。博物馆部分展厅冠氏柄杯鹿化石展厅腺齿杨 Populus glondulifera叶卵圆形,长4.2~14cm,宽4.2~10.5cm,顶端渐尖,基部宽楔形或近圆形,叶缘齿细至粗齿,叶柄粗壮,长1.2~9cm。羽状脉序,中脉粗壮,直或微折曲状;侧脉5~8对,互生,近基的1~2对距离近,第1对短,第2对长,伸至叶的1/2或2/3处,其外侧具4~5条外脉,达缘,其余4~6对侧脉弧曲达缘;三次脉稀,不规则,有的近与中脉垂直。腺齿杨复原图产地:山东 山旺    时代:中新世      距今一千万年华枫香 Liquidambar miosinica叶为掌状三裂形,深裂至叶1/2~2/3处,长5.5~11 .5cm,宽7.5~15cm,基部宽圆形,中裂片卵形,顶端渐尖,侧裂片长尾状渐尖;叶缘具整齐锯齿。侧初生脉与中脉的夹角为30°~45°,中脉具6~9对二次脉,以30°~40°从中脉生出,侧初生脉生出二次脉数对,基部外侧的长,沿叶缘弧曲伸出。华枫香复原图产地:山东 山旺    时代:中新世      距今一千万年宽叶杨 Populus latior叶近圆形,通常长度小于宽度,长4~7.8cm,宽4.4~8cm,顶端急尖,基部阔圆形或截形,叶缘具钝齿,叶柄较粗壮,长3cm以上。基生脉3~5条,中主脉近顶处“之”字折曲,最外的主脉细短,近与叶缘平行伸展,近中主脉的一对其夹角约45°,伸至叶前部,具外脉,其余侧脉3~5对以45°~55°从中脉生出,近叶缘分叉,分支达叶缘或叶缘齿内;三次脉成不规则网状。宽叶杨复原图产地:山东 山旺    时代:中新世      距今一千万年华山核桃 Carya miocathayensis奇数羽状复叶,小叶5~7个,大小不等,通常叶轴最下一对较小,其余向上渐增大,小叶均无柄,一般长5~15cm,宽2~4.6cm,顶生小叶呈倒卵披针形,基部渐尖成楔形,其他小叶多为卵状披针形,顶端长渐尖,基部微不对称,圆形或宽楔形,叶缘具明显锐锯齿,齿大小近相等。羽状脉序,中脉微弯曲;侧脉15~20对,弧曲,近叶缘处分支,分支进入叶缘齿,侧脉以约70°从中脉生出,三次脉不整齐连接于侧脉间。核果近球形,大小约2.7cm×2.3cm,壳厚0.2cm。华山核桃复原图产地:山东 山旺     时代:中新世      距今一千万年
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