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the dead和the deceased的区别

2023-06-16 01:44:49

In Sagada, Luzon, the loved ones of the dead, place the deceased in crevasses high atop mountainsides.在吕宋岛的萨咖达,死者的亲人朋友将其尸体安置在高山顶上的裂缝中。

The dead 是指死者。the dedceased是指其尸体。



deceased [di"si:st] adj. 已故的n. 死者;[法] 被继承人vi. 死亡(decease的过去式)短语the deceased已死的人;死者deceased employer已故雇主Her Deceased她已故If Deceased如已死亡Smallbone Deceased死者的骸骨deceased wife已故的妻子Respondent Deceased被告死亡deceased grandfather已故的祖父deceased estate遗物同近义词 (同根词)deceased [di"si:st] n.someone who is no longer aliven.死者;[法]被继承人adj.已故的deadhe is deceased
2023-06-15 21:59:513

己故 英文怎么说

dieend upmeet one"s deathpass awaygo west
2023-06-15 22:00:005


死者英文是the deceased。死者,汉语词汇,意思是指死去的人;被害死的一方。死亡指丧失生命,生命终止,是生存的反面。哲学上说,死亡是生命结束,而且所有的本来维持其存在(存活)的属性的丧失,不可逆转的永久性的终止。美国一项令人震惊的研究表明,当人类的心脏停止跳动时,大脑还会继续运作。换言之,人类的大脑会意识到自己已经死亡这个事实。死亡是生命(或者事物件)系统所有的本来维持其存在(存活)的属性的丧失且不可逆转的永久性的终止。虽然死亡会有系统的遗产,但是这些遗产并不能使其恢复到终止前的生命系统。通常,生物的死亡是指其一切生命特征的丧失且永久性不可逆转的终止,而最终变成无生命特征的物体。死亡是自然流通链中的一个环节,是世界变化中的必然。死亡后系统的遗产是其他既有或者新生事物的必须材料。人的死亡一般以心跳停止和呼吸停止及脑死亡为识别标志。人死亡以后还存在他(她)的非肉体的其他附属物,这些就因他(她)的死亡而变成了遗产。死亡的生物学意义:死亡以后,生物体的残骸成为生物地质化学循环的一部分。残骸可能会被捕食者或者食腐动物吃掉。有机物可能进一步被腐生生物分解,然后回归到环境中并被食物链重新利用。而不会因为物种的越积越多地球空间变得越来越小。腐生生物包括蚯蚓、土鳖虫、蜣螂等等。微生物也扮演着重要的角色,它们将物质分解为简单分子,并且提升物质的温度。然而,并不是所有的物质都需要完全分解。在沼泽生态系统中经过长时间形成的煤炭就是一个例子。
2023-06-15 22:00:141


2023-06-15 22:00:381


2023-06-15 22:01:1912


2023-06-15 22:02:101


Incidentally fallen
2023-06-15 22:02:347


dead作形容词时意为死的、失去生命的、枯萎的、不再有人相信的、过时的、已废弃的、不流行的,作副词时意为完全地、全然地、确实地、非常、绝对、极度,作名词时意为死人、死者。 众所周知,不同的英语单词可以表达同一个意思,同一个英语单词也可以表达不同的意思,那么下面就来跟大家说一说dead这个单词可以表达哪些意思。 详细内容 01 dead 英 [ded] 美 [ded] adj.死的;失去生命的;枯萎的;不再有人相信(或争取);过时的;已废弃的;不流行的 n.死人;死者;死 adv.完全地;全然地;确实地;非常;绝对;极度 比较级: deader 最高级: deadest 02 同义词辨析 dead adj. 死的,去世的 普通用词,指人和物失去生命的。 The dead tree was cut down. 那棵枯树被砍倒了。 deceased adj. [正式]亡故的,已死的 法律术语,指人已死亡的;常用作 the deceased, 尤指新近去世的人。 The deceased left a large sum of money to his grandson. 死者给他的孙子留下一大笔钱。 late adj. 已故的 只作定语,只用于人而不用于物。 Following his late father"s will, he was given the right to take over all businesses. 遵照已故父亲的遗嘱,他有权接管所有的企业。 03 短语 dead time 死区时间 ; 停滞期 ; 时滞 ; 死时间 dead reckoning 航位推测法 ; 推测领航 ; 航位推算 ; 航迹推算 Dead Man 离魂异客 ; 送葬者 ; 你看见死亡的颜色吗 dead center 正当中 ; [机] 死点 ; 止点 ; 死亡中心 drop dead 去死 ; 去你的 ; 去死吧 ; 倒毙 dead band [自] [电] 死区 ; [通信] 静区 ; 不工作区 ; [仪] 不灵敏区 Dead Marshes 死亡沼泽 Dead links 死链接 dead volume [分化] 死体积 ; [环境] 死区容积 ; 静容量 04 双语例句 Her husband"s been dead a year now 她的丈夫已经去世一年了。 But this water seems dead: it"s polluted and horribly stagnant. 但这似乎是一潭死水:受了污染而且恶臭无比。 This made that holiday week a particularly dead period. 这让那一周的假期显得特别沉闷。 The dead cigarette was still between his fingers 那支已熄灭的香烟仍在他指间。 It"s a dead issue, Baxter 这个问题已经没人再谈论了,巴克斯特。 We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language. 我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。 On another occasion I answered the phone and the line went dead. 还有一回,我一接电话,就掉线了。
2023-06-15 22:03:151


dead英 [ded]美 [dɛd]n. 死者adj. 无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的adv. 完全地
2023-06-15 22:03:242


deadee; a portrait of a dead person
2023-06-15 22:03:344


2023-06-15 22:03:444


decedentthe departed saintdead mandead persondead
2023-06-15 22:04:007

消除 疑问 英语怎么说

remove [doubt
2023-06-15 22:04:174


已故的 latethe late doctor已故的医生
2023-06-15 22:04:252


in memory of sb
2023-06-15 22:04:463


遗愿 [词典] behest; unfulfilled wish of the deceased; last wish; [例句]她不得不去实现她母亲的临终遗愿。She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother.
2023-06-15 22:06:291


2023-06-15 22:06:372


基拉·大和(キラu30fbヤマト,拉丁字母:Kira Yamato 基因类型:新人类 出生日期:C.E.55年5月18日 星座:金牛座 年龄:16(SEED),18(DESTINY) 身高:165 cm(SEED),170 cm(DESTINY) 体重:65kg(SEED),58 kg(DESTINY) 发色:褐色 血型分类:A型 要好朋友:亚斯兰·察拉 情人︰莉古丝·古兰尔,芙蕾·阿尔斯达 家庭︰卡利达·大和(养母),Haruma Yamato(养父);悠连 响(生父)(响博士),薇雅 响(生母);双胞胎姐妹︰卡嘉莉·尤拉·阿斯哈(自然人);基因上的「兄弟」︰卡纳德·帕尔斯 所属势力:地球联合军→三舰同盟→奥布 军阶︰地球联合军少尉→奥布少尉→奥布上将 曾驾驶的MS︰ 突击高达 自由高达 嫣红突击高达 (仅于自由高达损坏后驾驶过一次.并损坏于该次行动中) 突击自由高达 Geic type: Coordinator DOB: September 1 CE 57 Age: 16 [GSD] Nationality: Formerly Orb Currently PLANT [GSD] Allegiance: ZAFT [GSD] Rank: Red Coat (ZAFT) [GSD] FAITH (ZAFT) [GSD] Family: father (unnamed deceased) mother (unnamed deceased) Mayu Asuka (sister deceased) Height: 168 cm [GSD] Weight: 55 kg [GSD] Blood type: O Hair color: Black Eye color: Red Mobile weapon(s): ZGMF-X56 (シンu30fbアスカ) Shin Asuka 真·飞鸟 基因类型:调整者 身高:168cm 体重:55kg 生日:C.E.57年9月1日 星座:处女座 年龄:16岁 血型:O型 曾驾驶机体:ZGMF-X56S Impulse、ZGMF-X42S Destiny Kira Yamato Geic type: Ultimate Coordinator DOB: May 18 [1] CE 55 Age: 16 [GS][1] 18 [GSD][2] Nationality: United Emirates of Orb [GS/GSD] Allegiance: OMNI Enforcer [GS] Three Shi ps Alliance [GS] United Emirates of Orb [GSD] Terminal [GSD] ZAFT [GSDSE] Rank: Ensign (EAF) [GS][1] Ensign (Orb) [GSD] Admiral (Orb) [GSD] Commander (Orb Space Fleet) [GSD] White Coat (ZAFT) [GSDSE] Family: Carid 参考: me & inter 基拉Kira Yamato (キラu30fbヤマト Kira Yamato) Geic type: Ultimate Coordinator DOB: May 18 [1] CE 55 Age: 16 [GS][1] 18 [GSD][2] Nationality: United Emirates of Orb [GS/GSD] Allegiance: OMNI Enforcer [GS] Three Ships Alliance [GS] United Emirates of Orb [GSD] Terminal [GSD] ZAFT [GSDSE] Rank: Ensign (EAF) [GS][1] Ensign (Orb) [GSD] Admiral (Orb) [GSD] Commander (Orb Space Fleet) [GSD] White Coat (ZAFT) [GSDSE] Family: Caridad Yamato (adoptive mother/aunt)[3] Haruma Yamato (adoptive father/uncle)[3] Ulen Hibiki (father deceased) Via Hibiki (mother deceased) Cagalli Yula Athha (in sister) Height: 165 cm[1] (5" 5") [GS] 170 cm[2] (5" 7") [GSD] Weight: 65 kg (143.3 lbs) [GS][citation needed] 67 kg (147.4 lbs) [GSD][citation needed] Blood type: A[1] Hair color: Brown[citation needed] Eye color: Purple[citation needed] Mobile weapon(s): GAT-X105 Strike [GS] ZGMF-X10A Freedom [GS/GSD] MBF-02 Strike Rouge [GSD] ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom [GSD] 真飞鸟Shinn Asuka (シンu30fbアスカ Shin Asuka) Geic type: Coordinator DOB: September 1 CE 57 Age: 16 [GSD] Nationality: Formerly Orb Currently PLANT [GSD] Allegiance: ZAFT [GSD] Rank: Red Coat (ZAFT) [GSD] FAITH (ZAFT) [GSD] Family: father (unnamed deceased) mother (unnamed deceased) Mayu Asuka (sister deceased) Height: 168 cm [GSD] Weight: 55 kg [GSD] Blood type: O Hair color: Black Eye color: Red Mobile weapon(s): ZGMF-X56S Impulse [GSD] ZGMF-X42S Destiny [GSD] 参考: Wikipedia + me Gundam Seed Destiny 基拉u30fb大和 キラu30fbヤマト Kira Yamato 真u30fb飞鸟 シンu30fbアスカ Shin Asuka 两位都系持有种子的新人类
2023-06-15 22:06:441


2023-06-15 22:06:553


2023-06-15 22:07:269


dad deaddeferred
2023-06-15 22:07:425


应该是 东方电气
2023-06-15 22:08:183


2023-06-15 22:08:331

愿逝者安息,生者坚强 用英语怎么说

回答和翻译如下 :愿逝者安息,生者坚强 。May the dead rest in peace and live strong .
2023-06-15 22:08:451


遗愿的解释[unfulfilled wish of the deceased;last wish] 死者生前没有实现的愿望 这是周总理的遗愿 详细解释 死者生前的愿望。 碧野 《彩石 斑斓 》 :“副指挥长遵照她 丈夫 生前的遗愿,把骨灰一半撒入水利工地的 江河 里,一半埋在原先打游击的大山区。” 康锋戟 《三个闪光的数字》 诗:“这 光辉 的遗愿如战鼓鸣,声声召唤后来人。” 词语分解 遗的解释 遗 (遗) í 丢失:遗失。遗落。 漏掉: 遗忘 。遗漏。 丢失的 东西 ,漏掉的部分:补遗。路不 拾遗 。 余,留:遗留。遗俗。遗闻。遗址。遗风。 遗憾 。遗老(a. 经历 世变的老人;b. 仍然 效忠前一朝代的老人)。 愿的解释 愿 (①愿③愿) à 乐意 ,想要:宁愿。 愿意 。情愿。自愿。 希望 :愿望。 志愿 。 但愿 。 夙愿 (亦作“宿愿”)。 如愿以偿 。事与愿违。 迷信的人对神佛许下的 酬谢 ,泛指许给 别人 的好处:许愿。还愿。 老实 谨慎 ,恭
2023-06-15 22:09:001


dead spirits
2023-06-15 22:09:102


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请哪位英语高手告诉我 遗照的英文是什么?最好有付词性和语法运用的。。 谢谢啊 解析: a portrait of the deceased这是文学性的英语语言上的用法 但是实际上 和中文不同 我们比较少这样用(一般情况下没必要强调死者) 用 Here is a photo/picture of *** 就可以了(前文应交代了照片主人的)
2023-06-15 22:10:011


2023-06-15 22:10:272

Dead But Dreaming 歌词

歌曲名:Dead But Dreaming歌手:Edge of Sanity专辑:UnorthodoxCold, pale, ro rest I"m laid no shiversfrom inside. Entombed and forgotten,here, forever I shall hide. Feel no bloodflow in me. But I feel so alive. I feel myEdge Of Sanitybody slowly rot in my wet grave. Deceasedand putrifacted but my soul I have saved.Feel no blood flow in me, feel no blood.When I have ceased, and death is real.When I"m lowered down. Beyond mydestiny. Past the day mourning. Enter thetwilight of death thru the night of pos-dreaming. Enter the dawn of dreams,enter the dawn of the dead... As I die, as Ifade. In my dreams, I am awake. As I fadefrom this rotting world, dead as hell.Trapped in myself. My life among theliving was nothing but pain, but now I"mset free beyond my destiny. I"ve been theone who"s giving. Slowly drained of life.Dream my enemy, forever I"m your sleep.
2023-06-15 22:10:331


【 #英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.描写清明节的英语作文   The night before the Qingming Festival, I dreamed that my uncle was talking to me. He said Taotao, you have grown so big.   The next morning, my mother and I had breakfast and went back to our hometown. Before we could have a drink, my mother took a shovel, paper money and pot, and we set out. After walking for a while, I asked my mother, "why hasn"t my uncle"s cemetery arrived yet?" My mother said, "see, just go to the big tree in front of me. Then my mother and I walked for a while and finally arrived.   When I came to my uncle"s graveyard, my mother dug a circle around my uncle"s graveyard with a shovel, and then my mother and I began to burn paper money. First, my mother lit several pieces of 20 yuan, and then I took out a pile of 100 yuan from the tape. I threw one piece first and then another. At this time, I saw my mother throw several pieces, so I also learned from my mother"s throwing several pieces. After throwing 100 yuan, I began to throw 500 yuan.   This Qingming Festival, I learned that life is very important. Just like the person in a sketch said, money is nothing to life. Also, although you are rich, you have no life. What"s the use of so much money, so we cherish life. 2.描写清明节的英语作文   Finally, on the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me to my hometown to sweep the grave. Stepping on the thorns on the mountain road, we came to the grave of our grandparents. In the face of our deceased predecessors, we all stood in awe and bowed deeply to their graves. My father handed me a lighted incense and looked at the rising smoke. The sounds and smiles of my grandparents seemed to appear in front of me. I was very sad to recall their love for me.   Next, we burned a lot of paper money for them, all of which are "hundred yuan bills". We sincerely hope that they can live carefree in another world! Finally, my father took out the prepared firecrackers and began to set them off. In the crackling sound of firecrackers, I silently made a wish: I hope my grandparents will bless my academic progress and the safety and happiness of my family!   On our way down the mountain, we took a shortcut and saw several tombs along the way. Closer look, there is a five pointed star on some tombstones, but the color has faded. Later I learned that it was a martyr who died for his country. My father told me: "our happy life today is what these martyrs bought with their lives. We should remember them forever.". My heart was very excited, and the azaleas all over the mountain seemed to understand my mind. At this time, they opened more brightly. Mother said, "azalea is also called Qingming flower. It blooms during Qingming Festival to appease the dead.".   So I picked some and put them in front of the tomb. May the martyrs rest in peace! Every year there is Qingming Festival, and every year there are different worries. We can"t forget the kindness of our ancestors. We must study hard and create a better future! 3.描写清明节的英语作文   On Tomb Sweeping Day, we went to the cemetery to sweep the grave for my grandmother who had died for many years.   At seven o"clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrifice early and walked to grandma"s cemetery in my uncle"s car. About half an hour or so, we came to Diao Fangyang"s nest in Xingning. After getting out of the car, I turned over a high mountain and walked through a forest towards grandma"s cemetery. Finally, I came to grandma"s grave. I saw that the grave was covered with tall weeds.   When I had not recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knelt down on my knees, put my hands together, and said with tears in my eyes; "Grandma, although you have died for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are like the same height as the mountain, the same flow as the water and the same size as the sky. Grandma, your spirit in heaven, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped away my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma"s grave and left reluctantly   Looking at the lush trees, free birds, all kinds of white clouds and colorful wild flowers dotted in the green grass, I gently took a breath of fresh air and seemed to enter another world.   I will always remember this tomb sweeping day! 4.描写清明节的英语作文   In the twinkling of an eye, it was the annual Qingming Festival again. This year"s Qingming Festival didn"t rain. According to the new holiday system, Qingming had a day off, so I went back to my hometown with my mother to visit the grave and worship my ancestors.   After offering sacrifices to the third mother-in-law, we came to grandma"s grave. We ordered a few incense sticks and inserted them in front of the grave, then tore up the paper money and lit it. The burned paper money turned into pieces of white ash. As the wind floated into the distance, the crackling sound of firecrackers spread far away. At the same time, my thoughts were brought back to the distant past.   Grandma lived a hard life before she died. They must have been very painful when they gave birth to Grandpa. When Grandpa was studying, there was a shortage of food. He had to bring tables and stools from home and carry them for several kilometers to school every day. On one occasion, when grandma was taking grandpa to school, a car passed by. Grandma pushed Grandpa, but she was hit by the car. Since then, grandma separated from us Yin and Yang, and left the world and her beloved children forever. Later, grandpa who lost his mother"s love became a doctor through his efforts. 5.描写清明节的英语作文   On April 5, it was overcast, with a breeze and light rain. After bumps and treks, we came to the grave of our ancestors. The air on the mountain is still so fresh, and everything around it is the same: disordered small trees and weeds everywhere. At this time, the moist air and the gray sky were silent and picturesque everywhere. Father, mother, uncle and aunt are busy in an orderly way   At this time, after pulling out the grass and preparing to light candles, we found that the candles were too light and unstable on the front desk of the tombstone, which was easy to fall off, so my father and I racked our brains to find a way. Time passed bit by bit. Finally, Dad came up with a solution first: he suddenly ran to a small tree in front, cut down the branches, cut them into sections about 10 cm long, dug out the core of the tree with a knife, and just inserted the candle. "Wow! This is a pair of living candlesticks!" I cried in surprise. This time I "won" another game for my father. I must "pull" back after I go back. I thought secretly in my heart. But I also know that this is not the time to be a "hero". Only with respect to our ancestors, this is our respect to our ancestors through our own efforts! During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and the feeling of respecting our ancestors arises naturally; When the smoke swirls, the mountain stream leaves the sound of firecrackers 6.描写清明节的英语作文   Qingming Festival, a festival handed down from generation to generation, contains the thoughts of deceased relatives and the sadness of deceased friends. Tears and drizzle can better express people"s sad feelings.   Under the land of my hometown lies my dear grandmother. I have never seen her, not even a picture of her. She died when her mother was 15 years old. Every time I mention this, I feel very sorry, and my mother will leave sad tears.   Under the Loess of the motherland lie revolutionary martyrs. Although they have nothing to do with us, they died for our big family, for our Chinese nation, and for our five-star red flag. They are a family with us. Let"s bow our heads and mourn for them! Although they are not in the world, their hearts and hearts full of blood remain in the world!   On Tomb Sweeping Day, let"s send tears of missing for our deceased relatives and friends and pay a high tribute to the revolutionary martyrs! 7.描写清明节的英语作文   "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". This year"s Tomb Sweeping Day, there is no rain, no sand flying, only a gentle breeze and a gorgeous sunrise. On this special day, he looked after the people who came to offer sacrifices with tenderness.   After mom and Dad had prepared the tribute early in the morning, they took me in a fast taxi and went back to the beautiful and rich hometown with beautiful flowers and fertile fields to visit the tomb. On the way to the tomb, there are many beautiful flowers, including red Yingshan red, golden chrysanthemums and purple lavender... It"s so beautiful!   When they arrived at their destination, mom and dad began to hoe the weeds next to the cemetery. Some families with large cemeteries also used hoes and sickles. They cut the grass of the cemetery neatly just as barbers carefully cut their customers with scissors. It can be seen that people attach great importance to tomb sweeping. Next, mom and dad began to put colorful wreaths on the grave, and then put incense, fruits and other tributes in front of the grave. Then mom and dad put paper money next to the grave and burned it. Finally, mom and dad kowtowed in front of the grave and prayed for their safety and health and well-being!   There is always a sour feeling in my heart when I think of my deceased relatives. Those relatives taken away by the years, I hope you are all well in heaven 8.描写清明节的英语作文   It is another year from the Tomb Sweeping Day, "it rains one after another during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Wet souls are walking on the wet road.   Early in the morning, the clear and bright sunshine came warm from the window. After the leaves softened, it was like a runaway Mustang being put on a bridle. The rebellious River met Dujiangyan. It slowed down, softened and tamed, turned into extremely irregular light spots of large and small shapes, and gently threw them on people.   Under the warm sunshine, my heart is a little cold, because a line of bold black words "Sichuan Liangshan fire, 30 people died" suddenly appeared on the page just opened. No one knows what kind of pain they have experienced in the face of this sudden fire. I can"t even imagine the pain of the burning flame. How many young and brave lives have brought us stability in this world. 9.描写清明节的英语作文   April 5 is the Tomb Sweeping Day. In this festival, there are sadness and nostalgia... Waiting for us to feel. After breakfast, my grandfather and father and I went to our hometown to sweep the tomb of our deceased ancestors. Dad was going to buy firecrackers and salutes. I quickly stopped him: "our school requires civilization to worship our ancestors and be careful with fire to prevent forest fire!" Dad heard it; "The school teaches well! Then we can worship our ancestors in civilization and buy some floating graves and incense."   We drove to the cemetery. As soon as I got to the cemetery, I jumped out of the car and found many white and red long paper tapes on the mountain. I asked my father, "Dad, what"s that?" My father told me in a low voice, "those white and red long paper tapes are floating graves." After a while, we came to the grave. My father and grandfather first replaced the old grave last year, hung the new grave, lit incense, and then lit candles. Finally, my father asked me to burn paper money for my ancestors. Grandpa kowtowed in front of the grave and said, "ancestors, you want to live a happy life in heaven!" My father offered wine, rice and vegetables to my ancestors sadly. I asked my father, "why do we visit the grave every year?" Dad said, "because we want to commemorate our ancestors and express our nostalgia to them."   This year"s Tomb Sweeping Day, I will always keep in mind. 10.描写清明节的英语作文   These days are Tomb Sweeping Day. We have a holiday. The whole family decided to visit Xitang. It"s said that this is an ancient town. It"s very fun. We drove all morning and arrived at Xitang at noon.   When you enter the gate, you can see the ancient buildings here. Whether it"s a small pavilion or attic, it looks so antique. The tile eaves of the roof are high and stilted, and gray roofs are everywhere. After many years, small bridges and flowing water complement each other. Small boats floated over, with boats full of happy tourists. Tourists were weaving on both sides of the river bank, and there were cries of Hawking in small shops one after another.   We move forward with the crowded flow of people, and take a look at the small shop next to us from time to time. We have everything we buy, eat, use, wear and so on. Just past a small bridge, I suddenly heard someone singing. Let"s take a closer look. It turned out that three people were singing! But I can"t understand anything. I always feel very lively. I sat in my chair and listened for a while. I didn"t understand at all. I just thought
2023-06-15 22:10:511

消除疑虑 英语怎么说?

clear up doubt 消除疑问,解除疑虑如:His testimony would help to clear up any doubt as to the cause of the death of the deceased.他的证明有助于澄清有关死者死因方面的所有疑团。 They meet last night to clear up any linger doubt他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点希望有帮到楼主O(∩_∩)O
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2023-06-15 22:11:095


dead spirits
2023-06-15 22:11:352

Roses 4 Rome-Triarii 歌词

歌曲名:Roses 4 Rome-Triarii歌手:triarii专辑:Piece Heroique曲名:Roses 4 Rome歌者:Triarii feat. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio发行时间: 2006出版者: Eternal souledit by:竹子oO歌词中文翻译: 豆瓣 chainsong此世无悼 The world will never grieve you业待身亡 It is already deceased无可相见 And no one will ever see you盲瞽盲伥 Cause the blind they can not see遵雄感召 Hear to the calling of the lions闻彼祷文 Hear the prayers of their prey无留明日 No tomorrow remains to save you奢享当时 So let"s relish in yesterday享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 It is all尽献罗马 just for Rome享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 It is all尽献罗马 just for Rome明日无悼 No tomorrow is there to grieve you业待身亡 It is already deceased无可相恋 And no one will ever love you亡躯亡佯 Cause the dead they do not feel遵雄感召 Hear to the calling of the lions闻彼惊叫 Hear the screaming of their prey无留世事 Nothing remains to save you奢享当时 So let"s relish in yesterday享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 This is all尽献罗马 just for Rome享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 This is all尽献罗马 just for Rome享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 This is all尽献罗马 just for Rome享吾之妃 Share my women享吾之酒 Share my wine享吾之魂 Share my soul尽灼骄阳 Burn the Sun倾此所有 This is all尽献罗马 just for Rome非常喜欢这篇翻译以及余威犹在的古罗马帝国故此制作
2023-06-15 22:11:523


1 dab n. 湿而软的小块;轻拍 2 dabble v. 涉足,浅赏 3 dace n. 一种鱼 4 dacron n. 涤纶 5 dad n.(口语)爸爸,爹爹 6 daddy n. 爸爸 7 daffodil n. 水仙花 8 daft adj. 傻的,愚蠢的 9 dagger n. 匕首 10 daguerreotype n. (早期)银板照相 11 dahlia n. 大丽花 12 daily a.每日的 n.日报 13 dainty adj. 优雅,考究;秀丽的;娇美的,挑剔的n. 美味;精美食品 14 dairy n.牛奶场;乳制品 15 dairyman n. 酪农场的男工 16 dais n. 台,讲台 17 daisy n. 雏菊,一流的人物 18 dakota n. 达科他州(美);n. & a. 达科他人(语) 19 dale n. 小谷,溪谷 20 dallas n. 达拉斯(美国) 21 dalliance n. 戏弄,玩弄 22 dally v. 闲荡,嬉戏 23 dam n. 水坝;水闸;水堤;障碍物;堤,水坝(闸);v. 筑坝;vt. 筑坝 24 damage vt.损害,毁坏 n.损害 25 damaging a. 有害的 26 damask n. 缎子,斜纹布,大马士革钢铁 27 dame n. 夫人 28 damn vt.诅咒 n.诅咒;丝毫 29 damnable a. 可诅咒的,该死的 30 damnation n. 非难,被罚下地狱,诅咒 31 damned a. 该死的;ad. 非常,极 32 damp a.潮湿的,有湿气的 33 dampen v. (使)潮湿,使沮丧,泼凉水 34 damper n. 爱挑毛病的人,讥诮话,增湿器, 35 damsel n. 年轻女人,少女 36 damson n. 西洋李子,其树 37 dance vi.跳舞;摇晃 n.舞 38 dancer n.舞者; 舞女; (专业的) 舞蹈家 39 dancing n. 舞蹈 40 dandelion n. 蒲公英 41 dandified adj. 打扮得像花花公子的 42 dandle vt. 抱着逗弄,宠,娇养 43 dandruff n. 头皮屑 44 dandy n. 花花公子,好打扮的人 45 Dane n. 丹麦人 46 danger n.危险 47 dangerous adj.危险的 48 dangerously ad. 危险地 49 dangle v. 悬挂,吊胃口 50 Danish n. 丹麦文 51 dank adj. 透水的,阴湿的 52 danube n. 多瑙河(欧洲) 53 daphne n. (植)瑞香 54 dapper adj. 衣冠楚楚的,干净的 55 dapple n. 斑纹,花马 56 dappled adj. 有斑点的,斑驳的 57 dare v.aux.敢;敢于 58 daredevil adj. & n. 胆大的(人),冒失的(人) 59 daring a.大胆的,勇敢的 60 dark adj.黑暗的 61 darken v. 变黑,转暗;变暗 62 darkling ad. 在暗中 63 darkly adv. 暗,黑;暗中 64 darkness n.黑暗 65 darksome a. 微暗的,阴暗的,含糊的 66 darling n.亲爱的人;宠儿 67 darn v. 缝补,补缀 68 darnel n. 毒麦 69 dart n. 飞镖,v. 急驰,投射 70 darwin n. 达尔文(城市名) 71 dash n.猛冲;短跑 72 dashboard n. 仪表板 73 dashing adj. 有活力的,有朝气的 74 dastard adj. 懦夫,胆小的人 75 data n.数据; 资料 76 database n. 数据库 77 datal 按日计算工资 78 date n.日期 79 dateless adj. 没有日期的,年代 80 dating n. 约会 81 datum n. 资料;数据;已知数 82 daub v. 涂抹,乱画 83 dauber n. 涂抹者,拙劣的画匠,涂抹工具 84 daubster n. 拙劣的画家 85 daughter n.女儿 86 daunt v. 使胆怯,使畏缩 87 dauntless adj. 勇敢的,无畏的 88 dauphin n. 法国皇太子 89 davenport n. 一种书桌,兼做卧床的长椅 90 david 戴维(姓或男名) 91 davit n. 吊艇柱,吊柱 92 davy n. (律)供词;宣誓书 93 daw n. 穴鸟 94 dawdle v. 闲荡,虚度 95 dawn n.黎明;开端 vi.破晓 96 day n.(一)天,白昼,白天 97 daybreak n. 黎明,拂晓 98 daydream n. 白日梦 99 daylight n.白昼,日光;黎明 100 days 天,日 101 daytime n.白天,白昼 102 daze vt. 使茫然,发昏,使眼花缭乱 103 dazzle vt.&vi.炫耀;迷惑 104 dazzling adj. 令人目眩的 105 de (前缀)离开;除去;否定;倒转 106 deacon n. 副主祭,执事,公会会长 107 deactivate vt. 释放,去活化 108 deactive 使不活动 109 dead adj.死的 110 deaden vt. 使减弱,消除 111 deadline n. 期限;最后付款期限;最后期限,截止交稿日期,监牢周围的死线 112 deadlock n. 僵局,僵持 113 deadly adj. 致死的;致命的;死一般的;非常,极度;危险的,极有害的;ad. 死一般地;死一样地,非常,很 114 deadweight n.(船的最大)载重量 115 deaf adj.聋的 116 deafen vt.使聋;使隔音 117 deafness n. 聋,不听 118 deal vi.做买卖;对付 119 dealer n. 商人;贩子;发牌者;经记人,证券商;商人贩子 120 dealing n. 行为,交易 121 dealt deal的过去式(分词) 122 dean n.(大学)院长,系主任 123 dear adj.昂贵的,高价的 124 dearly adv. 深爱地;热切地;亲爱地;深深地(爱等);昂贵;极,非常,昂贵地 125 dearness n. 高价,亲爱 126 dearth n. 缺乏,粮食不足,饥谨 127 deary n. 可爱的,爱人 128 death n.死,死亡;灭亡 129 deathbed n. 临死所卧之床,临终之时 130 deathless adj. 不死的,不灭的,永恒的 131 deathlike a. 死了一样的,象死人的 132 deathly a. 死一般的 133 debacle n. 解冻,崩溃. 134 debar vt. 排除,防止,禁止 135 debase v. 贬低,贬损 136 debasement n. (品格、地位、品质的) 降低; (货币 137 debatable a. 可争论的,成问题的,未决定的 138 debate n.,vt.&vi.争论;辩论 139 debater n. 讨论家,讨论者 140 debauch v. 使放荡,堕落 141 debauchery n. 放荡,沉缅酒色 142 debenture n. 公司债,公司债券,退税证明书 143 debilitate v. 使衰弱 144 debility n. 衰弱,虚弱 145 debit n. 借方,借 146 debonair adj. 殷勤的,快活的,温雅的 147 debouch v. 流出,进入(开阔地区) 148 debrief v. 向...询问情况,汇报情况 149 debris n. 废墟,残骸 150 debt n.债,债务,欠债 151 debtee n.债权人 152 debtor n. 负债者 153 debug vt. 调试 154 debugger n. 调试程序 155 debunk v. 揭穿真相,暴露 156 debut n. 初次登台,初次露面 157 debutante n. 初次参加社交活动的少女 158 decade n.十年,十年期 159 decadence n. 衰落,颓废 160 decadent adj. 衰落的;颓废的,衰退的 161 decagon n. 十边形,十角形 162 decagram 十克 163 decameter 分米 164 decamp v. (士兵)离营,匆忙秘密地离开 165 decant vt. 轻轻倒出,移入其他容器 166 decanter n. 有塞子的玻璃瓶 167 decathlon n. 十项运动 168 decay vt.使腐朽,使腐烂 169 decease n. 死亡 170 deceased adj. 已死的 171 deceit n.欺骗,欺诈 172 deceitful a. 欺诈的 173 deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗 174 deceiver n. 欺人者,欺诈者 175 decelerate v. 使减速,降低速度;减速;减缓 176 December n.十二月 177 decency n. 得体,礼貌,正派 178 decent a.正派的;体面的 179 decentralization 分权管理 180 decentralize v.给予更多权 181 deception n. 欺骗 182 deceptive a. 迷惑的,虚伪的,欺诈的 183 decertifacation 否认代表资格 184 decibel n. 分贝(音量的单位) 185 decide vi.&vt.下决心;决定 186 decided a. 确定的,坚决的 187 decidedly ad.明确地,坚决地 188 deciduous adj. 脱落的,落叶的 189 decimal a.小数的,十进制的 190 decimate v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死 191 decipher v. 解开(疑团),破译(密码) 192 decision n. 决定,决心;果断;判决,决议;判定,决策;决断 193 decisive a.决定性的;果断的 194 deck n. 甲板,舱面;层面;覆盖物;复盖 195 declaim v. 高谈阔论,雄辩,大声说 196 declamation n. 高声说话,高调 197 declaration n.宣布,宣言;申诉 198 declare vt.断言;声明;表明 199 declared a. 承认的,申报的 200 declassify v. 撤销,保密
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2023-06-15 22:12:496


the soul of a deceased person
2023-06-15 22:13:243

death die dead 的用法

die 动词原形死亡 death名词死亡。 dying奄奄一息的。 dead已经死去的。例句: 1.His father died last week. 2.She cried out after knowing his husband"s death. 3.He found a dead bird in the garden. 4.The dying man was saved by a kind-hearted lady.
2023-06-15 22:13:322


翻译成英文是: grieve over the deceased采纳哦
2023-06-15 22:13:391

Being a direct relative of the deceased,her claim to the estate was__________ .

2023-06-15 22:13:481


2023-06-15 22:13:563

英语翻译啊 He was found deceased in the parking lot. 这里packing lot 中lot怎么翻译

2023-06-15 22:14:045


  不动产是指依自然性质或法律规定不可移动的财产。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来不动产的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   不动产的英语说法1:   real estate   不动产的英语说法2:   immovable property   不动产相关英语表达:   real property taxes;   不动产税   titles to real estate   不动产所有权   不动产的英语例句:   1. insurance of property and personal belongings   不动产和个人财物保险   2. It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis.   更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。   3. Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business.   文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。   4. The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters.   死者将自己大量的不动产遗赠给了他的女儿们.   5. Corporeal hereditaments are land itself.   有体不动产是指土地本身.   6. French nationals are restricted to a certain extent when they acquire real estate abroad.   法国公民在外国购置不动产也受到一定的限制.   7. Instead of fancy real estate, GN was putting its profits into *** all cars.   通用公司不经营华而不实的不动产, 而把所获利润投入制造小型汽车.   8. Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.   不动产指的是土地及土地上附着物.   9. Property may be classified into real property and personal property.   财产可分为不动产和动产两类.   10. Land is referred to as realty.   土地被除数称为不动产.   11. Mortgage is a security interest in real property.   按揭是不动产的一种物权担保.   12. I"m a real estate broker.   我是不动产经纪人.   13. And if we did buy property, that"ll go up in value.   如果我们真的买了不动产的话, 那会不停地增值的.   14. Real property is both a bundle of legal rights and certain physical objects.   不动产包括大量法定权益和某些有形物.   15. Personal porperty is all property that is not real property.   动产是不动产以外的所有财产.
2023-06-15 22:14:291

加拿大签证家庭信息表中if deceased give city and date,city和date是写??

那当然指的是是:Deceased的city和date呀。 再说,这个Family Composition and Details of Education/Employment表你的中介会替你填写好的不用纠集。 供你参考,祝你顺利!
2023-06-15 22:14:402


depressant: a.有镇静作用的 n.镇静剂 deranged: a.精神错乱的,有精神病的 derangemeng: n.精神错乱 death dead deadly deaf deafmute聋哑人 debilitate:v.衰弱,衰竭 debility:n.虚弱,衰弱 decease deceased defibrillator: n.除颤器(通过电击心脏控制心肌运动) deleterious: a.有害的,造成伤害的 delirious:a.精神错乱的,语无伦次的(常由发烧引起) delirioum:n.神志失常,说胡话 dementia:n.痴呆,精神错乱 dental: a.牙齿的,牙科的 dentist dentistry depilatory: n.脱毛剂depress depressed depressing depression depressive dermatitis: n.皮炎dermatology dermatologist皮肤病专家
2023-06-15 22:14:481


2023-06-15 22:15:096


One chill spring night she died . 在一个阴冷的春天夜里,她 去世 了。 With his death all his woes ended . 一 去世 ,他的苦恼就一了百了了。 The whole house was in grief at his death . 全家人都为他的 去世 感到哀伤。 After she died he had nothing to pve for . 她 去世 后,他便没有了生活目标。 This was a few months before mary"s death . 这是在玛丽 去世 之前几个月的事。 The old lady has survived all her children . 那老太太的子女都先她而 去世 了。 The chiefs who had nursed it were long dead . 培养它的领袖们也都早已 去世 了。 I learned of his death only yesterday . 我昨天才听说他 去世 。 He is sinking fast . 他迅速地一天比一天更衰弱(快要 去世 )。 When the owner died, the business was wound up . 店主 去世 后,这家商店便歇业了。 During these years of hardship his wife died . 在这些艰难的岁月里,他的妻子 去世 了。 He became his uncle "s charge after his parents died . 他在父母 去世 后,由叔父抚养。 His mother passed away last year . 他母亲去年 去世 了。 He has had some bad news : his father has died suddenly . 他得悉噩耗:父亲突然 去世 。 Lorenzo"s untimely death has raised a new difficulty . 洛伦索的突然 去世 引起了新的困难。 The king and queen are both dead--an accident at sea . 国王和王后双双 去世 --在海上遇难。 She died quietly in her bed . 她在床上安然 去世 。 When her hu *** and died , she received $ 50000 in insurance . 她丈夫 去世 后,她得到五万美元。 Old mrs. davis has gone . 戴维斯老太太 去世 了。 The old generation died out . 老一代人 去世 了。 My father died last night . 我爸爸昨晚 去世 了。 The old man kicked the bucket while they were away from home . 老人在他们离家外出时 去世 了。 "i can bring back the spirits of the illustrious dead. " “我能召回 去世 的杰出人物的灵魂。” Some of these people had not even been sick when they died . 他们有些人连病也没生过就 去世 了。 At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts . 他 去世 时留下大量尚未整理的文稿。 The grandfather dies, and the mother is alone with joey . 外公 去世 了,撇下妈妈跟乔艾相依为命。 You must break the news of his mother"s death gently . 你一定要委婉地把他母亲 去世 的消息告诉他。 Maybe even his deceased parents had interceded in his behalf . 也许他那 去世 的父母都在为他调停。 The great man is low . 那个伟人已经 去世 。 When the sad tidings of his death was received , we all wept . 听到他 去世 的噩耗时,我们都哭了。 When the sad tidings of his death were received , we all wept . 听到他 去世 的噩耗时,我们都哭了。 Her mother was a german and had died on giving her birth . 她的母亲是德国人,在生她的时候 去世 了。 He pved with his grandfather, for his own father was dead . 他和祖父一起过活,因为他父亲已经 去世 了。 There was a terrible gap in her pfe after her hu *** and died . 她在丈夫 去世 后生活中有过一段难堪的日子。 When his grandfather died, john was bequeathed 10,000 pounds. 约翰在他祖父 去世 的时候继承了10,000英镑。 Upon his death in l928 the collections were sold to the society . 1928年他 去世 后将这些收藏品卖给学会。 He had to succeed to the business when his father passed away . 他父亲 去世 时他不得不继承他父亲的事业。 When the old woman had died, she had very few to mourn for her . 那位老太婆 去世 的时候,没有什么人哀悼她。 I hear that you lost your pfeholds by the death of south ? 我听说,你因为苏斯 去世 而失去了你的家产,是么? In a voice cracking with emotion , he announced the death of his father . 他悲恸失声地宣布了父亲 去世 的消息。
2023-06-15 22:15:241


2023-06-15 22:15:337

rest In peace是“安息”的意思吗?只用在死人的身上吗?

2023-06-15 22:15:574