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2023-06-16 02:25:11
TAG: elt funeral
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

Emily Dickinson

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,
And Mourners to and fro
Kept treading--treading--till it seemed
That Sense was breaking through--

And when they all were seated,
A Service, like a Drum--
Kept beating--beating--till I thought
My Mind was going numb--

And then I heard them lift a Box
And creak across my Soul
With those same Boots of Lead, again,
Then Space--began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,
And Being, but an Ear,
And I, and Silence, some strange Race
Wrecked, solitary, here--

And then a Plank in Reason, broke,
And I dropped down, and down--
And hit a World, at every plunge,
And finished knowing--then--

在脑中, 我感受到--葬礼,

葬礼仪式, 像只鼓


存在, 就像是只耳朵
翻覆於此, 孤单寂寞

然後理性的支架, 崩裂,
我掉落, 又掉落



2023-06-16 01:45:281


.葬礼, 出殡
2023-06-16 01:45:384


funeral读语音: 英音[u02c8fju:nu0259ru0259l] 美音[u02c8fjunu0259ru0259l] funeral funeral 基本解释n. 葬礼,丧礼;〈比喻〉不愉快的事,操心的事,有关系的事adj. 葬礼的;出殡用的,出殡时的funeral 变化形式复数: funerals所属分类:CET4TEM4IELTS考 研CET6中文词源funeral 葬礼来自拉丁语funus, 死亡,葬礼仪式,可能来自PIE*dheu, 死,词源同die, dead.funeral 用法和例句提示:Her funeral was held in beijing on january 8 .她的葬礼于一月八日在北京举行。Funeral etiquette has almost expired in this anything-goes age .在这个没有不可能的时代中,丧葬礼节几乎已经隐没了。Bitterness deepens with each injury and funeral .每一位伤者和葬礼加深了苦难。He did not want an elaborate funeral .他不想让葬礼奢华浪费。
2023-06-16 01:46:281


2023-06-16 01:46:371


funeral记忆方法:第一联想点:葬礼-->儿(儿参加他百岁父亲的葬礼)-->er-->funera例句:1、She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.(整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。)2、Only the nearest relatives were present at the funeral.(只有几位近亲参加了葬礼。)3、This funeral stopped the further growth of one thing—the petition to the governor for Injun Joe"spardon.(这个葬礼阻止了一件事的进一步发展——向州长请愿,要求赦免印第安·乔。)4、The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3:00.(葬礼将在今天下午3点举行。)5、Hundreds of people attended the funeral.(数百人参加了葬礼。)6、People from across the world gathered in London to hear Big Ben"s last chime and some of them even cried,as if they were attending a friend"s funeral.(来自世界各地的人们聚集在伦敦,聆听大本钟的最后一次钟声,其中一些人甚至哭了,就像在参加朋友的葬礼一样。)
2023-06-16 01:46:451


2023-06-16 01:47:121

问 这些个英语funeral;finance;prince 怎么读?

葬礼 :佛一"呢肉金融:发挨"囡斯王子:泼润斯英文单词用中文字标记实在是无法做到一致,很多细节是没法表达出来的,不会拼音标可以下软件直接搜索单词,有单词的读音示例 比如有道,扇贝,金山词典之类
2023-06-16 01:47:432


歌曲名:The Funeral歌手:Gary Chang专辑:The Island Of Dr. Moreauby Band Of HorsesI"m coming up onlyTo hold you underI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongAnd to know youIs hard we wanderTo know you all wrongWe wonReally to late toCall so be waiting forMorning to wake youIs hard begunTo know me as hardBe goin" madIs to know me all wrong(be mud)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralEvery occasion once moreIt"s called the funeralEvery occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralAnd every occastionOf one billion day, funeralI"m coming up onlyTo show you down fledI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongTo the outside of the debbyThe analougeFor days and countriesHang there long(not sure, if part right)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralAnd every occasion, once moreIt"s called "the funeral"And every occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralEvery occasionOf one billion day... funeral
2023-06-16 01:48:031

如何评价Arcade Fire的首张专辑《Funeral》
2023-06-16 01:48:123

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

hokages funeral (hokage"s funeral)正如第一次出现,就是“火影的葬礼仪式”的意思 看火影的人都知道,hokage是日语,音译过来的,意为“火影” funeral是英语,意为“葬礼仪式” 在火影中,该曲出现过4次: First,第80集,三代火影的葬礼仪式开始时 Second,第93集,纲手对过去的回忆与怀念时 Third,第116-117集,就是宁次与鬼童丸战斗结束后,是宁次的回忆 (我要更正:宁次没有死!宁次也不会死!木叶的天才少年之一,日向一族的得意继承人,死得太早,岸本是不同意的!!) Forth,第134集,ZZ的千鸟与MR的螺旋丸相击后....
2023-06-16 01:48:211

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

funeral parlour殡仪馆双语对照词典结果:funeral parlour[英][u02c8fju:nu0259ru0259l u02c8pɑ:lu0259][美][u02c8fjunu0259ru0259l u02c8pɑrlu025a]n.殡仪馆; 复数:funeral parlours1.N-COUNT殡仪馆A funeral parlour is a place where a funeral director works and where dead people are prepared for burial or cremation.语法信息in AM,use 美国英语用funeral home例句:1.At night traylor slept in a funeral parlour or a shoe shop.夜晚他就睡在殡仪馆或者鞋铺.2.A bustling little man led them into the funeral parlour.一个忙碌的小个子将他们领进了殡仪馆.3.On stalham high street,locals grumble,businesses such as a greengrocer,fishmonger,bakery,butcher and aconvenience store have closed,to be replaced by charity shops,chinese takeaways and ( prompting mordantjokes) a funeral parlour.在斯塔尔汉姆的大街上,本地人嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨,蔬菜水果店、鱼贩、面包店、肉铺和便利店等等这些生意都关门了,被慈善店、中国外卖店和殡仪馆(这引起了很多尖刻的笑话)所取代.4.The road between the diamond hill funeral parlour and the china light power electric sub-station.介乎钻石山殡仪馆与中电电力站的道路.5.Funeral civilization is the virtue of chinese nation,let funeral household bid farewell to traditional wood coffin forgreater civilization at the time of cremation,and that is solace of funeral parlour to the family members of thedeceased.丧葬文明是中华民族的美德,让丧户在告别传统的木馆,火化时更加文明,是殡仪馆对丧者家属极大安慰.
2023-06-16 01:48:301

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

2023-06-16 01:48:371

The Funeral 歌词

歌曲名:The Funeral歌手:Merle Haggard专辑:Let Me Tell You About A Songby Band Of HorsesI"m coming up onlyTo hold you underI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongAnd to know youIs hard we wanderTo know you all wrongWe wonReally to late toCall so be waiting forMorning to wake youIs hard begunTo know me as hardBe goin" madIs to know me all wrong(be mud)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralEvery occasion once moreIt"s called the funeralEvery occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralAnd every occastionOf one billion day, funeralI"m coming up onlyTo show you down fledI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongTo the outside of the debbyThe analougeFor days and countriesHang there long(not sure, if part right)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralAnd every occasion, once moreIt"s called "the funeral"And every occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralEvery occasionOf one billion day... funeral
2023-06-16 01:48:451

The Funeral 歌词

歌曲名:The Funeral歌手:Gary Chang专辑:The Island Of Dr. Moreauby Band Of HorsesI"m coming up onlyTo hold you underI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongAnd to know youIs hard we wanderTo know you all wrongWe wonReally to late toCall so be waiting forMorning to wake youIs hard begunTo know me as hardBe goin" madIs to know me all wrong(be mud)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralEvery occasion once moreIt"s called the funeralEvery occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralAnd every occastionOf one billion day, funeralI"m coming up onlyTo show you down fledI"m coming up onlyTo show you wrongTo the outside of the debbyThe analougeFor days and countriesHang there long(not sure, if part right)And every occasionI"ll be ready for the funeralAnd every occasion, once moreIt"s called "the funeral"And every occasionOf i"m ready for the funeralEvery occasionOf one billion day... funeral
2023-06-16 01:48:521


造的好 不错
2023-06-16 01:49:121


口语中习惯用法,意思是“这事应由你负责, 后果应由你承担。”
2023-06-16 01:49:213


在火影中,以我所知 该曲出现过4次:First,第80集,三代火影的葬礼仪式开始时Second,第93集,纲手对过去的回忆与怀念时Third,第116-117集,就是宁次与鬼童丸战斗结束后,是宁次的回忆(我要更正:宁次没有死!宁次也不会死!木叶的天才少年之一,日向一族的得意继承人,死得太早,岸本是不同意的!!)Forth,第134集,ZZ的千鸟与MR的螺旋丸相击后.hokages funeral (hokage"s funeral)正如第一次出现,就是“火影的葬礼仪式”的意思看火影的人都知道,hokage是日语,音译过来的,意为“火影”funeral是英语,意为“葬礼仪式”作者:HOGSKING作曲背景我就不得而知了.我认为火影的插曲都不错,(除了大蛇丸的音乐),可以听听!
2023-06-16 01:49:291


2023-06-16 01:49:361

funeral parlor是什么意思

funeral parlor[英][u02c8fju:nu0259ru0259l u02c8pɑ:lu0259][美][u02c8fjunu0259ru0259l u02c8pɑrlu025a]n.殡仪馆; 例句:1.Now jeannie has a husband and son in jail and a mother in the funeral parlor. 现在珍妮的老公和孩子在牢里,妈妈在殡仪馆。2.At the same time, more and more wedding couples in order to save costs, choose tosalute the funeral parlor oath. 同时,越来越多的新人为节省婚礼开支,选择在殡仪馆宣誓行礼。
2023-06-16 01:49:441


"in funeral" 和 "on funeral" 都是常见的表达方式,但是它们的含义略有不同。 "in funeral" 表示在葬礼期间,通常指一个人参加了葬礼。"on funeral" 通常不是用来描述参与葬礼,而是用于描述事情发生的时间,例如:“我在葬礼上看到了他。” 因此,两种表达方式都是正确的,但是它们的含义是不同的,需要根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式。
2023-06-16 01:49:521

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

hokages funeral: 宁次之死亲,满意我的回答么?满意还请给采纳!或者你可以继续问我哦。
2023-06-16 01:50:092


2023-06-16 01:50:292

funeral procession是什么意思

2023-06-16 01:50:398

Living funeral的歌词翻译是?

她左跑了外面, 她党及早。剥去她的礼服, 她得到了她长袜肮脏。站立在雨中, 她发誓she"d 再从未受伤, 虽然她认为在she"d 摒弃的夜以前轻微地影响了。晚餐为五, she"d 留给女主人搁浅。她相当导致了一个场面, 投掷她的餐巾下来和上升, 客人假装那他们hadn"t 被看见她火熊熊。 酒杯被填装了, 因为她开始燃烧在桌。通知她寓言, 那这是她的生存葬礼, 今晚。这今晚是她的生存葬礼。 如此传奇去, 晚餐恶化。当她didn"t 回归, 客人和他们哀悼退了色。跑通过雨, 她发誓she"d 从未看见再他们虽然她认为轻微地是deranged 。 这是她的生存葬礼。这今晚是她的生存葬礼。 出勤能是更好, 她能穿着一件另外毛线衣。这今晚是她的生存葬礼
2023-06-16 01:51:111


问题一:丧事花圈用英语怎么说 翻译结果: The funeral wreaths 丧事 funeral arrangement;beravement更多释义>> [网络短语] 丧事 funeralarrangements;mourning;funeral 丧事舞蹈 funeral dance 办丧事 conduct a funeral 问题二:花圈的中文翻译成英文 1.Millions of pounds翻译:百万英镑 2.Huckleberry Finn adventures翻译:哈克贝利u30fb历险记 3.The adventures of Tom Sawyer翻译:汤姆u30fb索亚历险记 问题三:花圈挽联称呼怎么写 1 )、挽联一般都是左侧一条写词,右侧一条写XX敬挽,等等。没有在挽联下方落款的。如:左 悼念XX千古;右 友XX敬挽。2 )、千古一词,一般用于对社会有功绩的人。普通挽联上款下面应写上;男的、灵佑、女的、仙逝等词。下款还要写上挽、敬挽、拜挽、泣挽、顿首拜挽等3 )、1.挽联 挽联是集体或个人哀悼去世者所写的对联(可贴在门口、骨灰盒两侧、追悼会会场两侧、花圈上)。 格式:要求上联与下联辞意相对相辅,句式仍要对偶,字数相等。 2.面朝门立 上联在右,下联在左。上联常用悼念XX,下联常用&q亥ot;XX敬挽。 3.范例: (上)称呼XXX先生千古 (下)辈分XXX、XXX敬挽 。 问题四:花用英语怎么写? flower n. 花, 花卉; 花状装饰物 精华 盛时; 少壮; 青春 [pl. ]词藻 [pl. ]【化】华; (发酵时的)泡沫 细粉末 月经或月经排出物 the national flower 国花 the flower of the youth of the country 国家的优秀青年 in the flowers of speech 华丽的词藻(常含讽刺意味) flowers of sulphur 硫华 习惯用语 as wele as flowers in May 极受欢迎的; 盼望已久的; 极合时宜的 bring into flower 使开花 e into flower 开始开花 in (full) flower 开着花; 盛开, 成就之最高峰 in the flower of one"s life 在年富力强时期 in the flower of one"s age 在年富力强时期 The May F- 五月花号 (1620年英国清教徒初次去美洲时所乘的船名) no flowers (by request) 花圈敬辞(讣文用语); [转]没有同情或悼念的表示 Printer"s flower (书籍章末卷尾的)补白花饰; sprinkle theflowers [美俚]散发贿赂, 分配贿款 the flower of the flock 家中最好的孩子; 某一集体中出类拔萃的人物 收起更多词典 问题五:英语单词翻译 producers n.生产者 main adj.主要的 industry n.工业 position n.位置;职务 actors n.男演员 amount n.数量、总额 international adj.国际的 earphones n.听筒 folk n.[ pl.]人们adj.民间的 cowboys n.牛仔 classical adj.古典的 instruments n.仪器;乐器 orchestra n.管弦乐队 symphonies n.交响乐 munication n.交流 alphabet n.字母表 aloud adv.大声地 surroundings n.周围的事物 surround vt.包围;环绕 paint n./v.油漆 messy adj.肮脏的 creative adj.有创造性的 imagine vt.想象 reality n.现实 preschool role n.角色 model n.模型 adj.模范的 caretaker n.看门人 eager adj.热切的 cuyious拼写错误 clients n.委托人,当事人,顾客 powerful激 adj.强大的,有力的 scary 恐怖的 long-term 长期 effects n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物 vt.实现,引起 responsibility n.责任;义务 deaf adj.聋的 ordinary adj.普通的 earwax decibels n.分贝(音量的单位) government n. *** stadium n.运动场,体育场 designed n./vt.设计; capital n.首都;大写字母 mainlanders mainland n.大陆 relations n.关系;亲戚 among prep.在…之中;在…之间 ray n.光线,射线 trace vt.查出n.痕迹 electricity n.电 governed vt.统治,治理,管理;支配,影响 uncovering vt.揭露,暴露 dusty adj.灰蒙蒙的;粉状的 valley n.山谷 stey 拼写错误 stay vi.逗留;保持 vt.停止,延缓 n.逗留,停留 treasure n.财富;珍品 vt.珍爱(视) 问题六:我的劲舞团安装好了,但是不知道为什么怎么也进不去,谁能告诉我这是为什么? 由于官网提供的不是最新版本的客户端,通常安装游戏后还需要下载并安装手动补丁才可以正常运行~ 由于造成无法运行的原因很多,若还有问题请补充~ 问题七:英语翻译flower flower ["flau?] n. 花;精华;开花植物 vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛 vt. 使开花;用花装饰 问题八:英文单词翻译 意思就是边吃午饭边聊,聊商务事宜 就像brunch是由breakfast和lunch组合起来的单词,意思是早中饭 这样能理解了吧 问题九:敬献花篮英语怎么说 laid wreaths e。g。 Relatives laid wreaths on the grave 死者亲属在墓前献了花圈。
2023-06-16 01:51:181


2023-06-16 01:51:2711

看门狗游戏里的音乐Funeral Singers歌词

2023-06-16 01:51:502


玫瑰花的葬礼 Rose"s funeral
2023-06-16 01:51:584


attend one"s Memorial service
2023-06-16 01:52:165


2023-06-16 01:52:441


2023-06-16 01:52:521


2023-06-16 01:53:011


2023-06-16 01:53:081


2023-06-16 01:53:161


2023-06-16 01:53:371


2023-06-16 01:53:441


2023-06-16 01:53:522


2023-06-16 01:53:591

The Funeral 歌词

歌曲名:The Funeral 歌手:Mr Selwyn 专辑:Zone 5 by Band Of Horses I"m ing up only To hold you under I"m ing up only To show you wrong And to know you Is hard we wander To know you all wrong We won Really to late to Call so be waiting for Morning to wake you Is hard begun To know me as hard Be goin" mad Is to know me all wrong (be mud) And every occasion I"ll be ready for the funeral Every occasion once more It"s called the funeral Every occasion Of i"m ready for the funeral And every occastion Of one billion day,funeral I"m ing up only To show you down fled I"m ing up only To show you wrong To the outside of the debby The *** ouge For days and countries Hang there long (not sure,if part right) And every occasion I"ll be ready for the funeral And every occasion,once more It"s called "the funeral" And every occasion Of i"m ready for the funeral Every occasion Of one billion day...funeral
2023-06-16 01:54:181

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

在火影中,以我所知 该曲出现过4次: First,第80集,三代火影的葬礼仪式开始时 Second,第93集,纲手对过去的回忆与怀念时 Third,第116-117集,就是宁次与鬼童丸战斗结束后,是宁次的回忆 (我要更正:宁次没有死!宁次也不会死!木叶的天才少年之一,日向一族的得意继承人,死得太早,岸本是不同意的!!) hokages funeral (hokage"s funeral)正如第一次出现,就是“火影的葬礼仪式”的意思 看火影的人都知道,hokage是日语,音译过来的,意为“火影” funeral是英语,意为“葬礼仪式” 我认为火影的插曲都不错,(除了大蛇丸的音乐),可以听听!
2023-06-16 01:54:271

有谁能帮我解释一下“hokages funeral”是什么意思么

hokage,日语音译,意思是“火影”。hokage"s funeral:火影的葬礼
2023-06-16 01:54:341

求I felt a funeral in my brain和I died for beauty ,but was scarce 的分析

Analysis of Elements of Poetry Used by Emily Dickinson1。In Emily Dickinson"s “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” the speaker tells of the loss of her mind. It is an allegorical description of her feeling that the normal function of her mind had ended, just as the normal function of a person happens when they die. The “funeral in her brain” is a metaphor for the death of the mind. According to Paul deMann, “Thus the allegory of the funeral attempts to exteriorize and give a temporal structure to what is in fact interior and simultaneous.” By utilizing the most common of events, the speaker alienates herself from her feelings and can freely express her thoughts without addressing that these thoughts are her own torments of the mind. It allows her the freedom to present what tortures her most, without granting us permission to enter into the privacy of her own feelings. This makes sense in that the poem begins with her “feeling” the funeral, then describing, not “feeling” throughout the narrative of the funeral, until the middle of the second to last stanza, when she returns to her own reaction of the event, and informs us that it is about what is happening to her inside of herself, and we are reminded that it is an allegorical representation of her mental state and not the story of an actual funeral. Cynthia Griffin Wolf tells us that “Without the systematic, articulated ceremony of the funeral rites, a reader might have no idea what the speaker was describing, and the poem would lack coherence and unity; without the steady distortion of the terms by which self is defined, the reader could not apprehend the full experiential anguish of the process.” ---2。Welcome to the land of symbols, imagery, and wordplay. Before you travel any further, please know that there may be some thorny academic terminology ahead. Never fear, Shmoop is here. Check out our "How to Read a Poem" section for a glossary of terms.A FuneralThis poem is way more fun if you imagine there"s really a funeral inside this woman"s mind. A bunch of tiny people have crawled in through her ear and set up a tiny society for themselves – kind of like those cartoon elves who live inside a tree and bake cookies all day (how did they get inside that tree?!). Anyway, the funeral is not a simile; it"s a metaphor. Her mind doesn"t just feel like a funeral; the funeral is really taking place. Funerals are religious services, and this one is clearly a Christian funeral of the kind you might find at a quaint Protestant church in Dickinson"s hometown of Amherst, Massachusetts. Well, you might if you lived in the 19th century.u2022Line 1: We can"t say it enough: the funeral is a metaphor, not a simile! The speaker doesn"t use telltale words like "like" or "as" that would identify the funeral as a simile. Moreover, it"s an extended metaphor, because it continues throughout the entire poem.u2022Line 2: The treading of the Mourners "to and fro," or back and forth, introduces a motif of repetitive sounds of motions.u2022Lines 5-6: Ah, now there"s a simile. Dickinson compares the service to a drum using that telltale word "like."u2022Line 9: We assume that the "Box" means the casket in which the body of the dead person will be buried.u2022Lines 12-13: In this simile, space is compared to a ringing bell. You might think we had left behind the extended funeral metaphor, but Dickinson seems to be describing the end of the service, when it was customary to ring the church bells.Body, Mind, and SoulDickinson mixes references to physical, intellectual, and spiritual reality as if all three were really the same reality, after all. She seems to make no distinction between the "Brain" and the "Mind," for example. If you really wanted to dig into this poem, you could write a whole paper on the different ways in which the speaker refers to parts of herself.u2022Line 1: The central metaphor of the poem is that there is a funeral going on inside the speaker"s brain. Unlike "mind," which refers to the powers of intelligence, "brain" usually refers to the physical mass inside our skulls: the grey matter.u2022Line 4: "Sense" – the ability to perceive objects with our senses – is compared metaphorically to something "breaking" through the floor of the room where the funeral is being held.u2022Line 8: Dickinson is super-sneaky here. The "Mind" can"t go "numb," because minds are not physical objects. Rather, the mind is the location of our intelligence. "Numb" is a metaphor.u2022Line 9: In this continuation of the funeral metaphor, the "Soul" is compared to the wooden floor that the mourners walk over with the casket.u2022Line 14: "Being" is the most general word that the speaker uses to describe herself. It means, simply, "Existence."u2022Line 17: Whereas, in line 9, the "Soul" was compared to a wood floor, now the metaphor shifts slightly and "Reason" is the floor that breaks. Does Dickinson think "Reason" and "Soul" are the same thing?WeightUsually, to "walk all over someone" is just a figure of speech, but the speaker of the poem is actually being walked on. In our reading of the poem, the speaker is represented as either being the wood floor, as being below the wood floor, or as being in a coffin that rests on the floor. The language of creaking and breaking earlier in the poem puts us on notice that the floor isn"t exactly safe. Sure enough, one of the planks breaks, and the speaker goes tumbling, tumbling down.u2022Lines 3-4: These lines introduce the idea that the speaker is being "walked on."u2022Line 10: The mourners carrying the coffin "creak" across her soul as if it were a wood floor. Watch out! That thing"s not stable!u2022Line 11: Hard to tell if this line is a metaphor that means "super, ridiculously heavy boots," or if they really are wearing boots made of one of the heaviest elements on earth.u2022Line 17: In this metaphor, reason is compared to the wood floor. A plank in the floor breaks, causing the speaker to begin an epic fall.u2022Line 19: The speaker hits a "World" at every stage of her fall. We think this is a metaphor, if only we knew what she meant by "World."SoundIf this poem had a soundtrack, it would be a bunch of loud, percussive noises, crackling, and footsteps. The speaker seems to be someplace where she can"t actually see the funeral take place. But she hears everything. In the fourth stanza, she compares herself explicitly to a giant ear. She feels violated by all this noise – she can"t control whether she hears it or not.u2022Line 6: This simile likens the funeral service to the beating of a drum.u2022Line 9: The speaker hears – but doesn"t see – the mourners creak across her soul. Maybe she is underneath the wood floor, listening to the funeral above.u2022Lines 12-14: These lines contain an extended simile. The Heavens are compared to a bell and Being to an ear.u2022Line 15: "Silence" is personified as someone belonged to the same "strange Race" as the speaker. Silence and the speaker sound lonely.
2023-06-16 01:54:421

Subway Funeral 歌词

歌曲名:Subway Funeral歌手:Thursday专辑:Common Existence [Deluxe Edition]Thursday - Subway FuneralSurprise, surpriseEverything you know will flash before your eyesYou"re frozen with your hands against the glassI"m seeing bright lightsI"m hearing sharpened knivesI"m praying to a neon signAs I wait for this severed line to take meNobody calledSurprise, surpriseWhen a sparrow falls, we go about our livesWe"re busy counting grains of sandI follow red birdsI follow lost wordsI"ll follow you into the darkWe"re running for the deadAll the time I wait to see your faceThat"s what it all comes down to at 42nd and 5thAll the time I wait to hear your voiceAt Grand Central StationAll the time I wait to see your faceThat"s what it all comes down to at 46th and FlintAll the time I wait to hear your voiceAt Willis Point and SheaEvery passing secondI feel it slip awayAll of this we used to watch and playAll around it"s clear that I"ve been changedThis will never endBut every time I think I see a trainIt just closed a doorAnd the subway funeral is underwayMovie starts to playWatch the thunder of his screamFor a single frame where I know we"re still aliveBut it fades to the graveThe subway funeral is everywhereEvery night I see your face on a passing trainEvery inch of track is a sacred path that I followI followIt"s a silver thread hanging from the hem of heavenAnd you"re tied to other endA needle that"s been buried in the hayBut I"ll find you, I"ll find youEvery night I take a rideOn a subway funeral that never endsNever gone to say goodbyeAnd that"s the subway funeral that"s in my heart
2023-06-16 01:54:501

求Band of horses的the funeral歌词中文翻译.

即时通讯未来只 你下举行 即时通讯未来只 向您显示错误 并知道你 很难我们漫步 知道你们都错了 我们赢了 Ooooohh oooohh Ooooohhhoohhhhooh 真的晚 电话,以便在等待 早上醒来你 很难开始 知道我的努力 被布莱恩"疯了 是知道我错了 (是泥) 和每一个场合 虐待准备葬礼 每次再次 其所谓的葬礼 每次 对IM准备葬礼 和每一个occastion 的十亿天葬礼 即时通讯未来只 向您展示了逃离 即时通讯未来只 向您显示错误 外面的黛比 在analouge 几天和国家 杭长有 (不知道是正确的) Oooohhhohhhhhh Oooooohooooooh 和每一个场合 虐待准备葬礼 和每一个场合再次 其所谓的葬礼 和每一个场合 对IM准备葬礼 每次 的十亿天葬礼
2023-06-16 01:54:582


2023-06-16 01:55:075


He passed away at his age.
2023-06-16 01:55:303


2023-06-16 01:55:4214


  笑话作为一种城市化的民间口头创作体裁,是一种重要的交际手段。我精心收集了有关于英文小笑话,供大家欣赏学习!   有关于英文小笑话:Catching A Tan   Joan, who was a rather well-proportioned secretary, spent almost all of her vacationsunbathing on the roof of her hotel. She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan. She"d hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs. She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her rear. "Excuse me, miss," said the flustered assistant manager of the hotel, out of breath from running up the stairs. "The Hilton doesn"t mind your sunbathing on the roof, but we would very much appreciate your wearing a bathing suit as you did yesterday." "What difference does it make?" Joan asked rather calmly. "No one can see me up here, and besides, I"m covered with a towel." "Not exactly," said the embarrassed man. "You"re lying on the dining room skylight."   有关于英文小笑话:Bad Language   A young couple got married and left on their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride immediately called her mother.   Her mother asked, "How was the honeymoon?"   "Oh, mama," she replied, "the honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic..."   Suddenly she burst out crying. "But, mama, as soon as we returned Sam started using the most horrible language...things I"d never heard before!   I mean, all these awful 4-letter words! You"ve got to come get me and take me home.... Please mama!"   "Sarah, Sarah," her mother said, "calm down! Tell me, what could be so awful? What 4-letter words?"   "Please don"t make me tell you, mama," wept the daughter, "I"m so embarrassed they"re just too awful! Come get me, please!"   "Darling, baby, you must tell me what has you so upset....Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter words!"   Still sobbing, the bride said, "Oh, mama...words like DUST, WASH, IRON, COOK...!"   有关于英文小笑话:Don"t Step On A Duck!   Three young women in there thirties are on a road trip and are tearing down the freeway. unfortunatley, they lose control, the car flips over the guard rail on to the opposite lanes and gets smashed by an eighteen wheeler.   Up at the pearly gates, all three of them are greeted by St. Peter. He tells them. "All of you led very good lives down on earth, so all of you will be asmitted into paradise. The only rule: DON"T STEP ON THE DUCKS."   confused, they all ask "um...what?"   St. Peter says "if you step on one duck, it quacks. if a duck quacks, other ducks will start quacking,"ll see."   With that, the gates opened and the three waltzed inside. And, sure enough, All of heaven is covered with ducks. there is almost no room to walk with the millions of ducks.   a day of careful stepping later, the first woman steps on a duck. seconds later, every single duck in heaven is quacking. it"s so loud the women aren"t suprised if earth could hear it. hours later, when the quacking ceased, an angel appears with a ver ugly man and chains him to the lady and tells her this is her eternal punishment for the duck-stepping.   Not wanting the same fate, the other two women become very cautious for the next week, but sure enough, the second lady steps on a duck.   she gets the same punishment as the first lady.   The third lady becomes so careful that, a year-and-a-half later, she is still duck-free. then, an angel appears next to her with a very handsome man and chains him to her.   Thinking that this must be a reward for her good-doing she asks the man gleefully "What did I do to deserve this?"   And the man replies with a grimace, "I don"t know about you, but I stepped on a duck."   有关于英文小笑话:Poor Skunk   There was a man and his wife walking down the road on their way home.   The wife saw a baby skunk laying in the grass, so she decided to take it home and take care of it.   On the way home they came up to a river. The wife, concered for the skunk, asked her husband what to do with the skunk so he doesn"t get wet.   The husband replied: "well, stick him up your dress".   The wife, again concered, asked: "what about the smell?".   The husband replied: "awww, he"ll get use to it."   有关于英文小笑话:Funeral   A woman was leaving a 7-11 with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.   A long black hearse was followed by a second black hearse just 50 feet behind. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull on a leash. Behind her 200 women walking single file.   The woman"s curiosity got the best of her. She respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said, "I am so sorry for your loss and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I"ve never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"   The woman replied, "Well, the first hearse is for my husband."   "What happened to him?"   The woman replied, "My dog attacked and killed him."   The woman was even more inquisitive, "Well, who"s in the second hearse?"   "My-mother-in law. She tried to help my husband when the dog turned on her and killed her too."   A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two women.   "Could I borrow that dog?"   "Get in line."
2023-06-16 01:56:211


funeral 葬礼
2023-06-16 01:56:363

Sheu2019s the giggle at a funeral

应该是 She"s the giggles at a funeral,等于 She has the giggles at a funera,属于一般现在时,意思是 “她在葬礼上咯咯地笑个不停”,the giggles 是习惯用语。上一句 My lover"s got humor 等于 My lover hass got humor.
2023-06-16 01:56:451