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2023-06-17 18:34:02

Sin Cara(辛卡拉)性别:男 身高:170cm 体重:79kg 绰号:神之子 本名:Ignacio Almanza 出生日期:1982年12月23日 首次登台:1998年4月30日 现状:墨西哥摔角巨星,正式加盟WWE曾用名:Dr. Karonte Jr、Astro Boy、Komachi、Místico、Sin Cara 加入WWE时间:2011年 出生地:墨西哥城联邦区,墨西哥 现居地:墨西哥城,墨西哥 教练:Tony Salazar, Dr. Karonte, Fray Tormenta 终结技:La Mística (龙卷风式手肘固定)

Arm drag (托臂摔) 常用招式:El Péndulo (虎佯攻踢)

Hurricanrana (上绳旋转剪刀腿)

Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb (腿部套圈翻转日落炸弹摔)

Springboard moonsault (跳板式月面瀑布坠击)

Superkick (超级踢击)夺得冠军次数:4次CMLL世界双打冠军、1次CMLL世界次中量级冠军、1次墨西哥全国轻重量级冠军、1次NWA世界次中量级冠军、1次FMLL世界冠军、1次IWRG洲际超级次中量级冠军、1次IWGP少年组重量级冠军~PWI 2006年500位最佳摔角选手排行第五名

PWI 2007年500位最佳摔角选手排行第三名 简介:Ignacio Almanza(生于1982年12月22日)是一名墨西哥当地格斗手,又可称为职业面具摔角手,目前已以Sin Cara(西班牙语中为无面人的意思)为名与WWE签了约。他以Mistico闻名于众,曾于lucha libre的Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre(CMLL)摔角联盟里打拼。他在2006年CMLL的一场主赛上一战成名。Místico在西班牙语里是“神秘人”的意思,这个带有些宗教色彩的角色是由Fray Tormenta一手策划的。作为同在赛场和银幕的双方活跃的大反派角色Doktor·karonte的次子出生,自幼便被教授了摔角的基础。当初在1998年的初次出道,是继承生父的名字以“Doktor·karonte·Jr”出场的,而在2000年又继承了亡兄的艺名“Astro Boy”,与亲弟弟Astro Boy 2组合活跃于赛场。2003年后也曾受到日本方面的招聘,在陆奥职业摔角(みちのくプロレス)以hayate & komachi的komachi(他是第二代,第一代是现在的Volador·Jr)的名字活跃。最后直到2004年以现在的艺名“mistico”再次出道,一直活跃到现在。“mistico” 这个名字的诞生,是在剧本上的设定一个被营运孤儿院的神父摔角手Fray·Tormenta所抚养的孤儿(以后都以这个设定为基准)。随着慢慢长大,这个孤儿对国民的英雄El Santo的憧憬使他产生了成为摔角手的志愿。于是对Fray提出想拜师于他的想法,却被Fray叱责应该先致力于学业,恳求了很久之后,最终以同时兼顾学习和摔角训练这样的条件开始了训练。1998年,为了挣取孤儿院的营运资金而在赛场上初次登场。2008年北京奥运会时期,曾经作为墨西哥电视台的报道员来访过北京。



fray[frei]n.冲突, 打架, 争论, (织物等)磨损处vt.使磨损vi.被磨损fight[fait]n.打架, 战斗, 斗志vi.打仗, 搏斗, 对抗, 打架vt.与...打仗, 指挥战斗, 反对...提案
2023-06-17 11:36:582

北欧神话中 芙蕾 的英文到底是Fray还是Frey (是芙蕾不是芙蕾娅)谢谢

2023-06-17 11:37:074


fight 可以用fight with somebody 意思是与某人打架如果解决了你的问题,记得采纳哦新的问题请重新提问==================================================================你好!很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步,身体健康,家庭和谐!有不明白的可以追问!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解.如果您认可我的回答,请点击下面的【采纳为满意回答】或者点评价给好评,谢谢!你的好评是我前进的动力。
2023-06-17 11:37:151

the fray是什么意思,是一个乐队名.

2023-06-17 11:37:233

维也纳的The Fray乐队介绍

The Fray乐队属于另类摇滚乐队,2002年在美国丹佛市成立,由4人组成,包括:同为校友的Isaac Slade(主唱和钢琴)和Joe King(吉他,演唱)以及后加入的Dave Welsh(吉他)和Ben Wysocki(鼓手及打击乐器)。 Isaac Slade (主唱、钢琴)Joe King (吉他、演唱)Dave Welsh (吉他)Ben Wysocki(鼓手、打击乐器) The Fray乐队风格与英国的Coldplay和Keane相似,The Fray是新一批乐坛新兴血液中受英式乐队(诸如Coldplay和Keane)影响较深的一支,也保留了美国90年代传统摇滚Counting Crows和the Wallflowers的气质,还有点Jimmy Eat World这种EMO乐队的冲劲。但THE FRAY的特点在于乐队对钢琴的钟爱。也许就是因为钢琴,才使得他们的音乐有种特别的气质。旗帜般飘扬的主音唱腔颇具英式感,骨子里还是保守的美式作风,时不时来点情绪性的激扬调调,他们不是那种风格一脉相承的乐队,截取各家之长是他们一个显而易见的强项。
2023-06-17 11:37:301


free, fear,face,fact,fast,full,fail,fall,
2023-06-17 11:37:486

求the fray 的The fighter 歌词翻译

2023-06-17 11:38:251

the fray 的歌词翻译.两首.不要用机器.

2023-06-17 11:38:332

one direction成员简介

希望可以帮到你,我是超级directioner。 单向组合(One Direction,简称1D)是一支来自英国与爱尔兰的男子组合。包括尼尔·霍拉尼(Niall Horan)、塞恩·马利克(Zayn Malik)、利亚姆·佩恩(Liam Payne)、塞恩·马利克(Zayn Malik)、哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles)和路易·汤姆林森(Louis Tomlinson)五位成员。2010年,One Direction通过英国选秀节目《X Factor》组成[1] 。2012年,One Direction发行第一张专辑《Up All Night》和第二张专辑《Take Me Home》[2] 。8月,在伦敦奥运会闭幕式上,One Direction演唱了代表作《What Makes You Beautiful》[3] 。第一个是渣渣原名:Zain Javadd Malik (他说更喜欢"Zayn") (塞恩·杰韦德·马利克)星座:Capricorn (摩羯座)生日:1993年1月12日宗教:伊斯兰教 (他以他的宗教为傲,Zayn是位穆斯林)出生地:in St. Luke"s Hospital, is from West Lane, Bradford, England. (布拉德福市,英国)身高:177cm (5"9")[1] 血型:B型(Zayn是英格兰&爱尔兰&巴基斯坦混血儿)学校:Lower Fields Primary School , Tong High School[2] 家庭成员:爸爸Yaser(Pakistani) 妈妈Tricia(English) 姐姐 Doniya 妹妹 Waliyah 和 妹妹 SaffaBook(喜欢的书) : Harry Potter(哈利波特)Film(电影) : Freedom Writers(街头日记)Food(食物) : Chicken(鸡肉)Colour(颜色) : Blue Red(蓝色和红色)Drink(饮料) :Red Bull(红牛)TV Show(电视节目) : Family Guy(恶搞之家)Shop : Topman(来自英国的著名国际平价时尚男装品牌)Shoe Size:8 1/2 equal to 41未婚妻: Perrie Edwards (佩里尔爱德华兹)混血:英国(妈妈,PS他妈妈还有爱尔兰血统)&巴基斯坦(爸爸)所以用他自己的话说(From《Dare to Dream life as One Direction》)" I"m a British Irish Asian."外号:渣渣 某渣 美渣 渣爷 DJ Malik童年:在布拉德福长大,爸爸是巴基斯坦裔英人,有一只狗叫泰森。第二个是奶儿中文名:尼尔u25aa詹姆斯u25aa霍拉尼[1] Niall Horan英文名:Niall James Horan昵称:Nialler、奶儿(中国粉丝起名)生日:1993年9月13日星座:处女座身高:176cm体重:150pounds(68kg)鞋码:10(44码)出生地:马林加,韦斯特米斯郡,爱尔兰(Mullingar,County Westmeath,Ireland)家庭成员:爸爸Bobby 妈妈Maura 哥哥Greg学校:Coláiste Mhuire最喜欢的电影:Grease最欣赏的人:麦可u25aa布雷(Michael Buble)、Justin Bieber、Obama最喜欢的女星: Cheryl Cole(from Girls Aloud)黛米·洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)等Niall从小就喜爱弹吉他,他是个基督教徒,小时候在Christian Brothers school读过书。在参加X-Factor之前,Niall只在爱尔兰境内演出过。第三个是哈卷中文名:哈里·爱德华·斯泰尔斯卷卷英文名:Harry Edward Styles粉丝爱称:西兰花 卷妹 卷卷 哈卷 卷大妈生日:1994.2.1身高:185cm+ (经对比分析)体重:68KG(2012年)出生地:Holmes Chapel, Cheshire学校:Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School家庭成员:爸爸,妈妈,亲姐姐Gemma Styles,继父Harry成名前曾经是乐队White Eskimo的主唱。White Eskimo这个乐队还包括吉他手Haydn Morris,贝斯手Nick Clough和鼓手Will Sween。第四个是莉莉中文名:利亚姆u25aa詹姆斯u25aa佩恩英文名:Liam James Payne生日:1993年8月29日星座:处女座血型:AB型年龄:20岁身高:180cm出生地:伍尔弗汉普顿,西米德兰郡,英格兰(Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England)家庭成员:爸爸Geoff 妈妈Karen 两个姐姐Ruth、Nicola前女友:Danielle Peazer学校:City of Wolverhampton College专业:Music Technology最喜欢的歌手:Leona Lewis第五个是丝丝全名: Louis William Tomlinson中文译名:路易·威廉姆·汤姆林森生日:1991年12月24日星座:摩羯座身高:175cm组合内职务:队长手足:四个姊妹:16岁的Lottie,10岁的Felicity(Fizzy),和6岁的双胞胎Phoebe与Daisy出生地:Doncaster, South Yorkshire, UK(唐卡斯特,南约克郡,英国)学校:Hall Cross School发色:棕色眼睛的颜色:蓝色最爱的歌曲:Who Let The Dogs Out最爱的颜色:暗红色最爱的电影:Grease(火爆浪子)最爱的乐团:The Fray最爱的节目:The X Factor迷恋的女星:Diana Vickers,Natalie Portman迷恋的男星:罗比·威廉姆斯最爱的歌曲:Free Fallin by John Mayer(约翰梅尔的"Free Fallin")现任女友:Eleanor Calder(Harry Styles是他们的媒人)Turn-ons:Fake glasses, fake tans(无度数眼镜及fake tans)Turn-offs:PDAs, tattoos, farting and Cher Lloyd(掌上电脑,刺青,放屁,及Cher Lloyd)粉丝所取外号:丝丝,美丝,骚丝,Boo Bear,Tommo,Lou[2] 童年:在唐卡斯特长大,小时候梦想是要当一个英国文学或戏曲老师。成为职业运动员:北京时间8月1日,与唐卡斯特签约,正式成为职业球员。
2023-06-17 11:38:421

the fray的never say never 歌词+中文翻译

The Fray - Never Say NeverLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangSome things we don"t talk aboutRather do without and just hold the smileFalling in and out of loveAshamed and proud of, together all the whileYou can never say neverWhile we don"t know whenBut time and time againYounger now than we were beforeDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goPicture, you"re queen of everythingFar as the eye can see under your commandI will be your guardian when all is crumblingI"ll steady your handYou can never say neverWhile we don"t know whenBut time, time and time againYounger now than we were beforeDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goWe"re pulling apartAnd coming together again and againWe"re pulling apartBut we pull it togetherPull it together againDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me go
2023-06-17 11:38:513

The Fray Never say never的中英文歌词

See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go!我们现在就出发!Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb!是JSmith和Jb!I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me!但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!I be trying a chill我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Cobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像Cobe在第4区 靠冰水和血液活下来 I gotta be the best and yes我要当最好的 并且我可以We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-06-17 11:38:593


2023-06-17 11:39:071

the fray 歌词的中文翻译!!!???

2023-06-17 11:39:162


有气势的英文歌You FoundMe歌手简介The Fray乐队风格与英国的Coldplay和Keane相似,The Fray是新一批乐坛新兴血液中受英式乐队(诸如Coldplay和Keane)影响较深的一支,也保留了美国90年代传统摇滚Counting Crows和the Wallflowers的气质,还有点Jimmy EatWorld这种EMO乐队的冲劲。但THE FRAY的特点在于乐队对钢琴的钟爱。也许就是因为钢琴,才使得他们的音乐有种特别的气质。旗帜般飘扬的主音唱腔颇具英式感,骨子里还是保守的美式作风,时不时来点情绪性的激扬调调,他们不是那种风格一脉相承的乐队,截取各家之长是他们一个显而易见的强项。有气势的英文歌You FoundMe歌手介绍The Fray乐队风格与英国的Coldplay和Keane相似,The Fray是新一批乐坛新兴血液中受英式乐队(诸如Coldplay和Keane)影响较深的一支,也留了美国90年代传统摇滚Counting Crows和the Wallflowers的气质,还有点Jimmy EatWorld这种EMO乐队的冲劲。但THE FRAY的特点在于乐队对钢琴的钟爱。也许就是因为钢琴,才使得他们的音乐有种特别的气质。旗帜般飘扬的主音唱腔颇具英式感,骨子里还是保守的美式作风,时不时来点情绪性的激扬调调,他们不是那种风格一脉相承的乐队,截取各家之长是他们一个显而易见的强项。有气势的英文歌You FoundMe歌手介绍The Fray乐队风格与英国的Coldplay和Keane相似,The Fray是新一批乐坛新兴血液中受英式乐队(诸如Coldplay和Keane)影响较深的一支,也保留了美国90年代传统摇滚Counting Crows和the Wallflowers的气质,还有点Jimmy EatWorld这种EMO乐队的冲劲。但THE FRAY的特点在于乐队对钢琴的钟爱。也许就是因为钢琴,才使得他们的音乐有种特别的气质。旗帜般飘扬的主音唱腔颇具英。有气势的英文歌You FoundMe歌词I foundGod我找到了上帝On thecorner of first and Amistad在最初和友情的角落Where thewest was all but won那个西边是一切但是没有成功All alone,smoking hislast cigarette独自吸着他最后一支烟I Saidwhere you been,he saidaskanything我说你去哪里了?他说询问一切.Wherewere you?你在哪里When everythingwas falling apart当一切都破碎掉All mydays were spent by thetelephone我花费整天在电话上It neverrang它从没响过And allI needed was a call我只是需要一个来电That nevercame那个从没打来的To thecorner of first and Amistad在最Lying onthe floor躺在地上,Surrounded,surrounded被包围住,被包Whyd youhave to wait?为什么你要等?Where wereyou?Where wereyou?你在哪里?你在哪里?Lost andinsecure迷茫和不安You foundme,you foundme你找到了我,你找到了我Lying onthe floor躺在地上,Surrounded,surrounded被包围住,被包Whyd youhave to wait?为什么你要等?Where wereyou?Where wereyou?你在哪里?你在哪里?Just alittle late然后片刻.You foundme,you foundme你找到了我,你找到了我Whyd youhave to wait?为什么你要等to foundme,to foundme去找我。
2023-06-17 11:39:251

william wordsworth 的简介及创作

他是我很喜欢的诗人呢 给你介绍吧~  威廉 华兹华斯  (1770~1850)  Wordsworth,William  英国浪漫主义诗人。1770年4月7日生于北部昆布兰郡科克茅斯的一个律师之家,1850年4月23日卒于里多蒙特。8岁丧母。5年后,父亲又离开了他。亲友送他到家乡附近的寄宿学校读书。1787年进剑桥大学,曾在1790年、1791年两次访问法国。其间与法国姑娘阿内特·瓦隆恋爱,生有一女。1795年从一位朋友那里接受了一笔遗赠年金,他的生活有了保障,也有了实现回归大自然夙愿的可能,便同妹妹多萝西移居乡间。1797年同诗人柯尔律治相识,翌年两人共同出版《抒情歌谣集》。1798~1799年间与柯尔律治一同到德国游历,在那里创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和组诗《露西》,并开始创作自传体长诗《序曲》。1802年与玛丽·哈钦森结婚。此时开始关注人类精神在与大自然交流中得到的升华,并且发现这一主题与传统的宗教观实际上并行不悖,因此重新皈依宗教。同时,在政治上日渐保守。  华兹华斯诗歌创作的黄金时期在1797~1807年。随着声誉逐渐上升,他的创作逐渐走向衰退。到了1830年,他的成就已得到普遍承认,1843年被封为英国桂冠诗人。由于他与柯尔律治等诗人常居住在英国西北部多山的湖区,1807年10月的《爱丁堡评论》杂志称他们是湖畔派的代表诗人。18世纪末、19世纪初在英国西北部的湖畔有一些诗人聚集,其诗作多描写湖区,故称他们为“湖畔派”。  早期诗歌《晚步》和《素描集》中,对大自然的描写基本上未超出18世纪的传统。然而,从《抒情歌谣集》开始,一反18世纪的诗风,将一种崭新的风格带到诗歌创作中,开创了英国文学史上浪漫主义诗歌的新时代。他为《抒情歌谣集》的再版所写的序言被认为是浪漫主义文学的宣言。他的作品还有《不朽的征兆》以及由《序曲》和《漫游》两部分组成的哲理性长诗《隐者》等。  1770年4月7日,威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)出生在英国坎伯兰郡的考克茅斯。华兹华斯排行第二,上有一个哥哥,下有一个妹妹和两个弟弟。其父是个律师。华兹华斯8岁丧母,13岁丧父,少年时期一直在几家亲戚的监护之下,住在寄宿学校中,与兄弟姐妹们分开生活。五个孩子从父亲那里继承的遗产主要是对一位贵族的8500镑的债权。但这贵族在1802年去世之前,一直不愿偿还这笔钱,可以说,华兹华斯青少年时期的生活是十分贫寒的。但是他生活地区的美丽自然风光,疗救和补偿了他在物质与亲情上的缺失,因而华兹华斯的对早年的回忆并不觉得贫苦。他对自然有着“虔诚的爱”,将自然看成是自己的精神家园。受学校老师的影响,开始写诗。华兹华斯的第一首诗歌完成于1784年。  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1787年他进入剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,熟读了希腊拉丁文学,学习意大利文、法文和西班牙文。1790年和1791年两次赴法。当时正是法国大革命的年代,年轻的华兹华斯对革命深表同情与向往。回国后不久,局势剧变,华兹华斯对法国大革命感到失望。1795年,他和妹妹多萝茜以及诗人柯勒律治居住在北部山地的湖区,并在此消磨了一生。1798年华兹华斯与柯勒律治共同发表了《抒情歌谣集》,1800年这部诗集再版时华兹华斯写了序言。  《抒情歌谣集》出版时,华兹华斯并未受到重视,《序言》出版后,更遭到批评家的反对。1807年他的两卷集出版时仍受到批评界的攻击。但从19世纪初叶起,他在诗歌上的成就逐渐得到承认,激进派诗人如利·亨特也称他为颂扬大自然的新型诗歌的开创者和领袖,说他的诗取代了18世纪矫揉造作的诗风。人们认为《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。在艺术上华兹华斯对雪莱、拜伦和济慈都有影响。  1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”,为宫廷写了不少应景诗,艺术成就大不如前。  1850 年4月23日去世。  增加部分:  The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three maen became known as“Lake Poets”.骚塞,柯勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为“湖畔诗人”
2023-06-17 11:39:563


2023-06-17 11:40:133


zebra 斑马
2023-06-17 11:40:503

有一首歌的高潮部分是Let me go 一直重复这句 不是Never say never

这首歌是《变形金刚2卷土重来》里的插曲,演唱者为 The Fray。钢琴摇滚:不会让你走never say never同时,这首歌也出现在美剧《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集之中,39分36秒开始播放的非常优美的插曲。2010年12月6日播出的《CSI:Miami》第九季第八集中,这首歌作为片尾曲在39分00秒开始播放。  2012年9月13日播出的《Glee》(欢乐合唱团)第四季第一集中,这首歌作为Jack在新航向乐团的招生考试上演唱的曲目在19分46秒开始播放。Never say neverSome things we don"t talk about有些东西我们不去谈论Rather do without and just hold the smile更不去谈及而仅仅保持微笑Falling in and out of love爱情在生命中进进出出The Fray 单曲 Never Say NeverAshamed and proud of, together all the while惭愧和骄傲并存You can never say never你永远不能说永不While we don"t know when尽管我们不知道什么时候Time and time again随着时间的流逝Younger now than we were before我们比从前更幼稚Don"t let me go不要让我离去 ……Don"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goPicture, you"re queen of everything美如画的你,是一切事物的女王Far as the eye can see under your command是要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下I will be your guardian when all is crumbling当一切消亡时,我会是你的守护者THE FRAYSteady your hand我会坚定地抓紧你的手You can never say never你能永不言败While we don"t know when尽管我们不知道什么时候But time, time and time again随着时间流逝Younger now than we were before我们比从前更幼稚Don"t let me go不要让我离去……Don"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goWe"re pulling apart我们总是被分开And coming together again and again并又一次一次地再在一起We"re growing apart我们总是被分开THE FRAYBut we pulling together但是我们又重聚在一起Pull it together again and again又在一起了Don"t let me go不要让我离去……Don"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me goDon"t let me go
2023-06-17 11:40:571

翻译the fray的Heaven Forbid歌词

二十年它中止您,即然您了解没人。 <dnt></dnt>深深地吸一口气,采取位子,您散开和撕毁在缝。 <dnt></dnt><dnt></dnt>Heaven禁止您单独结果,并且您为什么不知道。 <dnt></dnt>Hold明天紧紧等待,您将行是 <dnt></dnt><dnt>在您的面孔,是它在您的头脑,您将关心修建您自己的房子。 多少更长的,多久能您等待,它是象您想去给自己。 单独结果,并且您为什么不知道 明天紧紧等待,您将行是 禁止您单独结果,并且您为什么不知道 明天紧紧等待,并且您将行是 感到好。 (是足够那个原因的您。) 感到好。 (是足够那个原因的您。) 感到好。 (是足够那个原因的您。) 感到好。 (是足够那个原因的您。) 禁止您单独结果,并且您为什么不知道 明天紧紧等待,您将行是 禁止您单独结果,并且您为什么不知道 明天紧紧等待,您将行是 在这一个外面的不会使您脱离这一个,不会使您脱离这一个, 不会使您脱离这一个,不会使您脱离这一个。
2023-06-17 11:41:064


2023-06-17 11:41:148

fray的《never say never》mp3

2023-06-17 11:42:271

跪求the fray heartbeat 的歌词

2023-06-17 11:42:351


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2023-06-17 11:43:227

the fray ——vienna 歌词的中文翻译

这一天的最后一张单程票在火车拉 我们微笑的临时关闭捕捉 有不用的倾盆大雨 有你不用我的车费以及 有真的没有办法达到我 有真的没有办法达到我 [ 01:04.11 ]有真的没有办法达到我 "原因我已经 有这么多的话,我们可以说 口语经长途旋律 这是我的Hello 这是我的善良 有真的没有办法达到我 有真的没有办法达到我 有真的没有办法达到我 "原因我已经 也许在5年或10你和地雷将再次开会 拉直这整个事情了 也许然后诚实不必担心 为朋友或敌人 这是距离 这是我gameface 有真的没有办法达到我 有真的没有办法达到我 是真的没有办法达到我吗? 我已经走了吗? 因此,这是您的特立独行 这是维也纳
2023-06-17 11:43:462

The fray 的the fighter歌词翻译

克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 - 战斗机时,我以为我知道你的思想,你是真心的,我猜我,我不能相信叫你的虚张声势,时间是“因为我已经受够了你,我身边总是有,同比下降只是搭,但你的开车兜风火焰“因为你的贪婪,卖给我的耻辱,毕竟偷窃和欺骗,也许你会认为我在怨恨你但是,噢噢,噢,不,你下来”错了“的原因,如果不是说你这是为所有试图做的,我不知道我如何能够转危为安所以我要感谢你,因为它使我的实力,使我的工作有点困难它使我更聪明,所以感谢你让我一个战士让我学会更快地作出我的皮肤一点点一点点厚,使我聪明得多所以感谢我的战斗机哦,哦从来没有,看见它的到来所有,的行径仅仅如此,你可以在现金,我才意识到我听到你的游戏是一件好事,你绕来绕去打球,现在受害人,但不,甚至开始觉得我是一个怪,因为你挖在于您自己的坟墓后,所有的战斗是你想伤害我但那不再起作用呃没有更多的,哦,不,它超过“如果不是你所有的手段我不会导致知道如何成为现在这样,永不退缩,所以我要感谢你,因为它使我变得如此坚强让我的工作有点困难让我更聪明,所以谢谢你让我一个战士,我学会了一点点快一点,我的皮肤一点点厚,这让我,让我战斗机聪明得多所以感谢
2023-06-17 11:43:561

一句英文求翻译once more into thefray……into the last fight

2023-06-17 11:44:044

never say never 歌词翻译~~~

呵呵,虽然我也特别喜欢justin bieber ,但是,要翻译你的要求也太高了吧。被你推荐几首歌罢。love girl need you now lonely justin bieber唱的歌都很好听的。
2023-06-17 11:44:234

never say never 的歌词

Some things we don"t talk about  有些东西我们不去谈论  Rather do without and just hold the smile  只是保持着微笑  Falling in and out of love  爱情在生命中进进出出 [The Fray 单曲 Never Say Never]The Fray 单曲 Never Say NeverAshamed and proud of, together all the while  惭愧和骄傲并存  You can never say never  你永远不能说永不  While we don"t know when  尽管我们不知道什么时候  But time and time again  随着时间的流逝  Younger now than we were before  我们比从前更幼稚  Don"t let me go  不要让我离去 ……  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Picture, you"re queen of everything  美如画的你,是一切事物的女王  Far as the eye can see under your command  是要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下  I will be your guardian when all is crumbling  当一切消亡时,我会是你的守护者 [THE FRAY]THE FRAYI"ll steady your hand  我会坚定地抓紧你的手  You can never say never  你能永不言败  While we don"t know when  尽管我们不知道什么时候  But time, time and time again  随着时间流逝  Younger now than we were before  我们比从前更幼稚  Don"t let me go  不要让我离去……  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  We"re pulling apart  我们总是被分开  And coming together again and again  并又一次一次地再在一起  We"re pulling apart  我们总是被分开 [THE FRAY]THE FRAYBut we pull it together  但是我们又重新在一起  Pull it together again ,together again  又在一起了  Don"t let me go  不要让我离去……  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go  Don"t let me go
2023-06-17 11:45:172

afraid怎么读 正确发音教学?

2023-06-17 11:45:253


好听的真的很多像cut、longest night、family tree、down、heavy cross、royals、only one、skinny love都很好听!
2023-06-17 11:45:333


because of you- Kelly Clarksonwhen you"re gone-Avril Lavignei will bei"m with youNobody"s homei"m ok-Christina Aguilerayou lost menever say never- the fraywithout you-Mariah Careycross every river-Maria Arredondobecause you love me-Celion Dino
2023-06-17 11:46:025

The Fray--How to save a life的歌词翻译

2023-06-17 11:47:462


太空洞了 有没有再详细一点的信息
2023-06-17 11:47:545

The Fray的《Heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat歌手:The Fray专辑:HeartbeatHeartbeat-The FrayWe"re on an open bed truck on the highwayRain is coming down and we"re on the run.Think I can feel the breath in your body.We gotta keep on running til" we see the sun.Oh you gotta fire and it"s burnin" in the rain.Thought that it went out, but it"s burnin" just the same.And you don"t look back, not for anything."Cause love someone, love them all the same.If you LOVE someone, love them all the same.Oh I feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundIf you can love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.I"m Singing, Oh, I Feel Your Heartbeat.I"m tryin" to put it all back together.I"ve got a story and I"m tryin" to tell it right.I"ve got the kerosene and the desire.I"m trying to start a flame in the heart of the nightOh you gotta fire and it"s burnin" in the rain.Thought that it went out, but it"s burnin" just the same.And you don"t look back, not for anything."Cause you love someone, you love them all the same.If you LOVE someone, you love them all the same.Oh feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundIf you can love somebody, love them all the same.You gotta love somebody, love them all the same.I"m singing, Oh, I feel your heartbeat.I know the memories rushing into mind.I want to kiss your scars tonight.I"m laying here,"Cause you"ve gotta try, you"ve gotta let me in, let me inOh feel your heartbeat.And oh, you"re comin" around, comin" around, comin" aroundYou love somebody, you gotta, you gotta love somebodyYou gotta, I"m singing, oh, I feel your heartbeat,All your heartbeat, yeah, I said,All your heartbeat, yeah,All your heartbeat
2023-06-17 11:48:081

求WWE摔跤Sin Cara资料

Sin Cara(辛卡拉)性别:男 身高:170cm 体重:79kg 绰号:神之子 本名:Ignacio Almanza 出生日期:1982年12月23日 首次登台:1998年4月30日 现状:墨西哥摔角巨星,正式加盟WWE曾用名:Dr. Karonte Jr、Astro Boy、Komachi、Místico、Sin Cara 加入WWE时间:2011年 出生地:墨西哥城联邦区,墨西哥 现居地:墨西哥城,墨西哥 教练:Tony Salazar, Dr. Karonte, Fray Tormenta 终结技:La Mística (龙卷风式手肘固定)Arm drag (托臂摔) 常用招式:El Péndulo (虎佯攻踢)Hurricanrana (上绳旋转剪刀腿)Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb (腿部套圈翻转日落炸弹摔)Springboard moonsault (跳板式月面瀑布坠击)Superkick (超级踢击)夺得冠军次数:4次CMLL世界双打冠军、1次CMLL世界次中量级冠军、1次墨西哥全国轻重量级冠军、1次NWA世界次中量级冠军、1次FMLL世界冠军、1次IWRG洲际超级次中量级冠军、1次IWGP少年组重量级冠军~PWI 2006年500位最佳摔角选手排行第五名PWI 2007年500位最佳摔角选手排行第三名 简介:Ignacio Almanza(生于1982年12月22日)是一名墨西哥当地格斗手,又可称为职业面具摔角手,目前已以Sin Cara(西班牙语中为无面人的意思)为名与WWE签了约。他以Mistico闻名于众,曾于lucha libre的Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre(CMLL)摔角联盟里打拼。他在2006年CMLL的一场主赛上一战成名。Místico在西班牙语里是“神秘人”的意思,这个带有些宗教色彩的角色是由Fray Tormenta一手策划的。作为同在赛场和银幕的双方活跃的大反派角色Doktor·karonte的次子出生,自幼便被教授了摔角的基础。当初在1998年的初次出道,是继承生父的名字以“Doktor·karonte·Jr”出场的,而在2000年又继承了亡兄的艺名“Astro Boy”,与亲弟弟Astro Boy 2组合活跃于赛场。2003年后也曾受到日本方面的招聘,在陆奥职业摔角(みちのくプロレス)以hayate & komachi的komachi(他是第二代,第一代是现在的Volador·Jr)的名字活跃。最后直到2004年以现在的艺名“mistico”再次出道,一直活跃到现在。“mistico” 这个名字的诞生,是在剧本上的设定一个被营运孤儿院的神父摔角手Fray·Tormenta所抚养的孤儿(以后都以这个设定为基准)。随着慢慢长大,这个孤儿对国民的英雄El Santo的憧憬使他产生了成为摔角手的志愿。于是对Fray提出想拜师于他的想法,却被Fray叱责应该先致力于学业,恳求了很久之后,最终以同时兼顾学习和摔角训练这样的条件开始了训练。1998年,为了挣取孤儿院的营运资金而在赛场上初次登场。2008年北京奥运会时期,曾经作为墨西哥电视台的报道员来访过北京。
2023-06-17 11:48:161

The fray--Look after you 歌词中文翻译 谢谢~~~~~~

2023-06-17 11:48:243


Sin Cara(神之子)原名Ignacio Almanza 目前在SDIgnacio Almanza(生于1982年12月22日)是一名墨西哥当地格斗手,又可称为职业面具摔角手,目前已以Sin Cara(西班牙语中为无面人的意思)为名与WWE签了约。他以Mistico闻名于众,曾于lucha libre的Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre(CMLL)摔角联盟里打拼。他在2006年CMLL的一场主赛上一战成名。Místico在西班牙语里是“神秘人”的意思,这个带有些宗教色彩的角色是由Fray Tormenta一手策划的。   作为同在赛场和银幕的双方活跃的大反派角色Doktor·karonte的次子出生,自幼便被教授了摔角的基础。当初在1998年的初次出道,是继承生父的名字以“Doktor·karonte·Jr”出场的,而在2000年又继承了亡兄的艺名“Astro Boy”,与亲弟弟Astro Boy 2组合活跃于赛场。2003年后也曾受到日本方面的招聘,在陆奥职业摔角(みちのくプロレス)以hayate & komachi的komachi(他是第二代,第一代是现在的Volador·Jr)的名字活跃。最后直到2004年以现在的艺名“mistico”再次出道,一直活跃到现在。   “mistico” 这个名字的诞生,是在剧本上的设定一个被营运孤儿院的神父摔角手Fray·Tormenta所抚养的孤儿(以后都以这个设定为基准)。随着慢慢长大,这个孤儿对国民的英雄El Santo的憧憬使他产生了成为摔角手的志愿。于是对Fray提出想拜师于他的想法,却被Fray叱责应该先致力于学业,恳求了很久之后,最终以同时兼顾学习和摔角训练这样的条件开始了训练。1998年,为了挣取孤儿院的营运资金而在赛场上初次登场。2008年北京奥运会时期,曾经作为墨西哥电视台的报道员来访过北京。望采纳
2023-06-17 11:48:331

The Fray的《Turn Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On歌手:The Fray专辑:Scars & StoriesTurn Me OnThe FrayThere"s a sentence on my fatherOn my sister, and on my brotherThere"s a terror in the cornerThat"ll make your blood run coldAnd it goes back in my blood lineWhen we tried to walk awayBut I want you as my loverYou are where I want to stayAnd I don"t know what it is,what it is, what it is about youWhat it is, what it is butOh, the way you are movingOh, you turn me onI won"t touch you till we"re burning,Oh, you turn me on,See you"re rising and you"re fallingAnd I try to look awayBut I"m frozen in the darknessyou"re burning cabaretAnd I don"t know what it is,what it is, what it is about youWhat it is, what it is butOh, the way you are movingOh, turn me onI won"t touch you till we"re burning,Oh, You turn me on, come on turn me onOh...Oh, the way you are movingOh, you turn me onI won"t touch you till we"re burning,Oh, you turn me on, come on turn me onI want to feel, I want to feel you loveI want to feel oh I said I want to feelThe way you are movingOh, you turn me on, come on turn me on
2023-06-17 11:48:401

The Fray的《She Is》 歌词

歌曲名:She Is歌手:The Fray专辑:How To Save A LifeDo not get me wrong I cannot wait for you to come homeFor now you"re not here and I"m not there, it"s like we"re on our ownTo figure it out, consider how to find a place to standInstead of walking away and instead of nowhere to landThis is going to break me clean in twoThis is going to bring me close to youShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededIt"s all up in the air and we stand still to see what comes back downI don"t know where it isI don"t know when, but I want you aroundWhen it falls into place with you and I, we go from if to whenYour side and mine are both behind it"s indicationThis is going to bring me clarityThis"ll take the heart right out of meShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededThis is going to bring me to my kneesI just want to hold you close to meShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededShe is everything I need that I never knew I wantedShe is everything I want that I never knew I neededshe is everythingi neededshe is everythinghttp://music.b***.com/song/997147
2023-06-17 11:48:481

The Fray的《Dead Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Wrong歌手:The Fray专辑:Live at the Electric Factory: Bootleg No. 1The Fray - Dead Wrongby alegrarseIf only I knew what I knowI"d make it a point to say soTo everyone that got me hereAnd everyone that made itClear I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat I would not lose my wayWhen I was astray ...I"m doing the best that I could.Trying my best to be understoodMaybe I"m changing slowlyI get out, turn around.....If only I knew I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakethat I would not lose my wayWhen I was dead wrong all alongMine is not a new storyMine is not a new storyMine is nothing newBut it is for meSo I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat you thought I"d lost my wayWhen I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat I would not lose my wayDid I really lose my wayOr are you afraidThe Fray - Dead Wrongby alegrarse
2023-06-17 11:48:561

The Fray的you found me歌词

The Fray - You Found Me I found God on the corner of First and Amistad Where the west was all but won All along Smoking his last cigarette I said, where"ve you been? He said, ask anything. Where were you? When everything was falling apart. All my days spent by the telephone. And all I needed was a call It never came To the corner of Firs tand Amistad Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why"d you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me. But in the end Everyone ends up alone Losing hope The only one who"s ever known Who I am, Who I"m not, Who I want to be[ The Fray Lyrics are found on ] No way to know How long she will be next to me Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why"d you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me. I"ve been calling for years and years and you"ve never left me no messages Never sent me no letters Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why"d you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me. Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why"d you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me.
2023-06-17 11:49:031

求the fray 的The fighter 歌词翻译

The Fray The Fighter冲突 –斗士(Verse 1): The lover held her love, She begged him not to go, The fighter wrapped his gloves, The fighter said I know I know I know, Just this one last time, I swear you"ll still be mine, But he can"t promise much, He goes for one last touch, one last touch (主歌1)恋人搂著她的爱,她求他不要去,斗士穿上拳套,斗士说我知道 我知道 我知道,就这最後一次,我保证 之後你我仍拥有对方,但是他并不能保证什麼,他最後一次抚摸她 最後一次抚摸她(Chorus): Maybe we were meant to be lonely, lonely Maybe we were meant to be on our own, Loneliness has always been with me, with me Maybe we don"t have to be all alone (副歌)也许我们注定要孤独 孤独也许我们注定要独立无助我一直是孤独的 我一直是也许我们不必是独立而孤独的(Verse 2): The fighter goes inside, The dawn is creepin" in, He swings with all his might, At all that mattered then, And she"s in love with him, But lovers don"t always win, He never even saw the swing, She calls out his name, calls his name (主歌2)斗士走进场,晨光缓缓地伸展出来,他用尽全力挥出勾拳,那时 其他什麼都不重要了,因此 她爱著他,但是情人并不永远是赢家,他甚至从未看到那记勾拳,她叫出他的名,叫出他的名(Chorus) (副歌同上)(Bridge): What breaks your bones, Is not the load you"re carryin", What breaks you down, Is all in how you carry... (衔接桥段)让你骨折碎裂的原因,并不是你承受的负担,让你崩溃倒地的原因,全在於你如何去承受负担…(Verse 3): The lover held her love, She begs him not to go, She unwraps his gloves, The lover said I know I know I know, Kissed his trembling lips, She touched his fingertips, Somehow they both know, He"s not comin" home, comin" home (主歌3)恋人搂著她的爱,她求他不要走,她脱下他的拳套,恋人说我知道 我知道 我知道,亲吻他颠抖的脣,她碰触他的指尖,不知如何 他们俩都知道他不会回来了 不会回来了(Chorus version 2): Loneliness has always been with me, with me Maybe we were meant to be on our own, But I gotta try or it will destroy me, "Cause baby we don"t have to be all alone.(副歌 版本2)我一直是孤独的 我一直是也许我们注定要独立无助但是我必须嚐试 不然我将会被孤独毁灭因为宝贝 我们不必是独立而孤独的
2023-06-17 11:49:221

The Fray的《Some Trust》 歌词

歌曲名:Some Trust歌手:The Fray专辑:ReasonSo you fake you"re full and you feel tomorrowComing and you gotta do what you can do to getAway with everything you want and still get what you need.So you"re slowing down cause you"ve done it beforeYou look at the floor and you wonder when it"s gonnaCome on up over your head so you can get some rest.Some trust in love and some trust in hatredSome trust in fear and some in violenceSome trust in faith and some trust in fortuneSome trust in God and some just get away.Swear to God I"m going to get it rightStay down tied until I get my fill.So I take it all but it"s falling throughDone it before so maybe a little bitMore will make it easier to get on through the door.Some trust in pain and some trust in pleasureSome trust in union, some in innocenceSome trust in fear and some trust in fortuneSome trust in everyone and some just get away.Call it securityCall it your purityCall it the words we pray, Call it the sins we sayYou never wanted this in that waySome trust in God and some trust in countrySome trust in love and some in violenceSome trust in diamonds, some trust in devilsSome trust in fear and some just get away
2023-06-17 11:49:291

The Fray的《Unsaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Unsaid歌手:The Fray专辑:ReasonT Jay - Unsaid~LRC From 映云~nnyewhat i gotta do, what i gotta sayim tearin apart and sad everydaythat"s how i feelhow do u feelsomebody else"s sayin your nameand it"s killin me u never wavethats how i feelhow do u feel babehe doesn"t kno i make u smile(make u smile)she doesn"t kno u make me cry(make me cry)then i realize(how i felt inside)i just can"t take ini wanna say whats on my mindi dont wanna be without ubut its a game we cant figure outmy heart keeps on breakinits like im dyin everytimebut when there"s someone else who"s holdin u insteadmaybe it"s better left unsaidunsaidoh nounsaidunsaidi dont wanna be your friend no more(no more)its not the same unlike it was beforeits how i feelits all unreal babe(its all unreal babe)can"t no longer look into your eyes(felt deep)i wont stay there for the rest of my life(i feel)for all the life u feel?he doesn"t kno i make u smile(make u smile)she doesn"t kno u make me cry(u make me cry)then i realize(how i felt inside)so right, so wrongi knowdon"t wanna feel this way no moreso before i gooh won"t/would you let me (take in)i wanna say whats on my mindi dont wanna be without u(i dont wanna be without u in my life)but its a game we cant figure outmy heart keeps on breakin(heart keeps on breakin babe)its like im dyin everytimewhen there"s someone else who"s holdin u insteadmaybe it"s better left unsaidunsaidi dont wanna be without u babyi wanna say whats on my mind
2023-06-17 11:49:361

The Fray的《Absolute》 歌词

歌曲名:Absolute歌手:The Fray专辑:The FrayThe Fray - AbsoluteI"ve seen this one before, the girl she gets awayEverybody knows it but no one tries to stop itCause she barely even knows him but if she could see insideEverything is quiet as she waits to tell him who she isIs this all we get to be absoluteQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want to hearIt"s a kiss sits upon on her lips that waits for planes and battle shipsShe wants to be a dancer and he has got a pictureOn his wall and it"s a sailor in a new port every nightYet man was born to trouble like sparks fly upwards innocentIs this all we get to be absoluteQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want to hearQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want to hearAll we are and all we want40 years come and goneAll we are in photographsWill never be takenQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want you hereQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want to hearQuiet but I"m sure there is something hereTell me everything cause I want to hearThere is something hereThere is something here
2023-06-17 11:49:441


是Never Say Never专辑:The Fray(Deluxe Edition)歌手:The Fray部分歌词Some things we don"t talk about有些东西better do without我们不去谈论just hold a smile只是保持着微笑we"re falling in and out of love爱情在生命中进进出出the same damn problem惭愧和骄傲并存together all the while我们一直在一起you can never say never你永远不能说永不when we don"t know why尽管我们不知道什么时候
2023-06-17 11:49:512

Where The Story Ends 歌词

歌曲名:Where The Story Ends歌手:The Fray专辑:The FrayThe Fray - Where The Story EndsTrying not to lose my headbut I have never been this scared beforeTell you what I"ll do instead,lay my body down on the floorTo forget what I"ve done,silhouette til the good lord comeAll we know is distanceWe"re close and then we runKiss away the differenceI know you hate this oneTrying not to lose your own,boxing up everything, you"ve gotAll you ever knew of home,you"re scared scared to seeYour mother there in the door,you wonder where did the years goAll we know is distanceWe"re close and then we runKiss away the differenceI know you hate this oneBut this is how the story endsOr have we just begunTo kiss away the differenceI know you hate this oneThe violins make no soundAnd I begin to feel the groundAll we know is distanceWe"re close and then we runKiss away the differenceI know you hate this oneBut this is where the story endsOr have we just begunTo kiss away the differenceI know you hate this one
2023-06-17 11:50:051


腾讯做的那个视频吗?Avril Lavigne的 When you"re gone
2023-06-17 11:50:164

帮我翻译《never say never》的中文歌词?

2023-06-17 11:50:321