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2023-06-16 01:31:13






















问题一:请教“铝合金”用英语怎么说 “铝合金” Aluminum alloy “铝合金” Aluminum alloy 问题二:铝型材英文怎么说 铝型材: aluminum extrusion profilesaluminum profiles extruded 注意铝的英美拼法分别为 aluminum and aluminium。美式比英式多一个i PS:我就是做铝型材的,答案应该没问题,另外请有出口业务的联系。。。[email protected] . Best regards! 问题三:铝的铝的英文翻译 1. aluminum发现人:韦勒发现年代:1827年发现过程:1827年,德国的韦勒把钾和无水氯化铝共热,制得铝。元素描述:银白色有光泽金属,密度2.702克/厘米3,熔点660.37℃,沸点2467℃。化合价±3。具有良好的导热性、导电性,和延展性,电离能5.986电子伏特,虽是叫活泼的金属,但在空气中其表面会形成一层致密的氧化膜,使之不能与氧、水继续作用。在高温下能与氧反应,放出大量热,用此种高反应热,铝可以从其它氧化物中置换金属(铝热法)。例如:8Al+3Fe3O4=4Al2O3+9Fe+795千卡,在高温下铝也同非金属发生反应,亦可溶于酸或碱放出氢气。对水、硫化物,浓硫酸、任何浓度的醋酸,以及一切有机酸类均无作用。元素来源:铝以化合态的形式存在于各种岩石或矿石里,如长石、云母、高岭市、铝土矿、明矾时,等等。有铝的氧化物与冰晶石(Na3AlF6)共熔电解制得。 问题四:铝听用英文怎么说?是用aluminum bottle吗? aluminum can 问题五:铝合金型材厂家用英语怎么说 你好! 铝合金型材厂家 Aluminium alloy profile manufacturer 问题六:铝液 用英语怎么说 molten aluminum 问题七:“铝型材拉伸”英文该怎么说 “铝型材拉伸” "Aluminum stretch+ +“铝型材拉伸” Aluminum stretch 问题八:厚铝板用英语怎么说 厚铝板. 英语:thick aluminum panel. 例如: The device is coveted with a box made of thick aluminum panel.
2023-06-15 20:38:221


2023-06-15 20:39:415


柠檬酸铝是种标准品,柠檬酸铝英文名称:Aluminum citrate分子式:C6H8O7xAlCAS:31142-56-0性状:白色粉末广泛用作石油化工交联剂等。
2023-06-15 20:39:582


貌似没有, 所代表 的是铝 ,纯铝>99.8的
2023-06-15 20:40:072


2023-06-15 20:40:462


问题一:请教“铝合金”用英语怎么说 “铝合金” Aluminum alloy “铝合金” Aluminum alloy 问题二:铝合金型材厂家用英语怎么说 你好! 铝合金型材厂家 Aluminium alloy profile manufacturer 问题三:高强度铝合金材料用英语怎么说 高强度铝合金材料 High strength aluminum alloy material 问题四:有没有人知道铝合金的英文缩写是什么? AL alloy 问题五:铝及铝合金焊丝用英语怎么说 铝及铝合金焊丝 Aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires; 问题六:铝合金门窗英文简称 [网络] Aluminum alloy; aluminum alloy windows; Aluminium windows and doors; [例句]高档铝合金门窗具有高强度的特点,广泛应用于商业建筑。 High quality aluminum windows and doors are very strong and used in merce buildings. 问题七:隔热断桥铝合金窗用英语怎么说 隔热断桥铝合金窗 Heat insulation broken bridge aluminum alloy window 隔热断桥铝合金窗 Heat insulation broken bridge aluminum alloy window 问题八:铝型材英文怎么说 铝型材: aluminum extrusion profilesaluminum profiles extruded 注意铝的英美拼法分别为 aluminum and aluminium。美式比英式多一个i PS:我就是做铝型材的,答案应该没问题,另外请有出口业务的联系。。。[email protected] . Best regards! 问题九:铝合金c加工价格用英语怎么说 铝合金加工价格_有道翻译 翻译结果: Aluminum alloy processing processing 英 [pr??ses??] 美 [pro?s?s??] v. 加工;[自] 处理;对…起诉(process的ing形式) processing 加工,Processing,Processing Batch processing 批处理任务,成批处理,批处理 word processing 文字处理,数据处理,天气允许 详细用法>>
2023-06-15 20:41:061


问题一:铝的铝的英文翻译 1. aluminum发现人:韦勒发现年代:1827年发现过程:1827年,德国的韦勒把钾和无水氯化铝共热,制得铝。元素描述:银白色有光泽金属,密度2.702克/厘米3,熔点660.37℃,沸点2467℃。化合价±3。具有良好的导热性、导电性,和延展性,电离能5.986电子伏特,虽是叫活泼的金属,但在空气中其表面会形成一层致密的氧化膜,使之不能与氧、水继续作用。在高温下能与氧反应,放出大量热,用此种高反应热,铝可以从其它氧化物中置换金属(铝热法)。例如:8Al+3Fe3O4=4Al2O3+9Fe+795千卡,在高温下铝也同非金属发生反应,亦可溶于酸或碱放出氢气。对水、硫化物,浓硫酸、任何浓度的醋酸,以及一切有机酸类均无作用。元素来源:铝以化合态的形式存在于各种岩石或矿石里,如长石、云母、高岭市、铝土矿、明矾时,等等。有铝的氧化物与冰晶石(Na3AlF6)共熔电解制得。 问题二:请教“铝合金”用英语怎么说 “铝合金” Aluminum alloy “铝合金” Aluminum alloy 问题三:铝型材英文怎么说 铝型材: aluminum extrusion profilesaluminum profiles extruded 注意铝的英美拼法分别为 aluminum and aluminium。美式比英式多一个i PS:我就是做铝型材的,答案应该没问题,另外请有出口业务的联系。。。[email protected] . Best regards! 问题四:铝听用英文怎么说?是用aluminum bottle吗? aluminum can 问题五:铝片英语怎么说 aluminum sheet beaten aluminium aluminium flake 都可以啊 问题六:铝液 用英语怎么说 molten aluminum 问题七:铝及铝锭用英语怎么说 铝及铝锭_有道翻译 翻译结果: Aluminium and aluminium ingot 问题八:有没有人知道铝合金的英文缩写是什么? AL alloy
2023-06-15 20:41:131


2023-06-15 20:41:462


碳酸铝碳酸铝(Aluminum carbonate)是粉末状白色小颗粒,化学式Al2(CO3)3,不稳定,遇水分解。氢氧化铝在熔融状态下和二氧化碳反应可以生产碳酸铝。碳酸铝水解: Al2(CO3)3+3H2O= 2Al(OH)3↓ +3CO2↑。中文名碳酸铝英文名Aluminum carbonate化学式Al2(CO3)3分子量234CAS登录号12304-65-3基本内容条件特性生成条件:氢氧化铝中存在少量碳酸铝,用易溶铝盐和碳酸盐反应,瞬间内生成碳酸铝,但瞬间又水解成氢氧化铝.碳酸铝水解:2Al3++3CO32-+3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓ + 3CO2↑生成后的碳酸铝立即与水反应生成氢氧化铝Al(OH)3和二氧化碳CO2这是因为生成的碳酸铝中,铝、碳、氧之间的化学键(氧键)太弱〔比氢氧化银还弱〕,所以遇水就立即水解生成氢氧化铝Al(OH)3和二氧化碳CO2。方程式Al2(CO3)3+3H2O= 2Al(OH)3↓ +3CO2↑溶液中铝离子遇到碳酸根离子就会双水解生成氢氧化铝和二氧化碳,所以在溶液中是得不到碳酸铝的还有碳酸铁以及碳酸铜的水解和碳酸铝相似,而碳酸镁就需加热水解。铝碳酸镁起到中和胃酸以及保护胃黏膜的作用,因为有碳酸的成分,所以可以中和胃酸,也正是因为此成分从而使其药效比较迅速,咀嚼后服用可以很快缓解反酸、烧心症状。铝碳酸镁还有保护胃黏膜的作用,可以起到促进前列腺(T-12)的合成、增加胃黏膜屏障的作用。该药有特殊结构能吸附胆汁,对治疗胆汁引起的胃损伤也有一定作用。铝碳酸镁的效果比较显著,而且起效也比较快。如果是消化性溃疡,单纯用铝碳酸镁不够,其主要是辅助用药。虽然铝碳酸镁的副作用比较少,但是长期服用对人体有一定损害。虽然吸收量非常少,但还是建议不能长期服用。
2023-06-15 20:42:101

铝听用英文怎么说?是用aluminum bottle吗?

aluminum beverage cans
2023-06-15 20:42:183


2023-06-15 20:42:274


2023-06-15 20:42:471


2023-06-15 20:42:583


2023-06-15 20:43:401


三甲酸铝 三甲酸铝 CAS号:7360-53-4英文名称:ALUMINUM FORMATE英文同义词:aluminiumtriformate;Formicacid,aluminumsalt;ALUMINUM FORMATE;ALUMINUM TRIFORMATE;Aluminum formate [normal];Aluminiumtriformiat;Aluminium formate;Triformic acid aluminum salt;Trisformic acid aluminum salt中文名称:三甲酸铝 中文同义词:三甲酸铝;甲酸铝CBNumber:CB2416843分子式:C3H3AlO6分子量:162.03MOL File:7360-53-4.mol三甲酸铝 化学性质CAS 数据库:7360-53-4(CAS DataBase Reference)安全信息危险类别码 :36/37/38安全说明 :26-36/37/39TSCA :No三甲酸铝 性质、用途与生产工艺类别爆炸物品 爆炸物危险特性空气中加热其水溶液爆炸 储运特性库房通风低温干燥 灭火剂干粉、泡沫、砂土、二氧化碳; 雾状水 三甲酸铝 上下游产品信息上游原料下游产品
2023-06-15 20:43:541


2023-06-15 20:44:162

aluminum maltolate是什么意思啊

2023-06-15 20:44:243


铝(Aluminium)的英文名出自明矾(alum),即硫酸复盐KAl(SO4)2·12H2O。 史前时代,人类已经使用含铝化合物的黏土(Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O)制成陶器。 铝在地壳中的含量仅次于氧和硅,位列第三。 但是由于铝化合物的氧化性很弱,铝不易从其化合物中被还原出来,因而迟迟不能分离出金属铝。 意大利物理学家伏打发明电池后,戴维试图利用电流从矾土中分离出金属铝,都没有成功 ,但他建议将其命名为“alumium”,后改为“aluminum”,不久即修饰成aluminium。 这种词形在全世界通用,但北美除外,那里的美国化学会(ACS)于1925年决定在出版刊物中采用“aluminum”。 丹麦化学家奥斯特利用稀的钾汞齐与氯化铝反应第一次分离出不纯的金属铝。 1827年德国化学家武勒重复了奥斯特的实验,并不断改进制取铝的方法。 1854年,德国化学家德维尔利用钠代替钾还原氯化铝,制得铝锭。 在以后的一段时期里,铝是帝王贵族们享用的珍宝。 法国皇帝拿破仑三世在宴会上使用过铝制叉子;泰国国王使用过铝制表链。 1855年在巴黎博览会上,它与王冠上的宝石一起展出,标签上注明“来自黏土的白银”。 1889年,门捷列夫还曾得到伦敦化学会赠送的铝合金制成的花瓶和杯子。 到19世纪末,铝的价格发生了成千倍的跌落。 首先是由于19世纪70年代西门子改进了发电机后,有了廉价的电力;其次是由于法国的Heroult和美国的C. M. Hall于1886年分别发展了将氧化铝溶解在冰晶石(Na3AlF6)中电解的方法。 当时他们都是22岁。 这项创举使铝以大规模生产,奠定了今天世界电解铝的工业方法。 至今各种铝制品已广泛进入千家万户。
2023-06-15 20:44:341

Aluminum EN2024-T351这种材料是什么合金,对应中国国标中的牌号是什么?谢谢拉

简单说下,这是种“硬铝"."EN"是执行标准,所以你应该写错了,执行标准应该是EN754-2"2024-T351"是对应的标准牌号,T3是热处理代号--固溶处理+冷加工+自然时效对应的GB牌号是”2A12 GB/T 3191-2010"供参考!
2023-06-15 20:44:591


2023-06-15 20:45:061

EC aluminum 是什么意思?

EC aluminum = Electrical Conductor aluminum铝质导体 / 铝质导线
2023-06-15 20:45:262


2023-06-15 20:40:392

Cold的《Bleed》 歌词

歌曲名:Bleed歌手:Cold专辑:13 Ways To Bleed OnstageJeese - BleedWhen we first going out I knew it wasn"t rightYou always made me feel like I was too afraid to tryAnd now it seems that in the end you want to start a fightAnd I can"t take it no moreI"m getting sick and tiredYou used to really love meNow you can"t look me in the eyeAnd all these tears are pouringIt flood my eyesYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right backYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right backYou can (wahh?) (Dono the rest)The rules are no more late night phone callsActing like you get enoughWhen you hear my footsteps down the hallAnd I won"t take any of your liesWastin" all of my timeSeems you"re never satisfiedOur love song"s almost ended"Cause you don"t treat me rightYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right backYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right backAnd I"m not trying to complicate thingsBut this game you got playing with my heart is fallingYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right backYou can beg, you can bleedYou can plead, down my kneeBy my knee, "cause you made it like thatI hear the door but I stopped in the tracksLove, love, brought me right back
2023-06-15 20:40:431


2023-06-15 20:40:471


1. 用英语写关于灯节的作文 Lantern Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere. History Until the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala(节日的,庆祝的)performances.By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. The emperor also lifted the curfew(宵禁令), allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. It is not difficult to find Chinese poems which describe this happy scene.In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. Colorful glass and even jade were used to make lanterns, with figures from folk tales painted on the lanterns.However, the largest Lantern Festival celebration took place in the early part of the 15th century. The festivities continued for ten days. Emperor Chengzu had the downtown area set aside as a center for displaying the lanterns. Even today, there is a place in Beijing called Dengshikou. In Chinese, Deng means lantern and Shi is market. The area became a market where lanterns were sold during the day. In the evening, the local people would go there to see the beautiful lighted lanterns on display.Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. People enjoy the brightly lit night. Chengdu in Southwest China"s Sichuan Province, for example, holds a lantern fair each year in the Cultural Park. During the Lantern Festival, the park is literally an ocean of lanterns! Many new designs attract countless visitors. The most eye-catching lantern is the Dragon Pole. This is a lantern in the shape of a golden dragon, spiraling up a 27-meter -high pole, spewing fireworks from its mouth. It is quite an impressive sight! Origin There are many different beliefs about the origin of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with religious worship.One legend tells us that it was a time to worship Taiyi, the God of Heaven in ancient times. The belief was that the God of Heaven controlled the destiny of the human world. He had sixteen dragons at his beck and call and he decided when to inflict drought, storms, famine or pestilence(瘟疫)upon human beings. Beginning with Qinshihuang, the first emperor to unite the country, all subsequent emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and his people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC, he proclaimed it one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night.Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoi *** . Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment. So followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune.The third story about the origin of the festival is like this. Buddhi *** first entered China during the reign of Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty. That was in the first century. However, it did not exert any great influence among the Chinese people. one day, Emperor Mingdi had a dream about a gold man in his palace. At the very moment when he was about to ask the mysterious figure who he was, the gold man suddenly rose to the sky and disappeared in the west. The next day, Emperor Mingdi sent a scholar to India on a pilgrimage(朝圣)to locate Buddhist scriptures. After journeying thousands of miles, the scholar finally returned with the scriptures. Emperor Mingdi ordered that a temple be built to house a statue of Buddha and serve as a repository for the scriptures. Followers believe that the power of Buddha can dispel darkness. So Emperor Mingdi ordered his subjects to display lighted lanterns during what was to bee the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao Besides entertainment。 2. 写雨伞的英语作文100词 Provide a cool environment or shelter umbrella is a tool of rain, snow. Umbrella Umbrella in English es from the Latin of the Umbra, the sense of the shading and shadows. Umbrella production materials usually include the ductility of the cloth, and other materials and can be used as a skeleton line. When using with the hand will lift, although the umbrella in the main purpose of the first invention, are used to blocking sunlight, but most often now regarded as rain rain tool. Umbrella in the other role as decorations, stick weapon, even Hong Kong"s old su liang one umbrella is the umbrella as a weapon。 3. 英语作文umbrella with a light umbrella with a light 这件雨衣和这把雨伞会保护你不被雨淋。 This raincoat and umbrella will protect you from the rain. 给你的雨伞和外衣。 Here"s your umbrella and you coat. 在大厅里,我们看到了帽子,外套和雨伞。 In the hall we see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. 4. 关于写孔明灯的英语作文 前几天我和姐姐买了几个孔明灯,准备元宵节放. A few days ago, my sister and I bought several lanterns, Lantern Festival put ready. 据说孔明灯也叫天灯,三国时期孔明被司马懿率大军围在洛阳,孔明叫人做了很多天灯,人们都喊:“孔明先生做天灯突围了.”围城的曹军信以为真,去追天灯,孔明先生得救了. It is said that the lanterns is also called the lantern, the Three Kingdoms period of Kong Ming was Sima Yi rate army gathered in Luoyang, Kong Ming lanterns that people do a lot, people shout: "Mr. Kong Ming lanterns to break." The siege of Cao Cao for gospel truth, go after Mr. Kong Ming lantern, saved. 我和妈妈、姐姐、哥哥准备十四晚上放孔明灯.我们先准备了两盒火柴,一个打火机和一根蜡烛,然后兴高采烈的去放孔明灯.到了新天地公园,我们打开了一个红色的孔明灯的袋子,把折叠起来的孔明灯展开,现在孔明灯像一个气球,我把正方形的白色燃料从袋子里拿出来卡在孔明灯底部的铁丝中间.然后用打火机点着蜡烛,再用蜡烛慢慢的点燃料的四个角.这时我才看见孔明灯上印着“放飞梦想”这几个字,就想起放飞孔明灯时可以许一个愿望,于是我们每人许一个愿.然后松开了手让孔明灯随风飘去,一开始还能看见它是一个孔明灯,渐渐的只能看见火焰了,最后连火也变的十分微弱了. 我望着远去的孔明灯,心想:又一个载着梦想的船起航了! I and my mother, sister, brother for fourteen night put kongmin light. We prepared o box of matches, a lighter and a candle, and then be jubilant to put kongmin light. To the New World Park, we opened a red lanterns bag, put the folded lanterns lanterns expansion, now like a balloon, I put the white fuel square from the bag out the card in the lanterns at the bottom of the wire center. Then with a lighter lit the candle and the four corners with a candle lit material slowly. Then I saw the sky lanterns on the printed "flying dream" this a few word, think of flying lanterns can make a wish, then each of us make a wish. Then loosen the hand let lanterns gone with the wind, is also beginning to see it is a sky lantern, gradually can only see the flames, and finally even the fire has bee very weak. I looked away kongmin light, thought: a dream carrying ship set sail! 5. 关于伞的英语作文 不要复制的 Umbrella Everyone have used an umbrella at least once, right? Have you ever wondered why it was made, who made it, or what were used to create this conviencent tool? If you have, here are the answers. The umbrella was invented over four thousand years agon by several different countries. There are not any writtened evidence as of which country was the first to invent the umbrellas, but we are able to see umbrellas in numerous ancient artsworks of Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China. Ancient Chinese usually use umbrellas in earl spring, and autumn to protect themselves from rain, and sun. Also during fieldworks, farmers often wear a strawhat, which looks similar to an umbrella. This made researchers believe that the strawhat was the first of umbrellas. 在网上搜了一下。。。前两段的内容是网上找来资料然后写的,最后哪段是看楼下的得来的资料。。。所以最后那段有资料不对别来我 :) 6. 用英语写一篇关于电灯的小作文5句话 The 1930s saw widespread domestic usage of electric light including early incarnations of the headlamp.Now electric light is widely used in our country. It is useful in many ways. For example, we can reading book in the night with light. Some big lamp can be used to heat。 7. 搜一篇写伞的英语作文,带中文翻译,怎么样才能让更多的人买 A blackout It was a very busy evening,I was doing my homework at my home.My father was writing a position in the study room.My mother was interested in Shanghai opera.She was watching a Shanghai opera contest.The apartment was very quiet.Suddenly the light went out.It was a blackout,but I liked it very much.It came and I didn"t have to do my homework.We went to the living room very slowly.After 5 minutes,we all sat in the sofa.It was a lucky,fortunate day.I said that let"s held a concert.My parents agreed with me.I took out some candles and lighted up.We were singing,laughing and talking.We had a really good time.But while I was singing,the light suddenly turned on.Oh,my God.My father went back to his room went on writing.My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear,do your homework!” I felt very frustrated.I sat at the desk and thought I hated light.I hoped there would be a blackout the next day.I thought I would enjoy myself more and more.I went into a dream…… 8. 根据下面材料,写一篇介绍有关于伞的英语短文 The umbrella is invented in China. Allegedly, early in the spring and autumn carrying in ancient China famous craft *** an lu, often in fieldwork, often be rain drenched. Lu wife cloud, seeing her hu *** and"s so hard, he want to do a can block rain things. She put the bamboo chopped into researchers, the researchers on the covered skins, looking like "pavilion", and receive zhang freely, is really "furl such as bars, open as cover". This creates a later umbrella. Ancient umbrella also San San namely, writing umbrella also. 雨伞是我国发明的。 据说,早在春秋末年,我国古代的著名工匠鲁班,常在野外作业,常被雨雪淋湿。鲁班的妻子云氏,看到丈夫这样辛苦,就想做一种能遮雨的东西。她把竹子劈成细条,在细条上蒙上兽皮,样子很像“亭子”,而且收张自如,真是“收拢如棒,张开如盖”。这就形成了以后的伞。古时伞也写作馓,馓即伞也。 9. 关于雨伞的发明英语作文 The umbrella is invented in China. Allegedly, early in the spring and autumn carrying in ancient China famous craft *** an lu, often in fieldwork, often be rain drenched. Lu wife cloud, seeing her hu *** and"s so hard, he want to do a can block rain things. She put the bamboo chopped into researchers, the researchers on the covered skins, looking like "pavilion", and receive zhang freely, is really "furl such as bars, open as cover". This creates a later umbrella. Ancient umbrella also San San namely, writing umbrella also. 雨伞是我国发明的。 据说,早在春秋末年,我国古代的著名工匠鲁班,常在野外作业,常被雨雪淋湿。鲁班的妻子云氏,看到丈夫这样辛苦,就想做一种能遮雨的东西。她把竹子劈成细条,在细条上蒙上兽皮,样子很像“亭子”,而且收张自如,真是“收拢如棒,张开如盖”。这就形成了以后的伞。古时伞也写作馓,馓即伞也。 10. 写一篇关于伞的发明的英语文章(60字) The basic umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago. We have seen evidence of umbrellas in the ancient art and artifacts of Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China. These ancient umbrellas or parasols, were first designed to provide shade from the sun. The Chinese were the first to waterproof their umbrellas for use as rain protection. They waxed and lacquered their paper parasols in order to use them for rain. The word "umbrella" es from the Latin root word "umbra", meaning shade or shadow. Starting in the 16th century umbrella became popular to the western world, especially in the rainy weather of northern Europe. At first it was considered only an accessory suitable for women. Then the Persian traveler and writer, Jonas Hanway (1712-86), carried and used an umbrella publicly in England for thirty years, and he popularized umbrella use among men. English gentleman often referred to their umbrellas as a "Hanway." The first all umbrella shop was called "James Smith and Sons". The shop opened in 1830, and is still located at 53 New Oxford St., in London, England. The early European umbrellas were made of wood or whalebone and covered with alpaca or oiled canvas. The artisans made the curved handles for the umbrellas out of hard woods like ebony, and were well paid for their efforts. In 1852, Samuel Fox invented the steel ribbed umbrella design. Fox also founded the "English Steels Company", and claimed to have invented the steel ribbed umbrella as a way of using up stocks of farthingale stays, steel stays used in women"s corsets. African-American, inventor, William C. Carter patented an umbrella stand (U.S. patent#323,397 - see image left) on August the 8th, 1885. After that, pact collapsible umbrellas were the next major technical innovation in umbrella manufacture, over a century later.
2023-06-15 20:40:491

blood我知道名词的意思。如果作为动词 为,,,,,抽血。它的过去式blooded还是bleed?

2023-06-15 20:40:514

如何辨别奶粉是不是原装进口 请看CIQ标志

首先,看奶粉包装袋或罐上的检验标志。国产奶粉和进口分装奶粉执行“QS”质量安全标准,外包装加注“QS”标志;而纯原装进口奶粉,由于不在国内进行任何加工,因此执行出入境检验检疫标准,外包装加注激光防伪“CIQ”标志(即“中国检验检疫”的英文缩写)。   其次,据有关规定,进口食品标签必须为正式中文标签,并用中文标识将规定营养成分一一罗列。同时,合格的进口食品还须具有由检验检疫局出具的“进口食品卫生证书”,所以原装进口的奶粉一定是中文包装的。
2023-06-15 20:40:551

在JAVA中Car[ ]deck是什么意思?

应该是char[]deck 吧,字符数组名称deck
2023-06-15 20:40:552


2023-06-15 20:40:574

如何鉴别洋酒真伪 买洋酒查CIQ标志

目前我国市场上主要有白兰地、威士忌、伏特加和葡萄酒等几个种类的洋酒,另外还有朗姆酒、金酒等。   在选购洋酒时一要查看酒瓶包装上是否贴有“CIQ”验讫标志和商检合格证书。二从包装上看,假洋酒的外包装纸盒印刷比较粗糙,盒底暗记不清,酒精及瓶塞制造粗糙,商标印刷比较粗糙,色泽不够明亮,并有明显人工粘贴的痕迹。三从感官上看,假冒洋酒因造假情况不同,但总体上与各类真品洋酒的风格和特点从外观、色泽、气味、口味等方面都有明显差异。 根据中国加入WTO的承诺,我国进一步放宽了进口限制,洋酒进入中国的步伐逐步加快。假洋酒也随之而来,据调查,在中国假冒情况最为严重的洋酒是干邑酒,而干邑酒的假冒又较为集中在轩尼诗、人头马和马爹利等三个品牌上。因为这三个品牌知名度最高、质量好且价位相对较高。 1、进入中国市场的洋酒标签上必须有中文标识,若没有中文标识则很可能是假酒。(正宗的洋酒分两种:一是原装进口的;二是散装进口正宗原料酒,由国内相关授权公司灌装包装的。经正规渠道进入国内的洋酒,按规定必须加贴中文标志,包括品名、原产地、灌装日期、保质期、进口销售商及其地址和电话等) 2、真品标签字迹清楚、轮廓清晰、凹凸感强,商标字迹不会出现模糊、陈旧、凌乱等现象;假酒标签则字迹模糊,不规则。 3、真品酒体呈金黄色、透亮;假酒的酒体则色彩暗淡、光泽差。 4、真品瓶盖上的金属防伪盖(套)与瓶盖是连为一体的;假酒的防伪盖则是粘上去的。 5、各洋酒行都有各自的密码数字,暗示酒的生产日期,何时到达中国;如果是假酒,则没有编号或编号不符合洋酒行的编号规则。 6、真品防伪标志在不同的角度看会出现不同的图案变换,防伪线可撕下来;假酒的防伪标志无光泽,图案变换不明显,防伪线有时是印上去的。 7、真品金属防伪盖做工严密,塑封整洁、光泽好、立体感强;而假酒瓶盖做工粗糙,塑封材质不好、偏厚、光泽差,商标模糊,立体感差。 8、如果对洋酒有所了解的话,还可以通过品尝的方式来鉴别,真的洋酒酒体干净,香味较纯;假酒则只有单纯的酒精味或杂味很重。 9、如果通过以上方式还不能鉴别出酒的真假,则建议送有关机构鉴定。注意,送检产品须保证完好无损(不开瓶)。   法国政府对酒的年份标志做了统一的规定:   X—— 一星,5年   XX—— 二星,10年   XXX—— 三星,15年   V·O—— 15年以上   V·S·O—— 20年以上   V·S·O·P—— 30年以上   X·O—— 40年以上 通过这些字母标志,我们很容易知道洋酒的制造时间。
2023-06-15 20:41:011


2023-06-15 20:41:021


在此分享某玩家《万智牌2014》第二个BOSS deck打法:第一类打法:作弊的太明显,我已经所有BOSS都打过一轮(单人战役与现开)。除了这个boss,每场五分钟解决,没输过。就Liliana这个deck,ai每次都能抓到刚好的那张(而且每种牌几乎只有一张)。【单机游戏下载】这个boss有几个pattern:1.初期没生物,手上就一定会带两支吸血蝙蝠(出场吸2)+LIFELINK恶魔(一副一张),并且一定会下那唯一张magus(黑色魔法吸1)。2.开场一定有rat(明明deck就只有一张),一点弃手牌。3.你召唤大生物,他手上必定有三点瞬杀(就一张XD)。4.50%机率前几轮会用两点血抽两张。5.局势反转时一定马上有PUBLIC EXECUTION。诸位可以自己一边观察她手牌的数量,一边评估电脑的使用情形能否称为作弊,我打这个BOSS有十场以上。AI场场神手,反观我方不论在DECK_面有几张好用的牌,都是等到电脑局势反转才能抽到"只有这个BOSS会有这情形,我不知道WOTC什么意思"。另外,游戏用上面评估的等级区分抽牌运气(自己实验,等级越低越容易卡地),简直是笑话,通通给电脑组DECK好吧。第二类打法:我好像是特地开了第二个档,抽了三张尽入尘土(是这个名字吧,反正就是白色那张消灭所有生物那张),加二三张谋杀之类的,消灭生物召唤之类的。再加上一堆 2-3费,三四只5费以上的怪,白+蓝或黑。小怪尽量都是飞行,可以下同伴附带飞行那种蓝色的最好。大怪无所谓。无色的5费以上的怪比较合适。战术就是坚壁清野,一开始狂放地牌,但不出怪~,或者放几只小怪拖时间,留一到三只怪,一两个尽入尘土,秒杀的牌在手上,在血不少于10的前提(就是确保对方离杀死我方还是两三个回合的前提下),等对面出尽手头的好牌,就出尽入尘土,再开始放怪杀,一般对面就没有反抗能力了。就算有,出一个秒一个,就算真召唤成功,成因为我方都是飞行部队而无法阴档,一般清场后都有三个到五个回合以上的时间击杀对手。胜率超过90%。到第三关,再开包之后,关健牌更多了之后,就没难度了,就这手牌一直就玩通关了。反而是第一个档,电脑自动配满分,居然连第一关也过不了,太让我汗颜。反正不要各对方拼生物,在最高难度下,出地的频率是不确定的(有一半的机率前七八轮地不超过4张),所以选牌只能在三四张地牌的前提下发挥最大效率为前提。靠控场打法更稳定一点。其它方法也有,但在现开模式下实现不现实。另外,我倒感觉电脑的手牌出牌好像是固定的。或者他的套牌做得很好,稳定性很高。
2023-06-15 20:41:091


货物由中国发往埃及 阿巴斯 埃塞俄比亚需要的出口单据 中文叫做装运前检验证明 当然 如果收货人目的港实力强的话也可以不需要
2023-06-15 20:41:093


翕张的解释[close and open;furl and unfurl] 一 合一 张 详细解释 (1).敛缩舒张。语出 《老子》 :“将欲歙之,必固张之;将欲弱之,必固强之。”歙,一本作“ 翕 ”。 宋 王禹偁 《槖籥赋》 :“岂不以德无彊者谓之地,功不宰者谓之天,譬翕张而气作,犹吹煦而传声。” 明 胡应麟 《少室 山房 笔丛·九流绪论上》 :“盖 秦 汉 所谓道家,大率翕张取予之术,非近世长生虚静之谓。” 叶圣陶 《城中·在民间》 :“他回转身来,两个乘客见他的前胸起伏翕张很 厉害 ,包在皮肉底下的一条条肋骨显得很 清楚 。” (2).谓理事治国或弛或张。 《旧唐书·苏定方传论》 :“ 邢国公 神略翕张,雄谋戡定,辅平屯难, 始终 成业。” 词语分解 翕的解释 翕 ī 合,聚,和顺: 翕动 。翕张(一合一开)。“兄弟既翕,和乐且湛。 鸟类躯部背面和两翼表面的总称。 部首 :羽; 张的解释 张 (张) ā 开,展开:张开。张目(a.睁大 眼睛 ;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人张张”)。张榜。铺张。 张灯结彩 。纲举目张。 商店开业:开张。 拉紧: 紧张 。张力。 扩大,夸大: 夸张 。 放纵 ,无 拘束 :乖张
2023-06-15 20:41:121

英语里deck是指房子的哪个部分 前廊?或者直接译成平台?

2023-06-15 20:41:171

唐诗三百首英译 杜甫:佳人

五言古诗 杜甫 佳人 绝代有佳人, 幽居在空谷; 自云良家子, 零落依草木。 关中昔丧乱, 兄弟遭杀戮; 官高何足论? 不得收骨肉。 世情恶衰歇, 万事随转烛。 夫婿轻薄儿, 新人美如玉。 合昏尚知时, 鸳鸯不独宿; 但见新人笑, 那闻旧人哭? 在山泉水清, 出山泉水浊。 侍婢卖珠回, 牵萝补茅屋。 摘花不插发, 采柏动盈掬。 天寒翠袖薄, 日暮倚修竹。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-character-ancient-verse Du Fu ALONE IN HER BEAUTY Who is lovelier than she? Yet she lives alone in an empty valley. She tells me she came from a good family Which is humbled now into the dust. ……When trouble arose in the Kuan district, Her brothers and close kin were killed. What use were their high offices, Not even shielding their own lives? —— The world has but scorn for adversity; Hope goes out, like the light of a candle. Her husband, with a vagrant heart, Seeks a new face like a new piece of jade; And when morning-glories furl at night And mandarin-ducks lie side by side, All he can see is the smile of the new love, While the old love weeps unheard. The brook was pure in its mountain source, But away from the mountain its waters darken. ……Waiting for her maid to come from selling pearls For straw to cover the roof again, She picks a few flowers, no longer for her hair, And lets pine-needles fall through her fingers, And, forgetting her thin silk sleeve and the cold, She leans in the sunset by a tall bamboo.
2023-06-15 20:41:191

求bloody call OP《bleed》中文+罗马音

どうしてもすぐに 伝えたい言叶があるdoushite mo suguni tsutae tai kotoba ga aru瞬きも惜しみ 生き急ぐこの世界mabataki mo oshimi iki isogu kono sekai音も无く 色も无いoto mo naku shoku mo nai伪り造られた街itsuwari tsukura reta machi迷い込む君を今连れ出すからmayoi komu kimi wo ima tsure dasu karaso, let it bleedso, let it bleed君の手をけして离さないkimi no te wo keshite hanasa naiこの身が朽ち果てるまで君を守るkono mi ga kuchi hateru made kimi wo mamoruこの血はその为に赤く流れ落ちるkono chi ha sono tameni akaku nagare ochiru生まれて来た意味に今やっと気づくumarete kita imi ni ima yatto kiduku光さえすぐに 寝返りもう暗にhikari sae suguni negaeri mou yamini白さえも黒に 心ごと売り払うshiro saemo kuro ni kokoro goto uri harauそれなのに 君はまたsore nanoni kimi ha mata美しく强いその瞳でutsukushiku tsuyoi sono hitomi de毒さえも振り払う恐れずにdoku saemo furi harau osore zuniso, let it bleedso, let it bleed流れ出すままに全てをかけnagare dasu mamani subete wo kakeもうどうなってもいい この死さえも本望moudou natte moii kono shisae mo honmouさぁ手を掴めそして身体あずけろよsaa te wo tsukame soshite shintai azukeroyoそしてもう离れない様にしがみつけよsoshite mou hanare nai youni shigami tsukeyo流れ出した血はnagare dashita chi haいつか海になってitsuka umi ninatte君を夜明けへと运ぶよkimi wo yoake heto hakobu yoso, let it bleedso, let it bleed君の手をけして离さないkimi no te wo keshite hanasa naiこの身が朽ち果てるまで君を守るkono mi ga kuchi hateru made kimi wo mamoruこの血はその为に赤く流れ落ちるkono chi ha sono tameni akaku nagare ochiru生まれて来た意味に今やっと気づくumarete kita imi ni ima yatto kiduku===============================どうしてもすぐに 伝えたい言叶がある 有句话 无论如何都想马上告诉你瞬きも惜しみ 生き急ぐこの世界 转瞬即逝 这生命如梭的世界 音も无く 色も无い 无声又无色伪り造られた街 虚伪的人造街道迷い込む君を今连れ出すから 现在就将迷途的你带走so, let it bleed so let it bleed(那么,让它血流)君の手をけして离さない 绝不放开你的手この身が朽ち果てるまで 直到这身体死去君を守る 守护你この血はその为に赤く流れ落ちる 这鲜血正是为此而流生まれてきた意味に今 出生的意义 直到今天やっと気づく 才终于明了光さえすぐに 寝返りもう暗に 就连光明 一转身即成黑暗白さえも黒に 心ごと売り払う 就连白即成黑 将整颗心出卖それなのに 君はまた 即便如此 你却依然美しく强いその瞳で 美丽坚韧的双瞳中毒さえも振り払う恐れずに 即便是毒也轻轻抖落 毫无畏惧so,let it bleed so,let it bleed流れ出すままに全てをかけ 就这样流着 赌上所有もうどうなってもいい 无论变成怎样都已无所谓この死さえも本望 这死才是真心所愿さぁ手を掴めそして身体あずけろよ 来吧 握住手 并将身体交付そしてもう离れない様に 然后 如同不再分开般 しがみつけよ 紧紧相拥流れ出した血は 流淌的血いつか海になって 总有一天成海君を夜明けへと运ぶよ 将你送往黎明so, let it bleed so let it bleed(那么,让它血流)君の手をけして离さない 绝不放开你的手この身が朽ち果てるまで 直到这身体死去君を守る 守护你この血はその为に赤く流れ落ちる 这鲜血正是为此而流生まれてきた意味に今 出生的意义 直到今天やっと気づく 才终于明了
2023-06-15 20:40:361


steamdeck值得买。相较于NintendoSwitch,SteamDeck更好的硬件素质满足了一些玩家随时随地玩3A大作的愿望,不过在我看来其实SteamDeck更适合玩很多独立游戏。因为独立游戏绝大多数容量都比较小,而且操作起来也非常简单,可能很多人也会觉得任天堂 Switch也很方便。但别忘记游戏的价格,Steam平台各种打到骨折的特价活动是任天堂Switch这样的平台所不具备的,这也是很多人对这款产品十分期待的重要原因。steamdeck购买指南:海外代购算是一个相对可行的渠道,简单来说就是委托商家帮你预购,并解决所有物流和售后问题,普通玩家面对的所有困难将迎刃而解,坐在家里安心等掌机到手就行了。2022年2月,又有超过150款游戏通过V社官方评级系统的“已验证”级别,这让Steam Deck上完美支持游戏总数达294款。所谓的“已验证”分级意味着这款游戏完整兼容V社基于Linux的掌机PC,玩家可以在Steam Deck上享受“一个流畅的游戏体验”。除了“已验证”分级外,还有“可游玩”分级,意思是这款游戏可以在Steam Deck上运行,但可能会遇到未被优化的元素,比如控制按键,或小字幕等不支持。
2023-06-15 20:40:361


把分给我- -这作文是我帮你现写的浪费了不少时间然后发给了余钱的他在给你的所以分应该是我的
2023-06-15 20:40:302

外贸公司可以办理CIQ证书吗 ?

2023-06-15 20:40:283


所谓deck底即系 1副卡入透明卡套 再系全副deck后面入同样任何图案 总之系卡套后面ge图案就系deck底 如用返游戏王卡 deck入面就吾可以用果张卡 用卡会比较厚 用卡袋会薄D(卡铺有 $10/8---40/50个 卡铺有1般40张ge卡底卖~价钱有睇系咩卡 到长沙湾天悦广场有好卡铺 如:全副deck卡底1样 图片参考:space.mcy/attachments/2007/08/562739_200708051900375 正反面 图片参考:space.mcy/attachments/2007/08/562739_200708051900371 图片参考:space.mcy/attachments/2007/08/562739_200708051900372 图片参考:space.mcy/attachments/2007/08/562739_200708051900374
2023-06-15 20:40:171


2023-06-15 20:40:156

卡牌里面关于 deck,suit,rank,number的含义

deck - 牌堆如cut the deck (牌戏)签牌,倒牌 suit - 花色5 cards in same suit 指同色5张另,follow suit 跟牌rank - 牌的大小4 cards of the same rank 指4张牌一样(炸弹) number - 牌的点数
2023-06-15 20:40:111


汉语平面设计与印刷工艺「出血」(源自英语印刷术语 bleed)的目的是保证无边距设计在裁切的误差下不露白边。这是印刷与平面设计术语,是平面设计师为印刷与裁切工艺预留的。设计师留 bleed 区域,而印刷厂切掉 bleed 区域——注意看 Clerk Ma 的答案引文中「bleed」这个词与裁切动作的紧密联系。而这个「出血」和油墨没有直接关系。「出血」和版面设计中需要无边距摆放的图形有关,和裁切有关,留的是多余的图形,裁掉的也是多余的图形。这和油墨「流出」、「渗出、弥散、外溢」有毛关系?英语 bleed 的本意与血液(blood)直接相关,是(受伤)流血或(主动)放血,其他一切都是引申意。皮小只等人反复提及的这个意项是引申义(A),这个意项的一种用法(和印刷也有关)参见 vagus 的答案中给出的链接:v. [no obj.] (of a liquid substance such as dye or colour) seep into an adjacent colour or area: I worked loosely with the oils, allowing colours to bleed into one another.n. [mass noun] the seeping of a dye or colour into an adjacent colour or area: colour bleed is apparent on brighter hues.印刷术语 bleed 对这个词的使用也是引申义(B):v. Printing (with reference to an illustration or design) print or be printed so that it runs off the page after trimming: the picture bleeds on three sides.n. Printing an instance of printing an illustration or design so as to leave no margin after the page has been trimmed: the picture has an unfortunate bleed.以上释义引自《Oxford Dictionary of English》第三版。首先无法证明 B 是引申自 A 的(皮小只给出了截图,然后炫耀着说「第4项解释“渗透到相邻的颜色和地区”的下面好像引申出一个Printing的字眼哦!」,那么我建议他解释一下为何动词与名词意项的引申方向不一致——在我看来这说明了引申方向根本就不明确,连词典编写者都稀里糊涂,而在《Oxford Dictionary of English》的美式英语版本《New Oxford American Dictionary》中,两个意项直接就并列了);而且 B 这个引申义中显然不直接涉及「a liquid substance」或「a dye or colour」(印刷 bleed 关注的是图形);而且 B 是人为的设计行为而非 A 那样液体的自然浸染;而且李阿玲的答案中有大量引文证明了 B 与裁切(cut)行为的紧密联系。所以没有足够的理由证明应该用引申义 A 而非本意来翻译 bleed 这个术语,那么你凭什么要用 A 的汉译给 B 用?这种情况下,或者用本意的翻译,或者为 bleed 单独创立一个译法。我个人不觉得为引申词单立译名一定是好的做法,善用比喻与引申是更加灵活的方案。而如果用本意,就和「血」脱不开干系——尽管我个人觉得「放血」说不定会更合适一些。
2023-06-15 20:40:0012


steamdeck相当于1050ti。Steam Deck采用AMD 定制 APU:Zen2 + RDNA2,GPU 大约 1.6 teraflops,在功率方面大致相当于 Nvidia GTX 1050 或 GTX 950,由于是定制的,理论的性能应该是比纸面的要高一点,总而言之,大概是在GTX1050和GTX1050ti之间。而比较主机的性能,大概是和XBOXONE和PS4slim之间,总而言之,作为掌机来说配置还可以。简介。1、这款掌机采用的是AMD APU(Zen2+RDNA2架构)。2、该架构是与当前最新主机PS5和XBOX series X相同的。3、但是相比于主机连电视的大屏幕,steamdeck只有1280x800分辨率。4、众所周知,分辨率低对于显卡要求也会降低,因此它画面输出速率甚至会优于ps5和xsx。5、因此,虽然它只相当于1050ti显卡性能,但是几乎可以无压力运行市面上所有的3A级游戏。
2023-06-15 20:39:551


抿 抿嘴抿 mǐn 刷,抹:抿子(妇女梳头时抹油用的小刷子)。抿头发。 (嘴、翅膀等)收敛,稍稍合拢:抿嘴。 收敛嘴唇,少量沾取:抿酒。 擦拭:抿泣(揩拭眼泪)。 笔画数:8; 部首:扌; 笔顺编号:12151515
2023-06-15 20:39:503


2023-06-15 20:39:466

bleed 是什么意思?

bleedKK: []DJ: []vi.1. 出血,流血He was bleeding badly.他流了很多血。2. 牺牲[(+for)]3. 悲伤;心疼vt.1. 榨取,勒索2. 给...抽血(或放血)3. 从...中抽水(或放气);放掉4. 取...的汁5. 【印】使成出血版,印刷到纸边上
2023-06-15 20:39:441


steamdeck相当于1050ti显卡。Steam Deck采用AMD 定制 APU:Zen2 + RDNA2,GPU 大约 1.6 teraflops,在功率方面大致相当于 Nvidia GTX 1050 或 GTX 950。由于是定制的,理论的性能应该是比纸面的要高一点,总而言之,大概是在GTX1050和GTX1050ti之间。而比较主机的性能,大概是和XBOXONE和PS4slim之间,总而言之,作为掌机来说配置还可以。steamdeck显卡的独立性Steam Deck采用 AMD 定制 APU,为 Zen2 + RDNA 2 架构,屏幕分辨率为 1280*800 (7 英寸 LCD),支持触控和体感操作,支持蓝牙 5.0,允许外接手柄,能够通过底座(需另外单独购买)扩展到显示器/电视上游玩。玩家将能够在 Steam Deck 上运行自己 Steam 库中的游戏,并且V社官方称掌机可以运行游戏达到2-8小时,就性能而言掌机足够游玩绝大部分的3A游戏了。
2023-06-15 20:39:391


2023-06-15 20:39:311