barriers / 阅读 / 详情

以”Last Weekend"为题写一篇不少于5句话的短文.

2023-06-17 10:46:39

last Saturday moning l got up at 7 o"clock and ate breakfast quickly.I did my homework at 8 o"clock .afternoon l palyed sports with my frends,and night l went to a cinema.On sunday ,l visited my grand...



2023-06-17 01:40:407


服软子 .....
2023-06-17 01:41:066


2023-06-17 01:41:231


2023-06-17 01:41:291


2023-06-17 01:41:451

老友记 (frends)罗斯和珍妮丝 混在一起 是哪一集

才看第一季 所以过几天告诉你
2023-06-17 01:42:074


common friends [u02c8ku0254mu0259n][frends]考们 佛软子 这个中文标音都是不准的 你最好参考英文音标 希望可以帮到你
2023-06-17 01:42:151

这句话又错没?Jim is one of my chosely frends .

Jim is one of my closest frends 才对
2023-06-17 01:42:248


2023-06-17 01:42:403


1. 你是我的阳光英语怎么说 你是我的阳光英文表达是:You are my sunshine 重点词汇: sunshine 读音:英 ["su028cnu0283au026an] 美 ["su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;晴天 词汇搭配: 1、at sunshine 日出时 2、in sunshine 天晴 3、in the sunshine 在阳光下 双语例句: I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 扩展资料: sunshine的近义词 1、sunlight 读音:英 ["su028cnlau026at] 美 ["su028cnlau026at] n. 日光;阳光 He squinted in the bright sunlight. 他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。 2、daylight 读音:英 ["deu026alau026at] 美 ["deu026alau026at] n. 日光;白昼;黎明 The colours look much better in daylight. 这些颜色在阳光下好看多了。 2. 英语作文:假如你是阳光中学的李华,你从网上得知美国中学生 Dear Karl, How are you ? My name is Hua Li. I know that you want to bee a frend with a Chinese, I feel great because I would like to be your frend too. I am 16 years old, and I am a high school students. One of my subject in school is a foreign language, that is English.Thus I hope that we can be frends and keep in touch. I am the only son in my family, my parent love me so much that my words cannot express. I am a basketball player too. I spend a lot of time practise with frends. Until now I am happy about my school life and frends.I wish I can be a good basketball player in the future, so I can represent school team take part in many petition. How about you ? Do you like sports ?How about you school life recently ? I hope you will reply me as soon as possible. I will look forward to it. regards Hua LI
2023-06-17 01:43:171


DThese are,parentsThose are,brothers
2023-06-17 01:43:298

by working with friends怎么读

百 沃可迎 喂字 福软子 连起来快点度就是了
2023-06-17 01:43:582

[frends] Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?

2023-06-17 01:44:153

were you good frends.怎么回答肯定句?

Yesuff0cwe wereu3002nouff0c we weren"tu3002
2023-06-17 01:44:264

She rarely writes to her frends.改成疑问句怎么改?

rarely 是一个否定的频率副词作状语修饰动词writes,“很少”,与often,usually这样的频率副词一样,在变疑问句时不要受它的影响,因为变疑问句时只跟谓语动词有关,这些频率副词保持不变。 Does she rarely write to her friends? 她很少给她的朋友写信吗?
2023-06-17 01:44:392


1 I lived in a school,and I made many good frends in the school.定语从句;I lived in a school where I made good frends.2 I visited my grandfather yestoday,and he was very kind and hospitable定语从句:I visited my grandfather who was very kind and hospitable yestoday. 3 I borrowed a book from the library,and the book was very interesting ang instructive.定语从句:the book I borrowed from the library was very interesting ang instructive.解决定语从句主要看从句是不是缺成分,由1知从句 I made good frends主谓宾俱全,所以只能是表示状语的关系副词(where、when、、in/on+which)引导,然后看先行词, 由1知先行词a schoo表l示地点所以只能用where来引导,2、3同理。不会分析的可以追问 祝你学习进步
2023-06-17 01:44:481


1.上午好,亲爱的朋友 。 今日话题非常有趣。 我没有榜样,但是,我也许应该这样做。 我想我的爸爸是我的榜样,当我还是一个年轻的孩子。我们希望去钓鱼,散步,和其他有趣的事情的一个孩子。 每个孩子都有一个良好的和伟大的父亲,做一做我爸爸发挥了十分重要的作用我在日常生活中`````到底讲,我在过去的25年。 我的父亲始终站在中心我的生活,从过去到现在,并可能在将来。 我的家庭是穷人,而当我在我的童年。我们没有我们自己的房子,并生活在一个破旧的小房间租给来自我父亲的工厂。房间如此之小,几乎没有空间的人行走。我没有我自己的床上睡了我的父母。这是可怕的都是我的父母和我。 但是,父亲这一切不同!他的作品很难对自己的业务,现在我们有我们自己的第2 家 ,阴沉的,我有自己的房间.他需要我们的家庭如此大的快乐,丰富。 小时候,我做的一切都是我的爸爸。你总是可以找到我坐在他的膝盖或步行,并尽一切与他。每天晚上,他将改为我在床上的时间,使故事的声音,每个字符。我们最喜欢的书是3头猪和大坏狼。我们将永远笑在有趣的事情,我们提出了以取代的3头猪和狼,如香蕉或橘子。我爸爸让我爱读书。 我学到了很多从我的爸爸。以我学到的东西从来没有采取认真,始终微笑。 如同许多其他的父亲,我父亲和我也有代沟。他是不擅长或什至不能工作电脑。因此,当我坐在电脑桌,他会说像"你应该更加注意您的研究" , "不要浪费时间在电脑游戏" , "这将是坏的你的眼睛" ,等等。如何才能一电脑风扇-减少时间上的电脑吗?所以,我继续研究和发挥它 来贴,我的父亲是超过45现在。现在是时候了,我要照顾他,我相信我将尽,我们将生活更美好的生活。
2023-06-17 01:44:594

we( )two frends 填have还是 has 为什么?

2023-06-17 01:45:0815


我经常和朋友们打篮球,这里用复数强调的是一些朋友(不是一个,篮球是群体运动,强调几个朋友一起)。如果你想说和我的一个朋友可以说:I often play basketball with a friend of mine.
2023-06-17 01:45:4714

frends. they. with. some talke

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:They talked with some friends.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-06-17 01:46:171


2023-06-17 01:46:275

有没有a my good friends 或者 my a good friends这种说法

没有,你可以这么讲。。a good friend of mine
2023-06-17 01:46:463


my all friends.我的回答你满意吗?给个好评吧,或者你可以继续问我哦
2023-06-17 01:46:554

英语中文 急急急!!!!

2023-06-17 01:47:043

姊妹百 合 的动漫 有什么

2023-06-17 01:47:123


2023-06-17 01:47:238

我妹妹参加了英语比赛 老师给写了段自我介绍,但我朋友说里面有语法错误 请大家看看这段话

my hobby is drawing。 i always draw after school.
2023-06-17 01:47:515

英语作文:Is making frends online bad or good 怎么写

2023-06-17 01:48:071


都市丽人 (CITY BEAUTY) 时尚美容服装 月刊 瑞丽服饰美容 (RAY LI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 时尚伊人 (COSMOPOLITAN) 时尚美容服装 月刊 美容 (BEA"S UP) 时尚美容服装 月刊 瑞丽伊人风尚 (RAY LI LADY) 时尚美容服装 月刊 优家画报 (U+ WEEKLY) 时尚美容服装 周刊 时尚芭莎 (HAPPER"S BAZAAR) 时尚美容服装 月刊 米娜 (MINA) 时尚美容服装 月刊 瑞丽时尚先锋 (RAY LI FASHION PIONEER) 时尚美容服装 月刊 风尚志 (FASHION WEEKLY) 时尚美容服装 双周刊 昕薇 (VIVI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 都市主妇 (HERS) 时尚美容服装 月刊 LADY格调 (LADY) 时尚美容服装 双周刊 世界时装之苑 (ELLE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 上海服饰 (SHANGHAI STYLE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 大都市(女士版) (BIBA) 时尚美容服装 月刊 悦己 (SELF) 时尚美容服装 月刊 新锐美眉(健康女孩) (SHININGSTAR) 时尚美容服装 月刊 姐妹 (CECI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 服饰与美容 (VOGUE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 虹 (MADAME FIGARO) 时尚美容服装 月刊 今日风采 (OGGI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 LADY格调风尚版(MISS格调) (LADY) 时尚美容服装 月刊 时装L"OFFICIEL (L"OFFICIEL) 时尚美容服装 月刊 嘉人 (MARIE CLAIRE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 型时代 (INSTYLE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 COCO(薇) (COCO) 时尚美容服装 月刊 时尚时间(钟表) (TRENDSTIME) 时尚美容服装 月刊 好(停刊) (HOW) 时尚美容服装 月刊 安 (25ANS) 时尚美容服装 月刊 新现代画报 (MODERN) 其他,时尚美容服装 月刊 薇薇 (VIVI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 秀美的 (BITEKI) 时尚美容服装 月刊 中国化妆品(时尚版) (CHINA COSMETICS REVIEW(FASHION)) 时尚美容服装 月刊 中国科学美容 (CHINA TECHNOLOGE BEAUTY) 时尚美容服装 月刊 缤纷旭茉 (JESSICA) 时尚美容服装 月刊 风采(休刊) (FRENDS) 时尚美容服装 月刊 SoCool (SOCOOL) 时尚美容服装,男性 月刊 俏丽(中国版) (STYLE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 明日风尚 (MING) 时尚美容服装 月刊 美容志 (MIRROR) 时尚美容服装 月刊 橘子(商情) (ORANGE) 时尚美容服装 月刊 美眉 (BELLE) 时尚美容服装 双周刊 潇洒(停刊) (CHIC) 其他,时尚美容服装 月刊 时尚周末(STYLE WEEKEND) 时尚美容服装 周刊 美容新地 (SINO BEAUTY) 时尚美容服装 双月刊 淑媛 (ELEGANCE) 时尚美容服装 双周刊 女人世界 (WOMEN WORLD) 时尚美容服装 月刊 1626城中至潮(产品设计) (1626) 时尚美容服装 双周刊 现代生活用品 (CHOICE) 时尚美容服装 月刊
2023-06-17 01:48:171

Lets b____good frends

Lets be good frends交个朋友吧。
2023-06-17 01:48:252

His frends are going to have lunch together改为一般疑问?

His friends are going to have lunch together.改为一般疑问句是:Are his friends going to have lunch together?
2023-06-17 01:48:361


  貌似是李东田吧,网上关于他的信息还是比较多的:  李东田,身为国家级造型师,德国哈苏公司高级客座讲师。世界知名品牌姿生堂SHISEIDO的首席彩妆顾问,自1991年正式进入中国时尚圈以来,以其对国际流行元素的敏锐感觉和把握,多年来始终走在潮流前列,执掌造型界牛耳,左右时尚走向。担任过《红粉》、《有话好好说》、《雷雨》等多部影视作品的首席化妆师工作。大量作品刊发于《ELLE》世界时装之苑、《BAZAAR》时尚中国时装、《COSMOPOLITAN》时尚、《iLOOK》世界都市、《FRENDS》风采、李东田作品《FASHION》时装《AmericaVOGUE》等知名时尚杂志上。时尚圈内的盛典晚会、时装秀、模特大赛,都活跃着李东田的身影,或巧妙构思呈现精彩作品或担任裁判贵为座上嘉宾,SASSOON、RADO、欧米茄、朗万、CHANEL、乔治阿玛尼GiorgioArmani、JeanPauiGaultier、Dior、Gucci、KENZO、LAGERFELD等等国际著名品牌都争相与之合作。历经多年的造型设计生涯,李东田与各界名流结下了深厚的友谊,基于对东田形象设计理念的认同及充分的信任,许多明星如钟丽缇、王菲、赵薇、周迅、许晴、袁立、刘欢等等的专辑、写真作品的形象设计都指定由李东田一手包办。李东田不仅通过自己的作品和彩妆学校把时尚带给追寻美、渴求美的人们,更通过亲手创建的北京、上海、重庆三家东田造型旗舰店向全国辐射。十五年的工作历程造就了今天顶尖的造型师。李东田用自己的双手创造了美学神化。创造了数不胜数的成就,2005年李东田出版发行了他的《东田个人作品集》。
2023-06-17 01:48:441

英语初四作文 How to get along well with classmates 在线等阿

2023-06-17 01:48:554


My summer vacationI have an interesting summer vacation. During my summer vacation,I went to Beijing with my parents. We visited the Great Wall,the Summer Palace and some other places of interest. We ate lots of delicious food and took many beautiful photos. Of course I learnt some knowlege outside the textbooks.This was my summer vacation.
2023-06-17 01:49:063


2023-06-17 01:49:1810


common friend
2023-06-17 01:49:595


2023-06-17 01:50:181

结尾是阿里嘎多best frends的歌

Best Friend KIRORO演唱 日文:もう大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)心配(しんぱい)ないと 泣(な)きそうな私(わたし)の侧(そば)で いつも変(か)わらない笑颜(えがお)で ささやいてくれた まだ まだ まだ やれるよ だっていつでも辉(かがや)いてる 时(とき)には急(いそ)ぎすぎて 见失(みうしな)う事(こと)もあるよ仕方(しかた)ない ずっと见守(みまも)っているからって笑颜(えがお)で いつものように抱(だ)きしめた あなたの笑颜(えがお)に 何度(なんど)助(たす)けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend こんなにたくさんの幸(しあわ)せ感(かん)じるときは 瞬间(しゅんかん)で ここにいるすべての仲间(なかま)から最高(さいこう)のプレゼント まだ まだ まだ やれるよ だっていつでもみんな侧(そば)にいる きっと今(いま)ここでやりとげられること どんなことも力(ちから)に変(か)わる ずっと见守(みまも)っているからって笑颜(えがお)で いつものように抱(だ)きしめた みんなの笑颜(えがお)に何度(なんど)助(たす)けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend (music) 时(とき)には急(いそ)ぎすぎて 见失(みうしな)う事(こと)もあるよ仕方(しかた)ない ずっと见守(みまも)っているからって笑颜(えがお)で いつものように抱(だ)きしめた あなたの笑颜(えがお)に 何度(なんど)助(たす)けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend ずっと ずっと すっと Best Friend 罗马拼音: Mou daijoubu shinpai naito Naki sou na watashi no sobade Itsumo kawaranai egaode Sasayaite kureta Mada Mada Mada Yareru yo Datte itsu demo kagayaiteru Toki ni wa isoki sugite Miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai Zutto mimamotte iru karatte egaode Itsumo no you ni dakishimeta Anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou Arigatou Arigatou Best Friend Konna ni takusan no shiawase kanjiru toki wa shunkande Koko ni iru subete no nakama kara saikou no PUREZENTO Mada Mada Mada Yareru yo Datte itsu demo minna soba ni iru Kitto ima kokode yaritokerareru koto Donna koto mo chikara ni kawaru Zutto mimamotte iru karatte egaode Itsumo no you ni dakishimeta Minna no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou Arigatou Arigatou Best Friend Toki ni wa isoki sugite Miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai Zutto mimamotte iru karatte egaode Itsumo no you ni dakishimeta Anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou Arigatou Arigatou Best Friend zutto zutto zutto Best Friend 中文:已经没有问题,不要担心 你来到快要哭泣的我的身旁 带着永恒不变的笑容 低声私语 还有 还能 还可以 还有机会 你无论何时都闪耀着光芒 有时步伐太匆忙 就会有所迷失 你总是面带微笑着的望着我 像以平时一样的拥抱我 你的笑容 不知指引了我多少回 谢谢你 感谢你 我最好的朋友 在这样的瞬间 感受着这无比幸福的时刻 这是在场的朋友们送给我的最好的礼物 还有 还能 还可以 还有机会 因为无论何时大家都会陪伴在我身旁 现在一定有能实现的梦想 所有的一切都将成为我的动力 你总是面带微笑着的望着我 像以平时一样的拥抱我 你的笑容 不知指引了我多少回 谢谢你 感谢你 我最好的朋友 永远 永远 永远 我最好的朋友
2023-06-17 01:50:261


我的朋友英语作文,要求300字,谢谢 My Friend Zhang Dong is my best friend.He entered our class last semester.He is a boy.Both of us are good at English,so we often have a chat in English in our spare time.After school,we often play football together on the playground.He runs so fast that I can not catch up with him.He is an excellent student.He not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest.He loves popular songs and also classical music. There are three people in his family and he is the only child.His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress.Though Zhang Dong"s family is wealthy,he is usually simply dressed.He has a dream which is to be a lawyer. Such is my friend,a clever and kind boy.He is highly praised by the teachers and students. 我的朋友英语作文50字 I have a good friend,her name is Amy.She is an England girl.She is tall and she is elve years old.She has brown hair.Her eyes are big and blue.Her face is round and her mouth is small,her nose is small,too.Her favourite color is blue.So she usually wears blue clothes.We are in the same grade,but in different classes.I m in Class Eleven and Amy is in Class One. Many students in our class are good at English , but I am not.So my English is poor.But Amy English is vear good.She s Chinese very much,but her Chinese is not vear good.So we often help each other. 希望采纳 80字英语作文《我的朋友》 My friend I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both elve years old.He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very straight and generous. We always help each other. He is a nice boy and his math is very good. He likes to play football and basketball. I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him. He can always e up with smart answers to those difficult questions. We usually play together after school in the afternoon. He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up. After all we get a long well. But sometimes we fight each other.His goal is to be a math teacher. He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan. But we are good friends. 我的朋友英语作文80字 My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. My Friend Do you have any good friends? May is one of mine. She is ten years old. She is tall, and she has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth, her hair is long and black. May and I are classmates, she sits behind me. We go home together every day when school is over. She does well in math while I"m good at Chinese. I often help her with her Chinese and she helps me with my math. We help each other and love each other, we"re good friends. 译文: 我的朋友 你有好朋友吗?May 是我的好朋友之一。她十岁了。她个子高高的,长著一张圆脸,大眼睛,小鼻子小嘴的,她的头发又黑又长。我和 May 是同班同学,她就坐在我後面。每天放学後我们一起回家。她擅长学数学而我则擅长学语文。我经常帮她学语文而她则帮我学数学。我们彼此关爱、互相帮助,我们是好朋友。 英语作文“我的朋友”100字 My friend My maternal grandmother"s house dog lele is a good friend of mine. Every time I went to my grandmother"s house to play, lele is shaking big tail to meet me. Whenever I give lele eat, grandmother always s me. Said: "don"t give her disorderly eat." But I always secretly to lele eat his favorite sweets. Because she is my good friend. She gave me the can be friendly. Lele also has a YuanLiuLiu eyes, glistening yellow fur adorable. My grandmother said lele another few months will be a pup. I wish lele when the mother is still a good friend of mine. I prefer to have more babies, so that more and more friends to play with me. I like the dog lele, because she is my best friend. 望采纳 求我的朋友英语作文 My friend Jane is a pretty and cute girl. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, which seem as if they can speak. Under her small lovely nose,there is a little naughty mouth. Her hair is straight and long, hanging down to her shoulders. In one word, she is a healthy girl. She is the best student in her class. She always gets full marks in the exams. What"s more, she can play the piano, and she sings and dances well. In every New Year"s party,she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her classmates. Everybody loves her very much. 英语作文,写我的朋友多一点,急!谢谢。 不要靠别人, 作文自己想。 看好你哦,骚年。 写我的朋友的英语作文,字数多一些,急!谢谢。 the problem that how to choose a friend that can benefit us is drawing our attention.Friends is to us what soup is to broth.they step into our lives and enrich it .so we should choose the good ones to be our friends.and as to choose,i have my own opinion towards it.Firstly, the friend should be wise enough when i was upset he can fort me and give me advises but do not make me more upset,secondly,the friend shall be an learning one ,he shall have a good knowledge in a specific field so that we can learn from each other otherwise to fool ourselves.Finally,the friend shall kind,one who is kind worthy to be loved. as to my personal feeling about my experience is really hard to recognize a good one through the crow. however i am luck enough to have known some of the best person in this world ,meanwhile if we want to have good frends,we shall build our traits well in advance,that"s all.
2023-06-17 01:50:381


2023-06-17 01:50:561

You go talk to your frends 有语法错误吗

go to talk with yout friend!
2023-06-17 01:51:053

please protect the animals,they are our good frends。这个句子对吗,是 请保护动物,他们是我们的好

语法正确! lz匆忙,please的P忘记大写,friends少了i :)。Please protect the animals, they are our good friends.
2023-06-17 01:51:184


2023-06-17 01:51:283


  杰西麦卡尼的资料  姓 名:杰西麦卡尼  出生地:美国纽约市  生 日:1987年4月9日  星 座:白羊座  体 重:63kg  身 高:173  血 型:未知  三 围:未知  头发颜色:金色  眼睛颜色:绿色  交友状况:单身  宠物:名叫奥立佛的猫  最喜欢的书:"Death Be Not Proud" by John Guther  最喜欢的颜色:橘色  最喜欢的食物:Pizza及加州酪梨寿司(California Rolls)  最喜欢的电视影集:六人行(英国室内情景喜剧Frends,也翻译成“老友记”)  最喜欢的电影:"灵异第六感”、“美国X历史”  最喜欢的男演员:威尔 史密斯、金 凯瑞、罗宾 威廉斯  最喜欢的女演员:瑞丝 薇瑟斯朋  最喜欢的乐团:詹姆斯 泰勒、约翰 梅尔  最喜欢的歌曲:T.A.T.U :"All The Thing She Said"  昵称:小杰  喜欢的音乐类型:流行及摇滚  最喜欢的乐团:Eve 6  最喜欢的运动:棒球及足球  最喜欢的运动球队:纽约洋基队和纽约巨人队  最擅长的运动:棒球  最喜欢的汽车: BMW M3  最喜欢的科目:数学及体育课  最不喜欢的科目:历史  上什么样的学校:公立学校  嗜好:打棒球、滑水、演戏  最喜欢:滑雪/水  得过最喜欢的礼物:棒球手套及手机  喜欢异性的类型:好脾气及甜美的笑容  (我喜欢会让我笑的女生,我其实不太爱笑,但如果有女生会让我笑的…我就会爱上她!)  最喜欢的约会方式:去海边  当你长大后想做什麼:当歌手  第一次演戏:在地方小戏院演「孤雏泪」的奥立佛  你最想从事什麼样的工作:当歌手及演员  当你在演一些情绪激动的戏你会如何培养情绪:想一些令人沮丧的事  手足:有一个哥哥(Timmy)及一个姐姐(Lea)  感情世界:在高一时曾经与一个女孩约会8个月  会与歌迷约会吗:会的,不过要先与她熟络以后  穿什麼样的内在美:四脚裤  习惯的事:喝咖啡加1个奶球及2包糖  《公主日记2》中的片尾曲《Beacaus You Live》就是由Jesse McCartney演唱的。
2023-06-17 01:51:361

韩国电影 “朋友” 里的主题歌

《爱有天意》或《假如爱有天意》 孙艺珍--饰演梓希、珠喜 曹承佑--饰演俊河 梓希和秀景是同校的大学生,她们双双暗恋戏剧学会的尚民。一向较为主动外向的秀景要求梓希代写情书给尚民。梓希便将自己对尚民的情感毫无保留地抒发出来,却被迫要写上秀景的名字。尚民看过那些情书后深受感动,渐渐被秀景吸引。梓希每每遇上尚民都感到混身不自在,甚至内疚,但越是设法逃避他,缘份越是将他们拉得更近…… 一天,梓希收拾房间,无意中发现一个神秘的箱子,里面满载着她母亲珠喜初恋的回忆。 1968年夏天,俊河到在乡郊居住的伯父家过暑假。他邂逅了珠喜并对她一见钟情。珠喜出身名门望族,家教甚严。一天珠喜偷偷地要求俊河带她去看看村里的鬼屋,他们欢度了难忘的一天,只是没有预料到的风暴,把他们的船吹走了,珠喜在途中又把脚扭伤了,俊河只能背着珠喜绕着湖步行回去……当把珠喜送回家时已经很晚,珠喜的家人非常生气,立即将她送回汉城。珠喜跟俊河没有话别就分开了。俊河怀着沉重的心情度过了余下的假期。 暑假过后,俊河回到汉城上课。同班的好友泰秀要他帮忙写情书给一个女孩子,而这个女孩正好是珠喜。俊河并没有向泰秀表白他暑假的恋爱片段,只是不情愿地顺从朋友的请求,写了很多署名“泰秀”的情书给珠喜…… 梓希发觉母亲的初恋故事跟她目前的遭遇竟如此巧妙地相似。种种的巧合更令梓希对尚民的好感日益增加。虽然她因好友的缘故打算彻底忘记尚民,但种种试验更证实她的感觉是对的……尚民也非常爱她……
2023-06-17 01:51:582


eciation. It is the same old st
2023-06-17 01:52:072


make frends
2023-06-17 01:52:223


Fantasy 发音 饭特西 反他西中文解释 幻想 梦想如果开店的话可以写FanTasy FantaSy
2023-06-17 01:52:335

这使朋友之间的关系更密切 英语怎么说?

It makes the friendship between everyone closeru3002
2023-06-17 01:52:525

Do you frends play sports?

Do your friends play sports?你的朋友们做运动吗?
2023-06-17 01:53:062