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2023-06-17 22:56:11
1: 杰森(Jason):红衣战士,拥有霸王龙的威力。体魄强健,空手道黑带。恐龙战队的队长。 比利(Billy):蓝衣战士,拥有三角龙的威力。有着聪明的头脑,开发了队员们使用的通讯传送器和应急车。 扎克(Zack):黑衣战士,拥有乳齿象的威力。他性格非常活跃,是个街舞高手,散发着美国黑人青年的灵气。 曲妮(Trini):黄衣战士,拥有剑齿虎的威力,擅长中国功夫。 金伯莉(Kimberly):粉衣战士,拥有翼手龙的威力。典型的金发美女,天使丛林高中体操队的成员,后来成为了汤米的女友。 汤米(Tommy):绿衣战士,拥有龙的威力。起初被丽达女王控制,变成了邪恶的绿衣战士,在队员们的帮助下恢复了自我,加入了正义的力量。和杰森一样是空手道黑带,并且同样肌肉发达(^ ^)。转校后的第一天就和金伯莉一见钟情……变身后他的服装与其他队员唯一的区别是多了一层金色铠甲。 佐藤(Zordon):外星人,形态就是罐子里的一个脑袋(- -!)。来自外星球,宇宙正义联盟的首领。更重要的是,他有让所有宇宙恶魔恐惧的秘密…… 阿尔法(Alpha):高智能机器人,佐藤的得力助手兼朋友。“阿尔法”这个名字其实是指一个系列的高智能机器人,随着故事情节的变化,阿尔法5号、6号、7号等接连着换班。 战斗机器——恐龙佐德(Dinozords) 2:汤米·奥利弗(Tommy Oliver):多次经历和考验使汤米变得成熟,这就是佐藤选择他作为白衣战士以及新队长的理由。值得一提的是他的白虎剑既是启动白虎佐德(Tiger Zord)的钥匙,而且还能说话。变形后的白衣战士和绿衣战士一样也有一层铠甲。 洛奇·德桑托斯(Rocky DeSantos):新的红衣战士,从杰森手中接过了霸王龙的威力。和杰森相比,他显然在智慧和领导力有所欠缺,但他同样心地善良,而且战斗能力绝对毋庸置疑。 比利(Billy):蓝衣战士,依旧是恐龙战队的智多星。不过经过先前一系列的战斗,比利身上的书呆子气已经少了很多,在杰森、汤米等朋友的帮助下,他比以前更加善战,身体素质也加强了不少(瞧他的二头肌……)。 阿达姆·朴(Adam Park):新的黑衣战士,从扎克手中接过了乳齿象的威力。他从石峡谷(Stone Canyon)高中转学到了天使丛林。他的性格中明显带有东方人的内向,擅长少林功夫。 埃夏·坎贝尔(Aisha Campbell):新的黄衣战士,从曲妮手中接过了剑齿虎的威力。性格开朗,充满活力,曾和洛奇、阿达姆一起参加“天使丛林”杯忍术格斗大赛,并帮助恐龙战队从乍德手中救出婴儿。 金伯莉·哈特(Kimberly Hart):粉衣战士,拥有翼手龙的威力。典型的金发美女,天使丛林高中体操队的成员。经过战斗的洗礼,她的个性也有很多改变——她已经不像从前那么娇气了。 佐藤(Zordon):外星人,形态就是罐子里的一个脑袋(- -!)。来自外星球,宇宙正义联盟的首领。更重要的是,他有让所有宇宙恶魔恐惧的秘密…… 阿尔法(Alpha):高智能机器人,佐藤的得力助手兼朋友。“阿尔法”这个名字其实是指一个系列的高智能机器人,随着故事情节的变化,阿尔法5号、6号、7号等接连着换班。 雷神佐德(Thunderzords) 飞龙佐德(Red Dragon):驾驶员是红衣战士洛奇,由原来的霸王龙佐德变化而来。它有飞龙和人形两种形态,能独立作战。 天马佐德(Unicorn,原意为独角兽,西方也用这个词来描述中国文化中的麒麟兽):驾驶员是蓝衣战士比利,由原来的三角龙佐德变化而来。 雄师佐德(Lion):驾驶员是黑衣战士阿达姆,由原来的乳齿象佐德变化而来。 金牛佐德(Griffin,原意是指一种类似于狮鹫的传说神兽):驾驶员是黄衣战士埃夏,由原来的剑齿虎佐德变化而来。 火鸟佐德(Fire Bird):驾驶员是粉衣战士金伯莉,由原来的翼手龙佐德变化而来。 白虎佐德(White Tigerzord):驾驶员是白衣战士汤米。佐藤特别制造的新佐德,所有佐德中最强大的一架,由白虎剑启动。它有白虎和人形两种形态,能独立作战。 雷神佐德突击队形(Thunderzord Assault Team):四架雷神佐德组合成战车,然后人形的飞龙佐德站在上面,形成一种冲击模式。 大雷神超级佐德(Thunder Megazord):飞龙、天马、雄师、金牛、火鸟五架佐德组成的大机器人,外形很像日本武士,在发动致命一击时背景会出现中国山水画。 超级白虎佐德(Mega Tigerzord):白虎、天马、雄师、金牛、火鸟五架佐德组成的另一台巨型机器人。






冰雪奇缘的艾莎的英文名怎么说 Elsa 艾莎(动画片《冰雪奇缘》女主角) 迪士尼3D电影动画片《冰雪奇缘》中女主角,安娜的姐姐,阿伦黛尔王国的长公主。从外表上,艾莎看起来优雅美丽、泰然自若、端庄高贵且寡言少语,但她其实一直活在恐惧里,使劲隐藏一项天大秘密——她生下来就具有创造冰雪的力量。这种能力很美、但也极度危险。人物原型为冰雪女王。 中文名 艾莎外文名 Elsa 艾莎的英文名字怎么写 Elsa 冰雪奇缘的英文怎么写 Frozen 冰雪奇缘英文版艾莎叫Elsa,翻译过来是艾尔莎,但有的翻译是艾莎。而且国语版说的是艾莎,翻译也是艾莎 翻译的人不同当然出来的版本也会有所不同,这种情况就 直接叫Elsa ,还让人感觉更高大上。 安娜和爱莎的英语名怎么写? 安娜 Anna爱莎 Elsa 冰雪奇缘里面的艾莎和安娜英文名叫什么? Elsa 和Anna 用英文来描述冰雪奇缘中艾莎的形象越简单越好 来描述冰雪奇缘中艾莎的形象越简单越好 To describe the image of Aisha snow romance as simple as possible 来描述冰雪奇缘中艾莎的形象越简单越好 To describe the image of Aisha snow romance as simple as possible 歌词里有"艾莎艾莎"的发音的英文歌 You Don"t Miss Your Water ("Til The Well Runs Dry) 歌手:Craig David 专辑:Slicker Than Your Average As I sail with you across the finest oceans On a way to find the key to our emotions Together we will move the clouds to brighter days Some people question what I say Tried to break up you and me But I know this love between us is growing stronger You can call me whenever from wherever Just remember that I"ll be there Through all the stormy weather Us break up never No we"ll be together Forever You don"t miss your water "til the well runs dry But I believe so strongly in you and I Can somebody answer me the question why You don"t miss your water til the well runs dry As I close my eyes Sit back while reminiscing Of when we used to fuss and fight but end up kissing There may be sad and pain for time so long to wait But in my heart you"ll always be everything and more to me For I know this love between us is growing stronger You can call me whenever from wherever Just remember that I"ll be there Through all the stormy weather Us break up never No we"ll be together Forever You don"t miss your water "til the well runs dry But I believe so strongly in you and I Can somebody answer me the question why You don"t miss your water til the well runs dry For you are always on my mind You are always on my mind Girl you know that you You are always You are always on my mind You are always forever You don"t miss your water "til ......>>
2023-06-17 13:32:151


2023-06-17 13:32:421

火影忍者ed37 那首歌是AISHA唱的,谁知道她的详细资料?谢谢!

ED37 ??!!LZ你在说笑吧!
2023-06-17 13:32:493


Aisha and Anna princess is Allen Adele, two of the kingdom. Aisha born with manufacturing ice magical ability, however, as the growth of the age, her ability stronger and stronger, and even threatened to take sister lives. Aisha was self sealing, and hid the secret magic to the world. Aaron"s Adele, the king and the queen died in a shipwreck. Sad after the shipwreck, aisha has finally reached the age of the coronation, the Kings together to congratulate. Aisha trembling with fear, for fear of being see through hidden secret for many years. However, when heard that Anna is going to the south island and first met prince Hans got married, still emotion revealing clues. After this she fled to the mountains, constructed their own ice palaces, and Alan dale was in a terrible cold.Anna to save her sister and Alan dale kingdom, came to the mountains alone, with the help of the villagers Christopher finally came to her sister"s palace, she can let countries to rediscover the lost green?艾莎和安娜是阿伦黛尔王国的两位公主。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的神奇能力,然而随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。艾莎从此变得自我封闭,并向世人隐藏了拥有魔法的秘密。阿伦黛尔的国王和王后在一次海难中丧生;悲哀的海难过后,艾莎终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜将要和初次见面的南方小岛王子汉斯结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪宫殿,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。安娜为了拯救姐姐和阿伦黛尔王国,独自来到山中,在山民克里斯托夫的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,她能否让国家重新找回失落的绿意?
2023-06-17 13:33:101


2023-06-17 13:33:251


一、英文简介:It tells the story of Queen Asha, who had the magic of ice and snow since she was a child. Because of an accident, her kingdom, arendale, was covered with ice and snow forever.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地覆盖。In order to find the summer, Aisha"s sister, Princess Anna, and mountain people Christophe and his reindeer partner form a team to start an adventure to save the kingdom.为了寻回夏天,艾莎的妹妹——小公主安娜和山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,为展开一段拯救王国的历险。二、感受:The power of true love is powerful, it can wake up the cold heart, it seems that the film takes this as the central idea to create a kind of warmth in ice and snow.真爱的力量是强大的,它可以唤醒冰冷的心,似乎影片以这个为中心思想打造一种冰雪中的温暖。For the pursuit of true feelings, for the pursuit of warmth, even Xuebao is also imagining the scene of enjoying himself in summer. Such creative imagination can be found everywhere.对于真情的追求,对于温暖的追求,就连雪宝也在幻想着身处夏日里其乐融融的景象,这样富有创造性的想象力比比皆是。
2023-06-17 13:33:471


卡塔尔世界杯主题是激情世界杯,相约卡塔尔,共享足球盛宴。2022年卡塔尔世界杯主题曲是《Hayya Hayya ( Better Together)》, 美国歌手Trinidad Cardona、尼日利亚歌手Davido以及-卡塔尔艺术家Aisha一同演绎,于北京时间4月1日全网上线。该届赛事于2022年11月20日至12月18日在卡塔尔境内8座球场举行。卡塔尔世界杯介绍是历史上首次在卡塔尔和中东国家境内举行、也是第二次在亚洲举行的世界杯足球赛,卡塔尔世界杯还是首次在北半球冬季举行、首次由从未进过世界杯决赛圈的国家举办的世界杯足球赛。该届赛事有32支球队参加。2022年世界杯足球赛决赛阶段举办权在澳大利亚、日本、卡塔尔、韩国和美国之间展开争夺。按照国际足联的流程来看,首先陈述的将是5个申办2022年世界杯的国家,每个国家的时间为1小时。2010年12月1日14:00,澳大利亚率先亮相。此后登场顺序为韩国、卡塔尔、美国和日本。在两天全部申办国陈述完毕之后,国际足联召开执委会会议进行讨论,所有执委讨论过后开始投票。
2023-06-17 13:34:031


Aisha and Anna princess is Allen Adele, two of the kingdom. Aisha born with manufacturing ice magical ability, however, as the growth of the age, her ability stronger and stronger, and even threatened to take sister lives. Aisha was self sealing, and hid the secret magic to the world. Aaron"s Adele, the king and the queen died in a shipwreck. Sad after the shipwreck, aisha has finally reached the age of the coronation, the Kings together to congratulate. Aisha trembling with fear, for fear of being see through hidden secret for many years. However, when heard that Anna is going to the south island and first met prince Hans got married, still emotion revealing clues. After this she fled to the mountains, constructed their own ice palaces, and Alan dale was in a terrible cold.Anna to save her sister and Alan dale kingdom, came to the mountains alone, with the help of the villagers Christopher finally came to her sister"s palace, she can let countries to rediscover the lost green?艾莎和安娜是阿伦黛尔王国的两位公主。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的神奇能力,然而随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。艾莎从此变得自我封闭,并向世人隐藏了拥有魔法的秘密。阿伦黛尔的国王和王后在一次海难中丧生;悲哀的海难过后,艾莎终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜将要和初次见面的南方小岛王子汉斯结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪宫殿,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。安娜为了拯救姐姐和阿伦黛尔王国,独自来到山中,在山民克里斯托夫的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,她能否让国家重新找回失落的绿意?
2023-06-17 13:35:111

《恐龙战队》里那个汤米 是谁扮演的?

2023-06-17 13:35:332


2022卡塔尔世界杯主题曲《Hayya Hayya》。是由新晋说唱音乐人Trinidad Cardona联手尼日利亚裔美国唱作人Davido以及卡塔尔歌手Aisha带来的。
2023-06-17 13:35:401

求“この声枯らしてfeat. 澈弘 爱莎”,“カスケード / UNLIMITS ” 火影489前后的片尾曲

「この声枯らしてfeat. CHEHON」是火影忍者第489集开始的片尾曲,由AISHA(アイシャ)演唱,歌手AISHA(アイシャ)出生自横浜,父亲是美国的音乐黑人,但母亲却是日本人。虽然是歌唱新人但却和权威Rapper之间的共同合作方面有着丰富的经验,并且极其喜欢HIPHOP,具有非凡的歌唱才能。 AISHA(アイシャ)演唱的《この声枯らしてfeat. CHEHON》这位歌手擅长HIPHOP,想必这首新ED会是HIPHOP风格的,一起期待吧~~AISHAが7月クールエンディングテーマ曲を担当!详细内容『この声枯らしてfeat. CHEHON』歌:AISHA(アイシャ)AISHA(アイシャ)プロフィール横浜出身のシンガー。ミュージシャンでアメリカ黒人の父と日本人の母の间に生まれる。新人ながら重镇ラッパーとのコラボレーション経験も豊富で、HIPHOPレジェンドに爱される类まれな才能を持つ。「カスケード」是火影忍者第477集开始的片尾曲,由UNLIMITS(アンリミッツ)演唱,作词:郡岛阳子,作曲:清水叶子,编曲:UNLIMITS,正式版将于2012年5月16日发售,敬请期待!专辑曲目:1. カスケード2. カナリアの梦3. リグレット演唱者介绍:UNLIMITS组建于2002年,经历了数次的成员更换,最终在2006年组成了现在的4人阵容:清水叶子(主唱/吉他)、郡岛阳子(鼓手/主唱)、石岛直和(贝斯)、大月义隆(吉他)。05年发行首张迷你专辑《七色の记忆》,清水、郡岛两为女性主唱完美的配合外加对歌词的重视,以伤感的抒情风征服了无数歌迷,2008年更是担任加拿大朋克天团Sum41日本巡演的嘉宾,并成为备受瞩目的焦点。10年8月4日,凭借迷你专辑《苍-アオイ-》签约日本索尼唱片。之后将精力转向演出活动,在现场演出乐队中有稳定地位。11年7月,全新单曲《ハルカカナタ》被热门动画片《死神》(BLEACH)收录作为片尾曲。你要的资源已通过邮件发送,请查收收件箱或垃圾箱,真诚回答,您要是觉得好请尽快采纳,要是不好请留言,我来改哦!您的采纳是我努力回答最好的支持!O(∩_∩)O谢谢! jing_est 为你发送
2023-06-17 13:36:001


2022年卡塔尔世界杯的主题曲是美国歌手Trinidad Cardona、尼日利亚歌手Davido和卡塔尔艺术家Aisha共同演绎的《Hayya Hayya》
2023-06-17 13:36:071


Aisha and Anna princess is Allen Adele, two of the kingdom. Aisha born with manufacturing ice magical ability, however, as the growth of the age, her ability stronger and stronger, and even threatened to take sister lives. Aisha was self sealing, and hid the secret magic to the world. Aaron"s Adele, the king and the queen died in a shipwreck. Sad after the shipwreck, aisha has finally reached the age of the coronation, the Kings together to congratulate. Aisha trembling with fear, for fear of being see through hidden secret for many years. However, when heard that Anna is going to the south island and first met prince Hans got married, still emotion revealing clues. After this she fled to the mountains, constructed their own ice palaces, and Alan dale was in a terrible cold.Anna to save her sister and Alan dale kingdom, came to the mountains alone, with the help of the villagers Christopher finally came to her sister"s palace, she can let countries to rediscover the lost green?艾莎和安娜是阿伦黛尔王国的两位公主。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的神奇能力,然而随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。艾莎从此变得自我封闭,并向世人隐藏了拥有魔法的秘密。阿伦黛尔的国王和王后在一次海难中丧生;悲哀的海难过后,艾莎终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜将要和初次见面的南方小岛王子汉斯结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪宫殿,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。安娜为了拯救姐姐和阿伦黛尔王国,独自来到山中,在山民克里斯托夫的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,她能否让国家重新找回失落的绿意?
2023-06-17 13:36:271


写作思路:首先描述自己观后感作为开头,描述从这个电影中明白了什么道理,之后描述主人公是一个怎么样的人,在故事中发生了什么,正文:During the winter vacation, the English teacher introduced this Frozen movie. After watching it, I understood a profound truth, which also benefited me deeply: only true love can solve everything! Only with true love can a happy life begin. If there is no love in your heart, your life will be very boring!放寒假英语老师介绍了这部也冰雪奇缘电影,观看了之后,我明白了一个深刻的道理,而这个道理也让我受益很深:只有真爱才能化解一切!也只有心存真爱,幸福的生活才能够由此开始,如果心中不存有爱,那么你的一生也就十分乏味!There lived a pair of sisters in a beautiful castle. The elder sister"s name was Aisha and the younger sister"s name was Anna. One night, they made a snowman in the hall. Aisha used magic to make snow. They made a snowman with snow, whose name was Xuebao. Aisha accidentally froze her sister"s head, and the king and queen took Anna to see a doctor. Since then, Aisha has stopped using magic and kept wearing gloves.在一个美丽的城堡里住着一对姐妹,姐姐叫艾莎,妹妹叫安娜,一天晚上,她们在大厅里堆雪人,艾莎用魔法变出了雪,她们用雪堆了个雪人,名字叫雪宝。艾莎不小心冰冻了妹妹的头,国王和皇后带安娜去看病,从那以后艾莎就不用魔法了,一直带着手套。Ten years later, Aisha became queen, Anna wanted to marry a prince, but the queen didn"t agree, so Anna turned the queen"s hand away. With a wave of her hand, the queen turned the world into eternal winter, and the queen became an ice castle in Beishan, so the princess went to find the queen. A year later, Princess Anna met another person, and they were going to find the Queen together.十年以后,艾莎当上了女王,安娜要嫁给一个王子,女王不同意,安娜就把女王的手逃转了下来,女王把手一挥就把世界变成了永恒的冬天,女王又在北山变了个冰城堡,公主就去找女王了。又过了一年,安娜公主又认识了一个人,她们要一起去找女王。They finally found the queen, and the queen froze the princess"s heart, and the queen became a heavy snow man. The queen threw them into the big snowdrift at the foot of the mountain. Finally, the queen was put in prison, and the queen escaped again. The prince wanted to kill the queen. Then the princess came running and was frozen when she ran to the queen, but she was finally unfrozen by her sister"s love.她们终于找到了女王,女王又冰住了公主的心,女王又变了个大雪人。女王把她们扔到了山下的大雪堆里,最后女王被关进了监狱,女王又逃了出来,王子要杀了女王,这时公主跑了过来,跑到女王面前时被冻住了,但最后又被姐姐的爱给解冻了。Since then, they have lived a happy and beautiful life. It turns out that a loving heart can dissolve everything.从此她们过着幸福美好的生活,原来一个充满爱的心可以化解一切。
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2023-06-17 13:38:281


卡塔尔世界杯的主题曲是《Hayya Hayya》。歌曲《Hayya Hayya》发布于2022年4月。“Hayya Hayya”的英语释义是“Better together(一起更美好)”。实际上,这首歌的主旨,与2010年广州亚运会志愿者主题歌曲《一起来更精彩》有异曲同工之妙。这首歌融合了中东、非洲、美洲很多音乐元素,体现了音乐以及足球团结世界的力量。这首歌由美国说唱音乐人Cardona、尼日利亚裔美国唱作人Davido、卡塔尔歌手Aisha联合献唱,而歌曲的MV中,出现了齐达内、卡福、卡瓦尼、C罗以及其他足坛巨星的画面。主题曲将一起为本届世界杯奠定氛围基调,日后成为人们关于本届世界杯回忆的重要组成部分。《Hayya Hayya》的中文歌词加把劲,时不我待,请大步向前步履不停,每条街都留下我足迹与脚下世界亲密接触,自球场凯旋随节拍律动,衔接自如,哪家迪斯科舞厅都有我身影一周轰趴不停,恨不得嗨上八天此刻我、此刻我、此刻我向你担保雨过总会天晴,船到桥头自然直无论遭遇何种挫折,崭新明天绝不会迟到此刻我、此刻我、此刻我向你担保你我将并肩携手,坚持到最后无论遭遇何种挫折,崭新明天绝不会迟到你明白我们最好别分开不愿守在球场边缘苦苦等待你明白我们最好别分开机不可失,时不再来你明白我们最好别分开不愿守在球场边缘苦苦等待你明白我们最好别分开
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2023-06-17 13:38:561


世界杯歌曲哎呀哎呀是什么歌?是卡塔尔世界杯官方主题歌 《啊呀,啊呀》
2023-06-17 13:39:042


一、英文简介:It tells the story of Queen Asha, who had the magic of ice and snow since she was a child. Because of an accident, her kingdom, arendale, was covered with ice and snow forever.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地覆盖。In order to find the summer, Aisha"s sister, Princess Anna, and mountain people Christophe and his reindeer partner form a team to start an adventure to save the kingdom.为了寻回夏天,艾莎的妹妹——小公主安娜和山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,为展开一段拯救王国的历险。二、感受:The power of true love is powerful, it can wake up the cold heart, it seems that the film takes this as the central idea to create a kind of warmth in ice and snow.真爱的力量是强大的,它可以唤醒冰冷的心,似乎影片以这个为中心思想打造一种冰雪中的温暖。For the pursuit of true feelings, for the pursuit of warmth, even Xuebao is also imagining the scene of enjoying himself in summer. Such creative imagination can be found everywhere.对于真情的追求,对于温暖的追求,就连雪宝也在幻想着身处夏日里其乐融融的景象,这样富有创造性的想象力比比皆是。
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2023-06-17 13:39:291

Isn T She Lovely 歌词

歌曲名:Isn T She Lovely歌手:Paulo Ricardo专辑:Paulo Ricardo Ao Vivo"Isn"t She Lovely" is a song by Stevie Wonder,from his 1976 album Songs In The Key Of Life.In it he celebrates the birth of his daughter Aisha.Title: Isn"t She LovelyArtist: Stevie WonderAlbum: Songs in the Key of LifeIsn"t she lovelyIsn"t she wonderfullIsn"t she preciousLess than one minute oldI never thought through love we"d beMaking one as lovely as sheBut isn"t she lovely made from loveIsn"t she prettyTruly the angel"s bestBoy, I"m so happyWe have been heaven blessedI can"t believe what God has donethrough us he"s given life to oneBut isn"t she lovely made from loveIsn"t she lovelyLife and love are the sameLife is AishaThe meaning of her nameLondie, it could have not been doneWithout you who conceived the oneThat"s so very lovely made from love^_^ 仔细听,好温馨的声音Aisha好可爱Come on, girlYou are the world, babyCome on!^_^ 小孩子耍脾气了,no,no,no....︶ㄣApple制作QQqun7979278
2023-06-17 13:39:491


2023-06-17 13:40:061

卡塔尔世界杯主题曲tukoh taka

卡塔尔世界杯主题曲为tukoh taka,歌词如下:Hayya hayya hayyaYeahHayya hayya haYou know what it isHayya hayya hayyaHayya hayya haRedOneHayya hayya hayyaAISHAHayya hayya haDavidoHayya hayya hayyaTrinidadHayya hayya haYo voy a donde quedo sin descansaA mi nadie me dice cuando paraY que se ser que no lo voy a dejar yeah yeahQue pase lo que pase vamos pelearI promise I promise I promise you nowEverything everything gonna work outEvery tomorrow no matter what goes downI promise I promise I promise you nowGonna be gonna be sticking aroundEvery tomorrow no matter what goes downOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreHayya hayya hayyaHayya hayya haYo quiero ser camino por donde voy ehQue mundo a mi me quede como yo soy yeahEn cada discoteca escuche mi voz yeah yeahY que la fista sige cuando no estoy oh ohI promise I promise I promise you nowEverything everything gonna work outEvery tomorrow no matter what goes downI promise I promise I promise you nowGonna be gonna be sticking aroundEvery tomorrow no matter what goes downOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreEn una ola de genteLa que debemos llegarTodo sera diferenteSi a la amor dejar central yeahOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue todo mundo pueda verOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreOh-yo-yo-yo hoQue nunca vamos a perderOh-yo-yo-yo hoJuntos estamos siempreHayya hayya hayyaHayya hayya haHayya hayya hayyaHayya hayya ha
2023-06-17 13:40:151


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2023-06-17 13:41:291

世界杯主题曲2022 世界杯主题曲卡塔尔 世界杯主题曲Hayya Hayya

u2003u20032022卡塔尔世界杯即将到来,卡塔尔世界杯官方主题歌 《啊呀,啊呀》(我们一起会更好)(Hayya Hayya),由美国歌手Trinidad Cardona、尼日利亚歌手Davido和卡塔尔本国艺术家Aisha共同演绎,体现了音乐以及足球团结世界的力量。 u2003u2003“Hayya”读作“哈亚”,也有“快点、加油”的意思,该词含“发动鼓舞”的语气,近似于英语中的“Let"s go!”。 u2003u2003“Hayya”一词为阿拉伯语词汇。本届世界杯是继2002年之后第二次在亚洲举办的世界杯,也是首次在中东国家举办的世界杯。 u2003u2003这首主题曲与2010年南非世界杯的《WakaWaka》有共通之处。在歌名上,斯瓦西里语“Waka”意为“热烈地燃烧”。两首曲名均取自举办国母语,发音简洁响亮且重复两遍,容易给其他国家和地区的观众留下深刻的印象;在内容上,强烈的节奏增加了运动感,热情和快乐呼之欲出;在MV画面上,都展现了当地特色风土人情。《WakaWaka》的画面中,鲜艳的人物衣着和非洲原始部落风的舞蹈是整个MV浓墨重彩的一笔;《Hayya Hayya》的画面闪烁着的辽远的沙漠和华丽的长袍金饰。 u2003u20032022卡塔尔世界杯即将到来,卡塔尔世界杯官方主题歌 《啊呀,啊呀》(我们一起会更好)(Hayya Hayya),由美国歌手Trinidad Cardona、尼日利亚歌手Davido和卡塔尔本国艺术家Aisha共同演绎,体现了音乐以及足球团结世界的力量。 u2003u2003“Hayya”读作“哈亚”,也有“快点、加油”的意思,该词含“发动鼓舞”的语气,近似于英语中的“Let"s go!”。 u2003u2003“Hayya”一词为阿拉伯语词汇。本届世界杯是继2002年之后第二次在亚洲举办的世界杯,也是首次在中东国家举办的世界杯。 u2003u2003这首主题曲与2010年南非世界杯的《WakaWaka》有共通之处。在歌名上,斯瓦西里语“Waka”意为“热烈地燃烧”。两首曲名均取自举办国母语,发音简洁响亮且重复两遍,容易给其他国家和地区的观众留下深刻的印象;在内容上,强烈的节奏增加了运动感,热情和快乐呼之欲出;在MV画面上,都展现了当地特色风土人情。《WakaWaka》的画面中,鲜艳的人物衣着和非洲原始部落风的舞蹈是整个MV浓墨重彩的一笔;《Hayya Hayya》的画面闪烁着的辽远的沙漠和华丽的长袍金饰。 u2003u2003《Hayya Hayya》歌词及翻译 u2003u2003I wanna walk the walk on every street u2003u2003我想要走路 我想要走遍大街小巷 u2003u2003I wanna ball out with world at my feet u2003u2003我想要进球 我想要用球技赢下世界 u2003u2003Hit every discotheque and not skip a beat u2003u2003让音乐感染每个舞厅 不落下每一个节奏 u2003u2003I wanna party party eight days a week u2003u2003我想要痛快 我想要狂欢一周八天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Everything everything gonna work out u2003u2003任何事情都会有个了结 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003无论前路如何坎坷 明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Gonna be gonna be sticking around u2003u2003无论未来如何渺茫 我都与你并肩作战 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Life can be open and but what can you do eh u2003u2003人生可以顺水行舟 而你把握着船帆 u2003u2003We navigate through all the rough and the smooth yeah u2003u2003我们航行着穿越艰难险阻和平坦大道 u2003u2003We got that rock "n" roll that rhythm and blues yeah yeah u2003u2003让我们伴随着节奏和蓝调音乐摇滚起来 u2003u2003I"m never blue if I am rubbing with you u2003u2003如果你永远在我的身旁我将永远不会悲伤 u2003u2003Promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Everything everything gonna work out u2003u2003任何事情都会有个了结 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003无论前路如何坎坷 明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Gonna be gonna be sticking around u2003u2003无论未来如何渺茫 我都与你并肩作战 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yeah you can hop on your own wave u2003u2003你可以驾驭惊涛骇浪 u2003u2003Yeah you can ride it for life u2003u2003你可以为此穷尽一生 u2003u2003But every journey is better u2003u2003但当爱伴你左右 u2003u2003When you got love on your side u2003u2003每段旅程都因此更加精彩纷呈 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or neve u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003I wanna walk the walk on every street u2003u2003我想要走路 我想要走遍大街小巷 u2003u2003I wanna ball out with world at my feet u2003u2003我想要进球 我想要用球技赢下世界 u2003u2003Hit every discotheque and not skip a beat u2003u2003让音乐感染每个舞厅 不落下每一个节奏 u2003u2003I wanna party party eight days a week u2003u2003我想要痛快 我想要狂欢一周八天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Everything everything gonna work out u2003u2003任何事情都会有个了结 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003无论前路如何坎坷 明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Gonna be gonna be sticking around u2003u2003无论未来如何渺茫 我都与你并肩作战 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Life can be open and but what can you do eh u2003u2003人生可以顺水行舟 而你把握着船帆 u2003u2003We navigate through all the rough and the smooth yeah u2003u2003我们航行着穿越艰难险阻和平坦大道 u2003u2003We got that rock "n" roll that rhythm and blues yeah yeah u2003u2003让我们伴随着节奏和蓝调音乐摇滚起来 u2003u2003I"m never blue if I am rubbing with you u2003u2003如果你永远在我的身旁我将永远不会悲伤 u2003u2003Promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Everything everything gonna work out u2003u2003任何事情都会有个了结 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003无论前路如何坎坷 明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003I promise I promise I promise you now u2003u2003我保证 我保证 我向你保证 u2003u2003Gonna be gonna be sticking around u2003u2003无论未来如何渺茫 我都与你并肩作战 u2003u2003Every tomorrow no matter what goes down u2003u2003明天又是新的一天 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yeah you can hop on your own wave u2003u2003你可以驾驭惊涛骇浪 u2003u2003Yeah you can ride it for life u2003u2003你可以为此穷尽一生 u2003u2003But every journey is better u2003u2003但当爱伴你左右 u2003u2003When you got love on your side u2003u2003每段旅程都因此更加精彩纷呈 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or never u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003你知道我们能风雨同舟 同心齐力 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003Don"t wanna wait forever u2003u2003不想永远驻足等待 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003You know we"re better together u2003u2003我们能众志成城 就能再接再厉 u2003u2003Yo yo yo yo ho u2003u2003The time is now or neve u2003u2003机不可失 时不再来
2023-06-17 13:41:401


2023-06-17 13:42:101


2023-06-17 13:42:246


2023-06-17 13:37:537


2023-06-17 13:38:032

朵梵多效舒缓精华液适合油皮吗? 朵梵多效舒缓精华液如何?

2023-06-17 13:38:092


With the rapid development of the Internet, various types of crimes have also emerged in large numbers. Among them, cybercrime is a particularly serious and tricky problem.Due to the anonymity and convenience provided by the Internet, criminals can easily commit crimes without being noticed. For example, cyberfraudsters often send phishing emails or make fake websites to steal users" personal information and money, while hackers can steal sensitive information by exploiting vulnerabilities in security systems.Moreover, the scope of cybercrime is not limited to personal privacy and financial losses. In recent years, cybercrime has also been used as a tool for organized crime and terrorist activities. For example, some terrorist organizations use the Internet to spread extremist propaganda and recruit new members.To prevent and combat cybercrime, individuals and governments need to take a series of measures. At the individual level, people should improve their network security awareness, keep their computers and mobile devices updated with the latest security software, and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious sources. At the government level, policies and regulations should be established to improve national cybersecurity, and law enforcement agencies should strengthen cooperation and exchange information with international counterparts.In conclusion, cybercrime is a serious issue that requires attention and action from all parties. Only by working together and taking effective measures can we effectively combat this problem and ensure the safety and security of our digital world.
2023-06-17 13:38:111


这个的话,用英语就是这样的,写这个的话也是英文好呀的意思 英文cheerio
2023-06-17 13:38:116

[翻译] 棒球中的“再见安打” 是什么意思呢?

2023-06-17 13:38:242


2023-06-17 13:38:352

他的信用卡被人盗用了 英文怎么说

His credit card has been stolen.
2023-06-17 13:38:436

请问在英语中“加油”怎么说?不会就是COME ON吧?

cheer up 还有<cheerio> <cheerioh> <fueling> <to fill the tank> <put on steam> <play up> <oil> <oil the works> <gas> <fuel charging> <oiling> <cheer> <regassing> <yo> <cheero>
2023-06-17 13:38:4312

Civilization 歌词

歌曲名:Civilization歌手:Art Bears专辑:Late Night Tales: Nouvelle Vague (Remastered)Each morning a missionary advertise with neon signHe tells the native population that civilization is fineAnd three educated savages holler from a bongo treeThat civilization is a thing for me to seeSo bongo, bongo, bongo I don"t want to leave the congoOh no no no no noBingle, bangle, bungle I"m so happy in the jungle I refuse to goDon"t want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlordsI make it clearThat no matter how they coax himI"ll stay right hereI looked through a magazine the missionary"s wife concealed(Magazine? What happens?)I see how people who are civilized bang you with automobiles(You know you can get hurt that way Daniel)At the movies they have to pay many coconuts to see(What do they see Danny?)Uncivilized pictures that the newsreels take of meSo bongo, bongo, bong he don"t want to leave the congoOh no no no no noBingle, bangle, bungle he"s so happy in the jungle he refuse to goDon"t want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxisNoise in my earSo no matter how they coax himI"ll stay right hereThey hurry like savages to get aboard an iron trainAnd though it"s smoky and crowded they"re too civilized to complainWhen they"ve got two weeks vacation they hurry to vacation grounds(What do they do Danny)They swin and they fish but that"s what I do all year roundSo bongo, bongo, bongo I don"t want to leave the congoOh no no no no noBingle, bangle, bungle I"m so happy in the jungle I refuse to goDon"t want no jailhouse, shotguns, fish hooks, golf clubsI"ve got my spearSo no matter how they coax himI"ll stay right hereThey have things like the atom bombSo I think I"ll stay where I "om"Civilization, I"ll stay right here
2023-06-17 13:38:441


2023-06-17 13:37:451


可以用 哇嘎 下载,还有电驴
2023-06-17 13:37:422

英语needs but the eyes to see怎么翻译?

needs but the eyes to see只需要用眼睛看
2023-06-17 13:37:353


FTP下载站种类太多了,不知道你想要那些?给你两个FTP资源搜索引擎,自己搜搜试试看再给你国内著名高校的FTP地址,能不能用不敢保证 北大天网 * 清华大学 * 北京大学 北京邮电大学 * 华中理工大学 * 四川电子科技大 * 暨南大学 * 大连理工大学 * 上海交通大学 * 同济大学 * 南京大学 * 南京邮电学院 * 南京理工大学 * 浙江大学 * 中国科学技术大学 * 厦门大学 * 山东大学 * 哈尔滨工业大学 * 哈尔滨建筑大学 * 武汉测绘科技大学 * 武汉水利电力大学 * 中南财经大学 * 中南工业大学 * 长沙铁道学院 * 国防科学技术大学 * 华南理工大学 * 深圳大学 * 中山大学 * 西安交通大学 * 香港中文大学
2023-06-17 13:37:351


Online fraud rejected
2023-06-17 13:37:353


那是一个组合The Nexus,分别是领袖Wade Barrett(瓦德巴内特)以及Darren Young(达伦杨)、David Otunga(大卫奥滕加)、Heath Slater(赫斯斯莱特尔)、Justin Gabriel(贾斯汀加百利)、Michael Tarver(迈克尔塔沃尔)、Skip Sheffield(斯科普舍菲尔德)~
2023-06-17 13:37:253


表示时间的介词称为时间介词。表示时间的介词有:at, on, in, before, after等。一、at, on和in① at 表示:(在(某时刻、时间、阶段),在……岁时)My cousin joined the army at fifteen.我表哥十五岁参的军。② on 表示:在(某日),在周末,在……节日He was born on the 15th of August in 1769.他出生于1769年8月15日。③ in 表示:在……事后,在……期间,在……年/月She went to America in 2000.她2000年去了美国。at, on 和in 作时间介词的比较:① at 表示具体时间点。② on 后可以跟表日期、星期、节日的词,还可以指具体某一天的早、中、晚。③ in 泛指一天的早、中、晚,还可以表示一段时间,如:周、年、月、季节等。二、before和after① before 表示:在……之前 before eight o" clock 八点之前Spring comes before summer.夏天之前是春天。② after 表示:表示……之后 after lunch 午饭之后Come to my office after school.放学后请来我办公室。表示做某事的方法、手段的介词有by, with, in, at, on。 一、byby表示:用,以,靠,通过……方式。by表示手段时后接动作或制作方式。“by + 交通工具”表示交通方式。by bike 骑车 by bus 坐公车 by taxi 搭出租by train 坐火车 by ship 乘船 by air 坐飞机Linda usually goes to work by subway.琳达通常做地铁上班。She makes a living by teaching.她考教书谋生。二、withwith 表示:用,以。with表示手段时,后接工具、材料或具体内容。write with a pen 用钢笔写eat with knife and fork 用刀叉吃see with one"s eyes 用眼睛看I killed the fly with a swatter.我用苍蝇拍打死那只苍蝇。She cut the cake with a knife.她用刀切开了蛋糕。三、inin 表示:用,以。in表示用某种方式,如:颜色、笔墨、语言、声音、服饰等。speak in English 用英语说talk in a high voice 高声说话I wrote a letter in ink.我用钢笔写了一封信。Try to express yourself in English.试着用英语表达一下。表示空间的介词有:at, in, on, over, above, under, below 等表示静态位置的介词和from, to, up, down, through, across 等表示动态方向的介词。 一、at, on 和 in① at 表示:(地点、位置)在……② on 表示:(位置)在……上面③ in 表示:(地点、位置或空间)在……里,在……中,在……上Her fans have arrived at the airport.她的影迷已经到达了机场。Look at the picture at the top of the page.请看以下这一项上面的图片。Is my pen on the desk or in the desk?我的钢笔是在桌子上还是在抽屉里呢?Some kids are playing in the yard and others are playing in the room.有些孩子在院子里玩,其他则在房间里玩。at,on 和 in 作空间介词的比较① at用于表示一个较小的场合,这个地点被当作一个点来看待。② on 表示在某一平面或线上,强调与某物体有接触。③ in 表示在较大的地方,在某立体空间或平面范围之内。二、about 和 around① over 二者都表示:在……周围/各处,围绕。但② above about强调无方向。We walked about in the town.我们在城里到处游逛。Dudu is running around the fence.嘟嘟在绕着篱笆跑。Let"s plant trees around the house.让我们在房子周围栽上树。三、over 和 above① under 表示:在……正上方,越过② above 表示:在……上方I saw a wood bridge over the river.我看见河上有座木桥。Look! Some birds are flying above the clouds.看!一些鸟儿在云朵上飞翔。over和above作空间介词的比较① over强调在某人或某物的正上方,而且两物体表面没有接触。② above 强调位置上某物体的上方,并不一定是正上方,而且两物体表面也没有接触。四、under 和 below① under 表示:在……的正下方② below 表示:在……下方Please read the words below the picture.请读图片下面的文字。Look! A big mouse hides under the armchair.看!一只大老鼠躲在扶手椅下面。under 和 below 作空间介词的比较① under 强调在某物的下方,完全覆盖两物体表面可以接触也可以不接触。② below 强调位置低于某参照物,但并不一定是正下方。五、between 和 among① between 表示:(位置、时间、数量等)在……之间(两者之间)② among 表示:在……中间(三者或三者以上之间)I often fly between Beijing and Shanghai.我经常在北京和上海之间飞来飞去。Come here between eight and nine o" clock.请把点到九点之间过来。Susan is among the crowd.苏珊是人群当中。六、into 和 out of① into 表示:进来② out of 表示:出去Get out of the room.从房间里出去!Bob walked into the room.鲍勃走进房间。He is working in the office.她在办公室里工作。七、behind 和 in front of① behind 表示:在……后面② in front of 表示:在……前面There is a fountain in the front of the park.公园的前面有一个喷泉。Susan sits in front of me and Dudu sits behind me.苏珊坐在我前面,嘟嘟坐在我后面。八、up 和 down① up 表示:往上,向……顶上② down 表示:往下,沿着……往下The monkey is climbing up the tree.猴子正在往树上爬。Tears ran down her face.眼泪从她的脸上流了下来。九、across 和 through① across 表示:穿过,跨过② through表示:穿过,通过There is a bridge across the river there.那儿有座桥横跨在河上。A train is running through the tunnel.一列火车正从隧道中穿过。十、by 和 near① by 表示:在……旁边② near 表示:在……附近Come over here and stand by me.过来站在我旁边吧。We are planning to camp by the lake.我们打算到湖边露营。There are some big apple trees near the house.房子附近有一些大苹果树。The new hospital is near our school.新医院里我们学校不远。十一、其他空间介词① along 表示:沿着,顺着② to 表示:到……,去……,向……Let"s walk along the street.让我们沿着街散散步。We drove along the freeway.我们驱车沿着高数公路行驶。The child pointed to the polar star.那孩子指着北极星。I"m going to the bakery.我想要去那家糕饼店。*第一个to表示“指”的方向、目标。第二个to表示到达的目的地。 除了按上面介绍表示时间关系、空间关系、方式、手段等的介词外,还有一些重要的介词:一、of 的用法① of 表示:……的(表示所属、所有关系)a cover of this book这本书的封皮a friend of my parents我父母的一个朋友② of 表示:……之中的(表示部分)some boys of the team小组里的几个男生the end of the story故事的结尾Two students of our class joined in the match.我们班里的两个同学参加了这场比赛。All of us approved his plan.我们全都赞成他的计划。③ of 表示:……份/量的,……的种类的(表示量、种类)a drop of water一滴水a pair of shoes一双鞋I want two cups of coffee.我要两杯咖啡。二、with 的用法① with 表示:具有,有……的,随身带着It is a dog with black spots.它是一只长着黑色斑点的狗。Take an umbrella with you.带把雨伞吧!② with表示:和……一起,同……一起,偕同I went to Disneyland with my mother.我和妈妈一起去了迪斯尼乐园。Jane likes to play with Mimi.简喜欢和咪咪玩耍。③ with 表示:随着……The wine improves with age.这种酒越陈越香。I get up with the sun every day.我每天日出就起床。三、for 的用法① for 表示:为了……(表示目的、用途、利益)Give me a knife for cutting bread.给我一把切面包的刀子。I"ve found it for you.我已经为你找到了它。What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么吗?② for 表示:一段距离或时间He has run for a mile.他跑了一英里。I"ve studied in Beijing for three years.我在北京学习三年了。Please bake the cake for 40 minutes.请将蛋糕烤四十分钟。③ for 表示:因为,由于(表示原因)Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。Andy jumped for joy at the good news.安迪听到这个消息高兴的跳了起来。We could hardly see for the mist.由于大雾,我们几乎看不见了。四、like 的用法① like表示:像……(一样),似……(一样)They are like brothers and sisters.他们情同手足。② like 表示:是什么样子,怎样Andy looks just like his father.安迪和他爸爸像极了。五、from 的用法① from 表示:(时间或场所)从……,自……We work from Monday to Friday.我们周一到周五上班。Charlie will fly from New York to London.查理要从纽约飞往伦敦。The cat jumped down from the top of the wall.猫从墙头跳了下来。② from 表示(两地的距离)离The nearest hospital is 10 miles from my house.最近的医院离我家十英里远。We live about 5 kilometers from Boston.我们住在离波士顿约五公里的地方。③ from 表示:出自……,来自……Did you have a (phone) call from him?你接到他的电话了吗?Where are you from?你来自哪里?Susan got a letter from her aunt.苏珊收到一封她姨妈的来信。六、at, about, to 和 in 的其他用法① at 表示:对着……, 朝着……,向……(表示方向,目标)He threw a bone at the dog.他用一块骨头砸狗。Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。Jack shot at the deer but missed.杰克朝鹿开了一枪,但是没有打中。② about 表示:关于……,涉及……He told me a story about ghosts.他给我讲了一个鬼故事。Don"t worry about me.不要担心我。They are talking about English learning.他们在谈论英语学习。③ to 表示:对于,给,向(表示对象)Jane is always very kind to others.简总是对别人很友善。Please send some food to them.请给他们送些食品去。Have you told all the news to John?你把全部的消息都告诉约翰了吗?④ in 表示:穿着,戴着Who is the man in black?那穿黑色衣服的人是谁?Tom is in a purple hat.汤姆戴着紫色帽子。The girl in uniform is Mary.穿校服的那个女孩是玛丽。
2023-06-17 13:37:251

while securities fraud has long been an offense

句子不全,nder是under吗?还是其他单词while securities fraud has long been an offense under the other securities而证券欺诈行为早已在其他证券公司被认定为犯罪
2023-06-17 13:37:221


2023-06-17 13:37:171


欢迎其他公司译文:Welcome +公司名
2023-06-17 13:37:163