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2023-06-15 15:22:44




deficit 失败



deficit 失败



deficit ["defu026asu026at; "diu02d0-] n. 赤字;不足额We have a great deficit this year. 我们今年有很大亏损。
2023-06-15 13:32:343


deficit 英[u02c8defu026asu026at] 美[u02c8du025bfu026asu026at] n. 赤字; 亏损; 亏空; 不足额; [例句]They"re ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。[其他] 复数:deficits
2023-06-15 13:33:071


difficultadj. 困难的; 难做的; 难解的; 不易相处的easyadj. 容易的; 舒适的; 宽裕的; 从容的adv. 容易地; 不费力地; 悠闲地; 缓慢地vi. 停止划桨(常用作命令)vt. 向(水手或划手)发出停划命令
2023-06-15 13:33:153


英 ["defu026asu026at]   美 ["defu026asu026at]
2023-06-15 13:33:222


deficit意思是逆差,亏损。如:a budget deficit预算赤字/trade deficit贸易逆差。lack的意思是缺乏。如:be lack of nutrition.
2023-06-15 13:33:292


  赤字是财政方面的专业术语,指的是经济活动中支出多于收入的数字。你知道赤字的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的赤字的英文,希望大家喜欢!   赤字的英文   1.[财政] deficit ink   deficit常见例句   用作名词 (n.)   The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.   当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调。   That would still leave a substantial trade deficit.   这样仍然会出现巨额贸易逆差。   We have a great deficit this year.   我们今年有很大亏损。   The company had a deficit of 5000 dollars.   公司亏空了五千美元。   She has to indent on reserves to cover the deficit.   她不得不支取储金以弥补亏空。   It also found no magnocellular deficit.   也没有发现存在的大细胞不足的现象。   A sleep deficit may be impossible to make up.   睡眠不足很可能根本无法补救。   red ink常见用法   n.红墨水,<美><喻>赤字;   1. You have split red ink all over my dress.   你溅了我一身红墨水.   2. The composition was scored with corrections in red ink.   这篇作文用红笔批改过.   3. Ring the spelling mistakes with red ink.   用红墨水把拼写错误圈出来.   4. Spelling mistakes have been marked with red ink.   拼写错误已用红笔划出.   5. She messed up her new dress with red ink.   她的新衣服被红墨水弄脏了.   6. Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.   教师通常用红墨水批改.   7. It is printed in red ink on paper.   它是用红油墨印在纸上的.   8. On receiving this message I minuted in red ink in the margin, " Don"t miss the bus ".   在看完这份电文时,我用红笔在旁边批道, “ 不要错过时机. ”   9. Do you have any red ink in your pen?   你钢笔里有红墨水 吗 ?   10. They are called Red - Letter Days because in early printed calendars they were marked in red ink.
2023-06-15 13:33:361


词根词缀: de-离开 + -fic-做,作 + -it名词后缀 ;意思为赤字,亏损 暂时没有派生词的,最多可以变复数
2023-06-15 13:33:431

deficit 和 deficiency有什么区别

deficit : 赤字;逆差;亏损;不足额deficiency: 缺乏;不足;缺陷;缺少
2023-06-15 13:33:511


financial deficit
2023-06-15 13:33:594


亏损拼音:kuī sǔn 英语解释:deficit; loss; to the bad【经】 in the red; loss; make a loss
2023-06-15 13:34:192

弥补的的英语翻译 弥补的用英语怎么说

make up、、、、、、、、、、
2023-06-15 13:34:287

structural deficit 和 cyclical deficit之间的区别?

Structural: the deficit that will still exist even if the economy is at full employment.Cyclical: increased income transfers in a recession such as welfare benefits.structural就是即使经济体在full employment的情况下也会出现的赤字,这是由于税收或者开销工程所导致的。cyclical的就是不必要的,比如在经济萎缩时期社会福利所需要的钱。
2023-06-15 13:34:421

亏损 英文怎么翻译啊,处于亏损状态,谢谢

Loss In the state of losing
2023-06-15 13:34:586

deficit retained什么意思

2023-06-15 13:35:141

Margin Excess Deficit 是什么意思

2023-06-15 13:35:212


赤字率就是赤字比例。赤字比率(Deficit Ratio)赤字是财政上的一个专业术语,是衡量财政风险的一个重要指标。财政赤字是指财政支出超过财政收入的部分,意味着“花”的钱超过了“挣”到的钱。根据我国《预算法》明确规定,地方财政上不设立赤字,故此通常所称的财政赤字,即是中央财政赤字。
2023-06-15 13:35:313

"保本" 用英语怎么说啊

just keep balancein red
2023-06-15 13:35:393


2023-06-15 13:35:452


  财政赤字是财政支出大于财政收入而形成的差额,由于会计核算中用红字处理,所以称为财政赤字。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来财政赤字的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   财政赤字的英语说法1:   deficit budget   财政赤字的英语说法2:   financial deficit   财政赤字相关英语表达:   财政赤字和债务 deficits and the national debt   财政赤字货币化 monetization of financial deficit   财政赤字统计 statistics on government fiscal deficits   财政赤字的英语例句:   1. By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.   到1973年, *** 财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。   2. He promised to get to work on the state"s massive deficit.   他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。   3. This increases the budget deficit and the need for extra finance.   这就增加了财政赤字和对额外资金的需求.   4. e , then! Here are two thousand notables, whose property will supply the deficit.   那末,来吧, 这里有两千个显要人物, 他们的财产可以弥补财政赤字.   5. In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983.   在大多数发展中国家, *** 开支的增加导致了1982和1983年的创纪录的财政赤字.   6. Congressional Budget Office Friday projected fiscal deficits of $ 4.2 trillion through 2011.   美国国会预算办公室上周五预计,到2011年的财政赤字将达到4.2万亿美元.   7. Larger fiscal deficits will not neutralise the impact of these factors.   提高财政赤字并不能抵消这些因素的影响.   8. Thereupon the fiscal deficits would surely worsen, once again.   财政赤字也必然会因此再度加剧.   9. We need to take a holistic approach to this issue.   这就是我们辩证地看待财政赤字的问题.   10. During Mr Clinton"s terms the economy boomed and deficits became surpluses.   在克林顿先生在职期间,经济繁荣,财政赤字增加.   11. Huge fiscal deficits are a symptom of the crisis, a cause.   钜额财政赤字是危机的症状, 不是原因.   12. Let"s start with the effects of this year"s deficit.   我们先说本年度财政赤字的效果.   13. India"s budget deficit has bee a major obstacle to its economic growth.   财政赤字已成为印度经济增长的一大障碍.   14. The eurozone also has high fiscal deficits and debts.   欧元区也存在钜额财政赤字和债务.   15. At present, therefore, fiscal deficits are not crowding the private sector out.   因此, 目前财政赤字并未对私人部门造成挤出效应.
2023-06-15 13:36:031


政府收入 - 政府支出 =盈余(政府预算盈余)
2023-06-15 13:36:233


以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《医学专业英语词汇-护理诊断术语》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 nanda通过的以人类反应型态(human response patterns)的分类方法。现将人类反应型态分类方法的护理诊断分列如下: (1)交换(exchanging) 营养失调:高于机体需要量(altered nutrition: more than body requirements) 营养失调:低于机体需要量(altered nutrition: less than body requirements) 营养失调:潜在高于机体需要量(altered nutrition: potential for more than body requirements) 有感染的危险(risk for infection) 有体温改变的危险(risk for altered body temperature) 体温过低(hypothermia) 体温过高(hyperthermia) 体温调节无效(ineffective thermoregulation) 便秘(constipation) 感知性便秘(perceived constipation) 结肠性便秘(colonic constipation) 腹泻(diarrhea) 大便失禁(encopresis) 排尿异常(altered urinary elimination) 压迫性尿失禁(sires incontinence) 反射性尿失禁(reflex incontinence) 急迫性尿失禁(urge incontinence) 功能性尿失禁(functional incontinence) 完全性尿失禁(total incontinence) 尿储留(urinary retention) 组织灌注量改变 altered tissue perfusion 体液过多(fluid volume excess) 体液不足(fluid volume deficit) 体液不足的危险(risk for fluid volume deficit) 清理呼吸道无效(ineffective airway clearance) 低效性呼吸型态(ineffective breathing pattern) 不能维持自主呼吸( inability to sustain spontaneous ventilation) 呼吸机依赖( dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response,dvwr) 有受伤的危险(risk for injury) 有窒息的危险(risk for suffocation) 有外伤的危险(risk for trauma) 有误吸的危险(risk for aspiration) 自我防护能力改变(altered protection) 组织完整性受损(impaired tissue integrity) 皮肤完整性受损(impaired skin integrity) 有皮肤完整性受损的危险(risk for impaired skin integrity) 精力困扰(energy field disturbance) (2)沟通(communicating) 语言沟通障碍(impaired verbal communication) (3)关系(relating) 社会障碍(impaired social interaction) 社交孤立(social isolation) 有孤立的危险(risk for loneliness) 角色紊乱(altered role performance) 父母不称职(altered parenting) 有父母不称职的危险(risk for altered parenting) 有父母亲子依恋改变的危险(risk for altered parent/infant/child att8chffi6llt) 性功能障碍(sexual dysfunction) 家庭作用改变(altered family process) 有照顾者角色障碍的危险(risk for caregiver role strain) 家庭作用改变:酗酒(altered family process: alcoholism) 父母角色冲突(parental role conflict) 性生活型态改变(altered sexuality patterns) (4)赋予价值(valuing) 精神困扰(spiritual distress) (5)选择(choosing) 个人应对无效(ineffective individual coping) 调节障碍(impaired adjustment) 防卫性应对(defensive coping) 防卫性否认(ineffective denial) 家庭应对无效:失去能力( ineffective family coping: disabling) 家庭应对无效:妥协性 (ineffective family coping: compromised) 家庭应对:潜能性(family coping: potential for growth) 社区应对:潜能性(potential for enhanced community coping) 社区应对无效(ineffective community coping) 遵守治疗方案无效(个人的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen)(individual) 不合作(特定的)(noncompliance)(specify) 遵守治疗方案无效(家庭的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen: families) 遵守治疗方案无效(社区的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen: community) 遵守治疗方案有效(个人的)(effective management of therapeutic regimen: individual) 抉择冲突(特定的)(decisional conflict)(specify) 寻求健康行为(特定的)(health seeking behaviors)(specify) (6)活动(moving) 躯体移动障碍(impaired physical mobility) 有周围血管神经功能障碍的危险(risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction) 活动无耐力(activity intolerance) 疲乏(fatigue) 有活动无耐力的危险(risk for activity intolerance) 睡眠状态紊乱(sleep pattern disturbance) 持家能力障碍(impaired home maintenance management) 保持健康的能力改变(altered health maintenance) 进食自理缺陷(feeding self care deficit) 吞咽障碍(impaired swallowing) 母乳喂养无效(ineffective breast feeding) 母乳喂养有效(effective breast feeding) 婴儿吸吮方式无效(ineffective infant feeding pattern) 沐浴/卫生自理缺陷(bathing/hygiene self care deficit) 穿戴/修饰自理障碍(dressing/grooming self care deficit) 入厕自理缺陷(toileting self care deficit) 生长发育改变(altered growth and development) 环境改变应激综合征(relocation stress syndrome) 有婴幼儿行为紊乱的危险( risk for disorganized infant behavior) 婴幼儿行为紊乱(disorganized infant behavior) (7)感知(perceiving) 自我形象紊乱(body image disturbance) 自尊紊乱(self-esteem disturbance) 长期自我贬低(chronic low self esteem) 情境性自我贬低(situational low self esteem) 自我认同紊乱(personal identity disturbance) 感知改变(特定的)(视、听、运动、味、触、嗅)(sensory/perceptual alterations)(specify)(visual,auditory,kinesthetic,gustatory,tactile,olfactory) 单侧感觉丧失(unilateral neglect) 绝望(hopelessness) 无能为力(powerlessness) (8)认知(knowing) 知识缺乏(特定的)(knowledge deficit)(specify) 定向力障碍(impaired environmental interpretation) 突发性意识模糊(acute confusion) 渐进性意识模糊(chronic confusion) 思维过程改变(altered thought processes) 记忆力障碍(impaired memory) (9)感觉(feeling) 疼痛(pain) 慢性疼痛(chronic pain) 有自伤的危险(risk for self-mutilation) 创伤后反应(post-trauma response) 强*创伤综合征(rape-trauma syndrome) 强*创伤综合征:复合性反应(rape-trauma syndrome: compound reaction) 强*创伤综合征:沉默性反应(rape-trauma syndrome: silent) 焦虑(anxiety) 恐惧(fear)
2023-06-15 13:36:411

accumulated deficit什么意思

accumulated deficit累计亏损双语对照词典结果:accumulated deficit累积亏绌,累计亏绌; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.If you"re hungary, a country with relatively untested financial institutions, an accumulateddeficit of 70% triggers a financial crisis that requires a bailout by the international monetaryfund, as happened this year. 如果你是匈牙利,你国家的金融机构相应没有经历过考验,累积赤字到了70%时,就需要国际货币基金组织来打救了,今年的情况就是这样。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-15 13:36:481


问题一:财政的英语翻译 财政用英语怎么说 你好! 财政 fiscal 英[?f?skl] 美[?f?sk?l] adj. (美) 财政上的,会计的; 国库的; n. 财政年度,会计年度; 财政部长,(苏格兰等的)检察官,(西班牙及葡萄牙的)检察长; 印花税票; [例句]The government brought itself to the brink of fiscal disaster *** 把自己推向了财政危机的边缘。 问题二:“财政局”用英语怎么说 用The Bureau of Finance好一点 财政部用的是 Ministry of Finance People"s Republic of China 问题三:“财政局”用英语怎么说? 用The Bureau of Finance好一点 财政部用的是 Ministry of Finance People"s Republic of China 问题四:财政拨款用英文怎么说 财政拨款 Financial appropriation 财政拨款 Financial appropriation 问题五:财政补贴的英文怎么说 具体语境用法不一 subsidy n.补贴;津贴;补助金 allowance n. 津贴,零用钱;允许;限额 vt. 定量供应 assistance n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 plement n. 补语;余角;补足物 vt. 补足,补助 问题六:财政赤字用英语怎么说 经} (支出多于收入) deficit 财政赤字 financial deficit; 贸易赤字 trade deficit in the red (口)赤字,负债 例句 The annual budget of that pany continues to show a deficit this year.It will go out of business because it is always in the red. 那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损.因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭. New economic theories regarding the effects of deficit spending. 关于赤字开支效应的新经济学理论 不久将会关闭. juggle an account,for example,so as to hide a deficit. 为了A balance-of-trade deficit,ie when a country"s exports are worth less than its imports. 贸易赤字(进口多于出口). 掩盖赤字等而伪造帐目. We have made it a rule not to allow a deficit in our regular budget and not to exceed the deficit level projected at the beginning of the year in our capital development budget. 我们始终坚持经常性预算不打赤字,建设性预算赤字不突破年初确定的规模. a fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy 为 *** 贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策 If we go on like this,we will surely go into the red. 假使我们长此以往,准要搞出赤字来. 问题七:财务人员 用英文怎么说 I am a financial officer。 问题八:财务状况的英语翻译 财务状况用英语怎么说 审计的公允性是指财务报表在所有重大方面公允的反映了被审计单位财务状况、经营成果、现金流量。 财务报表的公允性是被审计单位管理层和治理层的责任,注册会计师是在执行审计工作的基础上,对报表的公允性和合法性发表审计意见公允反应:Just and sound response 问题九:会计相关职位用英语怎么说 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Cashier 出纳员 Financial Controller 财务主任 Financial Reporter 财务报告人 F.X. (Foreign Exchange) Clerk 外汇部职员 F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员 Fund Manager 财务经理 General Auditor 审计长 Senior Accountant 高级会计 Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管 tax accountant 税务会计 assistance accountant 会计助理员 assistant accountant 助理会计 certified public accountant 会计师; 审定会计师 chartered accountant 注册会计师, 会计师 chartered public accountant 注册会计师; 特许会计师 chief accountant 总会计师; 会计处长; 会计主任 cost accountant 成本会计师[员] general accountant 总会计师, 普通会计人员 in-charge accountant 主管会计, 会计主管员 incorporated accountant 入会[会员]会计师 independent accountant 独立会计师 junior accountant 初级会计员, 会计师的助手 licensed public accountant 执照[注册]会计师 managerial accountant 管理会计师 non-business accountant 非商业会计 office accountant 总会计; 复核员 private accountant 专任会人员, 私用会计师 professional accountant 会计师, 专业会计师 public accountant 会计师, 公众会计师 问题十:财政部财政科学研究所用英语怎么说 财政部财政科学研究所 financial science research institute of the ministry of finance
2023-06-15 13:36:551

dificit reduction怎么翻译

2023-06-15 13:37:034

英语:surplus units和deficit units 是什么意思

2023-06-15 13:37:134

Chian Daily 体育新闻中的一句话,不大明白,想求教一下高手

deficit是亏损 不足的意思 体育比赛里指落后nil的意思是零 2 games to nil 就是2比0的比赛2 games to nil是具体形容deficit的整句的意思就是 Timo boll从2比0落后的形势下追回比分,在决斗的第一场比赛里战胜了马龙
2023-06-15 13:37:271


2023-06-15 13:37:461

[会计] 我想问下点解本书话revaluation关profit n loss事?

其实 deficit 同 loss 既 difinition 系一样, 都系因为一样野减值而出现既 expenses, 两者系通用既. 例如, 你有件 asset 值 $10,000, 系 2006 年 6 月既时侯, 公司 revaluate 过件 asset 原来系值 $12,000. 咁你就要做呢条 entries: Dr Asset (B/S) $2,000 Cr Revaluation reserve (B/S) $2,000 系 2007 年 6 月既时侯, 公司再做 revaluation, 发现件 asset 只值 $7,000, 咁就会出现 revaluation loss / deficit (即减值), 咁公司就要调整帐目: Dr Revaluation reserve (B/S) $2,000 Dr Revaluation loss / deficit (P&L) $3,000 Cr Asset (B/S) $5,000 呢一个 debit 既 revaluation loss / deficit 就系一个 P&L item (expenses). 所以 revaluation 系有机会关 P&L 事架!,参考: 自己,revaluation deficit = revaluation loss revaluation真系关profit n loss事? 呢个系fact黎。,参考: 我系acc student,
2023-06-15 13:37:591


2023-06-15 13:38:092


2023-06-15 13:38:1810


如果是这样的:#define deficitm(x) x*x那么m(2+5)的值为:2+5*2+5 = 17 (不同编译器值可能不同)
2023-06-15 13:38:431


1、 导致外汇储备大量流失 。储备的流失意味着该国金融实力甚至整个国力的下降,损害该国在国际上的声誉。2、导致该国外汇短缺,造成外汇汇率上升,本币汇率下跌。一旦本币汇率过度下跌,会削弱本币在国际上的地位。导致该国货币信用的下降,国际资本大量外逃,引发货币危机。3、使该国获取外汇的能力减弱,影响该国发展生产所需的生产资料的进口,使国民经济增长受到抑制,进而影响一国的国内财政以及人民的充分就业。4、持续性逆差还可能使该国陷入债务危机。
2023-06-15 13:38:522


An energy tax能源税curb 限制,抑制(本句用抑制)ordinary air pollution普通空气污染limit oil imports 限制原油进口cut the budget 削减预算。。。削减什么,财政赤字呗the budget deficit ,选BThis increases the budget deficit and the need for extra finance.这就增加了财政赤字和对额外资金的需求
2023-06-15 13:38:591


2023-06-15 13:39:108


先发A-C,有人顶的话会续贴 Ability-to-pay principle(of taxation) (税收的)支付能力原则 按照纳税人支付能力确定纳税负担的原则。纳税人支付 能力依据其收人或财富来衡量。这一原则并不说明某经 济状况较好的人到底该比别人多负担多少。 Absolute advantage(in international trade) (国际贸易 中的)绝对优势 A国所具有的比B国能更加有效地(即单位投入的产出 水平比较高等)生产某种商品的能力。这种优势并不意 味着A国必然能将该商品成功地出口到B国。因为B国 还可能有一种我们所说的比较优势或曰比较利益 (comparative advantage)。 Accelerator principle 加速原理 解释产出率变动同方向地引致投资需求变动的理论。 Actual,cyc1ical, and structual budget 实际预算、周期预 算和结构预算 实际预算的赤字或盈余指的是某年份实际记录的赤字或盈余。实际预算可划分成结构预算和周期预算。结构预 算假定经济在潜在产出水平上运行,并据此测算该经济 条件下的政府税入、支出和赤字等指标。周期预算基于 所预测的商业周期(及其经济波动)对预算的影响。 Adaptive expectations 适应性预期 见预期(expectations)。 Adjustable peg 可调整钉住 一种(固定)汇率制度。在该制度下,各国货币对其他货币保持一种固定的或曰“钉住的”汇率。当某些基本因素发生变动、原先汇率失去合理依据的时候,这种汇率便不时地趋于凋整。在1944-1971年期间,世界各主要货币都普遍实行这种制度,称为“布雷顿森林体系”。 Administered(or inflexible) prices 管理(或非浮动)价格 特指某类价格的术语。按照有关规定,这类价格在某一段时间内、在若干种交易中能够维持不变。(见价格浮动,price flexibility) Adverse selection 逆向选择 一种市场不灵。指的是这样一种情况,即那些遭遇风险机会最多的人,最容易决定购买保险。推而广之,逆向选择指的是这样一种情况:就某产品而言,买方和卖方所掌握的信息不同。比如旧车市场。 Aggregate demand 总需求 某一时期一个经济所计划或所需要开支的总数。它取决于总的价格水平,并受到国内投资、净出口、政府开支、消费水平和货币供应等因素的影响。 Aggregate demand(AD)curve 总需求曲线 在其他条件不变的情况下,体现一个经济中人们所愿意购买的商品和服务的总量与该经济的价格总水平之间的关系的曲线。同其他需求曲线一样,总需求曲线背后也存在着一系列重要的经济变量,如政府开支、出口和货币供应,等等。 Aggregate supply 总供给 某一时期一个经济中各企业所愿意生产的商品与服务的价值的总和。总供给是可供利用的资源、技术和价格水平的函数。 Aggregate supply(AS)curve 总供给曲线 在其他条件不变的情况下,体现各企业所愿意提供的总产出与价格总水平之间的关系的曲线。总供给曲线在很长时期内,在潜在产出水平L,倾向于相对地陡峭和垂直;而从短期看,则显得比较平缓。 Allocative efficiency 配置效率 一种经济境况。一个经济到达该境况时,已经不可能通过重组或贸易等手段,既提高某一人的效用或满足程度,而又不降低其他人的效用或满足程度。从某种意义上讲,完全竞争可以导致配置效率。配置效率又称为帕累托效率(Pareto efficiency)。Antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法 取缔垄断行径、贸易限制和那些旨在抬高价格或取消竞争的厂商勾结行为的各种法律。 Appreciation(of a currency) (通货)升值 见(通货)贬值(depreciation)。 Appropriable 可分拨 对某些资源属性的一种描述。有此属性资源的所有者可以获得该资源的全部经济价值。在运行良好的市场竞争中,可分拨资源往往能得到合理的定价和有效的配置。见“不可分拨(inappropriable) Arbitrage 套利 在一个市场上即期买进某种商品或资产,而在另一市场卖出该商品或资产,以期在价差中赚取利润的经济行为。套利是消除价差的重要力量,它可使市场功能更有效地发挥。 Asset 资产 实物财产或具有经济价值的非实物性的权利。例如工厂、设备、土地、专利、版权,以及货币、债券等金融票据。 Asset demand for money 货币的资产需求 见货币需求(demand for money)。 Automatic(or built-in)stabilizers 自动(或内在)稳定器 政府税收和开支体系所具有的一种性质,可以缓冲私人部门收人变动的作用。例如失业津贴和累进所得税等都有助于稳定经济。 Average cost 平均成本 见平均成本(cost,average)o verage cost curve,long-run( LRAC或 LAC) 长期平均成本曲线 表示在技术、投入品的价格不变,但生产者可自由选择企业规模的条件下,某一产品的各种产量水平所对应的最低平均成本的几何图形。 Average cost curve, short-run( SRAC或 SAC) 短期平均成本曲线 表示在技术、投入品的价格不变、且企业规模为既定的条件下,某一产品的各种产量水平所对应的最低平均成本的几何图形。 Average fixed cost 平均固定成本 见平均固定成本(cost, average fixed)。 Average product 平均产品 总产量或总产出除以一种投入品的数量所得的值。由此,劳动的平均产量定义为总产量除以劳动的投入量。其他投人品的平均产量以此类推。 Average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向 见边际消费倾向(marginal propensity to consume) Average revenue 平均收益 总收益除以总销售量,即单位收益。平均收益一般与价格相等。 Average variable cost 平均可变成本 见平均可变成本(cost, average variable)。 B Balance of international payment 国际收支平衡表 某时期一国同外部世界的交易状况的报表,包括商品和服务的买卖、馈赠、政府交易和资本流动。 Balance of trade 贸易余额 国际收支中有关商品(或有形物品)进出口的部分。包括食品、资本品和汽车。如果包括服务和其他经常项目,则称为经常项目余额。 Balance of current account 经常项目余额 见贸易余额(balance of trade)。 Balance sheet 资产负债表 某时点一个企业的财务状况报表。其中资产列为一栏,负债加净资产在另一栏。每一项都以其实际的或估计的货币价值列出。由于净资产由资产减负债来定义,因此两栏的合计必须平衡。 Balanced budget 平衡预算 见平衡预算(budget, balanced)。 Bank,commercial 商业银行 一种金融中介。到目前为止,其突出的特点是允许客户对其所存人的款项随时随地签发支票来进行付款和提款。所有接受储蓄和支票存款的金融机构统称为储蓄机构。 Bank money 银行货币 由银行创造的货币,特别是指银行依据其准备金而成倍地扩大其支票帐户(M1的组成部分。) bank reserves 银行准备会 见银行准备金(reserves,bank) Barriers to entry 进入壁垒 能够阻碍进入市场、导致竞争减弱或者行业内厂商数量减少的那些因素。例如法律规定、管制和产品差异等。 Barter 易货贸易 商品直接交换,而不需要使用任何物品充当货币或交易媒介。 Benefit principle(of taxation) (税收的)受益原则 认为税收与人们从政府活动中的受益应当成比例的原则。 Bond 债券 由政府或企业发行的有息证券,保证在未来特定日期还本付息。 Break-even point(in macroeconomics) (宏观经济学中的)收支相抵点 个人、家庭或社会团体的一种收入境况或收入水平。在该境况,所有的收人正好被用来消费(既没有正储蓄也没 有负储蓄)。只有在更高的收入水平上才会有正储蓄。 Bretton woods System 布雷顿森林体系 见可调整钉住(adjustable peg)。 Broad money 广义货币 货币供给的一种形式或口径(也称M2),包括交易货币(M1)、银行储蓄帐户,还有其他类似交易货币的替代性资产。 Budget 预算 计划支出与预期收入的帐户,通常以一年为期。对政府而言,其收入应为税收。 Budget,balanced 平衡预算 总支出和总收入(不包括借款收入)正好持平的预算。 Budget constraint预算约束 见预算线(budget line)。 Budget deficit 预算赤字 政府总支出超出总收入(不包括借款收入)的部分。这一差额(赤字)通常靠借款弥补。 Budget,government 政府预算 政府在特定时期(通常为一年)中所计划的支出和收入的报告书。 Budget line 预算线 在既定价格水平下,消费者用给定的收人可能购买的各种商品组合点的轨迹。有时称预算约束(budget con-straint)。 Budget surplus 预算盈余 政府收人超过支出的部分;与预算赤字(budget deficit)相对应。 Built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器 见自动稳定器(automatic stabilizers)。 Business cycles 商业周期 国民总产出、总收人和总就业的波动。这种波动以经济中的许多成分普遍而同期地扩张和收缩为特征,持续时间通常为2到10年。现代宏观经济学中,商业周期发生在实际GDP相对于潜在GDP上升(扩张)或下降(收缩或衰退)的时候。 C C+I, C+I+G, or C+I+G+X schedule C+I,C+I+G,或 C+I+G+X表 说明对应GDP水平的每一计划的或合意的总需求水平的表,或由该表所生成的图形。表中包括消费(C)、投资(I)、政府商品劳务支出(G)、以及净出口(X)。 Capital(capital goods, capital equipment) 资本(资本商品,资本设备) (l)在经济理论中,指的是生产投入三要素(土地、劳动、资本)中的任意一种。资本由用于生产过程中的耐用品构成。(2)在财务会计方面,“资本”代表公司股东已经认购的资金总量,股东因此相应地获得了该公司的股份。 Capital consumption allowance 资本消耗补偿 见折旧(depreciation)。 Capital deepening 资本深化 在经济增长理论中,指的是资本与劳动的比率的上升。与资本广化(capital widening)对应。 Capital gains 资本利得 资本资产(例如土地和普通股)价值的上升,是资产购买价格和出售价格之间的差额。 Capital markets 资本市场 金融资产(货币、债券、股票)进行交易的场所。经济中的储蓄经由它和金融中介(financial intermediaries)而得以转化成投资。 Capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率 在经济增长理论中,资本-产出比率代表资本总量和年度GDP的比率。 Capital widening 资本广化 实际资本的增长率与劳动力(或人日)的增长率相等,从而总资本和总劳动的比率得以保持不变。它与资本深化(capital deepening)相对应。 Capitalism 资本主义 一种经济系统,其中大部分财产(土地和资本)属于私人所有。在这种经济中,私人市场是配置资源和创造收人的主要手段。 Cardinal utility 基数效用 见序数效用(ordinal utility)。 Cartel 卡特尔 由一系列生产类似产品的独立企业所构成的组织,目的是提高该类产品价格和控制其产量。根据美国反托拉斯法,卡特尔属于非法。 Central bank 中央银行 一个由政府组建的机构(在美国是联邦储备体系),负责控制国家货币供给、信贷条件,监管金融体系,特别是商业银行和其他储蓄机构。 Change in demand vs.change in quantity demanded 需求变化与需求量的变化 “需求变化”指由商品价格以外的其他因素(例如收入上升和偏好改变等)所导致的商品需求量变动。在图形上表现为整个需求曲线的移动。相反,由于价格变动引起的需求量变动称为“需求量的变化”。在图形上表现为需求量沿着无变动的需求曲线移动。 Change in supply in quantity 供给变动与供给且的变动 供给变化与供给量变化,二者的区别同上述“需求变化与需求量变化”的区别。 Checking account(or bank money) 支票帐户(或银行货币) 在商业银行或其他金融机构中的存款,允许以支票方式提款,故属交易货币(或称M1)。也称支票存款(checkable deposit),它是M1的组成部分。 Chicago School of Economics (经济学)芝加哥学派 以亨利u2022西蒙、哈耶克和米尔顿u2022弗里德曼等为主要代表的一群经济学家。他们相信没有政府干预的竞争市场能使经济最有效地运行。 Classical approach 古典理论 见古典经济学(classical economics) Classical economics 古典经济学 凯恩斯理论出现以前的经济思想主流学派,由亚当u2022斯密在1776年开创。主要追随者包括大卫u2022李嘉图、托马斯u2022马尔萨斯和约翰u2022穆勒。一般说来,该学派相信经济规律(特别如个人利益、竞争)决定着价格和要素报酬,并且相信价格体系是的资源配置办法。 Classical theories(in macroeconomics) (宏观经济学中的)古典理论 强调经济体系具有自我校正能力的理论。在古典理论和方法中,经济一般处在充分就业状态,各种刺激总需求的政策对产出没有影响。 Clearing market 市场出清 商品价格具有充分的灵活性(flexible),能使需求和供给迅速达到均衡的市场。在出清的市场上,没有定量配给。资源闲置,也没有超额供给或超额需求。在实际中,这一理论适用于许多商品市场和金融市场,但不适用于劳动市场或许多产品市场。 Closed economy 封闭经济 见开放经济(open economy)。 Coase theorem 科斯定理 由罗纳德u2022科斯(Ronald Coase)提出的一种观点(并非真是一条定理),认为在某些条件下,经济的外部性或曰非效率可以通过当事人的谈判而得到纠正。 Collective bargaining 集体谈判 一组工人(通常是一个工会)与其雇主间的谈判过程。目的是达成关于工资、附加福利和工作条件等方面的协议。 Collusion 勾结 企业之间为抬高价格、瓜分市场或限制竞争等而达成的共谋协议。 Collusive oligopoly 寡头勾结垄断 一种市场结构。在该市场结构条件下,一小批企业(即少数寡头)勾结起来共谋决策。当所企及的共同利润达到化时,市场上的价格和交易量与垄断条件下的价格和交易量将非常接近。 Command economy 指令经济 一种经济组织方式。按照这种方式,关键的经济职能,诸如生产什么、怎样生产、为谁生产等,都主要由政府直接决定。有时也称为“中央计划经济”。 Commodity money 商品货币 有内在价值的货币;也指作为货币使用的商品(如家畜、珍珠等)。 Common stock 普通股票 表明在一公司中拥有所有权和投票权的金融证券。所持有的份额体现相应的投票权和对公司资产、净收益的所有权。 Communism 共产主义 共产主义经济体制(也称苏维埃模式的中央计划型经济),国家拥有并控制着生产资料,特别是工业资本。这种经济都普遍带有中央计划性,国家规定许多产品的价格、产量和其他重要经济指标。 Comparative advantage(in international trade) (国际贸易中的)比较优势 比较优势法则指出:一国应专门生产和出口那些该国能以相对低的成本生产的商品,并进口那些自己生产成本相对高的商品。由此可见,是比较优势而不是绝对优势在影响贸易格局。 Compensating differentials 补偿性(工资)差异 用于抵消或补偿工作的非货币性差异的工资水平的差别。例如,同样的工作,在阿拉斯加环境恶劣,因而其工资要比在发达地区支付得高得多。 Competition,imperfect 不完全竞争 指这样一些市场:完全竞争不能保持,因为至少有一个大到足以影响市场价格的买者(或卖者),并因此面对向下倾斜的需求(或供给)曲线。包括各种不完全因素,诸如完全垄断、寡头垄断或垄断竞争等。 Competion,perfect 完全竞争 指那些不存在足以影响价格的企业或消费者的市场。这种情况在下述条件下发生:(1)买者和卖者的数目都非常大;(2)生产者提供的产品是同质的(无区别的)。在这样的条件下,所有企业面对的是一条水平的或完全弹性的需求曲线。 Competitve equilibrium 竞争均衡 以完全竞争为特征的市场或经济中供给和需求的平衡。由于完全竞争中单独的买者和卖者都没有力量(支配性地)影响市场,价格将趋向等于边际成本和边际效用的水平。 Competitive market 竞争性市场 见完全竞争(competition,perfect)。 Complements 互补品 在消费者眼里是“搭配”的两种商品(如左脚的鞋和右脚的鞋)。相互竞争的商品则属于替代品(如五指分开的手套和连指手套) Compound interest 复利 根据上一期所有的利息和本金来计算利息的方法。例如,年复利利率为10%,存入100美元本金。在第一年底,得到10美元利息。而在第二年底,得到的利息是11美元,其中10美元是来自原始本金,另外1美元则来自第一年的10美元的利息。以后以此类推。 Concentration ratio 集中度 在一个行业中,若干企业的产出占该行业总产出的百分比。一种典型的度量方法是四企业集中度,即的四家企业的产出占总产出的百分比。 Conglomerate 混合联合企业 一种生产多种多样的甚至是互不相干产品的大型公司(例如,某些烟草公司扩展到饮料、出租车、电影制片等互不相关的业务领域)。 Conglomerate merger 混合兼并 见兼并(merger)。 Constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变 见规模报酬(returns to scale)。 Consumer price index 消费者价格指数(CPI) 衡量所选定的一篮子消费品购买价格的指数。计算指数时,每种商品的权数依据1982-1984年间该商品在城市消费者生活开支中所占的份额来确定。 Consumer surplus 消费者剩余 消费者为取得一种商品所愿意支付的价格与他取得该商品而支付的实际价格之间的差额。产生差额的原因在于:除最后一单位外,该商品用货币表示的边际效用(以美元表示)都大于其价格。在一定条件下(利用需求曲线图),消费者剩余的货币价值可以用需求曲线以下、价格线以上的面积来衡量。 Consumption 消费 宏观经济学中,指某时期一人或一国用于消费品的总支出。严格地说,“消费”应仅指这一时期中那些完全用掉了的(分享过的或“吃掉了的)消费品。但在实际上,消费支出包括所有已购买的商品,而这其中许多商品的使用时间要远远超出考察时期,如家具、衣物和汽车等。 Consumption function 消费函数 总消费与个人可支配收人(PDI)的数值对应关系。总财富和其他变量也常被认为会对消费产生影响。 Consumption-possibility line 消费可能线 见预算线(budget line)。 Cooperative equilibrium 合作性均衡 博弈论中,指各方协调行动,以求共同的支付(joint pay-offs)化的策略而达到的结果。 Corporate income tax 公司所得税 对公司年净收入课征的税收。 Corporation 公司 现代资本主义经济中企业组织的主要形式。它是由个人或其他公司所拥有的企业,具有与个人一样的购买、销售和签订合同的权利。公司和对公司负“有限责任”的所有人二者,在法律上是不同的概念。 Correlation 相关 两种变量系统地相互联系在一起的程度。 Cost,average 平均成本 等于总成本(参见“总成本”,cost,total)除以产出的单位数。 Cost,average fixed 平均固定成本 等于固定成本除以产出的单位数。 Cost,average variable 平均可变成本 等于可变成本(参见“可变成本”,cost,variable)除以产出的单位数。 Cost,fixed 固定成本 一企业在某时段即使在产量为零时也会发生的成本。总固定成本由诸如利息支出、抵押支出、管理者费用等契约性开支所组成。 Cost,marginal 边际成本 多生产1单位产品所增加的成本(或总成本的增加额),或少生产1单位产品总成本的减少额。 Cost,minimum 最低成本 单位产出可以达到的最低代价(无论平均成本、可变成本或边际成本)。就平均成本上的每一点所代表的产出水平而言,该点是该公司所能作到的情况。就此而言,平均成本曲线上的每一点都是最低平均成本点。 Cost-push inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀 由市场供给方因生产成本急剧上升而引发的通货膨胀。在总供求分析的图解中,成本推动表现为AS曲线的上移。它也称作供给冲击(supply-shock)的通货膨胀。 Cost,total 总成本 在某技术水平和要素价格条件下可以得到的最低成本的总额。现有工厂和其他不变成本既定的条件下所发生的成本为短期成本。而厂商在投人和决策方面一直有完全弹性的条件下所发生的成本则为长期总成本。 Cost,variable 可变成本 随产出水平变化而变化的成本,如原料、劳动、燃料成本。可变成本等于总成本减固定成本。 Crawling(or sliding)peg 爬行(滑动)钉住 一种汇率管理方法。允许汇率(或汇率波动范围)每天或每周小幅度地“爬"上或‘爬”下(如每周0.25%)。 Credit 信贷 (I)货币理论中,以在未来某时期偿还(通常带有利息)为条件,以使用他人资金的情况。主要包括:银行短期贷款、卖方信贷或商业票据。(2)国际收支帐户中能获得外国货币的项目,如出口等。 Cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性 衡量一种商品价格变动对另一种商品需求产生的影响的概念。更精确地说:在其他变量保持不变时,需求的交叉弹性等于商品B价格变动1%时商品A需求量所变动的百分比。 Crowding-out hypothesis 挤出(效应)假说 该命题认为:政府支出或财政赤字会相应减少企业投资。 Currency 通货 铸币和纸币。 Currency appreciation(or depreciation ) 通货升值(或 贬值) 见(通货)贬值[depreciation(of a currency)]。 Current account 经常帐户 见贸易余额(balance of trade)。 Cyclical budget周期预算 见实际、周期和结构预算(actual, cyclical and structural budget)。 Cyclical unemployment 周期性失业 见摩擦性失业(frictional unemployment)
2023-06-15 13:40:001

deficit是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

n. m. [拉][财]亏损,亏空; 逆差,赤字le déficit d"une entreprise 企业亏损le déficit de la balance commerciale 贸易逆差短缺,不足déficit intellectuel 智力缺陷déficit immunitaire 免疫缺陷常见用法un déficit d"informations信息不足combler un déficit填补亏损
2023-06-15 13:40:231


deficit n. 赤字;不足额 deficit既是可数又是不可数。 扩展资料   例句:   The larger the trade deficit, the smaller the GDP.   贸易赤字越大,GDP 就越小。   Deficit hawks still worry about the cost of the proposal.   赤字鹰派仍旧担心这项建议的成本。   The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit.   游客的消费有助于减少我们长期的贸易赤字。
2023-06-15 13:40:301

乒乓球中的greatest deficit overcome是什么意思?

2023-06-15 13:40:372


nanda通过的以人类反应型态(human response patterns)的分类方法。现将人类反应型态分类方法的护理诊断分列如下: (1)交换(exchanging) 营养失调:高于机体需要量(altered nutrition: more than body requirements) 营养失调:低于机体需要量(altered nutrition: less than body requirements) 营养失调:潜在高于机体需要量(altered nutrition: potential for more than body requirements) 有感染的危险(risk for infection) 有体温改变的危险(risk for altered body temperature) 体温过低(hypothermia) 体温过高(hyperthermia) 体温调节无效(ineffective thermoregulation) 便秘(constipation) 感知性便秘(perceived constipation) 结肠性便秘(colonic constipation) 腹泻(diarrhea) 大便失禁(encopresis) 排尿异常(altered urinary elimination) 压迫性尿失禁(sires incontinence) 反射性尿失禁(reflex incontinence) 急迫性尿失禁(urge incontinence) 功能性尿失禁(functional incontinence) 完全性尿失禁(total incontinence) 尿储留(urinary retention) 组织灌注量改变 altered tissue perfusion 体液过多(fluid volume excess) 体液不足(fluid volume deficit) 体液不足的危险(risk for fluid volume deficit) 清理呼吸道无效(ineffective airway clearance) 低效性呼吸型态(ineffective breathing pattern) 不能维持自主呼吸( inability to sustain spontaneous ventilation) 呼吸机依赖( dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response,dvwr) 有受伤的危险(risk for injury) 有窒息的危险(risk for suffocation) 有外伤的危险(risk for trauma) 有误吸的危险(risk for aspiration) 自我防护能力改变(altered protection) 组织完整性受损(impaired tissue integrity) 皮肤完整性受损(impaired skin integrity) 有皮肤完整性受损的危险(risk for impaired skin integrity) 精力困扰(energy field disturbance) (2)沟通(communicating) 语言沟通障碍(impaired verbal communication) (3)关系(relating) 社会障碍(impaired social interaction) 社交孤立(social isolation) 有孤立的危险(risk for loneliness) 角色紊乱(altered role performance) 父母不称职(altered parenting) 有父母不称职的危险(risk for altered parenting) 有父母亲子依恋改变的危险(risk for altered parent/infant/child att8chffi6llt) 性功能障碍(sexual dysfunction) 家庭作用改变(altered family process) 有照顾者角色障碍的危险(risk for caregiver role strain) 家庭作用改变:酗酒(altered family process: alcoholism) 父母角色冲突(parental role conflict) 性生活型态改变(altered sexuality patterns) (4)赋予价值(valuing) 精神困扰(spiritual distress) (5)选择(choosing) 个人应对无效(ineffective individual coping) 调节障碍(impaired adjustment) 防卫性应对(defensive coping) 防卫性否认(ineffective denial) 家庭应对无效:失去能力( ineffective family coping: disabling) 家庭应对无效:妥协性 (ineffective family coping: compromised) 家庭应对:潜能性(family coping: potential for growth) 社区应对:潜能性(potential for enhanced community coping) 社区应对无效(ineffective community coping) 遵守治疗方案无效(个人的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen)(individual) 不合作(特定的)(noncompliance)(specify) 遵守治疗方案无效(家庭的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen: families) 遵守治疗方案无效(社区的)(ineffective management of therapeutic regimen: community) 遵守治疗方案有效(个人的)(effective management of therapeutic regimen: individual) 抉择冲突(特定的)(decisional conflict)(specify) 寻求健康行为(特定的)(health seeking behaviors)(specify) (6)活动(moving) 躯体移动障碍(impaired physical mobility) 有周围血管神经功能障碍的危险(risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction) 活动无耐力(activity intolerance) 疲乏(fatigue) 有活动无耐力的危险(risk for activity intolerance) 睡眠状态紊乱(sleep pattern disturbance) 持家能力障碍(impaired home maintenance management) 保持健康的能力改变(altered health maintenance) 进食自理缺陷(feeding self care deficit) 吞咽障碍(impaired swallowing) 母乳喂养无效(ineffective breast feeding) 母乳喂养有效(effective breast feeding) 婴儿吸吮方式无效(ineffective infant feeding pattern) 沐浴/卫生自理缺陷(bathing/hygiene self care deficit) 穿戴/修饰自理障碍(dressing/grooming self care deficit) 入厕自理缺陷(toileting self care deficit) 生长发育改变(altered growth and development) 环境改变应激综合征(relocation stress syndrome) 有婴幼儿行为紊乱的危险( risk for disorganized infant behavior) 婴幼儿行为紊乱(disorganized infant behavior) (7)感知(perceiving) 自我形象紊乱(body image disturbance) 自尊紊乱(self-esteem disturbance) 长期自我贬低(chronic low self esteem) 情境性自我贬低(situational low self esteem) 自我认同紊乱(personal identity disturbance) 感知改变(特定的)(视、听、运动、味、触、嗅)(sensory/perceptual alterations)(specify)(visual,auditory,kinesthetic,gustatory,tactile,olfactory) 单侧感觉丧失(unilateral neglect) 绝望(hopelessness) 无能为力(powerlessness) (8)认知(knowing) 知识缺乏(特定的)(knowledge deficit)(specify) 定向力障碍(impaired environmental interpretation) 突发性意识模糊(acute confusion) 渐进性意识模糊(chronic confusion) 思维过程改变(altered thought processes) 记忆力障碍(impaired memory) (9)感觉(feeling) 疼痛(pain) 慢性疼痛(chronic pain) 有自伤的危险(risk for self-mutilation) 创伤后反应(post-trauma response) 强奸创伤综合征(rape-trauma syndrome) 强奸创伤综合征:复合性反应(rape-trauma syndrome: compound reaction) 强奸创伤综合征:沉默性反应(rape-trauma syndrome: silent) 焦虑(anxiety) 恐惧(fear)
2023-06-15 13:40:551


defilct 网上很多翻译的网站
2023-06-15 13:41:047


deficit-oriented 赤字方向的
2023-06-15 13:41:181


1.If he pay all his debts he shall have no money left.   如果他偿清了所有债,就一分钱不剩了。   重点词语:debt n.债,亏空   商务用语:fall into debt 负债   debt of honour 信用借款  2.This shows a slight decrease in sales.   这表明比前一个月的数目略有减少。   重点词语:decrease n.减少额 vt.使减少,缩短,使降低   商务用语:the decrease in sales 销售额下降  3.She deeded her house to the new owner.   她立下契约将其房屋转让给新房主。   重点词语:deed n.转移产权契据 vt.立契   商务用语:mortgage deed 按揭贷款契据   deed of arrangement 财产转让协定   deed of assignment 转让契约   4.Our family is facing with financial deficit.   我们家正面临财政赤字。   重点词语:deficit n.亏损,赤字   商务用语:trade deficit 贸易逆差,入超   deficit spending 赤字开支   operating deficit 营业亏损  5.Let"s fix a definite date for the next meeting.   我们定一下下次开会的确切日期吧。   重点词语:definite adj.明确的,一定的,肯定的,无疑的;限定的   商务用语:definite invoice 正式发票   definite quantity 定量
2023-06-15 13:41:251

federal deficit是什么意思

ederal deficit[英][u02c8fedu0259ru0259l u02c8defisit][美][u02c8fu025bdu0259ru0259l u02c8du025bfu026asu026at]联邦赤字; 双语例句 1When Reagan became president and began to cut taxes the federal deficit was 2.5 percent of the national economy.里根就任总统时开始减税联邦赤字占国民经济的2.5%。2The federal deficit and debt burden are ballooning.美国联邦赤字和债务负担在急剧膨胀。
2023-06-15 13:41:321


  财政赤字是财政支出大于财政收入而形成的差额,由于会计核算中用红字处理,所以称为财政赤字。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来财政赤字的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   财政赤字的英语说法1:   deficit budget   财政赤字的英语说法2:   financial deficit   财政赤字相关英语表达:   财政赤字和债务 deficits and the national debt   财政赤字货币化 monetization of financial deficit   财政赤字统计 statistics on government fiscal deficits   财政赤字的英语例句:   1. By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.   到1973年, *** 财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。   2. He promised to get to work on the state"s massive deficit.   他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。   3. This increases the budget deficit and the need for extra finance.   这就增加了财政赤字和对额外资金的需求.   4. e , then! Here are two thousand notables, whose property will supply the deficit.   那末,来吧, 这里有两千个显要人物, 他们的财产可以弥补财政赤字.   5. In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983.   在大多数发展中国家, *** 开支的增加导致了1982和1983年的创纪录的财政赤字.   6. Congressional Budget Office Friday projected fiscal deficits of $ 4.2 trillion through 2011.   美国国会预算办公室上周五预计,到2011年的财政赤字将达到4.2万亿美元.   7. Larger fiscal deficits will not neutralise the impact of these factors.   提高财政赤字并不能抵消这些因素的影响.   8. Thereupon the fiscal deficits would surely worsen, once again.   财政赤字也必然会因此再度加剧.   9. We need to take a holistic approach to this issue.   这就是我们辩证地看待财政赤字的问题.   10. During Mr Clinton"s terms the economy boomed and deficits became surpluses.   在克林顿先生在职期间,经济繁荣,财政赤字增加.   11. Huge fiscal deficits are a symptom of the crisis, a cause.   钜额财政赤字是危机的症状, 不是原因.   12. Let"s start with the effects of this year"s deficit.   我们先说本年度财政赤字的效果.   13. India"s budget deficit has bee a major obstacle to its economic growth.   财政赤字已成为印度经济增长的一大障碍.   14. The eurozone also has high fiscal deficits and debts.   欧元区也存在钜额财政赤字和债务.   15. At present, therefore, fiscal deficits are not crowding the private sector out.   因此, 目前财政赤字并未对私人部门造成挤出效应.
2023-06-15 13:41:381


shortfall这个词是差额、亏空、缺口、不足、不足之量的意思。这是一个名词,它的复数形式是直接加s,即shortfalls.这个词的运用:1.One of the ways Greece is trying to make up its budget shortfall is to lower the pay floor for those who were just joining the workforce.希腊试图弥补预算差额的方法之一就是降低劳工的工资的最低标准。2.THIS would seem to be the week when economists argue that a shortfall in investment is the main problem with the American economy.这看上去将会是如此的一周:经济学家们在为投资量的下滑是美国经济遇到的主要问题。它的同义词有:deficit,loss,gap,lack,shortage它的反义词:excess它的短语:export shortfall 出口短缺;profit shortfall 利润短缺
2023-06-15 13:42:101

current account deficit一定是不好的吗

2023-06-15 13:42:291

a country is better off running a current account surplus than a deficit?

Partially disagree.Sometimes, a deficit is good and exciting.Running a deficit sometimes wake people up, and makes people work harder. Therefore it is good.Running a surplus can make people lazy and complacent. Therefore, it is bad.
2023-06-15 13:42:361

在复习GMAT时遇到这样一个句子,Due to the fact that politicians spend money, we have a deficit.

在G的考试中,due to开头的一般都错了~因为它与because不同不能接从句只能接简单的短语~另以后有什么问题到chasedream里问吧~那里回答的会比较专业的~
2023-06-15 13:42:432

Marco Econ 问题 - Trade deficit, capital inflow

首先,Balance of Trade包含: i) Current Account (CA) ii) Capital Account (KA) 而CA+KA = 0 如果我地简化分析,可以当balance of trade (NX) = current account 因为事实上佢地都系非常接近 得出NX + KA = 0 所以如果KA上升,NX就下降 An inflow of capital入系capital account 所以就会有trade deficit 反之亦然啦,参考: myself,
2023-06-15 13:42:551


《The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the Peoples Economy》 It ain"t what you know that gets you into trouble. It"s what you know for sure that just ain"t so. —MARK TWAIN ======== Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Do I believe the solution to all our problems is to simply spend more money? No, of course not. Just because there are no financial constraints on the federal budget doesn"t mean there aren"t real limits to what the government can (and should) do. Every economy has its own internal speed limit, regulated by the availability of our real productive resources—the state of technology and the quantity and quality of its land, workers, factories, machines, and other materials. If the government tries to spend too much into an economy that"s already running at full speed, inflation will accelerate. There are limits. However, the limits are not in our government"s ability to spend money, or in the deficit, but in inflationary pressures and resources within the real economy. MMT distinguishes the real limits from delusional and unnecessary self-imposed constraints. MYTH #1: The federal government should budget like a household. REALITY: Unlike a household, the federal government issues the currency it spends. ======== household model (TAB)S: taxing and borrowing precede spending currency-issuer model S(TAB): spending before taxing and borrowing ======== Mosler had a beautiful beachfront property with a swimming pool and all the luxuries of life anyone could hope to enjoy. He also had a family that included two young kids. To illustrate his point, he told me a story about the time he sat his kids down and told them he wanted them to do their part to help keep the place clean and habitable. He wanted the yard mowed, beds made, dishes done, cars washed, and so on. To compensate them for their time, he offered to pay them for their labor. Three of his business cards if they made their beds. Five for doing the dishes. Ten for washing a car and twenty-five for tending to the yard work. Days turned into weeks, and the house became increasingly uninhabitable. The grass grew knee high. Dishes piled up in the sink, and the cars were covered in sand and salt from the ocean breeze. “Why aren"t you doing any work?” Mosler asked the kids. “I told you I would pay you some of my business cards to pitch in around here.” “D-a-a-a-a-ad,” the kids intoned. “Why would we work for your business cards? They"re not worth anything!” That"s when Mosler had his epiphany. The kids hadn"t done any chores because they didn"t need his cards. So, he told the kids he wasn"t requiring them to do any work at all. All he wanted was a payment of thirty of his business cards, each month. Failure to pay would result in a loss of privileges. No more TV, use of the swimming pool, or trips to the mall. It was a stroke of genius. Mosler had imposed a “tax” that could only be paid using his own monogrammed paper. Now the cards were worth something. Within hours, the kids were scurrying around, tidying up their bedrooms, the kitchen, and the yard. What was once considered a worthless rectangular calling card was suddenly perceived as a valuable token. But why? How did Mosler get the kids to do all that work without forcing them to do any chores? Simple. He put them in a situation where they needed to earn his “currency” to stay out of trouble. Each time the kids did some work, they got a receipt (some business cards) for the task they had performed. At the end of the month, the kids returned the cards to their father. As Mosler explained, he didn"t actually need to collect his own cards back from the kids. “What would I want with my own tokens?” he asked. He had already gotten what he really wanted out of the deal—a tidy house! So why did he bother taxing the cards away from the kids? Why didn"t he let them hold on to them as souvenirs? The reason was simple: Mosler collected the cards so the kids would need to earn them again next month. He had invented a virtuous provisioning system! Virtuous in this case means that it keeps repeating. Mosler used this story to illustrate some basic principles about the way sovereign currency issuers actually fund themselves. Taxes are there to create a demand for government currency. The government can define the currency in terms of its own unique unit of account—a dollar, a yen, a pound, a peso—and then give value to its own otherwise worthless paper by requiring it in payment of taxes or other obligations. As Mosler jokes, “Taxes turn litter into currency.” At the end of the day, a currency-issuing government wants something real, not something monetary. It"s not our tax money the government wants. It"s our time. To get us to produce things for the state, the government invents taxes or other kinds of payment obligations. This isn"t the explanation you"ll find in most economics textbooks, where a superficial story about money being invented to overcome the inefficiencies associated with bartering—trading goods without the use of money—is preferred. In that story, money is just a convenient device that sprang up organically as a way to make trade more efficient. Although students are taught that barter was once omnipresent, a sort of natural state of being, scholars of the ancient world have found little evidence that societies were ever organized around barter exchange. Then why does the government need to borrow? The answer is, it doesn"t. It chooses to offer people a different kind of government money, one that pays a bit of interest. In other words, US Treasuries are just interest-bearing dollars. To buy some of those interest-bearing dollars from the government, you first need the government"s currency. We might call the former “yellow dollars” and the latter “green dollars.” When the government spends more than it taxes away from us, we say that the government has run a fiscal deficit. That deficit increases the supply of green dollars. For more than a hundred years, the government has chosen to sell US Treasuries in an amount equal to its deficit spending. So, if the government spends $5 trillion but only taxes $4 trillion away, it will sell $1 trillion worth of US Treasuries. What we call government borrowing is nothing more than Uncle Sam allowing people to transform green dollars into interest-bearing yellow dollars. MYTH #2: Deficits are evidence of overspending. REALITY: For evidence of overspending, look to inflation. The truth is, we have placed far too much responsibility on central banks, not just in the US but around the world. They cannot alter taxes or spend money directly into the economy, so the best they can do to promote employment is to try to establish financial conditions that will give rise to more borrowing and spending. Lower interest rates might work to induce enough new borrowing to substantially lower unemployment. But they might not. As Keynes famously observed, “You can"t push on a string.” What he meant was that the Fed can make it cheaper to borrow, but it cannot force anyone to take out a loan. Borrowing money puts companies and individuals on the hook for the debts they incur. Loans must be repaid out of future income, and there are good reasons why the private sector might be reluctant to increase its indebtedness at various stages of the business cycle. Remember, households and businesses are currency users, not currency issuers, so they do need to worry about how they"re going to make their payments. TABLE 1. US History of Budget Surpluses and Debt Reduction ======== What this means is that times have changed. The dollar is no longer tied to gold. The US issues a freely floating fiat currency so it doesn"t need to tax or borrow before it can spend. Indeed, as we learned in Chapter 1, the S(TAB) model reflects the way the economy actually works. Taxes aren"t important because they help the government pay the bills. They"re important because they help to prevent government spending from creating an inflation problem. Similarly, bond sales aren"t important because they allow the government to finance fiscal deficits. They"re important because they drain off excess reserves, which enables the Fed to hit a positive interest rate target. But today the Fed pays interest on reserve balances, so it no longer relies on Treasuries to hit its rate target. ======== If we"re not going to eliminate Treasuries, then we must find a way to make peace with the national debt. Perhaps we should start by giving it another name. The national debt is nothing like household debt, so using the word debt just leads to confusion and unnecessary angst. We could just refer to it as part of our net money supply. I doubt yellow dollars will catch on, but hey, it"s worth a shot! In Shakespeare"s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet famously inquires, “What"s in a name?” She wasn"t troubled when she learned that Romeo was a Montague. For her, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Love, as they say, is blind. On the political stage, words matter. It"s time to come up with a new name for these interest-bearing dollars. MYTH #4: Government deficits crowd out private investment, making us poorer. REALITY: Fiscal deficits increase our wealth and collective savings. MYTH #5: The trade deficit means America is losing. REALITY: America"s trade deficit is its “stuff” surplus. ======== A gold standard is only credible if the government can make good on its promise to convert the currency into gold at a fixed price. Having enough gold was critical. And running a trade surplus was the surest way to build up a country"s gold reserves. Conversely, trade deficits led to an outflow of gold, since countries used gold to pay for their imports. To try to prevent the loss of gold reserves, interest rates were frequently raised to draw the flow of gold bullion back into the country. The idea is that higher interest rates would slow down domestic demand sufficiently (meaning fewer imports and therefore less gold flowing out of the country) while the higher returns promised by increased rates would encourage more gold inflows. But raising interest rates to reverse an outflow of gold often meant that governments weren"t free to keep interest rates low to support their domestic economies. Even when high interest rates succeeded in protecting gold reserves, the policy often had devastating consequences. That"s because rising interest rates frequently triggered an economic slowdown, which meant that many of the citizens of the affected country had to endure domestic recessions and entrenched unemployment. So the gold standard created a recessionary bias in economies operating with trade deficits. The inflexibility of the system prevented governments from focusing on full employment. MYTH #6: “Entitlement” programs like Social Security and Medicare are financially unsustainable. We can"t afford them anymore. REALITY: As long as the federal government commits to making the payments, it can always afford to support these programs. What matters is our economy"s long-run capacity to produce the real goods and services people will need. As long as there is plenty, poverty is evil. Government belongs wherever evil needs an adversary and there are people in distress. —JOHN F. KENNEDY An MMT view of the monetary system changes the way we think about what it means for currency-issuing nations to “live within their means.” It asks us to think in terms of real resource constraints—inflation—rather than perceived financial constraints . It teaches us to ask not “How will you pay for it?” but “How will you resource it?” It shows us that if we have the technological know-how and the available resources—the people, the factories, the equipment, and the raw materials—to put a man on the moon or embark on a Green New Deal to tackle climate change, then funding to carry out those missions can always be made available. Coming up with the money is the easy part. Managing the inflation risk is the critical challenge. More than any other economic approach, MMT places inflation at the center of the debate over spending limits. It also offers a more sophisticated array of techniques for managing inflationary pressures than what we have today. [[备注]] How will you resource it? 这个思维重要 What MMT describes is the reality of our post–Bretton Woods monetary system. We are no longer on a gold standard, and yet much of our political discourse is still rooted in that outmoded way of thinking. We see it every time a reporter asks a politician, Where will you find the money to do that? It"s long past time we came to grips with what it means to be the issuer of a sovereign fiat currency. For the currency issuer, money is no object. Literally or figuratively. It doesn"t exist in some scarce physical form—like gold—that the government needs to “find” in order to spend. It is conjured into existence from a computer keyboard each time the Federal Reserve carries out an authorized payment on behalf of the Treasury. ======== Austerity is a failure of imagination—a failure to imagine how we can
2023-06-15 13:43:021