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2023-05-19 15:01:29
TAG: 成语


lè yú zhù rén









zhù rén wéi lè








【英译】be glad to help others


yī bì zhī lì











【英译】a leg-up


xuě zhōng sòng tàn









【英译】timely assistance



jǐn shàng tiān huā











【英译】make sth. even better


liǎng lèi chā dāo











jiàn yì yǒng wéi










【英译】never hesitate to do what is right



jí gōng hào yì










【英译】be zealous for public interests


tǐng shēn ér chū










【例句】有的~,被关在拘押所里. ◎叶圣陶《多收了三五斗》

【英译】come out boldly



kāng kǎi jiě náng










【英译】give alms liberally


jiě náng xiāng zhù










【英译】help sb. generously with money


bá dāo xiāng zhù











【英译】help another for the sake of justice


bá dāo xiāng jì







【英译】to take up the cudgels against an injustice


dǎ bào bù píng









【英译】defend somebody against an injustice



zhàng yì zhí yán








【英译】speak out from a sense of justice


fú ruò yì qiáng







【英译】help the oppressed and oppress the oppressor


chú qiáng fú ruò







【英译】root out the daring and protect the weak


chú bào ān liáng










【英译】eliminate the evil and give peace to the good people


shā fù jì pín








lè shàn hào shī










【英译】be prodigal of benefactions



ccommodating[英][əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ][美][əˈkɑ:mədeɪtɪŋ]adj.随和的; 乐于助人的; 善于适应新环境的; 调节性的; v.容纳( accommodate的现在分词 ); 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙例如:The car is practical, too, with a 400-litre trunk capable of accommodating four suitcases and a golf bag.这款车是可行的,也有400升的行李箱,可容纳4个手提箱和一个高尔夫球袋。They are very accommodating to foreign visitors.他们非常乐意帮助外国访客。He was accommodating enough to give me a free ride.他乐于给人方便,让我免费搭了次车。
2023-01-01 19:13:432


英汉翻译 accomodatev. 容纳,留宿,使...适应
2023-01-01 19:13:542

"乐于助人的" 英语是什么

2023-01-01 19:14:0711

accommodating education怎么翻译

2023-01-01 19:14:485


accommodating     [əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ]   adj.    乐于助人的, 随和的, 善于适应新环境的。例句1,The man was accommodating enough to lend me a dollar.那个人很慷慨地借给我一块钱。2,The warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in. 那个看门人总是随和的让游客们进去。3,It would be wrong to adopt an accommodating attitude towards their errors or shortcomings. 对他们的错误或缺点采取迁就态度,是不对的。4,Lindi seemed a nice, accommodating girl. 林迪似乎是个友好、乐于助人的女孩。5,In most Arab countries, he says, the political order is oppressive and democracy a sham, a hollow system incapable of accommodating the vitality of the people. 他说在大多数阿拉伯国家,政治秩序就是专制压迫,是民主的骗局,是一个无法容纳朝气蓬勃的人民百姓的空洞系统。
2023-01-01 19:15:071

accommodation ladder stanchions什么意思及同义词

accommodation 英[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] 美[əˌkɑ:məˈdeɪʃn] n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利; [例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.附近有不太贵的住处。[其他] 复数:accommodations形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators ladder 英[ˈlædə(r)] 美[ˈlædɚ] n. 梯子,阶梯; 梯状物; 途径; (紧身裤袜或长筒袜的) 滑丝; vi. 使(袜子)发生抽丝现象; 像长筒袜一样抽丝; [例句]Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water.凯莉顺着梯子下到水里。[其他] 第三人称单数:ladders 复数:ladders 现在分词:laddering过去式:laddered 过去分词:laddered 形近词: padder gadder jadder stanchions n. 立柱,支柱; ( stanchion的名词复数 ) [网络] 支柱; [例句]The structure of stanchions, such as materials, dimensions, height, space and fixing types are all the design parameters for the horizontal concentrated load.立柱的结构,例如材料,尺寸,高度,立柱的间距,安装的型式等都是水平集中荷载的设计参数。
2023-01-01 19:15:121


amicable ,友好的,aesthetic 有审美能力的 alert 机敏的,(思维)敏捷的 affable 易人的,和蔼的(指容易交谈) amiable 和蔼可亲的able 能干的、聪明的absorbed 全神贯注的absorbing 引人入胜的、极有趣的accommodating 乐于助人的accurate 精确的、准确的amused愉快的, 开心的, 好玩的amusing有趣的ample充足的, 丰富的你可以从这些单词里面挑5个好的单词,希望我的答案能够帮助你,望采纳~~~~
2023-01-01 19:15:233


2023-01-01 19:15:486


blocks of flats 公寓英国比其他别的国家要更严肃地面对楼房上建的问题。也就是说,占相当大的人口比例住在公寓里。
2023-01-01 19:16:234


Rather annoys the gentleman not to annoy the villain!
2023-01-01 19:16:362


1、about 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的;在流行中的She came in for a coffee, and told me about her friend Shona 她进来喝了杯咖啡,并向我谈起了她的朋友肖纳。2、amusing 有趣的;引人发笑的Theannouncerbroadcastedapieceofamusingnews.播音员报道了一条有趣的新闻。3、accommodating 乐于助人的,随和的;乐于助人的;善于适应新环境的;调节性的In my breed we are becoming hard pressed to find intact males living with accommodatingowners. 在我们这一带繁殖的种群当中已经很难找到健全的公犬与乐于助人的犬主了。4、accurate 精确的、准确的Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date 警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述。5、amused 愉快的,开心的,好玩的He listened to them, affecting an amused interest 他装作饶有兴致地听他们说话。
2023-01-01 19:16:482

自信 勤奋 谦虚 有调理 乐于助人 用英语表达分别怎麽说

self-confident hardworking; diligent; industriousmodest ; humble ; unassertiveorgnanized;systematic; in orderaccommodating ; obliging ; helpful
2023-01-01 19:16:561


PottEveNerkoonPoxOya (都是女孩儿用的。)
2023-01-01 19:17:054


自动检测中英文意见反馈>>译文:英 -> 中 复制结果 双语对照天,其他车型将在这个量子age.perhaps你将造物主!冲突管理护理管理者经常遇到的员工间的冲突和自己和员工之间未解决的冲突。可以降低士气和威胁的护理质量。克莱门茨(2003)描述了五风格的处理冲突-------避免,容纳,竞争,妥协,合作——指出,这五种款式不差。问题是落习惯性的方式解决冲突,可能不是最好的一个特定的情况。有效的护理人员尝试每个风格和学习使用风格最适合每一个情况。12箱23-5标识管理不善可能导致冲突。通过领导经历变化的影响变化的过程是转换或修改的东西。它可能是计划,无计划的,发展的,或者,如porter-o"grady和Malloch建议,量子和永远存在。护理和卫生保健系统的不断变化和发展,而且势头只会让在未来的岁月里。如慢性病和秩序的人越来越多,在卫生保健因素,政府和行业越来越重要的作用,医疗保健成本的上升,以及医疗服务模式的变化已经产生了创新和变革在医疗保健的需要。有许多变化的理论,大多数基于变化由库尔特提出的经典理论
2023-01-01 19:17:192

2023-01-01 19:17:284


让我们重新开始前一段时间,我产生了直接的经验,我所描述的"高perfotmance客户服务" ,它发生在上周六,一个寒冷的冬天的一天,在torronto 。 本周末开始,因为与其他许多二手家庭情况,我的孩子们探望mother.my妻子凯特,我度过了一个周末。周六是一个运动休闲和tranquillity.we起身晚了,一切都在一天是一个愉快的三个或四个晚了。 褐变后,商店和画廊,我们走到了一个突出的四星级酒店约为下午4时,准备一晚午餐。餐厅的工作人员是最accommodating.kate下令快炒某种类型的,当它到达时,真正的冒险开始了。 坐落在整齐kste的快炒,是尖端的手指从一个乳胶glove.i称为女服务员。 "这是什么" ?凯特询问,在一个适当水平的愤慨。 " t"m不知道" ,回答女服务员因为她护送下板距离,以厨房。 在不到一分钟的女服务员回到与maitred "夫人,我们已经做了一个可怕的错误,并为此表示真诚道歉" ,所以至今尚算不错" ,让我们重新开始, " maltred contined "消除一切从表"他指示waitress.the女服务员接着,以消除一切-葡萄酒, culery ,我的食物,桌布----一切! "让我们抹去记忆,说: " maitred 。 该表是复位,菜单,目前,新酒和食品ordered.we人对我们的方式再次到一个神奇的午餐。 该maitred了一个坏的服务印象,而代之以一个优秀one.he没有经验,但取代更高,更丰富的一个,在其place.the食物的情况是好的,服务superlative.this是战区。 和吃饱肚子的互补性。 理查德波特这样做的大,这样做是正确的和做的,它的风格。
2023-01-01 19:17:422


季羡林容忍英译赏析   人处在家庭和社会中,有时候恐怕需要讲点容忍。下面是我整理的季羡林散文《容忍》英译赏析,欢迎大家阅读!   容忍   Patience   季羡林   Ji Xianlin   人处在家庭和社会中,有时候恐怕需要讲点容忍。   In home and social life one probably needs to be a little bit patient now and then.   要点:   此处的“容忍”译为patience,较fortitude, perseverance, endurance相比,patience含有一定的道德品质成分   唐朝有一个姓张的大官,家庭和睦,美名远扬,一直传到了皇帝耳中。皇帝赞美他治家有道,问他道在何处,他一气写了一百个“忍”字。这说得非常清楚:家庭中要互相容忍,才能和睦。这个故事非常有名。在旧社会,中国姓张的全以祖先的容忍为荣了。   During the Tang Dynasty, a high official surnamed Zhang was known far and wide for his harmonious home life. When the emperor gave him praise and asked him how he had been running the family to achieve harmony, he wrote down without a break one hundred characters meaning “patience”. Evidently, the message he tried to bring home to the emperor was that family members must be accommodating to each other for the sake of harmony. That"s famous story. Consequently, people surnamed Zhang in the old days all felt greatly honored that one of their ancestors had been known for exercising patience.   要点:   1,“家庭和睦,美名远扬”可合译为“以其和睦的家庭生活而远近闻名”,was known far and wide for his harmonious home life   2,“问他道在何处”即“问他如何治家求和睦”译为asked him how he had been running the family to achieve harmony   3,“他一气写了一百个‘忍"字”译为he wrote down without a break one hundred characters meaning “patience”.其中“一口气”译为without a break,in one breath, at one go   4,“这说得非常清楚:家庭中要互相容忍,才能和睦。”译为Evidently, the message he triedto bring home to the emperor was that family members must be accommodating to each other for the sake of harmony.其中to bring home to意为“使…深刻体会”如:What do I have to do to bring home to you the urgency of the situation? 你要我做什么才能使你认清情况的紧急呀?   但是容忍也并不容易。1935年, 我乘西伯利亚铁路的火车经苏联赴德国,车过中苏边界上的.满洲里,停车四小时,由苏联海关检查行李。这是无可厚非的,入国必须检查,这是世界公例。但是,当时的苏联大概认为,我们这一帮人,从一个资本主义国家到另一个资本主义国家,恐怕没有好人,必须严查,以防万一。检查其他行李,我决无意见。但是,在哈尔滨买的一把最粗糙的铁皮壶,却成了被检查的首要对象。这里敲敲,那里敲敲,薄薄的一层铁皮决藏不下一颗炸弹的,然而他们却敲打不止。我真有点无法容忍,想 要发火。我身旁有一位年老的老外,是与我们同车的,看到我的神态,在我耳旁悄悄地说了句:Patience is a great virtue(容忍是很大的美德)。我对他微笑,表示致谢。我立即心平气和,天下太平。   However, it is easier said than done to be tolerant towards others. In 1935, I traveled to Germany via the Soviet Union over the Siberian railway. At the Sino-Soviet border in Manzhouli, the train stopped for a 4-hour-inspection by the Soviet customs. That was all right because entry inspection was an international practice. But the then Soviet Union subjected me to a closer-than-usual customs inspection probably on the assumption that I, like all those traveling from one capitalist country to another, must be a dubious character. I had no objection to the check-up of my belongings except when a crudely-made tinplate kettle that I had bought at Harbin became something very fishy to them. The kettle was certainly too flimsy for holding a hidden bomb, but they barked up the wrong tree and kept clanking it repeatedly here and there. Driven beyond the limit of my patience, I was about to flare up when an elderly foreigner, who was my co-passenger, whispered to me, “Patience is a great virtue.” That calmed me down, and I turned to him with a smile by way of expressing my thanks.   要点:   1,“这是无可厚非的”意为“这并没有什么不对”译为That was all right,或That was beyond reproach   2,“一把最粗糙的铁皮壶”译为a crudely-made tinplate kettle,其中“铁皮”即“马口铁”译为tinplate,这种词汇的细节是需要长时间的积累才能把握的~   3,“…却成了被检查的首要对象”译为became something very fishy to them,其中fishy意为“可疑的,值得怀疑的”意同dubious,但比较不正式   4,“薄薄的一层铁皮决藏不下一颗炸弹的,然而他们却敲打不止”译为The kettle was certainly too flimsy for holding a hidden bomb, but they barked up the wrong tree andkept clanking it repeatedly here and there.其中“they barked up the wrong tree”意作“捕风捉影”是译文中的增译部分   5,“敲打不止”译为kept clanking it repeatedly here and there,译者在此使用拟声词clanking(把…敲得叮当响)使这一动作更加形象传神   6,“我对他微笑,表示致谢”译为I turned to him with a smile by way of expressing my thanks.其中by way of是成语,意同for the purpose of   综述:除了上述几点外,注意本段开头一句,译者在译多个动词“乘”“经”“过”时,以介词代动词的手法~   看来容忍确是一件好事,甚至是一种美德。但是,我认为,也必须有一个界限。我们到了德国以后,就碰到这个问题。旧时欧洲流行决斗之风,谁污辱了谁,特别是谁 的女情人,被污辱者一定要提出决斗,或用枪,或用剑。普希金就是在决斗中被枪打死的。我们到了的时候,此风已息,但仍发生。我们几个中国留学生相约:如 果外国人污辱了我们自身,我们要揣度形势,主要要容忍,以东方的恕道克制自己。但是,如果他们污辱我们的国家,则无论要同他们玩儿命,决不容忍。这就是我 们容忍的界限。幸亏这样的事情没有发生,否则我就活不到今天在这里舞笔弄墨了   Obviously, patience is really a good thing or rather a great virtue. But I think there should be a demarcation line to be observed. Fighting a duel was a common practice in old Germany. One who suffered an insult to himself or especially his girlfriend would challenge the offender to a fight in which they used pistols or swords. The great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin was one of those shot dead in a duel. At the time when I arrived in Germany together with some other Chinese students, the practice of dueling was still lingering on there though less prevalent. We pledged that in case of ourselves being insulted we shouldweigh the pros and cons and give precedence to patience in line with the Oriental doctrine of magnanimity, but that in case of a humiliating insult directed against our dear country, we should wage a life-and-death struggle against the offender without showing any patience. That is what I mean by drawing a demarcation line. Fortunately, nothing of the kind happened; otherwise, I might not have survived to write this article today.   要点:   1,“看来容忍确是一件好事,甚至是一种美德”中的“甚至是一种美德”可理解为“确切来说,是一种美德”译为Obviously, patience is really a good thing or rather a great virtue.   2,“提出决斗”即“challenge a fight”   3,“普希金就是在决斗中被枪打死的”译为The great Russian poetA. S. Pushkin was one of those shot dead in a duel.其中The great Russian poet属于解释性词语   4,“揣度形势”即“权衡利弊”“见机行事”,译为weigh the pros and cons   5,“玩命”即“进行生死较量”译为wage a life-and-death struggle against the offender   6,“否则我就活不到今天在这里舞笔弄墨了”即“否则我就不会在这里写文章了”otherwise, I might not have survived to write this article today.   综述:本段行文流畅灵活,译文也是在用词和句式上灵活多变,十分贴近原作风格~   现在我们中国人的容忍水平,看了真让人气短。在公共汽车上,挤挤碰碰是常见的现象。如果碰了或者踩了别人,连忙说一声:“对不起!”就能够化干戈为玉帛。然 而有不少人连“对不起”都不会说了,于是就相吵相骂,甚至于扭打,甚至打得头破血流。我们这个伟大的民族怎么竟成了这个样子!我在自己心中暗暗祝愿:容忍兮,归来!   It is disheartening nowadays to see so little patience shown by our compatriots. On a crowded bus, for instance, when you happen to bump into a co-passenger or step on his feet, an immediate word of apology from you willserve to prevent a dispute. But many even grudge saying, “Sorry!” thereupon a quarrel or a fist-fight will follow until both parties are beaten black and blue. Oh, what has brought our great nation to such a pass? May PATIENCE come back to stay!   要点:   1,“让人气短”即“令人沮丧”,译为disheartening   2,“化干戈为玉帛”译为serve to prevent a dispute   3,black and blue原意为“青一块紫一块”,如今作“头破血流”   4,pass有个不常见的意思“阶段;步骤”此处用的就是这个意思,   In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.   第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。 ;
2023-01-01 19:17:511


1. “竞争”(competing):坚持己见与不合作采取竞争型策略的人,会坚守自己的立场,不愿退让分毫。这种冲突处理方式,可能会扼杀发展创意解决方案的机会,也特别容易损害双方的关系,不利发展长期合作。2. “协作”(collaborating):坚持己见但合作采取协作型策略的人,会真诚寻求解决方案,希望尽力满足双方需求。这时双方都愿意开放、诚实地合作,努力厘清各自立场的差异,并尽量发展相同之处。整体来说,协作是最有建设性的冲突处理策略,较不会伤害双方关系,也有助于培养信任。3. “逃避”(avoiding):不坚持己见但不合作采取逃避型策略的人,不喜欢处理冲突,甚至会无所不用其极,来逃避冲突。例如转移话题、逃离现场、一再拖延等等。其实,如果是小问题,这通常是很好的策略,但如果是大问题,越是逃避,越可能随时间累积更大的冲突,迟早会引爆。4. “顺应”(accommodating):不坚持己见且合作采取顺应型策略的人也对冲突感到不安,往往通过快速让步,来尽快结束冲突。然而,一味委曲求全,并非解决冲突的良方,因为顺应可能扼杀了创造性思考和有效的问题解决方式,也可能导致双方内心都有不满。5. “妥协”(compromising):中度坚持己见且中度合作采取妥协型策略的人,承认双方有不同需求,愿意各退一步,进行协商。这样的折衷,让双方都获得了一些满足,是相当具建设性的处理方式,尤其适用于中度重要性的议题。
2023-01-01 19:17:561

make accommodations to是什么意思

make accommodations to 使住宿变成……accommodation英[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn]美[əˌkɑ:məˈdeɪʃn]n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;[例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.附近有不太贵的住处。[其他] 复数:accommodations 形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators
2023-01-01 19:18:011


Presumably everyone has read a famous masterpiece - "Treasure Island." This book, from start to finish on a rotating adventure story, and in this inside a juvenile who was born in a poor home, drove to the hotel to maintain their livelihood. Jim is the character that juvenile. Hawkins. He inadvertently discovered the old pirate treasure hidden gold and silver desert island map. Therefore, he discussed with other friends, and his friends with a group of sailors went to the Tanbao trip. But before long, they ship in a group of sailors defected to the enemy, the two sides keen on the battlefield, and they launched a soul-stirring battle against the enemy. Finally, because all the efforts of the crew, charged to victory in the Jim side, and soon, they happily carrying gold and silver treasures of taste returned to the home. Although I did not go there in person adventure, but in my mind, always rising to the slightest scene, Jim his integrity in the face of total energy, in his side he is so noble, kind, brave, he was always able to Pirates uniform, success, how brave he is! When I heard this remark when he was shocked body shivering, such as this paragraph…… we see the land that night, I was in Apple containers, I heard you - John, and you - Dick. Johnson, It is a Chinese, he is now in the seabed, I am still within one hour to every word you have said the report. As for the sailing? Vertical, I cut off the cable ship, I kill you stay on board, which is…… on when I saw these when I was very shocking to have a boy so much courage to say These, which I very much admired. Of course, I admire people who have a resentment of the people, such as Xierfu represented by the characters in their possession are embodied in the hypocritical, Ungraded and evil, they kill themselves to the lives of others, they do not have their doing things to feel guilty, but more frenzied. Think of the money the brain air-to-air, the idea of murder only remaining, one after another to the people of pipes slit, tyranny. I will let my mind they all come out with a pair of ferocious terror Ningxiao eyes with a short knives crazy sailors killed a lot of people, just for their own interests and dehumanizing. Although this novel to confound truth, but his works embodied in the good and evil of acute confrontation between, I think we do a story warnings are not selfish, because it is in your life on the wrong path, and Jim them is a kind of justice on behalf of the spiritual wealth.
2023-01-01 19:18:066


Accommodating, China, in full bloom with 56 national flower. Different regions and different nations have different holiday customs. Let us into the Dai Dai Water-splashing Festival understanding. Water Festival from India, Brahmanism was a religious ceremony, followed by the absorption of Buddhism, by Myanmar to Yunnan Xishuangbanna. Songkran is the Dai Year, is the most important traditional festival of Dai. Songkran is held in the Dai Li in March, a total of three days, two days before sending the old, in which the first day, Dai language known as "Jimmy Day", the next day, Dai language called "angry day." The last day of orientation. Festival early in the morning, men and women on the bath, slip into every household in the door, the windows are close to a variety of paper cutting, the main street of town has put up the arch, the top symbol of happiness and good standing with the Golden Peacock. Dai"s men and women dressed in its holiday best mountains to pick wild flowers in droves to do Hanabusa. Noon, women were each picked a load of fresh water pouring on to the Buddha, the Buddha dust collector. Then, the young men and women carrying bucket, a splash of time. They like to take this a spray of water, expressed sincere blessing, is said to be from disease, safe season, so the more water the ramp by others, blessings on the shows he was also the more people are pouring into the more pleased . In addition, to participate in dragon boat races during the festival, garden, drive swing, up high, let lanterns, costume shows, folk dances and other activities. Another Songkran most visible activity is dragon boat racing, dancing feet as inspiration and peacock, which is the third day of the Dai New Year, Dai language known as "Mai Paya late Mary." Festive mood to be pushed to a climax at this time, dressed in festive costumes, the audience gathered at the Lancang River, Ruili River, have immersed in the warm atmosphere of jubilation. During the festival, full of laughter, is imbued with the festive and peaceful atmosphere
2023-01-01 19:18:342


accommodation英[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn]美[əˌkɑ:məˈdeɪʃn]n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;[网络] 住宿; 顺应; 住所;[例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.附近有不太贵的住处。[其他] 复数:accommodations 形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators
2023-01-01 19:18:531

"乐于助人的" 英语是什么 单词哦!~~

乐于助人的 [lè yú zhù rén de] 基本翻译 accommodating 网络释义 乐于助人的:accommodate|helpful|accommodating 有好的,乐于助人的:outgoing 乐于助人的,亲切的:accommodating 标准的答案哦~
2023-01-01 19:18:591

room accommodation是什么意思

2023-01-01 19:19:051

"乐于助人的" 英语是什么

2023-01-01 19:19:101


乐于助人.英语:1) He likes to help,2) She is willing to help others.3) I like to give my hand to others.4) They always do others a favor.
2023-01-01 19:19:162


2023-01-01 19:19:282


Accommodating is one of the instinctual behaviors of being in love
2023-01-01 19:19:373


Don‘t be too accommodating. "对方"在标准英语里可省略. each other 是相互的意思 Don"t too accommodating each other 的翻译是 "不要过于互相迁就‘.
2023-01-01 19:19:481


kind and helpful
2023-01-01 19:19:543


2023-01-01 19:20:068


The piano is left only accompanying me to have flicked the quiet cello old friend falling asleep one day"s I think of extraordinary that you already show knowing that I know me also knowing you do not grudge you criticizing you being unable to meet me grieved not believing that being leading is that my foundation does not think that I do not have this too parting why to want I to use smile to come to take too be compared to me really want to love you and I how embarrassed to be going to be just now compelling self to leave you asking me to speak too day contain you also recipient he be needless to worry about I have will be always nice very much that you leave me already over also may go and chase self slowly why I I may can"t meet me grieved being mimicking extraordinary abandoning you being that I think that you already have shown because of I love you very much the piano being left only accompanying me to have flicked the quiet cello old friend falling asleep one day"s knowing that I know me also knowing you do not grudge you criticizing you including parting being accommodating self to do not believe in lead let you accompany I also only once Hope that he is that I had not thought that I will be always nice very much with smiling coming to have brought me along not having this sky forgiving you also accepting him being needless to worry about parting why to want to have I too at all be compared to me really want to love you and I how embarrassed to be going to be just now compelling self to leave you asking me to speak too that you leave me already over also may go and chase self slowly why I that I am able to be learning to abandon you is that you want me because of I love you very much including parting being accommodating self to Speak how embarrassed I had not thought that I will be always nice very much with smiling coming to have brought me along not having this sky forgiving you also accepting him being needless to worry about parting why to want to have I too at all that you leave me already over also may go and chase self slowly why I that I am able to be learning to abandon you is to love you very much because of me including parting being accommodating self to
2023-01-01 19:20:341


able 能干的、聪明的absorbed 全神贯注的absorbing 引人入胜的、极有趣的accommodating 乐于助人的accurate 精确的、准确的beautiful 美丽的beneficient 仁慈的beneficial 有益的benign 慈祥的、和善的bless 舒服的、宜人的
2023-01-01 19:20:391


你要翻译到什么语言啊? 英语?Character I cheerful, active, optimistic, progressive, broad-loving, with strong organizational skills and adaptability, good at teamwork. Live in harmony with the students and helpful. Study and work on a serious and responsible, have a stronger sense of innovation and knowledge. Dare to struggle, difficulties and practice. Motivated and have a stronger sense of responsibility.
2023-01-01 19:20:493


2023-01-01 19:21:008


Visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of time. The amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most valuable. On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so well. The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge. One who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in Mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of dinosaur. Similarly, a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion, custom and even ideology of a specified period, which are merely abstract impressions in reading material. Meanwhile, the architecture designs, which are more often than not among the most idiosyncratic in the city, are worth the visit. For example, the famous Louvre, originated in 13th century, taking up the Renaissance style and undergoing the turbulence of French Great Revolution, accommodating with the ideas of the first grade contemporary architects, assume an not only unique but also gorgeous fashion that can be seen nowhere else, with the labyrinth-like structure and the wonderful masterpieces, overwhelming the visitors. The Palace Museum itself is the most well-preserved and grandest ancient China architectural complex. The symmetrical distribution of the buildings sufficiently reflects the philosophy of the Chinese architecture and the strict hierarchy ideas of ancient China. Finally, some of the collections of a famous museum are second to no other celebrated resort locale. They are another kind of wonder on the earth, which demonstrate the superlative ingenuity and exorbitant crafts of human being. Few can hold there extolment to himself while they are visiting the Vatican Museum and dwarfed by the masterpieces of the Renaissance genius, namely, Rafael and Michelangelo, who had both devoted ten years of their golden era to the museum and sprinkled their talent in the countless paintings and statuary which have now been a part of the museum itself. Admiring such a artistic work only is a great mind-tugging that can be experienced right there, right then.
2023-01-01 19:21:291


原创,根据你的意思采取了贴切的意译。Being Relaxed simple and reliable is My greatest strength , The accommodating personality —sincerity and amicability —enable me to receive valuable friendship, and I"m good at thinking in other people"s perspective . While Shyness may be the greatest weakness i have , and lack of some kind of certain for my inner value, if i can"t possess the ecstatic personality but incisive insights, no passion ripples but dye-in-the-wood resilience, Then I can also become a successful conversationalist.
2023-01-01 19:21:354


My deepest condolences to you and your family.I/We extend to you my/our most heartfelt sorrow and condolences.I/We am/are deeply saddened by the news of your loss.
2023-01-01 19:21:499


包容的英文单词有:tolerate  、pardon 、forgive,以下为单词解析: 1、tolerate  读音:英 ["tɒləreɪt]   美 ["tɑːləreɪt]    释义:vt. 容许;忍受;容忍例句:The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams.该学校不容许在考试中有作弊现象。2、pardon 读音:英 ["pɑːdn]   美 ["pɑːrdn]    释义:n. 原谅,宽恕,饶恕;赦免,赦免状vt. 原谅;宽恕,饶恕;赦免,免于治罪例句:I hope you will pardon me for my negligence.我希望您原谅我的疏忽大意。3、forgive  读音:英 [fə"ɡɪv]   美 [fər"ɡɪv]    释义:v. 原谅;宽恕;饶恕例句:They forgive the people who trespass against them.他们总是宽恕冒犯他们的人。扩展资料:反义词1、blame  读音:英 [bleɪm]   美 [bleɪm]    释义:vt. 责备;把 ... 归咎于 n. 责备;过失例句:He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude.他态度顽固而招致许多责难。2、condemn 读音:英 [kən"dem]   美 [kən"dem]    释义:vt. 谴责;判刑例句:We must not condemn her on pure supposition.我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。3、punish  读音:英 ["pʌnɪʃ]  美 ["pʌnɪʃ]    释义:vt. 惩罚;粗暴对待 vi. 处罚例句:The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line.老师警告他们说谁要不守规矩就罚谁。
2023-01-01 19:22:356

comfortable convenient 的同义词

easy The rich young woman has an easy life. 那位富有的年轻女人过着舒适的生活。handy There were handy shelves near the kitchen sink. 厨房的水槽边有便利的架子.
2023-01-01 19:23:112


详析雅思阅读难句中的插入结构   导语:同学们一般习惯于以词为单位阅读,所以遇到存在“生词”的句子就无从下手了。其实阅读的真正障碍并不在于“生词”,而在于“难句”,因为难句即使每个单词都认识,只要“结构”复杂,可能也读不懂。反之,一旦能够把握“结构”,就可以忽略生词,掌握大意,从而实现“无词阅读”的境界。为此,我特为大家分析雅思阅读插入句结构难句,欢迎参考。   一、难句的构成   英语的难句=主句+从句+短语,不同于汉语的句子全是简单句,没有复杂句。如果把英语的难句比喻成大树,那么主句相当于树干,从句相当于树枝,而短语相当于叶子。只要把握主句,就可理解大意。相比之下,汉语的句子就好比是竹子,一节一节的。   因此,我们在理解英语难句的时候要学会“拆”——把复杂句拆成简单句来理解。也就是说,要学会抓住“树干”,拆掉“枝叶”。   二、如何“拆”   任何句子都必须有谓语动词,所以找到一个谓语动词就可以拆下来一个句子。因此,理解难句的基本步骤是:1)识别出有哪几个谓语动词;2)找出主句的谓语动词,先理解主句;3)再去理解从句和短语。   三、符号说明   1.谓语动词用黑体的斜体字表示,例如:Everyone should know …。   2.从句的引导词用方框表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located。   3.从句用横线表示,例如:where the nearest fire alarm box is located,表示where引导的从句。   4.插入语成分用括号表示,例如:Keeping your head, (instead of crowding and pushing to get to an exit), may make the difference between…   插入句结构难句列表   1. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, what is more important, always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.   2.Work, for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under, involves responsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.   3.Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away.   4.Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and, at certain rare intervals, a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement.   5.Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.   6.However, self-fulfillment is important to morality because unfulfilled citizens, no matter how virtuous, can not perform the duties morality assigns them.   7.Information and knowledge will become even more vital, and the people who possess it, whether they work in manufacturing or services, will have the advantage and produce the wealth.   8.What I was being blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper.   9.While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter, with an ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge apples.   10.But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that rises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable.   11.You found upon that a general law that all hard and green apples are sour; and that, so far as it goes, is a perfect induction.   12.It is, everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.   13.Computer crime, a phrase denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts to invade data banks in order to steal or modify records, or to release over computer networks software called a virus that corrupts data and programs, has grown at an alarming rate since the development of computer communications.   14.Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a considerable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.   1. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, (what is more important), always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的是hears。(what is more)是插入语,而插入语并不重要。所以要先理解插入语两端的内容,再理解插入语。因此,对于插入语,我们的处理方法是:“先读两端,再读中间”。with后面的right…right…and right…是并列结构。   翻译:儿童从早到晚都能听到别人在讲(母语),而且更重要的是,听到的总是一种正确的发音、语调、用词以及语法结构的纯正语言。   2.Work, (for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under), involves responsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well.   结构:只有一个谓语动词:involves。(for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under)是插入语。本句的主干为:Work involves responsibility。for后面的内容修饰responsibility,而a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well为并列结构。   翻译:对于大多数美国和中国的55岁或者以下的妇女而言,工作的全部职责包括了负责家务、照顾孩子以及在家务之外还要上班。   3.Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, (unless there was a ship nearby), would be on an island 885 miles away.   结构:共有5个谓语动词,主句谓语动词为could not help。that引导think的"宾语从句。could contact属于定于从句,省略了引导词,修饰person。unless引导条件状语从句,为插入语。拆分为:   1) Still, he could not help thinking.   2) That if anything should happen.   3) The nearest person would be on … away.   4) he could contact the person.   5) Unless there was a ship nearby.   翻译:他仍然忍不住想到,如果发生了什么意外,那么除非附近有条船,否则他能用电台联系到的最近的人也885英里之外的岛屿上。   4.Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and, (at certain rare intervals), a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement.   结构:只有1个谓语动词:has。its…, its…, its…, and a…or a…是并列结构,作为has的宾语。(at certain rare intervals)是插入语。   翻译:然而,这另一种生活也有其情趣、快乐、满足,而且也偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动。   5.Our knowledge of social systems, (therefore), (while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate), is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is not是主句的谓语动词。while引导的让步状语从句,作为插入语,分隔了主语和系动词。拆分为:   1) Our knowledge of social systems is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries.   2) While it is in many ways extremely inaccurate.   翻译:因此,虽然在很多方面,我们对社会体制的认识极度不准确,但是这些认识并不能够被新的发现所正式推翻。   6.However, self-fulfillment is important to morality because unfulfilled citizens, (no matter how virtuous), can not perform the duties morality assigns them.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中is是主句的谓语动词。because引导原因状语从句。(no matter how virtuous)是插入语,分隔了从句的主语和谓语。拆分为:   1) Self-fulfillment is important to morality.   2) Because unfulfilled citizens can not perform the duties morality assigns them.   翻译:然而,自我实现对于道德而言至关重要,因为没有自我实现的公民,无论多么有道德,都无法履行道德赋予他们的义务。   7. Information and knowledge will become even more vital, and the people who possess it, (whether they work in manufacturing or services), will have the advantage and produce the wealth.   结构:共有4组谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为will become和will have and produce。whether引导让步状语从句为插入语。拆分:   1) Information and knowledge will become even more vital, and the people will have the advantages and produce the wealth.   2) People possess it.   3) Whether they work in manufacturing or services.   翻译:信息和知识将会变得更加重要,而且掌握它们的人们,不论是在制造业还是服务业,都将会拥有优势,创造财富。   8.What I was being blamed for, (it turned out), was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper.   结构:共有5个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为was。What引导主句从句。(it turned out)为插入语。拆分为:   1) What I was being blamed for was a newspaper strike.   2) The strike made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts.   3) The inserts normally are included with the Sunday paper.   翻译:原来,我因为一场报纸行业罢工而受到责备。罢工造成不得不用人工把那些通常是夹在周日报纸里面的广告插页递送出去。   9.While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter, (with an ingratiating smile on his false face), came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge apples.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为came up。(with an ingratiating smile on his false face)是插入语,分隔了主语和谓语。Ingratiating这个形容词修饰smile,不认识也不妨碍理解。拆分为:   1) The head waiter came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge apples.   2) While we were waiting for the coffee.   翻译:正在我们等咖啡上来的时候,领班面带着奉承的微笑,走到我们跟前,带来了一大篮子的特大苹果。   10.But a great book, (rich in ideas and beauty), (a book that rises and tries to answer great fundamental questions), demands the most active reading of which you are capable.   结构:共有3个谓语动词,其中demands是主句谓语动词。(rich in ideas and beauty)和(a book that…)是插入语。前者做a great book的后置定语,而后者是a great book的同位语,起补充说明的作用。that引导定语从句修饰book,which引导定语从句修饰reading。拆分为:   1) A great book demands the most active reading.   2) A book rises and tries to answer …questions.   3) You are capable of the reading.   翻译:但是一本富于思想和美感的伟大的书能够提出并试图回答一些伟大的根本问题。这样的书需要你尽最大所能来积极阅读。   11.You found upon that a general law that all hard and green apples are sour; and that, (so far as it goes), is a perfect induction.   结构:共有4个谓语动词,其中主句的谓语动词为found和is。分号前后的两句话是并列的主句。upon that等于because of that。第一个that指a general law。第二个that引导a general law的同位语从句。(so far as it goes)是插入语,意思是“迄今为止”。拆分为:   1) You found upon that a general law.   2) That all hard and green apples are sour.   3) And that is a perfect induction.   翻译:由此你发现了一条普遍规律,即所有又硬又青的苹果都是酸的。而且,迄今为止,这是一条不错的归纳。   12.It is, (everyone agrees), a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.   结构:共有6个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为is和challenges。and连接两个并列主句。(everyone agrees)为插入语。第二个that引导the fact的同位语从句。拆分为:   1) It is a huge task.   2) The child performs the task.   3) When he learns to speak.   4) The fact challenges explanation.   5) That he does so in so short period of time.   翻译:每个人都同意,孩子学说话是件艰巨的任务,而且他们能在如此短时间内做到,确实需要好好解释一下。   13.Computer crime, (a phrase denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts to invade data banks in order to steal or modify records, or to release over computer networks software called a virus that destroys data and programs), has grown at an alarming rate since the development of computer communications.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的为has grown。主干为Computer crime has grown at an alarming rate…。中间的(a phrase…programs)是插入语,虽然很长,但是即使看不懂也不重要,只要明白是在解释computer crime即可。denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts …作为分词修饰a phrase。steal or modify records, or to release …software为并列结构。called a virus修饰software。   翻译:随着计算机通讯的发展,计算机犯罪已经在加速增长。计算机犯罪这个术语是指非法、秘密侵入数据库盗取或修改数据记录,或者在计算机网络上散布病毒软件来破坏数据和程序的行为。   14. Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, (that is to say), of accommodating a considerable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.   结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为must face。主干为:Britain must face the problem。 almost more than any other country in the world作为Britain的后置定语。(that is to say)是插入语,意为“也就是说”。 两个of介词短语都在修饰the problem。   翻译:英国几乎比世界上任何国家都更加需要严肃对待向高空建筑房屋的问题,也就是说,要在很高的公寓楼里面容纳下人口总数的一大部分的问题。 ;
2023-01-01 19:23:261


不可数 n.记忆;记忆力 回忆;回忆起来的事;能记得的情况 留在记忆中的人(或事物);(人或事物)留在记忆里的印象 记忆范围;记忆所及的时间;追忆所及年限 纪念 死后的名声;对死者的追思;亡灵;人格 【化学、物理学】弹性复原性;塑性记忆 【计算机】存储器;(存储器的)存储量 [亦作 computer memory storage]近义词:remembrance, recollection反义词:forgetfulness, oblivion短语:a convenient (或 an accommodating) memory只记住对自己有利的事;对自己方便的记忆力artificial memory记忆术;记忆法[亦作 art of memory]as memory serves每逢想起bear (或 have,keep)in memory不忘记;记住beyond the memory of men有史以前;在人们所记不起的年代里blot out of one"s memory从记忆中抹掉;使记忆模糊bring back (或 call) to memory使想起;使回忆起burden the memory with something勉强记住某事cherish the memory of回忆(某人);怀念(某人)come to one"s memory出现在记忆里;浮现在脑海中[废语]晕过去后清醒过来;苏醒commit to memory把…记住;熟记;背熟;背下draw on one"s memory尽力回想;设法想起;寻思;凭回忆去编造dwell (或 live,remain) in someone"s memory留在(或活在)某人记忆中embedded in one"s memory (或 recollection)牢牢印在某人记忆中escape (或 slip) someone"s memory使某人一时想不起来fresh in someone"s (或 the) memory (或 mind)记忆犹新from memory凭记忆have a convenient (或 an accommodating)memory仅记住了对自己有利的事have a memory like a sieve健忘;记忆力极差;什么也记不住if my memory serves me right如果我没记错的话 [亦作 if my memory does not fail me]in (或 within) living memory在现今活着的人的记忆里in memory of纪念…;作为…的纪念jog someone"s memory促使某人想起;唤起某人的回忆lodge in the memory留在记忆里of blessed (或 famous,glorious,happy) memory先;故(加于已故君王、教皇等称呼后面,表示敬意)refresh one"s (或 someone"s)memory唤起自己(或某人)的记忆;使自己(或某人)重新想起(温习一遍)加深自己(或某人)的记忆retain the memory (或 the remembrance) of someone (或 something)记得某人(或某事)search one"s memory追忆;追思;设法想起(忘却的事)short memory记忆不好;健忘sink into the memory (或 mind) of someone使某人铭记在心,深深印在某人脑海里 [亦作 sink into someone"s memory]slip (或 escape) someone"s memory使某人一时想不起来speak from memory单凭记忆讲to the best of my memory就我记忆所及to the best of one"s memory就记忆所及treasure up (或 enshrine) in one"s memory永世不忘;铭记在心within (或 in) living memory在现今活着的人的记忆中within the memory of有史以来;在人们所能记得的年代里变形:memories
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A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member. The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for precompressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly会不会有点难?还找了一个:An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term"s origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games.History The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, company owners, and marketers.对不起啦,没有翻译
2023-01-01 19:26:042


1.This English teacher comes from America. This is the English teacher whom comes from America. This is the America"s English teacher.2.My all classmates are pleasand to help others. When my all classmates help others they are pleasand.
2023-01-01 19:26:183