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2023-06-18 03:22:23




begot [简明英汉词典]



begot [英汉化学大词典]


begot [英汉计算机大词典]



bigot [简明英汉词典]


n.盲目信仰者, 顽固者

bigot [英汉化学大词典]


bigot [英汉计算机大词典]


bigot [英汉能源大词典]


bigot [英汉心理学大词典]







n. 抱偏见的人,执拗的人,心胸狭窄的人
2023-06-17 19:10:182


◆你问的是不是 bigot?意思是:【偏执的人】◆如果是pivot,那意思是:. 枢轴;中心点;旋转运动
2023-06-17 19:10:262


2023-06-17 19:10:425


内容近义词1   内容的近义词:   实质   内容的近义词详细信息:   shi zhi   1、实质   示例:另一方面,好像没人教他怎样去言谈,就像没有人教他怎样去滑雪一样:因为没有人按他讲话的方式去讲话,他发出的声音只是所说的问题的实质。   内容拼音和解释:   (A)、词语内容的拼音: nei rong ;   (B)、词语内容的解释:事物内部所含的实质或意义:这次谈话的~牵涉的面很广|这个刊物~丰富。 内容近义词2    Gre六选二近义词词汇总结内容   沙哑   hoarse adj.嘶哑的,粗嗄的 | husky adj.声音沙哑的 | throaty adj.嗓 由逞频   raucous adj.(声音)沙哑的,粗糙的   怀孕,繁殖   conceive v.怀孕,构想 | gestation n.怀孕,孕育时期 | impregnate v.怀孕,使充满   pregnancy n.怀孕,丰富 | pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的 | gravida n 孕妇 | barren adj.不孕的,贫瘠的   sterile adj.不孕的,无细菌的 | sterilize v.使不育,杀菌 | infertile adj.无法生殖的,不毛的   proliferate v.激增,繁殖 | propagate v.繁殖,传播 | pullulate v.繁殖,剧增   reproduction n.生殖,复制 | procreate v.生育 | incubation n.孵卵期,潜伏期   incubator n.孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱 | nidus n 巢,孵卵所 | roe n.鱼卵   spawn n.(鱼等)卵子,v.大量产卵,大量生产 | zygote n.接合子,受精卵   柄   crank n.曲柄,古怪的人 | haft n.柄,把柄 | handle n.柄,把手,v.处理 | helve n.斧柄   hilt n.(剑或刀之)柄 | shaft n.矛柄,把柄 | bail n 保释,把手,栅栏,桶箍vt 保释,汲水,舀水   tankard n 单柄大酒杯? | hatchet n.短柄小斧 v.扼杀 | pitcher n.有柄水罐   sledgehammer n.长柄大锤   窒息,呼吸   asphyxiate v.(使)无法呼吸,窒息而死 | asphyxia n.窒息 | suffocate v.(使)窒息而死   stifle v使不能呼吸,窒息,抑制 | strangulation n.扼杀,勒死 | throttle v.掐脖子,扼杀,n.节流阀   jugulate v 扼杀,刎颈自尽? | hatchet n.短柄小斧 v.扼杀 | respiration n.呼吸 | exhale v.呼出(气)   inhale v.吸气 内容近义词3   固执,倔强   adamant adj.强硬的,固执的 | intransigent adj.不妥协的,固执的   obdurate adj.固执的,顽固的 | obsession n.入迷,固执的念头 | obstinate adj.固执的,倔强的   opinionated adj.固执已见的 | persistent adj.固执的,坚持的 | recalcitrant adj.固执的,顽抗的   recalcitrance n.固执,顽抗 | rigidity n.固执,坚定,僵化 | tenacious adj.坚忍不拔的,固执的   tenacity n.坚持,固执 | cussed adj 执拗的,顽固的?   stubborn a 顽固的,不听话的,执拗的,棘手的 | wrongheaded a 乖僻的,顽固的,固执的,坚持错误的   froward a. 顽固的,固执的,刚愎的 | contumacious adj.违抗的,不服从的   contumacy n.抗命,不服从 | insubordinate adj.不服从的,反抗的   intractable adj.倔强的,难管的 | incorrigible adj.积习难改的,不可救药的   dogged a. 顽固的,顽强的 | paranoia n.偏执狂,多疑症 | paranoid adj.偏执狂的,过份怀疑的   monomania n 对一事的热狂,偏执狂 | bigot n.(宗教,政治等的)盲信者,顽固者   bigotry n.顽固,偏狭 | hard-bitten adj.不屈的,顽强的 | hidebound adj.顽固的,心胸狭窄的   pertinacious adj.顽固的 | hardnosed adj 顽固的? | ornery adj 顽固的,爱争吵的?   headstrong a 顽固的,刚愎的,任性的 | perverse adj.刚愎自用的,故意作对的   perversity n.刚愎,背理行为 | self-assertion n.坚持己见,自信   肥胖,丰满   chunky adj.(人或动物)矮胖的 | corpulent adj.肥胖的 | corpulence n.肥胖,臃肿   obese adj.极肥胖的 | obesity n.肥胖 | plump adj.颇胖的,丰满的   rotund adj.(人)圆胖的,(音声)洪亮的 | squat v.蹲下,adj.矮胖的   stocky adj.矮胖的,粗壮的 | stout adj.肥胖的,强壮的 | chubby adj 圆胖的,丰满的.?   podgy adj 矮胖的? | fubsy adj 肥胖的,矮胖的? | buxom adj.体态丰满的   swell v.肿胀,肿大 n.(人)丰满 内容近义词4    中文发音 :坚强[jiān qiáng]    词语解释 :坚固,不可摧毁;不动摇,坚强不屈    近义词: 刚强、坚毅、顽强    用坚强造句   1、在困难面前,他总是很坚强!   2、单是一株不起眼的小草就足以令人心旷神怡,它是那么嫩绿,那么坚强,迎着凛冽的寒风昂然挺立。   3、面对灾难,我们要学会坚强!   4、惟有坚强的人,才能在惊涛骇浪中得以存活,并变得更强大   5、小明的意志很坚强。   6、在智力地震区的人民们要坚强的活下去,不要轻易放弃生命    用坚强的近义词造句   刚强:阿德在同学面前表现得很刚强,但是在父母、老师面前显得十分懦弱。   坚毅:这样坚毅的性格是我们所需要的。   顽强:之所以我喜欢紫罗兰,是因为紫罗兰的生命力极其顽强。    内容近义词5   近义词   斜—歪脚—足肥—胖降—落找—寻茁壮—强壮召唤—呼唤嘱咐—叮嘱希望—盼望闪烁—闪耀   祝愿—祝福希望—盼望袭击—攻击打扰—打搅暖和—温和拜访—访问艳丽—鲜艳广大—广阔   节省—节约美丽—漂亮快乐—欢乐时光—时间惊讶—惊奇亲密—亲切凉爽—凉快开心—快乐   飞翔—飞行奇怪—惊奇眨眼—瞬间聚集—聚拢根据—依据诚实—老实永远—永久挑选—选择   未来—将来称赞—赞扬发现—发觉赶紧—抓紧快乐—高兴解落—降落消失—消灭救护—抢救   波纹—波浪颤动—颤抖颤动—抖动破碎—破裂珍珠—珍宝财富—财宝饥荒—饥饿使劲—用劲   锋利—锐利伤心—难过高兴—快乐连忙—赶忙拦住—挡住极小—微小依然—依旧费力—费劲   漂浮—漂移平时—平常奔跑—奔驰温和—温顺灾害—灾难帮助—关心高明—高超盼望—希望   温和—亲切无数—很多愿意—同意立刻—连忙如果—假如仔细—认真喜欢—喜爱领袖—首领   传说—传奇目录—名目招聘—聘请洁净—干净特殊—特别聆听—倾听热闹—喧闹秘密—隐秘   本事—本领烦恼—苦恼究竟—毕竟拼命—舍命浪费—白费干净—洁净广阔—宽阔闪现—出现   录取—录用聊天—谈天盼望—希望耽误—耽搁敞开—放开躲藏—隐藏举行—进行住所—住宅   胆量—胆识飞快—飞速比赛—竞赛害怕—可怕亲爱—友爱保护—爱护机灵—机智热闹—吵闹   谢谢—感谢清楚—清晰渐渐—慢慢面颊—脸蛋脖子—颈项歌唱—唱歌奔走—奔跑宽阔—宽敞   寻找—查找拾起—捡起办法—方法告别—离别准备—预备洁白—雪白发现—发明突然—忽然   美丽—秀丽出发—动身观察—观看很多—许多宾客—来宾安宁—安静好象—仿佛逃窜—逃跑   寺庙—寺院卧室—卧房流动—流淌连忙—赶忙忽然—突然好似—好像专心—用心憧憬—向往   连忙—急忙正要—刚要浮上—浮现辽阔—宽阔昂首—仰头眼力—视力著名—闻名酬谢—答谢   故乡—家乡本事—本领劝告—劝说依赖—依靠何必—为必凭着—靠着奇怪—惊奇慈祥—慈爱   爱慕—喜爱安然—安稳遨游—游览仍旧—照旧坚定—坚决愤怒—气愤有趣—有味慈悲—慈善   悲哀—悲伤崩塌—倒塌必然—必定避免—幸免报酬—酬劳懊悔—后悔奥秘—神秘绰号—外号   猜测—推测才干—才能采用—采纳纵情—尽情阻塞—堵塞哺育—培育便宜—廉价创造—制造   惩罚—惩处迟延—拖延耻笑—讥笑炽热—酷热颤动—抖动沉浸—沉醉诧异—惊诧啜泣—抽泣   聪明—聪慧催促—督促璀璨—明亮打扮—装扮打搅—打扰胆怯—害怕葱茏—葱郁防御—防备   淡忘—忘却调皮—淘气叮嘱—嘱咐陡崖—悬崖妒忌—嫉妒对付—应付对照—对比反抗—抵抗   恩赐—赏赐发布—公布发誓—宣誓发展—进展繁殖—生殖讥笑—嘲笑寄托—寄予疾驰—飞奔   妨碍—阻碍分量—重量分外—格外愤怒—愤慨锋利—锐利服侍—侍侯故意—有意即将—马上   浮现—出现赋予—给予告别—告辞恭敬—尊敬估计—估量鼓励—鼓舞固然—当然积累—积存 内容近义词6    幸福的近义词   问问撒:你好。你问:幸福的近义词   “幸福”可以是名词,也可以是形容词。形容词的幸福有三个近义词:   “甜蜜、美满、甜美”。   名词的幸福有三个反义词:“灾祸、灾难、苦难”。   形容词的幸福有四个反义词:“痛苦、悲惨、凄惨、不幸”。    幸福同义词:   美满,甜蜜,快乐   幸福的成语 :   安居乐业、丰衣足食、天伦之乐、金玉满堂、夫唱妇随、心满意足、心花怒放、其乐融融、国泰民安、无忧无虑、繁荣昌盛、有福同享、欢天喜地、相敬如宾、喜出望外、欣喜若狂、笑逐颜开、眉欢眼笑、如登春台、与民同乐    幸福同义词造句:   1) 美满的爱情,使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来。   2) 夫妻间的和睦也同友情一样,最美满的是双方都既不掩饰自己,又能协调相处。欺骗性的结婚是不幸的。   3) 新年里是美满的,充满祝福的。在新年晚上一家人围着饭桌旁一起吃年夜饭。人们走亲访友,问候自己的朋友,亲戚。   4) 美满姻缘是生活中甜蜜的联合,充满坚贞忠诚,以及难以计数的有益和牢靠的帮助及相互间的义务。   5) 有智慧,才能分辨善恶邪正;能谦虚,则能建立美满人生。   6) 一个人到处分心,就一处也得不到美满的结果;这样的人若遇事不顺意,岂足为怪?   7) 今天的现实是不够美满的,但是美满的现实需要我们大家共同去创造。   8) 不美满,那才是需要智慧和信念的时候。   9) 祝福你们新婚愉快,幸福美满,激情永在,白头偕老!祝福一对新人真心相爱,相约永久!恭贺新婚之禧!   10) 美满的婚姻是新生命的开始,也是快乐与幸福的起点。   11) 一个美满的家庭,有如沙漠中的甘泉,涌出宁谧和安慰,使人洗心涤虑,怡情悦性。   12) 无论家庭或是爱情,都不能使人觉得生活真正美满。家庭,只是几个人;爱情,仅是一个人;而党,这是一百六十万人。只为家庭活着,这是禽兽的私心;只为一个人活着,这是卑鄙;只为自己活着,这是耻辱。奥斯特洛夫斯基   13) 贤者有言,一个人到处分心,就一处也得不到美满的结果;这样的人若遇事不顺意,岂足为怪?   14) 只要视而不见的妻子和充耳不闻的丈夫才能有美满的婚姻。   15) 为了爱情的持续,婚姻的美满,妻子固要取悦丈夫,丈夫也要取悦妻子,至于如何取悦,乃是一种高级的艺术。   16) 快乐美满的人生:七成饱,三分醉,十足收成;过上等生活,付中等劳力,享下等情欲。李碧华   17) 他们两个虽然生活困顿一些,但两人相亲相爱,生活很美满。   18) 只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。 内容近义词7   【疲惫】非常疲乏。如:   1.午后,三个人都疲惫地睡觉了。   【疲劳】因体力劳动或脑力劳动过度而需要休息。如:   2.由于过度疲劳,精神呈现一种亢奋状态,需要吃些安眠药才能休息。   【疲倦】疲乏困倦。如:   3.他们虽然仗剑驾车,然而看得出来,他们疲倦极了,饥饿极了。   【疲乏】疲劳。如:   4.最后,她颓然地倚在门框上,呆呆地凝视着大雪纷飞的铅色的天空,一时感到非常疲乏,对刚才的判断,她又怀疑起来了。   ◆辨析:“疲惫”书面语,常说“疲惫不堪,极端疲惫”。“疲劳”用于劳动或运动后,需要休息的情况,常说“消除疲劳”;它还可以作生理术语,如视觉疲劳;物理学术语,如弹性疲劳,磁性疲劳等。“疲倦”指困倦,带有睡意,如说“不知疲倦”。“疲乏”着重指体力缺乏,精神困乏,常指连续紧张工作,劳动过度,运动过分剧烈等情况,如身体非常疲乏。    如何消除疲惫感   解除疲劳 “感到疲惫”也许是人们向医生诉说得最多的一个问题。但专家认为,许多人是把“瞌睡”说成“疲惫”。这两者之间是有区别的,疲劳是一种不管睡多久都消除不了的慵懒感觉。当一个健康人在白天感到昏昏沉沉时,要么是因为睡眠不足,要么是因为睡眠质量太差。记住这些差别,下述建议将对你消除疲劳有所帮助。   一、 睡足睡好   大多数成人每晚需睡6~8小时。颇具讽刺意味的是,有些人睡得过多,认为越多越好,结果翻来覆去睡得颇不安稳,也就是说睡眠质量差。   如何确定睡眠时间?专家建议:第一星期按正常时间上床;第二星期推迟1小时上床;第三星期则比正常时间提前1小时上床。三个星期下来,想一想哪一个星期中上床后5~30分钟即能入睡,而且能头脑清新地醒来,醒时自然而然而不是被惊醒,这一个星期的睡眠时间对你就最为适应。   在几百种反映我们的感觉的身体节律中,有一种是睡-醒周期。另外,可的松荷尔蒙的释放也与睡眠有关。上床前,可的松水平即降低;醒来前它又升到正常值。如果你改变睡眠习惯,例如上夜班或旅行到另一地区,由于睡-醒周期和可的松释放的混乱,该睡就会睡不着,该醒时又昏昏欲睡,这种情况过几天才能校正过来。   二、 合理安排饮食   中饭吃得太   多引起疲惫。因为过多的食物使血液和氧从头脑转移到消化道。这样,头就会晕乎乎的。   高脂肪食物和精炼糖是两大罪犯。脂肪转换成能量的时间长于其他营养品,而精炼糖会导致胰岛素的突发高峰,随之而来的是血糖的急剧降低。如果这种高峰状态和低谷状态持续循环,就会出现头痛和疲乏。为解决这类问题,可代之以食用复合碳水化合物(如全谷物面包所含)和非精炼糖(如水果中所含)。   中饭过饱会使人昏昏欲睡,而深夜饱餐一顿却会起相反作用,它会使你的消化系统工作不辍,使你难以入睡。   三、 摄入足量的维生素和铁质   目前,科学对维生素的作用尚未全部清楚,但维生素的缺乏确实影响人类的疲劳程度。水溶C和B复合维生素最易从身体中流失,因此需要补充,育龄期妇女还要注意补充铁质。 维生素也并非多多益善,过多的维生素会引起中毒,如身体不能排泄的维生素A和D过多即会导致这种结果。因此,服用维生素必须遵医嘱。   四、 寻找疲惫的潜在原因   咖啡碱 你的身体会对咖啡碱产生依赖性,当你想念你的嗜好物时就会感到疲劳。   抽烟 由于抽烟会减少身体的用氧量及降低维生素C水平,因此,它会削弱人的精力。   药物 抗组胺和控制高血压及心脏病的药物均会引起瞌睡。每服一种药都要先问清其副作用。   五、 积极锻炼身体   为什么大多数人感到慵懒的时间是中午?原因之一是睡-—醒周期的一个低点在中午。这时,出去呼吸新鲜空气和四处走走有好处,锻炼会加速氧在身体和头脑中的流动,这样,就能加速循环使人活跃。每天以轻至中等强度锻炼20~40分钟大有益处,它也会帮助你中午不打瞌睡。   而有些人认为疲劳是有一定好处的,正像电池需要充电一样。科学观点认为疲劳时是身体某些器官修复的征兆 ,是身体康复的必经之路。所以疲劳到来最好的方法是去休息,好让身体去处理它自己的事务。
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种族歧视者 英语

种族歧视者的英语可以用“Racist”来表达。“Racist”通常指的是对于某些人、群体或种族存在偏见并在言论和行动中表现出来的人。这种偏见可能基于文化、历史、经济、社会和政治等因素,并且可能会导致歧视、排斥和暴力行为。种族主义者通常认为自己的种族优越,对其他种族的人或行为进行定性或定向式的评价。反对种族歧视,倡导种族平等和包容的行动和思想非常重要,在全球范围内得到广泛支持。例句如下:1、He made several racist comments during the meeting, which offended many of his colleagues.在会议期间,他做了几个种族主义的评价,这让他的许多同事感到受到了冒犯。2、Racism has no place in our society and we must work together to promote diversity and tolerance.种族主义在我们的社会中是没有立足之地的,我们必须共同努力,促进多样性和包容。3、The recent rise in racially motivated violence is a cause for concern and highlights the need for greater education and awareness.最近种族动机的暴力行为的增加令人担忧,突显了加强教育和意识的重要性。4、It is important to speak out against racism and discrimination in all its forms and to promote equality and justice for all.我们需要在各种形式的种族歧视和歧视行为中发声,并促进所有人的平等和正义。5、Racist attitudes and behavior have no place in the workplace and can have serious legal and ethical consequences.种族主义的态度和行为在工作场所是没有立足之地的,而且会造成严重的法律和道德后果。Racist的近义词1、Bigot:表示偏见和歧视的人。2、Prejudiced:表示对特定群体或个人存在偏见的人。3、Chauvinist:表示对一组人或国家自以为过分自大或愚昧的人。
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国际热核实验反应堆的等离子体堆芯已经完成了一半。这里是托卡马克装置,2025年完成时,它将容纳比太阳热10倍的等离子体。该项目总干事星期三(12月6日)宣布,世界上第一座核聚变装置 目前已完成50%。 投入运行时,被称为国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)的实验聚变装置,它的核心比太阳热10倍,周围环绕着和星际空间一样冷的磁铁, 是它的目标?为了融合氢原子并产生比20世纪30年代更多10倍的能量, 最终是为了证明聚变能可以在商业规模上产生,并且是可持续的、丰富的、安全的和清洁的。 与ITER和聚变能,“我们有机会为后代留下一份强有力的、积极的遗产,而不是当前的能源前景,”ITER总干事伯纳德·比戈(Bernard Bigot)对《现场科学》(Live Science)表示。[十大最疯狂的环境理念] 概念设计 核聚变,也就是发生在太阳中心的反应,将原子核合并形成更重的核。核聚变一直是人们追求的目标,因为聚变反应产生的能量远远超过燃烧化石燃料。例如,根据ITER项目的一份声明,菠萝大小的氢原子提供的能量高达10000吨煤, 不同于今天的核裂变工厂,它将大原子分裂成小原子,聚变工厂不会产生高水平的放射性废料。与化石燃料厂相比,聚变能源不会产生温室气体二氧化碳或其他污染物。[气候变化的现实:10个神话破灭] ITER的目标是使用超导磁体来熔化氢原子并产生大量的热量。未来的核聚变工厂可以利用这些热量来驱动涡轮机和发电。 实验反应堆不会使用常规的氢原子,它们的原子核都由一个质子组成。取而代之的是,它将氘与氚融合,氘的原子核各有一个质子和一个中子,氚的原子核各有一个质子和两个中子。氘很容易从海水中提取,而氚则会在核聚变反应堆内产生。ITER项目指出,这些燃料的供应充足,在目前全球能源使用情况下,足够维持数百万年。 与裂变反应堆不同,聚变是非常安全的:如果聚变反应在核电站内中断,聚变反应堆只会安全关闭,不需要外部援助。从理论上讲,核聚变电站一次只使用几克燃料,因此不存在发生熔毁事故的可能性。 的挑战前所未有,大延迟 虽然核聚变能有许多潜在的好处,但在地球上实现起来却异常困难。原子核在融合之前需要大量的热量和压力。 为了克服这个巨大的挑战,ITER的目标是将氢加热到大约2.7亿华氏度(1.5亿摄氏度),比太阳核心温度高10倍。这个过热的氢等离子体将被限制在一个叫做托卡马克的环形反应堆内循环,这个反应堆被控制带电等离子体的巨大超导磁体所包围。为了使超导磁体发挥作用,它们必须被冷却到零下452华氏度(零下269摄氏度),就像星际空间一样寒冷。 世界各地的工业设施正在为反应堆制造1000万个部件。反应堆经常被称为有史以来最复杂的工程。例如,超过55英尺高(17米)的磁铁必须装配在一起,误差小于0.04英寸(1毫米)。” dspe公司
2023-06-17 19:12:281


我们可能处在生活随着能源技术革命而产生巨大变革的前夜——在美国实验室宣布实现自我维持核聚变的巨大飞跃之后短短两周,轮到欧洲了——欧洲联合研究所(JET)的研究人员打破了一项24年来的记录,在持续的一段时间内,以核聚变方式产生了有史以来最高的59兆焦耳的能量输出。 核聚变(nuclear fusion),是指由质量小的原子(主要是指氘)在超高温和高压等一定条件下,发生原子核互相聚合作用,生成新的质量更重的原子核(如氦)产生巨大的能量过程。 自然界中最著名的核聚变例子是我们的太阳,简单来说,你可以理解为核聚变就是为我们的太阳为地球提供能量的基本过程。太阳每秒约有6.2亿吨氢熔化成6.16亿吨氦,产生的巨大能量为我们的星球提供温暖和光明。在聚变过程中,两个原子(例如氢原子)的原子核彼此非常靠近,以至于它们融合在一起(在这种情况下会产生氦),释放出与燃料量相比巨大的能量。 之前的核聚变试验记录是在1997年建立的。当时,研究人员能够产生21.7兆焦耳的总能量输出,但是科学家们想尽办法,也只是将反应维持了 几分之一秒 。 本次打破记录的试验,是在欧洲库勒姆聚变能源中心的世界上最大、最先进的托卡马克(一种使用非常强的磁场将聚变等离子体限制在正确形状的装置,防止反应堆熔化所必需)的帮助下取得的。这次试验,通过 持续5秒 的聚变反应,产生了59兆焦耳的能量,是之前记录的两倍多。 科学家认为,核聚变有可能为子孙后代提供安全、绿色和可持续的电力。这一新的创纪录的能量输出,以及维持反应持续时间的增加,是迈向可控商业核聚变的一大步。 然而,目前的能量效益值非常低,所谓的Q值仅为0.33——也就是说,目前实验所需的输入能量大约是所产生能量的3倍。因为反应堆体积小,很快就会失去热量,所以这个Q值很低,从目前来看是现实中是不可行的,必须要使Q值增大,以实现能量的收益意义。 为了解决这个问题,目前,法国南部正在建造一座更大的反应堆,该反应堆与国际核聚变巨型项目ITER。ITER反应堆的体积将是喷射式反应堆的10倍。人们的期望很高,因为科学家预计该反应堆的Q值将达到10,也就是说,产生的能量是输入能量的10倍。 据国际热核实验堆(ITER)总干事伯纳德·比戈特(Bernard Bigot)博士称,这种功率水平(接近工业规模)的持续聚变为进一步的全球聚变努力提供了巨大动力。对于国际热核聚变实验堆项目来说,本次试验研究的结果给后续的研究带来了强有力的信心,表明我们在向展示充分的聚变能力迈进的过程中走在了正确的轨道上。 期待清洁能源的未来。 百度百科,核聚变词条 JET: Joint European Torus - (UK Atomic Energy Authority) Nuclear-fusion reactor smashes energy record - (Nature)
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从法国南部普罗旺斯地区的一座小山上,你可以看到两个太阳。其中一个是我们每天都看到已经燃烧了45亿年的太阳。另一个是由数千人的头脑和双手建造的,核聚变发电站。这是一个巨大的建筑工地,可以解决人类 历史 上最大的能源危机。 在圣保罗-莱兹-杜兰斯的小镇上,35个国家齐聚一堂,试图掌握核聚变,核聚变在太阳和所有恒星中都会自然发生,但在地球上很难复制。 聚变提供了一种几乎无限的能源形式,与化石燃料不同,它不会产生任何温室气体,而且与当今使用的核裂变发电站不同,它不会产生放射性核废物。 如果掌握了这一技术,聚变发电将为世界大部分地区提供动力。只要加入1克燃料,就可以在聚变中产生相当于8吨油的能量。这是一个惊人的效益,800万比1。 原子能专家很少预测聚变能何时可以广泛应用,他们经常开玩笑说,不管你什么时候问,都是30年后。 今年2月,牛津附近英国村庄Culham的科学家宣布了一项重大突破:他们在一个名为托卡马克的巨大圆环形机器中,产生并维持了创纪录的5900兆焦耳的聚变能,持续时间为5秒。 虽然它只够为一所房子提供一天的电力。然而,这是一个 历史 性的时刻。它证明了核聚变确实有可能在地球上产生。 这对法国的国际热核实验反应堆项目来说是个好消息,该项目更为人所知的是ITER。其主要目的是证明聚变可以商业化利用。如果可以的话,世界将不再使用煤炭、石油和天然气等化石燃料。 自ITER在英国取得成功以来,从事该项目的人员也正在经历重大变化。他们的总干事伯纳德·比戈特(Bernard Bigot)(法语发音为bi GOH)在领导ITER七年后于5月14日病逝。 在他去世之前,Bigot在阳光明媚的办公室分享了他对聚变能源的乐观态度,办公室里忽略了ITER托卡马克的外壳,这是一个仍在建造中的科幻结构。 “能量就是生命,”Bigot说。“从生物学、 社会 学、经济学角度来看。” Bigot说,当地球上人口不足10亿时,有足够的可再生能源来满足需求。 他说:“现在不是了。自从工业革命和随后的人口爆炸以来就不是了。所以我们大量使用化石燃料,对我们的环境造成了很大的危害。现在我们有80亿人口,正处于严重的气候危机之中。” 模仿太阳 聚变是通过将两个本质上相互排斥的粒子相撞在一起而产生的。在向托卡马克注入少量燃料后,巨大的磁铁被激活,形成等离子体,这是物质的第四种状态,有点像带电的气体。 通过将托卡马克内部的温度升高到不可思议的高水平,燃料中的粒子被迫融合成一个。这个过程产生了氦和中子。 缺失的质量转化为巨大的能量。中子能够逃逸等离子体,然后撞击托卡马克壁上的“毯子”,其动能以热量的形式传递。这些热量可以用来加热水、产生蒸汽和转动涡轮机发电。 这一切都需要托卡马克可以经受住超高温。等离子体需要达到至少1.5亿摄氏度,比太阳核心温度高10倍。这也产生了一个问题:地球上的东西怎么才能经受住如此高的温度? 这是一代又一代聚变能源科学家设法克服的众多障碍之一。科学家和工程师们设计了巨大的磁铁来产生一个强大的磁场来承受热量。其他任何物体都会融化。 从事聚变研究的人员一直试图在他们的机器内复制太阳。太阳是一个永久的聚变工厂,由一个巨大的等离子燃烧球组成。它每秒将数百吨氢熔合成氦。 宇宙中99.9%的物质都是等离子体,包括恒星、太阳和所有星际物质。例如,在地球上,它被用于电视和霓虹灯,我们可以在闪电和极光中看到它。 ITER的几位专家表示,尽管听起来很可怕,但产生聚变能本身其实并不难。毕竟,自从氢弹发明以来,人类就一直在进行核聚变反应。主要的挑战是怎么维持住。英国的托卡马克装置被称为欧洲联合环,或喷气式聚变能装置,持续时间为5秒,但这已经是该装置持续的最长时间了。其磁铁由铜制成,建于20世纪70年代。在这样的高温下,任何超过五秒钟的时间都会导致它们融化。 ITER使用寿命更长的新型磁铁,该项目旨在产生10倍的能量回报,从50兆瓦的输入中产生500兆瓦的能量。 但ITER的目标并不是将能量用于发电,而是证明它能够比JET维持聚变能量的时间更长。这里的成功将意味着商业规模的机器可以在未来开始产生融合。 当太阳将氢原子融合成氦时,JET项目使用了两种氢同位素氘和氚,ITER也将使用这两种同位素。就化学组成和反应而言,这些同位素的行为几乎与氢相同。 氘和氚都存在于自然界中。淡水和盐水中都含有丰富的氘——仅500毫升水中的氘,加上少量的氚,就可以为一座房子提供一年的动力。氚很稀有,但可以人工合成。目前,世界上只有20公斤,每年的需求量不超过400克。但在800万比1的产量下,只需要少量的两种元素就能产生大量的聚变能。 氚是一种非常昂贵的物质:一克目前价值约30000美元。如果核聚变能实现,需求将达到顶峰,这将带来另一个挑战。 由1000万个零件组成 从远处看,国际热核实验堆(ITER)似乎是一个准备就绪的项目。从近距离来看,很明显,还有很长的路要走。 这座横跨39个建筑工地的建筑极其复杂。主要工地的环境要求无菌,在750吨起重机的帮助下,巨大的部件正在安装到位。工作人员已经组装好托卡马克的外壳,但他们仍在等待一些部件,包括一块来自俄罗斯的巨大磁铁,它将位于托卡马克的顶部。 这些令人兴奋。托卡马克最终将重达23000吨。这是三座埃菲尔铁塔的总重量。它将由100万个组件组成,进一步分为不少于1000万个较小的部分。 这个强大的庞然大物将被有史以来最大的磁铁所包围。它们惊人的尺寸——其中一些直径可达24米——意味着它们太大,无法运输,必须在现场组装。 考虑到涉及的部件数量巨大,根本没有出错的余地。 即使是这台巨大机器的数字设计也跨越了占用超过两TB驱动器空间的3D计算机文件。这与您可以在其上节省1.6亿多个单页Word文档的空间量相同。 在数百名工人共同完成ITER项目的背后,大约有4500家公司,15000名员工来自全球各地。 35个国家正在合作开发ITER,该项目由七个主要成员国,即中国、美国、欧盟、俄罗斯、印度、日本和韩国。这看起来有点像联合国安理会。 由于战争的影响,俄罗斯被排除在许多其他国际科学项目之外,但欧盟委员会在制裁中明确将ITER排除在外。 部分原因是俄罗斯不仅与该项目有着千丝万缕的联系,而且 历史 上与聚变能源也有着千丝万缕的联系。 框架下部的黑色平台是托卡马克综合设施,这是一座40万吨重的建筑,将托卡马克、诊断和氚建筑结合在一起。它后面的混凝土结构是诊断大楼。 20世纪30年代,各国开始寻求聚变能源,数十年来制造了各种机器。但事实证明,最成功的是苏联制造的托卡马克装置。1968年,苏联研究人员取得了巨大的突破——他们能够达到所需的高温,并在一段持续的时间内容纳等离子体,这是以前从未做过的。 甚至托卡马克这个“环形磁约束”的词也来自俄语。 俄罗斯还为ITER项目提供了一些最关键的要素,是ITER项目的主要资助者之一。例如,ITER通信主管拉班·科布伦茨(LabanCoblentz)表示,托卡马克顶部的磁铁是在圣彼得堡制造的,并准备送往法国。 他说,到目前为止,俄罗斯参与该项目的情况没有任何变化。 科布伦茨说:“ITER实际上是冷战的产物。” 他指出,自1985年ITER诞生以来,七个主要成员经历了许多紧张事件。 他说:“我认为ITER是一个和平项目并不夸张。”。 / 在托卡马克坑内,一名工作人员测量了一个圆柱形通道(称为馈线短管)和低温恒温器底座之间的连接,这有助于保持托卡马克的真空冷却。 但科布伦茨承认,乌克兰战争是“前所未有的”,他无法预测这对俄罗斯在ITER的未来意味着什么——这将是下一任总干事面临的一个微妙问题。 他说:“但我们的共同承诺一如既往。我可以说,从我参与该项目的一开始,日常政治对我们的努力几乎没有影响。” 仅仅找到合适的地点就花了数年时间,涉及十多年的技术研究、政治谈判和外交微调。2005年,在莫斯科举行的一次会议上,法国的圣保罗列兹Durance最终被确定为建造地点,一年后,在巴黎签署了协议。 2010年,基础铺设完毕,2014年,第一台施工机械投入使用。 时间不多了 国际热核实验堆项目的规模和雄心壮志似乎是巨大的,但它至少是对人类对地球造成的混乱的一种比例反应。自1973年以来,全球能源使用量增加了一倍多。到本世纪末,这一数字可能会增加三倍。进入大气的二氧化碳排放量中有70%是通过人类的能源消耗产生的。我们消耗的能源中有80%来自化石燃料。 现在,地球的热浪更频繁、更致命、干旱、野火、洪水和海平面上升。随着整个生态系统达到临界点,越来越多的人面临生命危险,气候危机的影响越来越难以扭转。 一名焊工站在ITER低温恒温器底座最底层的防护罩后面。 目前,世界正忙于迅速脱碳,并加快从化石燃料向太阳能、风能和水电等可再生能源的转变。一些国家依赖核裂变能源,核裂变能源是低碳的,虽然风险很小,但也不容忽视,放射性废物的储存问题和高昂的成本。 但是,对于世界是否能够快速实现绿色过渡以避免灾难性气候变化,还存在着巨大的挑战。 2010年,《时代》杂志问已故物理学家史蒂芬·霍金,他希望在有生之年看到哪项伟大的科学成就时,他指出了这个科研项目。 他说:“我希望核聚变成为一种实用的能源。”。“它将提供取之不尽、用之不竭的能源供应,不会造成污染或全球变暖。” 新时代 从事核聚变研究的专家们已经克服了巨大的挑战,包括Bigot在内的许多人都将自己的整个职业生涯都献给了核聚变,但从未看到它得到实际应用。 现在,商业企业对未来的这种能源可能在本世纪中叶上线持乐观态度。 但正如核聚变一样,当一个挑战被克服时,另一个似乎突然出现。氚的有限库存和价格是其中之一,因此ITER正在努力生产自己的氚。在这方面,前景不错。托卡马克内的包层将覆盖锂,当逸出的等离子体中子到达包层时,它们将与锂发生反应,生成更多的氚燃料。 Bigot表示,一天的延迟费用约为100万欧元。 欧盟承担着该项目建筑成本的45%。粗略估计,所有其他参与国的贡献率都略高于9%。最初,整个工程估计约为60亿欧元(64亿美元)。目前,总额已增加了两倍多,达到200亿欧元左右。 用于测试极向场线圈的低温恒温器的一部分。低温恒温器将有助于限制等离子体。 2001年的预测预计,将于2016年投产,这是一个未实现的目标。一些观察家曾认为该项目已陷入僵局,但在Bigot掌舵后,该项目得到了简化并重新步入正轨。科布伦茨说,Bigot素有“微观管理者”的美誉,但这正是使这一复杂项目井然有序所需要的。 虽然在他的领导下,期望和最后期限也被修改为更加现实。第一个等离子体现在预计在2025年,第一个氘氚实验有望在2035年进行。 Bigot在临终前一直对ITER的潜力充满热情和乐观。 他说:“氢聚变的效率是燃烧化石燃料的一百万倍。我们在这里所做的实际上非常像在地球上创造一个小型人造太阳。”。“这个核聚变电厂将一直运行。可以说,这个太阳永远不会落下。”
2023-06-17 19:12:441

Thorns In My Flesh 歌词

歌曲名:Thorns In My Flesh歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Khaos Legionsalbum: Khaos Legionsreleased on May 30, 2011Liar ! Liar !Conceal the truthSilver tongue with a serpent smileBigot, betrayerMaster of deceitWith your own interest at heartWhen it all came to lightInnocence was lostHow do you sleep at nightLost trust, turned to dust !All for one, one for allDid not apply to youAn intricate web of liesAs the wheels kept on turningNo more thorns in my fleshNo more chains hold me downI control my...Destiny !Liar ! Liar !Conceal the truthSilver tongue with a serpent smileBigot, betrayerMaster of deceitWith your own interest at heartWhen it all came to lightInnocence was lostHow do you sleep at nightLost trust, turned to duuusssttt !No more thorns in my fleshNo more chains hold me downI control my...Destiny !AHHHHHH !AHHHHHHHHHHH !No more thorns in my fleshNo more chains hold me downI control my...Destiny !
2023-06-17 19:12:521


日本人的龟族精神有电视报导:有一名日本少女再次遭到美国大兵的强奸,真的,这种事情已经发生过很多次了,日本人怎么了?有着天照大神血统的日本男人都死到哪去了?他们不能保护自己的妻女吗?他们不能。他们能做的只能是拿着国旗在美国军营外面徘徊。这些的日本男人在美国人的军舰和大炮面前只能当缩头乌龟了。只能是喊喊口号,在心里上找一点发泄的机会罢了,这就是日本民族的龟缩精神。龟善于把自己的头躲在龟壳下面,它们觉得那是相当安全的。日本人崇尚龟,龟的精神用在他们身上真是发挥得淋漓尽致了。而事实上日本人真的很愿意躲在美国人的保护之下,当他们很安全的龟。美国人呢,正是看穿了小日本的这种软弱可欺,才会住在冲绳岛上几十年不走,然后就一而再再而三地蹂躏日本女人。从日本的文化可以看得出他们在心里上是多么的依赖美国啊!日本人喜欢看美国的电影,特别是在模仿美国色情文化上更是有过之而无不及。再说汽车,日本更是把美国的汽车加以研究后改装,成为了自己的东西,可那是自己的吗?本质上还留有美国的影子。这种心里上的变态也并不是空穴来风。二战初期,日本人自以为是,认为自己是最优秀的,他们以闪电般的速度空袭了美军在夏为夷的空军基地。以为这样就会摧毁美国的海军力量,就会在精神上给美国人以打击。小日本也把美国当成了和亚洲相提并论的二流国家,他们太自以为是了,太低估美国人的力量了。这样做的后果是遭到了美国人的迎头痛击,美国以强大的军事力量打垮了日本在亚洲的所有部队,可见日本人是多么的弱智,他们才是当之无愧的东亚病夫。  最后可怜的龟太郎们只能龟缩在小小的日本岛上,等着威力强大的原子弹把他们带到世界的末日。原子弹巨大的威力不但摧毁了日本人的城市,摧毁了日本的经济,而且美国还从精神上彻底地征服了日本人,日本人成了美国人的奴隶。  从此,日本人就变态了,他们性变态。他们没有能力让自己的女人得到快感,于是便找来了身材比自己大得多的美国大兵,把自己的女人白地让给了美国大兵。再后来,日本男人便真正地成了龟了。这也不能都怨日本人自己呀,因为他们本身就不能让自己的女人得到性满足,只好让自己的女人尽情地风流快活去了。日本的男人呢!他们变得可怜之极,只能在他们自己拍的A片里用舌头显示一下自己无用的性能力了。或者用自慰来解决一下充满兽性的身体。  日本的高层领导更是无能,他们在美国人面前没有说话的份儿,因为他们已经伦落成一个低等的民族了,也就只佩生活在那样资源匮泛的小岛上了。可是北面的俄罗斯对他们总是虎视眈眈,而西面的中国也正在掘起,经济发达的韩国更是仇视他们。怎么办?只好拿出大把大把的银子,低着头来请美国人吧,请美国人来保护他们的家园吧,多么无能的民族,还大言不惭地说自己是优秀的大和民族呢!我看就是神龟一族,是变态的民族,他们把自己的女人献给保护自己的美国大兵。于是乎美国大兵就更加肆无忌惮地来强奸日本小女孩,面对这样的结果,日本人又能怎么样呢?其结果充其量也就是把罪犯弄回美国。  龟一样的日本人,也有这一天啊!当他们强奸中国女人的时候就没想到自己的女人也会遭到了同样的结果。报应啊!现在美国人已经把日本人欺负到无处藏身的地步了,怎么办?你别担心,日本周围都是海呀!那正好用得着:所有日本男人都滚到海里去,只把女人和儿童留下。  实际上,自“二战”以来,日本一直就是一个信奉犬儒哲学的国家,在军事和外交上,最突出的表现是卑贱虚伪,恃强凌弱,欺软怕硬,一旦被对手彻底打败,就一蹶不振,丧失斗志,立即拜倒在地上,把对手尊为“太上皇”。且不说当年美国在日本本土扔下两颗原子弹,将其两大城市夷为平地,美国大兵常驻日本本土,日本女人都成了美军的“慰安妇”,供美国大兵任意糟蹋,恣意蹂躏;就是到了20世纪90年代,日本仍然是一个犬儒国家,尽管它成了世界经济大国,其众多产品占领了国际市场,把美国挤得差点没有了市场空间,即使这样,面对美国大兵多次在冲绳岛粗暴轮奸日本少女事件,日本政府仍对美国低头哈腰,忍气吞声,唯唯诺诺。今天的日本国民已经形成了一种婊子式的卑贱虚伪的犬儒性格,这种婊子式的犬儒性格影响了日本的下一代。日本是多么虚伪乖戾,卑鄙无耻!对日本人你将其当畜牲看待.它才敬畏你.你打败他.打的心服口服.他愿把他的老婆女儿叫来陪你睡。日本人只记住原子弹对自己之害.但记不住侵略他国之害。日本的美国老爸对日本人的评价 日本人的国际感很贫乏;对白种人极端自卑,而对黄种的亚洲人虚张声势,总是缺乏一种非常客观的对外理解;在世界各民族里,日本民族是最排外的民族之一。政治上,日本特别崇拜美国,把美国当成老祖宗,是穿美国裤衩的猴子;心理上,日本可以说是当今美国的附属国、殖民地。法国画家比哥(Georges Bigot)(1860—1927)画的素描图尤其著名。一对夫妇模样的人穿着西装站在镜子前,欣赏着自己的容貌。令人印象最深刻的,要数男人傲慢自大的样子了。对此,比哥在男人的头上的部分用汉字“名磨行”对其进行了讽刺。而最令人称奇的是,镜中的男女竟然都是猴子脸。为什么都到了21世纪,笔者还要再次提起这幅上世纪的稀奇绘画呢?原因就在于,这幅日本人的肖像画中隐藏着日本人的普遍形象之谜。似乎是为了配合比哥的讽刺图,同为法国人的皮埃尔?洛蒂(Pierre Loti)在其著作《秋天的日本》中的《江户的舞会》一文中,写下了如下辛辣的评论:“太耀眼,太妖艳。这些无数的穿着盛装的日本绅士、大臣、提督和各地官吏们。不知为何,他们总会让我想起某位曾经以追逐潮流而著称的将军。另外,即便是对我们自己来说,燕尾服这种东西也都是俗到极点的,为何他们会穿在身上?况且,他们体型根本就不合适穿这种衣服。我不知道为什么,只是觉得他们每个人看起来都是那么像猴子。”称“觉得他们每个人看起来都是那么像猴子”的皮埃尔?洛蒂的描述与比哥的绘画相互配套,长期流传直至今日。于是,这种“日本人是像猴子一样的民族”的观念,便在世界范围内随之固定下来。就像信念信仰拥有强大的力量一样,这种“日本人一猴子”的形象妨碍了人们客观公正地解日本人。不仅如此,从明治到大正再到昭和,直到现在的平成,“日本人一猴子”一直作为日本人的形象而存在。单将日本讽刺讥笑为猴子,是非常不合理和不公平的,这妨碍了人们对日本的理解,其负面效果非常严重。这种负面形象是由西方人创造出来的,满足了西方人的快感。然而,同时,日本人自身也被这种形象所困。其结果是,自明治维新开始,经过战后,日本人在心底便不由自主地产生了“我们像猴子一样丑陋”这样的自卑感。 法国伟大思想家孟德斯鸠评价日本人:日本人的性格是非常变态的。在欧洲人看来,日本是一个血腥变态嗜杀成性的民族。日本人顽固不化、任性作为、刚愎自用、愚昧无知,对上级奴颜卑膝,对下级凶狠残暴。日本人动不动就杀人,动不动就自杀。不把自己的生命放在心上,更不把别人的生命放在心上。所以,日本充满了混乱和仇杀。 俄国沙皇尼古拉二世:日本人是一群讨厌的黄色蛮猴,日本明治天皇是一个动作可笑的家伙。被誉为二战救世主的美国总统富兰克林罗斯福:日本人是有史以来我见过的最卑鄙、最无耻的民族。法国总统戴高乐:日本,这是一个阴险与狡诈的残忍民族,这个民族非常势利,其疯狂嗜血程度类似于欧洲中世纪的吸血鬼德库拉,你一旦被他看到弱点,喉管立即会被它咬破,毫无生还可能。美国巨富约翰D洛克菲勒:日本人除了复制别国科技外一事无成,它何曾独立为世界文明作过贡献,充其量只是个工匠型的二流民族而已。德国二战后第一任联邦总统特奥多尔豪斯:吾人至今还对二战期间发生在巴黎的一件事记忆犹新,当一辆满载德国士兵的军用卡车在巴黎街道翻倒时,有许多巴黎市民纷纷自发上前尽力将被压的德国士兵拖了出来,其中好几名巴黎平民还是法国地下抵抗组织的成员,因为德军在法国几乎没有暴行,德国士兵在占领后并没有摆出战胜者的姿态,而是与巴黎市民和平相处,一起生活得十分融洽。令人震惊的是,在同一时期日本人却在中国肆无忌惮的屠杀手无寸铁的中国妇孺,日本人非要杀完最后一个中国人才甘心。 1951年4月16日凌晨,统治日本近6年的占领军司令麦克阿瑟乘汽车前往厚木美军机场。他在朝鲜战场指挥失利而被杜鲁门总统解职回国。沿途,成千上万的日本人自发地站在街道两旁为他送行不少人甚至痛哭流涕。日本各大报纷纷发表社论对麦克阿瑟表示谢意。日本政府也表示将考虑授予麦氏“终身国宾待遇”并修建“麦克阿瑟纪念馆”。日本人普遍相信他们的敬畏和顺从将给这位大元帅留下美好的印象。然而二十天后大元帅在美国国会作证时的发言却给日本人迎头浇了一盆冷水:“日本人的精神年龄仅有12岁”。消息传来日本人也马上变了脸。国宾和纪念馆的计划被搁置,几家知名企业还在报上联名刊登广告:“我们不是12岁!”
2023-06-17 19:12:591


2023-06-17 19:13:084


2023-06-17 19:13:361


郑伊健版《中华英雄》演员表演员 Actor:郑伊健 Ekin Cheng .....Hero Hua舒淇 Hsu Chi .....Mu (as Qui Shu)杨恭如 Kristy Yang .....Jade叶佩雯 Grace Yip .....Kate林迪安 Dion Lam .....Shadow (as Lam dik on)徐锦江 Elvis Tsui .....BigotJude Poyer .....Bull谢霆锋 Nicholas Tse .....Sword Hua (as Nic Tse)元彪 Yuen Biao .....Boss吴镇宇 Francis Ng .....Invincible卢惠光 Ken Lo .....Monk Luohan黄秋生 Anthony Wong .....Pride陈小春 Jordan Chan .....(voice)郑浩南 Mark Cheng郑佩佩 Pei-pei Cheng李灿森 Sam Lee吴志雄 Chi Hung Ng黄斌 Ronald Wong .....(as Ban Wong)
2023-06-17 19:13:441

辐射3变成僵尸了 怎么办

2023-06-17 19:14:131


代码前面的0都是可以忽略的 直接输入player.additem F 10000 你就增加10000瓶盖了 别的也是 # 这里只是输入你要的数量就好
2023-06-17 19:14:233

perfect government 歌词

歌曲名:perfect government歌手:nofx专辑:punk in drublicEven if it"s easy to be freeWhat"s your definition of freedom?And who the fuck are you, anyway?Who the fuck are they?Who the fuck am I to say?NoFXWhat the fuck is really going on?How did the cat get so fat?Why does the family die?Do you care why?"Cause there hasn"t been a signOf anything gettin" better in the ghettoPeople"s fed upBut when they get upYou racist, you bigotBut that"s not the problemNow is it?It"s all about the moneyPolitical power is takinProtecting the rich denying the poorYeah, they love to watch the war from the White HouseAnd I wonder how can they sleep at night?How can they sleep at night?How did the cat get so fat?
2023-06-17 19:14:301


stamp的读音是:英[st?mp]。stamp的读音是:英[st?mp]。stamp的详尽释义是n.(名词)特征戳记,图章,戳子,印(记)痕迹邮票,印花标记,标志捣击机跺脚压印机验讫的标签杵类型,种类。stamp【近义词】breed。一、详尽释义点此查看stamp的详细内容n.(名词)特征戳记,图章,戳子,印(记)痕迹邮票,印花标记,标志捣击机跺脚压印机验讫的标签杵类型,种类v.(动词)贴邮票于,贴印花于,在...上贴邮票盖章于,在...盖戳,在...打图章压印(于)打上铭刻,铭记(心中)(用脚)踩踏,踩,跺,跺脚,踏(脚),踏平压碎,踏碎,跺碎,捣碎标出,表示镇压印刷【摔角】摆把势拒绝扑灭毁掉顿足践踏噔噔地走二、英英释义Noun:the distinctive form in which a thing is made;"pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"a type or class;"more men of his stamp are needed"a symbol that is the result of printing or engraving;"he put his stamp on the envelope"a small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paidsomething that can be used as an official medium of paymenta small piece of adhesive paper that is put on an object to show that a government tax has been paidmachine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing oresa block or die used to imprint a mark or designa device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documentsVerb:walk heavily;"The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots"to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something;"a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps"reveal clearly as having a certain character;"His playing stamps him as a Romantic"affix a stamp to;"Are the letters properly stamped?"treat or classify according to a mental stereotype;"I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"destroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the foot;"Stamp fascism into submission""stamp out tyranny"form or cut out with a mold, form, or die;"stamp needles"crush or grind with a heavy instrument;"stamp fruit extract the juice"raise in a relief;"embossed stationery"三、网络解释1. 邮票:直到1984年,在德国汉堡召开的第十九届万国邮政联盟大会上,自动化邮票被正式确认为邮票(Stamp). 按照万国邮政联盟的有关规定,自动化邮票上不标注日期和地点,使用不受日期、地点的限制,投递贴有自动化邮票的邮件时必须用邮政日戳盖销.2.2. 图章:签证是由美国大使馆(Embassy)或领事馆(Consulate)加盖在护照上的一个图章(Stamp),签证是外籍人士在一定的时间内(有效期内,即签证上标注的时间内)以一定的签证身份入境美国,持有人可在签证有效期之内一次、两次或多次入境.3. stamp在线翻译3. 戳记:.图案填充(Hatching)的概念 100.专刊--打印戳记(Stamp)的使用方法 241第十七章 绘制实体(Solid)对象 242.创建旋转(REVOLVE)实体 249.利用基本对象进行实体的布尔(BOOLEAN)运算 250.专刊--表示网格(Mesh)与实体(Solid)的密度四、例句My husband is a stamp collector.我丈夫是个集邮者。He is looking for his rubber stamp.他正在找他的橡皮印章。Please bring a photograph of yourself.We have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿。His face bears the stamp of suffering.他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。Your stamp of impatience won"t give me a scare.你那不耐烦的跺脚吓不了我。She stamped on the insect and killed it.她踩死了一只虫子。The immigration officer stamped my passport.移民官员在我的护照上盖了戳。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)She licked the stamp and stuck it on the envelope.她舔了舔邮票,把它贴到信封上。Will you oblige me with a stamp?给我一张邮票好吗?The government issues money and stamps.政府发行货币及邮票。This old stamp isn"t sticky any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope.这张旧邮票的背面没黏性了,我得用胶把它粘在信封上。He eased the stamp off carefully.他小心翼翼地把邮票揭下来。The machine gummed the back of stamps.那台机器给邮票的背面上胶。Make sure the stamp is properly glued to the envelope.务必把邮票在信封上粘好。He gathered me some good stamps.他为我收集了一些好邮票。I need one more stamp before my collection is complete.再有一张邮票,我的收藏便完整了。Compared with what he had already, the new stamps were not very interesting.跟他已有的相比,这几张新邮票算不上有趣。The post office cancels the stamps on a letter.邮局盖戳注销信件上的邮票。Attach a stamp to the envelope and mail it.把邮票贴在信封上寄出去。He occupied himself in collecting stamps.他忙于集邮。They seem interested in collecting stamps.他们似乎喜欢集邮。How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps?吉姆对集邮的兴趣有多长的时间了?I like collecting stamps very much, and I"ve also collected many foreign stamps.我非常喜欢集邮,我还收集了许多外国邮票。He fools away so much time on his stamp collection that he never gets anything done.他把时间都白白地浪费在集邮上了,所以什么事情也没做成。This is a rubber stamp.这是一个橡皮图章。None are genuine without our stamp.未盖我们的戳记的产品无一是真货。I don"t much like books of that stamp.我不甚喜欢那一类书。She is the women of a different stamp.她是另一种类型的女人。These works have the classic stamp upon them.这些作品具有不朽性。These idioms give the language a native stamp.这些习语是这种语言地道的特征。His face bears the stamp of suffering.他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。He gave a stamp of impatience.他不耐烦地跺脚。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.We are stamping the letter.我们在给这封信贴邮票。I"ve addressed the envelope but haven"t stamped it.我在信封上写下了地址,但还未贴邮票。The girl forgot to stamp my library book.那位姑娘忘记在我借的书上盖归还日期章了。You must stamp these letters before you post them.信要加盖邮戳后才能邮寄出去。The horse stamped the ground nervously.那匹马紧张地用力踏地。We stamped the ground to keep our feet warm.我们跺脚取暖。1The letter is insufficiently stamped.这封信邮票贴得不足。What he did will always be stamped.他所做的一切人们将永远铭记。用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She stamped the document “secret”.她在文件上盖上“密件”字样。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be/as+) n./adj.His speech stamps him as a man of education.他的话表明他是个受过教育的人。His words stamped him to be a bigot.他讲的话表明他是个偏执的人。His manners stamped him a military man.他的举止显示出他的军人气质。The boy stamped the egg flat.男孩一脚把鸡蛋踩碎了。They stamped the soil flat.他们把地踏平了。六、常用短语用作动词(v.)stamp down( v.+adv. )踩扁 flatten by putting (one"s foot) down with forcestamp sb/sth ? downHis horse stamped down some of the enemies.他的马把几个敌人踩倒在地。He put the cardboard boxes in a heap and stamped them down.他把纸板箱堆成一堆,将它们踩扁。stamp on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )拒绝… discourage (sth such as an idea) firmly and activelystamp on〔upon〕 sthI am sorry I stamped on your foot.对不起踩了你的脚。He stamped on the spider.他用劲踩那只蜘蛛。Please stamp upon that insect for me!请替我踩死那只虫子。He stamped hard on the ground.他狠狠地跺了跺地。stamp sth on〔upon〕 sthThis machine stamps the date on the paper.这机器可以把日期印在纸上。His name was stamped on the case.箱子上印有他的名字。stamp on〔upon〕 sthWe told him our idea, but he just stamped on it.我们告诉了他我们的想法,但他断然拒绝了。No teacher should stamp upon a child"s idea without considering it fairly.未经考虑之前,任何老师都不应该给孩子的想法泼冷水。The students" suggestion must be stamped on before it becomes a threat.在学生们的提议构成威胁前必须予以制止。stamp out( v.+adv. )冲压成型 give shape to sth with a die or cutterThe machine can stamp out hundreds of components in an hour.这台机器每小时可冲压数百件机件。stamp with( v.+prep. )在…上贴邮票 place postage stamps on (an envelope, parcel, etc.)用于 be ~ed 结构七、词语用法n.(名词)stamp用作名词的基本意思是“邮票”,引申可指“印章,印花(税)标志”“特征,类型,性质,影响,外表”等,一般为可数名词。stamp还可表示如盖邮戳般“跺脚,顿足”。v.(动词)stamp用作名词时的意思是“邮票”,用作动词时意思是“贴邮票”“盖邮戳”,用于比喻可表示“顿足”,指在受某种心理因素或外界刺激的情况下用脚用力地在地上踩。引申还可指“踏平”“铭记”等。stamp可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。stamp还可表示“标志着”的意思,句中的介词as在大部分情况下不可省略。All these qualities stamp him as a perfect writer.所有的质量标志着他是个完美的作家。stamp的相关近义词breed、cast、earmark、mould、brand、fix、markstamp的相关临近词Stan、stammer、Stampa、stamps、Stampf、Stampi、Stampe、Stampes、stamped、stamper、stampen、Stampfer点此查看更多关于stamp的详细信息
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请看我从法语网上拷贝下来的,这是我居住的省(安茹)常用姓,第一列是排名,第二列是姓,第三列是用此姓的人数.1 MARTIN 6612 MOREAU 6083 MENARD 5204 PINEAU 4705 POIRIER 4546 ROBERT 3467 RAIMBAULT 3438 DELAUNAY 3319 RICHARD 32210 DURAND 31911 ROUSSEAU 31712 CHEVALIER 31213 OGER 31114 BELLANGER 30215 PASQUIER 29816 CESBRON 29717 GAUTIER 29218 TESSIER 28619 DAVID 27820 HUMEAU 27421 CHAUVEAU 27122 ROBIN 26823 GOURDON 26724 TERRIEN 26425 GIRARD 25926 CHUPIN 25827 THOMAS 25128 CAILLEAU 24729 MARCHAND 24630 VINCENT 24531 RENOU 23332 PAPIN 22833 MERCIER 22834 DUPONT 22535 GUERIN 22036 MANCEAU 21737 BESNARD 21738 ALLARD 21539 GAUDIN 21140 LAMBERT 21041 BARRE 20142 LEROY 19843 THIBAULT 19544 RETHORE 18945 ESNAULT 18946 BOUVET 18247 HUET 18148 PELTIER 18149 MACE 17850 MORIN 17851 MAILLET 17852 DAVY 17653 BONDU 17554 FROGER 17455 BERTHELOT 17456 BERNIER 17357 HERVE 17258 CHIRON 17259 GALLARD 17260 ONILLON 17061 CADEAU 17062 BOUTIN 17063 SOURICE 16864 SAMSON 16765 COURANT 16466 GRIMAULT 16367 BESSON 16368 CHENE 16169 LEFORT 15970 PERRAULT 15871 BRUNEAU 15672 BOURGEAIS 15673 GUILLET 15274 COIFFARD 15175 FONTENEAU 15176 CHEVALLIER 15177 HAMON 14978 DENIS 14879 SIMON 14780 LEROUX 14681 ROBINEAU 14582 BOUYER 14583 AUDOUIN 14584 MARTINEAU 14485 ROGER 14386 LEMOINE 14387 BUREAU 14288 BARON 14289 OUVRARD 14190 ALBERT 14191 ROCHARD 14092 GASNIER 14093 LEBRUN 13894 GASTINEAU 13595 AUBRY 13496 GAULTIER 13497 LEBRETON 13298 RIPOCHE 13199 MORINIERE 131100 CHOUTEAU 131101 BARANGER 129102 BODIN 129103 AUGEREAU 128104 GARNIER 128105 BLOUIN 127106 ROYER 127107 GAUTHIER 127108 BRETON 126109 TOUBLANC 126110 SECHER 122111 RAVENEAU 122112 LARDEUX 122113 BROCHARD 122114 BARREAU 122115 PETITEAU 122116 LANDREAU 121117 POUPARD 120118 BEAUMONT 120119 LECOMTE 120120 PETIT 120121 FOUCHER 119122 HARDOUIN 118123 BERTRAND 118124 JOUBERT 117125 GOHIER 117126 DUBOIS 117127 GODINEAU 116128 NEAU 115129 JARRY 114130 GUILLOT 114131 SOULARD 112132 LECLERC 112133 HUBERT 112134 BRAUD 111135 BIDET 111136 GROLLEAU 110137 MERLET 110138 LOISEAU 109139 FROUIN 108140 GOUJON 108141 MASSON 107142 GILBERT 106143 CHAUVIN 106144 BRUNET 106145 LEMESLE 105146 CARRE 105147 DEROUET 104148 METAYER 104149 BEDOUET 103150 JAMIN 103151 MARY 103152 MONNIER 103153 CHEVET 103154 CHARRIER 103155 BOURGET 103156 DIXNEUF 102157 GROSBOIS 102158 PIRON 102159 MALINGE 101160 BABIN 101161 GUIBERT 101162 GIRAULT 100163 BRAULT 100164 NEVEU 100165 BERNARD 100166 CLEMOT 99167 CHARBONNIER 98168 BLANCHARD 98169 CASSIN 97170 BROUARD 97171 BRIN 97172 VIGNERON 97173 RETAILLEAU 97174 SUPIOT 96175 BAUMARD 96176 METIVIER 96177 VALLEE 96178 AUBERT 96179 FOURNIER 96180 HAMARD 95181 GRASSET 95182 JOLIVET 95183 FRESNEAU 94184 GELINEAU 93185 CHAUVAT 93186 PEAN 93187 PITON 93188 DELESTRE 93189 DROUET 93190 CHARTIER 93191 BANCHEREAU 92192 BODET 92193 COLAS 92194 COUSIN 91195 BOUVIER 91196 BABONNEAU 90197 DUTERTRE 90198 BOSSE 90199 BOURCIER 90200 BRISSET 89201 ANTIER 88202 FARDEAU 88203 CHAUVIRE 88204 MICHEL 88205 LEDUC 88206 BREMOND 87207 RENAULT 87208 BORE 87209 LEGER 87210 SUTEAU 86211 GUILLEUX 86212 SECHET 85213 BREVET 85214 BOUMARD 84215 MORILLE 84216 AUBIN 84217 BRIAND 84218 GABORIAU 83219 BOULAY 83220 THARREAU 82221 RABINEAU 82222 MORON 82223 GODIN 82224 BOUSSION 82225 BLOND 82226 BREHERET 82227 CORMIER 82228 BAUDRY 81229 ROY 81230 CAMUS 81231 BENOIST 81232 GODARD 80233 CHAILLOU 80234 RENARD 80235 BIGOT 80236 BOMPAS 79237 BELLIARD 79238 POILANE 79239 BARRAULT 79240 NOYER 79241 BOURIGAULT 78242 DUVEAU 78243 GARREAU 78244 BOUET 78245 LUCAS 78246 BONNEAU 78247 GAILLARD 78248 RABIN 77249 CHATEAU 77250 BODINEAU 76251 VIAU 76252 GAZEAU 76253 BRANCHEREAU 76254 MARAIS 76255 FREMONT 76256 CHARRON 76257 GUITTON 76258 PICHERIT 75259 GABORY 75260 BODY 75261 BREGEON 75262 MEUNIER 75263 VOISINE 74264 GASTE 74265 LEBLANC 74266 MAUSSION 73267 COTTENCEAU 73268 BURON 73269 BREBION 73270 BRETAUDEAU 73271 NAUD 73272 PLANCHENAULT 73273 FOURRIER 73274 CHARDON 73275 AVRIL 73276 BEDUNEAU 72277 TIJOU 72278 SALMON 72279 LAUNAY 72280 BOUCHET 72281 DUPE 71282 PERDRIAU 71283 LANDAIS 71284 PROUST 71285 LUSSON 70286 BOUCHER 70287 DUBILLOT 69288 GALISSON 69289 LEVRON 69290 GAIGNARD 69291 PELE 69292 DOISNEAU 69293 LELIEVRE 69294 DELAHAYE 69295 PRODHOMME 68296 COUET 68297 RICHOU 68298 VASLIN 68299 PAUVERT 68300 DUPUIS 68301 GAUGAIN 67302 ROUILLARD 67303 BOUTEILLER 67304 CHERBONNIER 66305 DELEPINE 66306 CHRETIEN 66307 THIERRY 66308 GREGOIRE 66309 POULAIN 66310 GUILLON 66311 DEFOIS 65312 PRIOU 65313 ALLAIRE 65314 BELLIER 65315 DELHUMEAU 64316 DERSOIR 64317 JEANNETEAU 64318 HAMELIN 64319 HUCHON 64320 PINON 64321 RICOU 64322 BIOTTEAU 63323 BENETEAU 63324 POIRON 63325 COUSSEAU 63326 CHESNEAU 63327 BESNIER 63328 BRICARD 62329 JOULAIN 62330 LANGLAIS 62331 POHU 62332 GAUTREAU 62333 CLEMENCEAU 62334 VAILLANT 62335 BLIN 62336 BONNET 62337 GAUDICHEAU 61338 GUILBAULT 61339 DENECHEAU 61340 BOSSARD 61341 MESLET 61342 CHAPEAU 61343 VERRON 61344 JOUSSET 61345 CHOLET 61346 GIRARDEAU 61347 LEMONNIER 61348 GAGNEUX 61349 EMERIAU 60350 LERAY 60351 TRICOIRE 60352 MORICEAU 60353 SEJOURNE 60354 CHALOPIN 60355 MERAND 60356 GUERY 60357 FERRON 60358 GUEMAS 59359 RABOUIN 59360 FRIBAULT 59361 TOURNEUX 59362 BROSSARD 59363 ROUX 59364 GODET 59365 DUVAL 59366 CLEMENT 59367 JOLY 59368 ESSEUL 58369 GENDRON 58370 BOURREAU 58371 BOURDAIS 58372 NICOLAS 58373 MAILLARD 58374 GUYON 58375 GRIFFON 58376 BOIVIN 58377 LAMY 58378 OLIVIER 58379 MEME 57380 BOISDRON 57381 MEIGNAN 57382 MORINEAU 57383 BOUTREUX 57384 ABELARD 57385 BOISSEAU 57386 MASSE 57387 GANDON 57388 LAURENT 57389 FILLAUDEAU 56390 DENECHERE 56391 PORCHER 56392 BLOT 56393 COCHARD 56394 MAUGIN 55395 HOUDEBINE 55396 GABILLARD 55397 DOUET 55398 JOUET 55399 ROBICHON 55400 BAUDOUIN 55
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1959年讲谈社的《少年杂志》、小学馆的《少年星期日》等周刊杂志纷纷创刊。同年,东京电视塔建成,家庭电视机拥有台数已超过700万台。从此,战后一代人便在电视的影响下成长起来。 随着电视突飞猛进的发展,颇受欢迎的漫画开始被搬上银幕,《月光假面》(原作川内康范,绘画桑田次郎)的巨大成功加快了漫画电视化的步伐。手冢治虫的《奇异的少年》在NHK被列为连续播放节目。动画片《铁臂阿童木》深入人心,《铁人28号》、《8号人》(原作平井正和,绘画桑田次郎)和小岛功的《仙人部落》也大获成功,这些都是带科幻性质的动画片。而赤冢不二夫的逗笑漫画《阿松》,虽然在电视上播放了,却没有引起多大反响。以写实风格推出的电视连续剧《丸出夫》和《肯尼迪骑士团》等都是这个时代的作品,前者反映的是激烈的升学考试状况后者以1963年肯尼迪总统被刺事件为序幕,反映了现实社会的生活。越南战争爆发后,以村山知义的《忍者》为首,掀起了一场“忍者风暴”。藤子不二雄的《怪物Q太郎》被改编成动画片,这是科幻动画片以外类型的动画片首次获得巨大成功,伴随着主题歌一起在全日本掀起一股热潮。 【迅速发展的十年间1965年-1975年】 战后20年,培育出一批新漫画的读者层,新的漫画杂志也应运而生。芳文社于1966年以青年漫画为目标,创办了《Comic Magazine》;少年画报社的《青年漫画月刊》、双叶社的《漫画周刊》和小学馆的《大漫画月刊》等陆续问世。少年杂志方面,讲谈社的《少年杂志》压倒了其他杂志。1965年时,《少年杂志》的主要读者是中、小学生,他们的社会人际关系很简单,一般就是家长和孩子、学生和老师、男孩和女孩,《少年杂志》的佳作《巨人之星》(川崎登)、《明日的乔》(千叶铁矢)、《爱与诚》等就是围绕这种人际关系创作的连环漫画。这些作品描写了少男少女的成长奋斗过程。由于故事内容都来自少年读者身边,所以极受他们的欢迎。此后日本漫画的读者也从中、小学生扩展为高中生、大学生,以及各阶层的青年。漫画开始受到了社会的注目。 1964年新漫画派集团的核心人物近藤日出造等人大声疾呼,要建立一个包括从北海道到冲绳的所有漫画家的全国性的漫画家职能团体。于是,日本漫画家协会诞生了。成立时的会员人数是497名。日本漫画家协会的宗旨是维护漫画家协会会员的权益,对文化作出贡献。1972年设立了“日本漫画家协会奖”,这个奖由漫画家评选,由漫画家授予漫画家,这一点不同于出版社、报社所设立的漫画奖,“日本漫画家协会奖”被认为是最有权威的奖赏。 在日本除了这个“协会奖”外,还有“文艺春秋漫画奖”、“小学馆漫画奖”、“讲谈社漫画奖”及“读卖国际漫画奖”、“中日漫画大奖”等报社设立的漫画奖。还有个人设立的奖,如“手冢奖”、“赤冢奖”、“藤子不二雄奖”等等。 60年代中叶到70年代中叶,漫画为了适应迅速发展的需要,故事中的相当大的成份是由其它领域的作家来完成的。比如推理小说作家生田、科幻作家加纳一郎、动画片作家藤种桂介等等,分别拿出成功的作品,以漫画脚本为职业的尾原一骑、小池一夫、牛次郎等人进一步扩大了市场占有率。漫画质量的提高,与他们的实力有很大关系。从拉洋片时代就开始画连环画的老将小岛刚夕,与小池一夫组合后发挥实力创作的《带孩子的狼》就是典型的例子。另一位专业脚本作家泷泽解的《高中流浪派》(绘画芳谷圭儿),也使人感到新鲜的时代气息。 集英社1968年创办的《少年跳跃》,发掘出一批新漫画家。“跳跃军团”具有老一辈漫画家所不具备的幽默与故事情节,以破竹之势向前迈进。 正统少女漫画中,较突出的有高中学生里中满智子的处女作《娜娜和丽丽》、情节剧名家细川知荣子的《帕莉子别哭》,还有擅长写爱情剧的西谷样子的《玛丽·露》。早在50年代就开始出名的水野英子就不用说了,还有弓月光的《第一次体验》等作品,开拓了少女漫画新的题材。在少年漫画肥沃的土壤上,少女漫画迅速赶超上来。这一时期连东京大学的书架上都摆着少女漫画,池田理代子的《凡代赛的玫瑰》以其严谨的历史考证和曲折的故事情节,把少女漫画推上了高峰。 【逐步走向成熟】 1975年至1985年这一时期,首屈一指的作品要算萩尾望都的《11个人》和大岛弓子的《绵国之星》。另外,青池保子的《伊凡的儿子们》强烈感人、细川知荣子的《尼罗河女儿》绚丽多彩,在读者中引起很大震动。举目四望,到处都是女漫画家。 1977年美内铃惠的超长篇《玻璃假面》开始连载。这是一部罕见的长篇故事,连载十几年,盛况不衰。 这一时期,少年漫画的大腕藤子·F·不二雄的《魔美》和松本零士的《银河铁道999》发表。同时藤子不二雄还创作了青年漫画的科幻短篇系列,松本零士也有《宇宙海盗哈罗克》问世。《日出之处的天子》(山岸凉子)和《钓鱼迷日记》也很引入注目。藤子·F·不二雄的《机器猫》被制成动画片;鸟山明的《阿拉蕾》也受到高度评价。同时《筋肉人》(鸟田中井)、《北斗神拳》(原哲夫)也大受欢迎。以真正的描写和故事吸引读者的作品当属大友克洋的《阿基拉》,显示出极高的水平。 1982年宫崎骏的《风之谷》也开始连载。 少年漫画中安达充的代表作《接触》、《美纪子》最引人注目。青年漫画中以《美食家》为首,引来美食漫画陆续登场。女作家高桥留美子的《福星小子》给读者留下深刻印象。 九十年代初,《少年B跳跃》发行量不断增加。因为它有以鸟山明的《七龙珠》为主角、秋本治、荒木飞吕彦和德弘正也等人稳定的连载阵容。 伴随漫画成长的读者,如今已经长大成人了。川口开治的《沉默的舰队》,尽管受到非难,但仍受到青年们的注目。继《漫画日本经济入门》(石森章太郎)成功之后,斋藤隆夫的《连环画小说吉田学校》也由读卖新闻社出版了。石森章太郎的《漫画日本历史》也在连载,这些都是以成年读者为对象的漫画,说明漫画作为一种宣传媒介,越来越受到人们的重视。《课长岛耕作》(弘兼宪史)也在商人中成为重大的话题。 进入90年代,日本漫画流派在画风、题材、故事情节等方面八仙过海,各显其能,漫画界出现了百花齐放的局面。特别需要指出的是,漫画家的个性更加鲜明了,漫画已从战前的儿童伙伴历经半个世纪的成长,变成了社会的大众传播媒体。
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self-reliance 作者Ralph waldo Emerson那个跪求中文翻译!

Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. I remember an answer which when quite young I was prompted to make to a valued adviser who was wont to importune me with the dear old doctrines of the church. On my saying, "What have I to do with the sacredness of traditions, if I live wholly from within?" my friend suggested,--"But these impulses may be from below, not from above." I replied, "They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil"s child, I will live then from the Devil." No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is against it. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.来源:( - 《论自助》 中文翻译_丽人购物天堂_新浪博客 Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me more than is right. I ought to go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in all ways. If malice and vanity wear the coat of philanthropy, shall that pass? If an angry bigot assumes this bountiful cause of Abolition, and comes to me with his last news from Barbadoes, why should I not say to him, "Go love thy infant; love thy wood-chopper; be good-natured and modest; have that grace; and never varnish your hard, uncharitable ambition with this incredible tenderness for black folk a thousand miles off. Thy love afar is spite at home." Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it,--else it is none. The doctrine of hatred must be preached, as the counteraction of the doctrine of love, when that pules and whines. I shun father and mother and wife and brother when my genius calls me. I would write on the lintels of the door-post, *Whim*. I hope it is somewhat better than whim at last, but we cannot spend the day in explanation. Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company. Then again, do not tell me, as a good man did to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee thou foolish philanthropist that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent, I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong. 任何名副其实的真正的人,都必须是不落俗套的人。任何采集圣地棕搁叶的人,都不应当拘泥于名义上的善,而应当发掘善之本身。除了我们心灵的真诚之外,其它的一切归根结蒂都不是神圣的。解脱自己,皈依自我,也就必然得到世人的认可。记得,当我还很小的时候,有位颇受人尊重的师长。他习惯不厌其烦地向我灌输宗教的古老教条。有一回,我禁不住回了他一句。听到我说,如果我完全靠内心的指点来生活,那么我拿那些神圣的传统干嘛呢;我的这位朋友提出说:“可是,内心的冲动可能是低下的,而不是高尚的。”我回答说:“在我看来,却不是如此。不过,倘若我是魔鬼的孩子,那么我就要照魔鬼的指点来生活。”除了天性的法则之外,在我看来,没有任何法则是神圣的。 好与坏,只不过是个名声而已,不费吹灰之力,便可以将它从这人身上移到那人身上。唯一正确的,是顺从自身结构的事物;唯一错误的,是逆自身结构的事物。一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。使我惭愧的是,我们如此易于成为招牌、名份的俘虏,成为庞大的社团和毫无生气的习俗的俘虏。 任何一个正派、谈吐优雅之士都比一位无懈可击的人更能影响我、左右我。我应当正直坦诚、生气勃勃,以各种方式直抒未加粉饰的真理…如果恶意和虚荣披着慈善的外衣,可行吗?如果一个愤怒偏执的人假定这个慷慨引起了废止,并且从巴巴多斯岛传来了他最后的消息,为何我不应该告诉他:去爱你的孩子,爱你的砍柴工具,养成良好的谦虚的性格,保持优雅,不要伪装你的冷酷,拥有慈爱之心,迈过这些不可思议的台阶对于一个毫无希望的平民就走出了一千米远。 你对外界的爱伴随内心的痛苦,粗陋和不雅会向你招手,但是坚持真理要比虚伪的爱更加英俊潇洒。你的善良一定要有一个限度,不然它就什么都不是。 当开始悲哀时,作为爱的精神的对立面,仇恨的意识必须被劝诫。当我的天才召唤我时,我会避开父亲、母亲、妻子和兄弟,会把灵感写在门口柱子上的软麻布上。我希望它会比让灵感消失要强一些,但是我们没有时间对它做出解释。假使我没有表现出来,我会疏远亲人和朋友花时间去探究。然后再一次,不要告诉我,今天作为一个好人,我需要对促使所有贫穷的人开始好转表示感激。这些人是我的贫穷吗?我告诉你这个愚蠢的慈善家,我很不情愿把这些元、角、分给到那些不属于我的或者我不属于的人。
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UNIX商标中“live free or die”的来历

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rebuke通常指尖锐的,不礼貌的斥责reprimand指公开的批评 e.g. The officers were reprimand severely for their unprofessional behavior.reproach指由于别人的欠考虑,错误举止,自私自利使你失望而责备reprove指温和的批评,让对方改正错误condemn指谴责,定罪,判处,常用于国际社会的谴责 be condemned to“被宣告”只知道这么多了~~
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小征泽尔是哪国人 急。。。。

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演员 Actor: 郑伊健 Ekin Cheng .....Hero Hua 舒淇 Hsu Chi .....Mu (as Qui Shu) 杨恭如 Kristy Yang .....Jade 叶佩雯 Grace Yip .....Kate 林迪安 Dion Lam .....Shadow (as Lam dik on) 徐锦江 Elvis Tsui .....Bigot Jude Poyer .....Bull 谢霆锋 Nicholas Tse .....Sword Hua (as Nic Tse) 元彪 Yuen Biao .....Boss 吴镇宇 Francis Ng .....Invincible 卢惠光 Ken Lo .....Monk Luohan 黄秋生 Anthony Wong .....Pride 陈小春 Jordan Chan .....(voice) 郑浩南 Mark Cheng 郑佩佩 Pei-pei Cheng 李灿森 Sam Lee 吴志雄 Chi Hung Ng 黄斌 Ronald Wong .....(as Ban Wong)
2023-06-17 19:19:091


John Galsworthy约翰·高尔斯华绥Main ContentPersonal experienceRepresentative works& Writing characteristicsCharacter evaluationPersonal experienceJohn Galsworthy (1867-1933) born in a wealthy bourgeois family in Surrey Kingston hill, His father is a famous lawyer in London 。He once read law at Oxford University, and obtained lawyer qualification in 1890,but he has no interest to actively engage in legal work。 In after years。 He traveled around the world高尔斯华绥简介, partly in order to study the law of the sea, part of the reason is to receive his father"s urging, escape from a pile of inappropriate love entanglement。 During the first world war, he is old, can"t attend the service, but donated all his income to the war, and service in a hospital in France for nearly six months。Galsworthy is also a founding member of The Pen and served as the first President。In 1917, He refused jazz title awarded to him。In 1932, Galsworthy was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature because of his excellentartistic of description。The last thing he had to do is to donate the Nobel Prize to establish the Trust for PenOn January 31, 1933, he passed away at home in London Hampstead dc。 Anecdotes1895, Galsworthy returned to London, the relationship between he and Ada has made progress。 Ada and Yassa are on bad term, but she and Galsworthy was like peas and carrots。 In the Ada"s encouragement, Galsworthy decided to engage in professional writing。 His father is a moralist with Victorian features, could not tolerate something like that happened。 So before his cousin died in 1904, the relationship between Ada and Galsworthy has been hidden。 In 1905,Ada and Galsworthy married, one year ago the day they married Ada divorced Yassa。 Representative works& Writing characteristicsAt the age of 30, Galsworthy published his first book, but it didn"t cause social attention until 1904, when The Island Pharisees was published。 The Island Pharisees is the first masterpiece that truly contains Galsworthy creative idea, and was his first time to use his real name to publish work。In 1906, Galsworthy complete novel The Man of Property, it is seen as a landmark in the development of his art。 The novel shows maturity and consummate craft *** anship。 It established his place in literature as a representative of bourgeois reali *** in the 20 th -century English novelnovelsThe Forsyte SagaThe idea of creating a series of novels portraying the history of English bourgeois life occurred to Galsworthy while he was writing his next novel, In Chancery 。 The project was carried out in The Forsyte Saga , his masterpiece。 It took Galsworthy 22 years(1906-1928)to accomplish this monumental work。 The Forsyte Saga gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English bourgeois society during a period of 40 years, beginning from the eighties of the 19 th century up to th twenties of the 20 th century。 The most important workThe title of The Forsyte Saga is generally applied to the epic of the Forsyte family in two trilogies, each consisting of three novels and two interludes。 The sequence is as follows:The Forsyte Saga (the first trilogy):The Man of Property (1906)The Indian Summer of a Forsyte(Interlude,1997)In chancery (1920)Awakening (Interlude,1921)To Let (1921)A Modern Comedy(the second trilogy):The White Monkey(1924)Asilent Wooing(Interlude,1927)The Silver Spoon(1926)Passers-By (Interlude,1927)Swan Song(1928)Galsworthy also distinguishes himself as a playwright, having written 28 plays。 In his plays he dwells upon the burning social problems of his time。 His most important plays include The Sliver Box(1906)accusing the British society for its contrasting treatment of two men, the one rich the other poor, who are guilty of the same crime, and Strife(1909), depicting the conflict between labourand capital。playsRepresentative works& Writing characteristicsDespite the fact that reali *** of Galsworthy works really represents a modern tendencies,but they still think his direct narrative have been out of date。 “The self-righteous bigot”Character evaluationVirginia Woolf:“Too late高尔斯华绥简介, has not been approved in a timely manner”The New Republic:Few deny Galsworthy"s achievements, but there are a lot of people think that it"s better if the Nobel Prize for literature can awarded him in his heyday。We cannot control lifebut we can fight with itWe cannot control lifebut we can fight with itJohn GalsworthyThanks!
2023-06-17 19:19:161

GODLEE的《God-Dam》 歌词

歌曲名:God-Dam歌手:GODLEE专辑:God-damGoddamned -- Jay BrannanI"m marching to ZionA camera in my handI hear people cryin"Dyin" for this blood-stained landThe streets of old JerusalemAre lined with souvenirs and those buying themIt sounds cold, but I cannot seeHow this theme park has shaped historyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundStand in line patientlyTo supercharge your rosaryOr stuff your prayers inside this wallWe once had god trapped in this great hallBut we"ve been cast out from this placeThey say a prophet floated from here to outer spaceAm I crazy? maybe it"s meBut this all sounds like mythologyCause virgins don"t have babiesAnd water isn"t wineAnd there"s a holy spirit maybeBut she would never rent a room with walls built by mankindMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned groundZeus was afraid of his girlfriendSo he swallowed her in bedThen he bore forth AthenaWhen they cracked open his headHer brother tried to rape herAthena got awayAnd when his seed hit the groundThe grass gave birth that dayNow we all freely admitThis story"s clearly bullshitNo one would lay down their lifeOr start a war for itSo throw your stones and prayYou"ll be rewarded somedayI hope it all goes your wayBut something tells meNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youSave yourselvesFrom turning earth into hellNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youNo one"s coming to save youMary and MohammedAre screaming through the cloudsFor you to lay your goddamned arms downRip your bigot roots up from the earth and salt the goddamned ground
2023-06-17 19:19:231

求:全一点儿的法语姓氏 一定要是法语的姓氏。

2023-06-17 19:19:322

Abortion should be legal or not?

Abortion: Right or Wrong, Certain Things are True... Of those who read this article, the pro-lifers will tend to think it"s pro-abortion, and the abortion advocates will tend to think it"s pro-life. This is because of a certain set of flaws in the attitudes of both sides. What else could produce such an inconsistent result? First, I believe abortion needs to be legal. This does not mean that I like abortion. I dislike many things that I think need to be legal. On the other hand, most of the arguments abortionists make are false. Being right on an issue does not mean that lying is justified. In fact, it means one should not have to even stretch the truth the tiniest bit, because they are already correct, and need only to get the real truth out. Abortion should be legal for one reason only - Making it illegal would cause more harm than good. People would continue having abortions, but it would be yet another massive government police state problem, like the alcohol prohibition, or any other prohibition the government has tried to force on people. Perhaps if there were, as there someday may be, real alternatives to abortion. And I don"t mean adoption. That seems reasonable to a lot of people, but there are too many who simply could not get through that, either because they want to conceal the whole thing, or because they believe that killing the baby would be easier than trying to give him or her up after they are born. Someday, perhaps, either birth control will be so perfect and accessible that unwanted pregnancy is almost unheard-of, and/or a baby could safely be "adopted" when only a few months old, using some high tech transplant process, et cetera. But until this happens, it would be like banning anything else; a failure that creates more excuses for oppressive government. Unfortunately, this is the least-used argument by the abortionists. This is probably because so many of them are so fond of prohibition on almost any other subject, other than abortion. Arguments abortionists use, which are false: The Constitution protects our right to privacy I wish this was true. But if this right was acknowledged in the Constitution, then how could drugs, prostitution, gambling, guns, and soon smoking be illegal? Why is a woman"s ONLY right to choose what to do with her own body that "right" to have a doctor and his staff give her an abortion, and not the right to sell sexual services, or do drugs, or gamble? Or, for that matter, why can"t she own and carry guns, keep all of the money she earns on her job, et cetera? Why is her right to privately control every other aspect of her life not protected? Let"s face it...the Supreme Court simply wanted to pass its own law legalizing abortion. Even though abortion needs to be legal, this was wrong, because those justices lied. If they believed such a right existed, they would have ended all of the other violations of "privacy", too. A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body I agree, even though few abortion "leaders" really believe that. But I think that it applies to all of the issues those abortionists often want to ban (smoking, drugs, prostitution, gambling, guns) before it would apply to abortion. Why? Because abortion involves two lives. It may be necessary for it to be legal, but that has nothing to do with "the right to choose", since it"s actually effecting another human being who has no say in the issue. The feotus is not alive Is it dead? Of course"s alive. He or she is alive, that is. They are not dead, so they are alive. Killing pre-born babies may need to be legal, but this doesn"t magically render them dead. Well, not until after the abortion, anyway. They are just a part of their mother"s body, like an appendix Actually, any good biologist can tell you that this is absolutely, 100% false. The unborn baby is more like a "parasite" than an organ. The baby simply gets air and food from an "airlock" called the placenta. That placenta serves as a gateway between two completely different beings. The womb is a super-sophisticated equivalent of a kangaroo"s pouch. Marsupials like kangaroos are simply primitive mammals. Humans are placental mammals, which are different mainly in that they have a much more advanced version of the same live-birth technique. The baby is not human Is it a kumquat? A hamster? A cabbage? No, it"s a human. Any biologist could identify its species as "homo sapiens sapiens" without looking at the mother. They are not viable, they depend on the mother So does a post-born baby. Or should we move the age of majority from 18 to 0? Remember the marsupial bit? An unborn baby is very dependent on his mother, about as much as a patient in Intensive Care is dependent on the hospital. He gets food and air from his mother. So he is un-viable in the same way as a one year old, just a little more so. By the way, you could keep an appendix alive for the next million years, and it would never become a "viable" human being. It"s a Women"s Issue Actually, the feminists are the ones who got abortion banned in the first place. I"m going to write a whole separate page on that. If men could get pregnant, abortion would be safe, legal, and free Ah, no. If men could get pregnant, then abortion would actually be illegal right now. Men have made abortion legal now in order to allow them to pressure women into having abortions so they don"t have to pay child support. Why on earth, considering child support laws and the embarrassment of someone other than his main mate being pregnant (thus proving he cheated on her), would any man ever want abortion banned? It"s a woman"s body, so it"s her responsibility ignoring the fact that two bodies are involved, I"ll go along with this one wholeheartedly, as soon as no woman can force the father to pay child support unless she got a voluntary agreement from him to do so. Why? Because the mother must take full responsibility for her choice, including all costs and other negative parts. What kind of irresponsible person just wants the GOOD part of being able to make a choice? Why should she get to make the full decision, having the power to ignore what the father wants (about the abortion), and then be able to make him pay for it? If SHE gets to decide whether to have an abortion this means she is the one who gets to decide to KEEP the baby. What if he"d rather she have an abortion? Why should he pay for it if she does not? Because it"s half his responsibility, she couldn"t make the baby without him, damnit! OK, I"ll go along with that if you prefer...but then it"s not HER choice, is it. Either it"s all her, or it"s only half her. Which do you want? Does he get to decide to abort the baby? If so, then he should have to pay for half of the baby. If he doesn"t get to decide, then he shouldn"t have to pay for her decision. Let the woman have the right to choose to have an abortion, and then the full responsibility for her choice, whichever way she makes it. Responsibility is a two-edged sword. Men should not be second-class citizens any more than women should ever have been. Pro-Lifers are Hypocrites, because most of the pro-life leaders are for capital punishment. I, like many who believe abortion needs to be legal, am against capital punishment. But I"m afraid that the pro-lifers are being perfectly consistent, from their standpoint. I am definitely not going to be the monster who rears up on his hind legs and says a baby"s life is worth less than a serial killer, are you? Anyone who uses this argument is saying just that. If anyone should have to defend their position as inconsistent, it"s we who believe abortion should be legal, and capital punishment not be. Pro-Lifers are hypocrites for trying to kill abortion doctors No, they"re wrong, but they"re being consistent. So far, almost 30,000,000 babies have been aborted since it was legalized. This is not some conspiracy theory, the pro-abortion leaders will admit this; it is the official number. The pro-lifers think that these were all little babies who deserve full protection like any other living human being. Now, let"s say this is Nazi Germany, and we find out that millions of people are being killed. Would it be hypocritical to kill the leaders of the concentration camps in an effort to save them? I would hope it would not be, even if the people who opposed the killing of people in concentration camps called themselves "pro-life". Abortion is a religious issue, protected by separation of church and stateNo, this one can"t work either, if we"re honest. If murdering adults were legalized, the Christians would be against it. Would this mean it"s a religious issue? If that"s the case, then all murder must be legalized, because of the separation of church and state. Men shouldn"t be able to pass laws on abortion, because they can"t get pregnantLet"s be real...should women not have a say in rape (using the normal male-to-female definition), because they cannot be rapists? The idea that you have to be able to commit an action in order to pass a law against it is just lunatic. So is the idea that one must be something to understand it, like female, black, et cetera. That is a separatist, racist, sexist stance, and like most separatism, racism, and sexism, it makes no sense at all when you look at it logically. It is perpetrated by people who are anti-imagination: Surely one can think "how would I feel if...", and use their imagination. I feel bad when I see an lower animal suffering, even though I am (by way of our possibly arrogant measurement of things) not a lower animal. Can only little kittens understand how horrible it is to torture little kittens, or even be the only ones to understand what that torture might be like? Dehumanizing Speech Just as the Klan uses specific kinds of speech to dehumanize blacks, and the Nazis twisted speech to dehumanize Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally retarded, et cetera, abortionist leaders bend over backwards to make the baby sound as non-human and irrelevant as possible. Even feotus, a legitimate term when a doctor uses it in medical circumstances, has been twisted into the equivilent of nigger or kike. With a special easier spelling, of course, to make it more user-friendly. But ask yourself this: If your wife, mother, sister, friend, or daughter decides to have a baby, are you ever going to say to her: Can you feel the fetus kick yet? If the fetus becomes viable, what will you name it? Is this a male fetus, or female? No, of course you would not. Because an unborn baby, when not being technical, is a "baby". In fact, listen carefully to any abortion "leader" talking about the unborn baby specifically, especially if responding to any comment that makes the baby sound, oh, like a living human being (which it technically is). You will hear what, if applied to any post-birth human, would be called hate-speech without the slightest question. I believe abortion needs to be legal, but I don"t believe in behaving like a bigot in order to justify it. This is inexcusable. And "making it easy for the mother" is no excuse, because the mother should definitely understand exactly what she"s doing. If she does, and still wishes to have an abortion, it should be legal...but surely she should be making an informed decision. If a jury is considering whether to give the Death Penalty to a murderer who happens to be black (setting aside whether capital punishment is right or wrong, for now), should the judge and lawyers refer to him as a nigger who is not really a human being, just to make the decision easier, or should the jury perhaps be required to make the decision with full understanding of their actions? As horrible as that example sounds, and it"s bad enough that I"m uncomfortable writing it, that"s exactly how horrible it is when an abortion "leader" does the same thing to unborn babies. Now we come to the Abortionist Leadership"s Big Lie: "I am pro-choice" No, I am pro-choice. Maybe you, the reader, are pro-choice. But the people who are "leaders" on this issue are not pro-choice, because last I noticed "choice" doesn"t just mean "abortion". Where is: The Woman"s Right to Choose to Smoke? The Woman"s Right to Choose to Do Drugs? The Woman"s Right to Choose to Gamble? The Woman"s Reproductive Right to Choose to Sell Services Using her Reproductive Parts? The Woman"s Right to Choose to Not Wear a Seatbelt? The Woman"s Right to Choose not to Risk Being Killed by her Airbag Because She"s Four Feet Eleven Inches Tall? The Woman"s Right to Choose How to Spend that Forty Percent the Government Takes from Her Paycheck? The Woman"s Right to Choose To Carry a Gun When She Walks through a Dark Alley in the Murder Capital of the US on the Way to Her Car? Why does she only have one choice, and men none? And how on earth could that possibly make the person who only believes in that one choice "pro-choice"? Even if all of those choices I listed should be illegal, one who is against those choices still is not pro-choice. I have a saying - When one side tends to make a lot of fallacious/false arguments, that side is probably the one that is wrong. This is because one can guess that they must not have the truth and facts on their side, or else why would they be playing games? Because of this, I am more strongly and outspokenly opposed to those who agree with me, and yet make false argum
2023-06-17 19:19:401

中世纪2全面战争 公主属性 英文

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2023-06-17 19:19:494

boogie down productions的《the racist》 歌词

歌曲名:the racist歌手:boogie down productions专辑:edutainmentVerseI"ve been taught to respect my elders and behaveEven if when they were young they sold slavesTruth and understandin" is what i craveIn the land of the thief, home of the slaveTurn your page to a brief demonstrationCos now in "90 it"s strictly information i"m givin"Teachin" on a regular basisToday"s lecture is about the racistWe"re not out to exaggerate or diss himBut show the symptoms and facts of racismUnderstand the racist ain"t equalThere"s about five different types of racist peopleFirst of the five different types of casesBoogie Down ProductionsIs the individual brought up racistHere you have young men and womenBrought up in the great white way opinionThis opinion introduced by the parentTo the civilised becomes transparentThe civilised man could look through the facesMake the analysis and see the racistNumber two case which y"all must hearIs the individual racist out of fearHere you have people that fear the africanAnd conjure up new ways of trappin" himNumber three is the unconscious racistNot knowin" they"re racist they invade your spacesThey say, "i"m not a racist, i"m not a bigot"Yet they allow it to go on and won"t admit itNumber four is the money racistThe one that used the topics of sheer economicsThey say, "owning a business isn"t for the black manDamn, that"s like a rock in a hard placeYou don"t have your land yet this ain"t your spaceAmerica was built by every other raceExcept the european that runs this placeWhat a waste, america"s doomedTo be overthrown by the righteous real soonBut last but not least racial prejudiceIs the black man speakin" out of ignoranceWhitey this and ching-chow thatIs not how the intelligent man actsYou can"t blame the whole white raceFor slavery, cos this ain"t the caseA large sum of white people died with blackTryin" hard to fight racial attacksThe media wants you to think that no whitesReally fought and died for civil rightsBut once we have a true sense of historyYou"ll see this too as a mysteryIf black and white didn"t argue the mostThey could clearly see the government"s screwin" "em both.
2023-06-17 19:20:161

Jay branann_half-boyfriend歌词

2023-06-17 19:20:243


William Friedkin"s gritty police drama portrays two tough New York City cops trying to intercept a huge heroin shipment coming from France. An interesting contrast is established between "Popeye" Doyle, a short-tempered alcoholic bigot who is nevertheless a hard-working and dedicated police officer, and his nemesis Alain Charnier, a suave and urbane gentleman who is nevertheless a criminal and one of the largest drug suppliers of pure heroin to North America. During the surveillance and eventual bust, Friedkin provides one of the most gripping and memorable car chase sequences ever filmed.来源:IMDB
2023-06-17 19:20:311


(See more on Llewelyn Wark Griffith | birthdate = January 22, 1875(1875-01-22) | location = Though United Artists survived as a company, Griffith"s association with it was short-lived, and while some of his later films did well at the box office, commercial success often eluded him. Features from this period include Broken Blossoms (1919), Way Down East (1920), Orphans of the Storm (1921) and America (1924). Griffith made only two sound films, Abraham Lincoln (1930) and The Struggle (1931). Neither was successful, and he never made another film. For the last seventeen years of his life he lived as a virtual hermit in Los Angeles. He died of cerebral hemorrhage in 1948 on his way to a Hollywood hospital from the Knickerbocker Hotel where he had been living alone.AchievementsD. W. Griffith has been called the father of film grammar. Few scholars still hold that his "innovations" really began with him, but Griffith was a key figure in establishing the set of codes that have become the universal backbone of film language. He was particularly influential in popularizing "cross-cutting"—using film editing to alternate between different events occurring at the same time—in order to build suspense. That being said, he still used many elements from the "primitive" style of movie-making that predated classical Hollywood"s continuity system, such as frontal staging, exaggerated gestures, minimal camera movement, and an absence of point of view shots. Some claim, too, that he "invented" the close-up shot.Credit for Griffith"s cinematic innovations must be shared with his cameraman of many years, Billy Bitzer. In addition, he himself credited the legendary silent star Lillian Gish, who appeared in several of his films, with creating a new style of acting for the cinema.ControversyGriffith was a highly controversial figure. Immensely popular at the time of its release, his film The Birth of a Nation (1915), based on the novel and play The Clansman by Thomas W. Dixon, was a white supremacist interpretation of history, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People attempted to have it banned. After that effort failed, they attempted to have some of the film"s more disagreeable scenes censored. The scenes in question depict derogatory stereotypes of blacks, and white members of the Ku Klux Klan killing blacks to protect white women, which is portrayed as favorable toward the Ku Klux Klan members. Griffith did also say that he made the film with the intention to show how the Scalawags and Carpetbaggers began to rule as tyrants with President Lincoln out of the picture. Griffith did also try to denounce prejudice in his next film Intolerance by showing how slavery was wrong because the Babylonians tried to make some slaves out of their people who didn"t believe in some of the main traditional gods. According to Lillian Gish in her autobiography, The Movies, Mr. Griffith and Me, Griffith towards the end of his life expressed an interest in making a film that would be a tribute to African-Americans, but he never got the chance to make that film.Legacy Stamp issued by the United States Postal Service commemorating D. W. Griffith.Motion picture legend Charles Chaplin called Griffith "The Teacher Of Us All". This sentiment was widely shared. Filmmakers as diverse as John Ford and Orson Welles have spoken of their respect for the director of Intolerance. Whether or not he actually invented new techniques in film grammar, he seems to have been among the first to understand how these techniques could be used to create an expressive language. In early shorts such as Biograph"s The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912) which was the first "Gangster film", we can see how Griffith"s attention to camera placement and lighting heighten mood and tension. In making Intolerance the director opened up new possibilities for the medium, creating a form that seems to owe more to music than to traditional narrative.Griffith was honored on a 10-cent postage stamp by the United States issued May 5, 1975.In 1953, the Directors Guild of America instituted the D.W. Griffith Award, its highest honor. Its recipients included Stanley Kubrick, David Lean, John Huston, Woody Allen, Akira Kurosawa, John Ford, Ingmar Bergman, Alfred Hitchcock and Griffith"s friend Cecil B. DeMille. On 15 December 1999, however, DGA President Jack Shea and the DGA National Board—without membership consultation (though unnecessary according to DGA"s regulations)—announced that the award would be renamed the DGA Lifetime Achievement Award because Griffith"s film The Birth of a Nation had "helped foster intolerable racial stereotypes". The following living recipients of the award agreed with the guild"s decision: Francis Ford Coppola and Sidney Lumet.D.W. Griffith has five films preserved in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". These films are Lady Helen"s Escapade (1909), A Corner in Wheat (1909), The Birth of a Nation (1915), Intolerance: Love"s Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916), and Broken Blossoms (1919).Selected filmographyMoney Mad (1908) Balked at the Altar (1908) Romance of a Jewess (1908) with Florence Lawrence Resurrection (1909) The Country Doctor (1909) with Florence Lawrence and Mary Pickford In Old California (1910) with Henry B. Walthall In the Border States (1910) with Henry B. Walthall The Lonedale Operator (1911) with Blanche Sweet The Smile of a Child (1911) with Blanche Sweet Fighting Blood (1911) with Blanche Sweet and Lionel Barrymore Out from the Shadow (1911) with Blanche Sweet The Making of a Man (1911) with Blanche Sweet Her Awakening (1911) with Mabel Normand The Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch (1912) with Blanche Sweet Friends (1912) with Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Lionel Barrymore and Harry Carey An Unseen Enemy (1912) with Lilian Gish The New York Hat (1912) with Mary Pickford, Lionel Barrymore, Mae Marsh and Lillian Gish Drink"s Lure (1913) Oil and Water (1913) with Blanche Sweet, Henry B. Walthall, Lionel Barrymore and Harry Carey Judith of Bethulia (1914) with Blanche Sweet, Henry B. Walthall, Mae Marsh, Lillian Gish and Dorothy Gish Strongheart (1914) with Blanche Sweet, Lionel Barrymore and Alan Hale The Avenging Conscience (1914) with Blanche Sweet and Henry B. Walthall The Birth of a Nation (1915) with Lillian Gish, Henry B. Walthall, Mae Marsh and Raoul Walsh Intolerance (1916) Broken Blossoms (1919) with Lillian Gish Way Down East (1920) with Lillian Gish Orphans of the Storm (1921) with Lillian Gish and Dorothy Gish One Exciting Night (1922) with Henry Hull Mammy"s Boy (1923) with Al Jolson America (1924) The Sorrows of Satan (1926) Lady of the Pavements (1929) with Lupe Velez and William Boyd D.W. Griffith"s "Abraham Lincoln" (1930) with Walter Huston SpouseEvelyn Baldwin (2 March 1936 - 1 November 1947) (divorced) Linda Arvidson (14 May 1906 - 2 March 1936) (divorced) TriviaHe has been called "the father of film technique", "the man who invented Hollywood" and "the Shakespeare of the screen".In 1920, he established United Artists with Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford.Interred at Mount Tabor Methodist Church Graveyard, Crestwood, Kentucky, USA.In 1975, the U.S. Postal Service honored Griffith with a postage stamp.15 December 1999: Declaring that Griffith "helped foster intolerable racial stereotypes," The Directors Guild of America"s National Board - without membership consultation - announced it would rename the D.W. Griffith Award, the Guild"s highest honor. First given in 1953, its recipients included Stanley Kubrick, David Lean, John Huston, Woody Allen, Akira Kurosawa, John Ford, Ingmar Bergman, Alfred Hitchcock and Griffith"s friend Cecil B. DeMille.He produced and directed the first movie ever made in Hollywood, In Old California (1910) which was produced by the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. It was rediscovered by Biograph and shown on the 6th of May 2004 at the 2004 Beverly Hills Film Festival attended by Mikhail Vartanov and President of Biograph Company Thomas R. Bond II. On the same day, a monument was erected near the site where the film was made (Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street) but was vandalized and stolen less than a year later.His first sound film was Abraham Lincoln (1930).He was said to be a imperious, humorless man.Was voted the 15th Greatest Director of all time by Entertainment Weekly.Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. "World Film Directors, Volume One, 1890-1945". Pages 415-427. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1987.He tried to sell a story to The Edison Company. They hired him as an actor instead.He went from being a bit player to being the industry"s leading director in a period of only five years.The film America (1924) is regarded as a major turning point in his career. Its failure ended his tenure as the industry"s preeminent director.Same date of death, 21st of July, as the legendary Sergei ParajanovAfter The Birth of a Nation (1915) was released and criticized as being racist, Griffith was very hurt. He decided to make Intolerance: Love"s Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916) as a follow-up, to show how damaging and dangerous people"s intolerance can be.On May 26, 1918, he was elected president of the Motion Picture War Service Association, an organization charged with boosting war bond sales.Was named an Honorary Life Member of the Directors Guild of America (DGA) in 1938. The DGA award for best lifetime achievement was named for Griffith in 1953. The DGA National Board, without consulting its membership, decided in 1999 to rename the award due to the "intolerable racism" showcased in Griffith"s The Birth of a Nation (1915). The outcry against political correctness led the DGA in 2002 to announce that it would not rename the award, although it would keep a lifetime achievement going in its arsenal of kudos. Awarded for "distinguished achievement in motion picture direction," the directors honored include Cecil B. DeMille (the first recipient), John Ford, King Vidor, William Wyler, Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Elia Kazan, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Robert Altman, Francis Ford Coppola, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese.Was the first person, after Charles Chaplin"s special award at the first Academy Awards (Chaplin had had his nominations rescinded and placed out of competition), to win an honorary Academy Award. Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences President Frank Capra thought it would be good publicity for the Academy, which was then structured as a company union, as the Academy was being boycotted by the trade union guilds and turnout at the 1936 Oscar ceremony was predicted to be low. The citation read: "For his distinguished creative achievements as director and producer and his invaluable initiative and lasting contributions to the progress of the motion picture arts."In his declining years, Griffith lived off the income from an annuity that he had invested in when he had been on top in Hollywood.Was first hired as a director, when the Biograph Company"s chief director fell ill.Began his career as a playwright, then moved to acting and finally (and famously) to directing.The Adventures of Dollie (1908), a Biograph Company release, was his directorial debut in 1908.After viewing The Birth of a Nation (1915) in the White House (it was the first film shown in the White House itself), President Woodrow Wilson remarked that it was "like writing history with lightning."Ironically, the release of The Birth of a Nation (1915) inspired many African-Americans to start making their own films in an attempt to counter the film"s depiction of them and to offer positive alternative images and stories of the African-American people.The NAACP attempted to have The Birth of a Nation (1915) banned. After that effort failed, they then attempted to have some of the film"s more extreme scenes censored.Charles Chaplin called him "the teacher of us all"Was an ardent Jeffersonian.Pioneered the technique of parallel editing, which he used extensively after 1909.Lillian Gish called him "the father of film" (although Griffith considered her a close friend, she had so much respect for him that she never referred to him as other than "Mr. Griffith", even long after Griffith died).Although Griffith was thought by many to be a bigot and racist, he detested the manner in which whites and the "white man"s government" treated and oppressed Native Americans. This was a theme that he explored in several of his early short films, most notably in The Red Man"s View (1909) and Ramona (1910), which are very strong denouncements of the oppression of Native Americans by whites.Several filming innovations belong solely to Griffith (some of which he invented during his collaboration with G. W. "Billy" Bitzer at "Biograph" Company . They include the flashback, the iris shot, the mask, the systematic use of the soft focus shot and the split screen.He directed more than 450 films for the "Biograph Company" . Amazingly, 440 of them still survive, accounting for a large portion the "Biograph Company" shorts that survive.By 1909 he was turning out 2 to 3 films per week.After the 1915 release of The Birth of a Nation
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2023-06-17 19:20:525


2023-06-17 19:22:467


看到这个帖子,感触很深。作为一个法国博士毕业后进入法国高教体系的华裔教育人,自两年前派遣至在华高教署接触中国留学和教育市场,我不得不佩服这些学历不高甚至没有,综合素质较低的商业教育公司,这些人甚至对学术没有一丝的敬畏之心。连最起码的正规全日制硕士学位都没有,做教育是对学生和家长的不负责任。违规的商业代理,严重影响法国高等教育在中国的良性发展,甚至一些教育机构欺骗中国驻外机构,例如俄罗斯,钻体制漏洞签发违规的归国留学人员证明;勾结没有良知的外国高校工作人员欺骗外国高校体系,颁发不合规范违反法律的学位证。我在此,表示愤怒,从学术上鄙视这些商业机构,从道德制高点谴责这些教育机构。在此,我向不懂法语,不懂法国教育体系的网友和祖国友人介绍法国的高等教育体系。我也会向我们法国高等教育系统在华部门的主管Caillaud参赞,驻华高教署最高管理人员Bourget主管书面汇报此项事件。首先,介绍法国高教系统,自2003年LMD教育系统改革,原本负责交叉且管辖不明确的教育系统得到了有效梳理。学制自 “高中会考”简称Bac后,分为8-11年学年,例如Bac+1 则为高中会考后第一年,Bac+3 则为高中会考后第三年。如图:法国高教系统在不同学年可以颁发不同的学位,Bac+3学年可以颁发学士学位,Bac+5学年可以颁发硕士学位,Bac+8可以颁发博士学位。但是我们也可以看到法国高等教育体系,经过上百年的演进,大学教育已经纳入有限制性的国民义务教育体系,即全民可以申请,考核合格则可以入学,国家承担全额学习费用。这样的公立教育系统会抹杀部分需要创造力或艺术性的专业,因此,法国还设立有“精英高商 Grande Ecole”,“精英工程师院校”以及其他特殊专业教育。无论是INSEEC私立,还是SKEMA商会,也或者少数像IPAG这样独立办学的院校,他们教学培养均是经过半个多世纪沉淀,甚至部分精英高商如HEC有一个多世纪的培养经验。在全球化经济发展中也作出卓越的贡献。法国教育系统概况公立教育体系,精英院校体系,职业教育体系(BTS,IUT),医学教育体系之间相互独立,不存在交叉关联,但是不同体系在学年可颁发的学位是具备同等法律效力。根据中华人民共和国与法兰西共和国签署的“关于高等教育学位和文凭互认的行政协议”,两国之间的高等教育系统有不同,但是在同等阶段互认的原则下给予了明确总则,如图:互认协议1针对网友利用广大中国人民对法语的不熟悉,片面截图法国针对不同教育系统的学位证制作要求。 将“公立教育”体系的学位模版,硬套上“精英院校”体系的学位模版。我表示谴责和鄙视,这种罔顾信息准确的“自媒体人”,希望广发中国友人,看清事实,一切以国家机构和法国官方信息为准,如遇到信息核查困难,可以直接联系我们法国高等教育署,以及直接联系我们法国院校。切记,不要听信谣言,如果您的语言不好,可以用谷歌翻译,百度翻译,法语助手等互联网翻译工具书写联系内容。中法两国,自新中国建国以来保持友好合作关系,其中高等教育领域的合作最早最长。2020年2月28日我们高教署中国春季沟通会议中,明确了在新的学历互认协议下的交流工作推进。这里也展示一下两国间学生的交流数据:clés 2中国学生来法主要学习阶段是在高考后第一年约19%,Bac+3阶段占31%涵盖公立,高商,工程师等不同体系,Bac+4/Bac+5的研究生阶段占38%其中一年期硕士占多数。中国学生来法主要学习领域有 47%的管理,金融和商业,21%的语言和文字,15%的工程科学,9%的艺术文化设计和时尚。其中精英高商在中法两国学生交流占据重要地位,我希望可以通过我的分享让大家更清晰的了解法国高等教育。以下我展示一下法国精英高商榜首的HEC学位证和巴黎索邦大学的学位证,也是经过我的博导同意公开展示的内容。商会立 - HEC高商国立 -巴黎索邦大学大家可以看到,两种学位证的制式完全不一样,公立大学学位与精英商校的学位格式完全没有可比性。但是,两者学位的权威性在法国是一致的,甚至在就业方面,精英商校的毕业生就业率和年薪均高出公立院校不少。有些精英商校的毕业生,可以在毕业后6个月内进入工作,第一年年薪就可以达到4.1万欧元,约合31万人民币。 精英商校也有短板,他们的培养是社会科学类,国家经济依然需要公立教育体系中大量自然科学的专业给社会发展提供技术支撑。两者均是国家人才培养的主要力量。根据两国签署的学历学位互认协议,我们可以看到“法国高等精英学员联盟”认可并在法国移民法具体条款提到的文凭也是可以被中国和法国承认的。为了改善贴吧中利用信息不准确,违规宣传抹黑的风气,法国精商校在法国高等精英学员联盟(Conférence des Grandes écoles简称CGE)部分清单给予展示以正视听。如图:这个时候中国网友会有看不懂的信息,这个清单是什么清单呢。 作为历史悠久的法国精英商校,这些名校为了保障自己的发展地位和提高整体办学质量,成立了于1973年成立CGE,推进精英高商的高质量发展。不在名单上的高商不意味着不被政府接受,只是不被同类院校广泛认可,其教学质量有待提高。同时,我们也看到一些很有意思的信息,有很多名校竟然都是私立的,这个要明确一个概念。非国家或国家下属工商联设计的高等院校均属于私立。 也就是说私立院校也有划分,大家可以在法国的工商注册网查询, 一些很小的商校,我就不点名了,是以公司为主体下设的教育机构,其学位不被高等教育界广泛认可,但是也具备合规的法定申报程序。其运营主旨是商业性质,但也为国家经济发展做了一定贡献。还有一些很少数的名校,这里需要点名提一提,一所在国际化中做的不错,但是对于部分市场渠道细节完全没有把握能力的精英高商,IPAG高等商学院,此学校和管理者需要做出深刻检讨。积极与中国教育部和中国ZF做出改善中国市场渠道的努力,增加良性专业发展,提高入学门卡,杜绝与不合规范的合作伙伴运作。为了有效反馈,这个信息会以书面形式申报给此法国院校主管领导 Bigot校长,Terrany国际总监。作为CGE联盟成员和其他国际高商联盟成员,代表着法国高商的精英教育系统,其法律架构属于根据非盈利机构法1901调理成立的独立精英高商,纳入EESPIG框架,没有商业股东,监管方也是法国高等教育,科研与创新部,这个与公立大学的监管机构一致。市面上鱼龙混杂的教育项目,很多项目均是互相抄袭项目,运作方选择更低成本的外方院校,用欺骗和欺瞒的手段钻法国高校内部监管框架和中国法律法规的漏洞。最终的结果就是网络上全部是各类真真假假的宣传,扰乱法国教育系统在中国的发展,甚至出现这样滥用法国政府资料的谣言帖子。全部在中国运作的法国精英高商,应该慎重考虑中国的合作伙伴,是否有学术基础,是否能够代表学校传递一个正向的积极的法国精英教育系统的形象。在此,以上内容,我做出检讨,公布我高教署内部会议资料,并且实名使用部分精英商校名称。如果有侵权,违规,我愿为做一个爆料人承担对应的内部行政处罚。一位热爱法国,也热爱中国的教育人
2023-06-17 19:23:051