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2023-06-16 02:11:32


Dr: Bad debt expense 650000*0.5%=3250

Cr: Allowance for Doubtful Debts 3250


Dr:Allowance for Doubtful Debts 500

Cr:Accounts eceivable, Sam Baker 500



在下一年的4月10日,管理层认定 Sam Baker 500美元的赊账不能回收,并记录为坏账。给予了总日记账必要的情况来记录这件事。


Dec 31

Dr Allowance for bad debts 37,500 (650,000*1%*50%)

Cr Accounts receivable 37,500

Apr 10

Dr Bad debts 500

Cr Allowance for bad debts 500


不好意思,我的英语水平基本为 0 。



2023-06-16 00:27:361


  债务是指债权人向债务人提供资金,以获得利息及债务人承诺在未来某一约定日期偿还这些资金和利息。那么你知道债务的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    债务英语单词1:   debt    债务英语单词2:   liabilities    债务的英语例句:   我们的债务总计为五千美元。   We have debts totaling 5000 dollars.   他被很多债务弄得焦灼不安。   He was embarrassed by many debts.   他生性爱说谎,而且通常债务缠身。   He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.   我为索取债务而起诉她。   I took her to court for repayment of the debt.   所有债务均已合并。   All the debts have been consolidated.   必须先还清债务然后再置办物品。   Getting out of debt must be placed before buying anything new.   法院判决由他偿还债务。   The judge ordained that he should pay the debts.   债务分为良性债务和不良债务。   There is good debt and bad debt.   或有债务已经变成了实际债务。   Contingent liabilities have become actual liabilities.   这些债务中会有多少变成不良债务,只能靠猜测。   How much of these debts will go bad is guesswork.   第三世界国家沉重的债务负担   The massive debt burden of the Third World   延期清偿债务的办法   Ways to delay the settlement of debts   他对日益增加的债务置之不理。   He ignored his mounting debts.   他很有可能债务缠身。   He is probably up to his neck in debt.   巴西即将提出一个新的债务偿付计划。   Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan.   受债务困扰的第三世界国家日益加深的苦境   The worsening plight of Third World countries plagued by debts   略微超过官方债务总额的一半   A bit more than half the total official debt   未偿债务总额达700亿美元。   The total debt outstanding is$ 70 billion.   办理贷款以清偿现有债务。   A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.   但更大的麻烦是表外养老金和OPEB债务投下的巨大阴影。   But the bigger problem is the giant shadow cast by the pension and opeb liabilities that are absent from balance sheets.
2023-06-16 00:27:431


debt指负债情况时,一般用单数形式,如:in debt,out of debt。debt修饰名词时也用单数,如debt crisis(债务危机)、debt levels(债务水平)、debt markets(债务市场)。debt指债券、债款、欠款时可以用复数,当债券、债款、欠款不止一笔时就用复数,如: pay debts(偿还债务)sell their debts(发行债券),local debts (地方债)carry large debts (背了巨额债款,或“负债累累”)his debt,一般指一笔欠债 his debts,指多笔欠债。亚洲国家的债务指的是亚洲国家债务的总体情况,一般用单数:Asian debt
2023-06-16 00:27:511


2023-06-16 00:28:002


debt 是原型debts 是三单形式-----------------------------------精锐老师很高兴为您服务
2023-06-16 00:28:071


liability也泛指欺瞒被骗的人,劳碌之人,也泛指;自怨自艾,心无大志之人,也有人说会是无止境呻吟的冤魂。寓意:在痣相学中,女人脖子附近的痣, 属于“劳碌痣”,也就是说拥有这个痣相的女人,一生劳碌奔波,属于比较操劳的命。感情方面,爱情之路稍茫坎坷,属于比较被动的一方。婚后生活也多忙于家中,属于家里的服务人群,奉献主义。
2023-06-16 00:28:154

Debt 和Liabilities的区别

1. Debt is a kind of liability.2. Debt refers to the money you borrowed from others, normally it includes bank loan, bond you issued to others, etc; while liability means the money you need to pay in future, no matter how it was formed. 3. For example, salary payable is liability to employee rather than a debt. The above is my own opinion rather than official explanation, hope it will be helpful.
2023-06-16 00:28:583


  负债,是指企业过去的交易或者事项形成的、预期会导致经济利益流出企业的现时义务。那么你知道负债用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来负债的英语说法,供大家参考学习。   负债的英语说法1:   liabilities   负债的英语说法2:   be in debt   负债的英语说法3:   get into debt   负债相关英语表达:   long-term liabilities;   长期负债   current liabilities;   流动负债   assets and liabilities   资产与负债   负债的英语例句:   1. America"s treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries.   美国财政部长指出了负债最多的那些国家。   2. The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.   这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。   3. This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.   这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。   4. The company has reduced its indebtedness to just $15 million.   公司把负债降低到仅仅1,500万美元。   5. Stress is a main reason for debt.   重压是负债的一个主要原因。   6. Bad housing is interconnected with debt and poverty.   住房条件差与负债以及贫困相关联。   7. They had to sell their assets to keep the business afloat.   他们得售卖资产使企业免于负债.   8. He took over the union when it was loaded with debt.   那个单位负债时他接过来了.   9. He is in debt to the extent of 10,000 dollars.   他负债已达一万美元.   10. His careless spending led him into debt.   他随便花钱使他负债.   11. No one knows the extent of his debts.   没有人知道他负债多少.   12. The government has lent millions of pounds to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.   政府无视当地的金融法规,已向负债累累的银行出借了数百万英镑。   13. An undisclosed buyer will provide a much - needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.   一个未公开身分的买主就不稳定的资产负债状况注入所必需的现金.   14. With high interest rates and a wages freeze, many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water.   由于实行高利率和工资冻结 措施 , 许多户主能做的只是使自己免于负债.   15. 47 Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt.   47与其负债起床,不如空腹睡觉.
2023-06-16 00:29:111


debt[英][det][美][dɛt]n.债务; 负债情况; 义务; 罪,过失; 复数:debts双语例句1Can you pay this debt?你能还清这笔债吗?2His family inherits the debt.他的家人继承的债务。
2023-06-16 00:29:181


you got ,you will pay back.
2023-06-16 00:29:364

90 % of the debts _______ so far.

2023-06-16 00:29:442


2023-06-16 00:29:544


dollar-denominated debts以美元计价的债务; 美元外部债务双语例句What we are witnessing is the mirror image of the 1990s Asian crisis, when countries with heavy dollar-denominated external debts were driven to the brink of bankruptcy by currency declines.我们正在见证的是上世纪90年代亚洲危机的镜像,当时背负巨额美元外部债务的国家因货币贬值而被推向破产的边缘。
2023-06-16 00:30:021

会计write off debts

write off bad debts是指冲销坏账,收不回的坏账就列作公司的损失了required balance 要求的余额,比如说有的公司要保证自己的银行存款的最低金额
2023-06-16 00:30:111

be saddled with debts是什么意思

be saddled with debts背债 双语例句1. And must Frank and Julia, now just starting out in life, be saddled with this?而且,弗兰克和朱莉娅刚刚踏上人生的道路, 难道一定要受这个连累?来自辞典例句2. He got away from his mother only to be saddled with another heavy family situation.他好不容易摆脱了他那个亲妈,又背上了这样一个沉重的亲属问题包袱.来自辞典例句3. B : Not very good. I hear that he is saddled with debts of his company.不太好. 我听说他的公司现在债务缠身.来自互联网
2023-06-16 00:31:253

debt,tax duty的区别

debt,债务;负债情况Three years later, he is still paying off his debts. 都3年了,他仍在偿还债务。tax 税No-one enjoys paying tax. 没人喜欢纳税。duty职责,责任; 义务;My duty is to look after the animals. 我的责任就是照看这些动物。
2023-06-16 00:31:311

Provision for bad debt & bad debt written off 分别

Bad debt written off 是指枯账,意思是这笔账是无法回收,变成公司费用于发生当月出损益,而Provision for Bad Debt ,或Provision for Doubtful Debt 是指坏账准备,例如有一笔数两年尚未收回,于年尾做数就要做Provision. Bad debt written off 会计步骤如下: Dr Bad Debt Written off (Expenses) Cr Accounts Receivable (Balance Sheet) 请注意:Bad debt written off 会把应收账从账面抺走,所以要由管理层批准才可做。 至于Provision for Bad Debts 会计步骤如下: Dr. Provision for Bad Debts (Expenses) Cr. Provision for Bad Debts (Balance Sheet) 做Provision 是在应收账下产生﹝Balance Sheet﹞,并不影响原有应收账数额。,Bad debts - P/L item provision for bad debts - B/S item,是做Bad Debt的Account,如以往没有做Provision for doubtful debts(即你所说的PROVISION FOR BAD DEBT),就比较简单。 步骤 1: Dr Bad Debt 和 Cr 个客公司 (数额为个客公司的结欠,因为预计都不能追回) 步骤 2: 你公司年结时:Dr Profit & Loss 和 Cr Bad Debt (数额为本年Bad Debt的总数) 如以往有做Provision for doubtful debts,又有预个客公司份,也只要加步骤。 步骤3:你公司年结时:Dr Profit & Loss 和 Cr Provision for doubtful debts (数额为你公司预个客公司的那份Provision for doubtful debts) 步骤4:你公司年结时:减完你公司预个客公司的那份后做Balance c/d(或Balance c/f)至Balance Sheet。,
2023-06-16 00:31:391

The factory defaults on the debts. 为什么这句英语里要加一个on?

default on是词组,意义是“拖欠”;the debts作default on的宾语。
2023-06-16 00:31:464


i need to earn money for the debt
2023-06-16 00:32:085


坏账(bad debts;ba d7c d account) 所谓坏帐是指经认真核实,确认是无法收回的 贷款 , 包括因借款人被依法宣告 破产 ,经 清算 后仍无法还算的贷款; 借款人死亡或宣告死亡,以其财产或遗产清偿后仍无法还清的贷款; 借款人遭受特大自然灾害或意外事故,损失巨大,即使获保险补偿, 仍无法还清的 贷款 ;经国务院专案批准核销的贷款。希望采纳
2023-06-16 00:32:331


2023-06-16 00:32:433


2023-06-16 00:32:514

请问wrote off bad debts是什么意思啊?-20分-

wrote off bad debts勾销吊账啊.嘻..我也是学会计的..
2023-06-16 00:33:086


2023-06-16 00:33:245


应该是debt吧loan是贷给别人(,别人欠你的 )比如说 a bank loan银行贷款而debt正好相反是债务欠债的意思,(是自己欠别人的) 比如 in sb"s debt欠某人人情
2023-06-16 00:34:132


1.whenever I see this photo,I can"t help thingkng of my childhood.2.Work hard,and you will succeed.3. When the accident happened,Mrs Jones was waiting at the bus station.4.Their two-yer-old son is able to count from one to one hundred.5.In order to pay off debts,she has to work on several jobs.
2023-06-16 00:34:203


  欠债还钱,天经地义,但是如果遇上了欠钱不还的无赖,那你借出去的钱就有可能一去不回了。那么你知道表示欠债用英语怎么说吗?那么下面跟着我学习一下,希望能对大家学习英语有所帮助!    1. Deadbeat   Deadbeat是美语中对“老赖”最常用的称呼。遇到那些赖账的人或不讲信用的公司,小伙伴们就尽情地用这个词招呼他们吧。   例:He"s a real deadbeat who"s never had a proper job.   他是个地道的老赖,从来就没个正经工作。   2. Be in debt to   Be in debt to意思是“欠债”,后面加sb,表示欠某人的钱。   例:They are in debt to the bank.   他们欠了银行一屁股债。   3. Owe money to   Owe表示“亏欠”的意思,貌似没有比这个用法更直白的了。   例: If you owe money to others , you have to pay. Don"t quibble!   欠债就得还钱,别唧唧歪歪了!    4. Bad pay   Bad pay表示“没有偿还能力,信用差”的意思。   例:As far as we know, that man is bad pay.   据我们所知,那人没有信用,欠债不还。    5. Pay oneu2019s debt to the last penny   这个短语相当形象,to the last penny就是“一个子儿都不剩”的意思。   例:He paid all his debts to the last penny.   他还清了全部债务,分文不欠。
2023-06-16 00:34:281

Bonds 和debentures 有什么区别

前者专业性较强 正式场合使用后者口语化一些 常用一些意思没什么不同bank debenture金融债券bearer debenture不记名债券coupon bank debenture附息票金融债券customs debenture海关退税凭单foreign currency denominated debenture外币债券funding debenture以债券偿付利息irredeemable debenture只付息不还本的公司债redeemable debentures可提前偿还公司债, 可赎公司债school debenture学生债券secured debentures担保借款股份simple debenture (naked)无担保公司债debenture in foreign currency以外币发行的公司信用债debenture of hypothec bank劝业债券
2023-06-16 00:34:412


in有这种用法:used to introduce the name of a person who has a particular quality(引出某种品质的人的名字)如We"re losing a first-rate editor in Kathy.我们即将失去凯西这位一流的编辑。至于debt的特殊用法,记住就可以了。
2023-06-16 00:34:504

ACCA Bad debts 与allowance for A/R

2023-06-16 00:35:052


2023-06-16 00:35:231


debt 英[det] 美[du025bt] n. 债务; 负债情况; 义务; 罪,过失; [例句]Three years later, he is still paying off his debts都3年了,他仍在偿还债务。 复数:debts
2023-06-16 00:35:311


2023-06-16 00:35:381

Debt 是什么意思嘛

debt 英[det] 美[du025bt] n. 债务; 负债情况; 义务; 罪,过失; [例句]Three years later, he is still paying off his debts都3年了,他仍在偿还债务。[其他] 复数:debts
2023-06-16 00:35:451


2023-06-16 00:35:521


2023-06-16 00:36:011


2023-06-16 00:36:081


debt的用法及搭配:1、用作名词(n.),I must pay my debts.我得还我的欠账。2、debt+prep.-phrase,By this time we had debts of over £15,000.到这时我们的债务已经超过15,000英镑了。 扩展资料 debt,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“债务;借款;罪过”;借款;欠款;债务;负债情况;人情债;情义;恩情。
2023-06-16 00:36:351

会计问题-bad debts/bad debts written off/provision for bed debts

Bad debt解坏帐 只是一个名词. Bad debt written off是一个动作 意思是转销呆帐 即是将bad debts从debtors扣除 并将bad debts确认为支出. Dr: Bad Debts Cr: Debtors. Provision for bad debt等于Provision for doubtful debts. 如果今个财政年度的provision for bad debts(下称PBD)未计好 你就要先计今年的PBD 方法就是将Debtors(个数要已经扣左BD)再乘要provide的百分比. 计完之后 如果题目有上年的PBD. 你就要将今个财政年度(下称今年)的数和上个财政年度(下称上年)的PBD比较 之后将差额入落P/L及Provision for bad debts a/c. 如果今年个PBD大过上年 你就要Dr: P/L Cr: Provision for bad debts. 细过就dr同cr调转. 系balance sheet入面Provision for bad debts系入balance c/d个数 而且系扣debtors个数 系balance sheet入面分开显示. 即系balance sheet入面要咁写: (Trade) Debtors Less: Provision for bad debts
2023-06-16 00:36:431

英语谚语:Death pays all debts 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Death pays all debts 中文意思: 人死百债了。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Happy is he who owes nothing 无债一身轻。 Happy is the man that owes nothing 无债一身轻。 Hardships never e alone 祸不单行。 Hard words break no bones fine words butter no parsnips 粗话无害,甘言无益。 Hares may pull dead lions by the beard 虎落平阳被犬欺。 Harm set harm get 自作自受。 Harm watch harm catch 害人反害己。 Haste makes waste 拔苗助长。 Hasty climbers have sudden falls 大起者有大落。 Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold 草草率率谈恋爱,热得快也冷得快。 英语谚语: Death pays all debts 中文意思: 人死百债了。
2023-06-16 00:37:011

Debt 和Liabilities的区别

2023-06-16 00:37:092

Debt 和Liabilities的区别

2023-06-16 00:37:171


bond:n.结合(物), 粘结(剂), 联结, 公债, 债券, 合同v.结合n.debt:债务, 罪过
2023-06-16 00:37:262

pay ()debts

 1 off 2 for 3 back
2023-06-16 00:37:331


1. 表示具体意义的一笔欠款或债务等,是可数名词.如:I owe him a debt of $100. 我欠他200美元.If I pay all my debts I shall have no money left. 如果把所有的借款都还了,我就分文不剩了.2. 表示抽象意义的欠款或...
2023-06-16 00:37:411

经济拮据,债台高筑 英文怎么说

经济拮据short on cash, impoverished, penniless, poverty-stricken, badly off, underprivileged债台高筑 knee deep in debt, heavily in debt
2023-06-16 00:37:482


1. 表示具体意义的一笔欠款或债务等,是可数名词。如:I owe him a debt of $100. 我欠他200美元。If I pay all my debts I shall have no money left. 如果把所有的借款都还了,我就分文不剩了。2. 表示抽象意义的欠款或债务,尤指无法偿还的债务或欠款的状态等,通常是不可数名词。如:Out of debt, out of danger. 无债一身轻。I was poor, but I avoided debt. 我穷是穷,但还不至于借债。It"s much easier to get into debt than to get out of it. 借债容易还债难。
2023-06-16 00:38:031


bond是证券的意思 debt是欠款的意思bondKK: []DJ: []n.1. 结合力;联结,联系[C][P1]Common interests formed a bond between us.共同的利益把我们联系在一起。2. 镣,铐;束缚;囚禁[P]It takes courage to break the bonds of convention.打破传统的束缚需要勇气。3. 契约,约定[C]4. 字据;债券;公债[C]People are eager to buy government bonds.人们急于购买政府公债。5. 粘接;粘着剂[S]6. 【商】关栈保留,保税[U]7. 保证人[C]debtKK: []DJ: []n.1. 债,借款[C]He has a lot of old debts to meet.他有许多旧债要偿付。2. 恩义,情义[C]The debt that he owed her could never be paid.他欠她的情永远也还不了。3. 负债[U]It"s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.借债容易还债难。4. 【宗】罪
2023-06-16 00:38:221

Irrecoverable debt属于asst还是什么 ?

是“不可收回的债务”,就是“Bad bedt" 坏帐。 不能收回的应收帐款。 是作为应收帐款的备抵项,减少资产,增加费用的。可参照下面详解。 ●Irrecoverable debt:  A debt which is considered to be uncollectible.  - Highly unlikely that the amount owed will be received.  - Written off by writing it out of the ledger accounts completely.  ●Accounting for irrecoverable debts  - It is prudent to remove the irrecoverable debts from the accounts and to charge the amount as an expense for irrecoverable debts to the I.S.  - The original sales remains in the accounts as this did actually take place.  Dr.Irrecoverable debts expense   xx  Cr.Receivables control account     xx  Example:  Arctic Co.have total accounts receivable at the end of their accounting period of $45,000.Of these it is discovered that one, Mr.X who woes $790, has been declared bankruptcy, and another who gave his name as Mr.Jones has totally disappeared owing Arctic Co.$1,240.  Write up the ledger accounts to reflect the writing off these debts as irrecoverable.  Solution:  Dr.Irrecoverable debts expense   2,030  Cr.Receivables control account     2,030  ●Accounting for irrecoverable debts recovered  Irrecoverable debts are received  When an irrecoverable debt is recovered, the accounting entry is:  Dr.Cash              xx  Cr.Irrecoverable debt expense    xx
2023-06-16 00:38:301

loan,debt,equity 有什么区别

loan:附利息借出的一笔钱  The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid. 该国得不到任何外国贷款或经济援助。  Thepresident wants to make it easier for small businesses to getbank loans. 总统希望能让小企业更方便地获得银行贷款。debt:亏欠的债务  Three years later, he is still paying off his debts. 都三年了,他仍在偿还债务。  Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more governmentdebt. 经济收缩意味着税收的减少和政府债务的增加。equity:财产超过其负债的剩余价额  To capture his equity, he must either sell or refinance. 要获得资产净值,他必须出售或者重新融资。
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