barriers / 阅读 / 详情

翻译For much of our history,however,Amercians frame

2023-06-17 23:19:39




2023-06-17 15:01:542


frame是设计的意思。复数:frames.第三人称单数:frames.现在分词:framing.过去式:framed.过去分词:framed.同词根:framed制定;建造;给…加外框(frame的过去分词)。framing制定;构造;装框子(frame的ing形式)。framer组成者;筹划者。近义词:configuration、mechanics、texture、structuredesign、construct、engineerstyle、project.网络释义:帧;架;车架;构架;基本框架;画框;门框;窗框;边框;框架;替换框架;画面;画格;三角框;将装框;制订;规划;诬陷;陷害。短语搭配:1、time frame时段;时帧。2、frame of mind心情。3、walking frame助行架。4、frame of reference参照标准;参考依据;标准;参考标架;参考坐标系。5、portal frame门框。6、door frame门框。7、window frame窗框;窗扇框。8、reading frame阅读框;读码。9、space frame空间框架。10、sampling frame抽样框架。11、frame house木结构房屋;木板房。12、frame saw框锯。13、climbing frame攀登架。14、out of the frame符合(或不符合)条件的;成为(没有成为)关注的焦点;被警方怀疑但未被通缉的。15、lattice frame格构框架;格构桁架。16、cold frame冷床;阳畦。17、saw frame锯框。18、rest frame静止参照系;静止框架。19、diamond frame菱形自行车架。20、be in the frame符合(或不符合)条件的;成为(没有成为)关注的焦点;被警方怀疑或通缉的。
2023-06-17 15:02:151


现代英汉综合大辞典 frame n. 构架, 骨架结构 框架, 框子; 【机】架, 座身 (人或物的)骨骼; 身躯 心情, 精神状态 (社会、政府等的)组织, 机构 (电影的)画面, 镜头; (电视图像的)帧 【船】肋骨 【农】(可搬动的)轻便玻璃温室 【刷】活字架, 排字台 (=frame-up)[美俚]诬陷 [美俚]职业拳击赛的一个回合; 棒球的一局 眼镜架 范畴, 范围 回幅, 片格 backing frame 【摄】安片框 cant frame 【船】斜肋骨 square frame 【船】直肋骨 a missile frame 【军】导弹弹体 a man of gigantic [massive] frame 体格魁梧的人 习惯用语 picture frame 画框, 相框 (=sheriffs picture frame)[美俚]绞架 be not framed for 不适于; 经不起; 受不住 out of frame 纷乱, 无秩序 frame of mind 心情, 心境 frame of reference (=reference frame) 参照系, 参考系统, 参考坐标[标架], 读数[计算]系统,空间坐标,基准标架 理论, 观点, 思想体系; 判断标准 frame to oneself 想象 frame up [美俚]诬陷 frame well 有才能, 有希望 现代英汉词典 frame n. 骨架;架子 the frame of a house 房屋的骨架 a building with a steel frame 一座有钢构架的建筑物 This old bed has a copper frame. 这张旧床的床架是铜的。 身体,体格 a strong frame 强健的体格 框,框架 a window frame 窗框 环境;背景 The trees make a pleasant frame to the house. 树构成房子四周宜人的景色。 温床;阳畦 (= cold frame) 〈电影〉画面,镜头 词性变化 vt., vi. framed, framing 给…装框子 to frame a picture in wood 给画装框 衬托,作为背景 A hat framed her pretty face. 帽子衬托出她那漂亮的脸。 建造 Forts are framed for defense. 建筑城堡是为了防御。 表达 An examiner must frame his question clearly. 考官必须把考题表达清楚。 陷害;诬陷 He was framed by the real criminals. 他被真正的罪犯陷害。 He was framed by the real criminals and became the victim of the evil and injustice. "他被真正的罪犯所诬陷,结果成了罪恶与不公正的牺牲品。 简明英汉词典 frame n. 结构, 体格 vt. 构成, 设计, 制定, 使适合, 陷害 vi. <英方>有成功希望 n. 帧,画面,框架
2023-06-17 15:02:411

FRAMED 致命框架这个游戏的结局是什么意思?

2023-06-17 15:03:034

Framed (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Framed (Lp Version)歌手:Ritchie Valens专辑:Ritchie Valens『FRAME』作词&作曲:加藤ゆかり/编曲:Kenechiro Ohishi歌:田中理恵今(いま) 目(め)の前(まえ)にあるものいくつ伝(つた)えられるか 分(わ)からないけれどあのね 闻(き)いて今(いま)この瞬间(しゅんかん) 幸(しあわ)せが见(み)えたピントを合(あ)わせ シャッターを切(き)ると予测(よそく)出来(でき)ない未来(みらい)がのこにはある君(きみ)は君(きみ)で 君(きみ)のままでいてねモノクロの世界(せかい)が 冷(つめ)たい雨(あめ)を降(ふ)らした嫌(いや)なとこ全部(ぜんぶ)洗(あら)い流(なが)してキレイな景色(けしき)をその瞳(め)にたくさん残(のこ)したいフレイム越(こ)しに见(み)る 君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)これからもずっと そばで感(かん)じたいフレイムウトした 先(さき)の未来(みらい)これからもずっと 君(きみ)といたいんだキララ キララ 辉(かがや)く雨(あめ)上(あ)がりズームインした心(こころ)の奥(お)には强(つよ)さと弱(よわ)さが阋(せめ)ぎ合っていてだからだから一人(ひとり)にしたないで と君(きみ)は言(い)ういつかのさよなら叹(なげ)くよりも今(いま) 一绪(いっしょ)にいられることが嬉(うれ)しい爱(いと)しい切(せつ)ない优(やさ)しい素晴(すば)らしい 今(いま)を色(いろ)とりどり浮(うき)かぶ表情(ひょうじょう)を つかまえて君(きみ)に见(み)せて歩(ある)きたい色(いろ)とりどり生(う)まれる感情(かんじょう)を 分(わ)け合(あ)って今(いま)を今(いま)を歩(ある)きたいだから君(おも)を 思(おも)い出(で)になんかしないフレイム越(こ)しに见(み)る 君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)これからもずっと そばで感(かん)じたいフレイムウトした 先(さき)の未来(みらい)これからもずっと 君(きみ)といたいんだキララ キララ 辉(かがや)く雨(あめ)上(あ)がり収録:ココロ/発売日:2010-11-20(2011-11-19再発売)终わり
2023-06-17 15:03:231


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2023-06-17 15:03:414


2023-06-17 15:03:492


FRAME  中文意为“帧”。在KOF里,帧可以有两种解释:其一,一帧指一幅静态画面,就像普通电影里1秒钟由24帧画面组成。其二,时间帧,一个时间帧指显示刚才所说的一幅静态帧所持续的时间。在KOF98和02里,每局对战有60秒,而每秒基本上由50个帧组成。通常,我们指的是后者。内插(Tweening) 是一个传统的动画创作术语,它描述了这样一个工作过程,主要的动画师只负责绘制关键帧,然后将中间其余帧交给助手来完成。在经济领域,easing 可以理解为放松、下降、松动、放宽,如信贷放宽easing of credit.在这,After a fair amount of easing, 经过一段缓缓的下降, easing cycle 可以理解为‘缓和周期"。
2023-06-17 15:04:091

致命框架2第五章攻略 framed 2第五部分怎么过

《致命框架 FRAMED》这是一款创意十足的游戏,整个游戏场景由一个个漫画中常见的插画构成,而玩家要做的就是排列插画的顺序,剧情会按 照排列后的插画进行。有意思的是,根据插画的顺序不同,剧情会演绎出不同的结局。不停地重新架构是游戏的最大乐趣所在。framed致命框架攻略:第一个画面是类似于教学关凯,移动下方的两张图片之后,即可将剧情开启.每个插图的具体调整位置坑爹的红领巾已经帮助大家都调整完毕,大家可以自行参考每张配图,当我们调整错了也没有关系,可以无数次的重复,主人公从第二张图中进去之后,会将第三张警察压倒,之后即可顺利逃出.在上图中,第四张图的作用是当警察射击的时候,可以将桌子翻过来挡子弹,之后可以从窗口逃脱.需要先将小鸟放置在第三张图,主人公才能顺利滑过去.
2023-06-17 15:04:261

Frame 意思

html中的frame简单来说就是框架! 用来构建页面显示效果的 可以把一个页面分割成 不同的块
2023-06-17 15:04:393


2023-06-17 15:05:191

frame by frame是什么意思

frame [freim] n.框架;结构;[电影] 画面vt.设计;建造;陷害;使…适合vi.有成功希望adj.有木架的;有构架的[ 过去式framed 过去分词framed 现在分词framing ] frame structure 框架结构;帧结构 steel frame 钢架;钢骨架 frame in 进入;框以… photo frame 相框;照相架 reference frame 参考系,参考坐标系 rigid frame 刚性构架 time frame 时间范围;[计]时间帧 concrete frame 混凝土构架;混凝土排架 spinning frame 细纱机,精纺机;精纱机 frame of reference [物]参照系;[数]坐标;参照标准 picture frame 相框;画框 frame of mind 心情 main frame 主机;主机机架 structural frame 结构构架,构架 machine frame 机架,曳引机架;机框 frame rate 帧频,帧速率 frame work 框架;结构 rigid frame bridge 刚构桥,刚架桥;刚架式桥梁 frame construction 框架结构 window frame n.窗框;窗口框架 更多收起词组短语 n.[建][计]框架;结构;[电影]画面configuration,mechanics,texture,structurevt.设计;建造;陷害;使…适合design,construct,engineer,style,project
2023-06-17 15:06:211

手机游戏 致命框架 FRAMED 的剧情是有多个不同结局的吗?只需要回答是或否,不用回答有多少个结

2023-06-17 15:06:292


2023-06-17 15:06:381

g团 打工 消费 18 raid farm 各是什么意思

2023-06-17 15:06:451

致命框架2第五章攻略 framed 2第五部分1-4关怎么过

2023-06-17 15:07:071


2023-06-17 15:07:151

this frame is a suspected retransmission 什么意思

2023-06-17 15:07:252


2023-06-17 15:07:341

framed in blood歌词翻译

2023-06-17 15:07:412


frameKK: []DJ: []n.1. 架构,骨架;结构[C]The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.伞的骨架是金属制的。2. 【机】架;座[C]3. 框架,框子[C]I need to buy new spectacle frames.我需要买一副新的眼镜架。4. (人或动物的)骨骼;身躯[U][C]That athlete has a large frame.那位运动员身材魁梧。5. 心情,精神状态[S]He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.今天上午他心情恶劣。6. (社会,政府等的)组织,机构,体制[C]7. (电影的)画面,镜头[C]8. 【农】(可搬动的)轻便玻璃温室[C]9. (棒球)局;(拳击)一回合;(保龄球)一格[C]10. 【电脑】帧,幅vt.1. 给...装框子Will you frame this photo?你要给这张照片镶上镜框吗?2. 构筑;建造;塑造3. 制定;设计;构想出The military plan will be framed tomorrow.军事计划将于明天制定。4. 表达;说出;发出His lips could hardly frame the words.他几乎说不出话来。5. 【俚】陷害;捏造[(+up)]The accused man said he had been framed.被告人说他受了诬陷。6. 使适合vi.1. 【英】【方】有前途,有适应性
2023-06-17 15:07:503

framed checks 汉语意思?

framed checks 是框架检查
2023-06-17 15:08:132


2023-06-17 15:08:3513


2023-06-17 15:10:031

服装body is framed and backed with lining是什么意思?

2023-06-17 15:10:173


2023-06-17 15:10:255


它标明房屋内部房间的高度及地板、天棚、屋顶的厚度。 Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way as wood floors. a number of ceiling (or roof) joists run from one wall to the opposite wall. 平屋顶的构成方式基本上与木地板相同。若干个平顶搁栅(或屋顶搁栅)从一面墙伸向对面的墙。 The foreign matters mainly come from the green coffees which are dry processed and dried on floors. 该等外来物质一般是因为干处理咖啡生豆是在晒场地上晒干时混入的。 Basin floors generated at different times will exhibit a hierarchical sequence of crustal structure and epeirogenic behaviour 不同时期生成的盆地底板,将显示地壳构造的等级次序和造陆性质。 The floors where they occurred were a burned-out shambles 出事的几层楼变成一堆烧焦了的废墟,狼藉不堪。
2023-06-17 15:10:491


flame [fleim] n. 火焰, 火舌 The candle flame flicked and went out. 烛火摇曳着, 随即熄灭了。 frame [freim] n. 框架 I need to buy new spectacle frames but I will keep the old lenses. 我需要买新的眼镜框, 不过我会留着旧镜片。 骨架, 构架 The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick. 这幢房子是木结构的砖瓦房。 vt. 给…加框 Will you frame the picture? 你给这个画加个框好吗? 陷害, 诬告 She framed Tom for something he never did. 她陷害汤姆干了一些他从未干过的事。 表达, 构造 He framed his life according to a noble pattern. 他以高尚的模式构筑自己生活的框架。
2023-06-17 15:11:121


应该是python没有安装thrift模块的原因。 你可以看看/opt/python/Python-2.7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages目录下,有没有这个文件: thrift-0.9.0-py2.7-linux-i686.egg 如果没有的话,需要先安装一下。安装方法如下: 使用easy_install安装th...
2023-06-17 15:11:231

FRAMED 致命框架这个游戏的结局是什么意思?

2023-06-17 15:12:001


框的英文是:frame、case、circle。含有框的双语例句1、埃丝特尔把母亲的一张镶银框的照片挂在厨房壁炉台上。Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.2、这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。The frame sets off your painting very well.3、壁炉的右边是各种镶框的证书。To the right of the fireplace are various framed certificates.4、这幅画现在可以装裱加框了。The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed.5、他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜。On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.
2023-06-17 15:12:231

structure 和 frame的区别

structure 英[u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259(r)]美[u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a]n. 结构; 构造; 建筑物; 体系;vt. 构成,排列; 安排;[例句]The typical family structure of Freud"s patients involved two parents and two children.弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。[其他] 第三人称单数:structures 复数:structures 现在分词:structuring 过去式:structured 过去分词:structuredframe 英[freu026am]美[frem]n. 框架; 边框; 眼镜框; 组织;vt. 陷害; 设计; 表达; 使适合(某一特殊用途);adj. 有木架的,有构架的;[例句]Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.埃丝特尔把母亲的一张镶银框的照片挂在厨房壁炉台上。[其他] 第三人称单数:frames 复数:frames 现在分词:framing 过去式:framed 过去分词:framed
2023-06-17 15:12:481

frame 中文意思是什么?

2023-06-17 15:12:562


canvas:n. 帆布vt. 用帆布覆盖,用帆布装备adj. 帆布制的[ 过去式canvased或-vassed 过去分词canvased或-vassed 现在分词canvasing或-vassing ] Frame:n. 框架;结构;[电影] 画面vt. 设计;建造;陷害;使…适合vi. 有成功希望adj. 有木架的;有构架的[ 过去式framed 过去分词framed 现在分词framing ]
2023-06-17 15:13:031


它标明房屋内部房间的高度及地板、天棚、屋顶的厚度。 Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way as wood floors. a number of ceiling (or roof) joists run from one wall to the opposite wall. 平屋顶的构成方式基本上与木地板相同。若干个平顶搁栅(或屋顶搁栅)从一面墙伸向对面的墙。 The foreign matters mainly come from the green coffees which are dry processed and dried on floors. 该等外来物质一般是因为干处理咖啡生豆是在晒场地上晒干时混入的。 Basin floors generated at different times will exhibit a hierarchical sequence of crustal structure and epeirogenic behaviour 不同时期生成的盆地底板,将显示地壳构造的等级次序和造陆性质。 The floors where they occurred were a burned-out shambles 出事的几层楼变成一堆烧焦了的废墟,狼藉不堪。
2023-06-17 15:13:241


reeze-framena.静止镜头跳帧效果;不错;定格复数:freeze-frames 现在分词:freeze-framing 过去分词:freeze-framed 英汉英英网络释义un. 1.【影,电视】静止镜头
2023-06-17 15:13:331


2023-06-17 15:13:431

有没有大神 帮我翻译一段话呀 是关于雾都孤儿的

Oliver Twist was Oliver Twist is one of the central characters of the novel can be said to be oliver twist a history novels began to put a hero Oliver Twist in a free state born an orphan in the workhouse suffer hunger and cold have little food to eat without any care and love Oliver Twist is a child still dares to rush into danger facing the poorhouse indifference cruel tube canteenchef said he hadn"t eaten enough also want some more food ideas seem to us this silly boy is rebellious tendencies but it alsoreflects the Oliver Twist dare to struggle in the coffin shoprejection and quality bullying Oliver Twist can suffer when heard Noah cursed his mother time though Oliver Twist was born an orphan but mother this noun in his heart still have a sacred and inviolate meaning he angrily told Noah to beat into a den of thieves in London diabolical situation in Oliver Twist but always adhere to their principles than with a thief bandits associate oneself with undesirable elements seen his handkerchief wasstealing Stupid people to theft alarm making himself seriously injured have been framed and threat but Oliver Twist is notalways good and strong corrosion and destruction of evil forcesthe final suffering become happy darling from Oliver Twist is the character who we are not difficult to see the novel Oliver Twist in the show us a humanitarian thought that is in the nature ofgoodness and love stick because in the eyes of love and goodOliver Twist always as towering mountains in turbidity and notbeing evil by corrosion not lost their soul and conscience 望采纳,的却很有难度!!!
2023-06-17 15:13:512


2023-06-17 15:14:023


红色 red 读音:re的 (re你就直接用拼音的拼法读)
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2023-06-17 15:15:0413


2023-06-17 15:17:291


你好 故事如下:Arthorn is a use of wind power to kill the enemy"s agile swordsman, he is also a resolute man. But the once proud Warriors also suffered insult to the alleged failure and forced to participate in a desperate battle in order to survive. When the whole world and his enemy, he will use his ability to do everything you can to make sin is justice to restore his honor.Yasuo worked in the prestigious AI oniya fencing school is a extreme intelligence of the students, he is this generation of people only a master legend in the students. Many people think that he is destined to be a great hero. However, his fate in noxus invasion changed his life. Yasuo was tasked with protecting a AI oniya elders, but his foolish believe fencing alone can make vigorous efforts to turn the tide, so he left the post to join the battle. But when he returned to his post, the elders had been executed.You want to surrender to the arthorn ready to pay in this life he failed decision. But to his astonishment, he was accused of murder and not just the accused be forgetful of one"s duties. Even if his own iniquity embarrassment and pain, but he knew that if do not do anything that is the name of the assassin will still be on the loose. Yasuo to pick up the sword for their own freedom and the school to give tit for tat, even though he knows that he is his seeking the inverse behavior will become the enemy of the AI oniya. And now he will be the first time in his life to find the real killer of the elders.Yasuo spent several years of time in this piece of land on the street, looking for any possible clues to guide him to find the murderer. Similarly, he was also the former fighting ruthless, and has been forced to wander between fighting and death. His mission that drives him to move forward until he was one of his most unwilling to encounter the enemy to track when his brother, ArnieIn compliance with the doctrine of honor, two soldiers in the silence of the moonlight shining on them as rivals and mutually confront each other with daggers. When they eventually forward charge. However, Galliani and not arthorn"s opponent, only flash blade he knocked out his brother. Arthorn discarded their weapons and then toward the location of galliani.Overcome the emotional fluctuations, he is eager to know his brother why he is guilty. Jani said: "the elder was killed in the operation of Yufeng, who can you?" one one sweeps to arthorn intelligence suddenly understand and let him understand why he was accused of murder. He once again insisted that he was innocent and begged for forgiveness from his brother. When his brother fell on his shoulders, jaszo face the tears keep falling.Arthorn buried Jani in the sun rises, but he has no time to mourn him. There are other people chasing him, should not stay here. His brother gave his new tips to arthorn found a new purpose; he now has to find the murderer clues. After his oath, he picked up their belongings and took a last look at the grave of Galliani, then the wind load.
2023-06-17 15:17:374


2023-06-17 15:17:451


《The Distraction Addiction》(分心成瘾?)并不是被视为一本自我帮助的书,它是一本深刻考量科技进步如何改变意识书籍。
2023-06-17 15:17:542


2023-06-17 15:18:107


live555库本身实现了做rtsp服务器,客户端可以通过rtsp客户端访问服务器上的文件并播放,支持的文件格式如下: 本次任务实现了把live555移植到嵌入式海思芯片hi3516上做rtsp服务器,除了支持客户端播放服务器上上面格式文件外,另添加了实时播放hi3516摄像头图像与音频的功能。 live555源码目录如下: 四个基本的库分别是:BasicUsageEnvironment, groupsock, liveMedia和UsageEnvironment。 编译后即生成这4个库文件: 这里我只简单说下liveMedia库的功能,其他三个库是live555运行的基础库,太(mei)简(yan)单(jiu),就不说了。 liveMedia库包含了音视频相关的所有功能,包含音视频文件的解析,RTP传输封装等,我们可以看到这个目录下有对h264、AAC等文件解析的支持: 交叉编译过程:略 这里我主要是修改mediaServer文件夹下的示例程序,添加实时预览摄像头图像与mic声音功能。 hi3516芯片,视频编码格式为h264,音频编码格式为AAC。 1.添加音频AAC支持 添加类 ADTSAudioLiveSource ,继承自FramedSource 在该类的doGetNextFrame函数里实现获取hi3516音频数据做为rtsp服务器音频源。 注意点: 1.1 adts默认是带7字节或者9字节的头,传给rtsp的时候是要去掉头的,实际上RTSP通过rtp传输AAC帧的时候是不带adts头的,而是带4个字节的mpeg4-generic头。 1.2 从FramedSource继承而来的变量 每次doGetNextFrame帧时,从FIFO里取一个完整的AAC帧,把帧拷贝到fTo buf里面,然后比较帧大小与fMaxSize来赋值几个关键的变量: 注意,不管帧长是否大于fMaxSize,每次都需要把完整的帧拷贝到fTo指针,live555内部会根据fNumTruncatedBytes等变量自行处理分包。 1.3 doGetNextFrame函数最后不管有没有取到帧,都需要执行FramedSource::afterGetting 1.4 采样率,通道数,configstr等的计算 这几个变量在mediaSubbsession建立RTPsink时要用到,它直接影响了SDP里对于AAC音频描述字段的产生 添加类 AACAudioLiveServerMediaSubsession ,继承自ADTSAudioFileServerMediaSubsession createNewStreamSource函数创建上面的ADTSAudioLiveSource做为音频输入源,参数estBitrate为预估的码率,海思AAC编码码率设置为24kbps,所以estBitrate设置为24. createNewRTPSink有必要继承,因为需要根据音频源的采样率、通道数等创建RTPSink. 2.添加h264支持 添加 H264FramedLiveSource ,继承自FramedSource unsigned maxFrameSize()函数必须继承,里面设置帧最大可能的大小,我设置为100000,如果不继承就是默认的,会出现画面马赛克 doGetNextFrame函数里面和AAC取帧的处理差不多,我加多了一个步骤,就是第一次取帧的时候会调用接口去产生一个关键帧,并且等待这个关键帧到来才处理,这样连接后出图会比较快。 添加类 H264VideoLiveServerMediaSubsession ,继承自H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession 这个类就是实现createNewStreamSource时创建H264FramedLiveSource 3.修改DynamicRTSPServer 修改类DynamicRTSPServer,在lookupServerMediaSession函数里动点手脚,默认在这个函数里面会根据文件名去寻找服务器下相应的文件做为直播源,我这里比较如果是我特定的live源名字则直接返回,相应的live源创建rtsp服务器的时候就添加好 4.初始化rtsp server 初始化rtsp服务器,添加一个ServerMediaSession,该mediaSession添加一个AACAudioLiveServerMediaSubsession和一个H264VideoLiveServerMediaSubsession,然后把该mediaSession添加给rtsp服务器。 客户端访问 rtsp://x.x.x.x/ 时就可以看到实时的摄像头图像与声音啦!
2023-06-17 15:18:241


2023-06-17 15:18:581


21/12/1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主07/02/1940 Pinocchio 木偶历险记13/11/1940 Fantasia 幻想曲23/10/1941 Dumbo 小飞象13/08/1942 Bambi 小鹿斑比06/02/1943 Saludos Amigos 致候吾友03/02/1945 The Three Caballeros 三剑客15/08/1946 Make Mine Music 为我谱上乐章27/09/1947 Fun and Fancy Free 米奇与魔豆27/05/1948 Melody Time 旋律时光05/10/1949 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad 伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险15/02/1950 Cinderella 仙履奇缘28/07/1951 Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境05/02/1953 Peter Pan 小飞侠16/06/1955 Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓29/01/1959 Sleeping Beauty 睡美人25/01/1961 One hundred and one Dalmatians 101忠狗25/12/1963 The Sword in the Stone 石中剑18/10/1967 The Jungle Book 森林王子24/12/1970 The Aristocats 猫儿历险记08/11/1973 Robin Hood 罗宾汉11/03/1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 小熊维尼历险记22/06/1977 The Rescuers 救难小英雄10/07/1981 The Fox and the Hound 狐狸与猎狗24/07/1985 The Black Cauldron 黑锅神传奇02/07/1986 The Adventures of the Great Mouse Detective 妙妙探18/11/1988 Oliver and Company 奥丽华历险记15/11/1989 The Little Mermaid 小美人鱼23/11/1990 The Rescuers Down Under 救难小英雄澳洲历险记22/11/1991 Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽25/11/1992 Aladdin 阿拉丁24/06/1994 The Lion King 狮子王23/06/1995 Pocahontas 风中奇缘21/06/1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 钟楼怪人27/06/1997 Hercules 大力士01/06/1998 Mulan 花木兰18/06/1999 Tarzan 泰山01/01/2000 Fantasia2000 幻想曲2000??/??/2000 Disney"s The Emperor"s New Groove??/??/2000 Atlantis 当然还有《恐龙》《怪物电力公司》《海底总动员》《牧场是我家》《超人特工队》《四眼天鸡》《汽车总动员》等,未完待续中......
2023-06-17 15:19:063