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2023-05-19 14:55:51

“电子音乐厂牌”就是歌手 出版专辑的公司











此音乐厂牌是 少年时代城 旗下的音乐厂牌,CEO是冯珂,而少年时代城旗下的艺人有张靓颖、梁博、王铮亮、张碧晨等等。

④Pillz Records


除此之外还有 Purple Battery、Ultimate Records、嚎叫音乐、Rockon滚石电音、Eiasn Music ……纵观这些年大大小小厂牌出版的音乐,中国的电子音乐已经有了突飞猛进地进步,对于独特新奇的创意,又或者自身的风格的塑造不论是我们中国电音的风格,还是我们的世界电音市场,我觉得都是有非常客观的发展前景!

电子音乐厂牌是摇滚或独立音乐行业内,通常一个公司所出版音乐专辑都是比较近似的风格,所以时间长了,一些知名的公司也就是厂牌就代表了某种音乐风格。比如说厂牌4AD代表独立音乐,Sub pop就是Grunge,Earache多数是死金,而Projekt基本上是黑潮。通过厂牌也就能大体上知道一张专辑的风格。



2、Pillz Records

Pillz Records,俗称“药厂”,是一家专注于为中国市场提供欧美最顶尖电音演出团队,以及最顶级音乐制作资源的文化传播公司。其已经在北京、上海、深圳、广州、武汉、长沙、成都、重庆等地举行了上百场音乐演出,主要做时下年轻人最喜欢的电子音乐以及嘻哈音乐的现场。公司旗下电子音乐厂牌为PILLZ Records,现已签约多位国内顶尖电子音乐制作人/DJ。

3、Purple Battery

PurpleBattery,是中国电子音乐领域最受关注的独立厂牌之一,在网易云音乐、微信公众号等平台拥有超过12万粉丝,被粉丝称为“电池厂”,主要经营电子音乐版权、发行;艺人经纪、管理;内容IP衍生。电池厂是以 探索 音乐能量、搜罗电音资讯、传播电音文化为核心的电子音乐厂牌、自媒体平台,2016年8月创立于西雅图,成长于洛杉矶、上海。

4、Eiasn Music

EiasnMusic(艾森纳独立电子音乐厂牌,或者简称“东厂”)。EiasnMusic是2014年10月1号由M主持成立的中国电子音乐厂牌,厂牌汇聚了全国各地顶尖的电子音乐制作人。Eiasn Music是中国最具活力与影响力的音乐唱片之一,旗下拥有多个子厂牌。

5、Ultimate Records

Ultimate Records是来自四川成都的唱片厂牌,2017年成立,是国内为数不多的真正拥有实体公司的厂牌之一。Ultimate Records获得了120万的天使投资,在Beatport、Itunes、网易云音乐等国内外音乐平台都有发行权,主要音乐风格围绕着House、Dubstep、Future Bass等等,未来会覆盖更多电子音乐风格。2018年与中国最大的网络电子音乐厂牌之一的FAD Records合并成为新厂牌Destroy The Stages,两厂牌平行合并以后FAD仍然会作为子厂牌存在。


SYNTH ALLEY是由全球音乐服务公司“看见音乐”联合国内知名电子音乐制造商“PILLZ”、中国先锋电音文化孵化机构“Asia 404”以及中国资深的电子音乐新媒体“电子音乐资讯”,共同发起的电音联盟。SYNTH ALLEY可能扮演一个比赛发起者;可能扮演一家唱片厂牌;也可能扮演一家额外的音乐出版方。SYNTH ALLEY致力于为中国的DJ/制作人们提供机会,并以合辑为单位收录,在影响力更大的厂牌宣传作品并分发至全球流媒体。


Ran Music(燃音乐)是一个北京的独立音乐厂牌,由混音工程师、音乐制作人沈立嘉在2015年初创办,致力于推广和发行本土的电子音乐。目前已为全国超过30组音乐人发行过音乐作品,其中包括Soulspeak、HWA (ELVIS.T)、Mickey Zhang 等中国电子音乐先锋。另外,他们也是中国少数独立发行黑胶唱片并坚持推广唱片文化的电子厂牌之一。

8、Stories Records

目前为止,Stories在网易云音乐上拥有两万多粉丝及一定知名度。Stories Records来自厦门,也在厦门本地的音乐制作人圈子中得到普及。Stories Records旗下成员有Stories、Yaakov、Glitche、Henl7、Sink、Demom-K、MaiMuM等等,大部分来自厦门本地。Stories Records专注于国内音乐文化推广于发展,致力于培养国内优秀电子音乐制作人。


2018年Chace与国内优秀音乐制作人Hugo联合创立了HOWSHOOD厂牌。HOWSHOOD是中国第一家正规模式的House Music厂牌,这不仅仅是一个发行歌曲的平台,它的目标是引导听众去学习原始的音乐流派和风格,打破舞曲的常规。同时,挖掘并培养更多优秀的电子音乐制作人,开拓并发展中国的电子音乐行业,并向全球传播亚洲的音乐文化。


VIBLabel是一家中国独立电子音乐实体厂牌,位于合肥,由新迪杰唱片公司创办于2017年。VIB(Victory in bound),意为胜利降临。厂牌旨在寻找和发现更好的中国电子音乐和制作人,服务于广大电子音乐爱好者。


电音厂牌 :就是专门出版/发行 电子音乐 的公司,就是一个专门发布电音的公司





音乐厂牌或者直接说Label Records,属于正统的Music Industry,有正规的公司运营,包括作品版权,商标(注意不是logo那么简单),正规有计划的市场占有,宣传企划等工作,随着网络发展也有了netlabel的概念,但这些都和国内很多厂牌有本质区别,说难听点的话很多人可能不愿意听,但几个人甚至一个人,取个名字,做个logo(注意是logo不是trademarks),找几个网易虾米等平台发一下作品,那不叫厂牌,那只能叫music group,还有办几次演出就叫厂牌的也占不少数,再难听的话我就不说了。

厂牌就是唱片公司。唱片厂牌的英语是:Record label,Record label翻译成中文,就是唱片公司。国内许多人都以为厂牌和唱片公司是两码事,原因是因为国外都说厂牌,而国内说得少,所以有人误会了以为它们是两码事。

先来解释一下什么叫做电子音乐厂牌,是指 某个音乐专辑的出版公司 ,比较典型的就是摇滚乐或者独立音乐领域。




二、 Eiasn Music厂牌


三、 Mavericks Records厂牌

为了宣扬特立独行的音乐风格和制作理念,国内电子音乐制作人Anti-General和音乐文化宣传者Dirty Trick 共同创立Mavericks Records厂牌。




stage 英[steɪdʒ] 美[stedʒ] n. 阶段; 舞台; 戏剧; 驿站; vt. 上演,演出; 筹办,举行; 适于上演; 坐公共马车旅行; vt. 举行; 展现; 上演; 筹划; [例句]The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。[其他] 第三人称单数:stages 复数:stages 现在分词:staging 过去式:staged过去分词:staged
2023-01-01 16:47:521

1. To learn about the stages in a scientific experiment.是什么意思?

2023-01-01 16:47:581

in stage和at stage有什么区别

in stage 在舞台at stage 在阶段
2023-01-01 16:48:033

mugen中弹出Error message: Can"t open stage: stages/stage0-720.def怎么解决?

2023-01-01 16:48:141

stages of production什么意思

stages of production生产阶段stages of production生产阶段
2023-01-01 16:48:201

a number of stages是什么意思

a number of stages若干阶段a number of stages若干阶段
2023-01-01 16:48:261


阶段性 at various stages / at stage level / at phase level / phased层次性 at various levels / at strata level / hierarchical
2023-01-01 16:48:332

at the early stages

你好,你是不是在写题的时候自己把答案写出来了? at the early stage啊. 横线上应该就填stage 希望可以帮到你~
2023-01-01 16:48:431


人生就像一个舞台,剧本并没有写下来,要靠自己慢慢发掘自己的人生是属于哪一种的舞台剧,然后在那个舞台上,绽放出自己的光芒。Life is like a stage, the script is not written down, rely on their own to explore their own life is slowly Which kind of stage play, and then at that stage, bursting out with their own light.
2023-01-01 16:48:506


1.He had his camera ready_____ he saw something that would make a good picture.强调“万一”看到感兴趣的东西2.Everyone will go through life"s stages of ups and downs,_____ self-respect plays a key role in the maturity of a person.答案是when或者where,因为stages可以指代时间也可以指代地点。3.At one point I made up my mind to talk to Sam ,then I changed my mind,____ that he could do nothing to help.realizing在你的句子裏面是分词结构做伴随状态,与change同时发生==then I changed my mind because i realized that he could do nothing to help.
2023-01-01 16:49:233

游戏关卡 英语怎么说

“游戏”的英文是“game”。它的英式读法是[ɡe_m];美式读法是[ɡe_m]。“游戏”作名词意思有游戏;运动会;比赛;一场比赛;比赛得分;猎物;花招。作动词意思是赌博。作形容词意思有勇敢的;乐意的。游戏的短语搭配:Game Change:规则改变;游戏改变;迎接变革;New Game:新游戏;开始新游戏;是开始新游戏;新建;Electronic Game:电子游戏;电子游戏机;电动玩具;ultimatum game:最后通牒赛局;最后通牒博弈;最后通牒游戏;最后通牒博弈实验;stochastic game:随机博弈;[数]随机对策;机遇性赛局;随机赛局;home game:主场比赛;主场;主场角逐;主场竞赛;browser game:网页游戏;器游戏;浏览器游戏;game semantics:博弈语义;stealth game:隐蔽类游戏。
2023-01-01 16:49:354

What major stages does one"s life include?怎么回答

问的是:一个人一生的主要阶段包括哪些?可以回答:infant, child, teenager, youth, adult, senior分别是:婴儿,儿童,青少年,青年,成年,老年
2023-01-01 16:49:521


Chinese Abstract: In this paper, wrote the Art of Li Keran, Li Keran the first chapter of the art stage, the second chapter Li Keran stages of the main characteristics of art, Chapter II through the works of Li Keran similar comparative analysis of the main From conception, composition, shape, pen and ink to make in-depth study. Key words: Comparative Analysis of the characteristics of Li Keran Art
2023-01-01 16:49:584

different stages是什么意思

2023-01-01 16:50:132


in 和 at 都可以.我查了字典的 应该是像你说的那样 不过我觉得不用那么刻意去理解.要放到具体的环境中去体会 给你2个句子吧 你自己体会一下 This technology is still in its early stages.这项技术还处于早期开发阶段. The product is at the design stage.
2023-01-01 16:50:221

我读不懂这句,请翻译并讲解括号内选词:everyone will go through life "

2023-01-01 16:50:283


2023-01-01 16:50:403


官恩娜 Ella Koon性别: 女 星座: 巨蟹座 出生日期: 1979-07-09 出生地: 塔希提岛 职业: 演员 更多外文名: Yun-na Koon 影人简介 ······ 官恩娜于英国伯明翰完成其高中学业后,于2000年担任模特儿,并于电影《I Do 恋性世代》中担任一角。2004年以歌手身份出道,发行其处女大碟《Original》,第二张大碟《Ellacadabra》于2005年12月22日推出,第三张大碟《失常》于 2006年9月29日推出,第四张EP大碟《Stages》于2008年10月24日推出。   2005年初,参演TVB之剧集《酒店风云》,并与剧中演员吴卓羲传出绯闻。 2006年中,官恩娜参加一个游戏节目《美女厨房》,获得“地狱厨神”的封号。   2008年初,参演T...(展开全部) 官恩娜于英国伯明翰完成其高中学业后,于2000年担任模特儿,并于电影《I Do 恋性世代》中担任一角。2004年以歌手身份出道,发行其处女大碟《Original》,第二张大碟《Ellacadabra》于2005年12月22日推出,第三张大碟《失常》于 2006年9月29日推出,第四张EP大碟《Stages》于2008年10月24日推出。   2005年初,参演TVB之剧集《酒店风云》,并与剧中演员吴卓羲传出绯闻。 2006年中,官恩娜参加一个游戏节目《美女厨房》,获得“地狱厨神”的封号。   2008年初,参演TVB之剧集《律政新人王II》饰演女主角孙俐俐。   2008年中,推出新歌《TIME TO PLAY》。   2009年初,再接再厉,参加《美女厨房》,获得69分,脱离「地狱厨神」的封号。   官恩娜 (Ella) 继之前主演无线台庆电视剧《酒店风云》而人气急升,在2005年底推出全新大碟《Ellacadabra》。“Ellacadabra”是一个西方流传下来的魔法咒语,碟内收录了 Ella 的大热中板情歌“暗恋航空”和“戏中有气”,另外推介之选包括:“魔戒三部曲之四”、“完成大我”、“什么什么”;至于曾收录于她首张大碟《Ella Original》的人气单曲“地平线”、“可以几爱”、“上岸”和“Let Go”也可在新碟中找到。 官恩娜连拍三十小时 圣诞首张个人大碟推出   官恩娜大碟《Ellacadabra》终于推出,她更获唱片公司宠爱,除了特别为她挑选在普天同庆的圣诞黄金档推出外,单是拍摄唱片封套也耗资达六位数字,Ella 更首次与工作人员一齐设计场景及布置,非常满足。   Ella 的拍摄工作排得密密麻麻的,拍摄唱片封套之前一晚,她通宵工作没有睡觉就直踩影楼拍照,而当等候摄影师调校灯光时,她最终挨不住睡着了,摄影师本来想给她小睡三个小时,不料她只睡了半小时便醒来,并向工作人员及摄影师连声道歉:“Sorry!我没事了,可以继续拍摄啦!”最后,一拍就拍了三十小时,她更是没有半句怨言,且十分投入。
2023-01-01 16:50:531

you mut clear all stages first什么意思

请哪位高人帮忙归纳一下英语中常见的前缀后缀所表达的意思我不要具体的单词一.表示否定的前缀 1.dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(
2023-01-01 16:51:073


1,“他卖了辆旧车后,买了辆新车”。 严格来说,主句少个冠词,从句动词应该过去分词sold. " he bought a new care after he had sold his old one. " 也可以用" before “ 来替换 :” he had sold his old car before he bought a new one / buying a new one. " 2和1相似 不做详细解释第3句我觉得不对,可以把它换成我在1中替换的句子那样,即" he had sold his old car before he bought a new one / buying a new one. " 4也和1中我替换的一样,亦不细解。
2023-01-01 16:51:196


The five phases of life.
2023-01-01 16:51:423

求翻译成英文,谢谢 不要机器的,决策六个阶段是重点谢谢。

As a management decision a activities, including some steps and program, although the specific process of decision-making is endless and same, but generally speaking, the main decision is divided into six stages: 1, to identify the problem 2, determine the decision goal 3 and feasible scheme worked 4, options 5, and implementation of the 6, tracking check
2023-01-01 16:51:534


stage[steidV]n.舞台, 戏剧, 活动场所, 发展的进程, 阶段或时期, 驿站vt.上演, 筹备, 举行stage[steIdV]n.阶段;时期at an early stage in our history在我们的历史早期舞台(前面与the连用)演员生涯;剧院工作;戏剧工作行程,旅程to travel by easy stages从容旅行(火箭的)节set the stage for为…做准备;使…可能;促成stagevt., vi.staged, staging表演;上演;演出发起;举行stageAHD:[st³j]D.J.:[steid/]K.K.:[sted/] n.A raised and level floor or platform. 高台抬高的地板或平台A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented. 舞台一种升高的平台在它上面可以进行戏剧表演An area in which actors perform. 表演区演员表演的地方The acting profession, or the world of theater. Used with the: 演艺业,演艺界演员职业或戏剧界,与 the连用:The stage is her life.演艺事业是她的生命The scene of an event or a series of events. 场景一件事的场景或一连串事件A platform on a microscope that supports a slide for viewing.显微镜的镜台A scaffold for workers. 鹰架工人的工作脚架A resting place on a journey, especially one providing overnight accommodations. 歇脚处旅行途中的休息特别是提供过夜的地方The distance between stopping places on a journey; a leg: 行程驿站之间的距离;行程:proceeded in easy stages.行程轻松A stagecoach.公共马车A level or story of a building.楼层The height of the surface of a river or other fluctuating body of water above a set point: 水位在一个指定标记之上的河流水面的高度或者其它浮动的水体:at flood stage.在洪水水位线A level, degree, or period of time in the course of a process, especially a step in development: 时期发展过程中的阶段,时期,步骤,特别是指发展过程中的阶段:the toddler stage.学步儿童的阶段A point in the course of an action or series of events: 阶段某一动作过程或一连串事件中的一个阶段:too early to predict a winner at this stage.目前还过于太早预测胜负One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned. 一节火箭两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射 Geology 【地质学】A subdivision in the classification of stratified rocks, ranking just below a series and representing rock formed during a chronological age. 期分层岩石的阶层,低于一连串层并且代表了古代时期形成的岩石 Electronics 【电子学】An element or a group of elements in a complex arrangement of parts, especially a single tube or transistor and its accessory components in an amplifier. 级在一群复杂结构中的零件,特别是指扩音器中单管或转换器和它的辅助成份stage v. staged;;;stage exhibit or present on or as if on a stage:(在舞台上)展示或出现:stage a boxing match.进行一台拳击比赛To produce or direct (a theatrical performance).制作或导演一场戏剧To arrange and carry out:安排和进行:stage an invasion.进行一次侵略stage v.intr.To be adaptable to or suitable for theatrical presentation. 使适合表演适合或能够进行戏剧表演To stop at a designated place in the course of a journey: 歇脚在旅途中停留在指定的地方:“tourists from London who had staged through Warsaw”(Frederick Forsyth)“那些来自伦敦的游客在华沙休息了一程”(弗雷德里克·福赛思)
2023-01-01 16:52:087


2023-01-01 16:52:342

man"s life can be divided into five distinct stages 英语作文150-200字

Man"s life can be divided into five distinct stages, according to Maslow, American psychologist, as named as psycological demanding, security, social communication, respect from others, and demandings for self value realization. The five stages are lined from lower stages to higher stages, from the needs for living on, then secufity, when he"s safe enough he needs to be loved, to be respected and to the most, he needs to realize his dreams.
2023-01-01 16:52:431


以下是洛阳大华雅思为同学们整理的雅思小作文流程图攻略及范文,供各位考生参考,希望能对大家有所帮助。流程图1.首段常用句子The following diagraph shows the structure of……The picture illustrates……The whole procedure can be divided into…stages.It mainly consists of……It works as follows.It always involves following steps.2.描述流程/过程的常用过渡性词语题目 1:玻璃的回收流程【单图】范文 1:This diagram illustrates the recycling process of glass bottles. The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages.In the first stage, used bottles are collected at a recycling point ready to be transported by a truck. The second stage starts in a cleaning plant, where these recycled bottles are sorted by color into green, brown and clear ones and washed by high-pressurized water. When the cleaning is done, the bottles are conveyed to a glass factory where they are cut into glass pieces which are then poured into a furnace. After being heated in the furnace, the broken glasses are melted into liquid, which flows into a glass mold. Here glass liquid from other sources is added and the molding process takes place. In the final stage, new, empty bottles are filled with liquid, then packed and dispatched to the supermarket ready to be picked by consumers. At this point, a cycle has been completed and a new cycle will begin.题目 2:蚕的生活史及丝绸服饰的生产流程【组图】范文 2:【总述】The diagram illustrates the main stages in the life cycle of silkworm and the procedure of silk cloth making.【两图关系】From this diagram it can be seen that the cocoons are necessary raw materials used for silk cloth production.【分述流程 1】In the first stage, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again.【分述流程 2】When it comes to the production of silk cloth, once the cocoons are selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 meters long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.【小结】Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process.
2023-01-01 16:53:241


什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文,幸福的`婚姻家庭,是很多夫妻在结婚之前的共同愿望,好的婚姻可以让孩子作为榜样,好的家庭可以让孩子健康快乐的成长。下面给大家分享什么是幸福婚姻的关键。   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文1    1、Disputes can, but dont be stubborn about who wins and who loses   The differences caused by the different opinions of the couple are normal. However, because the natural environment and life methods of the two people are different, even if they are more similar and their outlook on life is consistent with each other, there will be overall differences in some areas. At the moment, either husband and wife should not try to change the other. There is almost no absolute right or wrong. You dont have to be confined to the win or lose of the quarrel. Home should be a warm area. Learn to seek common ground while reserving differences, not the arena where anyone wants to press down.    2、Experience is more important than truth   Its hard to get confused in life. It can be used in married life. Some words will damage the other party when you know it clearly. Even if it is the truth, you dont have to talk about it quickly for a while. There is a certain preservation for each other to consider carefully, so as to really improve the relationship between husband and wife. If some of the same facts are too painful and do not involve standard problems, good lies will be more acceptable than naked objective facts.    3. Pay attention to touch, not just sex   Touch includes many, such as clasping fingers, hugging each other and touching the face. This action can maintain the intimacy between couples. Many people feel that there is nothing else between couples except sex. I think the mental process is not so shallow. Sometimes this small touch of the human body is more effective. (emotional questions can be added to the teachers mobile phone / letter:)    4、Recalling the happiness of the past   At that time, many people had a good relationship with their partners. As soon as they entered the marriage life, they began to quarrel for no reason. Because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not very good and the core concept of taking care of children was difficult, in other words, all kinds of relationships could lead to disputes. At the moment, I feel that because the couple have been brought into their eyes by some small stones, they have not seen the way to go for a longer time, and have forgotten their previous service commitment and happiness.   We often say that there must be a big reason for the fight between the bedroom bed and the foot of the bed between husband and wife. Its normal to make small mischief in daily life, but you dont have to hurt your feelings. You should be tolerant and used to each other. Its the key to understand the harmony of husband and wifes feelings and come down again. Thinking about the happy times we had in the past, why we had to have him at that time, what things he had done that moved you, and this kind of memory not only gives you the driving force, but also gives you the reason to tolerate and endure for a while.    5、Maintain talent   When you think that marriage is the terminal of each connection, you are really wrong. Marriage is not only not the terminal of association, but also a new starting point for these associations among you, which means that your life path is from yourself to two people, and the problems you encounter are discussed, handled, supported and encouraged each other.   Sometimes when people see a man, they feel that he is not obedient enough. Many old people around them have to say: they havent got married yet. Just find them a wife and have children.   I absolutely dont approve of such opinions, and I can even say that I despise them. If he is not mature enough and does not have the burden of being an adult, how can he hope that he can shoulder the obligation of a home and even educate his children to become talents? The greater probability is that the expansion has adverse effects and will hurt the next generation.   Similarly, you dont have to think that marriage means completion and no need to become a talent. There are many characters to play in ones life. One should be a good child when he is a child. He is an excellent student when he studies. He is a good worker when he signs up for work, a good eldest son of his father, a good husband of his wife when he gets married, and a good father of his eldest son... People must always study and train hard to become talents, so as to ensure that the development trend of physical and mental health and stability can be maintained, Can maintain a happy marriage.   If you have been too easy to slack off in your marriage and give up yourself, it is usually very easy to lead to misfortune at home. In the matter of talent, there is no way to achieve it overnight, only self-discipline can be arbitrary.   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文2    What are the stages of marriage.    Phase I: Sweet period   Just married, they are still in the joy of marriage and maintain the state of love.   Although there are occasional small quarrels, they are considerate of each other. I will also prepare some small surprises for each other in my daily life. It may seem bad to others, but its beautiful to you.   The general state of sweetness is that you and I have endless words.    Stage II: running in period   After 2-3 years of marriage, after the sweet period, they began to enter the running in period. Some of the problems of both sides will gradually manifest, but they will not be as tolerant as the sweet period. Small things such as misplacing socks and soiling the freshly cleaned floor may become the fuse of their quarrel.   During this period, both will upgrade and become parents. The arrival of children will upset the balance of the two worlds and be child-centered.   At this time, the contradiction between the two will gradually increase, and the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will also increase. Helping his wife or his mother is a headache for men.   The running in period is the longest. Quarrel and contradiction are also the most stage. Both sides will become concerned, concerned, and sometimes bored. Once quarrels and contradictions escalate, it may lead to divorce. After the fresh period of marriage, some people will go out to find new prey. The probability of this third partys involvement is greatly increased and affects their marriage life.   The running in period will be exhausting, so many couples cant survive this stage. Its a pity.    The third stage: dull period   After going through the long stage of running in period, going up the mountain and down the sea of fire, the marriage slowly entered a dull period.   After the running in period, the edges and corners were flattened. After the "torture" of the running in period, the two peoples mood became flat.   Two people will feel that the day is a blessing, which is much more open than the running in period.   When the children work, they have more time to do their own things. The days are as plain as water. Its good to have no waves.   But some people cant resist this insipid and choose to separate at this stage. Its a pity.   Phase IV: long term   After the first three stages, Congratulations, your marriage has entered a long period. Nothing can break up your marriage. We can work together to get married. When they entered the palace of marriage, they both had this original intention. I hope they can work together until they die. But many peoples marriages die in the first two stages.   No matter what stage you are in now, I hope you can go to the last stage 4 until the end of your life. If you survive the second stage, it will not be far from a long time!   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文3    Three keys to family happiness.    1、Filial piety   Filial piety, as a family ethical norm, has the function and role of maintaining family stability. People use filial piety to regulate family relations, make it rooted in the family and popular in the society, and become the moral code and code of conduct that people abide by.   In ancient times, the Chinese nation had a good atmosphere of respecting the elderly and filial piety. Today, with the development of socialist market economy, it is still of great practical significance to carry forward the filial piety tradition of supporting the elderly and respecting the elderly.   "Filial piety comes first", "filial piety" is the foundation of life. If a person cant be grateful to his parents, what noble character can you expect him to have?    2.、Diligent   Diligence has always been praised by the ancients. Stories such as "Yingxue" and "dangliang stabbing stocks" have been handed down for thousands of years and are well known. Han Wengongs "burning ointment oil to follow the sundial, and constant Wu to poor years" is more yearned for by scholars. If you dont work hard, no matter how talented you are, its useless.   Diligence is the first essence of life. People must be diligent if they want to live a down-to-earth, stable and peaceful life. If a person develops the weakness of laziness, more shortcomings and problems will follow.    3、Excuse   Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. Only when we give forgiveness can we put down the pain of the past and open up new possibilities for beauty.   South Africa experienced a painful process of forgiveness and reconciliation at the end of apartheid, because they knew that if they continued to sink into the past, they would not have a successful future.
2023-01-01 16:53:491

It"s My Time Now 歌词

Prince RoyceIt"s my time专辑《Phase II》It"s the goalIt"s the planIt"s the momentIt"s the stagesThe crowdIt"s never or nowSo I gotta let it flyGotta reach for the skyI"ve been waiting for thisAll my lifeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my timeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my time.And I"m gonna shineVoy a brillarI"m gonna shineVoy a ganarI"m gonna shineEste es mi tiempoMi oportunidadAnd I"m gonna shineDe demostrarte quien soyQuien soy en realidadohhhhThis is the momentoI"ve been waiting forohhhThis is the momentoI"ve been waiting foroh, oh, oh ohIt"s the goalIt"s the planIt"s the momentIt"s the stagesThe crowdIt"s never or nowSo I gotta let it flyGotta reach for the skyI"ve been waiting for thisAll my lifeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my timeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my time.I"m gonna shineEvery time I get the chanceI"m gonna shineImam show you I"m a manI"m gonna shineCuz I know nowThat I canI"m gonna shineSo let me see your handsAnd let me hear you sayohhhEste es el momento que siempre esperéohhhThis is the momentI"ve been waiting forI"m gonna shineGonna shineMi sue?o voy a alcanzarY nadie me pararaI"m gonna shineGonna shineI"m gonna get itI will cherish every momentThat I"m livingIt"s the goalIt"s the planIt"s the momentIt"s the stagesThe crowdIt"s never or nowSo I gotta let it flyGotta reach for the skyI"ve been waiting for thisAll my lifeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my timeCuz it"s my time, cuz it"s my time.I"m gonna shineEste es mi tiempoMi oportunidadI"m gonna shineDe demostrarte quien soyQuien soy en realidadI"m gonna shineGonna shine (gonna shine)(gonna shine)Cada vez que dicenQue no puedoEs cuando más quieroohhhThis is the momentI"ve been waiting forohhhThis is the momentI"ve been waiting forI"m gonna shine.2012年4月13日于哈瓦那.
2023-01-01 16:53:541


本文从高等职业教育的概念界定出发,明确了高等职业教育的内涵、范围及内容。在此基础上,作者从历史的角度,根据一些学者的研究,将我国的高等职业教育的发展分为四个阶段,并根据每个阶段的特点,来阐述高职教育发展的历史背景。鉴于此,作者提出了目前我国高等职业教育发展的现状,对现状进行分析,提出了目前发展中存在的问题,并对成因做出分析和解释。在以上所有经验分析的基础上,作者全方位地提出了高职教育进一步发展的对策,以期给政府、相关教育部门以及高等职业技术院校提出一些建议。 henmingxiandehieda
2023-01-01 16:54:008


2023-01-01 16:54:263


step down 有“下台”也有“辞职”之意,即既可以表示主动辞职,也可以表示被迫下台。而对于上面的句子,从新闻来看,杨致远是自己辞职的,所以应该翻译成“雅虎CEO杨致远请辞”补充:Yahoo, which became an Internet powerhouse almost overnight after being founded in 1994 powerhouse字典意思是“发电站”,但其实比较常用的意思是“巨头、有重要影响力的人或物”的比喻意。例如中国和美国经常被称为“economic powerhouse”(经济发动机)。上面的句子可以翻译成:雅虎在1994年成立,几乎在一夜之间就成为互联网巨头。
2023-01-01 16:54:3711


Through completes brief and plan, I thought must sharpen own synthesizing capacity, is making any plan time all must first prepare for full, otherwise can be thrown into confusion. Next, wants to be bold innovates, attempts, fully displays own ability and the level. Finally, in the time arrangement, the reason which certainly must arrange, is doing according to the procedure, like this can give own paper to complete brings conveniently.
2023-01-01 16:55:1416


MUGEN教程(一) MUGEN有六个文件夹,chars就是放人物的地方(支持文件夹),stages是游戏背景的地方可以自己放进去,font是游戏字体也就是A,B,C,D.... 1234567890和时间无限的字体,可以用工具改 sound是放音乐的地方,不过在MUGEN里音乐需要扩大,否则在游戏中音乐就很小声了(在winmugen不需要扩大),可能听不到。 MUGEN音乐扩大方法:先双击右下角的那个调整音乐的,调整波形和路线输入到最顶端,好了,完成这部分后,打开录音机,把录音电平调整一下 不要调整太大,不然会出现杂音,要是自己播放的音乐小电平可以调整大 要是音乐中等调整到一定程度就可以了,再录制一个自己想要的音乐,录音完后停止。放到sound文件夹里,音乐在游戏中就可以听到了,音乐响声部分完成了吧。 chars加人物背景方法: 把人物(文件夹)放进chars文件夹里面,再复制放进去的文件夹名 打开data的select.def文件,在[Characters]下加入 xxx,stages/SSS.def,music=sound/AAA.mp3,order = ? xxx就是你刚放进chars文件夹的名字, SSS就是背景的名字,就是刚放进背景def格式的名字,也就是说,遇上这个人物就会用上这个背景 AAA就是mp3的名字,就是刚放进sound的名字,这就表明,遇上这个人物就会播放这个mp3, order = ?可以自己设定如果电脑控制人物强的话,就把?设为高一些吧 可选1到10之间的数字 想把人物放到别的位置的话,就可以想下面这样,比如我要把这个人物 放到第8格。XX就是随便打的拉(就是chars没有的),不过逗号要加上,加人物逗号也要加上 XX, XX, XX, djfdf, dsjad, dfsjadf, dsjad, xxx,stages/SSS.def,music=sound/AAA.mp3,order = ? 这样设置,人物就会被移动到第8格了,很简单吧,对了,如果打上randomselect就有随机选人物的功能了, 加入背景的方法: 把背景的SFF和DEF文件放到stages里 同样打开data里select.def的文件,在 [Extrastages]下加入 stages/xxx.def XXX就是背景DEF的名字,这样,就成功的加入了一个背景 相信大家也看过这贴的教程,我就不多说了。 为什么有时候加不了人物? 答:先检查加进去人物的文件夹,打开文件夹,查看def的名字。 比如,这个文件夹的名字是IORIz,文件夹里面的def名字是IORI 就把文件夹名IORIz的z去掉,然后再加入,就OK了。 为什么有时选人物或背景时会退出游戏? 解释:因为人物或背景的命令inguarddist和type = trans,lifemax等命令不支持MUGEN,打开选不得的人物的文件夹里的cns或cmd,查找我上面说的命令,可以把这些命令删去,加入相关的命令就可以了,不加入也没关系,也可运行,但人物有些不正常 如果不想这样干可以把人物删除了。 如何设置隐藏人物BOSS? 如果你觉得某人物电脑控制太强,适合做隐藏人物可以按照以下做法 例子:先打开data的system.def的文件 找到这一行 [Select Info] rows = 1000;就是列数,这个数值改成1000没关系,可以增加许多人物,也就是人物列数上限. columns = 25;就是横着过去要多少个位置,也就是行数. 好了,打开人物背景单data的select.def文件 比如这样设置[Characters] kyo03,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3 kyo01,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3 kyo-0,,music=sound/0.mp3,order=3 neokyox,,music=sound/neokyox.mp3,order = 4 ccikyo,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3
2023-01-01 16:56:051

2023-01-01 16:56:112

CPU Prescott架构支持什么样的CPU

P4E 和 CD都是prescott架构的
2023-01-01 16:56:193


2023-01-01 16:56:307


2023-01-01 16:56:582

2023-01-01 16:57:068


已经采用了四个阶段,从Acuff Reiher曾为基础的综合这些阶段对认知、社交、情感道德和语言方面的背景下发展的市场。
2023-01-01 16:57:334


“环法自行车赛”的英文表达法为:Tour de France.例句;1、No change in the general classification now. But from Thursday the stages of the Tour de France cycling will increase in difficulty.翻译:目前,环法自行车赛总积分榜名次没有变化,但从星期四起,各赛程的难度会越来越大。2、The Tour de France is the most famous cycling race in the world. 翻译:环法自行车赛是世界上最著名的自行车比赛。2019年环法自行车赛的路线发布会在巴黎举行,发布会上,环法的主办方ASO除了发布路线之外,同时庆祝黄色领骑衫即将推出100周年。2019年的环法路线包括30个不同类型的爬坡,5个山顶终点和以及只有54公里的计时赛。2019年环法自行车赛将是一场高海拔的战争,其中5个山顶的海拔高度超过2000米。
2023-01-01 16:57:472


2023-01-01 16:58:014

请问这句是什么意思?谢谢 We do not have time to go through any more proofing stages.

We do not have time to go through any more proofing stages.
2023-01-01 16:58:1512


2023-01-01 16:58:552


MUGEN教程(一)MUGEN有六个文件夹,chars就是放人物的地方(支持文件夹),stages是游戏背景的地方可以自己放进去,font是游戏字体也就是A,B,C,D....1234567890和时间无限的字体,可以用工具改sound是放音乐的地方,不过在MUGEN里音乐需要扩大,否则在游戏中音乐就很小声了(在winmugen不需要扩大),可能听不到。MUGEN音乐扩大方法:先双击右下角的那个调整音乐的,调整波形和路线输入到最顶端,好了,完成这部分后,打开录音机,把录音电平调整一下不要调整太大,不然会出现杂音,要是自己播放的音乐小电平可以调整大要是音乐中等调整到一定程度就可以了,再录制一个自己想要的音乐,录音完后停止。放到sound文件夹里,音乐在游戏中就可以听到了,音乐响声部分完成了吧。chars加人物背景方法:把人物(文件夹)放进chars文件夹里面,再复制放进去的文件夹名打开data的select.def文件,在[Characters]下加入xxx,stages/SSS.def,music=sound/AAA.mp3,order = ?xxx就是你刚放进chars文件夹的名字,SSS就是背景的名字,就是刚放进背景def格式的名字,也就是说,遇上这个人物就会用上这个背景AAA就是mp3的名字,就是刚放进sound的名字,这就表明,遇上这个人物就会播放这个mp3,order = ?可以自己设定如果电脑控制人物强的话,就把?设为高一些吧可选1到10之间的数字想把人物放到别的位置的话,就可以想下面这样,比如我要把这个人物放到第8格。XX就是随便打的拉(就是chars没有的),不过逗号要加上,加人物逗号也要加上XX,XX,XX,djfdf,dsjad,dfsjadf,dsjad,xxx,stages/SSS.def,music=sound/AAA.mp3,order = ?这样设置,人物就会被移动到第8格了,很简单吧,对了,如果打上randomselect就有随机选人物的功能了,加入背景的方法:把背景的SFF和DEF文件放到stages里同样打开data里select.def的文件,在[Extrastages]下加入stages/xxx.defXXX就是背景DEF的名字,这样,就成功的加入了一个背景相信大家也看过这贴的教程,我就不多说了。为什么有时候加不了人物?答:先检查加进去人物的文件夹,打开文件夹,查看def的名字。比如,这个文件夹的名字是IORIz,文件夹里面的def名字是IORI就把文件夹名IORIz的z去掉,然后再加入,就OK了。为什么有时选人物或背景时会退出游戏?解释:因为人物或背景的命令inguarddist和type = trans,lifemax等命令不支持MUGEN,打开选不得的人物的文件夹里的cns或cmd,查找我上面说的命令,可以把这些命令删去,加入相关的命令就可以了,不加入也没关系,也可运行,但人物有些不正常如果不想这样干可以把人物删除了。如何设置隐藏人物BOSS?如果你觉得某人物电脑控制太强,适合做隐藏人物可以按照以下做法例子:先打开data的system.def的文件找到这一行[Select Info]rows = 1000;就是列数,这个数值改成1000没关系,可以增加许多人物,也就是人物列数上限.columns = 25;就是横着过去要多少个位置,也就是行数.好了,打开人物背景单data的select.def文件比如这样设置[Characters]kyo03,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3kyo01,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3kyo-0,,music=sound/0.mp3,order=3neokyox,,music=sound/neokyox.mp3,order = 4ccikyo,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3kyo`,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3kyo,,music=sound/kyo.mp3,order=3ironkyo,,music=sound/kyo-0.mp3,order = 4Kyoko,,music=sound/kyo.mp3,order=3benimaru,,music=sound/benimaru.mp3,order = 4Oswald_XI,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3daimonx,,music=sound/daimonx.mp3,order = 4ccishingo,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3shingo,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3yabuki,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3shingoX,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3vken,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3Sken,,music=sound/0.mp3,order = 3eryu,,music=sound/eryu.mp3,order = 4x,x,x,x,x,x,上面都是可选人物,X是什么意思呢?那些就是放隐藏人物的地方再加上19个X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,好了,这里加人要隐藏的人物如:sura,,music=sound/eryu.mp3,order=5这样,人物就会在人物单的右下角,选不到了。或许有人想让人物完全隐藏就补全上面的25个X,直到看不见就在加上19个X,加上都是自己定义的数值(加到位置顶到屏幕下为止)。最后再加上人物,这样,人物就看不到了,也不可选了,只有电脑可选,这种方法还行吧,各位。好了。先讲到这。有什么问题可以提出来,大家一起解决。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------也许大家还没找到这个MUGEN,先提供给大家winmugen吧,功能也是一样的各有各的好处。winmugen地址:也许大家还没明白data的select.def文件这行的意思[Options]arcade.maxmatches = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;对战模式出场顺序及场数team.maxmatches = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;组队模式出场顺序及场数这样说居然还有人不明白,详细的说arcade.maxmatches的第一个0到10个0就可以自己设置数值如果把第一个0设为5的话,那么order=1的CPU就会出现5次类推下去都是这样,最大是order=10第一个0就相当order=1,以此类推系统热键F1 P2立即死亡Ctrl+F1 P1立即死亡F2 双方生命值变为1Ctrl+F2 P1的生命值为1F3 双方能量值全满F4 重开此局F5 时间结束F12 截图(储存为 mugen?.pcx)Ctrl-C 显示碰撞区块Ctrl-D 显示DeBug信息Ctrl-I 强制将双方转换至站立动作(State 0)Ctrl-F 调整Frame-Skip设定Ctrl-L 隐藏Life-Bar与Power-BarCtrl-S 游戏速度调至最快(启动V-Sync时此功能无效)Ctrl-V 启动V-Sync功能Ctrl-# (#代表数字1~4) 切换P1~P4为 手动/电脑 操控Ctrl-Alt-# (#代表数字1~4)开启/关闭 P1~P4Shift-F4 重新加载stage, chars和fight dataShift-F2 P2的生命为1space 时间,生命值,能量值全满Pause 游戏暂停,在训练模式下出现功能菜单ScrollLock 在暂停中每按一下就移动一个画格Esc 退出--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 游戏设定mugen.cfg ,这个文件在data目录下,它包括了游戏的最最基本的设置,包括整体生命力、游戏速度、游戏难度、游戏音乐控制、显示设置、游戏手柄设置等。具体设置方法如下:[Options]Difficulty = 4 游戏的难度,最高为8级Life = 100 游戏中人物生命力的百分比,默认值100Time = 99 每个回合的时间,-1为无限时间GameSpeed = 0 游戏运行速度WavVolume = 50 wav音乐的音量大小,最大值255MidiVolume = 50 Midi音乐的音量大小,最大值255Team.1VS2Life = 150 假如我以1人出场,对方2人的话,我将以150%的生命力出战Team.LoseOnKO = 0 组队模式中,如果2P输了,电脑控制的人物是否继续战斗,1为是,0为否motif = data/system.def 系统文件链接MP3Volume = 50 MP3音乐音量的大小,最大值255[Rules]Default.Attack.LifeToPowerMul = .7 击中对方,给予自己的能量值Default.GetHit.LifeToPowerMul = .6 击中对方,给予对方的能量值[Config]GameSpeed = 60 游戏的每秒运行的帧数,默认值60,请不要设置少于10,不然游戏会运行不正常DrawShadows = 1 游戏中是否显示人物的阴影,1为是,0为否[Debug]AllowDebugKeys=1;1是开启作弊,0是关闭作弊Debug = 0 是否开启作弊模式,1为开启AllowDebugMode = 1 在作弊模式关闭的情况下,按Ctrl+D键可以重新开启Speedup = 0 除错信息的显示速度StartStage = stages/stage0.def 默认的场景[Video]Width = 320 屏幕分辨率的设置,默认320X240Depth = 16 游戏以哪种颜色模式显示,有8位、16位、24位可供选择Stretch = 0 是否拉伸,1为是,0为否DoubleRes = 0 屏幕显示方式有:0、1、2、3可供选择0 - off1 - diagonal edge detection2 - bilinear filtering3 - horizontal scanlinesVesamode = Linear 显卡模式,建议不要随意更改,有Banked和Linear可供选择说下键位设定:[P1 Keys]Jump = 17;上Crouch = 31;下Left = 30;左Right = 32;右A = 36;轻脚B = 37;重脚C = 38;热键X = 39;轻拳Y = 35;重拳Z = 40;热键Start = 53;开始键P2也同样[P2 Keys]Jump = 200Crouch = 208Left = 203Right = 205A = 79B = 80C = 81X = 75Y = 76Z = 77Start = 71请按照数字来设置。数字17就是W。可以自己一个个键的数下去,修改完这些参数后。进入游戏就能按照自己的键位设定还控制了另外,进入游戏还会看到这些:SINGLE PLAY 单人通关模式SINGLE VS P1和P2 PK 模式TEAM PLAY 组队通关模式TEAM VS 组队PK模式TEAM COOP P1和P2通关模式PRACTICE 练习模式OPIONS 键位设定EXIT 退出--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 增加人物数量原版的winmugen之默认10个人物。增加人物数量方法如下。打开system.def,找到[Select Info],下面[Select Info]。pos是第一个格的坐标位置。[Select Info]rows = 1000;就是列数,这个数值改成1000没关系,可以增加许多人物,也就是人物列数上限.columns = 25;就是横着过去要多少个位置,也就是行数.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 winmugen音乐运行问题如果你下载了winmugen时音乐运行不正常,就是plugins文件夹的插件不起作用,可以去下载一个好点的插件,音乐就可以正常的播放了。音乐插件:当然是MUGENchina提供的下载插件后,放到plugins文件夹。光光放进去还不行,打开data的文件mugen.cfg找到plugin = plugins/in_mad.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg把in_mad.dll修改为in_mp3.dll音乐就可以完全正常运行了。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 MUGEN人物背景寻找大家可以自己上网去搜MUGEN人物和背景先提供大家一个下载人物背景网,以后就自己找。人物包:面板包:背景包:进网后,char或character是人物stages或stage是背景有的网站需要代理,详细了解请参考:这个论坛网页的 制作格纳库和 新闻发布署都供有人物下载。以后的人物就自己找了,大家也应该知道加人物的方法了吧。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 data文件说明data的ending.def文件就是控制动画结局,credits.def文件就是用来 控制the end。gameover.def文件是游戏结束的文件,也就是game over的。fight.def文件就是控制战斗第1局,2局。。。和ko的文件。intro文件就是控制你进入游戏后的动画。
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二画: 盯三画: 盵 盰 盱 盲 盳 直四画: 県 盿 眍 眃 眀 盽 盶 盷 相 盹 盺 盻 盼 盾 省 眂 眄 眅 眆 眇 眈 眉 眊 看 眨五画: 眬 眔 眗 眏 眿 眧 眪 眎 眐 眑 眒 眓 眕 眖 眘 眙 眚 眛 眜 眝 眞 真 眠 眡 眢 眣 眤 眩 眫六画: 眲 眰 眱 眳 眴 眵 眶 眷 眸 眹 眺 眼 眽 众 着 睁 眻 眥 眦 眭 眮 眯七画: 困 睂 睃 睄 睅 睆 睇 睈 睉 睊 睋 睌 睍 睎 睐 睑八画: 瞄 睰 睝 睒 睓 睔 睕 睖 睗 睘 睙 睚 睛 睁 睐 睟 睠 睡 睢 督 睤 睥 睦 睧 睨 睩 睾 睫 睬 睭 睷 睹九画: 瞅 瞆 瞁 睮 睵 睯 睱 睲 睳 睴 睶 睸 睺 睻 睼 睽 睾 睿 瞀 瞂 瞃 眯 瞍十画: 瞱 瞈 瞉 瞊 瞋 瞌 瞎 瞏 瞐 瞑 瞒 瞓 瞙 瞝 瞢十一画: 瞣 瞔 瞰 瞕 瞖 瞗 瞘 瞚 瞛 瞜 瞒 瞟 瞠 瞡 瞥十二画: 了 瞮 瞯 瞲 瞳 瞴 瞵 瞶 瞷 瞸 瞤 瞦 瞧 瞨 瞩 瞪 瞫 瞬十三画: 矂 矁 瞹 瞺 瞻 睑 瞽 瞾 瞿 矀 矆 蒙十四画: 矋 矃 矄 矅 矈 矉 矊 矌 矎十五画: 矏 矍 矒十六画: 矐 矑
2023-01-01 16:49:221

带有目字旁的字 带有目字旁的字有什么

1、盲、盱、盰、眨、盾、省、看、眉、盼、眂、眃、眅、眆、眊、県、相、眄、眍、盹、眇、眈、盶,等等。 2、盱xū。释义:张目。组词:广盱、盱目、盱睢、盱瞜、盱眙 3、瞄miáo。释义: 把视力集中在一点上,注意看。组词:瞄球、抛瞄。 4、盾dùn。释义:古代打仗时防护身体,挡住敌人刀箭等的牌。组词:后盾、盾牌、矛盾、邦盾、孑盾。
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accident的读法为[ˈæksɪdənt]。accident读音:英[ˈæksɪdənt],美[ˈæksɪdənt],解释:意外事故。复数accidents。例句1、John"s father died in a car accident.约翰的父亲死于一次车祸。2、The accident at the factory was caused by the carelessness of the employees.工厂的事故是由于员工粗心大意引起的。3、Neither you nor she is responsible for this accident.你和她都不用为这个意外负责。4、Thor broke a cup in the coffee bar, causing an accident.索尔在咖啡吧里打碎了个杯子造成一个意外。5、My friend died in a car accident yesterday.我朋友昨天死于一场车祸。
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