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frosted flakes怎么吃

2023-06-17 01:30:25
TAG: ake frosted

frosted flakes











frosted flakes麦片,直接用热水冲泡即可。



frost [fr00st] n. 1. 冰冻(期),结冰,结冻 2. 严寒天气;冰点以下的温度 3. 霜,白霜[亦作 hoarfrost] 4. (行为、感情、态度等的)冷漠,冷淡,冷酷 5. [口语]大失败,彻底失败 6. 【电影、电视】灯光滤光器 vt. 1. 以霜覆盖,结霜于…上: 例句: The cold has frosted the windows.寒冷使窗子结了霜。 2. (霜)冻坏,冻伤,冻死(植物等): 例句: frosted plants被霜冻坏的植物 3. 在(糕饼等)上撒糖霜(或白糖衣): 例句: The cook frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.厨师用糖混合蛋白撒在蛋糕上。 4. 使(玻璃等)具有无光泽的霜状表面 5. 使寒心;使疏远 6. 使(马蹄铁钉)变粗糙 vi. 1. 受冻;起霜;结冰(常与over和up连用): 例句: The fields have frosted over.田野里全都结了霜。 I think the water pipes have frosted up.我想水管已经结冰了。 2. (油漆、清漆等)干成霜状薄膜 短语 complete frost[俚语]彻底失败,垮台 freeze [fri:z] vi. 1. 结冰;凝固;冻结: 例句: When the thermometer is below zero water will freeze.当温度计降至零下时,水就会结冰。 The pond has frozen up.池塘冻结了。 2. 变得极冷,遭受严寒,感到极冷: 例句: It was freezing last night.昨晚天气变得极冷。 He froze while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm.他在暴风雪里等车时冻得要死。 3. 冻牢,凝住,(因冷而)固着;(管道等)因结冰而阻塞;【机械工程】(因缺少润滑油或部件的膨胀)卡滞: 例句: wheels frozen to the ground被冻牢在地上的车轮 The engine has frozen up.发动机因冷冻而发动不起来。 4. 冻僵,冻死,冻坏,冻伤: 例句: Several of the men frozen to death.有几个人冻死了。 The orange crop froze this winter.今冬柑橘冻坏了。 5. 变得刻板;变得冷淡: 例句: The smile froze on her face.笑容不自然地僵在她脸上。 6. 站住不动,突然停止: 例句: The guarder shouted: “Freeze”.警卫喊道:“不许动”。 Fear made him freeze in his tracks.恐惧使他突然停止前进。 7. (因恐怖、震惊等而)愣住,呆住,僵住(不动): 例句: to freeze with terror因恐怖而愣住 8. (因恐怖、震惊等而)寒颤起来 9. (食物等)能冷冻 vt. 1. 使结冰;使凝固;使冻结: 例句: The north wind has frozen the water in the pool in the garden.北风使花园中池塘里的水结了冰。 The cold has frozen the earth solid.寒冷冻得大地坚硬。 2. 使变得极冷,使遭受严寒,使感到极冷: 例句: I was frozen stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.长时间地坐着把我冻僵了,几乎不能走路了。 3. 使冻住,使冻牢: 例句: My gloves were frozen to the handle bar.我的手套冻牢在把手上。 4. 使冻死,使冻伤: 例句: The low temperature froze my flowers.低温把我的花冻死了。 5. 冷藏,使(某物在冰箱中)冷冻保藏: 例句: Meat from New Zealand is frozen and brought to England in special ships.从新西兰运来的肉被冷冻保藏,用特殊的船运往英国。 6. 使站住不动 7. 【医学】用冷冻法麻醉,凝冻 8. 【电影】使定格 9. 使发愣,使僵硬,使刻板;使沮丧: 例句: They freeze this theory to death.他们把这个理论僵化了。 10. 使变得拘谨(或不友好,冷漠) 11. [美国英语] 冻结(物价、雇用、雇员、工资等) (如在战时)停止(紧急物资)的消费、生产或使用 冻结或封存(资金、资产、财产等) n. 1. 结冰,冻结,凝固(的状态) 2. 严寒期,冰冻期;严寒 3. (物价、工资等的)冻结 4. 霜冻 5. [口语]冰箱 6. 【电影】定格,保持不动 7. 暂时性拘留 短语 1. freeze one"s tail off感到冷得难受 2. freeze someone"s blood令某人不寒而栗,使某人极度恐惧[亦作 make someone"s blood freeze] 3. until hell freezes over[俚语]永远,无论到什么时候也 4. when hell freezes over[俚语]绝不
2023-06-16 17:42:462

frosted fleece是什么卫衣布, frost dye又是什么工艺?这些都是服装类的术语,麻烦专业人士解答一下。

fleece网络翻译◆抓毛布 [推荐]新手必背:常用服装英语词汇(二).INTERLOOP 卫衣布 FLEECE 抓毛布 TERRY 毛巾布.◆磨毛布 [推荐]新手必背:常用服装英语词汇(二).flat lock 虾须线 FLEECE 抓毛布,磨毛布(针织)WAFFLE 华夫格(针织布).◆羊毛 在踏入另一个十年的开始,今年所需要的毛冷制品,除了毛冷或 羊毛( Fleece )颈巾外,同样接受毛衣(冷衫),冷帽或冷袜等等.◆鱼网布
2023-06-16 17:43:012


2023-06-16 17:43:113


2023-06-16 17:43:484

Nike Air Max 270 React "FrostedSpruce"蓝绿鞋边是什么材料的

2023-06-16 17:45:001


Journey to the Center of the Earth There are many myths and legends attendant to a belief by some through the centuries that the earth contains a natural hollow at its center, and that in this hollow exists another world domain, populated with human or human-like beings living in a Utopian fashion. The vision of the legendary "Shamballah" is one such version of this concept. It was widely publicized through esoteric circles in the past that Admiral Byrd briefly flew into the rim of the inner earth portal at the South Pole in the early part of the 20th century. It was said that he filmed what he saw from the aircraft...a lush vegetation with what appeared to be mammoths grazing on the flora. This silent and very primitive film was shown in theaters around the United States for a short period before the U.S. government put a stop to it. A few people who saw the film at that time were interviewed in the 1950"s before their deaths. Whether or not all this actually happened, I do not know.A little over 30 years ago I began to have my own experiences with the inner earth...or so I believed (and still do). I experienced vivid "tours" of the Interior in my mind, which certainly could have been imagination. However, at the same time I was also receiving cosmic sciences and other akashic information that was being validated in many different ways. Several scientists (two of whom had been protégées of Einstein) were quite interested in the science I was receiving. I mention this, as since the "inner earth" experiences were happening concurrent with my adventures in science, it would seem to lend some credibility to the former.In 1980, I began a quarterly publication which I titled "The Source." It began as strictly on the inner earth, but after a few years expanded out from that, and in 1989, became "Temple Doors," which proceeded into 1999.It is my desire with this inner earth addition to the "Earth Chronicles" section of SPIRIT MYTHOS, to introduce my akashic perspective on the interior domain of this planet and its inhabitants. I stress (as I do with all of my work) that this is my personal insight into the akashic of the earth.First, in order to understand what I am perceiving as "inner earth," I present the following. According to my insights, we are constantly moving through not only space but also time and dimension. When we pick up our fork or walk from the couch to the kitchen, we are changing our time and dimensional zones to some degree. This change for such a small movement is very, very little. Not being a mathematician, I am unable to give you the real fractions on it, but it is so minute as to effect only a slight adjustment in 1% of the rotation of an atom! However, as tiny as that might be, "little" can be powerful when it comes to shifting perception and thus reality. When we travel from New York to Cairo, we create a greater time and dimensional shift (and I am not addressing the change of established time zones). It is still minute, but it does affect our perceptions. I am sure you have noticed this in taking long-distance journeys, but perhaps thought it was only jet lag and adjusting to another cultural lifestyle around you. Certainly these are contributing factors, but according to my understanding, these additional factors are actually distracting you from the true impact the time / dimensional shift is having on your biological system. Astronauts experience this with even greater impact...especially in the days of the moon trips.Now let us look at a journey to the inner hollow of this planet with the same perception. The north and south poles of the planet form a vortex portal to the Interior. However, this vortex is highly magnetic and warped at the poles of the earth, and not suited for a simple stroll through the door, so to speak. Markers by surface earth explorers have been placed at the "exact point" of "North" and "South" in these regions, proclaiming these points as the actual poles. Yet from my view of things, our whole planet...our whole UNIVERSE and ALL it"s spheres are whorls of energy interacting in various rotations and alignments to form what we experience as "solid matter." In this context, the highly magnetic "poles" warp the energies of our planet along the central axis of the magnetic shell we choose to experience as "matter." When we walk on or fly over the magnetic poles of our planet we are really just going around the edges of the magnetic whorl / vortex. In order to ENTER it we must "catch the wave" just right, as Admiral Byrd may have inadvertently done in the early 20th century.What happens if we do? Suppose you are flying in a plane near the lip of the vortex and you find a thread into the opening. Obviously the odds of doing this accidentally are slim, but apparently (if the Byrd story is true) not non-existent. What greets you...munching mastodons? Not necessarily. First of all, just moving inside the lip of the vortex does not place you into the hollow earth. At this very outer region of entry you would experience (as I believe Byrd might have done) a moving field of space / time through which you could see and experience either the past or the future of this planet. If you knew how to follow the space / time thread through the lip of the vortex (as do ultra and inner terrestrial merkabah / vehicles) you would eventually move through the warp zone and into the hollow earth. Here you would find a world that is still slightly removed dimensionally from our own, as it is not only a greater distance than from the couch to the kitchen, but it is also in a much denser and more active magnetic zone (or zones within zones), which amps the whole space / time / dimensional shift.An interesting article on time anomolies on the Pravada websiteThere are other ways to reach the Interior...through caverns, leading to partially natural, partially man-made tunnels. Yet the same shift would take place for individuals making such a difficult journey. Without an inner earth guide, they would probably perish by cellular degeneration as they moved through erratic magnetic zones. I believe that with "help" there have been surface earth persons who have traveled this route to the Interior successfully in the past. There are many cavern cities and communities "on the way down," yet when the Interior is reached, one is presented with a really incredibly beautiful and very diverse world. The dramatic diversity stems primarily from the various and strong magnetic anomalies caused by the interior "sun" at the inner world center, which contains a very specific pulsating magnetic field which effects the environment around it. This lends to the inner world the pseudo-qualities of the earth rotating around its solar sun. There are also quite a lot of differences as well. One may go 5 miles from a dense lush, tropical forest and arrive quite suddenly (almost like walking through a wall) inside a topsy-turvy vortex of ice crystal skies over a barren, perma-frosted desert.Time /space / dimension is very loose in the Interior. There are regions that move so freely back and forth through time, they are not inhabited, except by those who specifically work with and in those "time-threading" zones.In conclusion - and I stress this - physically traveling to into the inner earth as a goal in life is not something I wish to encourage. Being PRESENT in this world we live in is far more important. Being aware that many realms compose the ONE of earthly experience is my message with the whole of SPIRIT MYTHOS. This awareness may help individuals to realize that ALL these dimensions are also within them. There is no need to go outside the self to find what you are seeking. In fact I do not believe it can be found that way. Being in the present moment is where they all come together for each of us and for the world as a collective whole.In creating this portion of the Spirit Mythos Earth Chronicles, I will be utilizing my digital art and perceptions to reveal this inner world through my akashic lens. I will continue to add to this section and post these updates on the Spirit Mythos Updates list.
2023-06-16 17:45:101


Don"t understand offside, do not understand the rules, it seems is the person"s nature, the total of football as a frosted glass. Looking around the human passion for football, occasionally doing amateur fan, kick up a row a, keep on football and incoherent. In the face of a fiery world cup, with mad frenzy after be overcome by one"s feelings, analysis on football. Football charm, like in the difficult. The size of stadium, boundless, basketball volleyball difficult and theory, coach also be beyond one"s grasp, as two men fighting the gallop. Since human evolution since, before and after the limb division, stumbling Kung Fu, its flexibility and hand raised to. One can use both hands, but still keep the goal. With flexible foot of Kung Fu, many breakthroughs in defence, and kicked the ball into the sensitive hands in defense of the goal, its difficult to less difficult roads of shu. As you have Scud Kung Fu, you must leave room for other defensive line, or deviant is invalid. Corner kick, kick, a fortress, difficult to penetrate. Direct total without the door, you can win, but chaos to be flexible, be bold. The field needs a hero, but cannot produce top hero. Yao Ming basket next station, like a mountain cross on the opponent. The volleyball court, a flyer Lewis ended the Fifth China Women Volleyball team. Be on the football field, there is no " who can immediately Hengdao, only I Peng great generals", isn"t it, star-studded Brazil Argentina in South africa. Hard difficult, is the only hard, every time charge trumpet, passionate," hit the door -- came out -- again --", then the heart is offside, displacement to the throat. " Hey, hateful, partial." Heart and homing. In the heart the offside location." --, into the ball into the!!" Football doesn"t seem to be leather, heavy, really want to win football crazy ah! Goal difficulty, ball club, Chinese football has not broken the record of 0! In fact, life is not a football match, we always to goal constantly attack him, every charge gives us all hope, but not too, is high. The occasional goal, luck, or partners give opportunity? All our life, can score several a goal?
2023-06-16 17:45:253


2023-06-16 17:45:354

登高 杜甫翻译

【诗文解释】 天高风急,猿啸声声似乎蕴含着无限的悲哀,孤洲沙白,只有沙鸥不时地回旋。无边无际的落叶纷纷飘坠,奔腾不息的长江滚滚而来。离家万里,悲叹自己经常漂泊他乡,衰老多病,寒秋中独自登临高台。世事艰难,可恨秋霜凝染了我的双鬓,穷困潦倒,于是不得不放下这浇愁的酒杯。 【词语解释】 猿啸:猿长鸣声。 落木:落叶。 萧萧:形容秋天树叶纷纷落下的声响和状态。 【诗文赏析】 萧瑟的秋风中,水清沙白,回旋的飞鸟徘徊在江中渚洲上。诗人登高远望,想到了自己一生漂泊,备尝潦倒艰辛之苦,经历了国难与家愁,到如今已两鬓成霜,百病缠身,因此百感交集,思绪万千。 此诗八句四对,对偶精巧,用韵讲究,被称为「七律之冠」,其中首句字字珠玑,已成为千古的佳句。
2023-06-16 17:45:4714


weezer ,
2023-06-16 17:46:265

如何理解Someone woke up with frosted hair.

就是 一些人起床的时候会带着乱糟糟的头发吧
2023-06-16 17:46:411


毛玻璃的解释[ground glass;frosted glass] 表面经氢氟酸腐蚀、喷砂或用磨料研磨而制成的光漫射玻璃 详细解释 用金刚砂等磨过或以化学方法处理过,表面 粗糙 的半透明玻璃。也叫磨砂玻璃。 词语分解 毛的解释 毛 á 动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:毛笔。 羽毛 。毛织品。毛骨悚然。轻于鸿毛。 像毛的 东西 ,指谷物或草: 不毛之地 。 衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长毛了。 粗糙,没有加工的:毛布。毛估(粗略地 估计 )。毛坯。 玻璃的解释 指天然水晶石之类,有各种 颜色 。现在指一种人工制造的质地硬而脆的透明物体详细解释亦作“ 玻瓈 ”。.古为玉名,亦称 水玉 ,或以为即水晶。今指一种质地硬而脆的透明物体。一般玻璃是用含石英的砂子、石灰石、纯
2023-06-16 17:46:571


大爱暴风雪~ 很漂亮 牛油 幽灵 都不错~
2023-06-16 17:47:452


01.Pink Lady 红粉佳人原料:琴酒30ml,蛋清15ml,柠檬汁15ml,红石榴糖浆7.5-8ml(太多太少则影响色彩), 红樱桃装饰。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入装饰好的鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:此乃1912年,著名舞台剧《红粉佳人》在伦敦首演的庆功宴会上,献给女主角海则尔.多思的鸡尾酒。烈度:3      02.Tequila Sunrise 特基拉日升原料:海波highball杯用料太多,不如用漏斗鸡尾酒杯。龙舌兰酒30ml,红石榴糖浆10ml, 柳橙汁以杯的容量为准(一般用鲜橙汁或味全等橙汁比较理想),从中心向外切一刀柳橙片一片装饰。作法:加3分满冰块于杯中,倒入龙舌兰,注入柳橙汁至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅拌。取红石榴糖浆沿吧叉匙背面顺流入杯底,不搅拌。夹柳橙片架于杯口,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒如同红日正喷薄而出,故名。星座:射手座(11.23-12.22)烈度:2.5      03.Matador 斗牛士原料:龙舌兰酒30ml,菠萝汁45ml(dole),莱姆汁15ml。作法:在古典酒杯中加入三分之一满冰块,将原料倒入摇酒壶摇匀,倒入杯中,置于杯垫上。来历:Matador之意为斗牛士,墨西哥斗牛盛行,本款鸡尾酒用墨西哥特产龙舌兰做基酒,故名。烈度:2.5         04.Screw Driver 螺丝起子原料:伏特加30ml,柳橙汁(用鲜橙汁或味全橙汁味道极佳)。作法:在高飞球杯(highball)中加3分满冰块,量伏特加30ml倒入,注入柳橙汁至8分满后,用吧叉匙轻搅4-5下,放入调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:当年在伊朗油田上工作的美国人为了克暑,用工具袋中的螺丝起子来搅拌伏特加和柳橙汁作为降温饮料,故名,又称螺丝刀。烈度:2         05.Russian 俄罗斯人原料:伏特加20ml,琴酒20ml,深色可可酒20ml。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:伏特加原产俄罗斯,故名。烈度:4         06.Black Russian 黑色俄罗斯人原料:伏特加30ml,咖啡香甜酒15ml。作法:在古典杯中加8分满冰块,量30ml伏特加倒入,再量15ml咖啡香甜酒倒入,用吧叉匙轻搅4-5下,置于杯垫上。来历:本款酒又称“黑俄”,因为采用了俄罗斯人最喜爱的伏特加为基酒,又加入了咖啡香甜酒,颜色较深,故名。烈度:4.5         07.White Russian 白色俄罗斯人原料:伏特加30ml,咖啡香甜酒15ml,鲜奶油(打过)。作法:在古典杯中加8分满冰块,量30ml伏特加倒入,再量15ml咖啡香甜酒倒入,用吧叉匙轻搅4-5下,在上面浇一层打过的鲜奶油,置于杯垫上。来历:本款酒又称“白俄”,原本是在“黑俄”上加了一层白色的鲜奶油,故名。烈度:4         08.Angel"s Kiss 天使之吻原料:深色可可香甜酒,奶水,红樱桃装饰。作法:用量酒器量深色可可香甜酒于香甜酒杯中,用吧叉匙的背面顺杯壁缓缓倒入鲜奶,深色可可香甜酒倒满3/4杯,奶倒满1/4杯(不论容量,只论高度)。横叉樱桃于杯口,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?星座:白羊座(3.21-4.20)烈度:3         09.Cuba Libre 自由古巴原料:深色朗姆酒30ml,柠檬汁15ml(现榨味更佳),可乐,柠檬一片作饰品。作法:在高飞球杯中加满8分冰块。量30ml深色朗姆酒与15ml柠檬汁于杯中,注入可乐至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅2-3下。夹柠檬片于杯口,放入调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:Cuba libre是古巴人民在西班牙统治下争取独立的口号,美西战争中,在古巴首都哈瓦那登陆的一个美军少尉在酒吧要了朗姆酒,他看到对面座位上的战友们在喝可乐,就突发奇想把可乐加入了朗姆酒中,并举杯对战友们高呼:“Cuba libre!”从此就有了这款鸡尾酒。烈度:2         10.Dog"s Nose 狗鼻子原料:琴酒45ml,啤酒。作法:量45ml琴酒倒入冰镇的香槟酒杯,加冰镇过了的啤酒至8分满,轻搅均匀,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒润泽光亮,就像一只健康小狗湿润的鼻子,故名。烈度:2.5         11.Lime Yogurt 莱姆酸奶原料:莱姆糖浆50ml,酸奶50ml,雪碧50ml。作法:量莱姆糖浆50ml,酸奶50ml,雪碧50ml倒入搅拌机内。用碎冰机碎适量冰块,加入搅拌机内。打匀倒入可林杯中,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒以其配料及口味取名。自制。烈度:0         12.Shanghai 上海原料:黑色朗姆酒30ml,柠檬汁20ml,茴香酒10ml,红石榴糖浆不超过3-5ml(否则颜色太红)。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:上海曾为欧美各国的租界地,这款鸡尾酒无论是色香味反映的就是旧上海的风貌,故名。烈度:3         13.Bloody Mary 血腥玛丽原料:伏特加30ml,柠檬汁15ml,辣酱油1滴,酸辣油1滴,黑胡椒粉(适量),盐(适量)(盐和胡椒不可多加,否则影响口味),番茄汁,柠檬角(1/8切法)和芹菜棒(高于液面5cm)作装饰。作法:高飞酒杯加3分满冰块,加入伏特加30ml,柠檬汁15ml,辣酱油1滴,酸辣油1滴,黑胡椒粉(适量),盐(适量),再注入番茄汁至8分满杯,用吧叉匙轻搅几下,夹取柠檬角于杯口,芹菜棒于杯中,置于杯垫上。来历:“血腥玛丽”指十六世纪中叶英国女王玛丽一世。她心狠手辣,为复兴天主教杀戮了很多新教教徒,因此得到了这个绰号。本款鸡尾酒颜色血红,使人联想到当年的屠杀,故名。烈度:2         14.Virgin Mary 纯真玛丽原料:柠檬汁15ml,辣酱油1滴,酸辣油1滴,黑胡椒粉(适量),盐(适量)(盐和胡椒不可多加,否则影响口味),番茄汁150ml,柠檬角(1/8切法)和芹菜棒(高于液面5cm)作装饰。作法:高飞酒杯加3分满冰块,量番茄汁150ml,柠檬汁15ml倒入,加辣酱油1滴,酸辣油1滴,黑胡椒粉(适量),盐(适量),用吧叉匙轻搅几下,夹取柠檬角于杯口,芹菜棒于杯中,置于杯垫上。来历:“纯真玛丽”乃是“血腥玛丽”不加基酒,故名。烈度:0         15.B&B B对B原料:白兰地酒1/2杯,班尼狄克丁香甜酒1/2杯。作法:量班尼狄克丁香甜酒1/2杯倒入香甜酒杯,再沿吧叉匙背面将1/2杯白兰地酒缓缓倒入杯中(动作要轻缓),置于杯垫上。来历:白兰地酒brandy和班尼狄克丁香甜酒benedictine都是B字母开头的,故名“B&B”。烈度:4         16.Kamikaze 神风特攻队原料:伏特加30ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,莱姆汁15ml,柠檬一片作饰品。作法:在古典杯中加8分满冰块,量30ml伏特加,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,莱姆汁15ml倒入,用吧叉匙轻搅4-5下,夹柠檬片于杯口,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:4      17.California Punch 加州宾治原料:白朗姆酒30ml,柳橙汁90ml,苏打水8分满,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:在高飞球杯中加满8分冰块,量白朗姆酒30ml,柳橙汁90ml,倒入,再加入苏打水至8分满杯,用吧叉匙轻搅2-3下。夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯口,放入调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:2     18.God Father 教父原料:苏格兰威士忌15ml,杏仁香甜酒15ml,红樱桃装饰。作法:古典杯加8分满冰块,量苏格兰威士忌15ml,杏仁香甜酒15ml,用吧叉匙轻搅几下,串红樱桃于杯口,置于杯垫上。来历:原料中的杏仁香甜酒最先是用意大利名产甜露酒阿马雷特,而教父是黑手党首领的称谓,故名。烈度:3.5         19.Pousse Cafe 普施咖啡原料:红石榴糖浆1/5杯,深色可可酒1/5杯,白柑橘香甜酒1/5杯,绿薄荷香甜酒1/5杯,白兰地1/5杯。作法:将五种酒按顺序用吧叉匙的背面顺杯壁缓缓倒入香甜酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:3.5      20.Old Fashioned 古典酒原料:波旁威士忌30ml,安格式苦精1毫升约4滴,方糖1块,苏打水少许,柠檬皮(一厘米切法),穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:夹方糖于古典杯中,滴苦精4滴于糖上,在糖上加少许苏打水,用吧叉匙压碎方糖。在杯上拧柠檬皮,抹香杯口,放入杯中。加入适量冰块,量波旁威士忌30ml倒入,用吧叉匙轻搅4-5下。叉红樱桃于柳橙片上,放入杯中,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒装在古典杯中最典型的调法,故名。烈度:3.5         21.Hawaiian Cooler 夏威夷酷乐原料:琴酒30ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,柠檬汁15ml,苏打水8分满,穿叉红樱桃与凤梨片作饰品。作法:高飞球杯加8分满冰块,量琴酒30ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,柠檬汁15ml倒入,加苏打水至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅2-3下,叉红樱桃与凤梨片于杯口,放入调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:Hawaiian Cooler之名即为夏威夷人用来降温避暑的饮料。烈度:2         22.Mint Frappe 薄荷芙莱蓓原料:绿薄荷香甜酒30ml,碎冰1杯,红樱桃作装饰。作法:在鸡尾酒杯中加满碎冰,量绿薄荷香甜酒30ml淋在冰上,切短两根吸管插入碎冰内,夹樱桃于冰上,置于杯垫上。来历:frappe即果汁刨冰,又加绿薄荷香甜酒,故名。烈度:2.5         23.Daiquiri 戴吉利原料:白朗姆酒45ml,莱姆汁15ml,糖水15ml或一匙砂糖。作法:将原料倒入摇酒壶摇匀,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:Daiquiri是古巴一座矿山的名字,1898年古巴独立后,很多美国人来到了Daiquiri,他们把古巴特产朗姆酒,砂糖与莱姆汁混在一起作为消暑饮料,故名。烈度:3         24.Brandy Alexander 白兰地亚山大原料:白兰地20ml,深色可可酒20ml,奶水20ml,豆蔻粉。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,表面撒少许豆蔻粉,置于杯垫上。来历:英王爱德华七世还是皇太子的时候和丹麦国王的长女亚力山德拉结婚,此酒为皇子献给太子妃的结婚纪念酒,故名。烈度:3         25.Amaretto Sour 杏仁酸酒原料:杏仁香甜酒45ml,柠檬汁22.5ml,糖水22.5ml,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入酸酒杯,夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯上,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒以其配料及口味取名。烈度:2.5         26.Whiskey Sour 威士忌酸酒原料:波旁威士忌45ml,柠檬汁22.5ml,糖水22.5ml,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入酸酒杯,夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯上,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒以其配料及口味取名。烈度:2.5         27.Grasshopper 绿色蚱蜢原料:绿薄荷香甜酒22.5ml,白可可香甜酒22.5ml,奶水22.5ml。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒颜色淡绿,很像蚱蜢的体色,故名。烈度:3         28.Flying Grasshopper飞天蚱蜢原料:伏特加30ml,绿薄荷香甜酒15ml,白可可香甜酒15ml。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒乃是“绿色蚱蜢”去掉奶水,换作伏特加,酒性更烈,故名“飞天蚱蜢”。烈度:4         29.Egg Nog 蛋酒原料:白兰地30ml,白朗姆酒15ml,糖水15ml,鲜奶油90ml,蛋黄1个,少量豆蔻粉。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料(最后倒入蛋黄),摇至外部结霜。倒入高飞球杯,撒上少许豆蔻粉。置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒因为用到了白兰地,鸡蛋,亦称作“白兰地蛋诺”Brandy Egg Nog烈度:2.5         30.Gin Fizz 琴费士原料:琴酒30ml,柠檬汁15ml,莱姆汁15ml,糖水15ml,苏打水8分满,柠檬一片作饰品。作法:小摇杯装1/2冰块,量琴酒30ml,柠檬汁15ml,莱姆汁15ml,糖水15ml倒入,摇至外部结霜,将摇杯连原料带冰块一起倒入高飞球杯,加苏打水至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅2-3下。夹柠檬片于杯口,放入调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:“Fizz”是苏打水泡沫爆响的谐音,原料中基酒为琴酒,故名,又称“杜松子汽酒”。烈度:2         31.Frosted Pineapple 凤梨霜汁原料:白薄荷糖浆30ml,凤梨汁8分满,穿叉红樱桃与凤梨一片作饰品。作法:可林杯中加入8分满冰块,量白薄荷糖浆30ml倒入,加入凤梨汁至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅几下,叉红樱桃与凤梨片于杯口,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:本款鸡尾酒以其配料及口味取名。烈度:0         32.Cinderella 灰姑娘原料:柠檬汁30ml,柳橙汁30ml,凤梨汁15ml,红石榴糖浆10ml,七喜汽水8分满,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:可林杯中加入8分满冰块,量柠檬汁30ml,柳橙汁30ml,凤梨汁15ml,红石榴糖浆10ml倒入杯中,注入七喜汽水至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅几下,夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯口,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:本款“鸡尾酒”不含酒精,没了酒的刺激对于男人来说略显平淡,故名“灰姑娘”。烈度:0         33.Chi Chi 奇奇原料:伏特加30ml,凤梨汁90ml,柠檬汁15ml,椰浆30ml,穿叉柠檬片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:量伏特加30ml,凤梨汁90ml,柠檬汁15ml,椰浆30ml倒入搅拌机内。用碎冰机碎适量冰块,加入搅拌机内。打匀倒入可林杯中,夹穿叉柠檬片与红樱桃于杯上,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:0         34.Pina Colada 凤梨可乐达原料:白朗姆酒30ml,凤梨汁90ml,柠檬汁15ml,椰浆30ml,穿叉凤梨片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:量白朗姆酒30ml,凤梨汁90ml,柠檬汁15ml,椰浆30ml倒入搅拌机内。用碎冰机碎适量冰块,加入搅拌机内。打匀倒入可林杯中,夹穿叉凤梨片与红樱桃于杯上,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:“pina”即西班牙语“凤梨”,而“colada”即冰镇果汁朗姆酒,本款鸡尾酒是墨西哥等地区极流行的降暑饮料。烈度:1.5         35.Scorpion 天蝎座原料:白朗姆酒30ml,白兰地15ml,柳橙汁60ml,凤梨汁60ml,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:量白朗姆酒30ml,白兰地15ml,柳橙汁60ml,凤梨汁60ml,倒入搅拌机内。用碎冰机打碎适量冰块,加入搅拌机内。打匀倒入可林杯中,夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯上,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:2         36.Fruit Punch 水果宾治原料:柳橙汁60ml,凤梨汁60ml,红石榴糖浆10ml,七喜汽水8分满,穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:可林杯中加入8分满冰块,量柳橙汁60ml,凤梨汁60ml,红石榴糖浆10ml倒入杯中,注入七喜汽水至8分满,用吧叉匙轻搅几下,夹穿叉柳橙片与红樱桃于杯口,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。来历:“punch”即果汁、香料、奶、茶、酒等搀和的香甜混合饮料,本款punch又由多种果汁调成,故名。烈度:0         37.Mai Tai 迈泰原料:白色朗姆酒30ml,深色朗姆酒15ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,莱姆汁15ml,糖水15ml,红石榴糖浆10ml,穿叉红樱桃与凤梨片作饰品。作法:小摇杯装1/2冰块,量白色朗姆酒30ml,深色朗姆酒15ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,莱姆汁15ml,糖水15ml,红石榴糖浆10ml倒入,摇至外部结霜,将摇杯中原料和较完整的冰块一起倒入古典酒杯,穿叉红樱桃(在上)与凤梨片(在下)一边挂在杯口,一边浸入酒中,置于杯垫上。来历:“Mai Tai”乃澳大利亚塔西提岛土语,意思是“好极了”。1944年这款酒的最初品尝者是两个塔西提岛人,他们品饮之后连声说:“Mai Tai!”,从此得名。本款酒又叫:“好极了”“迈太”或“媚态”。烈度:3         38.Golden Dream 金色梦幻原料:意大利加里亚诺香草酒30ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,柳橙汁15ml,奶水15ml。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入鸡尾酒杯,置于杯垫上。来历:不明?烈度:2.5         39.Margarita 玛格丽特原料:龙舌兰酒45ml,白柑橘香甜酒15ml,莱姆汁15ml。作法:制作盐口鸡尾酒杯(切柠檬一片,夹取之擦湿鸡尾酒杯口,铺薄盐在圆盘上,将杯口倒置,轻沾满盐备用)。用8分满冰块冰摇杯,倒入配料,摇至外部结霜,倒入盐口杯,置于杯垫上来历:本款鸡尾酒是1949年全美鸡尾酒大赛冠军,它的创作者是洛杉矶的简.杜雷萨。在1926年,他和恋人玛格丽特外出打猎,她不幸中流弹身亡。简.杜雷萨从此郁郁寡欢,为纪念爱人,将自已的获奖作品以她的名字命名。因为玛格丽特生前特别喜欢吃咸的东西,故本款鸡尾酒杯使用盐口杯。烈度:4         40.Singapore Sling 新加坡司令原料:琴酒30ml,柠檬汁30ml,红石榴糖浆15ml,樱桃白兰地15ml,苏打水8分满,穿叉柠檬片与红樱桃作饰品。作法:用8分满冰块冰摇杯,量琴酒30ml,柠檬汁30ml,红石榴糖浆15ml倒入,摇至外部结霜,倒入加适量冰块的可林杯,加入苏打水至8分满,淋上樱桃白兰地15ml,穿叉柠檬片与红樱桃于杯口,放入吸管与调酒棒,置于杯垫上。烈度:2.5来历:“斯林酒”又称“司令酒”(Sling)是鸡尾酒的一种,一般由白兰地、威士忌或杜松子酒制成的饮料,可加糖,通常还用柠檬调味。而这款“新加坡司令”则是由被英国小说家萨马塞特.毛姆称赞为“东洋之神秘”的新加坡著名的拉夫鲁斯饭店于1915年创制的。故名。               
2023-06-16 17:47:551

Aaron Carter既详细资料

Aaron个人档案: 全名: aaron charles carter 昵称: airboy ac (by nick) evil knievel (by dad) cyclone (by gary carolla) big "a" (by gary carolla) little prince of pop (by mom) banchee (by dad) mc ac mc aaron baby backstreet airhead (by dad) aar-bear aaron c stella boy little percy k-ce 生日: 1987年12月7日星期一早晨8:02(比他的双胞胎姐姐晚1分钟) 星座: 人马座 现状: 单身...再一次! 诞生石: 绿宝石 出生地: tampa fl at tampa general hospital 成长地: ruskin fl 现在居住地: marathon in the fl keys 发色: 棕色和金色混合 眼睛颜色: 棕色 身高: 185公分 体重: 68公斤-结实的肌肉 *** : ck 拳击短裤 鞋号: 10 1/2 会玩的乐器: 鼓,萨克斯管,钢琴,低音电吉他 宗教: 基督教 最喜欢的礼物: 他的狗-oscar,摩托车,耶诞节刚得到的跑车 爱好: 书:海底两万里 宠物:oscar - 一只德国猎狗 车:black viper `67 shelby mustang gt500 运动:越野摩托,篮球,橄榄球 橄榄球队:denver broncos 大学:fsu(佛罗里达州立大学) 食物:义大利面,匹萨饼,寿司,鸡翅 匹萨上的配料: 乳酪,义大利辣香肠 速食:麦当劳,fat burger 油炸圈饼:glazed krispe kremes 零食:fruit-roll-ups 麦片:kellogg`s frosted flakes lucky charms 饮料:sprite 糖果:jolly rancher棒棒糖,runts 糖块:ix 霜淇淋:巧克力味 颜色:蓝和绿 服装:sean john guess 男演员:gee clooney bruce willis 女演员:sandra bullock 电视节目:老友记,极限运动 动画片:johnny bravo ren and stimpy 电影:shrek 动物:狼,老虎,狗 一星期的哪一天: 星期五 月份:12月 节日:生日,耶诞节 运动品牌:耐克 服装设计师:sketchers 身体部分:头发 bennie娃娃:bronty 洗发水: nfusiom 23 室内消遣:玩任天堂游戏机 任天堂游戏:塞尔达传说 爱好:摩托车 乐队:journey sting metallica michael jackson 说唱歌手: tupac 女艺术家:jessica simpson britney还是christina: christina olsen双胞胎: mary kate 歌:"send her my love" - journey "aaron carter" 中的歌: "i`m gonna miss you forever" "aaron`s party" 中的歌: "bounce" "oh aaron" 中的歌: "stride" "another earthquake" 中的歌: "when it es to you" nick carter的歌: "my confession" music video: "bad" - michael jackson 老师: mrs. matthews 科目: 数学和音乐 →狗(现在只有10只和carter住在一起) 01) oscar buntin carter 银色的wiemaraner (aaron的"儿子") 02) jo-jo 灰白色的西伯利亚爱斯基摩狗 03) merlyn bj的白灰色的shih tzu 04) pepper 一对mini-schnauzers中的一只,和ac的祖父母住在纽约 05) salty 另一只mini-schnauzer,和ac的祖父母住在纽约 06) pharaoh 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,aaron起的名字 07) sky 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,ac的父亲bob起的名字 08) sampson carter家的德国shepard 09) simba carter家的金毛猎犬 10) zena 黑色的doberman 11) keela 一只jack russell terrier 12) sparky 一只shih tzu 13) precious ac妈**哈巴狗 14) bear 不知道 15) t.j. 不知道 16) tikki 一只灰白色的shi tzu 17) akayia 一只狼狗 18) mikey jordan nick的哈巴狗 19) willy wonka nick的哈巴狗 20) huston nick的哈巴狗 21) sabbath nick孩童时期的迷你pincher (已经安息了) 22) rambo aaron新得到的小狗, 一只黑色的哈巴狗 →鸟 01) ladybird 一只白色的美冠鹦鹉 02) chubby 一只蓝色的长尾小鹦鹉 03) goliath 一只黄色的美冠鹦鹉 →猫 01) bandit 一只黑白猫 (已经安息了) 02) lucky 一只红桔色的虎斑猫 其他宠物: aaron有一条蛇,两只海龟和八只仓鼠!他还有两只雪貂gizzmo和bizzmo 爸爸: (bob) robert gene carter 妈妈: jane e. spaulding carter 哥哥: nick carter (23) 姐姐: ginger [同父异母] (31) b. j. (22) leslie (17) angel [in] (16) 外祖父: (doug) charles douglas spaulding 外继祖母: linda spaulding 外祖母: helen neal 祖父: (chuck) charles carter 祖母: barbara carter 舅舅: scott steve and john spaulding 姑姑: 已结婚: scott`s wife - roxanne spaulding john`s wife - denise spaulding and steve`s ex-wife - debbie spaulding (technically no longer aaron`s aunt) 表/堂兄弟姐妹: steve and debbie`s kids: john (22) steve (17) alex (14) josh (13) adam (7) and arynn (6) spaulding; scott and roxanne`s kids: dustin (21) and derek (19) spaulding; john and denise`s kids: scott (7) and evan (3) spaulding 最好的朋友: craig velger angel的朋友: allison murphy lindsay lohan (actress) natalie velger (craig`s sister) nick的朋友: tony bass mike self brett 宠物: aaron有42只宠物 自从失恋后 看到路上成双成对 就格外放闪 嘴巴潇洒说只是少一个人来爱 但不可否认还是希望可以多多认识新的朋友 往认真爬文3个月以上 终于找到隐藏在网路中 传说中的李姐 在今年3月初就预约来找 果然是口碑相传 不做广告的 我排第3次就遇到双方非常有感觉的 目前是暂停排约 李姐那边可以暂停排约1次 会员时间可以展延拉长时间 也在这段时间可以观察对方. 推荐给有需要的朋友参考
2023-06-16 17:48:071

美国PCGS评级:评语:Genuine - UNC Details (92 - Cleaned)什

2023-06-16 17:48:153

求《和平行者》中Donna Burke的《Heavens Divide》的歌词

Petals of white雪白的花瓣Cover fields flowing in grieving tears 漫散于这个被悲伤眼泪淹没之地,And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now以及每颗曾经踌躇满志,但现已苍老羸弱的心。Love can kill,love will die爱能致命,爱也会逝去Give me wings to fly请赐予我飞翔的翅膀吧Fleeing this world so cold让我逃离这残酷的世界,I just wonder why我只想知道你的原因。Cold as the dark冰冷的黑夜Now my words,are frosted with every breath 让话语和呼吸一起冰凝在胸中,Still the hate burns wild,growing inside this heart但仇恨之火却在在我心中滋长,肆意燃烧。When the wind changes course when the star align当晨风幻变, 星移斗转I will reach out to you and leave this all behind 只有我仍会冲破一切,与你相伴When heavens divide即使天堂已经破碎When heavens divide 天堂破碎的时候I will see the choices within my hands 我所选的路途都会变得明晰,How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls而我们如何让渺小的灵魂之火照亮守护与战斗之路?Let me shine like the sun through the doubts of fear就让我在恐惧的迷惑的迷雾发出太阳般的光芒,Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near而此时,你是否感觉到我带着破晓的风暴临近?When heavens divide天堂破碎的时候Time will come to softly lay me down 我将湮没于时间的长河,Then I can see a face that I long to see但愿我能见到那魂莹梦绕的你,And for you,only you I would give anything那个我不惜抛弃一切,紧紧追随的你,Leaving a trace for love to find a way只有这份爱,才是让我找到唯一的出路的路标。When heavens divide天堂破碎的时候I will dive into the fire我哪怕纵身火海,Spilling the blood of my desire撒尽我每一滴包含对你思念的血The very last time也要在最后的最后,My name scorched into the sky在天空烙印下我的名字(让你看到)。When heavens divide 天堂破碎的时候I will see the choices within my hands 我所选的路途都会变得明晰,How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls而我们如何让渺小的灵魂之火照亮守护与战斗之路?Let me shine like the sun through the doubts of fear就让我在恐惧的迷惑的迷雾发出太阳般的光芒,Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near而此时,你是否感觉到我带着破晓的风暴临近?When heavens divide天堂破碎的时候Time will come to softly lay me down 我将湮没于时间的长河,Then I can see a face that I long to see但愿我能见到那魂莹梦绕的你,And for you,only you I would give anything那个我不惜抛弃一切,紧紧追随的你,Leaving a trace for love to find a way只有这份爱,才是让我找到唯一的出路的路标。When heavens divide即使天堂已经破碎绝对是让人泪湿的神作。。我不由想起蛇爷的一生。。。
2023-06-16 17:48:361


2023-06-16 17:48:442


2023-06-16 17:49:043

frosted glass是什么意思

2023-06-16 17:49:133


FROST FROSTED(动词结霜的过去式和过去分词)
2023-06-16 17:49:222


2023-06-16 17:49:331


The difference between matte black and frosted black亚光黑和磨砂黑的区别重点词汇释义磨砂dull polish; abrazine; matting区别difference; distinction; distinguish; differentiate; dis
2023-06-16 17:49:411

frosted flakes是什么?

2023-06-16 17:50:022


On the HeightDu FuThe wind so swift, the sky so wide, apes wail and cry;Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly.The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour,A thousand miles from home, I"m grieved at autumn"s plight;Ill now and then for years, alone I"m on this height,Living in times so hard, at frosted hair I pine;Cast down by poverty, I have to give up wine.
2023-06-16 17:50:182


2023-06-16 17:50:263

磨砂玻璃 英语翻译怎么说?

磨砂玻璃.. 1. frosted glassCivil Service Bureau ...frontager 临街处所拥有人 frosted glass 磨砂玻璃 fuel gauge 燃油表 ...2. ground glass医学翻译词汇G ...ground-free ECG recording withtwo electrodes 浮地式二电极心电记录ground glass 毛玻璃grounding 接地装置,地线 ...3. depolished glass建筑专业英语词汇(D) ...depletion curve 磕曲线depolished glass 磨砂玻璃deposit 沉淀物 ...4. frost glass推荐文章 ...Frontier alloy 佛兰提合金(一种铝锌合金) frost glass 磨砂玻璃 Froth flotation 泡漆浮选 ...
2023-06-16 17:51:101


歌曲名:HEAVENS DIVIDE歌手:Donna Burke专辑:HEAVENS DIVIDE&恋の抑止力「HEAVENS DIVIDE」作词∶Nobuko Toda(戸田信子)作曲∶Akihiro Honda(本田晃弘)歌∶Donna BurkePetals of white「白色的花瓣」Cover fields flowing in grieving tears「覆盖了这个悲伤眼泪淹没之地」And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now「所有曾经年轻的心 都苍老破碎」Love can kill,love will die「爱能致命 爱会逝去」Give me wings to fly「给我翅膀飞翔」Fleeing this world so cold「逃离这冰冷世界」I just wonder why「我只想知道这是为什么」Cold as the dark「和黑夜一样冰冷」Now my words,are frosted with every breath「此时我的语言 已经和呼吸一起冻结」Still the hate burns wild,growing inside this heart「仇恨仍在疯狂燃烧 在心中滋长」When the wind changes course,when the star align「当风向改变 星移斗转」I will reach out to you and leave this all behind「我会抛弃一切来你身边」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will see the choices within my hands「选择就在我自己的手中」How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls「我们如何用自己渺小的灵魂去守护 去战斗」Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear「让我象太阳发出光芒,驱散恐惧的迷惑」Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near「你是否感觉到破晓时风暴来临」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」Time will come to softly lay me down「时间缓缓将我击倒」Then I can see a face that I long to see「那时我就能见到 那魂莹梦绕脸庞」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will dive into the fire「我会纵身火海」Spilling the blood of my desire「溅洒我的渴望之血」The very last time「最后一次」My name scorched into the sky「在天空烙印下我的名字」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will see the choices within my hands「选择就在我自己的手中」How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls「我们如何用自己渺小的灵魂去守护 去战斗」Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear「让我象太阳发出光芒,驱散恐惧的迷惑」Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near「你是否感觉到破晓时风暴来临」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」Time will come to softly lay me down「时间缓缓将我击倒」Then I can see a face that I long to see「那时我就能见到 那魂莹梦绕脸庞」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」【中文歌词源自网络「copy by:Me」】【 おわり 】
2023-06-16 17:51:191


歌曲名:HEAVENS DIVIDE歌手:Donna Burke专辑:METAL GEAR 25th ANNIVERSARY METAL GEAR MUSIC COLLECTION「HEAVENS DIVIDE」作词∶Nobuko Toda(戸田信子)作曲∶Akihiro Honda(本田晃弘)歌∶Donna BurkePetals of white「白色的花瓣」Cover fields flowing in grieving tears「覆盖了这个悲伤眼泪淹没之地」And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now「所有曾经年轻的心 都苍老破碎」Love can kill,love will die「爱能致命 爱会逝去」Give me wings to fly「给我翅膀飞翔」Fleeing this world so cold「逃离这冰冷世界」I just wonder why「我只想知道这是为什么」Cold as the dark「和黑夜一样冰冷」Now my words,are frosted with every breath「此时我的语言 已经和呼吸一起冻结」Still the hate burns wild,growing inside this heart「仇恨仍在疯狂燃烧 在心中滋长」When the wind changes course,when the star align「当风向改变 星移斗转」I will reach out to you and leave this all behind「我会抛弃一切来你身边」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will see the choices within my hands「选择就在我自己的手中」How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls「我们如何用自己渺小的灵魂去守护 去战斗」Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear「让我象太阳发出光芒,驱散恐惧的迷惑」Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near「你是否感觉到破晓时风暴来临」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」Time will come to softly lay me down「时间缓缓将我击倒」Then I can see a face that I long to see「那时我就能见到 那魂莹梦绕脸庞」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will dive into the fire「我会纵身火海」Spilling the blood of my desire「溅洒我的渴望之血」The very last time「最后一次」My name scorched into the sky「在天空烙印下我的名字」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」I will see the choices within my hands「选择就在我自己的手中」How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls「我们如何用自己渺小的灵魂去守护 去战斗」Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear「让我象太阳发出光芒,驱散恐惧的迷惑」Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near「你是否感觉到破晓时风暴来临」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」Time will come to softly lay me down「时间缓缓将我击倒」Then I can see a face that I long to see「那时我就能见到 那魂莹梦绕脸庞」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」And for you,only you I would give anything「为了你 只为你我才会抛弃一切」Leaving a trace for love to find a way「留下爱的踪迹找到生路」When heavens divide「当天堂破碎时」【中文歌词源自网络「copy by:Me」】【 おわり 】
2023-06-16 17:51:281


ground cup;frosted cup
2023-06-16 17:51:462

HEAVENS DIVIDE / 恋の抑止力 的歌词

Heavens DividePetals of white Cover fields flowing in grieving tears And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now Love can kill,love will die Give me wings to fly Fleeing this world so cold I just wonder why Cold as the dark Now my words,are frosted with every breath Still the hate burns wild,growing inside this heart When the wind changes course when the star align I will reach out to you and leave this all behind When heavens divide When heavens divide I will see the choices within my hands How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls Let me shine like the sun through the doubts of fear Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near When heavens divide Time will come to softly lay me down Then I can see a face that I long to see And for you,only you I would give anything Leaving a trace for love to find a way When heavens divide I will dive into the fire Spilling the blood of my desire The very last time My name scorched into the sky When heavens divide I will see the choices within my hands How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls Let me shine like the sun through the doubts of fear Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near When heavens divide Time will come to softly lay me down Then I can see a face that I long to see And for you,only you I would give anything Leaving a trace for love to find a way When heavens divide And for you,only you I would give anything Leaving a trace for love to find a way When heavens divide
2023-06-16 17:51:543


2023-06-16 17:52:022


Christmas: The time when everyone gets Santamental. The 3 stages of man: He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn"t believe in Santa Claus. He is Santa Claus. Did you hear that one of Santa"s reindeer now works for Proctor and Gambel? It"s true....Comet cleans sinks! How do sheep in Mexico say Merry Christmas?Fleece Navidad!How would you fire Santa?Give him the sack...If athletes get athletes foot, what do astronauts get? Missle toe! If Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus had a child, what would he be called?A subordinate Claus.If Santa rode a motorcycle, what kind would it be?A Holly Davidson.The 3 stages of man: He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn"t believe in Santa Claus. He is Santa Claus. What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?Have an ice day!What did one angel say to the other angel?Halo there! What did one Christmas tree say to the other Christmas tree?I really go fir you!What did Santa say when his toys misbehaved?Toys will be toys.What did Santa shout to his toys on Christmas Eve?Okay everyone, sack time!! What did the grape say to the raisin?"Tis the season to be jelly.What do aliens say when they land in the North Pole?Take me to your heater.What do angry mice send to each other at Christmas? Cross mouse cards. What do elves learn in school?The Elf-abet! What do elves put on their candy canes?Their tongues.What do penguins ride?Ice-Cycles.What do the reindeer sing to Santa on his birthday? Freeze a jolly good fellow. What do you call a bunch of grandmasters of chess bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer!What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmastime? Sandy claws.What do you call a gigantic polar bear?Nothing, you just run away!What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert? Lost. What do you call a snowman on roller blades?Snow mobile.What do you call the bells on Santa"s sleigh?Kringle bells.What do you do if Santa gets stuck in your chimney?Pour Santa flush on him.What do you get if you deep fry Santa Claus?Crisp Kringle. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?Frostbite.What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper? Ribbon hood. What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? Santa Clues. What do you have in December that you don"t have in any other month?The letter "D".What goes Ho-Thud, Ho-Thud, Ho-Thud?Santa Claus jumping rope.What happens when you drop a snowball into a glass of water?It gets wet.What is a computer"s favorite Christmas carol?Array in a Manger.What is a skunk"s favorite holiday song?Jingle Smells.What is black and white and found in the Sahara Desert?A VERY lost penguin.What is black and white and green and black and white?Two penguins fighting over a pickle.What is claustrophobia?Fear of Santa.What is Santa"s favorite breakfast cereal?Frosted Flakes.What is Frosty"s favorite breakfast cereal?Snow Flakes.What nationality is Santa Claus?North Polish. What"s the most popular wine at Christmas?"Do I have to eat my Brussel sprouts?"Where do you go to get holly for Christmas?The Holly-land.Where is the best place to put your Christmas tree?After your Christmas one and your Christmas two.Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws. Why did Santa Claus take his Christmas tree to the dentist?To get a root canal.Why did Santa spell Christmas N-O-E? Because the angel had said,"No L!"Why did the gingerbread man go to the doctor?He was feeling crummy.Why does Santa have 3 gardens?So he can ho-ho-ho.Why does Santa"s sled get such good mileage?Because it has long-distance runners on each side. Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?Because every buck is dear to him. Why is Christmas just like a day at the office ?You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.Why is it so cold on Christmas?Because it"s in Decembrrrrrrrrrr!Why is the month of December so popular?It has a lot of dates.Why was Santa"s little helper depressed?Because he had low elf esteem.
2023-06-16 17:52:112

Hawaii的歌词是Tom felton唱的

HAWAIIBy Tom FeltonI woke this morningAnd much to my dismay,The snows been fallingIt"s been coming down since yesterday.I go outsideTo try and start my car -Three hours laterI haven"t gone very far.Because the window"s frosted overAnd I still can"t see.I fall into a dreamAnd I wish that I could be…In Hawaii…And kicking backis where you"d find me.Somewhere underneath the palm tree,On the island of Hawaii…Yeah yeah yeahCool breeze on my face,It makes me stop and think -The only brolly that"s in sightIs the mini one that"s in my drink.JD, coke and lime -This is how I want to spend my time.Not wasting hoursBeing stuck on the M25.The car in front"s not movingAnd I still can"t see.I fall into a dream,And I wish that I could be…In Hawaii…And kicking backIs where you"d find me.And somewhere underneathThe palm tree,On the island of Hawaii…Yeah yeah yeah…‘Cause I"m tryin"To write a song,But every chord I pickSeems to be wrong.And I"m holding onTo memoriesOf whenI was on the island…In Hawaii…And kicking backIs where you"d find me.Somewhere underneathThe palm tree,On the island of Hawaii…In Hawaii…And kicking backIs where you"d find me.And somewhere underneathThe palm tree,On the island of Hawaii…Yeah yeah yeah…
2023-06-16 17:52:201


  当背诵英文 短语 的 方法 已不再适用自己时,就要适当地做出改变。下面就由我为大家带来改变的 英语短语 词组,希望大家能有所收获。   改变的英语(短语篇)   1. 改变点 change point;   2. 改变光束 changing beam   3. 改变主意 change one"s mind   4. 改变步调 A Change of Pace   5. 使改变 change into   6. 改变计划 Project Transform   7. 改变视角 Change perspectives   8. 改变措辞 Rephrasing ; rephrase   9. 做出改变 Make the change   10. 改变本性 change one"s skin   改变的英语(短句篇)   1. change the colour;   改变颜色   2. change one"s mind;   改变主意   3. genetic surgery;   改变遗传基因的外科手术   4. The general trend of history is unalterable.   历史发展的总趋势是不可改变的。   改变的英语(辨析篇)   1.reform, transfrom这 组词 都有“改革、改变、改造”的意思,其区别是:   reform 指去恶扬善、弃旧图新,使变得完美,多用于社会、政治、经济方面,如体制、法律、机构等的改革。   transfrom 指既改变外部形体,又改变内部性质或功能。   2.turn, transform, change, modify, convert, vary, alter这组词都有“变化,改变”的意思,其区别是:   turn 指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。   transform 指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。   change 指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。   modify 强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。   convert 指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。   vary 暗示不规则或断断续续地变。   alter 常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。   改变的英语(例句篇)   1. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.   高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。   2. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.   这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。   3. The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack.   灵柩上覆盖着英国国旗。   4. The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio.   这条路在林木覆盖的山上蜿蜒前行,经过圣安东尼奥村。   5. The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.   两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭,覆盖着积雪。   6. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.   在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。   7. The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.   积雪覆盖的街道就像教堂一样,显得沉闷、毫无生气。   8. More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan.   密歇根州的部分地区被超过一英尺厚的积雪所覆盖。   9. A fresh layer of snow covered the street.   街上覆盖了一层新雪。   10. Water covers a large proportion of the earth"s surface.   水覆盖了地球表面的大部分。   11. The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.   楼梯踏板上覆盖着橡胶以防滑.   12. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.   稀疏的雪花覆盖了山丘.   13. The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot.   烟囱里面很快就覆盖了一层煤烟.   14. The fields have frosted over in this wintry morning.   在这寒冷的早晨田野里覆盖着一层霜.   15. The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.
2023-06-16 17:52:271


2023-06-16 17:52:471


Aksai story of the protagonist and his uncle, Professor Li Deng Bullock want to go to the center of the planet, they went to Sinai Fu extinct, submarine volcano climb down from the crater, where the villagers sent a young man named Han Pines paternity To join them. The climb up the bottom, they become thirsty, found a creek, a day after the break, they go underground in the Pacific, to split the Aksai into the sea, professor with Aksai swam to the beach, There are many beasts in the water on each other. They also reached a forest mushrooms are poisonous mushrooms they find a hole they drilled into the rock encountered one of the major road block, they decided to use the bomb to blow up the rocks Pakistan, they buried a good explosives, lit FireWire , Went to a bamboo raft on. Jisheng after the explosion, magma sprayed out, they immediately zoned back, a large fog Piaolai, they halo to the hungry, woke up after they were found save the villagers. They returned home to write a book - Geocentric Travels, alerted the world
2023-06-16 17:52:552


  当背诵英文短语的方法已不再适用自己时,就要适当地做出改变。下面就由我为大家带来改变的英语短语片语,希望大家能有所收获。   改变的英语短语篇   1. 改变点 change point;   2. 改变光束 changing beam   3. 改变主意 change one"s mind   4. 改变步调 A Change of Pace   5. 使改变 change into   6. 改变计划 Project Transform   7. 改变视角 Change perspectives   8. 改变措辞 Rephrasing ; rephrase   9. 做出改变 Make the change   10. 改变本性 change one"s skin   改变的英语短句篇   1. change the colour;   改变颜色   2. change one"s mind;   改变主意   3. genetic surgery;   改变遗传基因的外科手术   4. The general trend of history is unalterable.   历史发展的总趋势是不可改变的。   改变的英语辨析篇   1.reform, transfrom这组词都有“改革、改变、改造”的意思,其区别是:   reform 指去恶扬善、弃旧图新,使变得完美,多用于社会、政治、经济方面,如体制、法律、机构等的改革。   transfrom 指既改变外部形体,又改变内部性质或功能。   2.turn, transform, change, modify, convert, vary, alter这组词都有“变化,改变”的意思,其区别是:   turn 指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。   transform 指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。   change 指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。   modify 强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。   convert 指进行全部或区域性改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。   vary 暗示不规则或断断续续地变。   alter 常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。   改变的英语例句篇   1. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.   高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。   2. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.   这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。   3. The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack.   灵柩上覆盖著英国国旗。   4. The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio.   这条路在林木覆盖的山上蜿蜒前行,经过圣安东尼奥村。   5. The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.   两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭,覆盖着积雪。   6. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.   在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。   7. The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.   积雪覆盖的街道就像教堂一样,显得沉闷、毫无生气。   8. More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan.   密歇根州的部分地区被超过一英尺厚的积雪所覆盖。   9. A fresh layer of snow covered the street.   街上覆盖了一层新雪。   10. Water covers a large proportion of the earth"s surface.   水覆盖了地球表面的大部分。   11. The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.   楼梯踏板上覆盖著橡胶以防滑.   12. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.   稀疏的雪花覆盖了山丘.   13. The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot.   烟囱里面很快就覆盖了一层煤烟.   14. The fields have frosted over in this wintry morning.   在这寒冷的早晨田野里覆盖著一层霜.   15. The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.   池塘覆盖了一层易碎的冰.
2023-06-16 17:53:531


2023-06-16 17:54:024

英语作文What should we do if there is a fire?

What should we do if there is a fireWe learn a lot of knowledge everyday including how to protect yourself when there is a fire.But we should remember knowledge should be used when we need it.First,we should follow the fire safety rules to prevent the fire happening.Bue if the fire really happen,we should keep calm and brave,don"t become a fraid of it.Also we can do many things to protect ourselves from the fire.We can spray water on ourselves that the fire can"t hurt us.We also can use fire hydrant in the buliding to put out the fire.Anyway,we should keep away from the fire.And be careful when use fire and electricity.
2023-06-16 17:54:102


pcgs养护评级是官方给分的。拓展资料一、PCGS(专业钱币分级服务公司缩写)PCGS(Professional Coin Grading Service )是美国的著名专门针对硬币进行鉴定、分级、评分的公司。鉴定过的硬币会被装入一个密封的小盒子并被标记分数以及编号。其会员能够通过网络系统根据编号查询相关信息。二、分级标准1.为了适应美国硬币交易中不断追求高品级的需要,美国钱币协会于20世纪70年代制定了《美国钱币协会美国硬币评级正式标准》(0fficial ANA Grading Standards for United States Coins,OAGS)。此标准由布雷塞特(Ken Bresett)及科索夫(A.Kosoff)编写,并已多次修订出版。目前,这一分级方法正在美国逐步推广,但现尚未得到国际上的普通认可。这一标准的特点是首先将币面品级分为三档:精制品、未流通品、流通品。然后在每品后缀有一定数字(3-70)以表示其品级高低。这一标准出笼后,由于较为明确合理,且市场买卖双方均有迫切统一标准的要求,所以很快为大家所接受。三、评级系统1.精制品(Proof Coins)。精制品原则上并非品相分级,而是一种特殊的制造工艺。由于精制品一般都在问世时即为人们所收藏,所以都是未经流通品。最早的精制品出现于1850年左右,数量很少,到20世纪30年代后,各国造币厂才普遍制造。2.未流通品(Uncirculated Coins,Mint State Coins,MS)。指制币厂出厂后未投入市场流通的全新币,所以也叫出厂币。这些钱币大都是在厂内就封装的。成套封装的称为出厂币套币,系专为收藏者制作,售价略高。3.流通品(Circulated Coins)。4.精制品(1)霜(镜)面精制(Frosted Proof)。指币面凸出部分为凝霜面,凹入部分为镜面,属标准精制品状态。从1936 年起,各主要造币厂开始普遍制造。(2)钝(砂)光精制(Matte Proof)。模具经喷砂或酸蚀后未经抛光,所以币面凹凸部分均为钝光面。(3)类(半)精制(Prooflike,P/L)。即并未采用精制工艺,而是用新的模具在最初压印中所得出的表面光洁、轮廓清晰的高质量普制硬币,币面凹入部分近于镜面(因未抛光),凸出部分没有凝霜效果(因未喷砂)
2023-06-16 17:54:181


毛玻璃的解释[ground glass;frosted glass] 表面经氢氟酸腐蚀、喷砂或用磨料研磨而制成的光漫射玻璃 详细解释 用金刚砂等磨过或以化学方法处理过,表面 粗糙 的半透明玻璃。也叫磨砂玻璃。 词语分解 毛的解释 毛 á 动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:毛笔。 羽毛 。毛织品。毛骨悚然。轻于鸿毛。 像毛的 东西 ,指谷物或草: 不毛之地 。 衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长毛了。 粗糙,没有加工的:毛布。毛估(粗略地 估计 )。毛坯。 玻璃的解释 指天然水晶石之类,有各种 颜色 。现在指一种人工制造的质地硬而脆的透明物体详细解释亦作“ 玻瓈 ”。.古为玉名,亦称 水玉 ,或以为即水晶。今指一种质地硬而脆的透明物体。一般玻璃是用含石英的砂子、石灰石、纯
2023-06-16 17:54:481


2023-06-16 17:54:569


如果只是“经典”的话,莫过于有:马天尼系列鸡尾酒,这是经典中的经典。 说到鸡尾酒的王中之王,那就是马天尼(Martini)。不论在市井中,还是在高级饭店的酒吧里,它最受欢迎得地位从来没有动摇过。人们甚至说:“鸡尾酒自马天尼开始,又以马天尼告终。”由于其感情之纯真,人们对它产生了各种各样的牵挂。1979年在美国出版了《马天尼大全》,其中竟介绍了多达269种的马天尼。据说丘吉尔非常喜欢喝超辛辣口味,所以喝这种酒的时候是一边纯饮琴酒,一边看着苦艾酒瓶。
2023-06-16 17:55:145

高分悬赏-短篇翻译, 不要机器翻译 ,做好另加分

2023-06-16 17:55:405


2023-06-16 17:55:571

形容风景 英语句子

The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sundials and brick walks and burning gardens - finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run. The front was broken by a line of French windows, glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon.草坪从海滩起步,直奔大门,足足有四分之一英里,一路跨过日晷、砖径和火红的花园——最后跑到房子跟前,仿佛借助于奔跑的势头,爽性变成绿油油的常春藤,沿着墙往上爬。房子正面有一溜法国式的落地长窗,此刻在夕照中金光闪闪,迎着午后的暖风敞开着。A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.一阵清风吹过屋子里,把窗帘从一头吹进来,又从另一头吹出去,好像一面面白旗,吹向天花板上糖花蛋糕似的装饰,然后轻轻拂过绛色地毯,留下一阵阴影,有如风吹过海面。The late afternoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment like the blue honey of the Mediterranean.窗外,天空在夕照中显得格外柔和,像蔚蓝的地中海一样。雨还在下,可是西方的乌云已经拨开,海湾上空翻滚着粉红色和金色的云霞。It was dark here in front; only the bright door sent ten square feet of light volleying out into the soft black morning.前面这里很暗;只有敞开的门向幽暗的黎明射出十平方英尺的亮光。Now it was a cool night with that mysterious excitement in it which comes at the two changes of the year. The quiet lights in the houses were burning out into the darkness and there was a stir and bustle among the stars.那是一个凉爽的夜晚,那是一年两度季节变换的时刻,空气中洋溢着那种神秘的兴奋。家家户户宁静的灯火仿佛在向外面的黑暗吟唱,天上的星星中间仿佛也有繁忙的活动。
2023-06-16 17:56:051

形容风景 英语句子

The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sundials and brick walks and burning gardens - finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run. The front was broken by a line of French windows, glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon.草坪从海滩起步,直奔大门,足足有四分之一英里,一路跨过日晷、砖径和火红的花园——最后跑到房子跟前,仿佛借助于奔跑的势头,爽性变成绿油油的常春藤,沿着墙往上爬。房子正面有一溜法国式的落地长窗,此刻在夕照中金光闪闪,迎着午后的暖风敞开着。A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.一阵清风吹过屋子里,把窗帘从一头吹进来,又从另一头吹出去,好像一面面白旗,吹向天花板上糖花蛋糕似的装饰,然后轻轻拂过绛色地毯,留下一阵阴影,有如风吹过海面。The late afternoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment like the blue honey of the Mediterranean.窗外,天空在夕照中显得格外柔和,像蔚蓝的地中海一样。雨还在下,可是西方的乌云已经拨开,海湾上空翻滚着粉红色和金色的云霞。It was dark here in front; only the bright door sent ten square feet of light volleying out into the soft black morning.前面这里很暗;只有敞开的门向幽暗的黎明射出十平方英尺的亮光。Now it was a cool night with that mysterious excitement in it which comes at the two changes of the year. The quiet lights in the houses were burning out into the darkness and there was a stir and bustle among the stars.那是一个凉爽的夜晚,那是一年两度季节变换的时刻,空气中洋溢着那种神秘的兴奋。家家户户宁静的灯火仿佛在向外面的黑暗吟唱,天上的星星中间仿佛也有繁忙的活动。
2023-06-16 17:56:122


superfrost 玻片例句筛选1.Superfrost and Sandblast Frosted Clipped Corner Slides磨砂剪切角载玻片2.Fisherbrand Superfrost Disposable Microscope Slides一次性载玻片
2023-06-16 17:56:201

请高手帮忙翻译以下文章 翻译漂亮一定给分 多少分我都给

2023-06-16 17:56:391