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2023-06-16 01:28:03

鲫鱼炖蛋 stewing carp and eggs

椒盐排骨 salted ribs

红煨鳝筒 red far eels tube

青椒肚丝 Green pepper stomach

三色肚片 three-color film belly

尖椒牛柳 shredded beef

糖醋排骨 Sweet-and-sour spare ribs

银鱼泡蛋 Whitebait foam egg

莴苣炒蛋 Lettuce and Eggs

油焖茄子 oil eggplant

家常豆腐 family eggplant

麻辣豆腐 Peppery bean curd

大烧百叶 The burning Moye

肉末粉丝煲 meat of fans burn

家常豆腐煲 family eggpiant pot

鱼香茄子煲 Eggplant burn Yuxiang

素什锦煲 salad pot

上汤苋菜 Amaranth on soup

干煸四季豆 Speculation beans

蒜泥四季豆 Garlic beans

鸡仔明炉 Chicken Hot Pot

酸菜鱼明炉 Sauerkraut fish that furnace

金针肥牛 Lilies fat and sleek cows

回锅肉 Cook twice meat

干锅鸡 Drying chicken pot

红煨肉 Red meat far

凉拌口条 Mouth of the cold

葱油海蜇 Chuangyou jellyfish

蜜汁番茄 Tomato nectar

椒盐花生 Salted peanuts

盐水花生 Peanut brine



furnace意为“火炉,熔炉”。短语:arc furnace空气电弧炉furnace cooling炉内冷却holding furnace保温电炉tilting furnace倾转炉Furnace lining炉衬smelting furnace冶炼炉例句:1、It was hot summer and at the edge of the desert it was like a furnace.那是一个炎热的夏天,在沙漠的边缘,天热得像火炉一样。2、It seems that we go from freezing outside to the furnace. Teacher, your care, like the red charcoal fire, gives me endless warmth. How can I not thank you?有如从溯风凛冽的户外来到冬日雪夜的炉边;老师,您的关怀,如这炉炭的殷红,给我无限温暖。我怎能不感谢您?
2023-06-15 20:01:091


furnace["fu0259:nis] n.炉子, 熔炉, 闷热地带,严峻考验 An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft. 挡板,调节风门一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流 A furnace that manufactures producer gas. 煤气发生炉制造发生炉煤气的炉子 This room is like a furnace. 这屋子热得象火炉一样.
2023-06-15 20:01:301

furnace是什么意思 详解furnace的定义及应用场景?

Furnace是一个英语单词,意为“炉子”,“火炉”,“熔炉”。它是一种能够通过燃烧燃料或其他方式产生高温的设备,通常用于加热和熔化金属、矿石和其他材料。Furnace通常由耐热材料制成,以便能够承受高温环境。4. 热处理工业:Furnace可以用于热处理各种材料,例如钢、铝和铜。通过控制Furnace中的温度和处理时间,可以使材料具有更高的硬度、强度和耐腐蚀性。Furnace的应用场景非常广泛,以下是几个常见的应用场景:总之,Furnace是一个非常重要的工业设备,它的应用范围非常广泛。Furnace的种类和规格也各不相同,根据不同的应用场景可以选择不同的Furnace。在使用Furnace时,必须注意安全问题,以避免意外事故的发生。1. 冶金工业:Furnace是冶金工业中不可或缺的设备之一。它们被广泛用于炼铁、炼钢、炼铜和其他金属的生产过程中。Furnace可以加热和熔化金属,使其变成液态以便于进一步处理。
2023-06-15 20:01:371


2023-06-15 20:01:441


2023-06-15 20:01:523


2023-06-15 20:02:023


2023-06-15 20:02:101

oven stove furnace三个的区别是什么

oven 烤箱stove 炉灶,做饭用的furnace 加热炉,(很大的)
2023-06-15 20:02:291


heating stove
2023-06-15 20:02:374


没用= =。1个建造大理石地板,拖慢百分之20的速度,打架神器12个大理石建造大理石盔甲,抵挡百分之95的伤害
2023-06-15 20:02:531


词典释义 1.put oneself through the mill; temper oneself; steel oneself1.put oneself through the mill; temper oneself; steel oneself go through trails and tribulations经受艰难困苦的磨练cultivate talents磨练人才temper [steel] oneself in a hard struggle在艰苦的斗争中磨练自己
2023-06-15 20:03:037


2023-06-15 20:03:191


炭烤鱼炉_有道翻译翻译结果:Charcoal grilled fish furnacefurnace英 ["fu025cu02d0nu026as]美 ["fu025dnu026as]n. 火炉,熔炉furnace 炉,炉子,熔炉arc furnace 电弧炉,空气电弧炉,直接电弧炉furnace cooling 炉冷,炉内冷却,高炉冷却
2023-06-15 20:03:261


马弗炉的使用方法,要求没有易燃易爆物品、使用之前要检查、要先进行烘炉、炉膛内取放物品时应先断开电源、炉膛温度不要超过上限温度。使用注意事项有表面氧化层、液体及溶解的金属不要灌入到炉膛内、一定要用干净的坩埚盛放、使用期间要注意观察。一、马弗炉使用方法:1、电炉所放置的周围要求没有易燃易爆物品,腐蚀性等危险气体等,保持炉外易散热。2、使用之前要检查是否良好接地,可以加装地线,保证使用安全。3、在收到马弗炉后要先进行烘炉,使用时在长期停用之后也要先进行烘炉,时间为4小时左右,温度为200 ~ 600°C左右。4、炉膛内取放物品时应先断开电源,炉门要轻开轻关,样品轻拿轻放,避免炉膛及机件的损坏。5、使用时炉膛温度不要超过上限温度,同时也不要长时间在额定温度以上工作。二、马弗炉使用注意事项:1、表面氧化层可以保证加热元件的使用寿命,如果被损坏就会直接影响加热元件的使用寿命,然而每次停机都会对氧化层有一定程度的损坏,所以开机后应尽量避免停机。2、液体及溶解的金属不要灌入到炉膛内,使用电炉做灰化实验时,注意先把样品放在电炉充分碳化后再放入灰化炉,因为碳的积累会导致加热元件的损坏。3、加热时样品一定要用干净的坩埚盛放,注意不要污染炉膛,如果发现有异物就要及时清理。4、使用期间也要注意观察,避免出现问题不能及时发现而造成事故。马弗炉介绍马弗炉(Muffle furnace),Muffle是包裹的意思,furnace是炉子,熔炉的意思。马弗炉是一种通用的加热设备,依据外观形状可分为箱式炉、管式炉、坩埚炉等。马弗炉在中国的通用叫法有以下几种:电炉、电阻炉、茂福炉、马福炉。
2023-06-15 20:03:362


烘箱:1、试验箱设计完美,箱体采用数控机床加工成型,操作容易;2、设有双层玻璃观察窗,供观察工作室状况之用;3、内胆为优质镜面不锈钢板,外壳为A3板喷塑处理,更显光洁、美观;4、电路系统侧采用门式开启,方便维护和检修;5、送风循环系统采用低噪音、长寿命、空调型美国进口风机,风轮为多翼式离心风叶。热风循环系统由能在高温下连续运转的风机和合适的风道组成。工作室内温度均匀。精密烘箱广泛应用于化验室,实验室,电子通讯,塑料,电缆,电镀,五金,光电,塑胶制品,模具,鞋材,喷涂,印刷,医疗,航天及高等院校等行业。马弗炉:马弗炉是英文Muffle furnace翻译过来的。Muffle是包裹的意思,furnace是炉子,熔炉的意思。马弗炉在中国的通用叫法有以下几种:电炉、电阻炉、茂福炉、马福炉。马弗炉是一种通用的加热设备,依据外观形状可分为箱式炉、管式炉、坩埚炉。东南科仪有binder烘箱
2023-06-15 20:04:022


马弗炉是一种通用的加热设备。依据外观形状可分为箱式炉 管式炉 坩埚炉。 马弗炉是英文Muffle furnace翻译过来的。Muffle是包裹的意思,furnace是炉子,熔炉的意思。马弗炉在中国的通用叫法有以下几种:电炉、电阻炉、茂福炉、马福炉。 马弗炉一般是为实验室提供的高温炉。
2023-06-15 20:04:142

求一首英文歌 前奏是小孩唱的,小孩唱的最后两句是furnace,furnace,然后开始男女对唱好像,挺欢快的

Wild Child——Crazy Bird
2023-06-15 20:04:223

请教mac版nuke furnace插件的破解方法,Mac软件使用

安装时可以选择安装在默认的安装目录中,也可以更改安装目录。如果不是安装在默认的安装目录中的话,还需要在Windows中添加一个环境变量后才能使用,否则在Nuke中不会出现Furnace的图标。变量的设置如下图所示,变量值就是Nuke安装目录中的plugins的路径。向左转|向右转 OFX_PLUGIN_PATH安装完毕之后,在Nuke中会显示出Furance 的图标,但是此时还是不能使用的。请购买使用正版软件!
2023-06-15 20:04:401


熔 Aluminum stove,The 轧 takes care of machine,The 熔 spirit occurrence stoveAir hammerInclined bottom heating stoveHeating stovePull to stretch machineLie type air 淬 stoveThe 矫 keeps machine9Real results stoveCrystallize a machinePull to stretch a molding toolFour bolt a liquid to press machine
2023-06-15 20:04:472

batch furnace指的是什么炉子

自己加下标点符号 前面的选后面的,后面的可选前面的也可选后面的 batch furnace 是指的热处理炉,当然也可以说是锻造时的加热炉,因它常指非连续性的。 heat batch No.指的是材料的炉号(锻造、铸造、冶炼都可)或是热处理炉号 如果有具体的语言环境,可能大家更好理解。 不知您的答案是什么。 如有不对之处,请指正。
2023-06-15 20:04:561


2023-06-15 20:05:042

马弗炉的“弗”怎么读,为什么有的人发音是“ma fei lu”呢?

ma fu lu
2023-06-15 20:05:203


热处理流程一系列流程的文件证明包括:电炉管理图片(固定模式)【注:这里的电炉管理,应该是指下面所列的几项,charge我认为不能翻成充电,否则完全对不上号了】- 炉的编号和标识-炉内空气状态-硬化和急冷之间的时间范围【注:这里hardeding应该是hardening吧?hardening和quenching尽管同样可以翻成淬火,但这里假如这么翻的话就说不通了,所以就按照本来的意思翻成“硬化”和“急冷”】-淬火主要(影响因素)【注:king 在此处应该是重要的因素,其实我觉得下面列的三项:温度、再循环时间、淬火时间应该是包含在king of quenching之中的】-温度-再循环(时间)-淬火时间-电炉的监控和维护-涡流检测证明 【注:涡流检测,应该是指无损检测中的一种】
2023-06-15 20:05:445


alchemy furnace 这个很常用
2023-06-15 20:06:024

fireplace stove在指“炉子”时,有什么区别呀?

fireplace 壁炉stove 炉灶furnace 工业炉
2023-06-15 20:06:124


2023-06-15 20:06:201


Covers an area of 15,551 square meters of the device design, processing capacity 550Mt / a, number of years starting 8400 hours, raw materials for the lump saddle line crude oil. The device consists of electric desalting part, boiling part, pressure parts, vacuum parts and components of crude oil heat exchanger network. The main products are light naphtha plant, heavy naphtha, diesel oil, hydrocracking of raw materials, coking vacuum residue as feedstock. Furnace fuel consumption accounts for 78% of unit energy consumption, on the heat transfer process is optimized. Therefore, energy saving heating furnace is essential. This design uses a cylindrical furnace, through the furnace to determine the total load, and fuel oil to determine the nature of the specific process for calculating heating furnace. Weight was calculated by the radiation heating furnace room, convection chamber and chimney of the various process parameters. Furnace with four-way. Tube size Φ219 × 14mm, 72 radiation chamber using the standard nail head with the pipe, increasing the heat transfer area, the total heat transfer area of radiation chamber 724 square meters, the design heat load for the 14480000Kcal / h. Convection chamber size 4m × 3.723m × 5.7m, with 112 fluorescent tubes, the total heat transfer area of 288.28 square meters, the total heat load 3100000/Kcal/h. Chimney diameter is 2.25 meters minimum height of 12.77 meters, furnace thermal efficiency is 72%. Key words: oil refining industry; atmospheric and vacuum unit; vacuum tower heating furnace.
2023-06-15 20:08:162

热风的英语翻译 热风用英语怎么说

hot wind 热风
2023-06-15 20:08:351


坩埚英文:crucible。短语搭配:坩埚炉crucible furnace; pot furnace;坩埚钢pot steel;石墨坩埚graphite crucible; black-lead crucible;坩埚钳crucible tongs;耐高温坩埚high-temperature crucible;坩埚黏土pot clay;坩埚窑pot furnace;坩埚法crucible process;水冷坩埚water-cooled crucible。坩埚介绍:坩埚(Crucible)是实验室中使用的一种杯状器皿,用来对固体进行高温加热。坩埚的型号规格较多,在应用时不受生产规模、批量大小和熔炼物质品种的限制,可任意选择,适用性较强,并可保证被熔炼物质的纯度。双语例句:1、利用坩埚法制备玄武岩连续纤维。A continuous basalt fiber was prepared by crucible process.2、实验室用瓷质器皿坩埚和坩锅盖。Porcelain laboratory ware;crucibles and lids.3、用悬浮熔融代替石墨坩埚加热方法。Levitation melting is used instead of graphite crucible heating.4、大多数坩埚似乎至少有部分的魔法。Many cauldrons seem to be at least partially magical.
2023-06-15 20:08:421

英语: “电炉料”怎么翻译啊?

Electric charge
2023-06-15 20:09:182


2023-06-15 20:09:251

graphite furnace是什么意思

graphite furnace石墨炉双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 石墨炉例句:1.The graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine the tracecadmium in water treatment agent pfs ( polyferric sulfate). 利用石墨炉原子吸收法测定不同批次的水处理剂聚合硫酸铁中痕量镉的含量
2023-06-15 20:09:341

furnace是什么意思 详解furnace的定义及应用场景?

总之,Furnace是一个非常重要的工业设备,它的应用范围非常广泛。Furnace的种类和规格也各不相同,根据不同的应用场景可以选择不同的Furnace。在使用Furnace时,必须注意安全问题,以避免意外事故的发生。2. 玻璃制造业:Furnace也是玻璃制造业中必不可少的设备。它们可以将玻璃原料加热至高温,以便将其熔化并制成玻璃制品。3. 化学工业:Furnace可以用于化学工业中的许多过程,例如烧结、干燥、煅烧和焙烧。这些过程可以使化学物质变得更加纯净,并且可以将它们转化为更有用的化学物质。3. 化学工业:Furnace可以用于化学工业中的许多过程,例如烧结、干燥、煅烧和焙烧。这些过程可以使化学物质变得更加纯净,并且可以将它们转化为更有用的化学物质。Furnace是一个英语单词,意为“炉子”,“火炉”,“熔炉”。它是一种能够通过燃烧燃料或其他方式产生高温的设备,通常用于加热和熔化金属、矿石和其他材料。Furnace通常由耐热材料制成,以便能够承受高温环境。
2023-06-15 20:09:531


熔炉的英文为:Silenced。例句:1、从熔炉的安全阀排出一股猛烈的气流。The safety valve released a violent blowoff from the furnace.2、打开一扇窗户吧。这儿热得像熔炉一样。Let"s open a window. It"s like a furnace in here.3、融合殊异节奏和文化的熔炉。A melting pot of disparate rhythms and cultures.4、余倾斜,解除了钩这个环的熔炉。I tilt the crucible by lifting this ring with a hook .5、水星,既是冰箱又是熔炉的行星。Mercury, a planet that"s both freezer and furnace.6、我们常常闻到来自熔炉的味道。We"ve got the smelter smell most of the time.7、什么样的熔炉将你的头脑熔炼?In what furnace was thy brain?8、部队是一个锻炼意志的大熔炉。The army is a place where people can build their character.
2023-06-15 20:10:001


Alchemy Furnace,6,alchemy furnace 这个很常用,2,eternal of life pill furnace 希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好。,2,cook furnace stove to make elixirs,1,
2023-06-15 20:10:211


2023-06-15 20:10:312


原料氧化物 在7小时,混合在玛瑙砂浆和压成吗 阀瓣的0.25克,与10毫米直径约2毫米厚, 在2大匙的费用。在空气样品被解雇的24小时 800°C下,大气压力。炉是转 关闭与样品被冷却到室温里面 利用热惯量炉。这事以后,样本 喷和压在阀瓣与2大匙费用又 72小时1000°C开火。然后炉关掉, 样品来冷却这个有些通顺
2023-06-15 20:10:423


fact n.事实;实际,实情factor n.因素;因子,系数factory n.工厂,制造厂faculty n.才能,能力;系,科fade vi.褪色;逐渐消失Fahrenheit n.华氏温度计fail vi.失败;失灵;不能failure n.失败;失败的人faint a.微弱的;虚弱的fair a.公平的;相当的fair n.定期集市;博览会fairly ad.相当;公平地faith n.信任,信心;信仰faithful a.忠诚的;如实的fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落false a.不真实的;伪造的fame n.名声,名望familiar a.熟悉的;冒昧的family n.家,家庭;家族famine n.饥荒;严重的缺乏famous a.著名的,出名的fan n.(运动等)狂热爱好者fan n.扇子,风扇 vt.扇fancy n.想象力;设想;爱好far a.远的 ad.远,遥远fare n.车费,船费,票价farewell int.再会 n.告别farm n.农场,农庄;饲养场farmer n.农民,农夫;农场主farther ad.更远地 a.更远的fashion n.样子,方式;风尚fashionable a.流行的,时髦的fast a.快的;偏快的 ad.快fasten vt.扎牢,扣住fatal a.致命的;命运的fate n.命运,天数father n.父亲;神父;创始人father-in-law n.岳父;公公fatigue n.疲劳,劳累fault n.缺点;过失;故障faulty a.有错误的,有缺点的favour n.好感;赞同;恩惠favourable a.有利的;赞成的favourite a.特别受喜爱的fear n.害怕;担心 vt.害怕fearful a.害怕的,可怕的feasible a.可行的;可能的feast n.盛宴,筵席;节日feather n.羽毛;翎毛;羽状物feature n.特征,特色;面貌February n.二月federal a.联邦的;联盟的fee n.费,酬金;赏金feeble a.虚弱的;微弱的feed vt.喂(养) vi.吃饲料feedback n.回授,反馈,反应feel vi.有知觉 vt.触,摸feeling n.感情;感觉,知觉fellow n.人,家伙;伙伴female n.雌性的动物;女子fence n.栅栏fertile a.肥沃的;多产的fertilizer n.肥料festival n.节日;音乐节fetch vt.拿来;请来,接去fever n.发热,发烧;狂热few a.很少的;少数的fibre n.纤维,纤维质fiction n.小说;虚构,杜撰field n.田野;田;运动场fierce a.凶猛的,狂热的fifteen num.十五;十五个fifth num.第五 n.五分之一fifty num.五十,五十个fight vi.打(仗);斗争figure n.数字;外形;人物file n.档案 vt.把…归档fill vt.装满,盛满;占满film n.影片;胶卷;薄层filter vt.过滤 n.滤纸final a.最后的;决定性的finally ad.最后;不可更改的finance n.财政,金融;财源financial a.财政的,金融的find vt.找到;发觉;找出finding n.发现;调查的结果fine a.美好的;纤细的fine n.罚金,罚款finger n.手指;指状物finish vt.完成,结束 n.结束fire n.火;火灾 vi.开火fireman n.消防队员;司炉工firm n.商行,商号,公司first num.第一 ad.最初fish n.鱼,鱼肉 vi.钓鱼fisherman n.渔民,渔夫,打鱼人fist n.拳(头)fit vt.适合;安装vi.适合five num.五,五个,第五fix vt.使固定;决定flag n.旗,旗帜;旗舰旗flame n.火焰;光辉;热情flare vi.闪耀 vt.使闪亮flash n.闪光 vi.闪,闪烁flat a.平的,扁平的flat n.一套房间;单元住宅flavour n.味,味道;风味fleet n.舰队;船队,机群flesh n.肉,肌肉;肉体flexible a.易弯曲的;灵活的flight n.航班;飞行;逃跑float vi.漂浮 vt.使漂浮flock n.羊群,群;大量flood n.洪水 vt.淹没floor n.地板;楼层flour n.面粉,粉;粉状物质flourish vi.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺flow vi.流动;飘垂;涨潮flower n.花,花卉;开花flu n.流行性感冒fluent a.流利的,流畅的fluid n.流体,液体flush vi.奔流;(脸)发红fly n.蝇,苍蝇 vi.飞行focus vi.聚焦,注视 n.焦点fog n.雾;烟雾,尘雾fold vt.折叠;合拢 n.褶folk n.人们,家属,亲属follow vt.跟随;结果是following a.接着的;下列的fond a.喜爱的;溺爱的food n.食物,食品,养料fool n.蠢人,傻子 vt.欺骗foolish a.愚蠢的;鲁莽的foot n.脚;最下部;英尺football n.足球比赛;足球footstep n.脚步;脚步声;足迹for prep.为;给;因为forbid vt.禁止,不许;阻止force vt.强迫 n.力,力量forecast n.预测,预报 vt.预示forehead n.额头,前部foreign a.外国的;外来的foreigner n.外国人foremost a.最初的;第一流的forest n.森林;森林地带forever ad.永远,总是,老是forget vt.忘记,遗忘forgive vt.原谅,饶恕,宽恕fork n.餐*;*;分*form n.形式;形状 vt.形成formal a.正式的;礼仪上的formation n.形成;构成;形成物former a.在前的 n.前者formula n.公式,式forth ad.向前;向外,往外fortnight n.两星期,十四天fortunate a.幸运的,侥幸的fortunately ad.幸运地,幸亏fortune n.命运,运气;财产forty num.四十,第四十forward ad.向前;今后,往后found vt.创立,创办;建立foundation n.基础;地基;基金fountain n.泉水,喷泉;源泉four num.四,四个,第四fourteen num.十四,第十四fourth num.第四,四分之一fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人fraction n.小部分;片断;分数fragment n.碎片,破片,碎块frame n.框架,框子;构架framework n.框架,构架,结构France n.法国,法兰西frank a.坦白的,直率的free a.自由的;空闲的freedom n.自由;自主freely ad.自由地;直率地freeze vi.冻;结冻vt.使结冰freight n.货运;货物;运费French a.法国的 n.法国人frequency n.屡次;次数;频率frequent a.时常发生的;经常的frequently ad.时常,常常fresh a.新的;新鲜的friction n.摩擦,摩擦力Friday n.星期五fridge n.电冰箱friend n.朋友,友人friendly a.友好的,友谊的friendship n.友谊,友好frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬frog n.蛙from prep.从…来;离开front a.前面的 n.前部frontier n.边境;边疆;新领域frost n.冰冻,严寒;霜frown vi.皱眉,蹙额fruit n.水果;果实;成果fruitful a.多产的;肥沃的fry vt.油煎,油炸,油炒fuel n.燃料 vt.给…加燃料fulfil vt.履行;满足;完成full a.满的;完全的fun n.乐趣,娱乐;玩笑function n.功能;职务;函数fund n.资金;基金;存款fundamental a.基础的,基本的funeral n.葬礼,丧礼,丧葬funny a.古怪的;滑稽的fur n.软毛;毛皮,裘皮furious a.狂怒的;狂暴的furnace n.炉子,熔炉;鼓风炉furnish vt.供应,提供;装备furniture n.家具;装置,设备further ad.更远地 a.更远的furthermore ad.而且,此外future n.将来,未来;前途
2023-06-15 20:11:241

blast furnace是什么意思

party teleport is not unlocked yet方传送不上锁,但
2023-06-15 20:11:451


问题一:电热管英文怎么翻译? immersion heater 应该是这个. 问题二:电热炉用英语怎么说 电热炉 [词典] [化] electrothermal furnace; [医] muffle electric furnace; [例句]我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。 I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 问题三:电热保温炉用英语怎么说 电热保温炉 Electric heating furnace 问题四:请问散热器上面的"电加热管"用英语怎么说? electrical heating tube 问题五:L热管用英语怎么说 热管_有道词典 热管 [热] heat pipe;thermotube更多释义>> [网络短语] 热管 heat pipe;HCE;heat tube 电热管 Cartridge Heaters;electrical heated tube;tubular electric heating element 回路热管 LHP;Loop Heat Pipe;loopheatpip 详细用法>> 问题六:电热毯用英文怎么说 电热毯 [词典] electric blanket; [例句]所有的梦乡牌电热毯质保3年。 All Dreamland"s electric blankets are guaranteed for three years. 问题七:电热膜用英文怎么说 fob 论坛 电热膜 heating film 双语例句 1 更可选择电热膜防雾玻璃门,展示效果更好; Moreover, the mist-proof electric heating film glass door can reach better show effect;
2023-06-15 20:11:521

induction slab furnace (ISF) 是什么炉子(工业炉)?

2023-06-15 20:11:591


2023-06-15 20:12:097


电炉炼钢;electric furnace steelmaking
2023-06-15 20:12:252


2023-06-15 20:12:333

请问放逐之城CC1.62中的矿石中的炉料fuel furnace哪儿得来?

2023-06-15 20:12:432


滦河电厂2×300MW 机组为新建机组,凝结水100%通过精处理,精处理再生方式为高塔法,氨化运行。在调试过程中发现树脂分离塔传阳树脂时阳树脂中夹杂较多阴树脂,导致混床再生不好,出水水质不达标,无法实现氨化运行。本文深入探讨了传阳脂时夹杂阴脂现象的形成原因,对可能的解决方案进行了比较,并筛选出了最优解决方案。该方案经过在滦河电厂精处理的应用,效果良好,为精处理乃至电厂的安全运行打下了良好基础。Luan River Power Plant 2 × 300MW units for new units, condensing water, 100% through the fine processing, fine processing of renewable way for tower law, ammoniation runs. Was found in the debugging process resin separation columns Yang Chuan-yang resin mixed with more resin anion resin, resulting in poor regeneration of mixed beds, water quality below standards, can not be achieved ammoniation to run. This paper discusses in depth when the mixture of lipid Yin Chuan-yang phenomenon of the formation of fat causes, possible solutions were compared, and selected the optimal solution. The program went through in the Luan River Power Plant refined processing applications, good results for the fine treatment as well as the safe operation of power plants has laid a good foundation.5.17炉膛的封闭要求严密,锅炉本体保温结束,捞渣机水封可投入,所有烟风挡板均可关闭,观察孔、人孔、烟道风道、捞渣机水封等部位在化学清洗期间必须具备封闭条件,减少散热损失,以免降低升温速度而影响化学清洗质量,临时清洗管道和蒸汽管道需进行保温工作。 5.18 锅炉基本具备点火条件,确保锅炉化学清洗后二十天内能点火吹管。 6 化学清洗临时系统安装及临时措施实施 6.1 汽包顶部排气管走向应一路向上,最后对空,排气管总有效通流面积不小于φ100。 6.2 汽包内部的旋风分离器在酸洗前应拆除或不装,并进行处理,待化学清洗后再回装。5.17 The closure of the furnace demands tight boiler insulation end, Slag seal can be put into all the smoke wind baffle can be closed to observe the hole, man hole, flue duct, Slag and other parts of the water seal during the chemical cleaning must have closed condition, reduce heat loss, so as not to reduce the heating rate to affect the quality of chemical cleaning, temporary cleaning pipes and steam pipes in need of insulation work.5.18 Boiler basically have the ignition conditions to ensure that the boiler chemical cleaning to fire within 20 days after the blowpipe.6 chemical cleaning of the provisional system installation and implementation of interim measures6.1 drum at the top of the exhaust pipe to be all the way up towards the end of the air, the exhaust pipe total effective flow area not less than φ100.6.2 Drum inside the cyclone in pickling should be removed or not installed before, and process until the chemical cleaning and then back loaded.
2023-06-15 20:13:048


furnace coke yield;高炉焦炭 blast-furnace coke; metallurgical coke;高炉绞车 blast-furnace hoist;高炉旧炉衬拆除设备 blast-furnace tear down apparatus; 高炉矿渣硅酸盐水泥 portland blast-furnace cement;高炉冷却cooling equipment for a blast 高炉利用系数 capacity factor of a blast furnace;高炉炼铁 blast-furnace ironmaking;高炉料罐车
2023-06-15 20:13:182


fact n.事实;实际,实情factor n.因素;因子,系数factory n.工厂,制造厂faculty n.才能,能力;系,科fade vi.褪色;逐渐消失Fahrenheit n.华氏温度计fail vi.失败;失灵;不能failure n.失败;失败的人faint a.微弱的;虚弱的fair a.公平的;相当的fair n.定期集市;博览会fairly ad.相当;公平地faith n.信任,信心;信仰faithful a.忠诚的;如实的fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落false a.不真实的;伪造的fame n.名声,名望familiar a.熟悉的;冒昧的family n.家,家庭;家族famine n.饥荒;严重的缺乏famous a.著名的,出名的fan n.(运动等)狂热爱好者fan n.扇子,风扇 vt.扇fancy n.想象力;设想;爱好far a.远的 ad.远,遥远fare n.车费,船费,票价farewell int.再会 n.告别farm n.农场,农庄;饲养场farmer n.农民,农夫;农场主farther ad.更远地 a.更远的fashion n.样子,方式;风尚fashionable a.流行的,时髦的fast a.快的;偏快的 ad.快fasten vt.扎牢,扣住fatal a.致命的;命运的fate n.命运,天数father n.父亲;神父;创始人father-in-law n.岳父;公公fatigue n.疲劳,劳累fault n.缺点;过失;故障faulty a.有错误的,有缺点的favour n.好感;赞同;恩惠favourable a.有利的;赞成的favourite a.特别受喜爱的fear n.害怕;担心 vt.害怕fearful a.害怕的,可怕的feasible a.可行的;可能的feast n.盛宴,筵席;节日feather n.羽毛;翎毛;羽状物feature n.特征,特色;面貌February n.二月federal a.联邦的;联盟的fee n.费,酬金;赏金feeble a.虚弱的;微弱的feed vt.喂(养) vi.吃饲料feedback n.回授,反馈,反应feel vi.有知觉 vt.触,摸feeling n.感情;感觉,知觉fellow n.人,家伙;伙伴female n.雌性的动物;女子fence n.栅栏fertile a.肥沃的;多产的fertilizer n.肥料festival n.节日;音乐节fetch vt.拿来;请来,接去fever n.发热,发烧;狂热few a.很少的;少数的fibre n.纤维,纤维质fiction n.小说;虚构,杜撰field n.田野;田;运动场fierce a.凶猛的,狂热的fifteen num.十五;十五个fifth num.第五 n.五分之一fifty num.五十,五十个fight vi.打(仗);斗争figure n.数字;外形;人物file n.档案 vt.把…归档fill vt.装满,盛满;占满film n.影片;胶卷;薄层filter vt.过滤 n.滤纸final a.最后的;决定性的finally ad.最后;不可更改的finance n.财政,金融;财源financial a.财政的,金融的find vt.找到;发觉;找出finding n.发现;调查的结果fine a.美好的;纤细的fine n.罚金,罚款finger n.手指;指状物finish vt.完成,结束 n.结束fire n.火;火灾 vi.开火fireman n.消防队员;司炉工firm n.商行,商号,公司first num.第一 ad.最初fish n.鱼,鱼肉 vi.钓鱼fisherman n.渔民,渔夫,打鱼人fist n.拳(头)fit vt.适合;安装vi.适合five num.五,五个,第五fix vt.使固定;决定flag n.旗,旗帜;旗舰旗flame n.火焰;光辉;热情flare vi.闪耀 vt.使闪亮flash n.闪光 vi.闪,闪烁flat a.平的,扁平的flat n.一套房间;单元住宅flavour n.味,味道;风味fleet n.舰队;船队,机群flesh n.肉,肌肉;肉体flexible a.易弯曲的;灵活的flight n.航班;飞行;逃跑float vi.漂浮 vt.使漂浮flock n.羊群,群;大量flood n.洪水 vt.淹没floor n.地板;楼层flour n.面粉,粉;粉状物质flourish vi.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺flow vi.流动;飘垂;涨潮flower n.花,花卉;开花flu n.流行性感冒fluent a.流利的,流畅的fluid n.流体,液体flush vi.奔流;(脸)发红fly n.蝇,苍蝇 vi.飞行focus vi.聚焦,注视 n.焦点fog n.雾;烟雾,尘雾fold vt.折叠;合拢 n.褶folk n.人们,家属,亲属follow vt.跟随;结果是following a.接着的;下列的fond a.喜爱的;溺爱的food n.食物,食品,养料fool n.蠢人,傻子 vt.欺骗foolish a.愚蠢的;鲁莽的foot n.脚;最下部;英尺football n.足球比赛;足球footstep n.脚步;脚步声;足迹for prep.为;给;因为forbid vt.禁止,不许;阻止force vt.强迫 n.力,力量forecast n.预测,预报 vt.预示forehead n.额头,前部foreign a.外国的;外来的foreigner n.外国人foremost a.最初的;第一流的forest n.森林;森林地带forever ad.永远,总是,老是forget vt.忘记,遗忘forgive vt.原谅,饶恕,宽恕fork n.餐*;*;分*form n.形式;形状 vt.形成formal a.正式的;礼仪上的formation n.形成;构成;形成物former a.在前的 n.前者formula n.公式,式forth ad.向前;向外,往外fortnight n.两星期,十四天fortunate a.幸运的,侥幸的fortunately ad.幸运地,幸亏fortune n.命运,运气;财产forty num.四十,第四十forward ad.向前;今后,往后found vt.创立,创办;建立foundation n.基础;地基;基金fountain n.泉水,喷泉;源泉four num.四,四个,第四fourteen num.十四,第十四fourth num.第四,四分之一fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人fraction n.小部分;片断;分数fragment n.碎片,破片,碎块frame n.框架,框子;构架framework n.框架,构架,结构France n.法国,法兰西frank a.坦白的,直率的free a.自由的;空闲的freedom n.自由;自主freely ad.自由地;直率地freeze vi.冻;结冻vt.使结冰freight n.货运;货物;运费French a.法国的 n.法国人frequency n.屡次;次数;频率frequent a.时常发生的;经常的frequently ad.时常,常常fresh a.新的;新鲜的friction n.摩擦,摩擦力Friday n.星期五fridge n.电冰箱friend n.朋友,友人friendly a.友好的,友谊的friendship n.友谊,友好frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬frog n.蛙from prep.从…来;离开front a.前面的 n.前部frontier n.边境;边疆;新领域frost n.冰冻,严寒;霜frown vi.皱眉,蹙额fruit n.水果;果实;成果fruitful a.多产的;肥沃的fry vt.油煎,油炸,油炒fuel n.燃料 vt.给…加燃料fulfil vt.履行;满足;完成full a.满的;完全的fun n.乐趣,娱乐;玩笑function n.功能;职务;函数fund n.资金;基金;存款fundamental a.基础的,基本的funeral n.葬礼,丧礼,丧葬funny a.古怪的;滑稽的fur n.软毛;毛皮,裘皮furious a.狂怒的;狂暴的furnace n.炉子,熔炉;鼓风炉furnish vt.供应,提供;装备furniture n.家具;装置,设备further ad.更远地 a.更远的furthermore ad.而且,此外future n.将来,未来;前途
2023-06-15 20:13:251

Foundry Furnace v4.2v5 插件怎样破解

Sapphire6_ofx_win646.0蓝宝石插件最新版本sapphire6.0 32&6 DFUSION 最新6插件,完美版! 其中包含: Frantic Films Awake v1.0.29264 for Eyeon Fusion 5 KROKODOVE V4.6 FOR FUSION 5.2 REVISION ReelSmart Motion Blur v3.2.2 for Eyeon FUS...
2023-06-15 20:13:331


中国铜器艺术品,样式花样丰富,设计精美巧妙,体现独特的艺术风格和技术精湛的工艺,传达出艺术美和实用美,深受各阶层的人士喜爱,为家居环境提供美的享受,呈现出精品的艺术魅力。 Chinese bronze works of art, rich in stylesand patterns, exquisite and ingenious in design, embody unique artistic styleand exquisite technology, convey the artistic and practical beauty, are lovedby people of all walks of life, provide aesthetic enjoyment for the homeenvironment, and present the artistic charm of fine works. 铜炉,是中国古代铜器一个独特的品种,包括炭炉(又称燎炉)、温酒炉、熏炉、手炉等,这些铜制的炉基本上都是实用器具。和其他中国古代实用器一样,古代铜炉同时也是艺术品,并且深深地刻上了传统吉祥文化的烙印。 Copper furnace is a unique variety of ancientChinese bronze ware, including charcoal furnace (also known as Liaolu furnace),warm wine furnace, fumigating furnace, hand furnace, etc. These copper furnacesare basically practical appliances. Like other ancient Chinese utensils, theancient copper stove is also a work of art, and is deeply engraved with thebrand of traditional auspicious culture. 下面带来两件铜炉,分别是兽耳三足熏香炉,以及大清御制招财进宝铜炉。 Here are two copper furnaces, namely, thethree foot incense burner for animal ears and the copper furnace for recruitingtreasures made by the Qing Dynasty. 1 、兽耳三足熏香炉 熏香炉,是汉代时期设计的,最初采用青铜为材料,为熏香而设计的。通常人们为了礼仪将衣服熏香,消除疲劳以及驱散蚊虫等作用。更多的是古代文人雅士喜欢在读书、写字的书房内,焚上一柱香,营造“红袖添香夜读书”的意境。 1.Animal ear tripod incense burner The incense burner was designed in the HanDynasty. It was originally made of bronze and designed for incense. Peopleusually fumigate clothes for etiquette, eliminate fatigue and dispelmosquitoes. What"s more, ancient literati like to burn a column of incense inthe study of reading and writing to create the artistic conception of"reading at night with tea fragrance".此款熏香炉炉盖镂空雕刻,盖顶铸狮钮,栩栩如生。 The cover of the incense burner is carved out,and the lion button is cast on the top, which is lifelike. 弧腹,腹部刻福寿文,两侧置双兽耳。炉身打磨光洁,包浆温润,工艺繁复精细,丝丝分明,可谓妙绝矣,炉之皮壳,浓厚沉着,古意盎然,顿生雅意。下承三兽足,錾镂精细,铜质精良,入手沉甸,宝光可比良金,颇具匠心。 Arc abdomen, abdomen carved longevity text,two sides of the animal ears. The furnace body is polished and smooth, theslurry is warm and moist, the craft is complex and fine, and the silk is clear,which is wonderful. The shell of the furnace is thick and calm, full of ancientand elegant. It bears three animal feet, with fine carving and fine copperquality. It is heavy to start with. Its light is comparable to good gold andhas great ingenuity.整器做工规整,铜质精良,精致典雅,线条流畅,形象生动,为造炉最高水平之代表。是香薰炉中极为难得的大器,弥足珍贵。且造型素雅,朴实静穆,令人观之忘俗,具有很高收藏价值和升值空间。 The whole machine is of regular workmanship,fine copper, refined and elegant, smooth lines, vivid image, which representsthe highest level of furnace building. It"s a very rare big tool in thearomatherapy furnace. It"s precious. Besides, it has simple and elegant shape,simple and quiet, which makes people forget the custom, and has high collectionvalue and appreciation space. 2 、大清御制招财进宝铜炉 清代铜器与商周时期铜器相比,它已经基本失去了礼器的明显特征,成为生活中的一种器皿或是人们赏玩的艺术品。提梁壶乃壶式之一,始于唐宋,流行于明清。小口,细流,鼓腹,平底,有盖。为了提拿方便,在肩部两端连以半月形提梁。 2 、The imperial bronzestove of Qing Dynasty Compared with the bronze wares of Shang andZhou dynasties, the bronze wares of Qing Dynasty have basically lost theobvious characteristics of ritual vessels, and become a kind of utensils orworks of art enjoyed by people. The teapot of the lantern is one of the teapotstyles, which began in Tang and Song Dynasties and was popular in Ming and QingDynasties. Mouth, trickle, belly, flat, covered. For the convenience oflifting, a half moon shaped lifting beam is connected at both ends of theshoulder.此铜炉球腹,腹下部稍敛,平底,弯流,底款“大清御制”。 The ball belly of this copper furnace isslightly convergent at the lower part of the belly, with flat bottom and curvedflow. The bottom is "made by Qing Dynasty". 形式感强,炉身形态表现出风格多样的形式美感质朴而庄重,雕刻“招财进宝”以及多枚铜钱,而鲤鱼更寓意年年有余。铜炉包浆自然古朴,款式美观,炉盖刻有“龙凤呈祥”的吉语。铜色金黄纯正,曲线优美,制作考究,年代久远! It has a strong sense of form. The shape ofthe furnace body shows a variety of styles. The aesthetic feeling is simple andsolemn. It carves "treasure" and many copper coins, while carp meansmore than one year. The copper ladle is natural and simple, with beautiful style.The lid is engraved with auspicious language of "dragon and Phoenix bringhappiness". Copper gold pure, beautiful curve, exquisite production, along time ago!藏品是不可多得的一款铜炉,极具鉴赏及收藏价值。 The collection is a rare copper stove with great appreciation and collection value.
2023-06-15 20:13:401