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2023-06-18 03:48:03
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  我靠,费了九牛二虎之力找到了。还以为是Michael Buble的演唱会,原来是十五座格莱美奖得主David Foster举办的演唱会,名字叫 《Hit Man:David Foster And Friens》,视频地址:
  http://v.y***.com/v_show/id_XOTU0NDI4NDQ=.html。网上有4.1G的DVD版下载,具体地址自己找找吧。 演唱会目录:
  01. Andre Agassi Intro
  02. St. Elmo"s Love Theme
  03. Can"t Help Falling in Love
  04. She"s a Beauty/Man in Motion
  05. Mornin"/After the Love Has Gone
  06. Video
  07. Somewhere
  08. Through the Fire
  09. Got to Be Real
  10. Wildflower
  11. Video
  12. Love Look What You"ve Done
  13. Jo Jo
  14. Chocolate Legs
  15. Hard to Say I"m Sorry/You"re the Inspiration/Glory of Love
  16. Amapola
  17. Because We Believe
  18. The Prayer
  19. Asturias
  20. Video: "Because You Loved Me"
  21. I Swear 22. Feeling Good
  23. Home 24. Save the Last Dance
  25. Video: The Bodyguard
  26. I Have Nothing/I Will Always Love You
  27. Alla Luce del Sole
  28. Bridge Over Troubled Water
  29. You Raise Me Up
  30. Got to Be Real
  06:45《She"s a Beauty & Man in Motion》Michael johns
  73:30《Because You Loved Me》Celine dion
  77:10《 I Swear》Babyface和他弟弟
  88:00《Home》Blake shelton & Michael buble
  99:20《I Have Nothing & I Will Always Love You》Charice pempengco



1992年5月10日,夏瑞丝·本贝克(Charice pempengco)出生于菲律宾的一个贫穷偏僻的小镇。她的父亲是一位游手好闲的无业游民,母亲是一位公司员工。因为父亲的病态性格,使得折磨母亲和小小的Charice不得不经常承受着精神和身体上的双重折磨,痛苦不堪。她的父亲是个酒鬼,经常在酒后就打骂Charice的母亲、甚至鞭打当时仅有2岁的夏瑞丝,使她满身伤痕,而母亲的脸上和身上也满是淤青,可怜的她们由于无法离婚(父亲威胁一旦离婚就会杀死她们)而不断逆来顺受,忍受着常人难以想象的痛苦的生活。终于,在又一次父亲的家暴下,母亲选择了保护Charice而提出离婚,气急败坏的父亲竟然持枪想要杀害她们,但最终终于被邻居阻止,当时年仅3岁的Charice和母亲从此终于得到了解脱,这场父亲持枪威胁母亲的暴力冲突中被邻居救出的阴影一直在小小的Charice的心里扎根,成为她一直挥之不去的心理阴影,这也间接导致了她对于男人的恐惧,从而影响到了她日后的出柜。 虽然她们最后脱离了父亲的折磨,但是母亲的伤痕和泪水与自己身心受到的难以抹去的折磨早已给年幼的Charice的心灵留下了不可磨灭的阴影。但她并没有被现实击垮,从而怨天尤人、自暴自弃;相反地,她选择了不向命运屈服、自强不息地接受生活的挑战、勇敢地面对现实。而正是在这个时候,Charice开始寻求精神上的寄托:她开始喜欢上一些欧美流行歌曲,特别是当时红极一时的欧美著名歌手惠特妮·休斯顿的歌,Charice把她当做自己的偶像,积极练习音乐,正是whitney的引导和启蒙下,饱受生活折磨的Charice得以发现一个美妙的音乐世界,从此开启了自己的歌唱之路。日后成名的Charice也常常提到whitney对于当时自己的激励和引导,引领她向积极的方向前进,自己非常地感谢她。只有当沉浸在音乐中时,Charice才能忘记残酷的现实中所有的痛苦和不快,而进入完全属于自己的音乐世界中。很快,Charice就开始展露出自己与生俱来的音乐天赋,她的不断练习也卓有成效。同时也为了维持家庭生计,4岁起受whitney的影响开始学习唱歌的Charice,从7岁开始便参加菲律宾当地大大小小的各种各样歌唱比赛,并屡次获奖。Charice的音乐天赋和演唱实力在当时也引起了一定人的关注,开始崭露头角。小小年纪的她,那宛如天籁的有力声音震撼人心,表现令人惊叹。一位听过她演唱的评委赞叹说:“如此美妙的声音,即使她从没有受过正统乐理、声学训练,她的演唱水准绝对超越一般人水平,是难能可贵的好声音!” 2007年,15岁的Charice时首次前往海外参加韩国节目《Star King》小小年纪的她一首力道十足的《And I am telling you I"m not going》一开口就惊为天人,在场的人纷纷被她声音里那浑厚的力量感所征服。与当红团体Super Junior成员圭贤合唱了一首电影《阿拉丁》主题曲「崭新的世界」(A Whole New World),这段演出红遍网络,她从而一举成名、轰动全球。她动人婉转的歌声将歌曲里的情感传递得丝丝入扣,恰到好处的力量感更是添光加彩,增添了几分力量。人们纷纷为这个15岁女孩如此惊人完美的唱功、将一首普普通通的歌演绎得如此雄浑有力而感到激动、被她声音里那股浑厚的力量感所震撼。Charice也从此正式出道,一夜成名,正式开启了自己传奇的歌唱生涯。 Charice在2007年15岁时首次到海外演唱,在韩国节目与当红团体Super Junior成员圭贤合唱电影《阿拉丁》主题曲「崭新的世界」。(A Whole New World),这段演出红遍网络,她从而一举成名、轰动全球。人们纷纷为这个15岁女孩的惊人、完美的唱功,如此激动人心的演唱、将一首普普通通的歌演绎得如此雄浑有力、婉转动人所震撼。她也因此成名,受邀赴美上「雷·阿伦爱说笑」及「奥普拉秀」,也上了英国的脱口秀节目,轰动了亚洲、随即红遍了全球。于2008年发布个人专辑,正式出道。其在2008年的个人专辑销售破白金。欧普拉把她介绍给有“音乐教父”之称的流行音乐超级制作人大卫·佛斯特(David Foster)、签入143 Records,夏瑞丝又与意大利男高音安德烈波伽利、美国天后歌手席琳狄翁、阳光大卫合唱,获得多位名人褒奖,还在电影「鼠来宝2」客串,演唱艾莉西亚·凯斯的「No One」。 2013年6月3日,21岁的夏瑞丝(Charice)公开出柜,坦承她是一名女同性恋者,结束了数周来当地媒体对她性取向的臆测。夏瑞丝2日向菲律宾的一个谈话性节目“The Buzz”公开自己的性取向。当时她被问到是否为蕾丝边(lesbian),夏瑞丝回答说「是的,我是一个女同志(tomboy)。」夏瑞丝说,“现在我觉得自由了,我可以没有恐惧的走出这个房间”,对于那些能够接纳她的人,她表示非常感谢。她坦言由于自己悲惨的童年生活,她对于男人已经失去了信任,她认为男人只会伤透女孩的心,相比之下,她更愿意用自己的爱去感染女孩。夏瑞丝的公开出柜获得正面的响应,并且在主要是天主教徒的菲律宾获得支持,有许多人在社群网站上赞扬这位年轻歌手。其中包括东尼奖得主、菲律宾的国际巨星莎隆嘉(Leah Salonga),她发文说,“亲爱的Charice,你知道自己激励了多少年轻人吗?更多力量,祝福你而且爱你。” 2009年:《鼠来宝2》2012年欢乐喜剧:《好景在望》2013年:《欢乐合唱团》 2011年在《GLEE》中演唱:《Listen》2011年新歌:《One Day》
2023-06-17 22:13:431


夏莉丝全名:Charice Pempengco(夏莉丝·本贝克) 原名:charmaine clarice(夏迈恩·克拉瑞丝) 出生名称:Relucio Pempengco(瑞路可·本贝克) 中文名:夏莉丝·本贝克 出生日期:1992年5月10日 出生地:圣彼得县,勒官那省,菲律宾 (San Pedro, Laguna) 职业:歌手 音乐风格:Pop,R&B,Soul(流行音乐,节奏布鲁斯,灵魂) 发展时期:2007—现在 最喜欢的歌手:惠特尼休斯顿,玛丽亚凯莉,席琳迪翁。 最喜欢的专辑:惠特尼休斯顿的所有专辑 最喜欢的情歌:《One more time》 Charice Pempengco是一位因 Youtube 而成名,迅速走向国际的女歌手。 Charice的母亲和姨妈都是歌手,她父亲在她3岁时发生家庭暴力,她 4 岁起,和她弟弟一同开始跟她们学习唱歌。即使她从没有受过正统乐理、声学训练,她歌技绝对超越一般人水平。而为了负担部份生计,她由 7 岁开始参加勒官那省大小歌唱比赛——她曾表示自己参加了超过 80 个歌唱比赛,表演经验实在与年龄不成正比。   2005 年,她参加过菲律宾最大电视台 ABS-CBN 的 Little Big Star 比赛(类似“全美偶像大赛”的节目),虽然在最后一回得到最高分,但只得到比赛第三名。后来,虽然也在菲律宾广告亮相,但慢慢沉静下来。   2007 年,她应邀到韩国表演比赛节目“Star King”,表演一鸣惊人,当晚演出迅速经 Youtube 传播,点击数逾百万人次。美国音乐人Ellen DeGeneres 在 Youtube 上看到charice的表演,邀Charice到她主持的 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 表演,她也慢慢得到美国方面音乐人的注意。   在美国作了几次表演后,2008 年她获得 David Foster赏识。David Foster 先后为 比吉斯、迈克尔·杰克逊、麦当娜、惠特尼·休斯敦、席琳·狄翁、玛丽亚·凯莉、肯尼·基 等当制作人,可说是美国乐坛其中一位教父。他认同Charice的才华,迅速与她签约,并把她看成明日之星。   David Foster不断在不同公开场合推广Charice,为她推出首张大碟以及她提供表演机会。在 2009 奥斯卡金像奖的礼后舞会中,David Foster是这样介绍她出场︰“她今年16 岁。她会是你所能遇见其中一个最有才华的歌手!今晚,你将见证历史,因为一年之后,她会成为地球上其中一个最伟大的歌星——我百分之百肯定。”   Charice有副天生的金嗓音,她的发音特点是特别雄浑有力,在演唱时能够很自如的进行高低音变换。虽然年龄很小,但其演唱功底和发展潜力却远超绝大多数的欧美一流歌星,加之菲律宾的英语母语背景,她仿唱的欧美著名流行歌曲的水平十分到位,简直与原唱不相上下,其中她成功翻唱的被认为是难度很大的惠特尼.休斯顿的歌曲使其他模仿者大大的相形见绌了。(2008年),Charice已经在欧洲,韩国和美国进行演出并录制唱片,用很多歌坛元老和著名电视节目主持人的话说,Charice即将跃升为世界乐坛大明星。
2023-06-17 22:13:561


2005年,她参加过菲律宾最大电视台 ABS-CBN 的Little Big Star 比赛(类似“全美偶像大赛”的节目),虽然在最后一回得到最高分,但只得到比赛第三名。后来,虽然也在菲律宾广告亮相,但慢慢沉静下来。2007年,她应邀到韩国表演比赛节目“Star King”,表演一鸣惊人,当晚演出迅速经Youtube传播,点击数逾百万人次。美国音乐人Ellen DeGeneres 在Youtube上看到charice的表演,邀Charice到她主持的The Ellen DeGeneres Show表演,她也慢慢得到美国方面音乐人的注意。在美国作了几次表演后,2008年,她获得David Foster赏识。David Foster先后为比吉斯、迈克尔·杰克逊、麦当娜、惠特尼·休斯敦、席琳·狄翁、玛丽亚·凯莉、肯尼·基等著名歌手当制作人,可说是美国乐坛其中一位教父。他认同Charice的才华,迅速与她签约,并把她看成明日之星。David Foster不断在不同公开场合推广Charice,为她推出首张大碟以及她提供表演机会。在 2009奥斯卡金像奖的礼后舞会中,David Foster是这样介绍她出场︰“她今年16 岁。她会是你所能遇见其中一个最有才华的歌手!今晚,你将见证历史,因为一年之后,她会成为地球上其中一个最伟大的歌星——我百分之百肯定。”Charice有副天生的金嗓音,她的发音特点是特别雄浑有力,在演唱时能够很自如的进行高低音变换。虽然年龄很小,但其演唱功底和发展潜力却远超绝大多数的欧美歌星,加之菲律宾的英语母语背景,她仿唱的欧美著名流行歌曲的水平十分到位,简直与原唱不相上下。Charice绝对不只是个昙花一现的音乐奇迹,也不是一步登天的幸运歌手,她凭借着坚强不服输的个性,怀著一颗坚定的心,以她一步一脚印不停磨练出来的歌唱技巧,努力踏实地筑梦。也许就是因为她这样的坚毅性格与动人歌声,才会让那么多的国际艺界名人深深感动,为她的歌手梦想铺路。国际级producer制作人David Foster甚至打包票保证:“Charice将会是你见过最有才华的歌手,也将会是世界上最亮眼的巨星之一!”Charice的偶像是欧美著名歌手惠特妮·休斯顿,她喜欢后者的每一张专辑里的每一首歌,年幼的Charice正是受到她的启蒙而踏上了歌唱之路。成功翻唱的被认为是难度很大的惠特尼.休斯顿的歌曲使其他模仿者大大的相形见绌了。(2008年),Charice已经在欧洲,韩国和美国进行演出并录制唱片,用很多歌坛元老和著名电视节目主持人的话说,Charice即将跃升为世界乐坛大明星。2010年发行的《Charice》是这位菲律宾天才少女进军国际的首张专辑。另外charice还在美剧《glee》(欢乐合唱团)第二季第一集中有客串演出,翻唱Beyonce的名曲《Listen》,广受好评。2012年,在励志喜剧《好景在望》(Here Comes the Boom)中饰演Malia De La Cruz.2013年6月,Charice公众宣布出柜。她提到接受真实的自己带来释怀感;Oprah Winfrey,Barbra Streisand等人对她的支持;以及对那些因此而攻击她的人的“感谢”。并提醒大家不要担心,改变的只是她的外表,她的歌声将一如既往地美好。2013年9月10号,charice 发布了新的专辑《第十章》。专辑曲目:1. Unexpected Love  2. Everything I Do, I Do It For You  3. Sometimes Love Just Ain"t Enough  4. When You Say Nothing At All  5. Anything For You  6. How Could An Angel Break My Heart (feat. Alyssa Quijano)  7. The One That Got Away  8. Titanium  9. Do You Know Where You"re Going To  10. Makita Kang Muli  11. Titanium (Brian Cua Club Mix Full)  12. Titanium (Brian Cua Club Mix Edit)  13. Yakap而此次的专辑则是一盘抒情翻唱专辑,不论从唱功还是音乐都更加的成熟,同时也是Charice 出柜后首张大碟,特此邀请女友Alyssa Quijano 共同合唱【How Could an Angel Break My Heart 】甜美满满。  【Unexpected Love】作为专辑主打曲,深情洋溢,简单不失情调纯钢琴弹奏主要伴奏,Charice 深情款款的演绎,把这首歌演绎的非常完美。
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Charice的《Louder》 歌词

歌曲名:Louder歌手:Charice专辑:InfinityCharice - LouderLouder (x4)I"m staring out of my windowAnd the rain is pouring downWhen you left, I was so lowBut I"m not gonna drownI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandI"m just gonna run right through the rainI"m just gonna dance right through the painI just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart speak louderWanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my headI, I am over overthinking of how to get you backI"m checking out for the weekendAnd I ain"t going backI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandOh, letting goYeah it feels so good, so rightOh, all I knowIs that I let my heart beatHeart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder
2023-06-17 22:14:161

求charice 的i did it for you 的中文歌词

Charice - Did It For You Minutes turn to hours Hours turn to days Knew what I have to do Couldn"t find the words to say We had the perfect story Stories have an end Had to turn the page Cause to keep you was a sin,oh You know I loved you with everything that I had But what you needed, I couldn"t be, had you bad I cared enough about you, to give you the chance To find someone who cares I broke your heart I did it for you Tore us apart I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you Oh, for you You wanted more than my everything, I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you, for you I could say I"m sorry, wouldn"t mean a thing Tell you what you wanna hear Baby, what you wanted wasn"t from me Held you by a string, had to cut you loose Cause forever is something we can"t be You know I loved you with everything that I had But what you needed, I couldn"t be, had you bad I cared enough about you, to give you the chance To find someone who cares I broke your heart I did it for you Tore us apart I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you Oh, for you You wanted more than my everything, I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you, for you They say the ones that you love Are the ones that you hurt the most For all the pain that I"ve caused you Baby, I"m sorry I did it for you I did it for you Tore us apart I"m so sorry babe I did it for you Just walked away I did it for you For You You wanted more than my everything, everything I did it for you Someone you knew I couldn"t be, I did it for you Why don"t you ever understand me But it"s true, it"s true I did it for you Charice -所做的一切都是为了你   分钟转数小时  转天的时间  知道我必须要做的事情  找不到话要说  我们有完善的故事  故事已经结束了  必须把这个页面  保持你的事业是一种罪恶,哦  你知道我爱你  我拥有的一切  但是你需要的东西,我  不,你已经坏了  我足够的关心关于你,  给你这个机会  去找谁在乎  我打碎了你的手,触动你的心  我所做的一切都是为了你  扯在一起  我所做的一切都是为了你  就走开了  我所做的一切都是为了你  哦,给你  你想要超过我  你所做的一切,我所做的一切都是为了你  你所认识的人  不可能,我所做的一切都是为了你  你为什么不  明白我  但是它是真实的,它是真的  我所做的一切都是为了你,给你  我能说对不起,不意味着一件事  告诉你什么你想听到的  宝贝,正是你想要的不是我  你所举行的字符串,你不得不削减  原因是我们永远不可能  你知道我爱你  我拥有的一切  但是你需要的东西,我  不,你已经坏了  我足够的关心关于你,  给你这个机会  去找谁在乎  我伤了你的心,我所做的一切都是为了你  我们分开,这是我撕裂  就走了,这是我给你  哦,给你  你想要超过我  你所做的一切,我所做的一切都是为了你  你所认识的人  不可能,我所做的一切都是为了你  为什么你从来都不明白我的意思吗  但是它是真实的,它是真的  我所做的一切都是为了你,给你  他们说你的爱  是那些你最容易受到伤害吗  所有的痛苦,我给您带来的  宝贝,我很抱歉  我所做的一切都是为了你我所做的一切都是为了你  撕裂我们分开太抱歉了,宝贝  我所做的一切都是为了你就走开了  我所做的一切都是为了你  你想要超过我  一切的一切,我所做的一切都是为了你  你所认识的人,我不能,我所做的一切都是为了你  为什么你从来都不明白我的意思吗  但是它是真实的,它是真实的,我所做的一切都是为了你 不知道翻译的对不对.
2023-06-17 22:14:241


没有她从女性变性成了男性,可能以他的意愿不会变回女性了。菲律宾女歌手夏瑞丝·本贝克(Charice pempengco)走出家暴阴霾,凭好声音冲上国际,写下网络奇迹,也获欧普拉等名人强力推荐,新专辑在美告示牌专辑榜写下历来亚洲歌手之最的第8。
2023-06-17 22:14:321


2023-06-17 22:14:392


[00:00.52]Charice Ft. Iyaz - Pyramid[00:03.52]MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source[00:11.47]Sawty"s love is like a pyramid[00:14.28]W stand together till the very end[00:17.03]Tere"ll never be another love for sure[00:19.87]Iyaz and Charice here we go[00:22.77]Stones heavy like the love you"ve shown[00:26.90]Solid as the ground we"ve known[00:29.67]And i just wanna carry on[00:32.53]We took it from the bottom up[00:35.47]And even in a desert storm[00:38.25]Sturdy as a rock we hold[00:41.02]Wishing every moment froze[00:43.84]Now i just wanna let you know[00:45.93]Earthquakes can"t shake us[00:48.48]Cyclones can"t break us[00:51.38]Hurricanes can"t take away our love[00:56.19][00:56.69]Pyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rock[01:00.73]It feels just like it"s heaven"s touch[01:03.59]Together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid[01:09.31]And even when the wind is blowin[01:12.04]We"ll never fall just keep on goin[01:14.87]Forever we will stay like a pyramid[01:19.47][01:19.97]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[01:22.34]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[01:25.18]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[01:27.18][01:30.63]Cold never ever when you"re close[01:34.68]We will never let it fall[01:37.44]A story that was never told[01:40.40]Something like a mystery[01:43.26]And every step we take we grow[01:46.06]Look how fast the time is flown[01:48.83]The journey to the place i know[01:51.67]We"re going down in history[01:53.11][01:53.61]Earthquakes can"t shake us[01:56.23]Cyclones can"t break us[01:59.07]Hurricanes can"t take away our love[02:03.87][02:04.37]Pyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rock[02:08.53]It feels just like it"s heaven"s touch[02:11.46]Together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid[02:17.05]And even when the wind is blowin[02:19.93]We"ll never fall just keep on goin[02:22.73]Forever we will stay like a pyramid[02:26.65][02:27.15]Like a pyramid girl i"ma show you[02:29.45]That i love you so much that we"re gonna get through[02:33.11]Even when it storms i will never go[02:35.91]I"ma be the one to keep you safe[02:38.38]Four walls of love, packing more than enough[02:41.04]Holding onto one another be the couple when it"s rough[02:44.35]Mother nature or disaster won"t stop our happy ever after[02:49.26][02:49.76]Pyramid..[02:55.72]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[03:00.53][03:01.03]Pyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rock[03:05.03]It feels just like it"s heaven"s touch[03:07.85]Together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid[03:13.54]And even when the wind is blowin[03:16.28]We"ll never fall just keep on goin[03:19.20]Forever we will stay like a pyramid[03:24.49][03:24.99]Pyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rock[03:27.68]It feels just like it"s heaven"s touch[03:30.42]Together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid[03:36.27]And even when the wind is blowin[03:38.87]We"ll never fall just keep on goin[03:41.70]Forever we will stay like a pyramid[03:46.78]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[03:49.09]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[03:51.92]Like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey[101:12.00]MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source 记得给我加分啊,好不容易才帮你找到!
2023-06-17 22:14:481

charice的nothing 中文歌词

Charice - Nothing(卡瑞斯 - 没有)呜,啊 呜,哇 嚯嚯,嚯嚯,嚯嚯 我想我会发抖 我以为我会走软 当你叫我再见面 我很肯定在一秒钟 我所有的情绪会赶在回 你切这么深我便无法看到自己 移动没有你 我从来没有想过我会挣脱 我一直以为你是我的一部分 没办法改变 不敢相信 那我会收回你离开我 你便无法更改, 在我以为我会哭泣 我们过分 但我比所有的权利 我从来没有想过看到你再次 会让我觉得没什么,没什么,没什么 这感觉真好觉得没什么,没什么,没什么 我比所有的权利 你想象我会着火 感觉你碰我,说我的名字(woooh,说我的名字) 听你说你想重新开始 我承认,我想我有同样的感觉 我不想打破它给你现在 我搬到没有你 怎么能没有感觉这么好 怎么能没有感觉很不错 如何才能东西如此完全消失 那是我一生的哦 我觉得什么都没有(没有) 我觉得什么都没有(没有) 我觉得什么都没有(我搬到没有你) 我觉得没什么(oooooh) 没事,没事,没事
2023-06-17 22:14:561


2023-06-17 22:15:173

我要charice《note to god》歌词

关于Note To God 原唱为美国著名R&B歌手JOJO 歌词   If I wrote a note to God   如果我给上帝写一封信   I would speak whats in my soul   我会把我心底的话告诉他   I"d ask for all the hate to be swept away and   我祈求他让所有的仇恨都泯灭   For the love to overflow   让爱,充满世间的每一个角落   If I wrote a note to God   如果我给上帝写一封信   I"d pour my heart out on each page   我会在每一页纸上倾诉我的心扉   I"d ask for wars to end   我祈求他让所有的战争都停止   For peace to mend this world   让和平来治愈这个世界的伤痛   I"d say, I"d say, I"d say   我会说的,我一定会说!我还要说   Give us the strength to make it through   请赐予我们力量来实现它   Help us find love cause love is over due   请帮助我们找到爱,因为在这里,爱已透支   And it looks like we haven"t got a clue   然而,看起来我们并没有得到任何的方法   Need some help from you   真的需要得到你的帮助   Grant us the faith to carry on   祈求能给予我们继续下去的信念   Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone   在所有希望都走向破灭的时候给予我们希望   Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong   因为,看起来我们正犯着太多的错误   On this road we"re on   在我们前进的路上   If I wrote a note to God   如果我给上帝写一封信   I would say what"s on my mind   我会说出我心里所想   I"d ask for wisdom to let compassion rule this world   我要祈求人类得到智慧,并且让怜悯贯穿整个世界   Until these times   直到现在   If I wrote a note to God   如果我给上帝写一封信   I"d say please help us find our way   我会说,请帮助我们找到自己的路   End all the bitterness, put some tenderness in our hearts   来结束所有的痛苦,让我们的内心,都能够有一些温柔   And I"d say, I"d say, I"d say   我会说的,我一定会说!我还要说   Give us the strength to make it through   请赐予我们力量来实现它   Help us find love cause love is over due   请帮助我们找到爱,因为在这里,爱已透支   And it looks like we haven"t got a clue   然而,看起来我们并没有得到任何的方法   Need some help from you   真的需要得到你的帮助   Grant us the faith to carry on   祈求能给予我们继续下去的信念   Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone   在所有希望都走向破灭的时候给予我们希望   Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong   因为,看起来我们正犯着太多的错误   On this road we"re on   在我们前进的路上   No, no no no   不,不,不能再这样下去   We can"t do it on our own   依靠我们自己,我们真的做不到   Sooo Sooooooooooooooooooooo   所以...   Give us the strength to make it through   请赐予我们力量来实现它   Help us find love cause love is over due   请帮助我们找到爱,因为在这里,爱已透支   And it looks like we haven"t got a clue   然而,看起来我们并没有得到任何的方法   Need some help from you   真的需要得到你的帮助   Grant us the faith to carry on   祈求能给予我们继续下去的信念   Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone   在所有希望都走向破灭的时候给予我们希望   Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong   因为,看起来我们正犯着太多的错误   On this road we"re on   在我们前进的路上   If I wrote a note to God   如果我给上帝写一封信...
2023-06-17 22:15:281

crescent moon歌词 charice唱的英文歌词

(Ohhh… Wooo …Hooo….)We always were togetherWalking the same roadYou and me like DestinyBut then the path had partedYou went down one road,And I went the other wayLoneliness and the feeling in my heartIs all I have to hold it in,Looking at the sky that"s almost just about to cryI have to say, but I can"t help but think of you(Ohh…Ohh…)I am beneath the night.And you"re not there, No I won"t cryWon"t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without youToo peaceful, when I think about you… (Ohh …Ohh…)Maybe, you"re seeing the same big starA crescent moon, glaze into the nightIt"s a night they"re bringing us togetherYou know I love you more than ever(Ohh…Ohh…Yeaa …yeaa …hey…yeaa)The days are getting colder (colder)Keeping my hands warm, by myself (reality)I miss your arms so badlyWanting you here with meWant you here with meEven though you call meAnd tell me how much you love me, I get blue (I get blue)And no one wanna hear it,But I really don"t like to leave on youSo I whip the tears away…I am beneath the night.And you"re not there, No I won"t cryWon"t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without youToo peaceful , when I think about you... (Ohh …Ohh…)Wonder when I will see you againUntil the time again, I guess I"ll have to liveFeeling the power you gave me,When you hold me closeAnd said I"ll always love you, you know….Here beneath the night.And you"re not there, No I won"t cryCan"t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without youToo peaceful, when I think about you.. (Ohh …Ohh…)Maybe, you"re seeing the same big starA crescent moon, glaze into the nightIt"s a night they"re bringing us togetherYou know I love you more than everHolding on my hands, can you feel the pain?I"m reaching out to you, Crescent moon…(hmmmm…)不知道是不是你要的O(∩_∩)O
2023-06-17 22:15:361

求charice -oneday 的歌词翻译。

2023-06-17 22:15:442

Charice-Bounce back 中文歌词

这是我用有道词典翻译的,有的可能不通顺,将就着看吧我目不转睛的盯着我的窗口和大雨倾盆而下当你离开的时候,我很低但我不会被淹死我不需要任何的肩膀我要当一名士兵我只是想觉得歌词- - -我不懂我正打算右跑在雨中狂奔一回我只是要跳舞穿过痛苦我只是想觉得节奏,觉得鼓让我的心跳得响一点让我的心胜于我的头(头,头,头)我的脑袋胜过心脏的跳动(头,头,头)心讲大声一点想觉得节奏,觉得鼓让我的心跳得响一点让我的心胜于我的头我,我是在overthinking如何让你的背我要退房度周末我不会回来我不需要任何的肩膀我要当一名士兵我只是想觉得歌词- - -我不懂哦,放手然而它感觉那么好,那么正确哦,我所知道的是我让我的心跳吗心胜于我的声音比我的心脏跳动的心胜于我的声音比我的心脏跳动的心胜于我的声音比我的声音,声音,声音,响
2023-06-17 22:15:522


菲律宾天才少女歌手叫Charice一.   2009年10月13日   与American Idol 出身的 David Archuleta 录制了圣诞歌曲    Christmas from the Heart二.   2009年12月01日   《鼠来宝2》献出首次的电影客串,演唱 Alicia Keys 的「No One」。    鼠来宝2三.   2008年5月2日   同名专辑「Charice」在菲律宾发行 四.   2009年5月1日   「My Inspiration」是2009年5月1日在菲律宾发行第二张个人大碟,特意为母亲节而制作的专辑,附上对母亲满满的爱意和感激。Charice将用声音唱出全世界最和谐最美丽的音符。    五.   2010年03月02日   「Pyramid」单曲发行。   专辑曲目:   01. Pyramid (Radio Edit Feat. IYAZ)   02. Pyramid (Barry Harris Club Mix)   03. Pyramid (Barry Harris Dub Mix)   04. Pyramid (Barry Harris Radio Edit)   05. Pyramid (Johathan Peters Club)   06. Pyramid (Johathan Peters Instrumental Dub)   07. Pyramid (Johathan Peters Radio Edit)   08. Pyramid (Dave Aude Club Mix)   09. Pyramid (Dave Aude Dub Mix)   10. Pyramid (Dave Aude Radio Edit)   11. Pyramid (Ruff Loaderz Club Mix)    Pyamid六.   2010年05月07日发行同名专辑   「Charice」   专辑曲目:   1. Parymid(feat.iyaz)   2. Reset   3. In this song   4. Nobody singin to me   5. Thank you   6. I love you   7. In love so deep   8. All that I need to survive   9. Nothing   10. The truth is   11. Did it for you   12. Note to God 七.   2010年06月22日   Charice确认客座Glee ,Charice首次拍戏。在Youtube上大胆放出自己歌曲,从此一夜成名的菲律宾小歌手Charice Pempengco将在《欢乐合唱团》第二季中客座多集内容。   据悉,Charice将在New Direction所在高中饰演一位交换生Sunshine Corazon,她天籁般的歌声吸引了合唱团的Rachel Berry的“火眼金睛”,拉入Glee。作为高校学生之一,Charice将主演多集内容。   在第二季第一集的Glee中,Sunshine与Rachel共同演绎了Lady gaga&Beyonce--<Telephone>,Sunshine还独自演绎了Dreamgirl中Beyonce的<Listen>,在剧中获得了欢乐合唱团成员的一致好评.   八. 三日月~Crescent Moon~ 配信单曲发行   01.三日月~Crescent Moon~   翻唱自日本著名歌手绚香的三日月
2023-06-17 22:16:041


是菲律宾的 非常火 只有15.16吧 唱的是no one (艾莉西亚凯斯.Alicia Keys ) 当时看到她不知道为什么越看越有味 翻看到好多遍而且她上台唱歌时的衣着好性感的哦 好想要哦~~~嘿嘿
2023-06-17 22:16:124

Cheesa & Charice im not perfect 歌词

She"s not a beauty queenSeventeen with low self esteem(Everybody said) “Girl you are a dream”Sometimes she cries at nightTelling God “I"m suffering inside”(Nobody there) so she laid her head and cried.[PRE-CHORUS Charice]Baby, I see you trying (I see you trying)I see you crying (I see you crying)Look beyond your fears and say,Baby, I love me this way.[CHORUS Cheesa]I"m not perfect, but I"m still beautiful,No one can bring me down, not even you.Get off my back, I"m telling all the worldI could make any change, if I wanted,But I feel so beautiful, just the way I am.[VERSE 2 Charice]Implants and surgery, push ups, low-calorie diets(Didn"t work) it don"t matter what you do, (Let me tell ya)It starts with you inside, you gotta say nowBaby, you"re worth it,Baby, I believe in you.[PRE-CHORUS Cheesa]Girl, I see you trying (I see you trying)I see you crying (I see you crying)Look beyond your fears and say,Baby, I love me this way.[CHORUS Charice]I"m not perfect, but I"m still beautifulNo one can bring me down, not even you.Get off my back, I"m telling all the worldI could make any change, if I wantedBut I feel so beautiful, oohh just the way I am.[BRIDGE]Charice:Oohh, I am so damn tired,All thinking that, I"m not good enough for you (good for you)Cheesa:I"m taking back my dignityLoving me, for me oohh[CHORUS]Charice:I"m not perfect, but I"m still beautifulNo one can bring me down, not even youCheesa:Get off my back, I"m telling all the worldI can make any change, if I wantedBut I feel so beautiful.[CHORUS](I"m not perfect, but I"m still beautifulNo one can bring me down, not even you)Get off my back, I"m telling all the worldI could make any change, if I wantedBut I feel so beautiful.
2023-06-17 22:16:181

求Iyaz ft. Charice歌词及翻译

Charice Ft yaz - PyramidMaxRNB - Your first Hiphop sourceSawty love is like a pyramidW stand together till the very endTere"ll never be another love for sureIyaz and Charice here we goStones heavy like the love you"ve shownSolid as the ground we"ve knownAnd i just wanna carry onWe took it from the bottom upAnd even in a desert stormSturdy as a rock we holdWishing every moment frozeNow i just wanna let you knowEarthquakes can"t shake usCyclones can"t break usHurricanes can"t take away our lovePyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowinWe"ll never fall just keep on goinForever we will stay like a pyramidLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyCold never ever when you"re closeWe will never let it fallA story that was never toldSomething like a mysteryAnd every step we take we growLook how fast the time is flownThe journey to the place i knowWe"re going down in historyEarthquakes can"t shake usCyclones can"t break usHurricanes can"t take away our lovePyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowinWe"ll never fall just keep on goinForever we will stay like a pyramidLike a pyramid girl i"ma show youThat i love you so much that we"re gonna get throughEven when it storms i will never goI"ma be the one to keep you safeFour walls of love, packing more than enoughHolding onto one another be the couple when it"s roughMother nature or disaster won"t stop our happy ever afterPyramid..Like a pyramid, like a pyramid heyPyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowinWe"ll never fall just keep on goinForever we will stay like a pyramidPyramid, we"ve built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowinWe"ll never fall just keep on goinForever we will stay like a pyramidLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyLike a pyramid, like a pyramid heyMaxRNB - Your first Hiphop source翻译:我英尺雅致-金字塔maxrnb -你的嘻哈源sawty爱就像一个棱锥我们站在一起,直到最后他们决不会再爱的肯定iyaz也在这里我们去石头重如无私的爱我们已经知道了坚实的地面我只想继续我们把它从底部甚至在“沙漠风暴我们坚固的岩石祝每一时刻冻结现在我只想让你知道地震不会动摇我们气旋不能破坏我们飓风不能带走我们的爱棱锥,我们创建在坚固的磐石感觉就像是天堂的触摸一起在顶部(在顶部婴儿)的金字塔式甚至当风吹过我们永远保持了我们将永远像金字塔金字塔形,像一嘿金字塔形,像一嘿金字塔形,像一嘿冷永远当你靠近我们永远不会让它倒下从未被告知的故事有点像一个谜和我们所走的每一步成长看看如何快速的时间飞行旅程的地方我知道我们打算在历史上地震不会动摇我们气旋不能破坏我们飓风不能带走我们的爱棱锥,我们创建在坚固的磐石感觉就像是天堂的触摸一起在顶部(在顶部婴儿)的金字塔式甚至当风吹过我们永远保持了我们将永远像金字塔像一让我告诉你我爱你这么多,我们会通过甚至当它风暴我永远不会去我是一个让你安全四堵墙包装足够多的爱,在另一个是夫妻当它粗糙自然母亲或灾难不会停止我们的快乐过金字塔形的。金字塔形,像一嘿棱锥,我们创建在坚固的磐石感觉就像是天堂的触摸一起在顶部(在顶部婴儿)的金字塔式甚至当风吹过我们永远保持了我们将永远像金字塔棱锥,我们创建在坚固的磐石感觉就像是天堂的触摸一起在顶部(在顶部婴儿)的金字塔式甚至当风吹过我们永远保持了我们将永远像金字塔金字塔形,像一嘿金字塔形,像一嘿金字塔形,像一嘿maxrnb -你的嘻哈源
2023-06-17 22:16:252


2023-06-17 22:16:443

charice pyramid

Stones, heavy like the love you"ve shownSolid as the ground we"ve knownAnd I just wanna carry onWe took it from the bottom upAnd even in a desert stormSturdy as a rock we holdWishing every moment frozeNow I just wanna let you knowEarthquakes can shake usCyclones can break usHurricanes can take away our lovePyramid, we built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top, like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowingWe"ll never fall just keep on goingForever we will stay, like a pyramidCold, never ever wear any clothesWe will never let it fallA story that was never toldSomething like a mysteryAnd every step you took we"ve grownLook how fast our time has flownA journey to a place unknownThey"re going down in historyEarthquakes can shake usCyclones can break usHurricanes can take away our lovePyramid, we built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top, like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowingWe"ll never fall just keep on goingForever we will stay, like a pyramidCall me up, just just like thatCall me up, just just like thatCall me up, call me up, oh oh oh oh ohCall me up, just just like thatCall me up, just just like thatCall me up, call me up, oh oh oh ohPyramid, keep it goingPyramid, we built this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top, like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowingWe"ll never fall just keep on goingForever we will stay, like a pyramidBuilt this on a solid rockIt feels just like it"s heaven"s touchTogether at the top, like a pyramidAnd even when the wind is blowingWe"ll never fall just keep on goingForever we will stay, like a pyramidPyramid, pyramid, pyramid, pyramidPyramid, pyramid, pyramid
2023-06-17 22:16:524

Are We Over 歌词

歌曲名:Are We Over歌手:Charice专辑:ChariceCharice - Are We OverBeen hearin" the whispersThey"re talkin" like we"re overBaby that"s news to me (hmmm..)Don"t like what I"m hearin"And i don"t wanna listenBut are you through with me?They say the best when someone elseHas been taken up your timeThey say the best when someone elseHas been on your mindOh, won"t you tell me what is realAre they right, are you going to let me goLet me know, let me know...Is there any truth to what they"re talkin" "bout?Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?Are we over?Is there any love for me left in your heart?Have you become the one who"s gonna rip my world apart?Are we over?If you"re hidin" somethingI think that you should come cleanTell me what"s going onNow am I just trippin"Or is there something I"m missin"Tell me is something wrong"Coz all I hear is all the talkThat you got somebody new (somebody new)Maybe I"m blind "coz IDon"t wanna believe it"s trueWon"t you tell me what"s the dealAre they right, are we coming to an endDon"t pretend, don"t pretend...Is there any truth to what they"re talkin" "bout?Have i become the one that you have learned to live without?Are we over?Is there any love for me left in your heart?Have you become the one who"s gonna rip my world apart?Are we over?If you"re goin" to let me go (let me go ~)Don"t let me be the last to knowHave you found someone else (someone else)Won"t you tell (oh~) me now?Is there any truth to what they"re talkin" about?Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?Are we over? woooaaah~Is there any truth to what they"re talkin" "bout?Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?Are we over? (are we over) yeah~Is there any love for me left in your heart?Have you become the one who"s gonna rip my world apart? (tell me ~)Are we over?Been hearing the whisper...
2023-06-17 22:17:011

Breathe You Out 歌词

歌曲名:Breathe You Out歌手:Charice专辑:ChariceCharice - Breathe You OutWe were driving alongBut it felt like I was aloneCause you and I weren"t rightYou can cut me out with a knifeWe had to pull off of the roadCause I felt like something was wrongSo we put a traffic sign in the middle of nowhereThen fight in the nightBreathe in, breathe outGonna get a gripWe"re done, no doubtWas it worth the tripBreathe in, breathe outI"m tryingAin"t gonna let you suffocate meNo matter how long it takesGotta breathe you out, out, out...Out, out, outSo we finally got home,A long day, I was tired from the roadIt"s gonna be a long night,As I toss and turn to hold you tightYou"ve got women all wrongEven though that it"s time to move onTook a while to realizeSo we"re goin" nowhere fight after fightBreathe in, breathe outGonna get a gripWe"re done, no doubtWas it worth the tripBreathe in, breathe outI"m tryingAin"t gonna let you suffocate meNo matter how long it takesRunnin" and changin", holdin" and waitin"For love to come back when it"s already fadin"How we wasted too many risksIn this relationshipLookin" for ways to get over the painRemember to breathe again and againGonna be strongBreathe in, breathe outWe"re done, no doubtWas it worth the tripBreathe in, breathe outI"m tryingAin"t gonna let you suffocate meNo matter how long it takesI gotta breathe you outGonna get a gripWe"re done, no doubtWas it worth the tripBreathe in, breathe outI"m tryingAin"t gonna let you suffocate meNo matter how long it takesI gotta breathe you out, out, out...
2023-06-17 22:17:081


Star King 071013 E38 Super Junior王中王特辑
2023-06-17 22:17:151


昭和时代  1971——1973年  假面骑士:本乡猛(演:藤冈弘、)  假面骑士二号:一文字隼人(演:佐佐木刚)  1973——1974年  假面骑士V3:风见志郎(演:宫内洋)  骑士人:结成丈二(演:山口豪久)  1974——1975年  假面骑士X:神敬介(演:速水亮)  假面骑士亚马逊:山本大介(演:冈崎辙)  1975——1976年  假面骑士强者(Stronger):城茂(演:荒木茂)  电波女塔克鲁:岬百合子(演:冈田京子)  1979——1980年  假面骑士SKY:筑波洋(演:村上弘明)  1980年——1981年  假面骑士SUPER1:冲一也(演:高山俊介)  1984年  假面骑士ZX:村雨良(演:菅田俊)  1987——1988年  假面骑士BLACK:南光太郎(演:仓田铁男)  假面骑士影月(Shadow moon):秋月信彦(演:掘内孝人)  1988——1989年  假面骑士BLACK RX:南光太郎(演:仓田铁男)  平成时代  1992年  假面骑士真:风祭真(演:石川真)  1993年  假面骑士ZO:麻生胜(演:土门广)  1994年  假面骑士J:赖川耕司(演:望月佑多)  2000——2001年  假面骑士古迦(Kuuga):五代雄介(演:小田切让)  2001——2002年  假面骑士阿极陀(Agito):津上翔一(演:贺集利树)  假面骑士基尔斯(Gillis):苇原凉(演:友井雄亮)  假面骑士G3:冰川诚(演:要润)  假面骑士G4:水城史朗(演:唐渡亮)  黑暗阿极陀(又译另类阿极陀-Another Agito):木野薰(演:菊地隆则)  2002年——2003年  假面骑士龙骑(Ryuki):城户真司(演:须贺贵匡)  假面骑士夜骑(Knight or night):秋山莲(演:松田悟志)  假面骑士西扎斯(又译剪刀手-scissors):须藤雅史(演:木村刚)  假面骑士索尔达(又译铁兵-Soldier):北冈秀一(演:小田井凉平)  假面骑士莱亚(又译魔鬼鱼&海鳐-Raia or Ray)译:手冢海之(演:高野八诚)  假面骑士GUY:芝蒲淳(演:一条俊)  假面骑士王蛇(O-JA):浅仓威(演:荻野崇)  假面骑士大牙(DAi-GA):东条悟(演:高规纯)  假面骑士ZERO:香川英行(演:神悟保志)  假面骑士因培拉:佐野满(演:日向崇)  假面骑士贝尔提:高见泽逸郎(演:黒田ア~サ~)  假面骑士法姆:雾岛美穗(演:加藤夏希)  假面骑士龙牙(Ryuga:镜。真司(演:须贺贵匡)  2003——2004年  假面骑士555(Faiz):乾巧(演:半田健人)  假面骑士913(Kaixa):草加雅人(演:村上幸平)  假面骑士333(Ddlta):三原修二(演:原田笃)  假面骑士315(Saiga or Psyga):LEO(演:何润东)  假面骑士000(Oga):木场勇治(演:泉政行)  RIO——TROOPER:SWAT部队  2004——2005年  假面骑士剑(Blade):剑崎一真(演:椿隆之)  假面骑士加连(又译迦雷-Garren):橘朔也(演:天野浩成)  假面骑士连格尔(又译雷克鲁-Leangle):上城睦月(演:北条隆博)  假面骑士卡利斯(Charice):相川始(演:森本亮治)  假面骑士大剑(又译巨刃-Glaive)志村纯一(演:黑田勇树)  假面骑士弓(又译射手Larc):三轮夏美(演:三津谷叶子)  假面骑士长枪(Lance:过木慎(演:杉浦太雄)  2005——2006年  假面骑士响鬼(Hibiki):日高仁志(演:细川茂树)  假面骑士威吹鬼(Ibuki):和泉伊织(演:涉江让二)  假面骑士轰鬼(Tordoroki):户田山飞巳藏(演:川口真五)  假面骑士斩鬼(Zanli):财源藏津丸(演、:松田贤二)  假面骑士弹鬼:段田大辅(演:伊藤慎)  假面骑士朱鬼:朱(演:片冈礼子)  假面骑士锐鬼:锐  假面骑士刚鬼:刚  假面骑士斗鬼:斗  假面骑士胜鬼:胜  假面骑士蛮鬼:蛮  假面骑士吹雪鬼:吹雪  假面骑士歌舞鬼:歌舞  假面骑士冻鬼:冻  假面骑士煌鬼:煌鬼  假面骑士西鬼:西  假面骑士羽击鬼:羽击  假面骑士裁鬼:佐伯荣  天美晶变身体:天美晶(演:秋山奈奈)  桐矢京介变身体:桐矢京介(演:中村优一)  2005年  THE FIRST:本乡猛(演:黄川田将也)  一文字隼人(演:高野八诚)  2006——2007年  假面骑士甲斗(又译迦武KABUTO):天道总司(演:水岛宏)  假面骑士GATACK加贺美新(演:佐藤佑基)  假面骑士DRAKE:风间大介(演:加藤和树)  假面骑士THE BEE:矢车想(演:德山秀典)  加贺美新(演:佐藤佑基)  影山瞬(演:内山真人)  三鸟正人(演:弓削智久)  假面骑士SASWORD:神代剑(演:山本裕典)  假面骑士PUNCH HOPPER:影山瞬(演:内山真人)  假面骑士KICK HOPPER:矢车想(演:德山秀典)  假面骑士CAUCASUS:黑崎一诚(演:武藏)  假面骑士HERCUS:织田秀成(演:小林且弥)  假面骑士KETAROS:大河铁骑(演:虎牙登辉)  2007——2008年  假面骑士电王(Den-o):野上良太郎(演:佐藤健)  假面骑士零洛斯:樱井侑斗(演:中村优一)  假面骑士牙王:牙王(Gaou)(演:渡边裕之)  2007年  THENEXT:假面骑士V3 风见志郎(演:加藤和树)  2008——2009年  假面骑士牙(Kiva):红渡(演:濑户康史)  假面骑士IXA:名护启介(演:加藤庆佑)  假面骑士雷(Rey):白峰天斗(演:山本匠马)  假面骑士灵(Arc):杉村隆(演:崛内健)  2009  假面骑士Decade: 门矢士(井上正大)  假面骑士Diend: 海东大树(户谷公人)  (注:其实DCD里面还有N多山寨骑士,不一一发了)  假面骑士W:左翔太郎(演:桐山 莲) & 菲利普(管田 将晖) 2010 假面骑士OOO:火野 映司(渡部 秀) 假面骑士Birth/Portobirth:伊达 明(岩永 洋昭) 2011 假面骑士Fourze:如月弦太朗(福士苍汰) 假面骑士Meteor:朔田流星( 吉沢亮) 假面骑士Nadeshiko:美咲 抚子(真野 惠里菜) 2012 假面骑士Wizard:操真晴人(白石隼也) 假面骑士Beast:仁藤攻介(永濑匡) 2013 假面骑士铠武:葛叶紘汰(佐野岳) 假面骑士龙玄:吴岛光实(高杉真宙)假面骑士巴隆:驱纹戒斗(小林 豊)假面骑士斩月:吴岛贵虎(久保田 悠来)假面骑士古列顿:城乃内秀保(松田凌)假面骑士黑影:初濑亮二(白又敦)假面骑士Blavo:凰莲 皮埃尔 阿方索(吉田铁)
2023-06-17 22:17:221

Heartbreak Survivor 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Survivor歌手:Charice专辑:InfinityHeartbreak SurvivorChariceI used to smile to hide all my painI used to laugh when I felt like cryingBut now I"m smiling cause babyI"m not worried oh noNot worried about youI used to think you had so much gameNow it"s like you don"t even turn me onAnd boy I"m no longer hurtingheartbreak survivorCause I"m a heartbreak survivorWalked out of love without a scratchNo burns, no bruise, no scars I"m all intactCause I"m a heartbreak survivorNo I don"t plan on turning backCause you"ll never break my heart again like thatThere were times I thought I"d go crazyThere were days I thought I"d lost it allBut I"d rather be alone than have anythingHave anything with you at allI wasn"t always the strongest girlDidn"t have the toughest skinBut I"ve been some place called heartbreakAnd I swore I"d never visit there againNow I get to watch that building burn downNo longer a casualty, I"m living nowBaby and one day I"ll make it out somehowHeartbreak survivorI used to smile to hide all my painI used to laugh when I felt like cryingBut now I"m smiling cause baby I"m not worried
2023-06-17 22:17:311


2023-06-17 22:17:406

Nas的《New World》 歌词

New World演唱:ChariceFinal Fantasy XIII-2Staring the stars, feeling the wind everytime.注视着星空,感受着周围的风I cannot stop thinking of you.我不能停止对你的思念Since you"ve been gone away from here直到你从这里离开Shedding the tears, crying out loud for once.流着泪第一次大声地哭出来Cause you are such a precious part of me.因为你是我心中如此重要的一部分And there"s no one, who"ll fill my broken heart.没有人能够填满我破碎的心灵Oh right now, I have realized直到现在我才明白The reason why I live in this world, be with you我活在这个世界上的原因就是和你在一起Have left me here alone, I found the way把我单独留下,我找到了Where I can get hope for the future哪里我能找到通向未来的希望Baby, I"m gonna see the New World亲爱的,我将看到新世界With nothing but the love you gave me.除了你给的爱,我一无所有Only thing i can do, is to trust the time we shared我所能做的只有去相信我们在一起的时间Baby, I"m gonna go to the New World亲爱的,我将前往新世界With nothing but the strength you gave me.除了你给我的力量,我一无所有There"s nothing to be afraid of.没什么好怕的I know you"ll love me anywhere I should be.我知道无论我在哪你都会爱着我Even there it still can get a hard time for me即使我依旧会经历磨难I wouldn"t give up my hope我也不会放弃我的希望Having a dream, basking in the sun everyday拥有一个梦想,每天沐浴着阳光I"m starting to think that I am still here我开始思考我依然在这世上Over pain of us still hurts me我们过多的痛苦依然在伤害着我Making me smile, making me laugh many times.让我微笑,让我大笑Like everything has turned to me就想一切都朝我扑来Because you are making it so因为你使世界变成这样And now Why I have realized The reason why I live in this world,直到现在我才明白,我活在这个世界上的原因就是和你在一起It"s not too loose what truth we need这就是我们需要的不牢固的真实I will make, should"ve built beautiful days together我会做到修筑我们要一起达到的美丽的日子Baby, I"m gonna see the New World With nothing but the love you gave me.亲爱的,我将看到新世界,除了你给的爱,我一无所有Only thing i can do, is to trust the time we shared.我所能做的只有去相信我们在一起的时间Baby, I"m gonna go to the New World With nothing but the strength you gave me.亲爱的,我将前往新世界,除了你给我的力量,我一无所有There"s nothing to be afraid of I know you"ll love me anywhere I should be.没什么好怕的,我知道无论我在哪你都会爱着我Even there it still can get a hard time for me即使我依旧会经历磨难I wouldn"t give up my hope我也不会放弃我的希望Pray for all the things in this world为世间万物祈祷Have believed in the power of the love相信爱的力量Sing a song of tomorrow唱一首明天的歌Now we are not alone,we come to life again现在我们不再孤单,我们恢复了生机I knew there will come to you我知道一切会回到你身边For You为了你Baby, I"m gonna see the New World亲爱的,我将看到新世界With nothing but the love you gave me.,除了你给的爱,我一无所有Only thing I can do, is to trust the time we shared.我所能做的只有去相信我们在一起的时间Baby, I"m gonna go to the New World With nothing but the strength you gave me.亲爱的,我将前往新世界,除了你给我的力量,我一无所有There"s nothing to be afraid of I know you"ll love me anywhere we should be.没什么好怕的,我知道无论我在哪你都会爱着我Even there it still can get a hard time for us即使我们依旧会经历磨难I don"t wanna give up our hope.我也不会放弃我们的希望。
2023-06-17 22:17:551


菲律宾有几个唱歌的, 算是世界闻名的人物, 有个小女孩 和席琳迪瓮一起唱歌的, 算是个世界名人,全世界的巡回演出. 还有个菲律宾拳王,在美国时代杂志上了几次封面. 现在好像是菲律宾国会议员. 菲律宾已故的阿基诺总统,现在总统的母亲, 是个华裔女总统. 还有几个唱美声歌剧的,也是经常在全世界演出. 就这几个闻名世界的人物.
2023-06-17 22:18:171


2023-06-17 22:18:312


2023-06-17 22:18:513


没有charice这个词有 super-charge 超强充电super-chance 超级机会super-charity 超慈善, 超级慈善组织
2023-06-17 22:18:592

求一首英文歌曲 mv情景是在舞蹈房,两个女生,一个跳芭蕾一个跳街舞

Charice - One Day试听:下载:
2023-06-17 22:19:071


惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Houston),1963年8月9日出生于美国新泽西州纽华克市,美国女歌手、演员、电影制作人、模特。二十世纪八十年代早期,惠特妮担任模特工作,出现在杂志封面和广告上。1983年,她被克莱夫·戴维斯发掘,并于1985年2月14日发行首张同名专辑,其在专辑榜夺得14周冠军,并以2500万张的销量成为最畅销的处女专辑。1987年发行第二张专辑《Whitney》,空降并蝉联了11周告示牌专辑榜冠军,专辑诞生了以《I Wanna Dance With Somebody(Who Loves Me)》为首的四张冠军单曲。1992年主演了电影《保镖》,献唱主题曲《I Will Always Love You》,一举夺得Billboard单曲榜14周冠军,并成为史上销量最高的女歌手单曲[1] 。该单曲收录于专辑《The Bodyguard》中,该专辑共售出4500万张,成为最畅销的女歌手专辑。1999年与美国歌手玛丽亚·凯莉共同演唱的歌曲《When You Believe》获得了第71届奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲奖。2009年发行专辑《I Look To You》,再次在多国登顶专辑榜冠军。惠特妮一共拥有11支全美冠军单曲,且从首张专辑开始,共有46周在公告牌百强专辑榜夺冠。美国洛杉矶时间2012年2月11日,惠特妮在比弗利山庄希尔顿酒店因药物过量,导致心脏病发滑入浴缸溺水而意外逝世,年仅48岁。
2023-06-17 22:19:172


2023-06-17 22:19:381

菲利宾天才歌手Charice Pempengco的资料

全名:Charice Pempengco   原名:charmaine clarice   出生名称:Relucio Pempengco 出生日期:1992年5月10日   出生地:拉古娜,菲律宾   职业:歌手   音乐风格:Pop,R&B,Soul(流行音乐,蓝调,灵魂)   发展时期:2007—现在   最喜欢的歌手:惠特尼休斯顿,玛丽亚凯莉,席琳迪翁。"   最喜欢的专辑:惠特尼休斯顿的所有专辑 ,   最喜欢的情歌:《One more time》 ,   Charice4岁开始受母亲的启蒙。Charice有副天生的金嗓音,她的发音特点是特别雄浑有力,在演唱时能够很自如的进行高低音变换。虽然年龄很小,但其演唱功底和发展潜力却远超绝大多数的欧美一流歌星,加之菲律宾的英语母语背景,她仿唱的欧美著名流行歌曲的水平十分到位,简直与原唱不相上下,其中她成功翻唱的被认为是难度很大的惠特尼.休斯顿的歌曲使其他模仿者大大的相形见绌了。(2008年),Charice已经在欧洲,韩国和美国进行演出并录制唱片,用很多歌坛元老和著名电视节目主持人的话说,Charice即将跃升为世界乐坛大明星。 Charice Pempengco的演唱水平得到了席琳.迪翁,大卫.福斯特等著名音乐家的首肯,她在伦敦和美国的演出常常博得全场观众的起立鼓掌。Charice有着清靓恬静的外貌,天生的好嗓音和富于表情的舞台演技,并有着良好的表演风范和职业道德以及勤奋的工作态度,这一切都是使她走向成功的财富
2023-06-17 22:19:471

求Charice - Always You的歌词

I"ve been to so many moments in my life Where i can"t findAnyone to turn to but you...Only you...always you And when all that"s around me are fallin"You will remain there standingJust for me always you..only youIn my weakest timesYou were so strongWhen all hope is goneYou carry on i draw myStrength from youWhen i could no longer find anyOf it in me...You are my life you are my strengthI can"t fight a battle aloneI can make it through times when i"m with youCause you are my shieldYou are my souldYou"re breathing life into my heartAll good love that i haveComes from youAlways youAlways youI"ve been lost in the middle of no whereAnd i can"t find my way homeSo lost without youBut you have pulled me throughYou took me in your armsAnd you rescued me from the darkAnd now i"m finally homeI feel safeCause now i"m with youYou are my life you are my strengthI can"t fight a battle aloneI can make it through times when i"m with youCause you are my shieldYou are my souldYou"re breathing life into my heartAll good love that i haveComes from youAlways youAlways youAnd from the startThis is your planYou won"t let anyoneTo harm meI"m holding on to the words that you saidYou are my shining light my hopeYou are my life you are my strengthI can"t fight a battle aloneI can make it through times when i"m with youCause you are my shieldYou are my souldYou"re breathing life into my heartAll good love that i haveComes from youAlways youAlways youOnly from youAll the love that i haveComes from youAlways you
2023-06-17 22:19:551


2023-06-17 22:20:053

求 MAY‘S 唱得My love is all for you.歌词 以及CHARICE唱得Far as the sky的歌词。

A few stolen moments is all that we share You"ve got your family, and they need you there Though I"ve tried to resist, being last on your list But no other man"s gonna doSo I"m saving all my love for youIt"s not very easy, living all alone My friends try and tell me, find a man of my own But each time I try, I just break down and cry Cause I"d rather be home feeling blue So I"m saving all my love for you You used to tell me we"d run away together Love gives you the right to be free You said be patient, just wait a little longer But that"s just an old fantasyI"ve got to get ready, just a few minutes more Gonna get that old feeling when you walk through that door Cause tonight is the night, for a feeling alright We"ll be making love the whole night through So I"m saving all my love Yes I"m saving all my love Yes I"m saving all my love for you No other woman, is gonna love you more Cause tonight is the night, that I"m feeling alrightWe"ll be making love the whole night through So I"m saving all my love Yeah I"m saving all my lovin Yes I"m saving all my love for you For you, for you -----------------far as the sky Far beyond my lonely dreamI saw you wave to me I"ll all intend to claimWaited you foreverWanted to rememberAnd now I"m opening the doorI"m here to lighten up the dayFor me and for our loveI"m always here to stayWho wins golden ocean smilesAnd these joyful travels countless milesMany silent hopes will rest it"s wings to fly againAll the shining lights will gather to it"s head Our destiny, it"s all true fantasyI"ll share my love to help you through the nightFar as the sky my heart will reach out to the one who criesI will never leave you all behindOur destiny, it"s all true fantasyI"ll share my love to help you through the deepest nightFar as the sky my love will blow away your pain, no criesI am always here to singTo sing a song for youI am always here to singTo sing a song for you Together underneath the sunWe hear the birds whistleAnd music hard be goneMelodies in the air Carry lots and lots of muse to shareMany vibrant shows I saw them yesterdayAll the precious spells will never fade awayThe symphony have massive harmonySpare the strength to brighten up the weaker worldFar as the sky we"ve got to search for all the caring soulsI cannot have seen the truthIf it wasn"t for youI cannot have seen the truthIf it wasn"t for youOur destiny, it"s all true fantasyI"ll share my love to help you through the nightFar as the sky my heart will reach out to the one who criesI will never leave you all behind Our destiny, it"s all true fantasyI"ll share my love to help you through the deepest nightFar as the sky my love will blow away your pain no criesI am always here to singTo sing a song for youI am always here to singTo sing a song for youTo sing this song for you
2023-06-17 22:20:142

Jason Miles的《New Worlds》 歌词

New World演唱:ChariceFinal Fantasy XIII-2Staring the stars, feeling the wind everytime.I cannot stop thinking of you.Since you"ve been gone away from hereShedding the tears, crying out loud for once.Cause you are such a precious part of me.And there"s no one, who"ll build my broken heart.Oh right now, I have realizedThe reason why I live in this world, be with youHave left me here alone, I found the wayWhere I think & hope for the futureBaby, I"m gonna see the New WorldWith nothing but the love you gave me.All the thing i can do, is to trust the time we shared.Baby, I"m gonna go to the New WorldWith nothing but the strength you gave me.There"s nothing to be afraid of.I know you"ll love me anywhere I should be.Even there fade parts for meI wouldn"t give up my hopeHaving a dream, basking in the sun everydayI"m starting to think that I (forgive/forget?)Longer pain of (us??) still hurts meMaking me smile, making me laugh many times.Like everything has (down??) to meBecause you are making it (so??)…And now Why I have realized The reason why I live in this world,It"s not to….. true we need???I will make, should"ve build a beautiful days togetherBaby, I"m gonna see the New World With nothing but the love you gave me.All the thing i can do, is to trust the time we shared.Baby, I"m gonna go to the New World With nothing but the strength you gave me.There"s nothing to be afraid of know you"ll love me anywhere I should be.Even there fade… for meI wouldn"t give up my hopePray for all of the things in this worldHave believe in the power of the loveSee the..??) of tomorrowNow we are…., we come to life againFor YouBaby, I"m gonna see the New WorldWith nothing but the love you gave me.All the thing i can do, is to trust the time we shared.Baby, I"m gonna go to the New World With nothing but the strength you gave me.There"s nothing to be afraid of know you"ll love me anywhere we should be.Even there fade…… for us..I don"t wanna give up our hope.
2023-06-17 22:20:221

一首歌里面是连着的one day one day one day.... 是啥歌呢

Matisyahu-One Day
2023-06-17 22:20:315


到百度音乐搜索 Charice一个一个听吧
2023-06-17 22:20:472


2023-06-17 22:21:061


071013 Starking.圭贤&菲律宾女孩Charice - A Whole New WorldMP3下载地址链接已发送 请尽快查收 ^^
2023-06-17 22:21:141


中文名:惠特妮·休斯顿   英文名:Whitney Houston(全英文名:Whitney Elizabeth Houston)   别名:惠姨、惠后、The Voice   地位:欧美四大天后、美国《时代周刊》世界七大女歌星   国籍:美国   血统:美国、荷兰   出生地:新泽西纽华克   生日:1963年8月9日   身高:175cm   体重:55kg   星座:狮子座   血型:A型   讨厌的地方:厨房   常到的地方:公司   最喜欢的运动:吸尘   最喜欢的乐器:萨克司    最喜爱的季节:夏季   最喜欢的颜色:淡紫色   最喜欢的零食:果味软糖   最喜欢的歌手:母亲(茜茜休斯顿)   最喜欢的节日:三八妇女节   最喜爱的国家:China   婚姻状况:离婚,于1992年下嫁R&B歌手Bobby Brown(2006年9月正式宣布离婚),育有一女Kristina Brown   大牌粉丝: Beyonce、Lady GaGa、Christina Aguilera、Kim Burrel、Jennifer Hudson、Britney Spears、Celine Dion、Charice、Mary J. Blige、Mariah Carey、Brandy、Alicia Keys、本·拉登、李玟、张惠妹、张敬轩、金俊秀、张靓颖、韦唯、江珊、韩红等
2023-06-17 22:21:221


2023-06-17 22:21:303


2023-06-17 22:21:406

charice i love you 歌词翻译

2023-06-17 22:21:562

有首歌最后几句一直在重nothing nothing什么的 英文歌

2023-06-17 22:22:055

艾尔文和花栗鼠2中最后在舞台上表演的那首歌叫什么名字,歌词好像是we are family.

那首歌就叫we are family 绝对没错
2023-06-17 22:22:192


生日: 1992年5月10日   全名:Charice Pempengco(夏莉丝·本贝克)  原名:charmaine clarice  出生名称:Relucio Pempengco(瑞路可·本贝克)可以去百度百科看她的全部资料
2023-06-17 22:22:371