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2023-06-16 01:00:24
TAG: blew







"blew"是英语中的一个动词,意思是“吹”或“吹气”。除了这个基本含义,它还有一些常见的用法和固定搭配。"blew"可以表示风或气体的吹动。例如,"The wind blew the leaves off the trees."(风吹落了树上的叶子。)"Blew"还可以用于描述气球或气体容器的爆炸。例如,"He blew up the balloon until it burst."(他把气球吹得太大,最终爆炸了。)它可以表示某人吹了一声口哨或乐器。例如,"He blew a tune on his saxophone."(他在萨克斯上吹奏了一首曲子。)"Blew"也可以表示某人吹嘘或夸大某事物的重要性。例如,"He blew his own trumpet about his achievements."(他夸耀自己的成就。)"blew"还有一些常见的固定搭配。例如,"blow out"表示吹灭,通常用于描述蜡烛或火柴。例如,"She blew out the candles on her birthday cake."(她吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。)"Blow over"表示风或风暴逐渐减弱或停止。例如,"The storm blew over by morning."(风暴在早上逐渐停止了。)"Blow up"表示扩大或放大,通常用于描述照片或图像。例如,"He blew up the photo so he could see it more clearly."(他把照片放大,以便更清晰地看到它。)总之,"blew"是一个常见的英语动词,有各种含义和用法。它可以表示风或气体的吹动,也可以表示某人吹哨或乐器,或者夸耀自己的成就。此外,它还有一些常见的固定搭配,例如"blow out"、"blow over"和"blow up"。希望这篇文章能够帮助您更好地理解和使用这个词。
2023-06-15 17:49:291


2023-06-15 17:49:517

blew怎么读 英语blew怎么读

1、blew英[bluu02d0]美[bluu02d0],v.吹; 刮; (被)刮动,吹动;blow的过去式。 2、[例句]Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open.把大门闩好以免被风吹开。
2023-06-15 17:50:131


英[blu:] 美[blu]
2023-06-15 17:50:223

blew. 是什么意思?

2023-06-15 17:50:293


/u: /
2023-06-15 17:50:373

Nirvana的《blew》 歌词

歌曲名:《blew》歌手:Nirvana发行时间:1989-06-15 流派:摇滚 发行公司:Sub Pop专辑:《Bleach》歌词:If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it blew.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it lose.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like to leave.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like to breathe.Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.ah````If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it blew.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like it lose.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like to leave.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like to breathe.Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.ah~~~~~~~Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.You could do anything.You could do anything.You could do anything.You could do anything.试听:
2023-06-15 17:50:452


2023-06-15 17:51:053


2023-06-15 17:51:121

At first the wind blew sightly 为什么要用blew 而不用blow?

从at first 首先可知是一般过去时态blow的过去式是 blewAt first the wind blew sightly.
2023-06-15 17:51:223

over obove blew 区别

above, over都可表示“在…之上”。above一般表示“在上面,高于”,不一定垂直; over表示在…正 上方,强调垂直在…之上。 A big apple hangs over me. 在我的头顶上悬挂着一只大苹果。 over表示垂直在…之上 There are many apples hanging above me. 在我的上方悬挂着很多苹果。 above,在…之上,不一定垂直2. above只表示上下位置,而over则表示“越过,通过”以及“笼罩,盖起来”或 “遍及全面”的意思。 The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升过地平线上了。 above,在…之上,指上下位置 The sun shone over the valley. 阳光普照山谷。 over,笼罩,遍及全面3. below, under, beneath皆可表示在…之下。below表示非垂直并不与表面接触的下方;under表示垂直并不与表面接触的下方;beneath表示在某物之下,几乎接触或接近。 There is a lake below the mountain. 此山下有个湖。 below,在…之下(非垂直) I want to have a rest under the tree. 我想在树下休息一会儿。 under表示(垂直)在…之下 I found an ant beneath the rock. 我在岩石下找到了一只蚂蚁。 beneath,在…之下(几乎接触)4. 总结:above(在…上)与below(在…下)在意义上是相对的,相同点是,两者都表示物体位置上或下不垂直的关系; over(在…上)与under(在…下)在意义上是相对的,相同点是,两者都表示物体位置上或下垂直的关系。
2023-06-15 17:51:301

drew flew few blew哪个读音与其他三个不同?

2023-06-15 17:51:382

blew fight strike hit beat的区别?

blew = "He blew his anger at his sister"他把他的气全出到他的妹妹上fight = He got into a fight with Billy.他跟Billy打架一般被打是 "beat(beaten)"He got beaten by his dad.他被他的爸爸打了
2023-06-15 17:51:581

请教下:up into是什么意思?和blew是短语吗?

up into向上进入
2023-06-15 17:52:082


blew, blow的过去式
2023-06-15 17:52:181

competition just blew wide open, folks!

blew 应该是BLOW 这个单词的过去时态 WIDE OPEN 不是固定搭配的词组
2023-06-15 17:52:265

blew out意思

blew out吹灭[网络短语]blew out 吹灭My tire blew out 我的轮胎没气了blew his brains out 击头部自杀
2023-06-15 17:52:412


吹blow boast puff
2023-06-15 17:52:503


send在这里的意思是“(迫)使(某人、某物)进入(某种状态)”,如:The punch sent his opponent reeling(这一拳把他的对手打得直踉跄。);He sent the stone rolling down the hill(他把石头滚下山去。)。至于“blew”应该有误,据该句含义,应为“below”(在……下面)。
2023-06-15 17:53:004


2023-06-15 17:53:204

哪些动词的过去式把O变E,如 biow-blew这样的

hold---held blow----blew grow ---grew know---knew throw---threw
2023-06-15 17:53:271

information below中below是副词吗

information below中blew是副词。blew的意思:dav.在下面,到下面。prep.表示位置在......下面,表示状态在......掩饰之下。表示比较不及,低于。below可以用作介词,below表示位置时不表示垂直关系。below用作副词市场作后置定语,作状语时可修饰动态和静态动词。below可用作介词from的宾语,意为从下面。
2023-06-15 17:53:351

The door blew open.这个句子成分怎么分析。

2023-06-15 17:53:441

blew hard

2023-06-15 17:53:511


2023-06-15 17:54:002


blew 英[blu:] 美[blu] vt. 吹,刮; v. 吹响; 吹气( blow的过去式 ); 刮风; 炸开; [例句]I blew out the candle.我把蜡烛吹灭了。[其他] 原型: blow
2023-06-15 17:54:201


2023-06-15 17:54:302

blew怎么读 英语blew怎么读

1、blew英[blu?]美[blu?],v.吹; 刮; (被)刮动,吹动;blow的过去式。2、[例句]Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open.把大门闩好以免被风吹开。
2023-06-15 17:54:561


love hate blew(吹) absorb(吸) hard(硬) soft(软) carelessly(粗心)carefully(细心) usual unusual quiet(安静)noisy(吵闹) patiently(耐心)nervous(紧张) useful(有用的)futile(无用的) front(前面)behind(后面) loud(大声)whisp(耳语)
2023-06-15 17:55:471


2023-06-15 17:55:552


2023-06-15 17:56:041

有首英文歌,女的唱的,歌词主要有say(see)~~everything~~ you 很多句都以say(see)开头,后面有na na na

2023-06-15 17:56:241

blew off与blew away的区别,basic的意思

拼写有问题呦,要用原形。blow away v.吹走,驱散blow off 吹掉,放气;抱怨,埋怨basic adj.基础的,基本的 n.1术语---化学:盐基性 2电脑----培基语言
2023-06-15 17:56:331

blew up是什么意思

吹的意思eg:When Myra told Karp she"d expose his past, he blew up.当迈拉告诉卡普她会把他的过去全抖搂出去时,卡普大为光火。
2023-06-15 17:56:412

英文片语| Blow away竟然有4种意思!5个跟blow有关的片语

连假过完了,该收心罗,一起来跟着Anna看看跟blow有关的5个片语。 1. Blow away a. 开枪或爆炸杀人 Armed criminals should not be underestimated. They could easily blow you away if you are not careful. 不要轻忽持有武器的罪犯,他们能轻易开枪杀人。 b. 领先竞争对手一大截 The Spanish athlete had no trouble taking gold; she went from being the underdog to pletely blowing all the other petitors away. 那位西班牙选手轻易就摘金,她从原本的落后一路超前到第一名,将其他选手远远抛在身后。 c. 非常佩服 Your voice blew me away. I didn"t know you could sing like that. 你的歌声真的让我非常惊艳,我从来不知道你有一副好歌喉。 d. 被风吹 Quick! The napkins are blowing away. 快点!餐巾纸都要被风吹走了。 2. Blow down 被风吹落/倒 During the storm, part of our fence was blown down. 那场暴风雨把我们家部分的围墙给吹倒了。 3. Blow in 突然出现 She blew in to the office this morning, passed ment on a project I have been working on for months and disappeared as fast as she had arrived. 她今天早上突然出现在办公室,对于我处理了好几个月的案子给几项建议后,又像一阵风一样消失了。 4. Blow off 放屁 Don"t blow off in an elevator. It will be really embarrassing. 不要在电梯里放屁,会很丢脸。 5. Blow *** /sth off a. 爽约 That is the last time he is going to blow me off. 这是他最后一次放我鸽子了,我受够了! b. 忽略或让某事变的不重要 The president"s spokeswomen blew the condemning evidence off as an alternative fact. 总统发言人将对总统不利的证据说成只是一点小事。 blow, 片语
2023-06-15 17:56:481


2023-06-15 17:57:083

文中blew the door off all the rest怎么翻译

2023-06-15 17:57:193


blow blew blown
2023-06-15 17:57:273

康康默默的许了一个愿,然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛.(完成译句)kangkang made a silent wish,and then he( )

kangkang made a silent wishuff0cand then he blew out the candles in one breath.
2023-06-15 17:57:342


blow指的是吹,打击、炸毁、炫耀等意思。Blow最基本的意思是“吹气”或“吹风”。例如:“I blew out the candles on my birthday cake.”意思是“我吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。”“The wind is blowing hard today.”的意思是“今天风很大。”Blow还可以表示“打击”、“攻击”,强调非常严厉的打击,例如:“The team was dealt a major blow when their star player got injured.”球队的明星球员受伤,给球队带来了重创。The news came as a huge blow to the company"s reputation.这个消息对公司的声誉来说是一个沉重的打击。Blow还可以表示“爆炸”、“炸毁”,通常用于描述大规模破坏性事件,如:“A bomb blew up in the city center causing widespread damage.”一枚炸弹在市中心爆炸,造成广泛的破坏。“The bridge was blown up during the war.”在战争期间,桥被炸毁了。Blow还可以表示“显摆”或“炫耀”,通常用于描述某个人故意展示他们的优点或成就。例如:“Rob"s always blowing about how much money he makes.”罗布总是很骄傲地说他赚了多少钱。“He"s so vain, always blowing his own trumpet.”他非常自负,总是自吹自擂。Blow一词有着多种不同的含义,在不同的语境下可能会有不同的用法和意义。因此,在理解具体含义时需要根据上下文进行判断,同时应该注意使用这个词时所需要的语境和情境。
2023-06-15 17:57:421


2023-06-15 17:58:082

VOA流行美语 Unit 43: RULE / TO BLOW MONEY... , 今天是周末,Michael和李华去打台球。李华一边玩一边还学了两个年轻人常用的词:to rule和to blow money on something.,L: 哎呀,我不想玩了。我老是输给你,这样玩还有什么意思啊。,M: Hey! You don"t need to get angry just because I rule at the pool table!,L: 啊?你在台球桌上做了什么?你是不是耍了什么花招,怕我生气啊?,M: Absolutely not! I said that I rule the pool table. That means that I am the best at playing pool. I can defeat anyone. Rule, R-U-L-E.,L: 噢,我明白了, rule在这里指的是你玩台球玩得最棒,可以打败任何人。对不对,Michael?,M: That"s right! I am king of the pool table! I rule!,L: 嘿,你不要那么得意好不好。你忘了那天打乒乓球,你连连败在我的手下。你呀,对乒乓球这种体育运动简直是一窍不通。,M: Sport? Ping-pong is not a sport! It"s a game! You might rule at that little game. But I rule at pool, a man"s game!,L: 你在瞎说什么啊。我不跟你争了。你还是多给我解释解释 rule 这个词吧。,M: Well, I can say "I rule the pool table"; that means that I dominate the game. Or I can say "I rule at" doing something. In either case it means the same thing: I am the best!,L: 好了,好了,就算你是最棒的吧。那 rule 还有什么别的用法呢?,M: Sometimes we just say something or someone rules without adding any other words. For instance, I can say "Chinese food rules!", that means I think it is great.,L: 噢,那如果我说:Michael Jordan rules!,就表示我认为他是最棒的篮球运动员,对不对?,M: That"s right. When we say a person rules, that means we think they are the best, or at least that they are impressive.,L: 哎,Michael,你看那边有个人老往我们这边看,没准他是想和你比赛,怎么样,敢不敢跟他比?,M: Whatever, I rule the pool table, no matter who I play against!,L: Michael,你打得怎么样,输了还是赢了?,M: Not so well. Say, Li Hua, can I borrow five dollars? I just blew my money on playing pool with them, and I need to put gas in the car so we can get home.,L: 你说你的钱怎么了?哎呀,你是不是在赌博啊?,M: No, I said I blew my money on pool. That means I spent all of my money very quickly. Blew, B-L-E-W. It"s the past tense for blow.,L: 噢,"blow money on something"就是为了做某件事很快把口袋里 的钱花光了。,M: That"s right. Like when we were at the mall the other day, and you blew a whole week"s pay on shoes.,L: 我是花了一星期的工资买鞋,可你不觉得我买的鞋价廉物美,所以不能说我浪费啊。,M: Well, I guess sometimes it"s ok to blow one"s money on something useful.,L: 就是嘛。哎,我倒是想起了一个你乱花钱的例子,记不记得你大学一年级的时候到赌城拉斯维加斯,blew all of your money on black jack。,M: Ha ha a wonderful memory. but, I"ll never blow all of my money like that again. I am older and wiser now.,L: 得了吧,你年龄的确是越来越大,可脑筋并没有越来越聪明。要不然你今天怎么会玩台球把钱都花光呢?,M: Those guys are good. They play quickly, and they both beat me several times. Also, we agreed that the loser had to pay for the pool table. So of course I blew all of my money very quickly.,今天Michael可是够倒霉的,输了球,还花光了钱;不过李华倒是收获不小,她今天学到两个很有用的词,一个是:to rule,是很棒的意思,另一个是:to blow one"s money on something,意思是把钱都浪费在了某样东西上。
2023-06-15 17:58:151

The strong wind ____(blow)his hat away when he was walking in the street.为什么

2023-06-15 17:58:234

英语12题文中blew up什么意思?

blew up炸毁了
2023-06-15 17:58:442

Try To Change 歌词

2023-06-15 17:58:531


2023-06-15 17:59:032


became, becomebegan, begunblew, blownbroke, broken,drove, drivenate, eatenfelt,feltbrought,broughtbuilt,builtfound,found
2023-06-15 17:59:123

blew my mind是什么意思

美国传统词典blow (one"s) mind【俚语】To affect with intense emotion, such as amazement, excitement, or shock.惊奇,兴奋:惊奇、兴奋、惊吓引起的情绪强烈波动现代英汉词典blow sb."s mind使惊讶;使困惑The dancer"s talent blew my mind.
2023-06-15 17:59:211


2023-06-15 17:59:423


(这篇短文节选自《三只小猪》)Pete说:“不行!不行!不要动我下巴上的毛!”(这句话好像有点毛病,但chin确实是下巴的意思啊!没打错吧?)狼说:“那么我就要吹到你的房子。”旁白:狼把稻草房子吹倒了。Pete跑到了Pat家。狼来到了第二间房子。它是用木棒做的。狼:“小猪,小猪,让我进去!”Pete和Pat同时说:“不行!不行!不要动我下巴上的毛!”狼说:“那么我就要吹到你(们)的房子。”旁白:狼把木头房子吹倒了。Pete和Pat跑到了Paul家。狼来到了砖房子前面。狼:“小猪,小猪,让我进去!”Pete,Pat和Paul同时说:“不行!不行!不要动我下巴上的毛!”狼说:“那么我就要吹到你(们)的房子。”旁白:狼吹啊吹,房子并没有倒。他更努力地吹了。房子并没有倒。狼爬到了房顶上。他掉进了烟囱里,他掉进了火堆中。Pete,Pat和Paul说:“耶!”(*那句Not by the hair on my chin.最好请查阅相关资料,我可能译得不太准*)
2023-06-15 17:59:513