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带"chs" 和 "enu 的xp补丁相同吗

2023-06-16 11:05:52
TAG: chs




中望cad机械版2017和中望cad 2017 chs的区别

2023-06-16 07:33:281

笔记本电脑的硬盘上 8455MB(CYL 16383,H16,S63) 640GB (LBA 1,250,263,728Sectors) 分别表示什么意思?

硬盘的chs模式是指chs(Cylinder/Head/Sector)模式,很久以前, 硬盘的容量还非常小的时候, 人们采用与软盘类似的结构生产硬盘. 也就是硬盘盘片的每一条磁道都具有相同的扇区数. 由此产生了所谓的3D参数 (Disk Geometry). 既磁头数(Heads), 柱面数(Cylinders), 扇区数(Sectors per track),以及相应的寻址方式. 其中: 磁头数(Heads) 表示硬盘总共有几个磁头,也就是有几面盘片, 最大为 256 (用 8 个二进制位存储);柱面数(Cylinders) 表示硬盘每一面盘片上有几条磁道, 最大为 1024(用 10 个二进制位存储); 扇区数(Sectors per track) 表示每一条磁道上有几个扇区, 最大为63 (用 6 个二进制位存储). 每个扇区一般是 512个字节, 理论上讲这不是必须的, 但好象没有取别的值的. 所以磁盘最大容量为: 256 * 1024 * 63 * 512 / 1048576 = 8064 MB ( 1M = 1048576 Bytes)或硬盘厂商常用的单位:256 * 1024 * 63 * 512 / 1000000 = 8455 MB ( 1M = 1000000 Bytes )在 CHS 寻址方式中, 磁头, 柱面, 扇区的取值范围分别为 0 到 Heads-1,0 到 Cylinders-1, 1 到 Sectors per track (注意是从 1 开始).在 CHS 寻址方式中, 有以下几种尺寸单位:扇区 (Sector) = 512 字节 (一般情况下)磁道 (Track) = (Sectors per track) 扇区柱面 (Cylinder)= (Sectors per track) * Heads 扇区这种方式会浪费很多磁盘空间 (与软盘一样). 为了解决这一问题, 进一步提高硬盘容量, 人们改用等密度结构生产硬盘. 也就是说, 外圈磁道的扇区比内圈磁道多. 采用这种结构后, 硬盘不再具有实际的3D参数, 寻址方式也改为线性寻址, 即以扇区为单位进行寻址.为了与使用3D寻址的老软件兼容 (如使用BIOS Int13H接口的软件), 在硬盘控制器内部安装了一个地址翻译器, 由它负责将老式3D参数翻译成新的线性参数. 这也是为什么现在硬盘的3D参数可以有多种选择的原因 (不同的工作模式, 对应不同的3D参数,如 LBA, LARGE, NORMAL). CHS模式只能识别大硬盘的前面8G.lba使用的线性寻址,突破了1024柱面的限制,能访问8G以外的空间了。
2023-06-16 07:33:381


宝可梦CHS”是“Charleston, South Carolina USA”的英文缩写,意思是“ “CHS”是“Charleston, South Carolina USA”的缩写,意思是“查尔斯顿,美国南卡罗来纳州
2023-06-16 07:34:131

chs.srt文件后缀 是什么文件?

2023-06-16 07:34:311


2023-06-16 07:34:446

装PROE需要将环境变量新建一个LANG值为CHS 这是什么意思 具体的操作时什么?谢谢

2023-06-16 07:35:393


2023-06-16 07:36:041


2023-06-16 07:36:181


你说的是 Cylinder-head-sector 么?
2023-06-16 07:36:251


chs.exe.EXE 是windows系统的补丁程序
2023-06-16 07:36:321


2023-06-16 07:36:132


Fengzhen City in China is geographically known as Fengzhen hill, is the source of the Haihe River Basin, is a direct result of the Guanting reservoir and Yongding River sediment deposition mainly wind erosion and desertification, soil erosion area. Landform by mountains, hills and piedmont alluvial pluvial alluvial plain of composition, the mountainous region accounted for 40% of the total area, hilly accounted for 37% of the total area of the piedmont alluvial pluvial alluvial plain accounted for 23% of the total area. The whole terrain from the north, West, east to central and southern gradually from high to low, with an average altitude of about 1400 meters.丰镇市在中国地理上称为丰镇丘陵,是海河流域的源头,是直接造成官厅水库、永定河泥沙淤积的主要风蚀沙化、水土流失区。地貌由山地、丘陵及山前冲洪积平原组成,其中山地占总面积的40%,丘陵占总面积37%,山前冲洪积平原占总面积23%。整个地形由北、西、东逐渐向中部、南部由高变低,平均海拔高度在1400米左右。
2023-06-16 07:36:331


2023-06-16 07:36:405


红山 [词典] Red Hill; [例句] There are two types of sedimentary facies in this region: the alluvial fan and the braided fluvial river.
2023-06-16 07:36:401


斯卡布罗集市   Scarborough Fair 斯卡布罗集市Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你是否是要去斯卡布罗,Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 香芹,鼠尾,百里,迷迭香,Remember me to one who lives there 替我问候住那儿的一个人,She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我真爱。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 请她为我做件棉布衣衫,Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 香芹,鼠尾,百里,迷迭香,Without no seams nor needle work 没有缝口也不用针线,Then she`ll be a true love of mine 那她才是我真爱。Tell her to find me an acre of land 请她为我寻一块土地,Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 香芹,鼠尾,百里,迷迭香,Between salt water and the sea strands 就在海水和岩岸之间,Then she`ll be a true love of mine 那她才是我真爱。Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 请她用毛皮镰刀收割,Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 香芹,鼠尾,百里,迷迭香,And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收获放进一束石楠,Then she`ll be a true love of mine 那她才是我真爱。Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你是否是要去斯卡布罗,Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 香芹,鼠尾,百里,迷迭香,Remember me to one who lives there 替我问候住那儿的一个人,She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我真爱。来自新浪路远博客
2023-06-16 07:36:487

津巴布韦金刚石/钻石的宝石矿物学特征 津巴布韦金刚石/钻石的晶体形态和微形貌特征津巴布韦金刚石原石具有较典型的形态和表面特征。本次研究样品如图8.45和图版Ⅶ.8所示,这些样品代表了马朗金刚石的基本形态特征。晶体多数为磨圆的八面体和立方体两种形态。八面体晶体呈现不同程度的歪形,有的呈阶梯状八面体,有的呈曲面八面体,角顶和晶棱多被磨圆;立方体晶体的晶棱和角顶多被磨圆,部分角顶突出,晶面微凹,呈轻微骸晶状,且晶面粗糙。少数晶体为菱形十二面体,以及立方体和八面体的聚型,极少见八面体平行板状的接触双晶和立方体穿插双晶。表8.13 本次研究的部分津巴布韦金刚石宝石学性质 Table 8.13 Gemological features of some Zimbabwean diamonds studied in this project图8.45 津巴布韦马朗砂矿产出的金刚石晶体,重量为0.80 ~ 2.52ctFigure 8.45 Diamond crystals produced by Marange alluvial deposit of Zimbabwe,weighing 0.80ct-2.52ct金刚石立方体晶体在世界上多个产地,如扎伊尔、刚果等地均常见。区别于世界上其他产地的金刚石立方体晶体原石,马朗金刚石还具有独特的晶体形态特征。该产地的立方体晶体,角顶突出,晶面中心微凹,呈骸晶状,这是马朗金刚石所特有的。部分立方体晶体晶面可见“十字架”图形贯穿于整个晶面表面(图8.46a,图版Ⅶ.10),“十字架”见于立方体面中间,呈下凹状。这种“十字架”图形结构目前在世界主要产地金刚石中均无报道,应属于极具产地鉴定意义的“指纹特征”。高倍率下观察,可见“十字架”线条由大量的大小不等的正方形腐蚀坑沿晶体的[100]方向重叠排列而成(图8.46b)。“十字”的中心部最低,“十字”线条的内部可见平行排列的阶地状条纹,该条纹为正方形腐蚀坑的两边。图8.46a 立方体金刚石晶面上见“十字架”熔蚀凹坑Figure 8.46a Cross etched trench on cubic diamond crystal图8.46b 微分干涉显微镜高倍率下“十字架 ”线条为由大量大小不等的正方形腐蚀坑沿[100]方向折重叠排列而成,100×Figure 8.46b High resolution Differential Interference Contrast Microscope showed that cross etched trench was composed of plenty,big or small and square etched pits overlapping along [100] direction,100×此外,在该产地的金刚石晶体表面还能观察到其他独特的腐蚀图像,如复合多边形的熔蚀坑,以及多种次生矿物碎屑附着在晶体表面等现象。 津巴布韦金刚石/钻石的颜色特征津巴布韦马朗宝石级金刚石晶体颜色多呈淡绿色、黑色及深褐色。部分晶体表面可见带色的斑点,如绿色、黑色、褐色、红色的斑点。其中红色斑点或斑块为世界上主要金刚石产区所罕见。(1)黑色斑点。黑色斑点为津巴布韦金刚石晶体表面最常见的斑点。斑点多呈不规则状、斑点大小不等,与周围边界清晰,拉曼光谱分析表明,黑色斑点为金刚石中黑色矿物在晶体表面的露头。黑色矿物主要为辉石类矿物。(2)褐色斑点。褐色斑点较为常见,斑点大小不等,多呈不规则的近圆形,边界模糊过渡,为地质过程中发生的辐照斑点。斑点多集中在晶体表面很浅的部位。图8.47为常见的褐色斑点的分布形态。褐色斑点的直径多小于1mm,数量依样品而异,有些样品表面可见数十个褐色斑点。未见褐色斑点和绿色斑点共存的现象。图8.47 褐色辐照斑点与倒三角腐蚀坑,斑点边界模糊,由中心向外颜色逐步变浅,100×Figure 8.47 Brown irradiated spots and reverse triangular etched pits; the spots had fuzzy boundaries,and the color was gradually lighter from the center outward,100×(3)绿色斑点。马朗产出的多数金刚石常带一点绿色色调,这种绿色色调多数仅见于表层或较浅部位(Hardy,1950;Collins,1982)。有时可清晰地观察到绿色斑点。斑点的形态、大小、边界模糊等微细特征都与褐色斑点极相似。颜色由中心向边缘多数情况下呈逐步减弱。整体带绿色调的晶体表面的绿色斑点颜色通常呈黑绿色,比其他晶体表面见到的斑点颜色深。图8.48a 津巴布韦马朗金刚石晶体表面观察到的红色薄层和斑点Figure 8.48a Red lamella and spots observed on crystal surface of Marange diamond图8.48b 高倍率微分干涉显微镜观察显示津巴布韦金刚石晶体表面观察到的红色次生含铁质矿物沿熔蚀凹坑棱线分布,100×Figure 8.48b High resolution Differential Interference Contrast Microscope showed that red and iron-containing secondary mineral was distributed along the etched trench on crystal surface of Zimbabwean diamond,100×(4)红色斑点。天然红色金刚石极为罕见,晶体表面红色斑点也极少报道且没有被确认(Lu等,2008)。部分津巴布韦金刚石晶体表面粗糙,红色斑点或大面积红色薄层在一些晶面上可见。在金刚石晶体表面能观察到大面积红色薄层的现象为首次发现。图8.48a和图版Ⅶ.9为典型的津巴布韦马朗金刚石立方体晶体表面常见的红色簿层及斑点。高倍率下观察发现红色次生含铁质矿物沿腐蚀凹坑棱线分布(图8.48b)。晶体表面的高低不平给这些次生矿物提供了沉淀或生长的有利位置。为找出马朗晶体表面的红色次生矿物的可能的化学组成特征,我们对样品进行了X射线荧光分析,结果显示,红色次生矿物富集处铁含量很高(图8.49),其他元素主要为硅。拉曼光谱测试显示石英和铁质矿物峰值。由此可以推断,马朗金刚石晶体表面的次生红色矿物为氧化铁类矿物。换言之,红色斑点的形成与表面常见的褐色斑点和绿色斑点有本质差异,它与地质辐照作用没有关系,而是次生氧化铁类矿物的颜色。图8.49 X射线紫外荧光光谱显示红色次生矿物为富铁矿物Figure 8.49 X-ray fluorescence spectra indicated the red secondary mineral was iron-rich8.8.4.3 津巴布韦金刚石/钻石的内部应力特征金刚石内部矿物包裹体品种较多,主要为橄榄石、石榴子石、辉石、石墨、钛铁矿及硫化物矿物。由于研究样品未见大颗粒的矿物包裹体,加之也未见有关文献的详细报道,我们选择了2个金刚石样品,并将之沿(100)面切磨抛光,采用Renishaw专利的大面积快速扫描拉曼成像技术(StreamLine)对金刚石的晶体结晶度进行了定量扫描拉曼成像。图8.50为一颗津巴布韦金刚石(7.448ct)在532nm激光光源激发下得到的拉曼成像。以金刚石的拉曼特征峰1332cm-1的半高宽为基准,对StreamLine获得的数据进行分析,以获得在规定的成像范围内半高宽的变化。图标尺标颜色由红-红-绿-蓝-紫-黑的顺序,依次代表金刚石特征峰1332cm-1的半高宽由小至大的变化。结果显示,该晶体的特征峰1332cm-1的半高宽都在3.6cm-1以上,最高的区域在4.4~5.0cm-1,大部分区域为3.9~4.2cm-1。这一结果表明,该晶体的结晶度比我国主要产地产的金刚石的结晶度差。结晶度差的原因可能与内部应力集中分布和含有大量微细矿物包裹体有关。 DiamondViewu2122紫外荧光和生长特征为找出马朗金刚石的内部缺陷特征和生长过程,我们对切磨后的样品进行了紫外荧光成像观察(DiamondViewu2122,Christopher等,1996),结果显示:所有的样品均在紫外线(波长小于230nm)的激发下,都可发出可见光,其发光颜色以蓝色为主,并存在不发光区域及黄绿色发光区域。各样品发出的蓝色和黄绿色荧光强度不一。区别于其他产地的金刚石的紫外荧光特征,马朗金刚石显示了极为复杂的生长过程。以图8.51为例,晶体最初以小的立方体作为生长中心。从中心向外顺着生长条纹看,晶体生长至少经历了3个阶段:第一阶段,晶体由立方体发育成八面体,其间伴有菱形十二面体{110}生长区域的出现,生长速度相对较快,{110}生长区域荧光很弱,呈黑色;第二阶段为八面体平稳生长阶段,表现为蓝色荧光的{111}面环带匀称,在这阶段的后期,八面体角顶和晶棱生长加快,表明这阶段后期过饱和度较高;第三阶段为{11 0}面再度发育,晶体为八面体和菱形十二面体的聚形。图8.50 津巴布韦金刚石(7.448ct)在 532nm 激光光源激发下采用快速扫描拉曼成像技术得到的金刚石特征峰1332cm-1半峰宽的拉曼成像图Figure 8.50 A Zimbabwean diamond"s (7.448ct) Raman image of diamond characteristic peak 1332cm–1FWHM obtained by fast Raman scanning technology under 532nm laser excitation light source图8.51 DiamondView 紫外荧光图像显示马朗金刚石生长历史呈多阶段复合生长特征Figure 8.51 DiamondView fluorescence image showed that Marange diamond went through multi-stage and compound growth金刚石晶体生长的多阶段性及复杂性一直是科学家探讨的课题,并以此探索地球深部的地球化学环境特征(Stachel & Harris,2008;Sunagawa,1984)。相对于以八面体金刚石晶体中的晶格缺陷和生长特征等研究,对立方体晶体,特别是不透明立方体金刚石晶体的研究工作主要集中在金刚石晶体的立方体外层(后期生长层)内的包裹体、显微包裹体(包括纳米级包裹体)特征、光谱特征和同位素等研究(Klein-BeDavid et al.,2006;Weiss et al.,2009;Welbourn et al.,1989)。对立方体晶体所具有的特定晶格缺陷和生长特征的研究甚少。这主要是无色透明的金刚石立方体晶体极少见。反之,我们可以推断立方体金刚石晶体中存在不少鲜为人知的生长缺陷和结构。本次研究也未见无色透明的能用于研究立方体晶体内部生长特征的样品,具“十字架”溶蚀结构的晶体仅在不透明立方体金刚石晶体中见到。DiamondView观察这类样品,未见反应生长特征的荧光图像,由此推断“十字架”溶蚀结构的形成与该类晶体内存在的特定晶体生长缺陷有关。根据“十字架”是由大量的溶蚀坑沿[100]方向折重叠排列而成的观察事实,推断这类特定的缺陷可能与晶体生长过程中产生的线状和面状缺陷,如位错线、位错束、氮杂质集合体等有关。这类缺陷在立方体{100}面上的露头为优先选择腐蚀部位,腐蚀作用沿露头开始形成腐蚀凹坑,在腐蚀作用继续进行时,这些腐蚀坑沿[100]方向连接排列成线状,形成“十字架”腐蚀结构。具体的晶格缺陷种类和性质有待进一步解析。
2023-06-16 07:36:501


2023-06-16 07:36:531


唐山大地震英语作文-after-shock-compositionAfterShock Movie Review:I find this movie was great, it show a Spirit to everyone saying that although living things were destroyed but we must overcome the difficultly that we faced in real life. Movie climax between the story line was kinda fast but overall still worth it to watch. I rate this After Shock movie: 4/5 stars.Life is shortness, World is Cruel... 3 second of smile can led you to 30 years of sadness... Well, movie started with the year 1976, Tangshan city area. Family get destroy due to earthquake purpose, ground flooded with bloods and tears and dead bodies.Tangshan Earthquake happened in 28 July 1976, the day where people was enjoying their night and suddenly, earthquake hits Tangshan area. Few second of earthquake, destroy million of people living in TangShan City.*You don"t understand how it feels to lose someone because you"ve never lost before.* When a mother is informed by the rescue team, saying that out of your 2 child, we can only save one. She was forced to make the most difficult decision of her life.Miracle that this young little girl survive after the horror earthquake, she is homeless and parentless, trying to over come everything happen in her real eyes. However, she was adopted by a caring solider, new family form and this continues in her later part of life.32 years later, the horror happened in Sichuan , this little girl also has grow up and because of the memories of TangShan earthquake, she went back to help those needy in Sichuan earthquake. At last she found back her own real family.After Shock Plot: In 1976, Tangshan, truck drivers Fangda Jiang and his wife Li Ni, twins sons and daughters of party registration, Fonda live ordinary happy life. Fang Dajiang often away from home, not easy to come back once, siblings are particularly pleased.One evening in July, Fangda Jiang returned to his home in the street outside the district, Fangda Jiang Yuan Ni hiding in a truck and affectionate, he suddenly - an earthquake. To save a child, Fang Dajiang dead, Fang Teng, and Fonda was pressed on both sides with a floor, regardless of what people want to save one, must give up another. Yuan Ni chosen small sickly younger brother, Fonda, and the sane side board heard her mother"s choice. After the earthquake, Yuan Ni alone raising a son, decide to be strong to survive, the surviving party registration by the military Dwelled couple adopted, entered a whole new world. Mother and daughter, siblings from far apart ... ...The China Earthquake of July 28, 1976 (The Tangshan Earthquake)No other earthquake in this century has been as catastrophic or has claimed as many lives as the great earthquake that struck the city of Tangshan, in Northern China, on July 28, 1976. Tangshan, a thriving industrial city with one million inhabitants, is located only about 95 miles east, and slightly south, of Beijing. Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil. To make matters worse, The city is located in the center of an area with major crustal faults on four sides. Furthermore, a 25-mile long fault passes through Tangshan, where only few of its structures are earthquake-resistant.In the early morning hours of July 28, while the city was asleep, the magnitude 8.0 earthquake with its epicenter right on the city broke a five-mile section of the fault. Along the west side of the fault the land moved five feet northward in relation to the land on the east side. The east block tipped downward at the northern end of the break, and upward toward the south end. Over a four-by-five mile area the devastation of the city was nearly total. The force of the quake motions were so strong that people reported being thrown in the air. Within seconds, thousands died. Property destruction was unbelievable. Bridges, railroads, homes, factories were completely leveled. In the harbor city of Tientsin, 60 miles to the southwest, and in Beijing to the west, the quake jolts forced thousands of frightened people into the streets seeking refuge from aftershocks.来自: 这篇作文写的还不错,主要表达了对这个电影的观后感以及关于唐山大地震的相关英文资料。
2023-06-16 07:36:561

西语牙语也是英语26个字母 组成的,是不是同样的字母在西语里面的读法不同啊?

1.搞清 A至Z 各个发音2.练习,区别发音ba be bi bo bu / pa ....pu/ va ve vi vo vu/ wa we wi wo wu ca ce ci co cu / ga ke ki ko ku/ja je ji jo ju/ja je ji jo juda de di do du/ ta ... tufa fe fi fo fua e i o u / ha he hi ho hula le li lo lu/ ra re ri ro rusa se si so su/za ze zi zo zulla lle lli llo llu/ ya ye yi yo yu注意gi 同ji 等。。。。同声。。。以上是最基本的发音联系 还有复杂点的Gue/Que 等
2023-06-16 07:37:062


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2023-06-16 07:37:154


Egypt (pronounced /u02c8iu02d0du0292u026apt/ ( listen); Arabic: u0645u0635u0631u200e Miu1e63r, pronounced [misu02e4u027e] ( listen); Egyptian Arabic: Mau1e63r [u02c8mɑsu02e4u027e]; Coptic: u2cacu2c8fu2c99u2c93, kīmi; Egyptian: Kemet), officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Thereby, Egypt is a transcontinental country, and is considered to be a major power in North Africa, Mediterranean Region, African continent, Nile Basin, Islamic World and the Red Sea. Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers (390,000 sq mi), Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its estimated 77.4 million[1] live near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi), where the only arable agricultural land is found. The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypt"s residents live in urban areas, with the majority spread across the densely-populated centres of greater Cairo, Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world"s most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramid complex and its Great Sphinx. The southern city of Luxor contains numerous ancient artifacts, such as the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings. Egypt is widely regarded as an important political and cultural nation of the Middle East.Egypt possesses one of the most developed and diversified economies in the Middle East, with sectors such as tourism, agriculture, industry and service at almost equal rates in national production.[citation needed] Consequently, the Egyptian economy is rapidly developing, due in part to legislation aimed at luring investments, coupled with both internal and political stability, along with recent trade and market liberalization.
2023-06-16 07:37:192


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2023-06-16 07:37:232

求 鼠来宝4 百度云免费在线观看资源

分享链接:提取码: fua8 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘App,操作更方便哦。作品相关简介:该片讲述了艾文与花栗鼠们踏上前往纽约的公路之旅,旅行的目的则是阻止他们的主人大卫向女友求婚的故事。
2023-06-16 07:37:231

comforters, blankets, carpets, curtains & many other textile products.

comforters, 被指 blankets, 毯子carpets, 地毯curtains & many other textile products. 窗帘和很多别的纺织品
2023-06-16 07:37:241

黑眼豆豆的一首歌~~people dying~~

我看到过很多数据, 底下所谓的官方数据是最少的. 1556年的华山大地震, 震级几乎相同, 死了80多万人, 1976年的唐山及周边人口的密度比五百年前关中要密很多, 仅仅死亡20多万, 不能不令人生疑. 下文说是死亡65万人. The Great China Earthquake of 1556 The worse natural disaster in recorded history, at least in terms of lives lost, was caused by an earthquake in Hausien in the Shensi Province of China in 1556. The earthquake devastated 98 counties and eight provinces of Central China. The destruction spanned an area of 500 miles, and in some counties the average death toll was 60 percent of the population. A total of 830,000 people lost their lives, most of them from the collapse of poorly constructed houses. The magnitude of this earthquake has been estimated to be from 8.0 to 8.3 on the Richter scale. The Haicheng Earthquake of February 4, 1975 On February 4, 1975, Haicheng, a town with about 100,000 inhabitants in the Liaoning Province of northeast China, was struck by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. As early as 1970, the State Seismological Bureau, had identified the Liaoning Province as an area of high earthquake risk. Based on studies of precursor events and unusual animal behavior, a warning was issued by local authorities. Thus, when the earthquake struck on February 4, there were few lives lost as most inhabitants had evacuated to safer places. However property damage was high. The China Earthquake of 1976 No other earthquake in this century has been as catastrophic or has claimed as many lives as the great earthquake that struck the city of Tangshan, in Northern China, on July 28, 1976. Tangshan, a thriving industrial city with one million inhabitants, is located only about 95 miles east, and slightly south, of Beijing. Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil. To make matters worse, The city is located in the center of an area with major crustal faults on four sides. Furthermore, a 25-mile long fault passes through Tangshan, where only few of its structures are earthquake-resistant. In the early morning hours of July 28, while the city was asleep, the magnitude 8.0 earthquake with its epicenter right on the city broke a five-mile section of the fault. Along the west side of the fault the land moved five feet northward in relation to the land on the east side. The east block tipped downward at the northern end of the break, and upward toward the south end. Over a four-by-five mile area the devastation of the city was nearly total. The force of the quake motions were so strong that people reported being thrown in the air. Within seconds, thousands died. Property destruction was unbelievable. Bridges, railroads, homes, factories were completely leveled. In the harbor city of Tientsin, 60 miles to the southwest, and in Beijing to the west, the quake jolts forced thousands of frightened people into the streets seeking refuge from aftershocks. The extent of the destruction and number of deaths in Tangshan and elsewhere in China was never disclosed officially. However, based on the density of population, it was fairly accurately estimated that there were at least 655,000 people dead, and 780,000 injured. These figures make the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the second worse earthquake in recorded history. The most destructive earthquake ever, as reported earlier, occurred at Hausien in China"s Shensi Province in 1556.
2023-06-16 07:37:262


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garbage sortinggarbage classificationrefuse sortingwaste sorting
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2023-06-16 07:35:216


ddv就是敌敌畏,是一种 农药。敌敌畏相信对于从事农业生产的朋友来说并不陌生,敌敌畏其实是一种有机磷杀虫剂,具有触杀、胃毒和熏蒸作用,触杀作用比敌百虫效果好,对害虫击倒力强而快,目前我国在灾区、居民区等区域禁用,在农业上严格控制其使用剂量。敌敌畏具有熏蒸、胃毒和触杀作用,且毒杀作用迅速、残效期短。对人、畜毒性中等。适用于小麦、水稻、棉花、青菜、桑树、苹果等多种植物上的害虫防治,也可用于仓库及卫生害虫的防治。敌敌畏易分解,残留低,在农产品、人、动物内部不会残留,而且其安全间隔期只有3~7天,比杀菌剂的安全间隔期还短。使用方法:1、灭蛆:将原液(50%乳剂)1份加水500份,喷洒粪坑或污水面,每平方米用原液0.25~0.5mL。2、灭虱:将上述稀释液喷衣被,闷置2~3小时。3、灭蚊蝇:原液2mL,加水200mL,泼于地面,关闭窗户1小时,或以布条浸原液挂在室内,每间房屋约用3~5mL,可保效3~7日。4、灭臭虫:原液1份,加水200mL,用以刷涂缝隙。
2023-06-16 07:35:151


号码姓名位置身高(cm)体重(kg)球龄学校53A.Q. Shipley中锋185139.34Penn State59Alani Fua外线卫195106.10Brigham Young57Alex Okafor外线卫193118.43Texas38Andre Ellington跑卫17590.33Clemson70Bobby Massie截锋198143.34Mississippi79Bradley Sowell截锋200142.94Mississippi34Brandon Person防守后卫18299.80Tiffin University10Brittan Golden外接手18084.42West Texas A&M93Calais Campbell防守端锋203136.18Miami (Fla.)3Carson Palmer四分卫195106.613USC7Chandler Catanzaro踢球员19090.72Clemson29Chris Clemons防守后卫18597.57Clemson23Chris Johnson跑卫18092.18East Carolina98Corey Peters防守截锋190138.36Kentucky90Cory Redding防守端锋193144.213Texas74D.J. Humphries进攻截锋195139.30Florida85Darren Fells近端锋200127.52California-Irvine31David Johnson跑卫185101.60Northern Iowa20Deone Bucannon强卫18595.72Washington State2Drew Butler弃踢手18598.43Georgia5Drew Stanton四分卫190110.29Michigan State78Earl Watford进攻截锋190136.13James Madison91Ed Stinson防守截锋193130.22Alabama92Frostee Rucker防守端锋19012710USC83Gerald Christian近端锋190113.40Louisville80Ifeanyi Momah近端锋200115.71Boston College14J.J. Nelson外接手17772.60Alabama-Birmingham68Jared Veldheer截锋203145.66Hillsdale13Jaron Brown外接手187933Clemson84Jermaine Gresham近端锋195117.96Oklahoma25Jerraud Powers角卫17784.87Auburn12John Brown外接手18081.22Pittsburg State79John Fullington护锋195136.11Washington State61Jonathan Cooper护锋187141.13North Carolina97Josh Mauro尖峰198127.92Stanford28Justin Bethel角卫18290.74Presbyterian96Kareem Martin线卫198123.42North Carolina54Kenny Demens内线卫185109.82Michigan33Kerwynn Williams跑卫17289.82Utah State51Kevin Minter内线卫182111.63LSU56LaMarr Woodley线卫187120.29Michigan11Larry Fitzgerald外接手19098.912Pittsburgh63Lyle Sendlein中锋190139.79Texas44Markus Golden外线卫190117.90Missouri9Matt Barkley四分卫1871033USC15Michael Floyd外接手18799.84Notre Dame76Mike Iupati护锋195150.16Idaho82Mike Leach长开球手187106.616William & Mary21Patrick Peterson角卫18599.35LSU26Rashad Johnson游卫18092.57Alabama95Rodney Gunter防守截锋195138.30Delaware State55Sean Weatherspoon线卫187110.76Missouri47Shaquille Riddick线卫198117.90West Virginia30Stepfan Taylor跑卫175983Stanford62Ted Larsen护锋187138.36North Carolina State22Tony Jefferson强卫18096.23Oklahoma19Travis Harvey外接手18783.91Florida A&M87Troy Niklas近端锋198122.52Notre Dame32Tyrann Mathieu游卫17584.43LSU94Xavier Williams防守截锋187140.20Northern Iowa94Zack Wagenmann线卫190113.40Montana
2023-06-16 07:35:041


钻石本身是一种纯净或近乎纯净的碳化物,在高温高压的条件下,才能形成。故一般认为其生成於地表下120-200公里,大陆地壳下的软流圈;而后随着地壳变动,随着火山爆发活动送至地表。抵达地表之后,部份钻石又落回火山熔岩脉中,称为Pipes管状矿;其它钻石则受风化侵蚀流入河中,於壶洞和漩涡处形成Alluvial deposits冲积层矿。 天然钻石的形成年代通常为24至32亿年前之间,但也有短至6千万年者。这些地底深处的钻石有时会随深处熔岩的上升而带至地表。这种深层熔岩凝固时形成上大下小喇叭状的岩柱。这种含钻石的岩柱的矿物成分很特别,只有高压下才生成的石榴子石,称为"Kimberlite"。 Kimberlite只生成於古老稳定的地壳中,全世界只有在特定的区域内才能看到这种深层岩柱的露头。(如印度、巴西、南非、萨伊、俄罗斯、中国及澳洲)。Kimberlite的露头风化后,钻石会被雨水冲刷而沈积在河床内。山洪爆发后这些钻石也会被河水冲到河口而混在岸边沙滩内,最早被发现的钻石就是这类漂积的钻石。 Kimberlite ( 译名为金伯利岩 ), 为过去高温高压下所形成之矿物聚合体 。 钻石大部份无色,有色钻石则包括有绿、蓝、大红、粉红、橙、黄、啡、黑色等;其中以红色及粉红色价格较贵,绿色及蓝色则十分罕见! 钻石的摩氏硬度:10,在天然矿物为最高硬度,化学成份:9.98%碳;也就是说,钻石其实是一种密度相当高的碳。
2023-06-16 07:35:033


2023-06-16 07:34:585

xbox360 kinect舞蹈革命主题曲

004 Kinect 舞蹈革命(美版名:舞蹈大师) 美版/体感 005 Kinect 宠物 目前XBOX360 17张体感器游戏如下: 美 SPT 十项全能-自由运动 (需要KINECT
2023-06-16 07:34:572


以al为后缀的单词: allegorical a. 寓言的,寓意的,讽喻; alluvial adj. 冲积的; alphabetical adj.依字母顺序的; ambrosial a. 特别美味的; amoral adj. 不知是非的; analytical a. 分析的,解析的,等。   扩展资料   anatomical a. 解剖的,解剖学上的,构造上的   ancestral a. 祖先的.   angelical a. 天使的,似天使的1   allegorical a. 寓言的,寓意的,讽喻   alluvial adj. 冲积的   alphabetical adj.依字母顺序的   ambrosial a. 特别美味的   amoral adj. 不知是非的   analytical a. 分析的,解析的   anatomical a. 解剖的,解剖学上的,构造上的   ancestral a. 祖先的   angelical a. 天使的,似天使的   abnormal a.不正常的;变态的
2023-06-16 07:34:541


孤高の浮き云罗马音:(注:フン=fun=哼)何(なに) フン 仆(ぼく)は群(む)れるのは嫌(きら)いなんだnani fun boku wa mure ru nowa kirainaida 何(なに) あの草食动物(そうしょくどうぶつ)について フンna ni a no sou syo ku dou bu tsu ni tsu i te fun强(つよ)かったり 弱(よわ)かったり よく分(わ)からないtsu yo kattari yowa kattari yokuwakaranaiでも群(む)れるなら 风纪(ふうき)を正(ただ)すのが风纪委员(ふうきいいん)の仕事(しごと)たからなde mo mu re ru nara fuuki o ta da su no ga fuukiin no shi goto takaranaうるさいね 咬(か)み杀(ころ)すよurusaune kamikorosuyoまだかい 仆(ぼく)の学校(がっこう)で何(なに)してんのmadakai boku no gakkou de na ni shitennoフン あの赤(あか)ん坊(ぼう)fun a no a kan bou彼(かれ)が强(つよ)い すばらしいよ またいつか胜负(しょうぶ)したいなkare ga tsuyoi su barashiiyo mataitsuka syoubo shitainaん まだ何(なに)があるの 咬(か)み杀(ころ)すよn~madananiga a ru no ka mikorosuyo云雀恭弥(ひばりきょや) オレはツナの兄贵分(あにきぶん)でリボーンの知人(ちじん)だhibarikyoya orewa tsu na no anikibun de ri bonno chijinda云(くも)の刻印(こくいん)のついた指轮(ゆびわ)についての话(はなし)がしたいkumono koku in no tsuita yubiwa nitsuite no hanashi ga shitaiふーん 赤(あか)ん坊(ぼう)の…じゃあ 强(つよ)いんだな 仆(ぼく)は指轮(ゆびわ)の话(はなし)なんてどーでもいいよfun~~a ka n bou no jya a tsuyoi n dana bokuwa yubiwano hanashi nan tedo demoiiyoあなたを咬(か)み杀(ころ)せれば…anata o kamikorosereba真剣(しんけん)にやってくれないと この指轮(ゆびわ)舍(す)てるよshin ken niyatte ku re nai to ko no yubiwa suteruyoわーたよ じゃあ交换条件(こうかんじょうけん)だwa-tayo jyaa koukanjyou ken da真剣胜负(しんけんしょうぶ)でオレが胜(か)ったら おまえにはツナのファミリーの一角(いっかく)を担(にな)ってもらうぜshinken syou bu de o re ga kattara omaeni wa tsu nano fua miri no ikka ku o ninattemorauze胜(か)ってたらねかつkatte tara ne ka tsuキミ 目障(めざわ)りだね 痛(いた)い目(め)に遭(あ)いたいkimi mezawa ri da ne itai me ni a i taiフン 六道骸(ろくどうむくろ)fun rokudou mukuroヤツには途辙(とてつ)もない贷(か)しがあるyatsu ni wa totetsu mo nai ka shi ga a ruもう一度(いちど)ヤツと戦(たたか)いたい そして 今度(こんど)こそ绝対(ぜったい)に咬(か)み杀(ころ)すmou ichido yatsu to tataka i tai soshite kondo ko so zettai ni ka mi korosu何闻(なにき)いてるの 咬(か)み杀(ころ)すよnaniki i te ru no kamikorosuyo赤(あか)ん坊(ぼう)は言(い)った この戦(たたか)いに参加(さんか)すれば きっとまだヤツと 六道骸(ろくどうむくろ)と戦(たたか)えるってねakan bou wa i tta kono tataka i ni san ka su reba kitto mada yatsu to roku dou mukuroto tataka e rutte ne云(くも)の守护者(しゅごしゃ)なんてどーでもいいよku mo no jyu ko sya nan te do-demoiiyo仆(ぼく)が何(なに)ものにもとらわれることなく 独立(どくりつ)の立场(たちば)からファミリーを守护(しゅご)する 孤高(ここう)の浮(う)き云(ぐも) そんなの関系(かんけい)ないねbokuga nani mononimoto rawareru kotonaku dokuritsu no tachiba kara fanmiri o syuko suru kokou no ukigumo sonnano kankei naineまだいたの 咬(か)み杀(ころ)すよ madaitano kami korosuyo
2023-06-16 07:34:501


Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 你去斯卡博罗集市吗? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 Remember me to one who lives there 记得代我问候那里的朋友 She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我最爱的人 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 告诉她为我做一件细布衬衫 (Oh the sides of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) Without no seams nor needless work 不用针穿也不用线缝 (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she"ll be a true love of mine 她将成为我的爱人 (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me on acre of land 告诉她为我在海滩找一块地方 (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand 在无边的海水和长长的海岸之间 (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) [Then she"ll be a true love of mine 她将成为我的爱人 Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 告诉她用皮鞋镰刀收割 (War bellows blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 Generals order their soldiers to kill And gather it all in a bunch of heather 捆成一束石南花 (And to fight for a cause they"ve long ago forgotten) Then she"ll be a true love of mine 她将成为我的爱人 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 你去斯卡博罗集市吗? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 Remember me to one who lives there 记得代我问候那里的朋友 She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我最爱的人
2023-06-16 07:34:474


tap---水龙头(1) [stopcock]∶截止或调节[通过管子的]水流量的旋塞(2) [swivel]∶置于泥浆泵软管和旋转钻钻杆之间的旋转接头(3) [faucet; bibcock;water tap]∶用杠杆和偏心器控制开关的龙头
2023-06-16 07:34:433


1.happen 常用词组有(1).happen to 偶然 恰巧I happened to see him yesterday.昨天我偶然遇见他。(2)happen on 偶然发现注意:happen to 强调偶然而 take place 指必然
2023-06-16 07:34:392


2023-06-16 07:34:371


fuck ファック(罗马音是 fua shi ku 读起来是fa ku)shit クソ(罗马音是ku so 读起来也是ko so)
2023-06-16 07:34:361

blankets and throws什么意思

blankets and throws毛毯和投
2023-06-16 07:34:311