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求美国民事诉讼基本流程 英语作文

2023-06-15 15:01:19

Civil litigation usually begins when the claimant files a document called a complaint.The complaint must announce the jurisdictional basis for the court to take the case and indemnify the plaintiff"s grivance.After th court has been selected and after the case is filed with the court,the plaintiff will serve on the defendant the first of the pleadings with the summons,and the defendant must respond to it.The first major checkpoint after the filing of a complaint appears with the defendant"s opportunity to file a motion to dismiss,which is a way of testing complaints to see if they have legal merit.

If the defendant does not move to dimiss,or,if the motion to dismiss is unsuccessful the defendant must file an answer to the complaint.

As litigation progress ,the parties will be collecting information and evidence about the case,through what is called the "discovery" process. They can collect information through depositions,which are oral examinaions of parties or witness under oath,and interrogatories,which are questions propounded by counsel in writing to the other party.Then,,at the end of the pleadings,results of discovery,and probable evidence are reviewed in an attempt to settle the suit.The issues may be further narrowed,and the judge may even predict the outcome in order to encourage settlement.If the case has not been terminated by dismissal,summary judgement,it must be set for trial.

P.S.美国民事诉讼的基本流程还包括Trial(opening statements,examination of witnesses,motions,charge to the jury,deliberations)、Verdict and Judgment.但基于楼主的要求,就只写到了审前程序。



claimant请求人双语对照词典结果:claimant[英][u02c8kleu026amu0259nt][美][u02c8klemu0259nt]n.原告; 索取者; [法]原告,债权; 复数:claimants以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is in india a rival claimant to the incarnation, with some influential backers. 在印度有位对手声明自己也是化身的原告,背后是一些有影响的支持者。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-14 15:04:272

马克吐温的The American claimant的中译名是什么?

2023-06-14 15:05:082

prosecution claimant plantiff都是原告的意思,那请问在法律中 这3个单词分别是什么时候使用?

2023-06-14 15:05:251


claimant reimbursement claimant
2023-06-14 15:05:362


有这个表达么?用在哪里,请详细说明那在法律上申请人就是claimant(或者说原告) 被申请人就是respondent
2023-06-14 15:06:121


2023-06-14 15:06:207

residual claimant是什么意思

2023-06-14 15:06:353


2023-06-14 15:06:522

求助,懂英语还有法律的高人Butler Machine Tool Co v Ex-Cell-O Corp(England) (1979)

论点在与 counter-offer. 卖家发了offer给买家,买家则回复了一个counter-offer回去给卖家,虽然说明了按照买家的own standard来,但其中并不包括价格变动的条款。最后卖家发货了,货到的时候,问买家多收2000对的价格差,买家不干,说只接受7万,那2000不能给。结果被告上法庭。最后的结果是 法院要求买家付清7万加上2000的变动价格理由是买家已经接受了那个counter-offer
2023-06-14 15:07:032

给我些关于法庭上面的资料 最好是中英文

分类: 社会民生 >> 法律 问题描述: 我要的内容大体是 法庭上面的官员用英语怎么说 只要是参加的人员都要有他们的职务 是什么 详细的话我会给加分 只要是在法庭上面见得到的东西我都要你门回答 和法庭相关的可以找到的话我也要 另外就是 官员在开庭和审判和休庭 和结束时候讲话的大体内容 辩护律师所讲的大体内容 就是要的是那个模式而已 解析: 常用法庭英语 Contempt of Court——蔑视法庭、蔑视法庭 A finding that someone disobeyed a court order. Can also mean disrupting court, for example, by being loud or disrespectful in court. A finding of contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of material deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court. Typically judges in mon law systems have more extensive power to declare someone in contempt than judges in civil law systems. In English law (a mon law jurisdiction) the law on contempt is partly set out in case law, and partly specified in the Contempt of Court Act 1981. Contempt may be a criminal or civil offence. 【注】 藐视法庭,是一种严重的罪行,可以被判罚款或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、违反对法庭作出的承诺,妨碍司法公正等行为。 『笺』 藐视法庭罪,其惩罚范围极其宽泛:凡不服从或不尊重法庭或法官、可能影响司法运作之言行,皆可入罪。蔑视法庭罪,部分是渊源于判例法,部分依据1981年《蔑视法庭法案》。 藐视法庭罪,是指负有举证责任的单位和个人迟延提交证据或者拒不提交证据;负有出庭作证的单位和个人无正当理由拒不出庭作证;负有协助法庭执行审判职务的义务拒不履行协助义务;拒不交纳法庭罚款;在法庭上辱骂或者殴打司法工作人员;对法官进行言语攻击和无理纠缠;聚众哄闹、冲击法庭、扰乱法庭秩序,情节严重的行为。Contributory Negligence——分担责任、过失责任 Contributory negligence, is a mon law defence to a claim or action in tort. It applies to a situation where a plaintiff or claimant has, through their own negligence, caused or contributed to the injury they suffered from a tort. For example where a pedestrian crosses a road carelessly and is hit by a driver who is also driving carelessly. 【注】 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的赔偿额也会相对地减少。 其适用范围是,当事人双方在该民事侵权行为中因其自己的疏忽而引发的意外伤害,其必须承担一定的责任。 『笺』 关于受害人过错的性质,学说上也有不同的观点,主要有“不忠实态度说”、“违反社会义务说”、“未采取合理注意说”和“未预见说”四种。“不忠实态度说”认为,受害人的过错是指受害人违背诚实信用原则,对其自身采取了不忠实的态度;“违反社会义务说”则认为,人人均对其人身和财产负有一种合理的注意义务,违反此义务实际上构成对社会义务的违反;“未采取合理注意说”认为,受害人负有一种使自己处于安全状态、并不使加害人处于一种负责任的危险状态的义务。若受害人未尽合理注意而违反该义务,则不仅使自己处于不安全状态中,而且使他人处于负责任的不安全状态中,于此场合,受害人便有过错;“未预见说”认为,受害人应当预见并且能够预见到自己可能遭受损害。 Continuance——休庭 The adjournment or postponement of a court case to another day. 【注】 即暂时中止一案件的审理,并择日再审。 Copyright——版权 An intangible right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain literary or artistic productions, whereby, for a limited period, the exclusive privilege is given to the person to make copies of the same for publication and sale. 【注】 版权,是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便自动产生及受法律保护,毋须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。 『笺』 美国的第一部版权法是1790年版权法,这部法律保障作者14年出版“地图、图表和书籍”的专权。美国现行的版权法是1976年修改并于1978年月1月1日生效的版权法。尽管美国版权法是国内法,但其对于外国作者的版权在一定情况下给予保护。即不管作者的国籍,只要其作品于1978年1月1日后第一次在美国出版的,美国版权法对其权利给予一定的保护。如果外国作者的作品是1978年以前出版的,其必须是与美国签订有版权公约的有关国家的公民或者其在美国有住所。关于版权侵权方面,美国版权法仅限于保护侵权行为发生在美国的情况。对发生在美国国外的版权侵权问题,美国版权法一般不对版权所有者提供保护。 Counter Claim——反诉、反要求、反索赔 A claim by the defendant in a civil action that the defendant is entitled to damages or other relief from the plaintiff. 【注】 在民事诉讼中,被告可以对原告提出赔偿等反要求。 反诉,是指在已经开始的民事诉讼程序里,被告按照起诉的程序和方式,以本诉的原告作为被告,向法院提出的和本诉有联系的保护自己的民事权利和合法利益的请求。原告提起的诉称为本诉(或称原诉),被告提起的诉称为反诉。 『笺』 反诉与反驳不同。反驳是被告为维护自己的合法权益,针对原告提出的诉讼请求,提出种种有利于自己的事实和根据进行驳斥或否定。根据被告所提出的事实和理由的不同,被告的反驳可以分为程序上的反驳和实体上的反驳。 Court-Appointed Attorney:——法庭指定律师、法庭指定辩护律师 An attorney who is asked by the court (judge) to either represent a party to the case, or to serve in some other capacity that the case requires. 【注】 法庭指定律师,指的是由法庭指定的以代某一案件的当事人进行辩护的律师。 『笺』 美国宪法第六条修正案规定,被告人享有获得律师帮助为其辩护的权利。在司法实践中,这一保障被理解为在刑事诉讼的每个重要阶段被告人都可以由其律师代表,其目的是切实保障刑事被告人在刑事诉讼各阶段的合法权益不受侵犯,切实保障法庭的公正审判得以实现。如果被告人因贫穷无钱聘请律师,法院有义务为其指定律师,费用由 *** 方开支。 Court Interpreter——庭审口译员 The person who translates court hearings from English to another language. Provided at state expense in all criminal cases and in cases enforcing child support orders, if requested. No interpreter is available for divorce or any other civil case. 【注】 庭审口译员,即将庭审内容翻译成其他语言的人。庭审口译主要发生在刑事案件和青少年案件中,象离婚等民事案件无权要求庭审口译。 『笺』 有史记载的法庭口译最早可以追溯到十七世纪在南非的殖民时期(Moeketsi, 1999; Mikkelson,2000)。Colin Morris (1996)比较详细地记录了1682年和1820年在英国进行的有口译服务的庭审(引自Mikkelson,2000)。1682年的那次庭审涉及一件凶杀案,诉讼各方有多种语言背景。而当时法庭在决定哪一方诉讼人有权享有法庭口译服务时,依据的不是各方的语言需求而是阶级,即说英语的贵族才有权享有口译服务。1820年的庭审则是一场涉及卡罗琳王后的通奸案。该案的庭审口译不仅翻译了证人证言的语言内容,而且还解释了其中的文化差异(Mikkelson,2000)。 美国联邦法院于1978年制订了《庭审口译员法案》(Court Interpreters Act of 1978),要求法庭口译员必须完整准确、一字不差地(verbatim)翻译源语信息,不得修饰和省略源语信息,不得更改源话语的语体和语域。该法案为联邦地方法院在美国作为原告时的民事和刑事诉讼中使用庭审口译服务提供了依据,也为颁发庭审口译员证书提供了依据,标志着美国议会对庭审口译这一专业性很强的职业的认可。从此,法庭口译成为一个独立的职业,专门为英语水平较差者提供语言服务。该法案规定的两类服务对象是:只会说或主要说除英语以外的其他语言的,以及有听力障碍的。 Cross-Examination——交互讯问 Questioning by a party or the attorney of an adverse party or a witness. To question thoroughly and relentlessly to verify facts: interrogate. Informal grill. Idioms: give someone the third degree. 【注】 所谓cross-examination,按照英美法系的审判制度,起诉方和被告方均可要求法院传唤证人出庭作证,在庭上先由要求传证人的一方向证人提问,然后再由对方向证人提问,也就是起诉方讯问被告方的证人或被告方讯问起诉方的证人,即双方交叉讯问证人。 Custody——保管,监护,拘留 A court order deciding where a child will live and how decisions about the child will be made. Parents may ask for any custody arrangement that they believe is in the best interest of their child. 【注】 一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对象的保管或拥有,而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权。 Damages——损害赔偿金 Money a party receives as pensation for a legal wrong. 【注】 所谓损害赔偿金,指的是一方当事人因受到侵害而收到的一笔钱。例如:The court awarded the victim of the industrial accident one hundred thousand dollars in damages. (法庭判给劳动事故中受害者100,000美元的赔偿金。) 『笺』 惩罚性赔偿(punitive damages),一般是指由法庭作出的赔偿数额超出了实际损害的赔偿,因此也被称为惩戒性赔偿(exemplary damages)或报复性赔偿(vindictive damages)。在《牛津法律大词典》中,punitive damages,exemplary damages,vindictive damages,是同义词,系一个术语,有时用来指判定的损害赔偿金,它不仅是对原告的补偿,而且也是对故意加害人的惩罚。 另外还有附带性赔偿(incidental damages) 、专门损害赔偿(special damages)等词。 Date rape——约会 *** 、约会时发生的 *** 案 forcible sexual intercourse by a male acquaintance of a woman, during a voluntary social engagement in which the woman did not intend to submit to the sexual advances and resisted the acts by verbal refusals, denials or pleas to stop, and/or physical resistance. The fact that the parties knew each other or that the woman willingly acpanied the man are not legal defenses to a charge of rape, although one Pennsylvania decision ruled that there had to be some actual physical resistance. 【注】 被迫的 *** 行为如果发生在约会的时候,就称之为“约会 *** ”,这同陌生人所犯的 *** 行为一样罪恶。Date rape(约会 *** )是熟识者 *** (acquaintance rape)之一种,它比性骚扰(sexual haras *** ent)的程度更加严重,但又和 *** 不同。 Day in court——出庭日 popular term for everyone""s opportunity to bring a lawsuit or use the court system if he/she thinks he/she has a gripe which can be resolved in court. Example: "John finally got his day in court to protest his speeding ticket." 【注】 一个人出庭申诉或辩护的日子。 Debtor——债务人 One who owes a debt or the performance of an obligation to another, who is called the creditor(债权人); one who may be pelled to pay a claim or demand; anyone liable on a claim, whether due or to bee due. 【注】 debtor(债务人),即债的关系中有义务按约定的条件向另一方(债权人)承担为或不为一定行为的当事人。在债的关系中,债务人是特定的,只有该义务主体才必须向债权人承担交付财产、提供劳务和为或不为一定行为的义务。债务人可以是公民,可以是法人,国家作为民事主体出现时也可以具备债务人的资格。 Decree——法庭判决、判令 A judgment of a court that announces the legal consequences of the facts found in a case and orders that the court""s decision be carried out. Decree is sometimes used interchangeably with determination and order. 【注】 法庭就就某案件所陈事实所作的宣判、判决以及须执行的判令、裁定。Decree(法庭判决)有时可以determination、order来替用。 法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi””和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。 Deed——契约 A written instrument, which has been signed and delivered, by which one individual, the grantor, conveys title to real property to another individual, the grantee; a conveyance of land, tenements, or hereditaments, from one individual to another. At mon law, a deed was an instrument under seal that contained a covenant or contract delivered by the individual who was to be bound by it to the party to whom it was granted. It is no longer required that such an instrument be sealed. 【注】 契约,是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。它一般指土地、房屋、可继承财产的转让。 De facto——事实上的、实际的 Latin for "in fact." Often used in place of "actual" to show that the court will treat as a fact authority being exercised or an entity acting as if it had authority, even though the legal requirements have not been met. 【注】 De facto(事实上的、实际的),de facto系拉丁文,意谓“虽法律上站不住,但事实上却为人所承认”。例如:de facto segregation(事实上的种族隔离);a de facto government(事实 *** );de facto standard(实质标准)。 又如,de facto corporation:地下工厂,又称“事实上公司”(corporation de facto),即指未领有 *** 发给的合法执照,便开始营业或开工生产的公司或工厂。该公司或工厂。该公司或工厂虽未合法登记成立,但其法律行为并非无效,例如其负责人与他人签订契约后,不得以该公司或工厂未经 *** 许可成立而拒绝履约。 『笺』 De facto marriage(事实婚姻),是与法律婚姻相对而言的婚姻形式,指符合结婚的法定实质要件的男女双方未办理结婚登记即以夫妻名义公开、长久同居生活的两性结合。英国、德国、美国、日本等国法律都承认事实婚姻,我国立法对事实婚姻的态度经历了“承认-不承认-承认”三个阶段。 Defalcation——盗用公款、挪用公款、侵吞公款 from Latin for "deduction," withholding or misappropriating funds held for another, particularly by a public official, or failing to make a proper accounting. 【注】 Defalcation(盗用/挪用/侵吞公款),源于拉丁语,意谓“扣除、减除”。此词指通过做假帐以扣交或盗用公款。 Defamation——诽谤 The publication of a statement that injures a person""s reputation. Libel and slander are defamation. 【注】 Defamation(诽谤),即非法破坏他人名誉的行为,口头的毁谤和以书面的永久形式诽谤都可以构成民事索偿的理据或者刑事罪行。 『笺』 根据一般的解释,所谓诽谤指的是恶意的评议。但在法律立场上,各国对诽谤行为的构成,各有不同的解释。例如在英国,诽谤被定义为“可以使公民受到憎恨、嘲笑或藐视的表述”,“使公民在思维正常的人中对他的评价降低的表述”等。在美国,诽谤的代表性定义有多种。美国最高法院为诽谤所下的定义是:“诽谤乃对于尊严之损害,如无其他正常原因,而故意刊布有害于某个人记载,此种记载又为虚伪的、或对他人属实,而对此受害人个人则否者,亦应负一般的违法责任。”纽约州刑法第1340条规定: “怀有恶意出版文字、印刷品、图片、画像、标记或者其他非口头形式的物品,使活着的人或对死去的人的记忆受到憎恨、藐视、嘲笑或指责,使他人受到孤立或有受到孤立的倾向,或使他人或任何公司、社团在经验或职业上的名誉有受到损害的倾向,皆为诽谤。” 英美等西方国家的法律对“诽谤”的解释虽然不尽相同,但基本不出乎美国法学(American Law Institute)汇编的《民事侵权行为重述》这样的定义:“传播某种信息,这种传播倾向毁损他人名誉,以至于降低社会对他的尊重度,或阻止第三人与他产生关系,即为诽谤。”(See American Law Institute,Restatement of Torts,2d ed. Philadelphia:American Law Institute,1975) Default——不履行责任/义务、失责行为、违约、缺席 The failure to fulfill a legal obligation, such as neglecting to pay back a loan on schedule. Failure to make a required court appearance. 【注】 Default(不履行义务)即不履行法律义务。 另外,此词还审判时的缺庭。如default judgment(缺席审判)。 Defence/ defense——抗辩、辩护、答辩 1) a general term for the effort of an attorney representing a defendant during trial and in pre-trial maneuvers to defeat the party suing or the prosecution in a criminal case. 2) a response to a plaint, called an affirmative defense, to counter, defeat or remove all or a part of the contentions of the plaintiff. 【注】 刑事或民事案件中的被告,否认有关的指控或申索,同时提出反对的支持事实。 『笺』 在诉讼上,当事人对于原告请求主张的事实,其反映态度不外有以下四种:即陈述(无该事实-否认)、不知或不记得有该事实、承认该事实(自认或先行自认的承认)、或不为任何陈述(不争执)。而对于自认往往伴有附带陈述而主张其他事实或权利来对原告的请求进行对抗,这就是抗辩。所以,在民事诉讼中,所谓抗辩,是针对请求权提出的一种防御方法,是指当事人通过主张与对方的主张事实所不同的事实或法律关系,以排斥对方所主张的事实的行为。
2023-06-14 15:07:231


compensation的同义词:remuneration。compensation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“补偿;报酬;赔偿金”。对不利局面的补偿;赔偿;补偿或赔偿物;尤指赔偿金;补偿金;使坏的情况变好的事物。单词发音:英[u02ccku0252mpenu02c8seu026au0283n];美[u02cckɑu02d0mpenu02c8seu026au0283n]。补偿的基本意思有弥补缺陷,抵消损失。也有科技方面的补偿,当管道输送介质或管道所处环境有温度变化时,管道由温度引起的热胀冷缩是不可避免的,如果不采取一定的方式补偿该尺寸变化,将会在管壁内产生很高的应力。通过管道传至固定管架或设备,当温差过某一范围时,温差应力大于管子可承受的应力范围,这时就必须考虑补偿问题。当管道输送介质或管道所处环境有温度变化时,管道由温度引起的热胀冷缩是不可避免的,如果不采取一定的方式补偿该尺寸变化。将会在管壁内产生很高的应力,通过管道传至固定管架或设备,当温差过某一范围时,温差应力大于管子可承受的应力范围,这时就必须考虑补偿问题。在管系补偿设计中,最为经济的是自然补偿,自然补偿是利用管道的自然弯曲形状所具有的柔性来补偿热位移。双语例句:1、He received one year"s salary as compensation for loss of office.他得到一年的薪水作为失去职位的补偿金。2、They want $20,000 in compensation for each of about 500 claimants.他们想要给约500个投诉者每人2万美元作为补偿金。3、Helen gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class.海伦通过赢得公开赛的决赛获得了对先前失利的一些补偿。
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segmentn.段,节;部分【计算机】(字符等的)分段;(程序)段;图块【动物学】节片,体节【数学】(线)段,节;球缺,弓形【机械学】扇形体【语音学】音节vt.把…分割(或切割)成段,使成节:把…分割(或切割)成段,使成节:to segment an iron bar把铁杆分割成段vi.分割,分割成段(或节):segmented programme段程序part n.地区;区域(尤指国家的某一地区)[复数][口语]远离家或文明的地方一部分,局部;(某特殊的)部分…分之一;等分中的一份基本构成部分;要素,零件;元件;部件;备件片段部分量;分量等分(构成整体各相等部分中的一份)(人或动物的)机体或器官的部位(文学作品的)部;篇;卷;分册【数学】[前接序数词]…分之一;[前接基数词]…分之…;[配合比]分【数学】整除部分;部分分数;部分分式任务;职责;本分;义务;(工作等的)分担部分;作用;份儿[通常用复数]才华;才能;资质(剧中的)角色;(角色的)台词、动作;剧本【音乐】声部;乐曲的…部;分谱;(曲式中的)部,段关系;关心的事(交易、交战、争议、贸易等的)一方;…方面[美国英语](头发的)分缝;头路(=[英国英语] part-ing)【建筑学】(柱下部)半径的1/30【语言学】词类(parts of speech)vt.分;使分开;使分裂:The stones were parted in pieces by heavy blows.石头被猛击后而成碎块。(将头发)分开梳:His hair was parted exactly in the middle.他的头发从正中间向两边分开。使(缆索、锚链等)断裂:The ship parted her hawsers in the gale.大风中船的缆索断了。强使分开;使不接触:The crowd was parted right and left to make way for the party.群众向左右分开给那一队人让路。断绝(关系、联系等);离去:“I must part you now,”he said sadly to the mother and child.“我必须和你们分离了,”他哀伤地对妈妈和孩子说。区分;区别,辨别(学说、理论等):The lawyer parted error from crime for him in court.在法庭上律师把他的错误与罪行区分开来。(用提炼等化学方法)分解;分解出:The workers parted gold from silver in the workshop.在车间里工人们把金子从银子中提炼出来。[英国口语]使拿出(钱),使花(钱) (from):He"s not easily parted from his money.要他花钱可不容易。[古语]分配;把…分成若干份:The charitable organization parted food among claimants.慈善机构把食品分配给每个要求者。[古语]离开[英国方言]放弃vi.分;分开;断裂,分割成两等份。The cable suddenly parted.缆索突然断裂。分离;分手;中止联系;断绝关系:We feel as if we had been parted from each other for years.我们觉得好像分别了好多年了。(河流等)分道;分叉:The street parts two blocks ahead.这条街道在前面过了两个街区后分叉了。出走;离去;离开(与 from 连用):He parted from his native shore a year ago.一年前他出国留洋了。放弃[古语]离开;死去[口语]出钱;付款[古语]分发adj.部分的;局部的;一部的adv.部分地;局部地;有几分;有些One hundred thousand US dollars
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A Song of Ice and Fire is set primarily in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, a large, South American-sized continent with an ancient history stretching back some twelve thousand years. A detailed history reveals how seven kingdoms came to dominate this continent, and then how these seven nations were united as one by Aegon the Conqueror, of House Targaryen. Some 283 years after Aegon"s conquest, the Targaryens are overthrown in a civil war and King Robert Baratheon, backed primarily by his friend Lord Eddard Stark and foster father Lord Jon Arryn, takes the Iron Throne. The novels, which begin fifteen years later, follow the fall-out from this event across three major storylines, set not only in Westeros but on the eastern continent as well.The first storyline, set in the Seven Kingdoms themselves, chronicles a many-sided struggle for the Iron Throne that develops after King Robert"s death. The throne is claimed by his son Joffrey, supported by his mother"s powerful family, House Lannister, but Robert"s brother Stannis claims (correctly) that Robert"s children are illegitimate, and claims the throne himself, to a less-than-enthusiastic response. Robert"s youngest brother, Renly, also claims the throne with the support of the extremely powerful House Tyrell. Whilst these three claimants battle for the throne itself, Robb Stark, Lord Eddard Stark"s heir, is proclaimed King in the North as the northmen and their allies in the Riverlands seek to break away from the Iron Throne and rule themselves. Similarly, Balon Greyjoy also claims the throne of his own region, the Iron Islands, and likewise seeks independence. The War of the Five Kings is the principal storyline in the second and third novels, with its fall-out and repercussions affecting much of what follows.The second storyline is set on the extreme northern border of Westeros. Here, eight thousand years ago, a huge wall of ice and gravel was constructed by spells and by hand to defend Westeros from the threat of "The Others", a semi-mythical race of ice creatures living in the uttermost north. The 300-mile-long, 700-foot-tall Wall is defended by the Sworn Brotherhood of the Night"s Watch, which by the time of the novels is badly under-strength and under threat by the human "wildlings" or "free folk" who live to the north. This storyline strand follows Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark, as he rises through the ranks of the Watch and learns the true nature of the threat from the north. By the end of the third volume, this storyline has become more entangled with the civil war to the south as well.The third storyline is set on the huge eastern continent and follows the adventures of Daenerys Targaryen, the last (known) scion of House Targaryen and another claimant to the Iron Throne. Daenerys"s story shows her growing rise to power, from a near-penniless wanderer to a powerful and canny ruler who possesses the last living dragons. Though her story is separated from the others by many thousands of miles, her stated goal is to reclaim the Iron Throne. Although she is not known to many in Westeros, the chaos of two civil wars in rapid succession has led to much yearning among the smallfolk for the days of stability under the Targaryens. Daenerys" storyline will return her to Westeros before the end of the series.The eponymous Song of Ice and Fire is mentioned only once in the series, in a vision Daenerys sees in A Clash of Kings: "He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire", spoken by a Targaryen (probably Daenerys"s dead older brother Rhaegar Targaryen) about his infant son named Aegon. It is implied that there is a connection between the song, the promise, and Daenerys herself. This is established more clearly in A Feast for Crows, when Aemon Targaryen identifies Daenerys as the heir that was promised. The phrase "ice and fire" is also mentioned in the Reeds" oath of loyalty to Bran in A Clash of Kings. However, the song and the promise are never mentioned again, and the song itself remains a mystery.
2023-06-14 15:08:311


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71B:费用 开证行以外的费用由受益人承担48:交单期 装船后15天内49:保兑指示 不需要保兑53:偿付行——银行识别码 BIC ANZBSGSXXXX78:给付款行/承兑行/议付行的指示 +此信用证项下的偿付费用75美元/次就从受益人中扣除; +单据需一次邮寄到如下地址:JL. PEMUDA 54,SURABAYA。单据须完全符合信用证条款;偿付 费用需由提出偿付者承担。57D:通知行地址及名称:名称/地址:BANK OF COMMUNICATION QINHUANGDAO BRANCH 请参照47A72:银行间通知 通知受益人不需要保兑
2023-06-14 15:09:192


●中译本 (台湾繁体本比较吸引人)§幸福的配方/ The Luck Factor -Change your luck-and change your life /→Richard Wiseman / 李察?韦斯曼/ 2003 / 大块文化出版股份有限公司/人不是生而幸运,人创造幸运/ NT$ 250 / 平装 / 奚修君§让你瞬间看穿人心的怪咖心理学/ Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things/→Richard Wiseman / 李察?韦斯曼/ 2003 /漫游者文化事业股份/史上最搞怪的心理学实验报告/ NT$ 320 / 平装 / 洪慧芳§比能力,更要比眼力/ Did You Spot the Gorilla? /→Richard Wiseman / 李察?韦斯曼/2006 /大块文化出版股份有限公司/ 看见大猩猩的人有福了/ NT$ 180 / 平装 / 黄聿君●英文原版 貌似都蛮贵,且又有平装和精装版本。主要参考Dr.R.Wiseman"s Blog& 英国Amozaon网站。§Paranormality: Why we see what isn"t there→Wiseman, R. (2011). London, UK: Pan Macmillan.§59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot→Wiseman, R. (2009). London, UK: Pan Macmillan.§Quirkology: The Curious Science Of Everyday Lives→Wiseman,R.(2008). London, UK: Pan Books.§Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things→Wiseman,R.(2007).Basic Books.§Parapsychology (International Library of Psychology)→Wiseman, R. & Watt, C. (2005). London, UK: Ashgate Pub Co.§The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind→Wiseman, R. (2004). London, UK: Arrow Books Ltd.§Did You Spot the Gorilla?: How to Recognise the Hidden Opportunities in Your Life→Wiseman,R.(2004). London, UK: Arrow Books Ltd.§Laughlab: The Scientific Search for the World"s Funniest Joke→Wiseman, R. (2002). London, UK: Random House.§Magic in Theory: an introduction to the theoretical and psychological elements of conjuring→Lamont, P. & Wiseman, R. (1999). Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press (US edition: Hermetic Press).§Deception and self-deception: Investigating Psychics→Wiseman, R. (1997). Amherst, USA: Prometheus Press.§Guidelines for Extrasensory Perception Research→Milton, J. & Wiseman, R. (1997). Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press.§Guidelines for Testing Psychic Claimants→Wiseman, R. & Morris, R. L. (1995). Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press (US edition: Amherst, USA: Prometheus Press)
2023-06-14 15:09:301

[急需]寿险责任准备金 的中英文对照文献

英文文献原文Setting Realistic Reserves -- Projecting the Company"s Future ObligationsBy Robert J. Prahl, CPCUDirector of EducationAmerican Association of Insurance Services (AAIS), Wheaton, ILAccording to a recent National Underwriter article, property casualty insurers collectively made reserve adjustments totaling approximately $20 billion in 2002. The companies that announced these reserve increases were among the most conservatively managed operations in the business, which suggests that there may be more companies yet to "take a hit." There is concern that these reserve deficiencies will further weaken insurer balance sheets and limit future growth, and that some companies may not be able to pay, while others will dispute claims.What is a reserve and why can they have such a dramatic effect on the underlying financial strength of the property-casualty industry?A reserve, stated simply, is a sum of money that is set aside from surplus into the liability account to meet some future obligation. Since reserves represent future obligations of an insurance company, they are classified as liabilities on the company"s balance sheet. Reserves are obviously important since they can be a measure of a company"s financial health. Improper reserves, either inadequate or excessive, can present a false picture of a company"s financial condition and lead to serious problems.The two principal types of reserves established by insurance companies are claim reserves and unearned premium reserves. Unearned premium reserves represent that portion of the premium that has not been earned or used up at any particular time. For example, the earned premium on a one-year policy generating $1,000 in premium that is canceled after three months is $250. (One-fourth of $1,000 has been earned.) The unearned portion of the premium at this point is $750. Since the company has not yet earned the $750, it must be set aside as a reserve. Although unearned premium reserves are an important factor in determining a company"s financial position and future production capacity, the focus of this discussion is on claim reserves. To understand the significance of claim reserves, it is necessary that three basic questions be answered. They are:1. What is a claim reserve?2. Why are claim reserves necessary?3. How are claim reserves established?What Is a Claim Reserve?A claim reserve is an estimate of what a claim will cost. The reserve represents money that is set aside for the eventual payment of a claim. From the company"s standpoint, a claim is incurred when it happens, regardless of when in the future it is paid.Some companies include estimated claim expenses in the reserve amount while others establish a separate reserve for the claim and a separate reserve for anticipated expenses, such as independent adjuster fees, legal fees, charges for police reports, hospital records, appraisals, and so on.Still others "bulk" reserves for expense amounts.Why Are Claim Reserves Necessary?Insurance is characterized as an "intangible" product because the insured does not receive anything material or tangible for his or her premium dollar until a claim is paid. The payment of a claim is what consummates the insurance contract. It is especially important, therefore, that when claims become due, money is available to meet those obligations. Insurance companies are regulated for solvency so that they will be able to pay claims in the future.With respect to liability claims, and particularly bodily injury liability claims, years may pass before a claim is paid. This might be due to the fact that time is needed for the injury to heal or because the claim is in litigation. Because of the extended time involved before such claims are finally settled and closed, bodily injury liability claims are sometimes referred to as "long tail" claims.Since an insurer has an obligation to pay covered claims, it is understandably important that funds be available for this purpose when claims are ultimately settled.Claim reserves are necessary to properly recognize, at any given time, a company"s future obligations.The importance of proper reserving is further demonstrated by the fact that claim reserves are required by insurance regulatory law. In addition, the reserving practices of companies are periodically audited by state insurance departments in an effort to recognize potential problems and to take corrective action to avoid company insolvencies.The importance of reserving was expressed by Conning Research & Consulting, Inc., in a January 2003 report titled "Property-Casualty Reserve Adequacy; Digging Deeper."". . . . The ongoing recession, the rising cost of medical care, the emergence of mold and re-emergence of asbestos and other environmental claims, and the lingering impact of September 11, have all contributed to the pressure mounting on P-C insurers" reserves. Despite the fact that loss reserves are the largest liability on insurers" balance sheets, most stakeholders (employees, regulators, investors and agents/brokers) do not critically examine their adequacy. Individual company results, particularly for a single line, are likely to differ, often dramatically, from those of the industry. The survival of some insurers and reinsurers may well depend on their ability to accurately reserve and appropriately price."The report is available by calling toll free (888) 707-1177, or by accessing the company"s Web site at reserving, both under-reserving and over-reserving, adversely affect a company"s financial position. Inadequate reserves understate a company"s liabilities and overstate its surplus. The following example, although admittedly an oversimplification, should help demonstrate the effect of under reserving. A basic accounting principle is that assets minus liabilities equal surplus.In this hypothetical example, assume that assets are $1,000 and liabilities are $750. For purposes of illustration, assume further that liabilities are comprised totally of claim reserves.Suppose, however, that this particular company has a serious under-reserving problem, and as claims are ultimately settled, they actually cost $950, instead of the $750 originally estimated. Under these circumstances, the balance sheet would appear as follows:It is evident here that as claims are settled, the company must draw from its surplus in order to meet its claim settlement obligations. If such a situation continues unchecked, and surplus is depleted, the company faces insolvency.In addition to the fact that inadequate reserving understates the company"s liabilities and overstates its surplus, it also may have a negative effect on rate making. Since reserves are an integral part of rate making, inadequate reserves can result in rates that are lower than they should be and this may hasten a company"s decline.Over-reserving can create problems as well. Over-reserving understates a company"s financial strength and may create the false impression that rate increases are necessary or justified. In addition, since earnings are understated, the company pays less taxes. A company suspected of over-reserving invites audits by the tax authorities that could result in penalties being assessed against it.In summary, claim reserves are necessary to properly recognize a company"s future obligations. Proper reserving is important in order to accurately reflect a company"s financial position. The importance of proper reserving is further demonstrated by the attention given to companies" loss reserving practices by the various state insurance departments.How Are Claim Reserves Established?Claim reserves are established essentially in two ways:1. statistically or actuarially by monitoring past lostexperience and projecting future losses;2. subjectively by the claim person"s judgment.Types of ReservesAverage or Formula reserves - Average or formula reserves are set statistically by the actuarial or accounting department and are based on past loss experience and adjusted periodically.Assets - Liabilities = Surplus$1,000 - $750 = $250Assets - Liabilities = Surplus$1,000 - $750 = $250 (estimated)$1,000 - $950 = $ 50 (actual)This reserving method usually is applied to high-volume type claims such as auto collision, comprehensive, property damage, and medical payments where payments generally are minimal and claims settled fairly quickly. The extent to which average reserves are used varies by company and by line of insurance. Since these reserves are set, for the most part, by the accounting or statistical department, they are not of primary concern to claim people.Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) - Frequently, losses or accidents that have already happened are not reported for weeks, months, or even years after the incident. This is quite common after a catastrophe such as a hurricane or tornado, when early on the company does not know with any accuracy the number or amount of claims that will be generated as a result of the catastrophe. It knows losses have been incurred, but realizes that many of those losses will not be reported immediately. In such cases, it estimates the losses it believes to have been incurred but not yet reported. Despite the fact that these claims have not been reported, they are incurred from the company"s standpoint when they happen. Hence, the phrase "incurred but not reported" is used to describe this type of reserve.With regard to liability claims, accident reports may be delayed for a variety of reasons. Aside from the normal time lag in reporting claims, the insured may be initially unaware that insurance coverage is available for the claim or the claimant may not immediately recognize that the policyholder may have been responsible for the accident. Products liability, medical malpractice, and latent disease claims (i.e., asbestos or leadrelated claims) where injuries may not be evident for years after the occurrence or exposure, have magnified reserving problems associated with properly estimating IBNR reserves.Whatever the reason for the delayed report, it is reasonably safe to assume that a company always has outstanding claims that have not yet been reported. Estimates for IBNR reserves ordinarily are based on past experience, to the extent possible. They may be further modified by what actuaries believe are relatively certain projections regarding claim frequency and severity. With respect to catastrophe losses, the claim practitioner can estimate the areas (states, counties, etc.) and number of insureds who may have sustained damage to arrive at an IBNR reserve, which may change from month to month.In any event, such reserves are established by actuaries and senior management and, like average reserves, do not require the attention of claim people.Individual Case Reserves - Individual case reserves are reserves set subjectively by the claim person on an individual claim basis. After considering the many factors associated with the claim, the claim handler uses his or her judgment to set the case reserve. Case reserves are typically applied to claims that remain open for an extended period of time and are most commonly associated with bodily injury liability claims. Many companies modify case reserves statistically, based on past and projected loss experience.There is no magic or proven formula for setting individual case reserves. They are established essentially by the judgment and experience of the claim practitioner. Proper and realistic case reserving is one of the primary responsibilities of the claim department. Who sets the reserve, whether it be the adjuster, supervisor, or manager, is determined by individual company claim policy. Regardless of who sets the reserve, however, the claim adjuster is in an ideal position to furnish the kind of information necessary to set accurate and realistic case reserves. This necessary information includes the adjuster"s opinion of legal liability, nature and extent of the injury or damage, medical bills, and so on.Precisely when in the life of a claim a case reserve is established varies by company and by line of insurance .Some companies require that case reserves be established immediately after the initial investigation is completed or within 30 days from notice of claim. Other companies defer setting case reserves for as long as three or even six months, so that sufficient information can be obtained to set a relatively realistic reserve. Until that time, these claims usually carry an average reserve.The more specific information the adjuster obtains about the loss or claim, the more accurate the reserve will be. With the necessary information, the person responsible for setting the reserve can make a fairly accurate assessment of the company"s exposure and decide upon a monetary figure that represents the ultimate cost of the claim.In those cases in which little or no payment is contemplated, such as where the insured"s liability is doubtful and the case will be defended or settled on a compromise basis, the expense factor must be considered. An expense reserve is usually established to reflect the fact that considerable investigative and legal expenses will be incurred to defend the claim.One of the problems with setting case reserves for a bodily injury claim is that it is difficult to estimate the ultimate cost of a claim with only limited information about the injury and no specific indication of how and to what extent the injured person will recover. In addition, important information about the claim or injury ma
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Company A and B on the quality of the dispute, after more than two months of time are inconclusive. B Company claims 260,000 euros, taking into account the company at the time products do exist certain level of quality problems, while company B pressure over 220,000 euros paid for, if not acceptable to B"s claim, even through legal means is also difficult to take This money back. It will lead to a stalemate A comprehensive production company, then the landlord C and other suppliers of raw materials such as the taking of measures, the consequences would be unthinkable. After the payment, B Company will continue to purchase A company"s products, production can operate normally, the raw materials to reduce debt, rent arrears, the bank debt would benefit, but also the emotional stability of staff, in addition paid to write off immediately after the export company Can be reduced more than 60 million of tax losses. The two sides agreed to fully friendly consultation company B 225489.26 euros pressure the company to pay the claimed amount of compensation, the amount of compensation within two months of follow-up in the process of shipping prices to the way of compensation. Hereby resolution.
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一、非燃料固体矿产矿业权申请登记程序及规定在美国联邦所有的土地上进行探矿、采矿活动都要进行申请和登记。美国内政部土地管理局矿业权登记处负责矿业权申请、矿业权批准和确认、矿业权转让等申请登记活动。此外,土地管理局矿权登记处还负责记录每年税费的收取、每年评估工作文件的归档、评估工作的延期、所要求文件、税费、转让的裁定以及违反规定和要求取消矿业权决定的通知等。在公共土地上勘探除煤以外的固体矿产,应向土地管理局申请勘探许可证。有两种类型的许可证:①勘查许可证(ExplorationLicense):即使发现矿床,不享有获得矿产租约的权利;②勘探许可证(ProspectingPermit):如果发现矿床,享有获得矿产租约(即采矿权)的优先权。经勘探程序,在联邦所有土地(包括土地管理局管理的公共土地和农业部森林局管理的林地)上发现的矿产如磷酸盐、钠、钾等,由土地管理局签发租约。地表归私人但矿权归联邦政府的土地,也由土地管理局签发矿产租约。除煤炭和油页岩以外,对可租借的固体矿产,土地管理局以两种方式签订租约:一是在已知有矿床的地区,竞争性签发;二是通过投标活动竞争性签发。前文已述,在未知是否有矿床的地区,土地管理局可根据私人申请先发放勘查许可证。如发现矿床,对勘探许可证持有者来说,土地管理局也可以不通过竞争方式与其签订租约。前面已述,1872年签署生效的《通用采矿法》及以后的各次修正案建立了矿产专属权概念或制度(MineralPatents)。所谓矿产专属权,是指采矿权要求者(MiningClaimant)对所要求的土地有专属的、排他性的权利。成功的矿产专属权(MineralPatents)获得者必须要满足以下条件:1)对采矿权申请者(即要求者)来说,必须说明有商业开采价值的矿床的自然出现。2)对处理(选冶)场地,必须要表明有适当的利用和占有利用期限,以支持采矿运作,并要求坐落在非矿产地上。3)对采矿权或处理工厂有清楚明白的所有权凭证。4)使评估工作和/或维持费保持在现行状态,并对每一矿权要求完成了至少价值500美元的完善工作。5)达到内政部矿产专属权获得的规章要求(联邦规章法典43CFR3861、3862、3863和3864)。6)支付了所规定的处理费和所申请土地面积的购买价。土地管理局通过其12个州办公室和位于华盛顿市的总部办公室管理这一矿产专属权审批项目。审批项目有两个实质要素,一为审查评估(adjudi-cation),另一为矿产检查。首先,在每个州办公室的土地法检查员先就申请是否完整和是否符合相关法律规定进行评估,一旦申请通过审查评判程序,则转到土地管理局野外办公室进行正式的矿产检查,以验证在矿权申请地是否真正发现有价值(商业上可行)的矿床以及处理厂(选矿场)是否合适地利用或占用土地。矿产检查员是土地管理局的地质科学家和采矿工程师,他们由土地管理局局长签发证件进行矿产检查,并编撰相关的矿床调查报告以表明申请者是否符合《通用采矿法》的相关规定。没有表明发现或适当使用或占用土地的申请者将要面临矿产专属权竞争程序,并可能失去相关的采矿权和选场场地。如果矿产报告证实了一个有价值的矿床的发现,和/或合适使用和占用了相关的处理厂(选冶厂),则土地管理局将把申请书送到内政部部长手中作最后的审查和行动。如果申请者通过了最后的审查,则土地管理局签发所申请土地上的矿产专属权(MineralPatent)证。在矿业权许可证申请过程中,土地管理局地表管理项目(SurfaceMan-agementProgram)负责在公共土地上进行矿产勘查、采矿和复垦行动的授权工作,并颁发许可证。根据土地管理与政策法第302b条款,任何扰动地表的采矿或加工活动都需要得到授权。相关授权和许可证一般可通过野外办公室(FieldOffice)获得。根据土地管理局相关规定,使用土地,一般有三种类型的授权:①偶尔使用;②通告;③生产计划。偶尔使用授权涉及用手工工具的简单活动,不需要用炸药和机械设备,不需要许可证。通告层次授权涉及使用炸药和机械设备,每年总的未复垦地表面积不得超过5英亩。对所有其他扰动地表的活动,都需要编制生产计划,且需要提交完整的环境评估报告和交纳复垦保证金。以后将被收回矿产准入权的采矿权持有者必须要证明,为了达到采矿的目的,他们有权继续占用和使用土地。到收回日期为止和截至矿产检查日期为止,持有者必须要表明他们发现了有价值的矿床,并根据《通用采矿法》的规定适当地使用和占用了土地。否则采矿权持有者将没有有效的持有权,采矿权将被内政部收回。在公共土地上和国家森林系统土地(由农业部森林局负责管理)上的矿业权,由土地管理局负责发放许可证和签订租约,但建筑材料的砂、石、粘土除外,即在联邦森林局负责管理的林地上的砂、石、粘土,由森林局发放许可证或签订合同。在印第安事务局管理的印第安部落土地和托管的单独印第安人区土地上的矿业权,由印第安事务局负责发放许可证和签订租约。二、陆上石油天然气租约程序及规定联邦土地管理局的石油和天然气租约项目都是以竞争为基础的。任何人或其代表可通过投标方式获得石油和天然气项目的租约权。通常在拍卖举行的至少45天前,列有欲拍卖区块的(竞争性租约出售)通知将由内政部土地管理局各个州办公室公布,同时,适用于每个区块租约的具体规定和要求也将在出售通知中一并公布。在口头拍卖中没有收到投标的油气区块可在从销售拍卖日期的两年内根据先来者先服务的原则进行谈判签约。然而,在销售日期后,所有对未出售区块所提出或给出的租约条件都被认为是同时的,当对某一区块的申请者超过一人时,则举行公开抽签,确定获胜者。无论是通过竞争性活动还是通过非竞争性活动获得的租约,石油和天然气租约都将采用标准形式。非竞争性租约的申请者须向土地管理局州办公室提出申请,目标土地必须是在最近2年内进行了竞争性销售的。申请者必须要支付非退还性申请费75美元,并预交第一年每英亩1.5美元的年租金。如果土地管理局拒绝了你的申请和条件,仅退还年土地租金。投标每英亩2美元起价。在每个租约年的开始时必须要偿付每英亩1.5美元的年租金,高投标者必须要支付每区块(eachparcel)75美元的管理费。任何人或实体在美国本土任何州不能拥有超过246080英亩的联邦油气租约面积,其中不超过200000英亩享有买卖特权。联邦政府购买的土地,面积限制和以上相同。在阿拉斯加州北坡油气租约区面积数不超过300000英亩,在阿拉斯加南坡油气租约区面积也不得超过300000英亩,其中享有买卖特权的面积不超过200000英亩。违反这些规定,租约或利益将可能被取消或没收,直到数量达到相关规定限制。多余的土地部分将在相反的征购次序下被取消。由于单元或合作计划终止或缩减的结果,在租约从运作、钻探或开发合同中被取消的情况下,导致一方拥有的面积数超过规定标准,则该方可有90天的时间减少所持有的面积以达到规定标准,并向主管的土地管理局办公室提交面积减少的证据。如果由于并购或购买某一公司控制的土地而导致面积超过规定标准时,则该方应在并购或购买日期的180天内剥离所超过的面积部分。如果为剥离所超过的面积而需要额外的时间,则应在180天日期终止前向授权官员提交要求额外延长时间及其理由的申请书。土地管理局签发的油气租约时间期限为10年。每年必须要准时支付年租金,直到生产出油气产品需要支付权利金时为止。油气租约一般不能续签,只有在以下情况下才能续签:①超过终止日期的钻探;②为了租约的利益,生产盈利数量的石油或天然气;③从合作或单元计划中排除;④租约中的所有利益已卖给了另一方。租约可以进行转让或分租。转让协议必须在转让协议执行日期的90天内提交土地管理局进行批准。只有在转让协议得到了土地管理局批准后,受让人的权利才能得到政府承认,否则租约的权利义务仍由转让人承担。单独区(separatezone)或矿床或法律上的细分块的一部分不得转让。阿拉斯加境外不到640英亩或阿拉斯加境内不到2560英亩的租约转让,只有当转让构成了完整租约协议或表明有助于进一步的油气开发时才能被批准。租约所有者可以通过向土地管理局有管辖权的州办公室提交一份书面声明而部分或全部地放弃租约,租约放弃自放弃声明所提交的日期起开始生效。但承租人必须要封闭好所有废弃的钻孔,完成好土地管理局所要求的其他工作,并使其账户清楚可查。如果承租人没有很好地完成这些所必需的工作,则承租人的保证金将用于做此项工作的费用,同时,承租人以后将被禁止租用任何联邦土地。三、煤炭租约程序和规定根据1977年的《联邦煤炭租约修正法》,内政部土地管理局负责570百万英亩联邦政府拥有煤资产所有权的煤炭土地的租约签订活动,这些土地的地表资产可能为土地管理局、农业部森林局、私人、州政府或联邦政府其他机构所控制。在煤炭租约发放前,必须要通过严格的土地利用规划程序,包括土地的多种用途、土地的持续性生产、保护重要的环境(生态)区、应用具体的不适合性标准、与其他联邦机构的协作等。对含有(丰富)煤炭资源(矿床)的联邦土地而言,制定土地利用规划的方式和程序是独特的,一般有4个具体的筛选步骤:①鉴别煤开发潜力;②确定该土地是否适合煤炭开发;③考虑多种利益冲突;④与地表权所有者协商等。1977年颁布的《联邦煤炭租约修正法》规定,所有在公共土地上可进行煤炭租借签约的地方都必须要以竞争的方式取得。任何利益方(兴趣方)进行竞争性投标联邦煤炭租约的机会平等。竞争性签署租约有以下要求:①露天开采的煤炭权利金税率为12.5%,井下开采的煤炭权利金税率为8%;②在租约签订的10年内,必须要开采出商业数量的煤炭,否则将终止租约;③竞争性的租约投标必须要达到或超过土地管理局的公平市场价格的评估值,方可签订租约;④保护其他资源。煤炭租约的竞标者必须要满足以下条件:必须是美国公民或根据美国或州法律成立的公民组织,或根据美国或州法律成立的公司(包括经营铁路运输的公司),或是公共团体(包括市政府)。此外,还必须遵守(或满足)以下条件:在任何一个州,无论是直接的还是间接的,累计租约面积不能超过75000英亩;在全美国累计租约面积不能超过150000英亩。持有联邦煤炭租约10年以上,但未生产出商业数量煤炭的租约持有者,不能要求其他矿产租约。根据1920《矿产租约法》,此处其他矿产包括石油、天然气、钠、钾、磷酸盐、硫和硬沥青。新的煤炭租约申请者,如要进行煤炭租约申请,还必须提供自我证明的声明,表明你遵守了所有现行法律和法规。土地管理局收取煤炭租约收益,包括以下方面:①在土地管理局签发租约时所付的红利(bonus);②每年每英亩土地3美元的租地费;③煤炭采出后,根据煤炭价值所偿付的权利金。对这些收益,内政部和州进行分成。四、砂、石材料利用程序和规定联邦土地管理局关于砂石材料的政策是:只要在可能的情况下和可能的地方,特别是在环境可接受的地方,尽可能使这些物质材料能为公众和地方政府机构所利用。土地管理局原则上以公平的市场价格出售这些矿物材料,但因公共项目可免费向州、县和其他政府实体提供这些石料,也可以向非赢利性组织免费提供一定数量的矿物石料。州、县、其他政府实体和非赢利性组织等免费获得的石料不能在市场上进行交易和出售。土地管理局出售石料所获得的收入将与石料产地州政府进行分成。从公共土地上开采矿物石料,原则上不要求填写具体的申请表,但要有授权和许可证。要求购买矿物石料的个人必须要同石料需求地或石料生产地最近的土地管理局在地方上的办公室进行联系并办理相关事宜。土地管理局接受和处理矿物石料开采的申请,将严格遵守土地管理局的土地利用规划。开采矿物石料的任何人和团体都必须要遵守相关法律规定,包括环境保护法上的规定。土地管理局将定期进行检查和产量核查,以确保开采者遵守合同和许可证要求,防止和减少未授权的利用。开采石料前,必须要先提交复垦计划。复垦计划必须要符合州机构的相关要求,并必须要得到土地管理局的批准。内容包括去除所有地表上的碎屑、重塑地表轮廓、减缓坡度、种植植被等。五、海上油气租约签署程序和规定美国海上(外大陆架)石油天然气租约由内政部矿产管理局签署、发布。内政部矿产管理局油气租约从信息发布到最后签署的基本程序或步骤是:①信息和提名邀约,准备一份环境影响报告意向的通知;②地区鉴别;③环境影响报告草案;④公众听证;⑤最后的环境影响报告;⑥计划出售通告;⑦州长意见;⑧最后的出售通告;⑨出售;⑩发放租约。整个程序一般需2年或2年多的时间完成。开展外大陆架油气租约活动或程序的第一步是,矿产管理局在联邦注册网(FederalRegister)中公布一个信息和提名邀约(CallforInformationand Nomination)和一个准备环境影响报告的意向通知(NoticeofIntent)。公布期一般为45天。第二步,在邀约公布期结束后,矿产管理局为租约制定、评估和推荐进一步的环境分析和考虑方案。第三步,在主要的联邦行动采取前,按国家环境政策法(NEPA)要求,制定一份“环境影响报告草案”。第四步,在“环境影响报告草案”公布的30天后、60天内,举行一次或数次公众听证会。第五步,对听证会上所提出的意见进行分析、评估,并整合进“最后的环境影响报告”中。第六步,州长评议,可能会受到油气勘查、开发影响的州的州长对“最后的环境影响报告”提出意见。第七步,公开宣布计划的出售方案,发布 “计划的出售通知”(PNOS)。第八步,在每个可能受到影响州的州长对“计划的出售通知”评议期结束后,矿产管理局为内政部长准备好最后的决定备忘录。如果部长考虑了州长的意见和新的相关数据后,决定继续租约出售,则部长发布“最后的出售通知”。第九步,在联邦注册网中公布“最后的出售通知”后30天,够资格的投标者所提交的标书被公开打开和宣读,每份标书需支付相当于现金红利投标价额的1/5作为预先支付定金。在标书被公开宣读后,矿产管理局决定是接收投标、发放租约还是拒绝投标。第十步,当出标高的投标者被矿产管理局认为是可接收时,投标者将立刻被通知相关决定,并被提供一套正式的租约表。投标者必须在规定的时间内支付完剩下的4/5的红利投标和第一年的全部租金。矿产管理局在收到所要求的付款和适当填写的租约表后,将签发租约。租约在主管官员签署日期的下个月的第一天生效。《外大陆架土地法》规定,除非证明更大面积的区块是必要的,否则海上租约区块面积一般不得超过5760英亩。如果油气生产暂停申请被批准,租约期也可以延长。(海上油气)租约全部或部分利益可以被转让,但需要主管地区主任(RegionalDirector)批准。通常,在租约转让批准前,矿产管理局可能就反托拉斯状况与总检查长进行商量和交换意见。《外大陆架土地法》规定,在签署海上油气租约时,联邦政府保留以下权利:◇授予其他矿产的租约;◇发放地质和地球物理勘查许可证;◇批准管线和其他通行权;◇收取石油天然气生产权利金;◇从所生产的天然气中提取氦;◇获得一个单元以下的运作、开孔眼(Pooling)或钻探协议;◇取消协议。因此,海上油气租约签订后,不影响该区块其他矿产资源租约的签订。其他非油气矿产资源租约的签订按矿产管理局规定程序进行。六、勘探或采矿活动开工前程序《露天矿山复垦与执行法》、《国家环境政策法》等法律规定,除偶尔使用外,在联邦拥有或控制的土地上进行任何扰动(破坏)地表的活动开始前,都必须要提交开工通知或计划,完成勘探或采矿活动后必须要对被扰动的土地进行复垦。1.联邦土地管理局管理的土地对在联邦土地管理局管理的土地上拥有矿权所进行的勘探和采矿活动,受内政部长规章(43CFR3809)和荒野研究区规章(43CFR3802)的制约。规章要求,运作者必须要防止不必要或不适当的土地退化,在运作开始前,必须要提交开工通知或运作计划及复垦计划。2.联邦森林管理局管理的土地对在联邦森林管理局管理的土地上所进行的勘探和采矿活动,受农业部长规章(36CFR228A)的制约。规章规定,任何可能引起地表资源有意义扰动(破坏)的行动,在开工前都必须要提交运作计划。七、环境评价报告美国《国家环境政策法1969》规定,“对人类环境有重大影响的每一项建议或立法报告和其他重大联邦行动,都需要提交环境评价报告”。它们包括:“全部或部分由联邦政府资助的、协助从事的、管理的或批准的工程或项目。”评价内容是《环评报告书》所应载明的事项。美国环境政策法规定有以下几个方面的内容:①建议行动下总的环境影响;②建议实施时不可避免的不良影响;③建议行动的替代方案;④地方上对环境的短期利用、维护与提高长期生产力之间的关系的了解和认识;⑤建议实施时任何可能引起的对资源的不可扭转的和不可恢复的消耗。美国环评程序的步骤一般分为以下四个阶段:①决定是否编制报告书;②确定评价范围;③编制报告书初稿;④报告书的评论和定稿。对具体矿业项目而言,要求是:项目开始考虑时,就要开展项目环境影响的一系列研究,研究工作具体由机构的咨询人士承担,费用则由项目人承担。研究过程中,一旦获取有价值的信息后,应提出减少环境影响的替代方案(包括否决项目)。进而由该机构再深入研究分析各种替代方案的环境保护效能和工程效益问题,以从中优选出一个协调两个目标的最佳方案。通过环境影响报告(草案)阐明并论述对环境影响的分析、对替代方案的评价,及选择该方案的理由。在此基础上,通过公布报告(草案)、举办听证会、吸收公众意见,发布最后的环境影响报告,批准修改后的项目(或拒绝)。整个环境影响报告的程序一般要花费一年以上时间,每个项目的评价费用大概要超过10万美元。八、天然气进出口许可程序1938年的天然气法规定,任何人要出口或进口天然气,必须要获得能源部的授权。天然气和石油进出口活动办公室是在能源部获得这些授权的一站式办事地点。任何人要进行天然气贸易或营销,都需要得到授权。有两种类型的授权书,一为通用授权书,另一为长期授权书。通用授权书可在短期或点市场基础上进出口天然气,有效期2年。依据这种授权书,任何人可以自己进口或出口天然气,也可以充当第三方的销售代理商,该授权书持有者自己不是必须进口或出口天然气,合同也不要求提交申请。长期授权书用于超过2年期的天然气购买或销售合同。地方分销公司、市政府、供应端元用户、电力公用事业公司、管线运输公司、销售天然气的公司和个人都可以提出申请。通用授权书申请者可要求在2年的期间内进口或出口20亿~9000亿立方英尺的天然气;长期授权书申请者可要求在9~20年的时间内每日进口或出口1百万~600百万立方英尺的天然气。通用授权书申请批复时间一般要2周,长期授权书申请批复时间一般要超过2周,申请费是每份50美元。九、战略石油储备库中石油的动用程序和石油出售程序根据《能源政策和保护法》(1975),对从战略石油储备库中提取石油,没有预定的“扳机”,相反,在严重的能源供应中断情况下或由于美国在国际能源机构框架内的义务,总统可决定从战略石油储备库中提取石油。在《能源政策和保护法》中,定义“严重的能源供应中断”为:①“具有或很可能具有相当的范围和持续性,并具有紧急性质;”②“对国家安全或国家经济可能造成不利的影响(包括石油价格的暴涨)”;③“导致或可能导致石油进口产品供应的中断,或破坏”。只要出现了上述情况,总统就有权动用战略石油储备库中的石油。如果总统决定订购战略石油储备库中的紧急石油,则该石油一般须通过竞争销售的方式分配给出价最高的投标者。根据能源部1983年公布的管理战略石油储备库中石油价格竞争性出售的最后裁定,出售战略石油储备库中石油的通用出售程序(GeneralSalesProcedures)如下:第一步,能源部发布出售通知(NoticeofSale),内容包括数量、特征、石油出售的位置、提交日期、提交报价的程序、确保履行和金融责任的措施等。在出售通知中,也将规定详细的合同条款。在出售过程中,也可能发布数个出售通知,每个含有1至2个月的出售期。第二步,潜在的购买者提交报价书,购买者必须要无条件地接受“出售通知”中的条款和条件,并根据潜在的合同价值提交报价保证金。第三步,能源部评估所有的报价条件,选出明显的成功报价者(Offerors)。第四步,所有明显成功的报价者必须在收到通知的5个工作日内提交信用信作为履行和支付依据合同应付钱款数额的保证书。第五步,一旦及时收到信用信和缔结合同官的最后决定,能源部将向成功报价者(购买者)发给授予通知书(NoticeofAward)。然后石油将开始提供给购买者(依商业管线安排或海上船只运输而定)。一旦石油开始供给购买者后,将开出清单发票给购买者。美国战略石油储备有每天430万桶的最大供应能力,可连续达90天,在总统命令的15天后就可到达市场。在启动战略石油供应的第91~120天里,战略石油供应能力可下降到每天320万桶;在第121~150天里,可下降到每天220万桶;在第151~180天里,可下降到每天130万桶。十、国家合作地质填图计划的申请程序近10年中美国地质调查局每年都要发布《国家合作地质填图计划中的州地质填图子计划》通告(相当于中国的项目指南),规定提交申请的时限、申请书的格式以及相关的其他注意事项。州地质调查局必须在规定的日期内提交立项申请。通常,立项申请书中可以包含若干个地质填图项目,并可以包含一个编图和(或)数字化项目。项目可以包含某一地区内的一个或多个图幅。每个项目均应:①明确界定并提出充分理由;②围绕一个令人信服的问题或填图区组织工作;③表明联邦/州按1:1比例出资的意向。在提交立项申请时,州填图咨询委员会主席表示赞成的函件必须要与立项申请书一并呈交。STATEMAP评审小组将就整个立项申请书的内容和资助水平提出意见和建议。如果未能获得全额资助,申请者可以选择向STATEMAP计划协调人呈交一份经过修订的工作计划和预算,其涉及范围仅限于所建议的给予资助的项目。如其不然,申请者可以拒绝参加本计划或项目。依据《国家地质填图法案》(公法106-148),只有州地质调查局有资格申请“国家合作地质填图计划STATEMAP”计划的项目。由于许多州地质调查局的组成是依赖州的大学系统,因此,相关大学可以代表州地质调查局呈交立项申请书。
2023-06-14 15:11:091


"Claim"是一个名词,表示权利、要求、索赔等等。相关的衍生词有:1. Claimant - 表示申请人、索赔人,也可以指诉讼原告;2. Unclaimed - 表示未被索赔的,未得到认领的;3. Reclaim - 表示重新索赔、要求、夺回等意义;4. Claimable - 表示可以被认领或者索赔的;5. Disclaim - 表示放弃、否认、拒绝等意义。这些单词都是从Claim这个名词衍生而来,代表了不同的含义和用法。
2023-06-14 15:11:331

写一篇英语作文、现在大学迟到旷课是常见现象absent from class.保证出勤率对大学教育的重要性,急求,好的

2023-06-14 15:11:452

extinct 和extinctive有什么区别

extinct1. No longer existing or living: an extinct species.2. No longer burning or active: an extinct volcano.3. No longer in use: an extinct custom. 4. Law Lacking a claimant; void: an extinct title.extinctive1. Tending to extinguish or make extinct.
2023-06-14 15:13:241

sabbateans造句 sabbateansの例文

G黱ey says that the founders of the seminary are also Sabbateans . In spite of all, Prossnitz found many followers among the Sabbateans . In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans . Some of the Jewish followers of Sabbatai Zevi ( Sabbateans ) formally converted to Islam. Another large group of Sabbateans succeeding the apostasy began to view Islam in an extremely negative pght. This danger was subsequently born out in the heretical misinterpretations of Kabbalah by the Sabbateans and their successors. This aspect, once more, had sharp antinomian imppcations was and used by the Sabbateans to justify excessive sinning. Sabbatai Zevi"s followers, both during his " Messiahship " and after his conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans . At the rabbinical court held in the village of Satanov the Sabbateans were accused of having broken fundamental Jewish laws of morapty and modesty. Donmeh West was founded in 1972 by the Kabbapst, repgious philosopher and poet Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain, a descendant of Turkish Sabbateans . It"s difficult to see sabbateans in a sentence. 用 sabbateans 造句挺难的 It should be noted that the Sabbateans based their teachings on the same Zohar and Lurianic kabbalah that are considered part of classical Judai *** by Hasidi *** . Some branches of Sabbateans actually converted to Islam, in emulation of Zevi in 1666, the Ottoman Sultan had forced Zevi to bee a Muspm. Unpke in other, more radical sects influenced by kabbapstic ideas, pke the Sabbateans , Worship through Corporeapty was largely pmited to the epte and carefully restrained. Accusations ing from Anti- Sabbateans revolved around the idea that Sabbatai Zvi"s conversion to Islam was rightfully an indicator of a false claim of messiani *** . Much of Judai *** was still fearful of the messianic movements of the Sabbateans and the Frankists ( followers of the messianic claimant Jacob Frank ( 1726 1791 ) ). Where the Sabbateans diverged from accepted teaching was in bepeving that Sabbatai Zevi was " the Messiah " and that the Halakha ( Jewish law ) was no longer binding. Shneur Zalman of Liadi, fearing that Sabbateans were scratching the knives in a way not detectable by normal people, introduced the Hasidic " hallaf " ( ). Throughout Jewish history there have been a number of Jewish Messiah claimants considered false by Jews, including most notably Simon bar Kokhba and Sabbatai Zevi, whose followers were known as Sabbateans . After the death of the bishop, the Sabbateans were subjected to severe persecution by the rabbis, although they succeeded in obtaining an edict from Augustus III of Poland guaranteeing them safety. A Sabbateans movement, which was estabpshed during the same period of time, also reached the Jewish munity in Austria, especially due to the rough condition of the Jews there, and many of them immigrated to the land of Israel in the footsteps of Sabbatai Zevi. Ouardly Muspms and secretly Jewish Sabbateans , the D鰊meh observed traditional Muspm hopdays pke Ramadan but also kept the Jewish Sabbath, Brit milah and major hopdays . Much of D鰊meh ritual is a bination of various elements of Kabbalah, Sabbateani *** , Jewish traditional law, and Sufi *** . "" Sabbateans ""( Sabbatians ) is a plex general term that refers to a variety of followers of, disciples and bepevers in Sabbatai Zevi ( 1626 1676 ), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1665 by Nathan of Gaza. The Emden-Eybeschutz controversy was a serious rabbinical disputation with wider poptical ramifications in Europe that followed the accusations by Rabbi Jacob Emden ( 1697 1776 ) who was a fierce opponent of the Sabbateans , against Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz ( 1690 1764 ) whom he accused of being a secret Sabbatean. The growing conservati *** of the new movement which at some occasions drew close to " Kabbalah "-based antinomian phraseology, as did the Sabbateans , but never crossed the threshold and remained thoroughly observant and the rise of mon enemies slowly brought a rapprochement, and by the second half of the 19th century both sides basically considered each other legitimate. This bepef has, in contrast, been rejected by the Karaites and Sabbateans during the early and later medieval period, and in the modern non-Orthodox denominations : Reform Judai *** sees all scripture as derived from human experience of the divine, Conservative Judai *** holds that at the very least some of the oral law is man-made, and Reconstructionist Judai *** denies the very idea of revelation. The most popular Messiah claimants were Simon Bar Kokhba in the 2nd century Judea, Nehemiah ben Hushiel in the 7th century Sasanian Empire, Sabbatai Zevi in the 17th century Ottoman Empire ( precursor to Sabbateans ), Jacob Frank in the 18th century Europe, Shukr Kuhayl I and Judah ben Shalom in 19th century Ottoman Yemen, and finally Menachem Mendel Schneerson in 20th century US ( precursor to Chabad messiani *** ). It"s difficult to find sabbateans in a sentence. 用 sabbateans 造句挺难的
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2023-06-14 15:14:401

Corporate compliance是什么意思

兄弟,这样的话答案太多了不信你看CPP C Plus Plus CPP 3,3-(2 Carboxypiperazine-4-yl)-Propyl-1-Phosphonate (NMDA receptor antagonist) CPP C Preprocessor CPP Cable Patch Panel CPP Cal Poly Pomona (a California State university in Pomona, California) CPP California Plant Protection CPP Calling Party Pays (Cellular) CPP Cambodian Peoples Party CPP Camouflage Pattern Printing CPP Canada Pension Plan CPP Canadian Public Policy CPP Capital Purchase Program CPP Carcinogenic Potency Project CPP Card Protection Plan CPP Card Punching Printer CPP Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Physiology CPP Career Pilot Program CPP Career Planning Program CPP Career Preparation Program CPP Carefree Personal Protection CPP Caribbean Policy Project CPP Casein Phosphopeptides CPP Casted Polypropylene CPP Celebrity Protection Program CPP Cell Physiology and Pharmacology CPP Center for Photographic Projects CPP Center for Public Policy CPP Central Precocious Puberty CPP Centralized Protection Policy (Cisco) CPP Centre for Public Participation CPP Centre Professionnel de Porrentruy (Switzerland) CPP Cerebral Perfusion Pressure CPP Certain Places Pay CPP Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product CPP Certification Program Plan CPP Certified Packaging Professional CPP Certified Payroll Professional CPP Certified Point-Of-Purchase Professional CPP Certified Prevention Professional CPP Certified Pricing Program CPP Certified Professional Photographer CPP Certified Professional Purchaser (Purchasing Management Association of Canada) CPP Certified Program Planner CPP Certified Protection Professional (American Society for Industrial Security) CPP Characters Per Page CPP Characters Per Pica CPP Chemical Production Process CPP Chicken Pot Pie (band) CPP Chinese Philosophy Page CPP Chinese Postman Problem CPP Choroid Plexus Papilloma CPP Chronic Pelvic Pain CPP Circuit Pack Power (Lucent) CPP Citrus Pulp Pellet CPP Civilian Personnel Pamphlet/Policy CPP Claimant Program Proposal CPP Clean Petroleum Product CPP Cloud Photopolarimeter CPP Coalition for Progress Party (Sierra Leone) CPP Coarse Production Planning CPP Codice di Procedura Penale (Italian legislation) CPP Código de Processo Penal (Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure) CPP Collaboration Protocol Profile (ebXML) CPP College of Public Programs CPP College Partnership Program CPP Color Picker Pro CPP Columbus Pro Percussion, Inc CPP Combinet Proprietary Protocol (Cisco) CPP Comité de la Prévention et de la Précaution CPP Command Post Platform CPP Commercial Package Policy (insurance) CPP Communications Protocol Processor CPP Communist Party of the Philippines CPP Competitive Placement Plan CPP Competitive Pricing Plan CPP Compiler Preprocessor CPP Complete Price Protection CPP Complex Privatization Plan CPP Compliance Policy & Planning CPP Comprehensive Performance Partnership CPP Comprehensive Personality Profile CPP Computational Particle Physics CPP Computational Physics Project (College of Wooster) CPP Computer Platform Planning (Sprint) CPP Computer Program Package CPP Computer Purchase Program CPP Concept Position Papers CPP Concrete Power Pole CPP Configurable Port Processor CPP Constrained Production Planning (supply chain management) CPP Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. CPP Content Protection Parity (EMC) CPP Continuing Planning Process CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller CPP Convention People"s Party (Ghana) CPP Coolant Pumping Power CPP Cooperative Purchasing Program CPP Copyproof Positive Paper CPP Core Python Programming CPP Corporate Partner Privacy CPP Cost Per Page (printers) CPP Cost Per Point CPP Creating Profitable Partnerships (UK) CPP Creative Parallel Processing CPP Crime Prevention Program (California) CPP Critical Process Parameter CPP Crop Protection Programme (UK) CPP Crumpler Plastic Pipe Inc. CPP Cuba Poster Project CPP Cure Parkinson"s Project CPP Current Purchasing Power CPP Currently Permitted Program CPP Customer Preview Program (Microsoft beta testing) 行业不同,翻译觉得不同计算机里面就是CPP C Plus Plus 航海里面就是CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller 可变螺距桨其他,兄弟你自己看吧
2023-06-14 15:14:491


苏格兰历史History The founders of Scotland of late medieval legend, Scota with Goídel Glas, voyaging from Egypt, as depicted in a 15th century manuscript of the Scotichronicon of Walter Bower. Main article: History of Scotland Early history Main article: Prehistoric Scotland Repeated glaciations, which covered the entire land-mass of modern Scotland, destroyed any traces of human habitation that may have existed before the Mesolithic period. It is believed that the first post-glacial groups of hunter-gatherers arrived in Scotland around 12,800 years ago, as the ice sheet retreated after the last glaciation.[21][22] Groups of settlers began building the first known permanent houses on Scottish soil around 9,500 years ago, and the first villages around 6,000 years ago. The well-preserved village of Skara Brae on the Mainland of Orkney dates from this period. Neolithic habitation, burial and ritual sites are particularly common and well-preserved in the Northern Isles and Western Isles, where a lack of trees led to most structures being built of local stone.[23] A four thousand year old tomb with burial treasures was discovered at Forteviot, near Perth, the capital of a Pictish Kingdom in the eighth/ninth century AD. Unrivalled anywhere in Britain, it contains the remains of an early Bronze Age ruler laid out on white quartz pebbles and birch bark, with possessions including a bronze and gold dagger, a wooden bowl and a leather bag.[24]Roman influence Main article: Scotland during the Roman Empire Skara Brae, a neolithic settlement, located in the Bay of Skaill, Orkney. The written protohistory of Scotland began with the arrival of the Roman Empire in southern and central Great Britain, when the Romans occupied what is now England and Wales, administering it as a province called Britannia. Roman invasions and occupations of southern Scotland were a series of brief interludes.In AD 83–84 the general Gnaeus Julius Agricola defeated the Caledonians at the Battle of Mons Graupius, and Roman forts were briefly set along the Gask Ridge close to the Highland line (only Cawdor near Inverness is known to have been constructed beyond that line). Three years after the battle the Roman armies had withdrawn to the Southern Uplands.[25]The Romans erected Hadrian"s Wall to control tribes on both sides of the wall,[26] and the Limes Britannicus became the northern border of the empire, although the army held the Antonine Wall in the Central Lowlands for two short periods—the last of these during the time of Emperor Septimius Severus from 208 until 210.[27]The extent of Roman military occupation of any significant part of northern Scotland was limited to a total of about 40 years, although their influence on the southern section of the country occupied by Brythonic tribes such as the Votadini and Damnonii would still have been considerable between the first and the fifth century.[26]A replica of the Pictish Hilton of Cadboll Stone. Medieval period Main articles: Picts, Scotland in the High Middle Ages, Scotland in the Late Middle Ages, and Scottish clan The Kingdom of the Picts (based in Fortriu by the 6th century) was the state which eventually became known as "Alba" or "Scotland". The development of "Pictland", according to the historical model developed by Peter Heather, was a natural response to Roman imperialism.[28] Another view places emphasis on the Battle of Dunnichen, and the reign of Bridei m. Beli (671–693), with another period of consolidation in the reign of 07engus mac Fergusa (732–761).[29] The Kingdom of the Picts as it was in the early 8th century, when Bede was writing, was largely the same as the kingdom of the Scots in the reign of Alexander (1107–1124). However, by the tenth century, the Pictish kingdom was dominated by what we can recognise as Gaelic culture, and had developed an Irish conquest myth around the ancestor of the contemporary royal dynasty, Cináed mac Ailpín (Kenneth MacAlpin).[2][30][31]From a base of territory in eastern Scotland north of the River Forth and south of the River Oykel, the kingdom acquired control of the lands lying to the north and south. By the 12th century, the kings of Alba had added to their territories the English-speaking land in the south-east and attained overlordship of Gaelic-speaking Galloway and Norse-speaking Caithness; by the end of the 13th century, the kingdom had assumed approximately its modern borders. However, processes of cultural and economic change beginning in the 12th century ensured Scotland looked very different in the later Middle Ages. The stimulus for this was the reign of King David I and the Davidian Revolution. Feudalism, government reorganisation and the first legally defined towns (called burghs) began in this period. These institutions and the immigration of French and Anglo-French knights and churchmen facilitated a process of cultural osmosis, whereby the culture and language of the low-lying and coastal parts of the kingdom"s original territory in the east became, like the newly acquired south-east, English-speaking, while the rest of the country retained the Gaelic language, apart from the Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland, which remained under Norse rule until 1468.[32][33][34]The Wallace Monument commemorates William Wallace, the 13th-century Scottish hero. The death of Alexander III in March 1286, followed by the death of his granddaughter Margaret, Maid of Norway, broke the succession line of Scotland"s kings. This led to the intervention of Edward I of England, who manipulated this period of confusion to have himself recognised as feudal overlord of Scotland. Edward organised a process to identify the person with the best claim to the vacant crown, which became known as the Great Cause, and this resulted in the enthronement of John Balliol as king. The Scots were resentful of Edward"s meddling in their affairs and this relationship quickly broke down. War ensued and King John was deposed by his overlord, who took personal control of Scotland. Andrew Moray and William Wallace initially emerged as the principal leaders of the resistance to English rule in what became known as the Wars of Scottish Independence.The nature of the struggle changed dramatically when Robert de Brus, Earl of Carrick, killed rival John Comyn on 10th February 1306 at Greyfriars Kirk in Dumfries.[35] He was crowned king (as Robert I) less than seven weeks after the killing. Robert I battled to win Scottish Independence as King for over 20 years, beginning by winning Scotland back from the English invaders piece by piece. Victory at The Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 proved that the Scots had won their kingdom, but it took 14 more years and the production of the world"s first documented declaration of independence the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 to finally win legal recognition by the English.However war with England was to continue for several decades after the death of Bruce, and a civil war between the Bruce dynasty and their long-term Comyn-Balliol rivals lasted until the middle of the 14th century. Although the Bruce dynasty was successful, David II"s lack of an heir allowed his nephew Robert II to come to the throne and establish the Stewart Dynasty.[33][36] The Stewarts ruled Scotland for the remainder of the Middle Ages. The country they ruled experienced greater prosperity from the end of the 14th century through the Scottish Renaissance to the Reformation. This was despite continual warfare with England, the increasing division between Highlands and Lowlands, and a large number of royal minorities.[36][37]Modern history David Morier"s depiction of the Battle of Culloden. In 1603, James VI King of Scots inherited the throne of the Kingdom of England, and became King James I of England, and left Edinburgh for London.[38] With the exception of a short period under the Protectorate, Scotland remained a separate state, but there was considerable conflict between the crown and the Covenanters over the form of church government. After the Glorious Revolution, the abolition of episcopacy and the overthrow of the Roman Catholic James VII by William and Mary, Scotland briefly threatened to select a different Protestant monarch from England.[39] On 22 July 1706 the Treaty of Union was agreed between representatives of the Scots Parliament and the Parliament of England and the following year twin Acts of Union were passed by both parliaments to create the united Kingdom of Great Britain with effect from 1 May 1707.[14]The deposed Jacobite Stuart claimants had remained popular in the Highlands and north-east, particularly amongst non-Presbyterians. However, two major Jacobite risings launched in 1715 and 1745 failed to remove the House of Hanover from the British throne. The threat of the Jacobite movement to the United Kingdom and its monarchs effectively ended at the Battle of Culloden, Great Britain"s last pitched battle. This defeat paved the way for large-scale removals of the indigenous populations of the Highlands and Islands, known as the Highland Clearances.[14]The Scottish Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution made Scotland into an intellectual, commercial and industrial powerhouse.[citation needed] After World War II, Scotland experienced an industrial decline which was particularly severe.[40] Only in recent decades has the country enjoyed something of a cultural and economic renaissance. Economic factors which have contributed to this recovery include a resurgent financial services industry, electronics manufacturing, (see Silicon Glen),[41] and the North Sea oil and gas industry.[42]Following a referendum on devolution proposals in 1997, the Scotland Act 1998[43] was passed by the United Kingdom Parliament to establish a devolved Scottish Parliament.
2023-06-14 15:15:001


  记住:damages不是damage的复数形式,damages有其他的含义.   Damage means “loss or injury to a person or property”.It is an uncountable singular noun and has no plural form.   damage的意思是“对某人或某物的伤害或损失”,是不可数单数名词,没有复数形式.   E.g.:The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion.   例句:艾克飓风给美国造成了约180亿美元的损失.   Other words you could use instead of damage:loss,injury   damage的同义词有:loss,injury.   Damages means “money claimed by,or ordered to be paid to,a person as compensation for loss or injury”.It is an uncountable plural noun and has no singular form.   damages的意思是“对某人受到的损失或伤害进行的赔偿”,是不可数复数名词,没有单数形式.   E.g.:The Claimant wishes to sue Acme for damages as a result of a loss sustained by the Claimant after Acme"s failure to perform its obligations.   例句:在Acme未履行义务之后,索偿人希望起诉Acme,要求其赔偿由此造成的损失.   Other words you could use instead of damages:compensation,satisfaction   damages的同义词有:compensation,satisfaction.   但是,这里有一个例外.英语国家的律师有时会使用damage的复数形式来表示多项损失或伤害,这是damage一词作为不可数单数名词的唯一例外,仅限用于法律英语中.
2023-06-14 15:15:071

被申请人是什么意思 被申请人相关解释

1、“被申请人”指申请人诉称侵害其合法权益或与其就民商事法律关系发生争执而由仲裁机关通知参与仲裁的人。 2、要了解“被申请人”,首先应该了解“申请人”。“申请人”是指以自己的名义,为保护自身的合法权益根据仲裁协议向仲裁机构提出仲裁申请,并使仲裁程序启动的人。 3、用英文表示的话,与法律上的被告类似,申请人(或者说原告) 就是“claimant”,被申请人(或者说被告)就是“respondent”。
2023-06-14 15:15:151


入职体检一bai般都有基本项目的du检查例如,抽血心电图B超尿zhi检内科外 胸透……以上这些项目没有dao问题都是能通过,有不合格项目交给全球体检联盟专门的人!公司如果没有指定体检医院。可以帮助搞到一份三甲医院入职体检报告。体检有不合格项目或问题交给全球体检联盟,祝君工作顺利
2023-06-14 15:15:373


  记住:damages不是damage的复数形式,damages有其他的含义。   Damage means “loss or injury to a person or property”. It is an uncountable singular noun and has no plural form.   damage的意思是“对某人或某物的伤害或损失”,是不可数单数名词,没有复数形式。   E.g.: The cost of the damage to the US caused by Hurricane Ike was estimated at USD 18 billion.   例句:艾克飓风给美国造成了约180亿美元的损失。   Other words you could use instead of damage: loss, injury   damage的同义词有:loss,injury。   Damages means “money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury”. It is an uncountable plural noun and has no singular form.   damages的意思是“对某人受到的损失或伤害进行的赔偿”,是不可数复数名词,没有单数形式。   E.g.: The Claimant wishes to sue Acme for damages as a result of a loss sustained by the Claimant after Acme"s failure to perform its obligations.   例句:在Acme未履行义务之后,索偿人希望起诉Acme,要求其赔偿由此造成的损失。   Other words you could use instead of damages: compensation, satisfaction   damages的同义词有:compensation,satisfaction。   但是,这里有一个例外。英语国家的律师有时会使用damage的复数形式来表示多项损失或伤害,这是damage一词作为不可数单数名词的唯一例外,仅限用于法律英语中。
2023-06-14 15:15:441


2023-06-14 15:15:522

债权人的英语翻译 债权人用英语怎么说

债权人英文:creditor; loaner; claimant; obligee debtee
2023-06-14 15:15:591

R v Clarke 案例

Facts:The claimant wanted to compel the Crown to pay a reward it had offered for information leading to the conviction of a murderer. The claimant gave the information. But he gave it while he was under investigation himself for murder. He told the police "exclusively in order to clear himself". It was uncertain whether he was thinking about the reward at the time he provided the information.Judgement: Higgins J interpreted the evidence to say that Clarke had forgotten about the offer of the reward. Starke J and Isaacs ACJ only went so far as to say that he had not intended to accept the offer. The Court held it was necessary to act in "reliance on" an offer in order to accept it, and therefore create a contract.[1] Starke J said "the performance of some of the conditions required by the offer also establishes prima facie an acceptance of the offer."[2] But here it was held that the evidence showed, Mr Clarke was not acting on the offer. So a presumption that conduct which appeared to be an acceptance was relying on an offer was displaced.the defendant was ruled not entitled to a government reward of 1000 pounds for information about the murderers of two police officers when at the time the information was given.
2023-06-14 15:16:071


马克吐温短篇小说 The notorious jumping frog of calaveras county the story of the bad little boy Cannibalism in the cars legend of the capitoline venus the facts in the great beef contract poltical economy science vs.luck the story of the goob little boy a true story edward mills and george benton:A tale willians and the lightning the stilen white elephant A dying man"s confession A ghost stiry is he living or is he dead? the f1,000,000 bank-note the man that corrupted hadldyburg was it heaven?or hell? the man that corrupted hadleyburg was it heaven?or hell? a dog"s tale the $30,000 bepuest extract from captain stormfidld"s visit to heven the mysterious stranger
2023-06-14 15:16:313

reiled upon什么意思

relied upon 信赖了;依赖例句筛选1.the arbitration agreement relied upon by the Claimant;申请人所依据的仲裁协议;2.This implementation detail should not be relied upon, as it may change.不能依赖于执行细节,因为它可能会改变。
2023-06-14 15:16:411


[英国法] The types of shareholder actions:1. personal claimswhere a right of a shareholder has been infringed by the majority, he can sue. the injury or wrong in question is suffered by the shareholder, rather then the company.股东个人权益受侵犯。英国法案例:MacDougall v Gardiner (1875)2. personal claims for reflective lossa shareholder cannot do is to recover damages merely because the company in which he is interested has suffered damage, because such a loss is merely a reflection of the loss suffered by the company. shareholder need to demonstrate that he suffered a distinct loss, that is separate and independent from that suffered by the company.如果股东个人损失知识企业损失的反映,则不能要求赔偿。股东若要赔偿,必须说明其承受的损失与公司的损失是独立的。 英国法案例:Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd (No 2) (1982)3. representative actions (group litigation)群体诉讼the claimant is suing on behalf of himself and other members who have the same right which has been abused or infringed. an individual may bring an action in a representative form.4. derivative claims派生诉讼CA 2006 s.260(1), claims can be brought by a member of a compamy in respect of a cause of action vested in the company and seeking relief on behalf of the company.当公司的合法权益受侵害,而公司怠于诉讼时,股东为公司的利益以自己的名义提起诉讼,追究侵害人的法律责任.
2023-06-14 15:16:511


  F4 课程作为整个 ACCA 课程中唯一的一门法律科目,在整个 ACCA 课程体系中相对来着比较独立,但是它还是和后续的课程有一定的关联的。能够充分理解 F4 的法律知识,在 50分就能通过考试的前提下,考生甚至可以在不用背一词一句的情况下就能在 70分的选择题里获得足够的分数通过考试。  背诵记忆还是一个相当有效的方式,尤其在中国学生用英语学习这样一门对语言要求很高的科目的背景下。背诵记 忆不但能够初步的理解知识,并且能够让中国学生增强英语的语感,这对于在短时间内读懂题目是很有帮助的(尤其是在 F4 考试时间大幅减少的情况下)。而需要注意的是, 我们一再强调的,学习可以从背诵记忆开始,但绝不能仅仅停留在背诵记忆的阶段。
2023-06-14 15:17:092

报销 用英文怎么说?

2023-06-14 15:17:326


2023-06-14 15:17:564

To whom it concerns是什么意思

相当於中文中的 "敬启者"。
2023-06-14 15:18:131

马克吐温一部著名作品的英文简介 不要太长
2023-06-14 15:18:353

s court中文翻译

The people " s courts shall be responsible for adjudication 审判由人民法院负责。 Seeking not a king s court , but a humble household 他不是住在国王的宫殿内, Consignment of forensic authentication by people " s courts 人民法院委托司法鉴定浅议 The king " s court was full of nobles and grand ladies 王宫里到处都是贵族和贵夫人。 The apppcabipty of the wto agreement in china " s court 协议在我国法院的适用 The justice department , and the people " s court 汾阳县人民法院,汾阳县司法局 The people " s court shall accept it according to law 人民法院应当依法受理。 The organization of people s courts is prescribed by law 人民法院的组织由法律规定。 Individual court or department of the supreme people " s court 最高人民法院各法庭或处室 File an appeal to the higher level people " s court 向上级人民法院提出上诉 Request a people " s court or an arbitration agency to alter 请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更 Request a people s court or an arbitration agency to alter 请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更 On the reform of the people " s court 关于人民法院改革的几点思考 Queen whim " s court dances mediaeval france 惠后舞蹈中世纪法国 Has his own ideas of justice in the recorder s court 关于记录官法庭该怎样主持公道,他自有看法。 An attendant at a sovereign " s court 侍臣;廷臣国王宫廷的侍从 The claimant may also directly bring a suit in a people " s court 受害人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。 Commence a lawsuit in the people " s court 向人民法院提起诉讼 Shenzhen baoan district people " s court 深圳市宝安区人民法院 Interpretation of supreme people s court 最高人民法院的解释 Pelple " s court makes the statutes according to the constitution 人民法院援引宪法条文制作法律文书探讨 The party may also bring a suit before the people " s court directly 当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。 On the improvement of china " s court questioning system in criminal lawsuit 论完善我国刑事庭审质证制度 In the fang " s court , action has given way to procedural points 在银牙的宫廷中,实干让位给了程序步骤。 Until 1961 , the building still housed a magistrate s court 直至一九六一年,理民府内仍有一个裁判司法庭。 Basic people " s court vice - president 基层人民法院副院长 Analysis on people " s court power in the system of adminstrative proof 行政诉讼证据制度中人民法院权力解析 Article 22 : the administrator shall be appointed by the people " s court 第二十二条?管理人由人民法院指定。 Intercessory system of people " s court in china : reconsiderations and perfections 法院调解制度的反思与完善 Where does everyone sit the picture shows a typical magistrate s court 图中所见是一般裁判法院内的情况。 The ball is in someone " s court 球在你那边该你行动了 On the information asymmetry in using law of people " s court and its solutions 论信息不对称对司法公证的影响 The chairman of the people " s court will arrive here from berpn tomorrow 明天人民法庭的主席会特意从柏林赶来 The chairman of the people " s court will arrive here from berpn tomorrow 明天人民法庭的主席会特意从柏林赶来 The supreme people " s court 最高人民法院中国法院网 The remuneration of the administrator shall be determined by the people " s court 管理人的报酬由人民法院确定。 Cases of private prosecution shall be handled directly by the people " s courts 自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。 A study of vapdity of civil judgement of the second trial by people " s court 对人民法院二审民事裁判生效点的探析 Basic people " s court president 基层人民法院院长 In the absence of an agreement , they may bring a suit in a people " s court 不能达成协议的,可以向人民法院起诉。
2023-06-14 15:19:051

blocksit 是什么意思

2023-06-14 15:19:123


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2023-06-14 15:20:275