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2023-05-19 14:56:40
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huang gua 黄发第二声,瓜发第一声。




squirt英 [skwɜ:t] 美 [skwɜrt] vt. 喷射,喷湿; 注射;vi. 喷出;n. 喷,细的喷流; 注射器; 傲慢无礼的年轻人; 喷气式飞机复数: squirts 过去式: squirted 过去分词: squirted 现在分词: squirting 第三人称单数:squirts
2023-01-01 16:59:191


2023-01-01 16:59:254


2023-01-01 16:59:394

急要这几个单词的翻译,哪位高手来看一下:strep . agalactiae.staph.seruous.squirts.aureus.cannulas
2023-01-01 16:59:532


2023-01-01 17:00:012


2023-01-01 17:00:105


看美剧学英语 为了更好的打下基础,特别提取了每集中所有出现的英文单词,在看前首先学习单词达到更好的效果 包含所有的单词,包括简单的,人名和后缀未处理。 a 一 about 关于 above 在上面 accept 接受 accomplishment 素养 act 行为 advice 建议 affair 事件 afraid 害怕的 after 之后 again 再一次 against 反对 ages 时代 agree 同意 ale 啤酒 alive 活着的 all 全部的 alone 单独地 already 已经 always 总是 am 是 ambush 伏击 an 安 and 和 andal 安达尔 andals 安达尔斯 another 另一个 any 任何 anybody 任何人 anything 任何东西 anywhere 在任何地方 apologies 道歉 are 是 aren 陆军无线电工程网络 arm 臂 armor 装甲 army 军队 around 围绕 arryn 阿琳 arya 阿里亚 as 作为 ask 问 asked 问 asshai 阿舍伊 at 在 attention 注意 away 离开 aye 是的 back 后面 baratheon 巴拉松 barrels 桶 bastard 混蛋 bastards 杂种 be 是 bear 熊 beast 野兽 beautiful 美丽的 beauty 美女 because 因为 become 成为 bed 床 been 被 before 之前 began 开始 begin 开始 begun 开始 behead 斩首 beheaded 斩首 being 存在 belong 属于 belonged 属于 belongs 属于 benjen 本杰 bet 打赌 better 更好的 beyond 超过 bigger 更大的 bit 一点 blade 刀片 bled 流血 blessing 祝福 blood 血 boar 野猪 boars 公猪 body 身体 both 二者都 bound 跳跃 bow 弓 boy 男孩 boys 男孩 braids 辫子 bran 麸皮 brandon 布兰登 bride 新娘 broke 打破了 brother 兄弟 brothers 兄弟 brought 带来 burned 燃烧 bury 埋葬 but 但是 by 通过 call 呼叫 camp 营地 can 可以 candles 蜡烛 capital 资本 captured 捕获 care 照顾 case 案例 casterly 卡斯特利 cat 猫 catch 抓住 caution 小心 celebrate 庆祝 cellar 地窖 ceremony 仪式 certain 某些 chamber 室 children 儿童 choose 选择 city 城市 clever 聪明的 cliffs 悬崖 climber 攀登者 climbing 攀登 close 关闭 closed 关闭 clouds 云 combat 战斗 come 来 coming 来 common 常见的 competition 竞争 completely 完全地 considered 考虑过的 conspire 密谋 corners 角 could 能够 country 国家 course 课程 courses 课程 coward 胆小鬼 crack 裂纹 craves 渴望 cravings 渴望 cross 交叉 crown 王冠 cry 哭泣 crypt 隐窝 cut 切 d D daenerys 丹尼斯 damn 该死 danger 危险 daughter 女儿 day 白天 days 天 dead 死去的 dear 亲爱的 death 死亡 deaths 死亡 defeated 打败了 demand 需要 deserter 逃兵 detail 细节 did 做 didn 没有 die 死亡 died 死亡 different 不同的 direwolf 灰狼 direwolves 灰狼 do 做 does 做 doesn 不 doing 做 don 大学教师 done 完成 door 门 dothraki 多斯拉克 doubt 怀疑 dove 鸽子 down 向下 dragon 龙 dreams 梦想 dress 连衣裙 drink 喝 drinks 饮料 drogo 卓戈 drop 滴 drunken 醉醺醺的 dull 迟钝的 duty 责任 dwarves 矮人 each 每个 early 早期的 earned 赚得 easy 容易的 eat 吃 eating 进食 eddard 艾达德 eggs 鸡蛋 eight 八 end 结束 even 即使 ever 曾经 every 每一个 expect 期待 expecting 期望 explain 解释 eyes 眼睛 eyrie 艾里 fabric 织物 families 家庭 family 家庭 far 远的 fast 快速的 faster 更快 fat 脂肪 father 父亲 fault 过错 favor 赞成 favorite 最喜欢的 feast 盛宴 feasting 宴饮 feed 喂养 feel 感觉 feet 脚 fever 发烧 field 领域 fight 战斗 fighting 战斗 fill 填满 find 找到 fine 好的 finest 优美的 first 第一 five 五 fled 逃离 fool 傻瓜 fools 愚人 foot 脚 for 对于 forever 永远 forget 忘记 forgive 原谅 forward 向前地 found 建立 freak 怪胎 fresh 新鲜的 friend 朋友 friends 朋友 frighten 吓唬 from 从 fuck 性交 fucking 该死的 funny 有趣的 gates 盖茨 gave 给 get 得到 gets 得到 getting 得到 gift 礼物 girl 女孩 girls 女孩 give 给 given 鉴于 gives 给予 giving 给 go 去 goat 山羊 gods 神 going 去 gone 跑了 good 好的 got 得到了 grace 优雅 gracious 亲切的 grandchild 孙子 grave 坟墓 great 伟大的 greatest 最大的 grim 严峻的 grow 成长 growing 增长的 guarding 守卫 guardsman 卫兵 guests 宾客 had 有 hair 头发 half 一半 hand 手 handsome 英俊的 happy 幸福的 has 有 hasn 没有 hates 憎恨 have 有 haven 港口 he 他 head 头 heads 头 health 健康 hear 听到 heard 听到 hell 地狱 hello 你好 help 帮助 helped 帮助 her 她 here 在这里 hidden 隐藏的 hill 小山 hills 丘陵 him 他 his 他的 histories 历史 history 历史 hmph 陶瓷厚膜压力变送器 hold 持有 home 家 honor 荣誉 honored 荣幸的 hope 希望 horse 马 horses 马 host 主办 hot 热的 house 房子 houses 房屋 how 怎样 hundreds 数百 hunter 猎人 hunting 狩猎 hurt 伤害 husband 丈夫 hush 安静 i 我 if 如果 illyrio 伊利里奥 imp 小鬼 in 在里面 inside 里面 insult 侮辱 into 进入之内 invasion 入侵 iron 铁 is 是 island 岛 isn 是 it 它 jaime 詹姆 job 工作 joffrey 乔弗里 join 参加 jon 乔恩 jorah 乔拉 jumped 跳 just 只是 keep 保持 khal 哈尔 khaleesi 哈莱西 kill 杀死 killed 被杀死的 killers 杀手 king 国王 kingdom 王国 kingdoms 王国 kings 国王 knew 知道 know 知道 known 已知的 knows 知道 lack 缺乏 lad 小伙子 lads 小伙子 lady 女士 land 土地 landing 着陆 lands 土地 lannister 兰尼斯特 lannisters 兰尼斯特 last 最后的 late 晚的 later 后来 law 法律 least 最少的 leave 离开 lecher 勒彻 left 左边 let 让 letter 信 lie 躺 life 生活 like 喜欢 likes 喜欢 lion 狮子 lions 狮子 listen 听 litter 垃圾 little 小的 lived 生活 lives 生活 ll 陆上通信线 long 长的 look 看 lord 主 lot 许多 love 爱 loved 爱 lovely 可爱的 loyal 忠诚的 luwin 卢温 lying 说谎 lysa 莱莎 m 米 mad 疯狂的 madman 疯子 madness 疯狂 maester 学士 magister 魔法师 make 制作 making 制作 man 男人 managed 管理 manner 方式 many 许多的 marksman 神枪手 married 已婚的 may 可以 maybe 也许吧 me 我 meaning 意思 meant 意味 meet 满足 men 男人 met 遇见 midst 中间 might 可以 mink 水貂 minute 分钟 miracle 奇迹 misses 思念 missing 丢失的 mmm 毫米波 month 月 more 更多 mormont 莫尔蒙 most 最 mother 母亲 mountain 山 move 移动 moved 感动 much 许多的 murdered 谋杀 muscles 肌肉 must 必须 my 我的 name 名称 narrow 狭窄的 ned 内德 need 需要 neighbors 邻居 nest 巢 never 从未 new 新的 news 新闻 next 下一个 nickname 绰号 night 夜 nine 九 no 不 none 没有人 north 北 northern 北方的 northman 诺斯曼 not 不 nothing 没有什么 now 现在 oath 誓言 odd 古怪的 of 属于 off 远离的 offend 冒犯 offense 进攻 offer 提供 oh 哦 old 古老的 omens 预兆 on 在 once 一旦 one 一 only 只有 or 或 orders 命令 other 其他 our 我们的 out 外面的 outsider 局外人 over 结束 owes 欠款 own 拥有 pardon 赦免 passes 传球 pay 支付 people 人 perfect 很完美 perhaps 也许 perversions 变态 pfft 快速傅立叶变换 pick 挑选 pieces 件 piss 小便 place 地方 planning 规划 play 玩 please 拜托 plenty 大量 possibly 可能地 powerful 强大的 practicing 练习 preparing 准备 present 目前 pretty 漂亮的 prick 刺 prince 王子 promise 承诺 promised 允诺 prone 俯卧 protect 保护 protector 保护器 punctuality 守时 pups 幼崽 put 放 putting 放 queen 女王 quick 快的 quite 相当地 ranger 护林员 rats 胡扯 raven 掠夺 re 重新 reads 读数 ready 准备好的 real 真实的 realm 领域 refused 拒绝 reign 统治 relax 放松 remember 记得 rescue 营救 respect 尊重 respectful 恭敬的 respects 尊重 rest 休息 rider 骑手 rides 骑 riding 骑 right 正确的 rightful 合法的 ripping 撕开 risk 风险 road 路 robb 罗布 robert 罗伯特 rock 岩石 rode 骑 rodrik 罗德里克 rough 粗糙的 royal 皇家的 rule 规则 rules 规则 run 运行 runt 矮子 s S saddle 鞍 said 说 same 相同的 sansa 珊莎 savage 野蛮人 savages 野蛮人 saw 锯 say 说 saying 说 says 说 scared 害怕的 sea 海 seat 座位 second 第二 secret 秘密 see 看见 seem 似乎 seen 看到 sees 看到 send 发送 sent 发送 sentence 句子 ser 塞尔 serve 服务 served 服务 set 设置 seven 七 shadow 阴影 shall 应该 shame 羞耻 share 分享 she 她 shear 剪切 short 短的 should 应该 shouldn 应该 show 显示 showed 显示 shut 关闭 sigil 印记 since 自从 sister 姐妹 skewered 斜纹的 skulls 头骨 slaughtered 屠宰的 sleek 圆滑的 slouch 懒散的 small 小的 snow 雪 so 所以 soldier 士兵 some 一些 someday 有一天 someone 某人 something 某物 somewhere 在某处 son 儿子 songs 歌曲 sons 儿子 soon 很快 sorry 对不起的 south 南方 southern 南方的 spear 矛 spent 花 spike 道钉 squirting 喷水 stab 刺 stale 不新鲜的 stand 站 stark 完全的 starks 斯塔克斯 starting 启动 stature 身材 stay 停
2023-01-01 17:00:301


作为演员 Tanya James的作品 (数量:39) Hustler Centerfolds 1Innocence Little SecretsLezbo A Go-goNaked DivaSecret LivesSexz in the CityShe Devils in PinkTopless EntanglementsWhatever It TakesWild On X 1Wild On X 2Bare Breasted PerilBarely Legal All Stars 3Cloud 9 Girls 1Cloud 9 Girls 2Dark DeceptionFilthy Rich GirlsFlirts in SkirtsHigh Desert PiratesFoot Worship ChristmasHot Showers 11Jack"s Playground 5Lights, Cameron, ActionMandy: The Perfect GiftMatch PlaySquirting Illustrated 7Squirting NewcomersTen Wet GirlsVivid GamesWet Teens 2Young Pink 1Anxious Young PussiesBarely Legal 35Barely Legal Summer CampBarely Legal On Vacation 2Behind the Scenes with 20 Young GirlsCollege Invasion #1E-love WantedReal Sex Magazine 56
2023-01-01 17:00:351

黄瓜英语怎么读 黄瓜的英语是什么

1、黄瓜的英语:cucumber,英 [ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)] 美 [ˈkjuːkʌmbər]。 2、把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。Slice the cucumber thinly。 3、黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部疲劳。Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes。 4、将已收获过的黄瓜、西红柿和其他作物的秧蔓割下,制成堆肥。Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops。
2023-01-01 17:00:442


黄瓜 [词典] cucumber; Cucumis sativus; cuke; [例句]这棵黄瓜爬蔓了。This cucumber plant is climbing.
2023-01-01 17:00:594


ConservationSumatran Rhinoceroses were once quite numerous throughout Southeast Asia. Now only an estimated 300 individuals remain. Though not as rare as the Javan Rhinoceros, the Sumatran Rhinoceros faces greater poaching and habitat pressures and its populations are fragmented and small, whereas a substantial population of Javan Rhinoceros live together on the Ujung Kulon peninsula in Java. While the number of Javan Rhinos in Ujung Kulon has remained relatively stable, Sumatran Rhino populations are believed to be on the decline. It is classed as critically endangered primarily due to illegal poaching and destruction of its rainforest habitat. Most remaining habitat is in inaccessible mountainous areas of Indonesia.[39][40]Poaching of Sumatran Rhinoceros, though less of a problem than with African Rhinoceros (least in terms of number of animals killed), is cause for concern because dealers are likely speculating that if the species becomes extinct then the price of its horn, estimated as high as $30,000 per kilogram,[7] could dramatically increase. The Sumatran Rhinoceros was never intensively hunted by European hunters. The rhinos are difficult to observe and hunt directly (one field researcher spent seven weeks in a treehide near a salt lick without ever observing a rhino directly), so poachers make use of spear traps and pit traps. In the 1970s, uses of the rhinoceros"s body parts among the local people of Sumatra were documented, such as the use of rhino horns in amulets and a folk-belief that the horns offer some protection against poison. Dried rhinoceros meat was used as medicine for diarrhea, leprosy and tuberculosis. "Rhino-oil," a concoction made from leaving a rhino"s skull in coconut oil for several weeks, may be used to treat skin diseases. The extent of use and belief in these practices is not known.[24][25][30] It was once believed that rhinoceros horn was widely used as an aphrodisiac; in fact traditional Chinese medicine never used it for this purpose.[7]The rain forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, which the Sumatran Rhino inhabits, are also targets for legal and illegal logging because of the desirability of their hardwoods. Rare woods like merbau, meranti and semaram are valuable on the international markets, fetching as much as $1,800 per m3 ($1,375 per cu yd). Enforcement of illegal-logging laws is difficult because humans live within or nearby many of the same forests as the rhino. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake has been used to justify new logging. Although the hardwoods in the rain forests of the Sumatran Rhino are destined for international markets and not widely used in domestic construction, the number of logging permits for these woods has increased dramatically because of the tsunami.[26][edit] In captivityThough rare, Sumatran Rhinoceroses have been occasionally exhibited in zoos for nearly a century and a half. The London Zoo acquired two Sumatran Rhinoceros in 1872. One of these, a female named Begum, was captured in Chittagong in 1868 and survived at the London Zoo until 1900, the record lifetime in captivity for Sumatran Rhinos. At the time of their acquisition, Philip Sclater, the secretary of the Zoological Society of London claimed that the first Sumatran Rhinoceros in zoos had been in the collection of the Zoological Garden of Hamburg since 1868. Before the extinction of the subspecies Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis, at least seven specimens were held in zoos and circuses.[24] Sumatran Rhinos, however, did not thrive outside their native habitats. A rhino in the Calcutta Zoo successfully gave birth in 1889, but for the entire 20th century not one Sumatran Rhino was born in a zoo. In 1972, the only Sumatran Rhino remaining in captivity died at the Copenhagen Zoo.[24]Despite the species" persistent lack of reproductive success, in the early 1980s some conservation organizations began a captive breeding program for the Sumatran Rhinoceros. Between 1984 and 1996 this ex situ conservation program transported 40 Sumatran Rhinos from their native habitat to zoos and reserves across the world. While hopes were initially high, and much research was conducted on the captive specimens, by the late 1990s not a single rhino had been born in the program and most of its proponents agreed the program had been a failure. In 1997, the IUCN"s Asian Rhino specialist group, which once endorsed the program, declared that it had failed "even maintaining the species within acceptable limits of mortality," noting that, in addition to the lack of births, 20 of the captured rhinos had died.[7][25] In 2004, a surra outbreak at the Sumatran Rhinoceros Conservation Centre killed all the captive rhinos in peninsular Malaysia, reducing the population of captive rhinos to eight.[29][40]Seven of these captive rhinos were sent to the United States (the other was kept in Southeast Asia), but by 1997, their numbers had dwindled to three: a female in the Los Angeles Zoo, a male in the Cincinnati Zoo, and a female in the Bronx Zoo. In a final effort, the three rhinos were united in Cincinnati. After years of failed attempts, the female from Los Angeles, Emi, became pregnant for the sixth time, with the zoo"s male Ipuh. All five of her previous pregnancies ended in failure. But researchers at the zoo had learned from previous failures, and, with the aid of special hormone treatments, Emi gave birth to a healthy male calf named Andalas (an Indonesian literary word for "Sumatra") in September 2001.[41] Andalas"s birth was the first successful captive birth of a Sumatran Rhino in 112 years. A female calf, named Suci (Indonesian for "pure"), followed on July 30, 2004.[42] On April 29, 2007, Emi gave birth a third time, to her second male calf, named Harapan (Indonesian for "hope") or Harry.[38][43] In 2007, Andalas, who had been living at the Los Angeles Zoo, was returned to Sumatra to take part in breeding programs with healthy females.[36][44]Despite the recent successes in Cincinnati, the captive breeding program has remained controversial. Proponents argue that zoos have aided the conservation effort by studying the reproductive habits, raising public awareness and education about the rhinos, and helping raise financial resources for conservation efforts in Sumatra. Opponents of the captive breeding program argue that losses are too great; the program too expensive; removing rhinos from their habitat, even temporarily, alters their ecological role; and captive populations cannot match the rate of recovery seen in well-protected native habitats.[7][36][edit] Cultural depictionsA 1927 drawing of a Sumatran RhinocerosAside from those few individuals kept in zoos and pictured in books, the Sumatran Rhinoceros has remained little known, overshadowed by the more common Indian, Black and White rhinos. Recently, however, video footage of the Sumatran Rhinoceros in its native habitat and in breeding centers has been featured in several nature documentaries. Extensive footage can be found in an Asia Geographic documentary The Littlest Rhino. Natural History New Zealand showed footage of a Sumatran rhino, shot by freelance Indonesian-based cameraman Alain Compost, in the 2001 documentary The Forgotten Rhino, which featured mainly Javan and Indian rhinos.[45][46]Though documented by droppings and tracks, pictures of the Bornean Rhinoceros were first taken and widely distributed by modern conservationists in April 2006 when camera traps photographed a healthy adult in the jungles of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo.[47] On April 24, 2007 it was announced that cameras had captured the first ever video footage of a wild Bornean Rhino. The night-time footage showed the rhino eating, peering through jungle foliage, and sniffing the film equipment. The World Wildlife Fund which took the video has used it in efforts to convince local governments to turn the area into a rhino conservation zone.[48][49]A number of folk tales about the Sumatran Rhino were collected by colonial naturalists and hunters from the mid 1800s to early 1900s. In Burma, the belief was once widespread that the Sumatran Rhino ate fire. Tales described the fire-eating rhino following smoke to its source, especially camp-fires, and then attacking the camp. There was also a Burmese belief that the best time to hunt was every July when the Sumatran Rhinos would congregate beneath the full moon. In Malaya it was said that the rhino"s horn was hollow and could be used as a sort of hose for breathing air and squirting water. In Malaya and Sumatra it was once believed that the rhino shed its horn every year and buried it under the ground. In Borneo, the rhino was said to have a strange carnivorous practice: after defecating in a stream it would turn around and eat fish that had been stupefied by the excrement.
2023-01-01 17:01:171


great + cool 的合成词新兴词汇,语气词~英语中没有这个单词
2023-01-01 17:01:232


2023-01-01 17:01:3215


cucumber[英][ˈkju:kʌmbə] [美][ˈkjuˌkʌmbɚ] 简明释义n.黄瓜,胡瓜复数:cucumbers
2023-01-01 17:02:243


  每部电影都有她经典的情节和句子,我在此献上《麦田里的守望者》金句赏析,希望你喜欢。   1.Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.   记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的   2.Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.   能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶   3.Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.   怨言是上天得至人类最大的供物,也是人类祷告中最真诚的部分   4.Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.   智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。   5.Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of a small number of either extremely ugly or exceedingly smart ones.   世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外)。   6.It can be inferred that you lack confidence in a victory over your rivals from the fact that you"re irritable against them.   如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。   7.From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the friendship between you.   如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情   8.Some may be wicked, and some may be despicable. Only when I put myself in their position did I know they are more miserable than I. So forgive all that you have met, no matter what kind of persons they are.   也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人   9."You couldn"t see my tears cause I am in the water." Fish said to water. "But I could feel your tears cause you are in me." Answered water.   鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里.水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。   10.Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as well. If rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take those farewells easy, and turn to smilingly look for yourself who is never to appear.   快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。 微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!   11.Like the outcome after an exam, death makes us aware of anything, That is, it"s too late to take a tumble.   死亡教会人一切,如同考试之后公布的结果?虽然恍然大悟,但为时晚矣!   12.When you were born, you"re crying but lookers-on were smiling. When you are passing away, you"re smiling but lookers-on are crying.   你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!   13.Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily when they get married.   男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。   14.Among thousands of people, you meet those you"ve met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.   于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。   15.Everyone has his inherent ability( power or capacity?) which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia).   每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。   16.Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it"s meaningless to oppress yourself.   人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。   17.A true love is what doesn"t strive for business, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.   真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华更不讲究嚎头的。   18.It"s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you a understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inspired.   我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感奋不已。   19.Only, I wasn"t watching the game too much. What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of a good-by. I mean I"ve left schools and places I didn"t even know I was leaving them. I hate that. I don"t care if it"s a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know I"m leaving it. If you don"t, you feel even worse.   只是我没有很投入地看比赛?那么闲待着?实际是想感受一下离别滋味。我是说?以前我也离开过一些学校还有地方,当时根本没感觉正在离开那儿,我不喜欢那样。不管那种离别是伤感的还是糟糕的。但是在离开一个地方时,我希望我明白我正在离开它。如果不明白我甚至会更加难受。   20.Women kill me. They really do. I don"t mean I"m oversexed or anything like that-although I am quite sexy. I just like them, I mean.   女人真让我着迷?真的。我不是说我特别好色还是怎么样——虽然我的确很好色?但我是说我仅仅喜欢她们而已。   21.The thing is, though ,I don"t like the idea. It stinks, if you analyze it. I think if you don"t really like a girl, you shouldn"t horse around with her at all, and if you do like her, then you"re supposed to like her face, and if you like her face, you ought to be careful about doing crumby stuff to it, like squirting water all over it.   问题是我不喜欢这样?琢磨一下就会觉得这主意很馊。我觉得如果你并非真的喜欢一个女孩儿就不该跟她瞎胡闹。真的喜欢她就应该喜欢她的脸就不该对她的脸做出这种下流事比方说往她脸上喷水。   22.In the first place, it was one of those places that are very terrible to be in unless you have somebody good to dance with, or unless the waiter lets you buy real drinks instead of just Cokes. There isn"t any night club in the world.   首先呢,这种地方差劲得要命,让人待不下去,除非跟一个舞跳得特别好的人在一起,要么侍者让你点真正喝的而不是可乐而已。除非能买点烈酒来喝醉或者跟一个让你神魂颠倒的女孩儿在一起,否则世界上没有一家夜总会能让人久待。   23.God, he was a nice kid, though. He used to laugh so hard at something he thought of at the dinner table that he just about fell off his chair. I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don"t blame them.I really don"t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it.   天哪,他可真是个好孩子。他经常在饭桌上想起什么事?笑得几乎从椅子上出溜下来。我十三岁时家里人要把我送去做心理分析什么的,因为我把车库的车窗全砸碎了。我不怪他们?真的。他死的那天晚上,我睡在车库里用拳头把他妈的窗户全砸碎了,只是为了他妈的发泄而已。   24. I think I really like it best when you can kid the pants off a girl when the opportunity arises, but it"s a funny thing. The girls I like best are the ones I never feel much like kidding. Sometimes I think they"d like it if you kidded them-in fact, I know they would—but it"s hard to get started,once you"ve known them a pretty long time and never kidded them.   我觉得只要有机会,我很喜欢跟女孩儿开玩笑,把她们搞得狼狈不堪,好玩。我最喜欢的女孩是那种我从来不太想跟她们开玩笑的女孩,有时候我觉得她们也喜欢你跟她们开开玩笑——实际上,我知道她们喜欢——但是如果你已经认识她们相当长一段时间而且从来没跟她们开过玩笑,这个头就难开。   25.She made out like she was concentrating on her next move in the game and all. Then all of a sudden, this tear plopped down on the checkerboard. On one of the red squares-boy, I can still see it. She just rubbed it into the board with her finger. I don"t know why,but it bothered hell out of me.   她装作好像在专心思考下步棋该怎么走。接着突然——滴眼泪啪的一声砸到棋盘上,就在红色那格里——乖乖,现在我好像还能看到。她只是用手指把那滴眼泪抹得渗进了棋盘。我不知道为什么,可是心里不安得要命。   26.The whole arrangement"s designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn"t supply them with. Or they thought their own environment couldn"t supply them with. So they gave up looking. They gave it up before they ever really even got started. You follow me?   对一个人来说,一辈子里注定会不时去寻找一些他们自身周围所不能提供的东西,要么他们以为自身的周围无法提供,所以放弃了寻找,他们甚至在还没有真正开始寻找前就放弃了。你明白我的意思吗?   27.If a girl looks swell when she meets you,who gives a damn if she"s late? Nobody.   如果一个女孩儿见到你时很漂亮,谁他妈还会在乎她来晚了,谁也不会。   28.一个不成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个理由而轰轰烈烈地死去,而一个成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个理由而谦恭地活下去。   The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.   29.You"re going to have to find out where you want to go. And then you"ve got to start going there.But immediately. You can"t afford to lose a minute. Not you.   你一定得认识到自己想往哪个方向发展,然后一定要对准那个方向出发,要马上。你再也浪费不起多一秒的时间了,你浪费不起。   30.“学校教育还有另外一个作用,如果你接受学校教育相当长一段时间,它就开始让你对自己的心性如何有个认识,认识到什么适合自己的心性,还可能认识到什么不合适。经过一段时间,你就会了解哪些想法适合你独特的心性。首先,这有可能让你节省下大量时间,而不用试来试去对你来说不合适、不相称的观念,你会开始明白自己的真实心性如何,并且相应吸收合适的想法。”
2023-01-01 17:02:351


2023-01-01 17:02:416


Ah ah ah ahhh该死的我要他妈的she了噢,见鬼, 噢.耶Fack fack faaaack我c.c我要she了she了Verse 1我从来没见过像她这样见鬼的东西这个biaozi能够扭曲的像柔软体操演员一样在我的jb上戴上避孕套当然就是那样这个婊子不知道堕胎是什么所以我不能she在里面像色情明星Jenna一样xj吧c,我要she了我认为橡胶没感觉但是里面是他妈的又湿又软c,我开始she了我喷出一堆,而她还没有开始她达到高潮了我正在c她,噢,上帝噢,别那么做,别停下不要让我停下,别停噢,等一会儿.噢,噢 fack我要他妈的c了Verse 2:Oh wow oh aww我现在需要抽根烟我是如此他妈的热情火辣,你是如此的热情似火噢.天哪我要facking fack不是c我在说fackF A C K F A C Kfack fack facking 让我反常oh yeah 宝贝他们都称我为"怪"先生让我叫你三声姐姐吧来玩3p吧我是带尖的你是如此一个欠c的宝贝我要和你上床我要c你剃完毛的b噢 该死我又要去了我要c了
2023-01-01 17:03:044


2023-01-01 17:03:184


spritz n. a quick squirt of some liquid (usually carbonated water)v.1.eject (a liquid) quicklyspritz water on a surface2.cover (a location) wholly or partially by squirting a liquid onto itSpritz the lawn with water
2023-01-01 17:03:321


huang gua
2023-01-01 17:03:428


2023-01-01 17:04:153

谁能翻译一下eminem的welcome 2 hell

我先把歌词发上来,假如你要翻译版本的话你可以在百度视频里查,就OK了Eminem Ft. Royce Da 5′9″ – Welcome 2 Hell 歌词[Intro]Yeah, told you we"d be backWelcome 2 Hell[Eminem]There"s a switch, I flip, emotions cut offSo cold I done froze my butt offAnd this ain"t even the tip of the iceberg yetIt"s like squirting a squirt gun in the ocean, fuck offOther words I didn"t put a dent in the game comparedTo the damage I"ve yet to doAs long as you still have feelings to hurtI"ll be around as long as you let me get to youLong as I got two balls to palmI"ll be the bomb, you"re just a false alarmGet scared little pissantsAnd see if I don"t come along and stomp your farmThunder and lightning, rain, hailSleet with a tornado"s the kind of brainstorm I getSo when the wind starts blowing, shitTalking about going in? Going insane is more like itWizard of words when he spits hazardous with itLike a disastrous blizzardSo you better listen quick fast don"t miss itYeah, go ahead little prick bastard, diss itBut when you get hit with a sick ass explicit flowDon"t ask how much of his passion is it that goes in itJust know, that all he knows is thisIt"s better to kick ass than kiss itDick dastardly of audacityMental capacity, unmatched it has to be stoppedBut it can"t be, but man I can"t just keepDoing them like that or no one will rap with meExcept one, you asked who is it?[Royce]Guess who just came through the blast, you bitchesWith the ratchet, the book of MatthewA book of matches, lighting them under white linenYou about to have to admit it, they pass you the micAsked you to spit it, you got handed your own assYour ass in your own hands, I"m sure they gon" laughWhen you"re going to the bathroom with itNow with what would you come against usBetter be something with a big foot pedigreeEasily these are the reasonsThat we need to be in your prayersEach region breeds some MCs that wanna beWhich means they wanna breath our airWith these ideas, anybody thinkin"That the game don"t need, the Bad and the Evil regimeThat"s like saying that bad boy Piston team didn"t need Isaiah[Eminem]Sip piss and bleed, this is a different breed of MCsI swear, better be aware, there"s too much at stakeAnd to find someone this raw on a beat is rareYou can kiss my ass and the shit stains on my underwear that I don"t even wear[Royce]This gotta be no fairThis like hittin" the lottery, oh yeahWho you know hotter there gotta be no pairShotty that I got a lobotomy, your hairClassic, smack it, smother it, read it and weep itAnd perhaps you"ll have no rebuttalin"In fact, you seein" me in this rapAnd it"s like saying Tila Tequila can sing like Jasmin Sullivan[Eminem]Back to bash her skull againPush a bitch out the Aspen until I get the fuck out of Dodge (Dodge Aspen)Shouldn"t have to explain my metaphorsYou has-beens are duller than color books that ain"t colored inSecond and third, fourth wind, gotta another winHere they come again, none other than, Bad and EvilAlso known as Saddam and Osama BinIt"s been a long timeBut I bet neither one of us have felt sicker than we do right nowAnd we only get iller with timeMe and Nickel fucking shit up on the dime so tellin" us to pipe downIt"s like talking to a meth headBruce Willis on his death bed, last breath with an infectionFighting it while he"s watching internet pornAbout to meet his death with an erectionMy God, what I mean isDavid Carradine jacking his penis in front of his tripodChoking his own neck, what part you don"t get?I"m saying I die hard[Royce]When you listen to my bars, nothin" but the F-I-R/ EComin" out your iPod (we) come up in a placeChicks heads start spinning like motherfuckin" white walls[Eminem]Got your mother suckin" my balls(While we) fuck each other, we punch each other in the eyeballsAnd I never say I"m sor-ry, the Five-Nine and the Fire Marshall(We) spit with an intensity to shut shit down in the industryTwo different entities, with a propensityTo put these N-U-T-S up inside of your fucking mouthWelcome to the CD
2023-01-01 17:04:271

关于水果的知识 英文

A pear is a pomaceous fruit produced by a tree of genus Pyrus. The English word pear is probably from Common West Germanic *pera, probably a loanword of Vulgar Latin pira, the plural of pirum, which is itself of unknown origin. See also Peorð. The place name Perry can indicate the historical presence of pear trees. The term "pyriform" is sometimes used to describe something which is "pear-shaped".The pear is classified within Maloideae, a subfamily within Rosaceae. The apple (Malus ×domestica) which it resembles in floral structure, is also a member of this subfamily. In both cases the so-called fruit is composed of the receptacle or upper end of the flower-stalk (the so-called calyx tube) greatly dilated, and enclosing within its cellular flesh the five cartilaginous carpels which constitute the "core" and are really the true fruit. From the upper rim of the receptacle are given off the five sepals, the five petals, and the very numerous stamens. Another major relative of the pear (and thus the apple) is the quince.The form of the pear and of the apple respectively, although usually characteristic enough, is not by itself sufficient to distinguish them, for there are pears which cannot by form alone be distinguished from apples, and apples which cannot by superficial appearance be recognized from pears. A major distinction is the occurrence in the tissue of the fruit, or beneath the rind, of clusters of lignified cells known as "grit" in the case of the pear, while in the apple no such formation of woody cells takes place. The appearance of the tree—the bark, the foliage, the type of inflorescence (i.e. form of the flower cluster)—is, however, usually quite characteristic in the two species.
2023-01-01 17:04:333


What is a Newspaper? BackgroundA newspaper is a printed periodical whose purpose is to deliver news and other information in an up-to-date, factual manner. Newspapers appear most commonly in daily editions, but may also be issued twice a day or weekly. While the content of a newspaper varies, it generally consists of a predetermined combination of news, opinion, and advertising. The editorial section is written by reporters and other journalists at the direction of editors and may also be compiled from wire service reports. The advertising content of a newspaper can be divided into two parts, classified and display. Classified ads are small, text-only items obtained via telephone and set into the format by the classified advertising representative. Display ads are obtained by sales representatives employed by the newspaper who actively solicit local businesses for this larger, more visually oriented ad space.A newspaper is printed on thin paper made from a combination of recycled matter and wood pulp, and is not intended to last very long. Large printing presses, usually located at a plant separate from the editorial and advertising headquarters, print the editions, and a network of delivery trucks bring them to the newsstands and geographical distribution centers for subscribers.HistoryPublic officials in ancient Rome posted news of the day in a public space, but it was not until the invention of the printing press in the late Middle Ages that mass-produced printed matter became possible. One hundred fifty years after the invention of printing from movable type by Johann Gutenberg in 1447, the first regular newspaper, Avisa Relation oder Zeitung, appeared in Germany in the early 17th century. The first English-language newspaper, the Weekly Newes, began publishing in England in 1622. Over the next few generations, small pamphlets and broadsheets were the primary source of printed information in both England and the colonies of North America, although they were generally geared toward business matters. One of the first newspapers in the U.S. was Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick, which began appearing in Boston in 1690.These early prototypes of the newspaper eventually developed into publications that appeared on a more regular basis in localized geographic areas. At the time of the American Revolution, 35 newspapers were published in the 13 colonies. Many of these papers and their successors over the next few generations were concerned with political issues of the day and were rather expensive. This changed during the 1830s, however, when technology and publicity popularized "penny papers." The New York Sun was one of the first of these to gain widespread readership.The development of quicker, more efficient printing methods led to a rapid growth of newspapers in the U.S. during the 19th century. As the country expanded and new metropolitan centers sprang up, so did newspapers that served the interests of the region. A growing literacy rate among the populace also helped make such printed matter more popular and profitable. In the latter decades of the 20th century, papers such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal have become esteemed sources of news in the U.S. and have wide distribution outside of the cities where they are produced.Until the 1980s, many cities had more than one newspaper, and it was not uncommon for a large city to have three or four competing dailies. By the 1990s, many papers had disappeared or merged so that only one or two noncompeting papers coexisted in major cities. Smaller regional newspapers provide a mix of local news with national and international items. Such papers usually have correspondents in New York, Washington, D.C., and the major cities of the world. Tabloid newspapers, presenting more sensational news and features such as detailed crime stories, first appeared in the U.S. in the 1920s. The word tabloid refers to the size of the printed page, which is generally half the size of a standard newspaper.The Editorial ProcessThe process of producing a daily edition of a large city newspaper begins with a meeting of the paper"s editors, who determine the amount of editorial copy in an issue based on the advertising space that has already been sold. A specific number of pages is agreed upon, and the editorial assignments are made to the various departments. The section of national and international news, generally the first part of the paper, is compiled from correspondents who send in their stories electronically, usually via computer modern, to their editor"s computer. There, the editor checks the stories, sometimes rewriting them or increasing or decreasing their length. Additional stories of importance are compiled from wire services such as United Press International, Associated Press, and Reuters. These are organizations that employ reporters in various cities of the globe to compile stories and items quickly for dissemination over telephone wires.For a typical, newsbreaking story of local origin, the process begins with a correspondent submitting a report, either in person or via computer modern, to the "rewrite" desk person. The rewrite journalist fine-tunes the wording of the story and makes sure it answers the six important questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. He or she then sends it over to the computer at the city desk. The city desk editor, who is responsible for the paper"s local content, looks over the story, makes additional changes if necessary, and sends it over to the news desk. The news editor, who makes the final call about which stories to run in the upcoming edition based on their relevance, may make further changes before submitting the piece to the copydesk. The story arrives there with guidelines for length as well as headline instructions regarding size and type.From this point, the story is set to be inserted on a certain page that has already been roughly laid out by both the news editor and a makeup editor. A mock-up of the page, essentially a blank form showing where the stories will run and where pictures and advertising will be inserted, is called the "dummy." The makeup editor has already met with the advertising department to determine how such pages will be laid out with ad space. The dummy has rough notes for headlines, story insertions, and graphic elements such as photos and tables of statistics. It also shows the date of the edition as well as a page and section number. After the news editor has determined the placement of the story on the page in question—as well as the other items set to run there—the dummy is sent on to a composing room.The ManufacturingProcessTypesettingThe composing room receives the story in an electronic format, with the computer text file already translated with typeset codes. In a typeset file, the characters are of the same "type"—style, size, and width—as they appear on the pages of the newspaper. The setting of stories into the type that a reader sees went unchanged for several decades until the latter years of the 20th century. Well into the 1800s, type was set by hand, letter by letter. A typesetter dropped small metal letters into a hand-held tray called a "stick." The invention of the Linotype machine in 1884 made possible a quicker, more efficient method of typesetting. Invented by German immigrant Ottmar Mergenthaler of Baltimore, Maryland, this large, cumbersome machine worked by casting hot lead into a line of type with the assistance of an operator who typed in the copy on a keyboard. Individual lines of type were then placed by hand onto a page form. When a page was completed, it was then sent to a stereotyping room where a curved metal plate was made from the page form. The page form was then placed on the printing press. Modern technology has replaced the Linotype process through a method called phototypesetting. The first step in this process is the transfer of the dummy to the page layout section of the newspaper. There, an operator transfers the instructions on the dummy into a rough page prototype. A printed version may be looked over and adjusted several times by one of the reporters whose story is featured as well as by the copy editor. If another breaking story comes in, this page layout can be altered in a matter of minutes.Image transferenceThe final version of the page is then approved by the editor on duty—sometimes a night editor in the case of a paper that is slated for a morning edition—and sent over to a process department. There, the page is taken in its computer format and transferred via laser beams onto film in an image setter apparatus. The operator then takes the film to a processor in another section of the paper, who develops it and adjusts it for its final look. Photographs are scanned into another computer terminal and inserted into the page layout. The pages that are set to be printed together are then taped down onto a device called a "stripper," and an editor checks them over once more for errors. The strippers are then put into frames on light-sensitive film, and the image of each page is burned onto the film. The film of each page is inserted into a laser reader, a large facsimile machine that scans the page and digitally transfers the images to the printing center of the newspaper. At the printing center, typically a large plant separate from the newspaper"s editorial offices and centrally located to facilitate citywide distribution, the pages arrive at the laser room and are put through a laser writer, another scanning device that makes a negative image of them. In the negative image of the page, the text is white while the blank spaces are black. The final images of each page are further adjusted. This last-minute adjustment may involve fine-tuning of the colored sections and retouching photographs.PlatemakingFrom these negatives, the forms from which the paper will be printed are composed in a platemaking room. The film of the page, usually done two pages at a time, is then placed on a lighted box. Next, an aluminum plate containing a light-sensitive coating is placed on top of the image of the pages. The light box is then switched on, and ultraviolet light develops the image of the pages onto the aluminum plate. The aluminum plate is then bent at the edges so that it will fit into a press, and is fitted onto plate cylinders.PrintingThe aluminum plates of each page next move on to the actual printing press, an enormous machine often two stories high. When the press is running, the noise in the building is deafening and employees must wear earplugs. The most common method of printing newspapers is called web offset. The "web" refers to the large sheets of blank newsprint that are inserted in rolls, sometimes weighing over a ton, into the actual printing press. The reels of newsprint are loaded in at the bottom floor of the press. The rolls are inserted onto a reel stand, which has three components: the first reel brings a roll of paper up to the press, a second is loaded and ready to replace the first roll when it runs out, and a third reel stays empty and ready to be fed with another when the first reel is almost finished. Each roll of blank newsprint has double-sided tape at its edges, so that when one roll runs out in the press, another smoothly takes up where the other left off without interrupting the printing process. The plate cylinders then press the image of the page onto a blanket cylinder, leaving a version of the page"s image on the cylinder"s soft material. When the paper runs through the press, the blanket cylinder presses the image onto it. The chemical reaction of the ink, which contains oil, and the squirting of jets of water into the process result in the actual newspaper page of black or colored images on a white back-ground. Since oil and water do not mix, the areas where ink should adhere to the page are black or colored, and water washes away the parts where ink is not needed. This is why this printing process is referred to as "offset."Next, the large sheets of printed newsprint move on to another large piece of machinery called a folder. There, the pages are cut individually and folded in order. This entire printing process can move as fast as 60,000 copies per hour. Quality control technicians and supervisors take random copies and scan them for printing malfunctions in color, order, and readability. Next, a conveyer belt moves the papers into a mail room section of the plant, where they are stacked into quires, or bundles of 24. The quires then move to another section where a machine wraps them in plastic. The bundles are now ready to be loaded onto delivery trucks for distribution.The FutureThe demise of the printed word, especially in the form of a daily newspaper, is periodically predicted to be imminent by industry analysts. The growth of other news sources —such as radio and 24-hour television news stations—has helped diminish the impact of newspapers, but the competition between dailies in many cities has forced many of the weaker, less financially-viable newspapers out of business. In many cities, joint-operating agreements—by which two competing papers share business, advertising, and printing departments—has helped to keep two editorially distinct papers afloat.Bypassing the printed newspaper altogether, on-line computer technology has enabled consumers to pick and choose news from among their own specific interests on the information superhighway. One site on the Internet, one of the most popular providers of access to on-line information, allows a person to create his or her own newspaper. A menu appears onscree
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Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979–22 January 2008) was an Australian television and film actor. After performing roles in Australian television and film during the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to develop his movie career. His work includes nineteen films, most notably 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), Monster"s Ball (2001), A Knight"s Tale (2001), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008). In addition to his acting, he produced and directed music videos and aspired to be a film director.For his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger won the 2005 New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor and the 2006 "Best Actor" award from the Australian Film Institute and was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the 2006 Best Actor award from the BAFTA. Posthumously he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the ensemble cast, the director, and the casting director for the film, I"m Not There which was inspired by the life and songs of American singer-songwriter, Bob Dylan. In the film, Ledger portrayed a fictional actor named Robbie Clark, one of six characters embodying aspects of the iconic Dylan. He was nominated and won awards for his portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, a Best Actor International Award at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards, for which he became the first actor to win an award posthumously, and the 2008 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor and the 2009 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a motion picture.He died at the age of 28,[5][6] from an accidental "toxic combination of prescription drugs." A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his penultimate performance, as the Joker in The Dark Knight. At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, he had completed about half of his work performing the role of Tony in Terry Gilliam"s forthcoming film Family and personal lifeHeath Ledger was born on 4 April 1979, in Perth, Western Australia, the son of Sally Ledger Bell (née Ramshaw), a French teacher, and Kim Ledger, a racing-car driver and mining engineer, whose family established and owned the Ledger Engineering Foundry.[25][26][27] The Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust is named after his great-grandfather.[25] Ledger attended Mary"s Mount Primary School, in Gooseberry Hill,[28][29] and later Guildford Grammar School, where he had his first acting experiences, starring in a school production as Peter Pan at age 10.[6][25] His parents separated when he was 10 and divorced when he was 11.[30] Ledger"s older sister, Kate, an actress and later a publicist, with whom he was very close, inspired his acting on stage, and his love of Gene Kelly inspired his successful choreography leading to Guildford Grammar"s 60-member team"s "first all-boy victory" at the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.[25][31][32][33] Heath"s and Kate"s other siblings include two half-sisters, Ashleigh Bell (b. 1989), his mother"s daughter with her second husband and his stepfather Roger Bell, and Olivia Ledger (b. 1997), his father"s daughter with second wife and his stepmother Emma Brown.[34]Ledger was an avid chess player, winning Western Australia"s junior chess championship at the age of 10.[35][36] As an adult, he often played with other chess enthusiasts at Washington Square Park.[37][38] Allan Scott"s film adaptation of the chess-related 1983 novel The Queen"s Gambit, by Walter Tevis, which at the time of his death he was planning both to perform in and to direct, would have been Ledger"s first feature film as a director.[4][39]Among his most-notable romantic relationships, Ledger dated actress Heather Graham for several months in 2000 to 2001,[40] and he had a serious on-and-off-again long-term relationship with actress Naomi Watts, whom he met during the filming of Ned Kelly and with whom he lived at times from 2002 to 2004.[41][42] In the summer of 2004, he met and began dating actress Michelle Williams on the set of Brokeback Mountain, and their daughter, Matilda Rose, was born on 28 October 2005 in New York City.[43] Matilda Rose"s godparents are Ledger"s Brokeback co-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Williams" Dawson"s Creek castmate Busy Philipps.[44][45] Problems with paparazzi in Australia prompted Ledger to sell his residence in Bronte, New South Wales and move to the United States, where he shared an apartment with Williams, in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, from 2005 to 2007.[5][46][47][48][49] In September 2007, Williams" father, Larry Williams, confirmed to Sydney"s Daily Telegraph that Ledger and Williams had ended their relationship.[50] After his break up with Williams, in late 2007 and early 2008, the tabloid press and other public media linked Ledger romantically with supermodels Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and with former child star, actress Mary-Kate Olsen.[51][52][53][54]Career1990sAfter sitting for early graduation exams at 16, Ledger left school to pursue an acting career.[30] With Trevor DiCarlo, his best friend since he was 3, Ledger drove across Australia from Perth to Sydney, returning to Perth to take a small role in Clowning Around (1992), the first part of a two-part television series, and to work on the TV series Sweat (1996), in which he played a gay cyclist.[25] From 1993 to 1997, Ledger also had parts in the Perth television series Ship to Shore (1993); in the short-lived Fox Broadcasting Company fantasy-drama Roar (1997); in Home and Away (1997), one of Australia"s most successful television shows; and in the Australian movie Blackrock (1997), his feature film debut.[25] In 1999, he starred in the teen comedy 10 Things I Hate About You and in the acclaimed Australian crime movie Two Hands, directed by Gregor Jordan.[25]2000sFrom 2000 to 2005, he starred in supporting roles as Gabriel Martin, the eldest son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), in The Patriot (2000), and as Sonny Grotowski, the son of Hank Grotowski (Billy Bob Thornton), in Monster"s Ball (2000); and in leading or title roles in A Knight"s Tale (2001), The Four Feathers (2002), The Order (2003), Ned Kelly (2003), Casanova (2005), The Brothers Grimm (2005), and Lords of Dogtown (2005).[2] In 2001, he won a ShoWest Award as "Male Star of Tomorrow".[55]Ledger received "Best Actor of 2005" awards from both the New York Film Critics Circle and the San Francisco Film Critics Circle for his performance in Brokeback Mountain,[56][57] in which he plays Wyoming ranch hand Ennis Del Mar, who has a love affair with aspiring rodeo rider Jack Twist, played by Jake Gyllenhaal.[58] He also received a nomination for Golden Globe Best Actor in a Drama and a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actor for this performance,[59][60] making him, at age 26, the ninth youngest nominee for a Best Actor Oscar. In The New York Times review of the film, critic Stephen Holden writes: "Both Mr. Ledger and Mr. Gyllenhaal make this anguished love story physically palpable. Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn."[61] In a review in Rolling Stone, Peter Travers states: "Ledger"s magnificent performance is an acting miracle. He seems to tear it from his insides. Ledger doesn"t just know how Ennis moves, speaks and listens; he knows how he breathes. To see him inhale the scent of a shirt hanging in Jack"s closet is to take measure of the pain of love lost."[62]After Brokeback Mountain, Ledger costarred with fellow Australian Abbie Cornish in the 2006 Australian film Candy, an adaptation of the 1998 novel Candy: A Novel of Love and Addiction, as young heroin addicts in love attempting to break free of their addiction, whose mentor is played by renowned Australian actor Geoffrey Rush; for his performance as sometime poet Dan, Ledger was nominated for three "Best Actor" awards, including one of the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards 2006, which both Cornish and Rush won in their categories. A couple of weeks after the release of Candy, Ledger was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[63]As one of six actors embodying different aspects of the life of Bob Dylan in the 2007 film I"m Not There, directed by Todd Haynes, Ledger "won praise for his portrayal of "Robbie [Clark]," a moody, counter-culture actor who represents the romanticist side of Dylan, but says accolades are never his motivation."[64] Posthumously, on 23 February 2008, he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the film"s ensemble cast, its director, and its casting director.[3]In his penultimate film performance, Ledger plays the Joker in The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, the sequel to the 2005 film Batman Begins, first released, in Australia, on 16 July 2008, nearly six months after his death. While still working on the film, in London, Ledger told Sarah Lyall, in their interview published in the New York Times on 4 November 2007, that he viewed The Dark Knight"s Joker as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."[65] To prepare for the role, Ledger told Empire, "I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices — it was important to try to find a somewhat iconic voice and laugh. I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath — someone with very little to no conscience towards his acts"; after reiterating his view of the character as "just an absolute sociopath, a cold-blooded, mass-murdering clown," he added that Nolan had given him "free rein" to create the role, which he found "fun, because there are no real boundaries to what the Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."[66][67][68] For his work in The Dark Knight, Ledger won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, his family accepting it on his behalf, as well as numerous other posthumous awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, which Christopher Nolan accepted for him.At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, Ledger had completed about half of the work for his final film performance as Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.[17][23][24]Directorial workLedger had aspirations to become a film director and had made some music videos, which director Todd Haynes praised highly in his tribute to Ledger upon accepting the ISP Robert Altman Award, which Ledger posthumously shared, on 23 February 2008.[3]In 2006 Ledger directed music videos for the title track on Australian hip-hop artist N"fa"s CD debut solo album Cause an Effect[69] and for the single "Seduction Is Evil (She"s Hot)".[70][71]Later that year, Ledger inaugurated a new record label, Masses Music, with singer Ben Harper and also directed a music video for Harper"s song "Morning Yearning".[65][72]At a news conference at the 2007 Venice Film Festival, Ledger spoke of his desire to make a documentary film about the British singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who died in 1974, at the age of 26, from an overdose of an antidepressant.[73] Ledger created and acted in a music video set to Drake"s recording of the singer"s 1974 song about depression "Black Eyed Dog"–a title "inspired by Winston Churchill"s descriptive term for depression" (black dog);[74] it was shown publicly only twice, first at the Bumbershoot Festival, in Seattle, Washington, held from 1 September to 3 September 2007; and secondly as part of "A Place To Be: A Celebration of Nick Drake", with its screening of Their Place: Reflections On Nick Drake, "a series of short filmed homages to Nick Drake" (including Ledger"s), sponsored by American Cinematheque, at the Grauman"s Egyptian Theatre, in Hollywood, on 5 October 2007.[75] After Ledger"s death, his music video for "Black Eyed Dog" was shown on the Internet and excerpted in news clips distributed via YouTube.[73][76][77][78]He was working with Scottish screenwriter and producer Allan Scott on an adaptation of the 1983 novel The Queen"s Gambit by Walter Tevis, for which he was planning both to act and to direct, which would have been his first feature film as a director.[3][4][39][79]Ledger"s final directorial work, in which he shot two music videos before his death, will be released in 2009.[80] The music videos were completed for Modest Mouse and Grace Woodroofe.[81] The videos include an animated feature for Modest Mouse"s song, King Rat, and the Woodroofe video for her cover of David Bowie"s Quicksand.[82]Press controversiesLedger"s relationship with the press in Australia was sometimes turbulent, and it led to his relocating to New York City.[83][84] In 2004 he strongly denied press reports alleging that "he spat at journalists on the Sydney set of the movie Candy," or that one of his relatives had done so later, outside Ledger"s Sydney home.[83][84] On 13 January 2006, "Several members of the paparazzi retaliated ... squirting Ledger and Williams with water pistols on the red carpet at the Sydney premiere of Brokeback Mountain."[85][86]After his performance on stage at the 2005 Screen Actors Guild Awards, when he had giggled in presenting Brokeback Mountain as a nominee for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture, the Los Angeles Times referred to his presentation as an "apparent gay spoof."[87] Ledger called the Times later and explained that his levity resulted from stage fright, saying that he had been told that he would be presenting the award only minutes earlier; he stated: "I am
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柑橘 与柠檬 英文简介

柑橘The Mandarin orange, also known as mandarin or mandarine, is a small citrus tree with fruit resembling the orange. The fruit is oblate, rather than spherical. Mandarin oranges are usually eaten plain, or in fruit salads. Specifically reddish orange mandarin cultivars can be marketed as tangerines, but this is not a botanical classification.The tree is more drought tolerant than the fruit. The mandarin is tender, and is damaged easily by cold. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical areas.The Mandarin orange is but one variety of the orange family. The mandarin has many names, some of which actually refer to crosses between the mandarin and another citrus fruit. Most canned mandarins are of the Mikan variety (derived from migan in Chinese), of which there are over 200 cultivars. One of the more well-known mikan cultivars is the "Owari", which ripens during the late fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. Clementines, however, have displaced mikans in many markets, and are becoming the most important commercial mandarin variety.The mandarin is easily peeled with the fingers, starting at the thick rind covering the depression at the top of the fruit, and can be easily split into even segments without squirting juice. This makes it convenient to eat, as utensils are not required to peel or cut the fruit.柠檬The lemon is the common name for Citrus limon. The reproductive tissue surrounds the seed of the angiosperm lemon tree. The lemon is used for culinary and nonculinary purposes throughout the world. The fruit is used primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used, primarily in cooking and baking. Lemon juice is about 5% (approximately 0.3 mole per liter) citric acid, which gives lemons a tart taste, and a pH of 2 to 3. This makes lemon juice an inexpensive, readily available acid for use in educational science experiments. Because of the tart flavor, many lemon-flavored drinks and candies are available on the market, including lemonade.The exact origin of the lemon has remained a mystery, though it is widely presumed that lemons first grew in India, northern Burma, and China. In South and South East Asia, it was known for its antiseptic properties and it was used as an antidote for various poisons. It was later introduced to Persia and then to Iraq and Egypt around AD 700. The lemon was first recorded in literature in a tenth century Arabic treatise on farming, and was also used as an ornamental plant in early Islamic gardens.It was distributed widely throughout the Arab world and the Mediterranean region between AD 1000 and AD 1150.Pickled lemons, a Moroccan delicacyLemons entered Europe (near southern Italy) no later than the first century AD, during the time of Ancient Rome. However, they were not widely cultivated. The first real lemon cultivation in Europe began in Genoa in the middle of the fifteenth century. It was later introduced to the Americas in 1493 when Christopher Columbus brought lemon seeds to Hispaniola along his voyages. Spanish conquest throughout the New World helped spread lemon seeds. It was mainly used as ornament and medicine. In 1700s and late 1800s, lemons were increasingly planted in Florida and California when lemons began to be used in cooking and flavoring.
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一首俗烂的歌曲 品味还真是........
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Monica Sweetheart影片列表Monica Sweetheart"s List of Movies1 Orgy Addicts (2005) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)2 Cum On In 2 (2005) .....3 Fem: Sonata (2005) .....4 Natacha (2005) .....5 Up"r Class 2 (2005) .....6 50 to 1 (2005) .....7 Lick It Up (2005) .....8 Nasty Dreams (2005) .....9 About Face 2 (2005) .....10 Suck, Fuck, Swallow 2 (2005) .....11 Nuttin" Hunnies 2 (2005) .....12 Lady Lust (2005) .....13 Cum Stains 6 (2005) .....14 Spunk"d 2 (2005) .....15 Tic Tac Toe"s (2005) .....16 Forever Jessica (2005) .....17 Drive Thru 3 (2005) .....18 Finger Licking Good 2 (2005) .....19 Head Master 1 (2005) .....20 The Best by Private 65: Anal Madness (2005) .....21 Latex House Wives (2005) .....22 Pleasure (2005) .....23 Pussy POV 1 (2005) .....24 Squirt for Me P.O.V. (2005) .....25 Gina Lynn Reinvented (2004) .....26 Groupie Love (2004) .....27 Pussy Party 4 (2004) .....28 Cytherea Is the Show Stopper (2004) .....29 Eye of the Beholder (2004) .....30 Baby Doll Cheerleaders (2004) .....31 Assed Out (2004) .....32 Internal Cumbustion 4 (2004) .....33 Deep Throat This 20 (2004) .....34 The Best by Private 62: Private Penthouse Greatest Moments 1 (2004) .....35 Alien Love Fantasy (2004) .....36 Stick It In My Face! 3 (2004) .....37 Intensitivity 2 (2004) .....38 Take That! The Biggest Pop Shots of Deep Throat This (2004) .....39 Nuttin" Hunnies (2004) .....40 Hot Auto Bodies (2004) .....41 Hustler Centerfolds 2 (2004) .....42 Young Girls in Dark Territory 2 (2004) .....43 Voracious (2004) .....44 P.O.V. (2004) .....45 Myne Tease (2004) .....46 Mad Skillz (2004) .....47 Wrestle with the Devil (2004) .....48 Gentlemen Prefer Anal (2004) .....49 Her First Anal Sex 1 (2004) .....50 Erotic Stories: Lovers and Cheaters (2004) .....51 Cum Stains 5 (2004) .....52 Filthy Things 2 (2004) .....53 The Art of Anal 3 (2004) .....54 The Best of Cum Drippers (2004) .....55 Barely Legal 50 (2004) ..... DVD only56 Totally Fucked (2004) .....57 Anal Addicts 15 (2004) .....58 Apprentass (2004) .....59 Slexy 2 (2004) .....60 Share the Load 2 (2004) .....61 Foot Worship Adventures! (2004) .....62 Strip Tease Then Fuck 5 (2004) .....63 White Chicks Gettin" Black Balled 2 (2004) .....64 Lick "em and Stick "em (2004) .....65 Interracial Sex Shooter 6 (2004) .....66 Iron Head 2 (2004) .....67 A Night at the Bordello (2004) .....68 Ass Angels 3 (2004) .....69 Monica Mayhem Restrained (2004) .....70 Porn Star Station (2004) .....71 Broken English (2004) .....72 A2m 4 (2004) .....73 Catwoman Goes Naked (2004) .....74 Semen Shots 2 (2004) .....75 When Big Just Ain"t Enough (2004) .....76 Catch Me If You Can (2004) .....77 Barely Legal All Stars 1 (2004) .....78 Cheeks 14 (2004) .....79 Double Stuffed 4 (2004) .....80 Best of North Pole (2004) .....81 Droppin" Loads 4 (2004) .....82 When Porn Stars Play 2... Sluts in the Sun (2004) .....83 Interracial Cum Junkies 2 (2004) .....84 Droppin" Loads 2 (2004) .....85 Bella Loves Jenna (2004) ..... (as Monika)86 Blow Me Sandwich (2003) ..... Monika87 P.O.V.: Up Close and Personal (2003) .....88 Ass Cleavage (2003) ..... Monika89 What Girls Like (2003) .....90 Two in the Seat 3 (2003) .....91 Wet Dreams Cum True (2003) .....92 Girls on Girls (2003) .....93 Anal Trainer (2003) .....94 Parfum du désir, Le (2003) .....95 The Voyeur 26 (2003) .....96 All at Once (2003) .....97 Sulfureuse, La (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)98 Hi-teen Club 2 (2003) .....99 Mélanie la jouisseuse (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)100 Private Sports 5: Surf Fuckers (2003) .....101 Ten Little Piggies (2003) .....102 Sextrem: Sophie"s Nightmare (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)103 Jack"s Playground 3 (2003) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)104 Cum Stains (2003) .....105 Fatale (2003) .....106 Crack Attack (2003) .....107 Heavy Metal 4 (2003) .....108 Crazy Bullets (2003) .....109 Mandingo 5 (2003) .....110 Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #29 (2003) .....111 Performing Ass (2003) .....112 Monika Sweetheart AKA Filthy Whore (2003) .....113 Anal Thrills (2003) .....114 Cum Swapping Sluts 6 (2003) .....115 Ass Stretchers (2003) .....116 Three for All (2003) .....117 Please Cum Inside Me 14 (2003) .....118 Cum Dumpsters 4 (2003) .....119 Train My White Ass 4 (2003) .....120 Pussy Foot"n 4 (2003) .....121 Cum Stains 2 (2003) .....122 Lex On Blondes (2003) .....123 Bigg Z and the Beauties 5 (2003) .....124 Just Anal Sex (2003) .....125 Love Stories (2003) .....126 Grand Theft Anal 2 (2003) .....127 Eye of the Beholder (2003) .....128 Filthy Little Whores 5 (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)129 Sweet Cheeks (2002) ..... Monika130 Dirty Newcummers 10 (2002) .....131 Black Cravings 9 (2002) .....132 Deep Throat This 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monika Sweetheart)133 Devon Stripped (2002) .....134 Swap Meat (2002) .....135 Buttfaced 3 (2002) .....136 Candidate, La (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)137 Cum Dumpsters (2002) .....138 Cum Drippers 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monica Sweetheart)139 Squirting Illustrated 5 (2002) .....140 Sodomania: Slop Shots 11 (2002) .....141 Pornutopia (2002) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)142 Eager Beavers 4 (2002) .....143 Luxure (2002) .....144 2 On 1 #12 (2002) .....145 Lex the Impaler 2 (2002) ..... Herself (Monica Sweetheart)146 Hot Showers 4 (2002) .....147 Rectal Rooters 2 (2002) .....148 Tits and Ass (2002) .....149 Seductions 1 (2002) .....150 Barely Legal 23 (2002) .....151 Down the Hatch 7 (2002) .....152 Gutter Mouths 24 (2002) .....153 Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #22 (2002) ..... Monika (as Monica Sweetheart)154 Assault That Ass (2002) ..... Monika155 The Best by Private 40: Private"s Most Beautiful Breasts (2002) .....156 Assficianado (2002) .....157 Barefoot Confidential 17 (2002) .....158 Asses Galore 16: The Journey to Get In Two Girls" Ass Continues! (2001) ..... Monika159 12 coups de minuit, Les (2001) ..... (as Monika)160 Sex Meat (2001) .....161 Service Animals: The Service Providers (2001) ..... Monica Sweetheart162 Anal Angels In High Heels (2001) .....163 Exposed (2001) .....164 Balls Deep 3 (2001) ..... Monika165 North Pole #22 (2001) ..... Monika166 A Whore"s Life Part 1: The Dollhouse (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)167 Immortal (2001) .....168 Worldwide Sex 6 (2001) .....169 Rocco Ravishes Prague 4 (2001) ..... Monika170 Innocence (2001) .....171 Up Your Ass 18 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)172 Nasty Nymphos 30 (2001) .....173 Anal Addicts 3 (2001) .....174 A Perverted Point of View 3 (2001) ..... Monika175 The 4 Finger Club 18 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)176 Lulù (2001) ..... (as Monica Tore)177 Rocco: Animal Trainer 6 (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheat)178 Affaire Katsumi, L" (2001) ..... (as Monica Sweetheart)179 Un-Natural Sex 4 (2001) .....180 Colorsex (2001) ..... Miss Yellow (as Monica Sweetheart)181 Bring"um Young 4 (2001) ..... Monica Sweetheart182 The Best by Private 27: Anal Toppers (2001) .....183 Grrl Power! 6 (2001) .....184 Private Matador 5: Sex Trip (2001) .....185 Assman 12 (2000) .....186 The Club (2000) ..... (as Monika Sweetheart)187 Sici
2023-01-01 17:06:591

Poppin" Tags 歌词

  Poppin" Tags 歌词:  歌名:Poppin" Tags歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:The Blueprint 2 The Gift & The Curse歌词:And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, trippin" we be poppin tags!And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, pimpin" we be poppin tags!Verse One: Jay-ZWe arose, let"s go"So Fresh So Clean" like "KastJay-Z be poppin tagsLeavin the mall with heavy bagsYou know the boy got a love for the cashAw fuck, there he go againTalkin bout hoes and dough againYup! -- Can"t hold it inI"m surprised I got so much dough to spendBut, back when I was poorer thenYou wasn"t focusin, about the dough I spendBut I was holdin in, I was a roller thenI was a baller back then, all of that manFall back, I fought thatWhat would you do if you was in my shoes?Leave dudes in the rearviewV-12 engine, corners spinninTwinkies shinin, pinky ringArmadale, nigga stinky stinkTop, down, my cash is upGold chain, I don"t give a fuckGold brain"ll get you in the truck maThat"s right, you in luck maYou see me cruisin down, better step insideAin"t enough room to fit you all in the rideFirst come, first served basisYou know Hov" be goin to nice placesThat"s right, and I"m droppin cashLeave the mall with garbage bagsGucci this, Prada thatRoll witcha boy you"ll be poppin tagsChorus:And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, trippin" we be poppin tags!And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, pimpin" we be poppin tags!Verse Two: TwistaIt"s a party when I go up in the sto"Shoppin while I"m zooted off the dro"Rollin like a nigga that just came up on a mill"and I got "em sweepin and pickin up tags off the flo"Bag full of clothes I remember havin rocks in the hallon the glimmer with the glock by the ballServin up a jab and workin security 6 to 6Then it"s straight from the block to the mallNow what"s on the wall? Go ahead and treat yo"selfWhen you come up on some cheddar better pop that tagLike when I dip off in the Prada then I go offto the lot lay the paper down and cop that JagI got a console full of ammunition and fundsMink Roc-a-Wear and some gunsPetty in a fresh pair of jumps, blo-packs and Bo Jaxand Air Maxes, throw back some ones, no max for none(When I go up in the sto" a nigga never get enough)I"m a baller and if you want it come and get it now(Nigga come to a race with a car you won"t catch up)And the Twista kinda wicked when I spit it nowI be choppin up cheddar with KanyeChop a little cheddar up with JayChop it up with the O-to-the-KizayPoppin big tags with the flow and the dough, we get bi-zay!Chorus:And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, trippin" we be poppin tags!And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, pimpin" we be poppin tags!Verse Three: Killer MikeUh-huh, whattup? Tell you somethin bout me..My throwback game is whiffle wickedSaint Patties day, green pinstripe, number 20 Mark Spitz"nJersey ooh-wee with the matchin New Era fittedWhite boys say my style is bitchinKeepin coke in the kitchenKeep a glock that will shock and bring the resttucked underneath my Mitchell and NessI, travellin, handlin with a forty-five cannonIt"s tucked in my Marc BuchananExtra clips and shells in the lambskinTwo deep by Pelle PelleWestside how they felly fellMore G"s on me, than a late 80"s Gucci leatherworn by the great Rakim himselfStitch my Dapper Dan oh man with the gun in handI leave your blood squirtingNo offense, I"ll put your face on the chestof a sweatshirt drawn by Shirt KingsI been fucking, a hustle, married to a racketsince the first Air Jordan"s and Starter jacketsI slept with a package, under mattressI carry guns heavy speakeasy, slight with the fight wordsI"ll put somethin hot through your motherfuckin IcebergGot a project chica, named RicaShe keep a purse full of dro" reeferSmall, pinkies like thatTalk "til the paper fatI rock somethin, roll chief sacks like Daddy Fat!Chorus:And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, trippin" we be poppin tags!And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, pimpin" we be poppin tags!Verse Four: Big BoiPop tires in reverse, you"ll be needin a nurseLeave you layin on your back in a Cadillac hearseNow your momma in all black with a matchin purseI know you wanna blow up, but a funeral hurtsWhat"s worse, you can hit the mall and ball "til you fallHave to make a collect call, but your cell cut offTrot to the mailbox thinkin a check but the mail"s run shortNo more MD, DD, LDThat means Movie Date, Dinner Date, Lunch Date, help me pleaseMy sheets is goneLong bread to the short bread, word is bondMeticulously pimpously serve the songAct a damn donkeyLike the pilgrims when they popped a tag on the indians homeDrop top rag-o with the weed goneChillin, bags in the trunk full of FEO Schwartz for the chill"unsSpent a few shillingsSip a few chickens, lick a few kittens, just kiddinA fresh bowl of milk is in the fridge andCan you pop the tags on the honeycombsOr are you actin mad cause the money doneslowed, down, just a little bitDipped, poked out, did some shull-bitActin like a pitfall bull-pitDead game is the pul-pitLeave a motherfucker with his John Doe toe tag clippedImperial classic, a lyrical thrashinA miracle happeninJay-Z, Killer Mike and Big Boi rappin and rhymin and smabbinPop that tag on some of this gameHolla-tic, swallow and keep the changeChorus:And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, trippin" we be poppin tags!And we gon" stay hustlin on that block until we caughtAnd we gon" stay showin off that jewelry that we boughtAnd we gon" stay leavin out the stores with heavy bagsCause we poppin tags, pimpin" we be poppin tags!
2023-01-01 17:07:092


cucumber   意思如下: 英[ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)]    美[ˈkjuːkʌmbər]   。n.    黄瓜。英语解释:名词 cucumber:a melon vine of the genus Cucumis; cultivated from earliest times for its cylindrical green fruit。同义词:cucumber vine, Cucumis sativus。cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons。同义词:cuke。例句:Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.香瓜属植物任一种相关或类似植物的统称,如刺瓜和黄瓜。In our garden we have egg-plants, cucumber and potato.在我们的菜园里,我们种了茄子,黄瓜和土豆。Have some cucumber.吃点黄瓜吧。I like to eat cucumber sandwiches.我喜欢吃有黄瓜的三明治。
2023-01-01 17:07:171


2023-01-01 17:07:297


黄瓜英文 cucumber. 快读 客鱼-看啊嗯-本儿
2023-01-01 17:07:564


Ah ah ah ahhh该死的我要他妈的she了噢,见鬼, 噢.耶Fack fack faaaack我c.c我要she了she了Verse 1我从来没见过像她这样见鬼的东西这个biaozi能够扭曲的像柔软体操演员一样在我的jb上戴上避孕套当然就是那样这个婊子不知道堕胎是什么所以我不能she在里面像色情明星Jenna一样xj吧c,我要she了我认为橡胶没感觉但是里面是他妈的又湿又软c,我开始she了我喷出一堆,而她还没有开始她达到高潮了我正在c她,噢,上帝噢,别那么做,别停下不要让我停下,别停噢,等一会儿.噢,噢 fack我要他妈的c了Verse 2:Oh wow oh aww我现在需要抽根烟我是如此他妈的热情火辣,你是如此的热情似火噢.天哪我要facking fack不是c我在说fackF A C K F A C Kfack fack facking 让我反常oh yeah 宝贝他们都称我为"怪"先生让我叫你三声姐姐吧来玩3p吧我是带尖的你是如此一个欠c的宝贝我要和你上床我要c你剃完毛的b噢 该死我又要去了我要c了I"m gonna facckin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack faaaack Fack I am I am, I"m going to come I"m cuming I never seen no shit like this This bitch can twist like a damn contortionist Condom on my dick Of course it is This bitch don"t know what abortion is! So I can"t come in her F**ks like a porn star, Looks like Jenna Fack I"m gonna (Cum) I think my rubbers coming off But oh, it"s so f**kin wet and soft F**k I"m gonna start letting off I"m squirting, but she"s not getting off And she"s on top I"m gonna f**king, Oh God! Oh don"t do that Don"t stop Stop, don"t, I don"t mean - don"t stop Ah, wait a minute Oh ohh fack I"m gonna f**king cum Ah ah ah ahhh Oh God damn I"m gonna f**kin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Oh wow ooh boot leg cow Ooh ow I need a cigarette now Oh I"m so f**king hot and your so f**kin hot Oh my God I wanna f**king fack No, not f**k I said fack F-A-C-K F-A-C-K Fack, fack, fack, facking freak me! Oh yeah girl, si baby They call me Mr. Freaky Let"s call your sister - threeway Have some threesome Me so horny And your such a f**kin babe I wanna go down on you F**k you shave! Oh goddamn Here I go again I"m gonna cum, I am Ah ah ah ahhh Oh goddamn I"m gonna fackin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Okay I"m done I already cum twice You ain"t gonna make me cum I"m all out of gas Not so fast Ah, your finger just went in my ass! Ahh, that hurts! Take it out now! Oh... Wait a minute no put it back in... In in in This don"t mean I"m gay, I don"t like men... I like boobs Boobs, boobs Now, see that gerbil Grab that tube Shove it up my butt Let that little rascal nibble on my asshole Oh yeah, right there, right there Uhhh, I"m cuming Oh yeah Fack I just cum again Okay, pull it out now Oh fack yeah Wait he"s not out He"s still crawling around up there Oh fack I think it"s stuck Oh but it feels so f**king good Ah ah ah ahhh Oh god damn I"m gonna fackin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Eew, eew, eew, eew.
2023-01-01 17:08:091


"kjuːkʌmbə(r)cucmble中译谐音 Q康贝儿
2023-01-01 17:08:153


黄瓜的英语是cucumber。英 ["kjuːkʌmbə(r)]  美 ["kjuːkʌmbər]    n. 黄瓜例句:I like to eat cucumber sandwiches.翻译:我喜欢吃有黄瓜的三明治。短语:cucumber salad 有黄瓜的沙拉扩展资料:其它蔬菜的英语一、tomato 英 [tə"mɑːtəʊ]  美 [tə"meɪtoʊ]    n. 西红柿;蕃茄例句:Would you like some tomato paste?翻译:你要西红柿酱吗?二、eggplant 英 ["eɡplɑːnt]  美 ["eɡplænt]    n. <美>茄子;黑紫色例句:The braised eggplant is delicious today.翻译:今天的红烧茄子很好吃。
2023-01-01 17:08:263


2023-01-01 17:08:406

eminem - fack的歌词

2023-01-01 17:09:122


2023-01-01 17:09:2015

求Teagan Presley的早期作品

演员: 1.《海盗》Pirates (2005) 2.Contract Star (2004) AS …… La Sucia 3.Just Turned 18 (2004) 4.Apprentass 3 (2005) 5.Squirting 101 (2004) 6.Apprentass (2004) 7.Teagan Erotique (2004) 8.Sex Brats 2 (2004) 9.Sinfully Sexy (2005) 10.Valley Girls 1 (2004) 11.Cum Swapping Sluts 7 (2004) 12.Jack"s Playground 14 (2004) 13.Just Over 18 10 (2004) 14.Up Your Ass 22 (2004) 15.Jack"s Teen America 5 (2005) 16.Anal P.O.V. (2004) 17.Hand Solo (2004) 18.Internal Cumbustion 4 (2004) 19.Out Numbered #3 (2005) 20.Surfer Girls (2004) 21.Raw Desire (2005) 22.Service Animals 16 (2004) 23.Barely 18 8 (2003) 24.Weapons of Ass Destruction 3 (2004) AS …… (as Teagan Presley) 25.20 Teens Who Love to Suck Cocks (2005) AS …… (as Teagan Presley) 26.Cum Drippers 6 (2003) AS …… (as Teagan Presley) 27.Total Babe 4: "It Girls" (2004) 28.Truly Nice Ass 7: Scrumptious (2004) 29.Jack"s Playground 16 (2004) AS …… NonSex 30.Innocence Little Secrets (2004) 31.Tease Me Then Please Me (2004) 32.Cum Stains 4 (2004) 33.Funny Boners 3 (2004) 34.North Pole #49 (2004) 35.Ass-Fucking Young Girls (2004) 36.Underdressed and Oversexed (2004) 37.Share the Load (2004) 38.Pop 2 (2004) 39.A Perverted Point of View 7 (2004) 40.Stick It in My Face! 2 (2004) 41.Young Pink 6 (2004) 42.Butt Cream Pie 4 (2004) 43.The Art of Oral Sex (2004) 44.Cum in My Ass Not in My Mouth 2 (2003) 45.Hi-teen Club 8 (2004) 46.Young Pink 5 (2004) 47.Service Animals 18 (2004) 48.Jack"s Teen America 1 (2004) 49.Bell Bottoms 2 (2004) 50.Artcore 2: Toilet Girl (2004) 51.Teenage Spermaholics 2 (2004) 52.Tales from the Script 3 (2004) 53.Hustler Centerfolds 3 (2004) 54.Taboo 2 (2004) 55.The Evil Vault 2 (2005) 56.Flesh Hunter 7 (2004) 57.Teagan: All-American Girl (2005) 58.Jack"s Playground 17 (2004) AS …… NonSex 59.Teenage Anal Princess (2004) AS …… (as Teagan Presley) 60.Ultimate Asses 4 (2004) 61.Shane"s World 30: Keepin" It Real (2002) 62.Pop 2: The Girls of Innocence (2002) 63.Wet Dreams Cum True 3 (2004) 64.Drop Sex 2 (2004) 65.Teen Dreams 7 (2004) 66.Hellcats 3 (2004)
2023-01-01 17:10:313

Keeper Of The Seven Keys 歌词

歌曲名:Keeper Of The Seven Keys歌手:Helloween专辑:The Best, The Rest, The Rare - The Collection 1984-1988Make the peoplehold each other"s handsand fill their hearts with truthyou made up your mindso do as divinedPut on your armourragged after fightshold up your swordyou"re leaving the lightmake yourself readyfor the lords of the darkthey"ll watch your wayso be cautious, quiet and harkYou hear them whisperingin the crowns of the treesyou"re whirling "roundbut your eyes don"t agreewill "o" the wispsmisguiding your pathyou can"t throw a cursewithout takin" their wrathWatch out for the seas of hatred and sinor all us people forget what we"ve beenour only hope"s your victorykill that satan who won"t let us be--kill!our only hope"s your victorykill that satan who won"t let us be--kill!You"re the keeper of the seven keysthat lock up the seven seasand the seer of visions sais before he went blindhide them from demons and rescue mankindor the world we"re all in will soon be soldto the thone of the evil payed with Lucifer"s goldto the thone of the evil payed with Lucifer"s goldYou can feel cold sweatrunning down your neckand the dwarfs of falsenessthrow mud at your backGuided by spellsof the old seer"s handyou"re suffering painonly steel can standStay well on your way and follow the signfulfull your own promise and do what"s divinedthe seven seas are far awayplaced in the valley of dust heat and swaythe seven seas are far awayplaced in the valley of dust heat and swayYou"re the keeper of the seven keysthat lock up the seven seasand the seer of visions said before he went blindhide them from demons and rescue mankindor the world we"re all in will soon be soldto the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer"s goldto the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer"s goldThrow the first key into the sea of hatethrow the second key into the sea of fearthrow the third key into the sea of senselessnessand make the people hold each other"s handsthe fourth key belongs into the sea of greedand the fifth into the sea of ignoranceDisease, disease, disease my friendfor this whole world"s in devil"s handDisease, disease, disease my friendthrow the key or you may dieDisease, disease, disease my friendfor this whole world"s in devil"s handDisease, disease, disease my friendthrow the key or you may dieOn a mound at the shore of the last seahe is sitting, fixing your sightwith his high iron voice causing sicknesshe is playing you out with delightman who do you just think you are?a silly bum with seven starsdon"t throw the key or you will seedimensions cruel as they can bedon"t let him suck off your powerthrow the key. . .!An earthquake, squirting fire, bursting groundSatan"s screaming, and earth swallowing him away!You"re the keeper of the seven keysyou locked up the seven seasand the seer of visions can now rest in peacethere ain"t no more demons and no more diseaseand, mankind, live up, you"re free againyes the tyrant is dead, he is gone, overthrownyou have given our souls back to light
2023-01-01 17:10:451


Flamingo Land ResortFlamingo Land Resort is located in North Yorkshire, England. It is noted for being one of the only sites in the country which contains a theme park and a zoo at the same location. Also on site is a gym, a leisure centre, a spa, a golf course and holiday accommodation.Contemporary overviewThe park is set in 375 acres (1.52 km²) of North Yorkshire countryside, in the Ryedale district with views of the Yorkshire Moors.As well as being the largest amusement park in North England by quite a size, the park is also the largest and most popular privately-owned amusement park in the United Kingdom[citation needed].Most larger English theme parks that are now owned by national corporations, such as Alton Towers and Thorpe Park.)During the 2005 season (April until October) the park attracted over 1.4 million visitors (up 11% on the previous season), mostly from the North East of England but also including many from the rest of the country and abroad. At any one time were an estimated 4,000 holidaymakers staying in the holiday village.HistoryFlamingo Land Resort began in 1959, when an old, small and bankrupt country club was bought up by a resident of Scarborough; an entrepreneur in the cinema and theatre industry by the name of Edwin Pentland Hick. Hick named the site The Yorkshire Zoological Gardens and initially covered a mere nine acres of land. However Hick had grand ideas for the park; a vision which he had since military service during World War 2. Hick has been described as both an eccentric and a visionary by his critics. He originally rented animals until receipts allowed him to buy more.Hick wanted to have dolphins in his park, which at that time were not found anywhere in captivity in the UK. In 1963 he organised expeditions to many locations around the world to capture bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales, including to the Indian Ocean and off the coast of Greenland. Hick was commended for his treatment of the animals, which were fed well and kept in expansive enclosures. One of the dolphins was named Sooty after Corbett"s creation.A colony of pink flamingos were among the first animals to be housed on site and, remaining one of the most popular group of animals in the zoo, the flamingos became a kind of mascot for the entire park (hence Pentland Hick"s final choice of name for the park.) The descendants of the original flamingos are still resident in the zoo today, and the flamingo colony at the park remains the largest in the country.Throughout the 1960s a small fun fair began to be held on the site, yet another idea of Hick"s, only to steadily gain momentum and bring more and more visitors to the site. In the 1970s, the fun fair was well established and amusement rides had become a permanent fixture of the park simultaneous to the zoo, becoming the first site in all Europe to combine the two attractions in one location.Pentland Hick, believing his "vision" complete, floated the company on the London Stock Exchange as Associated Pleasure Parks in 1965, and officially renamed the site Flamingo Park Zoo on Monday July 12, 1968. The ownership of the site began to shift about with the steady growth of the park, eventually being sold in full to Scotia Leisure Ltd, a company which dealt mainly with bingo halls and package holidays.However a director of that leisure company was Robert Gibb, who cared for the park greatly and decided to buy the park from the company in 1978, shortly before Scotia Leisure collapsed due to an embezzlement scandal that also left Pentland Hick broke. Hick abandoned the park, moving into theatre and television scriptwriting, and becoming an author. Meanwhile, Robert Gibb set up his own board of directors for the park and formed Flamingo Land Ltd.Gibb renamed the park Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo and developed the complex so that it was more suited to be a nation-wide instead of a local tourist attraction, including developing the growth of the amusement rides and the uniqueness of the animals cared for in the zoo. It was slow process, but a successful one. The year 1991 (whilst still under Robert Gibb"s management) was one of the most productive in the park"s history; it was in this year that the famous rides Bullet and Thunder Mountain were constructed.The park is operated by Flamingo Land Ltd which also runs Pleasure Island Family Theme Park in Cleethorpes. Flamingo Land"s "sister park" has been owned by Flamingo Land Ltd since 27 May 1993, when it was bought by the Gibb family after going into administration before construction was complete. Vicky Gibb is now the chief executive of Pleasure Island Fmaily Theme Park.Robert Gibb died in a car accident in 1995, and his eighteen-year-old son, Gordon Gibb, became chief executive of Flamingo Land Resort.AnimalsGeneral overviewOne time Flamingo Land claimed to be the largest animal holder of its kind in Europe, housing over 1,000 animals. Flamingo Land houses exotic birds, rare fish and sea-life, mammals and reptiles. Some animals include camels, zebras, bison, guanaco, red deer, hippos, giraffes, meerkats, monkeys, lions, rhinoceros, tigers, sea lions, birds of paradise, peacocks and a female okapi. The park take part in breeding programs an example of which is the Mangabeys featured in the 2006 series of ITV1 show "Theme Park".AffiliationsFlamingo Land has connections to other parks in the country:Many years ago one of the older Flamingo Land elephants, Jangoli went on to give birth to calves at Chester Zoo - in this manner the elephants at Chester Zoo are descendants of Flamingo Land"s elephants. One of the parks current giraffes is also from Chester Zoo.The park"s male, lioness and her cubs were originally located at Longleat Safari Park before moving to Flamingo Land to start a new pride.Chessington World of Adventures was also once the home of one of the park"s sea lions.African AnimalsThe parks emphasis is on their collection of African Animals, housed in the Lost Kingdom and African Plains. The parks water ride was designed to give a safari experience before its final drop, and meanders through savannah style grasslands with Giraffe, Ostrich, Zebra, Hippo and Rhino. The " Forgotten City Lion Reserve" is also located in the middle of the ride.Holiday villageThe park has a large holiday village with static caravans and log cabins. Within the holiday village there are leisure facilities including a leisure centre, a swimming pool and a café.On the outskirts of the park lies a nine-hole golf course. Also adjacent to the park runs Costa Beck, a stream localy noted with crystal-clear water and fly fishing is available here free to those staying in the holiday village.Trout, Dace, Grayling, Salmon, Kingfisher and Pike can all be found in Costa Beck.Current areasPlazaThe main day visitors entrance. Contains food outlets, gift shops, cash machines, pay-to-play game stalls and The Wave Swinger ride, as well as the Professor Bubbles Show.MetropolisThis area is themed as a busy city. It contains such rides as Velocity, Navigator, Circulator and Corkscrew. Corkscrew was first built in 1980 with a design similar to the Corkscrew at Alton Towers it has operated since 1983. This area of the park has received a lot of attention throughout the seasons with the addition of Velocity, a boosterbike roller coaster manufactured by Vekoma rides. New for 2008 in this area is the 4D cinema showing the "Haunted Lighthouse" film which was also at Busch Gardens and Seaworld.Seaside AdventureThis area is themed on the ocean and a seaside resort with such themed stores and a seafood restaurant. It contains Britain"s second highest drop tower, Cliff Hanger, which is themed as a lighthouse, although it now only has its trademark red and white panels on the lower part of the tower after complaints it spoilt the views from outside the park (it is now painted a "blend away" grey on the top half).Splosh!This area was introduced for summer 2007. "Splish Splash" is a water playground with squirting jets and water dropping palm trees. "Splash Battle" is a submarine themed ride where ride cars and off ride posts around the ride are equipped with water cannons.New for 2008 in this area is Flip Flop, a Top Swing built by Fabbri. The ride has a large swing through station and sits over a lake with water jet effects.Little Monsters Den of MischiefThis area is mainly aimed at children, including the Little Monster"s Wacky Races and Mischief Mansion. Over the last few years this part of the park has been slowly fazed out to make way for "Muddy Duck Farm" an area themed around the farm animals. This area of the park will see the arrival of the "Helitoy" ride in 2008 which will take centre piece of the area while the go-gator coaster moves to the old "monsters explorium" site which was cleared at the end of 2007 to make way for new rides.Lost Kingdom ReserveHolds Flamingo Lands most ambitious projects ever with such rides as Lost River Ride and Voodoo. In 2006 Kumali was built in this area.African PlainsAn all animal area containing various animal paddocks and is located in a quiet secluded area of the park.Current AttractionsCliff HangerInstalled 2002 it is the UK"s tallest (200 feet (61 m)) vertical drop ride. The ride is themed like a lighthouse. During its opening year the ride was very highly themed with red and white stripes up the tower and a red light upon the top. Unfortunately the light and top 80% of the cladding had to be removed due to complaints that the ride spoilt the view of the oustanding area of natural beauty in which Flamingo Land sits. All that remains now are the lower parts of the cladding and base themeing (including rock and storm battered boat details).VelocityInstalled 2005 it is the UK"s only motorbike launch coaster and is the tallest and fastest of its kind in the world. The ride opened during the summer on 2nd July with a concert at the park called "Velocity 2005 : Party in the Park". Velocity is one of the main attractions and proves to be very popular with many guests.NavigatorInstalled 2005 it was the first "Mega" "Disk "O"" type of ride ever to be built.KumaliInstalled 2006 Kumali is a Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster. The ride is based upon a standard manufacturer"s layout however has several modified sections, including the cobra-roll which Flamingo Land wished to be out over a lake. It is named after one of the zoo"s lions.The themed Kumali ride music was written and produced by ElectricStreetPolice, a British TV composer by the name of Paul Bickerdike.An all time favourite at Flamingo Land.CorkscrewInstalled 1983 it is standard Vekoma Corkscrew roller coaster, almost identical to the model at Alton Towers with the same name.Wild MouseInstalled 1997 is a steel Wild Mouse roller coaster. In 2007, new themed music and announcements were added. The ride was given a new-look in 2008 season including a repaint and new station building.Splash BattleInstalled in July 2007 Splash Battle was the first interactive water ride in the UK. Ride cars themed as submarines travel along a track where targets must be hit to prevent the riders from being soaked. The submarines have water cannons to hit these targets, but can also be used to aim at other riders, and even people walking nearby the ride. Subsequently, those who choose not to ride do have water cannons on the land, in which they can aim at riders.Lost River RideThe Lost River Ride is manufactured by BEAR Rides, and was installed 2004. It is a boat ride that gently meanders through animal enclosures such as rhinos, hippoes, giraffes and lions. The ride has speakers at the side of the river playing sound effects, and at one point stops riders near the "African Plains" area. This part has a "Tour Guide" on the speakers, giving riders information on the animals. The ride also features a 60 ft (18 m) drop at the end to soak guests. It also features water cannons to get riders wet and is aimaed at all ages.Previous attractionsThe face of the park is constantly changing; with old amusement rides being removed and new ones being constructed. Top thrill rides of yesteryear included:Magnum Force2000-2005. A Triple Loop Coaster built by Anton Schwarzkopf, originally toured German funfairs as Dreier Looping. Now located at La Feria de Chapultapec Magico, Mexico City.The Bullet1991-2005. Schwarzkopf Wiener Looping, previously operated in Austria, Florida, and toured German funfairs. Now in storage, awaiting sale.Thunder Mountain1991-2004. Enclosed within a rock themed structure to create a dark coaster. The track system was Pinfari Z40.Top Gun1996-2004. Unique attraction built by Intamin based on the film of the same name.Klondike Creek1999-2003. Tripple drop log flume with a mine theme, believed to have been extended with sections of the removed Drayton Manor log flume. It was an aging ride and was removed when the Lost River was built (a more modern water ride).Crazy Loop1986-1995. The parks first ever coaster, was relocated to sister park Pleasure Island.Terroriser/Circulator1995-2007. This Fabbri ride operated under two different names and in two different locations during its time at the park. It was named Terroriser from 1995-2004 operating in the Plaza area of the park. In 2005, Terroriser was renamed to the Circulator, and relocated to the then-n
2023-01-01 17:10:541


  ah ah ah ahhh  oh god damn  i"m gonna facckin cum  oh shit, oh yeah  fack fack faaaack  fuck i am  i am,  i"m going to cum  i"m cumming  i never seen no shit like this  this bitch can twist like a damn contortionist  condom on my dick  of course it is  this bitch don"t know what abortion is  so i can"t cum in her  fucks like a porn star  looks like jenna  fuck i"m gonna  cum  i think my rubbers coming off  but oh it"s so fuckin wet and soft  fuck i"m gonna start letting off  i"m squirting and she"s not getting off  and she"s on top  i"m gonna fucking, oh god  oh don"t do that  don"t stop  stop, don"t, i don"t mean don"t stop  ah wait a minute  oh ohh fack  i"m gonna fucking cum  ah ah ah ahhh  oh god damn  i"m gonna facckin cum  oh shit, oh yeah  fack fack fack  fack i am  i am,  i"m going to cum  i"m cumming  oh wow oh aww  i need a cigarette now  oh i"m so fucking hot and your so fuckin hot  oh my god  i wanna facking fack  no, not fuck  i said fack  f a c k f a c k  fack fack facking freak me  oh yeah girl c baby  they call me mr freaky  lets call your sister threeway  have some threesome  me so horny  and your such a fuckin babe  i wanna go down on u  fack u shave  oh god damn  here i go again  i"m gonna cum, i am  ah ah ah ahhh  oh god damn  i"m gonna facckin cum  oh shit, oh yeah  fack fack fack  fack i am  i am,  i"m going to cum  i"m cumming  ok i"m done  i already came twice  you ain"t gonna make me cum  i"m all out of gas  not so fast  ah your finger just went in my ass"  ahh that hurts take it out now  oh wait a minute put it back in  in in in  this don"t mean i"m gay, i don"t like men  i like boobs  boobs boobs  now see that gerbil  grab that tube  shove it up my butt  let that little rascal nibble on my asshole  oh yeah right there, right there  uhhh i"m cumming  oh yeah  fack i just came again  ok pull it out now  oh fuck yeah  wait he"s not out  he"s still crawling around up there  oh fack i think it"s stuck  oh but it feels so fucking good  ah ah ah ahhh  oh god damn  i"m gonna facckin cum  oh shit, oh yeah  fack fack fack  fack i am  i am,  i"m going to cum  i"m cumming  shove a gerbil in your ass  do it tube  shove a gerbil in your ass  do it tube  shove a gerbil in your ass  do it tube  ewww  eww ewww  <Fack>
2023-01-01 17:11:001

Teagan Presley拍过哪些电影?拜托各位了 3Q

个人档案 生日:1985年7月24日 出生地:美国-德州-休斯顿 配偶:Tyler Durden 三围:34C-24-34身高:152cm 体重:46kg 眼睛颜色:青绿色 发色:金褐色 自然胸:否(04年隆胸) 性倾向:两性 人种:白人 官方网站: 相关奖项 XRCO * 2004 Best New Starlet * 2004 Teen Cream Dream * 2004 Best 3-Way for Flesh Hunter 7 * 2006 Appeared in Pirates, awarded Best Epic and Best Release 其他组织 * 2004 Rog Reviews Critic"s Choice Award – Best Newbie * 2004 CAVR Award – Starlet of the Year * 2004 F.O.X.E. Award – Vixen * 2004 Adam Film World Award – Best New Starlet * 2007 F.A.M.E. Award – Favorite Ass[15] 相关作品 出演: 1. Jack"s POV 10 (2008) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 2. Internal Injections 3 (2008) (V) 3. No Swallowing Allowed 13 (2008) (V) 4. Before They Were Stars (2008) (V) 5. All Alone 3 (2008) (V) 6. Fishnets 8 (2008) (V) 7. Oil Overload (2008) (V) 8. "The Erotic Traveler" .... Woman Showering (1 episode, 2007) - Naked Pearls (2007) TV episode (as Teagan Presley) .... Woman Showering 9. Jack"s Playground 35 (2007) (V) 10. The Art of the Cumfart (2007) (V) 11. Control 6 (2007) (V) 12. Cum Shots 10 (2007) (V) 13. Icon (2007) (V) 14. Jack"s Leg Show (2007) (V) 15. Babysitters (2007) (V) 16. Jack"s Big Ass Show 8 (2007) (V) 17. The 2007 AVN Awards Show (2007) (V) 18. My First Porn 9 (2007) (V) 19. Inside Jobs 2 (2007) (V) 20. Island Fever 4 (2006) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 21. Fantasy All-Stars (2006) (V) 22. My First Porn 3 (2006) (V) 23. Teagan"s Juice (2006) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 24. Jack"s POV 5 (2006) (V) 25. The Cream Team (2006) (V) 26. Jack"s Big Ass Show 2 (2006) (V) 27. Slut Puppies 2 (2006) (V) 28. Soloerotica 8 (2006) (V) 29. Innocence: Ass Candy (2006) (V) 30. Deeper 2 (2006) (V) 31. Sexual Freak 2 (2006) (V) 32. Deeper 3 (2006) (V) 33. Pirates (2005) (V) (as Teagan Presley) .... Christina ... aka Pirates XXX (International: English title) 34. Sinfully Sexy (2005) (V) 35. Apprentass 3 (2005) (V) 36. Raw Desire (2005) (V) 37. Jack"s Playground 28 (2005) (V) 38. Out Numbered 3 (2005) (V) 39. Jack"s Teen America: Mission 9 (2005) (V) 40. Jack"s Teen America: Mission 11 (2005) (V) 41. My First Porn (2005) (V) 42. Terrible Teens 3 (2005) (V) 43. 20 Teens Who Love to Suck Cocks (2005) (V) (as Teagan Presley) ... aka 20 Teen Girls Who Like to Suck Cock (USA: new title) 44. The Evil Vault 2 (2005) (V) 45. Back to School Special (2005) (V) 46. Jack"s Teen America 5 (2005) (V) 47. Teagan: All-American Girl (2005) (V) (as Teagan Presley) .... All American Girl 48. Service Animals 18 (2004) (V) 49. Flesh Hunter 7 (2004) (V) 50. Weapons of Ass Destruction 3 (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 51. Surfer Girls (2004) (V) 52. Hellcats 3 (2004) (V) 53. Service Animals 16 (2004) (V) 54. Hand Solo (2004) (V) 55. Just Turned 18 (2004) (V) 56. Total Babe 4: "It Girls" (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 57. Butt Cream Pie 4 (2004) (V) 58. Tease Me Then Please Me (2004) (V) 59. Taboo 2 (2004) (V) 60. Wet Dreams Cum True 3 (2004) (V) 61. Bell Bottoms 2 (2004) (V) 62. Pop 2 (2004) (V) 63. The Art of Oral Sex (2004) (V) 64. Jack"s Playground 16 (2004) (V) .... NonSex 65. Teenage Spermaholics 2 (2004) (V) 66. Valley Girls 1 (2004) (V) 67. Underdressed and Oversexed (2004) (V) 68. Up Your Ass 22 (2004) (V) 69. Jack"s Playground 14 (2004) (V) 70. Teenage Anal Princess (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 71. Hustler Centerfolds 3 (2004) (V) 72. Internal Cumbustion 4 (2004) (V) 73. Squirting 101 (2004) (V) 74. Ass-Fucking Young Girls (2004) (V) 75. Jack"s Teen America 1 (2004) (V) 76. A Perverted Point of View 7 (2004) (V) 77. Cumstains 4 (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 78. Funny Boners 3 (2004) (V) 79. Hi-teen Club 8 (2004) (V) 80. Share the Load (2004) (V) 81. Anal P.O.V. (2004) (V) 82. Young Pink 6 (2004) (V) 83. Teen Dreams 7 (2004) (V) 84. Cum Swapping Sluts 7 (2004) (V) 85. Apprentass (2004) (V) 86. Just Over 18 10 (2004) (V) 87. Drop Sex 2 (2004) (V) 88. Teagan Erotique (2004) (V) 89. Tales from the Script 3 (2004) (V) 90. North Pole #49 (2004) (V) 91. Contract Star (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) .... La Sucia 92. Ultimate Asses 4 (2004) (V) 93. Stick It in My Face! 2 (2004) (V) 94. Jack"s Playground 17 (2004) (V) .... NonSex 95. Spunk"d (2004) (V) 96. Innocence Little Secrets (2004) (V) 97. Artcore 2: Toilet Girl (2004) (V) 98. Sex Brats 2 (2004) (V) 99. Young Pink 5 (2004) (V) 100. Truly Nice Ass 7: Scrumptious (2004) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 101. Cum in My Ass Not in My Mouth 2 (2003) (V) 102. Cum Drippers 6 (2003) (V) (as Teagan Presley) 103. Barely 18 8 (2003) (V) 单独作品: 1. "Entourage" .... Herself (1 episode, 2005) - I Love You Too (2005) TV episode (as Teagan Presley) .... Herself 2. "Howard Stern" .... Herself (2 episodes, 2004) - Episode dated 9 December 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself - Episode dated 8 December 2004 (2004) TV episode .... Herself 3. "Entertainment Tonight" .... Herself (1 episode, 2004) ... aka E.T. (USA: informal title) ... aka ET Weekend (Australia: weekend title) ... aka Entertainment This Week (weekend title) ... aka This Week in Entertainment (USA: weekend title) - Episode dated 30 April 2004 (2004) TV episode (as Teagan Presley) .... Herself
2023-01-01 17:11:061

fack 的歌词

EminemFACKby Eminem[ Refr�0�0o ]Ah ah ah ahhhOh god damnI"m gonna facckin cumOh shit, oh yeahFack fack faaaackFuck I amI am,I"m going to cumI"m cummingI never seen no shit like thisThis bitch can twist like a damn contortionistCondom on my dickOf course it isThis bitch don"t know what abortion isSo I can"t cum in herFucks like a porn starLooks like jennaFuck I"m gonnaCumI think my rubbers coming offBut oh it"s so fuckin wet and softFuck I"m gonna start letting offI"m squirting and she"s not getting offAnd she"s on topI"m gonna fucking, oh godOh don"t do thatDon"t stopStop, don"t, I don"t mean don"t stopAh Wait a minuteOh ohh fackI"m gonna fucking cum[ Refr�0�0o ]Ah ah ah ahhhOh god damnI"m gonna facckin cumOh shit, oh yeahFack fack fackFack I amI am,I"m going to cumI"m cummingOh wow oh awwi need a cigarette nowoh I"m so fucking hot and your so fuckin hotOh my GodI wanna facking fackNo, not fuckI said fackF A C K F A C Kfack fack facking freak meoh yeah girl c babyThey call me mr freakyLets call your sister threewayHave some threesomeMe so hornyAnd your such a fuckin babeI wanna go down on uFack u shaveOh god damnhere I go againI"m gonna cum, I am[ Refr�0�0o ]Ah ah ah ahhhOh god damnI"m gonna facckin cumOh shit, oh yeahFack fack fackFack I amI am,I"m going to cumI"m cummingOk I"m doneI already came twiceYou ain"t gonna make me cumI"m all out of gas
2023-01-01 17:11:111

一个女的唱的 里面歌词fack you fack you fack you music,我在酒吧听到的 求歌名

O(∩_∩)O~肯定是这个lily allen- fuck you 楼主 难道不是这首?
2023-01-01 17:11:162


2023-01-01 17:10:213