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英语语法 副词连词的用法详细

2023-06-17 01:59:36

常 用 连 词

1.增补(Addition) in addition此外, furthermore此外, again再次, also也此外, besides此外, moreover更多的, what`s more是什么了, similarly同样的, next下一步, finally最后.

2.比较(Comparison) in the same way以同样的方式, likewise同样, similarly同样的, equally同样, in comparison在比较, just as就像

3.对照(Contrast)whereas而相反, in contrast对比, on the other hand在另一方面, instead相反, however但是, nevertheless尽管如此, unlike不像, even though即使,on the contrary与此相反 while而

4.因果(Cause and effect)because因为, because of因为, for对, since这是因为, due to由于, owing to因为, thanks to由于, as a result(of) 由于(中), accordingly因此hence因此, so所以, thus从而

5.强调(Emphasis)certainly当然, above all最重要的是, indeed事实上, of course当然, surely当然, actually实际上, as a matter of fact事实上, chiefly主要是, especially特别是, primarily主要是, in particular特别是, undoubtedly特别是无疑的, absolutely绝对, most important最重要的

6.让步(Concession)although虽然, though但毕竟, after all尽管, in spite of尽管如此, nevertheless然而,

still仍然, provided倘若, while it is true而这是真的....

7.例证(Exemplification)for example例如, for instance举例来说, that is这是, namely即, such as即如,

in other words换言之, in this case在这种情况下, by way of illustration举例

8.总结(Conclusion)to sum up概括地说, to conclude到最后, in a word总之, in short总之,in brief在短暂的,

all in all所有的一切, in all在所有,to put it in a nutshell把它概括地说, in summary在总结

9.推断(Inference)therefore因此, as a result(of) 由于(中), consequently因此, accordingly因此, so所以, otherwise否则

10.时间和空间 :fterward随后, after, first在第一, later之后, then然后, soon很快,

(Time and space):utside外面, near近, beyond超越, above高于, below低于,on the right(left) 右侧(左), in the middle在中间 opposite相反, in front of在前面的



A proverb says 俗语说 At present 目前...As the proverb says 正如谚语所说的.. Currently目前... enerally speaking一般来说, Now现在,

In general一般.... On the Whole全...It is clear that很明显... Recently.最近...It is often said that人们常常说.... Without doubt毫无疑问


First(of all) 第一(所有), Moreover.此外, Firstly首先, No one can deny that任何人都不能否认

In the first place首先, ......... Obviously显然.....

To begin with首先, Of course当然,Also此外, Similarly同样,At the same time与此同时.

Therefore因此, we should realize that我们应该认识到

Certainly当然There is no doubt that.毫无疑问.In addition此外, What`s more什么了更多,In fact事实上It can be easily proved that它可以很容易地证明 Meanwhile同时


But... 但是Still尽管如此, But the problem is not so simple但问题并非如此简单..

There is a certain amount这里一定数额of truth in this有一定的道理,

but we still have a problem with regard to但我们仍然有一个问题是关于

However但是,To our surprise我们惊讶,Nevertheless然而, Unfortunately不幸的是

On the other hand另一方面,

Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that然而差异会被发现,这就是为什么我认为

Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think其他可能会发现这是真的,但是我不。我想....


Above all总之, In brief简单地说,Accordingly因此, In conclusion最后In other words换句话说,

it is hard to escape the conclusion that它是很难逃脱的结论是

As a consequence因此,In short总之,As I have shown/said/stated/正如我已经表明/说/指出/..

In sum总之, In summary总之, As has been noted.如已经指出, Obviously显然, By so doing通过这样做, On the whole就整体而言, Consequently因此, Presumably据推测, Eventually最终,

To conclude最后, Finally最后, To sum up总之, In a word总之, To summarize总之,

一、 转折连词

However然而, nevertheless尽管如此, in spite of尽管, at any rate无论如何, in any case在任何情况下, whatever无论

二、时间连词when时, while同时, as, after因为, before在之前, since因为, until直到, as soon as尽快, once一旦

三、目的连词that, so that所以, in order that为了这, lest否则, for fear that由于担心

四、原因连词because因为, since因为, as, now that现在

五、结果连词So因此, therefore因此, thus因此, hence因此, accordingly因此, consequently因此, as a result作为一个结果

六、让步连词although虽然, though虽然, even though即使, even if即使, nevertheless然而,

despite尽管, in spite of尽管

七、并列连词and和, and also也, or或, neither……Nor既...也没有, either……Or要么... ...或者,

likewise同样的, similarly同样的, equally同样,In the same way,

that is to say以同样的方式,也就是说

八、递进连词then然后, besides此外, additionally此外, furthermore此外, moreover此外,

in addition此外, what is more更重要的是

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



英语,是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。那么你知道因为用英语怎么说吗?下面我就来解答一下大家的疑问。 目录 因为用英语怎么说 翻译推荐 例子说明 因为用英语怎么说 因为[yīn wei] because; for; on account of:连词。表示原因或理由 因为工作需要,他很乐意去了 汉英大词典 because; for; on account of: 只是因为... simply because ...; 不仅仅是因为... not merely because ...; 就因为他们钱挣得比我们多, 他们就认为高人一等。 Just because they make more money than we do, they think they"re so superior. 因为天气恶劣, 飞行延期了。 The flight was postponed on account of bad weather. 相似 短语 because of phr. 因为,由于 Just because prep.正是由于 because of... 由于..., 因为... all the more...because 显得尤其......是因为...... Because It"s Time Network 【计】 BITNET网 because you have not provided a username 因为你没有提供一个用户名 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食 相似单词 because conj. 因为 Because 多用于表示直接原因 <<< 翻译推荐 因为 because 因为```所以``` because 因为没有 default 只是因为 other 因为缺乏 default 把…归因为 down 因为这个 with 要不是因为 been 尤其是因为 rather 因为第三者的权利 quaesitum <<< 例子说明 1) It seems to me that something is not valued highly enough…. the possible reason may be … 在我看来,对某事的重视还不够,可能的原因或许是… 2) But possibly the problem lies not so much in (our institutions) as in (our attitudes). 但可能问题出在我们的态度上,而不是我们的机构上。 注:"lie in"表示“在于,缘于”,表示事情的原因,相当于“result from”。 3) There are many factors that may account for this result, but the following are the most typical ones. First, … 有许多因素可解释这一结果,但如下的是最典型的因素。第一,… 注:"account for",说明(原因、理由等)。 4) There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. 造成这一情况有许多原因,如下的原因就很典型。 注:"responsible for",是造成…的原因。 5) There are similar reasons when we consider that … 当我们考虑…有类似的原因。 注:虽然也用了"reasons",但一个"consider"顿时提升档次。 6) There are numerous reasons why …, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. 有许多原因导致…。在此我只想就最重要的几个探讨一下。 注:探讨问题用"explore",属亮眼词汇。 7) It is easy to understand the reasons for this (prejudice against) something. One problem is that to most of us, doing something looks like doing something. 理解造成对某事的偏见的原因并不困难。问题是对我们大多数人来说,做某事似乎就是做某事。 8) They fall into the following categories. 它们可归纳为如下的类别。 注:"fall into"属于,分成。 9) If (lectures) make so little sense, why have they been allowed to continue? 如果讲座没有什么可取之处,为什么还让它们继续? 注:"make little sense",毫无意义,没什么用,意义不大。 10) This question looks as if it ought to fall in the domain of the (psychology). 这一问题似乎好像应归在(心理学)里。 注:"ought to",应当,应该; 理应。 11) However, it is important to point out that … 然而,指出…是很重要的。 12) From this it follows that … 从这一点接踵而至的是… 注:"it follows that",由此得出结论…,因而断定…。 13) Some people think that …. To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 有些人认为…。坦率地讲,出于如下的原因,我不能同意他们的观点。 注:"to be frank",坦率地说; 老实说; 说实话。 14) Some reasons can explain this trend. First, … 有一些原因可解释这一趋势。首先… 15) This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, …. Second, …. Third, … 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的。首先,… 第二,… 第三,… 注:reasons与"exist"连用,拉升了reason的逼格。 16) There is probably a variety of reasons for the dramatic decline in …. First, …. Second, …. Finally, … 或许…的突然下降是有许多原因引起的。首先,… 第二,… 最后,… 注:"a variety of"绝对比"many"高大上! 17) Why did …? for one thing …. For another, …. Perhaps the primary reason is … 为什么会…?一个原因是… 另一个原因是… 或许其主要原因是… 注:"for one thing...for another" ,一方面,另一方面;一来,二来。 18) It is no easy job to identify the reasons for this phenomenon which involves several complicated factors. For some…. For others… 发现这一现象的原因并非易事因为它涉及几个复杂因素。一些是…,另一些是… 注:"for some ... for others",一些是…,另一些是…。 19) It is no simple task to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon which involves many factors. 给出这一复杂现象的原因并不是件容易的事,因为它涉及许多因素。 20) It is fairly easy to find out the reason that … 找出…的原因很简单。 注: "fairly", 再用"very"你就OUT啦! 21) Some obvious reasons for … are related to the fact that … 有关…的一些显而易见的原因是和…事实有关。 22) The answer to this problem involves many interrelated reasons. For one thing, …. For another, … 这一问题的答案涉及许多相互交织在一起的原因。一个是…,另一个是… 注:interrelated reasons 相互关联的原因。 23) The causes for …, perhaps, are varied. They include…. Probably the main reason is … 引起…的原因或许各种各样。它们包括…可能其主要原因是… 24) The change is chiefly caused by the fact that …其变化主要是由这样的事实引起的,即… 注:"chiefly",表示主要的。 25) The failure mainly comes from several factors that … 失败主要产生于几方面的原因,即… 注:"mainly" 同上,意为“主要的”。 26) Among the most important reasons offered by people for …, one should be mentioned. … 在人们给出的关于…最重要的原因中,有一个值得一提。 注:"offered",这样使用,高大上有米有。 27) It is rather easy to find out the reason why …找出…为什么的原因相当容易。 注:"rather" 可替代"very"。 28) The explanation for this question may involve several complicated factors, for one thing is …, for another is …对这一问题的解释可能涉及许多复杂的因素。一个是…,另一个是… 29) The change in … largely results from the fact that … 在…方面的变化很大程度上是来自这样一个事实。 注:"result from",产生于…, 由…引起。 30) There are several causes of this significant growth in … 在…方面的显著增长是许多原因造成的。 31) I quite agree with the statement that …. the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分赞同这一论述,即…,其主要原因如下。 32) Beyond these obvious reasons, however, lies a deeper cause: 然而在这些明显的原因之下隐藏着一个更深层的原因。 33) One of the reasons that is given for … is that … 已给出的关于…的原因之一是… 34) Although … is probably the most important determinant, it is not the only explanation for … 虽然…可能是最重要的决定因素,但并不是对…的唯一解释。 35) Perhaps this is due to the simple fact that … 这可能是因为一个简单的事实… 36) The factors for … are complex. 有关…的因素十分复杂。 <<< 因为用英语怎么说及例子说明相关 文章 : ★ 有关于描述原因的英语语句 ★ 因此用英语怎么说 ★ 原因用英语怎么说 ★ 由于的英文短语 ★ 因而的英语短语 ★ 表原因的英文短语 ★ 为什么的英文怎么写 ★ 有关于表达原因的英语语句 ★ 说明用英语怎么说 ★ 所以用英语怎么说 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-06-16 20:05:441


2023-06-16 20:05:555


2023-06-16 20:06:211


一、详细释义: adv. 广泛地,普遍地 例句: English is generally regarded as such a language. 英语被广泛地认为是这样一种语言。 例句: Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden. 丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。 通常,一般地,普遍 例句: Generally speaking I don"t like spicy food. 我一般不爱吃辛辣的食物。 例句: It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. 一般都认为此事不会再发生。 笼统地,概括地,大概 例句: His book is generally an introduction to geometry and to basic arithmetic as well. 阅读欧几里得几何学无须先学习数学,他的书,概括地讲,是几何学入门,也是基础数学入门。 例句: I should say you"re generally run down. 我想你大概是劳累过度。 二、词义辨析: mainly chiefly greatly largely mostly primarily principally generally 这些副词均可表示“主要地,大量地”之意。mainly指主要部分,突出在一系列事物中的相对重要性。chiefly侧重某人或某物在众多的人或物中占主要和显著地位。greatly通常强调程度的高。largely着重范围或分量大大超过别的成分。mostly强调数量占多半,近乎全部。primarily侧重基本地,首要地。principally侧重居首要地位。generally通常强调普遍性。 三、参考例句: Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden. 丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。 His science was generally empirical. 他的科学一般来自经验。 The plan was generally weled. 这个计划受到普遍的欢迎。 Growth has generally remained resilient. 经济增长总体保持了抗冲击力。 Zinc is generally caustic to foliage. 锌常对幼叶有腐蚀作用。 Part-time work is generally hard to find. 一般说来, *** 工作很难找。 Thei *** generally es packaged in a religion. 有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。 Anti-dumping duties are generally a bad idea. 反倾销关税一般都是馊主意。 Generally speaking I prefer lamb to pork. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。 The climate in Australia is generally pleasant. 一般来说,澳大利亚气候宜人。
2023-06-16 20:06:291


1.完全:absolute, unconditional, unlimited, complete, unrestricted, unmixed, perfect, entire   2.好:extraordinary, amazing, miraculous, marvelous, stupendous, excellent, good, well, wonderful, fine, nice, of high quality, pleasing, surprising, agreeable   3.小:small, diminutive, puny, little, pocket-sized, petit, minute, tiny   4.多:big , enormous, large, gigantic, vast, tremendous, gargantuan, huge, immense, a lot of, lots of, many, much, plenty of, a great deal of, a number of, an amount of, a great many, a good many, many a, scores of, dozens of, a great quantity of   5.高兴,快乐:delighted, delightful, pleased, pleasing, charmed, pleasant, cheerful, cheering, merry, happy, gratified, glad, gay, agreeable, friendly, content, satisfied, light-hearted, joyful   6.真的:True, truthful, veracious, faithful, accurate, loyal, staunch, genuine, honest, real, trustworthy, constant.   7.全,都:all, whole, entire, complete, perfect, total, the whole number of , unbroken , gross   常见的连接词   连接词根据其本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义可分为几类:   a.表示开场to begin with , in the first place , in general , generally speaking   b.表示总结to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion , finally   c.表示举例a case in point , a good illustration / example of … is …,   d.表示原因because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for , now that   e.表示结果as a result , as a consequence , consequently   f.表示比较both , like , likewise , similarly , in common , in the same way   g.表示对照on the contrary , on the other hand , despite , in spite of , however   h.表示列举first , firstly , in the first place , first of all , to begin with   i.表示强调especially , particularly , certainly , surely , chiefly , actually   j.表示让步even though , although , in spite of , however , but ,yet   写作的启、承、转、合常用词语小结   1.有关“启”的常用词语(用来引导主题句或跟在主题句的后面,引导第一个扩展句)   at first 首先   at present 现在;当今   currently 现在;最近   first 首先;第一   first of all 首先   firstly 首先   2.有关“承”的常用词语(用来承接主题句或第一个扩展句)   to start with 首先;第一   after 此后   after a few days 几天之后   after a while 过了一会儿   also 并且   at any rate 无论如何   at the same time 同时(用在“转”时,作“可是”解)   besides(this)此外   3.有关“转”的常用词语(用来表示不同或相反的语气)   after all 毕竟   all the same 虽然;但是   anyway 无论如何   at the same time 可是(表轻微转折)   but 但是   conversely 相反地   despite 尽管,虽然   4.有关“合”的常用词语(用来引导结尾句或最后一个扩展句,表示段落的结束)   above all 最重要   accordingly 于是   as a consequence 因此   as a result 结果   as has been noted 如前所述及
2023-06-16 20:06:511

the livechiefly on rice

now 您不能探访现在正在做手术的病人
2023-06-16 20:07:191


2023-06-16 20:07:271

make up of和consist of的区别,关键!

makeupof和consistof的区别:(1)consistof与makeupof同义,区别在于consistof不能用于被动语态,而makeupof则常用于被动语态。如:Acarconsistsof(=ismadeupof)manydifferentparts.(2)makeupof多用于口语表达,consistof则常见于书面表达。1、makeupof由...构成;由...组成例句:Thegroupwasmadeupofdoctors.这个团体是由医生组成的。Nomatterwhatsubstanceitmaybe,itismadeupofatom.不管这是什么物质,都由原子构成。2、consistof英[ku0259n"su026astu0259v]  美[ku0259n"su026astu0259v]  由...组成例句:Airconsistschieflyofnitrogen.空气主要由氮气组成。Allelectroniccomputersconsistoffiveunitsalthoughtheyareofdifferentkinds.电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。
2023-06-16 20:07:473


大学英语阅读理解及答案   对于大学英语阅读,学会速读和略读很重要,一个字一个字的去看很花时间。下面是我分享的.大学英语阅读理解练习题,希望能帮到大家!   大学英语阅读理解及答案【1】   Swimming is one of those activities that can be learned early in life. Little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk. In fact, you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. However, I believe that five is the best age to learn. By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. It"s wise to be afraid, to recognize true danger. Young ones understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous.   To really benefit from swimming, every swimmer should learn, as soon as possible, these four basic strokes; butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, and crawl. I feel that one of these-the breaststroke-is different from the others, since some young swimmers use this stroke naturally, without any training.   In swimming there are certain rules every swimmer should follow:   1. Never swim alone! No matter how good you are in the water, don"t risk drowning by swimming alone. If you swim by yourself , with no life guards or friends with you, you may get into trouble.   2. Don"t go beyond your abilities. Most swimmers know enough not to swim too far from the bank or the beach, Showing off by doing dangerous tricks is no good. Swim safely and you will continue to swim and alive.   3. Don"t smoke. Swimming depends on a healthy body; good lungs are part of it.   4. Work at any activity that builds muscles.   9. Little children can learn to swim as soon as _____.【 B 】   A. they can talk   B. they start walking   C. they have no fear of the water   大学英语阅读理解及答案【2】   Americans spend their free time in various ways.   America is a country of sports—of hunting, fishing and swimming, and of team sports like baseball and football. Millions of Americans watch their favorite sports on television. They also like to play in community orchestras(管弦乐队),make their own films or recordings, go camping ,visit museums, attend lectures, travel, garden, read, and join in hundreds of other activities. The people also enjoy building things for their homes, sewing their own clothes, even making their own photographs. They do these things for fun as well as for economy.   But as much as Americans enjoy their free time, the country is at the same time a"self-improvement" country. More than 25 million adults continue their education, chiefly by going to school in the evening, during their own free time, at their own expense. Added to the time spent on personal activities, Americans a1so devote a great amount of their time to the varied needs of their communities. Many hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, parks, community centers, and organizations that assist the poor depend on the many hours citizens devote to these activities, often without any pay. Why do they do it?   There are several answers. The idea of cooperating and sharing responsibility with one another for the benefit of all is as old as the country itself.   When the country was first founded in 1776,it was necessary for the settlers to work together to live. They had crossed dangerous seas and risked all they had in their struggle for political and religious freedom. There remains among many Americans a distrust of central government. People still prefer to do things themselves within their communities, rather than give the government more control.   Sometimes people offer their time because they wish to accomplish something for which no money is paid, to do something that will be of benefit to the entire community. It is true that some people use their leisure because they are truly interested in the work; or they are learning from the experience.   No matter what the reason is, hundreds of thousands of so called leisure hours are put into hard, unpaid work on one or another community need.   13. This passage is mainly about ________ . 【 B 】   A. why America is a country of sports   B. how Americans spend their free time   C. why America is a "self-improvement" country   14. The writer mentions the foundation of the country in order to indicate ________.【 C 】   A. the early history of America   B. the American people"s determination to live   C. the reason for Americans" willingness to cooperate and share responsibility   15.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the underlined word “leisure"【 C 】   A. work time B. energy C. spare time   16.What can we infer from the text【 A 】   A. The first settlers left their hometown for political and religious reasons.   B. Many Americans donu2032t trust the central government.   C. American people enjoy building things for their homes just for fun.   大学英语阅读理解及答案【3】   Early one morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep. He had been working all night on the design of a   sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem: It seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle.   Though he was tired, Howe slept badly. He turned and turned. Then he had a dream. He dreamt that he had been caught by terrible savages whose king wanted to kill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine. When he tried to do so, Howe ran into the same problem as before. The thread kept getting caught around the needle.   The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe. They came up towards him with their spears raised. But suddenly the inventor noticed something. There was a hole in the tip of each spear. The inventor awoke from the dream,   realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem. Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle. This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practised sewing machine.   Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in this   way.   Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light, said his best ideas came into him in dreams. So did the great physicist Albert Einstein. Charlotte Bronte also drew in her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.   To know the value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when you are asleep. Even then, a part of your mind is still working. This unconscious(无意识的), but still active part understands your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day. It stores all sorts of information that you may have   forgotten or never have really noticed. It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you are awake. However, the unconscious part acts in a special way. It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first. This is why dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves”.   1.According to the passage, Elias Howe was________.【 C 】   A. the first person we know of who solved problems in his sleep   B. much more hard-working than other inventors   C. the first person to design a sewing machine that really worked   2.The problem Howe was trying to solve was________.【 A 】   A. how to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle   B. how to design a needle which would not break   C. where to put the needle   3.Thomas Edison is spoken of because________.【 B 】   A. he also tried to invent a sewing machine   B. he got some of his ideas from dreams   C. he was one of Howeu2019s best friends   4.Dreams are sometimes called“secret messages to ourselves” because___.【 A 】   A. strange images are used to communicate ideas   B. images which have no meaning are used   C. we can never understand the real meaning   大学英语阅读理解及答案【4】   The greatest recent changes have been in the lives of women. During the   twentieth century there was an unusual shortening of the time of a womanu2019s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would   probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would   expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer   children. Usually a womanu2019s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of   children ,her work is lightened by household appliances(家用电器)and convenience foods.   This important change in womenu2019s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on womenu2019 s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age ,and though   women tend to marry younger ,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more after wads, return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home, according to the abilities and interest of each of them.   5.We are told that in an average family about 1990________.【 D 】   A. many children died before they were five   B. the youngest child would be fifteen   C. seven of eight children lived to be more than five   D. four or five children died when they were five   6. When she was over fifty, the late 19th century mother________.【 D 】   A. would expect to work until she died   B. was usually expected to take up paid employment   C. would be healthy enough to take up paid employment   D. was unlikely to find a job even if she is now likely   7. Many girls, the passage says, are now likely to ________.【 D 】   A. marry so that they can get a job   B. leave school as soon as they can   C. give up their jobs for good after they are married   D. continue working until they are going to have a baby   8. According to the passage, it is now quite usual for women to ________.【 C 】   A. stay at home after leaving school   B. marry men younger than themselves   C. start working again later in life   D. marry while still at school ;
2023-06-16 20:17:281


“这不公平.......我们本来就不该来......但是我们来了......这就像我们听过的冒险故事......歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险......有时候你不想知道结局,因为怎么可能有快乐的结局?......发生这么多可怕的事,这世界怎么可能回到从前?但是最后可怕的阴影......终究会消失,就连黑暗也会消失,崭新的一天将会来临,太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒......这才是让人永生难忘。意义非凡的感人故事,纵使你太年轻不明白为什么,但是我想我明白了......我现在明白了,这些故事里的主角,有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有,他们决定勇往直前......因为他们抱着一种信念.......(佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念,山姆?)......这世上一定存在着善良......值得我们奋战到底。”It"s like in the great stories, Mister Frodo. The ones that really mattered.Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened.But in the end, it"s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mister Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn"t. Because they were holding on to something.That there"s some good in this world, Mister Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for.
2023-06-16 20:07:032

跆拳道 口令

跆拳道基本口令及腿法的韩语发音 跆拳道: ud0dcuad8cub3c4 tae guen do 中国: uc911uad6d zhong guk 韩国: ud55cuad6d han guk 谢谢: uac10uc0acud569ub2c8ub2e4.gam sha ham ni da(罡莎-哈倪搭) 你好: uc548ub155ud558uc2edub2c8uae4c an neng ha xif ni ga(阿酿-哈西倪嘎) 抱歉: ubbf8uc548ud569ub2c8ub2e4. Mi an ham ni da(弥安-韩西倪搭) 稍等: uc7a0uac04 zam gan(沧柑) 立正: ucc28ub837 cha let(嚓聊) 稍息: uc2dcuc5c7 si et(销T) 敬礼: uacbdub840 geng rie(哽利) 数字:1(HANA) 2 (DUI) 3(SET) 4(NET) 5(DAS) 6(YOURS) 7(ILIGOL) 8(YOURDUI) 9(AHOKE) 10(YUP) 基本口令: 立正(CHARLECK) 敬礼(KONGLECK) 准备(JIMBI) 开始(SIZERT) 踢腿准备(BAICARKI JIMBI) 结束(PARO) 休息(SEAR) 换方向(BAI BOKOCK) 向后转(DI A DORIA) 上(EUGO) 中(MORNGTONG) 下(ALECK) 前上踢: uc55euc62cub9acuae30 a-p or ri gi(啊保利给) 斜上踢: uc0acuc120uc62cub9acuae30 sha shen or ri gi(莎呈而利给) 前踢: uc55eucc28uae30 a-p cha gi(阿部差给) 抡踢: ub3ccub824ucc28uae30 do le cha gi(赌聊差给) 侧踢: uc606ucc28uae30 ye-p cha gi9(伢(要)部差给) 下踢: ub0b4ub9acucc28uae30 na li cha gi(纳利差给) 勾踢: ub09auc5b4ucc28uae30 nak ge cha gi(纳阁差给) 后踢: ub4a4ucc28uae30 dv cha gi(对差给) 反抡踢: ubc18ub300ub3ccub824ucc28ban dai dor re cha gi(斑贷赌撩差给) 转身抡踢: ub3ccuac1cucc28uae30 dor ge cha gi(对尔改差给) 腾空抡踢: ub098ub798ucc28uae30 na le cha gi(纳猎差给) 360后踢: 360ub3c4 ub4a4ucc28uae30shm bak lik ship do dv cha gi 前脚反勾踢:a-p bar dv dor a nak e cha gi(阿-趴-对毒辣-纳阁差给)
2023-06-16 20:07:041


In the legend of the world of Middle Earth, Sauron forged nineteen pieces of magic and fall to one of the rings in the thousands of years ago, he put three of them to give the spirit king, seven pieces to the noble dwarves, nine to humans. In addition, in Sauron secretly cast a supreme power of the one ring, the ring and the holder can make the stealth ever-young, but the most terrible is the Lord of the rings with slavery all power on earth, it is the Solon will help the entire earth world shrouded in darkness.The world people overwhelmed, rebelled against. The alliance is composed with elves, humans and other creatures Sauron"s army launched a desperate struggle, finally succeeded Sauron returned to his lair end mountains. Sauron defeat, led his army and Chinese League final battle and the alliance has been hit.Jupiter is human Ilan Dyer, Sauron killed, the ring of power so that people in the middle time face the test of life and death. At this critical moment, Ilan Dyer"s father duo picked up the broken Sayyaf Nasir had Sauron wearing the ring finger, the dark Mojun suddenly lost power, his army collapsed......The end of the war, Isildur made the ring. ELF KING Erin proposed to destroy the ring. May only take it from destroying the ring back to the end of the flames in the mountains. May the ring like a plus the Isildur clear left it as the human kingdom heirlooms, remnants of Sauron was finally noticed, Isildur was killed, the ring fell into the river Anduin, until the little monster Gelunmu notice...... Golem of the ring spell, thus becoming a distorted mind, finally unbearable, he took the ring into the cave in Wulingbitong mountain......The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins into the Gelunmu cave when going out, and accidentally pulled the ring, he put the ring back home, but he never thought that he has the same to all the peoples of middle fate in my hands.Sauron inexorably hangs on. after thousands of years of silence, after gradually recovered and initially revealed him to retake the ring. Already know the Lord of the rings Sauron falls on the Hobbit hands, then sent the nazgul to search for the black knight.Bilbo is already 110 years old, but he is still a few decades ago and picked up the ring as no change, but the day of the hobbits made him confused to stand aloof from worldly success are already tired of hope to go to a peaceful place, writing his autobiography, he clearly in this day to celebrate the birthday of farewell and people.Bilbo"s nephew Frodo is a gentle, really innocent boy, he in the village came to celebrate the birthday of hobbits Bilbo as guardian of grey wizard Gan Daofu......Bilbo spoke at the birthday party when using the power of the village of stealth surface disappeared. But his trick he found hiding from Gandalf, Bilbo, Bilbo himself intends to inform Gandalf, he left everything to frodo. Gandalf asked him whether including the ring, because he knew that the Lord of the rings is only the power of stealth. Bilbo though not very willing, but eventually left the ring......A premonition has informed the ring after see Gandalf, he consulted a lot of historical data, finally decided that this is the evil one ring. He put his notice informed Frodo, confound Frodo to give the ring to gandalf...... Gan Daofu persuaded the ring Frodo first to a safe place, and the deployment of Frodo"s partners Sam and him. Agreed to converge on the horse bar......Frodo and Sam embarked on a journey to escort the Lord of the rings, and they soon met two boys Pippin and Melly village......Gandalf found a white robe wizard leader Saruman, may not think Saruman has surrendered solon. He wanted to use Gandalf, was rejected after the use of force to subdue him......Frodo and three partners along the way to kill the nazgul escaped the Black Knight, finally came to a bar, probably Gan Daofu, did not find the nazgul Black Knight once again fled, thanks to the vigorous man Aragon escaped before the rescue...... Aragon was originally a human descendants of the king, because do not see hope in seclusion, he knew the ring badly, then give the ring to help clear Frodo Del Levine fairy kingdom......They walk on the road once again encountered after the nazgul ride, Frodo was severely injured, life on the verge of death or destruction. At this time, a fairy princess arrived, she single-handed to Frodo to the Elven nation......The Elven king saved Frodo, Gandalf also met frodo. May the ring shadow still not disappeared, the potential decline in the spirit of the ring to ensure the safety, heavy-hearted ELF KING Eln clear please sent to other countries to discuss countermeasures.
2023-06-16 20:07:101


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2023-06-16 20:07:202


1. 关于古文、电影经典句子,大家给提供一下 Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are here. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The one"s that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end… Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was。When so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing。this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will e. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you… that meant something. Even if you were too *** all to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going。 because they were holding on to something. Mr. Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam: That there"s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for. 佛罗多:我办不到。 山姆: 我知道。 这不公平。我们本来就不该来。但是我们来了。 这就像我们听过的精彩故事,歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险。 有时你不想知道结局。因为怎么可能有快乐结局? 发生这么多可怕的事情,这世界怎么可能回到从前? 但是最后可怕的阴影,终究会消失。就连黑暗也会消失。崭新的一天将会来临。太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。 这才是让人永生难忘,意义非凡的感人故事。 纵使你太年轻不明白为什么,但是我想我明白了。 我现在明白了。这些故事里的主角有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有。他们决定勇往直前,因为他们抱着一种信念。 佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念? 山姆:这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。 2. 求电影 鸿门宴 和文言文 鸿门宴 的区别,最好详细一些有具体情节 电影版在宴会进行的时候,里面的内容明显夸张了,比如电影里面的那些死士被抓,然后诸葛和项伯下棋决定他们生死这个情节文言文里面完全没有,反而文言文里面的项王赐给樊哙一猪腿的情节在电影里面就没有。 那段原文是这样的:项王曰:“壮士,赐之卮酒。”则与斗卮酒。哙拜谢,起,立而饮之。项王曰:“赐之彘肩。”则与一生彘肩。樊哙覆其盾于地,加彘肩上,拔剑切而啖之。项王曰:“壮士!能复饮乎?”樊哙曰:“臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞!夫秦王有虎狼之心,杀人如不能举,刑人如恐不胜,天下皆叛之。怀王与诸将约曰:‘先破秦入咸阳者王之。"今沛公先破秦入咸阳,毫毛不敢有所近,封闭宫室,还军霸上,以待大王来。故遣将守关者,备他盗出入与非常也。劳苦而功高如此,未有封侯之赏,而听细说,欲诛有功之人。此亡秦之续耳,窃为大王不取也。” 电影里面完全没有提到猪腿。 文言文开头就只是曹无伤派人和项羽说刘备打算在关中称王,然后叫项羽抓紧攻打,不要失去时机云云。 结尾也只是项王接受刘备的赔礼,然后放刘备离开,然后回到军营立即杀死了曹无伤。 电影里面的故事太过完整,文言文里面讲的也只是电影较为中间的一段。 电影里面的虞姬,文言文里面就没有提过。 电影太过美化了刘备的为人,从原文曹无伤“沛公居山东时,贪于财货,好美姬。”这一句话就可以看出,其实刘备人品不怎么样,而且文言文里面的项王明显比电影里面的笨太多了。 大概就是这样了,我看这个电影的时候也就是在学习这篇文言文的时候而且当时没有仔细看,可能还没有很具体。 PS.不,但是一定要看啊,打字什么的真心累,两个月暑假打的字还没有现在多。::>_ 3. 找 文言文电视剧、电影 1 《大明宫词》《红楼梦》《水浒传》《孙子兵法与三十六计》2 香港没有文言文的电视剧,因为广东话的语法和普通话都不一样,其普通话配音也是经过小小翻译的……3 文言文电视剧严格来说只有《三国演义》最贴近,由于现代创作电视剧剧本的人鲜有如此高深的文学功底,所以诸如此类的电视剧非常难找。 《大明宫词》虽然距“文言文”有一定距离,但语言非常优美、精炼,偶有古文,而“大明宫词”四个字足以表达其语言的魅力。除此之外剧情也值得一看,此剧在当年反响强烈,犹记其作者曾一度被誉为“中国的莎士比亚”……。 4. 古代不是都说文言文的吗 文言文,是古代官方交流的语言,或用作书面记载事务的语言。而百姓中却广发流传着民间交往的语言,只是史书上很少记载而已。加之口语的语音又缺乏录音记载,只能代代相传,发展至今,也就成了现在的白话文了。近代“五四运动”发起的白话文运动,其直接的源头自然是当时的民间白话语言,其源头可以追溯到古代民间的交往语言。你可能有个误解,以为古代所有人的交往都采用文言文形式,那可就大错特错了。像宋代的《水浒评书》中就有“气煞我也!”(酷似"气死我啦!")“大不了充军而已。”(‘大不了"就是当时的口头语)等等都很接近当时平民口语的句子。这样的句子在《史记》中也可以找到例子。如今的文学作品和电影、戏剧,要逼真地表现古代历史,口语这一关,就要跨越重重难题。因此,证据的空缺,使得无法一丝不苟地重现古代民间话语。 简而答之,仅供参考。
2023-06-16 20:07:271


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you shall not pass
2023-06-16 20:07:352

根据汉字国标GB2312-80的规定,一个汉字的内码码长为(  )。

2023-06-16 20:07:361


dawn 1 vi:⒈ 破晓,天刚亮。⒉(时代,局面等)开始出现,渐露端倪。3.渐被理解(或感知)(on,upon); 2 n; 1.黎明,拂晓; at ~拂晓时,/Dawn breaks 破晓;/from~ till dusk ,从早到晚;2.[喻]开端,曙光;the ~ of civilization文明的开端/the ~of victory||~ing n. 1.黎明 2.开端 3.东,东方。前者多作不及物动词用,但也可做动名词用;后者纯作比喻性名词用。(与真正的天亮无关,只是借喻开端,起始而已。)
2023-06-16 20:07:382


1黑骑士第一次出场时在野外追杀Frodo的时候,Frodo一行人躲在树后,黑骑士停在树边搜寻Frodo时,树底的各种爬虫纷纷从地底钻出来,Frodo几乎就要禁不住诱惑戴上戒指……(这一段看的时候整个人呼吸都是悬着的,特别紧张却不敢大声喘气,真有一种身临其境之感)2.Boromir被心魔蛊惑后,坐在地上害怕地问自己做了什么;这时候强兽人大军来到,Boromir奋起作战保护两个霍比特人,身中数箭仍然全力作战,终于不支跪在地上。这时候导演给了一个慢镜头,兽人军队从他身边冲过,而他无奈地跪在地上,眼里全是悲伤和绝望。最后Aragorn赶到杀死了兽人首领,但Boromir已经奄奄一息。死前他还为自己的糊涂而忏悔,并为他不能保护刚铎人民而悲伤。在Aragorn向他保证一定全力保护刚铎时才安心离去。(Boromir是整个电影里我最喜欢的角色。他是个胸怀博大,热血澎湃的英雄,他不能抵抗魔戒的诱惑,但是他想得到魔戒完全是为了保护自己的人民和国家。他的确曾一度被魔戒蛊惑,但他最终意识到了自己的错误,并为之后悔致死;他有时乐观而意气风发,有时也会为前途黯淡而伤心绝望;他为了保护同伴与孤军奋战,身中数箭终于倒地。看到他死的那段直接哭了)3.圣盔堡之战最后,敌人杀到最后的防线时,阳光洒入城堡;国王带领最后的洛汗骠骑怀着必死之心喊着:“Forth eorlingas!”杀出城堡,这时甘道夫骑着白马从太阳升起处出现,接着洛汗骑兵从高地上发起突击,兽人军队摆成步兵阵型准备应战。两军即将相接之际,忽然阳光大亮,兽人一方面睁不开眼,一方面本又不喜欢阳光,顿时被冲溃。(不多说,这一段看的时候真是热血澎湃) 4.阿拉贡一行人第一次来到伊多拉斯的时候,伊欧玟绝望地走出宫殿,就看到了他们,这暗示了他们之间的羁绊。更重要的是,阿拉贡刚来到城堡门口,就看到洛汗国的奔马旗飘落在地(这大概是暗示了洛汗的衰败现状)5.一个可能很少有人注意到的小细节:Grimma叛逃到Saruman处,之前他认为Saruman军队不足以攻克圣盔堡,但当看到Saruman数以万计的大军那一刹那,他流泪了。(他还没有坏到想把族人置于死地,也还有一丝的廉耻心和对洛汗的羞耻,看到自己让族人面临灭族之险,这条毒蛇还是忍不住流泪。ps:每次重看魔戒都能看到一些从前没注意的这种小细节,可以看出剧组真的非常用心,不愧是史诗级的电影)6.Faramir在安都因河上发现了载着Boromir的遗体的小船时,他呆呆地望着哥哥,一言不发。之后他回忆起最后一次见到Boromir的场景:Boromir和自己一起收复奥斯吉利斯,并向士兵们发誓要永远守卫这座城市!父亲却仍然只看好哥哥而对自己不屑一顾,并把夺取魔戒复兴刚铎的任务交给了Boromir.(看到Boromir英雄盖世豪气凌云的演讲再次飙泪……其实个人觉得Boromir是一个伟大的战士,而Faramir则更多了一份哲学家和诗人的气质,应该说各有所长。另外从Faramir冒着被军法从事的危险仍然坚持送走Frodo,以及在父亲的命令下抱着必死决心向敌人发动冲锋也可以看出他的勇气。可惜迪奈瑟看不到Faramir的长处,害死了自己也几乎害死了Faramir) 和现实的残酷配合真的有无奈之感,Faramir临行前对米纳斯提里斯的深情告白也是非常悲凉的,建议和Boromir收复奥斯吉利斯之时发表的演讲对应着看。有一种知其不可为而为之的壮烈感)
2023-06-16 20:07:421


tae guen do
2023-06-16 20:07:454


2023-06-16 20:07:462


曙光=dawning=n.1. 曙光;2. 黎明,拂晓;3. 开端,端绪;4. 东方 例子: 1. No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of our knowledge. 除了那在你们知识的晨曦中半梦半醒的东西外,没人能给你们启迪。 2. The day was just dawning. 天刚破晓。 3. The dawning cut my dreaming into mist. 晨曦已把梦剪成烟缕 有用请采纳
2023-06-16 20:07:481


哈啊 嘟 SEI 内 打死 要死 A(英文字母A的发音)类骨 亚都 阿红 油 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 韩语直译过来是 一个两个 三个四个的。。。。。。
2023-06-16 20:07:533


A,that 连接的表语从句,B not a bit一点也不
2023-06-16 20:07:545


2023-06-16 20:07:563

求 跆拳道 的韩语

给你你也看不懂拳: uc8fcuba39 腿: ub2e4ub9ac 脚; ubc1c 掌: uc190ubc14ub2e5 贯手: uc190ub05d 肘: ud314uafc8uce58 膝: ubb34ub98e 头: uba38ub9ac 跨: uc0bf 腰: ud5c8ub9ac 背: ub4f1 转动: ub3ccub2e4
2023-06-16 20:08:034

the captain often eats () biead and looks () thin.A.a little;a kind ofB.a bit of;a little bitC.a bit

the captain often eats a bit of bread and looks a little bit thina little bit +形容词 表示有点 一点 a bit of 修饰不可数名词 bread 不可数您确定题目没抄错吗 biead 还是bread欢迎再问哟
2023-06-16 20:08:082


立正: cha let(嚓聊) 稍息: si et(销T) 敬礼: geng rie(哽利) 数字: 1 HANAH (哼拿) 2 DUHL (都锐) 3 SEHT (恤) 4 HEHT (叻 ) 5 DASEOT( 都索) 6 YEOSEOT (有索) 7 LLGOP (衣高) 8 YEODUL( 亚都儿) 9 SHOP (阿合 ) 10 YEOL (衣锐) 基本口令:敬礼(kin li) 立正(ca liao) 准备(zhun bi) 开始(xi sa) 结束(ha le) ------------------------------------------------------ 一(One) HANAH 喊那 二(Two) DUHL 斗儿 三(Three) SEHT 色 四(Four) HEHT 内 五(Five) DASEOT 他司 六(Six) YEOSEOT 有司 七(Seven) LLGOP 依古 八(Eight) YEODUL 呀斗 九(Nine) SHOP 啊户 十(Ten) YEOL 由儿 蓝(Blueness) CHUNG 从 红(Red) HONG 红 立正(Attention) Charyo 查里呕 敬礼(Bow) KYEONG-PYE 跟里 准备(Ready) JOONOBI 准比 开始(Begin) SHIJAK 西查 左转(Turn left) JWAWOOH 祖活 右转(Turn right) YANGYOO 羊活 警告(Notice) KYONG-GO 孔够 扣分(Deduct from) GAM-JEOM 金找 暂停(Pause) KALYEO 个里呕 停止(Stop) KOOEOUMAN 个门 继续(Continue) KYESOK 给扫 计时(Timekeeper) KYESHI 给是 叫喊(Shout) Ki Hap 可哈 制服(Uniform) Dobok 度波 道场(Training Hall) Dojang 拳: zhu mek ( 烛闷) 腿: da li(答礼) 脚; bar(啪而) 掌: shon ba dak(憧吧嗒) 贯手: shon get(怂咯) 肘: par gum qi(啪而箍弃) 膝: mu rep(幕录) 头: me li (墨吏) 跨: shat (霎):急促些 腰: he li(毫厘) 背: dong(噔) 转动: dor da(多而达) 加速: ga sok(卡肃) 协调: hep zo(皓尔肇) 反应: ba ong(跋能) 力量: him(嘿闷) 快: ba rom(跋愣) 慢: ne zom(呐-之魅) 套路: pum she(彭晒) 太极1章至太极8章: te gek1zhang bu te 8 zhang (汰咯一章) 高丽: go re(靠潦) 金刚: gem gang(耿罡) 太白: te bek(汰掰) 平原: peng wen(乒雯) 十进: sip jin(溪敬) 地跆: ji te(基跆) 天拳: chen guen(惩棍) 汉水: han shu(韩殊) 一如: yir re(毅辽) 马步: zhu chum sie(卒-憧晒) 前弓步: a gu bi(阿咕痹) 后弓步: dv gu bi(对-咕痹) 手刀: shon nar(耸-衲而) 搁挡: mak gi(玛给) 进攻: jin gong(敬恭) 防守: bang shu(浜粟) 道服: do bok(道袍) 腰带: di(嫡)(釉涩-嫡) 黑带: ge en di(犒闷-嫡) 有色带: shek di(釉涩-嫡) 护具: ho gu(皓咕) 手部护具: par bo ho dai(帕而-堡皓歹) 脚部护具: da li bo ho dai(答理-堡皓歹) 头部护具: me li bo ho dai(磨砺-堡皓歹) 裆部护具: sat bo dai(莎-堡皓歹) 脚靶: ta get(塔钙) TKD术语 跆拳道: tae guen do 中国: zhong guk 韩国: han guk 谢谢: gam sha ham ni da(罡莎-哈倪搭) 你好: an neng ha xif ni ga(阿酿-哈西倪嘎) 抱歉: Mi an ham ni da(弥安-韩西倪搭) 稍等: zam gan(沧柑) 立正: cha let(嚓聊) 稍息: si et(销T) 敬礼: geng rie(哽利) 向左转: zua ro do a(抓露赌辣) 向右转: wu ro do a(悟露赌辣) 向后转: dv ro do a(对赌辣) 向左向右转: zua wu hang wu(抓无浩悟) 第(N)排向后转: jie yer dv ro do a 准备; zhun bi (准备) 脚步动作准备: bar cha gi zhun bi( 跋差给准备) 换步: bar ba gu e set(跋尔跋郭差) 滑步: ger gi9(阁尔给) 前上踢: a-p or ri gi(啊保利给) 斜上踢: sha shen or ri gi(莎呈而利给) 前踢: a-p cha gi(阿部差给) 抡踢: do le cha gi(赌聊差给) 侧踢: ye-p cha gi9(伢(要)部差给) 下踢: na li cha gi(纳利差给) 勾踢: nak ge cha gi(纳阁差给) 后踢: dv cha gi(对差给) 反抡踢: ban dai dor re cha gi(斑贷赌撩差给) 转身抡踢: dor ge cha gi(对尔改差给) 腾空抡踢: na le cha gi(纳猎差给) 360后踢: 360 shm bak lik ship do dv cha gi 前脚反勾踢: a-p bar dv dor a nak e cha gi(阿-趴-对毒辣-纳阁差给) 跆拳道精神: tae guen do zheng sin 礼仪: lie yi 忍耐: yin nai 廉耻: rem qi 克己: gk gi 百折不屈: biak zher bur gur 跆拳道基本口令及腿法的韩语发音 跆拳道: tae guen do 中国: zhong guk 韩国: han guk 谢谢: .gam sha ham ni da(罡莎-哈倪搭) 你好: an neng ha xif ni ga(阿酿-哈西倪嘎) 抱歉: . Mi an ham ni da(弥安-韩西倪搭) 稍等: zam gan(沧柑) 立正: cha let(嚓聊) 稍息: si et(销T) 敬礼: geng rie(哽利) 数字:1(HANA) 2 (DUI) 3(SET) 4(NET) 5(DAS) 6(YOURS) 7(ILIGOL) 8(YOURDUI) 9(AHOKE) 10(YUP) 基本口令: 立正(CHARLECK) 敬礼(KONGLECK) 准备(JIMBI) 开始(SIZERT) 踢腿准备(BAICARKI JIMBI) 结束(PARO) 休息(SEAR) 换方向(BAI BOKOCK) 向后转(DI A DORIA) 上(EUGO) 中(MORNGTONG) 下(ALECK) 前上踢: a-p or ri gi(啊保利给) 斜上踢: sha shen or ri gi(莎呈而利给) 前踢: a-p cha gi(阿部差给) 抡踢: do le cha gi(赌聊差给) 侧踢: ye-p cha gi9(伢(要)部差给) 下踢: na li cha gi(纳利差给) 勾踢: nak ge cha gi(纳阁差给) 后踢: dv cha gi(对差给) 反抡踢: ban dai dor re cha gi(斑贷赌撩差给) 转身抡踢: dor ge cha gi(对尔改差给) 腾空抡踢: na le cha gi(纳猎差给) 这些都是从百度上找的,希望对你有帮助!谢谢!
2023-06-16 20:08:101


因为他受过安玛巫王的剑伤,还有那只恶心的蜘蛛的蜇伤,特别是他是魔戒的携带者,只有在不死地(瓦林诺)才能获得心灵的安宁~~ Frodo去了Valinor,大海彼岸的土地,也是精灵们正迁去的地方。那里又称为"不死之地”,某种程度上就像天堂。它通常在地图上是画成另一个部分,但当地球从扁平变成球形时它被从"真实"世界中"移走"了。 Frodo因携带魔戒所受的伤害,以及在Weathertop处Nazgul之剑给他的刺伤和Shelob的蛰伤无法在Middle-earth被完全治愈。他去Valinor是为了得到内心的安宁平静。本来正常情况下只有精灵和巫师,也就是那些不朽的生灵才被允许去那里。【其实我觉得这说法不确切,wizards本质上和精灵、人类是完全不同的存在,把他们和精灵一起称作immortal不太对劲。】但Frodo得到了特别的许可,因为他是一位持戒者(Bilbo也是一样,--不是说伤痛方面,而是"持戒者通行证"方面)。他自己并没有变得不朽,虽然有暗示说时间在那里逝去的速度不一样,因而他可能比正常人要长寿。【Frodo西去最主要的原因其实就是身体和心灵的双重创伤,他本人的任务实际上是失败了,他在最后一刻败给了自己的欲望。每到Weathertop他被Witch-king刺伤和魔戒销毁的时候,他的旧伤都会疼;而心灵上的痛苦更是无法言喻。这些伤害,只有在一切伤痛都可以被医治的Aman才有平复的希望。】
2023-06-16 20:06:551


2023-06-16 20:06:544


2023-06-16 20:06:5311


跆拳道基本口令及腿法的韩语发音 跆拳道: 517193 tae guen do 中国: 3670 zhong guk 韩国: 6370 han guk 谢谢: 7117669199.gam sha ham ni da(罡莎-哈倪搭) 你好: 278069249183 an neng ha xif ni ga(阿酿-哈西倪嘎) 抱歉: 0327669199. Mi an ham ni da(弥安-韩西倪搭) 稍等: 3779 zam gan(沧柑) 立正: 4702 cha let(嚓聊) 稍息: 2724 si et(销T) 敬礼: 7401 geng rie(哽利) 数字:1(HANA) 2 (DUI) 3(SET) 4(NET) 5(DAS) 6(YOURS) 7(ILIGOL) 8(YOURDUI) 9(AHOKE) 10(YUP) 基本口令: 立正(CHARLECK) 敬礼(KONGLECK) 准备(JIMBI) 开始(SIZERT) 踢腿准备(BAICARKI JIMBI) 结束(PARO) 休息(SEAR) 换方向(BAI BOKOCK) 向后转(DI A DORIA) 上(EUGO) 中(MORNGTONG) 下(ALECK) 前上踢: 29250585 a-p or ri gi(啊保利给) 斜上踢: 1713250585 sha shen or ri gi(莎呈而利给) 前踢: 294785 a-p cha gi(阿部差给) 抡踢: 91034785 do le cha gi(赌聊差给) 侧踢: 274785 ye-p cha gi9(伢(要)部差给) 下踢: 89054785 na li cha gi(纳利差给) 勾踢: 83254785 nak ge cha gi(纳阁差给) 后踢: 974785 dv cha gi(对差给) 反抡踢: 0597910347ban dai dor re cha gi(斑贷赌撩差给) 转身抡踢: 91734785 dor ge cha gi(对尔改差给) 腾空抡踢: 81934785 na le cha gi(纳猎差给) 360后踢: 36093 974785shm bak lik ship do dv cha gi 前脚反勾踢:a-p bar dv dor a nak e cha gi(阿-趴-对毒辣-纳阁差给)满意请采纳
2023-06-16 20:06:431

魔戒中的经典语句拜托了各位 谢谢

佛罗多:我坚持不住,山姆 山姆:我知道,这是个错误。实际上我们本不该来这,可我们来了。就像在古老的传说中,那些真正的传说,里面笼罩着黑暗和危险,有时你甚至不想听到结尾,怎么可能有幸福的结局呢。当这么多的邪恶发生以后,世界怎么可能回到原先的状态呢? 不过说到底,危险早晚都会过去,黑暗也会过去,黎明终将到来。当太阳再次升起的时候,会更加明亮。这些友谊的传说都在你的心里,即使你年龄太笑还无法理解,可是我觉得,佛罗多老爷,我能明白,我现在能理解。传说中的人物,都有机会回头,但是他们不肯。他们一直向前,因为他们都有自己的信念。 佛罗多:我们的信念是什么,山姆? 山姆:我们相信这个世界并非不可救药,值得我们为之战斗 英文原台词 Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Sam: Fold in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going because they were holding on to something. Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam? Sam: There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for. 这一段是自己根据原文翻译的 佛罗多:我办不到,山姆 山姆:我知道,这都是不正常的。实际上,我们甚至本不该在这,但是我们来了。好像在那些伟大的故事中,佛罗多先生。那些真正重大的事,它们充满了黑暗和危险,你常常不想知道结局,因为结局怎么可能是快乐的?这世界怎么可能回到它从前的轨迹,那么多坏事还没发生的时候? 但是最后,这股阴影终究会消失,甚至连黑暗也必定会退散,崭新的一天将会来临,太阳也会闪烁更明亮的光芒。那些伴随着你的故事,它们意味着一些东西,就算你太渺小不明白为什么。但是我想,佛罗多先生,我确实了解了,我现在明白了,故事的角色,有很多的机会转回头,只是他们没有,他们继续向前,因为他们坚持着什么。 佛罗多:我们坚持着什么,山姆? 山姆:美好存在于这个世界,佛罗多先生,它值得我们为之奋战
2023-06-16 20:06:351


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Frodo: It"s a pity Bilbo didn"t kill him when he had the chance. Gandalf: Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo"s hand. Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many. Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought. 佛罗多: 真可惜毕尔博在有机会的时候却没有杀了他. 甘道夫: 可惜? 毕尔博是因为可怜他,才住了手.许多当死之人还活着,而一些该活着的人却死了.这是你能给予的么,佛罗多? 不要过于急切的以生死判定一切。即使最具智慧的人也无法预见所有的结局.我的直觉告诉我,在整件事结束之前,咕噜姆还要扮演某个角色,或善或恶。毕尔博的怜悯决定了很多人的命运.佛罗多: 真希望我从没得到这枚戒指. 真希望这一切都没发生过. 甘道夫: 所有人在一生中都会遇到这样的时刻, 但这不是我们所能决定的.我们所应决定的是在仅有的时间里该去做些什么. 这世上除了邪恶的意志,还有许多其他的力量存在,佛罗多。毕尔博注定将找到魔戒, 也就意味着,你得到魔戒也是必然的.而那是个令人鼓舞的想法。
2023-06-16 20:06:271

根据汉字国标GB2312-80的规定,一个汉字的机内码的码长是(  )。

2023-06-16 20:06:201


Qimgfu Lin可选英文名FrodoAlexFayJackJosephLeo等
2023-06-16 20:06:191


You Belong To Me -- Carla Bruni
2023-06-16 20:06:069


佛罗多:我坚持不住,山姆 山姆:我知道,这是个错误。实际上我们本不该来这,可我们来了。就像在古老的传说中,那些真正的传说,里面笼罩着黑暗和危险,有时你甚至不想听到结尾,怎么可能有幸福的结局呢。当这么多的邪恶发生以后,世界怎么可能回到原先的状态呢? 不过说到底,危险早晚都会过去,黑暗也会过去,黎明终将到来。当太阳再次升起的时候,会更加明亮。这些友谊的传说都在你的心里,即使你年龄太笑还无法理解,可是我觉得,佛罗多老爷,我能明白,我现在能理解。传说中的人物,都有机会回头,但是他们不肯。他们一直向前,因为他们都有自己的信念。 佛罗多:我们的信念是什么,山姆? 山姆:我们相信这个世界并非不可救药,值得我们为之战斗 英文原台词 Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Sam: Fold in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going because they were holding on to something. Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam? Sam: There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for. 这一段是自己根据原文翻译的 佛罗多:我办不到,山姆 山姆:我知道,这都是不正常的。实际上,我们甚至本不该在这,但是我们来了。好像在那些伟大的故事中,佛罗多先生。那些真正重大的事,它们充满了黑暗和危险,你常常不想知道结局,因为结局怎么可能是快乐的?这世界怎么可能回到它从前的轨迹,那么多坏事还没发生的时候? 但是最后,这股阴影终究会消失,甚至连黑暗也必定会退散,崭新的一天将会来临,太阳也会闪烁更明亮的光芒。那些伴随着你的故事,它们意味着一些东西,就算你太渺小不明白为什么。但是我想,佛罗多先生,我确实了解了,我现在明白了,故事的角色,有很多的机会转回头,只是他们没有,他们继续向前,因为他们坚持着什么。 佛罗多:我们坚持着什么,山姆? 山姆:美好存在于这个世界,佛罗多先生,它值得我们为之奋战
2023-06-16 20:06:021

三星内存 CE M471B5173BH0-CK0详细含义是什么?多少颗粒的?

M=memory4=SODIMM也就是笔记本内存71=204个金手指B=DDR357=DEPTH 2Gb7=8bank 1.5V3=8 bitC=40nm制程H=FBGA封装 无铅无汞S表示简版内存C=0~85°工作温度 1.5V电压K0=DDR3-1600
2023-06-16 20:05:571

魔戒1 远征军为什么说失败了,让佛罗多一个人去魔多?

魔戒1 远征军为什么说失败了,让佛罗多一个人去魔多? 自己看呗 是这样,单凭武力(尤其是护戒小队这几位有限的武力)是无法打进魔多的。 三千多年前的最后同盟之战,在死伤了超过一半的罗瑞安精灵和三分之二的巨绿林精灵以及数量巨大的人类军队之后,才最终攻下魔多。而索伦的那一次败亡也还是靠著埃西铎那完全绝望的一击。否则,不知还会继续死伤多少人。 三千余年后,索伦已经重塑人形,力量大为恢复,正可谓东山再起。而中土西方各势力普遍衰落,想要打正规战,硬对硬的再次攻入魔多真是做梦(这一点在黑门之战中表现的很清楚)。护戒小队要凭著谨慎的行动,尽可能混入魔多,才有机会销毁魔戒。 这就要说到佛罗多如何适合潜入了。他是一个哈比人,身材矮小但又行动灵活,这一先天优势决定了他容易做到行动隐秘不易被人发觉。而且,他是魔戒携带者,他对魔戒的抵抗力相对而言最强(事实上,只有末日山的那一刻他才被魔戒的威力击倒),带上其他人上路,保不准是否还会再出现一个波罗莫。 但佛罗多还不是一个人。后来甘道夫在听说佛罗多一人前往魔多后也发出了和你同样担忧,但当他又听说山姆也随着佛罗多而去后,竟转忧为喜。山姆是一个好帮手,一个称职的仆人,事实也证明,离开了山姆的帮助,佛罗多是走不远的。 那么其他人就没事了吗?不是的。他们的任务一点也不轻松。佛罗多已经有山姆陪伴,暂时不必担心;而梅里和皮聘尚在强兽人之手,是生是死下落不明,救出他们才是更为急迫的事情。再者,护戒小队成立时,爱隆曾说过,护戒小队不受誓言约束,可以随时解散。 “我本来应该指引佛罗多前往魔多,一路到达最后的目标;但是,如果我计划在河上追到他,就等于袖手让被抓走的人质遭到折磨和杀害。我想一切都很明白了,魔戒持有者的命运不再由我掌控。远征队的任务已经完成了,但只要我们还有一口气在,就不能够舍弃战友” ------《魔戒》第一部第二十二节 是什么支援著《指环王》中佛罗多(Frodo)「远征」到魔多(Mordor)摧毁魔戒? 我说一点个人的浅见: 乐观向上,永不放弃希望的高贵品质,支撑著佛罗多,直到彻底摧毁魔戒。 征途凶险,从一开始就注定了: 戒灵的追捕、伤害让他害怕; 甘道夫的牺牲让他伤心; 精灵女王在魔戒蛊惑下的可怕、波罗莫的迷失、咕噜的可悲都没能让他停止脚步; 在至尊魔戒的蛊惑下,他最终还是完成了这个不可能的任务。 魔戒1最后为什么佛罗多打算要独自一人去摩多? 最主要的原因个人觉得是他被他信任的伙伴袭击了,魔戒的强大的蛊惑力让他不知道接下去会发生什么,而且魔戒是会吸引戒灵的,他想一个人去面对吧,毕竟已经开始死去同伴了(虽然这个袭击了他)。 中国远征军为什么失败 中国远征军是抗日战争时期中国入缅对日作战部队,亦称“中国赴缅远征军”、“中国援缅远征军”。1941年12月根据《中英共同防御滇缅路协定》编成,远征军受盟军中国战区参谋长史迪威中将和罗卓英司令长官指挥。该军由第5、第6、第66军编成,计9个师10万余人。[1][2] 1942年3月,远征军入缅发起滇缅路作战。失利后大部分退回云南。1943年4月,重建远征军司令长官部,后称滇西远征军,一部撤至印度,称中国驻印军。1943年10月至1944年5月中国驻印军和滇西远征军先后发起缅北滇西作战,歼灭日军三万余人。1945年1月27日,两军在畹町会师。3月,完成了打通滇缅公路的任务后撤回国内。1945年4月撤销。 中国远征军是中国与盟国直接进行军事合作的典范,也是甲午战争以来中国军队首次出国作战。1943年10月至1945年3月,中国驻印军和中国远征军在缅北、滇西反攻中,收复缅北大小城镇50余座,收复滇西失地8.3万平方公里,共歼灭日军4.9万余人。中国军队也付出了重大牺牲,伤亡官兵约6.7万人。 《魔戒》最后,佛罗多他们上船去哪了? 阿门洲的瓦林诺,就是精灵正要迁徙去的地方,位于大海彼岸的土地,那里又称为“不死之地”,但它在地图上是无法描绘出来的,这里是他们那个地球以外的地方,某种程度上就像天堂,本来阿门洲只有精灵和巫师才被允许去〔五大巫师都是 只有精灵和被允许的生灵才能在大海中找到前往那里的路,那里是一块极乐之地。 书上写的,任何携带了魔戒的人都要离开,因为魔戒给他们带来的痛苦在中州不能被解除,只有前往凡拉的住所瓦林诺才能解除,所以要去那里 《魔戒》中山姆为什么称呼佛罗多·巴金斯为“佛罗多先生”而不是“巴金斯先生”呢 你不记得Nazgul(戒灵)在霍位元人家门口,用嘶哑阴冷的声音喊出的:“巴金斯!”吗?戒灵只知道“比尔博·巴金斯”,不知道“弗罗多·巴金斯”。因为那时斯米戈尔还不知道有“弗罗多”这个人。用“佛罗多先生”保险! 《魔戒》中山姆为什么称呼佛罗多·巴金斯为“佛罗多先生”而不是“巴金斯先生”? 电影中第一次出现“佛罗多先生”这个称呼是在霍位元人的酒馆处,是一个老爹这样称呼佛罗多,当时佛罗多还没有被告知魔戒是什么东西 第二次是当晚山姆和佛罗多告别时说的,这个时候Gandalf也还没有让他别用Baggins 这个名字 所以这里面应该有hobbits的习俗因素, 另一方面,sam的父亲是bilbo的园丁,后来sam又成了frodo的园丁,他会称呼frodo为“master”——主人,是一种主仆关系 魔戒里的佛罗多是怎么死的? 他跟精灵王们和甘道夫一起走了,简单讲就是佛罗多要去疗伤,他身上的三处创伤:风云顶上被戒灵王刺中的伤口,奇里斯昂格被大蜘蛛毒刺蛰中遗留的伤口,因携带至尊魔戒而对身心造成的巨大伤痛,这些伤口在中土世界只能被稳定,而不能根治,每年一到他被戒灵王刺伤以及至尊戒被销毁那两天,他的伤势都会发作,所以必须去疗伤 他们去的地方就是“常春之地”瓦林诺,诸位瓦拉(中土常把他们称为“神”)居住的地方,在那里储存著上古时代的美好和记忆,可以看作他们世界的天堂 佛罗多既非永生的精灵又非不灭的埃努(埃努包括瓦拉和迈雅,也就是主神和次级神,甘道夫就是一位迈雅),也没有得到瓦拉首领曼威的命运选择裁决,自然无法逃脱独一之神伊露维塔的礼物——死亡,不过由于在瓦林诺的时间流失相对较慢,他在那里会享受到安宁幸福的时光并得以长寿 ——Frodo怎么牺牲自己了? 这个“牺牲”是比喻,指的是为了摧毁至尊魔戒他本人付出的巨大代价,身心皆受到了无法用语言形容的摧残,最后为了治伤还不得不离开心爱的故乡和诸位知交,前去瓦林诺 魔戒3最后佛罗多说的那段独白,快 How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand, there is no going back?There are some things that time cannot mend, some hurts that go too deep…that have taken hold. 你还能重拾往日生活的痕迹么?你该要如何继续呢,当你内心已经开始明白,昔日一去不复返?有些东西连时间也无法医治,一些伤太重了,太深刻了
2023-06-16 20:05:541


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2023-06-16 20:05:3215


该不会是受的伤没法治愈而那个地方又是神住的 可以长生不老可以去看下《精灵宝钻》这本书啊
2023-06-16 20:05:274

根据汉字国标GB2312—80的规定,一个汉字的机内码的码长是(  )。

2023-06-16 20:05:241


佛罗多:我办不到。 山姆: 我知道。 这不公平。我们本来就不该来。但是我们来了。 这就像我们听过的精彩故事,歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险。 有时你不想知道结局。因为怎么可能有快乐结局? 发生这么多可怕的事情,这世界怎么可能回到从前? 但是最后可怕的阴影,终究会消失。就连黑暗也会消失。崭新的一天将会来临。太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。 这才是让人永生难忘,意义非凡的感人故事。 纵使你太年轻不明白为什么,但是我想我明白了。 我现在明白了。这些故事里的主角有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有。他们决定勇往直前,因为他们抱着一种信念。 佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念? 山姆:这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。 Mr. Frodo: I can"t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. It"s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn"t even be here. But we are here. It"s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The one"s that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn"t want to know the end… Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was...When so much bad had happened? But in the end, it"s only a passing thing...this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you… that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn"t. They kept going... because they were holding on to something. Mr. Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam: That there"s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it"s worth fighting for.
2023-06-16 20:05:181

iOS 静态库和动态库相关

查看.a静态库和framework支持的架构 示例: 终端测试: iPhone真机和模拟器的CPU架构 静态库和framework真机和模拟器库二合一 首先,分别编译成真机framework和模拟器framework, 接着,利用上面的命令查看各个framework的架构 最后,利用如下命令进行合并: 如果输出的数字不为0,就代表包含bitcode 由于app中二进制和framework中二进制文件与.a文件存在差异,因为需要检查的是__LLVM段,当出现该段的时候,则表示支持bitcdoe,否则不支持。 示例: 这里otool有个bug,当你的framework使用过lipo命令,进行拆解和合并之后,需要指定指令集进行检查才可以。 示例: 终端测试: 1、cd xx.framework 2、file xx 注释:xx为.framwork下的二进制文件 3、判断: 4、查看库所支持的指令集,如arm_v7,x86_64 终端测试: !!!待完善iOS 终端查看framework和.a的支持架构 检测App、静态库、framework是否支持bitcode,otool分析.o文件 如何检测.a和.framework是否支持bitcode 如何辨别.framework是动态库还是静态库
2023-06-16 20:05:051


n. 节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐作为名词,前面可以用如下一些介词They are gathering flowers for the festival. 他们正在采集节日用花。The attendants at the festival was averaged at about one hundred persons. 参加节庆的人大约有百人之众。At a feudal festival, Aleck provided a feast for all of his classmates at home. 在一个封建的节日,亚力克在家里为所有的同学准备了一次宴会。In this special festival, I bless you! 在这个特殊的节日里我祝福你!I have recently agreed with my student partner that she will move into my flatduring the Edinburgh Festival so that she can sublet her room and pay for her halfof our holiday together. 我最近答应我的学生助手,在爱丁堡节期间,她可以搬入我的公寓。 这样,她可以转租她的房间并和我一起支付我们的假期花费中她的那部分。Throughout the festival activities during all the men and women merely to touchthe milk, there is no other. 不过,整个节日活动始终,男人和女人只限于摸奶这件事,而没有别的。During the festival, ancestors are celebrated and thanked for the blessing of theannual bounty. 在节日中,人们会祭奠祖先并感谢他们在这一年的给的慷慨恩赐。
2023-06-16 20:05:032