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2023-06-15 16:15:31
TAG: arte nap pole napa

The most famous Frenchman in history was born at Ajaccio, Corsica 生于科西嘉 on 15 August, 1769. Consequently Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑 was not, in fact French. He was, though, a French subject as a result of the ceding of Corsica to France by the Genoese in 1768. His family was upper-middle class. His father Carlo was a political opportunist who gained acceptance into the French aristocracy.

At the age of 10 Napoleon entered the military academy at Brienne, France. His first few months there were a nightmare with the other children teasing him for his strange name, his foreign accent and his small size. Napoleon coped by concentrating on his studies. In 1784 he won a place at the prestigious Ecole Militaire in Paris. A year later he graduated and was commissioned a second lieutenant 上尉 of artillery炮兵部队. He was garrisoned at Valence. He spent the next six years as a struggling soldier in an isolated outpost.

Napoleon"s regiment was stationed in Auxonne when the French Revolution broke out. Napoleon approved of the Revolution in principal but he deplored the violence of the common people. On 10, 1792 August he witnessed the second storming of the Tuileries and the arrest of King Louis XVI . He also saw the slaughter of the Swiss Guards that followed. From this point on Napoleon both hated and feared the common people of France.

Between 1790 and 1791 Napoleon spent 18 months in his homeland of Corsica, helping to consolidate French rule. In 1793, he rejoined his regiment who were stationed in Italy. He was here given his first military command at the siege of Toulon. In 3 days Napoleon bombarded the city into submission, gaining control of this important harbor city . He was rewarded by a speedy promotion to brigadier-general and an appointment as commander of planning for the army of Italy.

In 1795 he was recalled to Paris to help quell mobs under royalist leadership that were preparing to storm the Tuileries. Napoleon was placed as second in command of the defense. He ordered the storming crowds to be annihilated with forty cannon. This act established Napoleon as a hero of the Revolution and gained him entrance into Parisian society. Through such connections he met Josephine de Beauharnias. On March 9, 1796 the two were married. His bride"s connections were evident two days later when Napoleon became commander of the Army of Italy.

In quick succession Napoleon achieved victories over the Italians, Austrians and Sardinians at Matenotte, Dego, Millesimo, Mondovi and Lodi, Milan, Castiglione and Arcola. In February 1797 he marched across the Alps toward Vienna. The Austrians sued for an Armistice before a single shot was fired.

His return to France was triumphant. At just 28 years of age Napoleon had established himself as the greatest French general of all time. In honor of his achievements he was elected to the prestigious Institut. He set his sights on achieving total power.

First though there was the ongoing sea war with Britain. He decided on a rearguard action to attack Britain"s resources by occupying Egypt and cutting off her trade routes with India and the Far East. On June 10, 1798 his forces took the island fortress of Malta. Three weeks later they seized Alexandria. Within days the entire Nile Delta was in French hands. Napoleon"s first defeat, however, came on August 1 when his entire naval fleet was destroyed by the British navy. In February, 1799 the French were again defeated, this time on land at the battle of Acre. Napoleon retreated to Egypt. Here he handed his command over to General Jean Baptiste Kleber and sailed for France.

When he arrived back in Paris, Napoleon was dismayed to find that France had lost control of most of the territories he had won in Italy. The Directory was, in fact, in a state of chaos. The young General was seen as the last hope for the country. Two of the directors approached him with a plan to overthrow the Directory. A coup d"etat was executed on 10 November 1799. The directors were forced to resign and the Directory was abolished. A new Government was established consisting of three consuls. Napoleon Bonaparte was meant to be one of the three equal members of this consul but it didn"t take long for him to assert himself as de facto dictator of France.

Napoleon set about reforming local and national government, education and legislature, proving himself a brilliant statesman and administrator. In 1802 Napoleon was voted consul for life. This, however, was not enough for him, and he set about paving the way for himself to be crowned Emperor of the French. In May, 1804 he got his wish.

In 1803 the British declared war on France once more. In December of that year the Grand Armee assembled in preparation of an invasion of Britain. The destruction of his fleet, combined with the Spanish, by the British off Cape Trafalgar, however, ended any plans of a British invasion. In August, 1805 Napoleon invaded Germany. French victories followed at Ulm, and Austerlitz. Napoleon was crowned king of Italy. His relations were made kings of Naples and Holland. In 1806 Prussia declared war on France and was soundly defeated. Napoleon now introduced ‘The Continental System" which forbade all European nations trading with his age old enemy, Britain. In June, 1807 he gained victory over the Russians at the Battle of Friedland. A year later Charles IV ceded his rights in Spain to Napoleon. Napoleon"s brother Joseph took the throne of Spain.

The beginning of the end came in December, 1810 when the Russians announced that they would no longer observe the Continental System. Napoleon"s response was to invade Russia. Making it to Moscow the French forces were decimated by a massive fire. The Russian winter then took its toll on the French. More than half a million men had been reduced to less than 10,000. Napoleon retreated to Paris.

Europe now believed that France could be beaten. In 1813 the Prussians joined forces with Russia in an alliance against France. When Austria joined the alliance, Napoleon knowing he couldn"t prevail, sued for an armistice. He soon reneged on the conditions, however and an allied invasion of France was put in motion. By January, 1814 France was under attack from all sides. In March, 1814 Paris fell to the allies. Napoleon had moved his army east. The Parisian authorities had, however, abandoned him and they came to terms with the allies.

Napoleon was determined to hold out to the bitter end. But after his General defected he finally faced the inevitable. On 6 April, 1814 Napoleon Bonaparte announced his abdication. Under the Treaty of Fontainebleau he was exiled to the island of Elba. Just a year later, however, he returned to Paris and, with the masses rallying around him, was reinstated as head of state. The allies, of course, retaliated by marching once more on France. Initially Napoleon"s forces gained the victory but the final defeat came when the British forces, reinforced by the Prussians, met the French at Waterloo. Napoleon had fought his last battle.

For a second time the Emperor abdicated. Deciding what to do with him, the allies finally decided on exile to the rocky island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic. Situated a thousand miles off the African Coast Napoleon was now well and truly out of the way. On 5 May, 1821 Napoleon Bonaparte died on his island prison. He was just fifty one years of age.

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Infect和defect是两个常用的英语单词,它们的发音和拼写非常相似,但是它们的意思和用法却有很大的区别。1.InfectInfect是一个动词,意为“感染、传染”。例如,我们可以说:“The virus can infect people easily.”(这种病毒很容易感染人。)或者“Wash your hands frequently to avoid infecting others.”(经常洗手以避免传染给他人。)Infect通常用于描述疾病、病毒、细菌等的传播和感染。2.DefectDefect是一个名词和动词,意为“缺陷、瑕疵”和“缺陷、背叛”。例如,我们可以说:“The product has a defect in its design.”(这个产品在设计上有缺陷。)或者“He defected to the other side during the war.”(他在战争期间叛变到了对方阵营。)Defect通常用于描述产品、系统、组织等的缺陷和问题,也可以用于描述人的背叛和叛变。3.区别Infect和defect的区别在于它们的意思和用法。Infect是一个动词,用于描述疾病、病毒、细菌等的传播和感染;而defect是一个名词和动词,用于描述产品、系统、组织等的缺陷和问题,也可以用于描述人的背叛和叛变。此外,infect和defect的发音和拼写也有所不同,需要注意区分。4.以下是一些使用infect和defect的例句:The flu virus can infect people easily.(流感病毒很容易感染人。)The product has a defect in its design.(这个产品在设计上有缺陷。)The computer system has a defect that causes it to crash frequently.(这个计算机系统有一个缺陷,导致它经常崩溃。)He defected to the other side during the war.(他在战争期间叛变到了对方阵营。)
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defected commodity 绝对正确
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Party b shall guarantee that the goods is in accord with national and the industry standard of the finest materials with first class workmanship and brand new, unused, and in all aspects fully comply with this agreement and the quality, specification and performance and the requested function of this agreement, party b and ensure the correct installation and order of normal use and maintenance of situations in the following7.3 paragraph of the quality guarantee period is in good working order. The goods within the quality guarantee period, party b due to design, process or material flaws and happen any deficiency or malfunction responsible.According to quality inspection results of bronze, if the goods in the quality guarantee period of the quantity, quality, specifications, configuration and safety to confidentiality and agreement with discrepancies, or verified goods, is defective, including internal defects or materials not
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Statue of Liberty is located in the Hudson River at the entrance of New York harbour. "On Liberty Island, the statue is 46 meters high, together with the base is 92 meters high, weighing 225 tons, is the world"s giant statue of the one and only. The bronze statue of have an imposing appearance, resolute expression, is considered a symbol of American National spirit. The statue is in 1885 the people of France as the celebration of the 100 anniversary of independence of the United States to the United States of America"s gift. Since the 1886 opening ceremony, she served as the pursuit of freedom and happiness life spirit, inspires immigrants to the United States in Europe and the world. In recent years, especially after the cold war, the United States government often under the banner of democracy and freedom as the banner elsewhere and interference in the internal affairs of other countries, was strongly criticized by the international community, Americans are proud of the statue of liberty represents the moral force and symbolic significance has been questioned. Now, the statue is more as a unique landscape and by all visitors of all ages.
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苏州大学等Nat. Commun.: 弗兰克尔缺陷结构用于高效催化析氢

01 导读 二维材料由于其独特的电子结构和原子构型已经被广泛研究用于电催化领域,特别是催化析氢反应。之前的诸多研究成果已经表明二维材料的边缘处为催化反应提供了活性位点。然而,相比于二维材料基面而言,其边缘原子数毕竟是少量,所以调控激发其基面大量原子参与催化反应是提高其整体催化活性的重要研究内容。目前,报道的优化方法主要是通过在二维材料基面上构造原子空位(肖特基缺陷)或者掺杂异原子来提高其基面催化性能。这些方法或催化活性有待提高或需要消耗贵金属等等。所以如何简便地在二维材料基面上精准构造一类具备高效催化活性的原子缺陷结构,一直以来都是具有挑战性的科学难题。 02 成果掠影 近日, 苏州大学李彦光教授、天津理工大学罗俊教授、湖南大学刘松教授以及华东理工大学戴升教授(共同通讯) 联合在国际著名期刊 Nature Communications 上发表题为“Frenkel-defected monolayer MoS2 catalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution”的文章。 许杰、邵功磊以及唐璇 为本文共同第一作者。作者们首次在单层MoS2基面上制备出弗兰克尔新型缺陷结构,并借助球差校正电镜解析出不同缺陷的原子结构,最后通过微纳电化学装置巧妙测试出单层MoS2基面上不同缺陷结构的电催化析氢性能。结果表明一定浓度的弗兰克尔原子缺陷结构甚至比Pt单原子掺杂在MoS2基面上的析氢催化性能更加优异。本文为研究不同种类原子缺陷结构对催化活性的影响提供了新思路和研究对象。 03 核心创新点 1、首次在单层MoS2上制备出弗兰克尔原子缺陷结构,并通过球差校正电镜确认其原子构型。 2、通过微纳电化学装置测量出单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构的电催化析氢性能,结合理论计算分析出不同缺陷结构表面的电荷分布对其催化活性影响。 04 数据概览 图1:单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构对应的原子像。 (a-c)单层MoS2原子像及原子模型;(d-f)单层MoS2上弗兰克尔缺陷结构原子像及原子模型;(g-i)单层MoS2上Pt单原子掺杂原子像及原子模型。 图2:单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构电催化性能测试。 (a)微纳电化学装置示意图;(b)单层MoS2上暴露的基面区域,用于测试的窗口;(c-d)MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构对应的电催化性能指标。 05 成果启示 本文作者们在单层MoS2基面上通过简易手段首次构造出一类新型原子缺陷结构(弗兰克尔缺陷)用于高效催化析氢反应。结合理论计算等手段,表明不同缺陷结构会直接影响二维材料基面上电荷分布情况,进而直接决定其催化活性。另外,本文也为研究各类不同原子缺陷结构对催化剂性能的影响提供了很好的思路。 文献链接:Jie Xu, Gonglei Shao, Xuan Tang, et al. Frenkel-defected monolayer MoS2 catalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution. Nature Commun. 13, 2193 (2022).
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译文:Production Dept will make defecting marking, put in order, provide defected lot and qty which is after picking those defective items. The warehouse man will be responsible for defective items storage, qty confirming, and future management. After confirming the actual qty, need to print one copy for the quality dept.
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写一篇题目是should the death penalty be abolished?

Should the death penalty be abolished?Death penalty is the ultimate punishment in countries where such a sentence is available. Nowadays the penalty, which has existed for nearly 2000 years in human history, has become a controversy. Should it be retained as deterrence, or should it be abandoned as brutality? Diversities occur: in a world where more than half of the countries have not carried out death sentence for a decade, more than 2000 prisoners are executed each year in other countries. However, after considering the benefits and defects of death penalty, governments should realize that the sentence should be abolished, as more civilized methods have already taken the role of death penalty.Death penalty"s role as an ultimate prevention of crimes can be carried out by other punishments such as life sentence. Death penalty is a passive way of prevention; it subjects the prisoner to endless darkness where the prisoner is deprived of any chance of rehabilitation. On the other hand, through other sentences the prisoner may finally realize the brutality of the crime. Death sentences are extremely expensive to carry out, for example, a lethal injection costs well over 100,000 US dollars, and special facilities have to be set up for death by firing squad.Death penalty exposes the flaws in the judicial system. There are many cases throughout the history that the innocence of civilians is proved after the execution. Death penalty cannot guarantee fairness as the judicial system may turn down a lawsuit even after the sentence is carried out. Other sentences such as life sentence allows for a complete reexamination of a case, giving chances for possible overrules.Death penalty is the ultimate denial of human dignity and respect. Every person has the equal right to live and make mistakes. By issuing death sentences countries refuse to consider prisoners as human beings. Death penalty also stands against the basic idea among all nations that life should be cherished; it is an act of murder.Death penalties should be abolished because it is outdated, defected and it denies basic human rights. Governments should realize the fact as the human beings are marching towards a more civilized society.
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20. defect n. 缺点,欠缺。 ∣′di:fekt∣ vi. 逃跑,背叛。 ∣di′fekt∣   1) She has a hearing defect.(她有听觉缺陷。)   2) He was surprised to find that the TV set has a basic defect.(他发现那台电视机有个大毛病,非常吃惊。)   3) He defected to the enemy.(他向敌方叛逃。)   21. intention n. 意图,打算。   1) He hurt his friends feelings without intention.(他无意间伤害了朋友的感情。)   2) I had made it clear that I had no intention of spending the rest of my life in such a place.(我已明确表示我无意在此度过余生。)   3) He was motivated by good intentions.(他的动机是善意的。)   4) Mr. Brown had no intention to resign.(布郎先生不打算辞职。)   本课简介   哭往往被认为是软弱的表示,是女性的特征,是幼稚的行为,美国男人丝毫不愿意与这一切沾边,所以他们不哭。在人人追求快乐的国度里,哭可太没美国味了。女人生就柔弱、依赖,她们哭很自然,而男人,千万不能哭。对于小男孩,我们让他们铭记“小男子汉是从来不哭的,只有小女孩和好哭的孩子才哭。”   美国男人不哭是因为他们随着年龄的增长体内的某个生物钟使其哭的能力消耗殆尽了吗?不是,他们是被调教得想哭时也不哭了。自幼受这样的训练,于是他们就有了不会哭的能力。   作者认为这样做不可取,因为哭是人这种生物的一种自然功能,哭能使感情失衡的人恢复到均衡状态。对均衡状态的干扰将对人体有害。在感情失衡的情况下,哭一哭有助于保持健康。人类是自然界中在哭泣时流泪的生物,把人调教得不会哭则会养活他的人性。美国父母的好意,如果造成了这种结果岂不可悲?   本课主要语言点   1. American men don"t cry because it is considered not characteristic of men to do so.   动词consider的用法如下:   ① Consider +宾语+宾补   They considered the attack a mistake. (他们认为这次进攻是错误。)   ② Consider +宾语+动词不定式   They considered themselves to be very lucking.(他们认为自己很幸运。)   ③ Consider +宾语+ as   They don"t consider it as important.(他们认为那个不重要。)   ④ Consider +宾语+形容词   They consider it wise not to criticize him.(他们认为不批评他是明智的。)   ⑤ Consider +宾语   He had no time to consider the matter.(他没有时间考虑这个事情。)   ⑥ Consider +V-ing   He is considering changing his job.(他在考虑换一份工作。)   “be considered not characteristic of ……,” consider 在此处的用法当归于④。be characteristic of 意思是 be typical of.如:   1)Carelessness and impatience are characteristic of him.(粗心、无耐心是他的特点。)   2)Long winter and short spring are characteristic of the climate here.(冬天漫长,春天短暂是这儿的气候特点。)   3)Crying is not the characteristic of man.(哭泣不是男子汉的特征。)   2. … no American male wants to be identified with anything in the least weak or feminine.   be identified with意思是 be closely involved or associated with.如:   1) Of the 34 candidates nearly a third were identified with big financial groups.   (在34名候选人当中,近三分之一的人与大财团有紧密联系。)   2) He is closely identified with the former president.(他与前总统关系密切。)   in the least 用来强调否定,意思是“丝毫,一点儿。”如:   1)I don"t mind in the least.(我一点也不在意。)   2)She was not in the least Jealous.(她丝毫不嫉妒。)   3. In a land so devoted to the pursuit of happiness as ours, crying really is rather un-American.   本句中的devoted是个形容词,to是介词,通常用be devoted to .devote用作动词,则可用devote………to   1) The students are devoted to their studies.(学生们专心学习。)   2) He is devoted to the cause of peace.(他致力于和平事业。)   3) They have devoted all their time to helping the poor.(他们把所有的时间都用在帮助穷人上。)   4) She devoted herself to her pupil.(她把全部身心倾注在学生身上。)   the pursuit of 意思是“对…追求(追捕)”。 in the pursuit of 是常用介词短语。   1) They are in pursuit of the escaped criminal.(他们在追捕逃犯。)   2) The album is produced in the pursuit of ellcellence.(这个专辑在制作过程中力求完美。)   land 在句中的意思是“country国家”。如:   1) He used to work in a distant land.(他曾在一个遥远的国度工作。)   2) He returned to his native land many years later.(许多年后,他回到了祖国。)   ours 在句中指our land   4. Women being the “weaker” and “dependent” sex, it is only natural that they should cry in certain emotional situations.   women being the “weaker” and “dependent” sex是名词+V-ing的独立结构,表示原因。这句话的意思是because women are the “weaker” and “dependent” sex.   请看下面的例句,注意掌握名词+V-ing表示原因的独立结构。   1) So many members being absent, the meeting had to be put off.(因为很多人不在场,会议只好延期。)   2) The question being so difficult, we must take time to consider it carefully.   (因为这个问题很困难,我们得花时间仔细考虑。)   3) The weather being terrible, they had to change their plan.(天气很糟糕,他们不得不改变计划。)   5. …crying is a mark of weakness   mark 在句中作名词用,意思是“标示,特征”,如:   1) He gave her a gift as a mark of gratitude.(他送给她一份礼物以表谢意。)   2) They removed their hats as a mark of respect.(他们脱帽以表敬意。)   3) These buildings display the mark of early Greek influence.(这些建筑表现出受早期希腊影响的特征。)   mark还有许多其它意思,如:   1) He got 70 marks out of 100.(他得了100分中的70分。)   2) There are a lot of ink marks on the wall.(墙上有许多墨水渍。)   3) He made a few marks with his pen.(他用笔做了几个记号。)   4) Be careful not to mark the table.(小心别在桌上留下痕迹。)   5) Mark all the big cities on the map.(在地图上把所有大的城市标出来。)   6. So goes the American belief with regard to crying.   so在句中用作副词,表示前面所说的(哭是软弱的标志)也适用于此。so在句首,句子倒装。   1) -He looks very hot and dry.(他看上去又热又干。)   -so would you if you had a high fever.(如果你发高烧,你也如此。)   2) His shoes are brightly polished, so is his briefcase.(他的鞋擦得很亮,他的公文包也是这样。)   with regard to也可用in regard to,意思是“regarding, be concerned with”(至于,就…而文论)。如:   This plant is not at all demanding with regard to water, soil and climate.(这种植物对水土气候一点不苛求。)   7. “A little man,” we impress on our male children, never cries动词impress用法如下:   ① impress sb. with sth.(给某人留下…印象)   I hope I can impress my new boss with my diligence.(我希望我的勤勉能给新老板留下印象。)   ② impress sth on sb.(给某人留下…印象;使某人理解…的重要)   She impressed on the Government the serious effect of high unemployment.   (她使政府意识到高失业率的严重影响。)   课文中的这个句子的意思是we impress “A little man never cries” on the mind of our male children.(我们让男孩铭记“小男子汉决不哭泣。”)   8. And so we condition males in America not to cry whenever they feel like doing so.   本句中的第一个so用作副词,意思是“因此,所以”如:   1) She is the only person I know in the city,so I went to her for help   (在这座城市里,她是我的熟人,所以我将去求她帮忙。)   2) He speaks very little Chinese, so I talked to him in English.(他不太会讲中文,所以我用英文跟他交谈。)   句中的第二个用作代词,代替前文的词语或意思,本句中代指cry(哭)。   1) If you say so, I"ll have to believe it.(如果你这样说,我只有相信了。)   2) Is it raining?(在下雨吗?)   I"m afraid so.(恐怕是的。)   condition在本句中用作动词,意思是“(训练,使适应)”,如:   1) They conditioned her not to flare up over trifles.(他们使她养成不为小事发脾气的习惯。)   2) They are conditioning the horse for a race.(他们在训练那匹马以参加比赛。)   feel的后面必须接名词或动名词。如:   1) I feel like singing.(我想唱歌。)   He feels like having a talk with her.(他想与她谈一谈。)
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  西方国家,是指西方意识形态占主流的国家。在不同的场合和不同的时间有着不同的定义。但一般而言,它是指澳大利亚、加拿大、纽西兰、美国和西欧,统治血统为白人。那么你知道吗? 下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   西方国家的英语说法1:   Western countries   西方国家的英语说法2:   Western world   西方国家相关英语表达:   西方国家服务模式 service model in Western countries ;   当代西方国家 western countries   在西方国家. in the Western countries.   现代西方国家 modern western countries   西方国家 *** 改革 western government reform   西方国家利益 Western interests   西方国家的英语例句:   1. The religious conservatives are not enamoured of the West and its values.   宗教保守派人士不喜欢西方国家及其价值观。   2. Western suppliers too are peting avidly for business abroad.   西方国家的供应商也在疯狂抢夺国外商机。   3. Both nations are seeking closer links with the West.   两国都在寻求与西方国家建立更为紧密的联络。   4. The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.   东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。   5. The West must back up its verbal support with substantial economic aid.   西方国家必须以切实的经济援助来兑现他们的口头支援。   6. He also believed in coexistence with the West.   他还相信他们能与西方国家共存。   7. Many writers, threatened with imprisonment, have defected to the West.   由于有被监禁的威胁, 许多作家投向了西方国家.   8. The pany"s sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.   这家公司的产品销售量在许多西方国家已接近饱和.   9. Many Asians are migrating to the West.   许多亚洲人移民去了西方国家.   10. He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.   他警告西方国家不要试图对苏联发号施令。   11. In his celebration speech, he issued a stark warning to Washington and other Western capitals.   在他的庆祝演说中,他向华盛顿和其他西方国家提出了严正警告。   12. They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.   1948年 *** 关闭那个边境关口之后,他们便与西方国家隔绝开了。   13. Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.   西方国家应该提供道义支援和经济援助。   14. During the second world war,Japanese were interned in camps in the West.   第二次世界大战期间,日本士兵被扣留在西方国家的阵营里。   15. In Western countries girls are far less likely to offend than boys.   在西方国家,女孩的犯罪倾向远低于男孩。
2023-06-15 15:58:271


请明白我想知道你是否有新的样板,或者我先用周先生先前所寄的样板来做市场调查和销售?我还需要知道价格是否和之前一样,或者由点变化. 请明白我尽力向周先生解释,这伊朗,市场竞争非常激烈,而且我首先尝试做的事让我的机械师们熟悉产品.正如先前所讲的,我本身是名民用机械的机械师,而且是伊朗机械局成员.我希望进口几款与建筑和楼房有关的机械,全部从中国,而且把它们放在同一个货柜,在一起进口.再一次请你明白,我需要的你全力合作,因为在伊朗,无论进口什么产品,我们的处境都不是很令人满意,在过去几年,主要是因为政治环境.然而我无须浪费时间和你再讲关于价格或质量的问题.因为从中国进口的数量不多,这一点请你见谅.因为我们和买主有约定,他们来负责处理与发货方的文件,只是因为多产生了一点费用,就产生了这么多麻烦,以致我们竟然迟了一年才收到货.我们希望直接和你和你们公司打交道.我很遗憾,周先生不再和你一起共事,他做事很迅速和精炼.我们希望成为你们公司的唯一代理,如果我们能为你和你公司卖货.但是在过去7个月里,我们没有机会继续合作.而且我真诚希望这一次我们的合作关系不会中断.如果你有兴趣和我们合作,请确认,那么我们就可以开始啦.我们认为,有人已经偷了我们关于这个产品的构思,而且联系其他中国工厂了.我们希望我们和他们竞争,不会太迟了,因为他们可能抢先把产品推入市场.再一次感谢你.4天前.我已经回复邮件给你,很显然你没有留意.希望这一次是我们好的生意合作开始.****绝对人手翻译,非机器*****希望满意****
2023-06-15 15:59:361


mt-planner就是Merchandise Planner 管理学中叫MT销售计划PDG是 生产管理调度系统 Periodic Defected Ground Structures Product Design Graphics SystemUMESS是umassunlimited machine access from scattered sites 散点无限设计通路IDEAS 创意 理念 观点 想法
2023-06-15 15:59:481


1.Choose the correct punctuation mark to fill in the following blank: She doesn"t like this film ___ she is disgusted with it. a、,(comma) b、 c、;(semicolon) d、.(full stop) e、-(dash) D (most stupid question of the year)2.He became a good violinist by constant ___. a、exercise b、drill c、practice d、training C3.He ___ from his seat to greet the guests. a、rise b、rose c、raised d、arose B4.His strong points and hers are ___. a、complimentary b、complementary c、completed d、complected B5.Their hard work ___ rapid progress in the work. a、affected b、effected c、infected d、defectedB
2023-06-15 15:59:572


2023-06-15 16:00:273

Opm的《stash up》 歌词

歌曲名:stash up歌手:Opm专辑:menace to sobrietyPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upShake your assSmoke grassand if you in the pack then you gonna get passedBetter pass me that bongThe night is short and I"ve been waitin" too longTo enter into another dimensionPull the smoke into my lungsand release the tensionBy the way did I happen to mentionhow stash operatesOPMSo start the dissection1 2 Don"t forget your crew now3 4 Sit facin" the door5 6 Never know when it hits7 8 It"s gonna be too latePut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upPut your hands upThis is a stash upPull the trigger and you"re gonna get mashed upNow I dont give a fuckNot a single fuckNot a single solitary fuckCause I don"t give a fuck motherfuckaNow I dont give a fuckNot a single solitary fuckCause I don"t give a fuck motherfuckaRing the alarmAnd now the sound is dying, oohRing the alarmAnd now the stash is creeping, oohPsychologicalPast diabolicalIncrypted in code biologicalRejectedInadaquetly defectedOr maybe just slightly misdirectedMurder by numbersStraight undercoverStep into my suffer and you"re six feet underDo a dance and let her know that you"re feelin" itLocked up cause you know how we feelin" itHydropaunicsSuper bionicMy ?? is cold and my bombs are atomicStep to the mat with your monkey assBetter take cover cause we"re ready to blastNow I don"t give a fuckNot a single fuckNot a single solitary fuckCause I don"t give a fuck motherfuckax7
2023-06-15 16:00:361

求Jason Walker的简介,就是唱Down的那位

演唱者是Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne啊……
2023-06-15 16:01:072

All Over The World [Cw Version Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:All Over The World [Cw Version Remix]歌手:Furry Phreaks&Terra Deva专辑:Defected Clubland Adventures - 10 Years In The House, Volume 1Pet Shop Boys - All Over The WorldIt"s something that look in your eyes tonightLike magic it"s changing everything in sightI hear it all around me every dayIn the music that you playThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldThe night sky like velvet masks our eyes tonightAnd falling reveals the sunrise and igniteWe feel it all around us every dayIn the music that we playThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldIt"s sincere and subjective all over the worldSuperficial and true all over the worldEasy and predictable all over the worldExciting and new to say I want youThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the worldThis is a song about boys and girlsYou hear it playing all over the world
2023-06-15 16:02:281

bliss 与happiness如何区别

2这都是名字,但含义有别,bliss有高兴和快乐之极的意思.请看下面的解释便清楚了: bliss 1、n.福佑,天赐的福 大写的:Bliss 布利斯(姓氏) 2、极乐,至喜;天堂之乐 They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon. 他们在蜜月期间幸福无比. happiness [5hApInIs] n. 1.愉快;幸福 After they got married,they had many years of happiness. 他们结婚后,过了许多年幸福的生活. Queen was happiness incarnate. 女王是幸福的化身. 2.适当,恰当 3.高兴;愉快 It"s a great happiness to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here. 在这儿为你们举行盛大的宴会是我们极大的愉快.
2023-06-15 16:02:261


2023-06-15 16:02:331

CITRON 是什么表类品牌?

Citron有柠檬味的意思比如ABSOLUT CITRON绝对伏特加(柠檬味)绝对伏特加 (Absolut Vodka)是世界知名的伏特加酒品牌,Absolut Citron 是瑞典极品伏特加,柠檬口味,酒体纯净、芳香浓郁.
2023-06-15 16:02:341


2023-06-15 16:02:451


如果你是想问它的汉语意思的话,那就是以下两点:1.极乐,至喜;天堂之乐 2.天赐之福,福气
2023-06-15 16:02:491

defect shortcoming weakness的区别,最好有例句.

前两个词的区别不大,defect 包含着shortcoming.具体根据英语解释应该能体现,请了解.defect 英语解释如下 imperfection in a bodily system2.a failing or deficiency同义词 imperfection in ...
2023-06-15 16:02:522


2023-06-15 16:02:591

citron 法国雪铁龙 生产的手表怎么样

2023-06-15 16:03:001


抗锯齿基本不占内存 占显存 与GPU资源
2023-06-15 16:03:101


2023-06-15 16:03:117


2023-06-15 16:03:124


1、bliss作为名词,是不可数名词,基本意思为“幸福”、“极乐”、“巨大的幸福”、“天赐的福”,引申义为“天堂”、“乐园”、“天国”、“满足”、“狂喜”。 2、例句:(1)My idea of bliss is a month in the Bahamas.我理想中的极乐是在巴哈马群岛度假一个月。(2)Swimming on a hot day is sheer bliss.热天游泳是天大的乐事。(3)It was a scene of such domestic bliss.这是一派天伦之乐的场景。
2023-06-15 16:03:171


2023-06-15 16:03:211


瑕疵,毛病; ,缺点
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  伏特加  伏特加-VODKA  传说在1812年,以俄国严冬为舞台,展开了一场俄法大战,战争以白兰地酒瓶见底的法军败走于伏特加无尽的俄军而告终。  帝俄时代的1818年,宝狮伏特加(Pierre Smirnoff Fils)酒厂就在莫斯科建成,1917年,十月革命后,仍是一个家族的企业,1930年,伏特加酒的配方被带到美国,在美国也建起了宝狮(smirnoff)酒厂,所产酒的酒精度很高,在最后过程中用一种特殊的木炭过滤,以求取得伏特加酒味纯净。伏特加是俄国和波兰的国酒,是北欧寒冷国家十分流行的烈性饮料,“伏特加”是原苏联人对“水”的昵称。  (一)伏特加的特点  伏特加是以多种谷物(马铃薯、玉米)为原料,用重复蒸馏,精炼过滤的方法,除去酒精中所含毒素和其它异物的一种纯净的高酒精浓度的饮料。伏特加无色无味,没有明显的特性,但很提神。伏特加酒口味烈,劲大刺鼻,除了与软饮料混合使之变得干洌,与烈性酒混合使之变得更烈之外,别无它用。但由于酒中所含杂质极少,口感纯净,并且可以以任何浓度与其它饮料混合饮用,所以经常用于做鸡尾酒的基酒,酒度一般在40? 一50? 之间。  (二)伏特加的酿造方法  伏特加的传统酿造法是首先以马铃薯或玉米、大麦、黑麦为原料,用精馏法蒸馏出酒度高达96%的酒精液,再使酒精液流经盛有大量木炭的容器,以吸附酒液中的杂质(每10升蒸馏液用1.5千克木炭连续过滤不得少于8小时,40小时后至少要换掉10%的木炭),最后用蒸馏水稀释至酒度40-50%而成的。此酒不用陈酿即可出售、饮用,也有少量的如香型伏特加在稀释后还要经串香程序,使其具有芳香味道。伏特加与金酒一样都是以谷物为原料的高酒精度的烈性饮料,并且不需贮陈。但与金酒相比,伏特加干洌、无刺激味,而金酒有浓烈的杜松子味道。  (三)俄罗斯伏特加  俄罗斯伏特加最初用大麦为原料,以后逐渐改用含淀粉的马铃薯和玉米,制造酒醪和蒸馏原酒并无特殊之处,只是过滤时将精馏而得的原酒,注入白桦活性炭过滤槽中,经缓慢的过滤程序,使精馏液与活性炭分子充分接触而净化,将所有原酒中所含的油类、酸类、醛类、酯类及其它微量元素除去,便得到非常纯净的伏特加。俄罗斯伏特加酒液透明,除酒香外,几乎没有其它香味,口味凶烈,劲大冲鼻,火一般地刺激,其名品有:波士伏特加(Bolskaya)、苏联红牌(Stolichnaya)、苏联绿牌(Mosrovskaya)、柠檬那亚(Limonnaya);斯大卡(Starka)、朱波罗夫卡(Zubrovka)、俄国卡亚(Kusskaya)、哥丽尔卡(Gorilka)。  (四)波兰伏特加  波兰伏特加的酿造工艺与俄罗斯相似,区别只是波兰人在酿造过程中,加入一些草卉、植物果实等调香原料,所以波兰伏特加比俄罗斯伏特加酒体丰富,更富韵味,名品有:兰牛(Blue Rison)、维波罗瓦红牌38? ,(Wyborowa)、维波罗瓦兰牌45? (Wyborowa)、朱波罗卡(Zubrowka)。  (五)其它国家和地区的伏特加  除俄罗斯与波兰外,其它较著名的生产伏特加的国家和地区还有:  1.英国 哥萨克(Cossack)、夫拉地法特(Viadivat)、皇室伏特加(Imperial)、西尔弗拉多(Silverad)。  2.美国 宝狮伏特加(Smirnoff)、沙莫瓦(samovar)、菲士曼伏特加(Fielshmann"s Royal)。  3.芬兰 芬兰地亚(Finlandia)。  4.法国 卡林斯卡亚(Karinskaya)、弗劳斯卡亚(Voloskaya)。  5.加拿大 西豪维特(Silhowltte)。  (六)伏特加的饮用与服务  标准用量为每位客人42毫升,用利口杯或用古典杯服侍,可作佐餐酒或餐后酒。  纯饮时,备一杯凉水,以常温服侍,快饮(干杯)是其主要饮用方式。许多人喜欢冰镇后干饮,仿佛冰溶化于口中,进而转化成一股火焰般的清热。  伏特加作基酒来调制鸡尾酒,比较著名的有:黑俄罗斯(Black Russian)、镙丝钻(Screw Driver)、血玛丽(Bloody Mary)等。  ABSOLUT VODKA Family  每瓶绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)都产自瑞典南部的一个小镇。那里特产的冬小麦赋予了绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)优质细滑的谷物特征。经过几个世纪的经验已经证实,绝对伏特加选用的坚实的冬小麦能够酿造出优质的伏特加酒。  绝对伏特加采用连续蒸馏法酿造而成。这种方法是由“伏特加之王”Lars Olsson Smith,于1879年在瑞典首创的。酿造过程的用水是深井中的纯净水。正是通过采用单一产地、当地原料来制造使绝对伏特加公司(V&S Absolut Spirits)可以完全控制生产的所有环节,从而确保每一滴酒都能达到绝对顶级的质量标准。所有口味的绝对伏特加都是由伏特加与纯天然的原料混合而成,绝不添加任何糖份。  如今,绝对伏特加家族拥有了同样优质的一系列产品,包括绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA),绝对伏特加(辣椒味)ABSOLUT PEPPAR,绝对伏特加(柠檬味)ABSOLUT CITRON,绝对伏特加(黑加仑子味)ABSOLUT KURANT ,绝对伏特加(柑橘味)ABSOLUT MANDRIN,绝对伏特加(香草味)ABSOLUT VANILIA以及绝对伏特加(红莓味)ABSOLUT RASPBERR。  1979年推出的绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)口感丰厚,并富有谷物顺滑的特征。  1986年推出的绝对伏特加(辣椒味)ABSOLUT PEPPAR的口味混合着芬芳和些许辛辣。它综合了辣椒中的辣的成分以及特别的墨西哥辣椒的味道。  1988年推出的绝对伏特加(柠檬味)ABSOLUT CITRON取材于桔类水果,其中以柠檬为主,而加入其他的柑橘口味,使得ABSOLUT CITRON拥有了更加丰富的味道——独特的柠檬口味中夹杂着酸橙的丝丝甜味。  1992年推出的绝对伏特加(黑莓味)ABSOLUT KURANT原料为黑醋栗(葡萄家族的一种)。那是一种气味芬芳的深色浆果,在灌木丛中能长到6尺高。带有浓烈黑醋栗口味的ABSOLUT KURANT的口感酸甜,清新爽口。  1999年推出的绝对伏特加(柑橘味)ABSOLUT MANDRIN取料于柑桔类植物。为了使其口味更加丰满,其他桔子类口味水果亦被添加,丝丝甜味,口感丰富。  2003年推出的绝对伏特加(香草味)ABSOLUT VANILIA由天然的香草制成。为了获得丰富的香滑口味,取材时选用完整的香草。因此,ABSOLUT VANILIA的独特口味中还混合着点点奶油香果和黑巧克力的味道。  2004年推出的绝对伏特加(红莓味)ABSOLUT RASPBERRI选用新鲜多汁的覆盆子的成熟果实,富有浓郁、丰厚的野果口味。  绝对之源  一个默默无闻的瑞典小镇,出产了世界闻名的伏特加酒——只因滴滴甘醇的绝对伏特加皆产于此。  这个瑞典南部的小镇,人口仅有一万人,在世界地图上都不足以标示出来;然而,这里蒸馏生产出的伏特加酒却是全球显赫,举世瞩目。因为,世界上出售的每一滴绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)都是产自于这里。  从长于北欧严寒那坚实的冬小麦,到源自深井的洁净泉水,全球数以万计的绝对伏特加,其原料都产自这一传奇小镇。延续几个世纪的酿造经验已经证实,冬小麦能够酿造出绝对纯净优质的伏特加酒。也正是因为这样,每瓶绝对伏特加中含有超过一公斤的小麦原料。  采用单一产地、当地原料令绝对伏特加公司(V&S Absolut Spirits)可以全面地掌控生产中的任何一个细节,从而确保每一滴绝对伏特加都能达到绝对顶级的质量标准。  甚至包括绝对伏特加的完美酒瓶——瑞典古老药瓶的灵感再现——也是在 ?HUS 蒸馏厂附近生产的。酒瓶制造时,特别选用了含铁量较低的原材料,以保证其晶莹剔透。而在装瓶之前,每一个酒瓶都要也必须要经过清洗。  每瓶绝对伏特加的背后都有长达四百年的伏特加酒的历史,它是多年来酿制传统的结晶。作为绝对伏特加的前身,Absolut Rent Br?nnvin” (绝对纯净的伏特加酒)是在1879年推出的,它的创始人就是瑞典伏特加酒的传奇人物——Lars Olsson Smith。他被人们称为“伏特加酒之王”。如今,每一瓶绝对伏特加的瓶身都标贴着这位伟大人物的肖像徽章。  绝对伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA)及其家族成员——绝对伏特加(辣椒味)ABSOLUT PEPPAR,绝对伏特加(柠檬味)ABSOLUT CITRON,绝对伏特加(黑加仑子味)ABSOLUT KURANT ,绝对伏特加(柑橘味)ABSOLUT MANDRIN,绝对伏特加(香草味)ABSOLUT VANILIA和绝对伏特加(红莓味)ABSOLUT RASPBERRI——都是经过数百次的连续蒸馏——才达到真正绝对伏特加的标准。由L O Smith首次采用的连续蒸馏法,被沿用并不断完善至今。它确保了伏特加酒完美纯净的品质。因此,所有带口味的绝对伏特加也都是由绝对伏特加酒与纯天然的原料混合而成,没有添加任何糖份。  绝对艺术  “我爱这完美的瓶子,我爱她的质感……我想为它做些什么……”  这就是波普艺术的大师Andy Warhol对绝对伏特加ABSOLUT瓶子的感受。正是因为这位传奇的艺术家对ABSOLUT瓶身充满幻想又生动有趣的描述,从1985年起,ABSOLUT踏上了它的艺术旅程。Andy Warhol使ABSOLUT开始以另一种全新的形式展示在世人面前:绝对艺术(ABSOLUT ART)。  Andy Warhol推荐了他的年轻画友Keith Haring。80年代初,当Haring的匿名作品出现在整个纽约地铁站的时候,开始赢得人们的关注。1986年ABSOLUT HARING受任推出之后,Kenny Scharf, Ed Ruscha, Armand Arman, LeRoy Neiman, Robert Indiana, Cesar, Julia Wachtel, Pierrre & Gilles等众多顶尖的艺术家先后参与了ABSOLUT的艺术创作。至今,已有超过400位艺术家为ABSOLUT的当代艺术宝库贡献了自己的得意之作,其中有很多作品已经在ABSOLUT的广告宣传活动中出现,其原作更是被世界各地的博物馆收藏并展览。  V&S Absolut Spirits(V&S绝对伏特加公司)与艺术的互动来源于灵感的相互激发。ABSOLUT品牌的无限创意吸引了众多当代艺术家创作出独具个性的艺术作品,诠释着各自心中的独特的对ABSOLUT的不同理解。无论艺术家来自何方,以何种形式,擅长何种风格,每一件作品都是他们的想象与品牌精神撞击后,迸发出的智慧火花。  ABSOLUT不仅与绘画大师合作,还吸取各个领域艺术家的灵感,其中包括:雕塑家,琉璃艺术家,摄影师,室内设计师,建筑师和珠宝设计师等等。  还有数个绝对艺术的独特群体创作作品集,包括:  ABSOLUT GLASNOST(1990年)是由26位前苏联的艺术家共同完成创作的。这些艺术家包括Aleander Kosolapov、Leonid Lamm和Evegny Mitta等创作的。他们中的不少人还从来没有在前苏联以外的地方展示过他们的作品。  ABSOLUT EXPRESSIONS(1997年)由Anita Philyaw、Frank Bowling、Malaika Favorite等14位非裔美洲艺术家共同完成。作品受到了传统的非洲艺术、抽象主义、和早期的美洲民间文化等影响,并通过帆布,雕塑甚至棉被等载体形式来表现。ABSOLUT ORIGINALS (1998年—1999年)是由16位前卫的欧洲设计师和ABSOLUT共同合作完成的。这辑独特的系列作品是由Damien Hirst、Maurizio Cattelan、Francesco Clemente等充满激情而又令人景仰的大师创作的。  2000年,三个主要的绝对艺术作品展览在世界各地展出,包括巴黎的ABSOLUT EGO,纽约的ABSOLUT EXHIBITION和斯德哥尔摩的ABSOLUT ART。  2003年ABSOLUT成为威尼斯双年展(Venice Biennale)上的以ABSOLUT GENERATIONS为主体的正式参展商。13位来自欧洲顶级的艺术“老将”携手16位新近崛起的“新丁”的作品组成了ABSOLUT GENERATIONS。每位年轻的艺术家都创作和表达了各自对ABSOLUT瓶子的全新概念。展览中,新老艺术家的作品的相互映衬从各个侧面诠释了“ABSOLUT GENERATIONS” 的不同年代的主题。
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分类: 文化/艺术 >> 器乐/声乐 问题描述: 有知道电吉他品牌图解的资料的么?告诉个地址,谢谢了!!! 解析: 世界上众多电吉他品牌网站大全 不论是知名厂牌或小型工作室,世界上的电吉他种类何其多。也许有些大厂牌你已经没有兴趣,或者某个制琴师傅根本没听过,以下一些网站不妨逛逛,也许会有一些意外收获! u2022 fenderFender 可以说是电吉他界的领导品牌之一。虽然 Leo Fender 并不是第一位发明电吉他的人,摇滚乐却是首先借由 Fender 震撼了世界。在这个 Fender 官方网站上,有许多详细的数据,可以查询产品规格、下载 PDF 格式的说明书,还有工厂导览、参加 Fender Club 会员等等。想对 Fender 有进一步的了解,这是一个起点。 u2022 gibson Gibson 的 Les Paul 应该是仅次于 Fender Stratocaster 的畅销琴款,这两款琴目前还是世界上的两大主流。Gibson 这个超过一百年的公司早期以制造木吉他为主,除了著名的 Les Paul,还有许多经典名琴。在这个网站上也是有不少数据,还可以找到 Dobro、Epiphone,Trace Elliot 扩大机似乎也改由 Gibson 所代理经销。此外还可以到 Gibson Global Auction 去逛逛。 u2022 groshguitars ---- COOL 这是要特别推荐的一个网站。这个网站设计精美,有不少漂亮的图片和工厂导览。也可以来看看有哪些吉他手拥有 Grosh,还有不少 Review 文章都给予很高的评价。 u2022 prsguitars Paul Reed Smith 算是在 Fender 和 Gibson 两大厂之外相当成功的品牌,他没有传统的包袱,能够揉合两者的优点创新设计。最喜欢他稳定的小游戏杆和锁定旋钮,音色和手感也都在水平以上。这个站有 PRS 全系列的图片介绍,还包括使用、维护说明。 u2022 visuallink/callaham ---- NEW 以 vintage 为主的 Callaham 号称最能掌握老琴的特色。它的产量不多,只有 Stratocaster 型的 "S model" 和 Telecaster 型的 "T model"。另外他们还设计扩大机、零配件等。 u2022 tylerguitars ---- NEW James Tyler 位于美国西部,生产电吉他从复古的 Classic 到高档的多功能琴都有。他主要是 double cutaway 的 strat style 但多用 quartersawn 的 neck 和 Seymour Duncan pick-up,另外可以搭配特殊电路设计。 u2022 bmcguitars 合成材料结合传统木材设计的 Brian Moore 比起 PRS 又更有创新性。他们大多是 neck through body 的设计,合成材料的琴颈并不像 Steinberger 和 Parker 那么生硬,而由于保有传统木材所以有较自然的音色。最喜欢他的外型设计,balance 相当好而且符合人体工学。另外还可以选购他的 5 pin midi 系统,直接接上音源就能使用,完全不需要其它 midi 接口。 u2022 suhrguitars 80 年代在纽约和 Rudy Pensa 合作的 Pensa-Suhr 吉他,可以说是当时的 hi-end 名琴。之后 John Suhr 跑去和 Robert Bradshaw 合作设计 tube amp,还加入 Fender Custom Shop 做琴。现在终于有了自己的品牌,有兴趣的人不妨看看。 u2022 sadowsky 基于有好的木头就会有好声音,Roger Sadowsky 做琴的哲学就是挑选 acoustic tone 最好的木头。许多杂志 Review 都评 Sadowsky 为相当优秀的全能型吉他,适合各种风格的录音室乐手。有机会到纽约的人可以去拜访一下,Sadowsky 很欢迎直接与乐手做生意。 u2022 rickenbacker Rickenbaker 在 1931 年成立于洛杉矶地区,是少数历史悠久的厂牌之一。他们半空心设计的电吉他在 60 年代曾大出风头,Beatles、Byrds、CCR 等许多英国乐手都是忠实的爱好者。在他们的网站上,从历史背景到工厂导览都有清楚丰富的介绍,千万不要错过! u2022 glguitars Leo Fender 离开一手创办的 Fender 之后,和 Gee Fullerton 在 1980 年成立了 G&L。他检讨许多 Fender 的缺点把改良成果放在 G&L 上,从 neck、bridge、tremolo 到 pick-up 都有相当进步。对于喜欢 Fender 又受不了它种种缺点的人,可以试试看 G&L。1991 年 Leo 过世之后,G&L 目前由 BBE Sound 经营管理。 u2022 tvjones ---- NEW Thomas Vincent Jones 在加州 Whittier 的工作坊生产有 baritone、七弦吉他等各种手工琴。他的量少质精,感觉相当 high end。 u2022 andersonguitars 这个网站设计就如同他们的琴一样精致。对 Tom Anderson 印象最深刻的是他的手感和 pick-up 电路设计,他们借由计算机辅助并且不断弹奏测试,所以每个细节都能控制得精准。对于追求精致细腻而且挑剔的乐手,不要错过 Anderson。 u2022 chandler-usa Chandler 至今也有一段历史了,规模似乎仍然不大。他们做一些有趣的琴像是 Baritone 和 Lap Steel,也做效果器和 pick-up。另外他们还接受订做各种奇奇怪怪的 pickguard,真是很有意思。 u2022 kleinelectricguitars 强调人体工学的 Klein 琴有特殊的设计造型,见过的人一定印象深刻。他们的特色是无头 neck 搭配 Steinberger tremolo,加上形状奇怪的 body,据说是相当好弹。他们甚至有 one piece rosewood neck 的设计,还可以选配 Joe Barden 的 pick-up,是一个不错的另类选择。Klein 的创新大胆应该可以满足追求前卫的乐手。 u2022 modulusguitars ---- COOL Modulus 这个新厂牌以合成纤维材料为特色,没有 Brian Moore 的华丽也没有 Parker 的高科技感。他们的琴大多是 neck through body 设计,从头到尾一体的石墨纤维,再结合其它木材而成。他们认为结合石墨纤维的坚固骨架和传统木材的温暖音色,能够得到最佳的平衡和反应。从短时间内就赢得不少乐手喜爱看来,Modulus 的琴应该也相当不错! u2022 warrguitars Warr 是专门做特殊琴的一个厂牌。34 吋的 Scale 还有 8、10、11、12 弦的款式,据说特别适合双手点弦。除了特殊用途的设计,Mark Warr 对于木材的选用和裁切黏合都有一套独到方式,加上 18V Bartolini 电路与 stereo output,的确让人眼睛一亮。这么特殊的琴使用者并不多,比较有名的是 King Crimsom 的 Trey Gunn。 u2022 mjguitar 这是 Mark Johnson 自己的厂牌,规模似乎也不大。对他并不十分了解,Mirage 系列应该是他的代表作。这款琴相当漂亮,琴头旋钮设计得很特殊,整体感觉也不错。有兴趣的人可以过去看看。 u2022 gretsch 从德国移民美国的 Friedrich Gretsch 在 1883 年创立 Gretsch 至今已经一百多年,目前由他的第 4、5 代经营。就像 Fender 和 Gibson,Gretsch 的传统特色建立起响亮的招牌。不论乡村或摇滚,他都占有一席之地。 u2022 users.uswest/~benedictguitar 在 70 年代就开始做琴的 Roger Benedict,坚持不大量生产,直到 90 年代才成立公司。他们的琴大多类似 Stratocaster,包括 Jackson Browne、Johnny Lang、SRV 都拥有 Benedict。 u2022 z/~ngangi Zolla 的琴大多是结合 Fender 和 Gibson 优点而改进的所谓 hybrid guitar,属于中价位的价钱大概不超过两千美金。在网站上可以看到特别设计的 Gun Guitar,长相就有如一把猎枪相当有趣。 u2022 visuallink/callaham Callaham 吉他以发扬 vintage 精神为职志。基于老琴的设计,只改变小部分像是 10" 的 radius 会更好弹。另外他们选用的 Lindy Fralin pick-up 有目前 听过最好的 vintage tone。如果 vintage 老琴一直是你在追求的,那么应该要试试看 Callaham。 u2022 novaxguitars ---- COOL Ralph Novax 认为 scale 长度是影响弦乐器好坏的最重要因素,对音色的影响胜过木材、电路和其它配件。他基于这个理念发明了 Fanned - fret 的 Novax 电吉他,从高音到低音弦有随之变化由短到长的 scale。这个特别的设计对乐手来说,可能也需要时间适应。 u2022 citron-guitars 70 年代初开始做吉他的 Harvey Citron 曾经是 Veillette-Citron 的创办人之一,他制琴的理念就是要做世上最好的琴。除非特别要求,他所有琴的 neck 都是 quartersawn 木材,body 都挑选最华丽的 flatsawn 木材。目前他在纽约的 Woodstock 有独立一人工作室。 u2022 timtone Timtone 是个以 Tim Diebert 为主的 custom shop,每年只做 12 到 15 把琴,价钱从 2,400 美金起跳。他们没有做广告,网站是主要的对外管道,其余的客户都来自口碑和 Buyer"s Guide。 u2022 zionguitars Zion 成立于 1980 年,使用者包括 Phil Keaggy、Neil Zaza 和 King"s X 的 Ty Tabor。现在可以直接向他们购买,还提供 3 天刷卡试用,有兴趣的人不妨试试,然后记得来信告诉一些心得。 u2022 terryguitars Terry C. McInturff 从 70 年代就开始做琴,他的理想是在 Stratocaster 和 Les Paul 之间取得最佳平衡。在这个网站上有不少图片,可以看到他做的琴相当漂亮而且很贵。比较特殊的是他采用 25-1/8 长度的 scale。 选用一套好弦就如同赛车手选对好轮胎一样重要,一般吉他手习惯使用同一厂牌规格的弦。对琴来说,保持在固定的张力状态能避免琴颈弯曲的机会。juststrings 能找到各种弦乐器用的弦。 u2022 deanmarkley 这个厂牌最有名的弦是 Blue Steel。特殊的致冷作法 ( Cryogenic-processed ) 是将弦至于华氏 -320 度以重组其分子结构,借此获得更好的音色和寿命。 u2022 ghsstrings GHS 弦的张力大弹性也不错,包括 Stevie Ray Vaughan 有不少蓝调乐手爱用。 u2022 drstrings ---- NEW 来自美国纽泽西的 DR 得名自创办人 Mark Dronge 和 Benzion Rapoport。它以昂贵量少的手工弦著称,弹性好而耐用。 u2022 rotosound Rotosound 起源于英格兰的 James How 为了让心爱的齐特琴 ( Zither ) 有弦可用,便自己发明了半自动的制弦机。现今已经成为制弦大厂,产品众多并有不少爱用者。 u2022 sitstrings 以 Stay-In-Tune 为名的 SIT 弦张力不小,初次使用可以明显感觉出来。声音颗粒清楚有不错的质量感,弹性中尚。 u2022 thomastik-infeld ---- COOL 1919 年 Dr. Franz Thomastik 和 Otto Infeld 成立于维也纳,目前规模不小的公司。产品不少只是没用过。 u2022 goremusic ---- COOL Gore 的 Elixir 系列开发了新的技术,将弦包覆以一种特殊合成物,能阻隔汗水、灰尘的侵害。据说可以延长使用寿命、减少指尖移动的杂音并使手指移动更顺畅。 u2022 labella 20 世纪初 Emilio 和 Olinto Mari 兄弟于纽约成立制弦厂之前,Mari 家族早已是意大利最大制弦厂并有数百年的历史。他们以小提琴弦起家,古典吉他弦也有很好的品质。 u2022 daddario 使用经验中 D"addario 的张力最小、非常软而轻、动态反应也不大。属于那种非常好弹的弦,没有特别个性。 u2022 daquisto D"Aquisto 坚持在自己的工厂用自己的机器生产,认为这样能避免外包代工的不稳定质量。 u2022 vincistrings Vinci 父子在 50 年代中发明自动制弦机,之后也开始自己的生产线。用铁包覆的作法号称比一般的镍包覆弦要有更好的磁反应。 u2022 ernieball Ernie Ball 本人会许多乐器,也设计过不少琴。他有感于市面上的弦不敷需求而开始卖自己的弦,之后儿子 Sterling 更是成功扩展了市场,并有制造许多乐器。 电吉他拾音器对音色的影响不小,这里是一些 推荐的网站。 除了几个专门生产 pick-up 的厂牌,不要忘了许多琴的原厂也有提供各种 pick-up。 u2022 kinman ---- COOL 完全没有杂音并保有 vintage 音色是 Kinman pick-up 的特色。网站上面除了背景、产品介绍,还有图文并茂的解说教你如何调整音色。Kinman pick-ups review 是 自己的使用心得。 u2022 fralinpickups ---- COOL Lindy Fralin 是位于维吉尼亚州的小公司,以手工缠绕线圈为主。他们的 vintage pick-up 在各地都有很高的评价,而且有 10 年产品保固。这个网站上有产品介绍和一些技术文件。 u2022 bartolini 以 active pick-up 闻名的 Bartolini 早在 70 年代就开始生产了。他们的主动式设计加上前级放大电路是 EMG 之外很好的选择。 u2022 seymourduncan Seymour Duncan 原本是个吉他手,为了得到更好的声音而开始研究 pick-up。目前他有数不清的各种 pick-up 在生产,还有不少吉他厂牌的 oem,规模可说相当大。 u2022 riograndepickups Rio Grande pick-up 可以选择许多种花俏的外壳像是珍珠和玳瑁的花色。音色强调是大出力的德州风格,不过没试过。 u2022 dimarzio DiMarzio 也是一个不小的厂牌,他们有不少为知名乐手设计的型式,许多琴出厂时也选择搭配 DiMarzio pick-up。 u2022 billlawrence Bill Lawrence 除了做 pick-up 也做电吉他。他的 L500 双线圈自 1979 年发表以来,至今仍有许多摇滚乐手热爱,L500XL 更是许多重金属吉他手的第一选择。 u2022 fishman Fishman 的木吉他 transducer 和前级放大器除了有不少乐手使用,似乎也在市场上颇为成功。他们的产品没有 Barcus-Berry 的广泛,和 L.R. Baggs 的重迭性较大。Powerbridge 和 X-Bridge 相抗衡但有更多周边像是前级和音量踏板支持。 u2022 rmcpickup Richard McClish 的产品并不多,主要是木吉他 pick-up、前级放大器,还有 saddle pick-up 类似 Powerbridge 和 X-Bridge 使电吉他能有 acoustic tone。Jeff 第一次见到这个厂牌,发现他的使用者还包括不少顶尖的乐手。 u2022 highlanderpickups 这是一个做木吉他和 resonator 吉他 pick-up 的厂牌。是第一次见到了解不多,这个网站上有 包括 David Cro *** y 等乐手对他评价很好。 u2022 emginc 做 active pick-up 的厂牌中,EMG 算是赫赫有名了。多样的款式还有许多知名乐手的特殊设计,另外他们还有很多不错的改装套件包括各种 switch 和前级放大电路。 u2022 mbtinternational/barcu *** erry 1964 年 John Berry 和 Lester Barcus 成立了 Barcus-Berry,在当时以研究小提琴的 piezo-electric transducer 为主。之后研发应用到各种弦乐器、吹管乐器甚至打击乐器,包括 Guild、Alvarez、Martin 等木吉他大厂也有他们的 oem。有趣的是,著名的讯号处理器厂牌 BBE Sound,不但技术和名字都得自 Barcus-Berry Electronics,如今还买下了 Barcus-Berry 经营管理。 u2022 sunrisepickups 这是 Jim Kaufman 所做的木吉他 pick-up,每年只卖 1,000 个。另外还有前级和 Direct Box。 u2022 lrbaggs Lloyd Baggs 曾经帮 Ry Cooder 做过不少琴,并渐渐对木吉他的 pick-up 有兴趣。在加州成立公司之后,相继有 Leo Kottke 和 Robert Godin 的支持逐渐打出名气。小游戏杆型适合 Stratocaster 的 X-Bridge 也有不错的评价。 u2022 joebarden Joe Barden 发明的 Twin-blade 是单线圈 size 的双线圈 pick-up,两条刀刃般的磁铁有别于传统 pick-up 很好认,无杂音的 vintage tone 使他名噪一时。现今有许多电吉他都将 Joe Barden pick-up 列为标准配备,他的 Danny Gatton model 更是换装 Telecaster 的第一选择。 u2022 agi-lace Don Lace Sr. 发明新的方法提高 pick-up 的制造良率,在 Fender 名下生产著名的 Fender-Lace pick-up。现在由他儿子所经营的 Actodyne General Inc. 也有一系列的 Agi-Lace pick-up。
2023-06-15 16:02:071


2023-06-15 16:01:543


kmr是木村唯人的简称,他是公主连结的制作人,也是碧蓝幻想和影之诗的制作人。公主连结一般指公主连结!《公主连结!》是由日本Cygames开发的游戏,于2015年在Ameba与iOS平台推出,2016年7月29日结束服务。2016年在“Cygames NEXT 2016”上确定新作《公主连结!Re:Dive》。公主连结背景设定:2033年的日本,科学技术的飞速发展使得虚拟现实技术飞入寻常百姓家,人人都可以借助特制的设备“mimi”登录大型逼真VR网络游戏《阿斯特朗传奇》(レジェンドオブアストルム),传言在游戏内成功登上索尔之塔的最后一人将成为“Princess”(公主)以实现自己在现实中的任何愿望。
2023-06-15 16:01:491


2023-06-15 16:01:341


不用的。msaa和txaa不需要同时开,抗锯齿效果是类似的。N卡的话建议还是不要把msaa开到最大,除非是高端显卡至少gtx1070这个级别以上的。FXAA简介FXAA全称为Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing,即快速近似抗锯齿,被用作进行图像的边缘柔化、消除混叠、抗图像折叠有损。FXAA是运行于目标游戏渲染管线的后期处理,FXAA的目标是速度更快、显存占用更低,还有着不会造成镜面模糊和亚像素模糊(表面渲染不足一个像素时的闪烁现象)的优势,而代价就是精度和质量上的损失。FXAA完全兼容NVIDIA、AMD的不同显卡(MLAA仅支持A卡)和DX9、DX10、DX11,按照FXAA技术开发者Timothy Lottes的说法,GeForce GTX 480利用FXAA Preset 2(第二种预设)处理一帧1920×1200分辨率画面时所需时间不到1毫秒。
2023-06-15 16:01:181


1 、Wide Open Studio参加期数:2013-09-12期、2014-02-13期、2014-10-23期。2、I"M参加期数:2013-09-15期。3、After School Club参加期数:2013-09-25、2014-02-26、2014-08-26期、2015-05-05期、2015-12-22期。4、偶像运动会参加期数:2014-01-30期、2014-01-31期、2015-09-28期、2015-09-29期、2016-02-09期、2016-02-10期、2016-09-15期、2017-01-30期。5、Meet & Greet参加期数:2014-02-27、2014-06-23期、2014-10-23期、2015-06-03期、2015-06-13期。6、The Beatles Code 3D参加期数:2014-04-01期。7、一周的偶像参加期数:2014-04-30期、2015-06-17期、2015-12-16期。8、4种秀参加期数:2014-05-13期。9、Ameba Studio参加期数:2014-05-30期。10、Nico Live参加期数:2014-06-06期、2014-11-22期、2015-06-19期。11、A SONG FOR YOU参加期数:2014-10-13期。12、美味的分享演唱会参加期数:2014-10-16期。13、M!Countdown Begins参加期数:2014-10-23期。14、Idol Show爱逗秀参加期数:2015-01-25期、2015-02-04期。15、我爱偶像参加期数:2015-03-19期。16、StarCast On-Air参加期数:2015-04-29期。
2023-06-15 16:01:121


2023-06-15 16:01:041


平安夜祝福语英语如下:1、Have a blissful evening, dear friend。 May you have a great time and delicious dinner with family祝你晚上愉快,亲受的朋友。祝你和家人度过愉快的时光和享用美味的晚餐。2、Merry Christmas Eve, everyone。 Wherever you are and whatever you do, | hope your Christmas Eve is joyous大家平安夜快乐。无论你身在何处,无论你做什么,我都希望你的平安夜快乐。3、May you have a warming Christmas evening and a glorious morning。 Merry Christmas愿你的平安夜闪闪发光,圣诞节熠熠生辉。圣诞快乐。4、wish your home gets flld with warmth and love on the night before Christmas。 Have a wonderful Christmas evening我希望你的家在圣诞节的前夜充满温暖和爱。祝你平安夜愉快。5、The best gift of life is to be with family and friends at one table enjoying the best of cuisines。 Happy Christmas Eve人生最好的礼物就是和家人朋友在同一张桌子上享受美味佳肴,平安夜快乐。
2023-06-15 16:01:031


您好,我就为大家解答关于平滑处理fxaa开了掉帧吗,平滑处理fxaa相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、FXAA全称为“Fast A... 您好,我就为大家解答关于平滑处理fxaa开了掉帧吗,平滑处理fxaa相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、FXAA全称为“Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing”,翻译成中文就是“快速近似抗锯齿”。 2、它是传统MSAA(多重采样抗锯齿)效果的一种高性能近似值。 3、它是一种单程像素着色器,和MLAA一样运行于目标游戏渲染管线的后期处理阶段,但不像后者那样使用DirectCompute,而只是单纯的后期处理着色器,不依赖于任何GPU计算API。 4、正因为如此,FXAA技术对显卡没有特殊要求,完全兼容NVIDIA、AMD的不同显卡(MLAA仅支持A卡)和DX9、DX10、DX11。 5、FXAA是NVIDIA提出的一种快速近似抗锯齿,只需占用少量资源就能实现4XMSAA的效果,几乎不占显存,同时让画面更加柔和。 6、当然,这可能会造成部分字体看起来比较模糊,不过问题不是很大,大家就放心的开启吧。
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2023-06-15 16:00:493


我也上不了啊 怎么办啊
2023-06-15 16:00:488


1、希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。A Christmas greeting to cheer you,my good friend.2、为了这一个,也为了更多即将来临的圣诞节。For this and many Christmas to come.3、敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐。Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Wish you healthy in the New Year,happy.4、愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Wish youwell.5、愿圣诞之夜的烛光,开启你心头一喜悦,使你新的一年更亮丽辉煌。May the candlelight of the Christmas night open the joy of your heart to makeyour new year brighter.
2023-06-15 16:00:462


the migce key!
2023-06-15 16:00:393