barriers / 阅读 / 详情

in the ground 跟on the ground有什么区别吗?

2023-06-18 00:15:38
TAG: ground

in the ground /on the ground



Pitched stakes in the ground.


Dug his foot in the ground.


find by digging in the ground.


Hollow out a foxhole in the ground


The aircraft remained on the ground.


The apple falls on the ground.


Frost has formed on the ground.


He dropped down on the ground.


I live on the ground floor.



in the ground 注重的是在地的里面

on the ground注重的是在地的表面

例如:Dug his feet in the ground.把他的脚陷在地里

The aircraft remianed on the ground.飞机仍在地面上



后者是 在地上






foxhole英 ["fu0252kshu0259u028al]美 ["fu0254kshu0259ul]n. [军] 散兵坑;隐蔽处[网络短语]foxhole 散兵坑,掩体,避弹坑Foxhole radio 矿石收音机Foxhole religion 散兵坑里没有无神论者
2023-06-17 18:17:351


2023-06-17 18:17:421


2023-06-17 18:18:191


散兵坑中指挥官顾名思义就是游戏中的核心角色,拥有全游戏中独一无二的留言能力,需要操作者拥有极强的判断力和一定的经验才能玩好,接下来深空高玩为各位带来了散兵坑指挥官玩法心得分享,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧!指挥官推荐装备:对于指挥官来说防毒面具和无线电基本上是必备的,同时还需要一点武器进行防身,毕竟是前线指挥的角色。指挥需要引导前线人员进行进攻并且注意战局情况并进行全队的汇报。特殊能力:当小队内有五人后, 小队的指挥官能在地图上面永久留言。使用方法:打开地图 (M键);右击地图;输入内容 (可以输入中文);再对地图按一次右键删除留言。
2023-06-17 18:18:261


升级工坊造出大锤。 Foxhole是一个大型多人线上游戏。玩家将会跟好几百个玩家作伴,在游戏中并肩作战。游戏中需要升级工坊造出大锤才可以制造坦克。每一个玩家代表一个士兵。 透过策略, 基地建设 ,侦察, 战斗等, 每个士兵的决定都会反映在战场上。
2023-06-17 18:18:331


2023-06-17 18:18:391


that 在这里不是引导从句,而是“那个”的意思。如果你把that替换成a,就很容易理解了。A movie of me leaving a foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.句子结构是:A(A movie of me leaving a foxhole)would look like B (a shell leaving a rifle). 这个句子结构中的B是一个省略结构,省略了a movie of,完整的B结构是:a movie of a shell leaving a rifle。整个句子的意思就是:A看起来像B(这是一个类比结构)。
2023-06-17 18:18:481


2023-06-17 18:18:561


1、首先需要将新款福特福克斯车辆副驾驶的手套箱拉出来2、然后需要再将新款福特福克斯车辆副驾驶手套箱两侧的卡扣移开即可3、最后就可以将新款福特福克斯车辆的副驾驶手套箱拆卸下来了 这个需要打开手扶箱然后底端左右有两个插杆直接拔下来就可以拿下来的。
2023-06-17 18:19:031


人间地狱库尔斯克是游戏中的一张热门地图,库尔斯克地图有哪些常用的战术?下面一起来看看人间地狱库尔斯克地图解析随着苏联的更新,新地图库尔斯克的到来让许多新人有些不知所措。不知道该如何在库尔斯克大平原作战,我这里分享一些在该地图的基础作战思路。首先下图是库尔斯克全黑圈点位。首先是最重要的一条,库尔斯克作战一定要选择战壕,不要走大平原。宏观的来看,库尔斯克主要有以下几个区,黑色方框有大量的堑壕战线。红色方框则是大平原。新兵请一定注意,尽量不要走红色区域的大平原,哪怕是绕远路也要耐心前进到战壕里以保障生存。走大平原会完全暴露在敌人的火力之下,即使用烟雾弹掩护也很难通过红色区域的长距离平原。如果确实需要冲过平原地区,可以采取的策略是1. 让炮兵打徐进烟幕,尽可能多覆盖前进路线。2. 暂无敌方坦克威胁时,让友军坦克作为掩体,挂二档前进,步兵紧随其后。3. 虽然是大平原,但是类似E5 F5区域其实里面是有一些零散的散兵坑foxhole。最好是一个散兵坑一个散兵坑的移动,并用烟雾弹掩护。不过最好的办法还是一个战壕一个战壕的推进。战壕也尽量蹲着走,不要露头。对于库尔斯克的中间点这一条线对于整个战局非常重要,因为这一条红色的路上有大量掩体房区,同时能俯瞰周围很大一片平原地区。其中我认为比较重要的点位有红色圆圈标记的A B C三个点位。接下来会慢慢分析各位置。A点位于地图西侧D5区域的风车磨坊,步兵可以走上风车的楼顶,视野十分宽广。一名步兵队长可以用望远镜侦查很大范围内的敌人动向和坦克位置。我建议可以派遣一名观察员队长驻扎于此,给友军汇报信息和指引炮击。狙击手和机枪手更是可以利用高度和视野对大片区域进行火力覆盖。无论苏德都一定要试图控制风车区域,风车的南北都有数量可观的战壕可以进行下一步的进攻行动。同时,如果中点在Yamki或者Oleg"s house,占领风车可以做一个红区GR来进行反击,附近的掩体相对来说较多。B点位于中间的Yamki建筑群的北侧斜坡战壕。该战壕刚好是斜坡的顶端,是个很有用的战略支点。下图则是一个简单3D示意图,斜坡下为南边Yamki中点黑圈房子,斜坡顶端的蓝色部分是B 点战壕,斜坡上则是北侧大平原。从苏军视角里,占领该战壕往南边可以高打低压制Yamki中点黑圈,是进攻中间点的重要支点。在德军视角里,如果德军占领中点和B点战壕,往北看是一片大平原,任何苏军试图从北侧正面进攻中点的敌人都能被该战壕的守军发现并压制住。同时能很容易移动到G5位置战壕线进行进攻。补充说明一下,A点风车虽然很重要,但也要根据不同黑圈位置来判断。例如中点黑圈刷在地图最右边的Oleg"s house的话,风车更多是起一个收集信息的作用,距离太远,对于防守黑圈的意义没有那么大。派遣一个侦查组和坦克,或者至多一个步兵小队去就足够。我看到一些战局中,不管中点布防,全在风车和对手死磕。介绍的这些战略点位起一个辅助作用,重点始终还是占领黑圈点。
2023-06-17 18:19:221


2023-06-17 18:19:281


2023-06-17 18:19:361

突袭2解放,国军关卡 ,第4关,还是第5关我忘了 ,要求插到2个城市中间的一个小村庄里,那关我咋办

2023-06-17 18:19:462


9 stories 九故事,franny and zooey 弗兰妮和祖伊,
2023-06-17 18:19:542


2023-06-17 18:20:013

2023-06-17 18:20:081

A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle

区分:I left school at eight o clockwhen i left , l left an apple in my desk.
2023-06-17 18:20:151

关于 别有洞天 holes 的

What ‘ last hole" did Stanley want Zero to help him dig? Why did Stanley want enough time at the camp?译文:史坦利想让翟罗帮他挖的最后一个坑是什么?史坦利为什么想要在营房里多呆一会儿?很明显这是播放完一段对话或者电影之后提出的问题。虽然没有这些信息来源资料,不过我可以猜一下:也许最后一个坑是史坦利或翟罗的或某人的坟,也许是史坦利的或翟罗的或某人脑袋上的弹孔;也许只是一个单兵坑,也许是一个垃圾坑...;相应地,他需要在自杀/被翟罗杀、翟罗自杀、翟罗杀人之前考虑一下有没有未完成的事情,或者是回避翟罗自杀的场景给自杀人留下一点儿尊严;他还没吃晚饭,他还没打扫完营房的垃圾,他内急得厉害,他受伤了或者饿了需要休息一下,也或者他想自己呆一会...上文翻译:Maybe it"s a tomb for Stanley or Zero or somebody else; maybe it"s a hole in Stanley"s or Zero"s or somebody else"s head; maybe it is just a simple foxhole or a dump pit...correspondingly, he needs to think it over before suiciding, getting killed, and in case of Zero"s suicide, it is kind of merciful respect he could pay to Zero before Zero"s suicide.; or he needs enough time to finish his dinner or to finish cleaning the camp or it might be a really fat hamburger breaking his asshole; or he needed enough time to take a break because he was wounded/starved; or he just needed to stay along for a while...以上回答你满意么?
2023-06-17 18:20:232


分类: 社会/文化 >> 军事 问题描述: 以前看过美国和中国士兵手册的区别,大致是中国的手册写着“热爱社会主义热爱祖国”等教条类的规则,而美国士兵手册写的是“一,当你瞄准敌人的时候你也被瞄准,二1米的弹坑是躲不住人的”之类的实用经验。 解析: 美国士兵手册(转载) 1、 You are not a superman.你不是超人。(不要无谓的冒险、不要做傻事) 2. If it""s stupid but works,it isn""t stupid.如果一个蠢方法有效,那它就不是一个蠢方法。3.Don""t look conspicuous - it draws fire. (This is why aircraft carriersare called "Bomb Mags".)不要太显眼,因为那会引来对方火力攻击。(这就是航母被称为"炸弹磁铁"的原因。) 4. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑里。 5. Never fet that the lowest bidder made your weapon.别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。 6. If your attack is going really well,it""s an ambush.如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。 7. All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。 8. Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够了。(他会先打最重要的人) 9. If you are forward of your position,the artillary will fall short.每当你要攻击前进时,炮兵往往也快要用完了炮弹。 10. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。 11. The important things are always simple.重要的事总是简单的。 12. The simple things are always hard.简单的事总是难作到。 13. The easy way is always mined.好走的路总是已被敌军布上了地雷。 14. If you are short of everything except enemy. You are in bat.如果你除了敌人不缺,其它什么都缺,那你往往就要面临作战了。 15. Ining fire has the right of way.飞来的子弹有优先通行权。(挡它的道你就要倒大楣!) 16. If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU!!!如果敌人正在你的射程内,别忘了你也在他的射程内。 17. No bat ready unit has ever passed inspections.从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。 18. Things that must be together to work usually can""t be shippedtogether.必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器装备通常不会一起运来。 19. Radio""s will fail as soon as you need fire support desperately.无线电通讯会有可能在你急需火力支援时失灵。 20. Anything you do can get you shot - including doing nothing.你作的任何事都可能挨枪子儿 -- 包括你什么都不做。 21. Tracers work both ways.曳光弹可以帮你找到敌踪;但也会让敌人找到你。 22. The only thing more accurate than ining enemy fire is iningfriendly fire.唯一比敌人火力还精确的是友军打过来的炮火。(误射) 23. Make it tough for the enemy to get in and you can""t get out.当你防守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。 24. If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will have morethan your fair share of objectives to take.如果你多报战功,那下次你会被给予超过你能力的目标让你去打。(自讨苦吃) 25. When both sides are convinced that they are about to lose, they are bothright.当两军都觉得自己快输时,那他们可能都是对的。 26. Professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of *** s.专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的
2023-06-17 18:20:441


1 on the ground;2 in the sky.
2023-06-17 18:20:522


2023-06-17 18:21:0110


  1、 《泰坦尼克号》经典对白  You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive..  (Both Rose and Jack are in the icy-cold sea now.)     ROSE: I love you, Jack.     JACK: No... Don"t you do that. Don"t say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand me?     ROSE: I"m so cold.     JACK: Listen, Rose. You"re going to get out of here. You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?     ROSE: I can"t feel my body.     JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I"m thankful for that, Rose, I"m thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive... that you won"t give matter what matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.     ROSE: I promise.     JACK: Never let go.     ROSE: I will never let go, Jack, I"ll never let go.  你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……  (露丝和杰克都在冰冷的海水中)     露丝:杰克,我爱你。     杰克:别,别这样。不要说再见。还不是时候。你明白了吗?     露丝:我觉得很冷。     杰克: 听我说,露丝。你一定能脱险的。你要活下去,生许多孩子,看着他们长大。你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上。而不是今晚在这里,不是像这样死去。你明白了吗?   露丝:我失去知觉了。     杰克:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事。让我认识了你。感谢上苍,露丝,我是那么感激它!你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃。答应我,露丝,永不放弃你对我的承诺。     露丝:我答应你。     杰克:永不放弃。     露丝:我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。  2、《乱世佳人》经典对白(如果要简短点,个人认为选后面的一节要好点,用蓝色标出的)  Rhett : I"m leaving you, my dear; all you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Ashley can come true.  瑞德 :我要离开你,我亲爱的。你现在唯一需要的是离婚!然后你的阿希礼之梦就能实现了。  Scarlett: Oh, no! No! You"re wrong! Terribly wrong! I don"t want a divorce! Oh, Rhett, when I knew tonight that I? when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you. Oh, darling, darling!  斯佳丽:不!不!你错了!大错特错了!我不想离婚!瑞德,当我今天夜里意识到我……我爱的是你,我就跑回家来告诉你。哦,亲爱的,亲爱的……  Rhett : Please don"t go on with this. Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last  瑞德 :斯佳丽,请你别这样。给我们分手之后留一点值得回味的尊严吧。留下这最后一点吧。  Scarlett: "This last?" Oh Rhett, do listen tome! I must have loved you for years only? I was such a stupid fool I didn"t know it. Please believe me! You must care! Melly said you did.  斯佳丽:最后的一点儿?瑞德,请听我说!我多年来肯定一直是爱你的,只不过……我太傻了,没有意识到。请相信我!你肯定在意!梅拉尼说你是在意的。  Rhett : I believe you, but what about Ashley Wilkes?  瑞德 :我相信你。可是阿希礼u2022威尔克斯怎么办呢?  Scarlett: I?I never really loved Ashley.  斯佳丽:我……我从未真心爱过阿希礼。  Rhett :You certainly gave a good imitation of it up till this morning. No, scarlet, I tried everything, and if you"d only met me halfway, even when I came back from London?  瑞德 :那你装得可够象的,一直装到今天早晨。没用了,斯佳丽,一切努力我都尝试过了,即使在我从伦敦回来的时候,如果你能做些让步……  Scarlett: Oh, I was so glad to see you! I was, Rhett, but?  斯佳丽:我见到你非常高兴!这是真的,瑞德!可是……  Scarlett: But you were so nasty! (RHE: And then when you were sick and it was all my fault,)  斯佳丽:可是当时你却大发脾气!(瑞德:当你由于我的过错病倒的时候,)  Rhett : I hoped against hope that you"d call for me, but you didn"t  瑞德 :我仍幻想着你会叫我到你身边去,可你没有。  Scarlett: I wanted you. I wanted you desperately! But I didn"t think you wanted me.  斯佳丽:我需要你。我非常需要你!可我没想到你也需要我。  Rhett : It seems we"re been at cross purposes, doesn"t it? But it"s no use now. As long as there was Bonnie there was a chance we might be happy. I liked to think that Bonnie was you, a little girl again, before the war and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you, and I could pet her and spoil her, as I wanted to spoil you. When she went, she took everything.  瑞德 :看起来我们相互有误解,是吗?不过现在说什么都没用了。邦妮在的时候,我们还有幸福生活的可能。我常把邦妮当成你,小姑娘时代的你,重新回到未经历战争与贫穷的。她非常象你——我宠爱她,娇惯她,就象我想娇惯你一样。她走了,也把一切都带走了。  Scarlett: Oh, Rhett! Rhett, please don"t say that! I"m so sorry! I"m so sorry for everything!  斯佳丽:噢,瑞德!瑞德,请不要这么说。我是那么对不起你!我为每一件事后悔!  Rhett : My darling, you"re such a child. You think that by saying "I"m sorry," all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief.  瑞德 :亲爱的,你真是个孩子。你以为只要说声对不起,过去的一切错误便可以纠正了吗。喏,拿去我的手绢。紧要关头,我从未见你带过的手绢。  Scarlett: Rhett! Rhett! Where are you going?  斯佳丽:瑞德!瑞德!你要去哪里?  Rhett : I"m going to Charleston, back where I belong.  瑞德 :我要回查尔斯顿,那儿是我的家。  Scarlett: Please! Please take me with you!  斯佳丽:求你把我也带上吧!  Rhett : No. I"m through with everything here. I want peace; I want to see if somewhere there isn"t something left in life of charm and grace. Do you know what I"m talking about? (SCA: No)  瑞德 :不。我已厌倦了这里的一切。我需要安静。我想看看生活中有没有留下一点美好优雅的东西。你知道我再说什么吗?(斯佳丽:不知道。)  Scarlett: I only know that I love you.  斯佳丽:我只知道我爱你。  Rhett : That"s your misfortune  瑞德 :那就是你的不幸了。  Scarlett: Oh, Rhett! Rhett! Rhett! Rhett! But, Rhett, if you go where shall I go? What shall I do?  斯佳丽:瑞德!瑞德!瑞德!瑞德!可是,瑞德,你走了我到哪儿去?我怎么办呢?  Rhett : Frankly, my dear, I don"t give a damn.  瑞德 :坦率的说,亲爱的,这一点儿也不关我的事。  Scarlett: I can"t let him go! I can"t! There must be some way to bring him back.  斯佳丽:我不能让他走!不能!一定有办法让他回来。  Scarlett: All right, I can"t think about this now! I"ll go crazy if I do! I? I"ll think about that tomorrow? But I must think about it! I must think about it! What is there to do? What is there that matters?  斯佳丽:好了,我现在不去想这件事!不然我会发疯的!我……明天再说吧。可我必须想!我必须想一想!到底该怎么办呢?究竟什么才有意义?  Gerald : Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O"Hara, that Tara doesn"t mean anything to you? Why, lt"s the only thing that matters-it"s the only thing that lasts.  杰拉德:你是不是想告诉我,凯蒂u2022斯佳丽u2022欧哈拉,塔拉对你毫无疑义?只有土地才是有意义的,是永恒不变的  Ashley : Something you love better than me, though you may not know it- Tara!  阿希礼:有一样东西你爱它胜过爱我,尽管你自己并不知道——塔拉!  Rhett : it"s this from which you get your strength-the red earth of Tara!  瑞德 :塔拉的红土地是你力量的源泉。  Gerald : Why! Land"s the only thing that matters - it"s the only thing that lasts.  杰拉德:只有土地才是有意义的……  Ashley : Something you love better than me -  阿希礼:有一样东西你爱它胜过爱我……  Scarlett: Tara home .I am going home .I will find some way to get him back .After all tomorrow is another day.  3、《罗马假日》英文经典对白  Princess Ann: Have I been here all night, alone?  安娜公主:我是整晚在这里吗,一个人?  Joe Bradley: If you don"t count me, yes.  乔u2022布拉德雷:要是不把我算在里面,就是。  Princess Ann: So I"ve spent the night here - with you?  安娜公主:那么我是和你在一起--过了昨晚?  Joe Bradley: Well now, I-I don"t know that I"d use those words exactly, but uh, from a certain angle, yes.  乔u2022布拉德雷:是的那么,我,我不知道我该说什么,事实上,但是,换了角度来说,是的。  Princess Ann: How do you do?  安娜公主:你好!  Joe Bradley: How do you do?  乔u2022布拉德雷:你好!  Princess Ann: And you are - ?  安娜公主:那么你是?  Joe Bradley: Bradley, Joe Bradley.  乔u2022布拉德雷:布拉德雷,乔u2022布拉德雷。  Princess Ann: Delighted.  安娜公主:很高兴。  Joe Bradley: You don"t know how delighted I am to meet you.  乔u2022布拉德雷:你不知道我遇见你有多高兴呢。  Princess Ann: You may sit down.  安娜公主:你可以坐下了。  Joe Bradley: Thank you very much. What"s your name?  乔u2022布拉德雷:非常感谢。你的名字是什么?  Princess Ann: You may call me Anya.  安娜公主:你可以叫我安雅  4、《阿甘正传》经典片段  You know it"s funny what a young man recollects. ‘Cause I don"t remember being born. I don"t recall what I got for my first Christmas. I don"t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.   阿甘:年轻人的记忆很怪.我不记得自已怎么出世,不记得第一次圣诞礼物是什么,也不记得我第一次出去野餐是什么时候,但我记得第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音.  Jenny: You can sit here if you want.  珍 妮:如果你愿意,可以坐在这儿.  Forrest: I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was  like an angel.  阿 甘:我从没见过这样美丽的人.她就像天使.   Little Jenny: Well, are you going to sit down or aren"t you? What"s wrong with your legs?  珍 妮:你到底坐不坐?你的腿怎么了?  Gump: Nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and Dandy.  阿 甘:没什么,谢谢你.我的腿很好,好极了    Forrest: I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school.  Gump: The doctor says my back"s crooked like a question mark. These are going to make me as straight as an arrow.  Forrest: Next to mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions.  阿甘:我就坐在她旁边,跟她一路上谈个不停.除了妈妈外,从来没有人跟我说  话,或者问我问题.  Little Jenny: Are you stupid or something?  珍 妮:你是傻还是什么?    Gump: Mama says “Stupid is as stupid does.”  阿 甘:妈说傻人有傻福.  5、《暮光之城》对白  Isabella Swan:"You"ve got to give me some answers."  伊莎贝拉:“你必须给我些解释。”  Edward Cullen:"I"d rather hear your theories. "  爱德华:“我宁可听你的推测。”  Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite. "  伊莎贝拉:“我考虑过放射性变异蜘蛛和氪石。”  Edward Cullen:"That"s all superhero stuff, right? What if I"m not the hero? What if I"m... the bad guy?"  爱德华:“那不都是些超级英雄之类的吗?那如果我不是那些英雄的话呢?如果我是...坏人呢?”  Edward:And you"re worried, not because you"re headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won"t approve of you, correct?  爱德华:你有点担心,不是担心要去见一家子吸血鬼,而是担心这些吸血鬼不喜欢你,对吧?  Isbella Swan:Now I"m afraid.  伊莎贝拉:“现在我害怕了。”  Edward:Good.  爱德华:“是吗。”  Isabella Swan:I"m not afraid of you. I"m only afraid of losing you. "  伊莎贝拉: “我不是害怕你。我只是害怕失去你。”  6、《勇敢的心》经典对白  Uhh! 我们应该以牙还牙!  And I say we hit back now! We cannot fight them! It"s suicide!我们不能这么做! 这简直就是去自杀!  Wallace is right! We fight them! 华莱士说的对!打吧!  Every nobleman who had a will to fight was at that meeting.所有主战的贵族都在这次会议上死了.  We cannot beat an army. 我们无法对付一支军队.  Not with 50 farmers. 我们只够凑足 50 人.  We do not have to beat them, just fight them. 我们不一定要打败他们, 只要和他们战斗.  Now, who"s with me? 现在,谁跟我去?  I am, Wallace. 我去,华莱士.  All right, all right. 好吧,好吧.  Ready. 好.  Where do you think you"re going? 威廉,你想去哪儿?  I"m going with you. 跟着你.  Ah, you"re going with me, are you? 你想和我在一起,是吗?  And what are you going to do? 你想干什么?  I"m going to help. 我要去帮你.  Hey, and a good help you"d be, too, but I need you to stay here and look after the place for me while I"m away.嘿,你会成为好帮手的,但是我要你留在这儿, 在我不在的时候照看好这地方.  I can fight. 我能打仗.  I know. I know you can fight. But it"s our wits that make us men.. See you tomorrow. 我知道. 我知道你能打仗. 不过 真正的男子汉还要会用脑子。我会回来看你的.  7、《兄弟连》对白  Richard Winters: These men have been through the toughest training the Army has to offer, under the worst possible circumstances, and they volunteered for it.  "Buck" Compton: Christ, Dick, I was just shooting craps with them.  Richard Winters: You know why they volunteered? Because they knew that the man in the foxhole next to them would be the best. Not some draftee who"s going to get them killed.  "Buck" Compton: Are you ticked because they like me? Because I"m spending time to get to know my soldiers. I mean, c"mon, you"ve been with them for two years? I"ve been here for six days.  Richard Winters: You"re gambling, Buck.  "Buck" Compton: So what. Soldiers do that. I don"t deserve a reprimand for it.  Richard Winters: What if you"d won?  "Buck" Compton: What?  Richard Winters: What if you"d won? Don"t ever put yourself in the position where you can take from these men.
2023-06-17 18:21:261


1、You are not a superman.你不是超人。(不要无谓的冒险、不要做傻事)2.If it is stupid but works,it isn"t stupid.如果一个蠢方法有效,那它就不是一个蠢方法。3。Never share a foxhole with any one braver than you are.别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑里。4.Never forget that the lowe stbidder made your weapon.别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。5.If your attack is going really well,it"s an ambush.如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。6.All five-second grenadefuses will burn down in three seconds.所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。7.Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够了。(他会先打最重要的人)8.The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。9.The important things are always simple.重要的事总是简单的。10.The easy way is always mined.好走的路总是已被敌军布上了地雷。
2023-06-17 18:21:321


真实计划中,为了增加游戏的复杂性和模拟阵地战等,制作了一系列可在一定条件下由穿着军官(暴动模式下的暴动方为武装头目或平民)装备的小队长和指挥官在其他成员的协作下部署的固定工事,巧妙建造这些工事甚至可以达到扭转战局的功效。前哨(Forward Outpost)/藏匿点(Hideout)前哨可作为我方所有玩家的重生点。如果有2个敌人靠近前哨,其重生功能即会消失,敌人离开或被消灭后,还要过1分钟其重生功能才会恢复。藏匿点和前哨功能一致,只是所属阵营、部署条件和外观有所不同。重机枪(HMG)只有正规军可以部署,可为狭小掩体内的人员提供一定程度的掩护,并以重机枪以对一扇形区域形成压制火力,甚至可以摧毁轻型载具。反坦克工事(Anti-Tank)正规军的反坦克导弹发射架上配有热成像仪和多倍放大的瞄准视野,且威力巨大;非正规军的SPG9无后坐力炮转动较为不灵活,可以发射两种弹药分别用于压制步兵和摧毁载具。防空导弹(Anti-Air)可以对一片空域内的敌方空中载具进行红外锁定,驱离敌机,或者找准机会击落敌机。散兵坑(Foxhole)沙袋围成的掩体,可在一定程度上抵挡各种武器的攻击,但面对爆炸性武器的防御能力不足。迫击炮(Mortar)可对给定方位角和距离的目标投射远程的间接火力支持。所有阵营的迫击炮都配有落地高爆弹,而正规军及车臣反叛军(MILITIA)阵营还配有专用于杀伤人员的空爆弹和用于干扰战场的烟雾弹。密接支持桥梁(CSB)由正规军的后勤补给卡车架设,可以跨越天然障碍或断开的桥面。CSB只能在断桥或预设的位置上架设。
2023-06-17 18:21:461


《越战忠魂》(也叫我们曾是战士) 越战忠魂 (2002) We Were Soldiers 年 代: 2002 地 区: 美国 / 德国 (更多...) 片 长: 138 min 导 演: 兰德尔 华莱士 (RandallWallace) 类 型: 动作 / 剧情 / 战争 别 名: 军天壮志/我们曾是战士 主要演员: 克里斯·克莱恩 梅尔·吉布森 马德琳·斯托 凯瑞·拉塞尔 格雷格·金内尔 巴里·佩珀 发行公司: 派拉蒙/环球 色 彩: 彩色剧情简介: 美军第一骑兵师第七骑兵团第一营的450名战士,在盲目的指挥下,竟毫不知情、毫无准备地降落在北越军队集结的中心区域。北越方面在降落地点周围早已部署有2000以上的兵力,第一营的战士不得不面对近5倍于自己的敌人。尽管他们背后拥有强大的远程和空中火力支持,但是毕竟众寡悬殊,一营的官兵不得不展开一场异常惨重的生存保命战。。。
2023-06-17 18:22:001


He sowed all his wild oats before he married . 他荒唐够了才结婚的。 Oats have been notorious for disease problems . 燕麦曾因病害问题而著称。 He has been a bit off his oats since his illness . 他生病以来胃口就不大好。 The farmers here grow wheat, oats and clover . 这里的农民种植小麦、燕麦和秣草。 Wheat and oats are of the same family , but of different genera . 小麦和燕麦是同科的,但不同属。 About 18. 6 milpon acres of oats were harvested for grain in the u.s.a . 在美国燕麦作为谷物而收获的面积是1,860万英亩。 Oats spread over europe and asia as weed-pke mixtures in barley and wheat . 燕麦如同夹在大麦和小麦中的杂草一样传遍欧洲和亚洲。 Crown rust is the mon name both of a serious leaf-rust disease of oats and of the causal agent . 冠銹病是燕麦的一种严重的叶銹病和病原菌。 Went showed that this active agent diffused into gelatin from pving oat coleoptile tips . 温特证明,这种活性物质从活的燕麦胚芽鞘扩散到凝胶中去。 The boy spooned oat the to beans to his mouth 这孩子用匙把黄豆舀出来放进嘴里。 Meat , brown rice , oats , bananas , pver , honey 肉类糙米燕麦香蕉动物肝脏蜜糖 4 i add fresh milk to the oats and take them hot 我在燕麦片上加鲜奶,煮热了吃。 You got a bedroll , some oats and a week " s rations 一卷铺盖、一些麦片还有一周的干粮 Instead use oats , brown rice and rye bread 试著改食用燕麦、糙米及稞麦面包。 Function and healthful food developing of oats 燕麦的功能性及保健食品的开发 They mainly grow wheat , corn , barley and oats 他们主要种植小麦、玉米、大麦和燕麦。 Progress in the research of oat molecular biology abroad 国外燕麦分子生物学研究进展 Wheat , maize and oats belong to the grain group 小麦,玉米及燕麦都属谷类。 They plotted oat a plan of action in advance 他们预先订出了一项行动计划。 Apmony is pke buying oats for a dead horse 给离婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。 They don " t know the difference beeen wheat , oats and barley 他们分辨不了大麦、燕麦和小麦。 The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to pe in 那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。 Oats mainly grow in cool cpmate 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。 It will not be long before oats e in 燕麦不久就可以收割了。 Captain oats is a really good pstener , 燕麦上尉是一个好的听众 A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats 不想驮鞍的马,没有燕麦吃。 (不劳动不得食。 I figured oats would be pretty down - - 我觉得上尉也许不开心- - Study on anti - oxidative activity of the extracts from naked oat bran 裸燕麦麸皮提取物抗氧化活性研究 Not me , no way . - who " s feepng their oats 我不行-谁来? The children were feepng their oats and running madly in the meadow 孩子们兴高采烈,在草地上疯跑。 I figured oats would be pretty down - 我觉得上尉也许不开心- Not me , no way . - who " s feepng their oats 我不行-谁来? Introduction trial on austrapan oat swan in guina , qinghai 2003年从澳大利亚引进在贵南县森多乡试种了 Government weles oat rupng *** 欢迎淫亵物品审裁处裁决 They are feeding oats to the horses 他们正在用燕麦喂马。 Oats over - the - air activation teleservice 广播激活电信业务 Kugi whole oats flake black glue rice 广吉大燕麦片-黑糯米 Oat digestive cracker - black sesame flv 黑芝麻麦麸消化饼 For captain oats out of pncoln logs 给oats上尉做挡水板
2023-06-17 18:22:141

Esperanza Spalding的《Hold On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On Me歌手:Esperanza Spalding专辑:Radio Music Society06 : Hold On(Nichole Nordeman)For Meredith and all I wish I"d said.It will find you at the bottom of a bottleIt will find you at the needle"s endIt will find you when you beg and steal and borrowIt will follow you into a stranger"s bedIt will find you when they serve you with the papersIt will find you when the locks have changed againIt will find you when you"ve called in all your favorsIt will meet you at the bridge"s highest ledgeSo baby don"t look down, it"s a long wayThe sun will come around to a new daySo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youIt will find you when the doctor"s head is shakingIt will find you in a boardroom, mostly deadIt will crawl into the foxhole where you"re prayingIt will curl up in your halfway empty bedSo baby don"t believe that it"s overMaybe you can"t see "round the corner?So hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youTo hang between two thieves in the darknessLove must believe you are worth itSo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundLove will find you
2023-06-17 18:23:521

Nichole Nordeman的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:Brave (Se)06 : Hold On(Nichole Nordeman)For Meredith and all I wish I"d said.It will find you at the bottom of a bottleIt will find you at the needle"s endIt will find you when you beg and steal and borrowIt will follow you into a stranger"s bedIt will find you when they serve you with the papersIt will find you when the locks have changed againIt will find you when you"ve called in all your favorsIt will meet you at the bridge"s highest ledgeSo baby don"t look down, it"s a long wayThe sun will come around to a new daySo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youIt will find you when the doctor"s head is shakingIt will find you in a boardroom, mostly deadIt will crawl into the foxhole where you"re prayingIt will curl up in your halfway empty bedSo baby don"t believe that it"s overMaybe you can"t see "round the corner?So hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youTo hang between two thieves in the darknessLove must believe you are worth itSo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundLove will find you
2023-06-17 18:24:001

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.
2023-06-17 18:24:071

求 12Mc 歌词

2023-06-17 18:24:153

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.
2023-06-17 18:24:231

in the ground 跟on the ground有什么区别吗?

2023-06-17 18:24:301


2023-06-17 18:24:392


2023-06-17 18:24:471


您好,很高兴为您回答 on the ground翻译为在地上;当场;在决斗 以下是我搜的关于on和in的用法 in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater: Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.
2023-06-17 18:24:541


2023-06-17 18:25:012


Fly Away Home (1934)Jubilee (1935)Your Obedient Husband (1938)Eye on the Sparrow (1938)The Wind and the Rain (1938)Dame Nature (1938)The Mother (1939)There Shall be No Night (1940)Mexican Mural (1942)The Skin of Our Teeth (1942)Our Town(1944)The Searching Wind (1944)Foxhole in the Parlor (1945)You Touched Me! (1945)The Seagull (1954)
2023-06-17 18:25:201

Richard Smallwood的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Richard Smallwood专辑:Textures06 : Hold On(Nichole Nordeman)For Meredith and all I wish I"d said.It will find you at the bottom of a bottleIt will find you at the needle"s endIt will find you when you beg and steal and borrowIt will follow you into a stranger"s bedIt will find you when they serve you with the papersIt will find you when the locks have changed againIt will find you when you"ve called in all your favorsIt will meet you at the bridge"s highest ledgeSo baby don"t look down, it"s a long wayThe sun will come around to a new daySo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youIt will find you when the doctor"s head is shakingIt will find you in a boardroom, mostly deadIt will crawl into the foxhole where you"re prayingIt will curl up in your halfway empty bedSo baby don"t believe that it"s overMaybe you can"t see "round the corner?So hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youTo hang between two thieves in the darknessLove must believe you are worth itSo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundLove will find you
2023-06-17 18:25:331

谁能帮我将hold on-nichole nordeman 这首歌翻译一下?

2023-06-17 18:25:402


2023-06-17 18:25:471


2023-06-17 18:25:542

散兵坑foxhole 网络加速需要吗

2023-06-17 18:26:131


翻译技巧中的切分与合并 一、 切分 英语中长句较多, 句中修饰语多且长,使句子结构复杂,所以英译汉时,不能照样克隆复制,而是得根据汉语语法的特点,灵活处理。切分就是一种常用的方法,是指把英语中的长句分解成两个或两个以上的句子。它常包括单词分译、短语分译和句子分译等三种情况。 (一) 单词分译 单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个小句或者句子。采用单词分译主要有两个目的:一是为了句法上的需要。由于一些单词在搭配、词义等方面的特点,直译会使句子生硬晦涩,翻译腔十足,而把某个单词分译却能使句子通顺,且不损伤原意。二是为了修饰上的需要,如加强语气,突出重点等。英语中的名词、动词、形容词和副词等都可分译。例如: (1)We recognize that China"s long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。 (2) Then and there he named the startled General lying wounded on his cot the new Commander in Chief of the Airforce… 他就在当时当地任命这位躺在榻上治伤的将军为空军总司令,使这位将军吃了一惊。 (3) A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle. 我离开那个猫儿洞的速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会象出膛的子弹一样。 (4) Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 显然,数百万美国人从来没有想过自己会违法,更不用说犯罪了,而就是他们正在越来越肆意歪曲旨在保护和培育这个社会的法律条文,这真令人痛心。 (原文中painfully apparent如照字面译成"痛心地明显的",不合汉语表达习惯,将painfully单译成句,既突出了重点,表明作者对这一现象感到痛心的心情,又使语言自然流畅。) (5) At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply. 现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全,不招风险。 (choose the safety of the middle-ground reply如机械直译成"选择不偏不倚回答问题的安全",语言晦涩难懂。将safety分译出来则较好地解决了这一问题。) (6) Auntie Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said. 朱利亚姨妈接连向坐在旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么,却没有问出个所以然来。 (二) 短语分译 短语分译是指把原文中的一个短语分译成一个句子。名词短语、分词短语、介词短语等有时都可以分译成句。例如: (1) These cheerful little trams, dating back to 1873, chug and sway up the towering hills with bells ringing and people hanging from every opening. 这些令人欢快的小缆车建于1873年,嘎嚓嘎嚓摇摆爬上高耸的山峦。车上铃儿叮当作响,每个窗口都是人。(介词短语分译) (2) The military is forbidden to kill the vessel, a relatively easy task. 军方被禁止击毁这艘潜艇,虽然要击毁它并不怎么费事。(名词短语分译) (3) Invitingly green Angel Island, once a military installation, contains meandering trails and picnic spots ideal for a day"s excursion. 迷人的天使岛郁郁葱葱,小径蜿蜒,是一日游的理想野餐场所。但在过去它却是一个军事基地。(名词短语分译) (三) 句子分译 句子分译可以分为简单句的分译、并列复合句的分译、主从复合句的分译以及其他情况的分译。 A. 简单句的分译 (1) Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。 (2) But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.但是,如果该地区再次发生战争,显然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。 B. 并列复合句的分译 并列英语复合句常常在分句连接处加以切分,译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如: (1) I sat with his wife in their living room, looking out the glass doors to the backyards, and there was Allen"s pool, still covered with black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter. 我跟他妻子一起坐在他们家的起居室里,望着玻璃门外的后院。后院里有阿伦的游泳池,上面还盖着过冬时铺上去的黑色塑料蓬。(在连词and处切分) (2) On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover"s return. 走在一度熟悉的大街上,就像在一条没有人走过的道路上一样,她心里充满了从未有过的新奇。一只猫在栏杆那儿绕来绕去,但是没有人留意特罗弗太太回来。(在;处切分) (3) The entire cable-car system recently got an overhaul after more than a century of operations, so you are on firm ground even if the streets seem to be tilting beneath you. 在运行了一个世纪之后,最近对整个缆车系统进行了彻底检修。所以即使你觉得街道似乎在下面倾斜,你在缆车上仍很安全。(在连词so处切分) (4) The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers. 在种族意识十分强的19世纪的美国,招募中国劳工的做法并非普遍为人接受。由于工地上大批出现中国劳工,某些白人工人感到心绪不宁。(在连词and处切分)
2023-06-17 18:26:251


1.忠实原则,即信息对等而不是语意对等 Eg.每年的两届交易会,把全国几乎所有的外贸公司和出口商品集中起来,统一到广州展出,成交,减少了我们到国外推销的支出,外商也可以只派少数人到会选购,不必花大人力到我各口岸寻找生意,节省了买卖双方的费用,深受国外经营各种商品的中小客商的欢迎. The biannual Guangzhou Fair is attended by almost all foreign trade companies in China and presents a great number of export commodities to buyers from abroad. Many transactions are concluded at the fair. As sellers and buyers can all gather in one place to conduct trade talks, the fair apparently saves them a great deal of time and money. This explains why the Guangzhou Fair has long been popular among overseas traders. 2. 准确原则---选词准确,概念表达准确,数码单位准确. 如: 保税区≠Free trade zone 保税仓库≠Tarriff-free warehouse Eg.客商从开发区企业分得的利润汇出境外时,免征所得税. Profits gained by the investors and businessmen from the Development Zone terprises will be exempted from tax when remitted out of China. Eg.如贵方能将尿素报价降至每吨1200美元,我们可以订购150至180吨. If you can reduce your price of Urea to 1,200 dollars per ton, we may consider placing an order of 150-180 tons. 3.统一原则 译名,概念,术语应始终保持统一,不能随意改变译名. 如:基本建设≠basic construction 基本价格≠basic price 4.文化融入 A.注意文化因素---了解中西方文化差异 1) 思维方式的不同 uf0a1 中国文化重权威与历史,西方重现实与事实---偏实用. uf0a1 中国文化重整体,西方偏分析性思维 2) 语言的不同 uf0a1 中国语言重修饰,偏笼统与含糊,西方语言重具体和准确. uf0a1 谦辞在许多场合被采用,体现了中国文化背景下语用特征之一.Eg. 人们根据瀑布的声和形,予它诗一样的名字,诸如九龙潭,人字瀑,百丈瀑,鸣弦泉,三叠泉、铁线泉、钵盂泉等等。 (《黄山》,北京,中国旅游出版社) Poetic names are given to these waterfalls according to their sounds and shapes, such as Nine-Dragon Waterfall, 人-shaped Waterfall, Hundred-Zhang Waterfall, Singing String Spring, Three –section Waterfall, Iron-line Spring, Alms Bowl Spring. B.灵活采用归化 Eg.它既保持了酱香浓郁、典雅细致、协调丰满、回味悠长等贵州茅台酒的独特风格. It possesses unique style and flavor and is extremely enjoyable liquor. Eg.由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏漏在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正. Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book C. 以目标语的行文规则来衡量---得体性5.文体与翻译:不同的翻译文体采取不同的翻译风格. 如广告与合同的翻译风格就不同.请看如下2个译例: 1) 我厂生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽堂皇. The carpets made in our factory are well-known for their novel design, elegant colors, beautiful looks and magnificence. 2)如果一方未行事或延迟使其在本合同项下的某项权利,不构成该方对此项权利的放弃,如果该方已经行使或者部分行使某项权利,并不防碍其在将来再次行使此项权利. Either Party"s failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or priviledge under this contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof, and any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege shall not preclude the exercise of any other right, power or privilege .
2023-06-17 18:26:472

用英语写出 5个笑话

A sperm said: "Oh shit!"
2023-06-17 18:26:584


2023-06-17 18:27:071


目前665还不成熟..所以按664来说。最虎的CARRY必然是SPE。或者是664最流行的3核双游走。3核心一般都是霸线能力强的后期。比如蜘蛛。死灵龙。猴子。火枪。大NAGA。SF。蓝猫之类的。不过对线能力要强 最重要的一点。664无论哪个DPS英雄。第一件装备都是先锋盾。。664神器
2023-06-17 18:27:245


1、 You are not a superman.你不是超人。(不要无谓的冒险、不要做傻事)2. If it"s stupid but works,it isn"t stupid.如果一个蠢方法有效,那它就不是一个蠢方法。3.Don"t look conspicuous - it draws fire. (This is why aircraft carriers are called “Bomb Magnets”.)不要太显眼,因为那会引来对方火力攻击。(这就是航母被称为“炸弹磁铁”的原因。)4. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑里。5. Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。6. If your attack is going really well,it"s an ambush.如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。7. All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。8. Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够了。(他会先打最重要的人)9. If you are forward of your position,the artillary will fall short.每当你要攻击前进时,炮兵往往也快要用完了炮弹。10. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。11. The important things are always simple.重要的事总是简单的。12. The simple things are always hard.简单的事总是难作到。13. The easy way is always mined.好走的路总是已被敌军布上了地雷。14. If you are short of everything except enemy. You are in combat.如果你除了敌人不缺,其它什么都缺,那你往往就要面临作战了。15. Incoming fire has the right of way.飞来的子弹有优先通行权。16. If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU!!!如果敌人正在你的射程内,别忘了你也在他的射程内。17. No combat ready unit has ever passed inspections.从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。18. Things that must be together to work usually can"t be shipped together.必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器装备通常不会一起运来。19. Radio"s will fail as soon as you need fire support desperately.无线电通讯会有可能在你急需火力支援时失灵。20. Anything you do can get you shot - including doing nothing.你作的任何事都可能挨枪子儿 -- 包括你什么都不做。21. Tracers work both ways.曳光弹可以帮你找到敌踪;但也会让敌人找到你。22. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.唯一比敌人火力还精确的是友军打过来的炮火。(误射)23. Make it tough for the enemy to get in and you can"t get out.当你(愤)守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。24. If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will have more than your fair share of objectives to take.如果你多报战功,那下次你会被给予超过你能力的目标让你去打。(自讨苦吃)25. When both sides are convinced that they are about to lose, they are both right.当两军都觉得自己快输时,那他们可能都是对的。26. Professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs.专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的。
2023-06-17 18:27:371


“这是个漫长的战争,也是一场艰苦的战争, 你们英勇并骄傲的为祖国作战, 你们是不平凡的一群, 彼此紧密相联, 这样的友谊只存在于战斗中, 在兄弟之间, 共同使用散兵坑, 在最需要的时刻彼此扶持, 你们见过死亡, 一起接受磨难, 我很骄傲能与你们每一个人共同服役, 你们有权享受永远的快乐的和平生活。” 英文为: This is a long war,, and an arduous war too, you fight for the motherland bravely and proudly, you are an unusual group, closely linked each other, such friendship only exists in fighting., Among brother, use the foxhole together ,, support each other at the moment of needing most,, you is it die to see,, accept tribulation together, it very proud I has to be can with everyone common and on active service you have, you have the right to enjoy eternal happy peaceful life 。
2023-06-17 18:27:521


2023-06-17 18:28:004