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2023-06-17 10:59:30

虽然:although,even though,nathless,notwithstanding,for all,not but than,all be it,even if,albeit. 即使:if,be it so,the face of,although,be it that



虽然 1.although spite of 3.though 4.albeit 尽管,虽然 1.although 2.despite 虽然,尽管 1.although 2.though 虽然这样 1.after all spite of that 虽然如此 1.for all that 2.nonetheless
2023-06-17 03:12:081


although, though
2023-06-17 03:12:282


  美国的杜兰大学始建于1834年,是一所历史悠久的著名的私立研究型大学,其商学院、法学院、医学院在各自的领域名列前茅,跟着一起来了解下美国杜兰大学基本概况吧,欢迎阅读。    一、关于杜兰大学   Tulane University is a private, nonsectarian research university in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. It is considered the top university and the most selective institution of higher education in the state of Louisiana. From a nationwide perspective, U.S. News & World Report categorizes Tulane as "most selective," which is the highest degree of selectivity the magazine offers. The school is known to attract a geographically diverse student body, with 85% of undergraduate students coming from over 300 miles (480 kilometers) away.Alumni include prominent entrepreneurs, founders, and inventors in technology, medical devices, entertainment, retail, mass media, fashion, and public policy; the President of Costa Rica;U.S. State governors; Federal judges (including a Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court); U.S. Senators; U.S. Members of Congress (including a Speaker of the House); heads of Federal agencies; two Surgeons General of the United States; U.S. diplomats; at least 23 undergraduate Marshall scholars (which ranks Tulane 18th among all universities and colleges); at least 18 Rhodes scholars;[16] at least 12 Truman scholars; 155 Fulbright scholars;[18] prominent screenwriters; Emmy-award winners; Pulitzer-prize-winning authors; chief executive officers; major law firm partners; university presidents; and living billionaires, including Ricardo Salinas Pliego and David Filo. At least two Nobel laureates have been affiliated with the University.   杜兰大学是一所位于美国新奥尔良路易斯安那州私人的非宗派的研究型大学。杜兰大学被认为是路易斯安那州最好的大学和最有选择性的高等教育机构。从全国范围来看,美国新闻与世界报道将杜兰归类为最具选择性,这是杂志提供的最高选择性。学校被认为吸引了地理上多样化的学生组织,85%的本科学生来自超过300英里(480公里)的其他地方。学校自1834年成立以来,成为公共医疗学院,并于1847年成为一个综合性大学制度是的禀赋下的私有化保罗·杜兰和约瑟芬·露易丝·纽科姆。1884年杜兰大学在第九届美国和加拿大的主要研究型大学组成最古老的私立大学美国大学协会的评选中评选为优秀大学。杜兰大学法学院被评选为美国第15最古老的法律学院,与此同时。杜兰大学医学院被认为是最古老的第12名的医学院校。杜兰大学的优秀学者包括医疗器械、娱乐、零售、大众媒体、时尚和公共政策方面的知名企业家、创始人和发明家、 哥斯达黎加总统、美国州长、 联邦法官(包括美国最高法院首席法官)、美国参议员、 美国国会议员(包括众议院议长)、 联邦机构负责人、美国两位外科医生、]美国外交官、至少有23名本科马歇尔学者(在所有大学中排名杜兰第十八)、至少有18个罗德学者、至少有12位杜鲁门学者、富布赖特学者;、着名的编剧、 艾美奖获奖者、普利策奖获得者、首席执行官、主要律师事务所合伙人 大学校长和生活亿万富豪包括里卡多萨利纳斯Pliego和大卫费罗。大学至少有两名诺贝尔奖得主。   二、历史沿革   第一阶段:建国初期 - 19世纪   The university was founded as the Medical College of Louisiana in 1834 partly as a response to the fears of smallpox, yellow fever, and cholera in the United States. The university became only the second medical school in the South, and the 15th in the United States at the time. In 1847, the state legislature established the school as the University of Louisiana, a public university, and the law department was added to the university. Subsequently, in 1851, the university established its first academic department. The first president chosen for the new university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time.   1834年,杜兰大学成立为路易斯安那州医学院,部分原因是为了美国应对对天花、黄热病和霍乱的恐惧。杜兰大学当时只成为南方的第二所医学院,在美国也只是第15所。1847年,立邦建立以学校为路易斯安那大学,一所公立大学,以及法律部门加入到了大学。随后,1851年,大学建立了第一个学术部门。被选为新大学的第一任总统是当时的圣公会牧师和新奥尔良的着名公民弗朗西斯·利斯特·霍克斯。美国内战期间,杜兰大学从1861年到1865年关闭。重新开放之后,由于南方农业经济萧条影响国家经济,经历了一段时间的财政挑战。蓬勃发展的干货和服装业者保罗·杜兰(Paul Tulane)在新奥尔良市内捐赠了大量的房地产用于支持教育。这笔捐款导致了Tulane教育基金(TEF)的成立,其管理层的董事会力求支持路易斯安那大学,而不是建立一所新的大学。作为回应,通过前同盟将军兰德尔吉布森的影响路易斯安那州立法机关在1884年将路易斯安那大学的控制权转交给TEF的行政人员。这一行为创造了路易斯安那州杜兰大学。这所大学是私有化的,也是少数几个从国立公立学校改为私立大学的美国大学之一。   1884年,威廉普雷斯顿约翰斯顿成为杜兰第一任校长。在前一任的校长死后,他接替了罗伯特·李出任华盛顿和李大学校长。他已经搬到路易斯安那州,成为路易斯安那州立大学校长。1885年,大学成立了研究生院,后来成为正式的研究生院。一年后,约瑟芬·路易斯·纽科姆的捐赠总额达360多万美元,从而杜兰大学杜内纪念学院成立。纽科姆是美国第一所妇女协调学院,成为彭布罗克学院和巴纳德学院等机构的典范。1894年成立了技术学院,后来成为工程学院。在同一年,大学搬到了现在的上城校园历史悠久的圣查尔斯大道,五英里(8公里)的有轨电车从新奥尔良市中心。   第二阶段:20世纪   With the improvements to Tulane University in the late 19th century, Tulane had a firm foundation to build upon as the premier university of the Deep South and continued this legacy with growth in the 20th century. In 1901, the first cornerstone was laid for the F.W. Tilton Library, endowed by New Orleans businessman and philanthropist Frederick William Tilton (1821–1890). During 1907, the school established a four-year professional curriculum in architecture through the College of Technology, growing eventually into the Tulane School of Architecture. One year later, Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy were established, albeit temporarily. The School of Dentistry ended in 1928, and Pharmacy six years later.   随着十九世纪后期杜兰大学的改进,杜兰已经奠定了建立深南大学的基础,并在二十世纪继续发展。1901年,为新奥尔良商人和慈善家 弗雷德里克·威廉·蒂尔顿提供的FW Tilton图书馆奠定了第一个基石。1907年,学校通过技术学院建立了为期四年的建筑专业课程,最终成长为杜兰建筑学院。一年后,牙科学院和药房成立,尽管是暂时的。牙医学院于1928年结束,药剂学在六年后结束。1914年,杜兰成立商务部,第一的大学商学院在南方。1925年,杜兰大学成立了独立的研究生院。两年后,大学成立了社会工作学院,也是美国南部的第一所社会工作学院。杜兰在推动新奥尔良和南方艺术与威廉·伍德沃德建立纽科姆艺术学院方面发挥了重要作用,从而创立了着名的纽科姆陶器。在中东美国研究所于1925年在杜兰成立,目的是对新奥尔良跨越水域的历史(包括印度和殖民地)、考古学、热带植物学(包括经济和医学)、自然资源和产品进行深入研究向南方汇集、索引和传播数据并协助建立这些跨加勒比人民和美国之间最好的商业和友好关系。   大学学院成立于1942年,是杜兰大学的继续教育部门。到1950年,建筑学院从工程学成长为独立学校。1958年,杜兰大学当选为美国大学协会,该组织由北美62所顶级研究型大学组成。在公共卫生与热带医学学院又在1967年成为独立医学院成立于1912年,热带医学杜兰大学的学校也保持其在该国唯一的一个。1975年4月23日,杰拉尔德·福特校长应国会议员爱德华·赫伯特的邀请在杜兰大学的福格尔曼竞技场,路易斯安那州的第一个国会区的代表。在历史性的讲话中,福特宣布越南战争已经完成,直到美国在西贡沦陷前一周。福特提出了新奥尔良战役的相似之处,说这样的积极活动可以为美国的士气做什么,在1815年的战斗。在第二次世界大战期间,杜兰是全国131所高校之一,参加了V-12海军学院培训计划,为学生提供了一个通往海军委员会的途径。戴尔出版了关于杜兰大学创立至1965年的历史的详细介绍。   第三阶段:21世纪   As a result of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 and its damaging effects on New Orleans, most of the university was closed for the second time in its history—the first being during the Civil War. The closing affected the first semester of the school calendar year. The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine"s distance learning programs and courses stayed active. The School of Medicine relocated to Houston, Texas for a year. Aside from student athletes attending college classes together on the same campuses, most undergraduate and graduate students dispersed to campuses throughout the U.S. The storm inflicted more than $650 million in damages to the university, with some of the greatest losses impacting the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library and its collections.   由于2005年8月的卡特里娜飓风及其对新奥尔良的破坏性影响,该校大部分学校历史上第二次关闭,第一次是在内战期间。关闭影响了学校历年的第一个学期。公共卫生和热带医学学院的远程学习课程和课程保持活跃。医学院搬迁到休斯敦,得克萨斯州一年。除了学生运动员在同一校区上大学课程外,大多数本科生和研究生分散到美国各地的校园。这场风暴给杜兰大学造成了6.5亿多美元的损失,其中一些最大的损失影响了霍华德 - 蒂尔顿纪念图书馆和它的收藏。面对预算短缺,管理委员会于二零零五年十二月公布了重建计划,以减少年度经营预算,并建立以学生为中心的校园。为了解决学校对新奥尔良的承诺,服务学习的课程学分成为了本科学位的要求。2006年,杜兰成为第一位卡耐基排名高研究活动机构的本科公共服务毕业要求。2006年5月,毕业典礼包括开始发言的前总统乔治·W·布什和比尔·克林顿,他们赞扬学生返回杜兰并服务于新奥尔良的重建。
2023-06-17 03:12:421

et l ai b可以组成什么单词?

albeit 虽然albite【矿】钠长石libate 向……祭酒
2023-06-17 03:12:501


[美文欣赏]   Reading Good Books   Devote some of your leisure, I repeat, to cultivating a love of reading good books. Fortunate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers. For book- lovers have some noteworthy advantages over other people. They need never know lonely hours so long as they have books around them, and the better the books the more delightful the company. From good books, moreover, they draw much besides entertainment. They gain mental food such as few companions can supply. Even while resting from their labors they are, through the books they read, equipping themselves to perform those labors more efficiently. This albeit~ they may not be deliberately reading to improve their mind. All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed pages are stored up, to be worked over by the imagination for their future profit.   [参考译文]   阅读好书   我再说一遍,把你的一部分空闲时光用来培养阅读好书的爱好吧。那些设法把自己培养成为真正爱好读书的人,确实是幸运的。因为爱读书的人比之别人有着明显的好处。只要手头有书,他们就从来不知寂寞。书越好,读来越是津津有味。他们从好书中不但得到乐趣,而且受到很多教益。他们从中获得的那种精神食粮,从其他地方是很难得到的。即使是在工作休息时,通过读书,他们的工作效率也能更加提高,尽管他们未必有意识地想到读书是为了提高才智。在全然不知不觉中,他们从书中吸取的知识积累起来,经过想想象力的加工,对将来大有用处。
2023-06-17 03:13:471


  爱因斯坦说过:“天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水。”意思是:不论天分多好,要是不努力的话也是没用。爱因斯坦开创了现代科学技术新纪元,被公认为是继伽利略、牛顿之后最伟大的物理学家,也是批判学派科学哲学思想之集大成者和发扬光大者。  爱因斯坦的名言名句:1、Intellectuals solve problems;geniuses prevent them.智者解决问题,天才预防问题。2、Two things are infinite:the universe and human stupidity;and I"m not sure about the universe.宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。  3、Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one"s living at it.科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。4、The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.世界上最让人难以理解的东西就是个人所得税。  5、I am convinced that He(God)does not play dice.我确信上帝不玩赌博游戏。6、Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one.现实不过是幻象,尽管这幻象挥之不去。7、I never think of the future.It comes soon enough.我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。
2023-06-17 03:13:541


2023-06-17 03:14:036


   1.并列递进: (段落开头出现这些词,可以判断出这一段以及上一段的主要内容)   not only but also   further   then   next   subsequent   firstlyu2026..   an alternative to this notion is u2026 对......的替换   2.对比转折   转折:On the other hand,however, but, nevertheless, nonetheless,   让步词:(中文是虽然+但是, 英文中只有一个)   despite, inspite of, although, though, albeit, even if, even though   by contrast, by comparison   3.相似不同   相同: similar, alike, as, resemble, identical   不同:different, distinguished, unique, distinctive,unlike,   阻止......的大规模消失=实现多样性:species diversity,linguistic variety, 万花筒:kaleidoscope ,multiplicity 多样性, multifaceted 多面性   我们要拯救语言,不让其消失。   we should save the languages.   we should prevent languages from extinction.   We should achieve the linguistic diversity.   段落开头出现下列词汇,表示解决方案:   Initiative, solution, suggestion=proposal, way=approaches=method, find the access to the answers/solutions,    4.序列词   开始:start, begin, initial=initiate=initiation, unfold, commencement, carry out   暂停:stop, pause, balk at, cease, turn off,   继续:continue, go on, move on, carry on, subsequently   最后:last, finally, end, conclusion, consequently    5. 强调结构   转折为强调   否定结构:   not, never, none, seldom (几乎不)   little, few否定,不   I have few mistakes in this action, 在这次行动中我机会没有犯错。   far from   It is far from perfection. 但这次行动离完美还很远。   fail to   given that 考略到   most of the teammates fail to cooperate合作 with each other. 大多数的队员都没能做到协调一致   缺乏:   insufficient, deficiency, shortage, lack = not enough   所以领导说这可能是因为我们平时缺乏训练。   And according to the commander, it is resulting from the lack of practice.   And insufficient amount of practice have devoted to/breed/generated/ this.   ADD注意力缺乏紊乱症 attention deficit disorder   6. 因果关系词+ 起作用+ 有联系   Overdose of salt could breed heart disease.   Overdose of salt has detrimental impact on the heart functionality.   Heart disease is related to overdose of salt.   Vocabulary is critical for reading.   Vocabulary could >> reading   positive link   negative link   原因:好beneficial, 坏detrimental, factor因素, reason, cause, trigger, impetus behind 背后的推动力, incentive诱惑因素   结果:=灾难:incident, accident, damage, hazard, detrimental, disaster, issue, 自然灾害catastrophe   导致:lead to, devote to, cause, generate,   trigger 动词,引发   breed养大,养育mother-breeding 母乳喂养-breast-feeding 母乳喂养   Isolation breeds linguistic diversity.   地理上的间隔导致了语言的多样性   give rise to 催生, give birth to生出   由于: because of, as a result of, originate from, spawn from   起作用,有影响   be critical for ,be indispensible tou2026   have impact/influence on..   beneficial好的 / detrimental坏的   vital, crucial, essential, elementary, primary,   7. 比较级,最高级   表示“比较级”   你比我高。   You are taller than me.   I am shorter than you.   I am not as tall as you are.   You are superior over mein height. [A is Superior牛 over B in在 STH方面]   I am not superior over you in height.   I am inferior to you in height. [A is inferior弱 to B in STH]   Now we are under attack and outgunned by the enemies.   目前我们正在被攻击,并且活力被敌人压制超过。   A Out-名词 B=vt.表示A在......方面超过B   You outheight me.   You outwit me.   Wit源自于wisdom,wit智慧   Be superiorover 比......牛   Be inferior to比......弱   A have superiority/advantage/edge over B in sth.   A have inferiority/weakness to B in sth.   Out-名词 = 比较级   表示“最”   Chester is the craziest teacher in GE.   Chester is a craziest teacher in GE.   =Chester is one of the craziest teachers in GE.   =Chester is a very crazy teacher in GE.   A+最高级=very +adj   Very=extremely=ultimately=exceptionally=greatly   Narcissistic自恋的, narcissist自恋的人   8. 举例子   for example   for instance   事实:时间,地点,人物   列举:quote, cite, mention, talke aboutu2026.   来证明:to illustrate/show/prove/express/demonstrate/showcase   It is evident that this proposal possess both beneficial and detrimental impacts, while given that the merits way outnumberthe demerits, thus I reckon this is a partly implementable suggestion.   a comedian= the comedian= comedians 喜剧演员(这种职业的从业人员)   a policeman=the policeman=policemen   a cop=the cop=cops 条子   African Americans   the black people   Nigger   Sinopec 中国石化   Sino-Japanese   American-sino   阅读王道原则:   原文中有否定意义,题目中不出现否定意义(de-in-dis- -less)选F,NO   当题目中是比较级,大多数情况选择NG   当题目中every,all, never, should, must, 等表示绝对概念的词,选择FALSE   当题目中出现基于前人观点,TURE,出现忽略前人观点,FALSE   当题目中出现将来future,之后subsequent,f ollow-up,期待expect, predict, anticipate, estimate,下一次next,长期影响long-term impact,去最后一段找。
2023-06-17 03:14:191


为了帮助大家提高托福写作成绩,下面我给大家带来托福写作中的逻辑关系词,希望对大家有所帮助! 托福写作中的逻辑关系词 作文 中的逻辑联系词一直都是帮助考生提高自己成绩的至宝。我们在写英文复杂句的时候其实就是将两个或两个以上的 句子 用连接词连接起来的。前面没有连接词的主+谓+宾的结构叫做主句,而前面加了连接词的主+谓+宾叫做从句。而如果是多个句子的叠加,则结构如下。 主句+连词+从句+连词+从句 英文复杂句的本质其实就是这么简单,当然我们还能写出更加困难的复杂句,但从ets给出的满分 范文 可以看出,真正确保了核心结构才能写出满分的句子。相反的,我们在写托福作文的时候一定要避免为了写难句而写难句(being difficult just for difficulty"s sake).很多同学一相情愿的写出很多的“难句”,却忽视了ets对托福作文实用加准确的要求,从而拿了出乎本人意料的低分。 所以考生们在平时练习作文的时候提高自己的联系词实用的熟练度和准确度就是提高考试作文质量的最佳途径。 转折关系词 1, While; whereas; whilst:用在句首或是句中都是可以的,表示主句和从句的对比,也就是说这三个词均用来表示句中对比,是不能当成句首副词来用的。 Eg This is based on the belief that identical twins share all the same genes whereas all the fraternal twins share only half the same genes. While environmentalists are quick to blame the increased carbon dioxide emissions for the global warming, the truth is that nobody knows whether a similar warming-and the later cooling-occurred before the advent of temperature-related technology in the 1900s. 2, by/in contrast:用在句首,表示它之前的一个句子和它后面引导的句子之间的对比,也就是表示句间对比。 3, on the contrary:这个词考生们都很喜欢用,但是错误率很高。需要注意的是这个词和in contrast弄混了,但其实这个此更接近instead,…的意思。它后面的内容是否定前面的陈述的。 Eg: It should be noted that not all school kids love to study. On the contrary, they love to explore the world around them, paying little attention to their academic work. Contrary to all the experts" expectation, the American economy took a nosedive. 4, rather than/instead of: 而不是,这两词是高分范文中的常见词汇,虽然也很为我们所熟悉,但是我们可以在不产生审美疲劳的情况下多使用几次。 At work, we should try to be ourselves rather than to be someone who we think others expect us to be. Instead of making further requests, pessimistic customers tend to lodge complaints. 5, Conversely:这货十分难写,跟在它后面的内容一般是把它前面的一句话的意思完全镜像。虽然它在美式 议论文 还算比较常见的一个单词,但是因为其用法确实让人头痛。具体请看例句: Studies have shown, for example, that reading aloud to children helps them become better readers. Conversely, children who do not have others reading aloud to them generally find it difficult to learn how to read. 让步关系词 1. Despite; In spite of; Notwithstanding: 后面跟名词或者代词。 Eg: Despite considerable public popularity, many of JFK"s social and civil rights programs had made little progress in a Democrat-controlled but conservative Congress. 2. Nonetheless; Nevertheless: 后面直接跟完整的句子。 Eg: Nevertheless, people have been harmed, hurt or even killed by them. 3. Even though:很多时候可以代替although,后面跟从句,表示对已经存在的状况进行让步。 4. Even if:后面跟从句,表示对没有发生的情况进行让步。 5. Albeit:一般用在句子中间,后面跟形容词。 6. As long as:只要,用在句子中间,不仅写作很常用,口语也很常用,比如那句有名的歌词:I don"t care who you are, where you from , what you did as long as you love me. 7. ….,however +adj.+n.,…: 这个句型也可以表示让步,它的有趣的之处就是名词后面可以省略动词。 Eg: Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, they always share some interests in common. 8. Admittedly: 他后面的句子一般都会加个“however”“but”之类的转折词汇。 限定关系词 1. In terms of: 从。。。意义上来讲;后面跟名词或者名词 短语 ,用在句首或者句中都可以。 Eg: We all differ in terms of what we find funny, but we"re all the same in terms our interests to listen to amusing things. These children are often spoiled, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways. 2. As for:后面可跟名词或者名词短语都可以,用在句首 3. When it comes to:后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首,有时候根据上下意思不同还可以再前面加上一个but 4. Regarding; concerning; with regard to; with respect to:关于。。。后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首或者句中都可以 类比关系词 1. Similarly:“类似地”一般情况下用在句首 Eg: Similarly, students who have to cope with intense peer pressure may have a hard time concentrating on their academic subjects. 2. Likewise:同上 Eg Some people have little power to do good, and to have little strength to resist evil.-------Samuel Johnson. 3. By the same token::“同理” Eg: The pressure didn"t present any fresh ideas, bun y the same token(=similarly), we didn"t expect any from him. 4. The same is true of:“这对于。。。也适用”,句首,后面跟名词或者名词短语 因果关系词 原因: 1. As; Since:后面跟从句而不能只跟一个名词 Eg: Since we cannot experience everything all by ourselves, we also acquire knowledge by reading books, magazines and newspapers. 2. Due to :后面只能跟从句而不能跟从句。 3. Owing to:同上 4. For the sake of,相当于英文中的for the purpose of helping/improving Eg My father kept saving his money for the sake of building a house for me. 5. By virtue of:意识是“通过。。。来。。。” Eg: She succeed by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent. 6. Given that; In view of, in light of“考虑到,鉴于。。。” Eg: Given the mounting pressure at work, he would sacrifice his high-paying job in exchange for the leisure time. 所以: 1. Hence; Thus; Therefore:因此; 用在句中或者句首都可以,如果用在句中的话,则句中用分号,后面跟他们引导的从句。 2. As a consequence; Consequently;as a result: 作为结果,用在句首比较多,后面用逗号。 3. So that:因此,用在句中。 托福写作词语运用两大原则 一。“言简朴实原则” “言简朴实原则”意思是行文主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。例如: At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)这句话中“At this point in time”表示“现在”,我们完全可以用now来代替。 Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。(虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。) 这句话中despite the fact tha t= although = though,因此我们完全可以改成Although my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。 In the majority of cases, he likes to ride bike to the office. (他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室)。很简单的一句话,完全可以写成 He usually likes to ride bike to the office。 平时我们所说的用词多样化和地道并不是体现在这些时间副词或者是完全可以简化的啰嗦句型上,而是指实用性极强的词如动词和形容词,比如: Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people"s feelings and learn to be kind。 Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people"s feelings and learn to be considerate。 add,kind表达的含义都比较宽泛。add可以指数量上的增加,也可以指程度的加强,对于“丰富 经验 、增加知识”这个意思,用enrich会使表达更准确。kind从字面意义上讲是“好的、善良的”,用kind来形容人无法具体地表现出一个人的性格特征到底怎样,原句中是想表达“考虑周到、体贴入微”的特点,要准确表达这个含义应选择considerate。 另外,我们常见的一些累赘用词表现在句意的理解上,比如: He has had many years of (actual) experience in business. (他有多年经商的经验) actual是多余的,因为experience已经有actual的意味了。 We assembled (together) all the parts for our radio. (我们装好收音机的零件)assemble本身就有together的意思,因此together是多余的。 此外还有,in reference to=about; draw to close=end; at an early date=soon等。 二。“平等相处原则” “平等相处原则”的意思是行文不出现明显的带歧视或偏见的字眼,包括男女性别,也要避免区别,以示“平等”。例如: Many businessmen(businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful. (许多商人觉得工作压力很大)这句话写businessmen或是businesswomen都是不妥当的,可以改为business people或business executives或business managers就可以包括男女了。 Policemen (policewomen) should treat citizens with courtesy。(警察对人民应该有礼貌)假如把 policemen 或 policewomen 改为 police officers 就可避免男女性别 Stewardesses for international regions may get jet lag sometimes。(国际航线的空中小姐有时会有时差疲惫的现象)如把 stewardess 改为 flight attendant,就能包括男女空中服务员。 其他的如把salesman或saleswoman改为salesperson;把mailman改为mail carrier或postal worker;把foreman改为supervisor等等。 当然,一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words 或 slur),也要尽量避免使用,以免闹出麻烦。例如: 对黑人不要用 Negro,更不能用 Nigger(用 Black 还可以),礼貌的说法是Afro-American 或 African-American; 对白人不要用 Honky(这是黑人骂白人的用字),正确用法是 Caucasian,或 white people; 对犹太人不要用 Hymies,应该叫 Jewish 或 Jewish people; 对越南人不要用 Gook,要用 Vietnamese; 至于墨西哥人、西班牙人及中、南美洲人,包括 Puerto Rico,正确的用法多是 Hispanics 或 Latins,不过据说西班牙人为了维护自己的 文化 ,倒喜欢别人称为 Spaniard。 还有黑白结婚的孩子,也不可称为 Oreo(Oreo 饼干外面是巧克力,里面是白奶油)。 当然对于一些很不礼貌的老外叫我们中国人Chink 或 Chinaman,而不是Chinese的时候,话说“君子不与小人斗”,我们可以不理(ignore)或是走开(walk away),尽量避免冲突。 总之,新托福写作要地道,了解他国的文化也是必不可少的“功课”之一。当然,在考试复习时间不充裕的情况下,尽量避免提及非常敏感的话题及用词,清楚简要地表达意思即可。 托福写作范文:The Nobel Academy The Nobel Academy For the last 82years, Sweden"s Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal. But today the Academy is coming under heavy criticism both from the without and from within. Critics contend that the selection of the winners often has less to do with true writing ability than with the peculiar internal politics of the Academy and of Sweden itself. According to Ingmar Bjorksten, the cultural editor for one of the country"s two major newspapers, the prize continues to represent "what people call a very Swedish exercise: reflecting Swedish tastes." The Academy has defended itself against such charges of provincialism in its selection by asserting that its physical distance from the great literary capitals of the world actually serves to protect the Academy from outside influences. This may well be true, but critics respond that this very distance may also be responsible for the Academy"s inability to perceive accurately authentic trends in the literary world. Regardless of concerns over the selection process, however, it seems that the prize will continue to survive both as an indicator of the literature that we most highly praise, and as an elusive goal that writers seek. If for no other reason, the prize will continue to be desirable for the financial rewards that accompany it; not only is the cash prize itself considerable, but it also dramatically increases sales of an author"s books. 托福写作范文:The war between Britain and France The war between Britain and France In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East, South Africa, the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was only one major war during this time, the war between Britain and France. All other battles were ancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at least partially related to its antagonist" goals and strategies. France sought total domination of Europe. This goal was obstructed by British independence and Britain"s efforts throughout the continent to thwart Napoleon; through treaties. Britain built coalitions (not dissimilar in concept to today"s NATO) guaranteeing British participation in all major European conflicts. These two antagonists were poorly matched, insofar as they had very unequal strengths; France was predominant on land, Britain at sea. The French knew that, short of defeating the British navy, their only hope of victory was to close all the ports of Europe to British ships. Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow t Lisbon, from Jutland to Caldaria. All of this entailed tremendous risk, because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home. French strategists calculated that a navy of 150 ships would provide the force necessary to defeat the British navy. Such a force would give France a three-to-two advantage over Britain. This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain"s superior sea skills and technology because of Britain"s superior sea skills and technology, and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war, allowing it to win with fewer forces. Napoleon never lost substantial impediment to his control of Europe. As his force neared that goal, Napoleon grew increasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack.
2023-06-17 03:14:301


十诫诗  第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。   第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。   第三最好不相伴,如此便可不相欠。   第四最好不相惜,如此便可不相忆。   第五最好不相爱,如此便可不相弃。   第六最好不相对,如此便可不相会。   第七最好不相误,如此便可不相负。   第八最好不相许,如此便可不相续。   第九最好不相依,如此便可不相偎。   第十最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚。   但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。   安得与君相诀绝,免教生死作相思。来源:  “第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。”和“但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。安得与君相诀绝,免教生死作相思。”是仓央嘉措的同一首诗歌(原文是藏文)的不同译本。中间的“第三”到“第十”,据作家桐华称,为其读者“白衣悠蓝”观看书《步步惊心》后的续写。[1]因一共十条,被网友冠以《十诫诗》之名,仓央嘉措的原诗并没有名字。
2023-06-17 03:14:534

雅思小作文开荒中,写了一篇,是剑桥4test4写作1 ,求指点,最好能评价一下或者各个分数。

比较的线形图之间的年人口外国游客在英国和本土定居点上旅行,从1990年到1999年,加上一个柱状图具体刻画这些居民的分配在一个几个范围的国家于1999年。  首先,考虑到这两个几十年的发展,外出旅游人数的居民总是大,输出的输入的高速增长,外来的游客。尽管门槛,这些移民与当地山水乡情略多于外国人(12版本1000万年),前者更最终在接下来的七年山。因此,从1982年开始,尽管有点推广海外的到来,国内的趋势大幅飙升,导致土著居民离开,直到1999年,有近似的两倍(5300万)为游客游客(2700万年)结束。 此外,从英国旅游者最喜欢的国家,它在1999年占法国,1000万年被授予“比例最高,其次是西班牙的流行,不到1000万人。其余的都是美国(450万),希腊和土耳其(400万)(350万),分别作为一个整体,其人口仅相当于法国是特殊的。综上所述,英国的痕迹当地人出国,它们频繁地保持较高的增长速度比外来游客无与伦比。另外,在英国旅游者选择的观点,大部分的法国风格。
2023-06-17 03:15:121


One sunny day a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the weather. The day was so nice that the rabbit became careless, so a fox sneaked up to her and caught her. 一个晴天,一只兔子钻出地洞享受好天气。一不小心,有只狐狸溜过来,抓住了她。 “I am going to eat you for lunch!” said the fox. “Wait!” replied the rabbit, “You should at least wait a few days.” “Oh, yeah? Why should I wait?” “Well, I am just finishing my Ph.D. thesis(论文).” “我要把你当午饭吃掉!”狐狸说。 “等等!”兔子说,“你还得等上几天。” “哦?是吗?我为什么要等?” “是这样,我的博士论文正在收尾。” “Ha, that"s a stupid excuse. What is the title of your thesis anyway?” “I am writing my thesis on ‘The Superiority(优越性) of Rabbits over Fox and Wolves. "” “Are you crazy? I should eat you right now! Everybody knows that a fox will always win over a rabbit.” “哈,你这借口可够蠢的。那你说说,你的论文题目是什么?” “我写的是《论兔子之于狐狸和狼的优越性》。” “你疯了吗?我现在就该把你吃掉!谁都知道狐狸比兔子哪儿哪儿都强。” “Not really, according to my research. If you like, you can come to my hole and read it for yourself. If you are not convinced, you can go ahead and have me for lunch.” “You are really crazy!” But since the fox was curious and nothing to lose, he went with the rabbit into her hole.The fox never came back out. “据我研究不见得如此。你愿意的话,可以来我洞里拿我的论文亲自读读看。看完还不信的话,你就直接把我当午饭吃了。” “你是真疯了!”但是,狐狸好奇了起来,反正去看看也没什么损失,他就跟着兔子进了洞,之后再没有出来。 A few days later, the rabbit was again taking a break from writing. A wolf came out of bushes and seized her. “Wait!” yelled the rabbit, “You cannot eat me right now.” “And why might that be, you fuzzy appetizer(开胃菜)?” 几天以后,兔子写累了,又出来休息。灌木丛里钻出来一只狼,把她抓住了。 “等等!”兔子喊道,“你现在不能吃我。”那是为什么呀,你这个毛茸茸的开胃菜?” “I have almost finished writing my Ph.D. thesis on ‘The Superiority of Rabbits over Fox and Wolves".” The wolf laughed so hard that he almost lost his hold on the rabbit. “Maybe I shouldn"t eat you, you really are sick in the head, you might have something contagious(传染的),”the wolf said. “我的博士论文就快写完了,题目是《论兔子之于狐狸和狼的优越性》。” 狼大笑起来,笑得差点就松开了兔子。“也许我是不该现在就把你吃掉,你真的是脑袋有病吧,这病会传染吗?”狼说。 “Come and read for yourself, you can eat me after that if you disagree with my conclusion.” So the wolf went to the rabbit"s hole and never came out. The rabbit finished her thesis and was out celebrating in the lettuce(生菜) fields. “你自己进来读读看吧,不同意我得出的结论的话,再吃我也不迟。”于是,狼进了兔子洞,再也没有出来。 兔子写完了论文,出来到生菜地里庆祝。 Another rabbit came by and asked, “What"s up? You seem to be very happy.” “Yes, I have just finished my thesis.” “Congratulations! What is it about?” “It is titled ‘The Superiority of Rabbits over Fox and Wolves".” “Are you sure? That doesn"t sound right.” 另一只兔子走过来问:“这是怎么了?你这么开心。” “是啊,我刚写完我的博士论文。” “恭喜你!你写的是什么内容啊?” “题目是《论兔子之于狐狸和狼的优越性》。” “你确定吗?听上去不太对啊。” “Oh yes, you should come over and read it for yourself.” So they went together to the rabbit"s hole. As they went in, the friend saw a typical graduate student adobe, albeit(尽管) a rather messy one after writing a thesis. 另一只兔子走过来问:“这是怎么了?你这么开心。” “是啊,我刚写完我的博士论文。” “恭喜你!你写的是什么内容啊?” “题目是《论兔子之于狐狸和狼的优越性》。” “你确定吗?听上去不太对啊。” The computer with the controversial dissertation(论文) was in one corner, on the right there was a pile of fox bones, on the left was a pile of wolf bones, and in the middle was a large, lip-licking lion, the thesis advisor. 用来写那篇充满争议的论文的电脑放在一个角落里,右边是一堆狐狸骨头,左边是一堆狼骨头,中间站着一只体格硕大、正在舔嘴唇的狮子——兔子论文的导师。
2023-06-17 03:15:191


The Singles" Day has infected like avirus from the west to the east, including China. These days it is not odd to see that millions of Chinese are lured by the rushing commercials on TV,Internet and magazines. People no matter single or married or divorced seem tohave developed a particular attachment to this weird holiday if you can call it a holiday. For someone, it is nothing but an amusement; more often than not, people who are updating themselves on this day are just in pursuit of the feeling of being recognized and understood by the mainstream of mass communications. And the more adequate the reasons they porpoganda, the more compulsive and eager certain customers would feel to do the shopping or to attend a party. Actually before we know it, businessmen have taken advantage of those innocent consumers and deprived their wealth and mind by brainwashing with the help of overwhelming ads everywhere. It is us, the customers at the risk of being robbed from time to time every month and every year when they decide it is feeding time.
2023-06-17 03:15:301

《Miniver Cheevy》的翻译。

Miniver Cheevy迷尼弗·契维;
2023-06-17 03:15:413

albeit 和 notwishstanding 的区别

albeit 是连词连词是连接两个并列成分,比如连接两个句子,连接两个同性质的词语或短语。例句:Charles"s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form. 尽管有所删节,查尔斯的信确实被刊登出来了。notwithstanding 是介词介词后面一般只跟名词,代词,或者相当于名词性质的动名词做宾语。例句:He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。
2023-06-17 03:16:051

英语中可以翻译为“虽然”的短语和单词 最好齐全

虽然 1.although spite of 3.though 4.albeit 尽管,虽然 1.although 2.despite 虽然,尽管 1.although 2.though 虽然这样 1.after all spite of that 虽然如此 1.for all that 2.nonetheless
2023-06-17 03:16:141


2023-06-17 03:16:241


If We Were Not To Meet---Translatedby Xu Jingcheng (许景城)If we were not to meet, we would not fall in love;If we were not in acquaintance, we would not be drowned in lovesickness;If we were not in company, we would not mutually owe;If we were not to cherish, we would not recall;If we were not to fall in love, we would not mutually abandon;If we were not face to face, we would not meet;If we were not to hurt, we would not fail to be loyal;If we were not to promise, our love would not continue;Albeit, ever to meet is to know! If ever is assuch, better not to meet.Alas! Howcould I part with you eternally, thus not in the gyre of endless lovesickness?If we were not to meet, we would not fall in love;If we were not in acquaintance, we would not be drowned in lovesickness;If we were not in company, we would not mutually owe;If we were not to cherish, we would not recall;If we were not to depend, we would not snuggle;If we were not to encounter, we would not be in reunion. 译本一(于道泉译本):No1:Had better not meet, and thus you would not fall in love;No2:Had better not be in acquaintance, and thus you would not be drowned in lovesickness;---English Version Translated by Xu Jingcheng (许景城)译本二(曾缄译本):Albeit, ever to meet is to know! If ever is as such, better not to meet.Alas! How could I part with you eternally, thus not in the gyre of endless lovesickness?---English VersionTranslated by Xu Jingcheng (许景城)译本三 《步步惊心》上的:No1: If you were not to meet, thus you would not fall in love;No2: If you were not in acquaintance, thus you would not be drowned in lovesickness;---English VersionTranslated by Xu Jingcheng (许景城)白衣悠蓝的十诫诗的英文译本:译本1:Ten Admonishments?--- Translated by Xu Jingcheng (许景城)No1: Had better not to meet, and thus you would not fall in love;No2: Had better not be in acquaintance, and thus you would not be drowned in lovesickness;No3: Had better not be in company, and thus you would not mutually owe;No4: Had better not cherish, and thus you would not recall;No5: Had better not fall in love, and thus you would not mutually abandon;No6: Had better not see face to face, and thus you would not meet;No7: Had better not hurt, we would not fail to be loyal;No8: Had better not promise, and thus your love would not continue;No9: Had better not depend, and thus you would not snuggle;No10: Had better not encounter, and thus you would not be in reunion.Albeit, ever to meet is to know! If ever is as such, better not to meet.Alas! How could I part withyou eternally, thus not in the gyre of endless lovesickness?译本2:这个是来自《环球时报》上的翻译:The first,the one you should not meet, so then you may not love .The second,the one you should not known well, so then you may not lovesick.The third,the one you should not accompany, so then you may not owe .The fourth,the one you should not pity, so then you may not recall.The fifth,the one you should not love, so then you may not abandon.The sixth,the one you should not opposite, so then you may not meet.The seventh,the one you should not harm, so then you may not negative.The eighth,the one you should not wish, so then you may not go on.The ninth,the one you should not rely on, so then you may not snuggle.The tenth ,the one youshould not meet, so then you may not have a meeting.
2023-06-17 03:16:311

请问一下despite, in spite of, even though三个词的区别。

although, though, as, even though, even if, despite, (in) despite of, in spite of等,除了后三者是介词(短语)外,其余都是从属连词。 一. 从属连词although, though, as, even though, even if的用法 1.在自然语序的让步状语从句中,although, though, even though的用法相同,均可置于句首或从句首,常与动词连用,只是thouth比另两者要通俗些。如: Though/Although/Even though it"s hard work, I enjoy it.尽管这项工作艰难,我却喜欢它。 Although/Though/Even though we all tried our best, we lost the game.(=We lost the game although/though/even though we tried our best.)虽然我们已经尽了最大的力量,但还是输了。 注意:上述的句型都不能用as代替though, although或even though。 2.当让步状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来的假说或一般的行为习惯时,通常用even though/even if,一般不用though, although和as,如: Even if/Even thouth I have to walk all the way,I"ll go there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。 She won"t leave the TV set even though/even if supper"s on the table. 即使晚饭已摆在桌上,她也不愿意离开电视机。 但是,有时though+情态动词+行为动词也可替代even though/even if+动词的一般现在时来表示习惯性的行为。如: Even if/Even though you don"t like wine(=though you may not like wine),try a glass of this. 尽管你不喜欢酒,也要喝一杯这样的酒。 3. 当让步状语从句的动词用虚拟式表示与事实相反的假说时,大多数用even though/even if, 而不用though, although和as,如: It was a sword-thrust, received from twenty to twenty-four hours before, but nothing could have saved him even if/even though he had been tended without delay. 那是一处二十至二十四小时前被剑刺的伤口,但是,即使他当时得到及时的救护,也没法挽救他的命。 You are not stupid. Even though/Even if you were slow at study, you shouldn"t give up your studies. 你并不傻,即使你学得慢一点,也不应该放弃学习。 4.在倒装语序的让步状语从句中,通常用though或as,不用although, even though。如: Poor though/as I am, I can afford beer. 虽然我穷,我还可以买得起啤酒。 Young as/though I am, I already know what career I want to follow. 尽管我还小,但对要从事的职业已经胸有成竹。 Strange though it may seem, it is true. 尽管这事似乎很奇怪,可是是真的。 Try as he would/might, he couldn"t open the door.虽然他试了几次,却仍打不开那门。 5.在省略了主语、be动词或行为动词的让步状语从句中,常常用though/although,而不用as, even though, even if,如: Her appointment was a significant(success),although/though( it was a )temporary success. 她受聘虽然是临时性的,但却是一大成功。 He performed the task well, although/though(he performed it)slowly.尽管他做得有些慢,但把任务完成得很好。 It is a sunny day, though/although (it is) cold. 今天虽然冷,但阳光充足。 注意:上述三句中的although/though可用albeit代替,只是albeit比另两者更文雅、更正式一些,如: Her appointment was a significant, albeit temporary success. He performed the task well, albeit slowly. It is a sunny day, albeit cold. 6.though作副词时表示“尽管如此”,一般置于句末,可用however代替,此时不能用although/even though/as等代替。如: We all tried our best. We lost the game, though/however. 我们都已尽了最大的力量,尽管如此,我们还是输了。 The task was very hard. He decided to perform it, though/however. 任务很艰巨,尽管如此,他还是决定去执行。 注意:当however置于第二句(表示结果)的句首时,不能用though来代替,如上述两句可改为: We all tried our best. However, we lost the game. The task was very hard. However, he decided to perform it. 7.当状语从句用although/though/as/even though时,不能与but连用,但可与yet连用,如: Although/Though/Even though he is old, (yet) he is quite strong. 虽然他老了,但是还是十分强壮。 Child as/though he is, (yet) he knows a lot of Chinese characters.尽管他是个小孩,却懂得很多汉字。 二、介词(短语)despite/(in)despite of/in spite of的用法 在英语中,despite/(in)despite of/in spite of是介词(短语),都可接名词(短语)、动名词(短语),只是(in)despite of是较古老的用语,这短语中的in可以省略。如: They had a wonderful holiday, despite/in spite of/(in) despite of bad weather. 尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。 Despite/In spite of/(In) despite of wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.她尽管很想再见到他,但却不愿意给他回信。 Despite/In spite of/(In) despite of the fact that we tried our best, we didn"t win. 尽管我们尽了最大的努力,我们还是没有得胜。
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2023-06-17 03:16:552


2023-06-17 03:17:121

Na Ul的《Blue Day》 歌词

BLUE DAY(切尔西球迷歌曲)The only place to beEvery other SaturdayIs strollin" down the Fulham RoadMeet your mates and have a drinkHave a moan and start to thinkWill there ever be a blue tomorrow?We"ve waited so longBut we"d wait for everOur blood is blue andWe would leave you neverAnd when we make itIt"ll be together, oh oh ohChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayWe"ve got some memoriesAlbeit from the Seventies whenOssie & Co restored our prideNow we"ve got hope, and a team, suddenly it"s not a dreamWe"ll keep the Blue Flag flying highWe"ve waited so longBut we"d wait for everOur blood is blue andWe would leave you neverAnd when we make itIt"ll be together, oh oh ohChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayNow even HeavenIs Blue today, you shouldHear the Chelsea roarHear the Chelsea roarChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue DayChelsea Chelsea, Chelsea ChelseaWe"re gonna make this a Blue Day!(End)
2023-06-17 03:17:201


2023-06-17 03:17:313


问题一:新东方和蓝翔的英文怎么说 new east and blue shit 问题二:蓝翔的英文为什么叫buleshit 翔,网络用语里有shi的意思。 例句:请满饮了这一杯热翔。。。 问题三:山东蓝翔高级技工学校用英语怎么说? Shandong Lanxiang Senior Technical school 挺好。 美国的技术高中也有这么叫的,如 Technical Senior High School Keta Senior High Technical School Oakland Technical Senior High School 等等 问题四:蓝翔这两个字怎么翻译? 蓝色的屎 问题五:挖掘机项目哪家强 中国山东找蓝翔 用英文怎么说?求翻译 Excavator project where is strong. China Lan Xiang in Shandong 问题六:蓝翔的英语缩写怎么写。 百度百科给出蓝翔的英文表达是“Shandong Lanxiang Senior Technical school 问题七:蓝翔技校的英文文章介绍 The Shandong Lanxiang Vocational School (Chinese: 山东蓝翔高级技工学校; pinyin: Shāndōng Lánxiáng Gāojí Jìgōng Xuéxiào), colloquially Lanxiang (Chinese: 蓝翔), is a vocational school in the Tianqiao District of Jinan, Shandong, China. The school was founded in 1984[1] and is said to have been established with support from the People"s Liberation Army.[2] The school admits about 20,000 students per year[1] and offers courses in subjects like cooking, auto repair, construction equipment operation (Specialist in excavator), and hairdressing, as well as puter skills (albeit possibly only basic ones).[1]
2023-06-17 03:17:511


Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has different meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However, the word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses:Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group When the concept first emerged in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, it connoted a process of cultivation or improvement, as in agriculture or horticulture. In the nineteenth century, it came to refer first to the betterment or refinement of the individual, especially through education, and then to the fulfillment of national aspirations or ideals. In the mid-nineteenth century, some scientists used the term "culture" to refer to a universal human capacity.In the twentieth century, "culture" emerged as a concept central to anthropology, encompassing all human phenomena that are not purely results of human genetics. Specifically, the term "culture" in American anthropology had two meanings: (1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively; and (2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively. Following World War II, the term became important, albeit with different meanings, in other disciplines such as sociology, cultural studies, organizational psychology and management studies.from wikipedia楼主以后有类似的问题去wikipedia(维基百科),免费又权威。
2023-06-17 03:18:012


专四题目:为大公司还是小公司工作?Some people prefer to work for a large company while others prefer to work for a small company. What is your view?专四范文:Choose a Big CompanyWhether a small or a big company is better should be judged on a case-to-case basis. Generally speaking, I would like to take up a job in a big company.To begin with, big corporations are more reputable and prestigious than small ones. Therefore, it is easier to acquire a credible recommendation letter if one ever decides to seek other employment and get on the career ladder. In addition, big companies often provide satisfactory welfare benefits along with other perks whereas small enterprises may not always duly value their employees. Furthermore, the in-house training operated by big corporations benefits students not for the current job but also has a longlasting impact on their future career. In addition, renowned companies, especially international ones, are more likely to offer employees the opportunity to work in different places. Also, the options presented by small enterprises are often quite limited. Last but not least, small companies usually lack an efficient infrastructure and this may create many obstacles for new graduates who are not well experienced. Also, their brand value can hardly compete with well-known big companies.In summary, albeit that the competition is irrefutably fiercer for the positions offered by big companies, the aforementioned merits render a big company a better choice.(208 words)
2023-06-17 03:18:111


1. 英语作文中的连词 高级连词 【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法。如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】 以下内容截取自该书的Day 5, “连词(linkers)”那一章 一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to 二、表结果的连词 hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that 三、表目的的连词 thereby, in order to 四、举例关系中用的连词 take。 for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。 五、类比与对比关系时用的连词 similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast 六、让步关系中用的连词 despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as 七、假设关系中用的连词 otherwise, provided that, unless 八、限定关系 in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning 2. 【英语作文中的连词高级连词】 【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法.如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】以下内容截取自该书的Day 5,“连词(linkers)”那一章一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to二、表结果的连词hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that三、表目的的连词thereby, in order to四、举例关系中用的连词take。 for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。五、类比与对比关系时用的连词similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast六、让步关系中用的连词despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as七、假设关系中用的连词otherwise, provided that, unless八、限定关系in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning。 3. 高中英语作文高级词汇 连接性状语概念在句子中或从句中起连接作用。 不修饰,不评论。句中位置常在句首,也可和并列连词连用。 表列举和顺序firstly,secondly,for one thing,for another thing,for a start,to begin with,in the first place,in the second place,at last / finally/ in the end/ at the endlast,lastly,next,then,finally,to conclude表意义增补和引申also,besides,theremore,moreover,in addition,above all,what is more,表同位namely,for example,for instance,that is,that is to say表结果consequently从而,因此hence因此,从此so,therefore因此thus因而as a result结果是表意义等同equally,likewise,similarly,in the same way.表推论else,otherwise,therefore,then,in that case表换个说法alternatively,rather,in other words表意义转折instead,on the contrary,in contrast,by parison,on the one hand…on the other hand表让步anyhow,anyway,however,nevertheless,still,though,yet,in any case,at any rate,in spite of that,after all, all the same表时间过渡meantime,meanwhile,in the meantime表改变话题by the way,incidentally顺便提及,附带on the way/in the way/by the way表概括总结then,all in all,in conclusion,to sum up,in a word。 4. 高一英语基础的一些作文常用句子和连词Rt,在书面表达中药用的,好 英语作文,不外乎就是把一个个句子连起来,作文要想出彩,句子是关键,好的句子其实你都看到过,都是老师教过的,比如从句(主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语),强调句,省略句,倒装句,虚拟语气,动词的变化等,在平时多载录多记记,自然就会好的.连词么,可以多用些以-ly结尾的连词,比如additionally,briefly,totally,还有就是那些生僻的词语,我觉得把还是少用点,把单词表里那些不常用的记住了,足够你用了.总之,英语作文要写好不是一朝一夕的事,你从高一开始就有这种意识还是很可贵的,我认为好的句子和连词不一定就对你适用,关键还是得你自己平时积累,最后在高考时厚积薄发.GOOD LUCK.。 5. 【英语作文中常用的词组怎样才能写好一篇英语作文 一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…. (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等. (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等. (4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等. (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等. (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what"s worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等. (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等. (三)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候 at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as early as 早……的时候 as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前 early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 one day 有一天 one afternoon 一天下午 one morning 一天早晨 2、表示空间的 to the right/left 朝右/左 on the rinht/left 在右/左边 in the middle of 在中间 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面 at the back of 在后面 at the bottom of 在底部 on the edge of 在……的边上 on top of 在……的顶部 opposite to 与……相对 close to 靠近 near to 在……附近 next to 与……相邻 under 垂直在下 over 垂直在上 below 在下方 above 在上方 across 在……的另一边 around 在周围 behind 在后 before 在前 against 靠着、抵着 further on 再往前 3、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another… at the same time at first at last 4、表示列举 for example 例如:…… namely 即…… for instance 例如:…… that is (to say) 也就是说 such as 如…… take…for example 拿……来说 like 像…… 5、表示比较或对比 like 像 unlike 不像 similarly 同样地 in the same way 以相同的方式 pared to 与……相比 while 而 still=nevertheless 然而 on the contrary 正相反 different from 与……不同 on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 in contrast with 与……成对比 6、表示增补 and 而且 both…and 不但……而且 not only…but also 不但……而且 as well as 不但……而且 also=besides=furthermore=more over 此外、而且 in addition 并且 apart from 除了……之外 what"s more 而且、更重要的 for another 另一方面 worse still=what"s worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是 including 包括 7、表示因果 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 now that 既然 therefore 因此 thus 这样 so 所以 as a result (of) 结果 because of=on account of 因为 thanks to 多亏、由于 for this reason 由于这个原因 if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样 8、表示目的 for this purpose in order to do so as to do so that… in order that… 9、表示让步 though/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever/however/whoever even if/ even though 10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what"s more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in other words 换句话说 in that case 那样的话 or rather 更确切地说 particularly 特别地 11、表示转折 but 但是 still 然而 however 然而 while 而 12、表示总结 in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之 generally speaking 一般说来 in short=in a few words 简言之 in conclusion=lastly 最后地 on the whole=taking everything into consideration 从总体来看、大体上 so 所以 therefore 因此 thus 这样 as has been mentioned 正如所提到的 it is quite clear that 很显然 there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 it is well-known that 大家都知道 as we all know=as is known to us all 大家都知道 as/so far as I know 据我所知 to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之 13、表示转折话题 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实上。 6. 写英语作文常用到的连词,句式,名言,高级词汇 一、~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)例We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ……(不可否认的……)例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的……)例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (……的优点是……)例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won"t create (produce) any pollution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (……的原因是……)例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此……以致于……)例句:So precious is time that we can"t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。 十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然……)例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~ The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V ~~~(愈……愈……)例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we bee.我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着……,……能够……例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 十三、~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (……使……能够……)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能……)例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 十五、It is time + S + 过去式 (该是……的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。十六、Those who ~~(……的人……)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。 十七、There is no one but ~~没有人不……)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学。十八、be + forced/pelled/obliged + to + V (不得不……)例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am pelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的)It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的)It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的)例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是……的原因)例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don"t like it.夏天很燠热。 那就是我不喜欢它的原因。二十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式……(过去……年来,……一直……)例句:For the past o years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。 二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (……是值得的。)例句:It pays to help others.帮助别人是值得的。 二十四、be based on (以……为基础)例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。二十五、Spare no 。
2023-06-17 03:18:291


where did you go in summer holidays?
2023-06-17 03:18:382

是to some degree还是in some

意思不一样1、to some degree 英[tu: su028cm diu02c8ɡri:] 美[tu su028cm du026au02c8ɡri] 在某种程度上; 有点,稍微; [例句]These statements are, to some degree, all correct.这些声明从某种程度上来说全都属实。2、in some degree 英[in su028cm diu02c8ɡri:] 美[u026an su028cm du026au02c8ɡri] 多多少少; [例句]The first method is average method, which decreases the contrast of images insome degree.平均法在一定程度上降低了图像的对比度;
2023-06-17 03:18:582


  高跟鞋是指鞋跟高于普通鞋的一种鞋,使穿此鞋人的脚跟明显比脚趾高。那么,你知道高跟鞋的英语怎么说吗?   高跟鞋的英文释义:   high-heel shoe   high heels   shoes with high heels   high heel   high heeled shoe   高跟鞋的英文例句:   她穿著高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走著[四处走]。   She was teetering along/about/around in very high-heeled shoes.   她穿著很高的高跟鞋,扭扭捏捏地走进房间。   She minced into the room wearing very high heels.   作为一个孕妇,她对高跟鞋又爱又恨。   She has a dubious love of very high heels for a pregnant woman. 高跟鞋英语怎么说   我忽然想到为什么高跟鞋需要一个完整的鞋底。   I wondered why there was the need for a foot plate in shoes such as high heels.   我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。   I only wear high heels on special occasions.   在正式场跋她比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。   She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions.   穿高跟鞋搭配小短裤能使你看起来更高挑。   Wearing wedges or heels with these short shorts can make you look taller.   你觉得男人们将来也会穿高跟鞋,涂脚趾甲么?   Do you believe one day that men will start to wear high heels and enamel nails?   他斜着眼睛看她的高跟鞋。   He cocked his eyes on her high-heeled shoes. 《21世纪大英汉词典》   哦,我不喜欢高跟鞋。它们让我紧张,尽管让我们看上去很漂亮。   Oh,I do not like heels. They make me nervous, though they make us prettier.   每个人可以穿着高跟鞋的时间长短取决于个人——有一个对脚趾较好的原则就是在你的脚开始受伤后不要穿任一双鞋子超过一个小时。   The length of time a person can wear a heel depends on the individual - a goodrule of thumb is not to wear any shoe for more than an hour after your feet start to hurt.   十年前,我绝对不会穿牛仔裤去办公室,而现在我大概每周都会穿上一次,不过是搭配西装上衣和高跟鞋,牛仔裤上偶尔还会有小小的香蕉手印。   Ten years ago I never would have worn jeans to the office, and now they creep inabout once a week, albeit with a blazer and heels, and occasionally a teenybanana handprint.   如果你足弓过高,就要远离那些在足弓处完全没有支撑或支撑甚微的高跟鞋。   If you have high-arched feet, stay away from heels that offer little or no archsupport.   拜莱盖丝,请站起来,这样我们——(笑声)——我要让大家知道——她穿着高跟鞋。   Stand up, Bilqis, just so that we -- (laughter) -- I want everybody to know -- sheu2019s got heels on.   我男朋友到现在还在说我有一次穿了一双很时髦的高跟鞋,陪他去看他最喜欢的乐队,最后在乐队上台之前就不得不拖着他离开,因为我的脚已经撑不住了。   My boyfriend still reminds me of the time I wore a pair of sassy heels out to seehis favorite band and made him leave before they even went onstage because myfeet had turned into bleeding stumps.   他微笑地看着她踩着高跟鞋袅娜地穿过马路。   He beams as she teeters across the road on high heels.   传统的高跟鞋一般都是鞋跟部分要比鞋底高出很多,我们穿着的时候脚其实是位于一个三角形的支架上。   In conventional high-heeled shoes, the heel is much higher than the rest of theshoe, causing the wearer to place their foot at an angle.   我事实上得到了一个机会去重新思考我的决定,当时导演说一些像“一个重要角色”和“你不必穿高跟鞋”之类的话。   I was, in fact, given a chance to rethink my decision, while the director said thingslike “an important part” and “You won"t have to wear heels.   我的建议就是——不要穿高跟鞋。   My advice is don"t wear heels.   若选择穿高跟鞋,请尽量不要一直穿着,尝试做些常规伸展运动。   If you choose to wear heels, try not to wear them all the time and do regularstretching.   “女王,我爱您的小脚和高跟鞋,”一位粉丝评论道。   "Queen, I love your feet and your high heels, " one fan commented.   我们一行人终于到达了派对,可穿着三英寸高跟鞋的我在上楼梯时却遇上了点麻烦。   When we arrived at the party, I had some trouble walking up the steps in mythree-inch heels.   他们说女性穿着高跟鞋数小时后脱掉它们时只会经受脚部的疼痛是可以解释的。   They said it could explain why women could wear high heels for hours butexperience feet aches after removing them.   同样的,男人也可以选择说不,但如果其他的男人都穿着高跟鞋而他没穿,想必他的日子也不会好过。   Once again, a guy could choose not to conform, but it might be tough when all theother men are wearing heels.   “鸟类系列”由三双手工制作的高跟鞋组成。   "Birds series" consists of three hand-made high-heeled shoes.   因此我的请求被解读成渴望看吊袜带,高跟鞋和性感的娱乐表演,如果请求被应允,那就是被当作一种诱惑进行的表演。   So my request was read as a desire for garters and high heels and eroticextravaganza, and if it was granted, it was done as a come-on.   而且我觉得那些喜欢高跟鞋的女孩子们应该继续做她们想做的事情。   And I think the girls who like their high heels should be able to continue to do whatthey want to do.   据英国《每日邮报》报道,一股"足部整容"风潮在美国女性中间流行开来,她们如此"虐待"自己的脚只是为了能穿上最新一季的名牌高跟鞋。   Women are turning to cosmetic surgery on their tootsies in the US just so thatthey can cram their feet into the latest designer heels, the Daily Mail of Londonreported.
2023-06-17 03:19:221


2023-06-17 03:19:473

《Miniver Cheevy》的翻译。

by Edwin Arlington Robinson Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;He wept that he was ever born,And he had reasons.Miniver loved the days of oldWhen swords were bright and steeds were prancing;The vision of a warrior boldWould set him dancing.Miniver sighed for what was not,And dreamed, and rested from his labors;He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,And Priam"s neighbors.Miniver mourned the ripe renownThat made so many a name so fragrant;He mourned Romance, now on the town,And Art,a vagrant.Miniver loved the Medici,Albeit he had never seen one;He would have sinned incessantly Could he have been one.Miniver cursed the commonplaceAnd eyed a khaki suit with loathing;He missed the medi?val graceOf iron clothing.Miniver scorned the gold he soughtBut sore annoyed was he without it;Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,And thought about it.Miniver Cheevy, born too late,Scratched his head and kept on thinking;Miniver coughed, and called it fate,And kept on drinking
2023-06-17 03:19:562


官方翻译,和介绍:(我把坏人的名字也加进来了)Seven Brothers 其实就是按颜色或是排行叫的Big Brother (Red): Has super-strength and is able to grow to immense proportions at will. He is a headstrong individual, albeit slightly gullible. Attempting to storm the spirits" fortress, he fell into an illusion trap laid by the spirits, and was imprisoned for most of the series. Being the eldest, he is referred to as the "big" brother, which is also fitting with his abilities. In the second series, he is captured by the third demon with a special golden coin that traps him inside it.Second Brother (Orange): Has enhanced hearing and sight. He is the most intelligent out of all his brothers, often coming up with effective strategies against enemy forces. Due to him not having a physical ability, he fell victim to the spirits" enchanted mirror, and was blinded for part of the series. He also partially lost his hearing, but was able to recover it along with his sight. He was able to use his recovered abilities and quick thinking to work with his Sixth Brother in a plan to free all the brothers that were trapped in the fortress. In the second series, the third demon uses a special fan to blind him with hurricane winds and capture him with a net.Third Brother (Yellow): Has invulnerability. He is a fearless individual, but is also the most impulsive (so much so he left the vine before he was ready to transform). Like his eldest brother, he attempted to storm the fortress, but his over-confidence allowed him to be trapped by an enchanted Urumi. Before capture, he successfully shattered the enchanted mirror, thus preventing the spirits from spying on the Calabash Mountains anymore. In the second series he, befitting his impulsive nature, falls off the mountain on his accord and proceeds to engage the third demon and her forces. Out of the seven brothers he, noticeably, lasts the longest and very nearly defeated the third demon until she found that his bottom was normal and managed to knock him out by striking it.Fourth Brother (Green): Able to create and control fire and lightning at will. Although he does not require a source to draw fire or lightning from, he is particularly sensitive to the cold, which causes him to become drowsy and fall asleep. The spirits" gave him a special "cooling" wine that put him to sleep before freezing him in a block of ice. The Fourth and Fifth brothers transformed one right after the other, and as a result are closer to one another. In the second series, he is the last brother to be captured when the third demon uses a tub of oil to mix with his fire to knock him out while he was distracted.Throughout all his brothers, in the second series, he manage to escape most traps that had been set up.Fifth Brother (Cyan): Able to create and control water at will. While he has a higher tolerance against fire, his ability to create water is limited, and he at times requires to draw from an external source. His affinity with water gave him a taste for wine, and the spirits" were able to trap him when he became drunk after they summoned a gigantic wine goblet that kept refilling itself for him to drink eventually causing him to fall into a coma. The Fourth and Fifth brothers transformed one right after the other, and as a result are closer to one another. In the second series, he is captured while replenishing his supply of water, the third demon uses a special pollution artifact to poison the water and him as well.Sixth Brother (Blue): Is able to become invisible and sometimes incorporeal, enabling him to escape even when he has been caught. He is the most mischievous of his brothers, and enjoys using his powers to wreak havoc within the spirits" fortress. Being invisible, he was able to steal an artifact from the spirits to release his captured brothers. Due to the time the Second Brother spent with his younger brothers while recovering, the two of them are closer to one another, and the older sometimes scolds the younger for sidetracking on his tasks to have fun, knowing the fact that their other brothers are in danger and in need if their help. In the second series he is captured when the third demon attaches a leaf as a tail to him, allowing her to still see his location (even when he turns invisible, the attached leaf does not) and capturing him with a copper spike trap.Little Brother (Purple): Although lacking any powers of his own, the youngest brother possesses a magical gourd which is able to draw anything he wishes into its center. He is also able to use it to manipulate the emotions of others. He is the most affectionate and trusting of his brothers, even willing to hand over his gourd when asked. His sixth brother cares for him deeply, and had saved him more than several occasions, coming to his aid when he is in danger. He was brainwashed by the spirits to serve them, and used his magical gourd to draw his brothers into its center; the spirits then took the gourd from him and drew him in as well. He was able to recover his senses in the final episode, and reclaimed his gourd to trap the spirits. In the second series, he manages to capture the third demon and her henchman but she, in turn, uses a special insect to eat its way out of his gourd and captures him.Diamond Brother (White): A fusion of all seven brothers created when the seven brothers utilize a magical lotus sent by a mountain spirit. He has all the powers of the seven brothers (except the seventh) and is incredibly powerful. He however has a fatal weakness, the diamond gem that hangs around his neck is the source of his power and when removed, he becomes an ordinary boy. However, if he can come into contact with sunlight, the gemstone will automatically come to him and he will regain his full power.以下是坏人Villains/SoldiersScorpion King: One of the spirits who were sealed in and escaped from the Calabash Mountain. He can transform into, namely, a scorpion that has a hooked stinger. In humanoid form, he can still manipulate and lengthen his hooked stinger at will, as well as transform one of his hands into scorpion claws. He has been shown to "teleport" from one place to another, as shown by a blackish tornado traveling to his destination.Snake Queen: One of the spirits who were sealed in and escaped from the Calabash Mountain. She should be regarded as the major threat because of her magic artifact, able to conjure multiple weapons imbued with magic as well as enchanted wind able to freeze objects in blocks of ice.Snake Sister: An incredibly powerful spirit with various different magical artifacts. Her two most prized and revered is a small ornate dagger she keeps in her hair which can become 48 different weapons and a small purse that can summon 308 different magical artifacts. It is primarily because of these two artifacts that she had successfully captured the seven Calabash Brothers. Even without these artifacts she is incredibly resilient even able to regenerate after being cut in two and is also able to spit poison gas. Her final ability, when both the previous artifacts were destroyed by the Diamond Brother, is to become a massive two headed hydra like snake with immense strength and can spit lightning and tornadoes from each head.如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)
2023-06-17 03:20:031


  孩子的成长心理发展离不开学习和教育,现在我给大家分享一下爱因斯坦的九大名言:   1. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.   我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。   2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.   智者解决问题,天才预防问题。   3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one""s living at it.   科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。   4. I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.   我确信上帝不玩游戏。   5. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.   一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。   6. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.   现实不过是幻象,尽管这幻象挥之不去。   7. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.   妨碍我学习的唯一障碍就是我的教育。   8. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.   世界上最让人难以理解的东西就是个人所得税。   9. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I""m not sure about the universe.   宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的`:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。
2023-06-17 03:20:211


2023-06-17 03:20:281


The Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At up to 33 metres (110 ft) in length and 181 metric tonnes (200 short tons) or more in weight, it is believed to be the largest animal to have ever lived on Earth,[2] though some recent, albeit controversial, dinosaur discoveries may contradict this long-held belief (see Bruhathkayosaurus).Blue Whales were abundant in nearly all oceans around the world until the beginning of the twentieth century. For the first 40 years of the century they were hunted by whalers almost to extinction. Hunting of the species was outlawed by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 Blue Whales worldwide[3] located in at least five groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggest this may be an underestimate.[4] Before whaling the largest population 239,000 (range 202,000 to 311,000) was in the Antarctic[5] but now there remain only much smaller (around 2,000) concentrations in each of the North-East Pacific, the Antarctic, and the Indian Ocean. There are two more groups in the North Atlantic and at least two in the Southern Hemisphere.蓝鲸(学名Balaenoptera musculus,英文blue whale)是一种海洋哺乳动物,属于须鲸亚目。蓝鲸被认为是曾经生存过的最大动物,长可达30米,重140吨或更多。直到20世纪初,世界上许多海洋中的蓝鲸还是很丰富的。20世纪的前40年,它们被捕鲸者猎杀几乎灭绝。1966年国际社会将捕猎这一物种定为非法。现在世界上的数量在三千到四千头之间。这些蓝鲸位于四个(也许五个)群体中。最大的群体在东北太平洋。有两个群体在北大西洋,一个在南极水域。在印度洋发现的蓝鲸可能是,或者不是南极群体的一部分。
2023-06-17 03:20:361

reported for与reporting for的区别

1.reported for报道,是过去时的时态。None of the men had reported for duty. 这些人没有一个到岗位报到。The Princess was reported for speeding twice on the same road within a week.这位公主一周之内在同一路段上两次因超速行驶被告发。Similar sets of figures have been reported for boys, albeit with a delay of around ayear. 男孩也报告了一组类似的数字,虽然有一年左右的延迟。2.reporting for报告IBM generally provides assistance and defect reporting for supported tools. IBM一般为受支持的工具提供了帮助和缺陷报告。OBJECTIVE: To deliver a data tracking system that automates reporting for salesmanagers. 目的:为销售经理们提供一个能自动生成报告的数据跟踪系统。Twenty-two States parties reporting for the first time complied with this formalreporting requirement, while 11 did not. 共有22个首次报告的缔约国履行了这一正式报告要求,11个国家未履行这项要求。
2023-06-17 03:20:441


1. 高中英语作文高级词汇 连接性状语概念在句子中或从句中起连接作用。 不修饰,不评论。句中位置常在句首,也可和并列连词连用。 表列举和顺序firstly,secondly,for one thing,for another thing,for a start,to begin with,in the first place,in the second place,at last / finally/ in the end/ at the endlast,lastly,next,then,finally,to conclude表意义增补和引申also,besides,theremore,moreover,in addition,above all,what is more,表同位namely,for example,for instance,that is,that is to say表结果consequently从而,因此hence因此,从此so,therefore因此thus因而as a result结果是表意义等同equally,likewise,similarly,in the same way.表推论else,otherwise,therefore,then,in that case表换个说法alternatively,rather,in other words表意义转折instead,on the contrary,in contrast,by parison,on the one hand…on the other hand表让步anyhow,anyway,however,nevertheless,still,though,yet,in any case,at any rate,in spite of that,after all, all the same表时间过渡meantime,meanwhile,in the meantime表改变话题by the way,incidentally顺便提及,附带on the way/in the way/by the way表概括总结then,all in all,in conclusion,to sum up,in a word。 2. 【英语作文中的连词高级连词】 【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法.如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】以下内容截取自该书的Day 5,“连词(linkers)”那一章一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to二、表结果的连词hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that三、表目的的连词thereby, in order to四、举例关系中用的连词take。 for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。五、类比与对比关系时用的连词similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast六、让步关系中用的连词despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as七、假设关系中用的连词otherwise, provided that, unless八、限定关系in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning。 3. 英语作文中的连词 高级连词 【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法。如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】 以下内容截取自该书的Day 5, “连词(linkers)”那一章 一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to 二、表结果的连词 hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that 三、表目的的连词 thereby, in order to 四、举例关系中用的连词 take。 for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。 五、类比与对比关系时用的连词 similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast 六、让步关系中用的连词 despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as 七、假设关系中用的连词 otherwise, provided that, unless 八、限定关系 in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning 4. 写英语作文常用到的连词,句式,名言,高级词汇 一、~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)例We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ……(不可否认的……)例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的……)例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (……的优点是……)例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won"t create (produce) any pollution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (……的原因是……)例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此……以致于……)例句:So precious is time that we can"t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。 十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然……)例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~ The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V ~~~(愈……愈……)例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we bee.我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着……,……能够……例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 十三、~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (……使……能够……)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能……)例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 十五、It is time + S + 过去式 (该是……的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。十六、Those who ~~(……的人……)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。 十七、There is no one but ~~没有人不……)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学。十八、be + forced/pelled/obliged + to + V (不得不……)例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am pelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的)It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的)It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的)例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是……的原因)例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don"t like it.夏天很燠热。 那就是我不喜欢它的原因。二十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式……(过去……年来,……一直……)例句:For the past o years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。 二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (……是值得的。)例句:It pays to help others.帮助别人是值得的。 二十四、be based on (以……为基础)例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。二十五、Spare no 。 5. 高一英语基础的一些作文常用句子和连词Rt,在书面表达中药用的,好 英语作文,不外乎就是把一个个句子连起来,作文要想出彩,句子是关键,好的句子其实你都看到过,都是老师教过的,比如从句(主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语),强调句,省略句,倒装句,虚拟语气,动词的变化等,在平时多载录多记记,自然就会好的.连词么,可以多用些以-ly结尾的连词,比如additionally,briefly,totally,还有就是那些生僻的词语,我觉得把还是少用点,把单词表里那些不常用的记住了,足够你用了.总之,英语作文要写好不是一朝一夕的事,你从高一开始就有这种意识还是很可贵的,我认为好的句子和连词不一定就对你适用,关键还是得你自己平时积累,最后在高考时厚积薄发.GOOD LUCK.。 6. 跪求这篇英语作文,高二范围内的.有的给加分.连句成篇根据题目的要 On the begining of June 2010,there will be an English Speaking contest which hosted by The Students" Union.All the students in our school are wele to the contest,it will be held at 4:00p.m on June 9th,so people who want to take part in the contest are requsted to sign up for it before May 25th.Finally,if you are one of the first five students ,you will receive a beautiful present from the Students" Union.。
2023-06-17 03:20:521


get keep in touch withkeep contract
2023-06-17 03:21:037


爱因斯坦正能量经典语录   单调的清静生活能够激发创造的心理活动——爱因斯坦。以下是我收集的爱因斯坦经典语录,欢迎阅读!   爱因斯坦经典语录   1. 我的父母认为,女人是男人的奢侈品,那是当他拥有舒适的生活后,才有资格享受的。   2. 几个世纪以来,德国人民一直是在一群教书匠和下级军人的洗脑灌肠教育下,他们学会了勤奋工作及各类知识,但也学会了奴性服从、军事习性和野蛮残忍。   3. 在俄国以外,理所当然地没有人把列宁和恩格斯看成是科学思想家,也没有人有兴趣去反驳他们。其实在俄国国内可能也如此,只是在那里人们不敢这样说而已。   4. 单调的清静生活能够激发创造的心理活动。   5. (众议院非美活动委员会)现在的调查活动,比起这个国家的少数共产党人所能造成的危险要严重的多。这些调查,在相当广泛的程度上不可估量地损害了我们社会的民主品质。   6. 民族主义是一种幼儿疾病,是人类族群的麻疹。   7. 我相信,简单淳朴的生活,无论在身体上和精神上,对每个人都是有益的 。   8. 一个人能够洋洋得意随着军乐队在四列纵队里行进,单凭这一点就足以使我对轻视。他所以长了一个大脑,只是出于误会;单单一根骨髓就可满足他的全部需要了。   9. 我仔细研究后深信,废除死刑是可取的。理由是,一、它使司法判决错误无法补救;二、执行死刑的过程,对那些直接或间接的行刑者,会产生一种有害的道德影响。   10. 有一种科学家,自己犯了错误时,是一个小耗子,而如果别人犯了错误,他就成了一头怒吼的狮子。   11. 我们在地球上的情况是不可思议的。我们之中的每个人都并非自愿,而且也没有受到邀请就来到这里作短暂的停留,谁也不知道为什么和为何到这里来。   12. 对我来说,好的智慧没有好的品德相配,是极其令人厌恶的。   13. 德国人作为整个民族要对这些大屠杀负责,并且必须作为一个民族而受到惩罚。u2026u2026站在纳粹党后面的是整个得意志民族。他们在希特勒已经在他的书中和演讲中把他那些卑鄙无耻的想法说得请清楚楚,而绝对不可能发生误解之后,德国人选举了希特勒。   14. 你不可能像爱一匹马那样爱一辆汽车,马能向人表达感情,而机器却不能。像机器那类事物可能发扬或忽视某些人所有的内容。u2026u2026机器使我们的生活非人化,并且为我们注入某些愚蠢荒谬的因素,创造一种非人的环境。   15. 最令人厌恶的群体怪物u2026u2026也是对我来说最可憎的就是军队。u2026u2026这种文明社会的污点,人们应该尽可能快地清除掉它们。惟命是从的英雄气概,毫无意义的暴力行为,以及令人恶心的爱国主义的陈词滥调,我整个身心都强烈地痛恨它们!战争对我来说何等的无耻卑劣!我宁愿被劈成碎片,也不愿意参与如此可耻的事情。   16. 清晰、确切、不偏不倚,您在您的书中以此处理逻辑、哲学和人类问题。这一切在我们这一代人无出其右。(给罗素的信)   17. 任何年龄都有它美丽的时刻。   18. 如果一个人从来没有被谎言欺骗过,他就不会知道天堂的意义。   19. 我相信,只有当人们在国际规模上组织起来,作为一个整体拒绝为军事或战争服务,对于废除战争才能取得真正的进步。   20. 这个世界永远不可理解的是,它是可理解的。   爱因斯坦经典语录中英文   1、把你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That"s relativity.   2、「没有宗教的科学是跛的,没有科学的宗教是瞎的。」   3、只要我还能有所选择,我就只想生活在这样的国家里,这个国家中所实行的是:公民、自由、宽容,以及在法律面前公民一律平等。公民自由意味着人们有用言语和文字表示其政治信念的自由;宽容意味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。这些条件目前在德国都不存在。那些对国际谅解事业有特别重大贡献的人,在那里正受到迫害,其中就有一些是一流的艺术家。   4、测量一个物体的质量就是测量其中的能量。   The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.   5、物理学家们说我是数学家,数学家们又把我归为物理工作者。我是一个完全孤立的人,虽然所有人都认识我,却没有多少人真正了解我。   The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist. I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me.   6、那我只能对亲爱的主表示遗憾。相对论是正确的。   Then I would have felt sorry for the dear Lord. The theory is correct. - When asked by a student what he would have done if Sir Arthur Eddington"s famous 1919 gravitational lensing experiment, which confirmed relativity, had instead disproved it.   7、一个聪明的笨蛋可以把事情做得更大,把事情做得更复杂,也更暴力。这个过程需要一点天才——很多的信念——只是朝着相反的方向。   Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius— and a lot of courage— to move in the opposite direction.   8、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。   Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.   9、当知识的圆周扩大之时,黑暗的圆周也一样。   As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.   10、在上帝面前我们都一样聪明——也都一样愚蠢。   Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish.   11、常识就是人到十八岁为止所累积的各种偏见。   Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.   12、不要担心数学问题;我保证我的问题要大得多。   Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.   13、教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之後剩下的东西。   Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.   14、公式对我更重要,因为政治是为了现在,而公式是永恒的。   Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.   15、上帝并不在乎我们的数学困难。他以经验来管理大局。   God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.   16、万有引力并不是那些陷入爱河的`人找人算帐时的目标。   Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.   17、我无法知道第三次世界大战会有什么武器登场,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。   I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.   19、我并不假装理解宇宙——它比我大得多。   I don"t pretend to understand the universe— it"s much bigger than I am.   20、我喜欢旅行,但我不喜欢到达。   I love to travel, but hate to arrive.   21、我从不展望未来。它来得够快的了。   I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.   22、我认为只有大胆的投机,而不是信息的积累才能把我们往前推。   I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts.   23、我想知道上帝的构思;其他的都是细节。   I want to know God"s thoughts; the rest are details.   24、如果A代表一个人的成功,那么A等于x加y加z。勤奋工作是x;y是娱乐,而z是把嘴闭上。If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.   25、如果我再次成为一个展望人生的年轻人,我不会选择成为一个科学家、学者或是教师。我宁可去做一个水管工或是小商贩,只期盼能当今社会还有一定程度上的自由。   If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.   26、如果我的相对论被证明是正确的,德国人就会说我是德国人,法国佬会说我是一个世界公民。如果我的相对论被否定了,法国佬就会骂我德国鬼子而德国人就会把我归为犹太人。   If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will say I am a man of the world. If it"s proven wrong, France will say I am a German and Germany will say I am a Jew.   27、如果我们知道我们在做什么,那么这就不叫科学研究了;不是吗?   If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn"t be called research, would it?   28、创新不是由逻辑思维带来的,尽管最後的成果需要一个符合逻辑的结构。   Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.   29、精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复同一件事而期待不同的结果。   Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.   30、有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落後我们的科学技术了。   It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.   31、掰开人身上的偏见比掰开一个原子难的多。   It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.   32、法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点必须使整个人群中都弥漫着容忍的勇气。   Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.   33、人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。   Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.   34、只有无私的生命才值得活。   Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.   36、武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。   Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.   37、真相其实只是一个幻象,虽然这个幻象相当顽固。   Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.   38、科学是好东西,只要它不跟任何人的饭碗挂钩就行。   Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one"s living at it.   39、我们的主很狡猾,好在他不怀歹意。   Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is not.   40、天才和愚蠢之间的区别就是天才有它的限制。   The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.   41、其可理解性是这个世界永远的谜。   The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.   42、世界上最让我难以理解的就是所得税。   The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.   43、这个世界最不可理解的就是它是完全可以理解的。   The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.   44、真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路上智力无甚用处。   The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.   45、当今世界的种种困难并不能被创造它们的人的思维层次解决。   The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them. ;
2023-06-17 03:21:321


发送群树网络的A可能的发送算法在表6-10显示。 在这种算法,设备首先检查看目的地的群标识符是否在它的路线表里。否则,目的地是未知的群和设备路由器消息给它的父母。However,如果有群标识符比赛在路线表里,设备然后检查那些表项目与群标识符比赛网络标识符比赛。 如果找到一个人,消息根据表项目寻址。如果没找到一个人,目的地是在已知的群的一个未知的网络设备,并且使用的网络设备传递消息到群由某一套仲裁统治的设备必须选择。If目的地的群标识符是试图那网络的设备寻址消息,在群网络,应该寻址对网络设备的父母消息的相同的象。然而,治理消息的中转仲裁规则对其他群是更加灵活的,并且也许考虑,例如,发送表项目被做寻址消息的–通过网络设备最近增加到桌的时间,在信仰溃败最新和最准确地反射网络的现状。 其他考虑是可能的,许多为特殊应用是优选的。THE网络拓扑结构决定Because IEEE Std 802.15.4.is能够支持很大数量的特别网络拓扑结构,使用IEEE Std 802.15.4的应用设计师必须为意欲的应用选择一个适当的网络拓扑结构。进一步,如果选择的网络拓扑结构是多次反射的通信计划的对等拓扑结构,必须也选择发送算法。As对这决策过程的援助,表6-1总结在本章谈论的主要网络类型,包括他们的力量、弱点和潜在的应用。 注意表6-1是仅指南,意欲建立一般趋向; 这些网络几乎中的任一个在几乎所有应用也许顺利地使用,虽然与在网络性能参量上的变化例如消息生产量和潜伏和网络设备性能参数例如电力消费。
2023-06-17 03:23:011


as though=as if 好像,仿佛even though = even if 尽管
2023-06-17 03:23:113


1. 【英语作文中的连词高级连词】 【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法.如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】以下内容截取自该书的Day 5,“连词(linkers)”那一章一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to二、表结果的连词hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that三、表目的的连词thereby, in order to四、举例关系中用的连词take。 for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。五、类比与对比关系时用的连词similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast六、让步关系中用的连词despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as七、假设关系中用的连词otherwise, provided that, unless八、限定关系in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning。 2. 描写高大上的词语有哪些 1【成语】: 冰魂雪魄 【拼音】: bīng hún xuě pò 【解释】: 冰、雪:如冰的透明,雪的洁白。 比喻人品质高尚7a64e58685e5aeb931333363396336纯洁。 【出处】: 五代·王定保《唐摭言》卷十:“忍苦为诗身到此,冰魂雪魄已难招。” 【举例造句】: 广寒宫里长征药,医得冰魂雪魄回。 2【成语】: 高节清风 【拼音】: gāo jié qīng fēng 【解释】: 高节:高尚的气节;清风:清廉的作风。 气节高尚,作风清廉。比喻人品高洁。 【出处】: 明·孙明孺《东郭记·人之所以求富贵利达者》:“高节清风今已矣,英雄须识时宜。” 【举例造句】: 正排着低品走狗奴才队,都做了高节清风大英雄。 3【成语】: 高人雅士 【拼音】: gāo rén yǎ shì 【解释】: 高人:志趣、行为高尚的人,多指隐士;雅:风雅,儒雅。志行高尚、风格儒雅的人。 【出处】: 宋·陆九渊《黄氏墓志铭》:“梁君去年尝游庐阜,其谈山水之胜,诵高人逸士之文,亹亹不倦。” 【举例造句】: 他就是人们常说的高人雅士。 4 【成语】: 风流倜傥 【拼音】: fēng liú tì tǎng 【解释】: 风流:有才学而不拘礼法;倜傥:卓异,洒脱不拘。形容人有才华而言行不受世俗礼节的拘束。 【出处】: 明·许三阶《节侠记·私仰》:“羡英年壮节堪多,似冰心在玉壶,散财结客,侠比三河,风流倜傥,名倾六辅。” 【举例造句】: 其中虢国夫人,更风流倜傥,玄宗常与相狎,凡宫中的服食器用,时蒙赐赉,又另赐第宅一所于集庆坊。 5【成语】: 风度翩翩 【拼音】: fēng dù piān piān 【解释】: 风度:风采气度,指美好的举止姿态;翩翩:文雅的样子。举止文雅优美。 【出处】: 西汉·司马迁《史记·平原君列传》:“平原君,翩翩浊世之佳公子也。” 【举例造句】: 他西装革履,风度翩翩。 3. 写英语作文时常用的连接词有哪些 常用连接词: 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second… And then,Finally,In the end,At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,In addition As well as,not only…but (also), including, 3.表转折对比关系:However,On the contrary,but,Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表 因 果 关 系:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As a result 5.表换一种方式表达:In other words,that is to say, 6.表进行举例说明:For example;For instance;such as+n/doing 7.表 陈 述 事 实:In fact,frankly speaking, 8.表达自己观点:As far as I know/concerned,In my opinion,personally, as to me 9.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary,all in all, briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, as you know, as is known to all 良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法.也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想. A. Just as every coin has o sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.(用于说明某物的正反两面) B. Compared to/ In parison with letters, e-mails are more convenient.(用 于比较/对比 两事物) C.Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside. (人们关于生活在城市还是农村的优缺点的看法不同)(用于表达看法) D. As we all know, puters have played an important role/part in our daily life.(用于说明某物的重要性) E. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view.(反问语气,更有吸引力,增强说服力)(用法广泛) 文中正确使用两三个好的句型,如:定语从句、状语从句、动名词做主语等. 宾语从句举例:I believe Tianjin will be more beautiful and prosperous. 状语从句举例:If everyone does something for the environment,our hometown will bee clean and beautiful. 动名词做主语举例:Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes. =It"s bad for our eyes to read books in the sun. 作文库大全 小升初 中考满分 高考满分 高考零分 定语从句举例:Although I have many different pens,the pen which my father sent me is my favorite one. 常用状语从句句型: 1)时间:when,not…until,as soon as 2)目的:so that+clause(从句);to do(为了) 3)结果:so…that+clause,too…to do(太……以至于……) 4)条件:if,unless(除非),as long as(只要) 5)让步:though,although,even though,even if No matter what/when/where/who/which/how 6)比较:as…as…,not so…as…,than 其他句型: It is said that 据说 It is reported that 据报道 It is suggested that 据建议 It is estimated that 据估计 It is proved that 据证明 It is learned that 据了解 It is acknowledged that 据大家公认 众所周知: as is known to all, +句子 as we all know, +句子 it is generally/ publicly known / considered that… There is no doubt that 毫无疑问… There is no need to do 没必要做… There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义 表示喜欢和感兴趣:like / love doing /enjoy doing be fond of doing 喜欢做… be keen on n. /doing热衷于做…… have delight in doing. 做……很高兴 prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B be addicted to doing 沉迷于…… prefer doing sth. to doing sth. be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing fall in love with 深深喜欢做某事 try to do努力做… strive to do 努力做… try one"s best to do = do one"s best to do 竭尽全力做… make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做… do what *** can (do ) to do 尽力做… spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做… do what / everything *** . can to do 尽某人全力做… intend / plan to do 打算做… be going to do 打算做… decide to do 决定做… determine to do 决定做… be determined to do 决定做… make up one"s mind to do 下定决心做… want to do 想做… would like to do 想做… hope to do 希望做… expect to do 期待着做… wish to do 希望做… consider doing 考虑做… look forward to doing 盼望做… keep on doing 坚持做… dream of doing 梦想做… can"t help doing 情不自禁地做… keep / stop / prevent *** . from doing 阻止某人做… be busy (in ) doing 或be busy with + 名词 忙于做… have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing 或 with + 名词 做…有困难 spend time / money (in )doing 或spend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做… have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心 get used to/ be accustomed to doing 习惯做某事。
2023-06-17 03:23:181


  说明有解释清楚,讲明和说明的文字的意思。买了一件新的电器,我们通常都要看清它的说明书,那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    说明英语说法1:   illustrate    说明英语说法2:   explain    说明英语说法3:   instruction    说明英语例句:   按照说明储存该控制元件的说明档案。   Follow the instructions to save a description file for the control.   以下说明中未详尽说明详见各施工图。   Please refer to each shop drawing for details not covered in this instruction.   我们用一个非物理学的比喻来说明守恒定律的性质。   A nonphysics *** ogy illustrates the nature of conservation law.   她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。   She explained her conduct to her boss.   盒上印有装配模型的简要说明。   Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.   我向他作了详细说明,好让他能找到那房子。   I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house.   这并不足以说明问题。   That"s not an adequate explanation.   汉克说明了我们的艰难处境。   Hank explained our predicament.   他指著图表来说明他的论点。   He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.   我们虽然依照说明书去做,但是还不能将这机器装配起来。   We followed the directions but could not put the machine together.   给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。   To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.   说明书是针对直接承包者的。说明书对工程专案提供顺序井然、层次清晰的文字说明材料。   They present a written description of the project in an orderly and logical manner.   说明篮球规则的32页的小册子   A thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball   按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。   Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.   略举数例,用以说明这一原理。   Here are a few examples to illustrate this principle.   为了说明方法和对本节所表示的概念的具体化,将研究一个特殊的边界值问题。   To illustrate the procedure and to lend concreteness to the ideas expressed in this section, a specific boundary-value problem is studied.   这大概也说明了本田的另一个问题:如果你随便在汽车业里拉过100个人,问他们本田的总裁和CEO是谁,99个人都会干瞪眼。   Which perhaps illustrates another part of Honda "s problem: ask 100 people in the auto industry who is the president and CEO of Honda, and the response from 99 of them will be a blank stare.   莫伯辛在自己的书里引用了一个棒球案例来说明这一理念&即能力悖论。   In his book, Mauboussin uses a baseball example to illustrate this idea known as the paradox of skill by focusing on Ted Williams, one of the game "s greatest hitters, and the last player to eclipse a.   记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。   The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.   它还说明,为什么短期战术性折中无法取代恰当的战略决策,当然后者的难度要大得多。   And it illustrates why short-term tactical promises are no substitute for proper, albeit much more difficult, strategic decision making.
2023-06-17 03:23:251

什么是文化 英文

Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has various meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However, the word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses:Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high cultureAn integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learningThe set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or groupWhen the concept first emerged in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, it connoted a process of cultivation or improvement, as in agriculture or horticulture. In the nineteenth century, it came to refer first to the betterment or refinement of the individual, especially through education, and then to the fulfillment of national aspirations or ideals. In the mid-nineteenth century, some scientists used the term "culture" to refer to a universal human capacity. For the German nonpositivist sociologist, Georg Simmel, culture referred to "the cultivation of individuals through the agency of external forms which have been objectified in the course of history".[3]In the twentieth century, "culture" emerged as a concept central to anthropology, encompassing all human phenomena that are not purely results of human genetics. Specifically, the term "culture" in American anthropology had two meanings: (1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively; and (2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively. Following World War II, the term became important, albeit with different meanings, in other disciplines such as cultural studies, organizational psychology and management studies.[citation needed]
2023-06-17 03:23:332


madvise()系统掉用,用于向内核提供对于起始地址为 addr ,长度为 length 的内存空间的操作建议或者指示。在大多数情况下,此类建议的目标是提高系统或者应用程序的性能。 最初,此系统调用,仅仅支持一组“常规的(conventional)”建议值,这些建议值在各种系统中也有实现,(但是请注意,POSIX中并没有指定madvise()),后来,又添加了许多特定于Linux的建议值。 常规建议值 以下建议值允许应用程序告诉内核,它期望如何使用某些映射或者共享内存区域,以便内核可以选择适当的预读以及缓存技术。这些建议并不会影响应用程序的寓意( MADV_DONTNEED 除外),但是可能会影响其性能。同样除 MADV_DONTNEED 之外,下列所有的建议值都与posix_madvise(3)函数类似,且具有相同的含义。 这些建议值,被指示为参数 advice ,参数值是以下之一: Linux 特定建议值 以下是Linux下的特定建议值,在posix_madvise(3)中不存在对应项,并且在其他系统的实现中,可能有也可能没有对应项。同时,,其中一些操作会更改内存访问的语义。 On success, madvise() returns zero. On error, it returns -1 and errno is set to indicate the error. Since Linux 3.18, support for this system call is optional, depending on the setting of the CONFIG_ADVISE_SYSCALLS configuration option. madvise() is not specified by any standards. Versions of this system call, implementing a wide variety of advice values, exist on many other implementations. Other implementations typically implement at least the flags listed above under Conventional advice flags, albeit with some variation in semantics. POSIX.1-2001 describes posix_madvise(3) with constants POSIX_MADV_NORMAL, POSIX_MADV_RANDOM, POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL, POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED, and POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED, and so on, with behavior close to the similarly named flags listed above. Linux 实现要求地址 addr 是页对齐的,并允许长度为零。 如果指定地址范围的某些部分未映射,则 madvise() 的 Linux 版本将忽略它们并将调用应用于其余部分(但应从系统调用中返回 ENOMEM)。
2023-06-17 03:24:041


European country is very good欧洲 国家很好
2023-06-17 03:24:122


2023-06-17 03:24:237

babylonian astrology造句 babylonian astrologyの例文

In Babylonian astrology , Nabu was identified with the pla Mercury. At this time Babylonian astrology was solely ephemerides began to appear. These included History of astrology, Babylonian astrology , and Hellenistic astrology. Babylonian astrology developed within the context of divination. The astrology in use by the Itapans of the time was Greco- Babylonian astrology . :: : : The problem was at Wikipedia : Articles for deletion / Babylonian astrology . Discussing Babylonian astrology first, this is not, contrary to Dougweller, just a history article. The city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander after the conquest, being the place where Babylonian astrology was mixed with Egyptian Ptolemy pved in Alexandria. It was in Ptolemaic Alexandria that Babylonian astrology was mixed with the Egyptian tradition of exaltations, the trippcities of the signs and the importance of ecppses. In this school he learnt all the intricacies of Babylonian astrology , a training that permanently influenced his mind and proved the bane of his later pfe. It"s difficult to see babylonian astrology in a sentence. 用 babylonian astrology 造句挺难的 The unattributed, and therefore unverifiable passage assumes that everything said in the Babylonian astrology article is credible, despite the fact that almost all of it is itself unreferenced. The concept of the zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology , and was later influenced by as above, so below ", so that the signs are held to represent characteristic modes of expression. The Hermetic pterature among the Egyptians, which was concerned with conjuring spirits and animating statues, inform the oldest Hellenistic writings on Greco- Babylonian astrology and on the newly developed practice of alchemy. I cannot create a vapd entry at the AfD watchpst by adding Wikipedia : Articles for deletion / Babylonian astrology and, in the edit summary, Adding Wikipedia : Articles for deletion / Babylonian astrology. I cannot create a vapd entry at the AfD watchpst by adding Wikipedia : Articles for deletion / Babylonian astrology and, in the edit summary, Adding Wikipedia : Articles for deletion / Babylonian astrology . The pon and sun symbol is based largely on astronomical and astrological configurations; the ancient zodiacal sign of the sun in the house of Leo, which itself is traced backed to Babylonian astrology and Near Eastern traditions. The Greeks adopted the identification of the morning and the evening stars, as well as its identification as Ishtar / Aphrodite, during the 4th century BC, along with other items of Babylonian astrology , such as the zodiac ( Eudoxus of Cnidus ). It came to Greece initially as early as the middle of the 4th century BCE, and then around the late 2nd or early 1st century BCE after the Alexandrian conquests this Babylonian astrology was mixed with the Egyptian tradition of houses which are derived from it. Yet within a few hours of my reply to you above, you raised an AdF request for three major articles on the history of Asrtrology : for Babylonian astrology , Hellenistic astrology and Horoscopic astrology and announced on the main History of astrology page that you would return to delete every unreferenced ment in the article. In the absence of any definition of astrology in the main astrology talk page that isn t also mired in controversy, how can there be an uncontroversial assertion that there is nevertheless such a thing as Babylonian astrology , and that this can exist despite no clear explanation being given as to what makes it different from repgion or reading of entrails? Wilhelm Anz ( " Ursprung des Gnostici *** us, " 1897 ) has also pointed out that Gnostic eschatology, consisting in the soul"s struggle with hostile archons in its attempt to reach the Pleroma, is a close parallel of the soul"s ascent, in Babylonian astrology , through the realms of the seven plas to Anu. If that s not enough to raise a suspicion about content forking to avoid controversial debate, the Babylonian astrology article contains an entire section on Theory of divine government, which is pletely unreferenced but can be taken to read that divination is a core feature of astrology, which is one specific and hotly contended dispute on the astrology talk page itself, albeit not the only one that can be inferred from content on the Babylonian astrology page. If that s not enough to raise a suspicion about content forking to avoid controversial debate, the Babylonian astrology article contains an entire section on Theory of divine government, which is pletely unreferenced but can be taken to read that divination is a core feature of astrology, which is one specific and hotly contended dispute on the astrology talk page itself, albeit not the only one that can be inferred from content on the Babylonian astrology page. One semi-surprising fact is that when the seven-day week was spreading through the Roman empire in the first o centuries A . D ., it was more due to the influence of an Egyptian adaptation of Babylonian astrology ( which is the origin of plaary-based week-day names ), rather than due to the influence of Judai *** or Christianity . . . talk ) 13 : 22, 2 March 2014 ( UTC) Even though the Babylonians used a luni-solar calendar, which added an occasional thirteenth month to the calendar, MUL . APIN, pke most texts of Babylonian astrology , uses an ideal year posed of 12 ideal months each of which was posed of an ideal 30 days . In this scheme the equinoxes were set on the 15th day of the first and seventh month, and the solstices on the 15th day of the fourth and tenth month. I think that the system of identification of plas with divinities that we know today actually originated in Babylonian astrology ( which was tremendously influential during the Hellenistic period, almost displacing traditional repgion and philosophy in some cases ), so that " Marduk " = pla Jupiter, " Nebo " = pla Mercury, " Ishtar " = pla Venus, etc . According to Franz Cumont"s " Astrology and Repgion among the Greeks and Romans ", before the influence of Babylonian astrology, the Greeks actually called the pla Mars ??????? " fiery ", the pla Jupiter ?????? " luminous ", didn"t always recognize the identity of the morning and evening stars ( i . e . pla Venus ), etc . talk ) 02 : 27, 25 January 2014 ( UTC) I think that the system of identification of plas with divinities that we know today actually originated in Babylonian astrology ( which was tremendously influential during the Hellenistic period, almost displacing traditional repgion and philosophy in some cases ), so that " Marduk " = pla Jupiter, " Nebo " = pla Mercury, " Ishtar " = pla Venus, etc . According to Franz Cumont"s " Astrology and Repgion among the Greeks and Romans ", before the influence of Babylonian astrology , the Greeks actually called the pla Mars ??????? " fiery ", the pla Jupiter ?????? " luminous ", didn"t always recognize the identity of the morning and evening stars ( i . e . pla Venus ), etc . talk ) 02 : 27, 25 January 2014 ( UTC) It"s difficult to find babylonian astrology in a sentence. 用 babylonian astrology 造句挺难的
2023-06-17 03:24:511

in line with是什么意思

符合;与…一致网络释义专业释义与2010年职称英语常考固定搭配与短语汇总及下载!2010职称英语怎么考 ... in addition.别的.加上2010年职称英语常考固定配搭与短语⑶ in line with与.相符 by accident.偶然 ...符合... throw light on(= make clear,explain)使…更为清楚,提供线索,阐明 in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致 long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到 ...根据写作中必备关键词汇及短语汇总(一) ... 虽然although; notwithstanding; albeit; though 根据according to; on the basis of; on the ground of (that); in the light of; in line with; in accordance with 逃避问题evade the question ...一致
2023-06-17 03:24:582