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2023-06-18 00:15:00

公共汽车 BAS

小汽车 CAR

飞机 plane

自行车 bike

摩托车 motobike

Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰

Cadillac 卡迪拉克

Chrysler 克莱斯勒

Chevroler 雪佛莱

Citroen 雪铁龙

Ford 福特

ferry 轮船

Honda 本田

Helicopter 直升飞机

Mazda 马自达

Mustang 野马

Porsche 保时捷

Renault 雷诺

Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯

Santana 桑塔纳

Toyota 丰田

Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪

Volkswagen 大众

<br>first gear 一档

second gear 二档

reverse 倒车档

two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机

diesel 柴油机

limousine 豪华轿车

drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)

racing car 赛车

saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)

roadster 敞蓬车

wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车

notchback 客货两用车

four-wheel drive 四轮驱动

front-wheel drive 前轮驱动

trailer 拖车

station wagon 小旅行车

truck 卡车

compact car 小型汽车

light-van 小型货车

garbage truck 垃圾车

automobile carrier 货运卡车

fire engine 消防车

tractor 牵引车

ambulance 救护车

taxi 出租车, 计程车

trailer truck 拖车

sports car 跑车

formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车

mail car 邮车

jeep 吉普车

bloodmobile 血浆车

bumper car 碰撞用汽车

camper 露营车

police car 警车

wrecker 清障车

ambulance 急救车

train 火车

underground 地铁

shinkansen 新干线


bus 公共汽车

driver 汽车司机

double decker bus 双层公共汽车

coach, motor coach, bus 大客车

taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车

trolleybus 无轨电车

tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车

underground, tube, subway 地铁

train 火车

express train 特别快车

fast train 快车

through train 直达快车

stopping train, slow train 慢车

excursion train 游览列车

commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车

railcar 轨道车

sleeping car, sleeper 卧车

sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车

coach, passenger train 客车

boat, ship 船

(passenger) liner 邮轮, 客轮

sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船

yacht 游船

(ocean) liner 远洋班轮

packet boat 定期客船, 班轮

plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机

airliner 班机

jet, supersonic plane 喷气机

airliner, passenger aircraft 客机

medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机

long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机

propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机

jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机

turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机

turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机

turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机


还是楼上的厉害呀 ,我就知道car



5个所有er后缀的单词有: airliner n. 定期班机,客机; alabaster adj. 雪白的; almoner n. 施赈人员; alter vt.改变,变更;改做; altogether ad.完全;总而言之 扩展资料   The floor was marble tile, and the columns alabaster.   地板是由大理石铺成的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。   She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck.   她细腻光滑、美丽白皙的脖子上戴着一条精致的`链子。   These pearls are imported alabaster glass enrobed in real pearlescence.   为些珍珠都是用真正的珠母裹上一层进口雪花石玻璃制成。   The trees, the bushes and the tall ferns are carved with alabaster.   树木、灌丛和高大的蕨树像是用雪花石膏雕成。   Dia Mirza in a short, fetching dress exposing her alabaster legs at a hair oil launch.   直径米尔扎在很短的,提取穿着暴露在发油推出她雪花腿。
2023-06-17 18:18:171


问题一:中型巴士用英语怎么说? 楼上的都错了 light bus 中型巴士 Minibus; microbus; public light Bus; van 中巴 Public light Bus; minibus; van 面的 premium route [public light bus] 优质服务路线〔公共小型巴士〕 Public Light Bus General Association 公共小型巴士总商会 public light bus 公共小巴;公共小型巴士 问题二:"大中型企业"英语怎么翻译 (the) large and medium-sized enterprises For example:extricate (free) the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises from predicament(使大中型国有企业摆脱困境) invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises (搞活国营大中型企业) 问题三:跪求:大型车,中型车,小型车的英文翻译,勿用翻译软件 oversize vehicle大型车/full-size car medium weight vehicle中型车 light-duty vehicle小型车/pact 你说的大型、中型、小型是指的载重还是指的车长啊?我写的都是按载重量分的,一般指示牌上都用的是载重吧 问题四:a380大型客机用英语怎么说 a380大型客机的英文翻译_百度翻译 a380大型客机 A380 airliner 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 airliner_百度翻译 airliner 英[?e?la?n?(r)] 美[?erla?n?(r)] n. 客机,班机; [例句]The airliner is late. 班机晚点了。 [其他] 复数:airliners 问题五:停车场(适用于大型商场的)用英语怎么说 20分 park 问题六:“开启双跳灯”英文怎么写.还有“大型货车向右行驶” 汽车双跳灯俗称汽车双闪灯,就是两个转向灯一起闪, 在车辆的仪表盘上有一个带有红色三角形的按钮,按下去即可开启双闪。有些微型车的双闪开关在紧靠方向盘的方向柱前部,有一个红色小柱,提起这个小柱即可开启双闪。
2023-06-17 18:18:241


客机的英文Aircraft。双语例句:中国一家国有工业联合体正加速主推一款商用客机,挑战国际市场的波音(Boeing)和空客(Airbus)双头垄断。China"s state industrial complex is accelerating efforts to launch a commercial passenger plane and challenge the global Boeing-Airbus duopoly.因此空中客车推迟了新款巨型A380客机的生产。Airbus has had delays with its huge, new A-Three-Eighty passenger plane.劫机者劫持了这架国内客机。The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent那样时间会有富余,你可以换乘7点的“协和”式客机。That will connect you with time to spare for the seven o"clock Concorde.本周早些时候两架客机在英格兰南部险些相撞,有关细节现已公布。Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.
2023-06-17 18:18:321


2023-06-17 18:19:1310


2023-06-17 18:19:473


Bullet trian
2023-06-17 18:19:5710


2023-06-17 18:21:177


2023-06-17 18:21:3513


2023-06-17 18:23:118


客机的解释[passenger plane;airliner] 区别于货机专 用于 运送旅客的飞机 详细解释 载运旅客的飞机。按其载客人数及航程的 不同 ,可分为洲际、 干线 及地区性三类。 词语分解 客的解释 客 è 外来的(人),与“主” 相对 :客人。宾客。会客。不速之客。 客气 。客卿。 外出或寄居,迁居外地的(人):旅客。客居。客籍。客死。 服务行业的服务 对象 :顾客。乘客。客流量。 指奔走各地从事 某种 活动的 机的解释 机 (机) ī 事物发生的 枢纽 :生机。危机。转(僴 )机。契机。 对事情成败有 重要 关系的中心环节,有保密 性质 的 事件 :军机。机密。 合宜的时候: 机会 。机遇。 时机 。 由 许多 零作组成可以做功或有 特殊 作用的装
2023-06-17 18:23:411


问题一:飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的 n. 飞机,平面,刨子 v. 刨 [ 名词planeness ] [ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ] 例句与用法 1. Let"s keep the conversation on a friendly plane. 让我们友好地谈话。 2. He has planed the plank *** ooth. 他已把木板刨平。 3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。 5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 6. The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞。 问题二:飞机用英文怎么说 飞机 aircraft; plane; airplane; aeroplane [例句] 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。 A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 问题三:各种类型的飞机用英语怎么说?比如说直升机,无人机等等 helicopter- 直升机 Cargo Aircraft-载货飞机 Jets-喷气式飞机 Turboprops-涡轮机螺旋桨式飞机 Airliners-客机 bomber-轰炸机 jet fighter-喷气式战斗机 fighter plane-战斗机 torpedoplane -鱼雷机 spy plane-侦察机 attack plane -强击机 unmanned aerial vehicle -无人机 early warning airplane-预警机 anti submarine warfare air plane-反潜机 interceptor -截击机 问题四:乘飞机用英语怎么说? 乘飞机的英文。。By plane 问题五:‘打飞机"用英语怎么说 a hand job masturbation jack off jerk-off, jerkoff jerking off 这些都可以 问题六:飞机用英语怎么写呀? plane 问题七:飞机的英语怎么拼 plane 问题八:飞机的英文怎么写 airliner 班机 monoplane 单翼飞机 lider 滑翔机 trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机 propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft) 喷射飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机 seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机 transport plane 运输机 helicopter 直升机 supersonic 超音速 hypersonic 高超音速 transonic 跨音速 subsonic 亚音速 Airbus 空中客车 Boeing 波音 Concord 协和 Ilyusin 依柳辛 McDonald-Douglas 麦道 Trident 三叉戟 Tupolev 图波列夫
2023-06-17 18:23:491


  机场,亦称飞机场、空港,较正式的名称是航空站。机场有不同的大小,除了跑道之外,机场通常还设有塔台、停机坪、航空客运站、维修厂等设施,并提供机场管制服务、空中交通管制等其他服务。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    机场英语说法1:   airfield    机场英语说法2:   airport    机场英语说法3:   aerodrome   机场的相关短语:   国际机场 international airport ;   苏黎世机场 Zurich Airport ;   阿德莱德机场 Adelaide Airport ;   神户机场 Kobe Airport ;   长崎机场 Nagasaki Airport ; Aéroport international de Nagasaki ;   台南机场 Tainan Airport ;   珀斯机场 Perth Airport ;   金瓯机场 Cà Mau Airport ;   里斯本机场 Li *** on Portela Airport ;    机场的英语例句:   1. The plane had been cleared for landing at Brunswick"s Glynco Airport.   飞机获准降落于不伦瑞克的格林科机场。   2. He returned to the airport to find his car alarm going off.   他回到机场时听到自己的汽车报警器响了。   3. An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.   一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难。   4. Soldiers there are going to seal the airport off.   那里的士兵将封锁机场。   5. Hotels operate a collection service for their guests from the airports.   宾馆为客人提供机场接机服务。   6. Tens of thousands lined the route from Dublin airport.   从都柏林机场出来的道路两边站着数万人。   7. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.   问题之一是对机场员工的安检措施马虎松懈。   8. Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the revamped airport.   里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰罗尼亚的建筑师,这座整修过的机场就是他设计的。   9. Police have foiled an attempt to *** uggle a bomb into Belfast airport.   警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入贝尔法斯特机场的阴谋。   10. The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica.   长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。   11. Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it.   你知道通向塔尔萨的公路吗?去机场的路和它交会。   12. On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.   撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。   13. Planes landed at Bagram airport today carrying badly needed food and medicine.   运载急需食物和药品的飞机今天在巴格拉姆机场降落。   14. The strike shut down 50 airports, but most international flights were unaffected.    *** 迫使50个机场关闭,但大部分国际航班并未受到影响。   15. Gunfire was heard at an army base close to the airport.   机场附近的军事基地传出了炮火声。
2023-06-17 18:24:161


2023-06-17 18:24:221

with a moder airliner you can travel in one day t

2023-06-17 18:24:433


2023-06-17 18:24:5414


截至2006年12月,澳大利亚航空机队包括:10架 空中客车A330-303 (VH-QPA 至 VH-QPJ) 21架 波音737-400(包括1架波音737-4L7 及 20架前澳亚航空波音737-476)(VH-TJE 至 VH-TJU 及 VH-TJW 至 VH-TJZ) 33架 波音737-838 (VH-VXA 至 VH-VXU 及 VH-VYA 至 VH-VYL) 6架 波音747-338 (VH-EBT 至 VH-EBY) 30架 波音747-400 包括: 21架 波音747-438,装配劳斯莱斯RB211引擎 (VH-OJA 至 VH-OJU) 6架 波音747-438ER (VH-OEE 至 VH-OEJ) 2架 波音747-4H6,购至马来西亚航空 (VH-OEC/D) 1架 波音747-48E,购至前澳亚航空,装配通用电气CF6引擎 (VH-OEB) 24架 波音767-300 包括: 17架 波音767-338ER,装配通用电气CF6引擎 (VH-OGA 至 VH-OGH 及 VH-OGM 至 VH-OGU) 5架 波音767-336ER,装配劳斯莱斯RB211引擎 (VH-ZXB/C/D/F/G) 2架 波音767-336,装配劳斯莱斯RB211引擎 (VH-ZXA/E) 2006年4月,澳大利亚航空机队平均机龄为9.4年。澳大利亚航空订购了12架空中客车A380-800,并选择购买另外10架。澳航旗下的A380使用三级客舱布局,为其国际航线提供501个座位,预期新的A380内部将会有新的座椅设计、特别休憩地方、AVOD、因特网设施和更大型的电视屏幕。澳航倾向利用首4架A380于跨太平洋航线,即由墨尔本和悉尼往洛杉矶的航线,其次接收的飞机则用于来往伦敦和澳大利亚(途经曼谷、香港及新加坡)的航线(参考:2005年3月之Airliner World)。澳航亦会营运世上最长途的500座位级客运服务,来往墨尔本及洛杉矶(12,749公里),为民航历史写下新的一页。2005年12月14日,澳航宣布订购45架波音787客机,并选择购买20架及有权再买50架。[2] 新订购的飞机为787-8型及787-9型。这项消息是波音公司和空中客车长期争相达到航空公司的机队更新和将来航线的需求后公布的。第一架787将于2008年付运,787-9型则于2011年起付运。虽然澳航没有选择购买波音777-200LR,但相传澳航仍正研究购买能不停站直飞伦敦至悉尼的飞机。
2023-06-17 18:25:371


Behind the curtain of North Korea"sofficial domestic airline: Soviet-era planes and censored in-flightentertainment on the world"s only "one-star" carrier (but maybe eat beforeboarding) 朝鲜国内官方航空公司:苏联时期的飞机,受审查的机上消遣,世界上唯一一家“一星”的航空公司 A deserted airport customs lounge luggageweighed by hand on an old fashioned scale and a cockpit with no digitalassistance are just some of the sites a photographer from Singapore hascaptured on camera after flying with the world"s only one-star airline. 一间破败的机场海关休息室,行李的重量是靠手用老式的天平来量的,驾驶舱里没有辅助的数字设备,这是新加坡摄影师在乘坐了世界上唯一一家一星航空公司时所拍摄的画面。 Aram Pan gained unprecedented access to theSoviet-era planes still used in North Korea by the nation"s civil carrier AirKoryo plus cargo transporters and helicopters after joining a tour foraviation enthusiasts inside the munist enclave. Aram Pan史无前例的乘坐了朝鲜国有的民航公司高丽航空公司的苏联时期的航班,还乘坐了朝鲜了货物运输机和直升机。 From the photos the airline which wasfounded in 1950 as a joint North Korean-Soviet partnership to connect thecapital Pyongyang with Moscow appears to be stuck in a time warp. 从照片中可以看出,这家航空公司是在1950年时朝鲜和苏联联合成立,往返于平壤和莫斯科之间,飞机的摸样似乎依然保持着当初的样子。 The cockpit in the Ilyushin Il-18 plane a large turboprop airliner that first flew in 1957 is a long way from digital. Astonishingly the flight"s munication officer appears to sit in the passenger seating area and listensin to air traffic control on an ancient pair of headphones. 伊尔Il-18飞机的驾驶舱几乎和如今的数字时代不沾边,这种大型涡轮螺旋桨飞机首飞于1957年。令人惊讶的是,该航班的通信员似乎坐在了客舱里面,戴着老式耳机听着空中交通管制的指挥。 While the Ilyushin Il-18 is known for its durability with many planes achieving over 45 000 flight hours there is abold contrast in its appearance to modern aircrafts. 尽管伊尔Il-18飞机以可靠性闻名,其中很多飞机的飞行时间都超过了45000个小时,但是在外观上和现代飞机真是有很多的不同。 Skytrak an airline review service rated Air Koryo a di *** al one-star but gave it three stars for "staff grooming and presentation". 美国天叉是一家航空公司评估机构,将高丽航空公司评为一星航空公司,但是在“员工修饰和展示”上给予三星。 And in March 2006 due to safety and maintenance concerns Air Koryo was banned from flying into the European Union. In March 2010 the airline was allowed to resume operations but only with their TU-204s aircraft. 2006年3月,出于维修和安全方面的考量,高丽航空被禁止飞入欧盟。2010年3月,该公司重新获得飞入欧盟的许可,但是只能是他们的TU-204飞机。
2023-06-17 18:25:521


  用英语来表达‘韩国制造"相信大家都知道怎么写,毕竟它和‘中国制造"异曲同工。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   Made in South Korea   例句:   High quality Korean - made cables products, Guitar cable, microphone cable, speaker cable, multi cable.   优质韩国制造缆线产品, 吉他线, 话筒线, 扬声器线, 多媒体线.   韩国的英语例句   1. The United States is a close ally of South Korea.   美国是韩国的亲密盟友。   2. Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.   韩国艺术品的价格飞涨。   3. South Korea"s imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.   今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。   4. The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.   那艘韩国船看起来没有受到损坏。   5. She had a very jolly time in Korea.   她在韩国玩得很惬意。   6. She travels to Korea on Monday.   她周一前往韩国。   7. Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.   在亚洲各国当中,投资者很看重韩国。   8. He es from a branch of our family that settle in Korea.   他出身于我们这个家族移居韩国的一个分支.   9. The Korean craft *** en took this artistic skill with them into Japan.   韩国工匠把这种艺能带到了日本.   10. Korea lies to the west of Japan.   韩国在日本 以西.   11. Korea lies to the east of China.   韩国位于中国东面.   12. A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.   一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。   13. A South Korean newspaper said today the event will be *** aller than in years past.   一份韩国报纸今天说活动的规模不会有前些年那么大。   14. The departure of the South Korean prime minister was marked with little fanfare.   韩国首相悄无声息地离开了。   15. A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.   一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。   制造的双语例句   1. They make post out of all kinds of waste.   他们用各种废料制造堆肥。   2. bined with other pounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.   将其与其他化合物结合,就制造出杀伤力极强的硝酸甘油炸弹。   3. Some of the tension Altman builds up starts to sag.   奥尔特曼制造的一些紧张氛围开始缓解。   4. We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays.   因为制造方面的延误,我们没能赶上最后期限。   5. All vessels were to be built on a cost-plus basis.   所有的船只都将在成本加利润的基础上制造。   6. It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.   这制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语,足够说上几天的。   7. A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.   某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。   8. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.   解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地制造出了大量丙酮。   9. Polish workers will now be making ponent parts for Boeing 757s.   现在波音757飞机的组成部件将由波兰工人制造。   10. These crimes were mitted largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.   这些罪案大都是由以犯罪为生的职业罪犯制造的。   11. It was actually used for enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels.   实际上,它是用来将铀浓缩以制造武器。   12. A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.   和平 *** 已遭到蓄意制造事端的无 *** 主义者的操控。   13. Some of the panies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons.   有些公司非法为制造化学武器提供所需的资金和装置等。   14. Blair wants any new evidence on IRA pub bombs made public.   布莱尔希望将任何关于爱尔兰共和军制造的酒馆爆炸事件的新证据都公之于众。   15. They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and mercial products.   在军工产品和民用产品的制造方面,他们都处于领先地位。    看过的人还:
2023-06-17 18:26:101


Reaction to the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day has been mixed among the six African nations with direct air links to the United States. 面对一起在圣诞节计划进行的美国航线爆炸事件时,这六个与美国航线有直接联系的非洲国家的反应是截然不同的Ghana has announced it will install full-body scanners at Accra"s international airport by next month.加纳宣称全身扫描仪将在下个月安装到XXX国际机场Nigeria has also announced it will install the scanners at Lagos international airport. 尼日利亚也同样宣称XXX国际机场将安装扫描仪Nigerian student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab departed from Accra and transited through Lagos and Amsterdam.尼日利亚学生XXXX从XX机场出发,途径XX和XX。He subsequently attempted to set off a bomb on a Northwest Airlines flight traveling to Detroit. 随后,他试图在飞往底特律的西北航线上引爆炸弹Abdulmutallab successfully passed through metal detectors and hand luggage searches at both airports, allegedly by concealing powdered explosives under his clothes. XX在这两个机场上都成功地通过了金属探测器检查和手提行李搜查。据说他之所以能成功是将粉末状的爆炸物藏在自己的衣服底下。The full-body scanners are more powerful than metal detectors that are standard at most airports. They can detect non-metallic materials hidden on the human body. 全身扫描仪比在大部分机场上安装的标准仪器—金属探测器更加有效。它们能够监测出隐藏在人体表面的非金属物质。But some rights groups consider the scanners an invasion of privacy, because they show private physical characteristics in detail. 但是一些权益组织认为扫描仪侵犯了人们的隐私,因为这些仪器总是能够很详细地展示人身体的隐私部位South Africa, whose airports handle the largest number of travelers flying directly between Africa and the United States, says it does not intend to install the scanners at this time.南非机场接送的往返于非洲和美国的旅客数量最高,而它表示不打算在这个时候安装扫描仪。
2023-06-17 18:26:181


2023-06-17 18:26:272


可以乘坐"Airliner"机场大巴,一号航站楼的话在14号站台上车(Platz 14), 二号航站楼就在大巴站台等就可以了。每半个小时一班车,可以直接坐到达姆火车站下车。
2023-06-17 18:27:181


This ticket paper tickets, electronic tickets. For boarding pass, passport can.
2023-06-17 18:27:284


Can I check the flight to Beijing tomorrow?我要询问明天去北京的航班What is the departure time for the first flight to Beijing next Monday?下星期一去北京的第一趟航班几点起飞?This plane is going to Beijing.这架(指着)班机就要去北京。The flight to Beijing has been delayed.这架要去北京的航班被延迟了。
2023-06-17 18:27:564


2023-06-17 18:28:043

747客机介绍 747客机资料

1、波音747(英语:Boeing 747)是由美国波音公司在上个世纪六十年代末在美国空军的主导下推出的大型商用宽体客/货运输机(Wide-body commercial airliner and cargo transport aircraft)亦为世界上第一款宽体民用飞机,自1970年投入服务后,到空客A380投入服务之前,波音747保持全世界载客量最高飞机的纪录长达37年。 2、截至2013年3月,波音747共生产了1,464架,另外还有64架订单尚未交付;波音747最新型号是747-8,已在2011年正式投入服务。 3、2014年3月31日当天上午9时许,全日空公司所属的一架747客机满载500名乘客,从东京羽田国际机场起飞,前往冲绳,这是日本航空界波音747的最后一次飞行。
2023-06-17 18:28:111


2023-06-17 18:28:181


2023-06-17 18:23:202

Esperanza Spalding的《Hold On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On Me歌手:Esperanza Spalding专辑:Radio Music Society06 : Hold On(Nichole Nordeman)For Meredith and all I wish I"d said.It will find you at the bottom of a bottleIt will find you at the needle"s endIt will find you when you beg and steal and borrowIt will follow you into a stranger"s bedIt will find you when they serve you with the papersIt will find you when the locks have changed againIt will find you when you"ve called in all your favorsIt will meet you at the bridge"s highest ledgeSo baby don"t look down, it"s a long wayThe sun will come around to a new daySo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youIt will find you when the doctor"s head is shakingIt will find you in a boardroom, mostly deadIt will crawl into the foxhole where you"re prayingIt will curl up in your halfway empty bedSo baby don"t believe that it"s overMaybe you can"t see "round the corner?So hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youTo hang between two thieves in the darknessLove must believe you are worth itSo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundLove will find you
2023-06-17 18:23:521

Nichole Nordeman的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:Brave (Se)06 : Hold On(Nichole Nordeman)For Meredith and all I wish I"d said.It will find you at the bottom of a bottleIt will find you at the needle"s endIt will find you when you beg and steal and borrowIt will follow you into a stranger"s bedIt will find you when they serve you with the papersIt will find you when the locks have changed againIt will find you when you"ve called in all your favorsIt will meet you at the bridge"s highest ledgeSo baby don"t look down, it"s a long wayThe sun will come around to a new daySo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youIt will find you when the doctor"s head is shakingIt will find you in a boardroom, mostly deadIt will crawl into the foxhole where you"re prayingIt will curl up in your halfway empty bedSo baby don"t believe that it"s overMaybe you can"t see "round the corner?So hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundAnd love will find youTo hang between two thieves in the darknessLove must believe you are worth itSo hold onLove will find youHold onHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundHe"s right behind you nowJust turn aroundLove will find you
2023-06-17 18:24:001

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.
2023-06-17 18:24:071

求 12Mc 歌词

2023-06-17 18:24:153

in the ground还是on the ground? 讲点知识点.Thanks.

in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater:Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.
2023-06-17 18:24:231

in the ground 跟on the ground有什么区别吗?

2023-06-17 18:24:301


2023-06-17 18:24:311

为什么我用radvideo转换bik始终显示“error opening:21”

RAD Video Tools可以转换成bik档1.执行RAD Video Tools,选取要转换的影片档(例mov档)2.按下左下角的"Bink it!按钮"3.出现一个调整视...
2023-06-17 18:24:371


2023-06-17 18:24:392


2023-06-17 18:24:451


2023-06-17 18:24:471


2023-06-17 18:23:001


在航运实务中,提单的签发是重要的一环;很多合同约定,运费在正本提单签发释放后多少工作日内,租家才有责任义务安排支付运费。因此,作为执行程租航次的船东/二船东而言,肯定希望在装完货后尽快签出提单,以便收取运费。然而提单签发涉及到很多风险和责任问题,代理所呈交(As presented)的提单船长该不该签?需要注意哪些问题呢?现在以某F轮实例来说说这方面的问题。F轮以NYPE租约格式租给租家,去执行租家安排的从德国Rostock装小麦到伊朗卸的航次任务。鉴于可能存在的风险,在装货前,找租家代理要了提单草稿,如下:如之前提到的,期租合同下,船长本来没有义务在提单上添加批注,租家的代理给了什么样的提单,只要和大副收据一致,就可以签。但是大副收据仅仅在装完货之后才有,而且船长可能对租约的条款并不了解或对航运商务知识风险也并没有那么敏感,因此作为一个严谨的船东,不管是期租合同,还是自己执行程租合同,都有必要让代理在完货前先把提单草稿发过来先核对,以避免给船东自己造成不必要的风险。该提单是标准的金康格式的提单,卸港那里的描述如下:BIK, BANDAR ABBAS (PERSIAN GULF),IRAN/ OR ANY OTHER SOUTHERN PORT OFIRAN- / TO BE TRANSITED TO PAYAM SPECIALECONOMIC ZONE- KARAJ但参租约条款如下:- FOR 1 TCT, ALWAYS TRADING VIA SPS, SBS, SAS, ALWAYSAFLOATALWAYS W/IN IWL VIA BALTIC INT. ROSTOCKTOIRAN WITH LAWFUL/HARMLESS GRAIN, AND CARGO WILL BE LOADED AS PER IMSBC CODEREQUIREMENTS,很显然与租约不符,租约只说到伊朗的安全港口,但提单草稿卸港的描述涉及到多式联运的,船东的责任风险加大,而且也没加上安全港口,于是要求租家及代理修改卸港描述。在该轮完货后,和租家交涉,最终租家及代理同意修改,最终的大副收据如下: 卸港改为了:1SP IRAN or 1SP UNITED ARAB EMIRATES,并加上了 SAID TO WEIGH SHIPPER"SWEIGHT,QUALITY AND QUANTITY UNKNOWN。通常在期租合同下,如NYPE租约所描述的As presented一样,租家所呈交的提单,不管是什么样式,船东和船长不得拒签。F轮的提单最终因为不符合贸易方面的要求,租家又要求把卸港改为最初提供的那样。但这个时候,如果租家再要求修改,那么将与大副收据不一致,船东有权利拒绝签发任何与大副收据不一致的提单。如果非得签与大副收据不一致的提单,那么没有办法,租家只能提供保函。在租家提供了如下保函后,最终同意签发与大副收据,卸港不一致的提单,并在SOUTHERN PORT OF IRAN加入了SAFE,变为SOUTHERN SAFE PORT OF IRAN。 The above cargo was shipped on the above ship on 19th/February 2016 ,The dischargingport stated on the Mate"s Receipt is/are 1SP IRAN OR 1 SP UNITED ARAB EMIRATES,but we, [省略]…., hereby request you toissue bill of lading with the discharging port being BIK, BANDAR ABBAS(PERSIAN GULF),IRAN- OR ANY OTHER SOUTHERN SAFE PORTOFIRAN- / TO BE TRANSITEDTO PAYAM SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE- KARAJ.And we, HIGHSEAS ENTERPRISES LTD, hereby confirm and guarantee that the port issafe for the vessel.The carrying vessel / her master or owners will not beresponsible for any risk / damage /expenses / liability that might be sustainedas a result of satisfying the charterers to issue bill of lading with the proposedwording of describing the discharge port in the bill of lading.We, [省略].., further confirm willhold whole responsible for any risk and expenses for the land transportation byourselves.In consideration of your complying with our aboverequest, we hereby agree as follows:-1. To indemnify you, your servants and agents and tohold all of you harmless in respect of any liability, loss, damage or expenseof whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of issuing the bill oflading as aforesaid.2. In the event of any proceedings being commencedagainst you or any of your servants or agents in connection with issuing thebill of lading as aforesaid, to provide you or them on demand with sufficientfunds to defend the same.3. If, in connection with issuing the bill of ladingas aforesaid, the ship, or any other ship or property in the same or associatedownership, management or control, should be arrested or detained or should thearrest or detention thereof be threatened, or should there be any interferencein the use or trading of the vessel (whether by virtue of a caveat beingentered on the ship"s registry or otherwise howsoever), to provide on demandsuch bail or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest ordetention or to secure the release of such ship or property or to remove suchinterference and to indemnify you in respect of any liability, loss, damage orexpense caused by such arrest or detention or threatened arrest or detention orsuch interference, whether or not such arrest or detention or threatened arrestor detention or such interference may be justified.4. The liability of each and every person under thisindemnity shall be joint and several and shall not be conditional upon yourproceeding first against any person, whether or not such person is party to orliable under this indemnity.5. This indemnity shall be governed by and construedin accordance with English law and each and every person liable under thisindemnity shall at your request submit to the jurisdiction of the High Court ofJustice ofEngland.其实保函的内容可以人为修改,而不一定严格按照保赔协会给的标准格式。只要双方都认可,额外加入的也都有效力,如本份保函。F轮从德国装货到伊朗卸的航次,最终的提单如下。船东为什么要费劲要求租家去修改呢?第一,避免船东在提单下,未知的责任风险,因此需要修改卸港描述。虽然最终同意租家要求,但加入了Safe,租家也提供了保函,因此船东受到了保护。第二,在提单上加入了SAID TO WEIGH SHIPPER"SWEIGHT,QUALITY AND QUANTITY UNKNOWN,这样一来,如果在卸港有任何货量,短货方面的问题,租家或收货人将找不到船东头上来,因为船东对于已装船的货物在数量和质量上都不保证,一切都是未知的。 接下来谈谈签发提单所涉及的几个常见的问题。 一、船东是否有权利要求租家修改提单上卸港的描述?参Halcyon Steamship v. ContinentalGrain 案中,MacKinnon勋爵的如下说法,卸港超出了租约规定的范围,船东有权利拒绝签发。The limits of trading… are Institute Warranty limits, not north of Holland. If the charterers shipped a cargo inAmericaand then tenderedbills of lading to the captain under which he was to deliver to Copenhagen or Danzig, ofcourse he would rightly refuse to sign…及《Time Charter》-Chapter 21-Signing of Bills of Lading:21.42 Themaster has the right to refuse to sign a bill of lading which names a port ofdischarge outside the charter trading limits.也就是说,船长有权拒绝卸货港在航行区域范围外的提单。实务中,也经常见到卸港描述为: Any Chineseports 或者 Main Chinese ports. 这两者,其实是有风险的,尤其是对于大的船舶而言,国内港口众多,有很多港口进不去,那么如果船东签发了此类的提单,那么在提单责任下,船东将面临着不得不去的尴尬境地。因此,如果租约中有约定港口或航行区域必须是安全的,那么可以要求租家将这里的卸港描述修改为: Any Chinese safe ports或者 Main Chinese safe ports.加上safe的好处是,如果因为港口限制,船舶进不去,则港口不安全,在提单责任下船东就有权利不去。同时,在租约下,租家也违反了港口安全保证,船东有权利以港口不安全为由不去,要求租家更改卸港。 当然了,如果租家非得要求船长这么签,虽然这些可能是租约所不允许的,或者在实践中也不可行,而且船长也去签发了,从而导致船东之后无法拒绝租家要求,因为在提单责任下船东必须完成到指定卸货港交付货物的义务。但是如果因为租家违反了租约许可的贸易区域限制,给船东造成了损失或损害,通常情况下,船东有权利找租家请求损害赔偿。 这里与租约不符的,也可参Kruger v Moel Tryvan 案,在这个案中,Halsbury勋爵说,他并不认同说船长必须签署任何提交给他的提单,如果所提交的提单与租约明显不符,拒绝签署是船长的责任。When itis said that the master must sign any bill of lading submitted to him, I cannotagree. If the bill of lading tendered is manifestly inconsistent with thecharterparty, I think it would be his duty to refuse. 对此也可以参《Time Charter》21.39:It has been said that a master is not obliged to sign bills oflading which contain “extraordinary” terms or terms which are “manifestlyinconsistent” with the charter.也就是说,船长没有义务去签那种包含不寻常条款或那些条款与合同明显不符的提单。 二、船东/船长是否有权利拒绝签发运费预付提单 “Freight Prepaid B/L”?在The “Nanfri”案中,租约以Baltimore格式,因为租家在租金支付方面有问题,于是船东指示他们租给租家的三条船的船长,撤回给代理的授权书,不允许代理代表船长签发提单;拒绝签发租家的运费预付提单;要求提单并入留置权条款。上诉院Wilberforce勋爵认为,租约为期租合同,其性质和目的是为了使租家在租期内可以自由使用支配船舶,签发某一种特定形式的提单对于租家的贸易来可能是至关重要的,如果运费预付提单对于贸易而言是至关重要的话,那么租家有权利签发。期租合同强调了租家的权利,在使用船舶的时候,决定什么样的提单才适合他们的贸易需求,可以指示船长去签发这样的提单;而船东也受到此赔偿条款的保护。The present charters are time charters, the nature andpurpose of which is to enable the charterers to use the ships during the periodof the charters for trading in whatever manner they think fit. The issue ofbills of lading in a particular form may be vital for the charterers" trade,and indeed in relation to this trade, which involves c.i.f. or c. & f.contracts, the issue of freight pre-paid bills of lading is essential if thetrade is to be maintained. Furthermore, cl. 9, as is usual in time charters,contains an indemnity clause against all consequences or liabilities arisingfrom the master signing bills of lading. This underlines the power of thecharterers, in the course of exploiting the ship,to issue such bills, the owners being protected by theindemnity clause.船东不服继续上诉,在贵族院,Kerr勋爵维持Wilberforce勋爵的判决,判决租家有权利签发运费预付提单,留置权条款只是给予船东一个留置分运费的权利,而这与运费预付提单并没有什么不一致。Under the employmment clause in thecharter(clause 9) the charterers could require the masters to sign “ freightprepaid” bills without any mention of the terms of the time charterers; thelien clause gave the owners a lien only upon such freights or sub-freights as,in the event, come to be payable, and which in fact are payable, under anysub-charter or bill of lading, freight pre-paid bills of lading were not inconsistentwith that. 当然如果碰到不可靠期租租家,有可能在签了运费预付提单,租家收了运费,卷钱关门跑路了,这个时候期租租约受挫合同被迫终止,但船东在提单责任下,还得把货运到卸货港,而此时所有运输成本船东只能自己承担。因此,再洽谈租约的时候,有必要对租家进行初步的调查,其背景或财务状况。但如果租约签订了,除非有相反规定,要不租金都用权利签发运费预付提单,而无需请求船东同意。如果船东无故拒绝或要求租家提供保函才能同意签发运费预付提单,则船东可能面临违约及被索赔的风险。 如果船东担心租家有跑路的风险,那么就得在租约里先约定好租家无权签发运费预付提单。 三、如果提单与大副收据不一致,那么船长是否有权拒签? 很显然,船长有权拒签。如NYPE46第8条描述如下,最后一行已经清楚写明要与大副或理货员收据一致。That the Captain shall prosecute hisvoyages with the utmost despatch, and shall render all customary assistance with ship"s crew and 77 boats. The Captain (although appointed by the Owners),shall be under the orders and directions of the Charterers as regardsemployment and 78 agency; and Charterers are to load, stow, and trim the cargo at their expenseunder the supervision of the Captain, who is to sign Bills of Lading for 79cargo as presented, in conformity with Mate"s or TallyClerk"s receipts. 也可参The “Ocean Dove”案,法庭就判如果提单与大副收据不一致,那么即使不一致的地方很小,船长拒绝签发也没有什么不合理的,租家停租索赔被拒。In The Ocean Dove, the panelheld that it was not unreasonable for the master to refuse to sign bills oflading which were inconsistent with mate"s receipts, even though the inconsistencieswere small. Therefore, the charterer"s claim for off-hire during the period ofdelay was denied. 如果船长已经授权给租家代理去代表自己签发提单,那么如果代理签发了与大副收据不一致的提单,那么租家违约,需要赔偿船东损失如果有的话,如The “Tulsa”案。In The Tulsa,the panel held the charterer responsible for improperly stowed and lashed cargowhich washed overboard. The charterer was required to indemnify the owner forall cargo claims because it breached the charter by issuing clean bills oflading which were not in conformity with mate"s receipts. 在之前说过的The “Arctic Trader” 案中,Evans勋爵认为,船长或大副,当他被要求签发大副收据的时候,对他的雇主,船东,有义务如实地记录表明状况,如果他不这么做,他就违反了他的雇佣合同。同样,由于大副收据将或可作为提单的基础,而提单将在第三方手中产生单独的合同,他也可能对第三方负有同样的义务。已经建立了现成的法律,任何在提单上的表述都可能对提单的第三方引起侵权;在这个意义上也可以说,他有一个实际的或潜在的义务(基于大副收据是签发提单的基础,通常是这样)不要在上面做不准确的陈述。 In The Arctic Trader[1996] 2 Lloyd"s Rep. 449 atpage 458. Earlier in his judgment Evans, L.J., explained that: “… the master orchief officer, when he is asked for signed mate"s receipts,isunder a duty to his employer, the shipowner, to record the apparent conditionaccurately, so that if he fails to do so he is in breach of that term of hisemployment. Similarly, since the mate"s receipt will ormay be used as the basis for the bill of lading, which will give rise to aseparate contract in the hands of third parties, he may perhaps also owe asimilar duty to those third parties. It is establishedlaw that any representation which is made in the bill of lading can give riseto claims in tort as well as under the bill of lading by third parties, and soin this sense also it may be said that he is under an actual or potential duty(depending on whether the mate"s receipt is the basis on which the bill oflading is issued, as it usually is) not to make an inaccurate statement in it. 因此,如果提单不能如实地表述货物实际的状况,船长就不能签发货物表面秩序和状况良好的提单。The master has the right, and the duty, not to sign bills which acknowledge thereceipt in apparent good order and condition of cargo which is not in apparentgood order and condition. This duty is generally a duty towards his owners andtransferees for value of the bills of lading: it is not normally a contractualduty owed to the charterers. 如果货物状况明显有问题,比如粮食霉变或碳化,卷钢或电缆生锈或氧化严重等等,这类用肉眼可以很清楚地看出来货物有问题的,则船长必须如实地在大副收据和提单上添加批注。如果船长未这么做,签发了清洁提单,导致被无辜的第三方索赔,则船东得自己承担。当然如果肉眼看不出,比如粮食的含水量百分比,煤炭的品级等等,这种情况下,并不需要船长有专家级别的知识水平,如果船方因此而签发了清洁大副收据或提单,船东无需负责。 实务中不一致最常见的就是案方数据与船方的水尺数不一致,因此船长大副务必在大副收据上做好适当必要的批注。如果船长在明知道货量有差异的情况下,仍然按照岸方的数据签发了清洁提单而不作任何批注,和明知货物状况有问题仍然签发清洁提单一样,结果将导致船东违约,不可避免地被索赔。类似的还有,如果装了甲板货,但提单未提及甲板货的问题,则船长有权利拒签。 四、SHIPPED已装船那栏里已经有了weight, measures,marks, numbers, quality, contents, and value unknown,是否还有必要在提单里再加上SAID TO WEIGH, WEIGHT、QUALITY AND QUANTITY UNKNOWN呢? 在1998年的The“Mata K”案中,商业法庭的Clarke法官(现在已经是最高法院的大法官勋爵了)判提单中的SHIPPED已装船一栏有这一描述,重量,体积,质量,数量,状况,内容和价值未知,因此船东对已装船的货物不必负责,对于提单是否表明装运了11,000吨钾肥,给出了不是的答案。If the question “did the bill of ladingrepresent that 11,000 tonnes ofpotash were shipped?” was to be answered on the construction ofthe bill of lading as it stood, the answer was No; a bill of lading whichstated that 11,000 tonnes of cargo were shipped “ quantity unknown” was bit arepresentation that 11,000 tonnes were shipped; and any other conclusion wouldgive no meaning to the expression “ quantity…unknown”. 这样的判决的结果是,船东无需为可能存在的短货索赔负责。 当然通常情况下,因为涉及到信用证结汇的问题,发货人一般不同意在提单上加上said to be 或said toweigh或weight unknown此类的批注;一旦加上了船东就对装船的货量不再负责。 如在The“New Chinese Antimony”案中,法官说道,如果在提单对货物的总量或数量作了重量或数量未知的批注,那么提单对于船东而言就不是该总量或数量已装船的初步证据,相反货主有责任去证明事实上该总量或数量的货物已经装船了,责任落在发货人货主的身上。Where the statement of the amount orquantity of the goods in the bill of lading is qualified by such words as “weightor quantity unknown,” the bill of lading is not even prima facie evidenceagainst the shipowner of the amount or quantity shipped, and the onus is on the cargo owners of provingwhat in fact was shipped. 但另一方面,鉴于2012年高等法院的Simon法官在The “Saga Explorer”案中判决,虽然提单SHIPPED已装船一栏的描述有weight, measures, marks,numbers, quality, contents, and value unknown,并却未能够给船东抗辩;因此非常有必要在提单里再加上此类批注,这样一来就避免了不可预见性的判决。五、对于签发与大副收据不一致的提单,租家提供保函是否有法律效力? F轮中,租家要求修改卸港描述而提供保函,而不是要求对货物的外观状况,或数量作修改。增加了卸港的范围,只是增加了船东的责任风险,对于收货人而言并没有不利影响。然而在另一方面,如果船东在明知货物的状况或数量有问题的情况下,接受租家或发货人的保函而同意签发清洁提单,那么在这种情况下,就涉及到欺诈侵权,其保函将不被接受,没有任何法律效力。 在Brown Jenkinson v Percy Dalton 案中,Morris勋爵作了如下陈词:At the request of the defendants, the plaintiffs madea representation which they knew to be false and which they intended should berelied upon by persons who received the bill of lading, including
2023-06-17 18:22:521


哦,可能是l4d2_background01.bik 这个文件坏了,你可以玩别的章节,看看可不可以,如果真的坏了的话,强烈建议重新下载,(● ̄ε ̄●)
2023-06-17 18:22:522

i wander thro each charter

都是8韵律的诗,是英文诗的标准韵律. 我不是英语专业的,再多的也说不上来. rhythm韵律,metrical variation韵律变化. 英文的韵律是按音节算的 (sylables) 比如 I- wan -der -thro" -each -char -ter"d -street
2023-06-17 18:22:441


welcome to my life
2023-06-17 18:22:3415


bike中的e不发音。Bike就是一个半开音节单词,词尾的字母“e”虽然不发音,但有存在的价值,就是帮助字母“i”发“本音音”,如果没有词尾不发音的字母“e”,这个单词就成bik了,发音就是[bik]。元音字母在半开音节中的发音规律是:在重读音节中,半开音节的单个元音字母发字母本音,半开音节其实和开音节的发音规律是一样的。bike近义词bicycle  英 ["bau026asu026akl]     美 ["bau026asu026akl]    n. 自行车。vi. 骑自行车。You can coast downhill on a bicycle.你可以骑自行车滑下坡。I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle.我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。
2023-06-17 18:22:291


2023-06-17 18:22:155


He sowed all his wild oats before he married . 他荒唐够了才结婚的。 Oats have been notorious for disease problems . 燕麦曾因病害问题而著称。 He has been a bit off his oats since his illness . 他生病以来胃口就不大好。 The farmers here grow wheat, oats and clover . 这里的农民种植小麦、燕麦和秣草。 Wheat and oats are of the same family , but of different genera . 小麦和燕麦是同科的,但不同属。 About 18. 6 milpon acres of oats were harvested for grain in the u.s.a . 在美国燕麦作为谷物而收获的面积是1,860万英亩。 Oats spread over europe and asia as weed-pke mixtures in barley and wheat . 燕麦如同夹在大麦和小麦中的杂草一样传遍欧洲和亚洲。 Crown rust is the mon name both of a serious leaf-rust disease of oats and of the causal agent . 冠銹病是燕麦的一种严重的叶銹病和病原菌。 Went showed that this active agent diffused into gelatin from pving oat coleoptile tips . 温特证明,这种活性物质从活的燕麦胚芽鞘扩散到凝胶中去。 The boy spooned oat the to beans to his mouth 这孩子用匙把黄豆舀出来放进嘴里。 Meat , brown rice , oats , bananas , pver , honey 肉类糙米燕麦香蕉动物肝脏蜜糖 4 i add fresh milk to the oats and take them hot 我在燕麦片上加鲜奶,煮热了吃。 You got a bedroll , some oats and a week " s rations 一卷铺盖、一些麦片还有一周的干粮 Instead use oats , brown rice and rye bread 试著改食用燕麦、糙米及稞麦面包。 Function and healthful food developing of oats 燕麦的功能性及保健食品的开发 They mainly grow wheat , corn , barley and oats 他们主要种植小麦、玉米、大麦和燕麦。 Progress in the research of oat molecular biology abroad 国外燕麦分子生物学研究进展 Wheat , maize and oats belong to the grain group 小麦,玉米及燕麦都属谷类。 They plotted oat a plan of action in advance 他们预先订出了一项行动计划。 Apmony is pke buying oats for a dead horse 给离婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。 They don " t know the difference beeen wheat , oats and barley 他们分辨不了大麦、燕麦和小麦。 The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to pe in 那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。 Oats mainly grow in cool cpmate 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。 It will not be long before oats e in 燕麦不久就可以收割了。 Captain oats is a really good pstener , 燕麦上尉是一个好的听众 A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats 不想驮鞍的马,没有燕麦吃。 (不劳动不得食。 I figured oats would be pretty down - - 我觉得上尉也许不开心- - Study on anti - oxidative activity of the extracts from naked oat bran 裸燕麦麸皮提取物抗氧化活性研究 Not me , no way . - who " s feepng their oats 我不行-谁来? The children were feepng their oats and running madly in the meadow 孩子们兴高采烈,在草地上疯跑。 I figured oats would be pretty down - 我觉得上尉也许不开心- Not me , no way . - who " s feepng their oats 我不行-谁来? Introduction trial on austrapan oat swan in guina , qinghai 2003年从澳大利亚引进在贵南县森多乡试种了 Government weles oat rupng *** 欢迎淫亵物品审裁处裁决 They are feeding oats to the horses 他们正在用燕麦喂马。 Oats over - the - air activation teleservice 广播激活电信业务 Kugi whole oats flake black glue rice 广吉大燕麦片-黑糯米 Oat digestive cracker - black sesame flv 黑芝麻麦麸消化饼 For captain oats out of pncoln logs 给oats上尉做挡水板
2023-06-17 18:22:141

In the USA people on bikes must wear on.为什么这里的bik

因为people是复数啊 人们不可能共一辆自行车吧
2023-06-17 18:22:074


2023-06-17 18:22:062


《越战忠魂》(也叫我们曾是战士) 越战忠魂 (2002) We Were Soldiers 年 代: 2002 地 区: 美国 / 德国 (更多...) 片 长: 138 min 导 演: 兰德尔 华莱士 (RandallWallace) 类 型: 动作 / 剧情 / 战争 别 名: 军天壮志/我们曾是战士 主要演员: 克里斯·克莱恩 梅尔·吉布森 马德琳·斯托 凯瑞·拉塞尔 格雷格·金内尔 巴里·佩珀 发行公司: 派拉蒙/环球 色 彩: 彩色剧情简介: 美军第一骑兵师第七骑兵团第一营的450名战士,在盲目的指挥下,竟毫不知情、毫无准备地降落在北越军队集结的中心区域。北越方面在降落地点周围早已部署有2000以上的兵力,第一营的战士不得不面对近5倍于自己的敌人。尽管他们背后拥有强大的远程和空中火力支持,但是毕竟众寡悬殊,一营的官兵不得不展开一场异常惨重的生存保命战。。。
2023-06-17 18:22:001

我只知道开头歌词 doctor, actor, lawyer 又是singer 这是什么歌很好听!

Darin - Peerless peerless的原意是出类拔萃的,无与伦比的。 peerless是首歌名,由瑞典的Darin Zanyar所演唱,这首歌又叫做B What U Wanna B.因此前面一个单词是演唱者的名字,后面一个单词是歌名,不是一个词组,不能连起来解释。 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员 why not something like your old man 为什么不是一些你的老伙计? you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 driver, actor, lawyer or a singer 司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 i know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都得到一样东西 that we all share together 那就是我们都在分享的 we got that one nice dream 我们都拥有一个美好的梦想 we live for 我们为之生存 you never know what life could bring你不会知道生活会给你带来什么 coz nothing last for ever 因为没有什么能永恒 just hold on to the team 只是坚持住 you play for 为了你所效力的团队 i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰 make sure that you won"t stop 确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人 now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱 we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题 but it doesnt really matter 但这没关系 we all caught up in the steam 我们都被人生的一些所征服 of this life focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事 that"s what does really matter 这才是问题所在 luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物质 thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活 i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰 make sure that you won"t stop 确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人 now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱 last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天 now i"m here i"m singing for you 现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱 i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气 coz i"ve got all the love, coz i"ve got all love for you因为我得到了所有的爱,我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱 记得采纳啊
2023-06-17 18:21:581