barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-16 11:00:38























































* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

stare dare bare are square





2023-06-16 07:05:322


2023-06-16 07:06:321


2023-06-16 07:06:381


Dazzling light
2023-06-16 07:06:462


第四十七回 圣僧夜阻通天水 金木垂慈救小童 第四十八回 魔弄寒风飘大雪 僧思拜佛履层冰
2023-06-16 07:07:134


bang [n/v]
2023-06-16 07:07:202


含有are的单词有dare 挑战;英 [deu0259(r)] 美 [der]、hare 野兔;英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]、share 分享;英 [u0283eu0259(r)] 美 [u0283er]、prepare 准备英 [pru026a"peu0259(r)] 美 [pru026a"per] 、square 正方形;英 [skweu0259(r)]美 [skwer]。spare 多余的;英 [speu0259(r)] 美 [sper]、ware 制品;英 [weu0259(r)] 美 [wer] 、pare 消减;英 [peu0259(r)] 美 [per] 、ware 制品;英 [weu0259(r)] 美 [wer]、blare 巨响;英 [bleu0259(r)] 美 [bler] 、flare 闪光;英 [fleu0259(r)] 美 [fler] 、scare 惊吓;英 [skeu0259(r)] 美 [sker],等等。扩展资料:单词解析:一、dare1、读音:英 [deu0259(r)] 美 [der]2、翻译:vt. 敢;挑战;冒...的风险vi. 勇于;胆敢aux. 胆敢n. 胆量;挑战3、例句:The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作。二、hare1、读音:英 [heu0259(r)] 美 [her]2、翻译:n. 野兔v. 奔跑;飞奔3、例句:They went hunting for hares.他们出去打野兔了。三、spare1、读音:英 [speu0259(r)] 美 [sper]2、翻译:adj. 备用的;多余的;闲置的v. 抽出;饶恕;赦免;节约n. 备用品;剩余3、例句:Do you have a spare tire?你有备用轮胎吗?四、pare1、读音:英 [peu0259(r)] 美 [per] 2、翻译:v. 削减;剥或削(某物)的皮;修剪(某物)边缘3、例句:Our budget has been pared to the bone.我们的预算已削减到最低限度。五、scare1、读音:英 [skeu0259(r)] 美 [sker]2、翻译:v. 受惊吓;恐吓;吓走n. 惊吓;惊恐3、例句:You scare them to death with your mouth.
2023-06-16 07:07:2910


2023-06-16 07:08:071


2023-06-16 07:08:153


blare英 [bleu0259(r)] 美 [bler] vi. 发出响而刺耳的声音vt. 嘟嘟地发出;高声发出;高声宣布n. 嘟嘟声,巨响;(颜色等的)光泽
2023-06-16 07:08:221


中文名字怎么翻译成英文名字 你是想起个和中文名发音相近的英文名,还是想问正式写法? 正式写法就是拼音,Jiawei Chen。因为必须要跟你的所有ID相符,你的身份证、护照等等证件上都只能用这样的拼音形式。 如果是想起英文名的话,跟嘉伟谐音的可以自己调喜欢的发音自造一个,但是注意要查一下你起好的英文名的意思,因为可能会跟偏门的英文单词撞车,如果单词意思好的话无所谓,不好的话就尴尬了。 个人现想的话,大众一点可以叫Cavin,我给你现造的话就是 Kavy / Kevy / Gyavi 其中K和C可以互换发音都是k无所谓,建议不要起太中式的发音因为外国人很难发Jia这个音,w可以变成v,对外国人来说更好念一点。望采纳! 如何把中文名字翻译成英文名字啊? 第一种方法是:起一个与中文名字“谐音”的英文名字。比如李梅,可以起May Li,“梅”与May正好谐音。下面是四个例子,您可以参考。许多《英汉词典》的附录部分,都有英文名字的列表,您可以根据您的名字的汉语发音,找一个大致“谐音”的英文名字。不过这种方法有很大的局限性,大多数中文名字都没有谐音的英文名字,所以我们只能考虑另外两种方法。 ①李梅 -- May Li ②张雷 -- Ray Zhang ③刘凯文 -- Kevin Liu ④吴大伟 -- David Wu 第二种方法是:根据英文名字的内在含义,选择一个您喜欢的英文名字。许多英文名字,来自希腊神话、罗马神话和《圣经》,因而具有某种内在含义。我很早以前曾在一个网站上,看到过常见英文名字的内在含义,大约有几十个,我只记住其中的四个,请看下面。如果您对这个问题感兴趣,麻烦您在网上搜索一下,那个网站的网址我真的想不起来了。 ①Andrew -- 表示刚强 ②Frank -- 表示自由 ③Catherine -- 表示纯洁 ④Helen -- 表示光明 第三种方法是:选择一个其它国家的名字,或者自己创造一个名字。比如我有一位澳门同学,她起了一个葡萄牙女孩的名字Emiliana,又比如我有一位上海网友,她的英文名字叫Skila,是她自己创造的。这两个名字您可以试着念一念,真的很好听。不过在您决定自己创造一个名字时,最好向外国朋友咨询一下,以免您的名字中包含某种贬义。 如 林志颖 jimmy lin :jimmy是吉米,一个很常见的英文名字,lin则是姓氏。林心如 ruby : ruby 是红宝石的意思。 推荐下面几个~ELLA (古式英语),"小淘气,美丽的女子"。人们说ELLA是高大,魁梧的女黑人-一个保守的祖母,快乐,讨喜,友善。 ELLA (古式英语),"小淘气,美丽的女子"。人们说ELLA是高大,魁梧的女黑人-一个保守的祖母,快乐,讨喜,友善。 JUDY为Judith的简写。 Judy被视为喜欢捉弄人的小精灵,骄小,可爱,非常和善 VICKY VICTORIA的简写。人们心中的VICKY是娇小,纯朴的顽皮女孩。 如何把中文名字直译成英文名? 名字中文拼音+一个空格+姓氏中文拼音。 其中名字拼音、姓氏拼音首字母大写,名字有多个字的,中间不能加空格。 例子: 中文名:赵日升 英文名:Risheng Zhao 中文名:李白 英文名:Bai Li 更多例子,如图: 英文名的结构是一般是:教名+自取名+姓氏。而中文书写的名字却刚好相反:姓氏+名字。因此将中文名字直译成英文名字的时候,需要按英文名的结构要求,把名字放在前面,姓氏放在后面。 英文名的英文意思是English name。由于当下世界经济全球化,英语又是全球使用最为广泛的语言之一,有了英文名更加方便各国之间的交流。 扩展资料 英文名常识 1、个人名 按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候,由牧师或父母亲朋为其取名,称为教名。以后本人可以再取用第二个名字,排在教名之后。 2、昵称 昵称包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋好友间常来表示亲切的称呼,是在教名的基础上派生出来的。 3、姓氏 英国人在很长的一段时间里只有名而没有姓。直到16世纪姓氏的使用才广泛流行开来。据专家估算,整个英语民族的姓氏多达150万个。 中国知名学者周海中教授在1992年发表的论文《英语姓名论》中指出:常见的英语姓氏有3000个左右,数量上居前十位依次为史密斯(Smith)、琼斯(Jones)、威廉姆斯(Williams)、布朗(Brown)、戴维斯(Davis)、约翰逊(Johnson)、安德森(Anderson)、泰勒(Taylor)、托马斯(Thomas)和埃文斯(Evans);其人数大约占英语民族人口的一半。一项最新调查显示,这十大英语姓氏目前仍保持同样的排序。 参考资料 搜狗百科-英文名 将中文名字翻译成英文名字 中文名字一般翻译成英文都是用音译的,也就是汉语拼音,因为很多中文汉字有很多意思,或者不能直接翻译成英语对应的词,毕竟英语的单词比不上汉字的含义丰富,如果非要一个字一个字翻译出来,就会很长,很怪不像名字。 如你的命字,韩是姓,只能翻译成Han,承,如果用承受的意思,就可以有stand,suffer等词,如果用继承的意思,就可以有heritage,take over等,霖字如果用雨水的意思,可以是rain,或rain drop,如果用恩泽的意思,可以是grace,favour等, 所以一般人都是用中文的拼音作为英文名字,或另外自己去取个纯正的英文名字,如你的名字可以取发音近似的,charles,Chil,Cherry等。 请问一个中文名字翻译成英文名字怎么翻译 首先明确一下,中文汉字名不存在标准的对应英文翻译。中文名在英文中就变成拼音名,基本根据汉字读音进行接近拼写。而这其中有很大的方言口音影响。也就是说各地区会以各地自己的通用方言来转换成英文拼写,比如香港的英文拼写便是以粤语音为基础,所以“刘”在粤语中读作“劳”于是就拼写为“Lau”,“张”在粤语中读作“Cieong”,于是香港的“张”就拼写为“Cheung”。而台湾也有一套自己的拼音体系,不同于香港和大陆。朝鲜韩国的拼写形式也是由本国朝鲜语种读音而来。 “黄寅”目前存在的拼写形式有下列情况: 中国普通话汉语拼音:Huang Yin 中国香港粤语英文拼写:Wong Yan 中国台湾所谓“国语”通用拼写:Huang Yin 中国普通话英文接近拼写:Hwang Yin / Hwang Yinn / Hwang Inn 。 汉字名朝鲜语音韩国式拼写:Hwang In 此外还存在其他异体拼写,总之主要还是受到各地方言的影响,以及各地自定拼音规则的影响,而没有标准翻译一说。 中文名字翻译成英文 楼上的Shelley(他可能打错了)是非常不错的。。。而且跟你的名字比较谐音。。 但是,个人比较喜欢的名字是 Autumn 有优雅,雍容的意思(保证绝对有这个名字,而且是女名) Rhine 取自莱茵河 Cecilia 有美丽大方的意思 自己取了个男名。。。。但是非常喜欢 叫Ryan 疯了。。。。我把这个摘下来了。。 Shelley n. 谢利(姓氏) 雪莱(Percy Bysshe , 1792-1822, 英国诗人) 简明英汉词典Shelley 谢莉(女子名) 我刚还有看到这里也有写哦。。。Shelley是雪莱的名字,但是。。。哎呀~~~~看那个啦~~~~ dict.iciba/Shelley/、、 还有这个。。。 楼主也可以参看一下啦 SHARON (希伯来文)同Sarah。大部份人期待的Sharon是娇小可爱,中层阶级的金发女子,友善,甜美,聪慧。有人则认为Sharon是害羞迟钝的。 SHELLEY (老式英语)意为州的牧场,同SHEILA,SHELBY,SHIRLEY。SHELLEY给人两种不同的印象:一个是可爱聪明,眼高于人的中学美少女;或是愚蠢又矮又胖多话的女孩。 SHERRY, CHERIE同CHARLOTTE,CHER,SARAH,SHIRLEY.大部份人把SHERRY想成可爱娇小,圆润的金发女孩,友善,逢场作戏,然而却十分健忘。 SHIRLEY (老式英语)"来自耀眼的牧场"。人们将SHIRLEY描绘成灰发版的Shirley Temple-可爱,甜美,卷发,娃娃脸,有点过重。 给个网址给楼主哦。。 里面是英文女名哦。。。还有意思。。 对了。。。楼主看 Gossip Girl吗? 我挺喜欢里面那个 Serena的。。 当然。。。Blare名字也不错啦。。 cyet/englishcorner/background/femal04
2023-06-16 07:08:291

名侦探柯南第一集的英文版的台词谁有?英语水平有点捉急,请大家帮帮忙,Thank you!!!

2023-06-16 07:08:373


2023-06-16 07:08:454


2023-06-16 07:08:522


Blare 高声鸣叫。 与bleat 牛羊的叫声同源,很像牛羊的叫声。boom (v.) 繁荣昌盛,发出强有力的声音。成群蜜蜂或黄蜂的声音,听起来很有气势。buzz (v.) 嗡嗡声。起初模仿蜜蜂的声音,后来指电话的铃声。Chirp 鸟或虫唧唧叫。 很像蛐蛐或小鸡的叫声。Chuckle 轻声地笑。 咯咯地笑。chortle 开心地笑。 大概与 chuckle 同源。guffaw 大笑。 哈哈大笑的声音Croon 低声歌唱。to sing in a soft manner . 来自苏格兰语。最早拟声牛的低声呻吟,后演变为悲叹,低声地悲情地歌唱。Drone 嗡嗡 单调的低音。 拟声蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。Gaggle 鹅群。 拟声鹅嘎嘎的叫声。gander 雄鹅 呆看(伸长脖子)。 拟声鹅嘎嘎的叫声。呆看则像鹅的形状。Grate 磨碎。 很大概是拟声词,咯吱咯吱,刺耳的声音。Grating 刺耳的groan 呻吟。 拟声呜呜的呻吟声。moan 呻吟。同上。Murmur 喃喃。 柔声地说。heyday 全盛时期 hey 嘿 本身是像声词。人发出“嘿,嘿”声的时候表示精力充沛,经常“嘿嘿”的时候是精力旺盛的时期。hurl 用力投掷。 人用力的时候会发出“嘿”的声音。hurly-burly 喧闹,骚动。Hiss 嘘 (蛇)嘶嘶。 中国的蛇也这么“叫”。但我从来没有听过蛇叫。sibilant (adj.) 发出咝咝声的。hum 嗡 哼。显然是个像声词。Humdrum 单调的。 哼声鼓声都是单调的。Hummingbird 蜂鸟,声音很单调。humph 哼。 表示轻蔑。中英文化在此交融。hush 嘘。strident 尖锐刺耳的。 很大概是拟声词,吱吱的声音。mosquito 蚊子。据说是模仿蚊子的声音。swarm (n.) 大群的昆虫或人。起初模仿大群昆虫的声音。sneer (v.) 嘲笑。模仿狗呲牙咧嘴发出的声音。whimper (v.) 呜咽,啜泣。拟声呜呜的哭声。whine (v.) 哀号。嗷嗷地哭。Whistle 口哨。汽笛声。 V 吹口哨。“嗖,嗖”。无疑是个像声词。whisper (v.) 低声说话。把“喂”小生说能模仿到这种感觉。persiflage 挖苦,嘲弄。始终吹口哨。 Sifl = whistle, hiss.rasp (V)发出刺耳的声音。像声挫东西的声音。Raspy 刺耳的sizzle (v)(炸东西等)发出嗞嗞声。 比较逼真。Sizzler ( N) 大热天。 被太阳烤得嗞嗞响。raucous 沙哑的。 很像汉语“老咳嗽”。quack (v.) 庸医 拟声鸭子的叫声,用来贬低张悟本“大夫”。roar (v.) 咆哮。 拟声“嗷嗷”的叫声。squall (n.v) 骚动,狂风。 也是“嗷”的声音。 “死刮”meek 温顺的,(小羊的叫声)muscle 肌肉 美男的肌肉像小老鼠mouse的形状。pump ( n/v) 泵。 水泵发出“砰砰”的声音。bumper 保险杠。 像声撞击的声音。grudge (v.) 勉强的( Reluctant) 发出嘎嘎吱吱的声音。grumble (v)喃喃诉苦,发怨言。 咕咕哝哝的声音。grouch (n.) 牢骚,不满。同grudeg.grouchy 牢骚的。zig-zag 弯曲前进。 Z的象形文字。Ewe 母羊。 W很像羊角,两个E就像两个眼睛。
2023-06-16 07:09:111


IELTSGREdin英 [du026an]美 [du026an]n.喧闹声vt.喧闹; 喋喋不休地说vi.喧闹过去式: dinned过去分词: dinned现在分词: dinning第三人称单数: dins双语例句1. There was an incredible din. 声音异常嘈杂。来自柯林斯例句2. The children were making an awful din. 孩子们吵得厉害。来自《权威词典》3. The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific. 整个门厅一片嘈杂, 而且喧嚣刺耳.来自《简明英汉词典》4. The bustle and din gradually faded to silence as night advanced. 随着夜越来越深,喧闹声逐渐沉寂.来自《简明英汉词典》5. Then the din gradually dies down and the music stops. 接着喧闹声逐渐消失,音乐也终止了.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》查看更多例句>>柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. N-SING 喧闹声;喧嚣声;嘈杂声 A din is a very loud and unpleasant noise that lasts for some time. They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd. 他们力图让自己的声音盖过人群的喧闹声。英英释义缩略语Noun1. a loud harsh or strident noisesynonym: blare,blaring,cacophony,clamor2. the act of making a noisy disturbancesynonym: commotion,ruction,ruckus,rumpus,tumultVerb1. make a resonant sound, like artillery;2. instill (into a person) by constant repetition;"he dinned the lessons into his students"
2023-06-16 07:09:191

the pretty rockless《light me up》封面的小女孩是谁?

绯闻女孩演员泰勒莫姆森(Taylor Momsen)和她的乐队The Pretty Reckless放出了他们的新专辑‘Light Me Up"的封面。专辑将于8月30日在英国发行。封面以一个金发小女孩为特色,她应该是效仿泰勒,穿着一个皮夹克,拿着一个打火机。17岁的Taylor Momsen 说她想重新定义摇滚,她正以自己的方式诠释着。  和一般手拿芭比、穿着蛋糕裙的小姑娘不同,音乐才是泰勒的玩具。“我一直很喜欢摇滚,披头士、绿洲、涅槃都是我的最爱。特别是科特·柯本(涅槃主唱)、琼·杰特(《I Love RocknRoll》原作者)绝对是我音乐的灵感来源。”   她通过《绯闻女孩》达到了高知名度之后,义无反顾地走上了摇滚之路。“每个人都因为《绯闻女孩》里的角色来判定我,但注意,我不是珍妮·翰弗瑞,我是泰勒·莫姆森,音乐中才是真正的我。”其实熟知泰勒的人应该知道,当《绯闻女孩》走入第二季时,乖乖的珍妮就涂上了烟熏装,充满了叛逆,这应该是这个角色唯一和泰勒相似的地方。有不少人劝告泰勒好好做偶像,摇滚实在是个风险投资,但泰勒一定要做出自己。“自始至终,我应该唱摇滚,我从没有想过唱流行歌。因为我骨子里就是摇滚的,只不过生活在流行世界里罢了。摇滚喜欢直接唱,而流行则假惺惺地唱,‘我喜欢打扮"。后者毫无意义。”   关于为什么组乐队而不是一创作歌手,泰勒解释,“我想找人和我一起完成我的梦想,表达出我要的音乐。”其中的关键词就是“泰勒的音乐”。这份执着 ,让The Pretty Reckless经历过一次彻底换血,原因是旧团员无法表达出泰勒想要的音乐。   早在09年初,泰勒就率领了三个成员录制了小样,并且还在美国朋克双人女组合The Veronicas的巡演中当开场嘉宾。但泰勒不管乐队已经曝光,因为乐队成员无法适应她音乐风格的原因而将他们果断开除。目前,The Pretty Reckless由她担当创作、主唱、吉他,本·飞利浦是另一个吉他手、马克·戴蒙是贝斯手,吉米·珀金斯是鼓手。“二轮”The Pretty Reckless的风格和“首轮”相比,曲风显得更加不客气,更加黑暗。   泰勒的坚持和彻底获得了媒体的一致好评。权威的摇滚网上杂志BLARE给出了四颗星的优秀评价。而BBC的评论也指出,17岁的泰勒在甜美和暴戾中转换得游刃有余,如乐队名The Pretty Reckless一样,美并鲁莽着
2023-06-16 07:09:251


I was a stray dog for a long time a small. Not eat for several days, stomach Haoehaoe Oh. I pity the poor who have to point to eat? Eh, there is a pretty small sister back, she was going to help me? "sister, I seek to point to the things you eat? Haoe Oh my stomach. Wuwuwu "" "Small dogs, so how poor you!? I and you. If the mother has just been treated to. Yesterday examinations did not test well. I imagine you more freely, go where teams where, how wonderful, no trouble for the examination, not to score and kicks. " "sister, I envy you a good warm home, parents give you money. In fact, parents are love you and hope that you learn more knowledge, you will be useful. " "Small dog, I take you home? See if you have a late class. We have a lot of family and I like to make friends! Delicious things you will be playing very happy! " 61 Children"s Day to come and hope that our parents we have to be festive, let us freely healthy growth for our childhood filled with laughter!
2023-06-16 07:09:515


2023-06-16 07:10:383


1.象似性和任意性的对立关于所指(signified)和能指(signifier)之间的关系,自古希腊以来就存在着两种截然不同的认识方式。在回答“感观所感受到的现象(phenomena)和指代这些现象的词汇(words)之间到底是什么关系” 这一问题的时候,柏拉图(Plato)认为:词(words)很自然也很必要的与其所指代的物体(objects)的联系在一起,这种联系受制于宇宙的结构;亚里斯多德(Aristotle)则认为语言与其所指现象间的联系是任意的,不受任何社会习惯的影响。语言符号象似性与任意性的对立由此而来(Bell,1991:84)。索绪尔奠定了语言学的学科地位,在其《普通语言学教程》( Course in General Linguistics, 1916)一书中,他以“Tree”为例,明确指出语言符号(linguistic sign)的二重性:语言能指(signifier)和所指(signified)之间的关系是任意的(arbitrary),不存在任何逻辑证明,人为的(man-made),规约性的(conventional)。(Saussure,2001:67)通俗的说,语言形式和意义之间不存在必然的联系。在索绪尔思想的影响下,结构主义语言学家们从音、词、句等层面展开了深入的研究,这些都是在抽象的语言层(langue)展开的,因为索绪尔认为具体的言语(parole)涉及到太多的变数,显得杂乱无章,无法进行科学全面的考查。所以,结构主义语言学家们注重对语言形式结构(formal structures)研究的思想归根结底是受索绪尔关于语言符号任意性的论断的影响。可以说结构主义语言学是对亚里斯多德语言思想的继承和发扬。另一方面,认知语言学、心理语言学以及功能语言学都分别从不同的角度提出并证实:语言形式与其意义之间有着密切联系。语言是现实世界经由人类认知加工而形成的结果,语言结构反映人们对客观世界的知觉和认知的基础上形成的概念和概念结构,也就是说,语言结构与人的经验结构之间有一种必然的联系,语言不是任意的而是有理据的,语言的能指和所指之间,也即语言的形式和内容之间有一种必然联系,两者之间的关系是可以论证的,是有理据的。同时,语言的存在总是为了满足人类与客观世界、思维交往的需求,所以语言总是能够反映出客观世界的某些特征,语言与现实之间的关系不是任意的,而是有着相当的联系。这就是我们通常所说的语言的象似性。这跟柏拉图自然主义语言观一脉相承。形式主义语言观与功能主义语言观的对立、形式和认知的对立,在很大程度上源于语言符号任意性和象似性的对立。形式主义语言学家们从语言任意性的立场出发,认为语言是一个封闭的独立自足的体系,所研究的抽象的语言内部结构和形式,完全不受外界干扰,否认语言与外部世界之间的映射关系,随着语言学的发展,这一封闭的任意的语言观受到了越来越多的挑战和质疑。本文秉承语言象似性的观点,语言作为人类特有的一种交流系统,是人际交往的媒介,是人类认知的工具,也是人类思维、文化的载体,语言在音、词、句、篇等层面上与其所指代的物体都有着很大的象似性,当然,这种象似在大多数情况下是主观认知的心理事实上的象似,是人类对事物本身的一种状态的认知。2. 声音层面的象似性在具体讨论语言在声音层面的象似性之前,我们先看一个具体的译例。原文: Individual human existence should be like a river——(1)small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.(2)Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual beings.(编号及斜体为笔者所加)罗素的这段以河流喻人生的文字被很多人奉为经典,大多数读者都能欣赏其中蕴涵的哲理。如果细加分析,我们还能发现蕴藏其中的独特音效。我们都知道,河流在发源处或者上游地带,水势凶猛,呼啸向前,遇到阻碍只能使其奔腾的更有力;而到了中下游至将入海的地方,落差减小,水势趋稳,少了开始时的气势和喧闹,代之以娴静和平稳。文中不仅文字优美,而且从用词的音效方面也完全传达了河流的两个阶段特征。在(1)中,元音以前舌单元音为主,大多比较短暂,急促,并且声效清脆,响亮,利索,完美的传达出了河流在水势较急时的声响效果;而辅音则以爆破音和丝擦音、破擦音为主,并且这些辅音多出现在词首,短促有力,使河流在上游奔腾向前、所向无阻的气势以及由此产生的紧迫感得以完美展现。而在(2)中,元音中双元音和长元音占了绝大多数,并且其发音部位靠近舌的中后部,读起来平缓;辅音中多辅音叠加,并且大多数辅音在其发声的过程中气流所受到的阻力较小,口形也比较放松,没有了(1)的那种紧迫感,再辅以平缓的双元音和长元音,整个词、句读起来从容悠长,跟河流在中下游乃至入海处平静悠闲之感完全一致。吕俊(2001:98)在谈论这段文字时说:“当我们不考虑意义而只着眼于声音时,就已经感觉到前面不仅节奏急促,而且语音上诸多的短元音给人留下深刻的印象,给人以急促、受局限的感觉;而后来节拍缓慢下来,一系列长元音也让人感到轻松舒缓。”通过上面的例子及其分析,我们不难知道:语言在语音层面上的确存在着很大程度的象似性,语言在语音上的确能够反映出客观世界的某些特征,在日常的人际交往中人们更多的将注意力集中在语言所表达的内容或意义上,但在文学作品中许多文学家都很注重用语音反映外部世界和内心世界。《诗经》中“昔我往矣,杨柳依依”一句脍炙人口,但就像朱光潜先生(1997)说的一样,如果将其说成“当年我离开的时候,杨柳在风中摇曳”,诗味顿消,究其原因,无外乎在于“依依”二字的声音效果上:从声音层面将人内心的缠绵之情、不舍离去之意和盘托出,在这里音效以及语音所指之物完美的融合在一起。由此,我们可以总结如下:语言在声音层面有着很大程度的象似性,这一点在文学作品中表现的尤为明显。 3. 词汇层面的象似性词汇和现实世界有着密切的联系,语言在词汇层上的象似性也大多是通过一定的语音表现出来的,还有相当一部分是通过模拟外部世界的形状表现语言的象似性。词汇的语音象似性体现在语音直接象似和象征象似两个方面。(1)语音直接象似:这类词主要包括拟声词(onomatopoeia)——即模拟自然声音而构成的词。索绪尔在谈论语言任意性特征时也不得不承认:拟声词具有相当的象似性。拟声词和其意义之间存在着一一对应关系,具有直接象似性。它们或者直接模仿声音,如猫叫声是moo , miao、murmur , susurrous等;或者是声音所代表的事物,如cuckoo(杜鹃)、hum(活跃状态)、knock(敲门动作)、butubutu(摩托车)。在各自语音系统的规约下,拟声词常因语言不同而异,所以鸡叫声英语是cockadoodledo,法语是cocorico,德语是kikeriki.波兰语是kukuryku.日语是kokekokkoo.不少人以拟声词在数量上有限、并且因语言的不同而各异为由,认为就算是具有一定象似性的拟声词在本质上也是任意的。不过如果我们稍做对比分析便能发现:虽然对同一种事物的拟声会因语言的不同而相异,但它们在发声上还是非常接近的。(2)象征象似:以英语为例,英语中有些词汇的某些字母组合在发音上与所指之间存在着近似的模仿或这些音素的联合容易让人产生某种特定含义的联想。因此有些学者称之为联觉(phonaesthesia),即某个语音或一组语音与某个意义相连。这种联系方式有多种,可以从音到音,也可以是从音到体积、光线、运动和距离等的联系。如下面几组例子:“gr-”:常表示“沉闷而令人不决的声音”,如groan , growl , grumble,grunt、grouse.“-ump”:常表示“沉重地碰击”,如dump、thump、bump、clump、stump.“sk-”:常指与表面的接触,如skate, skin, skid, scrape, scratch, scour“fl-”:往往与闪耀的或移动的光线有关,如flare , flicker , flame ,flash , flick“gl-”:与fl-类似,如glare , gleam , glisten , glint , glow , glitter“-are”:暗示强烈的光线,如flare、blare、glare、stare“sl-”: 常与滑、滑动有关,如slide、slick、sleek、slip、slope、slither4. 句法象似性我们这里所指的象似性在很多场合下并不是绝对的与客观世界的实际情况完全一致,更多的是语言表达形式与人类的认知心理状态的一致性,这在句子层面表现的非常突出。在表达同一个命题意义(propositional meaning)的时候人们通常有多种句式选择,因此我们在关注语言所传达的命题意义的同时,更要注意语言所附带的联想意义,于是一定的句式究与人类一定的认知心理及情感原型便联系在了一起,构成了语言在句式上的象似性。比如文体分析:一定的句式结构总是跟一定的文体,或者说跟相关的领域密切的联系在一起,反映出一定的话语范围。而且在文学文体中,一定的句式不仅通过其文字传达相应的信息,很多时候句式本身也传达着丰富的内容。王东风(2007)在谈论被动语态及其变译的问题时指出:文学语篇中所出现的被动句式在表述一定命题意义的同时,其本身就具有丰富的语篇功能、诗学功能,也就是说句式本身跟一定的意义或功能具有象似性。《简爱》第五章讲述的是主人公小简爱离开了她舅妈的住所,一大清早孤零零的被送往了遥远陌生的异地去上学。文中在描述小简爱离开的那一段文字中,句式多被动,如:My trunk was hoisted up.I was taken from Bessie"s neck. Thus I was severed from Bessie.连续的被动句式将小简爱的舅妈冷酷、在舅妈家所受的虐待以及她孤苦伶仃无依无靠的悲惨遭遇完美的映射在了读者的心里。5. 结语我们从功能和认知的角度出发,认为语言具有相当程度的象似性,这并不是要完全推翻或者否定索绪尔提出的语言符号任意性观点,我们不能在肯定一方语言任意性的同时全盘否认语言的象似性,同样本文虽然在谈论语言符号的象似性,但并不意味着否认语言符号具有一定程度的任意性。英语词汇的音、形、义之间虽有“任意性”的一面,但更多是存在着高度的语音、词形、词义和词源的“象似性”的一面,象似性应该被视为语言的本质属性。当前,从语言的象似性入手,从语言反映客观世界、满足人类认知和交际需求为着眼点所开展的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,这有助于我们加深对语言本体的认识,对语言、翻译等众多与语言有关的领域都会有很大的实践指导意义;更重要的是,语言的象似性在文学作品中体现的淋漓尽致,所以对语言象似性的认识和理解能够强化我们的文学鉴赏能力。
2023-06-16 07:11:072

特别响 非常近的意思是什么? Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 指的是什么? 到底指的是什么 ?

2023-06-16 07:11:214


uc9c0uad6cuc0c1 uc5d0uc11c ub294 uc778uac04. uadf8ub54c ubd80ud130 uc6b0ub9ac uacc4uc18d uc131uc7a5 uc774 ubc1b ub294 uc0c1ud574 uadf8 uadc0 uc5ecuc6b4 ub3d9ubb3c uc774ub2e4. uadf8ub4e4 uc740 uc624ub958 uac00 uc5c6 ub294, uadf8ub4e4 uc740 uc624ub85cuc9c0 uc790uc5f0 uc758 uc12dub9ac ud3c9ud654 ub86d uac8c uc9c0 ub0c8 ub2e4. ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc778uac04 uc758 uc874uc7ac ub97c uadf8ub4e4 uc758 uc9d1 uc740 uac08uc218ub85d uc791 uc544 uc9c4 ub2e4. uc5b4ub5a4 ub3d9 ubb3cuc758 uae4cuc9c0 uac00 uba78uc885 ud588 ub2e4. uc774 uba78uc885 ub41c ub3d9ubb3c uc744 1936 ub144 ucd5cuc545 uc774ub2e4. 1936 ub144 uc9c0 uc774ubbf8 uc624ub798 uc0b4 uace0 uc788 ub294 ub05duc5c6uc774 ud3bc uccd0 uc758 uc0acubc14ub098, uadf8ub4e4 uc740 uc774ubbf8 uae30 uc058 uace0 ub9c8uc74cuc774 ud3b8ud558ub2e4. uc778ub958 uc758 ub3c4ub798 ub97c ubc14 uafb8 uc5c8 uc0ddud65c uc744 ud588 ub2e4. uc5c4uccad ub098 uac8c ud558ub294 uc778uac04 ucf00uc774uc2a4, uc608ubc29uc801 ub3c4 uc0b4 ucc98 ubd84uc744 ucd08 uc810uc810 uc904 uc5b4 ubcc0ud654 ud558ub098 ub85c ub9ceuc740 ucd08uc2dd ub3d9ubb3c uc62e uaca8 ub2e4ub978 uc758 ucd08uc6d0. uc774 ucd08uc2dd ub3d9ubb3c uba39 uc744 uc74cuc2dd uc774ub2e4. ub291ub300 uac00ub9c8 uc5c6ub2e4 uc774 ub4e4uc774 ube7c uc778uac04 uc758 ub3d9ubb3c uc774ub2e4. ub18dubbfc ub4e4 ub3c4 uc6d0ub9ddud558ub2e4 uc545 ub291ub300 ub294 ubd09uc9c0 ub97c ubcf4 uba74 1 uba85 uc774 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc885 uc758 uc57cuc0dd 1936 ub144 ub3c4 uac00 uc8fd uc5c8 ub2e4. ub2e4ub978uc0acub78c ub4e4uc774 ubaa8ub450 uc720 ub150 ud574 uc57c ud560 uae30uc220 uc758 uba78uc885 1936 ub144 ubd80ud130 uc9c0uc18duc801 uc73cub85c ud55c ubcf4ud638 uacf5uc6d0 1936 ub144 48 uc77c uc804 1936 ub144 uc885ub9d0 uc774ub2e4. uacfc 48 uc77c ub9cc uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 1936 ub144 uc9c0uad6cuc0c1 uc5d0uc11c uc0ac ub77c uc84c uc744 uc601uc6d0ud788! ubb3cub860 ubaa8ub4e0 uc778ub958 ub294 uba78uc885 ub3d9ubb3c ub3c4 uc0b4 ucc98ubd84 uc77cubd80 ud658uacbd ubcc0ud654 uc5d0 ub9de uc9c0 uc54a ub294 uba78uc885 ud588 ub2e4. uadf8ub7ecub098 uc77cubd80 ub294 uba78uc885 ub3d9ubb3c uc778uac04 uc740 ucc45uc784 uc774 uc788ub2e4. uc608ub85cubd80ud130 uc778uac04 uc740 ub298 ucc9cuc7acuc801 ub3d9ubb3c uc678ub85c uc6e0 uace0, uc778uac04 ub4e4 uc720uad8cuc790 ub4e4uc774 uc0dduc874uad8c uc774ub2e4. ud604uc7ac ub4ef uc608uc758 uc8fcuc2dc ud558ub098 uae4cuc9c0 ub3d9ubb3c uc758 uba78uc885 uc704ud5d8 uc774 uc788ub2e4 ub294 uac83 uc774ub2e4. ub3c8 uc744 ubc8c uae30 uc704 ud574uc11c ubb34uc5c7 uc774 uc6d0 ud560 ubc14 ub97c ud314, uc1fcud551uc13cud130, ubaa8ud53c ub3d9ubb3c ub3d9 ubb3cuc758 uace0uae30 uc5d0 ud314 uc544 uc2ddub2f9 uc774ub2e4. uadf8ub7ecub098 uc6b0ub9ac ubaa8ub4e0 ucc45uc784 uc744 ud68cud53c ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4 ub294 uba38ub9ac ub97c uac70ub798 uc18cube44uc790 ub4e4 ub3c4 ucc45uc784 uc774 uc5c6 uc5c8 ub2e4uba74 uc18cube44 uc218uc694 uadf8ub9acuace0 uac70ub798uc790 ud558uc9c0 uc54a uc744 uac83 uc774ub2e4. uc774 ubcf4ud5d8 ubfdcuc5b4ub098uc624ub2e4 uc778uac04 ub3c4 uc5c6 ub358 uc57cuc0ddub3d9ubb3c uba39 uc744 uac70 uc57c. uc608 ub97c ub4e4 uba74: uadf8 ubc40 uc774ub2e4. ub9ccuc57d uba78uc885 ubc40 uc744 ub9c8uad6c uc950 ub9c8ub2e4 ubc88uc2dd uc774 ub77cuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uac00 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c....
2023-06-16 07:16:162


loud adj.大声的,吵闹的...boisterous adj.喧闹的,狂暴的 strident adj.刺耳的,吱...deafening adj.振耳欲聋的,...blare n.巨响,吼叫声;...earsplitting adj.震耳欲聋的 piercing adj.尖锐的,刺耳的...raucous adj....
2023-06-16 07:16:241


喜欢小J 漂亮
2023-06-16 07:16:477


fairy, allow,arrow,fair,tea,see,sir,too,goat,shout,show,toy, short, uralic,duck,these,shirt,phone,child
2023-06-16 07:17:013


Blare...... Suddenly, the alarm bell sounded shrill. My whole body one earthquake, earthquake. "! The earthquake came!" In the teacher"s command, we put his head in his hands, quickly hid under the table. I"m much too tall, had a tremendous effort to drilling under the table, and put the bag tightly embrace in the bosom. The classroom suddenly in perfect silence. 紧接着又一声警报响起,经老师迅速地冲了出来,站在教室门口,大声喊道:"还有余震,大家不要慌张,快跑到到楼下的操场上去!"我敏捷地拿起书包,顶在头上,冲出教室,楼道里已是人山人海,可后面的人还在如潮水般的向这边人群拥来,不一会,“逃生”路上的人越来越多。楼道已被堵的水泄不通了。但同学们都没有太多的慌乱,而是安全、有序、迅速地离开教学楼。 Followed by an alarm sounded, the teacher quickly rushed out, stood in front of the classroom, shouted: "there are aftershocks, we do not panic, run to the downstairs to the playground! "I quickly picked up the bag, at the top of his head, rushed out of the classroom, the corridor is the huge crowds of people, but behind the people still like tide crowd to the side, not for a while," more and more people to escape "the road. The corridor has blocked the bursting at the seams. But the students are not too much confusion, but safe, orderly, and quickly leave the building. 在我们“逃生”的路上,每一个楼梯口,都有老师的把守,老师站成了一道最亮丽的风景线。大约过了三分钟的“逃难”,我们全班安全到达操场上,一个不少。 On the way we "escape", every staircase, there are teacher"s guard, the teacher station became one of the most beautiful landscape. After about three minutes of "fleeing", our class arrived safely at the playground, a lot of. 从这次地震演习中,我深刻的体会到四川大地震的灾区同胞们,是多么得勇敢,多么的痛苦,又是多么的伟大。 From this earthquake drill, I deeply appreciate the Sichuan earthquake disaster areas compatriots, how brave, how painful, how great.
2023-06-16 07:17:071

关于Gosiip girl里面的Blare人物性格

2023-06-16 07:17:293


滴嗒:ticktock;tictoc. 嘟嘟:beep;toot.
2023-06-16 07:17:533


2023-06-16 07:18:183


他拍着她的肥肚子大叫太棒了英文翻译:He patted her fat belly and shouted: "that"s great."重点词汇释义:她的:her; hers肚子:belly; tummy; abdomen; paunch; tripe大叫:cry; shout; yell; ululate; blare; scream out太棒了:fantastic; terrific; amazing
2023-06-16 07:18:251


2023-06-16 07:18:322


2023-06-16 07:18:571


Once upon a time, in a certain town, there was a very lovely girl, she is not only smart beautiful and kind-hearted. The girl without mother, because her mother, when she was a little after death. The girl"s father, married a new mother come back, the new mother also bring two new sister. "Wow, this can be busy at home." The girl was so happy. Home suddenly becomes lively and lively, girl day. Because she is not only have a dad has a new mother, and two sisters. However, the girl"s excitement is short. Because, new mother don"t love a girl, even abused her. "Quick to clean, and after going to cook!" New mothers have been ordered the girl usually do on the west, but let her two daughters play on one side. Girls always beside the stove, door to work with. So the salt of the earth sisters often ridiculed, playing tricks on girls. "How dirty girl good hate!!!!" "And the dirty girl is Cinderella!" "Yes! Her name is Cinderella, Cinderella is said to be covered with a cloth dust, dirty mean!" "How interesting! Oh! Oh!" So the girl is so called "Cinderella"......... The prince in the castle sent out the invitations, inviting each family of the girl. "The dance will open in the palace, please be sure to visit." Guards shouted down the street. After the girls received the invitation to the prince, all cheered. In Cinderella"s home, two sisters also received the prince"s invitation, and very happy: "good! Go to the palace of the king must wear something nice!" "Yeah! Want to wear a prince attention beautiful clothes!" "I"m going to wear that dress? Wear shoes?" "Head to look at how do?" Two sisters completely flipped out. Come on the day of the ball. Cinderella still have to clean the room. "Cinderella, slow? Are you still don"t hurry!" My sisters began to scold Cinderella. Cinderella carrying bucket to go out and have to SOB sad cry to cry. Cinderella went to his humble small attic. See reflected on the mirror face is dust and dirt, and on the clothes so dirty again. Can not help but sad, heart good sad! "Ah! I really want to go to the prince"s ball!" Cinderella, as with other girls also want to go to the PROM. "What the party more lively, more luxuriant?" Cinderella thought of the party, the heart really excited, but this dirty dress, how can enter into the king"s palace, to the prince"s dancing party? Cinderella was very envious sisters. My sisters so excited, happily preparing, but Cinderella do chores do some cleaning and cooking. "Cinderella! Cinderella! Come on!" "Cinderella! You die to go there! Still not quick to help me, don"t hurry up, will delay the party!" My sisters yelling. Cinderella hurried to my sisters, for use, is dare not lazy at all. "Cinderella! What are you doing? Come and help me to comb a beautiful hair! Take shoes!" "Quick! Quick for me to wear clothes ah! If you don"t wear something gorgeous, prince will laugh at us humble, he forgave a disgrace." My sisters said restlessly. Honest, according to the command of my sisters, Cinderella dress for my sisters comb my hair. My sisters don"t know what to wear that dress, choose among the selected cried loudly noisy over there. However, no matter how my sisters to dress up, the salt of the earth sisters is not beautiful. The carriage. "Let"s go! Two sisters with by the mother, pretending to the top, and then went out. After the carriage, Cinderella very lonesome! She was left alone at home. How poor Cinderella! Cinderella really good sad, does he can"t go to the ball? Cinderella at the beginning of the fire smoke were crying. Although she tried to patience, but the thought of the palace of lively dance, and she couldn"t help sad. Blare...... blare...... she cried sadly alone." A: hello! A: hello! Miss! "Called suddenly someone standing behind Cinderella." Yi! "Cinderella got a fright, turned a look, there is a strange mother standing there. The old woman asked Cinderella said:" why are you crying? "" well! "Cinderella dry the tears, said:" I want to attend the prince"s party! "The old woman nodded and said," that"s not a problem, this have what difficult! "" in the palace of the ball, as long as it is, after the prince"s invitation, no matter who can go! "" but I all this dirty dress, how can go to the palace? "The old woman smiled." Good, good! You are really a good good girl, I must let you go to the prince"s dancing party. "The old woman with a crutch, tap the pumpkin on the ground." Ah! "How wonderful! In a twinkling, the pumpkin becomes a beautiful carriage. Originally the old woman was a magician! Cinderella. Old woman smile said:" look! Has the vehicle. But also lacks the horse! "Old woman cry out mice, then pick a crutch light touch mouse, mouse immediately become riders and horses." Good, can get on the bus. "Said the old woman to Cinderella. But Cinderella would not get in the car. Then the old woman said:" yi? Why unhappy? "" but...... I...... . "" oh! So that"s why! I this crazy, how you wear dirty clothes to the palace? Good! Good! You wait a moment! Jose! Jose! ......... "Read aloud, the old woman then Cinderella"s dress with a stick." Oh! "Instantly, Cinderella"s dirty clothes has become a dazzling new clothes." A: wow! How beautiful! Couldn"t help to cry out. "Cinderella Cinderella from birth to now, haven"t through this beautiful dress! Give the old woman took out a pair of beautiful glass slipper Cinderella wearing." So, you are a beautiful princess! Cinderella princess ah, you must come back before 12 o "clock... "The old woman said." Old woman, thank you, I go to! Goodbye! "Beautiful princess, princess Cinderella thrust out the carriage, the direction of the palace, the in the mind very excited and nervous. When Cinderella entered the palace hall." Ah! How beautiful! The princess of a country is this? "All eyes to look at Cinderella! Prince saw Cinderella, from the heart like her. The prince told Cinderella," would you please dance with me? "Cinderella like double butterfly, brisk, expertly dancing steps. Cinderella"s two sisters would not dream of dancing with the prince of the princess, is the Cinderella dusty." I envy the princess! You look at her and the prince so happy dancing! "" she was so beautiful, and dancing so wonderful! "Her two sisters stand in the distance, quietly whispering to each other. Cinderella and the prince jumped quite a long time, the prince really like Cinderella, he wants to know what is the princess of a country"s princess." The princess! You really is the princess of the country? "But, if the name or family know the prince and Cinderella that is bad. Because he was a magic into a princess! She must go home before 12 o "clock, but do share of the housework. 12 o "clock bell is ringing, Cinderella and the prince said:" I go now. "She scurrying to leave. The prince from behind him, then loudly say:" the princess, please wait! "Cinderella thought:" if change back to the same, that would be bad! "So she began to run, when she ran to the steps, accidentally fell and dropped a glass slipper, but she don"t tube this shoe." The princess! The princess! Please wait a moment. "She ignored shouts of prince, to speed up the feet quickly, urgent and heading out of moving in the dark castle..." Don"t go home, can be bad. "She thought. Cinderella want to sit on the carriage immediately, but can"t find the horse and cart." Worse! Worse! How to do? "Cinderella can"t find the cart, of course, because she looked carefully, with a pumpkin on the ground." Oh! "Magic disappeared. Riders and horses have become the mouse, beside running play. She also found that wearing beautiful clothes in her body, also has returned to the original dirty and a patchwork of shabby clothes." There is no way! These are all can make the magic of the cathedral, use the magic to turn me into a! "Cinderella and restore the original appearance, only dusty girl. Round the moon, high up in the night sky. Cinderella by moonlight, walking alone in the rugged trails, to the way home. She is very not easy to go home, fortunately my sisters hasn"t come back yet. Cinderella secretly sneaked in through the back door, and as usual, sitting in front of the stove lighted wood, water, sweep the floor, cooking. Since the end of the party, hurriedly separate that moment, thinking of Cinderella princess prince day and night. In the prince"s heart has decided to; to find the beautiful princess. But no matter who to ask, cannot listen the princess. The princess is the only remaining evidence of a slipper. Then the prince said to his men:" you go to find, is suitable for the shoe girl. "Subordinates with the golden shoes, only to the street vastly. They went door to door with a shoe, the search for this shoe." Not ah! "" I also not line! "Result is hard to find a suitable girl wear this shoe. The wind gradually spread throughout the entire towns, caused the uproar of the people in the street." who can wear this shoe? "Sister told Cinderella, Cinderella, in any case, you must not wear, but you also to see wear. "" yes, although it is lost, but this is rule! "Another sister looked down upon in full Cinderella said. Now Cinderella to start trying on the glass slipper." Ah! Just right! "The prince"s men eyes got roundly scream. Shoes are suitable for Cinderella foot!" Is the lady, it is the young lady, is the prince wants to find the princess! "" that"s great! To find! Miss, please back to the palace with us! The crowd yelled. "" Oh! ......... "Two sisters stunned, what a surprise! Careful on see, the beautiful princess Cinderella and face extremely similar." Bad! How to do? "The two bad sister whispering to each other." A: wow! Is the Cinderella! "" it"s Cinderella princess! "Cinderella princess, by the people in the street to sit on the carriage to the palace Mercedes. Cinderella before old and dirty clothes, put on beautiful, gorgeous and noble clothing. Because it is not magic into clothes, so, Cinderella don"t have to worry about." That"s good! To find the princess, it is too good. "The prince was very happily say:" never let you go this time. "Cinderella girl like in the dream, happy... two sisters are very afraid of don"t know how about Cinderella will give them punishment? But the kindness of Cinderella still treat them like blood sisters. Soon, Cinderella and the prince held a wedding ceremony, spectacular, very busy." A: congratulations! A: congratulations! "The soul.but about beats, everywhere. People across the country sincerely congratulate them. Cinderella lived a happy life ever after...
2023-06-16 07:19:201


2023-06-16 07:19:561

发[iu0259][εu0259][uu0259]的单词各15个 快

[iu0259]:beer, deer,clear,dear,ear,fear,career,cheer,tear,gear,near,peer,sheer,engineer,volunteer[εu0259]:air,pear,stare,stair,wear,bear,hair,rare,blare,dare,swear,fare,affair,chair,fair[uu0259]:February,sure,tour,assure,poor,tourist,usually,ensure,boor, moor, dour,lure,mature,cure,fure,pure
2023-06-16 07:20:051

His jaw fell openuff0cand he could only __________ in amazement at the incredible sight before him.

2023-06-16 07:20:132


2023-06-16 07:20:332

含有are的英语单词!急拜托各位了 3Q

area arena bare care dare fare hare mare pare rare tare ware aware blare flare glare scare share snare spare stare beware square compare declare hectare prepare unaware warfare welfare hardware software firmware glassware nightmare shareware threadbare earthenware thoroughfare 够不够??
2023-06-16 07:20:513

英语作文 我最喜欢的西餐厅 和中文作文 又见炊烟 2选一

             My favorite food    My favorite food is hamburger, I often go to Dicos during the holidays to eat. Hamburger is delicious, let me lead a person to endless aftertastes. It comprises two pieces of bread, some vegetables, fried chicken, and a little sweet and sour sauce. Delicious.I like eat hamburger the best!             My favorite food    My favorite food is hamburger, I often go to Dicos during the holidays to eat. Hamburger is delicious, let me lead a person to endless aftertastes. It comprises two pieces of bread, some vegetables, fried chicken, and a little sweet and sour sauce. Delicious.I like eat hamburger the best! 我最喜欢的食物 我最喜欢的食物是汉堡,我经常在假期中去德克士吃。汉堡包非常美味,让我回味无穷。它的配料有两块面包,一点蔬菜,炸过的鸡肉,以及一点点酸甜酱。美味极了。
2023-06-16 07:21:082


2023-06-16 07:21:182


音译 托尼Tony Blare 托尼 布莱尔 英国前首相
2023-06-16 07:21:383

天空一声巨响 老子闪亮登场用英语怎么说?

I entered gloriously with blare in the sky.
2023-06-16 07:21:521


Sue /su:i/
2023-06-16 07:22:0315


chair hair care hare where wear bear careful
2023-06-16 07:22:413


dark shark markgrass pass thusill feel hill
2023-06-16 07:22:504


2023-06-16 07:28:054


WHO has Bole and then to Maxima. Maxima often, but Ribeiro is not often. Therefore, although one horse, only to disgrace at the hands of slaves, two horses died of slots between Tochigi and not to thousands of miles that also. Ma Qianli who make a food or millet with one stone. Fresh horses were unknown to Trinidad and food also. He is a horse also, despite thousands of miles that it can, do not eat enough in the United States are no more than see it, and wants and can not be too often horses, security is also of seeking to Trinidad?
2023-06-16 07:28:134


Cats are one of the most popular and beloved pets around the world. They are known for their grace, independence, and affectionate nature. With their charming personalities and unique behaviors, cats have captured the hearts of millions of people.First of all, cats are known for their elegance and agility. They have a graceful and fluid movement that is a delight to watch. Their lithe bodies and sharp reflexes make them excellent hunters. Cats are natural acrobats, capable of jumping, climbing, and balancing with remarkable precision.In addition to their physical prowess, cats are famously independent creatures. They have a strong sense of self and often prefer to explore the world at their own pace. Cats are known for their solitary nature, which makes them ideal companions for those who appreciate quiet moments and peaceful coexistence.Despite their independence, cats can also be incredibly affectionate. They form strong bonds with their owners and often enjoy being petted and cuddled. Cats have a unique way of showing their affection through gentle head bumps, purring, and rubbing against their favorite humans. Their presence can bring a sense of comfort and companionship to any household.Cats are also fastidious groomers. They spend a significant amount of time cleaning themselves, which keeps their fur clean and shiny. This self-grooming behavior is not only hygienic but also serves as a way for cats to relax and maintain their emotional well-being.Another fascinating aspect of cats is their diverse range of personalities. Each cat has its own distinct traits and quirks, making them interesting and unpredictable companions. Some cats are outgoing and playful, while others are more reserved and observant. Their individuality adds to the charm and appeal of having a cat as a pet.In conclusion, cats are enchanting creatures that have captivated humans for centuries. Their grace, independence, and affectionate nature make them wonderful companions. Whether they are leaping through the air, curling up on your lap, or simply observing the world with their mesmerizing eyes, cats bring joy and warmth to our lives.猫是世界上最受欢迎和最受欢迎的宠物之一。 他们以优雅、独立和深情着称。 猫以其迷人的个性和独特的行为俘获了数百万人的心。首先,猫以其优雅和敏捷着称。 他们的动作优雅而流畅,令人赏心悦目。 他们柔软的身体和敏锐的反应使他们成为优秀的猎手。 猫是天生的杂技演员,能够以惊人的精确度跳跃、攀爬和保持平衡。除了体力之外,猫也是出了名的独立生物。 他们有强烈的自我意识,通常更喜欢按照自己的步调探索世界。 猫以其孤独的天性而闻名,这使它们成为那些喜欢安静时刻和和平共处的人的理想伴侣。尽管猫很独立,但它们也非常亲切。 他们与主人建立了牢固的关系,并且经常喜欢被抚摸和拥抱。 猫有一种独特的方式来表达他们的爱意,通过轻轻地撞头、发出咕噜声和在他们最喜欢的人类身上摩擦。 他们的存在可以给任何家庭带来舒适感和陪伴感。猫也是挑剔的美容师。 他们花大量时间清洁自己,这使他们的皮毛保持清洁和闪亮。 这种自我梳理行为不仅卫生,而且可以作为猫放松和保持情绪健康的一种方式。猫的另一个迷人之处是它们多样的个性。 每只猫都有自己独特的特征和怪癖,使它们成为有趣且难以预测的伙伴。 有些猫性格外向、爱玩,而另一些则比较内敛、善于观察。 他们的个性增加了将猫作为宠物的魅力和吸引力。总之,猫是迷人的生物,几个世纪以来一直让人类着迷。 他们的优雅、独立和深情的天性使他们成为很好的伙伴。 无论它们是在空中跳跃、蜷缩在您的膝上,还是只是用它们迷人的眼睛观察世界,猫都为我们的生活带来欢乐和温暖。
2023-06-16 07:28:231


1. Lana Del Rey的《Ride》 歌词 歌曲名:Ride 歌手:Lana Del Rey 专辑:Born to Die - The Paradise Edition Ride Lana Del Rey I"ve been out on that open road You can be my full time, daddy White and gold Singing blues has been getting old You can be my full time, baby Hot or cold Don"t break me down I"ve been travelin" too long I"ve been trying too hard With one pretty song I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast I am alone in the night Been tryin" hard not to get into trouble, but I I"ve got a war in my mind So, I just ride Dying young and I"m playing hard That"s the way my father made his life an art Drink all day and we talk "til dark That"s the way the road doves do it, ride "til dark. Don"t leave me now Don"t say good bye Don"t turn around Leave me high and dry I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast I am alone in the night Been tryin" hard not to get in trouble, but I I"ve got a war in my mind I just ride I"m tired of feeling like I"m f*ckin" crazy I"m tired of driving "till I see stars in my eyes I look up to hear myself saying, “Baby, too much I strive, I just ride.” I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast I am alone in the night Been tryin" hard not to get in trouble, but I I"ve got a war in my mind I just ride /song/30844629 2. ride lana del rey 中文歌词 我已经出开放的道路上, 你可以做我的全职爸爸, 白和金 演唱蓝调音乐已经越来越老 你可以做我充分的时间,宝贝 热或冷 不要打破我失望 我一直在旅行太长 我一直在试图太硬 随着一个漂亮的歌 我听到鸟儿在夏季的微风,我开快车 我独自一人在黑夜里 一直在努力不惹上麻烦,但我 我有一个在我的脑海战争 所以,我只骑 垂死的年轻和我玩硬的 这是我的父亲让他的生活是一门艺术 喝了一整天,和我们说话,直到暗 就是这样的道路鸽子做,骑直到黑暗。 现在不要离开我 不要说再见 不要回头 丢下我和干 我听到鸟儿在夏季的微风,我开快车 我独自一人在黑夜里 一直在努力不惹上麻烦,但我 我有一个在我的脑海战争 我只是骑 我已经厌倦了的感觉就像我是他妈的疯了 驱动“我累了,直到我看到星星在我的眼里 我抬头一看,听到自己说, “亲爱的,太多了,我努力,我只骑了。” 我听到鸟儿在夏季的微风,我开快车 我独自一人在黑夜里 一直在努力不惹上麻烦,但我 我有一个在我的脑海战争 我只是骑 3. Lana Del Rey 的 Yayo 歌词,求中文 I like the snake on your tattoo 我喜欢你纹身上的蛇 I like the ivy and the ink blue 我喜欢长春藤和墨水蓝的颜色 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo You have to take me right now 你现在必须带我离开 From this dark trailer park life now 离开这个黑暗的移动房屋(集装箱式的房子) Yayo How now 现在怎样 Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle 把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby dollar dress for my "I do" 用五十美元换我的‘"我愿意‘" It"ll only take o hours to Nevada 从这里到内华达只要两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama 我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy 让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger 让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演 I need you like a baby when I hold you 当我抱着你的时候你要像婴儿一般 Like a druggy, like I told you 像吸毒着一般,像我和你说过那样 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle 把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby doll dress for my "I do" 五十个玩偶穿上了"‘i do"" It"ll only take o hours to Nevada 这里到内华达只需两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama 我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy 让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger 让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演 Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel-lined With yellow lights on a dark night 你好,天堂,你是夜里一个泛着黄色光的隧道 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle 把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby doll dress for my "I do" 五十个玩偶穿上了‘" i do"" It"ll only take o hours to Nevada 这里到内华达只需两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama 我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy 让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger 让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show 让我为你呈现一场表演。 4. lana del rey––tep no的中文歌词 歌曲:Lana del Dre 演唱者:Tep No 作词:Tep No 作曲: Tep No 编曲: Tep No ever wonder why you met me 曾经想知道你为什么遇见我 fell in love of a coffee 爱上了一杯咖啡 you"re looking so damn pretty 你看起来如此该死的漂亮 i fot to breath 我忘了呼吸 now i get you call and money was hide hide cause everytime i die you save me 现在我得到你的电话和金钱是隐藏的隐藏原因每次我死了你救我 yeah i got caught on but the moon not tonight u cant stop me from missing you 是的,我被抓住了,但今晚的月亮没有你不能阻止我想念你 cause baby you are the nice thing, 因为宝贝你是美好的东西, baby know that you can do anything 婴儿知道你可以做任何事情 anything you want on your jac-lket (?) 任何你想要在你的江淮lket(?) dont u know that i believing in u , i believing in u 你不知道我相信你,我相信你 wu~wu ~wu ~wu~ wu~wu ~wu ~wu~ i believe in u 我相信你 wu~wu~wu~ wu~ wu~wu ~wu ~wu~ i believe in u 我相信你 5. lana del rey 中英文对照歌词:Lana Del Rey - Born To Die 《难逃一死》Feet don"t fail me now 脚步不再蹒跚 Take me to the finish line 我徐徐走向人生的终点线 All my heart, it breaks every step that I take 每一步 都让我的心绞痛 But I"m hoping that the gates,但我还是希望天堂的大门They"ll tell me that you"re mine 能告诉我 你就是属于我的爱Walking through the city streets 我穿过城市的大街小巷 Is it by mistake or design?这是被设计过? 还只是一次失误?I feel so alone on a Friday night 在这个周末的夜晚 我感到如此的孤独 Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you"re mine 如果我告诉你 你就是我的爱 你又是否会给我归属感 It"s like I told you honey 亲爱的 我已表达过我的爱意 Don"t make me sad, don"t make me cry 请不要让我伤心 请不要让我哭泣 Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 爱情有时让人贪得无厌 让人痛苦不堪 I don"t know why 爱情是如此的神秘 Keep making me laugh,请让我永远的欢笑 Let"s go get high 请让我永远的开心 The road is long, we carry on长路漫漫 我们携手共进 Try to have fun in the meantime 试图在路上寻找一些乐趣来慰藉痛苦 Come and take a walk on the wild side 来吧 让我们一起漫步在野地 Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 让我在倾盆大雨中与你激吻 You like your girls insane 我知道你喜欢恋人之间的狂热 Choose your last words 选好你最后要说的话 This is the last time 这是我们最后的一次机会 Cause you and I, we were born to die因为你和我 我们都难逃一死 Lost but now I am found 是你在人海中将我拯救 I can see but once I was blind 是你让我睁开了双眼 I was so confused as a little child 我曾困惑得像个懵懂的孩子 Tried to take what I could get 竭尽全力争取一切机会 Scared that I couldn"t find 亲爱的 我害怕失去你的爱 扩展资料:Lana Del Rey简介:1,拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)本名Elizabeth Grant ,1985年6月21日出生于美国纽约州,美国女歌手、词曲创作者、模特。 2,2011年6月发行首张单曲《Video Games》开始活跃于歌坛。2012年1月27日发行首张录音室专辑《Born to Die》在乐坛走红;同年2月21日获得第32届全英音乐奖国际最具突破艺人奖 。 3,2012年发行《Born to Die》的改版专辑《Born to Die – The Paradise Edition》。2013年2月在第32届全英音乐奖国际最佳女歌手奖;同年5月为电影《了不起的盖茨比》献唱插曲《Young and Beautiful》。 4,2014年凭借歌曲《Summertime Sadness》的Cedric Gervais混音版获得第56届格莱美奖最佳非古典类混音唱片奖 ;同年6月17日发行的第三张录音室专辑《Ultraviolence》,登上公告牌二百强专辑榜冠军 。5,2015年9月18日,发行第四张录音室专辑《Honeymoon》。 2017年7月21日,发行第五张录音室专辑《Lust For Life》 。 6. lana del rey 的because of you中文中文歌词 Lana Del Rey - Because Of YouOn the streets of LA在洛杉矶的街道上Where the future is now未来就在眼前We dance like nobody"s watching us我们尽情的跳舞,就像没人看着我们那样And we live like we want to我们像我们梦想的那样活着But it can all get a little crazy但这可能有点疯狂Unless there"s something to hold onto除非有东西让我们紧紧抓住For me, that was true love对我来说,那才是真爱I was a young girl, selfish and wild我是一个年轻的女孩,自私并且狂野Like a fire in LA就像在洛杉矶的火Hot like the summer and mean like a child火热的就像夏天,就像孩子Who keeps crying till she gets her way一个不停地哭直到得到自己想要的玩具如愿以偿的孩子(like a true star)像一个真正的明星There were roses in my hair, rock n roll on blare, and I was in trouble我的头发上有玫瑰花瓣,摇滚乐在耳边嘶吼,我有麻烦了And no one could rock me like you could没有人可以像你那样震撼我I was a bad girl gone good我曾是个坏女孩但我改邪归正Look at me now, I have everything看看现在的我,拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing你给了我所有,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾是一个只会买醉的人Dance on tables, makin" deal with devils ,like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, and it brought me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it"s all 。 because。 of you这所有的所有,都是因为你(you know what I"m talkin" about)(你知道我在说什么)It was a mad world, we lived for fun这是一个疯狂的世界,我们为了乐趣活着And we got shit for free我们免费得到了乐趣Had a face like an angel, but inside my heart was as black as a broke movie screen有一张天使般的面孔,但我的内心就像破碎的电影屏幕一样黑暗(It was pretty sad)(这真悲伤)But then I saw you standing there, like a millionaire但我看到你站在那里,像一个百万富翁Give me a number, call me before I get stupid给我留下号码,在我迷失之前打给我Make me uncrazy like you did就像你之前那样做的让我清醒Look at me now看看现在的我I have everything我拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing这一切都是你给的我,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾是一个只会买醉的人Dance on tables, makin" deal with devils like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, but you brought me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it"s all 。 这一切because。 of you都是因为你It isn"t hard to see, you got a hold on me, give me your money, love me to death不难看出,你抓住了我的心,把你的钱给我,爱我直到你生命的最后一刻Talk like a baby, cause I"m so elated说话像个婴儿,因为我是如此兴奋You tell me that你告诉我I ain"t seen nothing quite yet我还什么都没有看到(I don"t wanna lose it, I"m in love, but I didn"t choose it)(我不想失去它,我的爱,但是我没有选择它)Roses in my hair头发上的玫瑰花瓣dancing in the air, feels like I"m flying在空中飞舞,感觉就像我在飞Tell me you love me, boy, do it告诉我你爱我,亲爱的,告诉我It"s just like I thought,正如我所想的那样I just knew it现在我才发觉Look at me now, I have everything看看现在的我,我拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing这一切都是你给的我,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾经只是个买醉的人Dance on tables, makin" deal with devils like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, you bring me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it"s all 。 because。 of you这一切,都是因为你Yeah it"s all.. because。 of you这一切,都是因为有你。 7. Lana Del Rey的《Yayo》 歌词 歌曲名:Yayo 歌手:Lana Del Rey 专辑:Born to Die - The Paradise Edition Yayo Lana Del Rey I like the snake on your tattoo I like the Ivy and the Ink blue Yayo, yeah you Yayo You have to take me right now From this dark trailer park Life now Yayo, how now Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle Fifty baby doll dress for my "I do" It only take o hours to Nevada I wear your sparkle You call me your mama Let me put on a show for you daddy Let me put on a show Let me put on a show for you tiger Ahhh-ah-ah Let me put on a show I need you like A baby when i hold you Like a druggy Like I told you Yayo, yeah you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle Fifty baby doll dress for my "I do" It only take o hours to Nevada I wear your sparkle You call me your mama Let me put on a show for you daddy Let me put on a show Let me put on a show for you tiger Ahhh-ah-ah Let me put on a show Hello Heaven You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights On a dark nite (Dark night) Yayo Yeah you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle Fifty baby doll dress for my "I do" It only take o hours to Nevada I wear your sparkle You call me your mama Let me put on a show for you daddy Let me put on a show Let me put on a show for you tiger Let me put on a show /song/30845127 8. lana del rey west cost 中文歌词 West Coast - Lana Del Rey 西海岸 Down on the West Coast, they got a sayin" 漫步于西海沿岸,那里流传着一句俗语: "If you"re not drinkin", then you"re not playin"" “若你不喝个酩酊大醉,就无法激起玩音乐的兴致。” But you"ve got the music 但即使你滴酒不沾 You"ve got the music in you, don"t you? 你亦能朝歌夜弦,日夜笙歌,永不停歇,不是吗? Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like 置身于西海沿岸,我预感到这一切都终将发生 It all could happen that"s why I"m leaving you for the moment,You for the moment 所以啊,迫于无奈的我不得不暂时离开你 Boy Blue, yeah you 我的布鲁斯男孩 You"re feelin" hot at the show, I"m feelin" hot to the touch 你在音乐节上热血沸腾地弹奏,每一次触碰如同灼热烈火,我离开你愈发艰难 You say you"ll miss me the most, I say I"ll miss you so much 你说我是你的挚爱,你将永远想念我。我们互诉衷肠,彼此想念。 Something keeps me real quiet, I"m alive I"m a-lush 但有些事情却又不得不令我陷入沉默,我醉生而梦死 Your love, your love, your love 犹豫不决,踌躇不前,难离难舍 I can see my baby swingin" 我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠 His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up 当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火 On the balcony and I"m singing 我在阳台上放声歌唱 Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in love 噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,我已坠入爱河 I can see my sweet boy swayin" 我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔 He"s crazy and Cubano call my only love 蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌 On the balcony and I"m saying 我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道 Move baby, move baby, I"m in love 摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去 I"m in love I"m in love 我已沉醉其中 Down on the West Coast, they got their icons 沉溺于西海沿岸,他们心中各怀圣像 Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigon 好莱坞里闪耀着银光的新生女星,他们心中唯一的圣贡女皇 But you"ve got the music,you"ve got the music in you, don"t you? 即使你心中毫无信仰,你的灵魂早已和音乐融为一体了,不是吗? Down on the West Coast, they love their movies 情陷于西海沿岸 ,他们痴迷于老电影 Their golden gods and Rock n Roll groupies 他们有金光耀耀的黄金神像和死忠于摇滚的狂迷 And you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music in you, don"t you? 然而你不被外物所扰,你未曾在歌迷中的鲜花与欢呼声中迷失自我,不是吗? You push it hard up all the way, I"m feeling hot and on fire 你牵着我的手一路狂奔,我的心如烈火般熊熊燃烧 I guess that no one ever really made me feel I"m a child 我猜从未有人像你那样令我像个孩童般无拘无束地疯闹,自由洒脱,放荡不羁。 Didn"t say you gotta know, Boy, it"s you I desire 就算我不承认你也一定知道。 我只渴望拥有你 Your love, your love, your love 你的肉身,你的灵魂,你的全部 I can see my baby swingin" 我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠 His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up 当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火 On the balcony and I"m singing 我在阳台上放声歌唱 Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in love 我爱你,让我们一起携手共度难关 I can see my sweet boy swayin" 我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔 He"s crazy y Cubano o yo my love 蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌 On the
2023-06-16 07:28:491


Dear parentsHow are you recently? Hope you guys have a lot of good times.I am very well in the University. Nowadays, i get used to the life of our university. We have some lessens in each week.I study very hard with my roommates who are funny people. We help each other and have meal together like a family.We usually get up at 7 am in the morning. Then we have some breakfast and go to our classroon.We all like the good lessens from our university teacher. At noon, we have some lunch and go back dormitory to take a nap. At 1:40 pm, we have another class. Generally it is not as busy as middle school.At first, i do not used to go to library to study by myself. It is hard for me to study myself without teachers homework. Now my friend help me to make a plan for myself. I am self-planed and have a goal now.Do not worry about me.I like the college life very much.See you guys soon.Best regardTonny Blare
2023-06-16 07:29:051